The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, May 20, 1857, Image 1

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Per annum in advance
Six months
Three months
A failure to notify a discontinuance at the expiration of
tile term subscribed for will bo considered a new engage
1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do.
Four lines or less, $ 25 $ 37 1 / 2 '......$ 50
Tne square, (12 lines,) ...... .... 50 75 ..... .... 100
wo squares, 1 00 1 50 2 00
Three squares, 1 50 2 25 3 00
Over three week and less than three months, 25 cents
per square for each insertion.
3 months. 6 months. 12 months.
...$l5O $3 00. ...... ....$5 00
~.. 3 00' 5 00 7 00
.... 5 00 8 00. ...... —.lO 00
... 7 00 10 00 15 00
~. 9 00 13 00 20 00
.1200 16 00 24 00
Six lines or less,
One square
Two squares,....
Three squares,...
Four squares,....
Half a column,..
One column, 20 00 30 00 50 00
Professional and Business Cards not exceeding four lines,
one year, S 3 00
Administrators' and Executors' Notices, V. 75
Advertisements not marked with the number of inser
tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac
cording to these terms. .
D. P. GWIN has just received from Philadelphia the
largest and most beautiful assortment of
ever brought to Huntingdon, consisting of the most fash
ionable dress goods for Ladies and Gentlemen. Such as
Black and Fancy Silks, All-wool Delains, Challis Delains,
Plain Braise, Figured Braize Robes, Brilliants, different
colors; Brilliant Robes, Lawn Robes, Ducals Chintz Calico,
Plain and Fancy DressGinghams,lla Cloth, Silk
Warp Levelly Cloth for travelling dresses, Mohair Debarze,
Lawns and Prints of every description.
Also,—a large lot of Dress Trimmings,
Fringes, Buttons, Bonnet Silks, Bonnet Crapes, all colors;
Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts, Veils, Laces, Hosiery, Gum Belts,
Ribbons for Belting, Whalebone and Brass Hoops for
Skirts, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Silk and Gingham
Cravats, Zepher, French Working Cotton, Linen and Cot
ton Hop, Tidy Yarn. Also,
The best assortment of Collars and Under
sleeves in town. Barred and plain Jaconets, Mull Muslin,
bwiss, Plain, Figured and Dotted Crinoline, Moreen and
Grass Cloth for Skirts, Book Muslin, Irish Linen, Linen
Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, .S:c. Also,
A fine assortment of Spring 'Shawls, Silk
and Braise Mantillas, and a variety of Dress and Fancy
Goods too numerous to mention.
Also, Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinets, Merino
Cassimer, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Cotton Drills for pants,
Blue Demim, Blue Drill, Plain and Fancy Linens, Mar
sallies and Silk Vesting, Muslin s, bleached and unbleached;
Sheeting and Pillow Case Muslin, Nankeens, Ticking,
Checks, Table diaper, &c.
Bonnets of the latest styles, and at lower prices than can
be found in town.
Also, Moleskin, Fur, Wool and Summer
Hats of the latest styles, and Boots S.: Shoes, Hardware,
Queensware, Buckets, Tubs, Churns, Butter Bowls, Bask
ets, Brooms and Brushes,
Fish & Salt, and all goods usually kept in a country store.
las.M.y old customers, and us many new ones as can
crowd in, are respectfully requested to come and examine
my goods.
All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for
goods at the highest market prices.
Huntingdon, April 29, 1557.
to inform their friends and the public generally that they
have the above foundry in full blast, and
.41 61412 k. are prepared to furnish castings of every
"I .description, stoves of all kinds and sizes
niggly ,ag l i for wood or coal, improved plough shears
- 0 -- for all kinds of ploughs, thrashing ma
chines, the best in the five counties. In short, everything
in the casting line; and having turning lathes we will
finish any work that requires turning. All of which we
will sell cheap for cash, lumber, and all kinds of countr y
produce. Old metal taken for castings. By a strict attci
tion to business, big practical workmen of long experi
ence in the business, we hope to receive a liberal share of
public patronage. It. C. MctUbL & CROSS.
Alexandria, April 29, 1557.
Letters of Administration have been granted to one on
the Estate of ELIZABETH 7.ISIMERMAN, late of Tod
tounship, Huntingdon county, decd. All persons indebt
ed are requested to make payment, and those having claims
to present them to me.
