The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, April 29, 1857, Image 2

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Circulation—the largest in the county.
Wednesday, April 29, 1857.
Eon. Wll. P. PACKER, of Lycorhing.
/minor, STRICKLAND, of Chester.
NEW ADVIIRTIBENENTS.—Gen. McGill has associated with
him a partner in the AleXandria Foundry business. The
- Arm is doing an excellent business—let it be well patron,
ized.—Notice to Contractors, by Henry W. Miller, Clerk
to County
.Commissioners.—Administrator's ICotice, by
Henry Zimmerman, Esq.—Chinese Sugar Cane Seed, by
John Reach—New Goods, by 'David P.
cal Surveyor, by J. Simpson Africa, &v. ) &c,
should be remembered, by Postmasters that
for the protection of newspaper publishers, a
law was passed not long since, requiring
them to notify editors of any papers uncalled
for, within five weeks thereafter, or be held
themselves responsible ; now that many
changes have been made postmasters will
please notify us of the subscriber's removal,
thereby saving to us much loss and affording
us an opportunity of mailing our papers cor
just printed in handsome form, and have for
sale at the Globe office, a.- few copies of the
new Fee Bill approved by the Governor on
the 18th April, 1857. All Justices are re
quired by law to keep the Bill posted up in
their offices. By remitting us twenty-five
cents by mail, we will send a copy free of
ScuooL TEACITERS.—The School Di , ,2ctors
of this borough made the appointre - ,ents of
Teachers for the ensuing school sear, on Sat
urday evening. All the former teachers,
male and female, were continued, excepting
the appointment of Mr. BENJ. F. Bnow:i to
Male School No. 1, and Mr. ROW. TURBETT
to Male School No. 2. The action of the Di
rectors is generally approved.
gEr.J. F. "RAMEY, Esq., of this borough,
has been appointed County Surveyor. As it
would have been out of the order of things
to appoint a democrat, we are pleased that
the appointment has been given to Mr. Ra
mey. The vote at last fall's election was a
tie between Mr. Ramey and J. SIMPSON AF
RICA, Esq., the former County Surveyor.—
Mr. Africa will continue his business as
usual. As a Practical Surveyor, he has no
superiOr in the county.
Court commenced its sessions in Hollidays
burg on Monday. The trial of 141cKim, for
the murder of Norcross, will doubtless attract
a large crowd of strangers to that place.—
Wu. A. STOKES, Esq., of Westmoreland, and
DAVID PAUL BnowN, Esq., of Philadelphia,
we learn have been engaged on the part of
the commonwealth, and Messrs. HOEIIIS and
BANKS, of Hollidaysburg, for the defence.—
We think that unfortunate man will have a
rough road to travel.
KIM MURDER CASE.—We learn from the Penn
sylvanian, of Saturday, that on Friday morn
ing, a young man named Michael Bonner, an
old. associate of McKim, the alleged murderer
of young Norcross, at Altoona, was brought
to Philadelphia from Delaware county, and
placed in the Central Station. It seems that
at 3lcKim's request a subixena was served
upon Bonner, and the officer who served it
found him somewhat under the influence of
liquor. The upshot of the matter - was, that
a letter, written to him by McKim, from the
prison at Hollidaysburg, on the 6th of April,
was got from him.
The writer of this extraordinary letter al
moit admits his guilt of the murder, and then
earnestly implores Bonner, and others of his
old associates, to come to his rescue and swear
him out of the difficulty. McKim lays out
the plan of action, tells what sort of a story
is to be told, and how the witnesses are to
prove an alibi for him. This important doc
ument has been sent to the District Attorney
of Blair county, and Bonner will be detained
until that officer is heard. from.
Those who are familiar with McKim's hand
say-that the letter is in his handwriting with
out a. doubt.
