The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, August 19, 1857, Image 1

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Por annum in ailvenco
Enk months
Three months 50
A. failure to notify a dileontinuance at the expiration 61
the term subscribed for will tie considered a new engage:.
Mont. .
_ .. .
1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do.
lour lines or less,... $25 S 37% $ ro
One square, (12 lines,) 50 '" 75... ...... '.l 00
Two squares, 1 00 1 50 2 00
Three squares, 1 50 ..... .... 2 25 3 00
Over three week and less than three months, 25 cents
per square for each insertion.
3 months. 6 months. 32 months.
Six lines or less; $1 50 $3 00 $5 00
One square, .. 3 00 5 00 7 00
Two squares, -- 500 800 10 00
Three squares, 7 00 10 00 15 00
Tour squares, 9 00 13 00 20 00
Half a c01umn,...... ....... 4...12 09 16 00 • 24 00
One column, 20 00 30 00 50 00
Professional and Business Cards not exceeding four lines,
ono year, $3 06
Administrators' nnd Executors' Notices, $1 75
. Advertisements not marked with the number of inser
tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac
hording to these terms.
,stittt Vattrp..
We cannot Imagine anything more exquisite of the kind
than this poem, by Mrs. IL L. BOSTWICK. It is one of those
poems that one cannot see to read through:— -
'Twas a tiny, rosewood thing,
Ebon bound, and glittering
With its stars of silver white,
Silver tablet, blank and bright,
Downy pillowed, satin lined,
That I, loitering, chanced to find,
'Mid the dust, and scent and gloom
Of the undertaker's room,
Waiting, empty—ah! for whom?
Ahl what love-watched cradle bed
Seeps to-night the nestling head,
Or on what soft, pillowing breast
Is the cherub form at rest,
That ere long, with darkened eye,
Sleeping to no lullaby,
Whitely robed, and still, and cold,
Palo flowers slipping from its hold,
Shall this dainty couch enfold?
Ah I what bitter tears shall stain
All this satin sheet like rain,
Aud what towering hopes be hid
'Heath this tiny coffin lid,
Scarcely large enough to bear
Little words that must be there,
Little words, cut deep and true,
Bleeding mothers' hearts anew—
Sweet pet name, and " AGED TWO!"
Oh! can sorrow's hovering plumes
Round our pathway cast a gloom,
Chill and at:irksome as the charm
By an infant's coffin made ?
.I.'rota our anus an angel flies,
And our startled, dazzled eyes,
Weeping round its vacant place,
Cannot rise its path to trace,
Cannot sue the angel facet
This Institution, at this moment, claims
the special attention of its friends. Its pro
jectors design that it shall be a school where
Agricultural knowledge and science may be
obtained at an expense so moderate as to be
-within the means of those whose occupation
is that of a Farmer :—that whilst youths are
being taught the business which is to be the
occupation of their after life, they will be
contributing to their own education, by the
labor of their own hands: Under the direc
tion of Professors who will be skilled in the
art •of farming, and in all those natural
.sciences which pertain to it, all the manage
ment, business and work of the farm, will be
aperformed by the pupils :—whilst their minds
are being imbued with the principles and
science of agriculture, their daily occupation
- will be practically testing the truth of what
they learn.
It is the desire of the Board of Trustees to
put the public in possession of all infornia
tion respecting the design, present condition,
and. future prospects of the Farmer's lligh
School, and to ask of them to take such inter
est in the Institution, as its object and merits
The Board of Trustees in 1855, after a most
careful and personal examination of several
points; in various quarters of the State, fixed
the location in Centre county, on the southern
slope of Penn and Nitta,ny Valleys, within,
perhaps, five miles of tide Geographical Cen
tre of the State, where the land is limestone,
fertile and beautiful. As a place for practi
cal agriculture, nothing more favorable could
be desired ; and it is sufficiently removed
from those intrusions and annoyances of a
town or public place, so prejudical to the pur
suit of study, or the security of a well-man
aged farm or garden.
