The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, January 14, 1857, Image 3

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Huntingdon; -Wednesday, Jan. 14,1.857.
Line upon Line—Here and These as Littie.
tat.tay yonrdebta. .
ter t „.We don'rlike,to dun, but, we want money—particu
larly thtit:whiell has been long duo us. We hope all old
accounts will-be settled between this and the first of April
next. Our business arrangements require that this be
Az-Advance payments aro always the best.
- vs„Some forty or fifty persons hare been added to the
Methodist .Episcopal Church in. our borough during tho
Past t4m weeks. The meetings still continuo.
YEi-aselsaßi—Onr County Court. Proceedings of the
"Quarter SeAtionS" next week.
ira;.The attendance at Court Is reasonably large.
• itdtkailiini 'Srreliag an aged lady for nine cents! Who
kvouid haie ilionglit that even "the meanest man that was
tver raised in Franklin county," could have been guilty of
such a small act 7 It is strange—yea, 'tis passing strange—
bat ink. The hero of this feat is the same who refuses to
pay hilt tostrige hil4, ttnd boast!) that the law cannot compel
him to do so! Look out for Your hen-roods !
ta..The three papers published iii 11untingdon have the
iiillowing town circulation; vis •
Borough cirtillatieri of The grtork, • ' 118 copies.
64 " the American . 102 "
It , it " Smut-Machine • 86
A FAST Prorml—The Boston Post says they are now
lighting places "Ott West" 'with gas, which were entered
as wild lands last fall.
, _Jai-Breathes there a man with soul so dead, who never
to himself hath said, " Itoi7l a paper take," both for my
own and my children's sake! If such there be let him re
pent, and have TUE GLOM to him sent; and if he'd pass a
happy winter, he in advance should pay the printer.
COLORED EmiquzscE.—" My Eradders," said a waggish
colored man to a crowd, "in all affliction, in all your tron
hies, dar is one ,place you can always find sympathy.".=
" Whar l when!" shouted several. "In de dictionaly," he
replied rolling his eyes skyward.
021. A poor "forsaken" in Philadelphia thus announces
the departure of his " better-half":
"My wife has left, with bed and board,
For a few days, a few days ; • •
She left it of her own accord,
When I was out from home. •
I caution all to this amount,
Now-a-days, now , a-days;
Don't trust her now on my account,
For she's never coming home."
Ftzzir:D.OnT.—The Derearara "Royal Gazette," of the
10th ultimo ; says: John Soyers Orr, better known by his
cognomen of "the Angel Gabriel," is no more. lie died
of dysentery in November, at the penal settlement, where
he was undergoing his sentence of imprisonment with hard
labor. We now ekpect to hear of "Gabe Jr." resolving to
wear crape thirty days in honor of his very "illustrious
predecessor I"
ta&When a young lady laces her waist a third smaller
than nature made it, we 'wonder if her pretty figure will not
shorten life some dozen years or more, besides making her
miserable while she does, live
tarBLUZiT, BUT TO THE Punrosz.—The following notice
is posted conspicuously in a publication office , down east:'
"Shut this door, and soon as you have done talking on bu
siness serve your mouth the same way."
IM,It is a singular fact that the duel and sWo aro un
known among the Turks. They believe in preMstination,
and are rigidly opposed to the idea of hastening death by
arsenic or gunpowder.
WANTEn--950 more subscribers to The Globe. Walk in
without knocking—order your name upon our list—pay
$1 50 in advance, and then depart in peace.
CoNzEstyriaLE—The practice of chewing tobacco in a
house of divine worship. It is a most disgusting practice,
and the individual who follows it is more of a hog than a
man—more of a pagan than a christian. It is a common
thing to see in some of our Uhnrche's streams of tobacco
juice sufficiently large to swim a* thimble. It is to be
hoped, for the sake of decency, if nothing else, that this
filthy practice will be entirely abandoned.
P. 5.,--Ladies I mark the man who chews tobacco during
divine service—he is not a worthy companion.
The now Methodist Church in this borough is rap
idly approaching to completion. Tho interior of the build
ing Is now undergoing fresco painting, and will be the
handsomest in town. The pastor of this congregation,
Bev. D. Sheaff, deserves much credit for the untiring zeal
and energy with which he has pushed forward this work,
notwithstanding the adverse circumstances under which
ho has labored. It will be dedicated on Sunday the first of
February next.
%MAR OLD LADY.—A Lady recently died in Mexico aged
139 years. It is so mid, but if you don't believe it, no dif
tla..rl. St. Louis paper says that the grass-hoppers bare
eat up the entire tobacco crop of Franklin county, and the
last that was heard from them they were seated on the cor
ners of the fence begging every man that passed for a chew.
45rThe amount of gold- received at New York from
California during the present year is $40,319,029, which is
$1,362,595 less than was received last year.
enterprising but ignorant South American has
sent to an Albany locomotive shop for one hundred "cow
catchers." He expects to use them in taking wild cattle
OR the plains of Paraguay, in place of the lasso.
.tarikt a re-union of Pennsylvanians in New Orleans,
Miss Matilda Heron, the tragedienne, was present and
gave the following sentiment:
• The Keystone State—where I was reared, my second
home, where I learned the Lord's Prayer, and the alphabet
of the language that I speak; call me its child, and I am
Ix Tows—The young man with his hair put up in the
"Polka Style". Better take care, or Hurray will put you
in his Book.
SOCIAL PARTY.-A social party comes off at the Water
Street hotel to-morrow a ;ening. The managers who have
it in charge are a sufficient guaranty that it will be con
ducted with the utmost order and decorum. Much pleas
ure may be anticipated.
vzs_lie (Lewis) sent his postage bill to us the other day,
which we considered exorbitant, and refused paying until
he gave the items. This he could not do; and to vent his
spite stuck up a bill in his office to the effect that our ac
count was ler sale, &4.—Hunt. Journal.
