The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, February 11, 1857, Image 2

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Circulation—the largest in the county
Vfredfiday, ebruary 11, 1857.
ro Delinquents !---Pay up
All those indebted for the Globe, adver
tising and job work, are requested to settle
their accounts at the earliest moment conve
nient—at least between this time and the first
day of April, 1857. This notice is particu
larly intended for those whose . accounts have
been standing for two years and upwards.—
There are few, if any of these, who could not
pay their accounts at a moment's notice, with
out any difficulty; and we hope they will not
wait for another asking. We, as a general
thing, arc not in- -the habit of dunning, but
justice to others requires this to be done.—
We pay cash regaarly to our operators, as
Well as for type, paper, ink, and so on, and
cannot recognize as friends, those persons
who are so negligent as to leave their accounts
run for several years, when they are abun
dantly able to pay. We like to do business
in a business - way, and hope - to be seconded
by our friends.
Money Registered, can be sent by mail at
our risk.
NEW BOOKS.—We invite attention to the
advertisements of Geo. Bcrgstresser, in an
other colnwin. The books are of a very val
uable character.
DEATH OF Mn. GADD.—John. Gadd, Esq.,
Supervisor of the Eastern Division Pennsyl
vania Canal, died at his late residence in
Johnstown, on Friday last.
PEN 'A LEGISLATURE.—Nothing of interest
to the local reader has been before either
House. A bill has been reported for the sale
of the public works. It may pass after be
ing amended. There is room for reform.
The freshets on the Susquehanna and
other rivers, have occasioned a great destruc
tion of property. The destruction has also
been general in. the State of New York.
THE "PC.nLIC WORKS.—The Public Works
have been greatly injured by the late rise in
the Juniata river.
The " Farm Journal," published by
Samuel Emlen & Co., Philadelphia, for Feb
ruary, is upon our table. It is an excellent
number. We are surprised that this work is
not more generally patronized by our farmers.
Er At the municipal election held in Lan
caster City, on last Tuesday, Mr. MAN,
Democrat, was elected Mayor by forty-two
majority over the combined vote of his four
Thomas A. Maguire, of Cambria,
recently Clerk to the Supreme Court of Kan
sas, has returned from that Territory, and
expresses his intention of remaining in Penn
sylvania. He gives rather a hard account of
Kansas, and of the way people have to live
there. Judge Cunningham, he states, intends
also to return to Pennsylvania.
Gov. JOHN - BIGLER.—The Harrisburg _Key
stone of the 4th inst., says :—"After doing
yeoman's service in his native State, where
he happened to be on a visit, during the last
Presidential campaign, this distinguished
Democrat returned to the State of his adop
tion, where he was received with such evi:
deuce of earnest attachment and high per
sonal regard as show the utter groundlessness
of the rumors that were circulated here, prejll
- to his standing in California. By the
papers from that State, we are gratified to
observe, that his reception was most cordial
and enthusiastic. A steamer was especially
dispatched from Sacramento, the place of his
residence, to San Francisco, crowded with
personal friends to conduct him to his home.
Multitudes assembled at the wharf to greet
him, headed by the Mayor of the city: Ad
dresses were - delivered, a, public entertain
ment given, and every demonstration made,
showing him to be a popular favorite whose
return occasioned general gladness."
Itie - Rev. W. S. 11. Keys, late editor of the'
Tyrone Era, has been tried and convicted by
the Blair County Court of tis.. - sanit kind bat
tery upon a young girl at Tyrone, and sen
tenced to three months confinement in the
county prison. He was also indicted for an
attempt to commit rape, but the jury return
ed a verdict of not guilty. It was but a year
ago that he made himself notorious by his
slanderous charges against clergymen not
only of his own but of other denominations,
but, we presume, he can now indulge in a
little sympathy for the frailties of poor hu
man nature. He is an object of pity.
By the way, is it not a remarkable fact
that all these "Angel Gabriel's" turn out to
be the worst characters. The Monk Leahy
is now expiating the crime of murder in a
western penitentiary—the " Angel Gabriel,"
Sr., died in prison while atoning for his crimes
—the imprisonments of Barker 8; Co., and
the universal reprobation in which they are
held, all denote something. The " Juniors"
have " illustrious predecessors" in whose
footsteps to follow. Let them take warning.
