THE RUNTINGDON GLOBE,. A DEMOCRATIC , ' FAMILY J',oußiviu; - DEvoTED ', TO LOCAL AND. GENERAL INEWIS I Si-G' ‘v ,, ,,••Vinti , , • 41.1E71. ,„ • tRa 11FUNTIN,GDOIN & BR DOA TOP 3 a_RAIL ROAD. • WINTER ARRANGinIENTI On and after Monday, November 17, 1856, Trains will leave Daily, (Sundays excepted,) an follows : - Two Trains a day between SAXTON and HUNTING, DON--one Train daily to ALLAQUIPPA, ISTATIONS. Allnquippa.irrivo One trip a day. l• Iliddelsburg A. M. ....6.30 .... ,7.01.... ,7.42 .7.50 .d 0.48 .....10.28. , • 10.07' .... ...... -9.59 9 42 a 30 4.." ' ' 0 4 0 8 05 Leave..... .... -.9.00 • 'r. at. ' :' • ,Leave 11.50 - I Stay all night 1 CI, 11.55.....1 at, Saxton. j 12.12 . r. St. Saxton ...12.20 Arrive 5.44 Fishers' Summit " 12.40 ‘, 5.24 Rough & Ready " • . 12.50 . " '''s 04 Coffee Run GC • 1.00 - IC 454 Marldesburg • CC 4 116 " 438 Pleasant,Grove " ' 1.28............"..... 426 M'Connellstown " 1.3 S " 410 Huntingdon Arrive 0 00 Leave 400 Connee,titig at Huntingdon, witli. Trains East and West on Pennsylvania Rail Road. , ' • , Connecting at ALLAQUIPPA with Font; Horse Mail BEDFORD, BLOODY RUN, ST., _ Fifty pounds Baggage allowed each passenger.. For any furtheeinformation inquire at the dace of Transportation Department, Huntingdon. JAMES BOON, Superintendent, ' November 26, 1556. ..Loave (4 Ft atoll Pisherif Summit, Rough 14 Ready. Coireo Run Marklesburg ..... Pleasant Grove.. ?41 7 0orineltstowu Iluntingtion . .Arrivo, BEI Allaptippa ...... Iliddeltsburg AITIN 0 .Leavo. UMBERLAND VALLEY INSTI NL,MaTE, 3fcchanicsburg, Cumberland County; Pa., sight wiles west of Harrisburg. This Boarding School for Young Ladies and Gentlemen, in successful operation for several years, under, the direc tion of the REV. JOSEPH S. LOOSE, A. M., has passed into the hands of the subscribers, - who would announce that the next term will commence April 1,1357. The course of instruction is alike liberal and thorough in all the branches of an English, Scientific and Classical education. The proprietors engaged for years, as instruct ors of youth, assisted by male and female teachers of expe rience and. skill will prepare pupils for the practical duties of life by a thorough course of instruction. In the Classical department, under the charge of an ale and efficient teacher, students will be prepared for any class in college, or fitted to enter upon the study of any of the different professions. Teachers of modern languages converse in French, Ger man, Italian and Spanish. Terms, reasonable, and charges very moderate. For Circulars giving particulars, address RUPP t COYLE, Proprietors, C. V. Institute, Mechanicsburg, Pa., or Z. D. RUPP, Harrisburg, Pa. December 31, ISoft. 710 COUNTRY DEALERS. AU j_ GUST BRICKER, BOOT MAISER, No. 04 North fourth street, third Boot Store below Race, Philadelphia, Wholesale and Retail dealer, will give full satisfaction to all who may patronise him. Country dealers, and potions wishing a good article, itro invited Wean. Philadelphia, Nov. 19, 1856-3 m. - 13 - ENNSYLY.A.NIA COMMERCIAL INSTITUTII.—LOCATED AT YORK, PA.—lncorpo rated by authority of an act of AsSembly, 1856. During iho _past year, upwards of one hundred. students have been in attendance at this Institution, representing ten States, showing a popularity unsurpassed by any similar estab lishment. COURSE OF STUDY Embraces Double Entry Book-keep iug, as applied to Wholesale, Retail, Commission, Manufac turing, Shipping, Steam Boating, Individual, Partnership, Compound Company Business, Commercial Calculations, Mercantile Correspondence, Business Penmanship, Detect ing Counterfeited and altered Bank Notes, and Lectures on Commercial Law and Political Economy. For Circular, &c., address Nov. 12,1558, WANTED—A good experienced jour neyman Cabinet-Maker, to , h - lxom constant employ moat will be given. Apply immediately to Tinntingclon, Dec. 24, 1858.. k" AGAIN, with a. gener ‘_./ merit of FOOTS and SHOES, 'or Men. . Women. Wawa, Bort, and Children, Call and bxamtne my stock. Ton can't bo disappointed. Huntingdon, Dec. 24,185 d. L. WESTBROO.II. NrONEY, MONEY, MONEY.-Why be without Money r when it is Just as easy for any one to be around with a pocket full as not, if they only think so. I have got a now article, from which from five to twenty dollars a day can be made, either by male or fe male. It is highly respectable business, and an article which is wanted in every family in the United States. En close mo two dollars by snail, and I will forward by return mail a Circular, with full instructions in the art. The 'bu siness is very ea.qy. Try it, if you are out of employment, and yon will never regret it; for it will be better for yon to pay the above sum, and insure a good business, than to pay twenty-five cents for a spurious advertisement. This is no humbug. Try it ! Try 111 Try ft 1 Address your letters to DWItIIIT MUNROE, Now' York. Doc. 24,1850-3 m. I sent one of my Circulars to an Ectifor in Georgia, and he gavo me a notice in his Imper like the following: ' Ur. Monroe 'seat Inc one of his Circulars, and I acill just say to my readers that whoever of you are out orem ployment that 31 - r. Monroe's business is a good huskies, and money can bo made out of it by any one whoeugages in it, for it is no humbug." B.IIEIELS of Dried APPLES,' ti V , wanteil iu exchange fur our goNld. Dec. 17, 1850. ' LOVE A: 31C1dvIT.. trE1)111J31 AWARDED TO H. S. - STAINS; of Scottsville, Huntingdon county, Pa., for e best specimen of marble work. Send on your orders 5000. Scottsville, Oct. 21, 1856.1 y. XTEW WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE:—JOILVFILLSCII respectfully intbrtos the citizens of HUD tingdon Colln ._ A. 5.44 ty, i that he .has just opened .„4* a,nv,w store on street, „opposite Straus' Store, llau tingdon, tor the sale of GOLD and SILVER WATCUES, JEWELRY, &c. His stock is entirely new and uf- the best quality., and will be disposed of at fair prices. The public generally are requested to call and examine for thenaelves." Repairing of IratChes, Clons, and jewelry, dono in tbo best manner on short notice. • JOHN FRISCIL Huntingdon, Oct.l, 1836. - Tilt-tBli lot of Clarified Table Oil for little by - HENRY MeMANICHLL. ~..11NTA_NTEDA boy to leap Carriage v-v Sraithaig. Also--a lllilato do Wood work rof Carriages, &c. OWEN BOAT. • - " liuntifigdon, D(.6. 24,1856. Blackberry. Root, an inestimable and warranted remedy for llon - ol Coin plaintsr at t . ho'clat4i)Drug i .lirareity and Fancy tdoro of DR. D. R. , GOOD, has located at Peters burg, -Tustin ;don county, and offers Lis professional services to the citizens of Petersburg and surrounding country. Office near Neff's Hotel. November 19, 1.856.3m.