THE HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A D for tVe farmtr. From the Germantown Telegraph . Cornfields. MR. FItt.A.S.-A few suggestions at this sea son, to those of my fellow agriculturists in re lation to the 'management of lands that have been cultivated in corn, may 'not be unim portant. It is• a common practice to harvest this crop, by cutting it up at the roots, leav ing the latter, and *a portion of the stocks, in the soil. When so left, both the roots and the stalks attached, present a serious obsta cle in the way of the after cultivation, dimin ishing, to a certain extent, the subsequent product, whether of roots or • grains. The most economical method, perhaps that can be adopted, is to pull the plants from the soil, and detach the roots by . the aid of a keen knife, or other efficient instrument, and con vey them to the compost heap or hog yard.— This practice secures a clean surface, and renders the operation of plowing, harrowing, cultivating and hoeing, much more easy, and secures a much larger extent of surface for the occupa,cy of the crop. Before plowing— whether that" operation be performed in spring or autumn—every vestige of spurious vegetation should be moved, and the surface rendered as, clear as circumstances will ad mit. Stones, stumps, and all substances of a similar character, oppose a serious obsta cle to the successful performance of all the more important operations of husbandry; and their presence should not, on any account, be allowed. Very , little time is required to get rid of them. As a. general practice, I prefer plowing corn lands in the autumn. = Not only is there more leisure time then than during the more busy . and exciting Season of spring, but the team is more energetic, and consequently labors with less reluctance, and less fatigue. There is also another impprtant advantage resulting to the farmer, from the autumnal preparation of the land. Where clay abounds, thepulverulent action of frost, and the elastic gases are of decided import ance, rendering the texture fine and easily managed, and securing a more speedy decom position of the manure when applied the stib sequent spring. By careful examination, and from information of a most reliable na ture, obtained from practical men during the last twenty years, I am irresistibly compelled to accord by suffrage to this practice, as be ing every way superior to every other method now in use; and this, I am persuaded, will be the conclusion of every one, who carefully - examines the subject. The finer the soil is made, the better adapted will it be to the production of any crop; but this fact does not appear to be appreciated as it ought by most of our farmers. They seem to suppose that ifrand is plowed, it , matters but little how it is performed, or whether it be fine or coarse —reduced to a light, compressible mass, or merely broken into lumps. This is a fatal mistake, and one that requires to be correc tedat once. If those who are at all sceptical on this point, will but make an experiment, they will havepalpable evidence of the supe riority of fine over coarse tillage, To all such,l would say, as a friend, try it. Jeth ro Tail promulgated the doctrine that pulver isation alone 'would produce fertility, and that all that was actually necessary to secure the productiveness of any land, was to divide it into infinitisrnal atoms, in which condition it would, he contended, be competent to pro duce, indefinitely, any and every variety of vegetable required. But, this subsequent ex perience demonstrated to be a_fallacy. Still, however, the advantages found to result from the careful comminution of lands intended for cultivation, were, at the same time; de monstrated to be very great, and his views, although deprecated in the main, were nev ertheless adoptedin part, especially by those who had heavy and tenacious soils, and who could well afford to bestow the labor necessa ry to reduce them to the tilth required. We are all aware that garden beds receive far more thorough culture than lands devoted to field crops; that they are much more thor oughly plowed, to begin with, that they are worked till every lump is broken and reduc ed to that fineness of subdivision which ren ders it a fit medium for the finest and. most minute seed. To this superior tillage, in a very great degree, we attribute the superior productiveness of lands under garden culture to those under field culture. It has been proven, by repeated and accurate experi ments, that a fine, light surface acts as a non-conductor, and that all lands finely divi ded in their particles, are capable of with standing the effects of draught and intense heat, for a much longer period than those which are not finely pulverised. Some prac tical men, assume to question this fact; but let any one try it,, and lie will - soon see enough to convince him of its truth. It is only making the trial, and will cost 'but a mere trifle. AN AMATEUR,. Seed Corn. As the Corn harvest is approaching, it may not be out of place to b oive a few re marks on the probable tendency that ipit. proper cribbing has in destroying the Ole minating property of the seed. Farmers have -not yet forgotten what a vexatious sea son was experienced in the spring of 1855, when not, one-third of the seed planted came up. Numerous theories were set forth as to the - probable ca.use, of its failure to grow, but none appear so plausible as the one here given. On account of the extremely wet weather during the summer of 1855, an ex cessive flow of sap was produced in. the stalk. As_ a natural consequence, an over abundant quantity of, sap was deposited in the cob, and as the crop was harvested in the usual manner, and cribbed before it was thoroughly dry, when winter set in, the sap py matter in the . cob ,was frozen—thus de stroying the germ of the seed, and hence arose- the difficulty. Now, to obviate this difficulty in the future it is only necessary Air farmers to use a little care and fore.; thought in the. fall. Let them select their seed from the best stalks, and having it well cured, away in a dry, wam place for the winter. It is to be hoped that farmers Will think of this matter, this fall, and save themselves some unnecessary trouble next season, to say nothing of the loss of time and - expense that would otherwise be incur red. .r. s. Washington Reporter. lUIIJ.NTINGDON SEMINARY.