THE HUNTINGDO_N GLOBE, A DiaIOC_RATIC FAMILY SOERNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, &C. trutt's ONTrntr. the Object of Life 317 DEAR YOUNG FRIENDS: You are about starting upon what perhaps may be a long journey; and although billows arise and. tempests sweep across the skies by order from the throne 'of Him who created. and controls the universe : yet your voyage thro' life must to a great extent, be prosperous or adverse, in accordance with your actions.— If your are virtuous in conduct, and upright in principle, you may expect the love and esteem of your fellows: but if on the other hand you stoop to dishonorable actions, and evince an envious and mean spirit, you. will lose the respect of your associates, and not only destroy your own happiness, but will disgrace your friends. In starting out there fore you should be careful to set your com pass in the right direction; else you will be drifted upon the shoals and quicksands, and while your frail bark lies upon the rocks, a sport for the winds, its precious cargo--your immortal soul—may be lost. There are many of the little readers of the Globe, find pleasure during their play days, in wander ing along the sunny banks of the Juniata and. , its tributaries, and with nicely baited hook jerking out of the water the broad sun fish or wide mouthed sucker. And often while waiting for some one of the finny tribe to accept the proffered gift at the end of your lines, you see sticks floating lazily down. the stream. Perhaps one lodges against a stone or some other obstacle in its way, and there it remains until another comes tumbling along from ripple to ripple, knocks it off and starts it on its course again. Well this is the way it often happens with young persons starting on the voyage of life. They have no aim in view. They have never learned the object of life. Methinks I hear some one of my little readers say " What do you mean by the object of life ?" "Do you think I can do anything?" Cer tainly my little friend. You can do a great deal, Did you hear that little lark singing so sweetly this morning when you opened your window? It could do something. Its melodious song afforded you much pleasure. And can you not do more than a little bird? It has no hands to work, no mind to learn, and yet it can add something to your ha.ppi adess. Now therefore, since you see that you can do something, what must it be and how must you commence? Like the sticks in the stream, going a little distance, then stopping until some one gives you a push ? No indeed, lei by learning to think rightly, to speak profitably, and to act honorably. I will try and mention in my next, some things to he guarded against; also some plain and easy rules for conduct, and incen tives to action, which I know my young friends will like. Your friend, Tin. GRAVE or HExay CLAY.—The editor of the Fort Wayne Times has been on a jour ney thnugh Kentucky, and went to pay his devotions to the grave of Henry Clay. In the cemetery not far from Lexington he searched for it first among those covered with entablatured slabs, obelisks, pyramids and imposing monuments, but the name was found on none of these ; he sought it among less imposing tahlbs,- but found it not. A lad at last led: him to the spot, where a little mound, marked only by the path worn by the footprints of devoted countrymen, told that the great commoner still lived in the hearts of the people. Near by was the mon ument affectionately inscribed by 111 r. Clay to his mother. On an adjoining eminence, which is a beautiful site—with an area of half an acre, circular in form—the people of Kentucky are to erect a monument of Ken tucky marble, of beautiful design, which is to rise 120 feet in height, under which the remains of the noble son of our Sister State are to be deposited. The corner-stone will be laid on the 4th of July next, with imposing ceremonies. SerA friend of ours the other day was ac costed in one of our streets with the words, "Do you know the time, sir?', Upon which he pulled out his watch, and after consulting it, returned it to his pocket, coolly replying to the interrogative, "Yes sir, I do," and then walked off, leav ing the questioner abashed at his way of ask ing the time, Da. 0l whistle, daughter, whistle, and you shall have a cow-1 never whistled in my life, and I can't whistle now. 0 ! whis tle, daughter, whistle, and you shall have a man—l never whistled in my life, but I'll whistle if I can. DS—A certain gallant editor thinks when a single man can't pass a clothes line without counting all the long stockings and certain under clothing, it is a sign he ought to get married, and the sooner the better. TAIPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT.- The " May Flower" arrived in port last week, having on board, a new and splendid assortment of Groceries, Confectionaries, Provisions, &c.. &c., all of which are offer ed for sale at the Cheap Store of tovE McDIVITT, con sisting of Hams, Shoulders, Salt and Fish, Sugar, Cofibe, Tea, molasses, Cheese, Crackers, Nuts, Raisins, Figs, Tam arind, Rice, Sage, Tapioca, Orange Syrup, Pickles, Oranges, Lemons, Oils, Candles, Tobacco, Segars. Fruits and Confec tionaries of all kinds, all of which will be disposed of at the LOWEST FIGURE, for cash or country produce. Purcha sers are invited to call and see and examine for themselves.. LOVE & Huntingdon, May 20,1857 ONE OF THE TRICKS OF THE TRADE is to get good customers by offering Cheap. and at the same time, GOOD CLOTHING. Whatever others may say of their neighbors leaving town, they will not say that my CLOTHING fails to please the crowds that daily fit themselves at my establishment. The truth is " Old Moso" wolf t be beat in selling cheap and good Cloth ing! Those who have doubts upon the subject should call and see for themselves. Huntingdon, 3lay '27, 1657 STATE of SAMUEL CALDWELL, 4 decd.—ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters of administration on the Estate of Samuel Caldwell, late of Cromwell township, Huntingdon county, denl, having been granted to the undersigned, he hereby notifies all persons indebted to said estate, to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. D. -C.S.LDTVELL, Adat'r. Slade Gap, Iklay 27, 1.837-6 t. V A j l i o -r.