The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, February 11, 1857, Image 1

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citittt Vaetty.
twthla , u , = , m l wi,aml,o
Gladly now we gather round it,
For the toiling da.y is done,
And the gray and solemn twilight
Follows down the golden sun ;
'Shadows lengthen on the pavement,
Stalk like giants through the gloom,
Wander past the dusky easement,
Creep around the flrelit room.
• Draw the curtain—close the shutters—
Flaw the slippers by the fire;
Though the rude wind loudly mutters,
What care Ave fur W - iud-snirits Ire?
What care roe for outward seeming?
Fickle Fortune's frown or smile?
If around us Lovo is beaming—
Love can human ills beguile!
'Heath the cottage-roof and palace,
From the peasant to the king—
All are quaffing from Life's chalice
linbbles that enchantment bring,
Grates are glowing—music flowing
From the lips we lore the best;
0, the joy, the bliss, of knowing
There are hearts whereon to rest!
Hearts that throb with eager gladness—
Hearts that echo to our own—
'While grim Caro and haunting Sadness
Mingle no'cr in look or tone.
Caro may tread the halls of Daylight—
SitiMos haunt the midnight hour—
:Bub the weird and witching Twilight
Brings the glowing Hearthstone's dower.
Altar of our holiest feelings
Childhood's well-remembered shrine!
Wreath's immortal round thee twine!
Why rack thy weary brain with fear,
Of dreaded future woo,
And cause the bitter useless tear,
For unseen ills to flow?
Is not the ovil of to-day
Enough for thoo to Lear?
Then cast those anxious thoughts away,
ttor for to-morrow care.
"its rain to spend thy noblest powers,
Trembling o'er ills unsent ;
'Vs wrong to waste these golden hours
With foolish discontent.
seek not to lift the veil which Lulea
The future front our riew,
.Slueo In the present hour abides
All we're required to do.
'That Higher Power which rules above,
Needs not thy puny arm,
To guard the objects of his love,
Or keeps his works from harm.
Throughout the entire length and breadth
, of the country—washed, as it is, by the wa
ters of two mighty oceans, and abounding in
natural, resources—enormous beyond what it
is posSible to conceive—we find much to ad
mire in the aspect and beauty of nature ; and
whether we travel from the distant shores of
Maine and New Brunswick to the golden
.sands of California, and the shores of the
great Pacific, or from the bright, crystal
lakes of Minnesota to the orange groves of
Florida, we behold throughout this immense
extent the features of nature, grand and
beautiful in every form and aspect_ The
mineralogist, the geologist, the naturalist, the
lootanist, and, even the antiquarian, have all
a rich field here.
Strange as it may appear, America abounds
in antiquities, so extensive, so beautiful and
majestic, as to rival those of Thebes or Nin
eveh. Rains of ancient cities, of immense
:extent ; fortifications, mounds and pyramids ;
temples with walls built of hewn stone, show
ing arefined taste in architecture—and adorn
ed with human figures, beautifully executed ;
large altars ornamented with hieroglyphics,
probably giving a record of those who reared
them, but which no man has been able to de
cipher ; remains of ancient palaces, with
beautiful specimens of sculpture and painting,
with many other marks of ancient greatness,
prove to us that this is not a new world, but
that a powerful empire existed at a very re
mote period of time teeming with a popula
tion highly skilled in arts, and in a state of
civilization far beyond anything we have
been-led to conceive of the aborigines, pre
vious to the discovery of the continent by Eu
The antiquities of America extend from the
eastern shores of Maine and Massachusetts,
to ; thePacific, and from the great Lakes and
British dominions, to Peru and. La Plata in
South America; in fact, throughout the ex
tent: of leth,continents. Immense forests
groW over the ruins of largo cities, and the
gigantic size of the trees, with indications
that other generations of trees sprung up and
grew -before them proves that the ruins were
in existence before the Christian era. In ev 7
cry portion of the United States, interesting
ruins have been discovered. In the State of
New York hale been found sculptured figures
of ono hundred animals of different species,
executed. in far superior to anything
'exhibited by any of the existing tribes of
Tho State of Ohio abounds in ruins
'of towers - and - fortifications, with extensive
mounds and pyramids. At Marietta, and in
Missouri; 'beautiful pottery, silver and copper
ornaments, and. pearls of great beauty and
lustre, have been dug up - from the earth. In
the.eaves,ef Tennessee and Kentucky mum
mies have-been-found, in a high state of:pres
ervation, clothed with cloths and skins of va
rious, texture, inlaid with feathers. Like dis
coveries have been made at CarriAton, near.