- Brewster's postage bill amounts to 66 cents, which ho
refused to pay unless we would "give the items"—that is
to say, a regular bill for a paper to day, or a book or some
thing else to-morrow, and so on. Such accounts are never
kept in a Post Office, and this fact the scoundrel knows.—
We, ary willing to be qualified to the aggregate amount of
Brewster's bill, which ho refuses to pay, and which we
have "stuck up for sale," and which, unless sold at private
sale, will be offered at public auction in the streets of Hun
tingdon, during the present week! Thus, every act of Bill
Brewster's is pregnant with meanness and dishonesty, and
the public must hereafter excuse us for taking no further
notice of him, or the "poor witty-cur,"-of whom be is ma
king a consummate dupe and fool. They have piled up
lie upon lie—no assertion, however extravagant, they have
not hesitated to make-and in private, boast of their mean
ness and rascality. They stand before this community ,
branded, by common consent, as liars andscoundrels, mor
al perjurers, and poor, weak, and imbecile whelps, whom
it would be a pity to spit upon or to kick I -
AS. A Grand Cotillion Party will come off at the Broad
Top City Hotel, on the 22d of February- - The cars will
then run within a half mile of the City, and we learn that
Excursion Tickets will be issued for the occasion. It is
intended to make this "the Party" of the Season, and wo
doubt not it will far surpass anything of the kind ever-be
fore seen in these parts. Prepare for a pleasure excursion
ika.A new saddlery establishment has been opened -by
Mr. John G. Gilbert, in the room formerly occupied by M.
&trona, opposite the Post Mice. Read his advertisement
and give him a call.'
~The notes of the Erie City Bank are
selling at 70 cents on the dollar. The notes
of the Lancaster are bought at 'SO cents.
There are rumors afloat unfavorable to the
credit of several of the Ohio and. Indiana
Banks. -
Will Positively take place, without fail,
• ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1857.
lie people attending Court will certain
ly call at
Prettyman's Daguerreotype Gallery,
and get a beautiful
Picture of Themselves.
Plain and Pantry Printing.
Job work of all kinds--such as Handbills, Circulars,
Business, Visiting, and Show Cards, Tickets, Bill' Heads,
Deeds, Mortgages, and all kinds of blanks, &c.,'&c., &c.
neatly printed at the "Owns" Job Office, Huntingdon. Pa.
.11-Specintens of "GtoaE" printing can be seen at the,
office—which will satisfy everybody that it is no longer
necessary to go to Philadelphia for neat work. Call and
see for yourselves.
Antibrotypes and Daguerreotypes.
E. P. Pi:annum respectfuly informs the public that ho
is now porpared to take Dauguerroetypes and Ambrotypes
on glass, put up with double or single glass.
Rooms at the Station house, Huntingdon Pa.,
Blanks of all kinds,
Neatly printed and fur sale at the "Globe," Office--such as
Blank Deeds, Mortgaged, Judgment and Common Bonds,
Agreements, Leases, Judgment and Proniissory Notes,
Notes relinquishing all benefits of exemption laws, License
Bonds, and all blanks used-by Justices of the Peace.
The Public
Generally arc invited to call at the Now Drug Store of
llosay Mollie:mum. Every article usually to be found
in the best establishments of the kind, can be had, fresh
andlirtre, tit their Store, in Market Square, Huntingdon.
See advertisement in another column.
For Ready.;Made Clothing,
Wholesale or retail, call at 11. Roms N's Clothing Store,
opposite Couts' Hotel, Huntingdon, ra., where the very
ocst assortment of goods for men and boys' wear may be
found at 16w prices.
• . Express
been removed to the 11. & B. T. R. It. Office.
Huntingdon, Jan. 7.1857. ' Agent
On the 25th ult., by Bey. G. Berkstresscr, Mr..T.tconllEsS
and Miss Euz.unrrn Guram, both of Tod township.
On the same day, by the same. Mr. WILLIAM GITIAM and
Miss SAMANTHA WILLET, both of Tod township.
On the 28th ult., by the same, Mr. NATHAN G. HORTON
and Miss MARY CATHARINE. liouca, both of Tod township.
On the 24th of December, by Rev. J. S. Ermentrout, Col.
HEMIY L. ACKER, Publisher of Norristown Register ' and
Miss Uncurl, C. Roadfflgi, of Port Carbon, Schuylkill co.
In this boron Non the Bth of January, inst., by Rev. D.
Shoaff, Mr. Manx B. STATES and Miss MARY M. GLAZIER,
both of Huntingdon.
" A union of hearts, a union of hands,
A. union of States, that none may sever"—
We hail this "glorious union"—forever 1 May it survive
and prosper until more States are added to the Union, and
until the Father of the States becomes an object for the
love rtiol admiration of many.
"Hand in hand, and heart united,
Ye are bridegroom now, and bride;
Each to each have plighted
Warmest love, till death divide."
In Iluntingt, ion, on the 31st Tat., by Rev. A. B. Still, 'Arr.
JAMES McCnericnx and Mrs. MATLIMETT Rimucs, both of
Huntingdon county.
In Huntingdon, on the ith inst., by the same, lifr.J.met3
B. MCCARTNEY and Miss lielior B. Men; both of Hunting
don county.
MoxnAT, Jan. 12.—The Flour Market is dull, the demand
having been checked by the announcement of the arrival
of the Asia. Standard and mixed brands arc freely offered
at $6,37 . 2 4, bbl. without buyers. There is a limited de
mand fur the supply of the city trade at from $6,37, 1 4 to
$7,75 33 bbl. as in quality. Rye Flour. is dulfand nominal
at $3,50053,75 bbl. Corn Meal is quiet, and held at $3
bbl. without sales.
There is an improved demand for Wheat. and with a fhir
amount offering; the advanced rate of Saturday Is fully
maintained. Sales of s@tooo bu. at 1,4501,50 c. y 1 bu. for
prime red; a lot of fair white at 1,53 c., and prime at 1,60@
1,62 c. ¢d bu. Rye is still scarce and wanted at Sle. Corn
is dull, and, held at 6Sc. for old Penna. yellow, and 53c. for
new. Oats are steady. Sales of 1000 bu. Western at 4734 c.
~Clorersettl is in fair demand at $7,37M1.1 64 Its
DENTISTS, Huntingdon, Pa. , Office 11( 11141iii
removed to the rooms adjoining the residence
of R. A. Miller, near the Presbyterian Church.
January 14, 1857.
in Huntingdon will be dedicated to the service of
Almighty God, on Sunday, February Ist, at 11 o'clock A.
M. Services will be conducted by Revs. Bishop Waugh,
J. A. Collins, Dr. T. Bowman, J. Poisal and others. A cor
dial invitation is extended toPreachers and people of con
tiguous charges. . D. SIIOAFF, Pastor.
Huntingdon, January 14, 1857.
EiDuCATIONAL.—The undersigned,
accompanied by Prof. J. F. Stoddard, the "Distin
guished Scholar and Friend of Popular Education," will be
pleased to meet the teachers, directors, and citizens in their
several localities as follows :
At Shirleysburg, on Wednesday evening, the 14th inst.