—The ' ;NEXT SESSION_ will commence on. MONDAY, ti UST, Met. imTuition .for Ten Months $25. AR,-Higher rata charged for pupils remaining only a part of tho year.. .O During July and August, applications may be left with Hon. Gee. Taylor, or W. P. Orbison; Esq.; SARAH W. BIGELOW. Huntingdon July 8, 1.857-tf. >acr_ -F RESIT lot,: of Balm of a Thousand Flovrere,..for eala'at the new Drug-, Fancy and-Variety e, Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa.- - IST ,OF PREMIUMS to be alvariled 4 by thu ihintingdon County Agricultural Society, at its. Third Annual Exhibition, to be held at linutingdon, Oct. 14th, 15th and 16th, 15.57. HORSES.. Best Stallion, Second best do., nit d re.,t, do., Best 2 or 3 year old colt, 5 00 Best family horse, 3 00 " cult under 1 year old, 2 00 Second best do., 2 00 " brood mare, 500 Beet trotting horse, '3 00 Second best do.. , 250 Second best do., 200 Best pair (haft horses, 500 Best mule, -- 't4 00 Second best do., - -3 00 Best pair mules, ' 600 Best riding horse, • - 4 00 Second best do. 3 00 JUDGES—Dr. J. S, Glurian, JAs. Monnow, Aux. oAss, Gen. WATSON, PETER STRYKER. NEAT STOC'. Best pair of work oxen, 600 Best cow, 400 Second beet do., ' 400 Second beet do.. ' 300 Third best do., • •3 00 Best 3 year old heifer, 300 , ' Best bull, 3 00 'Second best do., - 2 00 Second best do., a 00 Best calf. 2 00 JUDGES—Item= Tessi, I'crr. LIVING6TOY, ALEMIN DIM PORT, DAVID 11UPERT, G. W. SPEER, Best boar, 6 00 Second best do., 300 Second best do., 3 00 Best litter of pigs, 3 00 Third best do.; 200 " ebester white, 300 Best sow, . 400 - " boil:shift:. 200 313Dl3ES—JOHN COLPY.II, RICVIMID CUILUOTB, DANIEL TA 00g, Isttc Lose, U. L. 3.l'CAnniv. Best fine-wooled buck, 500 Second best do., 300 Second best a 0. ,, 3 00 Best fine-wooled ewe,' " 5 00 Best south down do., 5 00 Second best do., 3 00 Second Lest do., 300 Best long-wooled ewe, 500 Best long-wooled, 500 " south down do. 500 JUDGES—Wm. IluTanisoN„ Is.t.Ac .DEIOHTAL, JOHN SHA VER, JASIES OLIVER., DANIEL GoOIMAN. , . PLOWING. Best,4 00 Third do., 2 00 • Second hest, . 3 00 Fourth do. - , - 100 JUDGES—JonIv GARNER, Joust S. ISRTT, JAS. GALBRAITH", ROIST.E. Wirsozr, ISAAC 'MARTIN. " AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. BeSi sub soil plow, 300 " wheat drill, 300 " harrow, 200 " corn planter, 3.00 " cultivator, 300 " horse rake, 200 " hill-side plow, 300 ' 6 reaper and mower, 600 " wind mill, 3 00 JUDGES—Sams/EL IL BELL, JACOB HERNCA2S.E, [(AYR ITAX /LYON:, JOUN LYON, BR/SE BLAIR., . GRAIN. Best white wheat, 3 00 Best rye, 1 00 - Second best do., 2 00 Second best do., 50- Third best do., 1 00 Best oats, 1 00 Best red wheat, 3 00 Second best d 0.,• 50 , Second best do., 200 Best buckwheat, .-.- 100 Third best do., lOO Second best do., . -50 Best yellow corn, 100 Best barley, .- „ . 100 Second best do., 50 Best sugar cane, 1 00 Best white corn, . 100 Second best do., 50 Second best do., 50 JUDGES—Monts FISHER, T. T. CaouwEtt, Jowl NEFF, lion. Tuos. F. STEWART, GARNER THOMPSON. . . . _ DOMESTIC MAN UFACTURES Best barrel of flour, 2 00 Second best do, 50 Second best do., 1 00 Best hard soap, - 1 00 Best buckw't meal, 501b5.1 00 Second best do., . . 50 Best corn " 50 lbs. 100 Best candles. - 100 Best bread, ' 300 Second best do., 5O Second best do., 2,00 Best carpet, . ' 2 00. Third best do., 100 Second-best do., - 100 Best pound cake, 1 00 Best hearth rug, 1 00 Second best do., - 50 Second best do., .50 Best sponge cake, 100 Best flannel, ' 200 Second best do., 50 Second best do., 1 00 Best butter, 3 00 Best quilt, 2 00 Second best do., 2 00 Second best do., 1 00 Third best do., 1 00 Best wool socks, 50 Best domestic sitar, - 200 " worsted do., 50 Second best do., ,1 00 " ornamental needle Third best do., 50 work, 1 00 Best apple bitter, 100 Second best do., , 50 Second best do., 50 Best silk embroidery, 100 Best tomato catchup, 1 00 Second best do, 50 " honey, 1 00 Best shell 'Work, 100 “ jelly, , 100 Second' best do. - 50 Second best do., 50 Best suit of clothes, home liest preserves, 1 00 made, 3 00 Second 1)4541. ilo., 50 Best shirt, 1 00 Best pickles, 1 00 JUDGES—TArmmrs----A. W. BENEDICT, 31155 PRUDENCE JACESON, Mrs... Tons GEMMILL, Mrs. JOHN ISETT. Mrs. GAYS IlAnntroN. JUDGES—WEARING APPAREIrJOIIN FORTER;jACOB SNY DER, lE. A. BATHURST, .Miss MELISSA GREEN, MISS MnY DRAYTON. JUDGES—FANCY NEEDLE AND ORNAMENTAL WoßE—Mrs. HENRY NEFF, MISS .JULIA iIIILES, Miss MARY ANN .A.vracA, Miss JANE GALBRAITH, MTS. ANN MASSEY. MECHANICAL IMPLEMENTS AND MANUFACTURES. Best 2 horse carriage, 200 " and greatest variety 44 buggy, 100 of tinware, 1 00. - 4, sett single harness, 100 ", lot of earthen and 4, do. farming do., 100 stone ware, - 100 4, bridle and saddle, 100 ". washing machine, 50 " pair of boots, -. 100 ," made meat vessel, ,1 00 4, pair of shoes, 50 " churn, - 100 " side sole leather, 100 4 ' specimen of marble 4, kip and calf skins, 100 work, 200 . 4, side harness & upper 100 " pair of horse shoes. 50 " lot of cabinet ware 100 " horse rake, 200 44 two horse wagon, 200 " cooking stove, 200 44 cutting box, 200 Second best do., 1 00 " fodder cutter and Best parlour do., 2 00 crusher, 100 " horse power, • 500 4, spade, 50 " pannel door, 200 " shovel, 50 " window sash and ,4 hoe, 50 , frame 2 00 " hay fork, 50 " l iflo, - 200 " manure fork, 50 . " Corn &belles, 2 00 JUDGES---Gen. GREEN, GEORGE JacusoN, R. 13. AVnrro.:4, Dr. SHAME, JOHN lilrrozr. FRUITS. Best and greateSt vari- Best quinces, _ ety of apples, 3 00 Best and greatest 'earl _ Second best do., 2 00 ety of grapes, 2 00 Best dozen fall apples, 200 Best native grapes, 200 Second best do., 1 00 Second best do., 1 00 Best doz. winter apples, 200 Best 2 dozen plums, (one Second Lest do., 1 00 kind,) 1 00 Best winter pears, 2 00 Best and greatest variety Second best do., 1 00 - peaches, 2 00 Best fall pears, 200 " " , " plums, 200 Second best do., 100 JUDGES--11. B. PETRIT.EN, IsactEh amtmes,, l'Urs. JOIIN SCOTT ; Mrs. WAI. D. Slim Mrs. T. Ir. CEEDEE. VEGETABLLS. Best potatoes, 200 " beets, ' - 50 Second best do., 100 " parsnips, 50 Third best do., 50 " carrots, 50 Best nesbanock, - 100 "- turnips, 50 '• mexican, - 100 " Onions, 50 ' 6 pink eye, 75 " celery, 50 " white, 75 .