*• IMPORTANT, TO DAGUERREOTY PISTS, MARBLE DEALERS AND OTIEEMS. TAL DAGUERREOTYPE CASES. A method lets long been sought for, to insert in a durable manner, Da guerreotype Likenesses to - Head Stones and Monuments.- 1 have been manufacturing these cases for the last two years, and can a-errant them to secure the picture for a long number of years. The outside•ease is made of Parian Marble, and the box which encloses the picture and keeps it in a state of great preservation for a low.; number of years,' made of. brass, screw box. It makes a very neat job on a 'Head Stone or Monument. They aro used in Greenwood Cemetery, Mount Auburn, Laurel Bill, and many other Cemeteries in the United States. A liberardisconut macro to Sfarble Dealers and Dagmerre °typists. I'rice from $2.25 each to $9.60. A circular of engravings will be scut to any address, free, with price list. Address, A. L. BALDWIN, Agent of Mausoleum . Dag. Co., Broadway, New York. December 24:1850: T 0 THE PUBLIC.—The undersigned informs his friends and tho public generally,..2 that he has leased tho ORLANDO HOUSE, in the Mii! borough of Huntingdon, and is now prepared to ac- "" commodate with boarding and lodging all who may lavor him with a call- His Bar is furnished with the best liquors. A .,i....c., LIVERY S'rA.I3T.E.—Wo has also provided himself with a good stock of Horses, Car ' ri . .l4es, Fee, for the accommodation of the pub. .{. he ; at reasonable charges. WM. WILLIAMS. 11 tin t i n pion, April 7,1556 NTOTIC.E.-L-, Letters Testamentary hay ing been granted to the undersigned. on the at •(,, - 2.2 awl .Teigatitent of .101-LN tiSliLi4l. late of Brady township, deed. all pereowt indebted to taut deceasetn - rate, are requested to make payment, and those hating claiints mtaluat the roue will proreht them duly antlienti cat,,,d for Fe tt melt t • i3I.ILEY. Dt„. , •flit,Gr 3d, 18514. WINDOW SASH.—=J. Sixtor have now on hand different kinds of Window &"t, and at much lower prices than can bi),made by hand. They will also be able to have doors made to order at the shortest notice. as W6ll as Shutters, Blinds, and everything necessary for building purposes. - Huntingdon. December 17, 1850.' 9 - lIIREE TRACTS O 1 LAND MR SALB.—}Vo would offer for Eulo the following prop erty, " - • ' • ..11.08. ..11.00 EU T. EIRK WHITE, President assort- - —A FARM of ninety acres in Germany Valley, Thin tingdon county, it being one half of the Farm formerly owned by Geo. Eby, nearly all cleared and in a fine state, of enitivation., choice 'Lime Stone Land. ;rouse and Stable erected thereon, within running water. 11 1 ,./ 2 : miles from Shirleysburg, and 5 miles from Penn'a Rail Road and Canal at Mt. Union. ALS(}-1.5 acres of choice :and adjoining the above on which is erected twagood "home". small tarn. Wood House, lc., with a never thiling spring of good watar,tine Orchard with choice fruit. This is a very desirable property , and WOuld be suitable for a mcchabic, or any ' person desiring to retire from active. life. ALSO—A EARM in-Union township. Huntingdon 'coun ty, consaining t. 5 acres, one-half of which is cleared, and balance first quality of Timber land, situated within one mile of the Pemia Canal and Rail Road at Mill Creek. - Either of the above ,properties will he sold low and on reasonable terms. pidy to the subscribe'rs ttt "gill Creek, Huntingdon county, Pa. KESSLER' a BED, - Septemberp, 1 I REMEN.DOUS EXCiTEMENT ! A,NOTIIEIt BANK . 421,05LD1 he well known establishment of Illessrs. LOVE & MC DIVITT, ' , on 141n.iket • street, Huntingdon; was yesterday compelled to close its doors on account of the tremendous rush of customers, occasioned by the arrival in port of the boat "Broad Top" from the East, having onboard, the most extensive assortment of fresh Groceries,-Confectiona ries; &c., &c., &c., ever offered for sale in this place. Tv day,-however, they are happy to be able to announce to their numerous friends and patrons—to the public gener ally—and "the rest of mankind," that they are again open, and prepared to dispose of their entire stock, on the inoserensonahle terms, for cash' or country produce—con sisting of the following, viz: Coffee, Sugar, Teas," -Molas ses, Fish, Salt, Cheese, Crackers, Ca.kes,,Fruit, Confection aries, Hams, Shoulders, &e., Tobacco of the hest quality and Se , v ' ars - of every grade. Candles,, Oils, Fluids, Cant-. phene, &e. Nnts of every description; Figs, Raising, &c. In short, every thing usually found in an establishment of this kind. As the terms will be strictly cistr, or country producd in exchange for goods, their stock will be disposed of at the LOWEST FIGURES. Thankful for past favors, they would still solicit a share of public patronage.. All are invited to call and examine for themselves, as-no pains will be spared in order to ac commodate. December 3 0.856. T HE lit NTINGDON COMMER CIAL SCHOOL,, Ilas been removed to a large and commodious room in the "Town Hall," and is open, day and evening, for the reception of Students. The course of instruction, embracing Single and Double Entry Book keeping, is accompanied by daily Lectures on Commercial Sciences. A department has also been opened, which is devoted to Penmanship, and is conducted by Prof. MonalsoN of Pittsbnrg. Lectures on Commercial Law, Ethics and PolitiCal Eeon omy aro delivered periodically, to the students, by members of the Huntingdon Bar. Other particulars furnished on application, personally, or by letter, to T. 11. roLLocx:Principal. Huntingdon, Nor. 26, IRii6. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS !---At D. P. GIVES'S CHEAP STORE! D. P. GI - WIN hay just received from Philadelphia e large and beautiful assortment of FALL and WINTER GOODS, consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods fur Ladle4s and Gentlemen. such. us Black Silks. Charm:lion and li'ancy Silks, French 3lerinoes, All Wool Delaines, Persian Sculls, Coburg Cloth, Levelly Cloth, Alpaca., Debarge Madonna Cloth, Wool Plaids, and any quantity of Fancy Delaius.