Tod twp., April 29, 1857
jAn intelligent farmer of Cumberland county, N.J.,
sums up his experience thus as the product of one acre:-
49,368 lbs cane; 1694 galls. juice; .3",2 galls. thick syrup;
1936 tbs. fodder ; 9U bus. seed, 40 lbs to the hus. A qthill
tity sufficient for a trial will be mailed for 25 cents.
For sale by JOIN* READ, Iluntingdon, Pa.
April 29, 1857-*3t.
SEMINARY:Rev. A. S. HANK, A. M., Principal,
Assisted by Competent Instructors.
This institution, remote from scenes of vice and dissipa
tion, is healthfully located among the mountains of Hun
tingdon county, Pa.
Cassvillo is 15 miles from Mill Creek station, Penna. R.
It., and is accessible by Stage on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday of each week.
The Trustees have made arrangements for a Summer
Session, in order to accommodate young gentlemen and
ladies, who have been engaged in teaching during the win
ter months.
The Summer Session will commence May 4th, and con
tinue 21 weeks. Eighty students were in attendance du
ring the past year, and a number more can be accommoda
ted. TERMS:
Board, Washing and Room rent, per week .......... 00
Tuition in English Branches, per beSSion 10 00
Ancient and Modern' languages, Music awl Ornamental
Branches, extra.
Incidental fee, per session.
April 22,1557-2t*
Tr IGHT Great Bargains to the Trade.
N 4 —The subscribers respectfully solicit their Friends
and the Public in general, to call and examine for them
selves, our stock of the Latest Styles of
Chandeliers, Pendants and Brackets of most beautiful
finish, fancy and plain; also, Pine Oil, Fluid and Lard
LAMPS. Girandoks, Parlor Lamps, Globes, V aces, tc..
Lamp Chandeliers, Brackets and Pendants. Where-ever
LIGHT is wanted, we will supply it at eliort notice.—
Lamps or Gas Fixtures, at Dirge percentage in favor of
.Store : NO. 321 (lute 221) North SECOND Street,
Factory: Mercer Street, near Norris.
April 15, 1857-2 m.
j deed.---All persons interested aro hereby notified
that Letters testamentary have been granted by the Regis
ter of Huntingdon county to the undersigned Executor
of the last will and testament of John George Messer, late
of the borough of Huntingdon, in said county, deceased,
and all persons haying claims against his Estate are requi
red to present them duly authenticated for settlement. and
persons indebted to him arc requested to pay their liabili
ties. ISAAC LINENGER, Executor.
Huntingdon, April 15,1857.
If yon don't believe it, call at his now store room
.arkat Square, where yon will find a splendid assort
ment of Goods for the season.
Ladies Dress Goods,
Ready-Made Clothing.
Groceries, &c., &c.,
Anil everything else usually found iu the Huntingdon
Call, but don't all call at the same time.
Huntingdon, April 15, 1557. MOSES STROUS.
• STAINS, of Scottsville, Huntingdon county, Pa.., for
tio best specimen of marble work. Send on your orders
130011. Scottsville, Oct. 21, 1856-Iy.
L. WESTBROOK bas just opened, a largo and *len
;ladid stock of
_ . _
of the best and latest styles, for ladies, gentlemen. misses,
boys, and children of all ages. He returns thanks for the
liberal patronage ho has heretofore received, and hopes his
new stock will not fail to please everybody, and all their
relations, and that all who want a good and fashionable
article will continue to call as usual at the old place and
be accommodated.
Call soon and examine my splendid stock.
Huntingdon, April 15, 1857. LEVI WESTBROOK..
All persons interested are hereby notified that Letters
Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned, Ex
ecutors of the last will mid testament of JOHN M'CAHAN,
late of Waiter township, Huntingdon county, deed., and
all persons having claims or demands against estate,
are requested to present them without delay, and those in
debted to said estate, will pay the same to John K. Mc-
Cahan, Birmingham, or Jas. A. McCabin, Hollidaysburg.
JOHN K. IirCABAN, Birmingham,
JAS. A. M'CAITAN, Hollidaysburg,
JAS. R. MOREHEAD. Pittsburg.
April 15, 1857
GRINDSTONES on friction rollers and
patent hangings, for sale by
apr. 8. SAS. A. BROWN & CO.
FIR. SANFORD'S Invigorator or Liver
Remedy, am be had at the cheap Drug Store of
apr29 HENRY 3101ANIGILL.
FOR SALE.—Three Carts and Gears.
derson township. April 22, 1557.
$1 50
. 75
2 00
VOL. X.ll.
For the Sale of the Main Line of the
Public Works, as passed both Houses.