The Huntingdon Gas Company
At a meeting of the stockholders of this
corporation, held at the Court House, on
Saturday, the 25th instant, William P. Or
bison, Wm. Dorris, Jr., and John Scott,
Esqs., Dr. B. E. McMurtrie and J. Simpson
Africa, were elected Managers for the pres
ent year. After the election, the board or
ganized. by the election of WM. Dennis, Jr.,
President, and SIMPSON AFRICA, Secretary.
Proposals for the erection of the necessary
buildings, laying the pipes, &c., will be re
ceived immediately.
We hope the author of the following exquis
itely beautiful lines will never " die penniless
and neglected," as has been the case with
many distinguished poets:
Oh! don't go sighing through the world,
There's sunshine all the way,
To lift the sorrows from the heart,
And make it light and gay;
To cheer the darkest hour on earth,
To take from all their woes,
And Ind them where they'll always find
• The finest style of clothes,
At DAVID P. Gwrles, Market Square, a few
doors east of the Post Office.
The County Superintendency.
Always hitherto, as a public journalist, we
refrained from making any suggestions, or
taking a part in the approaching election for
County Superintendent, preferring to leave
that duty to be discharged by the untram
meled minds of the school directors of the
county—to whom it legitimately and only be
longs. Noticing in the two preceding issues
of the "Jeurne," and "American," both edi
torially; and by communication, (the latter
probably genuine or more likely, manufac
tured for the purpose,) the studied and high
wrought ealogiums lavishly bestowed on one
of the candidates for this office, and the re
markable absence of a solitary word of com
mendation of the present able incumbent,
ALBERT OWEN, we were led to suspect, and
subsequent investigation demonstrated, that
there -was "something rotten in Denmark."
Finding that Mr. OWEN has been ruthlessly
assailed publicly, personally, and privately,
by his embittered enemies, who have resorted
to every scheme, whereby they might detract
from his well earned reputation, we cannot,
in justice to our, feelings and a sense of duty
to the public, longer remain silent on a sub
ject of such great importance.
Every plan, however paltry, that could be
devised, that would be at all effective in inju
ring the high standing of Mr. Owen, or poi
soning the public mind against him, has been
resorted to. Every prejudice thatdisa.ppoint
ed ambition, personal enmity, political spleen,
and religious intolerance could excite, has
been brought to bear against him to affect the
approaching election, and if possible defeat
his selection for another term to an office
which he has filled with honor to himself and
credit to the county.
Caring not who may be against us, we go
heart and hand for ALBERT OWEN. We are
impelled to thus declare our predilection for
him, for, enjoying his acquaintance during
the last eight years in which ample opportu
nity was afforded to inform ourself of his
ability and character, we found him to be an
industrious student, a ripe scholar, and an
experienced teacher—possessing just such
qualifications as are requisite for a proper
discharge of the onerous duties of a County
Superintendent. As a teacher, his abilities
have been fully tested in this-borough. In
1849 and 1850, and immediately preceding
his appointment to the Superintendency, he
had charge of the Male school No. 1, in which
position his conduct merited and received
general approbation.
With the directors of the county rests no
little, no unimportant, responsibility. One
week hence we shall see how well they have
borne it. If they wish the COUNTY SUPER
INTENDENCY to earn for itself a reputation for
dignity and usefulness which its importance
enables it to; if they wish the genial influ
ence which its projectors intended it should
possess and exert, to be disseminated and
felt in the numerous school districts in the
county—vote for ALBERT OWEN. Of his com
petency to amply discharge the varied duties
of the office, no one can, no one DARE, deny.
His character is high above the poisoned
shafts of the " penny-a-liners" who, jealous
of his uprising, seek to lower him to their
own abject level.
Judging from present appearances, there
will be but few candidates in the field.—
Against any others whose claims may be ur
ged we have nothing to say. We think Mr.
OwEr's election can be accomplished with
ease. Should he be defeated and we disap
pointed, we shall bow submissively and re
spectfully to the decision of the directors.
Pennsylvania Legislature.