Milwaukee, in-,the State of Wisconsin—ruins
of huge fortifications appear. Similar ruins
appear in the - State of Missouri. On the
south Side of thl.Missouri river, in the west
ern portion of the State, is an enclosure of
some five hundred acres, which includes the
ruins of a bililding (no doubt an ancient
tower) with walls 150 feet high; and 80 feet
wide at the base, attached to Which are a re
dqul4t and a citadel, with work Much resem
blifig the structure of a_tower in Europe,—
But it is in the south of Mexico that magnifi
cent and beautiful ruins. present themselves
in abundance. Ruins of majestic cities, and
magnificent temples and altars, with beauti
ful works of sculpture, tastefully wrought •
palaces adorned with paintings—colors chief
ly sky-blue and light green—which show, by
their richness and elegance, to be the work of
highly cultivated people.
These ruins, majestic and beautiful in ap
pearance, but overgrown with thick forests
of mahogany and cedar of immense dimen
sions and great age, prove to. the world that
a great empire existed here at a very remote
period of time, and that this empire teemed
with an immense population, a people highly
skilled in the mechanical arts, and in an ad
vanced state of civilization. The most ex
tensive ruins are to be found at Uxmal and
I'alenque, in the south-east of Mexico. At
Uxmal are immense pyramids, coated with
stone, and quadrangular stone • edifices, and
terraces. The highest of these pyramids is
130 feet, and on the summit it supports a
temple ; on one of the facades of the temple
are four human figures, cut in stone, with
great exactness and elegance. The hands
are crossed upon the breast, the head is cov
ered in something like a helmet, about the
neck is a garment of the skin of an alligator,
and over each body is e, figure of a death's
head and hones.
At Palenque—a city of great extent—are
immense ruins, with the remains of. a royal
palace. One temple, that of Copan, 520 feet
by 050, and supposed to have been as large
as St. Peter's at Rome. Another temple of
great dimensions is here, having an entrance
by a portico 100 feet long and 10 broad ; it
stands on an elevation of sixty feet. The
pillars of the portico are adorned with hiero
glyphics and other devices. Different objects
of worship have been found—representations
of the gods 'Who were worshipped in this
country. These temples, with fourteen large
buildings, and many other objects cif - curiosity,
stand hero as monuments of ancient great
ness, to remind us of the remote origin of a
mighty empire. This city has been described
as the Thebes of America, and travellers
have supposed that it must have been sixty
miles in circumference, and contained a pop
ulation of 3,000,000 souls.
Centuries must have elapsed, and dynas
ties succeeded each other, before such orders
of architecture were introduced, and a great
length of time must have passed before an
empire would become sufficiently powerful to
erect such temples, and possess a city of such
vast extent. In looking back to the past we
feel interested in the imagination that this
people once .in the noonday of glory, enjoy
ing all the fruits and luxuries of an advanced
civilization, but when we behold these ruins,
a melancholy reflection must at once seize
our minds. On the ground where once na
tions met in their strength and power -wild
beasts now roam., and venomous serpents
wend their way; and over these vast cities,
where once the busy hum of industry and
the voice of merriment resounded, grows the
vast cedar, on whose branches the owl chat
ters his discordant notes and the bat sleeps
at meridian. In this country is exhibited
the largest pyramid in the world—that of Co
lula, near Puebla. It covers 44 acres, and
is about 200 feet high ; on its summit was a
temple, and in the interior has been discov
ered a vault, roofed with beams of wood, con
taining skeletons and idols; several smaller
py ram ids surround this large one. It appears
to have been formed by cutting a hill into an
artificial shape. Its dimensions are immense,
being nearly three miles in circumference,
and about 400 feet high. It is divided into
terraces and slopes, covered with platforms,
stages and bastions, elesated, one above the
other, and all formed with large stones skill
fully cut and joined without cement. In
some respects the style of architecture resem
bles the Gothic, being massive and durable,
while in other respects it resembles the Egypt
ian—yet the general construction, manner
and style of architecture is different from any
thing hitherto described in the world. In_
Egypt, hieroglyphics on stone denote remark
able events, which no man has yet been able
to decipher.
