The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, January 28, 1857, Image 2

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Circulation—the , largest ia the count✓.
morLITTJTJ&Jonf> tPh
Wednesday, January 28, 1857
POST OFFICE, Hurerntranox, PA.,
January 22d, 1857.
- Sir—ln the Huntingdon Journal of yester
day, you publish over your name, charges
against me as Post Master, which you 'say
you know to be true and. most of which you
say you can_prove,—the whole of which, (with
the exception of the "order" to the Post Mas
ter at Coffee Run,) I pronounce BASE, MA
LICIOUS FALSEHOODS, and challenge you
to meet me before our fellow citizens with the
proof to sustain your charges.
I propose that - we select a Committee of
twelve respectable gentlemen, seven to be
named by you, and ''five by me,—said Com
mittee to sit with open doors at the Court
House on any evening you may name, -after
at least three days notice shall be given of
said meeting, in the "Journal" and "Globe."
That evidence on both sides be submitted to
said Committee—and if the Committee re
port that the evidence sustains Tour charges,
I agree to pay to each member of said Com
mittee Ten Dollars, and costs of witnesses.
If your charges are not sustained by the Com
mittee, you to pay •to said members of the
Committee the said amount and costs of wit
nesses. The report of Committee to be pub
lished in the "Journal" and "Globe."
I name for said Comiiiittee:—Hon. JAMES
We the undersigned, 'did by request of Mr.
William Lewis, on the 23d day of January,
1857, present the above proposition in person
to Mr. Wm. Brewster, and after reading it
himself, he refused to accede.
That we have repeatedly " stretched the
law," in our efforts to accommodate, and fur
nish the subscribers to the Journal," Amer
ican' and ' Globe' with their papers regularly
every week, we do not, and never have denied,
and War. 13nEwsTEn should be the last person
to complain, for, had we adhered strictly to
the law, the " Journals" during the severe
weather last winter, before and after he re
ported us to the Department as guilty of detain
ing his papers, would not have reached the
persons they were intended for once a month;
And because we saw proper to assist the
" American" publishers in circulating their
issue of the week previous to the election,
which had been brought to the office too late
for the regular weekly mail, the beast of the
"Journal" would make it appear that we are
deserving of punishment for doing that which
injured no one, but enabled subscribers to
get their papers more regular than they other
wise would.
The motives Win. Brewster ascribes to us
in giving the order on Coffee Run Office, we
believe he knows to be FALSE; if he does not,
we can convince him, or any man of ordinary
common sense, in five minutes, that they are
P. S.—By a card published in the Journal
of this morning, over the name of William
Brewster, the public are informed that he
could not accept our proposition because we
proposed to investigate but One or two of the
charges he made in his last paper ! The fol
lowing are the most important charges lie
made, all 'of which we pronounce false, and
which he will be required to prove, if he ever
accepts our proposition. -
That we have neglected our duties; extorted
unjust fees ; that the " Journal" was invari
ably sent to the post office the evening before
the ' Globe' was struck off; that the " Jour
nal" was detained by us during the winter of
'55—'56 ; that we have been guilty of official
rascality; that we have been guilty of not
merely detaining or delaying newspapers (the
Journal) in our office, but of taking them out
of other offices and suppressing them ; that
the papers suppressed' at the Coffee Run
office•were the Journals issued on Monday
previous to the election; that we sent an or
der to the Coffee Riin office to
,stippi•ess the
Journals ; that through our agency numbers
of patriotic citizens were defrauded of their
votes and that So:corrupt is the head of the
post office department, and so strong the po
litical and religious sympathy of postmaster
general-James Campbell for us that these
wrongs must go unwhipt Of justice while we
occupy the place we have disgraced, and may
at any time repeat the transgression."
We demand that Wm. Brewster make pub
licliall the "well-founded charger he is wil
ling to sustain against us as post-master."—
They should appear in the - columns of his
paper as conspicuous as, those he has already
made. lf we have no objections to his char
ges .• •
appearing in a public journal, he certain
ly .should not. So give the public a column
more of the"saine kind."
Doings at Harrisburg.
We'de not notice any thing of particular
interest in the proceedings of the Legislature.