. At Scottsville, on Thursday and Friday, the 15th and 16th
At the Court-house in Huntingdon, on Saturday evening,
the 17th inst.
At Alexandria, on Monday evening, the 19th inst.
At Shavers Creek Bridge, on Tuesday evening, the 20th
At Manor Hill, on Wednesday evening, the 21st inst.
At Ennisville, on Thursday evening, the 22d inst.
Lectures will be delivered at each of these places by Prof.
Stoddard on educational subjects of the highest importance
to the community. Mr. Stoddard has probably had more
experience in Normal Schools and Normal instruction, than
any man in our State.
Our friends will favor us by procuring suitable places for
our meetings. ALBERT OWEN.
Huntingdon, Jan. 12, 1857.
itti . 0 T I C E .—All persons indebted to
henry C. Walker, either by note or hook account,
will take notice that they are now in my hands, and that
it will be'monomy on their 'gut, to settle the same in a
reasonably short time. D. lIOUTZ,
Assignee of .11. C. Walker.
Alexandria, January 14. 1857.
ESTABLISILNIENT.:—The undersigned respectfully
informs the citizens of Huntingdon, and surrounding
country, that ho has opened a
- new Saddle and Harness es
tablishment on Hill Street, in the boroughof Huntingdon,
two doors east of J. & W.Saxten's store, ,
where he is prepared to furnish Saddles, • .
Bridles, Harness, Blankets. B ffa I o •
Robes, Sleigh Bells, Whips, Girths, and
every article belonging to his Ulmer Ar ri gio,.‘A
business, at the shortest notice, and on - ••' •
the most reasonable terms, for cash or country produce.
No credit will be given—his terms will be cash or country
produce for all articles sold. His articles made of
good material and in the best style. He invites customers
to give him a call, and ho will try to please them.
Huntingdon, January 14, 1857.
STORE.—JOHN FRISCH respectfully informs the
ty, that he has Just opened
a new store on Rill street,
opposite Straus' Store, Him- Al.
tingdon, for the sale of
His stock Is entirely new and of the best quality, and
will be disposed of at fair prices.
The public generally are requested to call and eFamine
for themselves.
Repairing of Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry, done In tho
best manner on short notice. JOUR FILISCIL
Huntingdon, Oct. 1, 3.856. •
VRESII lot of Clarified Table Oil for
IATANTED—A boy to learn Carria g e Also--a man to do the wood work of
Carriages, 4fcc. OWEN BOAT.
Huntingdon, Dec. 24,1556.
WRIGHT'S Hair Regenerator or Am
ber Gloss, for sale at 1110.120IGLLL'S.
mu. ,
Accouirit'ofJACOß Treturdi..
To anit. of cash received froth Collectors, • $1813'24
4 •• " " circus and exhibition. licenses, • 'lO 00
" 44 received from Catholic. Church', 83 08,,
amt. paid out on Orders No. 123 to 220, 1388 43
Amount of receipts over disbursements $&4 89
To amount received from collectors from the 9th
April,-1853, to tho Ist January, 1857 2391 81
By balance due Treasurer 9th April,
1853, " 18 71
" amount paid out on Orders No. 1 to
220, including Treasurer's salary to
9th January, 1857, 3 yrs. and 9 mos. 2.361 07 . 2377 78
Balance in tho hands of the Treasurer,
Ist January, 1857, 14 03
John Snyder, Collector, amount of his
Duplicate for 1855 $lOl2 74
Amount paid on account of mune, 733 70 279 04
J. M. Simpson, Collector, amount of his
Duplicate for 1856 $1571 70
Amount paid on account of same ....... ..... 557 08 1014 62
Total amount duo on Duplicates $1293 66
Expenditures during the year 1806
For labor done in 1855, $324 34
" materials furnished in 1854 and 1855, 29 56
" labor done in 1856, 95 vay i . 449 8O
For labor done in 1855, 15 94
" Prothonotary's fee, enteringlien, &c. 122 17 1634
On account of purchase of addition to
the Graveyard, 1855, 207 70
Win. P. Orbison, Esq., for drawing deed
for same, 1855. 4 00
WM. .K. Rabin, for making fence, 1856, 225 . 214151
For repairing Plicenix Engine, 1854,... 30 70
" 1855,... 72 00
" rent of Phoenix Engine house, 1856, 792 110 02
On account of trees planted in Smith
street in 1855, 77 50
For hauling, lumber, planting and box
ing said trees, 74 75 152 25
T. K. Simonton for freight on hay scale,
1856 SI 50
J. M. Simpson for keeping borough ball
_ up to 14th March, 1856, 35 00
John A. Nash, for 1855 and 1856, 5 75
William Lewis, " 4, 600 11 75
Johu F. Ramey, on account for 1855, 55 30
John H. Easton, - " " 625
Samuel Coats, 8 50
K. M. King, • 4.$ " 625
Peter C. Swoopo, At 4 00
Sainuel S. Smith, 600 85 80
ThOMILS Carmon, Ass't Assessor for 1854, 1 00
44 44 " 1855, 933
A. B. Crowit, " " 44 .6 300 13 33
Sanfl S. Smith, Town Clerk, : 1854, 20 75
John Africa, Supervisor, /5 18- •
John ilumbaugh, " "
4i is 1855, 84 37
J. Murray Simpson, " 7 87
Wm. Steel, on acct.;" " 1856, 10 00
Judge and Clerk of election " " 200
A. S. Harrison, Esq., for administeringl
oath of office, 1856, 2 00
John Scott, Esq., for professional Beryl-
CeS, 1854, 100 00
Willoughby, balance duo him as
Overseer of the Poor, 4 83
Dr. J. li. Dorsey, salary as Physician,
up to April Ist, 1855; 30 00
Fomenter's work, 1855, - 1 75
liergane & Grim, blacksmithing, 1855, 5 55
For merchandize, 1855 it 1856, 5 80%
To A. Willoughby, balance on grave- .
yard, 1855, 200 00
To W. J. Young, for surveying install:
meuts, 1855 170 00
To Abbott & Co., for Ilay Scale, 1856,... 140.00
On orders issued and unpaid,, 358 89 1 %
To Taylor & Cremer, for hedging and ' -
planting trees - in graveyard; and
dr sun-.
. . . y
persons for labor; =punts Act .
. ..
$B6B 89 1 4
, .
litintingdon, January 1,1857.
T ..IST OF LETTERS remaining in the
Post °nice at Huntingdon, Pa., January 1, 1857,
winch if not lifted on or before the Ist day of April next
will be sent to the Generat Post office as dead - letters.
