TERMS. OF THE GLOBE. Per annum in advanco " $1 GO Six months 75 Three months 50 A failure to notify'a discontinuance et the expiration of the term subscribed; for will be considered a new engage ment. TERAIB OP ADV,ERTISING. 1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do. Four linos or less,. .$ 25- . $ 37y 2 $ 50 One square, (12 1ine5,).......... - . 50 75 1 00 Two squares, 1 00.... ..... 1 50 2 00 Three squares, ' ..1. 50 2 25 3 00 Over three week and less than three months, 25 cents per square for each insertion. 8 months. G months. 12 months. Six lines or loss, $1 50 $3 00 $5 00 One square, 3 00 5 00 7 00 Two squares, 5 00 8 00 10 00 Three sqwtres,.., " 700 • 10 00 15 00 Pour 'Squares, 9 go 13 00 20 00 Half a column, 12 00 16 00 2-1 00 Ono column; 20 00 30 00 50 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding four lines one year, Sa od Administrators' and .Executors' Notices, $1 75 Advertisements not marked with the number of inser tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac cording to those terms. flttrtsting 'Shore!lntr. From Lilo Illustrated Wanted---A Wife. I Wish somebody would make me a New Year's present of a good wife ! Here I am, nearly thirty-five years old, and a bachelor yet. Pm sure it's not any fault. I don't at all relish coming home at night to a lonely room, and yawning all the evening over a stupid book, without a soul to speak to. I don't fancy darning my own stockings and sewing on my own shirt buttons. Boarding,- house life isn't the greatest luxury in the world, especially when the invalid chairs and broken tables in the establishment are pen sioned off in your room, and the Biddy uses your hair-brush, and anoints herself with your millejleurs I'd like a rosy wife and a cheerful home, as well as anybody. I'd like to think, at my daily labors down-town, of a pair of bright eyes, looking up and down -the street to see if I'm coming, of a kettle singing at the fire, and a pair of slippers put down to warm by hands that exactly correspond with the bright eyes. But I don't know where all the good wives have gone ! I have read of them and heard about them, and I know they once existed, but the race is now extinct. I've examined all the young ladies of my acquaintance, and not one of them realizes my idea of what a wife should be. I want a gentle, loving com panion, to sit at my fire-side, to cheer my ex istence, console my sorrows, and share my joys—an economical, domestic helpmate, to make a home for me. Ali, if I could only find such a person I I don't want a wife who goes rustling about in satins and silks—who plays divinely on the piano, and don't know how to make a shirt—who can embroider on velvet and paint in water colors, and hasn't the least idea of the ingredients necessary to form an apple pie I don't want a wife who dances the Lan cers with a hole in the toe of her silk stock ing. I don't want a wife who is too " ner vous" to see to the affairs of her household, but who is perfectly capable of fashionable dissipations—who goes into strong hysterics because I don't engage a box at the opera, and shops on Broadway, wasting all my in come in great bargains.!" and I don't want a wife who reads novels and works in worsted, with a poodle dog on her lap, while the moat is burning down stairs, in the kitchen, and the pudding is baked to a cinder ! There's the catalogue of the things I don't want, and now I will enumerate the things I do want. I want a neat, stirring little wife, whose nicely fitting dress is made by her own hands —who can make a loaf of bread, roast a tur key, or cook a beefsteak—who regards a hole in her husband's coat as a reflection on her housewifely character, and who can talk about news, and even politics, as well as about new dresses and new fashions—who is lady in the kitchen as well as in the parlor, and who looks upon a husband as something nearer and dearer than a mere machine to pay her bills, and hold her fan and handker chief at parties I Now, Mr. Editor, do y'bu know of any such woman as this? My female acquaintances are all pretty wax-doll creatures, with white, richly ringed hands and pale faces, who don't know exactly where the kitchen is, and would faint away if you mention a wash tub or a frying pan in their presence ! They aro very passable drawing room ornaments, but as to ever becoming thrifty, creditable wives, one might as well marry the revolving ladies in the windows on Broadway! Won't somebody give me a bit of advice ? Am I to die an old bachelor, or am I to marry a huge crinoline, an infinitesimal bonnet, and a pair of yellow kid gloves, with a wo man inside of 'em ? EXTRAORDINARY AITAIR.