„ t rAr ••4•7 -•• • . - For the Globe HUNTINGDON &BROAD TOP RAIL ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT! on and after .'.Nfonday, Juno Ist. 1857, Two Passenger Trains a day, each way—Sundays excepted—will run as follows MORNING TRAIN. STATIONS. A. Z. P. .t. 'Huntingdon Leave S 00 'irrive 9 10 Weonnellstown 813 " 1.50 Pleatiant Grove « 820 i 4 1 50 Marklesburg C.: 8 32 cc 1 35 Coffee Run 44 8 44... ..... ...." 1 26 Rough & Ready Ci 8 50 cc 1.20 Cove 41. q 03 cc 1.07 Fishers' Summit 4( q 00 cc 1 04 Saxton c: 9 t'A " 12.30 Rithlulsburg cc 12.38 Hopewell I.rrive 030 Leave p. In. 12.30 I'. 31. P. .m. lluntingdon Leave 5.00 krrive 8.40 IWConnellstown <, 5.14 8'26 Pleasant Grove `• 5 2.0 gc 8 20 Marklesburg " 500 8 08 Coffee Run g.: 5.44 g; 7.56 Rough &• Ready " 5.50..... ....... " 7.50 Cove 6,03 ‘‘ 7.37 Fishers' Summit G. 06 7.:14 Saxton 0.20 7.20 Riddelsburg 6,3 0 = 7.0 S Hopewell Arrive 040 I cave 7.00 -Passengers for BROAD TOP CITY, HOPEWELL, and BEDFORD SPRINGS, arriving from East by Pennsylvania Rail Road Express Train at 7.00 A. M., breakfast at Hun tingdon and leave at 8.00 for Bedford, &c. Passengers from East by Mail Train, arrive at 4.48 P. M., and leave for Bed ford, &c., at 5.00. Passengers from West arrive by Express Train in the morning and breakfast at Huntingdon and leave at 8.00 for Bedford, &c. Passengers from West, by Mail Train, arrive at 3.02 P. 31., and leave at 5.00 P. M. for Hopewell and Bedford. Passengers by the Fast Line arrive at Hun tingdon from East at 8.55 P. M. and from West at 9.48 P.M. Trains connect at Hopewell with four-horse Mail Coaches, over good Plank and Turnpike Roads to Bedford Springs. Visitors to Broad Top City, by taking the morning Train, can spend half a day on the mountain, (where good accom modations are to be had,) and return to Huntingdon same day. Fifty pounds baggage allowed each Passenger. For fur ther information inquire at the office of the Company at Huntingdon. THOMAS T. WIEERMAN, Supt. Huntingdon, June 1, 1857. FRESH ARRIVAL! AT TUE “ DIE.TELOPOLIT AN," [ OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! .1. & W. SAXTON have just received from Philadelphia a magnificent assortment of Goods, such as— DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, ..--, Qunenaware. Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, Carpet & Oil Cloth, Wood & Willow Ware, and in fart—EVEßYTHlNG—necessary to please the most fastidious. Such as— FINE DRESS GOODS, Prints, Tweeds, Summer Cot tons, Cloths, Cassimeres, Trim mings, Collars, and Undersleeves, Bonnets, and every va riety of liosiery, Gloves, Mitts, de., &c. We are determined to sell as low, if not lower, than any other house east of the Alleghany. Our motto shall be:— " QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS." Give us a call and be satisfied of the fact, that this is the house at which to purchase cheap goods. We have on hand Salt, Fish and Plaster, Imam,Shoulder and Flitch. Also. Glass, White lead, Linseed Oi, Turpen tine and other Paints. Huntingdon, May 6,1557. J. & W. SAXTON. LIRED. LIST'S BOTTLING ESTAB LISHMENT, liuNTINGDON, PA. Mr. LIST invites the attention of the public to his es tablishment, where ho is now prepared to furnish MINERAL WATER AND SARSAPARILLA, and bottled PORTER and ALE, at as cheap rates as any other establishment in the State. Thankful for past favors, he hopes to receive a continu ance of the same. Orders front a distance promptly attended to. Establishment one door east of Jackhun's lintel. May 20, 1857. I)ON'T BELIEVE THEM 11. ROMAN has not left town—neither does he intend to leave. Ms Store is at the old place, opposite the Ilouse," where all - who want bargains in Clo thing should call. If any persons tell you that I have left town, don't be lieve them—hut call at the old stand and see for yourself. A splendid assortment of Spring and. Summer Clothing now on hand. 11. ROMAN. Huntingdon, May 20, 1837—',3t. OLD MOSE AT _HOME! If yon don't believe it, call at his new store room in Market Square, where you will Dad a splendid a,sort tuent of Goods for the season. Ladies Dress Goods, Deady-Made Clothing. Groceries, &c.. And everything else usually found in the Huntingdon stores. Call, hut don't all call at the same time. Hantindon, April 15, 1857. MUSES nitors LEROY COME AGAIN. THE LATEST AND BEST! iipqL.-WESTBDOOK has just opened a lame and spleu tll4 did stuck of BOOTS & SHOES, of the best and latest styles, fur ladies, gentlemen, misses, boys, and children of all ages. lle returns thanks fur the liberal patronage he has heretofore received, and hopes his new stuck will not fail to please everybody, and all their relations, and that all who want a good and fa:hionable article will continue to call as usual at the old place and be aerominodated. Call eoon and examine nib• splendid etock. Huntingdon, April 15, 1557. LEVI WESTBItOOK cLaT JIM G - A NEW ASSORT- MENT JEST OPENIDI and Will be Solt Z . ,0 per cent. CI E.l.l.'Elt than the cheapest! Re,pectfully informs his customers, and the public gen erally, that he has just opened at his store room in Mar ket Square, opposite the Franklin House, Huntingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready-made Clothing for Spring and Summer, which he will sell cheaper than the same quality of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philadelphia or any othor es tablishment in the country. Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do well to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. llnntingdon, April 8, 1857. NO LIBRARY IS COMPETE WIT- H OUT IT.—TESTIMONY OF SIXTEEN THOUSAND PUBCHASEBS.—MAGNIFICENT WOltE: OF HISTORY! —A WHOLE LIBRARY IN ITSELF!—COST 811,000-7 c, MAPS-700 ENGRAYINGS.