Petitions are being presented for new banks,
iron and other companies, and almost every
other kind of
. "institutions" nameable.
The election for State Treasurer .did not
come off on Monday a week—snow drifts
kept the members - from arriving at Harris
burg—consequently Mr. Magraw, the present
Treasurer, will remain for another year.—
Lucky man—glad of it—the office could not
be filled-by a more honorable or competant
the attention of persons wishing to go into
the businessiZ keeping a first class Hotel, to
an advertisement in another column.
The Quarter Sessions
The following cases were disposed of at the
late Sessions :
Commonwealth vs. Michael Brannin.—ln
dictment, larceny. Verdict, guilty. Fined.
$5 and costs, and be imprisoned in county
jail 3 months.
Cont. vs. Wm. Cook—lndictment, assault
and battery. Guilty, fined $5 and costs and
be imprisoned - in county jail two - weeks.
Coin: vs. Geo. Gordy- 7 ltalictmcnt, larceny.
Plead guilty. Imprisonment in Penitentiary
eighteen months.
Coin.' vs. Patrick Smith—lndictment for
murder. Verdict, - guilty of murder -in the
second degree. Sentenced to pay a fine of $1
and costs, -and undergo an imprisonment of
four years in' the Western Penitentiary.
Cont. vs,. W. S. Lilly - and. Cornelius Dough
erty—lndictment, larceny. Verdict, guil
ty. Sentenced each to pay a fine of $1 and
costs, and undergo eighteen months imprison
ment in the Western Penitentiary.
Coin. vs. John Johnston and Chas. Brown—
Indictment, larceny. Guilty in two cases.—
Sentence deferred.
There were several other criminal cases of
minor importance disposed of.
WARNING TO Rots.—The Lewistown True
Democrat says:—On New Year's day a party
of boys were skating On the river, and when
over heated and fatigued,-some of them very
imprudently laid down on the ice to• rest.—
The consequence was a sudden chill, which
brought on a-painful disease, and in one case,
that of JAMES Ross, son of Capt. Wm. Ross,
ended in death. Another boy, Was. McKEE,
and a third whose name we - could not learn,
have been lying in a very precarious situation ;
but,• we believe, will likely recover.
the last week nine Senators have been chosen
to the Senate of the United States and before
the end of the present session of Congress
nine more will probably be chosen to fill full
or partially expired terms. Of the nine just
chosen, four are democrats and five republi
cans. The probable political complexion of
the Senate on the 4th of March. next, if all
the vacancies are filled as expected, will be
as follows : Democrats 37 ; Republicans 20;
Americans 5.
"IT is ADITITTED on all hands,- that affairs
in Kansas never looked brighter, since the
organization of the Territory, than at present.
In fact, there has never, at any time, been
wanting anything bat fair insure the
success of freedom and prosperity there."
Would the reader - believe it ?—we have
copied the foregoing, word for word, letter for
letter, comma for comma, from a leading edi
torial of that rabidest of all rabid freesoillaa
pers in New England, the old Worcester ,Spy !
Five times over we have read it, and at every
reading have pinched our nose to be sure we
were not asleep and dreaming. It is an open,
plain, unequivocal—we had. almost added
manly--confession that all the clamor , that
has been raised against the Kansas-Nebraska
bill, on account of its repeal of the Missouri
Compromise, was a -mere sham and a miser
able humbug.—Providence Post.
Convention of Soldiers.
A National Convention of the Soldiers of
1812 was heldin Washington city on the Bth
inst., at which lion. Joel B. Sutherland, of
Philadelphia, presided. The Convention was
largely attended, ten States being represent
ed. The delegation from Pennsylvania num
bered eighty. The following are among the
resolutions adopted :
Resolved, That both justice and precedent
require of Congress the passage of a general
pension bill, based upon fair principles, for
the benefit of - the surviving soldiers and sail
ors of the war of 1812, and the widows and
minor children of such as are dead ; and that
if the . preSent Congress shall not be able to
act upon this deeply and interesting subject,
we pledge ourselves to bring the question to
the polls in future elections.