-It a recent term of thQ Circuit Court of Jones county, Miss., three men named Lynes were indicted for larceny. In order to dispose of the princi pal witness against them, a man named Charles Landrum, the accused, employed a ruffian named Hitower to murder him, agree ing to give a daughter of the elder Lynes in marriage and a considerable amount of pro perty. On the night of the 14th ult., Ilitow er went to the house of the victim and shot him with a rifle, while sitting at his own fire side, surrounded by his. family . . Circum stances caused the - guilty party to be suspec ted, when they were arrested, and Hitower made a clean breast of it, telling of the agree ment above stated. He and the . Lynes' were all committed to await trial. TEIF. BIRTHPLACE OF WASHINGTON.—Both branches -of the Virginia Legislature have passed a bill providing for the-conveyance to the State of Virginia of the birthplace of Washington, and the home and graves of his progenitors in America. The adoption of this measure may be regarded as a patriotic prelude to the consummation of the - noble en terprise in which the Ladies' Mount Vernon Association is engaged. The bill' appropri ates $5,000 to enclose the tilace with an iron fence, and to erect substantial tablets to "com memorate for the rising generation those no table spots," as required by Lewis W. Wash ington in his offer of conveyance. GOOD TASTE IN DRESS.-A young lady, in one of the leading circles at Washington, was complimented by a gentleman on the simplic ity and good taste of her dreSs, at an evening party. She replied : am glad you like my dress; it cost just eleven dollars, and I made every stitch of it myself!" When our young ladies pride themselves upon the home menu _facture and cheapness of their attire, instead of the expensiveness and foreign importation, we shall have fewer "broken" fathers and husbands. Da.."biach remains Unsung," as the tom cat remarked to the brickbat, when it abrupt ly cut short his serenade. RALPH REDBLOSSOIt. WILLIAM LEWIS, VOL. XIII. From the N. Y. Dutchman 4 Case of Imagination. We were the witness of a very ludicrous incident which occurred in this city a few days since, for relating which, we crave the indulgence of the gentleman directly con cerned—deeming it too good a joke to be lost. While sitting at our desk and laboring as siduously with pen, scissors, and paste, to make out a readable paper for our patrons, we were suddenly frightened from our pro priety, by the hasty entrance of a gentleman, exclaiming : " For God's sake, help me to see what is the matter ! I've got some dreadful thing— scorpion or tarantula—in the leg of my pan taloons I" Quick—quick—help me !" We instantly rose from our chair, half frightened ourselves. Our friend had. broken in so suddenly and unexpectedly upon us and was so wonderfully agitated, that we knew not whether he was in his senses or not. We looked at him with a sort of surprise mixed with dread, and hardly knew whether to speak with or confine him as a madman. The latt,er we came very near attempting. There he stood quivering and pale, with one hand tightly grasped upon part of the pantaloons, just in the hollow of the knee. " What's the matter?" asked we at last " The matter 1" he exclaimed, " Oh, help me ! I've got something here, which just ran up my leg ! Some infernal lizard or scor pion, I expect ! Oh ! I can't let go ; I must hold it. Oh, there !" he shrieked, " I felt it move just then ! Oh, these pants without straps ! I'll never wear another pair open at the bottom as long as I live. Ah, I feel it again." " Feel what ?" we inquired, standing at the same time, at a respectable distance from the gentleman • for we had just been reading our Corpus dhristi correspondent's letter about snake's, lizards, and tarantulas, and began to imagine some deadly object or rep tile in the leg of our friend's unmentionables as they are sometimes called. " I don't know what it is," answered the gentleman ; " help me to see what it is. I was just passing the pile of rubbish there in front of your office, and felt it dart up my leg as quick as lightning," he clenched his fist more tightly. If it had been the neck of an anaconda, we believed he would have squeezed it to a jelly.. By this time, two or three of the newsboys had come in ; the clerks and packing boys hearing the outcry stopped working, and edi tors and all hands stood around the sufferer with mingled sympathy and alarm. " Bring a chair, Fritz," said we, " and let the gentleman be seated." "O, I can't sit," said the gentleman ; " I cannot bend my knee ! If I do, it will bite or sting me ; no, I can't sit." " Certainly:you: can sit," said we ; " keep your leg straight out, and we'll see what it is you have got." - " Well, let me give itone more hard squeeze; I will crush it to death," said he, and again he put the force of an iron vice upon the thing. If it had any life left this last effort must have killed it. He then cautiously seated himself, holding out his leg as stiff and as straight as a poker. A sharp knife was procured ; the pants were cut open carefully, making a hole large enough to admit a hand ; the gentleman put on a thick glove, and slowly inserted his hand, but he discovered nothing. We were looking on in almost breathless silence, to see the monstrous thing—whatever it might be; each ready to scamper out of harm's way, should it be alive, when suddenly thc gentle man became, if possible, more agitated than ever. "By heavens I" he exclaimed, "it's inside of my drawers. " It's alive, too—l feel it ! —quick—give me the knife again 1" Another incision was made—in went the gentleman's gloved hand once more, and 10, out came his wife's stocking ! How the stocking ever got there, we are unable to say ; but there it certainly was, and such a laugh that followed, we haven't heard for many a day. Our friend, we know, has told the joke himself, and must pardon us for doing so. Though this is about a stock ing, we assure our readers it is no yarn. THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE IN PARIS.—The President's Message was published in full by all the Parisian journals. It was tele graphed through from Liverpool to Paris,. in five hours and a half—the same time was re quired to telegraph it to London. But the two copies came over the different wires, and while the copy sent to London was in Eng lish, that to Paris was in French. This fact showS the importance given to the message. The comments of the press upon the docu ment are various. The Debats says that it approaches, more than any previous Mes sage, the style of an address from a throne of Europe. But the Debats is alone in the criticism. The Charivari pretends to have been in formed by its correspondent at Washington, that Mr. Buchanan was present in the House during the reading, with his pockets full of revolvers; and that not satisfied with the re ception given to the document, he shot at the clerk, the speaker, and several members of the oppostion ; and then, on his way home through Pennsylvania, emptied the rest of the barrels on the passers by. The C4ariva ri asserts that Gen. Walker himself wrote that part of the Message which refers to his own movements, and insists on treating the President as a confirmed fiillibuster. XtartNINETEEN MONTHS 'WITHOUT FOOD— DEATrr.--We learn from the Albany Times that Mrs. Hayes, of the town of Day, Sara toga county, N. Y., who had lived 19 months without food or drink, died a week or two ago. She remained insensible for fifteen months of the period, and up to a few days of her death, when she seemed to revive, and spoke occasionally. After her death, her body was opened and a snake five feet long and half an inch thick Was taken from the stomach ! It was alive when removed, but died soon after. The case is a very re markable one, and it is to be regretted that it was not subjected to scientific examination. It is an every day question, " What is he worth ?" Yet how few ask it in the right spirit ? For men have come to restrict the phrase to the amount of money that had been amassed, departing from the good old mean ing, which implied rather the virtues one possessed. " What is he worthy," should be the question now; or, that is, " what is he worth," ex - pressed originally. Mere intellec tual qualities, often mere constitutional en ergy, may lead to fortune, without either re finement or goodness, and frequently even because of the absence of either, or both.— The possession of wealth is, therefore; no eer , tain criterion of worth. It does not, indeed, prove a man as some would assert, to be in ferior morally to his race, in general ; but neither is it a guarantee that he is better.