A dark shade rests on the antiquities of
America, and few rays of light enliven the
gloom. We have ancient history to inform
us of the events of Egypt—how that empire
was founded, and how it prospered and fell
—we have the same record of Babylon, Nin
eveh, Greece, Rome and Carthage ; but not
the least information have we relative to those
who erected these cities, what people and
whence they came; not a ray of light to dis
pel the dark gloom which seems , to rest on
the earliest history of, America. Architec
ture, sculpture, painting,. and all the arts
that adorn civilized life, have flourished in
this country, at a period far remote. There
is evidence sufficient to-prove that these cities
were in ruins at least sixteen or eighteen hun
dred years ago. In Palenque are the remains
of an altar, over which. grows an immense
cedar, whose powerful roots.enshrine it. The
whole city is overgrown with mahogany and'
cedar trees, of enormous size. The concen
tric circles of some of these trees- e -the well
known cycles for a year—have been counted,
which shoWed they were more than 800 years
old,' and then were indications of another
generation of trees having sprung, up before
them: llow.few reflect on the fact that Amer-,
ica is an old dominion—the seat of an ancient,
mighty empire. These facts are opening
themselves every day to the eyes of the as
tonished world, and it is hOped that the spirit
of inquiry, which seems at present to ani-
Inge all classes of learned men,
.may throw
light on tho early history ,of this remarkable
~There is a young woman is our town
so modest, that she had a young man turned
out of doors for saying the wind had shifted.
X3Erlf you want to kiss a pretty girl, why
kiss her—if you can. If a pretty girl wants
to kiss you, why let her—like a man.
Discovery of an Ancient City in the Cr!-
A letter to the Boston Traveller, dated Be
irut, ISTov. 30th, communicates the result of
some interesting researches in the Crimea.—
This writer says:
The Cimmerian Bosphorus was the ex
treme limit of 'Grecian colonization in this
direction, and was once the seat of one of the
most flourishing' Greek settlements. The
Greeks found the peninsula inhabited by a
race called Cimerii, from whom comes the
word Crimea, the name of their country. A
Greek colony, from Miletus, in Asia Minor,
the city where Paul took his final farewell of
his brethren of Ephesus, was founded about
500 years before Christ, near the present
town of Kertch, which is situated on the
Strait between the Black Sea and the Sea of
Azof, and was a place of much impertanco
and notoriety during the latter part of the
wlttr. The colony of Cherson was established
about the same time, near Inkernian, where
English blood was poured so profusely. His
tory records.that the Cimmerians were ex
pelled, and succeeded by the Tauri, a savage
and cruel race, who offered human sacrifices
to their gods, and cut their dwellings out of
the solid rock, which may be seen at the pres
ent day about the town of Kertch. The
Scythians ascended from the mountains of
Thibet, in Tartary, and in turn conquered
the Tauri. But the Greek colonists had the
control of Pontus, on the opposite coast of
the Black Sea, and crossing over in force, ex
pelled the Scythians and founded n, kingdom
of their own; and such was the fertility of ,
the soil, the salubrity of the climate, and the
enterprise and industry of the people, that it
soon attained to great 'prosperity, and became
the granary of Athens. The new city, which
they built near the present site of Kertch,
they dedicated to the god Pan, giving it the
name of Panticapeum ; and the vine being
found to grow there luxuriantly, the colonists
very naturally joined the worship of Bacchus
with that of Pan. About fifty years before
Christ, this colony became subject to the Ro
mans, for the reason that its kings, who also
ruled in Pontus, had been subdued by the
same nation. A. D. 375, this colony was ut-
