The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 17, 1856, Image 2

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direntation—the idrgest in the count✓,
Wednesday, 3:lecember 17, 1856.
Prom the Phila. Evening Argue
A.mericaus Ruling America.
The principal and most delusive catch say
ing of the Know Nothings is, "Americans
shall rule America." At the commencement
of the organization it told with great effect
upon our young men, and the more ignorant
of our native born citizens. It was seen on
'all their banners, shouted forth by all their
orators, and used as the caption of many a
newspaper article. In fact, the cunning men
who belonged to the- secret order and aspired
to places of honor and profit, that they could
not reach while members of any other party,
used it with such effect as to make thousands
believe that our country was overrun and gov
erned by a foreign horde and that Americans
never did. rule America.
The result has been to arouse in the breasts
of hosts of the ignorant portion of our native
born fellow-citizens the worst passions of hu
man nature, and cause them to hate and pro
scribe those of foreign birth and Catholic
creed, as well as the liberal and truly Repub
lican portion of those of American birth who
do not approve their anti-American notions.
In a number . of our large cities, Know-
Nothingism succeeded; but their rule was so
tyrannical and corrupt, that, with but a few
exceptions, the sober second thought of the
people drove them from place and power.—
Afew places remain whose citizens are yet
boUnd hand and foot by Know Nothing mis
. rule. .Louisville, New Orleans, and Balti
more, have Know Nothing municipal govern
ments. In these cities " Americans rule
Anierica" with a vengeance. Rowdyism,
riot and bloodshed is the order of the day.-
- Men of foreign birth and opposite politics
stand no chance whatever. They are 'sub
jected to the greatest indignities and the gross
. est injustice. The ballot-box has been inva
ded, the right of suffrage shown to be a farce,
and criminal courts holes through which mur
derers have been allowed to escape unpunish
ed, in the very face of outraged public opin
ion. Thus it is that Americans rule .Ameri-
The city of Baltimore, scarce thirty miles
from the seat of our national government, at
the present time is ruled with a rod of iron;
surpassing in injustice the most despotic gov
ernment in Europe, by the ruffians of the
Know Nothing order and those they have
klaced in power. Scarcely a day passes that
mitted by brutes belonging to the secret or
der, almost under the eyes of those whose du
ty it is to protect the lives and property of
the citizens and execute the laws. And yet
they go unpunished. While this is the case
,those who are not Americans are made to
meet the full penalties of the law for the most
trifli rig offence. Here "Americans rule Amer-
A few weeks since, while an inoffending
German citizen,' named Dengle, at twilight,
was standing at his door, he was assailed by
three half drunken fighting men of the order
and shot dead without the least provocation.
This was seen by three persons, who swore
to the fact before the jury in the Criminal
Court of Baltimore; but notwithstanding this
evidence and the strongest convicting circum
stances that could be produced in any ease,
a packed Know Nothing jury set the mur
derers free, that they might prey once more
upon society and commit other murders when
they please, to be again, in all probability,
declared innocent. The Baltimore Republi
cay, of Wednesday, while commenting on this
legal outrage, says ;
" What next ?" said a prominent business
Man of the opposition yesterday, upon hear
ing of the acquittal of the persons arraigned
for the rnurdCr of Dengle. The answer is as
obvious as destructive of all confidence in ju
ry determinations. Every Democrat who is
charged with crime will doubtless be dealt
with in that spirit of injustice which has rid
den roughshod over law, conclusive testimo
ny, and an almost undivided public opinion.
