THE HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOT TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, LT NT/NGD O' & BROAD TOP ItAIL ROAD. WINTER AIZR ANiII:MENT! On aad after Monday, November .17, 183 G, Traias kill leave, Daily, (Sundays e:.‘eepted,) as fellowi: Two Trains a day between SANTIAN and IItiNTINCI - Train daily to AL.L.442UIP.M. STATIONS. Ridde AllaqUllsburgPPll, - Ono trip a day. A. IC .Leave ..6.30 6.46..... Samton Fishers' Summit Rough fi Ready. Coffee Run MM= Pleasant Grove.. M'Connellstown Iluutingdon..-. Gt 7.50 ..Arrive 8.05 - P. M. -leave 11.50 ( Stay all night' " 11.50 i at Saxton. f Arrive 12.12 - - P. DT. Saxton - Leave- ..... .12.20 Arrive 544 Fishers. - Summit " ' 12.10 c, 5'4 Rough it Ready " 12.50 vil Pollee Run •` 1.00 •` 4 54 Islarlfle-sburg .; 1.16 " 4 :..I,S Pleasant Grove ~ 1.2 S c: 4.20 wCumiell,towu ..... -.." 1.38 " 416 Huntingdon trrive " 00 LILVO 4 US Connecting at Huntingdon with Trains East and West on Pennsylvania Rail Road. Connecting at ALLAQUIPPA with Four Horse- Mail Coaches to BEDFORD, BLOODY RUN, &c. Fifty pounds Baggage allowed each passenger. For any further information inquire at the offleo of Transportation Department, Huntingdon. - JAMES BOON,. Superintendent. Allaquippa.. lti(lLklsburg November 25, 1855. C UMBER - LA.7'A) — VALLEY INSTI TUTE, Neeha77icsburg, Cumberland County, Pa., eight 911.1 es west of flarrisburg. This hoarding School for Young Ladies and Gentlemen, in successful operation for several years, under the direc tion of the Pax. JOSEPH. S. Looss, A. M., has passed into the hands of the snbsetibers, who would announce that the next term will commence April 1, 1857. The course of instruction is alike liberal and thorough In all the branches of an English, Scientific and Classical education. The proprietors engaged for years, as instruct ors of youth, assisted by male and female teachers of expe rience and skill will prepare pupils for the practical duties of life by a thorough course of instruction. In the Classical department, under the charge of an able and efficient teacher, students will be prepared fur any class in college, or fitted to cuter upon the study of any of the different professions. Teachers of modern languages converse in French, Ger man, Italian and Spani,h. Terms. reasonable, and charges very moderate. For Circulars giving particulars, address RUPP & COYLE, Proprietors, C. V. Institute. Mechanicsburg, Pa., or I. D. ItUPP, Darrifsburg, Pa. December.. A 31, 1856. TOCOUNTRY DELERS. AU GUST BRICK ER, BOOT MAKER, No. .94 North ;mirth street, third Root Store below Race, Philadelphia, Wholesale and Retail dealer, twill give full satisfaction to all who may patronise him. Country dealers, and persons Nrishing a good article. are invited to call. Philadelidint. Nov. 19, 188623 m. -p ENNSY LVAN lA. COMMERCIAL sTITUTE.—LOCATED AT YORK, PA.—lneorpo rated by authority of an act of Assembly. ISZ,G. Durimt the past year, upwards of one 'hundred students have been in nl.uice at this institution, representing tort States. showing a popularity unsurpassed by any similar estah lishntent. COURSE OF STUDY Embraces Doultic Entry Book-kettp incr, as applied to Wholesale, Retail, Commission, Manufac turing, Shipping, Steam Boating. individual, rartnersbip, Compound Company Bminet,s. Comaocrcial Cal( alations. Mercantile Correspondenco, Bust ess I mn to-hip, ter n. lug Counterfeited and albs ea Baal: Notes, and Lectures OIL Commercial Law and Political Bomonts For Circular, Sc.„ address N 07.12.1856 ANTED—A. good experieuced jour neyman Cabinct-:slalter, t i whom con4ttuat employ meat will be given. Apply nuiu,..tlintely to I.IIOCINS S: SON. Hunt in pion, Dec. 24. ISYS eIOME AGAIN, with a gelierai assort v.) mont of BOOTS and 6110 ES, For Men, Women, Misses, Boys, and Children. Call and examine my stock. Yon can't be disappointed. Huntingdon, Dec. 24,1856. L. IV ESTBItOOK. AdioNE Y, ALONE V, MN E by _L be without Money? when it is just as easy for any one to be around with a poclset full as not, if they only think so. I have got a new article. from which front five to twenty dollars a day can be made, either by male or fe male. H. is 'highly respectable business, and an article which is NV:1110'd in every family in the United states. En close me two dollars by mail, and I will forward by return mail a Circular, w ith full instructions in the art. The bu siness is very easy. Try it. ir you are out of employment, and you will never regret it; fir it a% ill be better for you to pay the above Slllll. and insure a hood htNiness, than to pay twenty-rive N Zits for a spurious advertisement. This is no humbug. Tm it! Tir IL! Try RI Address your letters to DWIGILT MONROE, New York . . Dee. 24, 185C-3m. I sent one of toy Circulars to an Editor in Georgia, and ho gave RIO a notice in his paper like the following : "Mr. Monroe scut me one of his Circulars. and I viii Just say to my readers that whoever of- you are out of em ployment that Mr. Monroe's business is a good busines. and money can be made out of it by !WY one who engages in it, for it is no humbug." 500,8U51 JIET in i _,S g of e f ,Dried onr 4APPLES, Dec. 17, 1856. LOVE S: McDTVIT. tPREMIUM AWARDED TO IL S. sTArNs, of Scottsville, - Huntingdon county, Pa., for P 1 best specimen of marble work. Send on your orders boon. Soutt,ville, Oct. 2.1, 1556-Iy. LitY IST E sT W oREI-J V 'l l tTF l ß l isc i u \- t•espectf j ull i v Stlih' informs the citizeni of if untingdon coon .'" „,.---.,•- ty, that he has just opened • -- -o r . ~._ c „,.....- -." •,." ,7„ , 7,V , . 5 .., a new Flom _, on Hill street, I -- "' - ' — =--Zt-- . 4?4•'h. :- opposite Straus' Store, Hun- I ' t' tingdon, for the sole of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, JEWELRY, Sze. His stock is entirely new and of the best quality, and wilt be disposed of at fair prices. The public generally aro requested to call and examine for themselves. . Repairing, of Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry-, done in the best manner on short notice. JOHN_FRISCH. Huntingdon, Oct. 1, MO. 1: 4 1 - firSn lot of Clarified, Table Oil for sate by - .II ENRY 3161ANIGIL:L. ANTED—A boy to learn Carriage Also—a man to do the wood Work of Carriages, Sc. OWEN BOAT. H.unthagdou, tee. 24, 1856. • DR. -ROWAND'S Blackberry Root, an inestimable - :nod warranted remedy for Bowel Com plaints, at the cheap Drug, Yareity awl Faney.storo of ILENItY 11.1e11.4.NIGILL R D 11, GOOD, has located at Peters burg,- Huntingdon county, and offers his professional 9ervices to the citizens of Petersburg and surrounding country. Office near Neffs Hotta. November 19, 1856-3m.