THE HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, &C. E GL® Circulation—the largest in the county 11L tPb Wednesday, J'uly 22, 1857 DEMOCRATIC 1101V/INATION6. VOR GOVERNOR, iton. F. PACIKER, of I.yeoming. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, NIMROD STItICKLAND, of Chester. FOR SUPREME JUDGES, lion. 'WILLIAM STRONG., of Berks. Hon. JAMES THOMPSON, of Erie. Democratic County Convention.. The Democratic voters of the respective townships and boroughs of Huntingdon county, aro requested to meet in delegate meeting at their usual places for the holding of the Delegate Elections, on Saturday, the Sth day of August next, between the hours of 5 and 7 o'clock P. N., opening the meeting and keeping it open during the whole time, for the purpose of electing two delegates to represent them in a Democratic County Convention to be held at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon on Wi'd wesday- evening, the 1217 t day of August weal, at 7 o'clock P. It., to place in nomination a Democratic County ticket, appoint three 'Senatorial Conferees, elect a delegate to the next State Convention, and transact such other business as may be thought necessary for the proper organization of the party. WH. COLON, Chairman. It, D. PETRI:REX. Seerdary. We would enjoin it upon our demo cratic fellow-citizens in every borough and 'township in the county to respond to the above notice "of the County Committee, and turn out on the day named, and assist in the selection of good, true and reliable men as delegates to represent them in the County Convention. In order to secure success at the approaching fall election, it will be ab solutely necessary that we present an unob jectionable ticket for the suffrages of the people, or, in other words, men of ability, honesty, and popularity—men in whom the people can place the utmost confidence; and not old, galled, worn out, despised office seekers, of which, we rejoice to say, the Democratic party of Huntingdon county has few. The cause of Democracy in our county has latterly been on the ascendant, and every indication argues its future preponderance, if the party will scrupulously adhere to the Jeffersonian qualification of candidates for office, and nominate those possessed of "hon esty and capability," and who have been at all times, and under all circumstances, true to the principles of the party. And to secure this end our fellow-democrats should select men of judgment, discrimination, and in telligence, to represent them in the Conven tion which is to place in nomination the county ticket to be supported at the fall elec tion. TELE PENNSYLVANIA MAGAZINE.—The first number of this Magazine, of which our friend, MAX. GREENE, ESq.; is editor, will be issued in about a month. This publication posses ses a larger list of distinguished contributors than any other in this State, and perhaps in the country. The Harrisburg Tel says —"lts pages will be stored with articles from the pens of some of our most celebrated states men ; and, from a perusal of some of the pro ductions, we can safely assert that its reading matter will be of the most interesting and able character. Mr. Greene himself is a writer of considerable note, and fully able to conduct a periodical such as this is intended to be. We trust the Magazine will receive the patronage we feel assured it will merit. THE CROPS.-It is gratifying to us to an nounce that the crops throughout our county look exceedingly fine, and will be equal to if they do not exceed those of last year. Should the weather prove favorable during harvest we feel quite sure that our farmers generally, will be able to boast of the largest and best crops of wheat and rye they have had for several years. The oat crop, we believe, will be the largest ever raised in Huntingdon county ; and the corn promises an advance on the average yield in both quantity and quality. The kindness of Providence we think will, this year, interfere with the machinations of heartless speculators. The Cresson. souse This large and magnificent building on the summit of the Allegheny Mountain near Cresson station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, is a favorite summer resort, and arrangements are making to bring it into competition with other noted - places. s Many visitors arc there at present, and we learn that every day in creases the number. Bath houses are being erected there on an extensive scale, and every other requisite which it has not already, will be added, to make it one of the most comfortable and pleasant summer resorts in the State. SECRETARY LASS.—It is stated that Gen. Cass, for the first time in many years, yielded to the solicitations of the President and dined with the Cabinet a. few days ago. It is also stated that he was waited upon by some friends a few days since, who came to him having legitimate business to transact with his de partment. General Cass said: "Office-seek ing in men, women and children has become our national malady. God only knows how it is to be checked, or in what direction the cure lies." This was in response to the state ment of two old friends who called on him simply to pay their respects, and assured him they were not about to ask his aid to obtain office. "I am very glad to hear you say so, Gentlemen, and very glad to see you." The eneral looks remarkably hale and vigorous for his years. So mach for abstemious and strict habits, and his imperturable cheerful ness and good temper.