That if CongreSs shall not be able to do
justice to :the soldiers and sailors of,, 1812,
and their widoWs and minor children at the
present session, we will open the next earn
.paign with renewed vigor and higher hopes
under the incoming Administration, the hon
ored head.of which served as a private soldier
during .that war. .
Now and Then.
Before the election the cry was—elect Bu
chanan and Kansas will come in "as a slave
State ; the slave trade will be revived ; the
South will domineer over the North ; Slave
holders will rule the nation, -and the last
spark of freedom will be quenched and our
"republican government be turned into a des
potism. " And thousands were actually made
to believe all this, and : to look upon the Dem
ocratic party as a sort of a Car of Juggernaut
whose wheels, if not stopped,:' would crush
out huinanity and roll over the bones and
mangled flesh of our fellow creatures with
creaks of savage delight !. But how changed
the tune! The effort to revive the slave trade
has' been signally rebuked ;. Republicans tell
us that Kansas will come in as a free State,
and that Mr. Buchanan will keep an' eye on
the interests of the North as ~yell as the South,
and endeavor "to bring back "the government
to what it was under Washington and Jeffer
son !" How long will honest men be duped
and . led astray by the corrupt and deSigning.
The New York Mirror says The
fashionable amusement of garroting, import
ed from London, is going to be a leading fea
ture of life in New York this winter: The.
epidemic can only be checked (as it has been
to some extent in London) by the practice of
wearing arms at night. An open dirk carried
in the hand or concealed in the sleeve of the
coat, is probably the best weapon of defence."
From the Alla. Argus
An Appeal for the Union.
Fellow-countrymen, who among you are
watching the times? There are clouds gath
ering over our blessed country ; that may ere
long break with fearful violence, and like the
lightnings from heaven, rend every vestige
of our Union in twain. Every day's experi
ence seems to denote that we are fast verging
to the brink of destruction. That love of
country which animated the breasts of our
forefathers, and is always so sacredly cher
ished by ourselves, is fast fading away, and
there is rising up in its stead the most ven
omous feeling of hate for some of its institu
tions and its people. How can a country be
sustained when a great portion of its subjects
are plotting treason and rebellion against its
constitution? Is a ship not in danger, when
a part of her crew, whose business it is to
protect her from danger, are continually en
deavoring to Wreck her? How can we ex
pect to steer clear of adversity, when we find
an organized baud of traitors among us, con
stantly inciting a poor ignorant race of ne
groes, to blow our white brethren's brains
This organization is not confined to our
country, but it extends three thousand miles,
across the Atlantic, to an . insignificant island
called Great Britain. Great indeed! What
has made her great? Blood and plunder.—
She grows 'great by sucking the life's blood
out of other nations. She is found with her
insidious schemes all over the world. She
robes herself in the garb of philanthropy and
civililation; and when she has fully ingratia
ted herself into the bosom of her victim, she
plunges her sword of blood into, its vital ele
ments, slakes her thirsty cravings in the hel
lish success she has achieved, and all for what?
That she may be Great Britain! Millions
upon millions is she spending at this day to
promote our destruction, and, unfortunately
for ourselves, she finds too many willing sub
jects among us to aid her, in her cursed mis
sion. The time was when we had little to
fear as to the probability of a dissolution of
this Union, but a change has taken place.—
We had a band of noble patriots whose wis
dom and guidance could hurl back' the tide
of treason in its incipiency, whose councils
we looked upon, and heard as the notes of
Heaven, sounding caution in - our ears, but
alas! the Websters, the Calhouns, the Jack
sons, the Clays, the mighty have been gath
ered to their great Father, and now our coun
try is bleeding from the wounds of the ene
my. She is weeping for her lost Patriots,
and crying aloud for their successors iri this
terrible crisis; but they come not! To whom,
then, are we to look, to stay this mighty spir
it of rebellion that almost rocks our temple
of liberty from its foundation? Whither
shall we go to find the master spirits we have
just lost ? Men whose minds were not-warp
ed by local prejudices. Where are the de
scendants of these noble Pillars that support
ed and sustained their country in every emer
gency—these great spirits, - who never waver
ed but always rescued us from England's
black demon of hate that sought to devour
us? Have they taken all their golden vir
tues and bright examples with. them to the
The time was when men deemed it almost