— Prints of every description. _ Also—A. large lot of Dross Trimmings, Dress Buttons, Bonnet Silks, Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts, Ho siery, Laces, Veils, Collars, Undersleeves, Chimazetts, Mo hair Head Dresses, Gum Belts, Whalebonesfor Skirts, Silk and Linen Flop, French Working, Cotton,' Fall and Wool Shawls, and a variety of Fancy Goods too numerous to mention. .Aso--Oloths, Black and Blue, Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Cassinets, Tweeds, Kentucky Jean, Vestings Flannels,.Sack Flannels of every color, Canton Flannel, and *Nankeen Linsey. MuAins, bleached and unbleached, Ticking, Checks, Table Diaper, Woollen and Linen Table Covers, Sheeting Muslin 2 1 A yards wide. Woollen Yarns different colors, Woollen Coats ~.nd Caps, Comforts, &c, allx nom, t; of and color, largest assortment in town, and at. prices that can't be beat. Also, Hats and Caps, latest styles, Boots and Shoes, Qneensware, Hardware, Thickets, Tubs, Baskets, Oil Cloths, Groceries, Salt, and all goods usually kept In a country rdore. old customers, and as many new ones as can crowd in. aro respectfully invited to call and examine my Goods. No charges for looking. All kinds of Country Produce taken in -exchange for Goods at highest market Prices. Huntingdon, Oct. 8, 1856. I. 4 I)IPLOYMYST FOR. THE WlN vj TER.—THE BEST BOOK FOR AGENTS.—To so:is oar OF E.mrurmENr..—An Elegant Gift for a Father to Present to his Famiiy! iftW'Send fur Ouo Copy, and try it among your Friends! "%:/l. WANTEn—Agents in every section of the United States and Canada, to circulate SEARS' LARGE TYPE QUARTO Biter, For Family Use—Entitled THE PEOPLE'S PICTORIAL DOMESTIC BIBLE,-with about one thousand Engravings i This useful book is destined, if we. can form an opinion from the Notices of the Preys, to have an unprecedented circulation in every section of our wide-spread continent, and to form a distinct era in the sale of our works." It will, ne doubt, in a few years- become TUE l'inLVE BIBLE OP The AXERICAN ?WPM 4The most liberal remuneration will be allowed to all persons who may be pleased to procure subserebers to the above. From 50 to 100 copies may easily be.circidated and sold. in each of the principal cities ,und towns of the Union. 1r WILL as SOLD Dr SEEM:WT.ION ONLY. • - Air - - Application should be made at once, as the fteld will soon be occupied. 4. 7 4e-Persons wishing to act as agents, and do a safe bu siness, can send for a specimen copy. A;. on receipt of the established price, Six. Dollars, the "'tannin FAMILY lit at; with a well bound Subscription Book, will be'careful ly boxed, and forwarded per express, at,our risk and ex pense, to any central town or village in the United States, excepting those of California, Oregon and Texas., . - Register your Letters, and your money will come safe.. „ . . .r . ;3 — In addition to the Pictorial Bible, we ptiblish.a large number of Illustrated Family Works, very popular, and of such a high moral awl unexceptionable character, that while good wen way safely engage in their circulation, they will confer a. VUBLIC BEYITIT, and receive c.Y...urt COX; YENSATIOX for their labor. 4 4 Z-Orilerff respectfully 'For further particu lars, address the euhicriber,ioo6t-paid.) ROB ERT SEARS. Dec. , lo, 1650. THE RUSSIAN WAR.----We have jtiO, rublighed a. new edition of this popular nud 6sltenbie Work, and can now- supply ouc agents and canvassers without Ala?). • Besides a comple.tellistery of the War, It Includeq the LIFE AND ItEWIN OF NICHOLAS 1., with sketches of SCHAMYL, the Circassian Chief, and other- distinguished characters. also, descriptions of Russian Society and Gov ernment, &c., &c., making one of the most interesting works ever published. It is beautifully. illnstrated with line tinted plates, and bound in the best manner. We send aspecimen copy with particulars of agency to any part of the United States, free of postage, au receipt of the price, $125."- ' '••J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher, No. 4S North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. December 24, 1656. COI‘IIIIIERE.T. and get good bargains. J. A: W. SAXTON have received from the eastern cities an assortment of Shan la, Talraws . Dress Goods, and tnibroideries. They have adopted the motto, "'gala: Salca and Small Profits." Give them a call_ , • /fitntingdon, December. 17, 185 G. Dissolution of Partnership.—The co partnership heretofore existing under the firm of titasgow S. Steel, has by mutual consent been dissolved.— Those balling unsettled accounts with the firm aro request ed to call and settle immediately. WILLIAM GLASGOW, WM. I. STEEL Huntingdon, Dec. 30, 3.850. 441 - . The business will be continued by Win. I.St6cl, and a liberal patronage front a generous public will be thank fully received. THE .HUNTINGDON MILL.----The undersigned owners of the Huntingdon Mill inf4)rin the farmers and - the public generally that they now Lave their new mill in running order, with all the modern ine• provements in the Unter Wheels and Machinery. They have put in five of the Improved Jouval Turbine Water Wheels, and can grind in all stages of water, and during the coldest weather any and all kinds of grain. They are prepared to sell, mid have on timid for sale at all times at Market rates all kinds of Flour. Feed, and l.'kutli,; and Farmers can 114V1, their own grain ground and take it backin a return load, or they Call be furnished in exchange at a moment's notice,-an equal quantity of Flour and Bran, or chopped feed. , , 'Their stunt tuaclime is ,of improved manufacture, rmil -they will insure a "it fail tllrn fair of superior quality to every bushel of grain. left at their mill. F{i & MeNTURTRIE. N. B. Their Buckwheat Stones are not quite. ready. Iltintingthm, Dec. ) . )1 , - ) tt ro l i, ;i c , c . R I; t r tyc, ~~ for Never and , FRESH -6 Liviii.:, - : 1 14 e. = THE NEATEST AND BEST AS soIITmENT 01? BOOTS .iilgß 'F.I.IOES; 3:LfSB BB UEIVED BY LEVI wEsnAtuoic., ' . . Ladies and gentlemen are Invited:to call and tiful assortment of Boots and 1 ' i p examine my beau . : Shoes elan sizes, of the latest styles, for all-ages. , ...'' limitin pion, June 4. 