—Baltimore Sun. Shipments of Coal The - shipments of coal from the Broad Top mines for the week ending Thursday, 16th July, were 1,505 tons ; for the year, 41,595 tong, Bedford Springs, Pa. Under this heading, we notice a letter in a late number of the N. Y. Herald, which is a monstrous big lie from beginning to end, and forces the conviction upon our mind, that the author is either a paid tool, or an unscrupu lous, revengeful, disappointed sponge. The writer commences his attack by com plaining of the "infliction of a whole night in Philadelphia!" Was he turned out of doors, for want of money, and forced to sleep in the streets, or beg for Quarters in a low, "dusty, musty, cramped tavern ?" If so, he shoUld have written e i liction! But believ ing the village of Philadelphia will survive his venom, we will meet him at the next point of his attack—Huntingdon. How he got here is a mystery to us, but he was here, and as report says, without money enough to put up at a first-class hotel—and as our landlord had no idea of being fleeced by carpet-saek gentry, who travel to watering places, boast ing of more brains than cash, the individual exposed his situation accidentally, and was politely informed that the hotel was"eramped."' Hence his resort to some " dusty, musty, cramped tavern," the whereabouts of which we have not learned. But we here convict him of wilful, deliberate lying, when he com plains that passengers to the Bedford Springs, by this route, must "endure another night" in Huntingdon. That his intention was to travel over the route as a "dead head," or to wreak his vengeance in a New York paper, is palpably manifest. Passengers for the Bedford Springs, arriving in Huntingdon from the East by the evening train, have sufficient time to reach the 33road Top cars, but are not detained one half hour; and passengers in the morning, have one hour's time to break fast. So passengers from the East have the advantage of gaining the connection of two trains in one day; and those arriving in the western trains, are not detained at any time more than a couple hours, except those arri ving in the night trains. It appears that the scribbler was fully satisfied with the Hun tingdon & Bread Top Rail Road, as he has not a word of disparagement to utter. Prob ably he euchered a free pass over the road— by no other way can we account for his si lence on that subject, as every place and eve rything else but the railroild between Hun tingdon and Bedford—Hopewell, Hopewell dinner, coach, horses, driver, men, women and children, fall under his vengeance. He says lie walked and swam alternately over mountains " cut up, cut down and qua ;mired" —" arrived. at Bedford after. six mortal and melancholy hours—and such a town, and such a people—they all look sour kroutish," and so on. He then launches out against the Bedford Springs, the water, the building, and the proprietors, in a style decidedly five , pointish! The secret of all which is, we learn, the refusal of Col. Gossaun, the pro prietor of the Springs, to accede to his impu dent demand of "rooms and accommodations for the season," in return for letters to be written by himself to New York papers, puf fing the Springs, as the best watering place in the United States! So much for his let ter; but where did he got money enough to secure its publication in the New York Her , ald ? In explanation, it may be stated that at the conclusion, he "Puffs" Saratoga! But the Bedford Springs continue to be visited by persons from all parts of the United States. The travel over the Broad Top Road is daily increasing, and we learn from the Bedford Inquirer, that there are already sev eral hundred at the' Springs. Since the erec tion of the new buildings, there are accom modations for at least one thousand people, besides several hundred can be accommoda ted in the borough of Bedford, in a superior manner. The fare at the Bedford Springs is not, and cannot be surpassed by Saratoga, or any other watering place in the country, however lying newspaper scribblers may as sort to the contrary. DEMOCRATIC - O,I7ARRELS.—The Pittsburg Post, referring to the efforts of the Black Republican editors to foment a quarrel be tween Democrats, says : " The attempt is useless. Individual Democrats may differ in opinion, and honestly differ; but as for a Democratic quarrel, such a thing exists only in the morbid visions of Black Republican editors." A VERY OLD FIRE EN - ousE.—The Lehigh Register says the first fire engine used in the United States is in the neighboring town of Bethlehem, and still in working order. It was built in London, in 1659, and shipped to Philadelphia, where it was in service many years—until the manufacture of do mestic and more modernized " mersheons" was established, when it passed into the hands of the 33ethlehemites, who now greatly revere it as a memento of " auld lang sync." Tun s PROSRECTS.—EVeryWbCTO we hear more cheering accounts of reward for the farmer's toil. The Albany Argus says•summer though somewhat late in com ing, is with us is all its glory and power.