sacrilege to discuss the possibility of a disso
lution of the Union; but now, it is the ruling
subject of the hearthstone. Such a contin
gency not. only seems possible but seems pro
bable—the bounding strides the traitors are
making; the eager rapacity with which they
snatch at every poisonous element to inocu
late into our Constitution, gives dreadful note
of preparation
. for our destruction ! Ab ! the
great men of the Nation are dead, and scarce
ly has their funeral knell fell upon our ears,
ere we find ourselves
. singing the mournful
dirge .of preparation for The death of our
country. Oh! God, is she to die, too? Is
America. to die? she who has' been the guid
ing star that has reflected_ a blaze of liberty
all over the world ? She who has shown for
eighty-one years that man is capable of self
government? Is she to seal her experience
with a lie after her bright example of pros
after all the glorious and gigantic
strides she has made in the advancement of
arts and sciences, in civilization and Christi
anity, and in the blessing's she has establish
ed for the whole human race? Have not her
beacon lights shone with a radiance that an
imated and inspired the serfs of Europe to
resist oppression at home, to break the chains
of bondage that held them in serfdom, and
fly to us to enjoy' pure and unalloyed free
dom? Is this bright light to be extinguished
for the pretended purpose of benefitting
miserable ungifted race of Ethiopians? Is
this country, with its twenty millions of white
inhabitants, experimenting and enjoying the
principles of free government, bounding along
in its career with unprecedented success, to °
be sacrificed at one blow for the sake of free
ing three millions of negroes, whoin God him
self has not endowed with faculties to govern
themselves, much less a, country? Are we
to abolish slavery if it cost the
. sacrifice of
this country and millions of intellectual white
men? Who, in God's name, is ready to free
them under such circumstances, and yet we
have always hired spies and miscreants among
us Whose chief work is to '
roll back the cause
of liberty by inciting the people by these in
fernal.doetrines. *Do not these black philan
thropists profess a horror for slavery because
they say degrades the condition of man,
but - Would they not abolish it if they had the
power, through adeluge of white men'S'blood?
Would this elevate the condition of man ?
Surely not, but it shows , the hypocrisy of
their schemes. Fellow countrymen, be not
deceived by these false appeals to your sym
pathy; it is the stratagem of the semi-demons,
who desire the downfall of your country, for
while they invite you to , free ,a well cared for
race of slaves, they would murder their white
masters in cold blood, and bury them beneath
the ruins of their country; aye, these mock
miscreants Would wax fat in exultation at the
crumbling pillows of our nation as they fell,
one by one, into the abyss of eternal oblivi
on. Who is ready for such a sacrifice ? who
is ready to part with his nation, free and oo
rious as it is, and hand it over to the keeping
of a band of traitors who : would submit to
England's emissaries, who are going about
our fair land poisoning every stream of social
intercourse that bind us together ? Ponder
well, young men, before you join these fac
tions, they set their snares. •for you at every
step, they find you. , become • easy captives to
' their sympathetic appeals, knowing yott join
them without investigatino• ° the true object of
their designs, they steal the virtues of the
true friends of the Union' to gild the surfaces
of their infamous doctrines, which are in-
wardly filled with treason and corruption
A crisis is at hand, and you are expected to
show your attachment with a tenacity that
knows no other sentiment than his country
first, and local issues afterwards. come then,
young men, and be the pillows of your coun
try to supply the places of the patriots who
have just fallen into the gravel do this, and
you are worthy descendants of - the mighty
fallen, and worthy to enjoy the blessings
your nation is heaping upon you; fail, and
you deserve eternal disgrace and banishment.
The Fatal Mistake.
The Baltimore Sun, of a late date says:—
A most lamentable result occurred from the
careless compounding of - a, prescription by
an apothecary. The circumstances, as de
veloped before the jury of inquest, are sim
ply these : Mr. Eckhart ; "who resides at No.
87 Granby street, had a little son named
John, between two and three years of age,
who was sick. Dr. Arnold, residing in Lom
bard street, near Lloyd, was called in and
prescribed for him. The prescription reads
Anise seed water, chloride of potash, oil
of lemon and syrup of squills." The medi
cal terms we do not give, nor the quantities
of the mixture. The prescription was taken
to the apothecary store of Mr.' Ernst Leifer,
on the corner of Lombard and Eden streets,
who made the mixture.
