The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 22, 1857, Image 3

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Line uponLine-.-Here and There a Little.
A FINE OPE:IING.—We invite attention to the advertise
ment of F. Lis; in another column. There is no bettor
place in the state for a man wishing to engage in the busi
VECETABLES, FRUITS, &C.—D. S. Arnici 1611 furnish our
citizens with early vegetables, cheibe fruit, from the eas
tern markets, fresh, twice a week. Call at his shop, oppo
site Jackson's Hotel.
A NEW ARTICLE, AND TILE DEST--CaR be had at Mr. Cims
11INGER'S Store, in Portstown, for putting tip fruit. Call
and examine for yourselves.
Several beautiful, substantially finished buggies and
barriages, now ready for customers, at Mr. BoAr's estab
lishment. As the times aro a little tight with some, thoso
in comfortable circumstances may find it to their advan
tage to call Baba'.
.11471- On Monday a week, two bushels of peaches of in
different quality, sold at Charleston, S. C., at $lO per
NEW GROCERY SmonE.—The public are invited to call at
David Grove's Now and Cheap Grocery Store. lie sells
'Cheaper than the cheapest.
IFtr- Miss L. L. has our best wishes for the beautiful
Bmplut she presented to us last week.
The Cooperstown Journal tells of a man whose sis
ter informed him ho bad not long to live, and suggested
that he might not feel entirely prepared for that event.—
" Why should I be afraid to die?" ho asked, "I never reed
a Whig Ticket in may life!"
Rev. Wei. BEEOEIEE, in a speech at North Brookfield
on the Fourth, is said to have made use of the following
expression: "God help the Union to slide to perdition."—
lie must be a regular Banks "Union Slider."
IMThe School Journal for July has been received.
.EvinExx—That our farmers have "dead loads" of hay
this season. It sticks out of their mows and stacks too
visibly to be denied, oven by themselves.
AW?•Bodkin thinks some of the young ladies at the
present day would make most excellent pieces of flying
artillery—they possess any amount of brass and never
stop very long in one place. Rather a hard shot, that.
SENSmLE!—A friend suggests that the man who will
pay three dollars a bushel for new potatoes, and 50 cents
a dozen for cucumbers, must have more dollars than cents!
STILL ll.uranm—The Huntingdon American on the Coun
ty Superintendent question. Better drop it, or people will
begin to think there is something else beside regard for
the public schools at the bottom of the meal tub.—Dem.
A PRINTER'S Talsr.—Woman—the fairest work of cre
ation. The edition being extensive, let no man be with
out a COPY.
The Administration
The commencement of a new administra
tion is always more or less embarrassing and
difficult. Government is a great machine,
constantly in operation, under the momen
tum of its organization and the direction of
executive command. It will admit of no
pause; and its direction has to be regulated
without intermission. This devolves upon a
new administration the duty and necessity of
'examining and deciding promptly upon the
affairs of State as they are left by its prede
oessors—to be adopted, repudiated or modi
fied, as judgment and duty may direct, and
the wants and exigencies of government may
require. In direct connection with this is
the installation of the measures and policy
of the administration. Everything connec
ted with the advent of an administration is
scrutinized with a vigilant eye, and public
judgment waits upon every act for approval
or opposition. A rigid accountability to the
exactions of popular feeling is most active at
the early stages of every administration.
Applying these views to the Executive, it
is peculiarly gratifying to those who looked
with a confident reliance upon the eminent
qualifications of Mr. Buchanan for the exal
ted station of Chief Magistrate, and who sup
ported his election under the full influence of
that belief, to find that he has met every de
mand upon his high commission with an abil
ity, firmness, and dignity worthy of all com
mendation. Public opinion has been expres
sed with the indications of a generous appro
Mr. Buchanan's long, intimate, and diver
sified connection - with the national govern
ment has made him familiar with its general
operations and requirements, and enabled
him to enter upon hi;3 great task with most
of its ordinary difficulties mastered. He com
menced his duties with the purposes of a
statesman, regulated by a sound conservative
policy, thoroughly national. Ile has placed
himself upon the constitution, and within its
limits he looks for the boundary of all the
powers of government and all the obligations
of duty. He relies upon the constitution as
the shelter from the dangers of every storm
and the peace-maker in every difficulty. lie
relies upon it as the sacred heritage that
binds patriotism to the altar of country, and
that alone insures strength and long life to
the Union. This comprehends the great out
line of his duty and fidelity to it is his cove
nant to the people.
The country has a guarantee for the fulfil
ment of his great trust not only in the wis
dom and experience of his long public career,
but in every strong and controlling incentive
that can regulate a noble ambition. He looks
to the applause of a grateful country as the
reward of his toils, and to history for the
proud record of a good name.
We believe that public opinion is taking a
temperate and safe direction under the gui
dance of the administration. We believe
that the asperities of party strife are meliora
ting. We believe that government is gain
ing strength by the relaxing hold of great
disturbing errors. We believe that the love
of country is becoming . more active and per
vading. If these blessings be achieved, the
great objects of good government will be ac
complished, and the wisdom of popular sov
ereignty be vindicated.—Washington, Union.
persons who have not at some time in their
lives experienced a realizing sense of a con
nection between the spiritual and material
world, or encountered circumstances which
subsequent events led them to suppose were
warnings and forebodings. One of the most
wonderful of these premonitions is recorded
by the Troy Witig, in relation to the daugh
ter of the late WILLIAM L. MARCY, who pas
sed the 4th of July in the family of an ac
quaintance in that city. She formed ono of
a circle of friends, including ladies and gen
tlemen, at the house during the day. While
all the others were in cheerful spirits, it was
observed in the forenoon that Miss M. ap
peared to be depressed in mind. So obvious
was this to her companions, that it was made
the 'subject of remark s when she said her
mind was unaccountably impressed with the
fear that a signal calamity had overtaken
some member of her family. Early in the
afternoon, the news of the death of Governor
MARCY reached this city, and it was known
to gentlemen composing the party in which
Miss m, was, some time before it was com
municated to her. While the gentlemen were
in a room by themselves, discussing the man
ner of conveying to the daughter the sad in
telligence, and before she could by any means
have received the least intimation of the event,
she suddenly threw her handkerchief over
her face, and evidently in deep grief retired
alone up stairs.
