THE HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, &C. THE GLOB Circulation—the largest in the county. 1111@ill'EldnDOTL Pna. Wednesday, December 16,.1857. New Advertisemeitits. /SEEP-Court Proclamations and Sheriff 'a Sales, by Grains Miller. ink-Register's Notice, by Henry (Hazier. Tia January Appointments, by Dr. Hardman inr-Special Notice, by Love ,S; McDivitt. Stray Cow, by Andrew McCollough; re_Stray Heifer, by John J. Decker. - 4 1?E•Real. Estate sales on 2d and 3d pages; PuEsrntmr's MESSAGE.—We give the President's Message entire to day; and we ask for it a careful perusal. It is an able paper, and with the exception of the Kansas question, it is highly satisfactory to men of all parties. The "Position of Walker and Douglad. We have no hesitation in declaring that we believe the stand taken by these distin guished statesmen upon the Kansas question, meets the views of ninety-nine out of every hundred Democrats in this county. The right of the people to ratify by their votes their or ganic law, will be maintained by the yeo manry of Pennsylvania at all hazards. The Lecompton Constitution from the beginning to the end has been fraudulent. The men that framed it never represented the popular sentiment of Kansas. In addition to the overwhelming evidence that has marked this conspiracy from the commencement, the very fact that they guard in the instrument itself against any attempt upon the part of the Mass of the people from nullifying its obnox ious provisions, confirms all the charges of wrong that have been made against these conspirators. We are for a free vote upon a free Consti tution. We are against this force work of a band of political desperadoes in a matter in volving the vital interests of a community.-- We are for popular sovereignty—really, not nominally. In short, although we say it with regret, we are upon this question against the administration and with Walker, Doug. las, Forney, and other leading Demcietats. If the Democracy of the North wish to sink into utter insignificance—if they wish to be rout ed and overthrown in every State north of Mason and Dixon's line, they have only to sustain the Lecompton iniquity. Our word for it, the pure love of freedom—the sturdy independence and proud Democracy of the free States will never consent that their sons and brothers that have peopled Kansas shall be shackled as common bondmen. The Nor thern blood in Kansas shall have its rights —we ask for nothing more and assuredly will accept of nothing less. We claim but an equality with our Southern brethren—we yield that to them. The fortune of war has given the new State to the North, and no bluster or fraud will change its destiny. "Resolved, That we recognize the right of the people of all the Territories, including Kansas and Nebraska acting through the rAuttr expressed will of the majority of actual residents; and whenever the number of their inhabitants justifies it, to form a constitution with or without domestic slavery, and be admitted into the Union upon terms of perfect equality with the other states."—Damocratic tional Cbnvention, Cincinnati, 1856. "we claimed that the Democracy were more the friends of "free Kansas," because they wished to have her people perfectly free to select ALL their domestic institutions. , _ William Bigler, in his speech delivered last summer in an swer to a speech of David Wilmot. It is to be regretted that there 'ire a few of the leading Democrats in Congress, and a portion of the press of this and other States, favoring a virtual abrogation of the "plank" in ' the Democratic platform of 'SG, upon which our groat victory was gained, by urg ing the admission of Kansas into the Union as a State with a Constitution objectiona ble to a very large majority of her actual settlers, and which the traiter Calhoun with the assistance of men of like political char acter will attempt to force upon the people on the 21st inst., denying them the right to be pofictly free to select ALL their domestic institutions. We regret that Hon. Wm. Bigler, who not four months ago, pledged the Democracy of this State as being earnestly the friends of "free Kansas," should so soon . assume the leadership of the enemies of "free Kansas." His position, and past influence, may lead astray a few who do not think for themselves, and others who are "spoils" Democrats only, but the masses, the honest men of our party in the State, will remain firm, and demand that the people of Kansas be left perfectly free to select ALL their domestic institutions.— The Democratic party will neither be lead or driven into the support of minority rule in Kanses. • Douches' SPEECH.