— Nature responds to its influences, and the crops are coming forward with astonishing rapidity. The corn crop, about which so much croaking has been indulged, will put on a different complexion during the week, and with fall, the yield may yet prove an av erage one. All other crops' arc more than usually proinising,"and the prospects of the husbandman arc certainly not discoura ging. The Court Proclamations, Jury and Trial Lists will be found on the fourth page. From the Washington Union. Know-Nothingism, its origin, rise and fall. Disappointment is ever fruitful of schemes to revive hopes and secure long-sought but unattained objects. The democratic and whig parties contained ambitious men whose merits had not been estimated by their party friends according to their standards, and, consequent ly, had met with political disappointments which they could not bear with patient resig nation. _Know Nothingism originated in these disappointments, and was nursed into activity by newly inspired hopes. The ori ginators sought to organize a new party, of which they should become the profiting lead ers, which should appeal to the pride of birth place ; and to prejudices supposed to be easily excited against a religion not well understood and professed by few born within the Union; and to secure the advantages of a popular name, the new party was christened "Amer ican," although based upon an illiberality and a bigoted prejudice foreign to the prin ciples and instincts which secured. liberty in America. Conscious that the principles upon which the scheme was based could not bear the test of open public scrutiny, they were veiled in secresy, and all its arrangements, views, and objects were sealed with an oath. To guard those whose discretion could not be trusted from the danger of revelations, all were charged, upon leaving their secret political lodges, to make one uniform reply to every possible question, and to say I "know noth ing," which conferred the name by which the party has been distinguished. This scheme of closing the mouth with a falsehood avoided an avowal of indispensable princi ples and precluded a discussion which would have proved their fallacy and their hostility to real American principles. Before the pub lic was aware of the existence of an organi zation, disappointed democrats and whigs often drew into and subjected to the influence of those midnight political conclaves suffi cient numbers to secure a triumph at the polls, and especially in cities where secret combinations are most easily managed.— Many were duped ; the managers assuring unsuspecting democrats that, in the end, the democracy would be benefitted, while the like unblushing assumption that ivhigism would alone be benefitted was made to un suspecting whigs. A few leading spirits con trolled everything in every part of the United States, and the masses were sworn to obey, and vote as they directed, exercising neither independence or judgment for themselves, thus submitting to a political slavery unequal led within our limits. The leaders ordered their subordinates when and how to vote, and whom to expel from the polls, and directed the application of force when deemed neces sary and safe to prevent their adversaries from exercising the privileges of freemen.— In the execution of the lodge edicts, blood has been freely shed in this city, Balthnorb, New Orleans, and other cities, including Lou isville, where the torch, as well as the mus ket and bludgeon, wreaked vengeance even upon innocent women and children. Suc cesses thus acquired were naturally tempo rary. The secret oaths and contrivances for controlling the well-meaning and ignorant were revealed by those whose conscientious ness could not be longer reconciled to them. The denunciations which honest indignation and patriotic feeling heaped upon these wretch ed and wicked contrivances carried convic tion to thousands that such oaths and contri vances constituted treason to morals, religion, and liberty, and thereupon they commenced the work of renouncing them. The leaders were compelled, at least in form and pretence, to abandon their secret operations, including their oaths, tending to screen guilty breth ren, even in courts of justice, and come be fore the people with a public declaration of political principles upon which they profes sed to stand. From that day the doom of know-nothingism was sealed. Thirty States last fall ignored and repudi ated the illiberal and narrow principles of the order. To Maryland alone was reserved the distinction of an apparent approval of what her thirty sisters had emphatically con demned. It is due to her to add that the re corded vote was not the will or voice of a majority of her voters. The war upon all not native born deterred hundreds, and proba bly thousands of good, worthy naturalized citizens, and probably some others, from at tempting to vote, while large numbers of peaceable, quiet-loving Catholics voluntarily staid from the polls. It is now history that very large numbers of both were driven from the polls by violence and prevented from vo ting, while the know-nothing mayor and city authorities used no suitable exertions to pro tect the voter, or to restrain, or arrest, or punish the aggressors. Had the vote in Ma ryland been a full and fair one she would have marked her condemnation of the illib eral and intolerant principles of the know nothings. Although they may achieve an occasional local success through the means successfully used in Baltimore, and attempted but failing, here, the party has fallen to rise no more. When its secret operations were abandoned its power was annihilated, and it fell, and the hand of resurrection will never come to its rescue. There is too much liber ality of principle and Christian sympathy and.religious charity in the breasts of our people to secure the stability or success of a party whose sole claim to merit rests upon birth-place and intolerance towards a single sect entertaining different tenets and practi sing different forms of worship. This party is substantially disbanded and at an end.