—A HISTORY OF ALL NA TIONS From Le earliest period to the present time, the history of every nation, ancient and modern, being separately given. By S. G. Goomucit, author of several works of His tory, 'Peter Parley's Tales,' &c. it is believed that the above work will be very accepta ble to the American public. It is the result of years of toil and labor, assisted in his researchesby several scholars of known ability, and has been got up at a great expense by the proprietors. No pains have been spared in the ex ecution of the Illustrations and Maps, which are prepared expressly for this work. Indeed, all tho other historical writing of Mr. Goodrich, sink into insignificance, when compared to this, the result of his riper ainaturer years. It is admitted that one Inindreddollars could not purchase the same matter in any other shape, and the publishers confidently expect, in consideration of the great Literary value of the work, the large sum expended in preparing it for the press, and the exceedingly moderate price at which it is offered, that it will be favorably received by every lover of good books. Many of our first scholars, di vines and gentlemen. who have examined the work, have given it their unqualified approbation and commenation, which it richly deserves. uNtrotot mere. In one volume. Turkey Morocco, Marble Edge, Gilt Back and Sides SG,OO In one volume, Turkey Morocco, Marble Edge, Full Gilt 5,00 In two volumes, Turkey Morocco, Marble Edge 7,00 In two volumes, Turkey Morocco, Gilt Edge and Full Gilt Sides 10,00 In two volumes, Full, Heavy Stamped Cloth, Sprink led Edge 6,00 Many of our Agents having been told when soliciting subscribers, that this work would soon be sold in Book stores, and at a reduced price, we hereby give notice, as Sole Publishers of it, it will not be sold in Bookstores at any price, and will be offered by our mnvassing Agents only, who have the sole right of sale in their respective districts, except that where we have not appointed an agent, WE will send copies by mail, postage pro-paid, to any part of the 'United States, upon receipt of the retail price. N.B.—The one volume copies, weighing over four pounds, cannot be sent through the mail, but the twovolume copies can be 'mailed as two books. Miller, Orton & Mulligan. Publishers. No. 25, Park flow, N. Y. For sale by 'GEO. BERGSTRESSER, MILL CnEEK, Hunt. Co., Pa. Air- Also. Agent for Dr. Mule's works. Feb. 11, 1857. 131.11 , ,'M1UM AWARDED TO H. T. STAIN'S, of Scotts‘illr, Jruntingdon connty, Pa.. for the best specimen of marble work. Send on your orders soon. Scottsville, Oct. 21, 1866.1 y. GRINDSTONES on friction rollers and patent hangings, for sale by apr. S. JAS. A. MOWN & CO. MOSES STROUS 5.,.-I.ISTFORD'S Invigorator or Livcr Remedy, can be had at the cheap Drug Store of apral lIENItY MeMANIGILD. HIDES & TANNERS OIL.-1000 DRX FLINT HIDES; 100 I3bls. TANNERS OIL. lor Hale by J. PALMER 4: CO. MARKET Stet WHARF, PHILADELPHIA. 'ay 13. 15.Z.7. EVENINC TRAIN H. ROMAN N EW GOODS , NEW GOODS , D. P. GWIN'S CHEAP STORE! D. P. GSVIN has just received from Philadelphia the largest and most beautiful assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ever brought to Huntingdon, consisting of the most fash bmcible drese goods for Ladies and Gentlemen. Such as Black and Fancy Silks, All-wool Bohai's, Challis Detains, Plain Braize, Figured Braize Robes, Brilliants, different colors; Brilliant Robes, Lawn Robes, Ducats Chintz Calico, Plain and Fancy DressCinghams, Hummilla Cloth, Silk Warp Levelly Cloth for travelling dresses, Mohair Dobarze, Lawns and Prints of every description. Also,—a large lot of Dress Trimmings, Fringes, Buttons, Bonnet Silks,Bonnet Crapes, all colors ; Ribbons, Gloves, Veils, ees, Hosiery, Gum Belts, Ribbons for Belting, Whalebone and Brass Hoops for Skirts, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Silk and Gingham Cravats, Zepher, French Working Cotton, Linen and Cot ton Hop, Tidy Yarn. Also, The best assortment of Collars and Under sleeves in town. Barred and plain .Thconets, Mull Muslin, Swiss, Plain, Figured and Dotted Crinoline, Moreen and Grass Cloth for Skirts, Book Muslin. Irish Linen, Linen Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, &c. Also, A fine assortment of Spring Shawls, Silk and Braizo 'Mantillas, and a variety of Dress and Fancy Goods too numerous to mention. _ . Also, Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinets, Merino Cassimer, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Cotton Drills for pants, Blue Denim. Blue Drill. Plain and Fancy Linens, Mar saillPs and Silk Vesting, Muslin:3,, bleached and unbleached; Sheeting and Pillow Case Muslin, Nankeens, Ticking, Checks. Table diaper, &c. Bonnets of the latest styles, and at lower prices than can be found in town. - - - Also, Moleskin, Fur, Wool and Summer hats of the latest styles, and Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Queensware. Buckets. Tubs, Churns, Butter Bowls, Bask ets, Brooms and Brushes, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, Fish & Salt, and all goods usually kept in a country store. T%l.y old customers, and as many new ones as can crowd in, are respectfully requested. to come and examine my goods. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods at the highest market prices. Huntingdon, April 20, 1857. DRUG, PAINT AND GLASS Whole sale Warehouse, Corner of Tenth and Market Streets, titlice in Second Story, Philadelphia. -Xa — We invite attention to our enlarged stock of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c., selected expressly for our sales, and comprising one of the finest assortments in the United States, which we otter at low prices, for cash or approved credit. Wk MANUFACTURE very extensively: Premium Pure White Lead, (best,) Kensington Pure White Lead, Pearl Snow White Lead, lle Montagne" French Zinc, (best,) Pure Snow White American Zinc, Philadelphia Snow White Zinc, Silver's Plastic Fire and Weather-proof Paints, Chrome Greens, Yellows, and colors generally. ACFNTS FOR: Porter's superior Alkaline Window Glass, Genuine French Plate Glass. {Warranted,) The New Jersey Zinc Company's products, Tilden and Nephew's N.Y. Varnishes, Brooklyn Premium Pure White Lead, Ilamptlen Permanent 'Greens, Pule Ohio Catawba Brandy, c.. Sc. IMPORTERS OF: French and English Plate Class, French and English Cylinder Colored and Engraved Wiliam% Glass, Daguerreotype Glass. I lammered Platt for Floors and Sky-Lights, Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, lc. WIIGLESALE DEALERS IN : Druggists' Articles generally, Painters' Tools of all descriptions, Hydraulic and Roman Cement, Calcined and Land Plaster, Paper Maker's Clay. Satin White. &c., &c. FRENCH, RICHARDS S CO.. Store. N. IV. cor. of Tenth and 31arket Streets. Factory, Junction York Avenue, Crown and Cltallowhill St s., April S. 18:',7-3m. Philadelphia. 