The father of the child . says he took it
home on Tuescray, evening, and. poured out a
tea-spoonful and gave it to the child. Only
a portion was swallowed, when the child
vomited and threw it all up, but had spasms.
The child rested apparently well during the
night, and yesterday, at half past tea o'clock,
in accordance - with 'the doctor's directions, a
full tea-spoonful was given, which in a brief
period caused death. Terrified at the result,
the parent hastened to the apothecary and
the physician to ascertain what was the
The apothecary confident in the correct
ness of his compounding, took the bottle of
liquid and swallowed a portion, when, with
in three or four minutes, passing into the
presence of his wife, he fell and in a short
time expired. Dr. Arnold tasted it, but
swallowed none, and he was at one time sup
posed to be dying, but when last heard from
yesterday evening was better. He was in
such a condition that he had to be carried
home on a settee.
Dr. Cunningham, coroner, held an inquest
on the bodies of the deceased, and the evi
dence of the witnesses went to show the sub
stance of the above. As to the medicine,
Drs. Large, Healey and Busk, gave evidence
before the jury of inquest, and gave it as
their opinion, .after having examined,. the
ding store, that - cyanuret of potash" had
been substituted for the "chloride of potash."
The former is a deadly poison, while the lat
ter is comparatively harmless. It is ahnost
or quite as deadly in its effects as " prussic
acid." '
The verdict of the jury was that the death
of each was .caused.. by the taking of medi
cine compounded in mistake. 'This ease
shows how exceedingly, careful druggists
should be in the compounding of prescrip
tions. It is a most lamentable affair.
From Kansas---Gov. Geary's Message
ST. Louis, Jan. 20.—The Republican has
an advance copy of Gov. Geary's message to
the Kansas Legislature. In laying down
the principles which are to guide his admin
istration, he says a jealous regard for the
elective security :and sanctity of the ballot
box, with an adherence to the doctrine of
popular sovereignty as guaranteed in the or
ganic a-t establishing the territory ; the pres
ervation of the currency, based on gold and
silver ; free and safe immigration from every
part of the country ; a determination - to sub
mit to no invasion of the sovereignty of the
territory, entire religious freedom, a free
press, free speech, the right to assemble and
discuss all questions of public interest, trials
by juries impartially selected; the sanctity
of the writ of habeas corpus, the repeal of all
laws inconsistent with the Constitution of the
United States and the 'organic act, are the
ideas by which his policy will be shaped.
His views of squatter sovereignty arc embod
ied in the following passage:—
The durability and imperative authority
of the State Constitution, when the interest
of the people require a State government,
and the direct popular Note necessary to give
it sanction and effect, will be a proper occa
sion, once for all, to decide the grave politi
cal- questions which underlie a_ well regula
ted Commonwealth. The Governor advises
the Legislature to let slavery alone where
the Constitution places it, to forego legisla
tion in reference to it until the State Consti
tution is formed, lie recommends that the
errors and omissions in the statute book be
He denounces the test oaths' act, and rec
ommends its repeal. He disapproves of the
present mode of selecting, juries, and recom
mends their. selection by lot. The adoption
of the ballot-box plan is insisted on. Ile
recommends a law requiring a residence
the Territory of ninety days, and• in certain
districts for ten days, to prevent illegal vot
ing. 1.1 e.. advises a repeal of the patrol law
which levies a tax. on all property for the
especial. protection of. slave owners. The
balance of the Message which is an able and
upright document is devoted to local affairs.
terian General Assemblies have been dispu
ting for a long time concerning the propriety
of a man marrying his deceased wife's sis
ter. The Jegality of a nearer and more del
icate relationship being established by mar
riage has just been decided by our Court of
Appeals. It is altogether proper, so says the
learned tribunal, the highest authority in the
State, for - a man to marry his mother-in-law.
The quartette of Judges came to this deci-.
sion after this fashion, and upon the follow
ing case:
Ellen Bell married Samuel Bell, her son
in-law. Mr. B. died, leaving the interesting
widow, and also several children by his first
wife, whose grandmother . was at the same
time their step-mother.. These children re
fused to grant the old. lady her dower, and
hence the suit.