The bill for the sale of the Maine Line of
State improvements, as it passed the House,
has been transcribed and sent to the Senate,
but that body has not yet acted upgn it.
The Apportionment bill, as it passed the
Senate, is now before the House.
Many other important bills have not yet
been disposed of. The members have been
industrious, and will have to continue so for
some weeks in order to get through with the
important business.
FREEDOM IN KANSAS.—The free State men
of Leavenworth city, in Kansas, have elected
their Mayor by one hundred and seventy ma
jority over all other candidates. This will
be peculiarly gratifying to all who desire to
see freedom established in that Territory.—
It is one of the first fruits of popular sover
eignty. It gives evidence of what may be
done by the free State party throughout' the
Territory, if like honest, high-minded men,
they go to the polls and vote.
We most earnestly desire to see Kansas
come into the Union as a free State, believing
as we do, that a majority of the bona fide
settlers desire it ; and we know it will be free
if the freemen of that Territory do their
duty. And what is their duty ? Not to fo
ment jealousies and strife among the inhabi
tants—not to create prejudices against those
who differ with them in opinion—not to be
come the miserable tools of disunion Repub
licans of the North—but to go to work man
fully, kindly and earnestly by peaceful, legit
imate and constitutional means—by the silent
but omnipotent power of the ballot box, and
determine that neither slavery nor involun
tary servitude, except for the punishment of
crime, shall ever exist within the boundaries
of Kansas.
The shipments of coal from the Broad
Top mines for the week ending April 21st,
were 2068 tons. Total for the year, 3,903
Supreme Court.
The Democratic State Central Committee
have 'fixed upon the 9th day of June for re ,
assembling the State Convention to nominate
candidates for the seats in the Supreme Court,
made. vacant by the declination of Judge
Lewis, and the appointment of Judge Black
as Attorney General.
It seems to be conceded that one of these
candidates shall be taken from the eastern,
and the other from the western portion of the
State. A number of eminent and. worthy
men have been named in the east, all of whom
will be brought before the ,convention by their
respective friends, and any of
,whom, it will
give us pleasure to support as the nominee,
for it is with pride we see that none but men
of high moral worth and professional stand
ing are being presented, and from such a list
there cannot be a bad. choice. .
Public opinion seems to be more concen
trated in the west. While other worthy names
are presented, there seems to be a degree of
unanimity and heartiness in support of WIL
LIAM A. STORES, Esq., of Westmoreland coun
ty, which can hardly fail to secure his nomi
nation. We must express our gratification
at this, for while his nomination will un
doubtedly add great strength to the ticket in
the West, it also places upon it a man whose
legal education and practice fit him as well
for the east as the west : a man whose emi
nent abilities, will make him a - worthy suc
cessor of either of the great men whose places
are to be filled. Mr. Stokes. is admitted to
stand at the head of the profession in the
western part of the State, and is well known
throughout the entire commonwealth. He is
not a small politician : he has been devoted
to his profession : but like many other, of the
able men of the country, during the late
Presidential campaign, at the sacrifice of
private interests, he entered the canvass, and
upon the stump discussed the great principles
at issue, in a manner strong, forcible and dig
nified, with clearness of thought, beauty of
diction, and strength of argument, that fitted
his addresses for delivery upon any forum,
and before any audience. No man who
heard his arguments upon the principles in
volved in that contest, will doubt his -ability
to fill with credit a seat on the Supreme Bench,
an ability evidenced by the fact, that those of
the profession best acquainted with him,
speak most highly of his legal abilities. We
hope he will be nominated.
tion of Wilmot is having its effect in Bedford
county, driving hundreds of influental men
into our ranks. Among those who have
lately joined our victorious column, we notice
by the Gazette the names of Dr. C. N. Hic
kok, Geo. Blymire, Esq., Levi Agnew, Adam
Ferguson and Wm. Spidle—all of them, with
the exception of Dr. Hickok, haying belong
ed to the intense American party. Seeing
that an effort to Abolitionize the concern is
about to be successful, they have very wisely
left the sinking ship ! The crazy craft is
going down.