A Mr. Lasber •
David 0 Ann nn Harriet A L Lewis
B . &unuel Linn
Jacob Barri& _ John Lerley
John Baker Wm C Leidy
John Brickit M
C Wm Moore
Samuel Crawford J W Moore .
Joseph S Camp Henry Miller ..
Wm L Cunningham Joseph McCoy
James M Clark 2 James Moore
John Countryman James McCully .
Ferdinand° Camilll N
Frank Campbell John Newkirk
E Cooper . Alex. Newell
Patrick Coil,. P
Nary Crigh
M Douty, Esq . -Mrs Jane Reed
Daniel J Dill 2 Miss Julia Ross 2
- Blra Matilda Ikalson : _Philip Ritter
Id • , Jane E Ramsey
Jackson Emerick. S
Miss Chloe Eddy Howard Smith
'Martha Eager. Wm R. Smith 3
F Wm H H Snyder
George Fetter - , ' Mrs 111 A Stewart - ;,:
O . Mrs Sarah Smith . ' .
Mary Gilbrith - . Mary Sullivan
David T Green ' 'Dr J II Stewart
Hannah Graham " John Swan or J Morrow
.7 W Grizzard 3 George Smith
Di Good Mary Shoenfelt
Sarah A Hall John Trunter 2
J B Holmes Alex Troutman
Josiah Hall Nelson Timpkins
A G Henry W
B F Houk James Wilson
Matilda Hicks Samuel Wright
Christian Herr° John A Witmer
I A J Abram Wells
Geo. Irvin Isaac Wolverton
A Ingraham Wm II Wharton
IC Mary Walls 2
W C Kocher Barbara Wilcox
L Caroline G. Watson
John Logan
Ita_Persons inquiring for letters on this list will please
say they am advertised. WM. LEWIS, P. M.
Huntingdon, January 2, 1857.
S PS..—A Teachers' Institute will be held at Scottsville,
beginning Thursday the 15th inst., and it will continuo
two days. Prof. Stoddard, an eminent Educationalist, and
Prof. lelagaliard of Shirleysburg will be the principal In
structors of the Institute. Teachers, turn out, and you
will be delighted with these able instructors.
The citizens generally are invited to attend.
January 7, ISil7. County Superintendent.
TON ;by Sathuel M. Smucker, A. M., author of the Life
and Reign of .Nicholas I, of Russia, &c., &c.
This is the only complete and reliable biography of this
Gamer MAN. Ile was the intimate personal Plumy OF WASR
IISIGTON, and by many considered his equal.
This work inclUdes a history of the times and men of the
Revolution, and many incidents. not heretofore given in
history. It has all the charms of romance, although pre
pared from the most reliable and authentic sources, and
should be in the hands of every Americanwho reveres the
great and good men of our Revolution. A sketch of Buart
is also given, and an account of his miserable end.
Agents wanted in every part of the United States, for
this and other valuable works, to whom the largest com
missions will be paid. Copies sent by mail, on receipt of
the price, $l. J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher,
No. 4S North Fourth Street,
January 7, 1857-Im. Philadelphia.
CEGARS, SEOARS.—A large lot of
the best Segarn--consisting of Fire Fly, Opera, La
Duicipena, La Suiza, El Neptune, and 10,000 other brands,
—all the beet that could be procured in the city, just re
ceived and for sale by LOVE & McDIVIT.
- ROW'S THIS !—X. & W. Saxton are
nowereceiving their Second Fall and Winter Stock
Enumeration is unnecessary, but what every body says,
must be true, and every body says the place to find the
BEST ASSORTMENT of DRY GOODS in 'these parts, is at
J. &W, SAXTON'S. • [Dec. 10,'56.]
Splendid lot of Fancy and Striped
Bilks, French Morino, Cashmere. Lyons Cloth, Robes,
'ancy and Striped Delaines, Persian Twills. Also flk
handsome assortment of Collars, Underalcoves and Mitts,
just received and for sale cheap by
decl7 J. i W. SAXTON.
41 . 0 T ro p oi N ved S
n A d N ro T B IIR ty ACITE COAL just
'"lintirigdon, D a m . .. 17,7.856. CUNNLYOII4I3I S DUNN.
$11443 32
$1338 43
J Porland Emq
• .•
• - ;,.•.*: ..-- '.' '''' AM*. ~ , ~ r . , , .
i;:;1 7 ; 7%2 -7- a&- - -...-. • , -
,- .... -• • , i,.:at. 11+6.0, • ~-4 : -.... '". 7 a , „,,_
1 :ha — ''''''t c; ' ..% . 7e. •'. 70...r'ii'c r . -.:441:5 ~f - r ,2-."))11 " ,r- 3 .7------ -- .. 10MA - z- - -2,
, On and after: Monday, 'November 17, 1855, Trains will
leayo Daily, (Sundays excepted,) as follows:
' Two Tiains a day between SAXTON and WirIITING
DON—ene Train 'daily to ALLAQTTLYPA.
Allaquippa one trip a day. l --Arrive IMB
Riddelsburg { UM -
A. m.
Saxton Leave 620 a 10.48
Fishers' Summit .." 6.40' .." 10,28
Rough & Ready " 704 4t 10.07
Coffee Run AZ 7.12 • " 9.59
Marklesburg cc 7.28 " 9 42
Pleasant Gro-vo it 7 4° cc 930
M'Connellstown " ' 750 4C 9.20
Huntingdon Arrive 8 05 Leave 9.00
P. M.
Allaquippa Leave... .....11.50 f Stay all night'
Riddelsburg " 11.56 1 at Saxton.
Arrive 12.12 P. at.
Saxton .Leave 12.20 Arrive 5.44,
Fishers' Summit " 12.40 4 4
Rough & Ready 4i
.12.50 cc 5 01
Coffee Run " 100 it 4 51
Marklesburg di 116 tt 4 38
Pleasant Grove " 128 " 4.26
M'Connellstown " 138 " 415
Huntingdon Arrive 2.00 Leave 4 00
Connecting at Huntingdon with Trains East and West
on Pennsylvania Rail Road.
Connecting at ALLAQUIPPA with Four Horse, - Mail
Coaches to BEDFORD, BLOODY RUN, &c.
- Fifty pounds Baggage allowed each passenger. For any
further information inquire at the office of Transportation
Department, Huntingdon.
JAMES BOON, .Superintendent.