—After the reading of the President's Message in the Senate, Mr. Douglas rose, and said that he cordially con curred in much the greater part of it, and in most of the views expressed ; but in regard to one topic—that of Kansas—he totally dis sented from, all that portion of the message which might fairly be construed as approving of the proceedings of the Lecompton Con vention—and at an early period he would avail himself of an opportunity to state his reasons for dissenting, and also to vindicate the right of the people of, the Territory of Kansas to be left perfectly free to form and regulate their domestic institutions in their own way according to the organic law. Mr. Bigler also rose, and stated that he concurred in the President's views, and would make the best reply he could in defence of the position the President had taken. On Wednesday, Mr. Douglas gave his rea sons for dissenting, in a speech of considera ble length, and we are sorry to say that Mr. Bigler .did attempt a reply. We shall try to give Mr. Douglas' speech in our next. The News The latest estimated cost of the work on the Capitol extension at Washington, is $5,- 510,153, leaving to be appropriated the sum of $1,185,153. A million will be required for the next fiscal year. On the first ultimo, there was a balance on hand, of former ap propriations, of $594,225. The construction of the General Post Of ttce was originally estimated to cost $650,000. It is now said that it will cost $700,000, of which $600,000 have already been appropria ted. A further appropriation of $245,000 will complete the dome of the Capitol, the cost of which will not exceed the original estimate of $945,000. From the annual report of the commis sioner of Pensions, it appears that the Pen sion Office has added to the roll of pension ers during the year, under all the various acts, 52 revolutionary soldiers, 338 widows of soldiers, 265 half-pay widows and orphans, 291 invalid—total, 946. The arrears due on the same at the date of issuing the pension certificates amounted to $241,049. The amount paid during the year by pension agents is: to revolutionary soldiers, $103,891 29; to widows of soilders, $483,320 42; to half-pay widows and orphans, $304,352 26; to invalids, $469,347,92; to privateers, sl,s47—total $1,362,548 89. One hundred and seventy-four revolutiona ry soldiers, and 738 widows of revolutionary soldiers, have died during the year. Total number of deaths of all classes of pensioners, 1,451. The whole number of pensioners on the rolls June 30, 1857, is as follows; 346 revolutionary soldiers, yearly amount, $20,- 541 85 J_4,702 widows of do., $385,582 63 ; 2,854 half-pay widows and orphans, $270,992 45; 5,266 invalids, $468,017 57; 18 priva teers, sl,2s2—total, $1,136,386 50. It appears from an official report that, dur ing the present year, the receipts of the State treasury of Pennsylvania, including a pre vious balance, amounted to $5,976,415 26, and the expenditures-to $5,407,276 79—leav ing on hand $569,138 47, of which $41,032 is in depreciated funds. The New York Banks resumed - specie pay ments on Saturday. The country Banks of New York are following the example. The Boston Banks resumed on Monday—and the New England Banks will follow. The Phil adelphia and Baltimore Banks are not yet in a condition to resume, but it is confidently expected that they will resume before the first of April. Gen. Walker, it is said has made a suc cessful landing at Punta Arenas, and will from that point renew the strife for the con quest of Nicaragua. The steamer Star of the West is expected at New York from California with $2,250,- 000. Gov. Walker is in Washington, and it is said he will return to Kansas, though not in an official capacity. Another rumor is that he is about to issue an address to the people of the 'United States, in vindication of his course as Governor of Kansas, and of his hostile attitude to the action of the Lecomp ton Convention. It is also said that Judge Douglas will introduce in the Senate a bill to authorize the people of Kansas to form a Constitution and State government. lie will take the act which was framed by Mr. Toombs of Ga., and which was passed by the Senate, during the last Congress, before the eve of the Presidential election, and with the vote of every Senator who had sustained the Kan sas- Nebraska act. The'bill as it passed, did not provide for the submission of the Consti tution to the people. But Mr. Douglas will add that provision to the project. The New York Post says:—"The gold is continuing to flow from the West in liberal amounts, until our bank coffers are literally crowded with it, and the prospects of manu facturers are becoming brighter day by day, a large number having resumed operations during the week. Colonel W. A. Richardson, the new Gov ernor of Nebraska, appointed by the Presi dent last week, stands side by side with Judge Douglas in his opposition to the Lecompton Constitution. The steamer Europa arrived at New York on Monday with Liverpool dates to the 28th ult. Additional failures have been announ ced in London, and the demand for money is diminishing. Col. F. M. Wynkoop, late U. S. Marshall for the Eastern District of Pennsylvauia was accidentally killed while gunning near Tam aqua, Schuylkill county, on Monday. He was hunting pheasants in company with his hired man, when the gun in the hands of the latter was accidentally discharged. The load took effect in Col. W.'s leg, and he died in half an hour from the effects of the wound. In 1847, Wisconsin, in s, Convention regu larly authorized by Congress, and legally elected by the whole people of the Territory voting and acquiescing in the election, made a State Constitution and sent it to Congress, demanding admission as a State under it.