The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, April 08, 1857, Image 2

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Circulation—the largest in the county,
11141111ITETIDOM P 2.4,
Wednesday, April 8,3.86. V.
pion• WM. P. PACIEEFL, Of Lyoriining.
Eon. EL.LtS LEWIS# of Philadelphia.
Raw Auvisrmemmrs.—Attention is invited to the new
advertisements in to-day's paper :---To School Directors
of Huntingdon county, by Albert Owen.—Notice to
Teachers, by H. F. Campbell.—Huntingdon Gas Compa
ny, by Cwporaters.—Estate of Geo. Meredith, by John
McCahan.—Fruit Trees, by Taylor & Cremer.—Shir
leysburg Female Seminary, by J. B. Bidder.—Ready-
Made Clothing, by H. Roman.—_Franklin House, by J.
S. Miller.—Store advertisements, by D. P. Gwiu, Benja
min Jacobs, Wm. 3. Geissinger.—Miscellaneous items,
by Jas. A. Brown & Co.—List of Letters, by Wm. Lewis,
and Drugs, Paints, &c., by French, Richards & Co., Phila
COItrECT WEEK.—Nest Monday the April
term of our Quarter Sessions commences,
which will call to town many of those who
are indebted to us for subscription, job work,
and advertising ; to whom we say again, it
would be exceedingly gratifying to us were
they to call in and square their accounts.—
We want all the old accounts upon our books
settled without further delay.
'the public schools- of this borough closed on
Tuesday of last week. Miss C. T. BENEDICT,
teacher of the first Female school„ held an
examination at the close of the session s and
a goodly number of ladies and gentlemen
were - in attendance. In the evening an Ex
hibition by the same school, was held in the
Court house before a crowded assembly, in
cluding a large number of ladies and gentle-
The exercises were creditable—they
were chaste and simple in design—agreeable
in execution, and beautiful in result.
The singing of the young ladies, and the
music of the Excelsior Brass Band that enli
vened the occasion was an entertainment it
3kvito - nom ELECTION.-At the borough elec
tion on Monday, the following persons were
elected. No party nominations were made :
Burgesses—James Gwin, Thomas Fisher
and John Simpson.
Town Council—A. W. Benedict, Esq., Alex.
Port,- Esq., P. C. Swoope, John 0. Murray,
D.- Snare, Esq., Wm. Africa and Lewis Ber
- Supervisors—J. Murray Simpson and Jno
High, Constable—Michael Decker.
Ass't. Assessor—Nicholas €, Decker
B. Penrose, Senator from Philadelphia, died
in Harrisburg on Monday,.from an attack of
pleurisy. The announcement of his death
was made in both houses in the afternoon,
when they immediately adjourned.
The lasion. Repudiated.
A large and enthusiastic meeting of Amer
icans, was held at the Sons of America Hail,
corner of Seventh and Sansom streets, Phil
adelphia, on the 27th ult., in which strong
resolutions were passed denouncing the pro
ceedings of the Black Republican State Con
vention. The President of the meeting was
authorized to appoint a committee of twenty
four, with the view of re-organizing for the
State' campaign. The idea is to call a State
Convention to nominate a full straight out
American ticket, in opposition to Black Re
publicanism in particular, and all other sec
tional isms in general. During the speeches
made it was asserted that at least 65,000
votes in the State of Pennsylvania could be
depended on in the next fall campaign for
the straight out American ticket.
Gen. Wm. P. Packer.
The greatest degree of watisfactien is ex.-
pressed: by the united press of the State with
the' nominations for State' officers. Even our
opponents ha'rc been. obliged to " cave in,"
and. with: such a leader as Hon. WILLIA.SI F.
P.xcistr - t, the Democracy have nothing to fear.
It only remains for the party to unite and the
prospect of a glorious triumph in October is
bright and cheering. The following notice
of Gen. Packer, is from the Western (Beaver)
star :
" General Packer is a self-made man.—
From a printer's devil,' he has worked his
way up to the high position he now occupies.