November 20,1856.
tut. B i t grea S t i rLuctlTln c. the price o 'l f . thC 7 itter pub.
le. SCOW & CO., NEW YOKE, continue to publish the fol
lowing leading British Periodicals, viz:
These Periodicals ably represent the three great political
parties of Great Britain—Whig, Tory, and Radical—but
politics forme only one feature of their character. As Or
gans of the most profound writers on Science, Literature,
Morality, and Religion, they stand, as they ever have stood,
unrivalled in the world of letters, being considered indis
pensable to the scholar and the professional man, while to
the intelligent reader of every class they furnish a more
correct and satisfactory record of the current literature of
the day, throughout the world, than can be possibly obtain
ed from any other source.
EARLY COPIES.—The receipt of Advance Sheets from
the British publishers gives additional value to these lie
prints, especially during the present exciting state of Eu
ropean affairs, inasmuch as they can now be placed in the
bands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions.
For any one of the four Reviews $3 per annum.
For any two of the four Reviews 3 66
For any three of the four Reviews 7 • si
For all four of the Reviews 8
For Blackwood's Magazine 3 at
For Blackwood and three Reviews - - 9
For Blackwood and the four Review 5......... 10 . id
Payments to be made in ea cases in advance. Money cur
rent in the State where issued quill be received at par.
CLUBBING.--A discount of twenty-five per cent. from
the above prices will be allowed to Clubs ordering four or
more copies of Blackwood, or of one Believe, will be sent
to one address for $9; four copies of the four RevieWs and
Blackwood for $3O; and so on.
POSTAGE .—ln all the principal Cities and Tolvne, these
works will be delivered, free of postage. When sent by
mail, the postage to any part of the United States will be
but twenty-four cents a year for Blackwood, and btit fents 4
teen cents a year for each of the Reviews.
N. B. The price in Great Britain of the five Periodicals
above named is about $3l per annum.
tAizirftot $.ll
By listrnr STEPHENS, F. R. S., of Edinburg, and the late J.
Norms, Professor of Scientific Agriculture in Yale
College, New Haven. 2 vols. Royal Octavo. 1600 pages,
-and numerous Wood and Steel Engravings.
•:This is, confessedly, - the most complete work on Agricul
ture ever published, and in order to give it a wider circu
lation the publishers have resolved to reduce the price to
-• When sent by mail (post paid) to California and Oregon
the price will be S,T. To every other part of the Union and
to Canada (post paid), $6.
• AYirTbis work is not the old "Book of the Farm." -
RiSnittances for any of, the above publications should al
ways be addressed, post-paid, to tho Publishers,
fan? N0..54. Gold Street, New York.
TUTE, 'Mechanicsburg, euntherland County, Pa., eight
west of Harrisburg.
This Boarding- School for Young Ladies and Gentlemen,
in successful operation for several years, under the direc
tion of the Env. JOSEPH S. Loess, A: M., has passed . into
the hands of the subscribers, who would announce that
the next term will commence April I, 1857.
The course of instruction is alike liberal and thorough
in all the branches of an English, Scientific and Classical
education. The proprietors engaged for years, us instruct
ors of youth, assisted by male and female teachers of expe
rience and skill will prepare pupils for the practical duties
of. life by a thorough course of instruction.
In the Classical department, Under the charge of an
able and efficient teacher, students will be prepared for any
class in college, or fitted to enter upon the study of any of
the different professions.
Teachers of modern languages converse in French, Ger
man, Italian and Spanish.
Terms, reasonable, and charges very moderato.
For Circulars giving particulars, address
RUPP & 1 COYLE, Proprietors,
A C. V. Institute, Mechanicsburg, Pa., or
- - ' I. D. RUPP, Harrisburg, Pa.
December 31,1856.
) ourth street, third Boot Store below Race, Philadelphia,
Wholesale and Retail dealer, will give full satisfaction to
all who may patronise him. Country dealers, and persons
wishing a good article, are invited to call.
Philadelphia, Nov. 19, 1856-3 m.
rated by authority of an act of Assembly, 1850. During
the past year, upwards of one hundred students have been
in attendance at this Institution, representing ten States,
showing a popularity unsurpassed by any similar estab
COURSE OF STUDY Embraces Double Entry Book-keep
ing, as applied to Wholesale, Retail, Commission, Manufac
turing, Shipping, Steam Boating, Individual, Partnership,
Compound Company Business, Commercial Calculations,
Mercantile Correspondence, Business Penmanship, Detect
ing Counterfeited and altered Bank Notes, and Lectures on
Commercial Law and Political Economy
For Circular, &c., address
Nov. 12,1858,
WANTED—A good experienced jour
neyman Cabinet-Maker, to whom constant employ
meat will be given. Apply immediately to
Huntingdon, Dec. 24, 1850
COME AGAIN, with a general assort
j meat of BOOTS and SHOES,
For Men
and Children. Call
and examine my stock. You can't be disappointed.
Hunting,don, Dec. 24, 1856. L. WESTBROOK.
long been sought for, to insert In a durable manner, Da
guerreotype Likenesses to Head Stones and Monuments.--
I have been manufacturing these cases for the last two
years, and can wurrant them to secure the picture for
long number of years.
The'outßide case is made of Paean Marble, and the box
which encloses the picture and keeps it in a state of great
preservation for a long number of years, is made of brass,
—a screw box. It makes a very neat job on a Head Stone
or Monument. They are used in Greenwood Cemetery,
Mount Auburn, Laurel Hill, and many other Cemeteries
in the United States.
A liberal discount made to Marble Dealers and Dagnerre
otypists. Price from $2.25 each to $9.50. A circular of
engravings will be sent to any address, free, with price
list. Address, A. L. BALDWIN,
Agent of Mausoleum Dag. Co., 335 Broadway, New York.
December 24,1856.
ro THE PUBLIC.—The undersigned
informs his friends and the public generally, 1
that ho has lensed the ORLANDO MUSE, in the )k •
borough of Huntingdon, and is now prepared to ac- )] •
eommodate with boarding and lodging alt who may favor
him with a call. His Dar is furnished with the best liquors.
LIVERY STABLE.— to bay also provided
himself with a good stock of horses, Car
; la ' riagrs, km, for the accommodation of the pub•
lie, at reasonable charges.
Huntingdon, April 7, 1856
just roccived +►Ad for sato by' LOVE & /rIcDIV/T.
- President
N - OTICE.--Letters Testamentary hav
ing•boen granted to the undersigned, on the last
Will and Testament of JOAN SMILEY, late of Brady
township, dec'd, all persons indebted to said deceased's es
tate, are requested to make payment, and those having
clams against the same will present them duly authenti
cated for settlement. ISRAEL SMILEY.