Two hundred acres of this land was gener
ously donated to the Institution by Gen.
James Irvin, with the privilege of purchasing
one hundred acres upon each side of it, at
any time within five years, at sixty dollars an
acre ; and in the mean time, to have posses
sion of the whole, upon the payment of the
interest-upon the value of the last mentioned
two hundred acres. The Board of Trustees
took possession of the whole, and have appro
priated of it, to the apple and peach orchards,
21 acres ;to smaller fruits, 51 acres ;to the
garden and nursery, 161 acres ; and to the
campus 124 acres. A system of record of all
the doings on the farm has been arranged,
from which we extract the following memo
randum of what has been already done :
90 acres have been grubbed and sprouted;
340 rods of fence rows cleared, grubbed,
picked and burnt ; 67 acres of Wheat sown
September 1856, now good, put down in clo
ver ; 75 acres of corn planted spring of 1857 ;
546 rods of hedge planted in 1856 ; 300 rods
of hedge in 1857 ; 325 rods of rail fence ;
43,000 nursery plants set out, comprising a
full assortment of the most desirable nursery
stock; 250 rods of seed beds of fruits, hedge
plants, &c. ; 16,000 plants of over 100 differ
ent sorts, received as contributions, many of
them intended for the aboretum, and now set
in reserve beds, until the ground can be pre
pared ; 600 apple trees set out in orchard
rows ; 400 peach do. ; 200, plums, apricot
and nectarines do. ; 250 pear, standard and
dwarf do ; 200 cherry ; 1000 plants of nuts,
berries, &e. ; 1500 grapevines in vineyard ;
60 avenue maples ; 400 chestnut, larch, oak,
pine and other seedling timber trees, collect
ed and to be planted in lines, so as to give at
sight the measure and location of every part
of the farm ; 500 pine, spruce, fir, &c., to be
planted for sheltering hedge. Of these all
are doing, well beyond expectation, under the
favoring influences of a good season, except
ing only a small portion of the contributed
plants, which were injured by delay and ex
One double-storied barn is finished and
fitted up, and has been in use parts of two
seasons ; it is very capacious and much admi
red for its convenience.
The farmers' house is also finished and part
of the out-buildings. For the college build
ing, the cellars have been excavated ; 6000
perch of superior building stone, are quarried
and on the grounds ; three gangs of brick
makers have been at work for some time, and
the masons are about to commence the walls.
The delay occasioned by uncertainty, up to
the 24th of May, as to the amount of funds
$1 50
which would be at the disposal of the Trus
tees, affected all work on the farm and nur
series as well as the buildings, though to less
extent. Work was done with hired teams
and tools, and temporary hands, and there
fore, under much disadvantage ; most of the
ground being new and but imperfectly clear
ed, and yet with many stumps and roots.
This account might be much enlarged by
detail, but it will serve to communicate an
idea of what the progress has been.
All this work has been done under the di
rection and. management of Wm. G. Waring,
Esq., a practical horticulturist and farmer ;
in whose skill and science the Board of Trus
tees have ti% most entire confidence.
A contract has been entered into, for the
erection of an edifice, calculated for the resi
dence of Professors, lecture-halls and dormi
tories for students, to be built of stone, five
stories high, 233 feet in front, with wings,
and to cost fifty-five thousand dollars. This
building is already in progress, and it is
hoped that a part of it may be put under roof
and so far completed this fall, as to enable
the Board to make arrangements, and receive
a few students in the Spring of 1858.
The Legislature of Pennsylvania, at its
last session, has fully recognized the public
appreciation of this effort to produce a class
of educated farmers whose practice and ex
ample may extend. into every county of the
State. It has appropriated fifty thousand
dollars to enable the Board of Trustees to
carry out their plan; twenty-five thousand of
which is payable only upon condition that a
like sum shall be raised from some other
source. There is no other mode of_raising
this sum than by private contribution or that
of County Agricultural Societies throughout
the State. This sum contributed, will place
the Institution in a prosperous condition, and
encourage the Board of Trustees to prosecute
the work to speedy and active operation. No
such school, as is here contemplated, has ever
yet existed amongst us ; and it is most confi
dently anticipated, that whilst we are getting
up a farm which will be a model for farmers
—whilst we will be testing and disseminating'
the most valuable seeds and plants through
out the whole length and breadth of the State,
having the guarantee of such an Institution
for their character and quality ; we will be
imparting to youth those principles of natu
ral science, which, when intermingled with
the practical operations of the farm, will give
character to them, and dignity to their cal
ling. There is no other such field for the
spirit of philanthropy.