DS—Lon—Between Mr. Maguire's and the
old Juniata bride, a black Victorine, lined
withrhlack silk. The finder will please leave
the same at this office.
Se—We call the attention .of our readers
to the. new advertieements in to-day's GLOBt.
VP - The following is the letter of Mr. Bu
chanan upon the Senator question :
WHEATLAND, Jan. 7, 1867.
MY DEAR Six:—Although I have always
refrained from interfering in the choice -of
Senators by the Legislature, yet the highly
confidential relations which a Pennsylvania
President ought to sustain toward a Pennsyl
vania Senator, at the present moment, In
duces me to say a few words to you, as a val
ued friend, on the pending Senatorial elec
I learn that doubts have been expressed
as to my preference among the candidates,
and although my opinion may be entitled, to
little weight, I do not desire to be placed in
anicquivocal position on this or any other
subi ect.
When asked, I have always said that I
preferred Col. Forney, and I should esteem
it a friendly act towards myself for any per
son, in or out of the Legislature, to support
At the same time, I desire to express my
warm personal and political regard for Messrs.
Robbins, Foster, Buckalew and Wright. -
From the course pursued by Mr. Brod
head, for some years past, confidential rela
tions between him and myself have ceased.
I have thus presented to you my views, so
that if you should deem it necessary, you
may speak my sentiments to such persons as
may consider them of any value.
From your friend, very respectfully.
The Duties of Postmasters
We publish the annexed decisions Of the
Postmaster General, for the benefit of whom
it may concern. The Postmaster General
"It is no part of the duty of a Postmaster
to receive and deliver to subscribers any
other newspapers than those which come in
the mail, or to put the address on newspapers
sent to clubs, or to deliver them from a fur
nished list; nor should he do either, even
through courtesy, unless it may be done with
out interfering with the legitimate affairs of
his office."
"It is not the duty of the Postmaster to
place Postage Stamps upon circulars and
other transient printed matter deposited for
mailing in his office. This must be done by
the sender.
" With regard to your second inquiry, I have
to state, that in directing Postmasters to see
that the provision of the law is carried out,
- which gives them the power to require them
"to place Postage Stamps upon pre-paid pet
ters upon which such stamps may not have
been placed by the writers," it was neither
the intention nor expectation of. the Post
master General that it would throw upon
Postmasters the labor of affixing Stamps to
letters, where the writers might, without in
eonvenier have done it for themselves.
The main thing is for the Postmasters to
keep themselves supplied with Stamps, that
all persons having occasion to use, may
readily obtain them."
A Warning to Everybody
We intend to begin now a war of extermi
nation against a set of scoundrels living in
this city and in Albany, N. Y., who have
been defrauding the country people out of
their money for some time past. They have
with the aid of a certain amount of money
got their advertisements into the newspapers
all over the country, or some of them publish
a so-called newspaper, not larger than a
sheet of common writing paper, and fill it
with the vilest trash that ever went before a
civilized world, and sell obscene and vulgar
books that• go out among the young of both
sexes with about as good an effect as old
Nick himself would have on the world if
turned loose upon us without a God to pro
tect us from his satanic clutches. Those
men, calling themselves doctors, advertise
remedies for Drunkenness for $2, Aromatic
-Ether for $3, Secret of increasing vegetables
for $2, Magic Compass that will find gold
where it never was, is, or can be, for $5; Se
cret of making old Horses and Cattle that
are poor and. as thin as a rail, young again
and as fat as butter, for $2; Medicated
Magic Ring, to make any body to love you,
for $3 ; secret of making ugly and old people
young and handsome, for $3 ; secret of mak
ing one's self invisible, and in the mean time
do any thing you please, and still no one can
see you, for S 3 ; Philosopher's Secret, or how
to make gold out of lead, brass, or copper,
for $1 00, and numerous other doings of like
The sensible part of the community may
ask if they can possibly sell such things?
We tell you, yes, they have made fortunes
by it, and are going on yet unmolested,
swindling the poor country people out of
thousands and tens of thousands. One glance
at everything they advertise should convince
the most illiterate, that these men were only
swindlers, for what they pretend to do is op
posed to every law of natural philosophy,
and at once repugnant to common sense.