* IMPORTANT•TO DAGUERREOTY ' PISTE MARBLE DEALERS AND OTILEItS. MONU ME:,.;TAL DAGUERREOTYRE CASES. A method has long been sought for, to ingcrt in a durable manner, Da guerreotype Likenesses to Head Stones and Monuments.— I have been manufacturing these cases for the last two years, and can warrant them to :route the picture for a long number of years. The outside case is made of Parian Marble, and the box which encloses,the picture and keeps it in a state of great preset:vation for a long number of years, is male of brass, ---a screw box. It makes a very neat job on a Head Stone orMonument. They aro used in Greenwood Cemetery, Mount Auburn, Laurel 71111, and many other Cemeteries In the. United States. A liberal discount made to Marble Dealers and Daguerro °typists. Price from $2.25 each to $9.50. A circular of engravings will' be sent to any address, free, with price list. Addref,s, A. L. BALD - W . )llg. Agent of Mausoleum Dag. Co., 335 Broadway, ICCNV York. December 24, 1856. Tr — O — TII — EPUBLIC.—The undersigned informs his friends and the public generally, ro t+ that he has leased the ORLANDO HOUSE, in the borough of Huntingdon, and is now prepared to ae-,=, rommodate with boarding and lodging all who may ltwor him with a call. His Bar is furnished with the best liquors. (. 4 /qc44,i LIVERY STABLE.—IIe .has alto proCided himself with a good stock of Horses, Car . riag, ,, s, &c., for the accommodation of the pub _ . lic, at reasonable charges. W3I. WILaiITE. Huntingdon, April 7, IS3G NOTlCE.—Letters Testamentary ing beon 1, , -ranted to the undersigned . , 011 the la=t 11 ruralor aorrx 1 , 1t3 of •Brady township, dee'd, all periortS indO)ted to tail decoasofA (-- tate, are requested to make payment, and th , ) , o haviu; . ; elaimc againatethe oamo will pro-out them- CITIIC authenti c-4Nd for isettlentent. Dieoenalser 21, kSo6. 1 11. , r., 11.00 .11;tit: .10.-h .10.07 ...9.i2 BESI T. KIRK. - WHITE, .1? re, itle n t WINDOW SASLI.---J". W. Saxton bare at ha! -.l;frercint kl:nt.: of Window t 4 :1,11, :111,1 at 11171‘.': lower priet:s than can ha made by band. They trill .11,a be able to h;t\a dt , Ol'6 aiwie to order at the AnTte,t notice. a, ell as shutters, Blinds, and eNerytinng buddina: purl 10,(•st. 11,2Cenikr 17, riruIREE TilmjTS LA_ND FOR ;.4211,1•;.—We would offer fur bale thu following prop ty. 1 , .111 t" of ninety acre in (let-many Ittni umwton cow, ty, hill nl the Faria form.tly "w l l. l by '3eo. -Eby, nearly all cleared anl in a Luc state of eulti , ation, choice Linn: Stone Jt.uul. House and Stable oreetod tliori!on, wit inroaning IrAtt r. :17,4 miles him: ;F•hirleyAburg, anA wiles from Penn'a Rail Road and Canal at Mt. Union. ALS , "}-15 ncr. - .8 of choice Jana adjoininc, 11w abort) on which is ~ rected to 0 pour] lb a 1.(s• :nria 'tl - 00.1 H ., >list , . &c.. «ith a never holing spring of g s l rr,it r. foie Orchard vith choice fruit. This is a Tt ry i.roperty aria would be mlitabla for a mc.-Inutio, or any pre:on desiring to retire from act i v' dif ALSO—A in Union tawir,li M. I ituainglen Comi ty, consaining 15 acres, one-half of IN balance first quality of Timber hind, Bituated within one mile of the l'enn'a Canal anti Road at, Alin Creel:. Either of the above properties Krill b , • SOW low and on reasonable terms. Apply to the subscribers at Mill Creek, Huntingdon county, Pa. KESSLER & BRO. September 10, t:,;,6-tf. TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT !- ANOTHER BANK CLOSLDI e well known establishment or Messrs. LOVE & Mc- DIVITT. on Market street, Huntingdon, 'vas yesterday compelled to close its doors on account of the tremendous rush of customers, occasioned by the arrival in port of the boat "Broad Top" from the East. having on board, the most extensive assortment of fresh Groceries, Confectiona ries, &c., &c., &c., ever offered for sale in this place. To day, however, they are happy to be able to announce to their numerous friends and patrons—to the public gener ally—and " the rest of mankind," that they are again open, and prepared to dispose of their entire stock; on the most reasonable terms, for cash cr country produce---cou sistin,g of the following, via: Ct. tree, Sugar, Teas, Molas ses, Fish, Salt. Cheese, Crackers, Cakes, Fruit, Confection aries. Hams, Shoulders, &c., Tobago 'of the best quality and Segars of every grade. Candles, Oils, Fluids, Cam phew, &c. Nuts of every description, Figs, Raisins, &e. In short, every thing usually found in an establishment of this kind. As the terms will be strictly CASH, or country produce in exchange for goods, their stock will he disposed of at the LOWEST FIGURES. Thankful for past favors, they would still solicit a share of public patronage. All are invited to call and examine for themselves, as no pains will be spared in order to ac commodate. December 3, 1856. FrFIE HUNTING-DON COMMER- J .CIAL SCHOOL, Has been removed to a large and commodious room in the " Town Hall," and is open, day and evening, for the reception of Students. The course of instruction, embracing Single and Dotdde Entry Book keeping, is acconuls by daily Lecturers on COMlllel chit Sciences. A department has also been opened, which is devoted to Penmanship, and is conducted by Prof. MoruzisoN of I'itt6lanz. Lectures on Commercial Law, Edbics and Political Econ omy are delivered periodically, to the students, by members of the Huntingdon Bar. Other particulars furnished on application, personally, or by letter, to T. 11. POLLOCK : Principal. Huntingdon. Nov. 26, 1860. NTEW GOODS NEW C OODS D. P. (AVIS'S CVLEAP STORE! D. P. GIVIN has jut re ceived from Philadelphia. a large and beautiful assort mont of FALL and WINTER, GOODS, consisting of the n%ei Ilisbionalele Dress Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Illnck Silks, Chainclion and Fancy Silks, French Merinoes, All 'Wool Bedtimes, Persian Sculls, Coburg Cloth, levella Cloth, Alpaca, Debarge Madonna Cloth, - Wool Plaids, and any quantity it Fancy Delaiu t.— Prints of every description. ALso—A - large lot of Dress Trimmings, Dress Buttons, Bonnet Silks. Ribbons, Gloves. Mitts, Ho siery. Laces. Veils, Collars, Undersleeves. Chinmzetts, hair Howl Dresses, Ginn Belts,Whalebones for Skirts. Silk and Linen p, French Woring, Cotton, Fall and Wool Shawls, and ic variety of Fancy Goods too nunnauus to men t i on. Also—Cloths, Black and Blue, Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Cos:duets, Tweeds, Kentucky Jean, Vest ings. Flannels. Sack Flannels of every color, Canton Flannel, Cotton and Nankeen Linsey, Sluslins, bleached and unbleached, Ticking, Cltecls, Table Diaper, Woollen and Linen Table Covei s, Sheeting Muslin yards wide. Woollen Yarns (inherent colors, Woollen Coats and Caps, Comforts, Silk Bonnets of every description and color, largest assortment in town, and at prices that can't be heat. Also, Hats and Cape. latest style.,, 'Boots and Shoes, Oneenswaro, Hardware, Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, Oil Cloths, Groceries, Salt, and all goods usually kept in a country store. 