Sae. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania in General
met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority
of the same, That it shall be the duty of the
Governor, wiihin ten days after approving
this act, to cause to be advertised daily until
the day of sale in one or more newspapers of
extensive circulation, published in the cities
• of Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Washington, Bos
ton, New - York and in the borough of Harris
burg, a notice that the main line of the pub
lic works will be exposed to public sale at
the Merchants' Exchange, or some other
public place, in the city of Philadelphia, on
a day to be selected by him not more than
forty days after the passage of this act. If
a sale shall not be affected on the day fixed
by the Governor, it shall be lawful for him
to adjourn the sale from time to time, as he
may deem expedient: Provided, That public
notice of such adjournment shall be given in
such newspapers as he may select: And
provided further, That the last day fixed by
adjournment for said sale shall not be less
than twenty days before the meeting of the
next Legislature.
Sac. 2. That at the, time and place so se
lected, it shall be the duty of the Governor
to have offered at public sale the whole main
line of public works to-wit: the Philadelphia
and Columbia railroad, the canal from Co
lumbia to the junction at Duncan's Island,
the Juniata canal, from thence to Hollidays
burg, the Allegheny Portage railroad, in
cluding the new road to avoid the inclined
plains, and the canal from Johnstown to
Pittsburg, with all the property thereto ap
pertaining or in any wise connected there
SEc. 3. That it shall be lawful for any
person or persons, or railroad or canal com
pany now incorporated, or which may here
after be incorporated by and under the laws
of this Commonwealth, to become the pur
chasers of the said Main Line of the Public
Works, for any sum not less than seven and
a half millions of dollars, and in the event
of a sale of the said Main Line being made
to individuals, it shall be lawful for such in
dividuals so purchasing after the said public
sale, to assign and transfer their right to the
said Main Line under said purchase to any
railroad or canal company, created by the
laws of this Commonwealth, and such rail
road or canal company on compliance with
the conditions of the said sale; and on the
payment or securing of the purchase money
of the said Main Line to the Commonwealth
as in hereafter provided, shall be fully in
vested with the right of the said purchasers,
and be •entitled to the same rights and privi
leges as if the said Main Line bad been
struck off and sold to said company at the
time of said public sale, and if necessary,
said company may increase their capital
stock or borrow money and issue their bonds
to any amount not exceeding fifty per cent
um above the amount of the purchase money,
and should any association of individuals be
come the purchasers of the said Main Line
on the terms prescribed by this act, the Gov
ernor is hereby authorized to grant them let
ters patent incorporating the same into a
body corporate, in deed and in law, under
the name, style and title of the Philadelphia
and Pittsburg railroad and canal company,
with all the privileges, and subject to all the
restrictions of an act regulating railroad
companies, approved the nineteenth of Feb
ruary, one thousand eight hundred and for
ty-nine, and the supplements thereto, so far
as is consistent with the provisions of this
act: Provided, That no bid shall be accepted
unless the bidder or the company to whom
he shall assign his said bid shall on the day
of the sale have deposited in the hands of
the Governor, or seine person duly author
ized by him to receive it, the sum of one
hundred thousand dollars in cash or State
bonds, which shall be forfeited to the use of
the Commonwealth, if the terms of sale are
not complied with ; and if the party to whom
the same shall be struck down shall not com
ply with the said conditions, by the payment
of one hundred thousand dollars as aforesaid,
then it shall be the duty of the Governor, if
deemed proper by him, to tender the same
to the next highest bidder who shall comply
with the said conditions : Provided, That
said next bid is not less than seven million
five hundred thousand dollars, or again ex
pose the said main line to sale, as provided
for by the first section of this act : And pro
vided litraer, That if the Pennsylvania rail
road company shall become the purchasers
of said main line at said public sale, or by
assignment as aforesaid, they shall pay in
addition to the purchase money at which it
may be struck down, and which shall not be
less than the sum of seven and a half mill
ions of dollars, the sum of one and a half
millions of dollars, the whole amount of sale
to be paid in the bonds of the company,
bearing interest at the rate of five per centum
per annum, payable semi-annually on the
thirty-first days of January and July of each
year, and which bonds without further record
shall remain a lien upon the said. main line,
one hundred thousand dollars, of which said
bonds, to fall due on the thirty-first day of
July, one thousand eight hundred and fifty
eight, and one hundred thousand dollars
thereof annually thereafter, until the thirty
first day of July, one thousand eight hun