Still, these papers fall into the hands of
the young, who know not the rascality
abroad in the world, and such is their desire
to obtain the secrets advertised by those men
in Albany and this city, that if they cannot
get the money to. purchase them fairly, they
would filch it from their parents. Still fur
ther, by selling such obscene books, they
flame the imagination of the young till they
become libertines in the one case, or fall an
easy prey to the seducer in the other I
Oh 1 friends, will you take warning? Pa
rents, it may be your own dear children that
are now being led on to ruin; look into the
matter at once. These men are not Doctors
—never would a true medical man
such acts of villainy-4hey are men un
willing to earn an honest living by their
former business, let it have been what it
may, have sought to make money by this dis
graceful outrage on society.—/V. Y. Penny
A TO-IST.-At a Democratic celebration at
Fitchburg, Massachusetts, the following toast
was read:
The Fremont party was christened by three
thousand clergymen, educated by Charles
Sumner, and clothed by bleeding Kansas ;
but was arrested by Illinois for treason, tried
before Chief Justice Union Indiana. on the
bench, found guilty by New Jersey, hung by
Pennsylvania between two black republicans
New York and. Ohio, and finally sent to the
place of mourning and "solemn silence". by
XM-.A church for the deaf and dumb is
about to be opened in New York—the first
institution of the kind in this country where
divine worship will he conducted by signs.
The New York .111urdr.
Between the hours of five o'clock on the
evening of Friday the 30th, and eight o'clock
on Saturday morning, the 31st of January, a
foul murder was committed at the house 31
Bond street, New York, occupied by a woman
named Cunningham, as a boarding house.—:-
The family consisted of the woman Cunning
ham, two adult daughters, Helen and Augus
ta, two minor sons, John J. Eckel, a dealer
in hides and tallow, and George V. Snod
grass, a clerk in a hardware store, boarders,
and Hannah Carlin, a servant. Dr. Harvey
Burden, a dentist ; and a man of considera
ble wealth ; was the owner of the house, and
occupied a room in it on the second floor as
an office, with abed-room attached to it, front
ing on Bond street: He'took his meals at the
Lafarge House, and, after leaving his office
about four o'clock on Friday afternoon, prob
ably to dine, was not again seen by any per
son, according to the evidence taken up to
this time, until he was discovered lying dead
in a pool of blood, on the floor of his office,
by the boy who made his fires,. about eight
o'clock on Saturday morning.
No person saw him return home, no per
son heard him go into his office, none of the
members of the family whose evidence has
been taken, heard any noise in the house
during the night, and yet he was found dead
in his office in the morning, with marks
showino.'''' that he had been partly strangled,
and sixteen wounds in his arms, neck and
body, made with a knife or dirk. There
were evidences of a struggle, too, for marks
of blood appeared in different places.on the
floor and wall, some distance from where the
body was lying, and one of his hands was
cut, probably in warding off a blow. Still,
so quietly was all this bloody work done
that not a soul in the house heard the slight
est noise: Hon. Daniel Ullman, who slept
there that night, and who testifies that his
slumbers are generally so light that he be
lieves a very slight noise, for instance, the
laying of a hand on the handle of his door,
would wake him, heard nothing, and was
only aroused by the cries of the women in
the' morning,- after the murder was discover
ed. - -
One -witness, Mr. Brooks, who resides op
posite, testifies that as he was going to bed,
about half past ten or a quarter to eleven o'-
clock, on Friday night, he heard a cry of
murder. The first syllable (mur-) he says
was distinct,-the last syllable (der) in a gut
tural tone, like forced speaking. The cry
was loud enough to be distinctly.heard. No
doubt, in our opinion, the murder was com
mitted at this time, and the cry was uttered
while the assassins (there must have been
more than one) were attempting to strangle
their victim. This will account for the diff
erence of sound distinguished by Mr. Brooks'
between the utterance of the first and second
syllables of murder. But, supposing the
murder to have been committed before 11 o'-
clock, the mystery becomes still darker. At
that hour, the inmates of the house bad not
all retired to bed, and it is inconceivable
that the deed could have been done in such
perfect silence as not to attract the attention
of some of the family, if we believe them to
be innocent of the crime and not voluntarily
closinc , their ears—for, let it be understood,
Dr. Burdell was assassinated before
,he had
gone to bed, with all his clothes oiST; and,
therefore, probably wide awake when the at
tack was made.