We have now including a legacy of five thous
and dollars by Elliott Cresson. Esq . ii:2s 000
The State has given az 25 000
if individuals ur societies Nvill contribute this
It will entitle us to receive from the State the
further limn of.
In making this statement of the situation
of the Farmers' High School of, ,Penn'a., it is
the object of the Board of Trustees to enlist
the judgment, and' feelings, and sympathies
of the friends of Agriculture throughout the
State ; and to call ou them for their aid in
raising this sum of twenty-fire thousand dol
lars ; without it we cannot complete our build
ings, and can not, therefore, go into opera
tion. The consideration that every dollar
contributed by individuals or societies pays
two to our Farm School, should enable us to
raise the amount without delay.
The Board of Trustees have not yet adop
ted any system of teaching or subjects to be
taught, but that our friends may be able to
form sonic idea of our general plan, it is sug
c,ested that the following will be submitted
as the basis of their action:
.2tlidhentatics—lncluding practical survey
ing, leveling, and the care and use of instru
Natural Philosophy—The principles of all
mechanism; the laws of motion and force;
steam ; electricity; magnetism, &c., illustra
ted by apparatus.
Ayr/cut/m-0 Eng ineering and Mechanics—
The methods and materials used in construc
tion ; what is good material-and what is good
Implements and Machinery —The principles
involved ; parts liable to wear or break ; ad
justment ; care ; repair ; specimens in the
museum ; mills.
Road Making—Materials; methods; legal
regulations ; bridging.
Building—Specifications; contracts; pri
ces ; architectural taste and detail; finish.
Drawing—Of plans, implements, animals,
maps, machinery, &c.
Conveyancing—Forms ; titles ; procedures,
Language and Literature—Comparisons of
styles of expression ; speaking to an audience;
writing for the press ; criticisms.
Principles of Government—American in
stitutions ; comparison with others ; duties of
township and county officers ; laws of vicin
age, &c.
Accounts generally, and farm accounts
specially ; formation of methodical habits by
daily practice at the institution.
Farm Economy—Expenditures and returns;
determination of the most economical mode
of accomplishing given jobs of work.
Hydraulics—Methods of supplying water
where wanted, and of preventing injury by
excess ; machines ; pipes.
Drainage—lts effects on soils ; methods of
effecting it.
Agricultural Chemistry—Practical analy
sis of manures, soils, plants, &c., their ele
ments ; chemical agents and apparatus.
Geology—The crust of the earth ; soils of
all kinds ; how formed ; specimens in the mu
Geography—Features of the earth's sur
face, position of places, maps, productions .
and peculiarities of different regions.
Astronomy—Motions and influences of the
heavenly bodies, revolutions, seasons, cli
Meteorology—Atmospheric influences ; elec
tric and magnetic agencies ; heat ; cold; mois
ture - drought ; winds ; storms ; shelter; coun
teraction ; instruments ; observations ; deduc
Nineraiogy—ldentification of rare or valu
able minerals ; gypsum, lime, phosphate of
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lime, cement lime, magnesia ; coals, &c., spe
cimens in the museum.
Botany—Arrangements of plants in fami
lies ; names of individual species and parts
of plants ; plants of other countries in mu
Vegetable Physiology—The structure of the
vegetable body, functions of roots, leaves,
stem, bark, sap, &c. ; growth of plants ; dis
Animal Physiology—The structure of the
animal body ; composition, forms and func
tions of its parts ; nourishment ; growth.