terly destroyed by the lluns, who erc then
spreading their ravages far and wide, to whom
one barbarous horde succeeded after another
till the year 1280, when the Genoese, the ad
venturous merchant princes of the age, took
possession of the territory, which they held
till they were expelled by the Turks in 1473,
who were in turn dispossessed by the Rus
sians in 1771, who have since held undis
turbed possession of the Crimea till the late
Panticapeum was built upon a plateau ex
tending along a range of heights, and needed
DO art to add to the beauty of its situation,
the sea washing it on three sides, and its
heights commanding an extended view of the
surrounding country and of the coast of Cir
cassia beyond the Straits, for a considerable
period the royal seat of the Bosnhorian Kings,
and once the residence of Mithridates the
Great, its ruins, of which some remain in a
very perfect state, indicate its original opu
lence and splendor.
The most striking features about Kertch,
which occupies, as we have observed, almost
the very site of this famous old city, are the
immense tumuli, or artificial mounds, some
what like those found in our great West.—
Designed for sepulchres and monuments of
the dead, they are fitted for endless duration
as well as to excite admiration. Their size
and magnificence awaken amazement for the
power and the wealth of the people who erec
ted them. It is a tradition believed by the
people in this part of the Crimea; that these
tumuli were erected over the remains of the
kings and rulers• of this Greek colony, and
were designed to perpetuate their memory.
It is also related that the earth was heaped
upon them annually on their birthday, for a
period of years as long as they ruled or reign
ed. These layers have been distinctly traced
recently, as a coating of sea wall or charcoal
was first laid. on. Dr. McPherson, an Eng
lish officer, counted thirty of these layers in
a scarp made in one of the mounds two-thirds
of the way from the base. The tumuli are
of all dimensions, varying from ten to three
hundred feet in circumference, and from fivQ
to one hundred feet in height.
Usually they are composed of surface soil,
and rubble masonry. Specimens of the
highest Grecian art have been found in these,
such as sculptures, metals, alabaster, Etrus
can vases, glass vessels remarkable for light
ness, carved ivory, coins of the most Perfect
finish, and trinkets vieing 'with the skill of
the best modern workmen. Dr. McPherson
having descended many feet under ground in
exploring one of these tumuli, came upon a
bed of ashes, the bones of a horse, a hu
man skeleton, and other remains were met
with; and on removing the masonry, fibula
and bronze coins' were picked up in niches
between the stones. This one tumulus was
so large, that Dr. McPherson devoted two
whole months to explore it! -
But the most astonishing monuments of
early wealth and power are found in Mont
Mithridates, The whole 'of which hill, from'
its base to its summit, and the spur extend
ing from it, to the distance of three miles,
are composed of broken pottery and debris
of every kind to the depth of from ten to
even a.hundred feet over the natural clay.
hill. The height and size of this . work of
Melesian colonists are such that it can hardly
be believed to be the result of human labor,
but mast be the work of a giant race long
since extinct. - At any rate, ages must have
been required to . convey !Jae soil from the
plains below to raise it, and the adjacent
heights, to their present elevation. On the
top of this hill is a monument, inducing awe
as well as wonder—a rude chair cut out of
the rock, and,a hollow resembling sacrifi
cial altar. Thus men in every age add an
"unknown God," Ad testify to a. conscious
ness of sin and the felt necessity of an atone
Ono of tho Doctor's explorations was so
fruitful in results, as to deserve particular
narration. Beneath an extensive sloping tu
mulus, he came upon a mass of table mason-
FEBRUARY 11, 1857.
