PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. Fellow-citizens of the Senate and House of Repre- sentalives: In obedience to the command of the constitu tion, it has' now become my duty "to give to Congress information of the state of the Union, and .recommend to their consideration such measures" as I judge to be "necessary and ex pedient." But - first, and above all, our thanks are due to Almighty God for the numerous benefits which He has bestowed upon this people, and _our united prayers ought to ascend to Him that He would continue to bless our great Republic in time to come as He has lilessed it in time past. Since the adjotirnment of the last Con gress our constituents have enjoyed an. unusual degree of health. The earth has yielded her fruits abundantly, and has bountifully rewarded the toil of the husbandman. Our great staples have commanded high prices, and, np to within a brief period, our manufacturing, mineral, and mechanical occupations have largely partaken of the general prosperity. We have possessed all the elements' of material wealth, in rich abundance, and yet, notwithstending 'all these advantages, our country, in its monetary inter ests, is at the present moment in a deplorable condition. In the midst of unsurpassed plenty in all the v!oductiorts of agriculture and in all the ele ments of national *wall; we find . our manufac tures suspended, our publle,WorkS retarded, our private enterprizes of different kinds abandoned, and thousands of useful laborers thrown out of employment and reduced to want. The revenue of the government, which is chiefly derived from duties on imports from abroad, has been greatly reduced, whilst the appropriations made by Congress at its last session, for the current fis cal year are very large in amount. Under .these circumstances a loan may be re quired before the close of your present session ; but this, although to he deeply regretted,would prove to be only a slight misfortune when com pared with the suffering and distress prevailing among the people. With this the government cannot fail deeply to sympathise, though it may be without the power to extend relief. It is our duty to inquire what has produced such unfortunate results, and whether their re currence can be prevented. In all former re vulsions the blame might have been fairly at tributed to a variety of co-operating causes;but not so upon the present occasion. It is appa rent that our existing misfortunes have procee ded solely from our extravagant and vicious system of paper currency and bank credits, ex citing the people to wild speculations and gam bling in stocks. These revulsions must contin ue to recur at successive intervals so long as the amount of the paper currency and bank loans and discounts of the country shall be left to the discretion of fourteen hundred irrespon sible banking institutions which from the very law of their nature will consult the interest of their stockholders_ rather than the public wel fare. The framers of the constitution, when they gave to Congress the power, "to coin money and to regulate the value thereof," and prohibit the States from coining money, emitted bills of credit, or making anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts, supposed they had protected the people against the evils of and excessive and irredeemable paper cur rency. -They are not responsible for the exist ing anomaly that a government endowed with the sovereign attribute of coining money and regulating the value thereof should have no pow er to prevent others from driving this coin out nf the country and filling up the channels of circulation with paper which does not repre sent gold and eilier. It fa one of the highest and most responsible duties of the government to insure to the people a sound circulating medium,- the amount of which ought to be adapted with the utmost pos sible wisdom and skill to the - Wants of internal trade and foreign exchanges. If this be either greatly above or greatly below the proper stan dard, the marketable value of every man's prop erty is increased_ or diminished in the same pro portion, and.lnjustice to individuals as well as incalculable evils to the community are the consequence. _ _ Unfortunately, under the construction of the federal constitutien, which has now prevailed too long to be changed, this important and deli cate duty has been dissevered from the coining power and virtually transferred to more than fourteen hundred State banks, acting indepen dently of each other, and regulating their paper issues almost exclusively by a regard to the present interest of their stockholders. Exercis ing the sovereign power of providing a paper currency, instead of coin, for the country, the first duty which these banks owe to the public is to keep in their vaults a sufficient amount of gold and silver to insure the convertibility of their notes into coin at all times and under all circumstances. No bank ought ever to be char tered without such restrictions on its business as to secure this result. All other restrictions are comparatively vain. This is the only true touchstone, the only sufficient regulator of a paper currency—the only one which can guard the public against over issues and bank suspensions. As a collat eral and. eventual security it is doubtless wise, and in all cases ought to be required, that banks