So intricate is the whole affair that we are
obliged, in order to get even the slightest
clue to it, to inquire into the relations which
some of the family are said to have borne to
the murdered man.
Emma Augusta Cunningham is said to be
a widow of about forty years of age. Her
reputed husband, on whose life there *as an
insurance of $lO,OOO, died one day quietly
in his chair, and she pocketed the insurance.
Her character for virtue is represented to be
bad. In short, she is &Ad to hare been the
mistress of Dr. Burdell, - and that, for some
time past, there has been ill feeling between
them in consequence of her having abstract
ed from his private drawer certain important
papers. The elector has even said to friends
that he did not consider it safe to stay in the
house with her. The man Eckel was evi
dently a favored lover, of Mrs. Cunningham,
and entered heartily into all her schemes.
The testimony is strong enough to warrant
the belief that their love was not innocent.
Indeed a strong suspicion is raised by the
evidence that there was very little innocence
in the house.
After the murder of the Doctor, Mrs. Cun
ningham produced, before the Coroner's in
quest a certificate of marriage with him a
few weeks ago—but the minister who mar
ried her and a servant who was present, have
failed to recognize either the corpse or a da
guerreotype likeness as the person to whom
she was married, and the impression is
strong that Eckel was the man, and that he
assumed the name of Dr. Burdell for a par
ticular purpose. If this should be proved to
be the ease, it would, in our opinion, go far
towards fixing the murder on them. There
is no doubt that Burden Was jealous of Eck
el, or that he had cause to be. He was evi
dently tired of the people in his house, and
had a written agreement from Mrs. Cunning
ham to leave the house on the first of May,
which he certainly would not have desired if
he had been married to her. This agree
ment was among the papers stolen from his
private drawer, which he always kept lock
ed, by Mrs. Cunningham. If we add to this
an expression made by Eckel V) Mrs. Cun
ningham at table one day, that "it would be
little matter if he (the Doctor) did get a
knock, if it could be done handy," we have
pretty strong evidence that the inmates of
the house were depraved, and that there was
an unfriendly feehng towards the Doctor--of
whose company they were evidently tired,
and a portion of whose money they desired
to possess. By the way this latter idea we
derive from other testimony which we - have .
not room to Publish.
Having thus given a brief summary of the
case as it stands, we subjoin an analysis of
the evidence down to Thursday evening,
from the New York Herald, with which our
readers must, for the present, be satisfied.
I. The fact of the murder, which is admit
2.• The circumstances previous to the mur
der, and on the night and morning after it.
A large amount cf evidence is brought for
ward to show that there, was a bad state of
feeling between Dr. .Burdell and Mrs. Cun
ningham and Eckel. The servants testify to•
improper conduct on the part of Mrs. C. and
Eckel. It appears that the Doctor hated the
whole party, and they all had ill feeling
against the Doctor, The antecedents of Mrs.
Cunningham, are proved to have been bad.-
A neighbor swears that he heard the cry of
murder before eleven, when all the inmates
of the house, except the servants, were up.--
The servant swears that she was awakened
by an unusual noise, and this was probably
in her first light sleep. Other neighbors
swear they did not hear the cry of murder,
or smell the odor of burning woollen des
cribed by Doctor and Mrs,Main.
But these, without a more perfect chain of
circumstances, are matters of • no great weight.
As yet the chain is incomplete. No weapon
has-been found, -nor any direct clue to the
murderers. It has been suggested that the
wounds might have been inflicted with a ta
ble knife. In the case of Lord William Rus
sell; who was murdered by his valet, a rigid
search for the weapon was made, and it was
finally ascertained to have been a table knife,
which had been cleaned with flannel, and a
chemical analysis gave traces of blood on the
blade. This knife was found in its usual
place, with the house cutlery. At present,
there are.only two circumstances upon which
to found the theory that the murder was com
mitted by the persons in. the house. - The first
is the intimacy between Eckel and the mis
tress or wife• of Burdell—the second is the
enmity existing between Burdell and all oth
er parties. The matter as to whether they,
being in the house; would be more likely to
commit the murder than one from without—
whether it could be done without their hear
ing the cries and struggles of the victim, are
of no great consequence in a legal point of
The testimony of Mr. and 'Mrs. Stevens,
that Mrs. Cunningham endeavored to embroil
them - with Dr. Burdell, tells strongly against
Mrs. C. Her conduct may have arisen from
jealousy, or she may have hoped that Stevens,
in his rage at his wife's infidelity, would kill
Burdell. The evidence of Mrs. Seymour
yesterday. corroborates that of Mr. and Mrs.