Health—Laws of health ; effects of expo
sure to which farmers are liable; prevention
of disease.
Veterinary Practice—Diseases - of animals ;
Entomolog,y—llabits of insects useful and.
injurious, especially those injurious to vege
tation ; specimens in the museum.
Breeds o f Stock, Poultry, cEc.—Their pe
culiarities; points, &c., specimens.
Feeding—Amount, quality, and prepara
tion of food ; experiments, soiling.
Training of Animals—Of horses, oxen, &c.
Culture of the Soil—Varieties of soils and
conditions ; instruments and processes appli
cable to various soils, crops and seasons.
.Manures—Preparation and use of all home
manures ; experiments with foreign and arti
ficial manures.
Produce—Preservation and marketing of
grain, meat, fruits, roots, &c.
Agricultural Historic—Condition in differ
ent nations, and at different periods, causes
of improvennustt.
Horticulture—The garden ; the orchard;
the nursery : the yard ; pruning, training,
grafting, &c. ; best shrubs, trees, flowers,
fruits, vegetables ; peculiarities of varieties
as to habits and. culture ; decoration and love
of home.
Experiments—With manures, processes,
seeds, &c., systematic trial; record; publica
tion of results.
-4.lalpractice—What to avoid doing; expo
sure of proved errors ; trial of supposed er
rors. Very Respectfully,
Pres't. of Board of Trustees of Farm. High
Carlisle, July 15, 1857.
The Last of a Celebrated Thief.
The late steamer brings us news of Vidocq,
the celebrated ox-thief and thiefcatcher, whose
" Memoirs," published. in 1820, made his
fame almost world wide. The truth of the
old adage, " Set a thief to catch a thief," was
never better proved than in the case Vidocq,
who, after a most brilliant career as thief,
burglar and highwayman, abjured his evil as
sociations, anO,
.become at once celebrated as
an equally brilliant and unprecedentedly suc
cessful detective, and, during the time he
held the office of Chief of the Paris Municip
al Police, was the terror of all evil doers.
In those days it was the policy of the gov
ernment to have always at the head of the
Central Bureau of Police an ex-thief. Vidocq
was somehow superceded by Lacour, an
equally expert, but less noted reformed ras
cal. Here upon M. Vidocq set up on his own
private account, and devoted himself to the
elucidation of such mysteries of rascality, as,
for certain reasons, the sufferers or partakers
therein found it expedient to keep from the
knowledge of the public and the government.
He made it his business to hunt up and re
store letters, which, in recipients hands, com
promised the writers; to keep watch over the
morals of wives at the instance of their hus
bands, or of husbands at the instance of wives;
to trace up private robberies in respectable
circles, where the restoration of the stolen ar
ticles was more an action than the exposure
of the robber—in short, lie was a private de
tective. In this employment ho was very
successful, bringing to its duties a thorough
knowledge of human nature, great keenness,
activity and decision, and the' utmost secrecy.
In such services he accumulated in a few years
a considerable fortune, and then retired en
tirely from active life. He has been living
for many years in the Quarticr Poppineourt,
in the midst of poor people, and in great ob
His last act as a private detective was the
recovery of a part of a sum of 150,000
francs which had been stolen from a rich
25 000
25 000
$l.OO 000
The loser, a middle aged man, of unpre
possessing exterior, laid the case before Vi
" flow old is your cashier?" asked the thief
"Twenty five years of age. But lam con
vinced that he is not the thief; he has lost al
so, a very considerable sum."
"Are you married?"
"How old is your wife? Is she pretty?—
Is she virtuous?"
"My dear sir, my 'wife is a model of virtue
and propriety. I can have no personal doubt
of her—"
"Perhaps not; but you say your hook keep
er is twenty five years of age, and your wife
is pretty—those arc facts—is it not so?"
" Yes; if I must say it, my dear wife is beau
"But! I don't want any buts. You desire
to recover your money?" .
" Certazionent."
"And you have faith in me?"
"The fullest."