shall hold an amount of United States or State securities equal to their notes in circula tion and pledged for their redemption. This, however, furnishes no adequate security against over-issues. On the contrary, it may be perver ted to inflate the currency. Indeed, it is pos sible by this means to convert all the debts of the United States and State Governments into bank notes, without reference to the specie re quired to redeem them. However valuable these securities may be in themselves, they cannot be converted into gold and silver at the moment of pressure, as our ex perienee teaches, in sufficient time to Prevent bank suspensions and the depreciation of bank notes. In England, which is to a. considerable extent a paper-currency country, though vastly behind our own in this respect, it was deemed advisable, anterior to the act of Parliament of 1844, which wisely separated the issue of notes from the banking department, for the Bank of England always to keep on hand gold and silver equal to one-third of its combined circulation and deposites. If this proportion was no more than sufficient to secure the - convertibility of its notes, with the whole of Great Britain, and to some extent the continent of Europe as a field for its circula tion, rendering it almost impossible that a sud den and immediate run to a dangerous amount should be made upon it, the same proportion would certainly be insufficient under our bank ing system. Each of our fourteen hundred banks has but a limited circumference for its circulation and in the course of a very few days the deposi tors and note holders might demand from such a bank a sufficient amount in specie to compel it to suspend, even although it had coin in its vaults equal to one-third of its immediate liabilities. And yet I am not aware, with the exception of the banks of Louisiana, that any State bank throughout the Union has been required by its charter to keep this or any other proportion of gold and silver compared with the amount of its combined circulation and deposites. What has been the consequence? In a recent report made by the Treasury Department on the con dition of the banks throughout the different States, according to returns dated nearest to January, 1857, the aggregate amount of actual specie-in - their vaults is $58,349,838, of their circulation $214,778,822, and of their deposltea $230,351,352. Thus it appears that these banks in the aggregate have considerably less than one dollar in seven of gold and silver com- WILLIAM LEWIS, VOL. XIII. pared with their circulation and deposites. It was palpable, therefore, that the very first pressure must drive them to suspension, and deprive the people of a convertible currency with all its disastrous consequences. It is truly wonderful that they should have so long contin ued to preserve their credit,when a demand for the payment of one-seventh of their immediate liabilities would have driven them into insolven cy. And this is the condition of the banks, notwithstanding that four hundred millions-of gold from California have flowed in upon zus within the last eight years, and the tide still continues to flow. Indeed, such has been the extravagance of bank credits that the banks now hold a considerably less amount of specie, either in proportion to their capital or to their circulation and deposites combined, than they did before the discovery of gold in California. Whilst in the year 1848 their specie in pro portion to their capital was more than equal to one dollar for four and a half, in 1857 it does not amount to one dollar for every six dollars and thirty-three cents 'of their capital. In the year 1848 the Specie was equal within a very small fraction to one dollar in five of theif cir culation and deposites, in 1857 it is not equal to one dollar in seven and a half of their circu lation and deposites. From this statement it is easy to account for our financial history for the last forty years.— It has been a history of extravagant expansions in the business of the country, followed by ruin ous contractions. At successive intervals the best and most enterprising men have been temp ted to their "ruin by excessive bank loans of mere paper credit, exciting them to extravagant importations of foreign goods,wild speculations, and ruinous and demoralizing stock gambling. When the crisis arrives, as it must, the banks can extend no relief to the people. In a vain struggle to redeem their liabilities in specie they are compelled to contract their loans and their issues ; and at last, in the hour of distress, when their assistance is most needed, they and their debtors together sink into insolvency. It is this paper system of extravagant expan sion, raising the nominal price of every article far beyond its real value, when compared with the cost of similar articles in countries whose circulation is wisely regulated, which has pre vented us from competing in our own markets with foreign manufacturers, has produced ex travagant importations and has counteracted the effect of the large incidental protection af forded to our domestic manufactures by the present revenue tariff. But for this the branch es of our manufactures composed of raw mate rials, the prOduction of our own country—such as cotton, iron and woollen fabrics—would not only have acquired almost exclusive possession of the home