‘i cabbages, 50 " red, 50 Second best do., 25 " blue, 50 Beet pumpkins, 50 " sweet, 100 " pie do., 50 " tomatoes, 100 " squash, ' 50 Second best do., 75 " water melon, 50 Third best do., - , 50 " musk melon, 50 Best purple eggs, 50 ' 4 Beans, 50 " peppgr, . 50 " peas. 50 S U.DGB—ANnumv ALLISON, THOMAS E. ORDISO:V, JACOB CRESWELL, KENZIE L. GREEN, DAVID ETENIES. FLORAL DEPARTMENT. Beet. display of Rowers Best variety of dahlias, 1 00 in b100m,2 00 Second best do., , 50 Second best 0., 100 Best boquet. 50 Best display of plants, . 200 - JUDGIS—Tsno. If, CRENER, IL W. MiLtEu, Miss ANNA PORTEN, Miss SUSAN Nor of Daniel, Miss IELLZABETLI :kr- CAITTNEY: Best pair Of turkeys, 1 00 Second best tla., 50 Second best do., 50 Best pair of chickens, ' IOU Best pair of geese, 1 00 Second best do., 50 Second best do., 50 Best display of poultry, 2 00 Best pair of ducks, -. 100 Second best do., 100 : JUDGES—R. F. lastrrr., HENRY BREWSTER, JOITN POR TER of CMS., JANES Pour, J.I.MF.S HENDERSON. Best specimens of blanks, , - f , Card printing, Handbill printrn,g . I 00 gc JUDGES—A. W. llezaumeT, T. IL bEvarzn, and J. Kul- NEY MCCAITA.V. PAINTING: Best painting in oil, 2 00 .Best painting in oil on Second best do.. 100 glass, 100 Best do. water color, 100 Second best do. do. 50 Second best do. do., 50 Best drawing in crozen,l 00 Best lithographs in oil, 100 Second best do., 50 Second best do. do., 50 JUDGES—Rev. 0. 0. M'CLEAN, Miss MARTHA WILSON. Miss ELIZABETH Isamu, Mrs.- DAVID Bun'., Miss ELLEN GREGG, MISS LUCRETIA DILDERRAND and Miss HANNAirliourz, DISCRETIONARY COMNIITTEE--Sem'r„ WmoN ' Jxo. BEAVER, GEORGE JACKSON, THON. WHITTAKER, SAITIIELSTRY SER. Discretionary Committee not to award any premiums above $3. COMMITTEE TO SOLICIT 'SUBSCIIITTIOIN.IS—,Toren SCOTT, A. W. BENEDICT, GEA.ETTS MILLET:. llnntingdon, Juno 24, 1357: CILOTELING !-A NEW ASSORT MENT JUST OPENED! and will be sold 30 per cent. CHEAPER tlutn the cheapest! Respectfully informs his easterners, and the public gen erally, that ho has just opened at his store room in Mar ket Square, opposite the Franklin louse, Iluntingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready-made Clothing for Spring and Summer, which ho will sell cheaper than the &tine quality of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philadelphia or any othor es tablishment in the country. Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do well to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. lluntingdon, April 8, 1857. TAST NOTICE—AII persons indebted to the undersigned by note of book account, aro re quested to call and make payment on or before the first day of Novonber next. All notes, and book accounts re lattirti rtg , unsettled after that date, will positively he sued out without respect to persons. J. N. 13WOOPE. Alexuadrio, July 29, 1857. T 4 IRESII MACKEREL & HERRING, j 2 just recei‘vd and for sale by LOVE k, McDIVIT. 100 Sacks Ground Alum Salt, 50 tons Plaster to bo disposed of by Angnßt 5, 1857. SCOTT & BROWN. $7 00 Second best do., 2 00 4 00 Best match horses, 6 00 300 Second best do., ' 400 OMR SHEEP POULTRY PRIN TING - $1 00 1 00 .ROIVIAN NEW GOODS ; NEW GO Q.:ps i at, I.'. GWTN'S CILEAP STOREI -. "11. P. GW]N has just received from Philackiphia tho largest and most beautiful assortment of SPRTNG AND SIIMMEIt GOODS ever brought to Huntingdon, consisting of tho most fash ionable dress goods for Ladies and Gentlemon, Such as Black and Fancy Silks, All-wool Doh:tins, Challio Delouse, Plain Braizi:, Figured Braise Robes, Brilliants, different colors; Brilliant Robes,Lawn Robes, Ducais Chintz Calico, Plain and Fancy Dress Ginghams, Ifummilla Cloth, Silk Warp Level's, Cloth for travelling dresses, Mohair Debars°, Lawns and Prints of every description. Also,—a large lot of Dress Trimmings, Fringes, Buttons, Bonnet Silks,Bonnet Crapes, all colors; Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts, Veils, aces, Hosiery, Gum Belts, Ribbons for Belting, Whalebone and Brass Hoops for Skirts. Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Silk and Gingham Cravats, Zephor, French Working Cotton, Linen and Cot ton Ifop, Tidy Yarn. Also, . The best assortment of Collars and Under sleeves in town. Barred and plain jaconets, Mulftuslin, Swiss, Plain; Figured rind Dotted Crinbline, 'Noreen. and Grass Cloth for Skirts, Book Muslin, Irish Linen, Linen Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, Sze.. Also, A fine assortment of Spring- Shawls, Silk and Braise Mantillas, and a, variety of Dress and Fancy Goods too numerous to mention. - . - Also, Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinets, Merino Cad Bi mer, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, 'Cotton Drills for pants, Blue Denim Blue Drill, Plain :lad Fancy Linens, Mar sail les and Silk Vesting, Muslinsi bleaehed and unbleached; Sheeting and Pillow Case Muslin, -Nankeens, Ticking, Checks, Table diaper, &c. • Bonnets of the latest Styles, and at lower prices than can be foundin town. . „ , • - • - - -... . A . .Also, Aloleskin, Fur, Wool and Supaner , Hats of - the latest. styles, and Boots Sr Shoes,Hardware, Queensware,Buokets, Tubs, Churns, Butter Bowls, Bask ets, BroonS and Brushes, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, Fish & Salt, and all goods usually kept in a country - store. 1.02..11y old customers, and as many new ones as can crowd in, aro respectfully requested to come and examine my goods. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods at the highest market prices. Iluntingdon, April 29, 1857. DARGAINS, BARGAINS ! lIARDWARE DEPOTti I The subscribers have again returned from the east with an enlarged stock of • HARDWARE, CUTLERY, PAINTS, &b., - wbich they will sell at such prices as shall make it the in terest of Housekeepers, Builders, Mechanics, and all the rest of mankind, to give them a call. Our stock comprises Building material, such us Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Bolts, Glass of all sizes, Putty, Oils, Varnishes, White Lead, and Zinc. Paints. MECHANICS' TOOLS Planes, Handsaws, Mill ,S; Crosscut Saws, Chisels, Mann's Axes, Hatchets, Spirit Levels, Files, Stocks and Dies, Mon key Wrenches, Blacksmith's Vices, with an endless vari ety of modern inventions and improvements. Saddlers and Coach Makers aro invited to call and exam ine our extensive stock of Harness Mountings and Coach Trimmings. Patent and Common Manes, 30 varieties; Oirtbing, flog Skins, Patent Leather, Enameled Loather, Oil Cloth for Carriages, Coach Laces and Linings, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes Shafts,Springs, Axles, Sc., - Sm. TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, Knives and Forks from 373 cents to $5 per set, Silver des sert forks ' Silver and common spoons, Ladies' fruit knives, Wostenholm's and 50 other kinds of Pocket knives, Far rier's knives, razors. A:c., • 11.0bLOW -1V ARE, Pureelaine, Tinned and Plain Boilers, Tea Kettles, Sauce, Frying and Baking Pans; Steak Griddles, Dish Covers, ac., &c., at manufacturers' prices. 31.1liGELLANEOUS. Ice Hammers, Lemon Squeezers, Butter Prints, Butter Ladles, Portmonaies, Bells of all kinds, Guns, Pistols and Revolvers, Paint Brushes, Wall Brushes, Traces & Chains of carious kinds, Chain Pumps and Metallic Pumps for cisterns, Picks, Sledges, &.c., &c. AZ-Having purchased many of our goods at wholesale prices from manufacturers, we are enabled to sell both Wholesale and Retail—extremely low! A liberal share of public patronage is solicited. rC" -- -All orders front abroad promptly attended to. JAS. A. BROWN & CO. March 18, 1857. rrHE CHEAP CORNER FOREVER SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS; newly-Made Clothing, &c. BENJAMIN JACOBS Informs his old customers and the of the borough, and county' of nuntingdott generally, that ho has Just opened an extensive assortment of Clouds of all kinds suit able for Spring and Summer, which will compare in qual ity and prices with any others brought to town the pres ent season. Ills stock consists of every articlo of Ladies' brigs Goods. In part, Ginghams, Lawns,Bareges, printed and plain, Prints of all kinds, . . Muslins, Gloves, • ' Blitts, • - Hosiery, ST., at...and In fact all articles of dress to be found in any other store in town. Also, an extensive assortment of Ready made Clothing, for men and boys, for spring and summer wear, all well made and of good materials. Also, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, of all 5i7,(13. Also, Groceries, Queensware, Glassware, Hard Ware, equal to any in town; and many more articles "too numerous to mention." . , . 11Iy old• customers, and the public in general. are invited to call and examine my new tloods. They twill find them equal in quality, and as low in price, as any , others in the county: All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for Goods at the highest market prices. liuntingdon, April 8,1657. 100 ------ 9(10 KEGS PAINT. WHITE LEAD, (pare,) per keg of 25 lbs S 2 50 "WiuTE LEAD, (v:rtra,) " cc 1 75 PIIIIINDELPETA ZINC ' " 2 40 ISE. , ir SNOW WIIITE ZINC PAINT' " 2 66 Oils, Glass, Pretty, Nails, and all kinds of lIABDwARE and Building Materials in proportion, at the Hardware Store of JAS. A. BROWN & - CO., April 8, 1857. Huntingdon, Pa. ..L‘RANKLIN HOUSE, Huntingdon, Pa. J. S. MILLER, PROPRIF.TOR. Respectfully informs his friends and the, trav- oiling public generally, that he has leased the r " Franklin House," for several years occupied gaaaC by C. Cents, and that he will be pleased to re- ! e - g ceivo the calls of all who may favor him with their patronage. table will be furnished with the best the market al - lords, and every attention will be given to make those who stop with him feel at home. Huntingdon, April 8, 1.857. • COUNTRY DEALERS can buy CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon at WHOLESALE as cheap as they can in the cities, as I have a 'wholesale store in Philadelphia. Huntingdon, April 3, 1357. H. ROMAN. QEGARS, SEGARS.—A - large lot of the best Segartionsisting, of Fire Fly, Opera, La. Dulcipena, La Suiia, El Neptuno, and 10,000 other brands, —all the hest that could be procured in the city, Jost re ceived and for sale by LOVE & 11.1cDIVIT. Q - WAINE'S PANACEA, the greatest remedy for Scrofula, for sate at - the Cheap Drng Store of 11. BIeMANIGILL. SALT—Ashton and Ground Alum—by the Sack or Bushel, for sale by LOVE & MeDIVIT. Ty• GREEN'St. REEN'S Aromatic Sap, for Stom ach Complaints, for sale at the Variety Store of HENRY McMANIGILL. WANTED DENTEDIATELY:'---A GOOD JOURNEYMAN MILLER, at B. L. Neff', Mill, situated between Petersburg and Alexandria, in Huntingdon County, Pa. AIGrP. S. Nono but a Good Miller need apply. Apply to D. W. MoCAY, Miller at said 31111. [June 17* - QAVIi) YOUR MONEY by purchasing jniro Linseed Oil (10 gal. and aboie) $l.lB per gal. Pure Linseed Oil (Ito 10 gallons) $1.25 as u Boiled Linseed Oil, always on hand at the Hardware Store of [junelo] JAS. A. BROWN R CO. .1 - 111. H. JAMES' Extract Cannabis In .", inert, for the permanent cure of Consumption, 13ron ohithi, Asthma, Cough's ' Colds, Nervous Debility, &c., for sale at the Cheap Drug Store of apr29 UMW 11c1IIANIGILL. 111AIN LINE SOLD.-G-EIS II SINGER'S Store the head of .Navigation, and his armortment now complete. If you want tho worth of your money, go to GeLisin gor's Cheap Store, West Huntingdon, W. J. GEISSINGER.. May - 20, 1857 F RESH OLIVE OIL - For salo at McMANIGILL'S. TEAS, TEAS—of excellent qualities, and the cheapest in town, at LOVE & McDIVIT'S TINWARE.—A splendid - assortment just received and for mlo by - • ay 20, 1857. W. J. GELSSINGER. EVERYTHlNG.