" Bien! Now, go you home, and immedi
ately prepare yourself to start on a journey
of some days. Meantime arrange some meth
od by which I may, unperceived, gain a lodg
ment in your house.
The merchant departed on his journey giv
ing his wife due notice. Vidocq concealed
himself in a closet of the house, whence ho
could watch the actions of his client's wife.—
He had some time to wait.
At length she ordered supper to be brought
into her private room, and close upon the
supper followed a rather handsome young
"He is gone, Arthur!" said the lady to the
young man. "But I fear that he suspects us,
or at least you!"
To this Arthur the book keeper, made an
answer by some assurances of attachment,
and a final proposition.
"Let us take the money and fly to America.
Then we can live in peace and happiness."
At these words Vidocq
. emerged from his
place of concealment, saying to the wretched
pair in his peculiar way—
"Be quite still, my children, or I will beat
your brains out. Where is the money you
have appropriated?"
There was a momentary silence—then—
" There are but 100,000 francs left," falter
ed out the woman.
"In truth."
"I will swear."
"Don't trouble yourself, madame; but give
me the money."
She opened a secret drawer in her writing
desk, and took thence the money, handing it
over in silence to Vidocq, whom both had re
co; sized.
Now, then, let all this be forgotten by you,
madame. Say nothinn. 'a to your husband of
what has occurred. From me he will never
know it.
"And as for you," turning to the book
keeper, "let me have your hand, my young
So saying, he took from his coat pocket a
neat set of shackles, and placed them upon
the wrists of the overwhelmed criminal. lle
took him to liavre, and placed him upon a
vessel just sailing for America.
"If you come back, I will have you in the
galleys for life, you scoundrel!"
Returning to Paris, he called upon the mer
chant and handed him 100,000 francs.
"Your book keeper was the thief. He had
already spent 50,000 francs in rioting with a
depraved woman," said the impurturable Vi
" lle is now on his way to America, and
beyond the reach of justice."
The woman kept her secret; and the mer
chant, whose jealous suspicions had been
aroused by the questions of Vidoeq, was
thenceforth the happiest of husbands.
Nothwithstanding his complete retirement,
Vidocq was of an ambitious temper and cov
eted such honors as he could attain. In his
will he made provision for an extensive funeral
cortege, by directing that a great number of la
boring men should receive three francs each
to attend his corpse to the grave.
Proverbs of Solomon beginning with A.
A wise son makes a glad father.
A foolish son despiseth his mother.
A false balance is abomination to the Lord.
A just weight is his delight.
A tale bearer revcaleth secrets.
A , faithful spirit concealeth the matter.
A good man obtaineth favor from the Lord.
A man of wicked devices will he condemn.
A man shall be commanded according to
his wisdom.
A perverse heart shall be despised.
A fool's - wrath is presently known.
A prudent man covereth shame.
A wise son heareth his father's instruction.
A Scorner heareth not rebuke.
A righteous man hateth
A companion of fools shall be destroyed.
A true witness delivereth souls.
A deceitful witness speaketh lies.
A sound heart is the life of the flesh.
A wholesome tongue is the tree of life.
A merry heart maketh a cheerful counte
A soft answer turneth away wrath.
A wrathful man stirreth up strife.
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.
A man that bath friends must show him
self friendly.
A false witness shall not he unpunished.
A good name is rather to be chosen than
great riches.
A wise man is strong.
A man of knowledge increaseth strength.
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold
inpictures of silver.
A lying tongue hateth those that are afflic
ted by it.
A faithful man shall abound with bless
ings. •
A man's pride shall bring him-low.
A wise man will hear, and will increase in
learning. -
A man of understanding shall attain unto
wise counsels.
A righteous man regardeth the life of his
A wicked messenger falleth into mischief.
A faithful ambassador is health.
A froward man soweth strife.