market, but would have created for themselves a foreign market throughout the world. Deplorable, however, as may be our present financial condition, we may yet indulge in bright hopes for the future. No other nation has ever existed which could have endured such violent expansions and contractions of paper credit without lasting injury ; yet the buoyancy of youth, the energies of our population, and the spirit which never quails before difficulties, will enable us soon to recover from our financial em barrassment, and may even occasion us speedily to forget the lesson which they have taught. In the meantime it is the duty of the govern ment by all proper means within its power, to aid in alleviating the sufferings of the people occasioned by the suspension of the banks, and to provide against a recurrence of the same ca lamity.- Unfortunately, in either aspect of the case, it can do but little. Thanks to the inde pendent treasury, the government has not sus pended payment, as it was compelled to de •by the failure of the banks in 1837. It will con tinue to discharge its liabilities to the people in gold and silver. Its disbursements in coin will pass into circulation, and materially assist in restoring a sound currency. From its high credit, should wo be compelled to make a tem porary loan, it can be effected on advantageous terms. This, however, shall, if possible, be avoided; but, if not, then the amount shall be limited to the lowest practicable sum. I have, therefore, determined that whilst no useful government works already in progress shall be suspended, new works, not already commenced, will be postponed, if this can be done without injury to the country. Those ne cessary for its defence shall proceed as though there had been no crisis in our monetary affairs. But the Federal Government cannot do much to provide against a recurrence of existing evils. Even if insurmountable constitutional objections did not exist against the creation of a National Bank, this would furnish no adequate preven tive security. The history of the last Bank of the United States abundantly proves the truth of this assertion. Such a bank could not, if it would, regulate the issues and credits of four teen hundred State banks in such a manner as to prevent the ruinous expansions and contrac tions in our currency which afflicted throughout the existence of the late bank, or secure us against future suspensions. In 1825 an. effort was made by the Bank of England to curtail the issues of the country banks under the most fa vorable circumstances. The paper currency had been expanded to a ruinous extent, and the Bank put forth all its power to contract it in order to reduce prices and restore the equilibrium of foreign exchan ges. It accordingly commenced a system of curtailment of its loans and issues, in the vain hope that the joint stock and private banks of the kingdom would be compelled to follow its example. It found, however, that as it con tracted they expanded, and at the end of . the process, to employ the language of a very high official authority, "whatever reduction of the paper circulation was effected by the Bank of England (in 1825) was more than made up by the issues of the country banks." But the Bank of the United States would not, if it could, restrain the issues and loans of the State banks, because its dutyn..S a regulator of the currency must often be in direct conflict with the immediate interests of its stockholders. If we expect one agent to restrain or control another their interests must, at least in some degree, be antagonistic. But the directors of a Bank of the United States would feel the same interest and the same inclination with the di rectors of the State banks to expand the curren cy, to accommodate their favorites and friends with loans, and. to declare large dividends. Such has been our experience in regard to the last bank. After all, we must mainly rely upon the pa triotism and wisdom of the States for the pre vention and redress of the evil. If they will afford us a real specie basis for our paper circu lation by increasing the denomination of bank • •LF. ;,. •• . • ••••• • 1. notes, first to twenty, .and afterwards to fifty dollars; if they will require that the banks Shall at all times keep on hand at least one dollar of gold and silver for every three dollars of their circulation and deposites ; and if they will pro vide by a self-executing enactment, which noth ing can arrest, that the moment they suspend they shall go into liquidation, I believe that such provisions, with a weekly publication by each bank of a statement of its condition, would go far to secure us against future suspensions of specie payments. Congress, in my opinion,, possesses the power to pass a uniform bankrupt law applicable to all banking institutions throughout the United States, and I strongly recommend its exercise. This would make it the irreversible organic law of each bank's existence, that a suspension of specie payments shall produce its civil death. The instinct of self-preservation would then compel it to perform its duties in such a manner as to escape the penalty and preserve its life. The existence of banks and the circulation of bank paper are so identified with the habits of our people, that they cannot at this day be sud denly abolished without much immediate injury to the