—Everything in the Grocery line can bo procured at the cheap store of LOVE & McDIVIT. BACON & DRIED BEEF— a large and excellent lot, just received and for sale by Huntingdon, Juno 17, 1857. LOVE I VITT. ENUINE Electric Oil for sale at the G r CHEAP DRUG STORE, Market Square. PROFESSIONAL dr, BUSINESS CARDS. DR. JOHN McCULLOCH, offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Office at Mr. Hildebrand's, between the Ex change and Jackson's Uotel. Aug. 28, '55. P. CAMPBELL, Attorney at Law, 0 Office in the brick row near the Court House. JOHN SCOTT. BANITEL T. BROWN. QCOTT & BROWN, Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Office same as that formerly occu pied by Mr. Scott. Huntingdon, 0ct.1.7,1853. TORN N. PROWELL, Attorney at Law, el Will attend faithfully to all legal business entrusted to his care. Huntingdon, ,Tn1y_20,1855. 119 to ALLISON MILLER, DENTIST, s Huntingdon, Pa. , Juno 24, WM. COLON, Dealer in Books, Stationary, Wall Paper, &c. &c P. GWIN, Jur „,, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, hardware, Queens ware, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. CUNNINGHAMN. & BRO. fey ® Founders, Huntingdon, Fa NT cGILL & CROSS; . . - Founders, Alexandria, Ituntingdon county, Pa OSES STROUS, Dealer in Dry Goods, Ready . Made Clothing, Gro ceries, Boots and Shoes, lints and Caps,•ete. lIROMAN, , Dealer in Ready Slade Clothing, Hats and Cape, Boots and Shoes, &c. j) ENJ. JACOBS, Dealer in Dry Goode, Beady Made Clothing, Grocer- Q.ueensware, &c.' &c. TEV.I WESTBROOK, / 'Dealer in Gentlemen's, ladies' and Misses' Boots, shoes, Gaiters, etc. . TONG & DECKER, A Dealers in Groceries, Confectionaries, Queensware, }lour, &c. TOSEPII REIGGER, • ej-.,:tVatchniaker and dealer in Watches, Clocks, and Jew elry, &c. W3l: WILLIAMS, .Plain and Ornamental Marble Manufacturer 4 0VE and, BIeDIVIT, Dealers in Groceries, Confectionaries, Flour, &c JAS. A. BROWN and CO., Dealers in all kinds of ilardwaro ®WEN BOAT, Carriage and Waggon 3lanufacturer. A NDREW MOEBUS ) Proprietor of tlio Broad Top Ironse TACKSON'S - HOTEL, Huntingdon, Pci-, on Allegbany street. between the Pennsylvania and L'rold Top R. R. Depots, Wu. D. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. March 25, 1.857-Oni. TOHN F. RA_ATEY, County Surveyor, tp Huntingdon, Pa. Office on Hill street, one door east of the Huntingdon Marble Yard.. REFERENCES—L. T. Watson, Philadelphia; J.,P. Leslie, Geologist, Philadelphia; Charles Mickley, Rough and Ready- Furnace, Hon. Jonathan MlVilliams. CSIMPSON AFRICA Practical Sur • Neyer, Huntingdon, Pa. Office on Hill stioet. jRBISON, DOBB,IS & CO., Miners, and Dealers in Broad Top Coal, Huntingdon HARE- POWEL, Miner, and Dealer in Broad Top CoaL 56 Walnut st., Philadelphia, 1 - IVANS MCCONNELL & EVANS, 1.1 -4 A' , • _ Miners and Dealers in Broad TopDoal Broad Top City, Huntingdon county. ANDR-EW PATRICK, Miner & Dealer Broad Top Semi-Bituminous Coal; Coalmont, Huntingdon county, Pa. ()WEN & LAMBERT, illiners;, and Dealers in Broad Top Coal. Address, Owen ik Lath-% Bert, Broad Top:City. BL AIR, Minor & Shipper of Broail Top Coal, Huntingdon, Pa. - ---- - grIOREMIUM AWARDED TO H. T. STAINS, (if Scottsville, Iruntingdon county, Pa., for the best specimen of marble work. Send or[ your orders soon.. • Scottsville, Oct. 21, 1856-13% .T 4 1 4 .3A1l PIPE for sale at the Hardware 11 Store, Huntingdon. " - DORQELAIN BOILERS and PANS _IL of every description, for sale at Manufacturer's pri ces, by apr. 8. JAS. A., BROWN& CO. BYSTONE STATE SAPO.NIFIER' or CONCENTRATED LYE, warranted to malts seal) without lye, and with little trouble. It makes lutrd, sect, and limes soaps. For sale at the cheap Drug and Fancy Store of HENRY MeMANIGILL. BAY RUM—.A. genuine article for sale by - - HENRY MOIANIGILL. CI LASS of all sizes from Bxlo to 2,0x30, ILAreeeivetl and for sale by . lIENRY„IdcMANIGILL. PITRATE of Magnesia for sale at the j New and Cheap Drug Store iu Huntingdon, Pa. S "L HORSE . BALLS, at. Me3IA.NIGH.L'S. S U' iatloll, VANILLA BEAN for mlo at the Cheap Drug Store, Market Square. FANCYt the SOPS, • A Cheap Store of 11..1l1c3IANIGILL. QCIIENCK'S Pulmonie Syrup for the K, cure of Consumption, for sale by HENRY 3.IIOIANIG 500 CHESTNUT POSTS for Salo by (septlo) CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. FpALSAM FIR for sale at the Cheap Drug Store of If. MeNANIGILL. rroßiAs' Venetian _Liniment, for sale by 1111NRY MOIANIGILL. 4TEIIION SYRUP, a genuine article, for sale by HENRY 310.1ANIGILL. 11. 4 1 RESEI lot of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral for sale at Mc3lnuigill's Chbap Drug Store. USP,A_NTYS celebrated Calcined Mdg nesia, for sale at theULLEAP DRUG STORE, Mar ket &pare, linutingdon, Pa. QPIIRINTACET, a prime lot, for sale .by • ILENRY McILANIGILL. DR. - iTOIIN BULL'S Sarsaparilla, and DR. TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA, for sale at thO cheap Drug Store, by HENRY S.Ic3IANYIILL. RESIT lot of Clarified Table - Oil for _1: sale by HENRY McMANIGILL. 500 BUSHEL S of Dried APPLES, wanted in exchange for our goods. • Dec.l7, 1856. LOVE S7.II.IODIVIT. DR. SANFORD'S Invigorator or LiVer Remedy, can be had at the cheap DiOg Store of apr29 HENRY MeIIANIGILL. IDES & TANNERS OIL.-1000 DRY FLINT RIDES; 100 111)1s. TANNERS OIL. or Ktie by - J: I'ALMER44..QO. MARKET Street WHARF, PIIILAVELFELIA. Alay 12, 1557.. ' . • T MPORTA NT ANNOUNCEMENT.- ..L. The " May Flower" arrived in port last week, having on board, a new and splendid assortment of Groceries, Confectionaries, Provisions, &c., &c., all of which aro offer ed for sale at tho Cheap Store of LOVE'& McDIVITT, con sisting of Hams, Shoulders, Salt and Fish, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, molasses , Cheese, Crackers, Nuts, Raisins, Figs, Tam arind, Rice Sago, Tapioca, Orange Syrup, Pickles, Oranges, Lemons, Oils, Candles, Tobacco, Segars, Fruits and Confec tionaries of all kinds, all of .which will bo disposed of at the LOWEST FIGURE, for cash or country produce. Purcha sers aro invited to call and see and examinefor themselves. LOVE & McDIVITT. Huntingdon, May 20, 1857. TIPTON STEAM FRAME; SASH, DOOR, SLIUTI . ER & FLOORI-NG MANUFACTORY, .111. TON, .131... tut COUNTY, Pa, 10 miles East of Altoona. "The undersigned having provided a comploto sot of Machinery for the business, and being practical house Carpenters and Builders, arc extensively engaged in Manufacturing by steam, any description of carpenter work, which we will furnish at low rates, and ship to any point on. the renn'a Rail Bead. Plans of every description for buildings with specifications and bill of timber prepared. Orders from a distance respectfully solicited. McCAULEY & CO. Tipton, July 1,1857-Iy. Markbt Squrux, Huntingdon, Pa TIiE HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN BLAST AGAIN l—The subscribers talc° this method of informing their friends and the public, generally, that - l ir - - , - they have , rebuilt the Huntingdon Foun v.l! „• _ l l9 rribagi#l ,- • dry, and are now in successful operation, ,Y0..,1,,,riing..... and are prepared to furnish Castings of „,„ every description, of best qualxty, and rap,A.,..a.!. --: ~oricrattnship, on short .notice, and on rcasonableAerms. 