ry, beyond which was a door leading to an
arched chamber, which led to another arched
chamber, which was larger still, and whose
walls were marked off in squares, with here
and there birds, flowers and grotesque figures
of various kilids. Over the entrance of the
chamber were painted two figures of griffins
rampant, while two horsemen, one a man in
authority, and another his attendant carry
ing his spear, were rudely sketched on one
of the walls. The skeleton of a horse was
also found, near to which was lying a human
skeleton. Continuing his exploration, he
struck upon a tomb cut out of the solid rock,
close by which he came upon the skeleton of
a horse. In another tomb the floor was cov
ered with beautiful pebbles and shells, such
as are now found on the shores of the Sea of
Azof. The dust of the human form, retain
ing yet the form of man, lay on the floor.—
The bones had crumbled into dust, and the
mode in which the garments enveloped the
body, and the knots and fastenings with which
they were bound, were easily traceable in the
dust. Several bodies were discovered, at the
head of which was a glass bottle in which
was found a small quantity of wine. A cup
and a iarcrymatory of the same material, and
also a'lamp, as was common in the East, were
placed in a small niche above each body. A
coin and a few enamelled beads were placed
in the left hand, and in the right a number
of walnuts. Other tombs were explored, and
various objects of interest found.
Herodotus, the father of history, gives the
first account of such tumuli and their object.
"The tombs of the Scythian kings are seen
in the land of Sherri, at the extreme point
to which the Borysthenes is navigable.—
Here, in the event of a king's decease, after
embalming the body, they carry it to some
neighboring Scythian nation. The people
receive the royal corps, and convey it to an
other province of his dominions; and when
they have conveyed it through all the pro
vinces, they dig a deep, square fosse, and
place the body in the grave in a bed of grass.
In the vacant space around the body in the
fosse, they now lay ono of the king's concu
bines, whom they strangle for the purpose,
his cup-bearer, his cook, his groom, his page,
his messenger, fifty of his slaves, some hor
ses, and specimens of all his things. Hav
ing so done, all fall to work throwing up an
immense mound, striving and vieing with
one another who shall do the most."
Thus the Seythians and our Indians had
common ideas and objects, widely as they
sq;arated, and the brotherhood of man
is traced among savages as well as the civili
zed, and among the dead as - well as the liv
1. Because you will he likely to treat quits
lightly two very good friends of yours, Reason
and Conscience, who will not have a chance
to speak.
2. Because you will have to travel over the
same ground in company with one Sober . Sec
ond Thought, who will be more likely to have
with him a whip of scorpions than a bunch
of flowers.
3. Because the words and actions involved
in it aro more likely than otherwise to be mis
understood, and therefore to be severely
4. Because this is one way to please and
give the great enemy of yours, and powerful
enough to be "the Prince of this world," and
who has caught more people than can be
counted in this way.
5. Because in so doing you are likely to be
a fellow traveler in such company as follows :
"He that is hasty with his feet, sinneth."—
" He that is hasty of spirit exalteth
Seest thou a man hasty in words ? there is
more hopes of a fool than of him." " The
thoughts of every one that is hasty tend only
to want."
O. Because such a fire may be kindled that
it cannot be put out even by all the water a
whole engine can throw, with Second Thought
for their .captain. --Evan.
WHAT horn DID.—It stole on its pinions
of snow to the bed of disease ; and the suffer
er's frown became a smile—the emblem of
peace and love.
It went to the house of mourning, and
from the lips of sorrow there came sweet and
cheerful songs.
It laid its head upon the arm of the poor,
which stretched forth at the command of un
holy impulses, and saved him from disgrace
and. ruin.
It dwelt like a living thing. in the bosom
of the mother, whose son tarried long after
the promised time of his coming, and saved
her from desolation, and the " care that kill
It hovered about the head of the youth
who had become the Ishmael of society, and
led him on to works which oven his enemies
It snatched a maiden from tho jaws of
death, and went with an old man to heaven.