,The Philadelphia Daily IV - etos, a lead
ing opposition paper, that supported Fillmore
last fall, and strongly adheres to Know Noth
ingism yet—or Americanism, as it is now
called—still continues to oppose the nomina
tions made by the late Abolition Convention,
and says some very pertinent things about the
men put forward for the support of the Abo
litionists next fall. Some time ago it defined
its position in an article which we published,
and it still holds to it.
A.bolitionists Answer.
The Clinton Democrat puts a pair of very
impertinent questions to the Abolitionists.—
We should like to hear a reply from them.
We quote the interrogatories with the hope
that some of the niggerites of this section
will deliver an opinion :
When THORAS JEFFERSON wrote "all men
are born free and equal," &c., did he mean
that be and his black slaves had-. been born
on an equality, and that he and they were
possessed of certain inalienable rights ? If
that was his meaning, do you denounce him
as a demagogue for continuing to hold his
blacks in slavery, thus falsifying what you
say was his own declaration? When GEORGE
WASHINGTON signed the same declaration,
did he believe that the blacks were entitled
to the same degree of liberty as himself, and
yet continue to hold them in slavery until
his death? If so what is your opinion of the
sincerity, religion and patriotism of GEORGE
mingham, has lately called attention to a
method of accidental arsenical poison, which
should be generally known, and from which he
was himself the sufferer. He chanced to
select, for the .adornment of his study, a par
ticularly bright tinted wall-paper, the pattern
of which was confined to two shades of green.
About two days after it had been applied, he
first used the room in the evening, sitting
there, and reading by a gas light. Whilst
thus engaged, he was seized with severe de
pression, nausea, abdominal pain and prostra
tion. The same chain of symptoms ensued
on every subsequent evening when he occupied
the room. This led to an inquiry into the
cause. He scraped off a little of the bright color
ing matter from his pretty green paper, and,
by sublimation, pro(hiceed abundant crystals
of arsenious acid. The paper was colord with
arsenite of copper, (Scheele's green.) The use
of this pigment to coloD *wall : papers has al
ready proved injurious in previous cases.- In
one, a child sucked some strips of paper thus
colored, and narrowly escapedwith life. , (Ed.
Monthly Journal, 1851. ) Dr. Hinds remarks,
that the presence of the arsenical pigment
may be recognized by its brilliant hue, and
by a little running of the color at the edges
of the pattern as though it did not take freely
on the paper.—London Lancet.
Xeir By reading weenyich the mind, by
conversation we polish it.
Know Nothing Convention:
The Simon Pure Know Nothings hate is
sued the following call for a Convetition to
nominate candidates for the several State
offices to be filled the coming fall:
American State Convention.
The undersigned, citizens of PennsPvarila,
respectfully recommend the holding of an
American State Convention, at, Lancaster,
on the 20th of May, to nominate candidates
to be supported by the American Party of
the State at the next General Election, for
the office of Governor, Canal Commissioner,
and Judges of the Supreme Court, on the
platform of principles established by the Na.;
tionaLAmerican Convention, held in Phila
delphia in February, 1856. Cordially ap
proving of the principles therein enunciated,
and unwilling to unite in the support Of can
didates who are not distinctly pledged to the
same, the undersigned invite the Americans
of the respective counties in the State, who
concur with them in these views, and are in
favor cf continuing a distinctive American
organization, to appoint delegates to said
Convention, equal in number to the repre
sentation to which they are entitled in the
State Legislature.
This call is signed by Hon. HENRY D.
HURST, Esq., and other leading members of
the "American" party in Philadelphia; by
Hon. JASPER B. BRADY and others of Pitts
burg; and by citizens of York, Montgomery,
Lancaster, Allegheny, Clearfield, Jefferson
and Butler counties. Not less than three
hundred names are appended to the call.