'Farmers aro invited to call and exam ine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter Plough. This plough took the first premium at the Hun tingdon county Agricultural Fair last fall. Also, Hunter's celebrated Cutter Ploughs, which can't be beat—together with the Keystone, Hillside and Bar-shear ploughs. We have on hand and are manufacturing Stoves—such as Cook, Parlor, and Office stoves for wood or coal.' Hollow ware, consisting of Kettles, 'Boilers, Skillets, &c., all of which we will sell cheap for cash or in exchange for coun try produce. Old metal taken for castings. By a strict attention to business, and a desire to,please, we hope to re ceive a liberal share of public patronage. T, 11. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. Huntingdon, April 30,1550. BOOKS! BOOKS ! 40,000 Volumes of new and popular Books, embracing every variety -,„ usually kept in a Philadelphia Book Store, .41 44 77, i t, and many of them at half the Publisher's retail prices, the' subscriber now offers to liklra.%trvr the public. ' All School Books used. in the county can be had in any quantities at retail and wholesale rates. Foolscap, Letter, and Wrapping paper, wholesale, or by the ream. 100 Superior Gold Pens with Silver and Gold cases, from $1 upwards. Also Pocket and ,'Pen Knives of ißogers' and others' best manufacture. . • 100 Splendid Port Monniaes and Pocket Books at 20 cts. and upwards. 3,000 pieces Wall Paper of the latest and prettiest styles, just received from New York and Phila delphia, prices from 10 cts a piece and upwards. 500 beautifully painted. and gold gifted Window Shades at 44 cts. and upwards. The public have but to call and examine, to be convinc ed that in buying of the above stock they will be pleased. and . also save money. Remember the place, corner of Montgomery and Railroad streets. W3l. COLON. Huntingdon, April 16, 1856. , .\Ew DRUG STORE. DR. - J. S. GRIFFITH, Superintendent. . _ HAVING purchased from Wm. Williams & Co., their stock of Drugs, 'Medicines Paints & Brushes, Oils, Dye _Stuffs, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Fluid, Camphene, Turpentine, Alcohol, and a general assortment of Artists' Colors & Brushes, Spices of all kinds, Window Glass of all sizes, Putty, all kinds of Varnish, Japan, Copal, Nos. 1 and 2, Coachbody and Black Spirit, Pure Coil Liver Oil, for the cure of Rheumatism, Scrofula, Gout, Lumbago, Tetter, Chronic Erysipelas, Chronic Sore Eyes, White Swelling, Glandular Swelling, Pulmonary Consumption, Chronic Bronchitis, Rickets, and all diseases of the skin, by the gallon, quart or smaller quantity, the Balm of a Thousand Flowers, the greatest remedy for Baldness and 'purifying the Skin, of the age. John IL Patethorp's celebrated cure fur Fever and Ague, No Cure No Pay. Price $l. Fine Tobacco and Segars. All the above, with all articles gen erally kept in a Drug Store, for sale cheap. fa—Physicians Prescriptions carefully and accurately compounded. Store, Market Square, opposite Coats' Hotel, Hunting don, Pa. HENRY Mc3IANIGILD. November 26, 1856. TA V HE NEATEST AND BEST AS SORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES, JUST RE. Ot; ED BY LEVI WESTBROOK. Ladies and gentlemen aro invited to call and F . " 7 f examine my beautiful assortment of Boots and - i 1 Shoes of all sizes, of the latest styles, for all ages. ' Huntingdon, June 4, 1856. BOOTS, SHOES, GAMES, AND FASITIONABDE HATS, SELLING AT VERY' LOW PRICES, AT IL ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. Iluntingdon, Pa. QTAUFFER & _HARLEY. CHEAP LI WATCHES and JEWELRY, wholesale anti _... retail at the "Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry r": 4 Store," No. 90, North Second street, corner of • Quarry, Philadelphia. - - 1.. Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled 18 carat ,casos,... $2B 00 Gold Lepines- ' 24 00 Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled, 12 00 Silver Lepino, jewels, 9 00 Superior Quartiers, 7 00 Gold Spectacles, • 7 00 nine Silver do., 1 50 Gold Bratcelets, , Ladies' Gold Pencils, 1 00 , , Silver Tea Spoons, set, 5 00 Gold Pens with Pencil and Silver Holder, ' 1 00 Gold Finger Rings, 3734 cents to S 80; Watch glasses, plain, 12341 cents; Patent, -18 3 ,4; Lunett, 115; other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they aro sold for.STAUFFER 4: 11ARLEY. - On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than the above prices. October 1, ISSG-ly. • WILLIAM' HENRY LEAs. SAMUEL HARM LEAS & HARSH, BANKERS AND LAND AGENTS, DEB Mons, We buy and sell Eastern Exchange and Land Warrants —select and enter land with cash or warrants—pay taxes —invest money—make collections—and attend to legal bu siness generally. ALSO, LEAS & HARSH, BANKERS AND LAND AGENTS, LEAVENWORTII CITY, KANSAS. . . Olio of the Partners has located at Leavenworth City, and will transact all business connected with the Ranking and Real Estate business. For a few months yet, corres. pondents will address us at Dee Moines. REFERENCES: W. S. Gilman, 90 Beaver St., New York. Seiger, Lamb 3: Co., North Third St Phila. James, Hent & Santee, " Serrill & Lefevre, Drexill & Co., Bankers, " Chubb Bros., Washington City. D. C. Edward Showers, Carlisle, Pa. Hon. J. if. Graham, " Wm. B. Leas, Esq...Shirleysburg, Pa. David Blair, Esq., Huntingdon, Pa. Mai-0118, 1857-Iy. SPRING GOODS.