No hope here, my good brother I Have it
--beckon it to your side. Wrestle with it,
that it may not depart. It may repay your
pains. Life is hard enough at best, but hopo
shall lead you over its mountains, and sus
tain you amid its billows. Part with all be
sides, but, keep thy hope.
"Are you a, Catholic 1"
" a, Nova .Scotian," said the wit
"That's a new creed," quoth the lawyer,
"should not the witness be sworn on a blue
nose potato?"
The Court was in doubt, and left the ques
tion open.
DEL shrewd littlo fellow who had just
began to road Latin; astonished his master
by the following transation: "Vir, a man;
gin, a trap, Virgin, a man-trap."
Vim" What a strange thing it is," remark
ed a Frenchman, after making the tour of
the United States, "that you should have
two hundred different religions and only one
army I"
Tho speaker who "took the floor" has
boon arrested for stealing lumber.
Don't Be Hasty.
Editor and Proprietor.
~ Fitch in."
This is a Young American motto; "Pitch
in !" The hopeful juvenile can never see
anything which promises to be good, whether
it is devoted to the gratification of the palate
or to some other pleasure, without obeying
his national instinct and pitching in. At
home, as soon as he escapes from his moth
er's arms, he pitches into all kinds of amuse
ments and mischief. At school he pitches
into everything but his studies. At college
he pitches into cards, yellow-covered litera
ture, and fast horses ; and although when lie
graduates lie may pretend to study a profes
sion, the first thing he does he pitches into
politics or matrimony, or both. lithe latter,
is his proclivity, he does not wait to inquire
whether the maiden of his choice is a suita
ble companion for him, nor even whether he
can maintain her in decency or comfort.
He only knows that he is in love, and be
cause he is so afflicted be pitches into wed
lock without much regard to consequences.
Though generally maing no shift to get
along in the world and to spend a happy
life, he seldom wholly recovers from the bad
effects of being a little too fast in the begin
ning. If a fine speculation, offering to pay
one, two, or three hundred per cent is pro
our national juvenile is sure to neglect
his ciphering and pitch into it blindfold. ,
lie scorns to feel his way anywhere, and,
right or wrong, he must follow his instincts.
This pushing,. dovil-may-care disposition is
shown oftner in young men's political move
ments and aberrations than elsewhere. He
chooses his party sometimes after due delib
eration, and sometimes from the example of
his parents, hut much oftner from mere ca
price. Ile will generally be found on the
side of the party which makes the great up
roar and. is loudest in its pretensions to su
perior patriotism. His own stupidity often
leads him to suppose that all men whose
heads are gray, and who arc on the wintry
side of fifty, are necessarily old fogies and
not abreast with the progress of modern af
fairs. Hence he seizes with avidity upon
any new political dogmas and incontinently
pitches into the ranks of any new party
which may arise.
Never tip your beaver to a fine lady, and
pass a poor widow without seeming to see
Never pass an aged man or woman with
out making a reverential obeisance, without
your house is ou fire.
Never break your neck to bow at all to a
"sweet sixteen, with a flounced dress, who
is ashamed of her old fashioned mother, or
to a strutting collegiate, who is horrified at
his grandmother's bad grammar.
Never keep a boy to black your boots and
attend to the stable, while you frighten your
wife out of the idea of keeping a nurse for
the twins, by constantly talking of hard
Never converse with a lady with a cigar
in your mouth, or smoke in anybody's com
pany, without apologizing for the same.
Never remind people of personal deformi
ty, or of the relatives who. have disgraced
Never leave a letter unanswered, find use
the stamp which was enclosed to you to "re
ply with," on a letter to your own sweet
Never ride in a fine carriage and keep a
score of servants, while your widowed sister
trudges on foot, and toils for her daily bread.
Never wear a finer coat than the merchant
you owe for it, or the tailor whom you have
not paid for the making.
Never turn a deaf ear to a woman in dis
tress, because you cannot see how you would
be the gainer by her bettered condition.