December 2.41, 1856.
bo without Money Y when it is just as may for any
one to be around with a pocket full as not, if they only
think so. I have got a new article, from which from live
to twenty dollars a day can be made, either by male or fe
male. - highly respectable business, and an article
which is wanted in every family in the United States. En
close me two dollars by mail, and I will forward by return
mail a Circular, with full instructions in the art. The bu
siness is very easy. Try it, if you are out of employment,
and you will never regret It; for it will be better for you
to pay the above sum, and insure a good business, than to
pay twenty-five cents for a spurious advertisement. This
is no humbug. Try it: Try it! Try it! Address your
letters to DWIGIIT MONROE, New York.
Dec. 21, 180.3 m.
I sent ono of my Circulars to an .Edilor in Georgia, and
ho gave me a notice iu Ids paper like the tenoning:
4 . Mr. Monroe sent mo one of his Circulars, and I will
just say to my readers that whoever of you are out of em
ployment that Mr. Monroo's business is a good husines,
and money can bo made out of it by any ono who engages
in it, for it is no humbug."
500 BUSHEL S of Dried APPLES,
a-anted in exchange for our goods.
Dec. 17, 1856. LOVE &
STAINS, of Scottsville, Huntingdon county, ra,, for
the best srecinten of ratublo work. Send on your orders
o o Scottsville, Oct. 21, 1866-Iy.
pRizE CONCERT.- Brand Distribu
tion of Watches, Clocks, Gold Ear . Rings, Breast
Pins, Finger Rings, Gold Pens, Fine Knives, Port Mon.-
. naies, Show Cases, Musical Instruments, and au
endless vbriety of Fancy Articles.
Not actuated by ally Vish to speculate, but prompt
ed solely by a desire of closing out his Jewelry and Fancy
Store in Huntingdon, the subscriber Will dispose of the
above articles in the following manner;,
The goods will bo divided into 1000 shares. 1000 Tickets
will be sold at $1 each: Each Ticket entitles the holder to
one seat in a Grand Musical Concert valued alone at one
dollar. To the purchaser of each ticket I will give ono
share of the above property to be distributed as follows;
One share valued at $l5O, consisting of
splendid Patent Lever, $25; 1 English Case, $lOO ; Shun
moth Gold Pen, $5 ; 1 Eight-day Iron Clock, $lO ; 1 Gold
Locket, $5 ; and 1 Gold Breast Pin, $5.
Two shares valued at $5O each,
Ist, of 1 Silver Patent Lcver;s2s; 1 Side Case, 10; 1 Pearl
Inlaid Iron Clock, $lO ; and 1 Ladies Breast Pin, $5.
2d, consisting of 1 twenty-two keyed Accordeon, $10; 1
Eight-day Clock, $7. 1 solid Gold Scarf Pin, $l2; 1 Isin
glass Fan, $5 ; 1 Geld Pen, $3; and an assorted lot of Jew
elry and Fancy Goods, $l3.
Four shares valued at $25 each, consisting,
Ist, of 1 Silver Watch, $l2; 1 Show Case, $10; and 1 Gold
Pen, $3.
2d, 1 Large Watch, $l2; 1 Gold Locket, $8; and 1 Gold
Pencil, $5.
3d, 1 Chrystal Seal, $l3; I Gold Pen, $3; 1 pair Ear
Rings, $0; and 1 fine Finger Ring, $3.
4th, 1 Colts Revolver, $2O; and 1 box Mathematical In
struments, $5.
Eight shares valued at $12,50 each, consis
ting, Ist, of 1 Mantel Clock, Glass Cover, $7 ; 1 Accordeon,
$3; and 1 Breast Pin, $2 50.
24, consisting of 1 pair Ivory Mounted Pistols, $10; and
1 Lathes' Pencil, $2 50.
3d, consisting of 1 Horizontal Clock, (glass cover,) $7; 1
Ladles' Pearl Card Case, $4; and 1 Finger Ring, $1 50.
4th, consisting of 1 set of Mathematical Instrumentsssp
1 set Silver P. Forks, $4; 2 Finger Rings, $3 50.
16 shares valued at $6 25 each, consisting
of a lot of Jewelry; Fancy Goods, &c.
32 shares valued at $3,12 each, consisting of Jewelry, &c.
64 6t it 1,58 41 16 u 66
128 " it 78 it CI it
256 " « 89 ct U « 16,
489 cc « 10 a
In addition to the articles already enumerated there will
be distributed Brushes, Perfumery, Violin Bows, Fine Bar
sore, Shaving Cases, Spectacles, and a variety of articles
usually found iu'a store of this kind.
The Concert mill take place on Friday, 23d day of Janu
ary, inst. The Music will be discoursed by the unrivaled
Excelsior Brass Baud, the pleasure of hearing which is es
timated at one dollar, and is so conceded by all goodjudges.
Send your orders early and they will be promptly and
honestly attended to EDM. SNARE,
Huntingdon, Pa.
.AGENTS WANTED.—Tnams.—For 15 Tickets sold,
one dollar in money, goods or ticket. For 25, two tickets.
For 40, three tickets. For 50, four tickets. For 60, five
tickets. For 70, six tickets. For 80, seven tickets. For
100.:ten tickets. Iluntingdon, December 17, 1856.
Scott, the Auditor appointed to distribute the assets
in the hands of David Hicks, Administrator of Adam Big
horn, deed, to and among those persons entitled to the
same, will attend for that purpose at his office in the- bor
ough of Huntingdon, on Thursday, January S, 1857, at one
o'clock, P. M., at which time and place all persons interest
ed in said fund are notified to plesent their claims, or be
debarred from coming in for a share of such assets or fund.
JOHN SCOTT, Auditor.
Muntingdon, Dec.lo, 1856.
Dissolution of Partnership.—The co
partnership heretofore existing under the firm of
tilasgow Steel, has by mutual consent been dissolved.—
Those having unsettled accounts with the firm are request
ed to caA tind settle imtactliately:..
Iluntingdon, Dec. 10, 1856.
Alr -- The business will be continued by Wm. T. Steel, and
a liberal patronage from a generous public will be thank
fully received.
owners undersigned of the Huntingdon Mill inform
t le farniers and. the public generally that they nod*, have
their new mill in running order, with all the modern im
provements In the Water Wheels and Machinery.
They have put in five of the Improyed..jouval Turbine
Water 'Wheels, and can grind in stages of water, and
during the coldest weather any and all kinds of grain.