-'----NEW STORE IN WEST HUNTINGDON! K WILTATA:II J. GEISSINGER respectfully announces to the public that he has opened a new store in West Hun tingdon, near the old Juniata bridge, where he will ho glad to receive the calls of those who may ho willing to patronize him. His stock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries,' Queenswarc, • Hardware, Boots A; Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c., &c., to which tie attention of buyers is invited. Almost every article usually kept in country stores can be haunt among my stock: All of which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest! •t•'•)_.—Country produce taken in exchange for goods. WM. J. GEISSINGkit. West Huntingdon, April 8,1857. GUANO ! GUANO ! ! GUANO ! ! ALL HINDS. LEINAC'S SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME.- 7;000 TONS! IM.y.AIIIIERSI t -' , 4). for your Wheat crops. use OF T , LEINAU'S AME:RICAN kERTILI'LL, IISu at $3,50 a 8b1..0r $25 a ton. One barrel of either' is suffi cient for an acre of Wheat. THESE ARE PERMANENT MANURES; made of reliable CHEMICAL ELEMENTS, and have been in successful use for-the past Si l'xruts, improving the soil and increasing the value of the laud. FOUR DIPLOMAS from the State Agricultural Society of Pennsylvania; Now Jersey; _Delaware and the Crystal Palace Association of ,the City ofNew York, have been re eeived for these Valuable Fertilizers. PAMPHLETS in the ENGLISH & GERMAN Language can be had by application at the office.' • - A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO WHOLESALE DEALERS. The above Fertilizers, delivered FI?E.E of Cartage to any wharf in the old City Proper. _ ORDERS sent by Mail accompanied with Cash or Drafts, Will be promptly shipped to any part of the world. GEORGE A. LEINAU, Proprietor: No. 19 South FRONT street, Philadelphia City, Pa. Philadelphia, July 22, 1857-4. m. (LD MOSE AT HOME! If you don't believe it, call at his new store room arket Square, where you will find a splendid assort ment of Goods for the season. . . Ladies Dress Goods, heady-Made Clothing, • And everything else usually found inGroceries; th e Huntingdonn stores. Call, but don'tall call at the same time. Huntingdon, April 15, 1857. , MOSES STROUS. COME AGAIN. .. - _ TILE LATEST AND BEST! F i r did w s Es u r . l o l l3 ool t has just opened a largo and splen- V *,. BOOTS & SHOES, of the best and latest styles, for ladles, gentlemen, misses, boys, and children of all ages. Ho returns thanks for the liberal patronage he has heretofore received, and hopes his new stock will not fail to please everybody, and all their relations, and 'that all who want a good and fashionable article will continue to call as usual at the old place and bo accommodated. Call soon and examine my splendid stock. Huntingdon, April 15, 1.857. LEVI WESTBROOK NOTICE.—The vendue notes under, ono hundred dollari given to the subscriber at the sale at Rough & Ready Furnace on the 11th March, aro now due, and immediate payment is required. They will be found with Mr. Lawrence, at Broad Top office, Ilunting don. L. T. WATTSON. July :2,1557. 11 UNTINGDON CARRIAGE .ANT WAGON MANUFA:dibltf.-4i WBN,BOAt that:Lk -Ibl for past favors, respectfully informs , the public in general that he has renicried....%l•6l-_,l, to his new shop: on Washington street,• on the property lately and for many years " copied by Alex. Cannon, where he is prepared • to uman& tore all kinds of Carriages, Buggies, Rockaways; and in short, every kind of vehicle desired. , Rockaways and Buggies of a superior manufacture and finish always on hand and for sale at fair prices. Repairing of all kinds done at the shortest notice and Ott the most reasonable terms. , ' • Huntingdon, Iday, 16, 1854. -ig ARBLE YARD. The undersigned _ would respectfully call the;attcntion ofthe citizens of untingdou and the adiedning counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. He is prepared to fainialt at the shortest' notice; Monwthental Marble, Tomb, : Table?, and Stones of every desired ,Size and form of Italian or' Eastern Marble, highly finished, 'and carved with' appro priate devices, or plain, as may-snit. • • . • " Building Marble, Door :and Window Sills, &c., will be'. famished to order. " ' ' , W. W. pledges himself tat-furnish materialand work; manship equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Call' and see, before .yon purchase. elsewhere. Shop on Hill' street, untingdon, Pa. . , Huntingdon, May 113, 1855. ... ATATCIIES ) CLOCKS, .AND ;:t: JEWELRY. The subscriber,- thankful to - eit, his friends and patrons, and to the public gener-C ally, for their, patronage, still continues to carry on at the* , same stand, one door east of Mr. C. Coats' Hotel, Market street, Huntingdon, where he will attend to all . *he' wilr favor biro with their custom; and also keeps. on' hand as good assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &e., &c., al of which ho is determined to sell at IoW prices. Clockii,- Watches and Jewelry of all kinds will be repaired at shore , notice, and having made arrangements with a good work , man, all repairs will be done in a neat and durable manners and any person having articles for repairing, shall ham' them done at the promised time. By paying strict anon. , tion to business, and selling at low prices, he hopes to re ceive a share of public patronage, MAIL LINE from Mount Union to CHAMBERSBURG. The undersigned still contin ues to run a tri-weekly line of stages over the road between Mount Union and Charnbersburg. Good horses and coin fortable stages have been placed on the route, and experi enced and trusty drivers will superintend the running of the Coaches. The proprietor of the line is desirous that it be maintained, and he therefore earnestly calls upon the public generally to patronise• it, confident that it will be for -their mutual advantage. Every attention necessary will be given, and the running of the stages will be regu lar. M.Stages leave' Mt. Union at 5 o'clock, p. m., every Tuesday, Thursday and S.aturday—returning on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; arriving at Mount Union in tiros for the cars. Stages stop at Shirleysbnrg, Orbisonfa r Shade Gap, Burnt Cabins, Fannetsburg, llorse Valley, Strasburg, and Reefer's store. Va. Fare through $3,00; to intermediate points in pro portion. JOHN JAMISON. August 22, 1855-tr. ieTHE HUNTINGDON MILL.