The cause was brought before Judge Pry
or, the late learned and estimable Judge of
the - adjoining circuit. Ho decided that the
marriage was void, as the parties were with
in the degrees of relationship fixed by the
statute of 1798.
An .appeal was taken, and the adjudication
of the lower Court was reversed. The Court
of Appeals decided that there - wore no pro
hibitions to such a marriage by the statute
of 1798---that marriages - within the Levitical
degree are not void, though voidable. •
Accordingly, if any man desires to marry
his mother-in-law he can go ahead. The law
is on his side.—Louinillc Journal.
Account of the Fight with the Puget•
Sound Indians
The Washington Intelliyencer contains the
following account of the recent battle between
the sailors and marines of the United States
Steamer Massachusetts and the Puget Sound
Indians. These Indians inhabit the British
possessions north of Washington territory,
whence they come down on the American
side in immense canoes, each containing thir
ty or forty persons, and, it may be, half a
dozen of canoes, for the purpose of plunder
ing and pilfering. They are so superior in
bravey to the Flatheads, that the numerous
tribes of the latter suffer them to do pretty
much as they please, and the white inhabi
tants follow their example. As the Danes in
olden times scoured the coast of England,
plundering and maltreating the inhabitants,
so these Indians scour Puget Sound, from one
end to the other, until through persuasion
and a surfeit of marauding, they return again
to their country.
Lieut. Semmes, Lieut. Forrest, and twenty
more sailors and marines, with a howitzer,
landed :two hundred yards below the camp of
these Indians who had refused to come on
board the vessel.
The men were drawn up in a line, while
Lieut. Semnieg - went forward with the inter
preter to tell their chiefs, who also advanced,
that they must either leave in their canoes,
or he would destroy them. They would make
no promise to that effect, but, returning to
their camp, danced a sort of a war dance
about it for some minutes, then, seizing their
urine; jumped into the forest just behind.—
Lieut. Semmes, with Lieut. Forrest and the
men, except those tending the howitzer, of
which I had charge, made straight for the
woods, for the pursose of outflanking. the In
dians and charging them. This the steepness
of the bank made impracticable; and very
fortunate it was, too, as the end showed the
force to be entirely too small. They then
made a charge up the beach upon the Indian
camp. Which side commenced firing Ido
not know; but it seemed simultaneous. Tha
first firing on our side was a discharge of
cannisterfrom the howitzer through the camp.
I found it very difficult to keep the men from
taking up their rifles and leaving the howit
zer to itself, the savages were so tormenting
to them—peering at them from behind the
trees above, and cracking away at them.
The captain of the gun even said, "Oh,
Mr. —, just let me have my rifle for one
crack, please!" The howitzer was now or
dered up to the camp to join the charging
party, where we returned the hot firing from
the woods above with our rifles and muskets
principally, while our men behaved like back
woodsmen in taking shelter behind the ca
noes and in the Indian huts, only firing when
they could see an enemy. The battle was
now varied by a big gun on board ship bel
lowing forth a discharge of grape among the
enemy. The little steamer Traveller, from
which we landed, had a howitzer on board
under the charge of one of our officers, (Mr.
Cummin, master's mate,) and a shot from it
preceded the one from the Massachusetts.—
Taking advantage of the firing now and then
of a big gun, some of our party laid down
their rifles, took up axes that they found in
the huts, and proceeded to chop up their ca
noes. Five or six they destroyed,- but the
sixth was too well protected. They then col
lected together all of the contents of the huts
in a pile and set fire to them.
About this time, one of our men, Gustavus
Englebrecht by name, was killed by a shot
in his forehead, while he had his head above
a canoe gazing at a dead savage whom he
had just brought down with his rifle. Poor
fellow! he was a great favorite on board, both
with the officers and men, and very few equal
led him as a marksman, while in courage he
equalled his countryman and namesake, the
;Teat Gustavus, of whom Maj. Dalgetty so
much loved to talk; but fame and fortune
smiled not equally on both. Another of our
men was wounded, while the bullets whizzed
about in a way that showed the good judg
ment of our fighting Indians in Indian fash
ion, i. e., under cover.. About ten o'clock,
Capt. S. sent orders for us to return from the
encampment, that he might better fire with
the big guns. So we waded out to the boats
and returned on board.