11_,)A B.GAIi\JS, BARGAINS ! ) ILA.RDIVARE DEPOT I I The subscriber , have again returned from the east with an ealarged stock of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, PAINTS. Sc., which they will sell at such prices as shall make it the in terest of Housekeepers, Builders, Mechanics, and all. the rest of mankind, to give them a call. Our stock comprises Building material, such as Lock, Hinges Screws. Nails, Bolts, Glass of all sizes, Putty, Oils, Varnishes, ' White Lead, and Zinc Paints. MECHANICS' TOOLS Planes ' Handsaws. &saws, Crosscut Chisels, Mann's Axes, Hatchets, Spirit Levels, Files, Stocks and Dies, Mon key Wrenches, Blacksmith's Vices, with an endless vari ety of modern inventions and improvements. Saddlers and Coact. Makers are invited to call and exam ine our extensive efdCk of Harness Mountings and Coach Trimmings. Patent - tihd Common "buries, 30 varieties; Girthing, Hog Skins, Patent Leather, Enzuneled Leather, Oil Cloth for Carriages, Coach Laces and Linings, Hubs, Spokes, Felines, Shafts, Springs, Axles, &c., &c. TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, Knives. and Forks from ;371; cent, to $5 per sot, Silver des sert forks, Silver awl common spoons, Ladies' fruit knives, Wostenholm's and 50 other kinds of Pocket knives, Far rier's knives, razors. HOLLOW-WARE, Porcelains, Tinned and Plain Boilers, Tea Kettles, Sauce, Frying and Baking i'ans. Steak Griddles, Dish. Cover 6, at manufacturers' prices. _ _ MISCELLANEOUS Ice Hammers. lemon Squeezers, Butter Prints. Butter Ladles, Portmonaies, Bells of all kinds, Coins, Pistols and Revolvers. Paint Brushes. Wall Britslas, Traces & Chains. of various hinds, Chain Pumps and Metallic lumps for cisterns. Picks, :Sledges, &c.. &c. pureliased many of our goods at wholesale prices from MalltlfaVtarerS, Ist• are l'llable,l to :4•11 both TriWiPSA; and BF tall—extremely law! A liberal share of public patronage is solicited. tz:irAll orders from abroad promptly attended to. March IS. 1557 THE CIIEAP CORNER FOREVER SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Ready-Made Clothing% &e. 135f;N.JA'MIN Informs his old customers and the citizens of the borough and county of Ilunting , lon generally. that ho has just opened an extensive a.,Nortment of Goods of all kinds suit able for spring and Summer, which will compare in qual ity and prices with any others brought to t o wn the p ro , ent season. Ms stock consists of every article of Ladies' Dress Goods. In part, Gingliams, Lawns, Bareges, printed and plain, Prints of all kinds, Gloves. Mitts. tiosicry t anti in fact all articles c 4 aresA to he found in any other store in town. Also, an extensive assoriment of Ready- V.„. 1 made Clothing, for men and boys. for spring - and summer wear, all well Made and of good 4:..... materials. Also ; Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, of all sizes. Also, Groceries, Queensware, Glassware, Hardware, equal to any in town; awl many more articles " too numerous to mention." My old customers, and the public in general. arc invited to call and examine my new Goods. They will find them equal in quality, and as low in price, as any others in the county. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for Goods at the highest market prices. Huntingdon, April 8,1.857. 0n t o KEGS PAINT. (r)v u. HITE LEeu, (pure,) per keg of 25 lbs C -, 50 WRITE LEAD, (extra,) a< u 2 75 PHILADELPHIA ZINC I'uxr..." 2 40 llEer SxmalVurrE PAINT 44 2 68 Oils, Glass, Putty, Nails, and all kinds of HARDWARE and Building Materials in proportion, at the Hardware Stoio of JAS. A. BROWN & CO.. April 8. 1557. Huntingdon. Pa. FRANKLIN HOUSE, Huntingdon, Pa. J. S. MILLER, Paorturron. Respectfully informs his friends and the tray- ~.. ening, public generally, that he has leased the - = - "'t - V‘ri " Franklin House." for several years occupied :::: . by C. Coats, and that he will be pleased to re- lie . , ,:,';* eeive the calls of all who may favor him with their patronage. His ntl >le will be furnished with the best the market affords, and every attention will be given to make those who stop with him feel at home. Huntingdon, April 8, 1857. COUNTRY DEALERS can buy CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon at 'WHOLESALE as cheap as they can in the cities, as I have a wholesale store in Philadelphia. Huntingdon, April S, 1857. IL ROMAN. QEGARS, SEGARS.----A large lot of ).3 the best Segars—consisting of Fire Fly, Opera, La Duicipena, Ln Sinza, Tl Ncptuno, and 10,000 other brands, —all the beat that could be procuied in the City, just re ceived and for sale by LOVE MGDMIT. Q WHINE'S PANACEA, the greatest j remedy for Scrofula, for sale at the Cheap Drug Store of Jr. 3.IOIANIOILL. ..Q ALT—Ashton and Ground Alum-----by kJ the Sack or Bushel, fur salo by LOVE' & McDIVIT. DR. GREEN'S Aromatic Sap, for Stom ach Complaints, for &ale at the Variety Store of HENRY MOIANIGILL. TACKSON'S HOTEL, Huntingdon, ty Pa., on Alloglinny strcot, between the Pennsylvania and Broad Top R. It. Depots, WM. B. ZraGs.r.r., Proprietor. March 1537-om. JAS. A. BiLowN & CO J..1.C08S PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS. 1)11. JOHN McCULLOCII, offers his professional BOTTiCe9 te. the citinns of Ilunting,tion and vicinity. Office at Mr.'antral's, between. rho Ex change and Jackson's hotel. Aug. 23, '55. rir P. CAMPBELL, Attorney at Law, 0 Office iu the brick row near the Court house. amity SCOTT. SA.:4IIEL T. BROWN. Q.COTT & BROWN, Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Office same as that formerly occu- Pied by Mr. Scott. Huntingdon, Oct. 17, 1853. TORN N. PROWELL, Attorney at Law, eJP Will attend faithfully to all legal business entrusted to his care. Huntingdon, July 20,1555. t& W. SAXTO N Huntingdon, Pa.— • Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, hardware, Queens ware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Grain, Sm., &c. M. COLON, Dealer in Books, Stationary, Wall Taper, kc. Cc EsP. GWIN, Deal&,in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens- IA are. Hats and, Caps, Boots and Shoes, &.c. T M. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. ty Founders, liuntingdon, Pa cGILL & CROSS, Founders, Alexandria, Hunting - don county, Pa 7irOSES STROUS, i Dealer in Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Gro i7ries, Boots add Shoes, 'Hats and Caps, etc. TA - ROMAN __ILL Dealer in Beady Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, .13oots and Shoes, dc. IDENJ. JACOBS, j) Dealer in Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Grocer ies, Queensware, &c. &c. M: WESTBROOK, A Dealer in Gentlemen's, Ladies' and Misses' Boots, :Shoes, Gaiters, etc. T d ONCT & DECKER, Dealers in. Groceries, Confectionaries, Queensware, Flour, &C. 116S T EPII REIGGER, t y Watchmaker and dealer in Watches, Clocks, and Jew dry. dc. W ". "r ILLIAMS, Plain and Ornamental Marble Manufacturer LOVE and MeDIVIT, Dealers in Groceries, Confectionaries, Flour, Sc JAS. A. BROWN and CO., Dealers in all kinds of 'Hardware .1' WEN BOAT , Carriage and 'Waggon Manufacturer A NDREW MOEBTJS, Proprietor of the Broad Top house TOEIN F. ILOIIIY, County Surveyor, e I Huntingdon, Pa. Office on hill street, one door east of the Huntingdon Marble Yard. REFERENCES—L. T. Watson, Philadelphia; 3. P. Leslie, Geologist, Philadelphia; Charles Mickley, Rough and Ready Furnace, Hon. Jonathan INPWilliares. T SIMPSON AFRICA Practical Sur eff veyor, nunting,don, Pa. Office on Ilill street. ORI3ISON, DORRIS & CO., Miners, and Dealers in Broad Top Coal, Huntingdon ALEXANDER PORT & CO., Miners, and Dealers in Broad rep Coal, Finn tingdon DOWEL, SAXTON CO., Miners. and Dealers in Broad Top Coal. J. W. Saxton, untingdon ; R. Ilare Powel. 56 Walnut st.. Philadelphia. ANDREW PATRICK, Miner & Dealer Broad Top Semi-Bituminous Coal; Coalmont, Huntingdon county, Pa. VIBRELLAS and Parasols, of a new style, just received, and fur sale by apll6 J. & W. SAXTON. CC E Codfish,Salmon , ie r Pr llamangPOrk S Shoulders , Lard and Cheese, constantly on band and for sale by J. PALMER & CO.. April 1 1.856-3 m. Market Street Wharf, Philadelphia. VEYSTONE STATE SAPONIFR lE, or CONCENTRATED LYE, warranted to make soap without lye, and with little tarn de. It ins k.-s hard. soft, and timey soaps. For sale at the cheap Drug awl Fancy Store of HENRY 3101A.NlOILL. 1)A RUM—A fxerraine article for sale 0 by ursity menANIGILL. VRESII lot of Balm of a Thousand Flowers. for sale at new Drug, Fancy and Variety ....tore. Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa. LASS of all sizes from Bxlo to 20x30, received and f.yr sale by HENRY iReHANHHT..I , CITTRATE of Magnesia for sale at the ki Nev and Cheap Drug, Store in Huntingdon, Pa. S lj" gIIOR HORSE BALLS, MOIANTGILL'S. QUPERIOR VANILLA BEAN for k J s.rthi at the Cheap Drug Store, Market Square. VANCY SOAPS, ' At the Cheap Store of IL McMANETILL. LAD PIPE for sale at the Hardware _LiStore, Huntingdon. SOHE\CK S Puhu old e Syrup for the cure of Consumption, for sale by HENRY MeMANIGILL. 0 CHESTNUT POSTS for Sale by (sopa()) CUNNINGHAM DUNN. I_)ALSAM. FIR for sale at the Cheap j Drug Store of 11. MeMANIGILL. momAs' Venetian Liniment, fox sale by HENRY McMANIGILL. 4 EMON SYRUP, a genuine article, for sale by HENRY MeMANIGILL. FRESH. lot of dyer's Cherry Pectoral for sale at McManigill's Cheap Drug Store. HusBAND , s celebrated Calcined Mag nesia, for sale at the CHEAP DRUG STORE, Mar ket ;Square : Huntingdon, Pa. S PL 411111ACETI, a prime lot, for sale by HENRY MeMANIGILL. R. JOHN BULL'S Sarsaparilla, and DR. TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA, fur sale nt the cheap Drug Store, by HENRY 3101AN1O1LL. TRESIaIe L I lot of Clarified NßY Table Oil for s by HE McMANIGIL riENUTNE Electric Oil for sale at the CHEAP DRUG STORE, Market Square. F- RESII OLIVE OIL For sale at INIOLANIGILL'S. HE BOOK OF THE AGE.-"'TIS MUCH TO SAY, YET TRUTH TO SAY IT."—REC ECTIONS OF A LIFETIME, OR MEN AND THINGS CILI' I HAVE SEEN IN EUROPE AND AMERICA, _ _ _ By S. G. GOODRICH, the veritable "Peter Parley," author of "The llistory of all Nations," &c., &c. In two volumes, 150 pp. large 32m0. 25 engravings, including an accurate Steel Portrait of the Author. Price, Black or Scarlet Cloth, $3OO ; Scarlet cloth, gilt edges, $4; Half calf, mar ble edges,ss ; Gilt Edges, $7. This work embraces the prominent public events of the last half century, both at home and abroad; a complete autobiography of the author—his early days, education, and literary career; and an amount of original, curious, and valuable personal incident, anecdote and description, seldom, if over, met with in a single work. It is the au thor's life-long work, and nothing superior if equal to it in blended amusement and instruction, has ever been pub lished. Mr. Goodrich is the author and editor of'l7o vol umes, of which seven millions of copies have been sold! and this the great work of his life time, embodies the con densed substance of his ample literary and practical expe rience; the war with England in 1812-14, in which Mr. Goodrich was a private soldier; the Hartford Convention, whose operations took place under his immediate observa tim, and with most of the members of which he 11/8 per sonally acquainted. Embracing curious and interesting details respecting old Jeffersonian Democracy, Old Feder alism, and Connecticut Blue Lights; curious and marvel lous events connected with the rise and progress of reli gious sects in the United States; with descriptions of the French Revolution of 1818, and Louis Napoleon's Coup d'Etat, both of which the author witnessed. Also, a full account of the 'Peter Parley's Tales,' of which