From the Pennsylvanian of July 16
Battle of Stony Point.
Seventy-eight years ago last night, one of
the boldest and most effectual military enter
prises of the American Revolutionary
gle successfully accomplished—the cap
of the British fortress at Stony Point,
on the west bank of the Hudson river. The
New York .2\rews says the garrison of the place
consisted of more than 600 regulars, and it
Was heavily armed and completely provision
ed and stored. Its defensive preparations
were formidable. The attack was underta
ken by General ANTHONY WAYNE, and car
ried out with the characteristic determination,
impetuosity and good fortune of that noble
old patriotic chief. With a well-equipped
body of Continental troops, "Mad ANTHONY"
arrived at midnight within sight of the British
works, and, at the distance of a Mile from
the Point, divided his men into two columns,
putting himself at the head of one. The
charge was ordered drawn from every mus
ket, and with fixed bayonets and resolute
step, the American troops advanced rapidly
towards the frowning walls. A deep ditch
was crossed with a dash and a shot, and, al
though the heavy cannon of the fortress
opened upon the advance with a terrible and
unrelenting fire, mowing down with grape
shot the foremost ranks of the assailants, yet
their columns wavered not for an instant.—
The Revolutionary bayonets swept down the
gunners at their guns; the entrances into the
fort were forced, the walls scaled, the enemy
scattered, and the two American detachments
met in the center of the enemy's works, vic
torious without firing a gun. The echoes of
the rocky hills along the Hudson reverbera
ted back the three mighty cheers of triumph
with which the victors welcomed the raising
of the American flag upon the staff whence
the bloody cross of England had just descen
ded. Every man of the British garrison was
killed or captured. Such is the historical
outline of the taking of Stony Point ; but
popular tradition in the neighborhood sup
plies, to this day, many most interesting ad
denda to the antiquarian. It is related, for
instance, that a secret passage to the works
had been discovered by a negro girl, who had
been accustomed to pick strawberries on the
green slope of the fortifications ; and that she
led the American General to this entrance,
into which, at the head of a chosen band, he
rushed far in advance of his own troops, and
cleaving down with his own good sword the
foremost of the startled defenders. Doubt
less the American forces had ample informa
tion as to the state of the works and the
strength of the garrison, from the liberty
loving population of the surrounding country,
who looked upon the red-coated enemy with
apprehension and sullen hatred. No section
of the Colony of New York was more enthu
siastically and unanimously patriotic than
the counties lying west of the Hudson River.
The preponderating Dutch element had never
loved the British rule, and General Gaon cer
tainly had occasion for the remark which
tradition attributes to him—" Wherever there
is a Dutchman in these Colonies, there is a
rebel I"
From 1779 to 1857, the anniversary of the
storming of Stony Point, has passed by with
out a celebration ; but the patriotic descen
dants of the men who shouted for joy at wit
nessing the British standard descend from
the walls of the old. fort., on that July night,
seventy-eight years ago, have determined now
to commemorate it in a fitting manner. To
day, the 10th of July, the corner stone of a
mmument, designed to perpetuate the recol
lections of the capture, will be laid with ap
propriate ceremonies. Large numbers of
volunteer militia, civic societies, and multi
tudes of the good. people of the River coun
ties will be present. An oration will be de
livered by Judge AMAzA J. PARKER; and al
together we cannot doubt the occasion will
be made all that it ought to be. These pa
triotic reminiscences it is fitting we should
cherish and revive. In this day of the great
ness and power of the Republic, the valor
and the sacrifices of the bravo men who
achieved our liberties and laid the founda
tion of our national existence, should be re
membered with every circumstance of pomp
and reverence.
A New Motive Power
The Baltimore Patriot is enthusiastic over
a new motive power, alleged to have been dis
covered and brought into practical operation
by Prof. J. C. P. Salomon, of that city. It
is called the "Srdphitric Oil Carbonic Acid
Engine." The Professor has been at work
on this discovery for the last ten years, du
ring which time he has been aided by some
of the most opulent and intelligent citizens
of Baltimore. The machine is a common
rectilineal steam engine, differing in no ma
terial feature from those in general use, only
a new motor is used, which is thus described
by the Patriot:
The patent novelty consists in the motive
power and its application, which wholly su
percedes steam. This motor is produced by
a compound of desuiphated bi. sulphuret of
carbon, coal tar and volatile or fixed oil,
which, under certain influences of heat, be
comes powerfully expansive,- and thus gives
momentum. Though only a four horse en
gine, it was performing the estimated duty of
ten horses, and has been so doing since put
in operation, nearly a fortnight ago.
The great virtue and triumph of this won
derful invention, which in all probability will
cause a revolution in mechanics, are its econ
omy, safety and power, combining also, cheap
ness and convenience.
The fluid or gas, constituting the motive
power, is used over and over again, with
scarcely any diminution or waste being thrown,
after performing its work, from the heater to
the condenser, and from the condenser to the
heater again, with thorough renovation. The
heater, where the gas or fluid is introduced,
is submerged in a cistern of the heated oil,
kept hot by a gentle fire. In this condition
the gas expands, gaining its power and pres
sing through pipes and valves, acts upon the
piston, giving motion to the engine. The ap
pliances are simple, easy of comprehension,
free from complication, and not subject to ac
cident or disarrangement. Thus a steady,
active force is at all times kept up.