— The democrats who have unwittingly been seduced into its ranks 'will return to the standard of their old friends, who will wel come them to the path of right and duty, where alone liberal and just principles are professed, cherished, and carried out in prac tice. Illiberality, bigotry, and tyrannical ac tion have no supporters in the democratic ranks. Those formerly whigs who can no longer adopt the principles and practices of this intolerant, sect, and have no affinities for black republicanism, will naturally be at tached by the pure principles of democracy, and their beneficent results, and join our standard and form a portion of the only lib eral party existing among us. We.shall soon have, as formerly, but two parties in the country : the democratic, devoted to the Con stitution, the Union, and liberal principles; and its adversaries, by whatever name they may be known, who will be their opposite in whatever concerns either. A HEAVY Cu - ArN.—The largest chain in the world is that about to be used in the op eration of raising the ships sunken at Sebas topol. It is two hundred yards long, and each link weighs three hundred pounds. It was manufactured at the Reading forge, Reading, Pa. The value of the material to be furnish ed by the Russian government to be used in raising the fleet will be about a million and a half of dollars. Rebuke of Political Preaching. We observe that at the recent Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church for East Maine, Bishop Morris, being about 'to an nounce the appointment of preachers to their several stations and circuits, took occasion to express his views, very briefly and in very kindly terms, upon the interference of Min isters of the Gospel with political affairs, earnestly rebuking such interference as a departure from duty, and directly calculated, not only utterly to destroy the influence of the minister, in his proper field, but to en gender discord and ill feeling. His remarks are timely and appropriate. The political excitement which brought so many clergy men into the partisan field has passed away, and ministers and laymen are looking with calmness and candor to the influences which have resulted from political preaching. They find churches divided and distracted, pews deserted, treasuries empty, and the hearts of the people cold and comfortless. Some of them, with commendable devotion to the Christian cause, have set about the work necessary to restore the good feeling which prevailed in other years ; and many who had been driven from their houses of wor ship by the partisan abuse of their minis ters, have been brought back to their public devotions, and are again hoping for a season of religious enjoyment. Perhaps, at such a time, both ministers and people will derive pleasure and profit from the gentle counsels of this wise and Christian Bishop. In the course of his remarks, Bishop Morris said: " I deem it not unimportant or out of place to address a few words to you, my brethren, upon a subject which - is attracting considerable attention at the present time-- namely, as to how far a minister of the Gos pel ought to take part in the politics of the day. When a minister goes into his pulpit he finds his congregation composed of men of different political parties ; and if he pub licly becomes the partisan of one side or the other, there will of necessity spring up a coldness towards him in a part of the con gregation, which will very much diminish his influence. I feel convinced, from. what I have observed, that the only result that can be expected from a minister taking part in the political contests and discussions of the day will be to engender strife and hard feel ing in his congregation. " But some may ask whether we are not citizens, like other men, and have not duties to perform as such ? Most certainly we are, and I trust I have not proved recreant to the obligations resting , upon me as a citizen, although I have not, for, the forty years that I have been in the ministry, ever entered a political meeting or spent above five minutes at any election. I have always made it a point to go to the polls at the most quiet time of the day, when there was likely to be the least excitement, to deposit my ballot in an unostentatious manner, and return home. I have never seen the time when I thought J. was called upon as a citizen to do more than this. I know not how it may be with others, but I have always found enough to do in the duties of my calling. I am willing to let the `potherds strive with the potsherds,' but pre fer for myself to attend to the duties devolv ing upon me as a minister of Christ. I roc collect an anecdote of a Methodist brother who was stationed to preach the Gospel to the people in 'Fountain Head Circuit,' near the Hermitage of the late President Jackson, in the exciting political times of his second election. Party zeal was just then at its height, and each party wanted every one to be on its side. They sought out the newly arrived minister and eagerly inquired of him whose side he was on? 