The Black Republican candidates are a little
too black for the genuine K. N's.
Minnesota Territory.
Among the numerous papers that speak - of
Minnesota and her towns, we make an ex
tract from the Hoboken City Standard, con
taining an able and powerful article of two
columns. Out of all the large number of
thriving towns in Minnesota Territory, the
writer instances Nininger City as an evi
dence of the miraculous growth of towns
and says:
"Mr. Nininger, a, gentleman of wealth
and ability, selected a spot on the Mississip
pi that attracted his experienced eye, and
forthwith had it surveyed and laid out.—
This was in September of last year. Brina ,
ing its advantages to the notice of some of
the wealthiest capitalists in the Territory,
and others in New York, Philadelphia, and
some of the Western States, he was joined
by a power of wealth and influence that but
few towns can boast.
Forty buildings were erected before the
winter set in, and in one month of last win
ter, thirty others were commenced. Among
the improvements are three saw mills, one
costing $30,000 ; a large hotel, an athenxum,
school house, church, &c. Some of the dwell
ings 'are costly structures, the beauty of the
place inviting the residence there of some of
the rich capitalists themselves. The back
country is rich and fertile, and is well set
tled. Nininger—named after its proj ector—
is situated twenty five miles south of St.
Paul, and rests on a rising bank on the west
of the river, sloping back some fifty feet.--
A railroad from the head of the Lake Supe
rior, in Wisconsin, is now building, which
extends towards Nininger, to within eighteen
miles; this space will be built by the town,
by the time it is completed, to connect there
with. The town has also a charter for a rail
road to St. Peters the capital, which is to be
commenced forthwith, and will be the first
in the Territory, so that a continuous rail
road line will extend from the bead of Lake
Superior to the southwest corner of Minneso
ta, Nininger being the centre on the Missis
sippi, where travelers'up and down will em
bark thereon for the eastern States, and from
thence debouch there to all points—north,
west and south. These advantages, with the
character of the parties owning the town,
has already raised the value of lots laid out
originally at $6, up to $250 for the best, and
the lowest not under one hundred. The
owners have formed parties each in their
own neighborhood, to leave for Nininger this
spring, the first from New York the 13th of
April, the next from Philadelphia in May.—
These facts warrant the belief that ere the
summer closes, the population of the town
will be some 3,000 to 5,000.
The Mormons.
From indications now observable it is evi
dent that the government is preparing to
take decided measures in relation to Utah
territory. Brigham Young has carried his
insolence so far as to leave no excuse for ne
glecting him longer. Burning the archives
and property of the United States, and com
pelling the United States Judge to resign his
office, are offences that call for prompt atten
tion. He is resolved that no one but himself
shall be governor of Utah. Long endurance
has emboldened him to acts of rebellion and
treason that cannot longer be permitted ;
and there is evidence of preparation, to place
the government of Utah territory upon the
same footing as other territories. Troops
are concentrating in Kansas in large num
bers. Three thousand will be there in the
course of two months. And more can be or
dered there if deemed necessary. So large a
force is not necessary to preserve the peace
in Kansas from present appearances; and
there is no doubt tha greater portion of them
are designed to support some one who may
be appointed governor of Utah. It would
be useless to send a governor there without
such support. He should have four or five
thousand soldiers at his back, with power to
employ them promptly in sustaining the or
dinary course of territorial governments.—
We are glad to believe that at length the
government at Washington is determined to
deal with Young and his Mormons as they
need. Their numbers and their blind obe
dience to their rulers will make it a serious
task for a governor to reduce them to sub
mission to the laws of the land. BUt it
must be done, and has already been too long
delayed.--*-Pittstiurgh, Post.
at Spirit Lake, lowa, turns out to have - been
a horrible affair.—" The latest arrivals from
the scenes of this massacre report that in
the cabin of Joel Howe seven dead bodies
were found thrown in a heap in the middle
of the floor, that a Mrs.G-ardmer and her four
grown up daughters had been murdered and
their bodies found ; also that the remains of
Mrs. Harry Lace and her two children were
found horribly mutilated, lying outside of
their cabin."