country. If we could confine them to their appropriate sphere, and prevent them from administering. to the spirit of wild and reckless speculation by extravagant• loans and issues, they might be continued with advantage to the public. But this I say, after long and much reflection: if experience shall prove it to be impossible to enjoy the facilities which well-regulated banks might afford, without at the same time suffering the calamities which the excesses of the banks have hitherto inflicted upon the country, it would then be far the lesser evil to deprive them altogether of the power to issue a paper curren cy and confine them to the functions of banks of deposite and. discount. Our relations with foreign governments are, upon the whole, in a satisfactory condition. The diplomatic difficulties which existed be tween the Government of the United States and that of Great Britain at the adjournment of the last Congress have been happily terminated by the appointment of a British minister to this country, who has been cordially received. 'Whilst it is greatly to the interests, as I am convinced it is the sincere desire, of the govern ments and people of the two countries to be on terms of intimate friendship with each other, it has been our misfortune almost always to have had some irritating, if not dangerous, outstand ing questions with Great Britain. Since the origin of the government we have been employed in negotiating treaties with that power, and afterwards in discussing their true intent and meaning. In this respect, the con vention of April 19, 1850, commonly called the Clayton and Bulwer treaty, has been the most unfortunate of all ; because the two governments place directly opposite and contradictory con structions upon its first and most important ar ticle. Whilst, in the United States, we believed that this treaty would place both powers upon an exact equality by the stipulation that neither will ever "occupy, or fortify, or colonize, or as sume to exercise any dominion" over any part of Central America, it is contended by the Bri tish government that the true construction of this language has left them in the rightful pos session of all that portion of Central America which was in their occupancy at the date of the treaty; in fact, that the treaty is a virtual re cognition on the part of the United States of the right of Great Britain, either as owner or pro tector, to the whole extensive coast of Central America, sweeping round from the Rio Hondo to the port and harbor of San Juan del Nicara gua, together with the adjacent Bay Islands, except the comparatively small portion of this between the Sarstoon and Cape Honduras. Ac cording to their construction, the treaty does no more than simply prohibit them from extending their possessions in Central America beyond the present limits. It is not too much to assert that if in the United States the treaty had been considered susceptible of such a construction, it never would have been negotiated under the au thority of the President, nor would it have re ceived the approbation of the Senate. The uni versal conviction in the United States was, that when our government consented to violate its traditional and time-honored policy, and to stipulate with a foreign government never to occupy or acquire territory in the Central Amer ican portion of our own continent, the consider ation for this sacrifice was that Great Britain , should, in this respect at least, be placed in the same position with ourselves. Whilst we have no right to doubt the sincerity of the British government in their construction of the treaty, it is at the same time my deliberate conviction that this construction is in opposition both to its letter and its spirit. Under the late administration negotiations Were instituted between the two governments for the purpose, if possible, of removing these diffi culties ; and a treaty having this laudable object in view was signed at London on the 17th Octo ber, 1856, and was submitted by the President to the Senate on the following 10th of December. Whether this treaty, either in its original or amended form, would have accomplished the object intended without giving birth to new and embarrassing complication between the two governments, may perhaps be well questioned. Certain it is, however, it was rendered much less objectionable by the different amendments made to it by the Senate. The treaty, as amend ed, was ratified by me on the 12th March, 1857, and was transmitted to London for ratification by the British government. _ That government expressed, its willingness to concur in all the amendments made by the Senate with the single exception of the clause relating to Ruatan and the other islands in the Bay of Honduras. The article in the original treaty, as submitted to the Senate, after reciting that these islands and their inhabitants "having been by a convention bearing date the 27th day of August, 1856, be tween her Brittanic Majesty and the republic of Honduras, constituted and declared a free territory under the sovereignty of the said re public of Honduras," stipulated that "the two contracting powers do hereby mutually engage to'recognize and respect in all future time the independence and rights of the said free territo ry as a part of the republic of Honduras." Upon an examination of this convention be tween Great Britain and Honduras of the 27th August, 1856, it was found that, whilst declar ing the Bay Islands to be "a free territory un der the sovereignty of the republic of Honda ras," it deprived that republic of rights without which its sovereignty over them could scarcely be said to exist. It divided them from the re mainder of Honduras, and gave to their inhabi tants a separate gavornment of their own, with HUNTINGDON, PA. -PERSEVrRE.