THE IItNTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, &C. THE GLOBE. Huntingdon, Wednesday, March 11, 1857. Line upon•Line.-Here and There a Little. .Good morning! Ali PLEASANT—The weather today, - and the counten ance of The Globe. Ditto—Our readers—tine fellows. kiTsaverm—The practice of the "fusion doctors," but their-success-is bad, numerous cases having been given.up tiS inCuind.o. , .eliy-The Hollidaysburg Register thinks it will require the•united strength of the "American Republicans and Republican Aniericans" to beat the Locofocos I The Judge don't. make g bad guess! .412! -It is supposed that there aro now five factions oppo iSed to the great National Democratic party—the Know No things,'Black Republicans, American Republicans, Repub lican Americans, and Red Republicans. It bothers' our brains to keep "the run" of these new parties, but we guess they are harmless, and won't hurt the locofocos. - If they do, we'll publish it. iM.The Huntingdon American is moderately in favor of "phuzion," but the rank "Americans" are not----Know No thing Republicans are scarce, and the former won't swal low algorism, nor O.IIOIV niggerism to swallow them. We hope the fusion sentiment will precail, and that the nu merous rag-tag and bob-tail factions will be consolidated into one party, as much as it can be done by the mighty leaders. It surely cannot be impassible to force "Ameri- Cans" to kiss the lips of the niggers. It was tried last fall, and with a little more exertion, it might succeed. The wedding, we presume, will be followed by a grand planta tion dance ! I;:gyTwo butter knives were taken from the saloon table of our. neighbor Thomas. Ile has reason to suspect a cer tain person, who, if they are not returned'," will have his ac quaintance cut in that direction. AW".3.loney in your purse will credit you—wisdom in your head will adorn you—but both in your necessity will serve YOU. We often heard of a man "being in advance of his age," but who ever heard of a woman being iu the same predicament ? tar-"Walte up, here, and pay for your lodgings," said the deacon, as he nudged a sleepy stranger with the con tribution box. tE24,_llerz nom' EvEr..—Naomi, daughter of Enoch, was five hundred and eighty years of age, when she mar- Lied. Courage, ladies! RILED.—The - editors of the Altoona. Tribune can't forgive the natiVe author for what they have suffered. Their per ,sonai abuse now counts up to six columns and a quarter. They put one in mind of the old woman who, whilst sitting under the droppings of the sanctuary, was surprised into uttering an exclamation : " There," cried she, "I spoke right out in me.etingl—There now, I spoke again !—Good ness gracious, I keep talking on all the time!" got into au awful scrape, as the chin said to the razor. Why are pretty girl's eyes like an oatmeal cake?— Because they are apt to give the heart burn. Blocs TIIRTLE.—Calliag, a husband my dear' 'in public, and 'you brute' in private. tel..A. pretty pair of eyes are the best mirrors to shave by. Yes," replied a bachelor, on reading the above, "many a man has been shaved by them." IC2l..Ortg might as well be out of the world, as beloved by nobody in it. SIiORT SERMONS.—At the South Carolina Ccnferenco of the Methodist Episcopal church the presiding bishop ckci ded- long sermons except on very special occasions, to le improper, contrary to the discipline, the practice of the ‘' Fathers," and, to some extent, subversive of the ends of the Christian Ministry._ _The limit, on ordinary occasions, according to the bishop, should be from thirty to forty five minutes. MILL Buttxt.—Trexler's Mill at Paradise Furnace, wai entirely destroyed by fire on Thursday night last, togeth er with upwards of three thousand bushels of grain. The Mill was one of the best in the county, and is a heavy less to the owner, there heing no insurance upon it. CONE Ao.ux.—" Old Mose" with a large assortment of hew Goods for everybody. See advertisement. 1Q One day at the table of the late Dr. Pease, (Dean of Ely;)just as the cleth was being removed, the subject o f discourse happened to be that of an extraordinary mortali ty among the laWyers. "We have lost," said a gentleman, "not less than six eminent barristers in as many mouth: , ." The Dean, who was quite deaf, rose as his friend finished his remarks, and gave the company grace: " For this and every other mercy, the Lord's name be rraised!" The ci_ feet was irresistablo. geP'ELMIRA A FAST -TOWN-A GARROTING—We live in a fast age, and as th e in habitants of Elmira are as " fast" as any people we wot of b etween hero and sun down, as a matter of course all the follies and. vices of the age—we'll say nothing about the virtues of the world here or else where—are imitated here in the Queen City of the Southern Tier, that is, on a small scale.. We have our drinking saloons, our gambling establishments, our houses of ques tionable character; we have our loafers, cur rowdies, our thieves, our vagrants, our burg lars, our highway robbers; we have our watchmen, our watch-house, our Police *Jus tice; we have a jail that is kept filled with Gentlemen, ''Who bare nothing else to do But just to walk about." We pay heavy taxes. live fashionably, and enjoy the world hugely ; we have railroads, and canals, and gas lights; we have three daily papers, a number of churches, and a Female College. In fact, we have every thing that is useful and useless—morality and immorality—riches and poverty—min gled, in as heterogeneous a mass as it is in the largest of the Atlantic cities. If we have nll these things, it will not surprise anybody. to learn that we have our garroters also.