M.-Large White Kidney Beans, sliced
and stewed in milk, form a frequent and nu
tritious dish at the farm houses in Flanders.
fidytortance of the Chinese W'ar.
Very few people who read the newspapers
realize the vast importance that is going to
attain to the Chinese war. The war of 1840-
42 was insignificant in comparison. Then,
the war grew out of the destruction of some
contraband opium which a British subject
claimed, and was prosecuted solely in order
to obtain safe commercial intercourse with
certain Chinese ports. l'iovt%, the war arises
out of a persistent refusal of the Chinese to
fulfil their treaty obligations, and will be
prosecuted until the foreign Powers obtain
satisfactory guarantees against fraud or
lence on the part of the Chinese in all future
time: This is a basis, and an aim which may
involve a war of the very first magnitude.
We have reason to believe that Lord Na
pier is instructed to consider the co-operation
of the United States in the war the most im
portant object to be gained by his embassy
to the United States. To what extent he has
endeavored to achieve this end, and how far
he has succeeded, will soon be shown ; it is
not unlikely that appointment of the new
Governor of Kansas may have been a disap
pointment to him, as it deprived him of the
co-operation of the man who, above all others,
was most likely to share the sentiments of
the allies of Europe in reference to the com
plicated questions of Chinese politics. But
there is plenty of material for Chinese Com
missioners in this Country ' - Mr. Buchanan
has only to hold up his hand, be will obtain
the man needed. Mr. Walker can be spared
for Kansas. Were the war conducted solely
against the Chinese, England would not deem
it so important. But they are well aware
now that behind the Chinese government
stands the Emperor of Russia, burning to
avenge the losses he suffered during the war.
From Russia—which has always been more
of an Asiatic than European Power—the
Chinese can obtain—what has always been
wanting to their armies—officers and discip
line; and like the Persian with the same ad
vantages, may, under these conditions, make
their enormous numbers tell with terrible
effect againt their assailants. We hear al
ready that the Russian Plenipotentiaries have
succeeded in effecting a temporary reconcili
ation between the rebels and the imperialists;
the consequence of which will of course be
to gather the united strength of the empire
against the common enemy. Let a few offi
cers, modern weapons, and a general notion
of modern military discipline, be added to
the boons already presented to China by the
Russians, and the war may become serious
indeed. The Chinese have fought well in
the Canton River ; under Russian leaders,
and after proper training, they might almost
defy any attack. Their numbers alone would
laugh to scorn any European armament.—
They could easily send into the field several
armies of a million men each, and could pro
vision them.
To meet them, the English and French
have entered into usual war treaty, binding
themselves to prosecute the war jointly, &c.,
&c. It is' said that twenty thousand men are
about to be shipped from Toulon and Cher
bourg for the Canton River. Meanwhile the
British government 'desire to ascertain whe
ther the anti Chinese alliance cannot be made
a tripartite one, with the United States as
full partner for a third.
The question has so many faces that is sus
ceptible of a great deal of ventilation before
a satisfactory settlement can be made. It
is decidedly not the policy of this country to
join other Powers in carrying out wars. The
United States have not been in the habit of
considering that they had sufficient interest
in any question which interested European
Powers to induce them to join them in any
military or political operation. At the same
time it is not certain that Chinese matter is
not precisely the exception which the forego
ing; rule presumes.