'I am on the side of the Lord and Fountain Head. Circuit,' was the reply. Which of the candidates do you intend to vote for ?" I trust I shall be found on my knees praying to God for the conversion of sinners and the upbuilding of Zion in Fountain Head Circuit. However they might question the devoted minister, he would wisely answer that he meant to do his duty faithfully as a minister of Christ in• Fountain Head Circuit.' In conclusion let me say, my brethren, go ye and do like wise.' SHOCKING DOUBLE SUICIDE IN ERIE COUNTY. —We learn from the Waterford, Erie county (Pa.) Museum, that two Germans, bearing, the name of Ferdinand and Mina Shultz, re siding about siz miles from Waterford, and about eight or nine from Erie, above Captain Strong's, were found July 10th, dead, hang ing to a tree twenty rods back of their dwel ling. The parties were aged respectively about 40 and 30 ; came Mim the Old World six years ago, since which they have lived in this section, last spring having bought 25 acres at the point above mentioned and mo ving thereon. The - woman is reputed the second wife of the man, he having a boy by a previous marriage, who is now left in his 13th year. The Museum states that the parties were of quarrelsome and violent dispositions, and fought with each other and their neighbors, until the man was arrested on a charge of threatening a neighbor's life. - He found bail and was released. Several other eases were pending against him, growing out of alleged slanders, horse trades, &c., and (as he stated several times) his neighbors had induced him to believe he could not escape the peniten tiary: This idea had made him desperate, and joined with a depraved estimate of life, led to the horrible event we have to record.— His little boy testified, that for three or four days his parents had not worked, laying about the house, half sick and despairing ; his mother, he said, "acting crazy" on Thurs day. The parties were found hanging to a tree, and an inquest held, which resulted in a verdict that the parties voluntarily hung themselves. GEORGE C. FRANCISCUS, ESQ.—This gentle man, who for several years was the freight agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad in Pitts burgh, is to be the Superintendent of the Eastern Division of the road, from Harris burg to Philadelphia. The Pittsburgh Post says " the selection is an excellent one. Mr. Faxsciscus is an energetic, careful, and pop ular business man, and fully understands and carries out the measures which best meet the wants both of the company and the public.— His perception in business affairs is quick and ready, and his experience and adminis trative capabilities are of the first order." Judge Cunningham. lion. Thos. Cunningham, of Beaver, has written an able letter to Wm. M'Gill, Esq., editor of the Patriot, published at New Lisbon, Ohio, in relation to abolition lies about himself and affairs in Kansas.— The following extract will be read with in terest. Judge Cunningham says : resigned the office of Judge of the Su preme Court of 'Kansas voluntarily, because my personal and private affairs rendered it inconvenient for me to hold it longer. The southern judicial district of the Territory, to which I was assigned by the territorial Legis gislature, dill -not suit me. The population is rather sparsd_the legal business small. The district is difficult of access, and when reached, not desirable or convenient to live in. I could not, with any degree of pro priety, move my family to that secluded and remote portion of the territory, and to re main there myself in voluntary exile, and neglect the welfare, comfort and happiness of my family resident here, would not only have been improper with, and without any inadequate countervailing inducement or re ward would have rendered me culpably amenable at the domestic forum. In view of these matters, I resigned on my own judgment, uninfluenced• by any one, or by any other facts and circumstances than those mentioned. So far from being " murdered" or in " danger of being murdered" in Kansas by pro-slavery men, or by any body else, I most cheerfully and truthfully state, in justice to the people of the Territory, that I never have been treated with more kindness and respect anywhere than I was by the men of all parties during the time that I remained there. I never travel in disguise nor "slope" from responsibility. I returned from, as I went to, the Territory, openly and publicly, having nothing to fear on account of my own, or from the conduct of others. The miserable and baseless fabrication in relation to myself, I regard as part and par cel of that long, but now threadbare woof of political misrepresentations with which the people were entertained and miserably de ceived by the black republican presses and stump—and school house orators during the last - Presidential campaign. In my view of the condition of things in Kansas, the conduct of the abolitionists, or so called free State men there, is fractious and flatly absurd. Instead of recognizing the law authorizing and providing for a con stitutional convention which manifests fair ness in its provisions and most stringent and potent safeguards, they refuse to be regis tered and refuse to vote, although boasting of a majority, and consequent power to con trol and mould the proceedings of the con vention. For private purpo3es to aid them in matters of speculation in paper towns and