3.600, , , . BO 0 T SHOES, ,GA.II - 011,5 . , AND s k 1110 NA iiISE 3IATS, ,A S, SELLING AT VERY LOW PRICES, .AT 'II: ROMAN'S MOTH - IN() STORE., ,` 1 linntingdern,Ta. ADDLLI'RS'-----improVed- -splitting- , and i„..) gauge Knives for salelat - tli6 l lPard.ware store of .2 • • ' : - • : JAS.. A. 13ROVP1 ItuntingL,Fun, Pa, t er - 1 RIN.DSTOXESwith friction rollers, . K_Trwb-Agtoneg, Oil- Stones, - also 1 - Cnii•es and Forks, Spoonscissors. &c.; decidedly the best- the county. Porcelain, Tinned and. Plain. Boilers,. •Stewing. Frying and flaking Pans," for solo at prices W hich make it the interest of purchasers to call at the Hardware Store of • .JAS. CO: IGHTIN ING *RODS !" Arniittige' Pit ,TEN T OF SUTRWTOR ELECTRIC Ti.TAGNET'LIoIIT NG RODS. it is Mut' admitted 'on all hant/5; that every' building to be secure from the destructive influences of lightning Should be provided with rt good..conducter. The large number of worthless rods that are put up makes it neeeb , ary for purchnqers to exanline the merits of the different rods offered for gale. . • The public need but to examine Armitage's .rods to be convinced that they tiro constructed upon not only the best, but the only'safe principle of any rod iwitse. Over 6000 of these rods have already been put Up with out the loss of a dollar's worth of property by, lightning iu any building to which they have been attached, which is the best evidence that they are perfectly secure. I have a few' on hand Which I will sell'fur,leas . than hill ef the re tail price asked by Armitage , to close dot, any.. stock. Call soon at Colon's Book :Store, HUnting#6, 'Pa. rwhere they can be had of wk: COLON. . Huntingdon, Toly 16, 3856., V - .II_IIAT OODS.—Just-receivedi-arvari ,_N sty of articles at•rhe corner of Sinith and: Alldghany streets, Cedar and Willow ware,,..dl_Nes, double and single store , 4, iron -nettles, Plough 'Shears.: &c:. sale anti GEO. HARTLEY. pERUVIAN GUANO.--=- Ekperience has taught the Farmer that the. ONLY: RELIABLE' Fertilizer is the PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO.— The subscriber, Sole Agent in Philadelphia fur the kale of • it, has nuw un hand a huge stock of - PURE PERUVIAN GUANO, - Which ho will sell at the lowest Cash price, in lots to salt either dealers or larmera. . S. .T. CIIRISTIAN, • „ ~ Sole Agent for. Plltladelphi4, . _ - • • No. 4S North What es undD7'North Water. St. August 20,185(1-3m - , . .. NEW CLOITIING 1= -L-H . 0 N' has returned from the East with a large stock of FALL A D WINTER CLOTIIING; for Men _and Boys—all of the best. and. Ale:Ter than else where. Call and examine for yourselves. Huntingdon, Sept. 24, 1858. . l ADIES FANCY F - (1.11,S-J 011 N . FAREIRA, co. '284. Market Street, above Bth,Phila delphia, Importer, Mannfbefurer nnd.Dealer in al kinds and qualities of FANCY FURS, for Ladies F, would call the attention of the .I..adies and others to his immense assortment. being the direct Importer and Mannfilelnr.or of all my FURS. I feel confident in saying that I can offer the greatest inducements to those in want wad at the same timo will have one of the • largest assort ments to select from. . Storekeepers and the trade trill please give nie a call be forepurchahing,,.as my Wholesale department is well unp.-:. plied to meet the demand for every. article in the Fur line, mud at the lowest possible Nauirfacturerd l'rices. JOHN tiS•l Market St. Deptember 10, ISsG—lm. ' ls; - i. ISOS. - - V., . 50 FALL STOCK —NEW GOODS. French Zierinoes, all colors—Fashionable Cloak Cloths,—Fall Silks, the new styles-3lagniticent• new De- Laines—Best Styles Fall Calicoes—Very large stock of New Shawls—Flannels, Welsh, English and American—Cloths, yestings and all kinds Mons' Wear—Sheeting's, Table Linens, Towelings, &c. .EyRE & LANDELL, 4th and Arch Streets, Philadelphia. Storekeepers are Invited to examine our New Goods.— Families can be-well suited in every kind of Dry .Goods.--- We make Black Silks and Shawls leading articles for Wholesaleing. P. S. Jobs received daily from the Auctions of New :York and Philadelphia. .. _AZ-TERM NETT CASH. [September 10, 1856-3 m. jS IS ti ESTI° 'l' Orl-CTILLID i ( 1 1;1 21 1 . r. 4 . n E 4: , - :,tORED 1 1-13;. latest arrival from the 'net, the subscribers bavo just received, and are now open ing the largest and most carefully . selected assortment of HARDWARE ever offered in the Huntingdon market.— Our Stock consists in part of BUILDING MATERIAL, such as Locks. Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Glass, Putty, Oils, Vchito Load, Fire Proof and- Zinc Painti3. DIECTIA2 , IICW- TOOLS in great variety, including many new inventions and late improvements. We invite the attention of Saddlers and Coach makers to our large.and splendid stock 61 SADDLERY and COACH TRIMMINGS, including all the latest styles of Harness Bucklef.., Gig Trees, Self-Adjusting Pad Trees Saddle Trees, Horse and Al it le names of 30 different varietiescGirt hin g, Hog :Skins, Patent Leather, Enameled Leather, Enameled Muslin, Coach Lace, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes, Shafts, Springs, Axles. &c., .1:e. • LADIES and.HOUSEKEEPERS. generally, will find it greatly- to their advantage, to call and examine our new stock of EINII TAIILE CUTLERY, Silver and Common Spoons. Silver Butter Knives, Imanps, Hollow-ware, and other House furnishing goods, including many new and unfit/ inventions. In our .recent purchases, wo have bought at such rates, as enable us to sell even lower than heretofOre. No charge fir showing goods. All orders front abroad promptly attended to. JAMES A. BROWN & CO Runtingdon, Oct. 1, 1.851;; T Air VEER & CHEAP K . ) WATCHES and JEWELRY, wholesale and retail at the k'Philatlelphia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. • 90, North Second street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled IS cararcascs,... $2B 00 Gold Lepines 24 00 Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled, 12 00 Silver Lupine, jewels, 9 00 . Superior gnartiers, 7 00 Cold Spectacles 7 00 Fine Silver do Bracelets 3'oo Ladies . Gold Pencib t . 1 00 Silver Tea Spoons, 5 00 Geld Pens with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1 00 Gold Finger Rings, 37y:cents to 2SO ; Watch glass.' , 12 1 E' cents ; Patent, , 1C;41'; Lanett, 25; other articles in proportion. All goods 'warranted to be' what they ink , sold for. STAUFFER & lIARLEY. On hand, sonic (hold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lover than the al nve. prices. • Oct,ibor 1,18513,1 y. ik...1111.1V.AL -OF- FALL &.• WINTER GOODS at tlio BfIOATITOP - DEPGT. CIINNING -11 A 1 k BUNl`."l..have just ro'ceivcti a ivel 4t:lec tea mock of and Win tei Goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats and Caps; - hoots and Shoes, ITardware, Qncensivarc, attlarwaro, Crockcry-1% are, Atone rnri earthen. ware, Cane Fishin- Rods,, Ready-made Clothing, and in sla;rt,grerytliiiip;nsitally kept in a. couu try store. • • Fish, Salt, _Baca . xi kebt• con stonily for sale. Cali and examino our goods and judge fur yourselves: kind 3 of country produce taken at tiro highest market-price in exchango for 'jowls. The highest market prim paid Tor Grain. Prompt atten tion paid to storing and forwarding all kinds of Nerchan dizo, Produce, Tee. • - CUNNIINUILAM S DUNN. Huntingdon, Nov. 26, 1666. MEW DRUG STORE. DR: J. S. GRIFFITH, Superintodml. • - HAVING r nrcliased from Wm. Williams & Co., their stock of Drugs, Medicines, PaintS & Brushes, Oils. Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Nancy v . .z„.1 Soaps, Fluid, Campheuc, !Turpentine, Alcohol, f,':!"27? and a general assortment of Artists! Colors & Spices of all kinds, WindOw Glass of all sizes, Putty,. all kinds of Varnish.' Japan. Copal, Nos. 1 and 2, Cenchbody and Black Spirit, Pure Cod Liver Oil, for the cure of Rheumatism, Scrofula, Gout, Lumbago, Teftor, Chronic Erysipelas, Chronic Sore Eyes. White Swelling, Glandular Swelling, Pulmonary Consumption, Chronic Bronchitis. Rickets, and all diseases of the skin: by the quart or smaller quantity, the Balm of a Thousand Flowers, the greatest remedy for Baldness and purifying the skin, of the age. John 11. Patethorp's celebrated cure for Fever-and Ague; No Cure No Pay. Price $l. Fine Tobacco and &gars. All the above, with all articles gen erally kept in a Drug Store, for sale cheap, Cv Physicians -Prescriptions carefully and accurately compounded. . . Store, Market Square, opposite Cents' Hotel, Hunting don, Pa. 11E.N.1tY 3101ANIGILL. November LIG, 1556.. ROMAN has just opened a very largo stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, cen,l:.ung of Coats. Pants, Pests, mai other articles of gen tlemen's wear. Gill and examine for yourselves. PTIEAS, TEAS—of excellent qualities, and tlo:chenpest in tonn, nt LOVE aR: McDIVIT'S iyOL kSS ES—Three 'hogsheads prime j_v_a_ SYRUP, just received and for Sale LOVE L .McDiTIT. TOOK_ _ HERE !-L. WESTBROOK arrived -with a splandi.l itsgortment of- .13001 Vi .1. SIIOES—FOR LADLES AND 12E:CT f,E3IEN. 11-%_.Call mai examine his block. L. N'USTI3IIOOIi. liuni ing.lort, Oct. 8.1856. TONa-KiN rind for 1-41113 Ly jiw,t I, N . 17, HAM DUN_'. PROFESSION/Mr & pusnsi.E,Fis - CARDS... R. JOHN - AIeCULLOCII; offers his ~ in'ofewolonal sorvlceo to tie citizens of Huntingdon" aua vicinity. Office at Mr. li3hichrand:s 3 between the Ex change and. Tticic4on's 1-16 tel: ' Aug. 28,455: P. CAMPBELL,-'Attorney at Law, 0 Ificein thehricksiourUeilr the Court HOMO, JO UN SCOTT.,,. COTT & BROWN, Attor n eys at Ltw, ituntiri g atai, Pa. - Mkt) shine as that' formerly tlc'cu pied, by .111 r., Scott, . ; lluptingdonOct; 17, 1853,. TORN Attorney at Law, f iy Will, attend faithfully to all leial business ,entrusted to his care. • Jelly 20;1855. T , SIMIPSON: , AFRICA, Coun'ty - Sur:- vasok, Huntingdon, l'a. Oqice oti Hill styoat.: • ej& W. SAXTON, Huntingdopi Pa.---. . 0 Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens: Ware, Hats, Catis,"linots, Shoes;Grain; &b.: &:ci;•'. ' . • ' UTM:. COLON, I v,; Dealer, in Books, §tatlonary; Wall l'aperAc„B4. P. GWEN,. . ® Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Irardwaro„ Queens ware, Thai; and Caps, noots'alid Shoes, , ,te. - M. CIT-NNINGHAAI 65-8.110 , e - • - - - Younders, litnapagdon Pa • C: MeGILL, o . Founder, Alexandtin, Huntingdon county, Pa. _ s - • j ceries, Boots and Shoes, Flats and catps,,.ete., _. • • • TT ROMAN, :, • : , . . •-• ~- 4) Dealer in Ready , Made Clothing, Hata and Caps, BOON and Shoes, Se. ' " " ' ' • i)ENJ. JACOBS, • - • Deixler in - Dry Good; Rea., dy Mix.lo Clothing, Grocer- Queensware, &e. &c. . J DealM in Gentlemen's, 'Ladies' and Misses'llootS, Sloes, Gaiters, etc. • , • LONG D.KKER, • Dealers. in. Groceries, Confectionaries, Arteensware, Flour, &c. IFOSERH REIGGER, J tWatehmaker and dealer in Watelies,,Clocks, anA Jew elry, &c, I t y M. :WILLIAMS, . Plain anti OrnainentaViTarble Manufacturer TT4OVE and MeDIVIT, - • • Dealers in Groceriea; Confectionaries, Flour, Sc JAS. A. BROWNacI and CO., o s . 1 ard,:c‘r 11 WEN BOAT, Carriage and Waggon ManuTactrirei• NDREW MOEBUS, • • ' s TOIIN F; RAMEY, Practical Surveyor; mintin g dcm, Pa. Office on HIII street, ono door eat or the Huntingdon Marble Yard. • RESEREINCES—L. T. Watson, •Philadelphin; .1. P. Le,slio, Geologist, Philadelphia; Charles Mickley, ]tough and Ready Furnace. Hon. lonathan ADAMS & CO'S EXPRESS. T.:K. SIMONTON,Agent,, Huntingdon, Pa. Money, Piu:k.- iqre , , and Goods of all kinds received and Pa- warded at the risk of the Conipany,-to all the cities and principal towns. in the United States. eIIi.BISON, DORRIS & CO., vy Minors, and Dealer:l in'Bro . a(l Top Coal, Ilnntinpion Hutt en. & ler ' ! l i O n 13 11 ro r tc ‘ i To;Coal, -KESSLER, WHITNEY-& - CO., Miners, and Dealers in Broad Top Coal, Huntingdon )OWEL, SAXTON & CO., Miners, and Dealers in Broad Top Coal. .1.1. Y. Saxton, Iluntingdon; Bare rowel, 56 - Walnut at., Philadelphia. CUNNINGIIAM and DUNN, - D,7-c-ooik:Grocerie:i, Hardware, Queens ware, Grain, CNitre County Iron, etc. ax. R. A. DORSEY, 'JAS. DOUGH Mal% ORSEY & DOUGHERTY, Whole , sale Dealers in TOBACCO AND SEGAIIS, No. 11. orth 1 , 14 h Street, Philadelphia. [July 8,1558. T - MBRELLAS and Parasols, of a new Ftyle, just received, Fuld fur sale by ap116.1. ft W. SAXTON. . . "IKip. you afflicted with Rheumatism ?---- .701 IN C. WESTIIROOK, of Cas.3ville, 171fUllifactyres a sure cure for Rheumatism. - Dectupber 7, 1855. ATTENTIO 7 - ANTENTION Best 'Line Paint only $2 GS per keg. Pure White Leal only $2 87 per keg. And other paints in proportion, at the cheap Hardware Store of J. A..l.llloWti Ra JUILDERS, do you believe it? .I\Tails ) are selling at $4 CO per keg, at the new Tilir4lvare Store of , • A. BROWN 4; CO. MACKEM -: REL, Codfish, Salmon, Her Pork, Ihums.,&.Sides, Shoulders, -Lard and Cheese, constantly. hand and for 'sale by " • • • • ' ' • T. PALMER, & .CO., April 2,1.55G7ra. Market Street Wharf, Philadelphia. EW GOODS NEW • GOODS JUSriaICEIVED and now open and ready for customers. Call and examine my extensive assortment. . nuntingdon; 0ct.:1,18313 HISTORY OF THE EARLY SET TLE3IENT, OF THE JUNIATA VALLEY.—Tho citizens of Iluntingkicin "county can procure, the 'above work at the 33:1h - store of W. COLON, in, Huntingdon, who fcili alscrinail it to tiny address on the receipt of two dol lars. llntitingdon r .htly 23, 185 G. yEySTONE STATE SAPONIFIER, or CONCHNTRATIID LYE, warranted to‘rnaks, s`oap Ivithout lye, and with little trouble. Jt makes hard, soft, and fancy soaps, For halo at the cheap Drug and Fancy Storo of AY RUM—'-A genuine article - for sale 1 7 )- bj; 3101ANIGILL, 71r: i 1.11ESIL, lot of -Balm of a Thousand FlowerB, for tiale at the new Drag,-Fancyaud Variety Store, Market Square, llnnfingiton; Pa- • 1 7 L1 LASS'Of all•sizeS from Bxlo to 20x30, k received and 'kir sale by -. 