They are prepared to sell, and have on hand for sale at
all times at Market rates all kinds of Flour, Feed, and
Staffs ; and Farmers dttilanie their own grain ground and :
take it back in a return load, or they cut ho furnished In
exchange at a moment's notice, an equal quantity of Flour
and Bran, or chopped feed.
Their smut machine is of improved manufacture, and
they will insure a "a fall turn out" of superior quality to
every bushel of grain left at their mill.
N. B. Their Buckwheat Stones are not quite ready.
Huntingdon, Dec. 8,1556.
serfs env or Enriorlsrxr..---An Elegant Gift for a Father to
Present to his Family! .I%OZ- Send for One Copy, and try
it among your Friends! "tL
IV.tzrrna—Agents in every section of the United States
and Canada, to circulate SEARS' LARGE TYPE QUARTO BIBLE,
For Family Use—Entitled VIE PEOPLE'S PICTORIAL
DMIESTIC BIBLE, with about one thousand Engravings! I
This useful book is destined, if we can form an opinion
from the Notices of the Press, to have an unprecedented
circulation in every section of our wide-spread continent,
and to form a distinct era in the sale of our works. It will,
no doubt, in a few years become ERE FAXELY BIBLE OF TEE
.@& The most liberal remuneration will bo allowed to
all persons who may be pleased to procure subscribers to
the above. From 60 to 100 copies may easily be circulated
and sold in each of the principal cities and towns of the
- -
AOY- Application should be made at once, as the field will
soon be occupied.
.trirPersons wishing to act as agents, and do a safe bu
siness, can send for a specimen copy. .1355'. On receipt of
the established price, Six Dollars, the l'icrom.u.FAXCLY
te, with a well bound Subscription Book, will be careful
ly boxed, and forwarded per express, at our risk aud ex
pense, to any central town or village in the United States,
excepting those of California, Oregon and Texas.
-0Z - Register your Letters,, and your money will come
.4!riir' In addition to the Pictorial Bible, wo publish a large
number of Illustrated Family Works, very popular,and of
such a high moral and unexceptionable character, that
while good men may safely engage in their circulation,
they will confer a PEIIIIO BENZF/T, and receive a Pam COM
PENSATION for their labor.
.ea - Orders respectfully solicited. For further particu
lars, address the subscriber, (post-paid.)
Dec. 10,1856
T - HE
4 RUSSIAN WAR.—We have just
published a new edition of this popular and saleable
work, and can now supply our agents and canvassers
without delay.
' Besides a complete History of the War, it includes the
LIFE AND REIGN OF NICHOLAS 1., with sketches of
SCHAMYL, the Circassian Chief, and other distinguished
characters; also, descriptions of Russian Society and Gov
ernment, &c., &c., making one of the most interesting
works ever published. It is beautifully illustrated with
fine tinted plates, and bound in the best manner. We
send a specimen copy with particulars of agency to any
part of the - United States, fro, of postage, on receipt of the
price, $1 25. J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher,
No. 48 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
December 24, MO.
-- --
COME lIERE! and get good bargains.
& W. S/tXTON have received front the eastern
cities an assortment of
Dress Goods, and
tto. They have adopted the motto, 64 Quick Sales and
Small Profits." Give them a call.
Huntingdon, December 17, 1856.
181 William Strout, New York
~S TORE.—.I/ 1 /.SS
SLIGIC and Mise WALLACE respectfully an- ••
nounco to the lAdies of Huntingdon and Surround
ing country, that they have opened a MILLINERY
STORE in the east end of the residence of Mrs-Dor- •
land, immediately opposite, the, " Globe" printing office,
where they will carry it on in all its various branches.
They have just received from the city an entire zieW , ,
beautiful and fashionable assortment of bonnets;,
satins, flowers, trimmings, and every article belonging to a
Millinery Store, and will be pleased to receive*. share of
the patronage, and fill the orders of all those who may need
anything in their line of business. They flatter thercrz
selves able to please the most fastidious.
Huntingdon, Nov: 26,18E4.
AM .t DUNN, have just received a well selected stock of
Fall and Winter Goods, consisting of
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes,,
Hardware, Queensware, Cedarware, Crockery-ware, stone
and earthen, Tin ware, Cane Fishing Rods, Ready-pi - lade
Clothing, and in short, everything usually kept in a coun
try store.
Fish, Salf; Bacon and Plaster, kept con
stantly for sale: Call and examine our goods and judge
for yourselves. All kinds of country produce taken at the
highest market price in exchange for Goods.
The highek market price paid for Grain. Prompt atten
tion paid to storing and forwarding all kinds of Nerchan
dize, Produce, &c. CUNNINGHAM & DUNN.
Huntingdon, Nov. 20, 1856.
PRESENTS. A very rich assortment of elegant and
useful goods of tho newest European Productions. 12S
ARCH Street, above Philadelphia.
WRY'S Writing Desks, Papetcres, Jew
ell Cases, Work Boxes, warranted manufactured
in our own work shop, from materials seasoned to snit the
climate. 128 Arch Street, abovo 6th, Philadelphia.
FRY'S Dressing Cases of wood or leather,
for travelling or home use, are all fitted with articles
of real utility and warranted Cutlery, the largest assort
ment in the city to select from. 126 Arch Street, above
6th, Philadelphia.
11 1 RY' S Cabas, Satchells, Portmoniaes,
Travelling Bags, Etouie Cases, Scissors in Cases, Port
folio's, Segar Cases, &c., as low as similar goods can bo pur
chased in the United States. 128 Arch Street, allovo
Philadelphia. December 2, 1856:
_ _
DID. J. S. GRIFFITII, Superiniencieni
HAVING purchased from Wm. 'Williams 6
~%) Co., their stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints &
Brushes, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Fancy
Z.:":.%W. Soaps, Fluid, Camphene, Turpentine, Alcohol,
and a general assortment of Artists' Colors &
Brushes, Spices of all kinds, Window Glass of
all sizes, Putty, all kinds of Varnish, Japan, Copal, Nos. T
and 2, Coachbody and Black Spirit, l'ure Cod Liver Oil, for
the cure of Rheumatism, Scrofula, Gout, Lumbago, Totter,
Chronic Erysipelas, Chronic Sore Eyes, White Swelling s
Glandular Swelling, Pulmonary Consumption, Chronic
Bronchitis, Rickets, and all diseases of the skin, by the
gallon, quart or smaller quantity, the Balm of a Thousand
Flowers, the greatest remedy for Baldness and purifying
the Skin, of the age. John IL Patethorp's celebrated care
for Fever and Ague. No Cure No Pay. Price SL Mao
Tobacco and Segars. All the above, with all articles gen
erally kept in a Drug Store, for sale cheap.