— There have been virtuous men on thrones as well as in private life. There have been he roes, saints and martyrs among the poor, as well as in higher stations. The various con ditions of men bring different temptations, from which none are exempt. But each sta tion in life has its advantages, so-that no man is justified in doing wrong on the plea that his circumstances compelled it. The question should be, "is he worthy ?" not "is he rich ?" Wealth dies with its pos sessor. Its influences on descendants is as often for evil as for good. But a life of pro bity is an example for one's children ; it moulds them to be good and noble also ; it is with all true souls, a more cherished heritage than even lands and tenements. A commu nity in which virtue is the standard is always happy and prosperous. A nation where riches are all in all, has begun already to de cay. When Rome was proud of the frugal life of her citizens, when she could point to a Cincinnatus leaving his plow to become Dictator, she was still full of youth and en ergy ; she was, still master of her own des tiny. But when vast estates, troops of slaves, licentiate banquets, and the possession of millions became the ambition of all men, then Rome was rotten to the core, because profli gacy laughed down honest worth, because men had ceased to be heroic, and had become utterly selfish and sensual. And as it was with Rome, so it has been with every other nation which has fallen of its own fault.— Few, too, have been the people who have perished without fault. The more "what is he worth ?" becomes the test, the worse for a country. Let it be asked rather "in what is he worthy ?" Nothing contributes more to the elegance and refinement of a lady's appearance, than a beautiful hand. A well-formed hand, white and soft, with tapering, rosy-tinted fingers and polished nails, is a rare gift, but where Nature has denied symmetry of form and outline, it is easy, by proper care arid atten tion, to obtain a delicacy of color and grace of movement which will place it sufficiently near the standard of beauty to render it at tractive. Gloves should be worn at every opportunity, and these ought invariably to be of kid or soft leather. Silk gloves or mit tens, although a pretty contrivance, are far from fulfilling the desired object. Night gloves are considered best, from the unctu ous substances with which they are prepar ed, to make the hands white and soft, but they are attended with inconvenience, be sides being very unwholesome. A moder ately warm bran poultice laid on the hands about once during a week is a very excellent application. It must be remembered that the color of the skin of the hands, in com mon with that.of the whole body, is depend ent, in a great measure, on the general - state of the health. The hands should be washed in tepid water, as cold hardens them, and predisposes to roughness and' chaps, while water, beyond a certain heat, makes them shrivelled and wrinkled. In drying them they ought to be well rubbed with a moder ately coarse towel, as friction always pro motes a soft and polished surface. Stains from ink or other causes should be immedi ately removed with salt and lemon juice—a bottle of this mixture should stand ready for use on every toilet. The soaps to be prefer red are such as are freest from all alkaline impurities. The palm of the hand and tho tips of the fingers should be of a pale pink color. The growth and preservation of the nails depend, in a great degree, upon the treatment they receive; they ought to be fre quently cut in a circular form, neither too flat nor too pointed. The root, which is some times called the half moon, from its crescent shape, should be always visible. It is whiter than the rest of the nail, and is connected with the vessels which supply the nail with nutriment for its growth and preservation.— When the nails are disposed to break, some simple pomade should be frequently applied, and salt•freely partaken of in the daily diet. A piece of sponge, dipped in pil of roses and fine emery powder, gently rubbed on the nails, gives them a polish and removes all inequalities. TLIE BRIDE.—She stood beside the altar when 'she was but sixteen. She was in love. Her destiny rested on a creature as delicate, and who had known as little of the world as herself. She looked lovely as she pronounced the vow. Think of a vow from auburn hair, eyes and pouting lips, only sixteen years old. She stood by the wash-tub when her twen ty-fifth birth day arrived. The hair, the lips, the eyes were not calculated to excite the heart. Five cross young ones were about the house crying=some breaking things, and one urging the ntlcessity of the immediate supply of food. She stopped in despair and sat down, and tears trickled down her once plump and ruddy cheek. Alas! Mary, early marriages are not .the dodge. Better enjoy youth at home and hold lovers at a proper distance until you have music, limb and heart enough to face a frowning world and family. If a chap really cares for you, he can wait for two or three years, make pres ents, take you to concerts, and so on, until the time comes. Early marriages and early cabbages are tender productions. Look on the bright side of everything HUNTINGDON, PA., FEBRUARY 3, 1858. "What is he Worth ?" The Hands. 