111 ` ltY; TSc~IANIGILL CITRATE :of: Magnesia for sale at the New and Cbeap Drug store in Uuntingdon : SITIERI3SWIRWEBK.TALS7- .-•-• 1 , • ; i•tic,MAKIRTJAVS. QUPEItIOIt VANILLA BEAN for sale at the Cheap Prig Store, Merket Square. FANCY SOAPS, At the Cheap Store of H. MeItANIGILL._ ii - EAD PIPE for sale at the Hardware ,4 -14 Store, Huntingdon. QCIIENCK'S Pulznonia Syrup for the Ly • cure of Consumption, for sale by HENRY MeNIANIGILL. . 500 CHESTNUT POSTS for Sale by (septlo) UUNNINGIIAM & DUNN. 1.); SACKS COFFEE. jut received grid jejforsnVl ly ' • CCNNINOTTA:II:,k, T)?AIASA3I..I?-111, fox ,alp, at the Cheap DriT St6re or Jr. menrANT9ILL. MOBIAS' Venetian liniment, :for sale by IIENRY McMANIGILL. T j EMON SYRUP, a genuine artielejor sale by ' ILENRY Wiresh lot of Ayer 's Cherry Pectoral for sale at McManigill's Cheap Dreg Store. Ine S ai ß a. i f ‘" or iN sa l) l: et 6cpiltre, I funtingdon, Pa. j- a S t i C h e e le c br llk, a A tie , d iut e u tl G lCi STORE, ne.CI 1 5 a l ' i 4 r - - • " at)fic.o - ITI I a prime -lot, for sale by ITENIIY DR. JOHN BULL'S Sarsaparilla, and DR. TOWNSI;ND'SSARSAPARILLA. fur salont tho cheap Drtig Store, by ' - HENRY Mc:SIAN WILL. Tyl. GREEN'S Aromatic Sap, for Stu-m -uch Complaints, for ralo at tho Variety StOre of ILENRY `1 L&NIQILL. . ENUINE Electric Oil for sale at the ‘3I errEAn przuG STORE Marka Square. _ - ,IVERYTHINQ.----Everything ill the Crr . ocler, line can Iw , prncurod at 'tip) lwrip rtorn of LOT lJ c DIV IT • D. P. °WIN 11EN RY ==l=2!= THE HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN 1 BLAST AGAIN !-- ,- -The:Subscribers take this method of informing their frionds (Old the : public geictally, that titleryv,inianTart now Ilienliict6tenstsifutgdio(spielrniotini 14# s kifik and arc Prepared .to furnish CastiugS of h fi ntiff, ,;,„ every description, of beat onality and . workmanship, on short notice, and on reasonable terms. Farmers are invited to call a"d exam ine our Ploughs. We ate Matittfattafing the Hunter Plough. This plough took the firSt preniium at the Hun tingdon county AgricultftralTatifiast!fall. Also. Hunter's celebrated Cutter Ploughs, tiyhich ean'tbe beat—together with the andßar-sh,4ar ploughs. Wo havo on hand and ate antratifaCtUrink'Stoves—such - ,as Cook, Parlor, and °trice stoves for wood or coal. Hollow ware, consisting•of Kettles; Boilers, Skillets, tic., all of which we will sell-cheap for,eash ordn exebange for coun try produce. Old metal taken. -for Castings, By a strict attention to busineas, - araNtAcsire to ,please, we hope to re ceive a liberal Share of public Patronage, ;- 7. :1.11. CUNNINGHAM 3: BRO. Huntingdon. April 30, 1850. ECiAL NO - TICE ' 111 e GILL wishes to inform his friends aittl the - public generally, that, he has bough t the -Alex a:udria Noun ' t , L dry, lately owned by Israel Grallins, Esq.. together with'Ats Patterns, ,Flasks 'and other contents. And front his long expe t..,,.=•rience business, he hopes_ to. obtain a share of the public patronage.. As he has. Alio Foundry, in fulEimeration; he 'can furnish all who may:give him .a call with all kinds of Castings, such as Rolling Mill, Forge, Grist and Saw Mill Castings—improved Thrashing nO Castings. And in a short time will 11:1113" Cook, StoYce of various sizes and improved patterns for wood and coal.— Also, ter.plitte,•air-tight, parlor, and bar-rooin stoves, of various sizes, for wobd or coal. Also_; Castings for. houses,' cellar grates, such as Lintels, Sills, - Sash weights, etc. 7— Ploughs of every description, the latest and ... Most iniProved styles. Also, Sled Soles andVagon 'loxes; oven frames, large bells, and water pipes.... Hollow ware—consisting of kettles, boilers, etc.turning lathes he will he able to furnish any of the-a t bove named articles of either wood ( - )r iron,—and all-, other kinds of Castings, •••too nu merous-to mention," alhof be . soUl cheaper than ever for Cash 'Una all-kinds of cOuntrYqtrodait . e. Old metal will be taken in exchange for castings. Bring along your old metal, your cash and country produce. when any arti cles are wanted, • ; C. Melilla:, Alexandria, April 23, - 155(3. }3OOKs 1 BOOKS 1 7 46;000 •VOIIIIIICS of new and popular Mook.9 l ,Mi l l a rse el ing ia eN i 'LZV il_ T i i o e r t ( y „. I n / l i 3 a , n lt y e 1 0 ) t i tte ' ra at ' built th ' e Publli,lier 2 B . *; , .P.." retail pricvs, sub,scriber o ff ers to 74 !' the public. • All School Books used in the county can bo had in any quantities at retail and wholesale imteS. Foolscap,- Letter, and Wrapping paper; wholesale, or by the retuu. • 100 Superior Gold Pens with SiiVer and Gold cases, from $1 upwards. Also: Pocket and Pea Knives of Rogers' and others' best manufacture. 100 Splendid Port Monniaes and Pocket Books at 20 cts. and upwards. • 3,000 pieces Wall Paper of the latest and prettiest -Styles, just received from New York and Phila delphia. prices from 10 cts apiece and upwards. 500 beautifully painted and bol d giltecl Window Shades at 4.1 cts. and upwards. The public haver but to call and examine, to be convinc ed that in buying of the abore stock they will be pleased' and also save money. _Remember the place, corner of Montgomery and Railroad streets. 11'31. COLON. lion tingdon, April lli, Vidt% ,• SPRING AND - SU:TIMER GOODS. LATEST ARRIVAL & IV. SAXTON are now receiving, and now opening, one of the finest a,sortments of u 00,13 (nu!: offered to the citizens of this plac , ‘, as follelVs: Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinetts, Vestings- Cotton Goods for Summer wear. Also, Shalleys, Reneges, Lawns mid Prints, with other articles for the holies. A splendid lot of Black Silk, Ladies' striped and barred Dress Muslin, Linn Goods, and in fact, every article of wear ing apparel necessary for the Ladies., Hosiery and Fancy Goods. Also, altkinds of Dress Trimmings, Gloves, Combs, ribbons, Hair Broods, Dress Caps, and every kind nsnally kept in a country store. Bonnets and Straw flats of the latest styles: silk. crape, and straw bonnets. flats and Caps of the very latest styles, and of every shape and color. Boots and Shoes. Our stock of Boots and Shoes_ can't be beat for quality and cheapness of prices, and one of the finest stocks ever offered. Carpet and Oil Cloth. A splendid 'assort ment of Carpet, Draggett, and Oil Cloth. Also—Hard ware, th 6 best assortment in town. not excepting - the Hard ware establishment, and at lower prices. Queenswaro, Groceries, Tobacco, Segars.'Willow w:u•e and Cedar mare. Hopes, Tow-lines, and Cords, and everYthing- usually kept in a country ,Moro, can be had at the Cheap Store of Ifturtingdon, April 1.