dred and ninety, when one million of the
residue shall fall due, and one million annu
ally thereafter, until the whole is paid; and
upon the execution and delivery of said bonds
to the Treasurer of the State, the Pennsylva
nia Railroad company, and the Harrisburg,
Portsmouth, Mount Joy and Lancaster Rail
road company; and to straighten and im
prove the said Philadelphia and Columbia
railroad, and to extend : the same to the Dela
ware river,. in the city of Philadelphia; and
it shall be further lawful for them to alter,
enlarge and deepen the canal portion of said
main line, and to make such additional locks
and dams, and to make in whole or in part
a slackwater navigation, as may be deemed
expedient, and in the event of a sale or lease
as aforesaid, by the Harrisburg, Portsmouth,
Mount Joy and Lancaster Railroad com
pany, the said company shall have the pow
er to sell or lease, and the said purchasers,
or their assigns, to buy or take on lease said
road, and to make and receive respectively
all such contracts, deeds or assurances, as
may be necessary to carry the same into ef
fect: Provided, That the :right of the Com
monwealth to enter upon, resume and pur
chase the road of the Pennsylvania Railroad
company, as provided in their charter, shall
thereafter cease and determine : And provi
ded further, That in case of the refusal of
any stockholder or stockholders of said com
pany to comply with the provisions of this
act, after the same may have been accepted
by a majority of the stockholders of the
company, it shall be lawful for said company
to pay to the stockholder or stockholders so
refusing, full market value of his, her or
their share or shares of stock, and such share
or shares shall enure to the benefit of the
company, to be disposed of by directors for
the benefit of the balance of the stockhold
SEC. 4. That if the said main line of public
works shall be sold to other parties than the
Pennsylvania Railroad company, the pur
chaser or purchasers shall be entitled to a
like credit upon the amount of said purchase
money, and for the performance of the condi
tions of said sale, in behalf orthe purchaser,
and for the security of the purchase money
to the Commonwealth, the said purchase
money, until paid, shall remain a lien on
said works ; and the individuals or company
purchasing as aforesaid, shall, within sixty
days after said sale, give a mortgage on said
main line of the public works, and bonds for
the amount of the purchase money, and in
addition thereto, shall deliver, within ten
days after said sale, to the Governor, for the
use of the Commonwealth, bonds of the State
of Pennsylvania or of the city of Philadel
phia to the amount of one hundred thousand
dollars, and within sixty days the additional
amount of one million nine hundred thou
sand dollars, or in lieu thereof a like amount
of first mortgage bonds of the Pennsylvania
railroad company, and payment of the prin
cipal of such purchase money shall be made
in certificates of loan of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, at par or in cash, and of
the interest in cash semi-annually on the
thirty-first days of July and January in each
and every year upon any balance remaining
SEC. 5. That immediately after the said
purchaser or purchasers, or their assigns,
shall take possession of the same, the said
purchaser or purchasers or assigns, shall be
bound ever thereafter, to keep up in good re
pair and operating condition the line of said
railroad and canal, extendingfrom Hollidays
harma to Philadelphia, and so much of the
Western division as lies between Blairsville
and Pittsburg, until the North Western rail
road shall ho opened for business from Blairs
ville to the Allegheny river, with the neces
sary toll-houses, water-stations, locks, build
ings and other appurtenances; and the said
railroad and. canal shall be and remain for
ever a public highway, and the said purcha
ser or purchasers of the same shall furnish
stationary and locomotive engines, and mo
tive power, for the use of all persons or com
panies engaged, or wishing to engage, in the
transportation of tonnage and passengers at
such times and in such manner as not to im
pair the use and enjoyment of said railroads,
by such parties, they paying just and fair
charges, which shall not exceed the rates of
toll on the railroad prescribed in the charter
of the Pennsylvania railroad ; and the rates
of tell charged upon the canal shall not be
more than eighty per centum of those pre
scribed in the charter of the Union canal
company; it being the true intent and mean
ing of this act that the said sections of canal
and - railroad and every part thereof except
as is hereinbefore provided, shall be and re
main a public highway and kept open and in
repair by the purchaser or purchasers there
of, or assigns, as such for the use and enjoy
ment of all parties desiring to use and enjoy
the same: Provided, That said purchasers
be authorized to grant, sell and convey, or to
lease for a term of years, upon such condi
tions as may be agreed upon any part or por
tion of said canals, and any corporation or
association of individuals authorized by this
act to purchase the whole, may purchase or
lease such portions and hold the same subject
to the conditions and entitled to all privileges
contained in this act : Provided, That if the
said purchaser or purchasers, or their assigns,