— The Convention had omitted to submit their Constitution to a vote of the people ; and Con gress, therefore, sent it back to the people of Wisconsin, and required it to be so submitted before she could be admitted into the Union,- and it was so submitted and approved. se-Gov. Pollock, has appointed the Hon. David Wilmot, of Bradford county, to be president judge of the 13th judicial district, which °face he held previous to the State election. Kansas Slavery Question If it were true that the slavery question was fairly submitted to the people of Kansas by the schedule of the Kansas Convention, we should decidedly object to the admission of that Territory into the Union as a State, under a Constitution which had not received the sanction of her citizens. The issue in volved rises above any mere sectional ques tion. The whole doctrine of self-government is at stake. The principles of the Demo cratic party have been violated. The right of the people to pass judgment upon their own fundamental law has been denied them, in defiance of the pledges of the delegates who framed it. A Convention, elected by a meagre minority of the people, has arro gated to itself supreme power on a question which of right belongs to the people only.— We obey but the irresistable promptings of genuine Democratic impulses in protesting against this usurpation, for it is nothing less. The doctrine that the slavery question alone should be submitted to the people is an unte nable one. The same reasons which render ed it desirable or proper to submit that ques tion, operate equally strong in favor of a sub mission of the whole Constitution. The Democrats of the Northern States have been fighting for the Kansas-Nebraska bill for three years, on the ground that the right of self-government by the people of the Ter ritories was a sacred one, not only in one but in all respects. They have insisted upon their right to decide the slavery question for themselves, because of the universal conces sion that they were authorized to decide all other questions. The final settlement of the question, by leaving them " perfectly free" to settle the slavery question, and depriving them of the right of popular decission upon all other questions, would be an unmitigated outrage, and, beyond all doubt, a clear vio lation of all hitherto acknowledged National Democratic theories on this subject. But even the slavery question is not fairly submitted, as all who have paid the slightest attention to this subject must be fully aware. The liberty of voting for or against slavery can only be obtained by compliance with cer tain unjust and humiliating conditions.— These are as follows: First. Every voter who is challenged must swear to support the Constitution, if adopted, under peril of a trial for perjury under the territorial laws. The design of this clause seems to provide a convenient method for inflicting criminal punishment for a mere political offence, in case any obnoxious voter, after having taken this oath, should not be as zealous in de votion to the Calhoun Constitution as its au thors require. At all events, it is an unheard of requirement in a republican country, and one which was no doubt specially designed to drive high-minded citizens from the polls. Second. Before any man Can vote against slavery, he must vote for the Calhoun Consti tution. He may feel that the very act of fastening that Constitution upon him as the fundamen tal law under which he must live, without submitting it to a vcte of the people, is an infamous -wrong. He may believe that Con stitution to be a bad one—a Know-Nothing .Constitution, a Bank Constitution, a Consti tution which makes in advance an apportion ment upon a fraudulent election return, and thus seeks to give a preponderance of political power forever to a minority —yet, he must endorse all this without a murmer, before he can vote against slavery. What a mockery it is to say, that when these humiliating conditions are affixed to the right of suffrage, the question of slavery or no slavery is fairly submitted! But independent of all this, the slavery question is not fairly submitted, because there is no guarantee whatever that the election will be fairly conducted. The whole regulation of it is lodged in CALHOUN, president of that Convention—a man denounced throughout the whole Territory as one of the most un scrupulous men it contains.. He has fur nished convincing proof of his perfidy by the fact that, after pledging himself fully and unreservedly to submit the whole Con stitution to the, people of Kansas, he violated that