- DECEMBER 16, 1857. legislative, executive, and judicial officers elect ed by themselves. It deprived the government of Honduras of the taxing power in every form, and exempted the people of the island from the performance of military duty except for their own exclusive defence. It also prohibited that republic from erecting fortifications upon them for their pro tection—thus leaving them open to invasion from any quarter; and, finally, it provided that slavery shall not at any time hereafter be permitted to exist therein." Had Honduras ratified this convention, she would have ratified the establishment of a State substantially independent within her own limits, and ,a State at all times subject to British influ ence and control. Moreover, had the United States ratified the treaty with Great Britain in its original form, we should have been bound "to recognize and respect in all future time" these stipulations to the prejudice of Honduras. Being in direct opposition in the spirit and meaning of the Clayton and Bulwer treaty as understood in the United States, the Senate re jected the entire clause, and substituted in its stead a simple recognition of the sovereign right of Honduras to these islands in the folowing, language: " The two contracting parties do hereby mutually engage to recognise and res pect the islands of Ruatan, Bonaco, Utila,Bar baretta, Helena, and Morat, situate in th Bay of Honduras, and off the coast of the republic of Honduras, as under the sovereignty and as part of the said republic of Honduras." Great Britain rejected this amendment, as signing as the only reason, that the ratifications of the convention of the 27th August, 1556, be tween her and Honduras, had not been " ex changed, owing to the hesitation of that govern ment." Had this been done, it is stated that "her Majesty's government would have had lit tle difficulty in agreeing to the modification proposed by the Senate, which then would have had in effect the same signification as the origi nal wording." Whether this would have been the effect; whether the mere circumstance of' the exchange of the ratifications of the British convention with Honduras prior in point of time to the ratification of our treaty with Great Bri taie:Avould "in effect," have had "the same signification as the original wording," and thus have nullified the amendment of the Senate,may well be doubted. It is, perhaps, fortunate that the question has never arisen. The British government, immediately after rejecting the treaty as amended, proposed to enter into a new treaty with the United States, similar in all respects to the treaty which they had just refused to ratify, if the United States would consent to add to the Senate's clear and unqualified recognition of the sovereignty of lionthiras over the Bay Islands the following conditional stipulation : " Whenever and so soon as the republic of Honduras shall hive conclu ded and ratified a treaty with Great Britian, by - which Great Britian shall have ceded, and the republic of Honduras shall have accepted, the said islands, subject to the provisions and con ditions contained in such treaty. The proposition was, of course, rejected.— After the Senate had refused to recognize the British convention with Honduras of the 27th August, 1856, with full knowledge of its con tents, it was impossible for me, necessarily ignorant of the provisions and conditions" which might be contained in a future ccn vention between the same parties, to sanction them in advance. The fact is, that when two nations like Great Britain and the United States, mutu ally desirous as they are, and I trust ever may be, of maintaining the most friendly re lations with each other, have unfortunately concluded a treaty w hich they understand in senses directly opposite, the wisest course is to abrogate such a treaty by mutual consent, and. commence anew. Had this been done promptly, all difficulties in Central America would most probably, ere this, have been ad justed to the satisfaction of both parties.— The time spent in discussing the meaning of the Clayton and Bulwer treaty would have been devoted to this praiseworthy purpose, and the task would have been the more easi ly accomplished because the interest of the two countries in Central America is identical, being confined to securing safe transits over air the routes across the Isthmus. 