Stevens in part. Mr. Frazer, the President
of the Artizans' bank, swears that, about a
week before the murder, Burdell showed to
him a written settlement of all his difficulties
with Mrs. C., and this evidence tends to com
plicate the matter still further. The testis
mony of the servant would go to prove that
there was bad feeling between Burdell and
Mrs. C. within a day or two of the murder.
The testimony taken during the early part
of yesterday, was chiefly that of persons who
resided in the neighborhood. They knew
nothing and saw' nothing bearing upon this
case.' The remainder of the evidence taken
yesterday bears chiefly upon the personal
history and business affairs of Mr. Eckel and
Mrs. Cunningham. So fir, the case against
them is defective in several material points.
Mr. Ullman scrutinized Mrs. C. and her
daughters carefully, and thinks that their be
haviour was such as it prObably would he
had they been entirely innocent. The boy
Burchell 'says that Mrs. C. looked sad before
the murder was discovered, whereas she gen
erally had a pleasant word and smile for him.
Snodgrass says that Eckel told him to say
nothing about the matter, but it does not aß
pear that S. knew anything. Eckel said cer
tainly as little as possible, so did Mrs. C.
Pennsylvania Rail Road
We take the following from the Annual
Report of the Company:
"The whole surplus profits at the close of
the year 1856, would then be $748,940.81,
from which, however, should be deducted the
sum - of $165,000, required to meet the pay
ment of coupons and taxes due on the first
clay of this year; leaving $572,940 61 as the
actual surplus on the first day of January,
1857. This amount has been carried to the
credit of a "contingent fund," and sixty-five
thousand dollars of that fund have been in
vested in the purchase of $lOO,OOO of the
first Mortgage Bonds of the North Pennsyl
vania Railroad. Company, bonds which the
Board consider a safe investment.
"The earnings from freight during. the
year 1856 were $3,244,291 57 being an in
ems* over the year 1855 of $438,985 62.
The through tonnage amounted to 165,163
tons and the local tonnage (including the
coal) to 288,829 tons, being an increase of
95,790 tons on the local, and a decrease of
6809 tons on the through tonnage. The ag
gregate tonnage for the year was 454,992
tons, in which is included 190,344 tons, of
gas, and other coals. During the first six
months of the year (the greater portion of
which time the Ohio river was navigable)
the increase of through freights over the
same period of 1855 was 43,743 tons, and
the decrease in the last half of the year, as
compared with the same period in the previ
ous year, was 50,552 tons.
The falling off in the through tonnage in
the latter half of 1855 is chiefly owing to the
low stage of water in the Ohio river; to com
pensate for which the existing condition of
our western railroad connection affords no
adequate relief. Another obstacle in the
way of increasing the through freight, already
referred to, is the policy pursued by the
State in imposing a duty of one dollar per
gross ton, thus driving the produce of the
West by other routes to the sea board, by
depriving this company of the ability to re
duce rates so as to draw the tonnage
through Pennsylvania, To this discrimina
tion against the Pennsylvania route between
the Bast and West may also be added the
expenses resulting from the use of the Phila
delphia and Columbia. Rail Road- as a part
of the through line.
From the Washington Union of Friday.
The Funeral Obsequies at the Capitol.
The public having been previously notified
through the city papers that the formal an
nouncement of the death of Hon. Preston S.
Brooks, of South Carolina, would be made
in the two branches of Congress yesterday,
and that the remains of the lamented deceas
ed would be taken to the hail of the house of
representatives prior to their removal to the
congressional burying ground, at an early
hour yesterday morning thousands of our
citizens - repaired to the capitol to witness the
solemn and imposing ceremonies. The crowd
in the house of representatives was immense.