—The undersigned owners of the Huntingdon Mill inform t farmers and the public generally that they now have their new mill in running order, with all the-modern im provements in the 'Water Wheels and Machinery. They have put in five of the Improved JouVal Turbino Water Wheels, and can grind in all 'stages of water, and during the coldest weather any and all kinds of grain. They arc prepared to sell, and have on hand for sale at all times at Market rates all kinds of Flour, - Feed, and Stuffs ; and Farmers can have their own grain ground and take it hack in a return load, or they can be furnished In exchange at a moment's notice, an eqUal quantity of Flour and Bran, or chopped feed. Their smut machine is of improved .manufacture, and they will insure a "a full turn out" of superior quality to every bushel of grain left at their mill. Huntingdon, Dec. 8,1856. BROAD TOP - HOUSE. ANDREW MOEBUS would respectfully inform the public. that he has fitted up the Broad Top House, on Alle;• gheny street, at the Broad Top Depot, Huntingdon, . and is now prepared to entertain straugers and travellers in an unobjectionable style.. His table will always be supplied with the substantiate and delicacies of the season. His Bar is furnished with the .choicest liquors. In- a word, no pains will be spared to 'render guests comfortable and happy. _ June 18. EW WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE.—JOHN FRISCH respectfully , informs the cßizensollinntingdonconn-, y".Tri. ty, that he has just opened _22"1,_ a new store on Hilt street, ilat. opposite Straus' Store, Hun tingdon, tor the sate of _ " GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, JEWELRY, ,kc. His stock is entirely new and of the best quality, and will be disposed of at fair prices. ' The public generally are requested to call and examine fur themselves. . 3 00 Repairing of Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry, done In , .the best manner on short notice. " JOHN FRISCH. Huntingdon, Oct. 1; 1856. . TO THE PUBLIC. The undersigned informs his friends and the public generally, that ho bus leased the ORLANDO HOUSE, in the ql t borough of Huntingdon, and is now prepared to no- . commodate with boarding and lodging alrwho may favor him with a call. His Bar is furnished with the best liquors. LIVERY STABLE.—Ho has also proyided himself with a good stock of Horses, Car riages, &c., for the accommodation of the pub.' . lie, at reasonable charges. ... W3I. WILLIAMS. , Huntingdon, April 7,18513 Tins WAY. New Goods Arrived at MOSES STROUS' CHEAP STORE. Every body and all their relations are informed that Moses Strom; has opened a new stock of goods for Spring. Ills wsortment is extensiv=e, and of the latest styles of Dress Goods. Also, EVERY 'VARIETY OF GOODS usually found in the hest stores, and at low prices. READY-MADE CLOTHING, of the best, for men and boys, cheap as the cheapest. go) Ali who want bargains should call and examine his Goods. Don't forget to Cdr at STROUS' Store. • ' Huntingdon, March 11, 1857. GROCERIES, CONFECTIONA RIES, &C., &C. LONG & DECKER, , Intorni their friends anti the public generally, that they have enlarged their business, and are uow prepared to as all who may give them a call, with GROCE RIES. of the best. CONFECTIONARIES, •BOOTS AND SHOES, FANCY ARTICLES, SALT, and a great variety of Goods too numerous to mention. Thankful for past favors, we respectfully ask 'a continu ance of public patronage, as we arc determined to pleaso all. Country produce taken in exchange for (7oodo. Iluntingtion, Muy 20, 1557. WAR IN - KANSAS I ALEXAN DRIA FOUNDRY. R. C. MCGILL CROSS wish to inform their friends and the public generally that they have the above foundry in full blast, and are prepared to furnish castings of every description, stoves of all kinds and'sizes r for wood or coaLimpioved plough shears ;for all kinds ofTloughs, thrashing"nui chintTs, the best in the five counties. In short, everything in the casting line; and having turning lathes we will finish any work that requires turning. All of which wo will sell cheap for cash, lumber, and all kinds of country produce. Old metal taken for castings. By a strict atten tion to business, being practical workmen of long experi ence in the business, we hope to receive is liberal share of public patronage. R. C.ll.lebllLL'& CROSS. Alexandria, April 29, 1857. =EI ITAMS, Shoulders and Flitch for sale by LOVE .& ISicIIIVIT. METAL AND CHAIN -PUMPS ; -ex tronoly low, at J. A. BROWN 14 CO'S. lIA.RDWARE STORE. (2VERCOATS, of all kinds, cheaper than elsewhere, at .1, 1856. H. BOMAN'S CLOT ' HMO STORK • . MOLASSES—Three hogsheads prime SYRUP, just received and for sale by LOVE & MCDIVIT. DRUM lot of Farina, just received and for sale at 111631ANIGULL'S. BALSAM SULPHUR for sale by • HENRY MOIANIGILL ROWAND'S Improved Tonic MilturC; for Amor mid At , s mo, at HENRY IdbMANIGILL'EI. TITILLIER'S Excelsior furniture Polish for Piano Fortes and Oil Paintings, at HENRY MeMANIGIMS. BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER, for sale by HENRY BIeSTANIGILL'S. TADIES, ATTENTION !—My assort ) nient of beautiful dress goods is now open, and rally for inspection. Every article of dress you ma/desire, can be found at my store. D. P. GWIN. ' WRIGHT'S Hair Regenerator. or Am ber Gloss, for sale at I!,Ie3IAIIIGILVS. iniANS and SHOULDERS just receiv ed and for sale by W. J. GEISSDIGER. GRINDSTONES on friction rollers and patent hangings, for oale by apr. 8. JAB. A. BROWN & CO. ROWAND'S Blackberry RootTai t Att- Inestimable and Ni-arrnntedrremedy for Bowel Ci.on. plaints, at the cheap Drug, Varsity and Fancy store of • HENRY JOSEPH REIGGER FISIIMVBc McMURTRIE' GI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers