The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, May 13, 1857, Image 2

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TH 14 1 , GLOBE.
Circulation—the largest in, the county
111FLVEITME301% 2./r1
ViTecin! , ...sdaY, May 13, 1857
Hon. PACKNAR, of Lye outing.
Shipments of CoaL
The shipments of coal from the Broad Top
mines for week ending 7th inst . ., were 1760
tons; for the year, 25,585 tons.
DR. HA RDMAN.-By reference to our adver
tising columns it will be seen that this gentle
man will be in Huntingdon soon. The "Erie
City Dispatch" says that Dr. H. has visited
Erie at stated periods for more than a year
with a success in practice in the treatment of
chronic Diseases, accorded to no man of his
age in America. ,
in the Senate, the bill for the sale of the Main
Line was taken up, it being the order of the
day on final passage.
Several motions were made for further
amendments to the bill, which weie all n.ega-
The bill was passed finally by the follow-
ing vote
Yeas—Messrs. Coffey, Crabb, Finney, Flen
niken, Frazer, Gregg, Harris, Ingram, Jor
dan, Killinger, Lewis, Meyer, Scofield, Sel
lers, Shuman, Southar, Straub, Taggart,
Nays—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Cresswell,
Ely, Evans, Fetter, Gazzam, Knox, Laubach,
Ste l ele 4. , Walton, Welsh, Wilkins and. Wright
LATER.—The bill as amended and passed
by the Senate on Monday, passed the louse
finally yesterday. It will doubtless be sign
ed by the Governor and become a law.
XIM.The School Directors of Bedford coun
ty selected Rev. 11. llEcii..En.m..tx County Su
perintendent, and increased the salary from
$3OO to $5OO per annum. Mr. 11. was for
merly a resident of this place and enjoyed the
respect and esteem of our citizens.
the Convention of School Directors of
Blair county elected Mr. Jon: DEAN, of Wil
liamsburg, County Superintendent, and in
creased the salary of the once from $4OO to
$6OO per year.
lOWA ELECTION.—The Davenport Demo
crat, of the 29th, has returns from all but
eighteen counties, and the majorities foot up
as follows
Democratic majority, -
The counties to be heard from gave Fre
mont in November last only 246 majority.—
So the State has certainly gone Democratic.
MCKIM. COXVICTED.—The jury in the case
of MeKor, after being out about an hour and
a half, returned with a verdict of guilty in
the manner and form as he stood indicted.
We notice that quite a number of papers
are publishing the evidence in the case. We
have come to the conclusion that publishing
the evidence in such, cases is administering
to a morbid appetite for the criminal, and
that it has as much effect upon the young
and innocent mind as has bad associations.
We shall eschew all such matter from our
columns hereafter.
rey.-It has been the good pleasure of the
Black Republican journals to represent Chief
Justice Taney as a large slaveholder and a
man of ultra-southern views. In allusion to
this fact the Cincinnati Enquirer has the fol
"Let the decision speak for itself; but Mr.
Taney, personally, is opposed to slavery, in
principle and in practice. Many years ago,
although never wealthy, he freed every ne
gro in his possession, and has paid servants
- wages ever since. They were all valuable,
and one, his body servant, has been the head
waiter of the largest hotel in Baltimore for
many years.
"Judge Taney has always been the truest
friend of the black man, and it is related by
a cotemporary that the most eloquent speech
he ever made was at the • Frederick county
bar, in defence of a little negro girl, in which
he thrilled his auditors by exalting the hap
py construction of our court, and the justice
of the laws, in allowing business of the cir
cuit to be stopped in order to give that poor
little negro her rights and her lawful protec
tion. And although the little creature had
most likely committed crime, Mr. Taney's
eloquent appeal rescued her from the ven
geance of the law. Thus have all his acts,
public and private, been characterized by
justice and generosity."
County Superintendents.
Blair, John Dean, salary, $6OO ; Lycoming,
Hugh Castle, $3OO ; Centre, J. S. Burrell,
$800; Cumberland, Daniel Shelly, $600;
Perry, Rev. T. P. Bucher, $400; Juniata,
Wm. M. Burchfield, $500; Alleghany, Bev.
C. W. Quick, $1000; Berks, Wm. A. Goode,
$942 ; Cambria, S. B. McCormick, $800; 'Mif
flin, A. D. Hawn, $6OO ; Westmoreland, Jas.
R. McAfee, $BOO ; F,ranklin, P. M. Shoema
ker, $5OO ; Montgomery, E. L. Acker, $900;
Bedford, Rev. H. Beckerman, $5OO ; Indiana,
Rev. S: $600; Dauphin, Samuel
D. Ingram, $----; Union,, David Heckendom,
$6OO ; Huntingdon, Albert Owen, $600; Ful
ton, Rev. B. Ross, $2OO ; York; Dr. A. R.
Blair, $lOOO ; Lawrence, Mr. Berry, $--- ;
Somerset, J. K. Miller, $475 ; Armstrong,
B. W. Smith, 'sBoo i Lancaster , J. S..Crum
bOugh, $l5OO,
. .
Emancipation in IVlissouri.
The Valley Spirit very truly remarks that,
whilst the Black Republican journalft, are
charging the "Border Ruffians" of Missouri
- With attempting to force slavery into Kansas,
the Missouri people themselves are discu-ss
ing the propriety of liberating their slaves !
From what we see in the papers, we have no
doubt that the cause of emancipation is gain
ing ground there; nor do we doubt that Mis
souri will eventually cleanse herself of slav
ery, if the Black Republicans do not inter
fere to prevent it. We fear they will inter
fere, however. They cannot permit any slave
State to manage her own affairs—least of all,
to free her negroes without their advice and
consent. Among them, there is more joy
over one slave who cuts his masters throat
and runs away, than over ninety-nine negroes
who are set free by their o'vners.. They are
using every means at their command to
make Kansas a slave• State, and nothing
would put them in worse humor than the
voluntary emancipation of her slaves by Mis
souri. They do not want the Free State set
tlers of Kansas to vote, simply because they
do not want Kansas made a free State. It
would take away too much of their capital.
The gradual and peaceful emancipation of
the blacks in Missouri would be worse yet.
They could never stand that. It would speak
too well for the "Ruffian State." It would
give the quietus to anti-slavery agitation,
and that would be productive of startling re
sults. The Tribune's circulation would di
minish ; the collections in the church of the
Holy Rifles would be curtailed ; Lucy DUT
TON'S hoops would contract; wooden nutmeg
politics would decline, and the Duchess of
SToivE and her Dred-ful Stories of Dismal
Swamp Life - would be lost sight of. Aboli
tion flesh and blood could not stand all these
calamities. GREELEY would groan, CREEVER
would cry and BEEcura would bellow.
The Baltimore Coal Trade.
We find in the Baltimore American a long
communication, giving a dismal view of the
condition of the Baltimore coal trade. The
writer says:
" I am a dealer in coal, and profess to be
acquainted with the Cumberland coal busi
ness. I could give you the names of parties,
without going farther east than New Jersey,
who last year bought an the aggregate fifty
thousand tons of the Maryland coal, but who
have this year bought the bituminous coal
from Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, cal
led the "Broad Top." These fifty thousand
tons would load five hundred of the small
vessels engaged in that trade, which vessels
would of course bring to Baltimore return
cargoes of some kind. This Broad Top coal
is pronounced. by several of the consumers
to be superior to the coal from George's Creek
Valley. To show you the efforts that are
made and the sacrifices that would have been
submitted to in order to retain the above men
tioned trade, I will state that in some instan
ces the Baltimore dealer offered to surrender
to the purchaser one-half his commission and
give him six months' credit by adding sim
ple interest ; and I_preSume the whole of the
coal would have been gladly furnished on the
same terms. When it is considered that the
items going to make up the cost of coal are
all cash, and that the value of money is near
er twelve than six per cent. per annum, and
the risks that must attend six months' sales
are taken into view, it will he seen that such
a business is not only undesirable in itself,
but would break any house that should pur
sue it for a constancy. In fact, I would haz
ard the opinion, all the coal that has ever
been sold in Baltimore for shipping, has not
paid an average of two and a half per cent.
clear profit to the dealer; and yet, when re
presenting the anticipated effect of the last
advance in tolls to some of those who most
strenuously advocated it, I was told to 'ask
more for your coal. Consumers must have it
and will pay more if you ask it.' This will
show you that the business has not been a
very profitable one to the dealers. lam hap
py to say , that I am not at all interested in
the coal lands of Alleghany county, and place
so low an estimate upon their value under
present circumstances, that I think the pres
ent of a coal mine, in return for an obligation
to work it, would be very undesirable. It is
a mistake to suppose that consumers of coal,
whether iron masters, manufacturers with
stationary engines, 'or owners of steam and
ferry boats, are obliged to use any particular
description of coal.
" They change from one kind to another,
as happens to be for their interest. I have
just received a letter from a party that con
sumes two thousand tons per annum, stating
that he is undetermined whether to use the
Cumberland, Broad Top or Anthracite; and
I have other letters of the same purport.
" I could mention a number of instances
in which different classes of consumers, who
last year used Cumberland coal, and are this
year using Broad Top, Anthracite or Pictou,
and I presume every dealer could do the same.
I mention this not so much for its importance
in -itself, as to show that the public is not at
all dependent on Cumberland coal. We have
already experienced the 'effects of competi
tion from Broad Top coal, pot only in Phila
delphia, but in New Jersey', New York, and
as far east as Connecticut."
far-The select few whO are favored with
the reading of a new paper which has been
started in Tyrone, were amused by the agon
ized style of its editorial, a week or two back.
It pitched into our friend, MAX. GREENE, in
a style that was intended to astonish every
body, and bring itself into notice by attract
ing his attention. We understood this, know
ing under what auspices the sheet is publish
ed. But it was only the other day, we got
the whole story from a gentleman of credi
bility who resides there, which corresponds
with the account given by - a correspondent in
another column.
OF A 3 , .../IN.TURF, OF SAND AND LIME, a new
style of brick has been , formed. This is
compressed with power into a mould of suit
able shape, It is found that the carbon in
the atmosphere more readily communicates
itself to the hydrated lime when moist, and
every tine it rains upon the bricks, after be
ing once well dry, tends to make them harder
when dry.
. . .
rEir The following extract from an article'
in the Bedford Gazette, we consider worthy .
of the especial attention of our Democratic
" It is the privilege of every honest Demo
crat that chooses, to offer himself to the con
sideration of the party ; and, if 'competent,'
one man's claim is just as strong as another's.
Offices were not made for the mere support
of anybody, but were intended to accommo
date the public interests. Some will be dis
appointed—this cannot be avoided—and one
candidate has just as good a right to be left
off 'the ticket' as another—and as good a
right to be put on ! Frequently, the most de
serving men are not to be found in the list of
office-seekers, but this is not the fault of those
who are. The best way for a man toteel, in
announcing himself as a candidate, is, that
he stands ninety-nine chances out of a hun
dred to fail in getting the nomination. This
will at once quiet all unhappy forebodings,
and enable him to laugh out of the wrong
side of his mouth should he prove unsuccess
ful. Should he win, the effect will be far
more palatable than if he had 'always thought
he would.' But what gross folly for the Dem
ocratic party-.----a party of principles and pro
gress—to allow disappointed office-seekers to
disturb the unity of their action, to appease
a grief for which there is no earthly excuse.
Occasionally men threaten to 'kick' if they
are not all nominated at the same time for
the same office! ' Well let such kick till they
batter their shins into a jelly, but let men of
cool judgment ridicule the folly without par
ticipating in it. Kick because he can't get
office ? With as much reason he might kick
because nature denied him the faculty of
common sense.
It is highly improper for a candidate to
canvass for delegates, and this system should
be denounced as a nuisance too intolerable to
be borne. It is enough for the people to
know who the candidates are, without being
dogged to support their pretensions, which
has not. unfrequently been the case. Dele
gates should be chosen for their purity of
character, and not with the mere view of
striving for one or the other of the aspirants.
The people would do well to look with sus
picion upon any candidate making undue ef,
forts to procure delegates to promote his par
ticular interests, and instead of being thus
influenced, they should turn to some other
person for a fit representative of their prin
ciples. When a man is regularly nominated,
it is his duty to work manfully, but the very
meanest thing in which a man can engage,
is to work for his own nomination. If the
people want a particular man they will take
Slavery in Virginia.
The duration of Slavery in Virginia, it ap
pears, depends altogether upon the capabili
ty of the soil for the growth of tobacco, and
the continued demand for the article. The
Richmond South says:
" Tobacco is the support of Slavery in Vir
ginia. It creates in the State a demand for
negro labor, which checks the rapid current
of southern slave emigration. Men, pro-sla
very men, will not keep slaves outof mere
love for the institution. They will sell their
negroes and employ . free labor when the value
of slaves gets so high as it soon may, that
they find it to their interest to make, the ex
change. That can never be the case in the
cultivation of tobacco. Like cotton, its growth
is limited to a particular region and a. special
sort of labor ; and that labor will be in de
mand while tobacco is in demand. So, the
price of tobacco will determine the vitality,
strength, and may be, the duration of slavery
in Virginia."
This being the case, we would commend to
the Black Republicans of the North, a cessa
tion of their present mode of warfare against
the "peculiar institution," and the trial in
stead, of an organized effort to prevent the
use of the weed.
Fostages to Foreign Countries.
The Postmaster General has just issued a
new table of instructions toostmasters, in
which he fixes the rate of single letter of half
an ounce or under to Great ritain at 24 cts.
Ditto to any part of Germany by closed
mail, 30 cents.
Ditto to most parts of Germany hp the Bre
men line direct, 15 cents.
Ditto for quarter ounce letters to Germany,
via France, 21 cents.
Ditto for quarter ounce letters to any part
of France or Algeria, 15 cents.
Prepayment optional in all cases.
The rate for letters to Canada and the oth
er British North American provinces is 10
cents ; prepayment optional.
The following instructions in regard to
printed matter will be useful to many of our
"Newspapers and periodicals published in
the United States and sent to regular subscri
bers in the British North American provin
ces, or published in those provinces and sent
to regular subscribers in the United States,
.are chargeable with the regular prepaid quar
terly rates of United States postage to and
from the line, which postage must be collec
ted at the office of mailing in the United
States on matter sent, and at the office of de
livery in the United States on matter received.
In like manner, such matter, 'if transient, is
chargeable with the regular domestic tran
sient printed matter rates to and from the
line, to be collected at the office of mailing
or delivery in the United States, as the case
may be. Editors however, may exchange
free of expense."
Democratic Triumph.
The 'first gun of the campaign has been
fired in Philadelphia, and the result is, great
slaughter,of the enemy, and a signal and glo
rious Democratic victory. The result of the
election gathered from official and nu-official
returns, is as follows: •
M'Grath, Democrat, 28,450
Potts, American, 19,000
Rowland,' Republican, 4,456
Showing a majority of 9,450 over Potts,
and 4,994 over both the opposing candidates.
The vote on City Commissioner is nearly the
same. In the Select Council there will be
but one opposition member. The Common'
Council stands 63 Democrats to 17 opposition.,
Pretty well for the first trial. In October
we will more than double the majority on the
State ticket. Bang! Bang! Bang! This is-
Democratic thunder !
itEr, During the slave:concert at Hartford
on Wednesday night a lady was robbed of
$34, a member of the legislature of his gook
et book containing $1.007 another gentleman
ditto $63, and another of his watch worth
A ON .1 N 0 . 4 ' G 1 . • .
DEAR GLOBE: That expectation which had
stood on tiptoe a long while, 'waiting for the
advent of Spring, seemed about grati
fied during the past few days. The con
thlued warm rain was an inauguration of
the May Queen; and now, beneath her geni
al sceptre,
All tho bloomy orchards glow
As with a fall of rosy snow.
The two last days have been clear and warm;
but this morning has a windy wintry fresh
ness, which leads folks to discuss the comet
as the prime mover in these unusual weather
difficulties. Maugre the opinion of the learn
ed Philander Doesticks, P. 8., your corres
pondent cannot bring himself to believe that
our old.planet Tellus is likely to suffer any
hard rubs from her celestial visitant. Some
people affect not to be frightened because of
the domestic habits of the comet, which they
insist are harmless—he being merely a gen
tleman who smokes. But the best defini
tion, perhaps, is that which fixes him down
as nothing, with a tail to it.
This cold raw Spring is more probably at
tributable to the Arctic Expedition ; the
voyagers in hastily ripping their way out of
the ice, having unintentionally left the back
doors open. And now, it occurs to me, you
had better send your Huntingdon Journal
and Tyrone Herald thingumbobs up there to
shut down the gates. For if they stay here
much longer, with their ardent temperaments
and delicate susceptibilities, the chances are
that they will worry themselves to death ;
or, turning a flip-flap• summersault, accident
ally swallow themselves, and in so doing
tear their clothes. The dog-chub you can
retain on probation, until after that August
court. If it still prove a scaly affair, pass it
once again through the eel-process of skin
ning alive.
Since my last date, I have been to and fro
over the earth a little, both East and West;
and among other places, have been to Tusca
rora, the old school-ground, the first time in
eleven years. The sloping fields and "old
eternal hills" again cast their images upon
the soul's retina with familiar freshness.—
Classic "Far Hollow" and "Mount Pisgah"
were there unchanged. But fire had swept
away the academy buildings, and new ones
uplifted. portico and roof from out the oaken
grove. A very peaceful,. lovely spot is this
for the young student, secluded from the
temptations of village life and the turmoil of
our commercial world. In all our land I
know of none better. And were I back at
the age of twelve, I should nestle down
there contentedly, and having passed through
their thoroUgh course, be satisfied that I
had ; in the right way, got schooling enough
for business or professional purposes, barring
that graduating degree which the college of
worldly intercourse can alone confer upon
the young man.
Among the features of Tuscarora "antique
and true," is the friendly face of Henry Shu
maker—the gentleman who now worthily
fills the place of Principal. I well remem
ber his first half-day among us, when a boy.
We were clasS-mates, and together recited
anzo, auras ; and he has gone on with his stud
ies in that conjugal direction until wife and
children bless his earthly lot, whilst I am
conjugating along in the old way, never fully
comprehending the bamboozleing termina
tions of that most intricate verb to love.—
After a few years' absence, Mr. S. has pitch
ed his tent here in the academic grove of his
boyhood ; and seems comfortably at home in
the regards of the students. In token of
their estimation, near the close of the late
session, they surprise hiin pleasantly by the
presentation of a cane of leopard-wood, bear
ing upon its gold head an appropriate inscrip
The Phrenokosmean Society of this insti
tution flourishes, as it has done through all
of its existence. My name being honored
with a .place on the roll of its founders, it
was with a lively sense of gratification, I
turned over its records, marking the eviden
ces of healthy life. May it long remain a
fountain unsealed of usefulness and refined
enjoyments. Its rival, the Philomathean, has
also a happy history.
Mr. Gough visited Harrisburg a few even
ings ago. His speech was full of grotesque
anecdote, splendid imagery and tender senti
ment; but he is scarcely so natural as in
former years; and that was after all the great
charm of his oratory. He has brought with
him much of European mannerism, which
illy Fecomes a mechanic with the proud rank
of an American sovereign.
Speaking of sovereigns, reminds me that
Jerry Wilson writes from Rome that, 'as the
Queen of Spain and other titled foreigners
have been wintering there, in order - to be up
with the times, the small circle of Americans
in the Eternal City,invariably salute one an
other with the formalities, and insist upon
being introduced into society with the honors
of majesty.
Democratically, MAX. GREENE-.
• May 7, 1857.
EDITOR. OF THE GLOBE :—Among the late oc
currences in our young " City" has been the
re-establishment of a newspaper, called the
" Tyrone Herald !". Newspapers are good
and useful things when• well and properly
conducted. So thought the good people of
Tyrone when, after it became known that an
effort was to be made to re-establish a paper
here, they' pretty generally lent their encour
agement to ihe project by subscribing for it,
usExtießrßi;, May 11, au
&o. The first number appeared, and. its coun
tenance, I must admit, looked much better
than that of the whiffet whose name appears
as editor. In his " salutatory," he pledged
himself to eschew personalities, and black
guardisms. Little, vain, and conceited, the
boy-editor has not, and never can acquire any
position, in this community, above that of a
common scribbler, especially since he has
been so false to himself! His pledge was, in
his own language, that his paper could never,
while under his control, "become a sluice
through which ranting demagogues can pour
political slang, or a stepping-stone by which
aspiring tricksters can gain their ends. Nor
will it ever be degraded to that low and mean
position in which many journals are now
found—that of mere machines through which
personal abuse can be vented by the spiteful
and ill-tempered."
That, Mr. Editor, was a good pledge, and
had he sustained it, migh t probably have
secured the respect, and the support of our
citizens. But he has not—he has grossly vio
lated it, and earned for himself contempt in
stead of respect.
In the third number of his paper, without
cause, he makes a low, vulgar, blackguard
attack upon Mex. GREENE, Esq. The accu
sation he makes against Mr. Greene is false,
and is understood to have been dictated by
those who were so wofully worsted in their
former various essays against that gentleman,
and are now endeavoring to vent their spleen
under cover of the name of an irresponsible
youth, who has suffered his paper to become
"a, sluice" for low slang, and himself a. pup
pet, an insignificant tool, to be handled at
pleasure, " by the spiteful and ill-tempered."
The first article bears on its face a foul,
though artful lie, and was evidently manu
factured as an excuse for the attack. In an
other column, we find the following, which I
quote for the purpose of introducing the facts
in the case, as well as to show his utter base
ness, and his subserviency to his " spiteful"
ler" We were visited yesterday by Max.
Greene, the "native author," and rewarded
his skill in blackguardism by the application
of a No. 8 brogan. He threatens to cowhide
us, and we presume the next Herald will be
delayed a few days in consequence."
On the 29th of April, Mr. Greene visited
Tyrone City, and was well received by our
most respectable citizens. - He was accompa
nied by some friends who were on their way
westward. While walking through the town
in company with a young lady—a cousin, I
belieVe—his eye caught the sign of this new
establishment, and 'remarked, as a printer
would be very apt to do, "there is a printing
office." The lady expressed her anxiety to
"go in," and Mr. Greene consented, expect
ing, no doubt, to make the acquaintance of
an editor and a gentleman. No sooner were
the couple within the door of the building,
than a little, sallow-complected, curly-headed
boy (there were no others present) advanced
towards - them with sundry gesticulations, ex
claiming, "Mr. Greene, I don't want you to
come into this office; I repeat it, sir, I don't
want you to come into this office !" This,
with other attempts to insult, was, of course,
calculated to surprise Mr. Greene, - who had
never seen the boy but once before, and that
was when he applied to him for work in the
character of a fugitive apprentice from the
Blair County Whig establishment. But, Mr.
Editor, what do you suppose Mr. Greene did?
Not as much as your correspondent would
have done under precisely similar circum
stances. I would have spit in his face, and
then knocked him down. He did not the lat
ter, being content with the discomfiture of
his assailant at the former, who had to "grin
and bear with it," not daring to lift " a No.
8 brogan." After replying in manner and
form as stated, our friend retired as coolly as
he entered, leaving the whiffet to whine over
his degradation. As soon as the circumstance
became known, a number of our good citizens
returned their papers to the office of the " Ty
rone Herald," for which they have been sub
jected to a volley of abuse.
I have thus, Mr. Editor, given a plain state
ment of the facts, in order to serve the cause
of truth and justice, and have been induced
to do so by the particular request of a num
ber of forgemen, who, with myself, admire
Mr. Greene as a scholar, a gentleman, and
friend 'of the laboring man.
DEAR GLOBE :—Perhaps your readers, when
they see the heading of my letter, may think
it is like the news-boy's cry in Pittsburg,
" Evening Reporter, all about the murder,"
but it is not so. You have doubtless gather
ed all the information I could impart, con
cerning the horrible tragedy which was late
ly enacted so near this place, -therefore, I.will
pass it by, and write about something not so
revolting to humanity. I will note down a
few incidents of my trip over the far famed
Alleghanies, a day in Pittsburg, etc., etc.
Took passage on the morning train, a short
distance west of "Old Huntingdon," and
like John Barleycorn in his comedy—
"We skelped it on through dubb and mire,
Despising wind and rain and ilro."
We had only gone a short distance, however,
when we were stopped by a mass of rocks,
which, owing to the late rains, bad fallen
upon the track, and manifested no disposition
to "clear the track for the Locomotive."—
This obstacle was soon removed, and we were
again fast increasing- the distance between
ourselves .and home. At Altoona, a goodly
numberof our passengers _took the cars for
Hollidaysburg, to attend the trial of M'Kim.
I have read vivid sketches in prose—followed
with immagination, the hardy pioneers of
early times, upon their long bear hunts and
skirmishes with theunrelenting savage tribes
that once roamed over the romantic Allegha_
nies, yet when crossing them myself, although
the weather was quite unpleasant, a cold
rain falling almost incessantly,. I could not
but admire the wild, picturesque scenery . ;
which presented itself on every side. When;
we reached Kittanning Point, a sudden. sem:
cation of wonder and surprise took possession
of my being, to see a Locomotive of ponder- -
ous weight, drawing after it a long train , dt
cars, rushing with giant-like speed up a. steer
hill, then making a, short turn, and with Her
culean strength, again surmounting another
of nature's obstacles, is enough to fire the
ambitious mind with new energy, and pave
the way to glory and • renown. As philoso- .
phy teaches that it is considerably easier get- .
tingdovvn''nillthim it is getting up, (which,
by the *ay, holds good, not only in matter,
bUt in character, position in society, and ev
erything of similar kind,) your readers will
know that it required but a short time for us
to run down the western side and into Pitts
burg. We procured a ticket for omnibus to
"Perry House ;" had we not done so, we
would scarcely have known what to do, for to
a stranger, the clamorous cry of hackmen,
all intent on getting passengers, is rather per
plexing. Got dinner and took a stroll through
the city, which being smoky and dirty at best,
was any thing but pleasant on a rainy day.
Counted fourteen fine looking steam boats ly
ing at the wharf—the up river boats being
detained by high water. The day being ex
tremely unpleasant, concluded to defer look
ing at the " Elephants" until a. future day.—
Being wearied with my day's peregrinations,
turned into bed at an early hour. Awoke
next morning quite refreshed, dressed and
took the stage for Canonsburg at half past
five, minus my breakfiesi. Whether by this
means they got more inside the stage or not,
I cannot say, however, they packed the inside
and covered the top with passengers and bag
gage. After crossing the mouth of the Ohio
on a steam ferry boat, we . made good time
until about nine o'clock, A. M., when they
took compassion on us, and let us have some
breakfast at a "little house which stood away
out of doors"—which being disposed of with
evident gusto, we again crowded into the old
stage, and the lumbering . wheels were soon
rolling us onward toward our point of desti
nation, where we arrived at II o'clock, A. M.
Found vegetation considerably farther ad
vanced, than it was east of the mountains ;
apple trees being in leaves, and the peach
and other fruit trees, coming in blossom. I
will draw my lengthy communication to a
close, by promising your readers something
more interesting in a future letter.
Your old friend,
Morality in Public Life, North and
The Philadelphia North American ought
to be very good authority in behalf of the
abolition party which it supported strenuous
ly for the Presidency,
,and, therefore, we ex
tract the following from a late number:
" And if the truth must be spoken out,
slavery seems to exercise a conservative and
honorable influence. The fact is notorious
to every observer at Washington, that nearly
all the wholesale schemes of plunder which
have been carried through Congress for past
years'; all the corrupt jobbing ; all the pro
3ects of spoliation, and all the vile and venal
combinations, have been planned and carried
on under the control and with the means of
Northern managers. Whilst they shouted
the loudest for freedom, and stigmatized
slavery as a stigma on civilization, they . took
care to pillage the treasury, by way of re
freshing this sentimental devotion. The self
appointed leaders who were most exercised
a few months ago over the demoralization
that would attend the possible extension of
slavery ; who mourned over its alleged hor
rors ; who bent their breasts in agony at its
mention ; and who led what professed to be
a great moral crusade, are exactly the men
who have swarmed the lobbies since Con
cress opened, scheming for the success of
new plunder, and contriving the most auda
cious combinations with the very slavehold
ers whom they affect so much to abhor. De
velopments like those, which are every day
forced before our eyes, serve to disgust intel
ligent and honest minds at the cant of those
sordid hypocrites, who are trading , upon
principles, the integrity of which upright
men proudly maintain.
" It is due to the Southern representatives
as a body, -to say, that however much they
may suffer from the stigma of slavery, they
are not tainted with the dishonesty and glar
ing mendacity- of others from the free States,
' With rare exceptions—and they are noted to
be despised—the South has never been im,
plicated in these infamous transactions; .and
if it has given doubtful measures support,
either mistaken generosity, or unconscious
error incurred the responsibility. They hare
not chaffered over the price of votes, pursued
claimants for retainers, or bargained with
scurvy contractors for a division of disreputa
ble gains. In these high characteristics, at
least, slavery does not appear to have pro,
dueed -any baneful influence, and it would be
- well that professed philanthropy exhibited
itself as favorably here, or extorted some
thing of the respect which-is now conceded
to the representatives of an institution which
it so unqualifiedly condemns."
HASTY Bunx,ins.—Daniel Sterns Esq., of
Fremont, Ohio who had been ill with fever
for some time,to all appearances died 'on Fri
day afternoon. His burial was to take place
on Sunday afternoon; all aran,gereents were
made, and. the friends and the clergyman
were assembled to pay the last tribute of re
spect to the supposed deceased, when the
body appeared warm to the touch. Restora
tiVes were administered; and in a few minutes
the man who came near being buried aliVe
was sitting up. ' . '
- Those Who lie upon roses when young,
axe apt to lio upon thorns when old.