The ship continued :to play upon the ene
my, after the shore party had returned, with
no doubt great effect. In the evening, Capt.
S. determined to send another party ashore,
to destroy the remaining canoe, and about
three o'clock despatched the launch and first
cutter, full of armed men, in tow of the
Traveller, which had a howitzer on board,
under the command of Lieut. Forrest, while
Lieut. Semmes led the landing party. This
time we steered straight for the encampment,
and reached it without the loss of a single
NOVEMBER 24.—Eighty-seven Indians came
on board, after having first sent off their arms,
which comprise as great a variety of guns as
I have ever seen. All of them, however,
still kept long knives about their persons, and
other small weapons, which the master at
arms soon deprived them of. One fellow had
a self-cocking pistol in his boot.
Terrible Suffering on the Plains.
A correspondent of the St. Louis Republi
can, writing frgni Independence, Mo., under
date of January 4th, gives further particulars
of the terrible suffering of the Mormons cross
ing the Plains, Westward. The . Salt Lake
Mail, which arrived. at Independence on the.
29th, met one of the Mormon trains near
Bean River, others having already arrived at
their destination, in good condition. The cor
respondent nays:
The fourth and fifth trains were 'met at the
. crossings of Sweet Water, in a very
different condition from those in advance.—
They were suffering beyond measure, for the
want of provisions, and on account of the
cold. They. were very badly clothed, and in
consequence of the hardships, many or them
were dying ; in one camp, they buried fifteen
in one day. The mode of burial, since they
cannot dig the frozen ground, is to lay the
bodies in heaps, pile over them willows and
heaps of stones.
Gov. Brigham Young, learning something
of their condition, dispatched some men and
provisions to their relief ; but these were met
by the mail party returning to the city again,
having been turned back by the violence of
the storms they encountered. What the poor
creatures will do, or what will become of
them, it is hard to tell. Under delusion, they
have left their homes, in foreign lands, and
to satisfy a whim of the Governor, undertook
a journey of thousands of miles, not half pro
visioned or fitted for a trip, that even in good
weather is difficult enough, let alone at this
inclement season of the year.
In a dilemma—Brewster & Whittaker.—
Their compeers will soon be impaled.
Beware of Drifting.
Few people form habits of wrong-doing de,
liberately and wilfully. They glide lido
them by degrees arid almost undonscionily,
and, before they are' aware of danger; tho
habits are confirmed, and require resolute
and persistent effort to effect a change.---- - ,
"Resist beginnings," was a maxim of the ,
ancients, and should be preserved as a• land-•
mark in our day.. The Baltimore San, has a
good article on tile slight beginnings of dan
gcr which end ih fatAl ruin
"It was only the other day that a man felt'
asleep in his boat on the Niagara river,
During his slumber the boat broke loose from
her moorings, and he woke to find himself;
shooting down the rapids directly towards
the cataract. In vain he shrieked for help';
in vain he tried to row against the current.
Ile drifted on and on till his light craft up-•
set, when . he was borne rapidly y to the brink
of the 'abyss,' and, leaping up with a wild.
cry, went over and disappeared forever.
"In the great battle of Gibraltar, when',
the united fleets of Prance and Spain attacked
the impregnable fortress, one of the gigantic
floating batteries broke from her anchorage',
and began to drift directly into the hottek of!
the British fire. The thousand men who
formed the crew of the unwieldly mass vain
ly strove to arrest its progress or divert it
from its path. Every minute it drifted near 7,
er to the English guns, every minute some
new part took fire from the red-hot shot,
every minute another score of its hapless de
fenders were swept like chaff from its decks.
The most superhuman efforts failed to pre
vent its drifting with its human freight to in
evitable death.
"A ship was wrecked at sea. The pas
sengers and crew took refuge on a raft, the
boats having been stove in the attempt to
launch them. For days and weeks these un
fortunates drifted about without oar or sail
on the hot broken tropical ocean. At last
their provisions failed, and then their water.