shall decide to abandon the Western division,
or any part thereof, then they shall be re
quired to lease the same to any party or par
ties who may desire to keep it open, the ex
pense of keeping up the same devolving en
tirely upon the lessees and the purchasers, or
their assigns, being forever exempt from any
responsibility for keeping in navigable con
dition said Western division : Provided fur
ther, That if the said purchaser or purcha
sers, or their assigns, shall decide to abandon
the Western division or any part thereof, the
said purchaser or purchasers or their assigns,
shall within not less than sixty days before
such abandonment, purchase from the owner
or owners all the boats then in boating order
on the said Western division, and all the cars
and trucks then in running order on the Al
legheny Portage railroad at a fair price and
valuation to be agreed upon by the parties,
and whenever the said purchaser or purcha
sers, or their assigns, and any of the said
owners cannot agree upon the price and val
ue of any of the said boat cars or trucks, the
parties so failing to agree shall each select
one competent person, and they shall jointly
select a third person, or failing to agree in
the choice of such third person, the two cho
sen as aforesaid, shall select a third person,
and the three persons so chosen shall value
and appraise the property, the price whereof
could not be agreed upon as aforesaid, and
their award shall be binding upon the pax
SEC. G. That said purchasers may at any
time before the maturity of said bonds, and
after giving to the commissioners of the sink
ing fund at least ninety days notico of their
intention so to do, pay off and satisfy tho prin-
HUNTINGDON, PA., MAY 20, 1857.
cipal of said bonds or of any one or more of
them with interest, until so paid, at the pre
scribed rate, and shall then be entitled to re
ceive back or be relieved from a proportion
ate amount of the additional security herein
before provided for, and if at any time any
one or more of said bonds, or the interest due
on the same, be and remain unpaid for the
space of ninety days from and after the ma
turity thereof, and the falling due of such in
terest, then and in that ease the Common
wealth shall have full power to re-enter upon
and take possession of .the property so trans
ferred ; and if the Legislature shall not be in
session at the time of such default, the Gov
ernor shall have full power to appoint one or
more persons to take possession thereof in the
name of the Commonwealth, and all pay
ments made, and the certificates of State loans
as aforesaid deposited with the State Treas
urer shall, upon re-entry as aforesaid, be for
feited to the Commonwealth, and the Gover
nor shall sue out the mortgage if any be ta
ken against any other works of the purchas
ing company, by scire facias, in the Supreme
Court, wherever sitting, under which all the
mortgaged works shall besold, with the rights
and franchises of the company, and convey
ed to the purchasers by the treasurer of the
Commonwealth, without charge for poundage,
subject to any liens thereon at the time when
mortgaged, which shall remain unaffected
SEc. 7. That as soon as the purchasers
shall have made the payments and delivered
the bonds in number, and for amounts equal
to and falling due at the time provided for
the payment of the respective instalments,
and shall have fully complied with the con
ditions of this act, then the Secretary of the
Commonwealth shall transfer under the great
seal of the State to such purchasers, their
successors or assigns, upon such terms and
conditions as are mentioned in this act, the
whole Main Line of public works between
Philadelphia and Pittsburg, consisting of tho
Philadelphia and Columbia railroad, the Al
legheny Portage railroad, including the new
road, to avoid the inclined planes, with the
necessary and convenient width for the prop
er use of said railroads, the Eastern division
of the Pennsylvania canal from Columbia to
the Junction ; the Juniata division of the
Pennsylvania canal from the Junction to the
eastern terminus of the Allegheny Portage
Railroad, and the Western division of the
Pennsylvania canal from the western termi
nus of the Allegheny Portage Railroad to
Pittsburg; and including also the right, title
and interest of the Commonwealth in the
bridge over the Susquehanna at Duncan's
Island, together with the same interest in the
surplus water power of said canals, with the
right to purchase and hold such lands as may
be necessary to make the same available, and
all the reservoirs, machinery, locomotives,
ears, trucks, stationary engines, workshops,
tools, water-stations, toll-houses, offices, stock
and materials whatsoever and wheresoever
thereunto belonging or held for the use of the
same, and together with all the right, title,
interest, claim and demands of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, to all property, real,
personal and mixed belonging to or used in
connection with the same, by the Common
wealth : Provided, That the purchasers of
said main line shall take the same and its
appurtenances, subject to all contracts and
arrangements heretofore made by act of as
sembly or otherwise, for and in respect to the
use of 'Such works, and shall carry out the
same with all persons interested therein, in
the same manner as the Commonwealth or
its agents are now required to do by law.