—A few nights since, as we were re turning home, we were compelled to be the witness of an attempt to garotte a woman Who Was peaceably walking down Church street: She was accompanied by a man Who •had as sweet an Irish brogue its ever greeted the ears of Gen. Scott. They were Conversing sotto vOce, when all of a sudden ...the man put his left arm around her neck; and before she had time to call for help, another Patlander stepped up froth behind, and threw his right arm also around the same neck 1 Here was a clear case of gar roting; and we would have gone immediately to the rescue of the almost strangled woman; called the watch, or done something else equally astonishing, bad We not learned, years ago, " that discretion is the better part of valor." We stopped a moment—vainly endeavoring to calm our "angry passions," all the while—when the desperadoes seem ingly relaXed their embrace of the woman's neck, and the next moment, the dulcet notes of the garroted female greeted our ears: "Don't, Hughy, dear! ,Don't Patrick, me darlin' 1 Don't D-o-n-t! D-o-n--!" Not a struggle made she ; and 'dropping her head alternately to the right and the left ; in • close proximity to the bushy whiskers of Hughy and Patrick, she seemed perfectly resigned to her fate. We started instanter on our winding way for home, and would not have stopped again had a dozen attempts been made, on our route, to garotte any number of good and lawful citizens of our embryo City- 7 —Ebnira Advertiser. OUR BOOK TABLE. - vivrA: IHE S I ECHET OF - froiirEn. By Mrs. EMMA. D. B. N. SournWontri, author of "Lost Heir ess," Deserted Wife," "Missing Bride," "In &c., &c. Complete ih 'one largo duode cimo volume, neatly bothad in cloth; for one Dollar and ,Twenty-five centS: or in two.vol umes, paper cover, for one Dollar. In Trivia, The Secret of Power, the authoress has excelled herself. Vivia, the heroine, is a beautiful, gifted and inspiring maiden, whose presence is a life-giving 'power to all within her sphere : whose influence, like magic or rather like grace, develops the better nature of all with whom she is brought redeeming, elevating and inspiring is her benignant influ ence upon the dreaming girl-artist Theodora, and the poor, but gifted and inspiring peasant boy, Wakefield. Her "Secret Power" consists in her realizing FAITH in goodness, wisdom and efficiency, latent in every human - creature, made in the likeness of the Creator; in her sympa thetic CHARITY that leads her to seek and draw forth these bidden treasures in all souls: and her animating- HOPE that assures her of victory. With these spiritual agencies of Faith, Charity and Hope. she overcomes in herself and in oth ers, the fearful powers of the World, - the Flesh and the Devil. Like her Divine Master, she comes to bring light to the darkened, hope to the despairing, and strength to the weak. When ever in the narrative she appears, it is as if a sun-burst lighted up the scene. It - would be impossible within this short limit to give a fair idea of the character of this work. In the first chapter the interest of the reader is powerfully aroused, and is kept keenly alive to the close of the volume. The story opens with the descrip tion of a snow storm on the Alleghanies, through which the bright and beautiful orphan, alone or attended by her dog, wanders down the fearful passes towards the valley, endeavoring to reach the mansion where her grandfather, Colonel Malmaison, (who had ten years before, discard ed her father,) - lies dying and penitent, and praying to see his orphan grand-daughter. But in the two-fold darkness of night and storm, the wandering child loses her way, and chances to reach a lone convent, where she seeks refuge and is kindly received and comforted by the EMEI TER Bonnrn ROVER. By Emerson Bennett, author of "Clara Moreland," "The Prairie Flower," "Lehi Leoti," &c., &c.— Complete in two large duodecimo volumes, neatly bound in paper cover. Price One Perhaps it is enough to say of the Border Rover, that it is one of Emerson Bennett's best productions, and will be sure to delight all our readers who are pleased - with the Prairie Flower and Clara Moreland; to which it may, be con sidered a companion—the scenes and the inci dents being something similar, and yet the story totally unlike either of the others. The scene of the Border Rover is in the Territory of Kan sas, beginning at Independence, Missouri; and extending all over the plains or prairies to the Rocky Mountains. It is full of adventure and hair breadth escapes, love, romance and humor, and the characters are trappers, traders, hun ters, travelers, guides, Indians, &c. Further more, the scenes are geographically cOrrect,the incidents of actual occurrence, and those who wish to see Kansas as it was,a few years since, will find in this most exciting story some very accurate and valuable information. Of Mr. Bcmactt, personally, we know nothing; having never seen him, or even heard a person speak of him who has been honored with his ac quaintance. But his reputation is the common property of all lovers of the noble maxims which ho inculcates, the morality which he teaches, and the virtue which he adorns, in a style at onee the purest and most fascinating. Under his glowing pen, vice is stripped of its gaudy coloring and held up for abhorrence in all its haggard deformity ; while virtue, humble and lowly, clothed in rags, is won from its timid retreat, and brought forth that the good in heart may do it homage. Let those who have never yet been familiar with his writings read, and they can judge for themselves whether we have over estimated the abilities of Emerson Bennett as a writer. Both of these works are in press and:will be published by T. B. PETERSON, No. 102 Chestnut street, Phila., on the 7th and I4th of March.— Copies of either will be sent to any one to any part_of the United States, free of postage, on remitting the price to the Publisher. CORRESPONDENCE OF THE GLOBE. HARRISBUTLG, March 7, 1857. MR. EDITOR thought a short ac count of a week's sojourn in this city, might interest some of your readers. I have there fore, taken my porcupine in hand, to spin you out something in the shape of a commu nication. I left Huntingdon county, where I had spent a pleasant winter, in a small town, on the bank of the Juniata, and arrived here on Monday morning at eight Cclock.