Real worth has given him the position he
has occupied. He is an honest, upright man,
one - whom the people can trust. He has had
ample opportunities of becoming intimately
acquainted with the affairs of the- State, as
he has had the training that will fit him for
doing what he knows the good of the people
requires. He was one of the most efficient
members that was in the Canal Board, and
certainly no man ever performed the duties
of Auditor General more efficiently than Mr.
Packer. His Legislative career, both in the
House and the Senate was brilliant and re
flected the highest honors upon him. He is
remembered as one of the most prompt and
judicious Speakers - that ever presided over
the deliberations of the House of Represen
tatives. He has a moral character and a po
litical record above reproach. He will visit
this county, during the campaign, and, we
are sure, will show by his public speech, that
he is qualified for the position of Governor of
this great Commonwealth.
Dar it is said that a small piece of resin,
dipped in the water which is placed in a ves
sel on the stove, will add a peculiar property
to the atmosphere of the room, which will
give great relief to persons troubled with
cough. The heat of the water is sufficient to
throw off the aroma of the resin.
David VCribnot.
That our readers may know the political po
sition of David Wilmot in 1846, and what
was thought of him then by those who have
now nominated him as their candidate for
governor, we republish the following extracts
from the Harrisburg Telegraph, then -edited
by Theo. Fenn, Esq.:
rfom the Harrisburg Telegraph, July 15,1846.
The British Free Trade Bill.
It must be gratifying to every friend of his
country, and particularly to every Whig, to
know that of the 114 votes which were given
in the House; for the Administration or Brit
ish Free Trade Bill ONE HUNDRED Arm
THIRTEEN were Loco Focos, and but ONE
Whig—and he from the Loco Foco State of
Of NINETY-FIVE who nobly stood up for
the Tariff against the Free Trade Policy
LOCO FOODS, eleven of whom were from
Pennsylvania, four from New York, two from
New Jersey, and one from Maryland. But
of Bradford. The execrations of every friend
of Pennsylvania will fall upon and follow
hint until he reaches that place " where the
worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched."
From the Harrisburg Telegraph, July 8, 1846. _
What will the People of Pennsylvania say
to this outrage upon her faith, her interests
and her honor? Will she turn and lick the
hand that dealt the blow or will she spurn
the treachery, and say, henceforth, let there
be but one party in this State and that devo
ted solely to the interests, the prosperity and
the welfare of our citizens ? Will she not
say, henceforth, Southern Free Trade shall
be made to feel our weight, united and stand
ing shoulder to shoulder in our own cause,
and in that of our country ! Hereafter let
there be one party in the Keystone ; one
strong, united, indivisible party, with the de
termination to ask nothing but what is right, '
and submit to nothing that is wrong.
We rejoice in being able to record the votes
of all the Loco Foco members in Congress,
from this State EXCEPTING WILMOT, of Brad
ford county, against the repeal of the Tariff
of 1842. This recreant son who basely be-''
trayed her interests and voted with the Free
Traders, should be banished from her territo
ry. His in treachery should bereveng
ed by disowning and turning him upon the
South for support. HIS NAME AS ins DEED
those of Brodhead, Thompson, Foster, and all
the other Loco Foeos, and the Whigs, -who hon
estly and faithfully did their duty to Penn
sylvania will be held in grateful remembrance;
and the more so from the fact that Ritchie of
the Union, Secretary Walker, and the Pres
' ident's private Secretary were in the House
using all their influence against them.
Mark, reader, this same David Wilmot who
but ten years ago, while a representative in
Congress from Pennsylvania, stood up soli
tary and alone in the Pennsylvania Delega
tion, as the betrayer of the industrial inter
ests of the State, is now nominated for Gov
ernor, and you, -who are in favor of the Pro
tection of Home Labor, are asked to vote for
him. This same man, who then sacrificed
your interests and those of the State, and was
denounced for it as recreant and faithless,
whose " treachery should be revenged by
disowning and turning him upon the South
for support," is now, as if to mock the cause
of Free Labor, nominated as the special
champion of Freedom ! He whose name, as
his deed, it was prophesied would " stink in
the nostrils of every, true hearted Pennsylva
nian FOREVER," has washed himself of all
his political sins and atoned for his treachery
by becoming an Abolition Agitator, and is
now considered a fit man for Governor.