• Never wound wantonly the sensitive na
ture of the constitutional invalid ; nor by
rude jests and sarcasms, send a blush to the
temple of modest merit.
Never jest with a single woman about the
anxiety of all women to be married ; nor tell
your wife you married her because you pit
ied her lonely condition.
Never go to bed at ten, leaving your wife
till two with a sick baby; and look pitch
forks at her at the breakfast table because
that meal is half an hour too late.
Never hear an ungracious stricture upon
the conduct of a woman with a quiet smile,
instead of saying in thunder tones "It is
false, sir."
Never fall back from a bargain after the
article of agreement is drawn up, and only
needs your signature to make it perfect.
Never insult the modest by ribaldry, the
grave by levity, nor the pious by contempt
of sacred things.
Never be guilty of any of these offences
against decency and propriety; if you are,
you are not a gentleman.
which turns the edge of the chisel, bears for
ever the impress of the leaf and the acorn re
ceived long, long since, ore it had become
hardened by time and, the elements. If we
trace back to its fountain the mighty torrent
which fertilized tho land with its copious
streams, or sweeps over it with a devastating.
flood, we shall find it drippling in crystal
drops from some mossy crevice among the
distant hills ; so, too, the gentle feelings and
affections that enrich and adorn the heart,
and the mighty passions that sweep away all
the barriers of the soul and desolate society,
may have sprung up in the infant bosom in
the sheltered retirement of home. " I should
have been an atheist," said John Randolph,
"if it had not been for one recollection ; and
that Was the memory of the time, when my
departed mother used to take my hand in
hers, and caused me on my knees to say,
If you would rise in the world, you
must not stop to kick at every cur who barks
at you as you pass along. Every editor has
to learn that.
iri ancient fable, was so great
a man, that every thing he touched turned
to gold. The case is altered now ; touch a
man with gold and he will Change into any
Its Chances and Its Responsibilities,
"All 111C11 think all men mortal but thoznaolvos."
Prof. Buchanan, in the course °fee lecture
recently delivered at Cincinnati,
made some
startling statements in relation to the dura
tion of III:MIN LIFE. He said that in the laV•
ter part of the sixteenth century; one-half of
all who were born, died under five years of
age, and that the average lotigetity„eif thti
whole population was but eighteen years.—:
In the seventeenth century one-half of the
population died under twolv9 years; But in
the first sixty years of the eighteenth centu
ry one-half of the population lived over twen
ty-seven years, or in the latter forty years
one-half exceeded thirty:two years of age.—
At the beginning of the present century one
half exceeded forty years.; and from 1838 to
1845, one-half . exceeded forty-three. The
average longevity at these successive periods
has been increased from eighteen years in
the sixteenth century to 43.7 by the last re
ports. ,
According to these figures, the change far
the better is indeed remarkable. The world;
we may infer, is growing wiser, and the phil
osophy of life, or rather of tieing, is begin
ning not only to be understood, but to be prac
tised.. And even now a very small portion of
the . population die through the agency of nitt
urat causes. The liability to deei den tis great,
while the multitude either live too recklssly,
too imprudently, or too fast. Intemperance
destroys its thousands and tens of thousands;
while epidemics, unnecessary exposure, and
dissipation of various kinds, contribute very
materially to thin the population: With not
a few, an evil habit becomes so irresistible!
that life is wasted knowingly, and the grave;
in fact, is indirectly courted. According td
those who have paid most attention to-the
subject, moderation in all things, unanimity
of temper, regular, but not exhausting occu
pation, exemption from mental anxiety, a
comfortable home, and sufficient wherewithal
to eat and drink, are the great essentials of
longevity. Mental excitement provokes many
diseases, and is more instrumental in destroys
ing life than the ca.releSe are apt to imagine.