pledge, and was a leading spirit in pre venting a submission of the Constitution to the people. He has been charged by nearly the whole press of Kansas with complicity with the infamous Oxford fraud, and we be lieve has never denied his connection with that disgraceful transaction. Yet this man, publicly self-convicted of perfidy, and ac cused of fraud, has absolute and dictatorial power given him to regulate the election or dered by the Constitutional Convention. Ile is to appoint three men in each county, who are to appoint three in each district to hold the election, and when the returns are all transmitted, lie is to decide upon the legality of the votes cast, &c. The ordinary and ex isting election laws of the Territory are all set aside to give full play to C.ALHOUN'S genius in this constitutional election, and we do not doubt that he will be fully equal to the expecta tions which his supporters formed of him. Who, with these facts before him, can pre tend for a moment that the slavery question is fairly submitted by the Kansas schedule? Who does not feel that any election ordered under such provisions and such auspices can be nothing more than a mere disreputable swindle—which, did it not excite our indig nation' by the wrong it seeks to shield and perpetuate, we should deem ridiculous and absurd?—Forney's Press. We have condemned from the first, and shall continue to condemn, all attempts, made by either party in the Territory of Kansas, to nullify the great principle of popular sov ereignty enunciated in the Kansas-Nebraska Act, or to swindle the majority out of their just rights. Both parties in that Territory have more than once attempted to do so, and its recent Constitutional Convention has again essayed to do the same thing with a high hand. They have, in direct violation of that principle, refused to submit the Constitution to a vote of the people, and require that it shall be adopted whether it speaks the will of the majority or not—only permitting an expression of opinion for and against Slav ery, and that in such an objectionable form as to make it a matter of doubt whether any thing like a full expression of the popular sentiment could be had on that question.— This is not the spirit and intent of their or ganic act, and should not, and we firmly trust will not, be countenanced by Congress when application is made for admission into the Union, for in no event can the people vote down that Constitution, however obnox ious it may be. They are thus forced to swallow it, save the slavery exception, whe ther they approve it not; and instead of be ing clothed, as designed by their organic act, with supreme sovereignty, they are to be mere puppets in the hands of a body of men who received their authority from them, and who now claim to be a higher authority. From the Somerset Dethoerat Through the suicidal policy of the Free State men last spring, in refusing to take part in the election for delegates to the Con stitutional Convention, the pro-slavery men obtained complete control of that body, and we now see the fruits of that policy in an at tempt to force the people into the approval of a Constitution whether it is acceptable top them or not. The friends of a fundamental principle embodied in the Kansas-Nebraska Act, will not see it violated with impunity. The people of Kansas must be permitted to frame their own domestic institutions in their own way, and no minority should ever be al lowed to force upon them laws against their will We desire to see fair play all round, and whatever may be the result on the slav ery clause on the 21st instant, when a vote is to be taken, we have confidence in Con gress that she will refer the whole matter back to the people, that they may have the opportunity of framing their own institu tions, subject only to the Constitution of the United States. Ii7ZWMIMM w iMrn ST. Louis, December 14.—The Special Ses sion of the Kansas Legislature was organiz ed on the Bth instant by the election of C. W. Babcock President of the Council and G. W. Deitzler as Speaker of the House. Acting Governor Stanton, in his message, states that in consequence of recent events having produced profound agitation in the public mind and that a sense of wrongs and injustice, whether well or ill founded, and an apprehension of greater evils to arise, have aroused the people of the Territory to a con dition of great excitement. I find myself compelled by a sense of duty to call vou to gether, that you may adopt prompt Legisla tion, in a measure to avert the calamities which threaten the public peace. After re viewing the formation and action of the Con stitutional Convention, Governor Stanton rec ommends-the passage of an act directing the election to be held under different officers on the same day and at the same places provided by the Proclamation of the President of the Convention authorizing the people to vote fer the Constitution, in either of the forms pre sented by the Convention, and also against the Constitution in both forms. The Governor also recommends the pas- Sage of a law making fraudulent returns of votes a felony, with suitable punish ment. ST. Louis, Dec. 14.