Times change, and so do men, but princi
ples are eternal ; and so long as the people
of Pennsylvania are true to the principles
and policy they have ever cherished as es
sential to the prosperity of the State, so long
will they repudiate with scorn the nomina
tion of Wilmot, the betrayer of the cherished
policy of the State whose very name, it may
in truth be said, "will stink in the nostrils
of every true-hearted Pennsylvanian forever."
Look at Nome !
One of the objections made to the decision
of the Supreme Court, in the Dred Scott case,
is that it declares negroes not to be citizens.
The Patriot and Union, contends there is no
thing either novel or monstrous in this. Our
own State Constitution, under which our own
Black Republicans "live and breathe and
have their being," virtually declares the same
doctrine. Negroes are not citizens in the
State of Pennsylvania—none but free white
men, are ; and yet our virtuous Republicans
pass over this fact, and indignantly assail
Judge TANEY, a man whose character stands
above reproach, and whose ermine has never
been soiled by a single corrupt act, for ex
pressing an opinion in 1857, which the Con
stitutional Convention of Pennsylvania de
clared as early as 1838. Ye generation of
vipers! look at home. "Pluck the beam from
your own eyes," before you put on spectacles
to discover "the mote in others," and they
hurl their thunder bolts against the Court for
pronouncing the Missouri Compromise un
constitutional, when their old Federal fathers
opposed its enactment on. the same ground in
1820, and burnt in effigy DAVID FULLERTON
and others who helped to pass it. To what
monstrous wrongs and gross absurdities will
not blind fanaticism lead?
"TIIAT LAST TOOMEY-011T piscatorial friend
is going to court for a character, after having
spread himself at discretion in the spirited
columns of his talented journal—pouring out
the lowest slang of abuse against ourself, and
a gentleman who has- treated him with the
profoundest of silent contempt. But it seems
some accidental phrase has fallen like a thun
derbolt upon his guilty conscience, and " lo
the wicked fleeth when no man pursueth."
Chief Justice Taney.
A cotemporary, in noticing the venerable
Chief Justice, says : It is an interesting co
incidence that the ablest speech in Congress,
and the most unanswerable judicial decision
ever rendered against the constitutionality
of the Missouri Compromise, were delivered
by Maryland lawyers—William Pinckney,
in his speech in the Senate, in 1822, in re
ply to Rufus King, of New York, and Chief
Justice Taney, in the opinion in the case of
Dred Scott, in 1857.
And a correspondent of the Cincinnati En
quirer, in defending Judge Taney from Black-
Republican abuse, gives the readers of that
journal the following:
"Within the last few weeks the various
hirelings of the Republican press—partly
through ignorance and malignity and partly
at the solicitation of the frightened leaders
of their expiring party—have been striving
to escape the fatal effects of the recent Supreme
Court decision, not by constitutional argu
ment, but by that last resort of dying fac
tion, argumentum ad kominum. They are
as superstitiously afraid of the Constitution
as the Hindoos of their invisible Deity, and
its requirements are only known to them
through the crafty oracles uttered by their
false and reckless high priests. And thus
the decree of the highest tribunal upon earth
is sought to be combatted by an indiscrimi
nate and rabid abuse of its members, among
the rest, exposed by his very eminence,
Roger B. Taney has received their fiercest
"We do not propose to defend his private
character, for its purity and sacredness ren
der it invulnerable. Nor do we presume to
stand as the advocate of his lofty abilities
and legal learning, for few, even of his con
temporaries, are equal to the task. History
is his defence, and his eulogy. Her testi
mony is, that never has there existed in this
gifted land a mind more endowed with com
prehensiveness and discrimination, or a
heart more full of honor and nobility, than
that of Roger B. Taney. The mantle of
Chief Justice Marshall has fallen upon him
with all its adorning virtues, increased by
time and polished by experience.
"The master spirits of the last half centu
ry have done homage to him, and it is rela
ted that when a young man, at the death of
William Pinckney, when some one exclaim
ed, "Alas! the Goliath of the bar has gone,"
old Justice Dorsey, of Maryland, a man of
able judgment, exclaimed, "Aye, but we
have the David left in Roger B. Taney."—
Many rich tributes, both to his talents and
could be mentioned if time would
permit. And yet this is the man that is re
viled by these upstart slanderers as weak,
venal, fickle and unprincipled. He is charg
ed as being the tool of Jackson, and the case
of the removal of the deposits called up as
evidence. The history of that matter is just
this: He was the friend of Jackson, and
one upon whom the President relied as com
petent and worthy. As Attorney General
in the Cabinet, he strongly advised the re
moval of the U. States Bank deposits,• (an
opinion fully sustained by the subsequent
corruption and rottenness of that concern,)
and, therefore, when afterward called upon
to accept the control of said deposits, and
carry out kis own judgment, honor and con
sistency alone required his consent.
"His course has always been thus unim
peachable, and Henry Clay himself, in his
.partisan excitement, never dared to
impugn the honesty and purity of the mo
tives of the noble old Democratic Justice.—
But he is charged with being, the advocate
of slavery propagandism, and that only be
cause of his acting in accordance with his
oath, and expounding the Constitution by its
true letter and spirit. Let the decision speak
for itself. But Mr. Taney personally is op
posed to slavery, in principle and practice.
Forty years ago, although never wealthy, he
freed every negro in his possession, and has
paid servant's wages ever since. They were
all valuable, and one, his body servant, has
been the head waiter of the largest hotel in
Baltimore for many years.
"Judge Taney has always been the truest
friend of the black man, and it is related by
a contemporary that the most eloquent speech
he ever made was at Frederick county bar,
in defence of a little negro girl, in which he
thrilled his auditors by exalting the happy
construction of our courts and the justice of
our laws in allowing the circuit to be stopped
in order to give that poor little negro her
rights and her lawful protection. And,
although the little creature had most likely
committed crime, Mr. Taney's eloquent ap
peal rescued her from the vengeance of the
law. Thus have all his acts, public and pri
vate, been characterized by justice and gen
The Mysteries of the Law.
In Maine, at the term of the Supreme Court
now being held at Portland, a. bill of indict
ment was found by the Grand Jury against
John S. Sprague for the crime of polygamy.
The indictment charged that Sprague, on the
11th of September, 1854, being then and
there an unmarried man, was lawfully mar
ried to Emily M. Clark, and that afterwards,
on the 4th of December, 1855, his first wife
being still living, he married Rhoda Sylvia
Stewart, thereby committing the crime of po
lygamy. Sprague's counsel stated to the
Court that the County Attorney was willing
to admit, and that the defence could prove,
that the alleged first marriage was not a legal
one, Sprague at that time being a married
man, and having a wife living—in fact, that
he bad three wives ; but, as the indictment
was based on the legality of the second mar
riage which was not legal, it must fail. And,
further, if the Government attempt to prove
that the first wife was living when Sprague
married the third one, he should object to
such evidence, as there was no such allega
tion in the indictment. This last position
being sustained by the Court, the County At
torney entered a nol. pros., and thus Sprague,
who was charged with having two wives, got
clear by having three.
Book Notices.
The North British Review, for February,
is received. Contents:—The Employment of
Women; Modern Style; Dr. Samuel Brown;
Dr. Kane's Arctic Explorations; Mrs. Brown
ing's Poems ; Richard Hooker ; Art Unions;
The Trade in Opium; United States Politics;
Foreign and Domestic. Published by Leon
ard Scott & Co., 79 Fulton St., N. Y.
ti . lack Republican Platform.
The Republican State Convention, held in
Harrisburg on the 25th, adopted a series of
resolutions, from which we extract the fol
"Resolved, That the Constitution confers
upon Congress SOVEREIGN POWER over
the Territories of the United States for their
"Resolved, * * * That we DENY THE
legal existence to slavery in any Territory of
the United States, while the Constitution
shall be maintained."
First, they concede the SOVEREIGN POWER
or CONGRESS to govern .the Territories, and
then DENY one of the very attributes of that
sovereignty. This shows the strait to which
the Black Republican disunionists are re
duced to maintain their house, and. is enough
to drive from their ranks every honest, sensi
ble man, who aims only at the good govern
ment, peaee and prosperity of the country.
A Novel License Law.
Mr. Hanford's bill to License the drinkers
of intoxicating liquors, introduced to the As
sembly of New York, provides that no per
son shall drink strong liquors without first
obtaining a license, which may be granted
by any Justice of the Peace, on the following
For a license to drink lager beer, currant
or any domestic wines, 50 cents.
For strong beer, 75 cents.
For whiskey, and home made liquors, $l.
For French or any imported brandy, $1,50.
For Champagne, Burgundy, or any foreign
wine, $5.
No married woman is to obtain a license
without the written consent of her husband,
and no minor, without a written consent from
his or her guardian.
The license can be revoked in case of gross
intoxication; but this section is not to apply
to a licensed clergyman or member of the
Press. No dealer is to serve liquor to a per
son without the production of the license,
and then only such liquor as is named there
The bill was referred to the Committee of
the Whole.
A Bitter Pill.
The Lewistown Aurora, an American
journal, whose editor favored the Union move
ment, does not relish the manner in which
the whole affair was turned into Black Re
publicanism. It says :
"In another column of to-day's paper will
be found the proceedings of the Convention
which assembled in Harrisburg on Wednes
day last, to nominate State officers, in oppo
sition to the Locofoco party. This body has
not acted as we hoped it would have done.—
Its nominees, especially that for Governor,
will, in all probability, receive a determined
opposition from the straight-out Americans,
who, in reality, hold the balance of power
between the Democrats and Republicans.—
We shall, for the present, keep out of the
contest, hoping that something may yet be
done to hung all the elements of the opposi
tion in this State together.
The nomination of Wilmot for Governor,
we consider decidedly a bad one for the con
summation of our most cherished hopes.—
Last fall we were heartily sick of triangle
fights, and yet we have a fair prospect of hav
ing the same thing re-enacted at the coming
election, the result of which it is an easy
matter to foretell.
Are Negroes Citizens?
We cut the following from the Albany Ar-
gus :
WILLIAM Wrar's OPINION.—When and by
whom was the doctrine that colored men are
not citizens first officially decided? Not du
ring the present month by the Supreme Court
in Dred Scott's case. Not in 1838 by the Su
preme Court of Tennessee in the case of The
State vs. Lovelace. Nor indeed in 1834 by
Chief Justice Daggett in Prudence Crandall's
case. It had an earlier origin. It was first
officially announced by William Wirt in 1821,
when Attorney General of the United States;
and lest the (Albany Evening) Journal's rec
ollection should be at fault in relation to that
learned and distinguished jurist and Chris
tian gentleman, we add he is the same Wil
liam Wirt whom the Evening Journal after
wards in 1832, supported as the anti-Masonic
candidate for the Presidency! We proceed
to state the views which Mr. Wirt put forth
on this subject.
The navigation laws of the United States
required that masters of vessels should be
citizens. Under this statute a question arose
in the Treasury Department whether a free
negro of Virginia was a citizen of the United
States, and therefore entitled to be placed in
command of a vessel. The point was refer
red by the then Secretary of the Treasury to
the Attorney General of the United States in
the following form: "'Whether free persons
of color are in Virginia citizens of the Uni
ted States, within the intent and meaning of
the acts regulating foreign and coasting trade,
so as to be qualified to command vessels?"