A foolish son is a grief to his father.
get on in this world you•must be content to
be always stopping where you are; to advance
you must be stationary; to get up you must
keep down; following riches is like following
geese, and you must crawl after both on your
belly; the minute you pop up your head, off
they go whistling before the wind, and you
see no more of them. If you havn't the art
of sticking by nature, you must acquire it by
art; put a couple of pounds of bird lime upon
your office stool, and sit down on it; get a
chain round your leg and. tie yourself to your
counter like a pair of shop scissors; nail your
self up against the wall of your place of busi
ness like a weasel on a barn door, or the sign
of the spread eagle or, what will do best of all
marry an honest poor girl without a penny,
and my life for yours if you don't do business.
Never mind what your relatives say about
guineas, talent, learning, pushing, enterpris
es, and such stuff; when they come advising
you for your good, stick up to them for the
loan of an eagle, and you will never see them
on your side of the street again. To do any
good, we tell you over and over again, you
must be a sticker. You may get fat upon a
rock, if you never quit your hold of it.
GENUINE FonLs.—He who wipes his nose
with a nutmeg grater, and picks his teeth
with a razor.
She who says "no" to the proposal of a
gentleman when she has leached the age of
thirty years.
lie who gets so drunk at night that he puts
his clothes to bed and hangs himself on the
back of the chair.
She who rubs her cheeks with brick bats in
order to give them a color,
i ;..
1 +
Pennsylvania Editorial Convention.
DA'sviLLE, Aug. 4, 1857.
The sessions of the Convention were held
in Cox's Hall, commencing in the forenoon.
and terminating (after two adjournments) at
11, P. M.
Mr. Miner was chosen temporary Chairman;
Col. Tate, permanent President; Messrs. Best,
Worden, Painter, and Davis, Vice Presi
dentS ; Messrs. Puleston and Youngman,
Secretaries; and Dr. J. Henry Puleston, of
Pittston, Luzerne county, Corresponding Sec
Committees were appointed, through which
various propositions to secure the fraternity
against losses and impositions were present
ed, considered, and decided upon—generally,
with entire unanimity—after short, straight
to-the-point, practical, and full discussions.
We never knew a body of men to apply
themselves more diligently or pertinently to
the matters before them, than on this occa
sion. The following are among the resolu
tions adopted by the Convention :
Resolved, 1. That we organize the " Key
stone Editorial Union," which shall meet,
annually, at such time and place as may be
'decided upon from year to year.
2. That we earnestly recommend to all
publishers of newspapers in this State, that
from and after the first day of January next
they send no paper out on credit.
3. That the members of this Association
will have no dealings with any Advertising
Agent who will nopromptly settle, in full,
his accounts, at the end of every quarter, for
all advertisements contracted for and pub
lished within that time.
4. That any advertising Agent failing to
comply with the foregoing resolution, shall
be published as no longer our agent.
5. That we deem it impracticable for edi
tors in different localities, distant from each
other, to form a uniform scale of prices, and
that we, thcrefoie, recommend that it be
made a matter of local arrangement amongst
publishers, governing themselves according
to circumstances, and in no case deviating
from the terms of advertising as set forth in
their respective Journals.
6. That believing mutual confidence and
co-operation necessary to secure any practi
cal .benefit to the editorial profession, we
pledge ourselves to use our best efforts, both
individually and collectively, to cultivate that
7. That the publication of personalities re
flecting upon the private character of a
brother editor, or of any other individual, is
derogatory to the editorial profession, 'and
should not be countenanced.
S. That it is a violation of that courtesy,
which should ever characterize the fraternity,
to employ apprentices who have not served
out their full term with their employer, un
less by mutual agreement, and we pledge
ourselves to discourage its countenance.
9. That we will not take apprentices here
after for a shorter period than four years.
10. That we pledge ourselves to exclude all
advertising matter of an indelicate nature.
11. That all general Laws.passed by the
Legislature, should in the opinion of the
Convention be published and laid before the
people as fully as possible, immediately after
they are enacted, and that the cheapest and
only successful mode of accomplishing this
would be by the passage of an act providing
for the publication of all such laws in every
newspaper published in the State, at a cost
of one-half the regular rates of advertising.