(3, 1556. J. ti W. SAXTON. r,lll-1E CHEAP CORNER FOREVER ! SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, Ready-Made Cloth ing, &c.—BENJAMIN JACOBS informs his old customers anti the citizens of - the borough and county of Hunting don generally, that he has just opened an extensive assort ment of Goods of all kinds suitable for Spring and Sum mer, which will compare in quality and prices with any others bronght 'to town the present Season. Tile stock consists of every article of Ladies' Dress Goods. In part, Ciinghams, Lawns, printed and plain Bare es, Prints of all kinds, Muslins, Gloves.-Hosiery, &c.,•&e.,, in fact all arti cles of dress to be found in any oilier store in tott - n. Also,' an extensive assortment of Ready madeClnthing, for men and boys, for spfing and summer Wear, all well made and of good materials. Also, Hats, Caps, Booty. and Shoes, of all sizes. Also, Groceries, Queeilsware, Glassware, Hardware, equal to any in town ;- and many inure articles " too numerous to mention." My old customers and the public in general. are invited to call and.examine my new Goods. They will find then, equal in quality, and as low in price, as any others in the county. . AD:kinds of country produce taken In exchange for Goods at the highest market prices. Iluntingdon, March 211., 1.856. • QOMETHING NEW IN celebrated centre county Iron for sale at the following prices: 4 cents per lb.; for common assorted 3 4 inches square and round up, .4 1 . ( ...f..cent5; for horse shoe and spike - rods, including IA and :„.;,1 in. square, and 5 cents for nailfrpds, at tile cheap store of CUNNINHHAM 1.; DUNN. Efuntinidon, June li, 1856. BRO Al) TOP- HOUSE. ANDifEW MOEBUS would respectfully inform the public I ,,rrt that he has fitted up the Broad Top House, on Alle-=, gheny street, at the Broad Top Depot, Huntingdon, ' 4 ' and is now prepared to entertain btrangcrs and travellers in an unobjectionable style. ," His table will itiWay.l lie supplied with.the substantials and delicacies of,the season. His Bar is furnished - with the choicest liquors. In a word. no pains will -be spared to render comforfable• happy. - •.june 18. `lll L I; IN.Ce 0 F F.—Tile itiidersi . p.'iied haviug , tleterminued to quit busitLess, offers 0 sell his V, Joie stock of "WATCHES, CLOCKS ANT) 'JEWELRY, AT Con] by , the single artich: or the ivhele together. Coll soon,and get bargaini; Perkins hicring jobs 'at-'his bWITY, will please call :nut get them immediately. AT. - -, Those knowing themselves' indebted to the subscri ber, will picase call and settle Lumtnuimr. Hmiting,don, Sept. 3, 1856. SNARE.. GAS GAS LIGHTS ARE, C03.11N.G. —And so • are 4. & W. SAXTON— Not with Gas, but with an entire new and well: assorted stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, • such as .Dry Goods, Groceries; QIWCIISIXTtre, hardware, Boots and Shoos, hats and Caps, Bonnets, Carpet and. Oil Cloth, Wood and Willow Ware, and every article usually kept in a country store. We have one of .the best selected kooks of DRY 'GOODS over offered to the citizens of this placeand'vicipity, and, are determined to sell lower than can be purchased at any other house cast of the AlleOniny, Giro Its a call and be satisfied of the fact. We will sell our old stock at cost, and a'great deal under cost. Don't forget to call at "THE METROPOLITAN" before any other house. We also purchase and store grain, and it is admitted' bY that we lis.v(i the saist place of un loading grain in. town.. A.ll kinds ,produce taken in Xx change fur Goode. ' J. S; W. SA.'XTO.N. ALREADY ON HAND WiTI-I FAIL AND VINTEP, GOODS.- , -MOSES STRAUS Lad just received a splendid stock of . . - EALL.../I:ND WINTER GOODS,- ' ' • mmli as , DRY GOODS OF ALL Rii.CDS,''REZDY MADE CLOTH ING, 61c.; he., &e.,- he- ' ; • . in.kall and examine for yourselves. • - *lluntingdon, - Aug. 27, 1858. - ', - . It 0 0 E.RIE&-NEW BUSINESS • AT AN OLHSTAND,—Thesnbscriber would inform the Public that he has - just opened' a 'well 'selected as'surt 'ment of GROCERIES, at Ilarrisort's Store Room; at the west end of TIRE Street, where he will keep and sell all ar ticles in his line, for cash, or in exchange for country pro duce. . . ROBERT STITT. . Huntingdon, Oct, I, 1850. Excelsior furnitUre Polish j_for Riano Fortc and Oil Painfinge,at. • HENRY .S.Ic3IAN ; TGILL'S. DROWN'S ESSENCE - OF JAMAICA 0 tNGRI for f4ale by lI.EIs.iRY McMANIGILL'S. _LADIES, ATTENTION.!---My assort ment of beautiful dress goods 15119 W open, and ready or inspection.'' Every article of dress you tinlY dez+irc , can bo found at my store. . GW.6I. wAINI'S PANACEA, the. greatest remedy for Scrofula, for s6.le at 'the Map Drug Store ' 11. 31c.MANIGILL. 'ALT—Ashton rind Ground Alum—by the Sack or 8m.h.7).4 for I%.IcDIVIT. $1,200,.A. YEAII..,4IOOO'IA. GE N TS WANTED.—Agents wanted in every part of the Mal: tee! States tO sell beautiful and ,lnstructize work, "Thor of the OLD WORLD arid the I , l•tvr Coin priging, A-View of the present -state -of•thte,..N4tions , of. the.wor/d,' their in cbiners," tnstom s arid pecutichlfild - ,:tmi'flfei , ijoolitieriP, * Mora, 0-Ckaitina:inaligri,cilAppliticr:olll:iretql6Vied with HISTORICAL SKETCHES A) ANECDOTES, By Ignuttlor.lDlNNOClr; Author of the' history of England, G recce, and Rome. Enlarged, revised and embellishedtvith s'overid: linudrbd engravings from designs' *Cfooma, De verewc and other distinguished artists: It is, also, illtnt-", Crated with 24 beautifully eblored'plates; W Costumes Cmituea of vaid . ous nations, &c.; &c. • , Agentseliin,,,• - ••• • thi.s work cleared $lOO A for a specimen copy and probpactus;-which be sent by mail, p0... , t paid, on receipt of 53,00, with partio 'liars of agency . Jr; 1. W. BRADLEY, _Pnblifiber, 48`1Vbrat Eblei/A St. Plaliidelpliik. tho,usual;perOntage, we wake au; eltra inchit.etnent to Agents in the way of PRlntft363 .. .* Nov. il, 18:56, . 'Dv" rt[2oTillaNG ASSORTI. 3NIENT JUST OPES.Eir.)! and,,lvill be !..old3oper eeta C.IIIP,APER. than the elit:ipet. H. ROMAN respectfully informs his ciNt..viners,,ared tho' Public generally, that lie has just (Telll!a • At stere in Market Square, littntingdon,,, a splendid iteW, ate* o' - F unale oothifiy. for ,stpripq and Sumner,. - . which he will sell cheaper than the sank: quality,of Cioodx , ran be pin-eliused at retail ,in Philadelphia or any other' establishment in the countr. Persons wishingt 43 buy Clothing would do well to,,calc rind examine hisic - tock before purchitsing , eliiewhe;re.. Huntingdon, April '2, 1.'255. GJUN C.A.RIILk.G-kl AND` :NlANtlrAcToicSc,.