four mil lions have been sold. In the course of tho work will bo found pen and ink portraits of over Two Hundred celebrated persons—Presi dents, Tice-Presidents, Kings, Queens, Emperors, Soldiers, Poets, Wits, Enthusiasts, Physicians, Lawyers, Politicians, Diplomatists, described from personal acquaintance or observation. For sale by GEO. BERG STRESSER, DliLt eItYX.R, Hunt. Co., Pa. Published by Dliller, Orton & 31ulligan, No. 25 Park Row, N. Y. Also, Agent fer Dr. Sande warka Feb. n, 1567.. Market :quart, Huntingdon, Pa. rrHE HUNTING-DON FOUNDRY IN BLAST AGAIN I—The subscribers take this method of informing their friends and the public generally, that they have rebuilt the Huntingdon ROMs . I: 4MAdry, and are now in successful operation, and are prepared to furnish Castings of every description, of best quality and oiCa, s-344 -2 workmanship, on short notice, and on reasonable terms. Farmers are invited to call and exam ine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter Plough. This plough took the first at the Hun tingdon county Agricultural Fair last fall. Also, hunter's celebrated Cutter Ploughs, which can't be beat—together with the Keystone, hillside and Bar-shear ploughs. We have on hand and are manufacturing Stoves—such as Cook, Parlor, and Office stoves for wood or coal. hollow ware, consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c., all of which we will sell cheap for cash or in exchange fur corm= try produce. Old metal taken for castings. By a strict attention to business, and a desire to please, we hope to re ceive a liberal share of public patronage. J. M. CUNNINGHAM & DEO. Huntingdon, April 30, 1856. BOOKS ! BOOKS ! 40,000 Volumes of new and , popular_ . Bon n k i s t ,An i l) ,L rAi t c ,i i i iL t eNjavzi t i o e l tz 7 usually kept "'" ' and many of them at half the Publisher's ..";,= retail prices, the subscriber now offers to !MP the public. All School Books used in the county can be bad in any quantities at retail and wholesale rates. Foolscap, Letter, and Wrapping paper, wholesale, or by the ream. 100 Superior Gold Pens with Silver and Gold cases. from $1 upwards. Also Pocket• and Pen Knives of Rogers' and others' best manufacture. 100 Splendid Port ilionniaes and Pocket Boobs at 20 cts. and upwards. 3,000 pieces Wall Paper of the latest and prettiest styles, just received from New York and Piiilar delphia, prices from 10 cts a piece and upwards. 500 beautifully painted and gold gilted Window Shades at 44 cts. and upwards. The public have but to call and examine, to be convinc ed that in buying of the above stock they will be pleased and also save money. Remember the place, corner of Montgomery and Railroad streets. WM. COLON. Huntingdon, April 16, 1556. KEW DRUG STORE. DR. J. S. GRrFFITII, Super/Wm:2M HAVING purchased from Win. Williams & Co., their stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints d: Brushes, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Fluid, Camphene, Turpentine, Alcohol. 37 and a general assortment of Artists' Colors & ;izt!;! Brushes, Spices of all kinds, Window Glass of all sizes, Putty, all kinds of Tarnish, Japan, Copal, Nos. 1 and 2, Coachbody and Black Spirit, Pure Cod Liver Oil, for the cure of Rheumatism, Scrofula, Gout, Lumbago, Totter, Chronic Erysipelas, Chronic Sore Eyes, White Swelling, Glandular Swelling, Pulmonary Consumption, Chronic Bronchitis, Rickets, and all diseases of the skin, by the gallon, quart or smaller quantity, the Balm of a Thousand Flowers, the greatest remedy km Baldness and purifying the Skin, of the age. John 11. Patethorp's celebrated cure for Fever and Ague. No Cure No Pay. Price $l. Fine Tobacco and Segars. All the above, with all articles gen erally kept in a Drug Store, for sale cheap. irf-li—Physicians Prescriptions carefully and accurately compounded. Store, Market Square. opposite Conts' Hotel, Hunting don, Pa. HENRY McMANBALL. November 26,1850. THE NEATEST AND BEST AS SORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES, JUST RE erA. VED BY LEYT WESTBROOK. Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call and examine my beautiful assortment of Boots and Shoes of all sizes, of the latest styles, for all ages. Huntingdon, JUTIO I, 1856. BOOTS, SHOES, GAYAHIS, AND FASHIONABDE HATS. SELLI7.‘:O AT VERY LOW PRICES, AT H. I:O3IAN'S CLOTHING STORE. Huntingdon, Pa. QTAUFFER & HARLEY. CHEAP Ly WATCHES and JEWELRY, whole ale and ..... retail at the "Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 06. North Second street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled 18 carat catios,... gsS 00 Gold Lepine- , , 24 00 Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled, 12 00 Silver Lepine, jewels, 9 00 Superior quartiers, 7 00 Gold Spectacles 7 00 - Fine Silver do , ' 1 50 Gold Bracelets 3 00 Ladies' Gold Pencils, 1 00 Silver Tea Spoons, set 5 00 Gold Pens with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1 00 Gold Finger langs. :;7)4.:;cents to F,SO ; Watch glasses, plain, 12,1 A ft cents; Patent, IS%; Lanett, 25; other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are sold fur. STAUFFEIt & HARLEY. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepincs, still lower than the above prices. October 1, ISs6—ly. "WILLtAm lIENny LEAS. SAMUEL Matsu. T, EAS & HARSH, BANKERS AND LAND AGENTS, DEB MOINES. TOW\. We lniy and sell Eastern Exchange and Land Warrants —select and enter land with cash or warrants—pay taxes —invest money—make collections—and attend to legal bu siness generally. ALSO. LEAS & HARSH, BANKERS AND LAND AGENTS, LEAVE WORTH CITY, KA:,.:SAS. One of the Partners has located at Leavenworth City, and will transact all business connected with the Banking and Deal Estate business. For a few months yet, corres pondents will address us at Des Moines. ErErr.NeEs: W. S. Gilman. 90 Beaver St.. New York. sei ge r, Lamb & Co., North Third St., Phila Junes. Kent t Santee, ac Serrill & Lefevre, Drexill k Co., Bankers, " cc Chubb Bros., Washington City, D. C. Edward Showers, Carlisle, Pa. 110n..T. 11. Graham, " Win. B. Leas, Esq.. Shirlessburg, Pa. David Blair, Esq., Huntingdon, Pa. March 18, 1857-I,r. 