4 . .. - Cr-My old customers, rind as many new ones as can crowd in, are respectfully invited to call and examine my Goods. No charges for looking. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods at highest market Prices. :Huntingdon, Oct. 8, 1836. EMPLOYMENT FOR THE WIN TER.—THE BEST BOOK FON AGENTS.—To PER tr.O.Ne, UtiT or EMPLOYMF.n..—An Elegant Gift thr a Father to Present to his Family! Ar 3 - Send for One copy, and try it among your Friends! nit '.arum—Agents in every section of the United States and Canada, to circulate Scans' LARGE TYPE QUARTO BIBLE', For Fancily - Use—Entitled THE pEorLos PICTORIAL DOMESTIC BIBLE. with about one thousand Engravings!! This useful book is destined, if we can film an opinion from the Notices of the Press, to have an unprecedented circulation in every section of our wide-spread continent, and to form a distinct era in the sale of our works. It will, no doubt, in a few years Leconte THE FAMILY BIBLE OP TM: AMERICAN PEOPLE. Ire- The most liberal remuneration will be allowed to all persons who may be pleased to procure subscribers to the above. From 50 to 100 copies may easily be circulated and sold in each of the principal cities and towns of the Un;on. IT WILL BE SuLD BY bLuSultipTlON ONLY. Application should be made at once, as the field will soon 1.0 occupied. ,t1.. - i-Persons wishing to act as agents, and do a safe bu siness, can send fora specimen copy. AZ - - On receipt of the established price, Six Dollars, the PICTORIAL I , AMILY BI BLE, with a well bound Subscription Book, will be careful ly boxed. and forwarded per express, at our risk and eX pen,e, to any central town or village in the United States, excepting those of California, Oregon and Texas. ant- your Letters, an your money will conic safe. Rif-In addition to the Pictorial Bible, we publish alarge number of illustrated Family Works; very popular,and of such a high moral and unexceptionable character, that while good men may sifely engage in their circulation, they will confer a PUBLIC BENEFIT, and receive a Elm. Com- PENSATION fur their labor. —Orders respectfully solicited. For further particu lars, address the subscriber, (post-paid.) ROBERT SEARS. 181 William Street ; New York. Dec. 10, 1856. THE RUSSIAN WAR.—"We have just published - a new edition of this popular and saleable work, and can 'now supply our agents and CILLIViI..3CIS without delay. lleSides a complete History of the 'War, it includes the TAPE AND RFAG.N . OP ;NICHOLAS 1., with sketQlies of SCIIAMYL•, the Circassian Chief, and other distinguished characters; also, descriptions of Russian Society and Gov ernment, &c., &c., making one of the most interesting works ever published. It is beautifully illustrated with fine tinted plates, and bound in the best manner. We send a specimen copy with particulars of agency to any part of the United States, free of postage, on receipt of the price, i5l. 25. J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher, No. IS North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. December 24, 1556. COME HERE! and get good bargains. J. Si; W. SAXTON have received from tho eastern cities an assortment of Shawls, To.lmas, Dress Goods, and Embroideries. They have adopted the motto, "Quick Sales and Small Profits." Give them a call. Iltintingdon, December 17, 1856. Dissolution of Partnership.—The co partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Glasgow G Steel, has by, mutual consent been dissolved.— Those having unsettled accounts with the firm aro request ed to call and settle immediately. WILLIAM GLASGOW, WM. I. STEEL. Huntingdon, Dec. 10, ISSO. Ara-The business will be continual by Icru.l. Steel, and a liberal patronage from a generous public gill be tbank fully received. THE HUNTINGDON MILL.—The undersigned owners of the Huntingdon Mill inform the farnters and the public generally that they now have their new mill he running order, with all the modern im provernonts in the Water Wheels and Machinery. They have pat in five of the Improved Jouval Turbine Water Wheels, and can grind in all stages of water, and during the coldest weather any and all kinds of grain. They are prepared to sell, and have on hand LIM' sale at all tittles at Market rates all kinds of Flour, Feed, and Stuffs; and Farmers can have their own grain ground and take it hack in a return loud, or they can be - furnished in exchange at a moment's notice, an equal quantity of Flour and linen. pr chopped feed. Their smut machine ld of improved manufacture and they will incur a "a Pull I urn our' of superior quality to every Umbel of grain left at their mill. FISHER & McMITITRIE. N. D. 47u it Duckwitent Stones arc not quite ready. - Hui.tinc - ,,10n, Dec. 8,18.5 G. OWANTYS Improved Tonic Mixture, VI) 11 , r Dryer and Apio. at HENRY MOMANMIWS. FRESH OLIVE OIL F•.Y . P4C. ct MC3IANIHILL'3 rVITE NEATEST AND BEST AS so-HT:qr.:NT OF UM'S AND SHOES, JUST RE CEIVED BY LEVI AvEsTrizoott. LudieB and gentlemen aro invited to call andl 3 in exmae Iny 'beautiful ti.qUitment Boots and t,f I:ltt.e,t tylo-1, for all ages. llunting - don, Jrfin.t, 165(3. BOUTS, OE 8, GIUTORS, AND FASITIONATME HATS, SELLENG AT 'VERY LOW PRIOILS, AT IL It01‘1A:•.:'6 CLOTHING STORE. Minting - ,don, Pa. , , Qi.OI)LELS improved splitting, and ` gang) Knives fur bale at Itit, Hardware store of OAS. A. BROWN & CO., Huntingdon, Pa. ( 1 - 1 RINDSTONES with friction rollers, who-stories, on Stones, also Knives and l'ork.-1. &c.. decidedly the best assortment in the utility. Porcelain, Tinmd and Plain 'loners. Stcwiag. Fr;:ing acd 1111;ing Pans, fbr se at prict.s which matte It the interest 01'pin/users to call at the Hardward Store Of JAS. A. BROWN'S CO. IGHTNI NG HODS ! Armitage's Pa.