12. That a copy of the above Resolutions
be forwarded to the Speakers of both houses,
properly authenticated by the Secretary of
this Association.
The Union finally agreed to bold another
meeting at Pottsville on the first Tuesday of
May next, at 2 P. M.
Although all was not acomplished that we
thought advisable, yet a commencement was
made; some means were taken to secure our
selves from losing our hard earned dues,
and we believe the day's work will tend to
smoothe much of the ruggedness of our
paths—make us respect each other more—
elevate our own conceptions of the dignity
and the power of the press—and enure to
the mutual advantage of both publishers
and patrons.--Lewisburg Chronicle.
to work. Take off your coat, roll up your
sleeves and look about you. If you can't
find anything congenial or remunerative in
the city or town, betake yourself to the coun
try. Better weed gardens and tend sheep,
or follow the ploughshare barefooted, and
tread on the furrows, or to act as a scare crow
in a corn field, than remain in the city, out
of pocket, out at the elbows, in debt, in dis
tress, and in misery generally. Don't be
afraid to commingle freely with your mother
earth, and then sit under a cataract and be
washed clean—be invigorated and feel like
a man. The country is the place for you, de
cidedly, where the sunbeams steal through
the cracks in your chamber and dance flings
on the fluor, where one doesn't have to walk
a mile and a half to see the sun rise, and
where the waiving grain bows gracefully to
the gentle breeze, and eggs can be had for
the hunting. Once there, and re-invigorated,
and you will look with pity upon mortals
walled in by brick and mortar on all sides,
with the heavens far, far before them, and
no hope of ever reaching that blessed abode.
tt..The weed well known as the water
pepper' or 'smart weed,' (poly/pain hydro
piper,) which may now be found in abun
dance along ditches, roads, lanes and barn
yards, is an effectual and certain destroyer
of the bed bug. A strong decoction is made
of the herb, and the places infested with the
insect well washed with it. The plant may
also, with much advantage, be stuffed in the
cracks and corners of the room.
few days ago, a teacher asked a lit
tle boy the following question:
"into what state did the fall of Adam bring
The youth pondered a moment, and then
answered—" the state of matrimony 1"
The teacher fainted and was brought to
with a cup of water from the spring of the year.
Editor and Proprietor.
NO. 9.
The Counterfeit Three.
" I say, Tom, here's a pretty good coiin
terfeit three. If
,you'll pass it, I'll divide.",.
" Let's see the plaster," said Toiri, and
after examining it carefully, put it in his
vest pocket remarking:
"it is an equal division; one dollar
half apiece.'
" Yes," said Ben.
" All right," said Tom . , and ho went.
A few moments after, he quietly stepped.
into the store of his friend Ben, purchased a
can of oysters for one dollar and a half, lay
ing down the three note for them.
The clerk looked at the note rather doubt
ingly, when his suspicions were immediately
calmed by Tom, who told him there was no
use in looking, for he had received that note
from Ben himself not ten minutes since.
Of course the clerk with this assurance,
immediately forked over the dollar and a half
in change, and with this deposit and the can
of oysters, Tom left.
Shortly afterwards he met Ben, who asked
him if he had passed the note. •
"Oh, yes," said Tom, "there is yours'hare,"
at the same time passing over the dollar and
a half to Ben.
That evening when Ben made up his cashi
account, he was surprised to find the same
old counterfeit three in the drawer. Turning
to the locum tenens he asked :
"Where did you get this cursed note ?
Didn't you know it was a counterfeit ?"
" Why," said the clerk, "Tom gave it to
me, and I suspected it was fishy, but he said
he had just received it from you, and I took
The whole thing penetrated the wool of
Ben ; with a peculiar grin he muttered "sold,"
and charged the can of oysters to profit and
loss account.
be more trusted and confided in, as wives,
mothers and sisters. They have a quick
perception of right and wrong; and, without
knowing why, read the present and future,
characters and acts, designs and probabili
ties, where man sees no letter or sign.—
What else do we the adage, 'Moth
er Wit,' save that woman has a quicker per
ception and readier invention than man ?
llow often, when man abandons the helm in
despair, woman seizes it, and carries the ship
home through the storm? Man often flies
from home and families, to avoid impending
poverty or ruin ; woman, seldom, if ever,
forsook home thus. Woman never evaded
mere temporal calamity by suicide or deser
tion. The proud banker, rather than see his
property gazetted, may blow out his brains,
and leave his wife and children in want,
protectorless; loving woman would have
counselled him to accept poverty, and live to
cherish his family and retrieve his fortune.