'cI3LINDS AND SHADES, OF NEAV STYLES. D. J. WILLIAMS, No. 12 North Sixth t:treet, Philadelphia. Manufacturer of VENITIAN MINDS, 'VELVET and GOLD BORDERED an, I PAINTED SHADES, of beautiful designs. Ilutr. and al I. other colors of I lolland used for Shades. :Fixtures, Tt buntings. &c., S:e., Wholcsale and Retail, at the lowest cash prices. Jig,—Store Shades painted to order:9s:3 B. J. W. thankful for past patronage, re:Teel fully solicits the public to call and carmine Jai new and large assort ment, before purchasing elsewhere. "WE STUD} TO PLEASE." — CA- March IS. 1.5.57-3 m. SPRING GOODS.-NEW STORE IN WEST HUNTINGDON ! WILLIAM GEISSINGEIt respectfully announces to the public that he has opened a new store in West Hun tingdon, near the old Juniata bridge, 'where he will be glad to receive the calls of those who may be trilling to patronize him. His stock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries. Queensware, Hardware, Boots ,C;, - Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c., &c., to which the attention of buyers is invited. Almost every article usually kept in country stores can be found among my stock. All of which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest! •itr.-1..)- Country produce taken in exchange for goods. WM. J. GEISSINGER. West Huntingdon, April 8,1857. ROCERIE S, CONFECTIONA RIES, &C., &C. LONG & DECKER, In orm their friends and the public generally, that they have enlarged their business, and are now - prepared to ac commodate all who may give them a call, with GROCE RIES of the best, CONFECTIONARIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, FANCY ARTICLES, SALT, and a great variety of Goods too numerous to mention. Thankful for past favors, we respectfully ask a continu ance of public patronage, as we are determined to please all. Country produce taken in exchange for Goods. Huntingdon, May 20, 1867. WAR IN KANSAS ALEXAN DRIA FOUNDRY. It. C. McGILL & CROSS wish to inform their friends and the public generally that they have the above foundry in full blast, and are prepared to furnish castings of every I ,6 I AWRIj description, stoves of all hinds and sizes Indartfirinii for wood or coal, improved plough shears for all kinds of ploughs, thrashing ma, chines, the best in the five counties. in short, everything in the casting lino; and having turning lathes wo will finish any work that requires turning. All of which No will sell cheap for cash, lumber, and all kinds of country produce. Old metal taken for castings. By a strict atten tion to business, being practical workmen of long experi ence in the business, we hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. It. C. MO:MI& CROSS. Alexandria, April 29, 1857. PORCELAIN BOILERS and PANS of orery description, for sale at Manufacturer's pri cus, by npr. 8. JAS. A. BROWNS: CO. 500 BUSHEL S of Dried APPLES, wanted in exchange for our goods. Doc. 17, 1856. LQVE & INIeDIVIT. 1 4 1 V ERYTlTlNG.—Everything in the Grocery' line can be procured at the cheap store of LOVE & McDIVIT. IILSH BIACKEREL & HERRING, j: just received and for sato by LOVE & McDIVIT. HUNTINGDON CARRIAGE AND WAGON MANUFACTORY.--OWEN BOAT, thank ful for past favors, respectfully informs rf . the public in general that ho has removed pAZV- i tt- t ,, to his new shop on Washington street ; on f7 7 .4 , wr.... 0 7;g. the property lately and for many years oc cupied by Alex. Cannon, where he is prepared to manufac ture all kinds of Carriages, Buggies, Bockaways, Wagons, and in short, every kind of vehicle desired. Itockaways and Buggies of a superior manufacture and finish always on hand and for sale at fair prices. Repairing of all kinds clone at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Huntingdon. ,tiny 10, 1854. M b ARBLE YARD. The undersiomed . would respectfully call tho attention of the citizens: of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. Ile is prepared to furnish ut the - shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every debired size and form of Itmian or . Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved* with approx priate devices, or plain; as may suit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, &c. will be" furnished to order. .. • W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and - vVorlc; manship equal to any in the country, at a. fair price. Call; and see, before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on Hill' street, Huntingdon, l'a. Huntingdon, May 16, 1855. WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY. The subscriber, thankful to 0 : his friends and patrons, and to the public goner-1 ally, for their patronage, still continues to carry on at the same stand, one door cast of Mr. C. Cants' Hotel, Market street, Huntingdon, where he will attend to all who will favor him with their custom ; and also keeps ou hand a good assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, kc., of which he is determined to sell at low prices. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of all kinds will be repaired at short notice, and having made arrangements with a good work-' man, all repairs will be done in a neat and durable manner, and any person having articles for repairing, shall have them done at the promised time. By paying strict atten tion to business, and selling at low prices, he hopes to re ceive a share of public patronage. Nr.A.IL LINE from Mount Union to 11 CIIAMBERSBURG. The unddisigned still contin ues to run a tri-weekly lino of stages over the road between Mount Union and Chambersburg. Good horses and coin?, fortable stages have been placed on the route, and experi enced and trusty drivers will superintend the running of the Coaches. The proprietor of the line is desirous that it be maintained, and he therefore earnestly calls upon the public generally to patronise it, confident that it will be' for their mutual advantage. Every attention necessary will be giveu, and the running of the stages will be regu lar. i—M_Stages leave Mt. Union at 5 o'clock, p. m., every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday—returning on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; arriving at Mount Union in' time for the cars. Stages stop at Shirleysburg, Orbisonia,• Shade Cap, Burnt Cabins, Fannetsbnrg, llerse Valley, Strasburg, and Keefer's store. Ve_Fare through $3,00; to intermediate points in pro portion. JOHN JAMISON, August 2:2, 1555-tf. THE HUNTINGDON MILL.