The galleries were , filled to their utmost ca
pacity, and on this occasion the rules of the
house were so far relaxed as to extend to a
large number of ladies the privileges of the
floor. After the customary preliminary bu
siness had been disposed of, Mr. Keitt, of
South Carolina, rose in his seat, and in a
voice trembling with •emotion announced the
death of hisfriend and colleague. He spoke
'of the deceased as he knew him from inti
mate personal knowledge, first entering upon
the busy scenes ag life as a lawyer; then as
a member of his state legislature; then as
leadinc , a company of his neighbors to dis
tant fields of. glory, at the summons of his
country; then as a representative in congress;
and then as husband, father, and friend.—
The faltering words of the eloquent speaker
came fresh, and pure, and unbidden from the
heart,. and produced a sensation which has
seldom been experienced in a legislative hall.
Mr. Keitt was followed by Gen. Quitman, of
Mississippi, who in the course of his impres
sive remarks bore eager testimony to the gal
lantry and. heroism of the deceased in the
Mexican war. He was followed by Mr.
Campb&ll, of Ohio, who, although lie had
been a decided and even prominent political
opponent of-the deceased, could not forego
this opportunity of testifying to his high so
cial worth as illustrated in instances which
placed his warm, generous, impulsive and
chivalrous nature in the most conspicuous as
in the most attractive light. Mr. Clingman,
of North Carolina, next spoke. The district
which he represented- adjoined that of the
deceased. He knew him well—the warmth
and tenacity , of his friendships, his Self-sac
rificing spirit, his undaunted heroism, and
child-like gentleness. 'Other gentlemen had
spoken of the deceased,kis a lawyer, a legis
lator, and a soldier; but - Mr. Clingman sim
ply wished to speak of him as - he was at
home; and to say (said Mr. C.) that he was
idolized by his constituents would be to give
only a feeble expression to the feeling of
proud affection which they ever entertaivecl
towards their gifted, .gallant, but now lost
representative. After some further remarks
by Mr. Savage, of Tennessee, the resolutions
of condolence and respect which had been
previously offered by Mr. Keitt Nil - ere unani
mously adopted, and the house then took an
informal recess with the view of affording
the necessary time to bring the remains of
the deceased to the hall of the house, where
it had been arranged the religious exercises
should take place prior to their removal to
their temporary resting place already desig
During the brief recess, the area in front
of the speaker's desk was arranged for the
reception of the distinguished dead. Chairs
were brought in for the committee of arrange
ments, the pall-bearers, and the other high
officers of the government who were to form
the funeral •cortege. At a quarter of two
o'clock, the • speaker, in a mourning scarf,
took his chair. Nearly at the same time, the
sergeant-at-ands, similarly attired, made his
appearance, and thus silently made known
the arrival of the body at the capitol. Mem
bers and spectators at this moment looked
eagerly and anxiously towards the main en
trance. The first person seen to.enter was a
venerable looking gentleman, of tall and com
manding person, who was immediately rec
ognized as the
.president elect. Unaccom
panied he proceeded down the main aisle—all
eyes following him—and took one of the seats
to the right of the speaker.- The justices of
the supreme court, in their full robes, were
then announced, and were escorted by offi
cers of the house to the seats which had been
assigned them. They were followed by the
justices and officers of the court of claims.—
Then came the committee of arrangements,
the pall-bearers, and the body in a highly
finished rosewood coffin, at the head of which
was a wreath of natural flowers. The pres
ident of the United States, tho members of
his cabinet, and his private secretary were
next announced, and, in the arrangement of
their seats, the president elect was placed be
tween president Pierce and secretary Marcy.
Finally, the members and officers of the Sen
ate were announced, the president of the sen
ate taking his seat by the side of the speaker
of the house.
The religious exercises 'were then opened
by the venerable chaplain of the house, who
offered up a most solemn and appropriate
prayer to the throne of grace. He a!ter
wards improved the occasion by a short ad
dress, which seemed to touch all hearts by
its earnestness and unaffected simplicity.—
The exercises were closed by an impressive
prayer from the chaplain of the senate, when
the funeral procession was formed in the or
der as given in another part of the paper.
The proceedings in the senate were equal
ly as impressive as those_ in the house. As
soon as that body was informed of the action
taken by the house, most feeling and eloquent
tributes were paid to the memory of the de
ceased by Mr. Evans, of South Carolina, Mr.