The cost of this fluid is estimated at ten
cents per gallon, and it is demonstrated that
eighteen gallons, by careful attention, will
run an engine of the capacity here noticed,
for one year. Its components are such as
not to freeze, even at ninety.degrees below
zero. The amount of fuel is, in a proportion
of fifteen pounds of coal to one hundred
pounds, compared with a steam engine of the
same dimensions, whilst more than double
the force can be brought into requisition.
A trial with steam under an equal appli
cation of heat is said to have clearly demon
strated a great superiority of this now motor
in its application over steam: With a degree
of heat which produced eighty revolutions
per minute with the new motor, the steam en
gine moved but slightly and stopped. Be
sides, it is claimed that explosion is impossi
ble, and thus a great point is gained in obvi
ating danger. A number of scientific gen
tlemen and practical machinists, who have
witnessed the operations of this engine, ex
press themselves confident of its success.—
Prof. Salomon is a native of Prussia, but has
been a citizen of the United States for twen
ty-seven years.
Visits of Comets.
In ancient times, the visits of comets were
supposed to portend pestilence and war; and
in the reign of Justinian,
when two immense
"blazing stars" appeared the direful expecta
tions were abundantly fulfilled—not, howev
er, that those calamities, which desolated
large portions of the Eastern Roman Empire,
had any connection with the comets. The
first alarmed mankind in the month of Sep
tember, A. D. 531, and was seen for twenty
clays in the western quarter of the heavens,
shooting its rays into the north. The second
appeared A. D. 539, and increased to so large
a size, that the head was in the east and the
tail reached the west. It was visible for for
ty days, the sun at the time exhibiting un
usual paleness. Varro records a tradition,
that in time of Oxyges, the father of Grecian
antiquity, the planet Venus changed her color,
size, figure, and course; a prodigy without
example, either in past or succeeding ages.—
This refers to 1767 years before Christ. Tre
mendous comets appeared in the west, two
generations prior to the reign of Cyrus ; but
one of the most splendid comets was seen 44
years before the birth of Christ. After the
death of the Julius Caesar, a "long-haired
star" was conspicuous to Rome and to the na
tions, during the games that were exhibited
by young Octavian, in honor of Venus and
of his Uncle Julius Caesar; and the vulgar
believed that it conveyed the divine soul of
the latter to heaven. The superstition was
universally current among the ancients that
a comet "from its horrid hair shakes pesti
lence and war." But modern philosophy and
research have successfully dispelled such vain
and idle apprehensions in all civilized na
tions. At the birth of the great Mithridates,
King of Pontus, two large comets appeared,
whose splendor is fabulously said to have
equalled that of the sun. They were seen
for twenty-two days together, and occupied
forty-five degrees, or the fourth part of the
visible heavens. Seneca, the Roman phil
osopher, who lived in the first century of the
Christian era, wrote: "The time will come
when the nature of comets and their magni
tude will be demonstrated, and the course
they take, so different from those of the
planets ; and posterity will wonder that the
preceding ages should be ignorant of mat
ters so plain and easy to be known." Arago
thought that not less than seven thousand
comets revolved in our system. Comets some
times pass unobserved by the inhabitants of
the earth, in consequence of the part of the
heavens in which they move, being under
daylight. During a total eclipse of the sun,
sixty years before Christ, a large comet, not
previously seen, became visible near the body
of the obscured luminary. Halley's comet,
A. D. 1456, covered a sixth part of the visi
ble heavens, and was likened to a Turkish
scymitar. That observed by Newton, A. D.
1680, had. a tail 123,000,000 of miles in length.
A comet, A. D. 1744, had six tails, spread
out like a fan across a large space of the sky.
York Express says, in the Everglades of
Florida, the mosquitos—those pests of south
ern life—are frightfully abundant. At Fort
Dallas they are so plentiful that both officers
and men, save the guard on duty, pass their
whole time under bars. The sentry is provi
ded with a mosquito veil, or rather bag,
thrown over their head, and kept out from
the face by a hoop, and woolen clothes, boots,
and gauntlet gloves protect the limbs and
and body from their murderous attacks.—
Persons who have not experienced this beau
ty of southern life, will scarcely believe that
horses and cattle are actually bled to death
in a single night, and woe be to the soldier
or seaman who, by means of liquor, loses
command of himself, and falls to the ground
helpless and unprotected; these insatiable
vampires will fasten their fangs upon him,
and draw from his berotted body what fe
vered blood remains.
18.—Little doing in Dreadstuffs or any
other department of trade. Shipping brands of flour are
offered at $7 bbl., without finding buyers. 200 bbls.
extra family sold at $S 25. Rye flour steady at $4 75, and
Corn Meal at $3 94ei $4 .7,1 bbl.
GRAlN.—Nothing doing in Wheat, as prices are compara
tively Mr above those of Flour. Some lots of NEw Wheat
were offered on 'Change, and 1000 bus. sold at $1 Ss@l 80
bo. for prime red, and $1 00(5)2 for white. Millers are
holding oft' and refuse to pay these extravagant figures.—
Small sale of Rye at $1 02. Corn in good demand, prices
advanced acts. l bu.—sales 1000 bus. yellow at 57@88ets.
afloat, closing at latter figures. Oats steady at 57@5Se dl ho.
Formerly Physician to the Cin
cinnati Marine Hospital and
Invalid's Retreat, Mem
ber of the London Medical Soci
ety of Observation, and Au
thor of
1217a*GIS VO 3InVaiL3I.DB:
orpdv. =3l Dip oth:,ii
Jackson's Hotel,
SATURDAY, AUG. 1, '57.
perfect LikeliesseB.
Call on PRETTYMA ; at the Central Railroad Station
(MARTI likeness of yourself. His pictures can't be beat--
call and examine specimens.
Plain and Fancy Pirinting.
Job Work of all kiuds—sucli as Handbills, Circulars
Business, Visiting, and Show Cards, Tickets, Dill Heads,
Deeds, Mortgages, and all kinds of blanks, &c.,
neatly printed at the "Gtons" Job Office, Huntingdon. Pa.