the like, these same men repeatedly acknowl edged the legitimate existence and power of the Territorial Legislature, last winter, while I was at Lecompton, by invoking special legislation to bestow upon them valuable cor porate privileges and r'iglit3; yet wben legis lating generally fur the Territory, this same Legislature denominated bogus, and its au thority denied and condemned. Or, in other words these lovers of freedom ratify and re pudiate legislative authority in the same breath I What construction or just interpretation can be given to such a course of conduct ? Outside of the Kansas excitement what had the abolitionists and "shriekers" to rest on during the last campaign, and what have they now? Emphatically nothing. Let that go, and the last note of their one-stringed harp is forever, silenced. 'How then can their conflicting professions and actions be understood, but that they hope slavery may be established on that much abused soil, the democratic party injured, and their own sin ister, selfish, and anti-Union party gain place and power. Let Kansas be admitted as a free State, as I do not doubt she will be, under a demo cratic administration, then will the shriekers and their decomposed party of political scamps and remnants, be heard from the hills and valleys to exclaim, with the men of old, "they have taken away our• gods, and what have we more?" EXTRAORDINARY . BEEIIIVES.----The Portland Argus states that the inmates of one of the largest mansions in that place were lately surprised to find a, large number of bees flying about in two of the upper rooms. As the lit tle fellows continued to occupy the places, a bee Naturalist was sent for to investigate the matter. On entering one of the rooms he ex claimed, "you have honey somewhere here," -and proceeded to search for it. On removing the fireboard he discovered that one flue of of the chimney was full of honey comb, which was banging down into the fire place and the honey dropping from it; proceeding to the top of the house to sound the chimney he found the flue full of the comb to the top, and the bees still at work. In the other room he found it the same; one due of the chimney was full and the bees -were industriously at work there also. These flues of the chimney had never been used; they were plastered smooth inside, and were perfectly dark, a stone having been placed upon the top of each flue. The bees had descended the adjoining flues and found small holes about ten inches from the top of the chimney, leading into the closed flues, and through these holes they had. made their way in and out. They have, as is supposed, occupied these places for three years, having been kept warm in the winter' by the heat from the adjoining flues. On re moving the fire hoard, the bees seeing the great light which had broken in upon them, descended to the room and gathered on the windows until they were covered to the thick ness of three inches. It is estimated that there are in the two flues from 40,000 to 50, 000 bees and from two to three thousand pounds of honey. POISON IN TILE FINE LACE MANUFACTURE.-- Our wealthy ladies who wear fine Brussels lace are ignorent of the sad fact, we believe, that in its preparation the poor female oper atives often lose. their lives by inhaling a poison employed in removing finger-marks from it. The poison is the carbonate,of lead applied in the form of powder, in the finish ing operation. .t 1 portion of this is inhaled by those who use it, and their health soon gives way. Good wages are generally paid to those lace operatives, but so unhealthy is the business—so fatal has the lead poison proved in its effects—that ic is only a work of dire necessity to engage n it. it is a sad reflection that many a rich piece of lace, worn by a lady, has cost not merely a high price in money, but the life of a fellow-being. Lace manufactures have long endeavored to find a suitable harmless substitute for car bonate of lead, but hitherto in vain, we un derstand. A Mormon Parallel Three Centuries Ago: Strange religious fanaticisms are not confi ned to any country nor limited, to any era of the world's history. The Anti-ChrzStaan world witnessed as strong delusions as have sprung up since the advent of the Redeemer. A writer in the Providence Post, recalls some interesting particulars concerning a strange sect, which about the year 1530, arose in Germany, and, from their foul practices and the pretences of their leaders to special rev elations, bear a striking resemblance to the Mormons ; the name also by which they mately became known, and are known at the present day, Mennonites, is not very dissinix ilar to that of their successors in depravity,. the Mormonites. They were called Anabap- - tists, for the reason that they condemned the baptism of infants and re-baptised all whorri they admitted into their society. To this pe., culiar notion concerning baptism, they addeB other principles of a most enthusiastic as well as dangerous nature, among which was this, which the Mormons of the present day hold in common with them; That as neither' the laws of nature nor the precepts of the New Testament had, imposed. any restraints upon men with regard to the number of wives which they might marry, they should use that liberty which God himself had granted to the patriarchs. Two of their prophets, JOHN MATTHIAS, a baker of Harlaem, and. JoaN BOCCOLD, a journeyman tailor of Ley den, fixed their residence at Munster. Not wanting in talent or resolution, and affecting the appearance of sanctity, bold pretensions to inspirations, and a confident and plausible manner of discoursing, they soon gained many converts, among which were some of influence and eminence. Emboldened by success, they surprised and took possession of the city of Munster, and set about model ling the government according to their own wild ideas. Their proceedings were all di rected by MATTruas, who, in the style and with the authority of a prophet, uttered his commands, which it was instant death to dis obey ; their enthusiastic passions were kept from subsiding by a perpetual succession of exhortations, revelations and prophecies.