—The Kansas letters to the Republican state that an intense excite ment prevails among all classes of people in the Territory. The probabilities are that the party opposed to the Lecompon Convention will not permit the election of the 21st inst., to be held. Gen. Lane, with three or four hundred men, is encamped near Lecompton. Threats have been made to drive General Cal houn and the other members of the Lecomp tcn Convention from the Territory, but no outbreak has yet been attempted. From the Mormon Expedition. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Inquirer sends some recent intelligence from the mili tary expedition to Utah to bring the 'Saints' to their senses. The letter is dated Fort Reany,'-:November 11. Ile says : "Armed parties hover around the camp of Col. Alexander, on Green River, and I am informed he has two Mormon prisoners, who were taken in his camp. The grass near us has been fired, and consumed forty or fifty acres of it. It was yet smoking when we came up last night. "We are now encamped in the South Pass of the mountain, awaiting the arrival of our provision trains. Three of twenty-six wagons each are here, and four more will be up in a day or two. We are in want of forage very much. Our animals have had to subsist on the grass, and it is already covered with snow. You need not be surprised if we lose nearly all our animals. It will require us about five days more to collect all our trains and muster Col. McGraw and his men into service, when we will go forward on to the waters of Green River, in Utah, and there establish and fortify a depot for supplies, where we will look out the Mormons. In the meantime they will continue to annoy us, taking care, as I believe, to keep out of the reach of our guns. "These Mormons have the impudence of the devil. They have a mule train of ammu nition a few days behind, and its conductor applied to Col. Johnston for passports to go on into Salt Lake City. The Colonel replied, if there was no war declared against us, lie needed no such thing, and, if war existed, he should permit no one to enter the valley. Unless they find some by-way through the mountain, this train will be seized in the name of the United States, and its men held in custody for trial. "A chief of the Snake Indians was in our camp two days since. From him we learn that all the other Indians in this region are in league with the Mormons. Ire and his band prefer neutrality. Brigham Young tried to engage him, but he replied that, 'When redskin fight redskin, bluecoat stand upon the hill and look on ; when blueccoat fight bluecoat, redskin stand upon the bill and look on ; when bluecoat fight redskin, red skin turn his back—bluecoat is very great.' Yet I think, this little band will give us valua ble assistance before long. I expect that Col. Johnson will, as he reaches the Territory of Utah, declare martial law, and subject all of fenders to a trial by court martial. If this is done, Judge Eckels and his associates will have but little to do for a while." MINGS IN NEBRASKA.-A correspondent of the St. Louis Republican writes: The Territory at present is minus a head. Gov. hard having resigned his post, left some two weeks since. We learn that no Govern or is to be appointed until the opening of Congress. The crops the past season have been exceedingly good. Emigration this fall having been small, there will be no want this winter, either for man or beast. Corn is selling at fifty cents a bushel, and potatoes at thirty, and plenty at that. Although the weather has already set in rather cold, yet there is every indication that this winter will not be as severe as the last. If such an event should Occur, the inhabitants are gen erally better prepared for it than they were last winter, They have more fodder and better buildings, last winter having taught them a lesson of experience that they will not soon forget. The treaty just completed with the Pawnees by Gen. Denver, will prove a God send to that degraded tribe. The braves leave in a few days for Washington, to ratify said treaty. Their tract of land, fifteen miles by thirty, on the Loup Fork, equals in fertility any other tract west of the• Missouri river. The United States steamer Powhatan sailed from Norfolk on Friday, for Maderia and China, with ex-President Pierce and family as passengers to Maderia. Line upon Line..-Tlere and There a Little Few—our items. Many—our wants. Coming—Christmas. Gone—another few with a few of our dol- Ell Good—our trout. Bad—a few of our subscribers. Couldn't be better—a large number of our patrons. To "LEnoy".—That communication mis laid. Proceedings of F. P. Institute crow ded out this week for want of room. Fog SALE CIIEAP—a Parlor Coal Stove. Inquire of P. F. Kessler, Huntingdon, Pa. * LUMBER.