- 11_,ITENT OF SUPERIOR ELECTRIC MAGNET LIGUT- NtAG RODS, it is now admitted on all hands, that every building to be secure from the destructive influences of lightning should he provided with a good conductor. The large number of worthless rods that aro put np makes it necessary for purchasers to examine the merits of the different rods offered for sale. • The public need but to examine Armitage's rods to be convinced that they are constructed upon not only the best, but the only safe principle of any rod in use. Over 6000 of these rods have already been put up with out the loss of a dollar's worth of property by lightning in any building to which they have been attached, which is the best evidence that they are perfectly secure. I have a few on band which I will sell for less than half of the re tail price asked by Armitage, to close out my stock. Call soon at Colon's Book Store, Huntingdon, Pa., where they can-be had of WM. COLON, Huntingdon, July 16, 1856. MEW GOODS.—Just received, a vari k ety of articles at the corner of Smith and Alleghany streets, Cedar and Willow . ware, Axes, double and single Lit, Stoves, Iron nettles, Plough Shears, &c., &e., whole sale and retail. GEO. HARTLEY. tIERUVIAN GUANO.— Experience A L , has taught the Farmer that the ONLY RELIABLE Fertilizer is the PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT CI U.A.NO. The subscriber, Sole Agent in Philadelphia for the sale of it, has now on hand a large stock of PURE PERUVIAN GUANO, Which he will sell at the lowest Cash price, in lots to suit either dealers or farmers. S. T. CIIItIS7.IAN, Sole Agent for Philadelphia, No. 4S North Wharves, and 97 North Water St. Angnst 20, 1856-am. STEW CLOTHING !-H . li, OMAN has returned from the East with a large stock of . PALL AND WINTER. CLOTHING, for Men and Boys—all of the best and cheaper than else where, Call and examine for yourselyes, Huntingdon, Sept. 2-1 ; Isso. j A DIES FANCY FURS-J 0 N KARMA, No. 2SI Market Street. above Sth, delpnia. importer ' Ifiatinflieturer and Dealer in kinds and finalities of FANCY FURS. for Ladies and Children.— J. F., , would call tho attention of the Ladies and others to his immense aßsortatent, being the direct Importer and rilanniacturer of all my FURS. I tee] confident in saying that I can offer the greatest inducements to thme in want and at the stone time will have one of the largest assort ments to select from. Storekeepers and the trade will please 'give me a call be fore parcimsing, as isy 11".hulesalu department is well sup plied to meet the demand fer every article in the Fur line, and at the lowest possible Manufacturers PriccS. FAREIRA, 281 Market St. Deptemher 10. 1556-4 m. 1 85ti. IS5c. 1856 LL STOCK-NEW GOODS. French Merinoes, all culors—Fashiouable Cloek Cloths,—Fall Silks, the new styles—Magnificent sew De- Lain e;—Best Styles Fall Calicoes—Very large stock of New Shawls—Flannels, Welsh, English and -American—Cloths, Vcstings and all kinds Mens' Wcar—Sheetincs, 'rabic Linens, Towelings, &a. EYRE a LANDELL, 4th and Arch Streets, Philadelphia. Storekeepers are invited %to examine our New Goods.— Families can be well suited in every kind of Dry Goods.— We make Black Silk and Shawls leading articles for Wholesalcing. P. S. Jobs received daily from the Auctions of New York and Philadelphia. -Tumas NETT Casio. [September 10, 1S5(1-3m. - TiAPENA%'nst9TuatVDT,, from the East, the subscribers have just received, and are now open ing the largest and most carefully selected assortment of HARDWARE ever ()tiered in the Huntingdon market.— Our Stock consists in part of BUILDING MATERIAL, such as Locks, Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Glass, Putty, Oils, White Lead, Fire Proof and Zinc Paints. IILECIIANICS' TOOLS in great variety, including ninny new inventions and late improvements. We invite the attention of Saddlers and Coabh makers to our large and splendid stock tif SADDLERY and COACH TRIMMINGS; including all the latest styles of llarneSs Duel(les, Gig Trees, Self -A.dillStillg Pml Trees, Saddle Trees, Horse and Mule Haines of 30 different varieties, Girthing, Dog Skins, Patent Leather. Enameled Leather, Enameled Muslin, Coach Lace, hubs, Spokes, FeDoes, Shafts, Springs, Axles. Re., &c. LADIES and 110BSEKEEPE11S generally, will find it greatly to their advantage, to call and examine our now -Lock of FINE TABLE CUTLERY, Silver and Common Spoons, Silver Butter Knives, Lamps, Hollow-ware, and other Iluuse furnishing goods, including, many new and useful inventions. In our recent' purchases, VC have bought at such rates, as enable a'3 to sell Oven lower than heretofore. No charge for showing goods. All orders from abroad promptly attended to, - Huntingdon, Oct. 1, 1556. QTAUFFER & HARLEY. CHEAP k j wxrcriEs and JEWELRY, wholesale and .... retail at the "Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry."' Store," No. 96. North Second street, corner of • Quarry, Philadelphia. s .t,' Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled 1S carat cases,... $23 OU Gold Lepines 24 00 Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled, 12'00 Silver Lepine, jowels,.. 9 00 . . Superior Quartiers, 7 00 Gold Spectacles, • 7 00 Fine Silver do., .. 1 50 Gold Bracelets • 300 Ladies' Gold Pencils, 1 CO Silver Ttra Spoons, set, - 5 00 Gold Pens with Pencil and Silver Bolder, • 1 00 Gold Finger Itings,'373/ 2 cents to SSO; Watch glasses, plain, 12 1 ,4 cents; Patent, 18%"; Lunen, 25; other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to'be what they are sold for. STAUFFER & HARLEY. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than the above prices. ' - October 1. 1.85621 y. ARRIVAL OF FALL & WINTER GOODS at the BROAD-TOP DEPOT. CUNNING- A 3.1 Sr. DUNN, have just received a well selected stock of and Winter Goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Qneensware, Cedarware, Crockery-ware, stone and earthen, Tin ware, Cane Fishing Rods, Ready-made Clothing, and in short, everything usually kept in a coun try store. Fish, Salt, Bacon and. Plaster, kept con stantly for sale. Call and examine our goods and judge fhr yeur,elres. All kinds of country produce taken at the hig - he:t market price in exchange for Goods. The highest market price paid for Grain. - Prompt atten tion paid to storing and forwarding all kinds of Mt•rchan dize, Produce, &c. CITINNINGIL-131 8: DUNN. Huntingdon, Nov. 20, 1850. 7VELY DRUG STORE. _L DR. J. S. craynra, Superintendent - HATING purchased from Wm. Williams & ---" W d ,-;•.:... - ibi... , :t Co., their stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints & - X . 4ishei4!3DistufB'rerfn°r3Clps,llu3&nlene,Turpeaine,Al Fancy and a general assortment of Artists Colors & .0 1., -...e. , Brushes, Spices of all kinds, Window Glass of all sixes, Putty, all kinds of Tarnish, japan, Copal, Nos. l. and f.l, Coach body and Black Spirit, Pure Cod Liver Oil, for the cure of Rheumatism, Scrofula, Gout, Lumbago, Totter, Chronic Erysipelas, Chronic Sore Eyes, White Swelling, Glandular Swelling, Pulmonary Consumption, Chronic Bronchitis, Rickets, and all diseases of the skin, by the gallon, quart or smaller quantity, the Balm of a Thousand Flowers, the greatest remedy for Baldness and purifying the Skin, of the age. John H. Patethorp's celebrated cure for Fever and Ague. No Curo No Pay.' Price Sl. Fine Tobacco and Segars. All the above, with all articles gen erally kept in a Drug Store, for sale cheap. 