SEc. 8. That as soon as the purchasers
shall have given notice to the Governor of
their readiness to take possession of said works,
he shall cause notice thereof to be given to
all superintendents, toll collectors, officers
and agents of the Commonwealth employed
on or about said railroads and canals, who
shall continue nevertheless to discharge the
duties of their said offices or employments (at
the expen§e of the purchasers of said main
line) until removed or re-appointed, and the
official bonds of said officers or agents shall
enure to the use of said purchasers, as to all
moneys received, or acts done by them on ac
count of said works subsequent to the time
when said purchasers shall take possession as
SEC. 0. That it shall be lawful for said pur
chasers, their successors and assigns, and
their officers, engineers, contractors and
agents, to enter upon any lands adjoining or
in the neighborhood of the works, and dig,
take and carry away therefrom any materials
necessary for enlarging, making, altering,
deepening or improving said works, or any
portion thereof, or for constructing any rail
road, canal bridge, viaduct, dam or other me
chanical structure which may be required for
the said works, or for making a slack-water
navigation, or for improving any works al
ready made : Provided, That compensation
shall be made or secured to the owner or
owners of any such lands or materials as
shall be agreed upon between the parties ; or
if the said purchasers cannot agree with the
owner or owners of such lands or materials,
then the value of the same shall be ascer
tained, according to the provisions of the
fourth section of the act, entitled " A further
supplement to an act to incorporate the Penn
sylvania railroad company, approved the
twenty-seventh of Alarch, one thousand eight
hundred and forty-eight.
SEC. 10. That said purchasers, their suc
cessors and assigns shall have power and au
thority to own and employlocomotive engines,
cars, boats and horses, and to convey passen
gers and freight of whatsoever description
within reasonable time after possession is ta
ken of said works or any portion thereof, and
charge and receive tolls and fare for the pas
sage and transportation of persons and freight,
and said purchasers, their successors and as
signs shall have the exclusive right to furnish
all the motive power on said railroad : Pro
vided, That all persons with cars, horses,
boats and freight may pass over said works,
they paying tolls therefor, and the use of
said works shall be governed by such general
rules and regulations as said purchasers may
from time to time ordain, establish and pub
lish, but no person shall without the consent
of such purchasers be permitted to use hor
ses or other animal power on said railroads,
or steam on said canals : And provided, That
no discrimination in tolls or charges or in
priority of passage through the locks shall
ever be made against any boats or tonnage
passing to or from the Susquehanna , division
of the Pennsylvania canal: Provided also,
That the rate of toll on freight or tonnage
passing over the said canal, from the junction
to Columbia, coming from the North and
West Branch and Susquehanna canals, shall
not at any time be greater than the toll now
charged on the said canals as per toll sheet
heretofore published by the canal commis
sioners for the year one thousand eight hun
dred and fifty-seven : And provided further,
That the purchasers of the said Main Line
shall at all times keep open the present con
nection at Columbia and Middletown with
the Susquehanna, Tide Water and Union
canals, and shall at no time discriminate
against the trade or tonnage passing to or
from the said canals ; neither shall they at
anytime charge more for boats or other crafts
passing the out-let locks at Columbia and
Middletown, than is now charged for the
passage of boats or similar crafts through
other out-let locks owned by this Common
SEC. 11. That should any company already
incorporated by this Commonwealth become
the purchaser of said main line, they shall
possess, bold and use the same under the pro
visions of their act of incorporation, and any
supplements thereto modified however, so as
to embrace all the privileges, restrictions and
conditions granted by this act, in addition
thereto, and all provisions in said original
act, and any supplements inconsistent with
the privileges herein granted, shall be and
the same are hereby repealed.
SEc. 12. That the entire proceeds of the
sale of the main line shall be paid to the
sinking fund and applied to the payment of
the State debt, according to the provisions of
the act entitled "An Act to provide for a
sinking fund, and to provide for the gradual
and certain extinguishment of the debt of
the Commonwealth," approved April tenth,
one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine.
SEc. 13. That should it be ascertained at
any time before the payment of the last in
stalment provided for, that further legislation
is required for passing to the purchasers,
their successors and assigns, all the title and
interests of this Commonwealth to said main
line, or any portion thereof, or of the property
connected therewith or used thereon, then the
faith of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
is hereby pledged for the enactment of all
acts necessary to carry out the true intent and
meaning of this act.
Sac. 14. That all necessary expenses incur
red by the Governor, under the provisions of
this act shall be paid out of any moneys in
the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated
upon warrants drawn by him.