To this query Mr. Wirt gave an official re
ply in a letter to the Secretary of the Treas
ury, dated November 7, 1821, from which
we make the following extracts:
ALooking to the constitution as the stand
arrof meaning, it seems very manifest that
no person is included in the description of
citizen of the United States who has not the
full rights of a citizen in the State of his res
idence. Among other proofs of this, it will
be sufficient to advert to the constitutional
provision that C the citizens of each State shall
be entitled to all the privileges and immuni
ties of citizens in the several States.' Now,
if a person born and residing in Virginia,
but possessing none cf the high characteris
tic provisions of a citizen of the State, is nev
ertheless a citizen of Virginia, in the sense
of the constitution, then, on his removal to
another State, he acquires all the immuni
ties and privileges of a citizen of that State,
although he possessed none of them in the
State of his nativity; a consequence which
certainly could not have been in the contem
plation of the convention. Again: the only
qualification required by the constitution to
render a person eligible as President, sena
tor, or representative of the United States, is,
that he shall be a 'citizen of the United
States,' of a given age and residence. Free
negroes and mulattoes can satisfy the requi
sitions of age and residence as well as the
white man; and if nativity, residence, and
allegiance combined, (without the rights and
privileges of a white man,) are sufficient to
make him a `citizen of the United States' in
the sense of the constitution, then free ne
groes and mulattoes are eligible to those high
offices, and may command the purse and sword
of the nation. .
Mr. Attorney General Wirt, after further
discussing ;the subject, states his conclusion
in the following words:
"Upon the whole, I am of the opinion that
free persons of color in Virginia are not citi
zens of the United States, within the intent
and meaning of the acts regulating foreign
and coasting trade, so as to be qualified to
command vessels."
The Eastern (Maine) Argus gives a later
illustration of, this opinion in the action of
the free-State men who voted for the Topeka
"Moreover, the republicans themselves
have very recently endorsed the same doc
trine as applied in Kansas. The famous To
peka constitution, for refusing which, the
democratic party in Congress came in for a
large share of abuse, expressly confers the
right of suffrage on. 'every civilized male In
dian who had adopted the habit of the white
man," but refuses that right to negroes or
Outrages of Brigham Young
A correspondent of the San Francisco Her
ald, writing from Salt Lake City on the 7th
of January, says :
"I have to chronicle one of the most
daring and insulting national crimes ever
committed in the United States, and that,
too, under the direct care and control, and
under the immediate order and direction of
this man Young. Early in January, and
just in advance of the meeting of the Su
preme Court, a party of the Mormons in
high standing in the Church, and under the
advice of Brigham Young, repaired to the
office of Hon. G. P. Stiles, one of the United
States District Judges, the law office of T. S.
Williams, Esq., and the office of the Clerk of
the Supreme Court, and took therefrom all
the papers belonging to the Supreme Court,
consisting of records, dockets, opinions filed
away, together with nine hundred volumes
of the laws, furnished by the Federal Gov
ernment for the use of the Territory of Utah.
The reason given for this treasonous act was
that Congress would not admit them as a
State, and that they would not allow the
Federal officers to remain the Territory; and
that what officers were now in the Territory
must leave as soon as grass grows or he will
send them to h—l across lots. Now, sir,
can you find a parallel to this act of treason
since the organization of the American Colo
nies? if so, please note the time and place.
It seems to be a settled fact that the laws
of Congress cannot be carried out or put in
force in this Territory—the only law known
or obeyed is the law of the Church, and that
is the will of Brigham Young, who most
clearly is the most brutal tyrant now on
earth, and in point of treasonous designs,
without an equal. Often have the Courts
decided against the enactments of the Utah
Statutes, but all in vain. The Mormons go
on after their own order of doing business,
wholly disregarding and setting at defiance
the opinions and decisions of the Supreme
Court of the Territory, and openly declare
that they will not obey nor be governed by
any one unless he is a Mormom, and that
any one who thinks otherwise can loose his
life by trying the experiment, which most
emphatically will be the case unless a strong
mill ary aid is given by the United States
Government. In vain may one try for jus
tice where the mandate of one man is the su
preme law of the land; when you have Mor
mon jurors, witnesses, officers. &c, all bound
by a secret oath of hostility not only to all
the laws of Congress, but toward all the of
ficers of the United States Government, from
President down to that of Marshal of the
Territory of Utah.