We are certainly interested in China as
largely as England and very much more
largely than any other Power. One way and
another the effect of the stoppage of the Chi
nese trade by the war will he severely felt
here. Should the Chinese ports be blocka
ded, as they may be, for a period of years, in
convenience would be felt not only in com
mercial circles, but in every household in the
country. Teas have already risen thirty per
Here are reasons enough why the United
States should not be indifferent to the issue
of events in China. Whether it happens to
coincide with Mr. Buchanan's views for this
country to take an active part in the pending
contest and be beholden to none but our
selves of the advantages to be wrested from
China, or not, it is certain that our mercantile
interests alone imperatively require a close
supervision of the turn of affairs in that sec
tion of the world. The allied maritime Pow
ers are quite likely to make us sharers in the.
fruit of their contest, whether we take part
in it or not: and therefore, if this wasting
upon England seems to the President a ceco
rons part to play, perhaps we may lose
nothing by it. But whatever is done in this
respect, no time should be lost in selecting a
man of at least equal force and experience
to Mr. Walker to proceed to China without
delay to watch over American interests there
and advertise their government whether it is
possible to pass through the present crisis
without either sacrificing our countrymen or
making war on the Chinese.—.W. Y. Herald.
The New York papers state that the drawing
of a panel of jurors for the next session of the
Court of Oyer and Terminer, before which
the Burden murder case is to be tried, was
commenced on the 18th inst. at the office of
the County Clerk, and terminated on the 22d.
A panel has been drawn of 500 men from
4,000 names. The ordinary panels for this
Court are 40 men from 200 names. The ob
ject of drawing so many in the present instance
is to meet the difficulty of finding twelve
men to sit upon the Burdell case who have
not already formed an opinion as to the guilt
of the parties charged with alleged murder.
In compliance with the usual statute the
drawing took place in the presence of the
Sheriff, the County Clerk and two Aldermen.
BANK. or NEW CASTLE, PA.—The committee
appointed to investigate the affairs of this in
stitution, have reported its assets to be 282,-
000, and its liablities $206,024, and
. they say,
that "from the best estimate which can be
made at present there are $40,000 of the assets
which may- be considered• bad or doubtful."
The Lawrence Journal says that it considers
the note-holders are safe, and that "the busi
ness men of New Castle are determined to
place the Bank on a firm basis, and elect men
to manage its affairs, who are known to be
honest and responsible." We advise note
holders not to place too much reliance in such
reports. -
Small Capital.
Of a truth, dark lantern Know Nothingism
must be "hard up" for capital—out of am
munition, almost to the last shot. Another
"flash in the pan," such as a few of the busy
ones here experienced eight or ten days since,
will leave them without a solitary grain in
their lockers.
Three or four weeks ago, a lad, who had
been placed by his friends at the College near
Emmitsburg, to receive an education, becom
ing tired of study, and finding the routine of
College duties not coming up entirely to his
notions of "free and easy," left the Institu
tion without the permission of the proper au
thorities, and wended his way to this place.
A tutor followed him, and the boy was taken
back—as boys have often heretofore been, af
te'r having taken "French leave," without es
citing any other remark than "served him
right." Before leaving this for Emmitsburg,
the driver was approached by several Know
Nothings—gentlemen of 'strong sympathies!'
—who endeavored to persuade him to give
the boy an opportunity of getting away on
the road homeward. But they were not suc
- - - -
On last Thursday a week, the boy again
left the Institution without leave, and of
course came this way, having found "strong
sympathisers" here before. Having been as
we understand, hard to control at home, and
therefore placed under the care and guar
dianship of the conscientious and respected
President of the College, it was felt to be a
duty to pursue him again, and if . possible,
carry out the wishes of his friends in regard
to him.
A tutor of the College, and a gentleman of
Emmitsburg, soon after came to this place,
and on inquiring for the boy, were told by
several Know Nothings, that he was shortly
before seen on the road. to Hanover, making
for that place. They went there, but find
ing no trace of him, naturally concluded that
they had been intentionally deceived, and at
once returned. Arriving here, information
of a most reliable character was communica
ted to them, to the effect that the boy was
concealed at Shriver's tavern, in the south
part of this town, but that he would not be
given up. Several Know Nothings had re
solved on that. Having no desire to infringe
any law of our State, but believing it best
for the boy that he should be taken back, le
gal process was issued, and served upon Mr.