SEC. 15. That the purchaser of said works
shall have a perpetual corporate succession,
and. if the said purchaser shall at any time
misuse or abuse any of the privileges granted
by this act, the Legislature may revoke all
and singular the rights and privileges grant
ed to said company on a judicial decree of
said misuse or abuse being first duly had and
obtained, and thereupon may take for public
use, the road or roads, canal or canals so pur
chased or constructed in pursuance of this
act: Provided, That in resuming said fran
chises no injury shall be done to the corpora
tors of said company ; and in taking such
road or roads, canal or canals, for the public
use, full compensation shall be made to the
SEC. 16. That in the event of a sale, and
delivery of said Ilfain Line, as aforesaid, all
further payments on account of the appro
priations for motive power or other expenses
on said Main Line, as provided in "An Act
to provide for the ordinary expenses of gov
ernments, the repairs of public canals and
rail roads, and other general and especial ap
propriatlons for the year 1857, shall be sus
" Go ahead, never mind," is the motto of
the American everywhere. With it he pla
ces rails upon trembling prairies, where the
foot of man dare not tread, and across which
the locomotive lends wings to the cars, which
would sink with the least detention : he breasts
the current of the Mississippi with enormous
tows ; he creates a rail road cutting through
a forest nailing the rails to the trees as he fells
them. Does he meet a lake on goes the road ;
he takes piles and makes a bee line across
it instead of going around its edges. A roll
ing valley a mile or two wide separates two
mountains; he builds a trestle work and the
locomotive runs along its trembling top, its
rattling heard at a great distance. Some
times these wooden bridges tome down ; but
what's the odds? Never mind, we'll make
another—go ahead. Don't let us cry for spilt
milk ; time is money.
OUR ITOrS.E.S.--11 r e always look upon our
houses as mere temporary lodgings. We are
always hoping to get larger and finer ones,
or are forced some 7. - ay or other to live where
we donot choose, and in continual exportation
of chanting our place of abode. _ln the pres
ent state of society this is in a great measure
unavoidable, but let us remember it is an evil,
and that so far as it is avoidable, it becomes
our duty to cheek the impulse. It is surely
a subject for serious thought, whether it might
not be better for many of us, if, in attaining
a certain position in life, we determined, with
God's permision, to choose a house in which
we would live and die—a home not to be in
creased by adding stone to stone and field to
field but which being enough for all our wishes
at one period, we should be resolved to be
satisfied with forever. Consider this, and
also, whether we ought not to be more in the
habit of seeking honor for our descendants
than our ancestors: thinking it better to be
nobly remembered than nobly born; and
striving to live that our son's sons for ages to
come might still lead their children reveren- -
tially to the doors out of which we have been
carried to the grave, saying, "Look, this was
his house ; this was his chamber."
Editor and Proprietor.
Go Ahead, Never Mind.
13 From an old and valued exchange we
clip the following. The importance of the
subject is so great, the fact is so real and the
teachings so truthful, that we cleerfully give
it a place in our columns, and commend it to
the attention of our readers:
"'We know of nothing that is more irn:
portant as an element of character, thari
unntenturr—and this in small Matteis as
well as great—in the trifles of life r is well
as in its more serious concerns: There is
scarcely an individual who pays the least at
tention to human nature and its develop;
merit, who looks observingly upon the prog
ress of society, who watches the chance and.
changes that take place in the fortunes of
his friends and neighbors, who will not be
come impressed with his truth. The relia=
ble man, whether young or old, is a moral
jewel; while the unreliable—who never can
be depended upon, who is erer at fault, and
always behind time, soon becomes a com
parative non-entity, and is not only disre;
garded and distrusted, but is absolutely
avoided. This policy, moreover, is essential
to self-defence. 'We allude as well to relia
bility of speeFin as reliability of conduct.—;
Who, for example, cannot point out some
mistaken, misguided, unfortunate or vicious
member of society, - who rarely speaks the
truth. Ile has contracted a habit of exag;
Berating or falsifying, and thus, either in
jest, or from a vicious propensity, he seems
to delight in misleading, misrepresenting,
and often calumniating. The result is, that
he soon becomes known, and his statements,
even when correct, are treated with indiffer
ence or contempt. lie cannot be trusted,
for he is not reliable. Ile is void of that in- .
valuable principle—veracity. This in the .