'Whilst entertaining these sentiments, I shall nevertheless not refuse to contribute to any rea sonable adjustment of the Central American questions which is not practically inconsistent with the American interpretation of the treaty. Overtures for this purpose have bees recently made by the British government in a friendly spirit, which I cordially reciprocate ; but wheth er this renewed effort will result in success I am not yet prepared to express au opinion. A brief period will determine. With France our ancient relations of friend ship still continue to exist. The French gov ernment have in several recent instances which need not be enumerated, evinced a spirit of good will and kindness towards our country which I heartily reciprocate. It is, notwithstanding, much to be regretted that two nations whose productions are of such a character as to invite the most extensive exchanges and freest com mercial intercourse, should continue to enforce ancient and obsolete restrictions of trade against each other. Our commercial treaty with France is in this respect an exception from our treaties with all other commercial nations. It jealously levies discriminating duties both on tonnage and on articles, the growth, produce, or manufac ture of the one country, when arriving in vessels belonging to the other. More than forty years ago, on the 3d March, 1815, Congress passed an act offering to all na tions to admit their vessels laden with their na tional productions into the ports of the United States upon the same terms with our own ves sels, provided they would reciprocate to us similar advantages. This act confined the re ciprocity to the productions of the respective foreign nations who might enter into the propo sed arrangement with the United States. The act of May 24, 1828, removed this restriction, and offered a similar reciprocity to all such ves sels without reference to the origin of their cargoes. Upon these principles, our commer cial treaties and arrangements have been found ed, except with France ; and let us hope that this exception may not long exist. Our relations with Russia remain, as they have ever been, on the most friendly footing. The present Emperor, as well as his predeces sors, have never failed, when the occasion of fered, to manifest their good will to our coun try ; and their friendship has always been highly appreciated by the government and people of the United States. With all other European governments, ex cept that of Spain, our relations are as peace ful as we could desire. I regret to say that no progress whatever has been made, since the adjournment of Congress, towards the settlement of any of the numerous claims of our citizens against the Spanish government. Besides, the outrage committed on our flag by the Spanish war frigate Ferrolanna, on the high seas, off the coast of Cuba, in March, 1855, by firing into the American mail steam er El Dorado, and detaining and searching her, remains unacknowledged and unredress ed. The general tone and temper of the Spanish government towards that of the Uni ted States are much to be regretted. Our present envoy extraordinary and- minister plenipotentiary to Madrid has asked to be re called : and it is my purpose to send out a new minister to Spain, with special instruc tions on all questions pending between the two governments, and with a determination to have them speedily , and amicably adjusted, if this be possible. In the meantime, when ever our minister urges the just claims of our citizens on the notice of the Spanish govern ment, he is met with the objection that Con gress have never made the appropriation rec ommended by President Polk in his annual message of December, 1847, " to be paid to the Spanish government for the purpose of distribution among the claimants in the Am istad case." A similar recommendation was made by my immediate predecessor in his message of December, 1853 ; and entirely concurring with both in the opinion that this indemnity is justly due under the treaty with Spain of Oct. 27, 1795, I earnestly recom mend such an appropriation to the favorable consideration of Congress. A treaty of friendship and commerce was concluded at Constantinople on the 13th De cember, 1856, between the United States and Persia, the ratifications of which were ex changed at Constantinople on the 13th June, 1857, and the treaty was proclaimed by the President on the 18th August, 1857. This treaty, it is believed, will prove beneficial to American commerce. The Shah has mani fested an earnest disposition to cultivate friendly relations with our country, and has expressed a strong wish that we should be represented at Teheran by a minister pleni potentiary ; and I recommend that an appro priation be made for this purpose. Recent occurrences in China have been unfavorable to a revision of the treaty with that empire of the 3d July, 1844, with a view to the security and extension of our com merce. The 24th article of this treaty stipu lated for a revision of it, in case experience should prove this requisite ; "in which case the two governments will, at the expiration of twelve years from the date of said conven tion, treat amicably concerning the same, by means of suitable persons appointed to con duct such negotiations." These twelve years expired on the 3d July, 1856 , but long be fore that period it was ascertained that im portant changes in the treaty were necessary; and several fruitless attempts were made by the commissioner of the United States to ef fect these changes. Another effort was about to be made for the same purpose by our com missioner, in conjunction with the ministers of England and Prance, but this was sus pended by the occurrence of hostilities in the Canton river between Great Britain and the Chinese Empire. These hostilities have necessarily interrupted the trade of all na tions with Canton, which is now in a state of blockade, and