Shriver, the writ returnable before Judge
Ziegler at 7 o'clock on Friday evening. This
was evidently going farther than the Know
Nothings had anticipated—the matter now
wore a serious aspect—and their "strong
sympathies" were giving way rapidly. So,
at the proper time, the writ was returned by
a Know Nothing neighbor of Mr. Shriver's,
who stated that Mr. S. was sick, but the
"proxy" wished to know whether "the mat
ter could notbefixedwithoutfarther trouble?"
He was answered that if the boy was pro
duced, all further proceedings would cease.
This he consented to do, and the boy was
given up. When found, lie was at Mr. Og
den's, close to the tavern, from which we are
told he had been brought in the morning.
The boy himself says, as we are assured,
that when he came to town, he was stopped
on Baltimore street, by a person who asked
him some questions, and recommended him,
or took him to Shriver's tavern, where he re
mained until next morning, when he went,
or was - taken to Ogden's.
He Way conveyed back to the College, on
Saturday morning ; but having evinced so in
corrigible a disposition not to pursue his stud
ies, it was thought best to advise his friends
at Lancaster of it, and to require his removal
from the College.
He has since been taken away, not because
it was thought that the treatment he received
was harsh or improper, but because he is a
stubborn and unmanageable boy, and would
be likely to give those in charge of the Insti
tution more trouble than they could reasona
bly be asked to undertake. It seems that he
has a propensity for running away, having
even left his own home (before being placed
at College) without saying "by your leave,"
and consequently giving those more immedi
ately interested in his welfare no little anxi
ety. He is evidently a wilful boy, and knows
how to manufacture "strong sympathy" with
the gullible.
This is as clear a statement of facts as we
are able to give, and it can be relied upon.—
The affair is hardly of sufficient consequence
to deserve newspaper notice, but we have
deemed it a duty to do so, in view of the ef
forts made by the Star and the Know Noth
ing news carriers to create out of it a founda
tion upon which to build political capital.—
These parties circulate innumerable rumors
in reference to it, but fortunately for the cause
of Truth, most of them are so ridiculous as
to hear the evidences of falsehood upon their
very face, and no sensible man will be hum
bugged by them.—Gettysburg compiler.
The New Tariff.
The following are given as the leading ar
ticles embraced in the change made by the
new Tarriff law :
All wool costing 20 cents or under per
pound at the place of exportation will be ad
mitted duty free; all other descriptions of
wool will pay 24 per cent.
Iron and sugar will pay 24 per cent.
Dyestuffs generally will be admitted free_
Winesand liquors will pay 30 per cent.
Alkalies will pay 4 per cent.
Woolen fabrics generally will pay 24 per
Woolen blankets will pay 15 per cent.
Dyed, printed, stained, or bleached cotton.
fabrics will pay 24 per cent.
Brown or unbleached cotton goods will pay
19 per cent.
Linen fabrics of all descriptions will pay
15 per cent.
Spices will be admitted free.
There is also a long list of articles of less
importance added to the free list which have
heretofore paid from 10 to 30 per cent.
Our Isthmus Troubles.
A telegraph despatch from Washington to
the North American, dated April 22, says:—
I understand, on reliable authority, that the
action of our government in increasing our
naval force in the Isthmus waters, meets the
approval of Lord Napier, the British Minister,
who was officially informed of the fact by a
note from the State Department, as was also
the Count de Sartiges, Minister from France.
The latter, however, so far as I can ascertain,
has not signified his assent or dissent to ' the,-
movement. The total number of vessels.
ordered to the Isthmus is ten, seven of which•
will be stationed at Aspinwall and three at
Panama. With so imposing a force, our goy--
erment is confident of effecting an early ar—
rangement of the dispute.
It will be all well, should England and'
France approve the courseof our government ;
—we hope they may—but if they should not,.
we fancy . it would not change the policy' of. -
the administration.