At this time, Sir, there are five young
men lingering out a weary life of misery
and wretchedness, groaning beneath heavy
loads of iron, in the damp and dismal cells
of the Utah Penitentiary, for no crime known
to the laws, other than expressing opinions
of disapprobation of the doctrines of Mor
monism, which here is the blackest crime a
man can commit. It is worthy of remark
that those young men are not Mormons, but
were passing, on their way to California,
from Missouri. Poor fellows! they are doom
ed to a sickly and torturing death, and that
soon, fir it is not possible to survive such
brutal treatment very long. Quite recently
a young man by the name of Lewis, was
convicted of assault and battery, and sen
tenced to five years imprisonment in the
Penitentiary; and while on their way to the
prison, a band of ruffians took him away
from the officer and deprived him of his—,
and then put him into the prison to die.—
These things are too common to be endured
much - longer ; and unless the Federal Gov
ernment speedily lends aid unto her officers,
now in the Territory, the miserable ends of
both Mormons and officers of the Govern
ment, can be better anticipated than told.
The progress of this territory has been
most remarkable. The population is said to
be one hundred and eighty thousand. Ac
cording to the Chicago Tribune, the bound
aries of the new State will be as follows :
"Beginning at the northwest of lowa,
thence up the channel of the Big Sioux to its
head waters ; thence North to the head wa
ters of the Red River of the North, and
thence following the main channel of that
stream to the boundary of the British posses
sions at latitude 49'; thence east along said
boundary to Lake Superior; thence south along
the west boundary of Wisconsin to lowa, and
thence west along the north line of lowa to
the place of beginning. In other words, all
that part of the present territory of Minnesota
east of the Big Sioux and Red River of the
North. The new State will be 380 miles
long from north to South, and will average
250 miles wide from east to west, viz : 200
miles from the Falls of St. Croix at the nar
rowest part, 300 miles at the north and 250
at south line.
"The new State will contain about 100,-
000 square miles. The residue of the pres
ent territory is to remain under the present
territorial government, and to be known as
Dacotah. The Eastern division contains
nearly the whole population of the Territory
which is believed to number 150,000 souls at
the present time. - The new State will very
probably number half a million at the cen
sus of 1860. No part of the West is receiv
ing a more intelligent or valuable class of
emigrants than Minnesota. The climate is
the delight of the New Englander, the soil is
extremely fertile, the beauty of natural
scenery is not surpassed in any portion of
the Union. The natural productions em
brace all the valuable grains, grasses, vege
tables and fruits grown in Wisconsin.--
Thousands of the most beautiful crystal
lakes, large and small, are scattered over its
surface, feeding brooks, creeks, and rivers.
Water power abounds in every direction,
and timbe± is compariitiv abundant.—
Twenty years hence; Min 'Vida be
gridironed over with railroads, dotted with
cities and towns, and will hold upwards of
two millions of sober, industrious, intelli
gent, and prosperous inhabitants."
Accounts of the Decisive, riciory..;; , Leiterh
from Henningsen and other o:M*7.4—The
Allies Broken Up.—Prospects of Peace.-
[From the New York Herald, of Maildity.l
We said yesterday that news had: teen re'
ceived in the city in the shape of private let;
ters from Walker's officers, confirming thei
accounts of Walker's decisive victory at San
Jorge. The following are extracts from let
ters received by different persons in this city
from Major General Henningsen and eitbet
officers with President Walker in Nicaragua]
referred to in the Herald of yesterday. These
letters came to this city in the steamer Texas,
which arrived on the night of Thursday last,
but some of them did not reach those to whom
they were addressed till late on Saturday
evening. The despatches from General H.,
of the 18th, with the return of the killed,
wounded and missing, have not come to hand,
and have doubtless -bean abstracted on their
way from San Juan del Sur to this city:
March 19, 1857.