Blanks of all kinds,
Neatly printed and for sale at the "Globe," Office—such as
Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Judgment and Common Bonds,
Agreements, Leases, Judgment and Promissory Notes,
Notes relinquishing all benefits of exemption laws, License
Bonds, and all blanks used by Justices of the Peace.
Specimens of "GLOBE" printing can be seen at the
office—which will satisfy everybody that it is no longer
necessary to go to Philadelphia for neat work. Call and
see for yourselves.
For Ready-Made Clothing,
Wholesale or retail, call at 11. RomA.N's Clothing Store,
opposite Coats' Hotel, Huntingdon, Pa., where the very
best assortment of goods for meu and boys' wear may be
found at low prices.
The Public
Generally are invited to call at the New Drug Store of
HENRY McM.A.motti. Every article usually to be found
in the best establishments of the kind, can be had, fresh
and pure, at their Store, in Market Square, Huntingdon.
See advertisement in another column.
$2OO REWARD !—By a resolution
of the Burgess and Town Council, of the
borough of Huntingdon, I am authorized to offer a reward
of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS for the apprehension and
conviction of the person or persons, who set fire to the
building of B. E. Malurtrie, on the 12th inst.
Huntingdon, ;filly 22, 1857-3 t. Chief Burgess.
informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity, and the
public generally, that he has opened a Grocery Store on
Hill street, Huntingdon, a few doors west of Wm. Orbi
son's residence, where ho will at all times be prepared to
supply customers with
at wholesale and retail. Sugars, Coffee, Teas, Molasses,
Cheese, Spices, Confectionaries, Hams, Salt, Brooms, Buck
ets, Sugars, Tobacco, &c., &c.; in fact, every article usually
kept in a Grocery Store.
As I am determined to sell CHEAPER than the CHEAP
EST, I want everybody to call and examine my stock and
prices. DAVID GROVE.
Huntingdon, July 22,1657.
N - OTICE.—The venclue notes under
One hundred dollars given to the subscriber at the
sale at Rough & Ready Furnace on the 11th March, are
now due, and immediate payment is required. They will
be found with :51r. Lawrence, at Broad Top office, Hunting
don. L. T. WATTSON.
July 22, 1557.
7,000 TONS!
411 - )) .tz__;%.•FAßmrats! - - - 6 for your Wheat crops, use
2 1 / c $
ts. a lb. or 4.0 a Ton; or use
_ _ . _ •
at $3,50 a Bid. or 525 a ton. One barrel of either is suffi
cient for an acre of Wheat.
made of reliable CHEMICAL ELE3IENTS, and have been
in successful use for the past Sis YEArtS, improving the
soil and increasing the value of the land.
FOUR DIPLOMAS from the State Agricultural Society
of Pennsylvania; New Jersey; Delaware and the Crystal
Palace Association of the City of New York, have been re
ceived for these Valuable Fertilizers.
can be had by application at the office.
The above Fertilizers, delivered EltEEof thrtage, to any
wharf in the old City Proper.
ORDERS sent by Mail accompanied with Cash or Drafts,
will be promptly shipped to any part of the world.
GEORGE A. LEINAU, Proprietor.
No. 19 South FRONT street, Philadelphia City, Pa.
Philadelphia, July 22, 1557-Im.
QIIERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of
sundry writs of Ficri Facias, Levari Facias, and Von
ditioni Exponas, to me directed, I will expose to public
sale or outcry, at the Court House, in the borough of Ilun
tingdon, on MONDAY, the 10th day of AUGUST, 1857,
the following described real estate, to xvit :
r4rOne hundred acres of land, be the
same more or less, situate in Clay township, Huntingdon
county, having thereon erected a two story log house and
a double log barn, a small orchard and about forty-five
acres cleared, adjoining lands of George Wagner on the
east, Abraham Wagner on the west, and Wm. McLain on
the south. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of William Wagoner.
ALSO—AII those two certain adjoining lots
of ground situate in the borough of Cassville, in the
county of Huntingdon, bounded on the solidi by land of
Geo. W. Speer, on the north by Dr. 11. L. Brown, and on
the west by the public street, containing about three
fourths of an acre, more or less, on which is erected a
large brick and plastered dwelling house, stable and other
out-buildings, known and formerly occupied as a mansion
house Sc., by Robert Speer, decd, and by indenture dated
24th August, 1854., sold and conveyed by Geo. W. Speer and
James Mcllduff to Cassville Seminary, the said deft. Seized
and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
the Cassville Seminary.
,Aso—All that tract of land surveyeffl t in
the name of Gideon Hill, situate in the “big lick woods,"
Huntingdon county, within the following lines, to wit
Beginning at a pine, thence south fifty-eight and a half
degrees west, one hundred and eighty-two perches to a
post; thence south forty-two degrees east, forty-two perches
ton post; thence south sixty-nine degrees east, one hun
dred and sixty perches to a post; thence north, one degree
east, seventy-two perches to a post; thence north, twelve
degrees west, one hundred and fourteen perches to the
place of beginning. Seized and taken in execution and to
be sold as the property of John L. llotTer.
ALso—A certain lot of ground adjoining
the borough of Birmingham, containing about one acre,
more or less, adjoining a lot of John Owens, Esq., on the
west, the public road leading from Birmingham to Water
Street on the south, lands of Shoenbcrger on the north
and east, on which is erected a brick building, 70 feet in
length and 35 feet in depth, three stories high, with a stone
basement, known as tho "Mountain Female Seminary."
Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the prop
erty of the Mountain Female Seminary.
ALso—All the defendant's right, title, in
terest and claim in and to a certain tract of hind, situate
in Hopewell township, Huntingdon county, containing
one hundred acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Jas.