— The city was quite brisk ; that being the day the Democratic _Convention met. Politicians and every body else, seemed interested in its proceedings ; all seeming ,to realize that the next Governor was to be chosen that day. I stopped at the United States Hotel. It is a, good house—gets up big, dinners—big prices also. ,On Tuesday, the city was nearly de serted—the Legislature having adjourned un til the 9th inst., and many of the citizens went to attend., the inauguration. Wednes day evening I visited the reading room of the Young Mens' Christian Association. They have quite an extensive library of useful books, and their tables aro covered with late newspapers, magazines, &e. This is a laud able enterprise, and the originators agers of it, deserve credit for thus providing a place where young men may pleasantly and beneficially pass their evenings, instead of in saloons and grog shops. John D. Gough, the popular temperance lecturer, is to address this association next Thursday etening.— There will be a "shaking among the dry bones and rum bottles." I met with my esteemed friend, Max. GREENE. He is about establishing a month ly periodical, to be called the Pennsylvania Magazine, in this place. Any one acquain-. ted with him, need not be told that it will be ably conducted. I visited, in company, with him, most of the places worthy of note, in this vicinity. The cemetery, one mile north-west of Harrisburg 4 Here, I noticed the names of many persons . who have figured in the past history of this State. Many beau tiful monuments are here erected in memory of the dead. The grave of 'Harris, the foun der of Harrisburg, on the bank of ,the Sus quehanna, a short distance below the bridge, is surrounded by a high iron railing, and en closed is the trunk of the tree, some eight or ten feet, high, to which the Indians had him tied. We visited the State Capitol. The Legislature -not being in session, we, for awhile, took their place. Had the pleasure of, taking a seat on the chair on which John Hancock sat, when Congress passed the Dec laration of Independence. It is . now the Speaker's chair in the House of Representa tives, being brought from Independence Hall, in Philadelphia. The view from the cupola of the Capitol, is beautiful. The country on the one side, as far as the eye can reach, is covered with fertile farms; the buildings in the distance, seem mere white specks. On the other side, the placid waters of the Sus quehanna. Well, I must bring this rambling epistle to a close, and if you think such scribbling worth publishing, I may send you something more, after . l have had some more time to be BOBBIN ROUND. Execution of Louis XVI. At ten minutes past ten they reached the foot of the scaffold. It had been erected in front of the palace of the Tuileries, in the square called after Louis XIV, and near the spot where stood the statue of the most im pure of kings—a king who died tranquilly in his bed. The condemned man was three minutes descending from the . carriage.— Upon quitting the Temple he had refused the riding coat which Clery had offered to him and now appeared in a brown coat, white waistcoat, gray breeches and white stockings. His hair was not disordered, nor was any change perceptible in his coun tenance. The Abbe Firmont was dressed in black. A large open space-had been kept round the scaffold, with cannon ranged on all sides, while beyond, as far as the eye could reach, stood an unarmed multitude.— The executioner had opened the door of the coach, and descending, Louis fixed his- eyes upon the soldiers who surrounded him, and, with a terrible - voice, cried, "Silence 1" The drums ceased to beat, but at a signal from the officer the drummers again went on " What treason is this?" he shouted. "I am lost! lam lost!" For it was evident that, up to this moment, he had been cling ing to hope. The executioners now ap proached to take' off a part of his clothes ; he repulsed them fiercely, and himself re moved the collar from his neck. But all the blood in his body seemed to be turned into fire when they sought to tie his hands. " Tie my hands I" he shrieked., A struggle was inevitable—it came.—lt is indisputable, says Mercier, that Louis fought with his ex ecutioners. The Abbe Edgeworth stood by, perplexed, horrified, speechless. At last as his master seemed to look inquiringly at him, he said, "Sir,, in this additional outrage I only see a last trait of the resemblance between your majesty and the God who will give you your reward." At these words, the indignation of -the man gave way to the humility of the Chris tian, and Louis said to the executioners, "I will drain the cup to the dregs." They tied his hands, they cut off his hair, and then, leaning on the arm of his confessor, he began with a slow tread and sinking demeanor, to mount the steps, then very steep, of the guil lotine. Upon the last step, however, he seemed suddenly to rouse, and walked rapid ly across to the other side of the scaffold ; when, by a signal commanding silence, he exclaimed, "I die innocent of the crimes im puted to me." His face was now very red, and, according to the narrative of his confes sor, his voice was so. loud that it could be heard through the streets as far as the Point Tournament. Some other expressions were distinctly heard: I pardon the authors of my death ; and I pray heaven that the blood you are about to shed may never be visited upon France." He was about to continue, when his voice was drowned by the renewed rolling of-the drums, at a signal which it is affirmed, was given by the comedian Dugay on in anticipation of the orders of Saterre.— " Silence! be silent!" cried. Louis XVI, losing all self-control, and stamping violent ly with his foot. Richard, one of the execu tioners, then seized a pistol, and took aim at the King. It was necessary to drag him along by force. With difficulty fastened to the fatal plank, he continued to utter horri ble cries only interrupted by the fall of the knife, which instantly struck off his head. Samson raised it aloft, and showed it to the people. And the people shouted, "Long live the Republic I"—Louis Blanc's history of the French Revolution.- MARRIED. On Tuesday the 3d inst., by M. R Campbell, Esq., Mr. LEVI DELL, of Union township, and Miss NANcr BRADLEY . , of Brady township, Huntingdon county, Pa. In Barree township, by Gilbert Chany, Esq., Mr. Josmut Ozeuur and Miss CATHARINE ANN MILLER, both of West township. On the 4th inst., in the borough of Huntingdon, by Da vid Snare, Esq., Mr. LEONARD FEUCTITEF, and Miss ANNA MARGARET TIMER, both of Tyrone City, Blair CO, Pa. DIEM On Friday, February 27th, 1857, at his residence in Tell township, Joax Gosnontr, Sr., in the 77th year of his age. PIILLA.DP.I.4E O I-IIA. noun.—Tho Market continues inactive, and only 130 1400 bbls. good brands wore disposed of at $6.2506,3734 yes bbl. chiefly at the latter rate, at which figures there are free sellers. Small sales for home Consumption at $6,- 2506,50 for common and select brands, and $6,56 1 4 up to $7,75 for extra and fancy lots. nye Flour is held at $3,75. Corn Meal is dull; 1600 bbls. Brandywine sold at $3,37 1 ,4 114, bbl. in shipping order. GRArx—Tnere is a fair demand for Wheat, and prices, in the absence of any great supply, are well maintained.— Sales of 3000 bushels Penna., in lots, at $1,47 11 bu. for prime red, and $1,0001,63 for fair and prime white. About 2000 bu. nye sold, part at 82 cents, and part on private terms. Prime dry Corn is in good demand, but damp is neglected; sales of 10,000 bu. yellow, at 68 cents for old, in store; 56®60 cents for damp, and 63066 cents for prime dry—the latter rate for au extra dry lot 1000 bu. Penna. Oats sold at 4-1 cents bushel. . BUSINESS NOTICES. Plain and Panay Printing, Job work of all kinds—such as Handbills, Circulars Business, Visiting, and Show Cards, Tickets, Bill Heads, Deeds, Mortgages, and all kinds of blanks, &c., neatly printed at the "Mose Job Office, Huntingdon. Pa. .ray - Specimens of "GronE" printing can be seen at the office—which will satisfy everybody that it is no longer necessary to go to Philadelphia for neat work. Call and soo for yourselves. Antbrotypes and Daguerreotypes. E. P. PRETTYMAN respectfuly informs the public that he is now perpared to take Dauguerroet3pes and Ambrotypes on glass, put up with double or single glass. Rooms at the Station Muse, lluntingdon Pa. For Ready-Dlade Clothing, Wholesale or retail, call at If. Roves Clothing Store, opposite Couts' Hotel, Huntingdon, Pa., where the -very oest assortment of goods for men and boys' wear may be found at loiv prices. Express Notiec. The Office of THE, ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, has been removed to the 11. 6c B. T. It. It. Office. JNO. J. LAWRENCE, Huntingdon, Jan. 7,1957. Agent Blanks of all kinds, Neatly printed and fonsale at the "Globe," Office —such as Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Judgment and:PO=lo7lEoo-4, Agreements, Leases, Judgment and Promissory Notes, Notes relinquishing all benefits of exemption laws, License Bonds, and all blanks used by jUsticeepf the Peace. Tht Public A Generally aro invited to call at the New Drug Storo of HENRY McltLamorm. Every article usually to be found in the best establishments of the kited, can be had, fresh andluare, at their Store, in Market Square, Efuntingdon. See EtAvertisement in another column. IlilE WORLD'S GREAT EXHII3I TION PRIZE MEDAL ! Awarded to C. MEYER, for hies two Pianos, London, October 15 : 1851. AlWe'r•-r c , -,- -- 1- r.1.;2Z. - Z-ce- -- ;:z" - - --- -; . ..- „ . ,,i . ; \ , rie.-41/2401021.644.4*eiffitedkaStrill 1 II; tri 11 .'"- kI : CS ' ~.. . , i , '..- : 91•"" 4 i: I':,:( .....-5 4 ; 4 --_-7.-,-'-------7-=7------ C. MAYER, respectfully informs his friends, and the public generally that he has constantly on hand Pianos equal to those for which he received the Prize Medal, in London, in ISSI. All orders promptly attended to, and great care taken in the selection and packing the same. He has received during the last 15 years, more Medals than any other maker from the Franklin Institute; also First Premium at Boston, and Premiums at New York and Baltimore. Warerooms removed from 52 S. Fourth. to No. 1.80 A_RCLI Street, below Eighth, south side, Plxilad'a. March 11, 185743 m. CONSTABLE.—We are requested to announce SAMUEL S. SIaTUE as an independent candidate for Borough Constable at the approachiag elec tion. Huntingdon, March 11, 1857. ANDREW PATRICK, Miner & Dealer in Broad. Top Semi-Bituminous Coal; Coalmont, Luntingdon county, Pa. TIUSCARORA FEMALE SEMINA RY, at Academia, Juniata county, Pa. e advantages and attractions of this Institution are such as pertain to a thorough and comprehensive system of cducaticin, combining artistic, literary, scientific, hygi enic and moral culture—and. a location in a very healthful region, away from towns and villages and in the midst of charming scenery. Expenses, $1.20 per annum; including music, $l5O. Tho,summer session will commence May sth. E. HINDS, Principal. March 11,1557.4 t rp,IIIS WAY. 'New Goods Arrived at MOSES STROUS' CHEAP STORE. .Every body and all their relations are informed that Moses Strous has opened a new stock of goods for Spring. His assortment is extensive, and of the latest styles of Dress Goods. Also, EVERY VARIETY OF GOODS usually found in the best stores, and at low prices. READY-MADE CLOTHING, of the best, for men and boys, cheap as the cheapest. All who'vvant bargains should call and examine his Goods. Don't forget to call at STROUS' Store. Huntingdon, March 11,1857. ESTATE OF WM. LOGAN, dec'd.— Letters of Administration on the Estate of WILLIAM A.N, late of Shirley township, Huntingdon county, dec'd, having been granted to the undersigned, he hereby notifies all persons indebted to said Estate to make imme diate payment, and those having claims against the' same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. March 11, 1857 IRONT STREET WIRE MANU FACTORY. WATSON, COX & CO., Sieve , Riddle, screen & Wire Cloth Manufacturers, iVo. 46 North, Front Street, Corner of Comb's Alley. between Market and Mul berry (Arch) Streets, Philadelphia, Manufacture of superior quality, Brass and Iron Wire Sieves of all kinds: Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, &c. Cylinders and Dandy Rolls covered in the best manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Window Wire, Safes, Traps, Dish Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, Fancy Wire Work of every description. March 11, 1837-31 u. 15E - RUVIAN GUANO.— Experience has taught the Farmer that the ONLY RELIABLE k'ertilizer is the PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO.— The subscriber, Sole Agent in Philadelphia for the sale of it, has now on hand a large stock of - PURE PERUVIAN GUANO, Which he will sell at the lowest Cash price, in lots to suit either dealers or farmers. S. J. CHRISTIAN, Sole Agent for Philadelphia. No. 4S North 'Wharves, and 97 North Water St. ' March 11, 1857-3 m. ()B,PHANS' COURT SALE OF VAL VV REAL ESTATE, STEAM TANNERY, COAL LAND, FARM, &c. .By virtue of an Order of the Orphans' Court of Hunting don county, the undersigned will expose to Public Sale on the premises, on TUESDAY the 31st day of MARCH, next, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon— All the one undivided half part of that parcel and lot of ground situate in Tod township, Huntingdon county, con taining abont 3 acres, having a large Steam Tannery build ings and fixtures thereon erected, including a five horse power Steam Engine, vats with running liquor, roll- `y er and fulling stock, &c., with a two-story house, r.. f, new frame house in progress of construction, a plen tiful supply of water, conveyed by pipes, &c., with nil con veniences for doing a good tanning business. A plentiful supply of bark can bc.had in the immediate neighborhood. Also, all that certain parcel and tract of - Coal Land, in the Broad Top Coal Region, in Tod township, adjoining land of John McCanlos & Co., containing one hundred and four acres, more or less. Terms—One third of the purchase money to bo paid on confirmation of sale, and the balance in two equal annual payments with interest from confirmation, to be secured by the bonds and mortgage of purchaser. ASAPII BRICE, • MICHAEL J. MARTIN, Administrators of Joseph Martin, deed _ . At tho times and places mentioned above, I, being the owner of the other undivided half of the property above mentioned, will expose to sale upon same terms, all my in terest in said real estate. MICIIA_EL J. ARTIN. iftG? - Any information will be given by Messrs. Wilson & Petriken,Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, or by Michael J. Martin, 'agle Foundry P. 0., Huntingdon county. Mardi 4, -1857 EW DRY GOODS FOR SPRING IA OF 1557. FASHIONABLE SILKS, SILK ROBES, Flounced, BLACK SILKS, extra gloss, SPRING DRESS GOODS. NEW SPRING SHAWLS, BRITISH & FRENCH CHINTZES, LAWN & LAWN ROBES, SHAWLS, of the lamest Fashions, Staple Linen Goods, Blankets, Quilts, Damask Table Cloths, Napkins, &d. Gentlemen's Wear and full stock of Goods for Boys' Cloth- Bargains, daily received from New York and Philadelphia Auctions. Wholesale buyers aro invited to give us en early call. EYRE & LANDELL, 4th and Arch streets, Philadelphia. -; Terms Nett Cdsh, and prices low. March 4,1857-3 m. DUBLIC SALE.—The subscriber, in tending to go West, will offer at Public Sale in Hen derson township, on TUESDAY 17th of MARCIE, 1857, all his stock, consisting of HORSES, CATTLE, and HOGS, ono four horse wagon, buggy, threshing machine, seed drill, ploughs and Harrows, kc., &c. Also—Household and Kitchen Ffirniture, Bacon by tho pound, Grain by the bushel, &c.. &c. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. A. M., when dne attend ance and a reasonable credit will be given, by J.A.M.ES PORTER. February 25,1857. • - :;:rtilTM;11Z1 1 01?; . _ ::/4 ra* t> TI:61 - 0)01\1& BROAD TOP RAIL ROAM. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT! On and after Monday, March 2,3857, two Paseenger Trains a day, each way--Sundays excepted—will run as follows: FIRST TRAIL BTATIC/21S, A. M. 1k: Al. Huntingdon LraVe 5.00 Arrive 155 M'Connellstown .. " b. l 5 tt .../.40 Pleasant Grove " 3,25 CL 1.30 Marklesburg a 8.35 a 120 Coffee Run LC 8.45 i, 1 10 Rough & Ready " 8.55 a 1.00 Fishers' Summit LC 9.05 a 12.50 Saxton a 920 a 12.35 Eiddelalmrg - CL 9.30 H............ 12.25 Hopewell Arrive -9.40 Leave p. m. 12.15 SECOND TRAIN. P. n. P, IT. Huntingdon 'Leave 400 Arrive 7.50 M'Connellstown '• 4.15 CC 7.35 Pleasant Grove CC 4.25 it 7.25 Marklesburg cc 4 35 "• 7 15 Coffee Run 40 4.45 cc 7.05 Rough & Ready.... " 455 • 'c 665 Fishers' Summit 4, 5 05 cc 6 45 Saxton 4C 5.20 CC 6.30 Riddelsbur , « 5.30 ,c 6 20 Hopewell Arrive 540 ..Leave 6.10 Lia"P . Passengers for BROAD TOP CITY, HOPEWELL, and BEDFORD SPRINGS, arriving from East by Pennsylvania Rail Road Express Train at 7.32 A. M.. breakfast at Hun tingdon. Passengers from East by Mail Train, arrive at 5.15 P. DI., and stay all night at Huntingdon. Passengers from West arrive by Express Train in the morning and breakfast at Huntingdon. Passengers from West, by Mail Train, arrive at :3.31 P. M., and leave at 4 P. M., for Hopewell and Bedford. Trains connect at Hope well with Four Horse Mail Coaches, over good Plank and Turnpike Roads to Bedford Springs. Visitors to Broad Top City, by taking the morning Train, can spend half a day on the mountain, (where good accom modations are to be bad,) and return to Huntingdon same day, Fifty porinds baggage allowed each Passenger. For fur ther information inquire at the office of the Company at Huntingdon. THOMAS T. WIERAIAN, Supt. Huntingdon, Feb. 25, 1857. ETTING-.—Proposals will be received I at the Commissioners' office, at Harrisburg, and at the office of the Supervisor of the Lower Juniata Division Of the Pennsylvania Canal, at Lewistown, until TUESDAY, MARCH 10th, 1857, for re-In:Hiding the AUGHWICK DAM, near the village of NeWton Hamilton, The said Dam is about 700 feet long and 10 feet high. Plans and specifica tions for the same may be seen at my office three days fore the letting. DANIEL EISENBIS.E, Lewistown, Feb. 25,1557. Supervisor. SAMUEL iII. MECUTCHEN, MILL WRIGHT AND BURR MILL STONE MANUFACTU RER. Solo Proprietor of JOHNSON'S highly approved and much improved SMUT AND SCREENING MACHINE: Improved IRON CONCAVE BRAN DUSTER, THE PRE MIUM MACHINE FOR MILLERS. Residcnce: NO. 64 QUEEN Street, (ISth Ward,) address Kensington Post Office. Shrd3: .11AYDOCK Street, below Front, Philadelphia. Cocalico Mill Stones, Mill Irons, Smutt Machines, Patent Mill Bush, Portable Mills, Stretched Belting, Cement and Screen Wire, SQUARE MESHED BOLTING CLOTHS Philadelphia, Feb. 25, 1857. Obit SALE.—Lots No. 114, 115, 116, 117, 12S, 129, 19. Also, six unnumbered lots in the borough of Petersburg, Huntingdon county. The first four are those haying upon them the warehouse, store room, dwelling house, &e., now in tenure of Samuel S. Myton. The others have dwelling houses upon them, and the unnumbered lots are those having the buildings for merly used by C. , eo. Rung as a tannery upon them. Pos session given on the first April neat. A bargain will be given in the sale. For terms apply to Scorr BP.OWN, Hun tingdon. February 25, 1557-3 t. ADMINISTRATORS' N 0 TIC E.- Letters of Administration have been granted to me upon the Estate of Samuel Thompson, late of Shirley twp., deed. All persons indebted are requested to make pay ment and those having claims to present them to me. JAMES MURPHY, Petersburg, Feb. 20, 3.557.* Administrator. WELL TIMBERED WOODLAND AT PUBLIC SALE.—ORPILANS' COURT SALE. —By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Hunting don county, I will expose to Public Sale, on FRIDAY the 20th day of MARCH, 1857, at the public house 11,seAgi. of Mrs. Huey, in Alexandria, at one o'clock, NI -14. ;W -t._ P. M., A TRACT OF .WOODLAND, situate on ',,.,;@,, ....., the South-East side of Tussey'S Monntain, - in ---. Porter township, Huntingdon county, con- Mining about 290 ACRES. It is well timbered and will be very desirable for timber for farmers without much timber land. It will be laid off in lots of convenient size to suit pur chasers, a plot of which will be exhibited on day of sale. TERMS.—One half of purchase money on confirmation of sale ; balance in one year with interest, to be secured by bond and mortgage. - ROBERT A. LAIRD. . Acting Executor of Wm. Laird, dec'd. February 25, 1857. TAMES BROWNS' (4- R A Al Al A T I - cAL WORKS.--TIIB FIRST BOOK of the Rational hystem of English Grammar. 25 cts. THE SECOND BOOK of the Rational system of English crammer, designed to teach the process of Analysing the English Language with sound judgment; and the art of using it with grammatical propriety. 31 cts. These works are now used in the Public Schools inthe First School District in Pennsylvania. THE THIRD .BOOK of the Rational System of English Grammar, designed to enable the learner to become most thoroughly acquainted with the nature and use of the Patrosmoss, and may be read by him either in or out of school. 50 eta. D. J. LOGAN BROWNS' GRA 7 .SIMA.TICAL READER. This Book sets aside the old Granimars, exposes their defects, demonstrates the little use of attending to them, and presents to the Teacher the unerring and the only way to the Grammar of the English Language. 373,4 cts. For sale by Peter Grifiiie, 118 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Feb. 18, 1857. ,JOSEPII FUSSELL, Umbrella a d PARASOL MANUFACTURER, No. 2 North Fourth Street, N. W. Corner of Market, Philadelphia, Ilas now on band an extensive assortment of the newest and most desirable kinds, including many NEV STYLES not heretofore to be had in this market. An ex amination of our stock 11 solicited before purchasing else where. March 4,1857-3 m. WAINTED A partner in the Tavern husiness, in e centre of the Broad Top Coal mines, at a stand no doing a good business. Any one who wishes to go into that line of business, will find it an excellent chance rarely to be met with. Address by letter to B. at this office, when every information required shall be given. February 25,1557. ACARD.—To Teachers and all whom it may Concern: The undersigned are making prep arations to open a Normal School in Huntingdon County; and we design making it a permanent Institution. The Instructors will lie persons who have been educated in .Normal schools, and who are known to be eminent in their profession—in the didactic art. Our advertisement will appear as soon as our correspondence with the Faculty can be completed. We desire to open the school in April. ALBERT OWEN, Huntingdon, Feb. 11, 1557. F. 11. LANE. HOUSE FOR SALE.—Thefa subscriber will sell the HOUSE and TLIREE OTS OF GROUND ho now occupies in the North East cor ner of the borough of Huntingdon. The house is a two story frame, nearly new. For further information enquire of A. J. WRITE. February 11,1857. THE BOOK OF THE AGE.-"'TIS MUCH TO SAY, YET TRUTH TO SAYIT."—REC OLLECTIONS OF A LIFETIME, OIL MEN AND THINGS I HATE SEEN 1N EUROPE AND AMERICA, By S. G. Goomucu, the veritable "Peter Parley," author of "The History of all Nations," &c, &c. In two volumes, 150 pp. large 12mo. 25 engravings, including an accurate Steel Portrait of the Author. Price, Black or Scarlet Cloth, $OO; Scarlet cloth, gilt edges, $4; Half calf, mar ble edges, $5; Gilt Edges, $7. This work embraces the prominent public events of the last half century, both at home and abroad; a complete autobiography of the author—his early days, education, and literary career; and an amount of original, curious, and valuable personal incident, anecdote and description, seldom, if ever, met with in a single work. It is th. au thor's life-long work, and nothing superior if equal to it in blended amusement mid instruction, has ever been pub lished. Mr. Goodrich is the author and editor of 170 vol umes, of which seven millions of copies have been sold! and this the great work of his life time, embodies the con densed substance of his ample literary and practical cape rience; the war with England in 1812-14, in which Mr. Goodrich was a private soldier; the Hartford Convention, whose operations took place under his immediate observa tion, and with most of the members of which he was per sonally acquainted. Embracing curious and interesting details respecting old .Teffersonian Democracy, Old Feder alism, and Connecticut Blue Lights; curious (tad marvel lous eveuts connected with the rise and progress of reli gious sects in the United States; with descriptions of the French Revolution of IS7.S. and Louis Napoleons Coup d'Etat, both of which the author witnessed. Also, a full account of the 'Peter Parley's Tales,' of which four mil lions have been sold. In the course of tho work will ho found pen and ink portraits of over Two Hundred celebrated persons—Presi dents, Vice-Presidents, Rings, Queens, Emperors. Soldiers, Poets, Wits, Enthusiasts, Physicians, latwyers, Diplomatists, &c.—all described from personal acquaintance or observation. For sale by GEO. BEMISTRESSER, HILL CREEL, Flunt. Co„„ Pa. Published by i•filler, Orton S Mulligan, No. 25 Pat]: Dow, I.Y. Also.A gent for Dr. KaWe's works. 12 . 1 TIROADWAY GOLD. PEN MAN 13%; FACTU.RING CO., No. 335 BROADWAY, NEW YORK,. LIST OF RETAIL:PRICES: Gold Pens $1 00 'Gold Tooth Picks,.. $2 00 Gold Per, &Silver Holder,2 001 " Tooth and Ear Picks, 3 00 Gold Pen and double ex- " Pencil,* Watch Keys, 3 00 SilVer Holders 3 00 Ladies Gold Pencils... ..... 2 00 31amouth " " " 400 " .3 00 Leviathan " " " 500 " " " ........4 00 Fountain Pen, Desk Hol. " "with Pen, 5 00 der 300 Gents' Gold Cases and Memonth " L 6 " 500 Pens BCO Engrossing Pens 200 " 10 (0 Leviathan and Box ...... ...5 00 " Gothic " "12 00 Gothic Silver Case & Pen, 300 " Screw Pencil 800 " Engrossing " 4 001 .And ,all, other, kinds_ and " Manmouth " " 500 styles at the retail prices. PR.ENIIUMS PRESENTED TO PURCHA,SERS: _ To every person buying a gold pen of us we present a numbered certificate, and each of these certificates entitles the holder of it, by the extra payment of 25 cents, to tin ar• tide of jewelry, in value from $1 to $lOO. consists of Gold and Silver Watches in great vitriety.—,Sil-; ver Goblets, Silver Fruit Baskets, Gold Guard Chains for ladies, Lockets, Bracelets, Gents' Gold RA? and 'Vest chains, Thimbles, Breastpins, Bracelets, Ear Drops, Studs, 14ngs, Crosses, &c., none of which sell less than $l. FOR ERY DOLLAR PAID US, THE PARTY IS ENTITLED TO A NUMBERED CERTIFICATE, AND BY THE PAYMENT, 1 OF 25 CTS. EXTRA ON EACH CERTIFICATE HE IS EN-. TITLED TO RECEIVE WHATEVER THE NUMBER OF, THE CERTIFICATE DESIGNATES. W..: have been in! operation for three years and thousands have bought of us, and we have never learned that any ono was ever dissatis fied. This plan affords every opportunity of obtaining a gold watch or some article ofjewelry', for a trifling All our pens, pencil cases, &c., are genuine. articles manu factured by ourselves with great care, and we offer them precisely at prices asked in all other stores in the city. To, agents we make advantageous offers, and any energetic person can do well by working for us. We wish agents in every place in the country, and persons who would like to, become such will please address ns, and we will send them printed circulars of prices, terms, &c. We have no stated periods for distribution. he moment a pen is purchased, the purchaser is entitled to receive his premium on the payment of 25 cents extra. All orders by mail should bo addressed MERRICK, BENTON & 33.5 Broadway, New York. AGENTS WANTED. N. B.—Gold pens repointed in a superior manner. En close the pen and 39 cents in P. 0. stamps, and the pen will. be repointed and returned post paid. The BROADWAY GOLD PEN MANUFACTURING CO. is well known throughout the counfry, but as there aro, undoubtedly some who are not acquainted with as we ap pend the following well known firms as references : FELLOWS & CU., No. 17 Maiden Lane, New York. HICKS & MITCHELL, No. 20 do .do BF,NTON BROS., Cor. Broadway & Cetirtland st., New York, an'd Chestnut street, Philidelphia. T. H. STURDY & CO., No. 5 Uilsey Building, New York. GOULD k WOOD, No. 9 Maiden Lane, do February 4,1857-3 m SALE.—By virtue of a kj writ of Fi. Fa., issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of IfinitingdOn county, and to me:directed, 1 um expose to Public Sate tin t&o premises, ox airmm.(l TUE 14ru BAT: OP MARCH 2 IBS7, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described property, to Vit: ONE LOT OF GROUND situate on Moore street, in the borough of Huntingdon, being fifty feet in front, and ex tending back two hundred and thirty feet, having thereon a double weather-boarded house, a stabl%and other build ings. Also, about FIFTY ACItES of WOODLAND, more or less, situate in Henderson township, in the county of Huntingdon, adjoining lands of Frederick Snyder, John - Simpson, Samuel Hemphill, Wtn. Steel and others. Seiz ed, and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Reuben Romig. G. MILLER, Huntingdon, Feb. 18,1557. Sheriff. LISTATE OF CHARLES BROTHER / LINE, dec'd.