Hunter, of Virginia., and Mr. Toombs, of
Georgia. Indeed, so deeply moved was the
latter gentleman, that, after speaking for a
few minutes, his emotions became too great
for utterance, and he was compelled to sit
down—his moistened eyes and heaving chest
revealing what his tongue had failed to ex
press. His whole audience partook of his
[From the Steuben Farmer's Advocate.]
Turpentine Explosion---A Whole Pami
ly Burned.
A shocking calamity occurred at the house
of the Rev. E. H. Havens, a Wesleyan Meth
odist clergyman, residing about four miles
south of this village, on Wednesday after
noon, 21st inst., whereby three persons were
killed and a fourth injured beyond recovery.
It appears that Mr. Havens was engaged in
the preparation of a balsam, of which the.
principal ingredient was spirits of turpentine.
He had about two gallons of this fluid and a
quantity of rosin boiling together in an open
vessel upon the stove. By some means fire
was communicated to the inflammable mix
ture, and while Mr. 11. was endeavoring to
convey it out of doors, an explosion took
place, scattering the burning fluid over the
persons of himself, his wife and three chil
dren,, who were in the room, and setting fire
to the building.
Mr. Charles Brundage, a near neighbor,
who was engaged in work not far from the
house, hearing cries of distress, went to as
certain the', cause. The scene as described
by him must be truly heart rending. On
gaining entrance to the house, he found Mrs.
Havens lying upon the floor with every par
ticle of clothing burnt off: Mr. Havens was
partly sitting in a corner and calling for as
sistance.- The oldest daughter, aged 15,
threw herself on a bed in an adjoining room
and smothered the flames, thereby saving
her life. She is badly burnt, butwill prob
ably recover. Another daughter aged two
years and 'a son aged five were' also lying
upon • the floor with their clothing almost
burnt off.
The force of the explosion was so great as
to shatter every Window in the house.
They were carefully. placed in the sleigh
of Mr. Brundage and taken to his house,
where they received every attention and care
that could be bestowed, but . without hope of
saving their lives. Mrs. Havens died at 9 .
o'clock P. M., of the same day; the youngest
daughter' at 2 A. M., -of the. 22d., and the
father at 9 A. M., of the same day.
TwO - other children, who were at school,
are thus at one blow deprived of father and
mother. Their situation commends itself 'to
the sympathies of the charitable.
Mr. Havens' age was thirty-six; his wife's
thirty-three. The funeral ceremonies took
place on Friday of last week, at Mr. Brunda
c,e's house.' The remains of the deceased
were taken to North Conhoction, in this
county,. for interment, ' of which place Mr..
Havens was formerly a resident.
The. Late Archbishop of Paris and the
The Paris correspondent of the Court Jour
nal writes :—Many stories are related of the
kindness and benevolence which distinguish
ed the late Archbishop ; and his universal Iry
terest for all classes may be judged by the
story of Stella Collas, the new tragic actress,
whose debut at the Francais took place a very
short time ago. The history of this young
lady is closely connected with that of the
Archbishop. Strange as it may. appear, her
was her first patron,, the first who drew her
from obscurity, and by_ whose means her tal
ent first became known. The child of a re
publican journalist, she beheld herself aban
doned by all when her father was condemn
ed to transportation-to Lambessa. With no
other protection than that afforded by the
kindness of a little knot of workmen to whom
her father was known, she remained for some
months after his departure entirely dependent
on the kindness of a poor family, who -wil
lingly undertook the burden of her mainte
nance for the sake of the principles for which
her father suffered. It was at this time that
Stella, attending the catechism of St. Mar
guerite, was struck by the exhortation of the
cure, who recommended trust in God and con
fidence in the Archbishop, upon the subject
of all anxieties and troubles of the spirit.—
The little maid returned home and pondered
on this advice. She thought that none were
so unhappy as herself, none needed such en
tire faith in God, or such confidence in the
Archbishop. She was just then twelves years
old. She wrote to his holiness requestinc , 6 an
audience, and was answered by the printed
official letter appointing an hour for her re
ception. Without confiding her secret to any
living soul, she repaired to the Archbishop
ric at the time appointed. She was attired
in her best—a white muslin cap and a, frock
of white percale; and when she applied for
admission ; the porter laughed at her absur
dity. The sight of the letter she brought,
however, soon caused the doors to fly open,
and she was ushered through the long suits
of saloons with as much respect as though
she had arrived with a numerous attendance.