Still they drifted about, vainly looking for a
sail or hoping for a sight of land. The time
had now come when that fearful alternative
became inevitable—death from starvation or
feeding onimman flesh—and they were just
beginning to cast lots for a victim, when a
vessel was seen on the distant horizon.—
They abandoned their terrible design; the
stranger would approach. The ship came
towards them; she drew nearer and nearer.
They strove to attract her attention by shouts,
and by raising their clothing; but the indo
lent look-out saw them not. They shouted
louder and louder, still they were not seen.
At last the vessel tacked. With frantic ter
ror they rose in one body, shouting and wav
ing their garments. It was in vain ; the un
conscious ship stood steadily away. Night
drew on, and as the darkness fell, the raft
drifted and drifted in the other direction till
the last trace of the vessel was lost forever.
"So it is in life. The intemperate man
who thinks he at least will never die a drunk
ard, whatever his neighbor may do, only
wakes to find himself drifting down the cata
ract, and all hope gone. The sensualist,
who lives merely for his own gratification,
drifts into an emasculated old age, to be tor
tured with passions he cannot- gratify, and
perish by merciless agonizing diseases. The
undisciplined who never learned to control
themselves, who are spendthrifts, or passion
ate, or indolent, or visionary, soon make
ship\ racks of themselves, and drift about.
the sea of life the prey of every wind and"
current, vainly shrieking for help, till at.last,
they drift away into darkness and death!•
"Take care that you are not drifting. Seed
that you have fast hold of the helm. " The'
breakers of life roar forever under the lco, ,
and adverse gales continually blow on the'
shore. Are you watching how she heads?:
Do you keep a firm grip of the wheel? IT
you give way but for one moment, you may
drift helplessly into the boiling vortex.--
Young man, take care ! It rests with your
self alone, under God, whether you reach
port triumphantly or drift to ruin."
respondent of the Boston Cultivator, writing
of the management of house plants, says :
"The way to have healthy plants is to shor
ten in all straggling growth, and remove ev
ery leaf and flower as soon as the least symp
tom of decay is perceivable,- washing them
occasionally with very warm water from the
fine nose of a watering pot held high above
them, thus giving them the benefit of a warm
shower at any time or place. But the thing
of all others the most important, is to water
them with hot water at all times; yes, hot to
the touch, even beyond what is supposed to
be prudent, until after the experiment—and
it is only necessary to watch the result on
the health and vigor of the plants, especially
when in bloom, to be convinced of the 'grand
The writer says be has fuchsias now in
bloom, mere cuttings about six inches in
height, not one failing out of seven; or even
more, cuttings planted in a single pot and
watered with hot water.
Five Persons Frozen
Five persons, a man, three women and a
child were frozen to death, near Monticello,
lowa, on the 10th inst. They were' return
ing from a neighbor's with a pair of horses
and sleigh . ; they got oft the road, and in
crossing a hollow, the horses became detach
ed from the sleigh and ran off—leaving tho
parties in snow from five to eight feet deep.
The people not returning on Wednesday
morning, the neighbors collected, and aftez ,
a long search the women and child were ,
found in a willow thicket, Covered with.
-blankets, and with a large quantity of snow
'over them, all dead—the man was found
without his hat, frozen to death,. about a.
quarter of a mile from the women and with
in forty rods of his own house. Two other
men were frozen in the same neighborhood;,
about the same time returning. from. church
The weather has been excessively cold iA
—The New York Mirror of Tuesday says:
"The nightly occurrence of robberies and,
assassinations in our streets, with no partite,
ular notice taken of the outrages on the-part
of the authorities, has led to t brialc,busm.eas
in dirks and revolvers during the post week.
There is not a street in the city that is safe
after dark; and we have no squeamishness
about advising gentlemen to_ go armed,AcademylA
walking to the Academy of ausio on Satur
day evening, we chanced to join a - couple of
friends, one of them a distinguished govern
ment officer, and we found them both prepar
ed for the "garroters." One had a dirk in
his sleeve, the other a six barrel revolver;---
The next step will be a Vigilance Committee;
and the first work on hand will buto "hang
the authorities."