have occasioned a serious loss of life and property. Meanwhile the in surrection within the empire against the ex isting imperial dynasty still continues, and it is difficult to anticipate what will be the result. Under these circumstances, I have deemed it advisable to appoint a distinguished citi zen of Pennsylvania, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to proceed to China, and to avail himself of any opportu nities which may offer to effect changes in the existing treaty favorable to American commerce. He left the United States for the place of his destination in July last in the war steamer Minnesota. Special ministers to China have also been appointed by the governments of Great Britain and France. Whilst our minister has been instructed to oocupy a neutral position in reference to the existing hostilities at Canton, he will cordially co-operate with the British. and French min isters in all peaceful measures to secure by treaty stipulations, those just concessions to commerce which the nations of the world have a right to expect, and which China can not long be permitted to withhold. From as surances received, I entertain no doubt that the three ministers will act in harmonious concert to obtain similar cominercial treaties for each of the powers they represent. We cannot fail to feel a deep interest in all that concerns the welfare of the independent republics on our own continent, as well as of the empire of Brazil. Our difficulties with New Granada, which a short time since bore so threatening an as pect are, it is to be hoped, in a fair train of settlement in a manner just and honorable to both parties. The Isthmus of Central America, including that of Panama, is the great highway between the Atlantic and Pacific, over which a large portion of the commerce of the world is des tined to pass. The United States aro more deeply interested than any other nation in preserving the freedom and security of all the communications across this isthmus. It is our duty, therefore, to take care that they shall not be interrupted either by invasions from our own country or by wars between the independent States of Central America. Under our treaty with New Granada of the 12th of December 1846, we are bound to guaranty the neutralization of the Isthmus of Panama, through which the Panama railroad passes, " as well as the rights of sovereignty and property which New Granada has and possesses over the said Territory." This ob ligation is founded upon equivalents granted by the treaty to the government and people of the United States. tinder these circumstances, I recommend to Congress the passage of an act authorizing * Editor and Proprietor. the President, in case of necessity, to employ the land and naval forces of the United States to carry into effect this guaranty of neutrality and protection. I also recommend similar legislation for the security of any other route across the isthmus in which we may acquire an interest by treaty. With the independent republics on this continent it is both our duty and our interest to cultivate the most friendly relations. We can never feel indifferent to their fate, and must always rejoice in their prosperity. Un fortunately, both for them and for us, our ex ample and advice have lost much of their in fluence in consequence of the lawless expedi tions which have been fitted out against some of them within the limits of our country.— Nothing is better calculated to retard our steady material progress, or impair our char acter as a nation, than the toleration of such enterprises in violation of the law of nations. It is one of the first and highest duties of any independent State, in its relations. with the members of the great family of nations, to restrain its people from acts of hostile ag gression against their citizens or subjects.-- The most eminent writers on public law do not hesitate to denounce such hostile acts as robbery and murder. Weak and feeble States, like those of Cen tral America, may not feel themselves able to assert and vindicate their rights. The case would be far different if expeditions were set on foot within our own territories to make private war against a powerful nation. If such expeditions were fitted out from abroad against any portion of our own country, to burn down our cities, murder and plunder our people, and usurp our government, we should call any power on earth to the strict est account for not preventing such enormities. NO. 26, Ever since the administrltion of General Washington, acts of Congress have been in force to punish severely the crime of setting on foot a military expedition within the lim its of the United States, to proceed from thence against a nation or State with whom we arc at peace. The present neutrality act of April 20th, 1818, is but little more than a collection of pre-existing laws. Under this act the President is empowered to employ the land and naval forces and the militia "for the purpose of preventing the carrying on of any such expedition or enterprise from the territories and jtirisdiction of the United States," and the collectors of customs are authorized and required to detain any vessel in port when there is reason to believe she is about to take part in such lawless enter- prises. When it was first rendered probable that an attempt would be made to get up another unlawful' expedition against Nicaragua, the Secretary of State issued ioictions to the marshals and district attorneys, which were directed by the Secretaries of War and the Navy to the appropriate army and navy offi cers, requirina• al them to be vigilant, and to use their best exertions in carrying into ef fect the provisions of the act of 1818. Not withstanding these precautions, the expedi tion has escaped from our shores. Such en terprises can do no possible good to the coun try, but haie already inflicted much injury both on its interests and its character. 