4 .--PERSEVERE.- Terrible Details of the Earthquake at Naples. .. _ • The Paris correspondent of the London Times, under date of Jan. 2, says :—I proceed to give further details from the provinces re garding the all-absorbing subject of the earthquake. The official journal of Wednes day night enumerates sixty-one other places which had suffered in their buildings, and many in their population. Under the name of each place is given a description of the idisaster, and this last report alone gives the number of several—say 4000 or 5000 addi tional known to have suffered. Then are de scribed the other casualties—people maimed and crushed, others drawn out alive after a fearful sepulture of eight days, reminding us of how many more might have been saved, had proper exeßions been made. The latest accounts, too, awaken considerable apprehen sions of further disaster.- The whole district of Sala is agitated by continual movements of the earth, stronger by night than by day, and these are preceded by fearful detonations. Moreover, about 9 o'clock P. M., of the 28th ult., and 6 and half-past 7 P. M. of the 29th ult., three strong shocks, lasting ten or twelve seconds, were felt, followed by others less in tense. In Potenza, too, on the evening of the 29th, about a quarter to 7 P. M., a strong undula tory shock was felt, and other light ones du ring the night. No injury was done, but the population all rushed out into some open space. Here in Naples it is said that since the 16th nit., we have had up to Christmas eve 49 shocks, and it may readily be believed._ Al most every one finds some trace of them in his house; the shocks, too, which were felt in Poteilsa on the evening of the 29th, were felt in Naples, and in some cases created great alarm. However, every one looks to Vesu vius for safety, and on that night it was in violent movement. People.who reside at Re sina tell me that during the whole night the shocks from the - mountains were of the most violent and continuous character. Every three minutes it appeared as if a desperate man were trying to wrench open the doors and windows. Nothing, however, took place. I have also reports to give you: from private persons who have visited the scene of ruin. They describe the country in many places as crossed with fissures, which, at first, had been very wide, but now had much closed. Du ring the whole time of their visit the ground was heaving beneath them. There was uni versal panic and grief, and no light part of it arose from the fact that there was no one to search beneath the ruins or to bury the 'dead. '1 speak of the 21st and 22d ult., that is ta'say, of six days after the date of the dis aster. Letters from Brienza of the 31st ult., say that no relief has been as yet received.— My informants, in wandering through Polla, could get no food, and even bread was want ing in many places. Those who were dug out alive—some after six or eight days of liv ing burial—awoke to famine and death. The details which I received are more horrible than can be easily conceived. Since writin g the above, other and more afflicting details have arrived of the desola tion occasioned by the earthquake. Lauren zana, Tito, Brienza, 111a,rsicanuovo, have al most entirely disappeared. The King him self says that upwards of 15,000 have per ished, and from what I heard, says my very sensible informant, the real number must be nearly double. People who have come from the spot report that the groans of the suffer ers 'were heard from beneath the ruins sev eral days after the disaster, and that, horrible to relate, on some bodies being taken out, it was found that they had devoured a portion of their arms. There were none to aid them, none to extricate the dying, none to bury the dead, none to give bread to the famishing.— Thousands of soldiers are maintained at expense of the State, to support order,' but they could not be sent to save thousands from perishing. Many . steamers were lying . in harbor, the expensive toys of the sovereign, but with one or two tardy exceptions, they have remained snug . in port. People cannot refrain from comparing the tardiness display- . ed on the present melancholy occasion with the promptitude displayed in the month of June last, when rebels landed in Sapri." A BAD MARK.-It is a bad sign for a boy to be seen throwing stones at every dog, or pig, or bird he sees in the street. It shows that such a boy has an unfeeling heart. He don't care how much suffering he may cause a poor innocent bird, or animal. What if he breaks a wing or a leg—he only laughs at the agony which he has caused. Boys, never cultivate such a cruel 'disposition.— Never cause anything that has feelings, pain, if you can possibly help it: lam afraid if you begin with tormenting the poor, inno cent brutes, you can, after a:While, injure your playmates and associates. Some have already been seen to throw stones at poor boys just for the fun of it, or rather, to grati fy the evil disposition of their hearts. Ah! many men have been hung for murder, or they have been sent to the State Prison, just because they cultivated such bad disposi tions when they were boys like you. They commenced becoming cruel to animals first, and then to boys, and so, little by little, their hearts became hardened till they could even kill a man. Think of this the next time you are tempted to pick up a stone to throw at any innocent thing that has life and feel ing.—Childreit's Friend. To DRIVE AWAY RATS.—Some years since a norrevondent of the Boston Cultivator re commended potash for this purpose. The rats troubled him very much, so that he felt justified in resorting to extreme measures to effect their expulsion from his premises. He pounded up potash and strewed it around their holes, and rubbed some under the boards and on the sides where they came through. The next night he heard a squeal ing among them, winch he supposes was from the caustic nature of the potash that got among their hair, or on their bare feet. They disappeared, and for a long time he was exempt from any further annoyance.— Gerntantown Telegraph. ..:.:. : .'"- i i . ". :.,,,:::,•,, I 'V • 7 ~....: : :- . • ;•5:..: . •ii!i. ....., • .. - :. ... . • . . p, • While engaged in the tobacco and cigar business, I used to have for a customer in cheap cigars, one of those knowing fellows whose knowledge serves better to bore his victims than advance science. You could not make him believe that—oh, no I Tell him there were no regalia cigars that cost forty dollars per thousand 1 it might do to stuff down the throat of one of them that knew no better ; he was none of them. And so it was with everything ; he always know best. It always appeared to be his delight to draw me into some controversy, no matter what the subject was, in order to hear himself draw forth. I tried every way I could think of to circumvent him, and at length I did succeed in laying him out as flat as a floun der. It. was Saturday afternoon, be came in, made his purchase, and seated himself, to deal out his usual portion ; but I was awake for him. "Captain," said I, "I have made up my mind to go to California, and if you wish to go into a speculation, now is your time." "As how," . said he. "Why, you see these fifteen boxes of ci gars, well, there are two hundred and fifty in each box, and I will let you have the whole fifteen at a low rate, providing you take them all." "Very well," said my friend, "let us hear the conditions." "You give me one cent for the first box, two cents for the second, four cents for the third, and so on, doubling on every box." "Done," said he, "fetch on your cigars,— Suppose you think I have not money enough —eh ? "Not at all, so let us proceed. Here is your first box." He drew from his pocket a leathern purse, and out of it a handful of coin. "And here is your cent," said he, deposit ing a green discolored copper on the counter. "Here is your second box." "Here is your two cents." "Very well, here is your third box." "And here is your four cents," said he chuckling. "Here is your fourth box." "Exactly. And here is your eight cents! ha! ha! ha! old fellow go on. "Here is your fifth box," said I handing down another. "And here is your sixteen cents." . "Here is your sixth box." "And—ha !ha ! ha! here is your thirty two cents." "Here is your seventh box." "And here—ha! ha ! the joke is getting too rich—here is your sixty four cents and half your cigars are gone." "Here is your eighth box," said I assum ing a cold indifference that perfectly sur prised the fellow. "And here is your dollar and twenty-eight cents." "Here is.your ninth box." "Here is your—let me see—ah I two dol lars and fifty six cents." "Here is your tenth box." He drew his wallet thoughtfully and on the slate made a small calculation. "And here is your five dollars and twelve cents." "Here is your eleventh box." "And here is your—twice five is ten, twice twelve twenty-four—ten dollars and twenty four cents." At this stage of the game he had got quite docile, and I continued— " Here is your twelfth box ; hand over twenty dollars and forty-eight cents." Here the globules of perspiration, large as marrow-fat peas, stood out in bold relief on his face, but at length he doled out . the sum. "Here is your thirteenth box; pile out for ty dollars and ninety-six cents." do, I shall, but I will not." With that he left; and I have Dever been able to get near him since. Women and Marriage. Robert Southey, in a chapter on Marriage,' delivers himself as follows " A nian May be cheerful and contepted in celibacy,' but I do not think he can ever be happy ;,it is an unnatural state, and the best feelings of -his nature are never called into action.' . The risks of marriage are far great ; er on the woman's side ; women have ,so lit tle of the power of choice, that it is:11ot per haps fair to say they are less likely to choose well than we, are ; but I am persuaded that they are more frequently deceived in the at tachments which they form, and their opin ions concerning men are much less accurate than men's opinion of their sox. " Now, if a lady were to reproach me for having said this, I should reply that it N*as only another mode of saying there . arc more good wives in the world than there are good husbands'; Which I verily believe. I know nothing Which a good and sensible man is so certain to find, if he looks for it, as a good wife." COATING FOTI. litox.—Remember that rust and corrosion are more injurious to iron tools during the period of their idleness or disfise, than the wear of them. To obviate effectu ally, this evil, it is necessary only to cleanse them thoroughly when they are to be laid aside for the season, and. apply to them a coat of rosin, one part; beef's tallow, or oil, one part, with a :little lampblack; the whole be- Inc , solved and fused over a slow fire and. put on with a common paint brash, while warm. All iron implements, such as plows, harrows, cultivators, as well as wheels and. all other tools, composed either wholly or in part of iron, should be frayed with this or some sim ilar unguent, and carefully housed. Treated in this manner a very considerable saving will be effected, and at slight expense: Some prefer the Ilse of paints, formed :by the ad mixture of linseed oil and white lead, lamp black, venitian re& or Spanish brown; but although this hal a, somewhat neater and more tasty appearnce, on the whole, it is no more durable and much more expensive than the first named article.—Gcrinuittoten. Tele graph. Editor and Proprietor. Arithmetical Progression. Lier' A good story is told of a Methodist preacher—and the story is true to the letter —who lived about forty years no. He was a bachelor, and we could write his real name, but we prefer to call Um Smith. He resist ed 'many persuasions - to marry, which his friends were constantly milking, until he bad reached a tolerably advanced age, and he him self began to feel the need of, or, at least, to hare new ideas of the comfort of being nursed by woman's gentl r :•: . care. Shortly after enter ing one of his Circuits, a. maiden lady, also of ripe years, was recommended to him, and his friends.again urged that he had better get married; representing that the lady named would probably not refuse to accept him, not withstanding his eccentricities. ".Do you think the?" responded the dom inie, for he very perceptibly lisped ; " then I'll go and thee her." " Ith Mith P calmly asked the lover. " Yes, sir. Will you walk in ?" " No, I thank you. Be kind enough to they to Mith P that I with to thpeak to her a moment." NO. 33. Miss P appeared and repeated the invitation to walk " No, thank you; I'll thoon explain by bith ness. I'm the new Methodist preacher. I'm, unmarried. My frienth think I'd better mar ry, and recommend you for my wife. Have you any objection ?" " Why, realy Mr. " There—don't thay another word. call thith day week for your reply. day." On that day week ho reappeared at the door of Miss P 's residence. It was prompt ly opened by the lady herself. " Walk in, Mr. Smith." " Cannot, ma'am. Have not time. Start on my circuit round in half an hour. Ith' your anther ready, ma'am ?" " Oh, do walk in Mr. Smith." " Can't indeed, ma'm. Pleath anther me." Yeth or no." " Well, Mr. Smith, it is a very serious mat ter. I should. not like to get out of the way of Providence—" " I perfectly understand you, Mith P We will be married thith day week. I will call at thith hour. Pleath be ready ma'am." He called on that day week at the hour., She was ready ; they were married, and lived happily several years.—Erchange Paper. SMALL-PDX AND YACCINAIION.