.(Physicians Prescriptions carefully and accurately
Store, Market Square, opposite Cents' Hotel, Hunting
don, Pa: . • HENRY McMANIGILL.
NovembCr 26,1856:
--INTINDOW & W. Saxton
have now oil hand different kinds of Window
Sash, nnd at much lower prices than can be made by hand.
TlieY will also be able to have doors made to order at the
shortest notice. as well as Shutters, Blinds, and everything
necessary for building purposes.
Huntingdon, December 17, 1856.
SALE.—Ire would offer for auto the following prop-
—A FARM of ninety acres in Germany 'Valley, Hun
tingdon county, it being one half of the Farm formerly
owned by Geo. Eby, nearly all cleared and in a fine state,
of cultivation, choice Lime Stone Land. House and Stable
erected thereon, within running water. VA miles from
Shirleysburg, and 5 miles from Penn'a Real Head and Canal
at Mt. Union.
ALSO-Ig. acres, of choice land adjoining the above on
whicEis erected go . od fiances, small Barn, Wood house,
&c., with a never failing spring of good water, fine Orchard
with choice fruit. This is a very desirable property and
would be suitable for a mechanic, or any person desiririg
to retire from active life.
ALSO—A FARM in Union township, Huntingdon Nein
ty, consaining 65 acres, one-half of which is cleared; find
balance first quality of Timber land, situated within one
mile of the Penn's Canal and Rail Road at Mill Creak-
Either of the above properties wilt be sold low and on
reasonable terms. Apply to the subscribers at Mill Creek s
Huntingdon county, Pa. XESSLER 13110:
September 10, 1856-tf,
o well known establishment of Messrs. LOVE & Mo-
DIVITT, on Market street, Huntingdon, was yesterday
compelled to close its doors on account of the tremendous
rush of customers, occasioned by the arrival in port of the
boat "Broad Top" from the East, having on board, the
most extensive assortment of fresh Groceries, Confection°,
ries, &c., &c., &c., ever offered for sale in this place. To
day, however, they are happy to be able to announce to-
their numerous friends and patrons—to the public goner--
ally—and "the rest of mankind." that they are again
open, and prepared to dispose of their entire stock, on the
most reasonable terms, for cash c r country produce—con
sisting of the following. viz: Cs fee, Sugar, Teas, Molas
ses, Fish, Salt, Cheese, Crackers, Cakes, Fruit, Confection
aries, Hams, Shoulders, &c., Tobacco of the best quality
and Segars of every grade. Candles, Oils, Fluids, Cam
phone, &c. Nuts of every description, Figs, Raisins, &c.
In short, every thing usually found in au establishment of
this kind.
As the terms will be strictly eau, or country produce in
exchange for goods, their stock will be disposed of at the
Thankful for past favors, they would still solicit a share
of public patronage. All are invited to call and examine
for themselves, as no pains will be spared in order to ac
commodate. December 8, D 356.
CIAL SCHOOL, Has been removed to a large and
commodious room in the "Town Hall," and is open, day
and evening, for the reception of Students. The course of
instruction, embracing Single and Double Entry Book
keeping, is accompanied by daily Lectures on Commercial
Sciences. A department has also been opened, which is
devoted to Penmanship, and is conducted by Prof. BibansitoN
of Pittsburg.
Lectures on Commercial Law, Ethics and Political Econ
omy are delivered periodically, to the students, by members
of the Huntingdon Bar.
Other particulars furnished on application, personally,
or by letter, to T. IL POLLOCK:Principal.
Huntingdon, Nov. 36, 1856.
. P. GWIN has just received from Philadelphia a largo
and beautiful assortment of FALL and WENTER GOODS,
consisting of the most fashionable Dress Goods for Ladies
and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks, ammolion and Fancy
Silks, French Merinoes, All Wool Delaines, Persian Sculls,
Coburg Cloth, Lovella Cloth, Alpaca, Debarge Madonna
Cloth, Wool Plaids, and any quantity of Fancy Detains.—
Prints of every description.
ALso—A large lot of Dress Trimmings,'
Dress Buttons. Bonnet Silks, Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts, Ho
siery, Laces, Veils, Collars, Undersleovcs, Chimazetts, Mo
hair Head Dresses, Guru Belts,- Whalebones for Skirts, Silk
and Linen Flop, French Working, Cotton, Fall and Wool
Shawls, and a variety of Fancy Goods too numerous to
Also—Cloths, Black and Blue, Black and
Fancy Cassbneres, Caasinets. Tweeds, Kentucky Jean,
Yestings, Flannels, Sack Flannels of every color, Canton
Flannel, Cotton and Nankeen Linsey, Muslin, bleached
and nnbleaehed, Ticking, Checks, Table Diaper, Woollen'
and Linen Table Covers, Sheeting Muslin 234 yards wide.
Woollen YMns different colors, Woollen Coats and Caps,
Comforts, .tc.
Silk Bonnets of every description and color,.
largest assortment in town, and at prices that can't bo,
beat. Also, Hats and Caps, latest styles, Boots and Shoes,.
Qnoonsware, Hardware, Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, Oil Clottilfk
Groceries, Salt, and all goods usually kepi
in a country store.
~-My old customers, and as many now ones na can
crowd in. aro respectfully invited to call and exmailne my
Goods. No charges for looking. All kinds of Country
Produce taken in exchange for Goods at bigbest market
Prices. Huntingdon, Oet:l3, 1856.
ItOWAND'S Improved Tonic 'Mixture,
for Fever anti Ague, at HENRY 31eAtAiiIGILL'S.
For Bala at 1110LANIOILLT-
ROWAND'S Blackberry Root, an
inestimable and warranted remedy for Bowel Com
plaints, at the cheap Drug, Vare
HE ity and Fancy store of
TAR. D. R. GOOD, has located at Peters
_Li burg, Huntingdon county, and offers his professions]
wrvices to the citizens of Petersburg and surrounding
country. Office near Noffs Hotel.
November 10, 1856-3m.*
USICAL.—The subscriber havingM located himself in the borongh - of Huntingdon in
tends to give lessons on the Piano Forte and Singing. All
persons wishing to receive musical instruction 'will find
me at Mrs. Harapson's. Those scholars that have Pianos
can receive lessons at their residences. No extra charges
for goin g to scholars houses or singing.
Oct Ligo3-3m. P. BRUNEZB.