Woman should be counselled and confided
in. It is the beauty and the glory of her
nature, that it instinctively grasps at and
clings to the truth and right. Reason, man's
greatest faculty, takes time to hesitate be
fore it decides: but woman's instinct never
hesitates in its decision, and is scarcely ever
wrong, where it has even chances with rea
son. Woman feels where man thinks, acts
where he deliberates, hopes where he de
spairs, and triumphs where he falls.
Timms TO RE3IEMBEIL-If you do not keep
your paper, cut this out and put it where
you can find it.
A surveyor's chain is 4 poles, or 76 feet,
divided into 100 links, or 792 inches.
A square chain is 10 square poles, and 10
square chains is an acre.
Four roods are an acre, each containing
1240 square yards, 34,787 feet, or 24 yards
28 inches on each side.
A pole is 51 yards each way.
An acre is 4840 square yards, or 69 yards
1 foot 81 inches each way; and 3 acres are
1201 yards each way.
A square mile, 1760 yards each way, is
640 acres ; half a mile or 880 yards each
way, is 160 acres; a quarter 'of a mile, or
440 yards each way, is a park or farm, of
40 acres ; and a furlong, or 220 yards each
way, is 10 acres.
Preserve the privacies of your house, marriage
state and heart, from father, mother, sister,
brother, aunt and all the world. You two,
with God's help, build your own quiet world ;
every third or fourth one - whom you draw
into it with you will form a party, and stand
between you two. That should never be.—
Promise this to each other. Renew the vow
at each temptation. You will find your ac
count in it. Your souls will grow, as it were,
together, and at last it will become as one.—
Ah, if many a young pair had on their wed
ding day known this secret, how many mar
riages were happier thau—alas! they are!
An litisu REBUKE.--A lad from the 'Green
Isle,' whose occupation was that of blacking
stoves, fire place and stove-pipes, bearing
upon his arm a pot of blacking with brushes
and other implements of his trade, ad
dressed a denizen of the city who was stand
ing at his door, "has your honor any stoves
to polish this morning? I'm the boy for that
The' person addressed not being of a very
courteous manner gruffly answered, "go
about your business."
Pat moved a few steps to be out of tho
reach of a kick, and replied with a knowing
wink, "your honor will not be the worse for
a little polishing yourself, I'm thinking."
Qum,:Ea's REPROOF.—Some time since, a
sailor on one of our wharves, was swearing
most boisterously, when one of the Society
of Friends, passing along, accosted him very
pleasantly, and said: •
" Swear away my friend, swear away till
thee gets all that bad stuff out of thee, for
thee can never go to Heaven with that bad'
stuff in thy heart."
The sailor with a look of astonishment
and shame, bowed to the honest Quaker and
A Ho ME Tnituvr.—Thelate itev. Dr. —;
of a certain town in Maine, an eccentric but
honest minister, was once preaching on the;
practical virtues, and having a short time,
previbusly bought a load of wood of one of
the officers of the church, and finding it fall
short in measure, took this occasion to speak
thus plainly on the subject:—" Any man
that will sell seven feet of wood for a cord,
is no Christian, whether he sits in the gal:
lery, below, or in the deacon's seat !"
re—Art honest farmer being asked why
he did not subscribe for a newspaper, "Be=
cause," said he, "my father When he died;
left me a good many newspapers, and I have'
not read them through yet."
ANNOYANCES.—WouId you touch a nettle'
without being stung by it? Take hold of it
stoutly. Do the same to other annoyances;
and few things will ever annoy you-.