--70WE1..,' BOAT ? think -1111 Mr' past favors,; respectfully' informs ,; the public iii t„ , tmeral'that he has removed 40.,,4:i . ' , tc • to his. now. shp o on- 'Washington sweet,t,!? • - 0 the property lately-and for many 41 ' whi•re he is Prepared'ttitonnufacfr tore all kinds of, Carriages, Buggies. Rockaways,FWagonk; and in sin , rt, every , kind ,of vehicle desired., RoelmwaYs and Buggie:4 of a superior imimifacture rind 11.niS r h. arrays on hand and for sale at fair prices.. -•.— .. • -,itepairing of all kinds done at the shortest notice and orr - _ the most reasonialle term. Trim tin oilon 1.1-tv : 26, 145-4 • " 1 0 1 eziscrt zm e ii % . M A ;oui ß d T r j r,C l t r tlll‘ ..l - 1 C•al; the rl a ' t h te e nti l o i n of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the htock o 6 leautiful marble no*t on hand. Ile it prepared to furnish at the hhortost notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb,: Tablos and' Stories' of every desired size and form Of Italian •or EastermiNlarble, highly finished, and carved ..with,applo , priate.devices, or plain, at may suit. . • Building Marble, ,Doof and Window Sills, ac., Fill ii;si furni,hed to'order. W. W:,,pledgeA himself to furnish material and work-, any in the country, at a fair price. Call and sue. hefore you pnrchase elsewhere: -Shp on Hilt street. Huntingdon, Pa. Huntingdon, May 16, 1855. C OUNTRY :DEALERS eau buy.Cloth iug froni me in Huntingdon at WHOLESALE, AS cheap as they can in the cities, a 6 1 have a Wholesale Store in 'Philadelphia. H. ROMAN, Huntingdon. SIBIEM WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY. The subscriber, thankful to E iz) his friends and patrons, and to the public goner ally, for their patronage, still continues to carry on at.the same bland, One doer east of - Mx. C. Coats' Hotel. Market street, linntingdon, where he will attend to all who will favor him with their custom and also keeps on baud ei good assortment of Watches. Clocks,Jewelry, &C., Se., all of which he is determined to sell a low prices. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of all kinds will be repaired at Bilotti notice, alai having - made arrangements with a good work man, all re )airs will be dele in a neat and durable manner, mid any person having articles for repairing, shall hitre them done at the promised time. By paying strict atterr- , tion to thISiIICBI, and selling at low prices, he hopes to re ceive a share of public patronage /WAIL LINE fromMouilt Union to Jff ' ci lAMBERSWIRG. The undersigned still contin ues to - run a tri-weettlyline of stages over the road.between Mount Union and Eltarubersburg. , Good horses and corn datable stages have been placed on the route, and experf.- enced and trusty drivers will superintend the running 'of the Coaches. The proprietor of line is desirous that be maintained, mid he therefore earnestly calls upon the public generally to patronise it, confident that it will be for -their mutual advantage. Every attention necessary Nvill be given, and the running of the stages will be rega -1 (tr. 11,$) Stages leave Mt. Union at 5 o'clock, p. m., every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday—returning on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; arriving at Mount Union in time for the cars. Stages stop at Shirleysburg, Orbisordp, Shade Gap, Burnt Cabins, Fannetsbnrg, Horse Valloy, Strasburg, and Keefer's store. wi_rare through $3,00; to intermediate points in pro , pot [ion. - J 01.1.11 JAMISON- August 22, 1855-tf. W V -0 NHOLES.A.LE MUT G STORE --N. SI'ENCF.It THOMAS, No. 26 South Second St., i lad el plan, 'lmporter, Man ufitet urer, and Dealer in Drugs, Chemicals; Acids, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Colors, "White Lead, French and American White Zinc, Window Glass, (flatsware Varnisly_P, Brushes, Instruments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and other articles usually kept by Druggists, including Borax, Indigo, Glue, Shellac,' Potash, &c. All orders, by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Country merchants arc invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsenhoro. 'Goods sent, to any of the wharves or, railroad litations. Prices low and goods warranted. • Philadelphia, March 12, 1556-Iy. riI.HE WEST BRANCH INSURANCE CONPANY, of Lock. Haven, Pa., Insures Detached lsualdings, Store', INferchancliie. Farut Proporty,.and other Buildings, and their contents. at moderate rates. 4 nntEcion;„:—lion. John 3. Pearer., Ihni. G. 0. Iffarrt John IL Hall, T. T. Abrams. Charles A....A.Sayer, D. K. Jack man.. Charles Crist, W. White, Peter Dickson, Thomas Kitchen. " Hon. (1. C. iburvey, President; T. T. Abrarns, Tice Pres ident ; Thos. Kitchen. Secretary. ItErrnExcEs—Sarnuel H. Lloyd, Thos. Bowman, D. D.. /C- A. Wine,Tardner, Win. Vanderbelt, L: A. Mackoy, -Wm. Foram. A. White, Dr. J. S. Crawford, James Quigglo, A. Updegraff, John W. Maynard, James Armstrong, Hon. Simon Cameron, Hon. Win. Bigler. A. S. HARRISON, Agent. _ 0, 1:85B.• .• S. ' • .s • . . pnummilligliatarsion DIKVAI '5 with a splendid stock of CLOTIIING, made up hi the latest styles of the choicest Coeds.' The stock consists in part .of ,Drees and Frock Coats,Tants, yous ac., 4cp., all of which will be disposed of at. rates. Also, a good. assortmont 'of . DRY GOODS, Comprising Ilareges l Tissue, Challeys,, Laines ; try. Lawns, Sc. • Also, 'GROCERIES, • • • Being anxious to secniv ft part of:the•pnblic congdeneco and patronage, 7 will do my Ittthost to, kuPrit tho same and therefore would earnestly solicit those atlcnit'phrchas ing any thing in my lino, to call :and'exataino any - Stoek inforp going etsewherq, as i Audi always kdop a complete Stook constantly on hand, ti'enitlile mo to :suit"thi , tastes of all who may foot inclined to favor mo with their mist/m . la . Remember your old fricad:Uosol - • -, • ; :110a1 , 1§ STROITS, Dorrift' 73uiltiing, tinutingdon, Mardi 19 185 G ROCRRY : : AND COISTFEQTION,A. ItY .STORE.. LONG & DECKER, re.9pectfuilijn form their fribials and the public - in general; that they still continue the Grocery and Confectionary businees, under the Sent of Temperance • linll, on • Mein etret, Run tiugdon, whore they have now ea hand a full and general rtortinent"of Groceries and. Confectionaries, which they will sell wholesale and retail. _They have Also en - hand Buckets, Salt, Carpet Bags, 'Fancy :Articles,