—The undersigned, appointed Auditor to distribute the assets or remaining fund belonging to the Estate of said deceased, in whose hands soccer the same may be, to and among the heirs, and persons entitled to re ceive the same, will attend at his office, in the Borough of Huntingdon, on Tuesday, ➢larch 17, 1857, at 10 o'clock, A. it., for that purpose. The heirs of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said Estate, are hereby notified that they are required to present their claims before said Auditor, on said day, or be debarril from coming in for a share of such assets or fund. February 11, 1857-It NO LIBRARY IS COMPETE WITH OUT IT.-TESTIMONY OF SIXTEEN THOUSAND PURCHASERS.-MAGNIFICENT WORK OF HISTORY 1; -A WHOLE LIBRARY IN ITSELF I-COST $1.1,000-70, 11A1'S-700 ENGRATINGS.-A HISTORY OF ALL NA TIONS, From the earliest period to the present time, the history of every nation, ancient and modern, being separately given. By S. G. GOODIMii, author of several worksof His tory, •Peter Parley's Tales,' &c. It is believed that the above work will be very acceptar ble to the American public. It is the result of years of toil and labor, assisted in his researches by several scholars of known ability, and has been got up at a great expense by the proprietors. No pains have been spared in the ex ecution of the Illustrations and Maps, which are prepared expressly for this work. Indeed, all the other historical writing of Mr. Goodrich, sink into insignificance, when compared to this, the result of.his riper and matnrer years. It is admitted that one hundred dollars could not purchase the same matter in any other shape, and the publishers confidently expect, in consideration of the great literary value of the work, the large sum expended in preparing it for the press, and the exceedingly moderate price at which it is offered, that it will be favorably received by every lover of good books. Many of our first scholars, di vines and gentlemen, who ]rave examined the work, have _given it their unqualified approbation and commendation, which it richly deserves. UNIFORM RETAIL PRICES. In one volume, Turkey Morocco, Marble Edge, Gilt Back and Sides •,- •• • j 56,00 In one volume, Turkey Morocco, Marble Edge, Full Gilt od In two volumes, Turkey Morocco, Marble Edge In two volumes, Turkey Morocco, Gilt Edge and Full Gilt Sides 10,00 In two volumes, Full, Heavy Stamped Cloth, Sprink led Edge 6,00 Many of our Agents having been told when soliciting subscribers, that this work would soon be sold in Book stores, and at a reduced price, we hereby give notice, as Sole Publishers of it, it will not be sold in Bookstores at any price, and will ho offered by our canvassing Agents only, who have the solo right of sale in their respective districts. except that where we have not appointed an agent, WE will send copies by mail, postage pre-paid, to any part of the United States,. upon receipt of the retail price. N.B.—The one volume copies, weighing over four pounds, cannot be sent through the mail, but the two volume copies can be mailed as two books. 111i11er, Orton d: Mulligan, Publishers, No. 25, Park Row, N. Y. For sale by GEO. BEIIGSTRESSER, that CREEK, Ifunt. Co., Pa. .Q Also, Agent for Dr. Kane's works. Feb. 11, 1857. 1 / -I ARM FOR RENT, in West Township,- about 3 miles from Petersburg. The farm is large,: and the land good. To a good tenant a good berth is offer- ed. Enquire of Alexandria, February 4,1851 NOTICE.—AII persons indebted to S. & W. Foster, by note or book account, will please call soon and settle the same, and save time and costs. STEWARD FOSTER, WILLIAM FOSTER, Manor Hill, Feb. 4, 183.7. CRIVENER'S FFI CE.—The uu k dersig - ned will attend to drawing Wills, Deeds, Mort gages, Articles of Agreement, Leases, Letters of Attorney, ]lands, &o. He will also arrange and state Administrators Accounts and attend to the passing of them before theßeg ister. All will be done in legal form, in good style, and at malerate charges. Iluntingdon, January 21, 1857 puBLICSAIEO7 TEAMS, ORE BANK, &c.—The, following property will be sold,. without reserve, on WEDNESDAY the 11th of March next at Rough &. Ready Furnace, 17 miles from Huntingdon, ott the Broad Top Rail Road, viz : One splendid six horse team, young and its. prime order; one line horse do.; one brood mare; onefine young mule team ; five waggons ; one road bed ; one cart •,;- 30 sets harness ; number of cooking and ten plate stoves one much cow; wagonmaker's tools and stuff; furnace and ore bank tools; barrows, scrap iron, and other property ' too tedious to enumerate. There will also•be sold at the same time a valuable fossil ore bank, situated within a. mile of the Rail Road, opened and in working order, with a slope of 70 feet of ore above the drift. A comfortable miner's house is erected upon the property. Terms liberal. L: WATTSON: Felirliary 4, 1857: ity!,..Benioeratic Standard, liollidaysimit and bazeite; Bedford will please copy. NOTICE.—To the Creditors of the Huntingdon. Cambria and Indiana Turnpike Boad Company: That the Court of Huntingdon county at the . January term, 1857, directed to be paid to creditors one and a half per cent, on their claims on which former dirt! dends have been declared—which I will pay on the preeert• tation,of their certificates of deposit by themselves or their agent - K -7 JOHN S. ISETT, Sequestratos. Spruce Creek, Feb. 4, 1857. - NITJSIC3:-:=3l - R S. HANEGAR rd- spectfully announces to her numerous patrons and inends that slio continue, as heretofore, to give lessons on the Piano, Melodeon and Guitar, at her residence in-then old Presbyterian Church, or at the residence of pupils in town. She is in monthly- receipt of all thanew rthisicpublisbed at the first musical houses in the country, and will furnish pupils and others with any piece required. - She will also teach the German. and: Frentit languageS: Numerous references given. fluntingdon, February 4,1657. , - 41 ( - 1 BUSHEL . CLOYERSEED j VV melted and for Salo by J. W. sArrorr. .1 untingdon- February 11, 1857. • - F4EBH MACKEREL & HERRING; G; just received and for sale by LOVE 4 me-Drvrt A. W. BENEDICT, Auditor. N. CRESSWELL JACOB MILLEB 7,00