Entrekin on the south, John B. Weaver on the cast, and by
Shirley and others, with the following improvements
thereon erected, to wit: a log dwelling house, double log
barn and other out-buildings, part of which said land is
cleared and under a state of cultivation. Seized and taken
in execution, and to be sold as the property of John A.
ALso—All the defendant's right, title and
interest in and to a tract of land known as the Henry
Iloupt tract, containing about 270 acres, on Broad Top, Tod
township : adjoining lands of R. Dare rowel, Gen. A. P.
Wilson, and others, having thereon erected a two story log
house and barn, and other improvements, and about 100
acres cleared thereon.
Also—A tract of land known as the Corbin tract. con
taining 300 acres and allowance, situate on Rocky Ridge,
Tod township, adjoining lands of Taylor's heirs and others.
Also—A tract of land adjoining the above, warranted in
the name of Speer d; Martin, containing 99 acres, 153
perches and allowance.
Also—A tract of land adjoining the same, warranted in
the name of Eliel Smith, containing 152 acres, 93 perches
and allowance.
Also—A tract of land situate on Broad Top, Tod town
ship, warranted iu the name of Speer & Dougherty, con
taining 439 acres, 51 perches and allowance, adjoining the
Wm. Houck Coal Land Tract, John 3.lcLain, Michael J.
Martin and others.
- -
Also—All the interest of said defendant in the land of
Michael J. Martin and Joseph S. Martin, (noiv dec'd.) which
ho holds under certain articles of agreement for the same
with John Dougherty and Geo. W. Speer, or otherwise as
the same appears of Record in Huntingdon.
Also—All the following mentioned rights and interest
of said defendant as evidenced by the agreements and con
veyances, recorded in Huntingdon county in Record Book
L, No. 3, from page 564 to page 376 inclusive, viz :
All defendant's right to mine, take and convey away the
iron ore on lands of Michael Gather, in Penn township,
Huntingdon county, containing about 40 acres. bounded
by lands of Philip Garner, Stuatiel Hetrick and Tussey
mountain lands.
Arco—lron ore on lands of Isaac 'Yocum in said town
ship, bounded by lands of Siftnuel 'Harris, Enoch Isenberg,,
Solomon Rough and Peightal and Grove, containing about
106 acres.
- -
Atso—lron ore on lands of Henry Harris, in said town
ship, bounded by lands of Isaac Hurts, Samuel Harris, and
John Lee and James Moore, containing about 25 acres.
Also—lron ore on lAuds of John Grove, in said town
ship, bounded by lauds of James Moore, Harris S: 'Hoover,
Samuel Harris S: Hoover, containing about 100 acres.
Also—lron ore on land of Solomon Rough, in said town
ship, bounded by lands of Peightal, widow Fink, D. 4; ii.
Grove and "'rexlces heirs, containing about 100 acres.
Atso—lron ore on land of Samuel Harris, in said town
ship; bounded by lands of Isaac Kurtz, Trexler's heirs,
John Lee and Isaac Yocum, containing about 207 acres.
Also—lron ore on land of John Lee. in said township,
bounded by lands of J. A. Moore, Trexier's heirs, L. S: I.
Hoover and another, containing about 158 acres.
Also—lron ore on land of Joseph McCoy in Walker
townsl kip, county aforesaid, bounded by land of John Robb,
other land of said Joseph McCoy, Eleazor Lloyd's heirs and
S. S. Wharton, containing about 7.5 acres.
ALso—lron ore on land of Philip Carper. in Penn town
ship, said county, bounded by lands of Michaud (huller,
David Brumbaugh, Samuel Hetrick and mountain lands,
containing about 48 acres. ore on lands of Jacob F. Hoover, in Penn
township, bounded by lanai of John Hoover, Isaac Peigh
tat, Samuel Harris, and mountain laud, containing about
130 acres.
ALso—lron ore on lands of Jonas Iluchw,alter, in Walker
township, bounded by lands of Samuel Peightal, Isaac
Kurtz and James Moore, containing about 160 acres.
ALSO—lron ore on lands of Catharine Zeke. in Walker
township, aforesaid, bounded by lands of Isaac Kurtz and
Jonas Inichwalter, containing about 47 acres.
Also—lron ore on lands of Isaac Bowers in Penn town
ship, said county, bounded by lands of Benjamin Grove, S.
Frank's heirs, James Isett, and mountain land, containing
about 96 acres.
ALsO—lron ore on lands of Isaac liurtz, in Walker town
ship, said county, bounded by lands of Jonas Luchwalter,
henry Ifarris, Reynolds' heirs, and James Moore, contain
ing, about 200 acres.—lron ore on lands of Eleazor Lloyd, in Walker
township, said county, bounded by lands of Benjamin
Graffius, John ilcCahan, and mountain lauds, containing,
SO acres.
Also—lron ore on lands of Jos. Norris, in Penn town
ship, said county, bounded by lands of Tre.xler's heirs,
Isaac reightal and Samuel Harris, containing about 10
Also—lron ore on the fifteen acre field opposite Bowers'
residence on the south side of W. Ridge, land of Ludwig
Hoover in Penn township on the farm now occupied by
him on Sth June, 1855, and on the part next the Ridge
Nchero Trexier's Fossil ore bank is, and thence Lack to
Tussey's mountain.
Atso—lron ore on that part of the landof Daniel Grove,
in Penn township, adjoining Isaac Peightal, Isaac "Yocum,
Ludwig Hoover and John Grove, lying between the Red
Ridge where the ore has been opened, same side of the
Trexler bank, and the base of Tussey mountain.
Also—lron ore on land of Benjamin Grove in Penn
township, bounded by lands of John Grove, Garner &
Bowers, John Geissinger and mountain lands, containing
about two hundred and eighty-eight acres.
Also—lron ore on lands of Samuel Hetrick, in Penn
township, aforesaid, bounded by lands of Philip Garner,
Daniel Brumbaugh, P. & N. Garner and N. & P. Garner, con
taining about acres.