--Students will be taken at the . Cassville Seminary and payments can be made in lumber. Address Joux D.,. Cassville, Huntingdon county, Pa. r i erThere has been a very decided fall in real estate in New York: As an instance of this fact the Independent states that a piece of property, bought a short time since for $200,000, was lately sold for $146,000. To GROCERS.—Students will be taken at the Cassville Seminary and payments can be made in all kinds of Groceries. Address JOHN D. WALsn - , Cassville, Huntingdon, coun ty, Pa. The Pennsylvania School journal.—The December number has been received. It is well filled with interesting matter. A new volume commences with the January num ber. Subscribe in time. To FARMERS.—Students will be taken at the Cassville Seminary and payments can be made in Meat, Apples, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, Flour, Buckwheat, &e. Address JOHN D. WALsu, Cassville, Huntingdon county, Pa. Market Square was crowded yesterday with wagons loaded with beef, pork, turkeys, chickens, &c., &., No starving here as long as our citizens have money to buy. Beef 4i to 51c.; Pork 41- to 5c.; Turkeys 50 to 024 c.; Chickens 10 to 15c.; Apples 50 to $l.; Pota toes 50. EEr--We have noticed, since our last issue, that several of our young bachelors are look ing quite sharp, in anticipation of receiving a bid. they all claim to be in the 'prime of life,' and with the assistance of hair dye, may fool some of our young ladies. We promise not to deceive if the selection is left with us. The Mormon, Cqpital.—Great Salt Lake City is laid out on a magnificent scale. It is four miles in length, by three in breadth ; the streets running at right angles, and 132 feet wide, with side-walks 20 feet in width. Each building lot contains an acre and a quarter of land ; and a stream of pure water running through the city, is made, by an ingenious plan, to flow on each side of every street, and to irrigate every PHILADELPHIA .111A.RKE.TS: 11.TONDAT, P. SI. Dne. 14.—FLOUR---The demand is inac tive. For home trade, ss@s 12%, for common and good brands, $5 25®55 50 for extra family and fancy lots. Ship ping brands are held at lowest figures. GRAIN—Um receipts of Wheat are light. Pennsylvania red brought $1 1.1@)1 15. Choice Kentucky white brought $1 35. Rye 78c. Corn 52@54c. Cats 35c. BUSINESS NOTICES. Dlarriage Certificates. ,-71 Clergymen and Justices of the Peace, can now be sup• plied with Certificates. They are neatly printed, and for &Ile at the " Gonn" Job Office. To School Directors. Blank agreements with Teachers, and Orders on District School Treasurers, neatly printed, and for sale at the ca Gaoea" Job Office. Highly Important I CHABLEs IlAnxxEss S Soc, Wholesale Clothiers, 37. S Mar ket Street, (South-east Corner of Fourth Street,) PtiILA DELP}u•I, Have determined to CLOSE Otrr their ELEGANT STOCK of new Style Fall and Winter Clothing, at an IMMENSE RE DUCTION on the regular prices. Wholesale Buyers will do well to avai ]themselves of tho present opportunity. N. B.—Notes of all SOLVENT BANKS taken at PAR. October 2S, 1857-Ont. ItIArtItIEII. In this borough, on the 6th inst., by Rev. D. Sheaff, 31r, Wn.r.t.ltm 1411.tu31s and Miss Lon. Baum, both of nun tingdon. [After we bad gone to press, last week, with the above announcement, we received from the happy couple an ex traordinary large CAKE, We had no doubt of their good intentions from the moment they were spliced, but the ex citement for it few days was so great that it was imposslele for them to remember everybody in good time. We came in, however, in time to be well satisfied, and hope the Col. and lady will accept our thanks,—and have a happy and prosperous time of it through a long life.] On Thursday, 26th November, near McCon nellstown, by the Rev. Bradshaw Bachtell, Mr. MicaAtt. IfAnnit and Miss ELIZABETII Noaers, both of Walker township. By Gilbert Chancy, Esq., on the Sth inst., Mr. MARTIN llorrna,to Miss Miny E. hit both of Barrec township. ORPIIANS' COURT SALE.—By vir tue of an alias order of the Orphans' Court of Hun tingdon county, the undersigned will offer at Public Salo at the Court House in Huntingdon, On Saturday the 9th day . of January next, at 1 o'clock, P. Id., A FARM, (late the estate of Joseph Dorland, dockl..) situate on the Ridges, in Henderson town ship, Huntingdon county, about four miles from the bo rough of Huntingdon, adjoining lauds of John Rhodes on fitho north, Aaron Kelly on the east, James Simpson and John Flenner on the south, and Adam Rupert on the west, containing two hundred and seventeen (217) acres, more or less, about 100 acres of which are cleared and in cultivation; having thereon erected a LOG HOUSE, a LOG DAWN and other improvements. The farm has an abundant supply of water and an assortment of good fruit. TERMS OF SALE.—One half of the purchase money to bo paid at the confirmation of the sale, and the other half in one year thereafter, with interest, to be secured by the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. For further particulars inquire of the undersigned, per sonally, or by letter through the Hunting-don post office. DAVID RUPERT. Dec. 16, 1857. ATRACT OF LAND AT PUBLIC L SALE.