'they have prevented peaceful emigration from th© United States to the States of Central Amer ica, which would not fail to prove hi g hly ben eficial to the parties concerned. In a pe cuniary point of view alone, our citizens have sustained heavy losses from the seizure and closing of the transit route by the San Juan between the two oceans. The leader of the recent expedition was arrested at New Orleans, but was discharged on giving bail for his appearance in the in sufficient sum of two thousand dollars. I commend the whole subject to the serious attention of Congress, believing that our duty and our interest, as well as our national char acter, require that we should adopt such measures as will be effectual in restraining our citizens from committing such outrages. I regret to inform you that the President of Paraguay has refused to ratify the treaty between the United States and that State as amended by the Senate, the signature of which was mentioned in the message of my predecessor to Congress at the opening of its session in December, 1853. The reason as signed for this refusal will appear in the cor respondence herewith submitted. It being desirable to ascertain the fitness of the river La Plata and its tributaries for navigation by steam, the United States Steam er Water Witch was sent thither for that pur pose in 1853. This enterprise was success fully carried on until February, 1855, when, whilst in the peaceful prosecution of her voy age up the Parana river, the steamer was fired upon by a Paraguayan fort. The fire was returned; but as the Water Witch was of small force, and not designed for offensive operations, she retired from the conflict. The pretext upon which the attack was made was a decree of the President of Paraguay of Oc tober, 1854, prohibiting foreign vessels of War from navigating the rivers of that State. As Paraguay, however, was the owner of but one bank of the river of that name, theother belonging, to Corrientes, a State of the Argen tine Confederation, the right of its govern ment to expect that such a. decree would he obeyed cannot be acknowledged. But the Water Witch was not, properly speaking, a. vessel-of-war. She was a small steamer en gaged in a scientific enterprise intended for the advantage of commercial States general ly. Under these circumstances, I am con strained to consider the attack upon her as unjustifiable, and as calling for satisfaction from the Paraguayan government. Citizens of the United States, also, who were established in business in Paraguay, have had their property seized and takenfrom them, and have otherwise been treated by the authorities in an insulting and arbitrary manner, which requires redress. A demand for these purposes will be made in a firm but conciliatory spirit. This will the more probably be granted if the Execu tive shall have authority to use other means in the event of a refusal. This is accordingly recommended. It is unnecessary to state in detail the alarming condi tion of the Territory of Kansas at the time of my inaugu ration. ,The opposing parties then stood in 'hostile array againt each other, and any accident might have relighted the flames of civil war. Besides, at this critical moment, Kansas was left without a governor by the resignation of Gov. Geary. " On the 10th of February previous, the territorial legis lature had passed a law providing for the election of dele gates on the third Monday ofJune. tea convention to meet on the first Monday of September, for the purpose of fram ing a constitution preparatory to admission into the Uni on. This law was in the main fair andjust; and it is to bo regretted that all the (plain:led electors had not registered themselves and voted under its provisions. At the time of the election for delegates, an extensive, organization existed in the Territory', whose avowed ob ject it was, if need be, to put down the lawful government by force, and to establish a government of their own un der the so-called Topeka constitution. The persons at tached•to this revolutionary organization abstained from taking any part in the election. The net of the territorial legislature had omitted to pro vide for submitting to the -people the constitution which might be framed by the convention; and in the excited state of public feeling throughout Eames an apprebeusion extensively prevailed that a design existed to force upon them a constitution in relation to slavery against their will. In this emergency it I.....:caine my duty, as it was my unquestionable right, havingin view the union of all good citizens in support of the territorial laws, to express an opinion on the true construction of the provisions con cerning slavery contained in the orgnnle act of Congress of the liath May. 1554. Congress declared it to be -.the