— Upon the death of MATTHIAS, JOHN Boccoan succeeded to the supreme rule; he appointed twelve judges, according to the number of tribes in Israel, to preside in all affairs. He at length took upon himself the title of King of Sion, assumed the pomp of royalty, wear ing a crown of gold and clad in the richest and most sumptuous garments. Having now attained the height of power, BOCCOLD began to discover passions which he had hitherto restrained. As the excesses of enthusiasm have been observed in every age to lead to sensual gratifications, the same constitution that is susceptible of the former being re markably prone to the latter, Lie instructed the prophets and teachers to harangue the people concerning the lawfulness, and even necessity, of taking more wives than one, which they asserted to be one of the privi leges granted to the saints. lie set them an example of using what he called their Chris tian liberty, by marrying at once three wives. As he was allured by beauty or the love of variety, lie gradually added to the number of his wives until they amounted to fourteen.— After the example of their prophet, the mul titude gave themselves up to the most licen tious and uncontrolled gratification of their desires. No man remained satisfied with a single wife. Together with polygamy, free dom of divorce, its inseparable attendant, was introduced. Every excess was commit ted of which the passions of men are capable when restrained neither by the authority of laws nor the sense of decency ; voluptuous ness was engrafted on religion, and dissolute riot accompanied the austerities of fanatical devotion. About fifteen months after the Anabaptists had established their dominion in Munster, they were overcome and the city re-conquered by an army in .the service of the Bishop of Munster. Ilocconn, the King, was taken prisoner, loaded with chains, and carried from city to city as a spectacle to gratify the curiosity of the people. After this he was brought back to Munster and put to death. With its monarch, the king dom of the Anabaptists came to an end.— Their principles having taken deep root in the Low Countries, the party still subsists there, under the name of Mennonites; but by a very singular revolution, this sect, so mutinous and sanguinary at its first origin, bath become altogether innocent and pacific, small number of this sect which is settled In England, retain its peculiar tenets concern ing baptism, but without any dangerous mix ture of enthusiasm. ---Pennsylvanian. VALUE OF THE SLAVES OF THE SOCTIT.—The New Orleans Delta estimates the number of slaves at the South at over three and a half millions, and their aggregate value, at pres ent prices, at fully sixteen hundred millions of dollars. The cotton plantations in the South it estimates at about eighty thousand, and the aggregate value of their annual pro duct, at the present prices of cotton, is fully one hundred and twenty-five millions of dol lars.— There are over fifteen thousand to bacco plantations, and their annual products may be valued at fourteen millions of dollars. There are over fifteen thousand tobacco plan tations, and their annual products may be valued at fourteen millions of dollars. There are two thousand six hundred sugar planta tions, the products of which average annually more than twelve millions. There are five hundred and fifty-one rice plantations, which yield an annual revenue of four millions of dollars. Ita3 - A young Man in the town of W—, Portage county, Ohio, 'lately visited Cleveland accompanied by a fair damsel. The young man having never been from "hum," was somewhat unaccustomed to the usage of the world. lie put up at the Weddell, and or dered dinner, which in due time being an nounced, the bold gallant boldly walked into a sumptuous repast leaving the young lady alone in the sitting room. After partaking of a meal that astonished his stomach, he re turned to his companion—who was rather as tonished at this proceeding,—and remarked that: "The dinner was darned good, why didn't you buy some?" The above is an ac tual fact, which the Cincinnati Commercial vouches for. The lady was sixteen hours without anything to eat. Friends are in the habit of 'warmly greet ing their acquaintances upon the arrival of passenger trains at some of the Railway sta tion houses. It was only the other day that a young gentleman rushed through a crowd toward a lady, seized her hand and gave her a hearty kiss, the smack of which sounded above—we were going to say the ding of dongs; but it's enough to state that the report startled a country lass hard by, who exclaim ed to her " feller "—"Massey Josh! what on. nirlieg (env WWI/ (111 M /-• IPeh ...*se. 0)1