--ORPITANS' COURT SALE—In pursuance of au alias order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, the undersigned Trustee, appointed by the Or phans' Court of said county to make sale of the Real Es tate of Peter Decker, late of West (now Oneida) township, dee'd., will, On Thursday, 7th day of January next, expose to Public Sale on the premises at 2 o'clock, P. Id., of said day, all that TRACT OF LAND, situate in said Oneida township, adjoining lands of James Gain, George Miller. Samuel lictrick and Nicholas C. Decker, containing ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-EIVE ACRES be the same more or less, (it being the tract of %Odell said Peter Deck er died sie7ed,) haring thereon erected A TWO STORY DWELLING HOUSE, and other buildings. TERMS OF SALE.—One third of the purchase money to be paid ou confirmation of the sale, and the residue in two equal animal payments thereafter, with the interest, to be t•ecured by the bolid add mortgage of the purchaser. NICHOI.AS C. PECKER. Tr tr.sfre. Porenl l .ll l ., 154 PRE MIUMS AWARDED THE GLOBE JOB OFFICE AT VIE LATE FAIR FOR 111 3 V Mar Mg 30 Si# GARD, BLANK & HANDBILL Yuno IN VA LIDS.—Dr. Hardman, Analytical Physician.—Physician for Diseases of the gs, Throat and Heart--Amerly Physician to the. CINCINNATI MARINE' HOSPITAL, Also to Invalids Retreat, Author of "Letters to Invalids, TS COMING 1 Sea following Card. JANUARY APPOINTMENTS R. HARDMAN, Physician for the. disease ,of tho Lungs, (formerly Physician to Cincin nati Marine Hospital,) will be in attendance at his rooms as follows : Huntingdon Jackson's Hotel, Saturday, January 16. Lewistown, :National Hotel. " 18. Hollidaysburg, Exchange Hotel, 15. Dr. Hardman treats Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, Larryngittis and all diseases of the throat and lungs, by Medical Inhalation, lately used in the Bromton Hospital, London'. The great point in the treatment of all huuum maladies. is to get at the disease in the direct manner.— All medicines are estimated by their action upon the organ requiring relief. This is the important fact upon which Inhalation is based, If the stomach is diseased we take medicine directly into the stomach. If the lungs aro dis eased, Ureathe or inhale Medicated vapors directly into the lunge. Medicines are antidotes to disease and should be applied to the very seat of disease. Inhalation is the application of this principle to the treatment of the rungs, for it gives us direct access to those intricate air cells, and tubes which lie out of reach of every other means of ad ministering medicines. The reason that Consumption, and other diseases of the lungs, have heretofore resisted all treattuent has been because they have never been ap proached in a direct inannvi, by medicine. They were in tended to act upon the lung.:, and yet were applied to the stomach. Their action Was intended to be local, and yet, they were so administered that thby should only act con stitutionally, expending their immediate and principal ac tion upon the unoffending stomach, whilst the foul ulcers within the lungs were unmolested. Inhalation brings the medicine in direct contact with the disease, without the disadvantage of any violent action. Its application is so simple, that it can be employed by the youngest infant or feeblest invalid. It does not derange the stomach, or in terfere in the least degree with the strength, comfort, or business of the patient: Other Disease 3 fireated.—ln relation to the following dis eases, either when complicated with lung affections or ex isting alone, I also invite consultation, I usually find them promptly curable. Prolapsus and all other forms of Female Complaints, Ir regularities and 'Weakness. . Palpitation and,all other forms of Heart Disease, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, and ail other diseases of stomach and bowels, &c. All diseases of the eye and ear. Neuralgia, Epilepsy, and all forms of nervous diseaSe. S. D. ITARDMAN, M. D ,No charge for consultation. [Sept. 9, 1857 SHERIFF'S SALE IN PARTITION, —By virtue of sundry orders issued , out of the Court of Common Pleas of Huntin g don coitnty, to me directed, I will expose to Public Sale, on the premises, ou WEDNESDAY, 30T11 DAY OF DECEMBER, 1857, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, the followin g Real Estate, to wit: - • A Tract of Land in Clay , township in said county, bounded by lands of John Rohrer. Charles Rine hart and others, containing 101 acres and 130 perches, more or less, now occupied by Jacob States, having there on erected a ' house and barn, and other iMprovernents. Also, another Tract of Land adjoining the one above described. adjoining lands of Caleb Brown and Robert Madden, containing 70 acres and 130 perches. more or less, a part of which is cleared but no buildings there on, in pursuance of proceedings in Partition to No. 54 April Term 1557. Also, a. Tract . of Land adjoining the tract first above described, containing 135 acres and SO perches and allowance, more or less, now occupied by John Baker, having thereon erected a log house and barn. TERMS—One half of the purchase money to be paid on the day, of sale, and the balance to be secured by the mort gage or judgment bond of tho purchaser at such time as may be agreed upon. on the day of sale, in pursuance of proceedings in Partition to No. 33 April Term 1857. GRAFFUS MILLER, Sheriff. Dec. 2, 1857 ( 41 ~,, t ' . ~- „-;-:,.......4,..--,•4",,,,24M'et-14,1 ?,&.5‘ .__ ~•,---"- -v,---5.,._ '- ' • ' - - --1 1•1 atir-.. v Aldeil, ,, - ~,, - - - . - A-- L - , - 4 , -,- tna 'lt="4:.:7' ..e.T.Mt OORANGE OF TIME.—On and after JTIIIIRSDAY. 10th inst.. the Passenger Train on the 'Huntingdon and Broad Top Road will leave Huntingdon at 8.00 A. DI. arid 4.00 I'. N., and arrive 1.10 P. M. and 7.35 P. 31. J. J. LAWRENCE, Huntingdon, December 0, 1857 S. LIGGETT & FLOUR DEALERS. OID el 4 and Commission Merchants for the 59i-. bale of Grain, Seeds, and Produce generally, keep constantly on hand the best qualities of .s'outhern Ohio, Acnivay, Indiana and St. Louis brands Flour. Orders faithfully filled at the market prices of the day - . Nag. 60 and 70, Water street, Pittsburg, Pa. December 2,1557-3 m. MOTICE.----All persons having claims against DAVID IL CAMPBELL, of Marklesburg, aro reqUested to present them properly authenticated, and those indebted will make payment to the subscriber, to whom said Campbell has executed a deed of Assignment for the benefit of creditors. JOHN H. WINTRODE, Marklesburg, Nov. 20, 1857. Assignee. A X COLLECTORS-TAKE NO TICE.--The Collectors of County and State taxes for the year 1856 and all previous years, are required to make immediate payment of the balances - due on their duplicates, or they may expect to be dealt with according to law. The collectors of 1857 are earnestly requested to collect and pay over to the Treasurer the amount of their dupli cates as soon as possible. Money is much needed at the present time and must be had, November, 25, 1857 3TRAY HORSES.—Came to the prem.- iges of the subscribe Fat Water street. in Morris town ship, on the 16th of November inst., three horses, two large bays and one black—all work horses. The two bays are supposed to be from 9 to 12 years old—the black may be older. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property. pay charges and take them away, otherwise they will be disposed of according to law Nov. 20, 1857.* ROOTS & SHOES. A new stock re ceiver/ ! LEVI WESTBROOK, has just open ed another new stock of BOOTS & SHOES, of the Lest and most fashionable kind to be had in the city. Ladies and Gentlemen, Misses and Boys can be suited by calling at My store. Thankful for past favors, I ask a continuance of tho same, knowing that customers will be pleased with my Boots & Shoes and my prices. L. WESTBROOK. Huntingdon, October 7, 1567. NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given to all persons interested, that J. & W. Saxton, of tho borough of Huntingdon, did, on the 9th day of July last, make and execute to the subscriber of said Borough, adeed of voluntary assignment, for the benefit of creditors.— Therefore, all persons holding claims against the said J. &. W. Saxton, or either of them, will present them prop erly authenticated-for settlement, and all indebted to said firm, or either of them, in any way, will make immediato payment to W. B. ZEIGLER. Huntingdon, August 19, 1857—tf. DOOKER & MARSH, AUCTION EERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 261 North 3d Street, one door below Vine. Philadelphia. Sales of ROOTS and SHOES, DRY GOODS, GUNS, HARDWARE, WATCHES, FANCY GOODS, &c. EVERY EVENING. Country Storekeepers and others 'will always find at our evening Sales a large and desirable assortment of the above goods. to be sold in lots to suit buyers. ***Goods packed on the premises for Country Trade. Sept. 30, 1857-ant. I)TJBLIC NOTICE.— The subscriber having no permanent residence at present, wishes to inform nIl persons who gave their notes for property purchased at his sale, that they can sine. cost by calling on D. P. Orin of Huntingdon, who is authorized to re ceive the amount of said notes, which will be due on the 17th of December next. JAMES roivrEr" Nov. 18, 1557. kj TRAY HEIFER—Came to the resi deuce of the subscriber, in Henderson township, some time about the let of April last, a black heifer, supposed to be a year- old, with some white spots, the right car cropt off, and a slit in it. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges. and take it away otherwise, it will be sold according to law. Nov. 18 : 1851.* JACOB HESS, BOOTS and SHOES, the largest and. cheapest assortment in town, at D. P. GWIN'S. D R. T. A. LYON, Dentist, SHAPE GAP. Huntingdon county, r cm I .0 r Acting Superintendent. JACOB BAKER, _ IL L. 3IcCARTIIY, G. W. MATTERN, Commissioners P. 3IcATEER Henderson township