--The fol lowing is from Hall's Journal of Health: " From extegded and close observations the following general deductions seem to be warranted : I. Infantile vaccination is an almost per fect safeguard until the fourteenth year. 2.: At the beginning of fourteen the system' gradually loses its capability of resistance, until about twenty-one, when many persons become almost as liable to small-pox as if they had not been vaccinated. 3. This bility remains in full force until about forty two, when the susceptibility begins to de cline, and continues for seven years to gro' less and less, becoming extinct at about fifty, the period of life when the general revolu tion of the body begins to take place, during which the system yields to decay, or takes a new lease of life for two or three terms of seven years each. 4. The grand practical use to be made of these sentiments is: Let every youth be vaccinated, on entering four teen ; let several attempts be made so as to be certain of safety. As the Malady is more likely to prevail in cities during the winter, special attention is invited to the subject at this time." A WIRE POISONED BY A SLAVE.—Great ex citement exists in Henry county, Ky., in con- sequence of the poisoning of Mrs. Porter by slave woman, who, it is alleged, has long Veen on.terms of intimacy with the husband. The Shelby News, after giving an account of the death, of Mrs. Porter, says: The female slave, after having been appri sed of thecertainty of her conviction and pun ishment, made a full confession, deeply im plicating Porter, the husband of the deceased. She says that Porter has been trying to get her to kill Mrs. P. for several months, threatening to kill her if she did not. That P. told her that he would bear with it no longer if she did'nt kill his wife ; that that was the last time he would ask her ; if she refused he would cut her throat—or words to that effect. lie gave her strychnine and told her how to use it. She did not want to use it ; had noth ing against .Mrs. Porter, and believed she was a good woman, but she feared P. would kill her, and did it to save her life. She says Porter came to see her, at her master's, on the night after the poisoning, and told her not to be uneasy; that tho doctor's were going to take the stomach out and send it to Louisville to be examined ; but they would find no poison in it—it had lodged. in her throat, and they never would find it. Porter has been arrested. CANDY AND POISOX.-A paper on "Colored Confectionery,", was recently read before the British Association at Montreal, from which we condense some valuable and novel infor mation. We learn that for economy's sake, confectioners, in coloring their candies, 8z . ,c., have recourse for their greens to Brunswick green, carbonate of copper, or arsenite of cop per; for the yellows, to chromate of lead or gamboge ; for their reds, to red lead, vermil lion or cinnaba'r, and for their whites, to white . . lead.. These are only a few of the pernicious coloring agents used, and they are among the deadliest of poisons. The way in which the poisons are laid on, also deserves a. word of passing remark. In some instances a very thin coating of the coloring matter is used, so as to spread over a very large surface a small portion of the material used ; but in other cases the very reverse is the fact, and in one instance was procured from a piece of or namental table confectionery not the size of a sugar almond, a quantity of arsenite of copper sufficient to destroy the life of a healthy adult. Confectioners have no reason to use these poi sons, for there are harmless vegetable colors enough to answer their purpose. lle—The Belleville (N. J.,) Democrat of January 16, published a letter, dated Novem ber 30, 1857, from a young man who started across the plains last summer for California, giving some account of the adventures of him self and nine companions among the mor mons, which are most extraordinary, if true. He states that theywere robbed of everything, stripped, and tied to trees for three days and nights. They finally escaped while their guard was asleep, and overtook Colonel John ston's command. Colonel Johnston sent out two companies of dragoons, who'killed twenty Mormons, and took thirty of them prisoners. They afterwards took Fort Bridger, killing eighty Mormons, taking ten prisoners, and loosing twelve men. lrtgl:,,At Lockport, N. Y., on Friday night last, a slight shock of an earthquake was felt, accompanied with a loud rumbling noise resembling the rolling of wheels over a pave ment. within ?" briskly but I will Good.