But when the door of the drawing room open
ed, and she was ushered into the presence of
his holiness, her courage somewhat failed her.
Many good looking gentlemen were in the
room; and one in particular, with a violet
cape and golden cross upon • his bosom, in
spired her with intense veneration. The as
tonishment of the assembly maybe imagined.
But her story was well told, and interesting,
for nature spoke through her childish accents
and her timid voice. She told. the story of
her sufferings and of her belief in the om
nipotence of the Archbishop with so much
artless truth, that the company became in
terested in the child beyond measure. She
asked for her father's pardon—that was all.
She knew that his holiness would grant it.—
She would be eternally grateful, for he was
suffering exile, and would surely die. Mea
ntime, one of the company in particular was
taking more heed than all the rest, - of the tone
and manner of the discourse, where nature
spoke with exquisite eloquence. This was
the prelate with the violet robes and cross of
gold. It was the Bishop of Nancy a patron
of the arts, and artist himself to his very fin
gers' ends. He felt the artist's sympathy
with this lonely and deserted child; and, bid
ding her draw near, he asked if she possess
ed accomplishments of any sort, and what
she had been taught. The spark was light
ed; he was right; she could repeat whole tir
ades from Racine and Corneille, from Moliere
and from Marivaux. She recited the "Songs
d'Athalie," and the monologue of "Iphigenie"
—whole scenes of Moliere, -with many per
sonages—making the grave assembly alter
nately weep with pity and then shake with
laughter. The child returned home; but the
evening had not passed' before the carriage
of Samson, the stage director of the Francais
drove up to the humble door of the house
wherein she lodged, and the next day, beheld
her installed in the family of the comedian,
of which she remains a member to this day.
The committee of the Theatre Francais has
generally paid all the expenses of her educa--
ton, and she is now enabled to earn herown
livelihood besides enabling her father to live
with comfort in his exile. No wonder then
that Stella, has been unable, to appear since
the catastrophe which has deprived her of
her first patron--the guide and counsellor
through whose liberal feeling and freedom •
from bigotry she was first enabled. to make
her talents known.
Damage by Ice in the Susquehanna
HAnalsnuao, Feb. 9.—The late thaw has
raised the Susquehanna and all its tributa
ries, and carried off the ice with great vio
lence. Considerable damage has been done
to property along the banks of the river.
Between this place and Middletown the
ice has been heaped up along the shore, and
in many places it covers the track of the Har
risburg. and Lamaster Railroad, in piles of
tenor twelve feet in height. It is feared that
a good deal of damage has been done to the
Travel is completely. suspended. The Ex-.
press train, which started from here this
morning, for Philadelphia, had to return.
HARRISBURG, Feb. 9.-=-The ice is rushing
down the Susquehanna in huge,masses, .and
with great Violence. The piers of the Cum
berland. Valley Railroad Bridge are giving
way, and fearsare entertained that the bridge
will be destroyed before evening.
islands were swept by a hurricane in October
last, which destroyed more than ten thousand
houses within a 'circuit of eighty leagues
around Manilla. In that place alone three
thousand five hundred houses were reduced
to a heap of ruins. -
kei-A horrible state of things exists in-
Springfield, 111. The inhabitants fear that
town will be depopulated, as it is reported
there are but twelve marriageable women in
the city, and eleven of them are already en
gaged! The Springfield papers are calling
for reinforcements.
ka-The. Ohio River towns and cities are•
all out of coal; the long continued low. water
in the river having prevented the proper sup -
plies. '
Ter.snAr, Feb. 10.—The Flour market ,continues very
dull, there is nn variation in prices. Sake; of about 1000'
barrels at $6,37V,r6 barrePfor staoda - rd brands aIKI4B for
a fancy lot of Extra family.• The saes to the trade are
within these figures. Ilye Flour is steady, at $4,75, sad
Corn Neal at $1,50 q:1 barrel-
CatioN—But little Wheat offered and prima lots are wan
ted. :Sales of 2000 barrels in lots at ;1,48G51,50 9•A barrel
for good Pennsylvania Ited, and $1.50©51,62 for White.—
The former rate for poor quality. Eye sells at 82 cents.—
Corn is in bettor demand, with largo sales of old yellow at
68e,70 cents. Oats s=ll st 10r 17 cents !iche'.