4: - 1 ,-Physicians Prescriptions carefully and accurately compounded. _ _ Store, Market Square, opposite Couts' Hotel, Hunting don, Pa. UMW 211eXtANIGILL. November 26, 1856. lIROMAN has just opened a very • large stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOUD:NO, of Coats, Pants, Tests, and other articles of gen- IMU . S wear. Call and examine for yourselves. lEAS, TEAS—of excellent qualities, and tho cheapest in town, at LOVE &; McDIVIT'S ATOLASSES—Three hogsheads prime ...ktiL SYRUP, just received and for eade by LOVE it 31cDITIT. - LOOK HERE !—L. WESTBROK has just arrived with a splendid assortment of BOOTS & SHOES--FOR, LADIES .A.ND GENTEMIEN. and eNamine kis stock. . L. WESTBROOK.. Iltktingirm. Oct,. 8.1856. 4 _o TONS ALTiIIt.A.CITECOA.I3uT rPceivr.,l and for sole by DP,C. IT, 19.50. Cf.TNNLYGIIIM ± DUNN. JAMES A. BROWN & CO ritovEssioimisa. & BUSIIVESS CARDS. JOHN McCULLOCH, offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity. Oilice at Mr. Hildebrand's, between the EN chauge and Jackson's Hotel. Aug. 28. '55. r P. CAMPBELL, Attorney at Law, 0 Office in the brick row near the Court House. Tons scow QCOTT & BROWN, Attorneys at Law ; ),:y Huntingdon, Pa. Office same as that ibrinerly occu pied by Mr. Scott. Huntingdon, Oct. 17, 1853. TORN N. POWELL, Attorney at Law, R Will attend faithfully to all legal business entrusted to his care. Huntingdon, July 20,1855. SI.IPSON AFRICA, County Sur ?j,o veyor, Huntingdon, Pa. Office on 11111 street. & W. SAXTON, Huntingdon, Pa.— tp , Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Grain, &c., &c. W3l. COLON - ) Th..a . p)r in Books, Stationary, Wall Paper, &c. &c P GAVIN 11 y. Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, flats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. T M. CUNNINGHAM, & BRO., P_P a Founders, Huntingdon, Pa j.) -- C. McGILL 1 _Lt. Founder, Alexandria, Huntingi, lon county, Pa MOSES STROUS, Dealer in Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Gro ceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps,. etc. De O al 3 ei l • Ready Slade Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shots, &T. 11 , ENJ. JACOBS, Dealer in Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Grocer ies, Queensware, &c. he. T 11171 WESTBROOK, 4 Dealer in Gentlemen's, Ladies' and Misses' Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, etc. • T , ONG & DECKER, ti Dealers in Groceries, Confectionaries, Queensware, Flonr, tOSEPICREiGGEI - 1,, Watchnutker and dealer in Watches, Clocks, and Jew elry, &c. WM. WILLIAMS, Plain and Ornamental Marble Manufacturer - 11 - , OVE and 31ePIVIT, I e . 4 I e JAS. A. BROWN and CO., Dealers in all kinds of Hardware OW EN BOAT, Carriage and Waggon Manitfacturer A NDREW MO BUS, . t •”.{ op 1., TOHN 1?. RAMEY, Practical Surveyor, efi Huntingdon, Pa. Crilice on Hill street, one door east of the Huntingdon Marble Yard. REFERENCES—L. T. Watson, Philadelphia; J. P. Leslie, Geologist, Philadelphia; Charles Mickley, Rough and Ready Furnace, Hon. Jonathan ll'Wlllian s. A.DAMS & CO'S EXPRESS. T. K. nmAysTo.N.A gent, - Huntingdon, Pa. Money, Pack age,,, and Good-3. of all kinds received mid forwarded at the risk of the Company, to all the cities and principal towns in the United 6tates. OyRBISON, DORRIS & 00., Miners, and Dealers in Broad Top Coal, Huntingdon & PORT, _LLl . llliners, and Dealers in Broad Top Coal, Huntingdon TrESSLER, WHITNEY & CO., 104., Miners, anti Dealers in Broad Top Coal, Huntingdon 106WEL, SAXTON & CO., 3liners. and Dealers in Broail Top Coal. .7. W. Saxton, Huntingdon; Hare Vowel, 56 Walnut +it., Pliiladulphia. CIUNNINGHAN and DUNN, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, Gmin, Centre County Iron, &c. &C. JAS. DOCUIIBItTr. 7111 ORSEY 8.; DOUGHERTY, Whole • sale Dealeni in TOBACCO AND SEGARS, Nu. 11 firth Filth Street, Philadelphia. [July 8, 1836. -UMBRELLAS and Parasols, of a new style, just received, and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. ARE you afflicted with Rheumatism ? .701I\ C. WESTBROOK, of Cassville, manufactures a sure cure for Ithemnatism. December 7, 1855. ATTENTION, ..ITTENTION lkwt Zinc Paint only $2 68 per keg. • Pure White Lead only $2 87 per keg. And other paints in proportion, at the cheap Hardware Store of J. A. BROWN &- CO. BUILDRS, do you believe it? Nails NI E are selling at $1 90 per k e g , at the new Hardware store of J. A. BROWN & Co. M.A.CKEABL, Codfish, Sahnon, Her ring, Pork, Hams & Sides, Shoulders, Lard and Cheese, constantly on hand and for sale by J. PALMER & CO., April 2,1856-3 m. Market Street Wharf, Philadelphia. W GOODS I NEW GOODS'.— JUST RECEIVED BY D. P. GWIN, and now open and ready for customers. Call and examine my extensive assortment. D. P. GWIN. Huntingdon, Oct. 1,1550. EV - STORY OF THE EARLY SET TLEMENT OF THB JUNIATA VALLEY.—The citizens of Huntingdon county can procure the above work at the Bookstore of W. CoLox, in Huntingdon, who will also mail it to any address ou the receipt of two dol lars. 'Huntingdon, July EYSTONE STATE SAPONIFIER, or CONCENTRATED LYE, warranted to make soap without lye, and with little trouble. It makes hard, soft, and ilincy soaps. For sale at the cheap Drug and Fancy Store of HENRY MeIIANIGILL. AY RUM—A genuine article for sale - 111- by ,HE MeMANIGILL. VRESII lot of Balm of a Thousand A: Flowers, for sale at the new Drug, Faucy and Variety Store, Market Square, Haut ingdoa; Pa. G LA SS of all sizes from Sxlo to 20x30, received and for sale by HENRY McMANIG.I.LL CITRATE of Magnesia for sale at Now and Cheap Drug Store in Huntingdon, Pa. SUPERIOR HORSE BALLS, at MoMANICILL'S. QUPERIOR VANILLA BEAN for &ale at tho Chenp Drug Store, rihtrkot Square. -- - - 'ANCY SOAPS, At the Chan) Storo of H. McMANIGILL. fEAD PIPE for sale at the Hardware 4Store, Huntingdon. . JCIIENCK'S Puhnonio Syrup for the cure of Consumption, fur sale by HENRY McMANIGILL. 500 CHESTNUT POSTS for Sale by (heptlo) CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. SACKS COFFEE jut received and tp . ifor sale by ' CUN.NINGIIAM 8; DUNN. BALSAM FIR for sale 'at the - Cheap Drug Store of li. MOMANIGTEL. rirIOBIAS' Venetian Liniment, for sale AL by 'HENRY MeMANIGILL. l EMON SYRUP, a genuine article, for sale by HENRY McMANIGILL. Vresh lot of. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for IL sale at MeManigill's Cheap Drug Store. HUSBAND'S celebrated Caroined Mag nesia. for sale at the CILEAP DRUG STORE, Mar ket 6quare, Iluntingdon, Pa. SPERMACETI, a prime lot, for sale by HENRY McMANIQILL. R. JOHN BULL'S Sarsaparilla, .and 11 DR. TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA. for Balent tho cheap Drug Store, by. HENRY DIOMANIGILL. DR. GREEN'S Aromatic Sap, for Stom ach Complaints,for sale at the Variety Store of HENRY McSLANIGILL. riENCTINE Electric Oil for sal© at the CHEAT DRUG STORE, Market Square. EVERYTHlNG.—Everything in the Grocery Line can be proourod at tho cheap stnre of LOVE E MoDIVIL I= Market Strunxe, lixtutingdon, Pa THE HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN BLAST AGAIN!—The subscribers take this method of i i n:tin ,ontzs. i i 71 74 e t t i hte r i - :(., l 33e 'r ,.: i i3 e at,a r n i l ( d( l i s es itlrterneie.iidpnutotiill::::nt:pihetoetsl:7lcibiacueesigsltsteifurrncieglurdoaaoliiiilettyyr,aFtetilothtinnnad,t -r 11:,.A. t' w .,...,"'" , and are prepaied to furnish Castings of 1..,. tni anti , ~nut!:i eae, .. . . : . , ..,-1.2- weikulausbip, on short notice, and on reasonable term.. Farmers are invited to call and exam ine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter Plough. This plough took the first premium at the Hun tingdon county Aglicultural Fair last fall. Also, Hunter's celebrated Cutter Ploughs, which can't be beat—together with the Keystone,Hillside and liar-shear ploughs. We have on haul. an are manufacturing, ;Stoves—such as Cool:, Parlor, end Office stoves for wood or coal. Hollow ware, consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, Ac., all of which we will sell cheap for cash or in exchange fin . coun try produce. Old metal taken fur castings. By n strict attention to business, and a desire to please, we hope to rt,- ceive a liberal share of public patronage. J. M. CUNNINGHAM S. 88.0. Huntingdon, April 30, 1836. QPECI - .N.LOTICE !—R. C. McGILL wishes to inform his friends and the public generally, that ho has bought the Alexandria Fenn -i.'-„,1.41t7 I , latelylsraela - il' E .. . ~ ~.. ~.... Acr3 , owned . by la . nIS, Sq., r•Z --- pi " , c .„yi together with its Patterns, 'flasks and r .,, : v,,A 4 , - I,, , Aother contents. Andiron) his long cape iLl*--"q.",,..rience in the business, he hopes to obtain a share of the public patronage. As be has the Foundry in full operation, he can furnish all who may give him a call with all kinds of Castings, such as Rolling Mill, Forge, Grist and Saw Mill Castings—improved Thrashing Machine Castings. And in a short time will have Cook Stoves of various sizes and improved patterns for wood and coal.— Also, ton-plate, air-tight, parlor, and bar-room stoves, of various sizes, for wood or coal. Also, Castings for houses, cellar ~r ates, such as Lintels, Sills, Sash weights, etc.— Ploughs of every description, the latest and most improved styles. - Also, Sled Soles and Wagon Boxes, oven frames, large bells, and water pipes. Hollow ware—consistine• ' of kettles, boilers, etc.. Having turning lathes he will be able to furnish any of the above named articles of either wood or iron—and all other kinds of Castings, "too nu merous to s mention," all of which will be sold cheaper than ever for Cash and all kinds of country produce. Old metal will be taken in exchange for castings. Bring along your old metal, your cash and country produce, when any arti cles are wanted. t. C. McGILL. Alexandria, April 23, 1856. pOOKS ! BOOKS ! 40,000 Volumes p of new and popular Books, embracing every 'variety usually kept in a Philadelphia Book Store, and many of them at half the Publisher's retail prices, the subscriber now offers to the public. All School Books used in the county can be had in any quantities at retail and wholesale rates. Foolscap, Letter, and Wrapping paper, wholesale, or by the ream. 100 Superior Gold Pens with Silver and Gold cases, from $1 upwards. Also Pocket and Pen Knives of Rogers' and others' best manufacture. 100 Splendid Port Monniaes and-Pocket Books at 20 cts. and upwards. 3,000 pieces Wall Paper of the latest and prettiest styles, just received from New York and Phila4 delphia ' prices from 10 eta a piece and upwards. 500 beautifully painted and gold gifted Window Shades at 41 etc. and upwards. The public have but to call and examine, to be convinc ed that in buying of the above stock theywill be pleased and also save money. Remember the place, corner of Montgomery and Railroad streets. WM. COLON. Huntingdon, April id, 1856. PRING- AND SUMMER GOODS. LATEST ARRIVAL. & W. SAXTON are now receiving, and now opening, one of the finest assortments of Goods ever offered to the citizens of this place, as follows: Cloths, Cassuners, Sattinetts, Vestings— Cotton Goods for Summer wear. Also, Shalleys, Berages, Lawns and Prints, with other articles thr the ladies. A splendid lot of Black Silk, Ladies' striped and barred Press Silk, Muslin, Linu Goods. and in act, every article of wear ing apparel necessary For the Ladies. hosiery and. Fancy Goods. Also, allkinds of Dress Trimmings, Gloves, Combs, ribbons., Hair Broods, Dress Caps, and every kind usually kept in a country store. Bonnets and Straw Hats of the latest styles; silk, crape, and straw bonnets. Hats and Caps of the very latest styles, and of every shape and color. Boots and Shoes. Our stock of Boots and Shoes can't -be beat for quality and cheapness of pieces, and one of the finest stocks ever offered. Carpet and Oil Cloth. A splendid assort ment of Carpet, Druggett, and Oil Cloth. Also—Hard ware, the best assortment in town, - not excepting tlLo Hard ware ostablishinent, and at lower prices. Queensware, Groceries, Tobacco, Segais, Willow ware and Cedar ware, Ropes. Tow-lines, and Cords, and everything usually kept in a country store, can be had at the Cheap Store of Huntingdon, April lei, 1856. .1. & W. SAXTON. rginE CHEAP CORNER FOREVER! 14 SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, Beady-Made Cloth ing, Ac.—BENJAMIN JACOBS informs his old customers and the citizens of the borough and county of Hunting don generally, that ho has just opened an extensive assort ment of Goods of all kinds suitable for Spring and Sum mer, which will compare in quality and prices with any others brought to town the present season. His stock consists of every article of Ladies' Dress Goods. In part, Ginghams, Lawns, printed and plain Bareges ' Prints of all kinds, Muslins, Gloves, Hosiery, &c.. Sc., in diet all arti cles of dress to ho found in any other store in town. Also, an extensive assortment of Ready made Clothing, fir men and boys, for spring and summer wear, all well made and of good materials. Also, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, of all sizes. tllso, Groceries, Queensware, Glassware, Hardware, equal to any in town ; and many more articles "too numerous to mention." My old customers and the public in general, are invited to call and examine my new Goods. ' They will find them equal in quality, and as low in price, as any others in the county. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for Goods at the highest market prices. Huntingdon, March 26, 1856. S °"D 'MING NEW IN HUNTING DON.--The celebrated Centre county Iron for sale at the following prices: 4 cents per for common assorted 3.4 . . inches square and round up, 4IA cents; for horse shoe and spike rods, including V, and ,( 3 in. square, and 5 cents for nail rods, at the cheap store of CUNNINGIIASI & DUNN. • Huntingdon, June 17,1856. BROAD TOP HOUSE. ANDREW MOEBUS would respectfully inform the public that lie has fitted uy the Bi odd Top Muse ; on .Alle- gheny street, at the Broad Top Depot, Iluntingdon, and is now prepared to entertain strangers and travellers hi an unobjectionable style. His table will always be supplied with the substantials and delicacies of the season. - Ills Bar is furnished with the choicest liquors. In a word, no pains will be spared to render guests comfortable and happy. June is. ELLING OF F.—Tlin undersigned having determinuca to quit business, offers to sill his iv sole stock of . WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, AT COST! by the single article or the wholologether. - Call soon and get bargains! Persons having jobs at his store, will Please call and get them immediately. .4i.e-Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscri ber, Nr ill piease call and settle LADIEDIATELY. Huntingdon, Sept. 3, IS3G. ED)I. SNARE. G AS! GAS —And LIGHTS - ARE CO ON MING. - so are J.W. SAXT— Not with Gas, but with an and well assorted stock of • PALL AND WINTER GOODS, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Queenswaro, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Bonnets, Carpet and Oil Cloth, Wood anti Willow Ware, and every article usually kept in a country store. We have one of the best selected stocks of DRY GOODS ever offered to the citizens of this place and vicinity, and aro determined to sell lower than can he purchased at any other House east of the Alleg,hany. Give us a call and be satisfied of the fact. We will sell our old stock at cost, and a great deal under cost. Don't forget to call at "TILE METROPOLITAN" before purchasing at any other lame- We also purchase and store grain, and it is admitted by all that We have the safest place of un loading grain in town. All kinds produce taken in Ex change for Goods. J. & W. SAXTON. A ' I'ADY ON HAND WITH FALL AND WINTER GOODS.--MOSES STRAUS Juts just received a splendid stock of • BALL AND W.INTEIT. GOODS, such- as DRY GOODS OF ALL KINDS, READY MADE OLOT4- ' ING, &c., &c., &c., Sc.• tm,.Call and examine for yinirselves. Huntingdon, Aug. '270856. • ' GRO CERIES.-NEW BUSINESS AT AN OLD STAND.—The subscriber would inform the Public that ho has just opened u well selected assort ment of GROCERIES, at Harrison's Store Room, at the west cud of hilt Street, where - he will keep and sell all ar ticles In his line, for cash, or in exchange for conatry pro duce. ItaBERT STITT. Huntingdon, Oct, 1, 1856. ITILLIER'S Excelsior furniture Polish) for Piuuo Tot tos and Oil Paintings, at HENRY AIe.MAIsiTGILL'S. BROWN ' S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA. GINGER, for silo by HENRY McMANIGILL'S. - - ---------- N T 4 ADIES, ATTENTIO !—My assort- meat of beautiful dress goods is now open, anti ready for inspection. :Every article of "dress you May desire, can be foetid at my store. D. P. ',TWIN. QWAINE'S PANACEA, the greatest ky remedy for Scrofula., fur saletat the Cheap I)rn¢ Sture of 11. McMANIGILL. ;I,T-Ashton and CifrZund Ahlm—by the Suck or Lusbel, for sale by LAVES McDIVIT. $1,200 A YEAR-4000-AGENTS t . l* WANTED.—Agents wanted in every part of the Thal. ted States, to sell a beautiful and instructive work, "The PANORAMA of the OLD WORLD and the NEW;" , . pt./slur, A vieW of the present state of the Nations•of the world; their 'manners. customs and peculiarities, and theirpoiitical, moral, social (121 , 1 industrial condition; interspersed with HISTORICAL SKETCHES AND ANECDOTES, By Wrr.u.ilit PINNOCIC, Author of the History of England, Greece and Rome. Enlarged, revised and embellished with several hundred engravings - front designs of Croomo, De vereux, and other distinguished artists. It is, also, tllua trated with 24 beautifully colored plates, with costumes of various nations, &c., &c. Agents selling this work have cleared $lOO a morith.:— .1:•.7f. Send for a specimen copy and prospectus, which: will b‘. , sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of :AA with partie ulars of agency. J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher; ' 4S North Fourth St. Philadelphia. N. B.—Tu addition to the usual percentage, we inalriesan: extra inducement to Agents in the way of PREmmifs. Nov. 5. 1856. J. W. Br e n — LOTHING A NEW ASSORT- , - MENT JUST OPENEDI and will be sold 30 per Cen' CHEAPER than the cheapest. ' 11. ROMAN respectfully informs his customers, ancl.the: public generally : that he has just opened at his store room., in Market Square, Huntingdon, a splendid new stook. Ready-made Clothing for Spring and Summer", - - which he will sell cheaper than the same quality of Goods can be purchased at retail in Philadelphia or any oilier establishment in the country. Persons wishing to bny Clothing would do well to call , and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. ftuntingdon, April 2, 1856. HUNTINGDON C.A.IIII,IAGE AND WAGON MANTIFACTORY.-OWRIV BOAT, thank ful for past favors, respectfully informs the public in general! that he has removed p to his new shop on Washington street, on 41 the property lately and for many years oc cupied by Alex. Carmen, where lie is prepared to manufac ture all kinds of Carriages, Buggies, Rockaways, Wagons, and in short, every kind of vehicle desired. Rockaways arid Buggies of a superior manufacture and finish always on hand and for sale at fair prices. Repairing of all kinds done at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Ifuntingdon, May 16, 1854. -kJMOLE YARD. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the Stock or beautiful marble now on - hand. He is prepared to furnish; at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro priate devices, or plain, as may suit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, &c., will. be furnished to order. W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work manship equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Call and see, before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa. Huntingdon, May 16, 1855. COUNTRY DEALERS can buy Cloth ing from me in Huntingdon at WHOLESALE, ELS cheap as they can in the cities, as I have a Whores:lie-Storer in Philadelphia. H. ROMAN, Ifuntingdon, April 2, 1856. ATCHES, CLOCKS, AND ; e, = JEWELRY. The subscriber, thankful to 4) • his friends and patrons, and to the public gener-*- 4 sZkl.` ,= ally, for their patronage, still continues to carry on at the saute stand, one door east of Mr. C. Cents' Hotel, Market street, Huntingdon, where he will attend to all who will favor him with their custom • and also keeps on band a good assortment of Watches, Clecks, Jewelry, &c., &c., all of which he is determined to sell at low prices. Clocks . , Watches and Jewelry of all kinds will be repaired at short notice. and having made arrangements with a geed work man, all repairs AN ill be done in a neat and durable manner, and any pell,oll having articles . for repairing, shall have them done at the promised time. By paying strict atten tion to business, and selling at low prices, he hopes to re ceive a share of public patronage, / AIL LINE from Mount Union to CHAMBERSBUIIG. The undersigned still contin ues to run a tri-weekly line of stages over the road between Mount Union and Chambersburg. Good horses and com fortable stages have been placed on the route, and experi enced and trusty drivers will superintend the running of the Coaches. The proprietor of the lino is desirous that it be maintained, and he therefore earnestly calls upon the Public generally to patronise it, confident that it will be for their mutual advantage. Every attention necessary will be given, and the running of the stages will be regu lar. veLn-Stages leave Mt. Union at 5 o'clock, p. m., every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday—returning on Mondaysi Wednesdays and Fridays; arriving at Mount Union in time for the cars. Stages stop at Shirleysbuvg, Orbieonie4, ShuAlo Gap. Burnt Cabins, Fannetsburg, Horse Valley, Strasburg, and Keefer's store. li..n_Fare through $3,00; to intormediato points in pro , portion. JOHN JAMISON. August 22, 1155.-tf. EW WHOLESALE DRUG STORE _A_ —N. Si. ENCER THOMAS, No. 26 South Second St., Philaulelphia, Importer, Manufacturer, and Dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Acids, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Colors, White Lead, French and American White Zinc, Window Glass, Glatsware, Varnishes, Brushes, Instruments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and other articles usually kept by Druggists, including Bolas, Indigo, Glue, Shellac, Potash., &c. All orders by mail or otherwise prompt attended to. Country merchants aro invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Goods sent to any of tho wharves or railroad stations. Prieee low and goods warranted. Philadelphia, March 12, 1556-Iy. jIHE WEST BRANCH INSURANCE COMPANY, of Lock Haven, Pa., insures Detached Bin dings, Stores, Merchandize, Farm Property, and other Buildings, and their contents, at moderate rates. Dim:Tons—Hon. John J. Pearce, Hon. G. C. Harvey, John D. Hall, T. T. Abrams, Charles A. Mayer, D. K. Jack man, Charles Crist, W. White, Peter. Dickson, Thomas Kitchen. Hon. G. C. Harvey, President; T. T. Abrams, Vico Pre- Went ; Thos. Kitchen. Secretary. kErEnr..NcEs—Sainuel H. Lloyd, Thos. _Bowman, D. D., A. A. Whiegardner, Wm. Vanderbelt, L. A. Mackey, Win. Fearon, A. White, Dr.. 7. S. Crawford, James Quigglo, A. Uptlegrair, John W. Maynard, James Armstrong, Hon. Simon Cameron, Hon. Wm. Bigler. Huntingdon, April 0, 1550 OLD STROUS HAS COME AG-AIR with a splendid stock of CLOTHING, made up in the latest styles of the choicest Goods. The stock consists hi part of Dress and Frock Coats, Pants, Vests, &c., Sze., all of which will be disposed of at low rates. Also, a good assortment of DRY GOODS, Comprising Bareges, Tissues, Challeys, De Laines, Bril liantes, Lawns, &c. Also, GROCERIES, &c. Being anxious to secure a part of the public confidence and patronage, I will do my utmost to merit the Same, and therethre would earimitly solicit those about purchas ing any thing in my line, to call :and examine my Stock before going elsewhere, as I shall always keep a complete Stock constantly on hand, to enable me to suit the tastes of all who may feel inclined to favor me with their custom. Remember your old friend Mosel MOSES STROUS,- Dorris' Building, nuntingdon, Pa March 19, 1856 GROCERY AND CONFECTIONA RY STORE. LONG S; DECKER, respectfully in form their friends and the public in general, that they still continue the Grocery and Confectionary business. under the Sons of Temperance Hall, on Main etret, Hun tingdon, where they have now on hand a full and general assortment of Groce,•ie and Confectionaries, which they will sell wholesale and retail. They have aloe on hand Thickets. Salt, Carpet Bags, Fancy Articles, &d., &c., &c., all of which they will sell cheap. Country pro duce taken in exchange for Goods—the cash paid when we have no Goods to suit customers. AB we are determined to accommodate all who may call at our store, we invite an examination and trial of our stock. LONG & DECKER. . _ Huntingdon; Apl. 19, 185(3 ES T STEEL BLADE Moultiene • Shovels, Miners' Coal Shovels, &c., at the new ErardL ware Rom, of J. A.. BROWN k CO. }_pms, Shoulders and Flitch for sale by LOVE & McDIVIT- Ari t _l r T ezn A el la\M y at J C A. B I R \ OWN CO IN 1 1 1 . 1)S1 HARDWARE STORE. SALT ! SALT ! !—Direct Importation I. ASIITON, MARSHAL and'FINE SALT, Ground Alum Salt, Dairy Salt—a large stock constantly on , hand and for sale by CARR, GIESE .c 0.,& Produce Commission Merchants, 21 Spear's Wharf, Dant-- MOM ..g t ,—Lump Plaster always on hand, -------- --- ETIII — VINEST assortment of Fancy aTat Cassimereeever o ff ered; Vestings and Coat CaSsimere, m lower pricoi than can be purchased at any other . Louse, for &ale by J. & W. SAXTON. fVERCO.A.TS, of all kinds, cheaper than elsewhere, at .1, 1F513. 11. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. fIOUNTRY DEALERS can buy CLO ‘_,/ THING ut 11.11031AN'S as cheap as they can in the ity. Iluntiugdoo, October 1, 1850. T_)RIME lot of Farina, just received and for salo at MeNIANIGILI2B. 1 3 ALSAM STJLPIIUR for sale by HENRY Mo3iANIG42I% JOST.TR REIGEITZ A. S. HARRISON, Agent July 22, 1866*