Also—lron ore on lands of Jacob Summers, in Hope
well township, said county, bounded by lands owned by
Jacob Summers, Jr., David Summers and Savage, contain
ing about 166 acres.
Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the prop
erty of William H. Irwin.
Also—The following described Real Es
tate, situate in the townships of Tod and Clay, in the coun
ty of Huntingdon, to wit: a body of land beginning et a
post, corner of John Hoover and David Trice, thence by
land of John and David Stambaugh, thence by land in the
name of Wm. Ewing, formerly claimed by E. L. Anderson,
and now owned by David Blair, thence by land in the name
of James Johnston, now owned by John T. Shirley & Co.,
thence by land of John Bright, thence by land of John
McLain, thence by land of Dr. Moore in right of John
Howard, thence by W. Pearson, now W. W. Edwards,
thence by land of Adam Black, John Shore and Andrew
Hoff, thence by land claimed by Audrey: Shore, part of a
survey in name of Abraham Green, and the whole claimed
by John Savage, thence by Wm. Stapleton, part of Thomas
Green and Isaac. Green survey, claimed by John Savage,
thence by land of Jacob Kurfman, thence by John Hooper,
now Daniel Price, to the place of beginning, by the seve
ral courses and distances as mentioned and set forth in a
deed from John Savage by his Attorney, &c., to James J.
Mellheny, dated 10th day of August, 1855, and recorded
in Record Book L., No. 2, pages 303, 4,5, &e., containing
1652 acres and six perches and allowance, more or less, be
ing parts of several tracts of land surveyed on warrants
in the name of Isaac Green, Abraham Green, and Thomas
Green, Sr., and also George Green, John Green and Jelin
Evans, patented to John Savage on the 26th, 27th, 2Sth and
00th days of July, and 3d day of August, 1855.
Also—The following described tracts of land situate in
Cass township and Tod township, this county, beginning
at a post, corner of Joshua Greenland, Esq.; thence by a
survey in the name of Naomi Wright; thence by David
Turner's land; thence by land of Jacob Taylor's heirs:
thence by land of Andrew Parks ; thence by land surveyed
on a warrant in the name of William Hooper, now Peter
Rudman, and land of John Savage and Robert Speer's
heirs; thence by land surveyed in the name of Dorsey
Belt, to the place of beginning, by the several courses and
distances as mentioned and described in the deed aforesaid
from John Savage to James J. Mc Ilbeny, dated and recor
ded as aforesaid, containing 589 acres, 47 perches and al
lowance, more or less, surveyed on warrants in the names
of John and Edward Nash, and patented to John Savage
on the 26th and 30th days of July, 1855.
Also—A tract of land situate in the townships of Tod
and Clay, beginning at a pine stump, corner of Jacob Long
and Peter Kurfman's land ; thence by land of Long; thence
by land of John Chilcote, Jesse Smith and John and David
Stumbaugh; thence by laud of John Savage; thence by
Isaac Moreland's laud and land of Robert Gill; thence by
land of George and David Long; thence by James Rankin,
now Peter Kurfman, to the placeof beginning; by the sev
eral courses and distances, as mentioned and-described in
deed aforesaid from John Savage to James J. Mellheny,
dated and recorded as aforementioned, containing 517 acres,
117 perches and allowance, more or less, being land sur
veyed on warrants in the name of Joshua Cole and Zech
ariah Cheny, and patented to John Savage on the 20th and
2Sth days of July, A. D. 1855.
Also—All the right, title and interest of defendant of, in
and to the following lots in the town of Mount Union, in
this county, purchased by him at Trustee's Sale of Wm.
B. Lens, Esq., on the 235 day of June, 1853, to wit : in the
recorded plan of said town, lots Nus. 3,5, 6, 11, 12, 15,
18, 19, 20. 21, 22, 24, the same being situated in said town,
as set forth and described in the deed of Wm. B. Leas,
Trustee aforesaid, and each one containing*, in length and
breadth, the several certain quantities of land as mention
ed and set forth in said deed of Wm. B. Leas to James J.
Melllieny, duly recorded in the Recorder's Office, at Hun
tingdon, in Book J., No. 2, pages 541 and 2, &c., to which
reference may be had for a more full description, etc.
Also—All the interest of defendant, James J. Malheny,
of, in and to a tract of land being the one undivided third
part or interest in the same, situate in Tod township, this
county, adjoining land in the name of Anthony Cool:land
claimed by William lIOUCk, and land claimed by Michael
J. Martin ; laud of Nathan G. Horton, containing in the
*whole 43S acres, 10 perches and allowance. more or less,
being a tract of land surveyed in pursuance of a 'warrant
granted to John Dougherty and George W. Speer, on the
24th July, ISIB, and afterwards patented. Seized and ta
ken in execution and to be sold as the property of James
J. Mellheny.
Also—Two Lots of Ground in Manor Hill,
Barre() township, bounded by lands of John Love on the
north and west, by the main road leading to Huntingdon
and Petersburg, and numbered 10 in the plan of said town
—containing about 4' acre, having thereon erected a large
two story frame house, plastered outside) and inside, a
small store room and a carriage house.
Also—Another lot in the Paine town or village of Manor
Hill, bounded by a lot of David Derrick, land of Josiah
Cunningham, and the said road, having thereon erected a
good house, and numbered in the plan of said town.—
Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as the prop
erty of Stewart Foster, Rebecca Jane Foster, and William
C. Foster.
ALSO—The undivided half part of that cer
tain tract of land situated in the township of West, in the
county of Huntin . gdon, adjoining lands of Wm. Moore,
Samuel Mosses, Oaks, and Others, containing ninety
acres, be the same more or less, having thereon a GriNt
and Saw 31i11, and connected therewith a certain water
privilege, and ono acre of timber land, adjoining, lands of
Robert Moore, William Oaks, and others, (it being the
same property described and conveyed in a certain deed ex
ecuted by John K. Neff and wife, dated Sth February, 1851,
and recorded in Recorder's office, in said county, book 11,
No. 2, page 189 &c.,) together with the hcreditaments and
appurtenances. Seized and taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of John Huyctt.