The steamer from California for Panama
is just in a - _ San Juan, zii.d as the Ranger ex.-
Fess is on the saddle, 1 have barely a mo
ment to add a line to my two letters of last
evening. To avoid the risk of this and the
notes within to ****&*** being intercepted
by those whose interests excite sympathy fur
the greater allies, before they reach New
York, I enclose them to Dr. Carnoeban, who
will send them to you as soon as he receives
I have little of importance to add to my
narrative up to last night, except to request
you to have care taken that the names in the
returns of our killed, - wounded and missing
are printed accurately. It may omit two or
three of the wounded, but the entire number,
if it was complete, does not exceed fifty. I
have not received the slightest injury, and
enjoy my usual good health. The loss of the
enemy is ascertained to have been unwarda
of 400 killed. Our victory is decisive and
breaks up the allies completely, and in a few
weeks all fighting within the boundaries of
Nicaragua will be over, and if any contest is
kept up it will be in the other States. Our
army is in high spirits.
Address your letters as directed in mine of
the Bth, as they will be less likely to be pur
loined, which I have no doubt is the fate of
yours of the 20th of February and 3d of this
month, as I have not received either of them.
* * * * * * *
RIVAS, March 19, 1857.
*' * * will show you my letters to her,
giving a full account of our victory won on
the day before yesterday. We had ten hours
lighting. We attacked San Jorge by a can
n made, and drove the allies out of the towns
At nightfall we suspended our fire, and the
enemy being reinforced ventured to attack us
in a hollow in the road near the town. They
were repulsed with a loss of upwards of 400
killed. Our loss in killed, wounded and mis
sing, does not exceed fifty. The defeat is fa
tal to the enemy. It breaks them up. All
the forces the allies could scrape together
were here, and they are now scattered.
RIVAS, March 18, 1857.
* * * * *
General Henningsen - will send detailed tic
counts by first steamer expected in a day or
two, of our battle of yesterday. "Oh 'twas
a glorious victory." I was slightly hurt,
but feel no inconvenience to-day whatever.—
Our triumph was complete. Our loss is not
oi.c-tenth of that of the enemy, and the nu
merical force against us was three times that
of ours. * * * American Minie rifles
and Henningsen howitzers and cannons did
the business. The allies are finally used up,
and the reign of the greasers in this repubhe
wiped out. Within the last four or five
weeks letters from New York don't reach us.
We suspect they are pilfered.
The despatches from General Henningsen,
of the 18th March, and the return of the_
killed and wounded above mentioned have
not come to hand, and it is believed they
have been intercepted by persons inimical to
the success of President W alker.
Mr. Scammon, the obliging purser of the
steamship Texas, has handed to us the fol
lowing communication in the handwriting of
Colonel Lockridge. The document is in
lead pencil, and headed
I reconnoitered the enemy's position at
Castillo on the 14th, and from their spies
gained the important information that Walk
er had gained a great victory, and that the
allies had fallen back on Massaya or Grana
da. Propositions of peace—the Costa Ri
cans not willing to join the conference, but
had sent Vanderbilt's agent, Spencer, from
the country, and offer the transit to ie En
glish government. I have seized important
documents to prove the above facts, which I
have sent to Washington and to the Presi
dent of Nicaragua.
Rivas is fortifying Leon, as in the last con
ference of the combined forces of Costa Rica,
Guatemala, Honduras and Salvador, a rro
position was made to divide and obliterate
the name of Nicaragua.
There are only 350 men at San Carlos.
under Gen. Mora. The J. N. Scott is now
ready to proceed up the river.
I have near 400 men, with seven pieces of
artillery, and plenty of arms and ammuni
tion, and I feel confident of success.
The document is endorsed on the back by'
Mr. Purser Scammon, as follows:
This paper was written by Col. Lockridge,
a part of it in my presence, and given to me
by him, about ten o'clock, P. M., on the
19th March.
L. M. SCAMMON, Purser steamer Texas.
Dar Mr. Buchanan is the oldest man who
has ever taken the Presidency. Gen. Casa
is said to be seventy-four years old, and is
the oldest man that ever filled the office of
Secretary of State in this country. Gov.
Marcy is younger than this at his retirement.