ordinary affairs of the day, and in the
movements of the social circle. But, how,
much more serious is such a defect, in the
graver matters of 'business, and when trans
actions of the utmost importance are involv
ed It often happens that the little things
of life indicate the reliable and the unreliaZ
ble, and become, in fact, infallible tests of
character. A short time since a young man
made application to a merchant in a neigh
boring city, for a situation that was then va- -
cant, and lie referred to two individnals; his .
teacher, when a boy, and his first employer
immediately after he had finished his educa:.
tion. Both agreed upon one fact, viz :—that
in all things the youth was RELIJIBLE ; that
he might be depended upon, both-in word
and in deed—that this was his great merit;
and with him, it was not only a habit, but a;
principle and a matter of conscience. The
merchant had upt before thought very deeply
upon the particular quality of reliability, but
he at once became impressed with its import
ance, and the applicant was not only accept-i .
ed, but he soon won for himself the esteem
and the confidence of his employer. But we
could cite numerous illustrations. Reliabili
ty is not only a - virtue and a grace, but it is'
one of the essentials of reputation and suc
cess. A man may be gifted, accomplished;
energetic and able in many points of view;
and yet if not reliable, he is; comparatively
speaking, of little or no value, and in me- -
merits of emergency, he never will be sought
for, or "depended upon. In fact, he . is noth
ing more'than an unstable trifler, who sports*
not only with his own character, but with,
the time, the feelings and the fortunes of
NO. 48.
A little Swedish girl, who -had shared tho'
heavenward impulse of a late revival of
gion in her native land, was walking with
her father on a starry night, absorbed in con
templation of the skies,—on being questioned
as to the occupation of her thoughts; she replied
by expressing the following conception; which
is certainly very domestic and still more poeti:
cal, and most of all truthful, " I -Was think
ing," she said, " If the wrong side of heaven
is so glorious what vast the other side be."
A i%lonx. emyrirlCATE.—The following cer
tificate outdoes the " Pana.ceas," " Syrups,"
and "Magnetic" nostrums, w - hich usually
work such astonishing miracles in their cures
upon conceited and credulonipeople:
DEAR DOCTOR : I will be 153 years old
next month. For 72 years I have been an,
invalid, unable to stir, except when moved
by a lever ; but a year ago last Wednesday;
I heard of your Indian Syrup. I boUg'ht a
a bottle, smelt the cork, and found myself
new man. I can now run fourteen miles an
hour, and throw twenty double somersaults
without stopping,
P. S.--A little of your Filigostotum Salve
applied to a wooden leg, reduced a corn=
pound fracture in twelve minutes; and
covering the limb with a fresh cuticle of
white gum pine bark.
BEAUTIFUL SENTIME sr.—Shortly before the'
departure of the lamented Heber for India;
he preached a sermon which contained thi6
beautiful illustration:
" Life bears us on like the stream of ii
mighty river. Our boat at first glides down
the narrow channel—through the playful
murmuring of the little brook and the wind:
ing of its grassy borders. The trees shed
their blossoms over our young heads, the flow:
ers on the brink seem to offer themselves to our
young hands ; we are happy in hope, and we
grasp eagerly at the beauties around us—but
the stream hurries on, and still our hands are
empty. Our course in youth and manhood
is along a wilder and deeper flood, amid ob;
j eets more striking and magnificent. We are'
animated at the moving pictures of enjoyment
and industry passinc , us ; we are excited by .
short-lived disappointments. The stream bears'
us on,
and our joys and sorrows are alike' left
behind us. We may be shipwreekedove can:
not be delayed ; whether rough or smooth;
the river hastens to its home, till the roar of
the ocean is in our ears, and the floods are
lifted up around us, and we take onr leave of
earth and. its inhabitants, and to our further
voyage there is no witness save the infinite
and the eternal."
Ora nomEs.—Gen ius bath its triumph, fame
its glories, wealth its splendor, success its
bright rewards, but the heart only bath its
home. Home only! IVhat more needeth the
heart? What more can it gain? A true
home is more than the world—more than hon
or, and pride, and fortune—more than all
earth can give—the light, the noonday sun
may not yield, and yet the tiny flames of
pure beam of love enkindleth, and sympathy
makes to burn forever.
Ilomel how more beautiful thou art! how
like an untaught religion! a golden link be
tween the soul and heaven! when the pres
ence of a pure heart makes thee radiant, and
the music of its affection floats like the cha•
rals of unseen chernbims around thy trap.
quil hearth.
In China, if a young man is not mar
ried by the time he is twenty, he is drummed
out of town. No place for bachelors•among
the firm films,
The Wrong Side of Heaven.