Norn.—On all sales exceeding rive hundred dollars, ten
per cent of' the amount of the bid will be required to be
paid to the Sheriff immediately when the property is
'struck down, and on all sales under that sum, twenty per
cent.; in both cases the balance on the day the deeds are
acknowledged. GItAFFUS MILLER, Sheriff.
Huntingdon, July 45, 1857.
T) .
ROCLATION.--:Whereas by a
pr, , Arpt to me directed by the Judges of the Common
Pleas oT the county of Huntingdon, bearing test the 26th
day of April : lBs7, 'I Ani commanded to make Public Proc
lamation throighout - my whole bailiwick, that a Court of
Common Mktg will be held at the Court House in the bor
ough of Huntingdon, on the 3rd Monday (and 17th day) of
August A. D., 1857, for the trial of all issues in said Court
which remain undetermined before the said. Judges, when
and where all jurors, witnesses, and suitors, iu the trials
of all issues are required.
Dated at Huntingdon the 13th of July, in the year of
our Lord 1857, and the 81st year of American Independ
Satitirr's OFrlct,
lluntingdon, Jtikr 15, 1857.}
ASTRAY :BUG:—Strayed or Stolen
from the premises of the "Franklin House," in the
borough of Huntingdon, a white end black spotted pup
Mastiff, about two feet high. Any person returning said
dog will be suitabl3i - revarded. J. S. MILLER.
Huntingdon, July,'WlSs7.
lI I T T E N, It T A I IC N
SALE.—The undersigned will sell his entire stock. appa
ratus, and fixtures, for the manufacture of all kinds of
Mineral 'Water. The business locality is a good one, with
a large and increasiar , custom. For three years the busi
ness has been carried on with great success, and is only
sold on account of tile ill health of the proprietor. For
partidulars apply to the undersigned.
nuntingdon, Pa., Jnly 15, 1857.
~ - -"lledtbrd Inquirer," and •‘ Lewistown Democrat,"
copy to amonnt of $l, and charge this office.
Where.*' Letters of Administration on the Estate
itIiI,OMAS M.O-WENS, into of the borough of Birming
ham, Huntingdon county, deed, haring, been granted to
the undersigned, Notice is therefore hereby given to all
persons-indebted to' isaid Estate to maim immediate pay
ment, tend. those having claims against the same to present
them duly! authenticated tor settleme OßG nt.
July 13, 1857- 4 '. Administrator.
hereby given, to all persons interested, that the fol
lowing named persons have, settled their accounts in tho
Register's °nice, at Iluutingdoit and that the saidaccounts
will be presented for conlirmatlon and allowance,. at an.
Orphan,' Court, to be held at Huntingdon, in and for the
County of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the 12th day of
August next, to wit:
1. Jacob S. limit, Esq., Administrator of the Estate of
David Hudson, late of Dublin township, deed.
2. Jacob Harneame. Executor of the last Will, &e., of
Nancy Neff. late of West township, deed. • .
3. Jacob Horne:tine, acting Administrator of the Estate
of Henry Neff, late of the borough of Alexandria, deed.
4. George Swartz, Administrator of the Estate of Henry
Coughenour. late of Cromwell township, deed.
5. James Gwin, Esq., acting Executor of the last will,
&c., of Samuel Steel, late of tho borough of Huntingdon,
6. Henry Brewster, Esq., Administrator of the Estate of
Samuel Williamson, late of Shirley township, dec'd.
7. John Oakes, Administrator Cum Testamento AnneX9
of the Estate of Wm. McKee, late of Jackson township,
S. Robert McCall, acting Administrator of the Estate of
Alexander 'McCall, late of Hopewell township, dec'd.
0. Daniel Massey, Executor of the last Will, &c., of Dr.
Mordecai Massey, (who was one of the Executors of Thomas
Blair. Esq., dec'd.) late of Barree township, deed.
10. John Shope, acting Executor of the last Will, &e., of
John Flasher, late of Cromwell township, deed:
11. David Rupert and David Goodman, Administrators
of the Estate of Joseph Borland, late of Ilenderson. town
ship, dec-d.
12. David Clarkson, Esq., Administrator of the Estate or
John Speer, late of Cass township, deed.
13. S. T. Brown, Esq., Administrator of the Estate of
Elizabeth Buchanan, lato of Brady township, dec'd.
14. A. L. Grim, Administrator of the Estate of Jacob
Nuttier, late of the borough of Huntingdon, deed.
Iluutiugdon, July 11, 1857. }
A_G-RICULTURAL.— Proposals from
the different places in this county desirous of hay
ing tho County Agricultural Fair held in their immediate
neighborhoods, may be directed to the undersigned, at any
time previous to the next meeting of the Huntingdon
County Agricultural Society in August. It will be neces
sary in making application, to specify the amount of mo
ney subscribed for the purpose, as by a resolution of the
Society at the knit meeting, the locality guaranteeing the
largest amount will be entitled to the preference.
By order of the President.
Huntingdon, July 5,1357
N, OTlCE.—Noticc is hereby given that
John Scott, Esq., has filed his account, as assignee,
fur the benefit of Creditors of George Gwin, in the office
of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of
Ifuntingdon county, and, that the same will be presented
to the said Court, on Monday, (10th day) of August Term,
next, for confirmation and allowance.
Huntingdon, July 8, 1857.
_Analytical Physician.—Physician for Diseases of the
wigs, Throat and Heart—Formerly Physician, to the
Also to Invalids Retreat, Author of "Letters to Invalids,"
IS COMING I Sec following Card.