The individual of a fretful temper, who is
constantly annoying . himself about trifles ;
and who, in short, ls in a perpetual fever,
will soon wear himself out, intellectually as
well as physically. Death is invisible to the
general eye, and yet it lurks in a thousand
forms. It often assumes the mask of pleas
ure, tempts its victim even in the ball-room,
provokes a cold, a cough, and finally a con-:
sumption; and thus hurries to a premature
grave. This is the ease with the young, the
eager, the buoyant, and the hopeful. High
in health, and full of vigor, they cannot im
agine it possible that life to them will be
and thus they hurry on, and submit
themselves to a thousand chances and than::
ges, which are only detected and avoided by
the eyes of experience and of years. But
the most curious problem is, to see the cons=
paratively old, wasted and feeble, still toiling
and struggling on, as if their chances were
as good as ever. This, too; with many who
are perfectly independent: in a pecuniary
point of view, and who cannot reasonably
expend the income from their property.—
They have become so wedded to the business
world, and so devoted to pursuits that are
merely commercial or monetary, that they
dannot for a moment realize the fact, that
they have gone beyond the average, and that
now every step they take diminishes their
prospects, and hastens them towards their
last res ting place. Nay—converse with theni,.
and they will tell you that they have no time
to attend to any serious, solemn or even be
nevolent matter—that they are engaged in
various enterprises, some of which it will
take years to realize—that, in short, they
have no idea of death. They seem to have
persuaded themselves that however others:
may pass away, they have secured an espSz
cial lease, and cannot be summoned, to their
last account for a long period to come. Nev
ertheless, the chances of life may be calcula
ted with the nicest commercial accuracy.—
True, there are exceptions; but the rule holds
good in a great majority of cases. Again,
there are individuals who live to little pur
pose whatever. They do riot enjoy the world
themselves, and they do not contribute to the
enjoyment of their fellow-creatures. They
are monomaniacs to a certain extent, have
few mental resources and pleasures, and have
become so sordid and worldly, that body and
soul are devoted to one idea. And yet, a lit
tle longer, and they will pries away and be
forgotten, or if remembered, no kindly acte
no benevolent purpose, no generous deed, no
warm-hearted sympathy will be associated
with their history. How few, indeed, under
stand the true duties of life, or understand- •
ing, practice them! How few live so as to
be a source of enjoyment to their fellow-crea
tures here, as well as to feel a happy con- -
sciousness and confidence, as relates to the
world beyond the grave! It has been well
said, that "oven to the humblest, occasions
will come, when words of kindness may be
spoken, when tho fallen may be raised, when
the sad may be cheered, and when the wearia
nese and the bitterness of the mortal lot, may
be softened and soothed to the children of in
digence and sorrow." But alas! the multi
tude aro so busy, so devoted to self, so wed
ded to the things of this world, that they
have no time and no disposition for the du
ties of humanity. A sad error, and ono that
cannot be corrected too speedily.—reieneyl
venia Inquirer.
NO. 34.
Ml Adversities are blessings in disguise.
We know a man who has lived six months
on a sprained ankle; Ho , belongs to half a
dozen societies and draws four dollars a week
from each. He once spent a whole summer
at Saratoga on a soro throat.
1:0W-. While a select party at a Boston hotel
were drinking wine at $2O a bottle;'and about
fifty "young Americans" were drinking bad
whiskey in an adjoining eating house, on tbe,
next street tho police found. two families half ,
starved - and half frozen—a contrast of eiviliz
zed life I
IfIG6.A "single man" advertising for em-:
ployment, a maiden lady wrote to inform him
that if he could find nothing better to do, he
might come and marry her. The did so; and
touched twenty thousand pounds.
110.. Tho proverb "lightly come; lightly
go," does not apply to the gout, rheurhatom,
freckles, itch nor counterfeit money. All
theso plagues come lightly enough, but how
to get them to gb is a matter of no unlit, air.
111 California lover writes thus:—'Lev
en yeres is rether long to kort a gal; but ila
hay you Sit Cate.
Thb Dutchnian who stabbed himself
with a pound of soap, because his `krout
would not "schmell" has been sent back to
relation is the door mat to the
scraper? A step farther.