--The' undersigned owners of the Ifuntingdon Mill inform the farmers and the public generally that they now have their new mill in running order, with all the modern im provements in the Water Wheels and Machinery. They have put in five of the Improved Jouval Turbine Water Wheels,and can grind in all stages of water, and during the coldest weather any and all kinds of grain. They aro prepared to sell, awl have on hand for sale at . all times at Market rates all kinds of Flour, Feed, and.• tituffs; and Farmers can have their own grain ground awl' take it back in a return load, or they can be furnished in exchange at a moment's notice, an equal quantity of Flour and lirati, or chopped feed. Their smut machine is of improved manufacture, and they will insure a "a full turn out" of superior quality to every bushel of grain left at their mill. Truntinrrdon Dee. 8,1856 BROAD TOP HOUSE. ANDREW 510EBUS would respectfully inform the public ...., that he has fitted up the Broad Top House, on Alle- 1; gjf glkeny street, at the Dread Top Depot, Huntingdon, ' " and is now prepared to entertain strangers and travellers in an unobjectionable style. Ills table will always be supplied with the substantiate and delicacies of the season. His Bar is furnished with the choicest liquors. In a word, no pains will be spared to render guests comfortable and happy. June 18. . _ _ NTEW WATCH AND JEWELRY j,l STORE.--JOHN FRISCH respectfully informs thcr citizens of Huntingdon corn ty, that he has just opened-" I A;'. a new store on lliU streot, stn.? stor,, tingdon, for the sale of . C,OLT! and MATER WATCHES, JEWELItt, - gcc. If is stock is entirely new and of Mu best quality, and will I , e disposed of at fair prices. The public generally are requested to call and oxaraino fur themselves. Repairing of Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry, done in the best manner on short notice. JOHN FRISCH. Huntingdon, Oct. 1, 1856. TO THE PUBLIC.—The undersigned informs his friends and the public generally, that he has leased the ORLANDO HOUSE, in the it , H borough of untingdon, and is now prepared to ac commodate with boarding and lodging all who may favor him with a call. His Bar is furnished with the best liquors. LIVERY STABLE.—He has also provided himself with a good stock of Horses, Car riages, Sm.. for the accommodation of the pub lic, at reasouabls charges. .. Huntingdon, April 7. 1856 U'N - CYCLOPEMA OF ANIMATED NATURE.-A BOOK THAT IS REALLY ALL LIFE.. -INERT FAMILY SHOULD HAVE IT.-LIVING NA TURE IN ALL ITS FORMS. The only book of its kind ever published, which gives Pictorial Representations and Popular Descriptions of the History, Habits and modes of life of all the classes of liv ing beings on the earth, in the ocean and in the air. Uni form retail price. In One Quarto Volume 1350111ustrations, Muslin Gilt Back and Center, $3,00. The same—Marble Edge, Embossed Morocco, Gilt Back and Center, $3,00. Thosame—Extra Red. Turkey Morocco, Gilt Edges and Fun Gilt Sides,. $5,00. Books upon almost every other subject hare been circu lated among the people, except those relating to the very interesting and important ono of Natural history. The books whieh have heretofore been published on this sub ject. have been adapted to mere children, or to those who made it a thorough study. Hence, very few of the millions of readers in this country have, within their reach, any thing satisfactory upon this subject. This indicates a great and an obvious want, as no subject is more intensely interesting, and none more improving, than that of the living beings that people the globe. This want we are con fident we fully meet, iu the work we hero offer to the pub lic. Ari 3 - This Book is not for sale in Bookstores, but can bo ordered from us direct, or obtained from our Canvassing Agents. Published by Miller, Orton & Mulligan, New York, and for sale by GEO. BERG STRESSER, MILL CIIEEII, Hunt. Co., Pa. Also, Agent fur Dr. Kane's works. Feb. 31,1857. T HIS WAY. New Goods Arrived at MOSES STROUS' CHEAP STORM. Every body and all their relations are informed that Moses Strous has opened a new stock of goods for Spring-. His assortment is extensive, and of the latest styles of Dress Goods. Also, EVERY VARIETY OF GOODS usually found in the best stores, and at low prices. READY-MADE CLOTHING, of the best, for men and boys, cheap as the cheapest. *0 All who want bargains should call and examine his Goods. Don't forget to call at STROUS' Store. Huntingdon, March 11, MT. "TAMS, Shoulders and Flitch for sale by LOVE dc ETAL AND CHAIN PUMPS, Mex tremely low, at J. A. BROWN & CO'S. HARDWARE STORE. OVERCOATS, of all kinds, cheaper than oldowbore, at 0ct.11856. H. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. MOLASSES—Three hogsheads prime SYRUP, just received and for sale by LOVE & McDIVIT; lIORDIE lot of Farina, just received and. for solo at MatANIGILL'S. ALSA.A.I SULPHUR for sale by. HENRY McDIANIGILL • WAND'S Improved Tonic Mixture,for Fever and Agne, at ILENRY MeMANIGILUS. R. ROWAND'S Blackberry Root, atr inelitimable and warranted remedy for Bowel Oam— plainte, at the cheap Drug, Tareity and Fancy atom of HENRY 15101ANIGILL. HILLIER'S Excelsior furniture Polish r for Piano Fortes and Oil Paintings, at HENRY IidaIANIGILL'B. BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER, for sale by HENRY MOIANIGILL'S. LADIES, ATTENTION !—My assort recut of beautiful dress goods is now open, and ready for inspection. Every article of dress you may desire, can be found at my store. D. P. WIND?. 11 • it air • •a • • • A Ler Gloss, for sale at McNIANIGILL'S. EAt —0 exce ent qualities, anti the cheapest in town, at LOVE Jr, MeDIVTInt JOSEPH REIGGER FISHER & 31c3IIIRTRIE FPM. WILLIAMS