R. HARDMAN, Physician for the
disease of the Lungs. (formerly Physician to Cincin
lam Marine llospital,) will be in attendance at his rooms
as follows:
liuutingdon, "rackson's Itotcd;' Saturday, August 1
Lewistown, "National Hotel,"
Mifflin, "Patterson 110u5e,"....
Ilatrisbur •
Pit tsburg,
Dr. llarchnan treats Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma,
Larryngittis and all diseases of the throat and lungs, by
Medical Inhalation, lately used in the Bromton Timpani,
London. The great point in the treatment of all human
maladies, is to get at the disease in the direct manner.—
l medicines are estimated by their action upon the organ
requiring relief. This is the important fact upon which
Inhalation is based. If tho stomach is diseased we take
medicine directly into the stomach. if the lungs are dis
eased, breathe or inhale medicated vapors directly into
the lungs. Medicines are antidotes to disease and should
be applied to the very scat of disease. Inhalation is the
application of this principle to the treatment of the lungs,
for it gives us direct access to those intricate air cells,
tubes which lie out of reach of every other means of ad
ministering medicines. The reason that Consumption,
and other diseases of the lungs, have heretofore resisted
all treatment has been because they have never been ap
proached in a direct manner by medicine. They were in
tended to act upon the lungs, and yet were applied to the
stomach. Their actiou was intended to be local, and yet,
they \were so administered that they should only act con
stitutionally, expending their immediate and principal ac
tion upon the unoffending stomach, whilst the foul ulcers
within the lungs were unmolested. Inhalation brings
the medicine , in direct contact with the disease, without
the disadvantage of any violent action. Its application is
so simple,
that it can be employed by the youngest infant
nr feeblest invalid. It does not derange the stomach, or in
terfere in the least degree with the strength, comfort, or
business of the patient.
Other Diseases Treated.—ln relation to the following dis
eases, either when complicated with lung affections or ex
isting alone, I also invite consultation, I usually find them
promptly curable.
Prolapsus and all other forms of Female Complaints, Ir
regularities and Weakness.
Palpitation and all other forms of Heart Disease, Liver
Complaints, Dyspepsia, and all other diseases of stomach
and bowels, &c.
All diseases of the eye and ear. Neuralgia, Epilepsy;
and all forms of nervous disease.
vs!.._No cliargo for consultation. [Juno 3, 1857
n "we offer for sale—
Country Merchants who will send us their orders in
advance, with instructions to ship when we have a cargo
afloat, can becuro Fine and G. A. Salt at five cents per sack
less off the ship, than it can be supplied out of store.
Grain and Lumber Commission Merchants, Spear's Wharf,
j n1y1.41. Baltimore.
signed Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of
hintingdon county, to distribute the balance remaining
in the hands of William McNite, administrator of Wiinapt
Peebles, dec'd, amongst those entitled to receive the same,
hereby gives notice to all persons interested that ho will
attend for the purpose of hearing, &c., on SATURDAY,
the Ist day of AUGUST, A. D., 1857, at o'clock, P. 31, at
his office in the borough of Huntingdon, when and where
all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas
ed, will present them for allowance, &c., or be thereafter
barred from receiving any share of said fund.
July 1,18574 t. JOHN REED, Auditor.
ATJDITOR'S NOTICE.-- 2 11e under
signed Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county, to distribute the balance in the hands
of Brice Blair, surviving Administrator of the 11ev. J. Y.
MeGinnes, deed, amongst those entitled to receive the
same, hereby gives notice to all persons interested, that he
will attend for the purpose of hearing, &c., on FRIDAY,
the 31st day of JULY, A. D. 1857, at one o'clock, P. M. at
his office in the borough of Huntingdon, when and where
all persons having claims against the estate of said dcc'd,
will present them for allowance, &c., or be thereafter de
barred from receiving any share of said fund.
July 1,18574 t. JOHN REED,•Anditor.
Mill, situated between Petersburg and Alexandria, iu
Huntingdon County, Pa.
dal. S. None but a Good Mier need apply. Apply to
D. W. McCAY, Miller at said Mill. (Juno 17'A
SAVE YOUR MONEY by purchasing
Pure Linseed Oil (10 gal. and above) $l.lB per gal.
Pure Linseed Oil (Ito 10 gallons) $1.25 "
Boiled Linseed Oil, always on hand at the Hardware Store
of jinnelo . ) JAS. A. BROWN & CO.
T\R. H. JAMES' Extract Cannabis In
diea, for the permanent cure of Consumption, Dron-
Wilds, Asthma, Coughs. Colds, Nervous Debility, Sm.., for'
sale at the Cheap Drug Store of
apr2.9 IfMIRY 3ie3TANIGILD.
SINGER'S Store the head of Navigation, and his
mibortment now complete.
If you want the worth of your money, go to Geissinz
gees Cheap Store : West Huntingdon, Fa.
May 20, 1657.
NEXT SESSION will commence on MONDAY, -
AUG UST, 31st.
rin Tuition for Ton Months $25.
.ti;; - ifigher rates charged for pupils remaining only a
part of the year.
tAriDuring July and August, applications may be left :
with Hon. Gco. Taylor, or W. Orbison, Esq.
Huntingdon July S, 1557-tf.
sician, Storgeon and Aceoucher, tenders his profes
stoma services to the citizens of 'Huntingdon and vicinity.
Futil further notice is given, ho may be found and con
sulted at the " Franklin House," kept by J. S. Miller.
R=r;ENcEs.—Rev. D. M. Doyle, uud Dr. J. B. Luden,
Huntingdon; Dr. -Rayfor, Hollidaysburg; Dr. J. Getty,
and Dr.. 1.11. Tinder, Martinsburg; Rev. Theobold Foust,
31arklesburg; Dr. Jos. Keefe, Stouerstown.
Huntingdon, July 8, 1857-tf.
July 31
. Cl 30
• " 29
" 28
" 27
July 24, 25 & 26