In other words, Democrats who have been ar
rested for alleged. participation in the riots
Will be convicted, while "trump ruffians, over
flown with insolence and brutality, whose wild
raid through our streets is marked by rapine,
and wanton, wilful bloodshed, will go un
whipped of justice. There is little or no
hope remaining for those guilty of thinking
or acting in contravention of our masters in
office. - Disfranchised, unprotected against
partizan wrong and outrage, arrested without
.cause to be condemned without mercy, the
level of citizenship in Baltimore has sounded
the depths of degradation. In other lands,
submission to tyrants unfailingly evokes le
gal protection ; but here, in the land of the
free, the most common rights are crushed out
between the upper millstone of petty tyran
ny and the nether one of unstinted. ruffian
This is " Americans ruling America."—
And whit is the result of these Know Noth
ing outrages? They are most disastrous.—
They have given Baltimore a blow from which
at will"fake her_long years to recover. Some
of her best citizens are flying from the city
in disgust, determined to submit to outrage
no longer; but go rather to places where some
regard is" had for: life and property. The
trade of -Baltimore- has_ been injured; mer
.chantz from the South and Southwest, who
used to purchase goods there, now pass by
as though the city was cursed by some loath
some plague ; even people of some of the coun
ties of Maryland have passed resolutions not
to trade or barter with Baltimore, :which has
heretofore been looked upon as the great heart
and pride of the State.
The farmers of Hartford county resolved,
in public meeting, to send their produce to
Philadelphia, and buy their goods here, ra
ther than risk their liVes in Baltimore. Al
ready we hear of: the failure of some of the
first dry goods houses in Baltimore, occasion
ed by the falling off in trade and the immense
amount of goods on hand unsold. These are
the sad results of Americans, or Know-Noth-
I ings, ruling America.
The Lancaster Bank
The stockholders of the Lancaster Bank
held an adjourned meeting on Saturday, the
6th inst., when the 'committee appointed-to
wait upon the stockholders and depositors
with a view to carry out the proposition of
the previous meeting, reported that they had
met very ill success. Since the last meeting
the liabilities of the Bank had been reduced
$173,000. It also appears that the Bank is
charged with $30,000 more notes than was
ever issued. Various propositions for a re
organization of the Bank were submitted,
and also the following report from the com
mittee of investigation:
The Committee_ appointed at a meeting of
the Stockholders of the Lancaster Bank, held
at Fulton Hall, on the 22d ult., to investigate
the affairs of the Bank, beg leave to report
that they have' discharged the duty, and find
the statement of assets and liabilities, pre
sented by the Directors to the Stockholders,
at that meeting, is substantially correct, as
far as it is possible to ascertain at this time.
The Committee also find by the certificate
obtained from the engravers and printers of
all the notes of the Bank, since its organiza
tion as a bank, that they correspond with the
issues exhibited on the books of the Bank.-- 7 -
The Committee are therefore of opinion that
there could be no over-issue unless the notes
reported . on the books as burned were not so
destroyed, and again fraudulently put into
circulation. We have no reason to think that
has been the case.
The Committee deem it inexpedient at this
time to report to the public the cause of the
suspension of the Bank, inasmuch as they
have assurances from the principal debtors
of the Bank, previously reported as doubtful,
that they are making every effort to discharge
their liabilities, and because an exposition at
this time of the mismanagement of the Bank;
would greatly prejudice the chances of recov
ering a considerable portion of the assets
whic are put down as doubtful.
The Committee, therefore, recommend to
all interested parties, believing it is not their
interest at this time, to expose the misman
agement of the Bank, as such a course would
only augment the personal liabilities of the
so anxiously looked for by the business commu
The condition of the Bank as compared
with the statement made to the stockholders
Nov. 22d, 1856, is as follows:
Nov. 22, 1856, Notes in circulation, 5,.,:721,869
Dec. 6, 64 CI 555,471
The essets are reduced to a similar amount
1?esolval, That the Committee be discharg
ed from the further consideration of the sub
Lancaster Bank, Dec. 6, 1856.
Eansas Affairs
The late election has shed flood of light
on Kansas affairs, and motives of conceal
ment having been removed by the defeat of
the Black Republican candidate, their Organs
and agents can afford to give us occasionally
a glimmer of truth. For instance, in refer
ence to the outrages committed in that terri
tory, the Herald of Freedom, an organ of the
Emigrant Aid Society, published at Lawrence,
K. T., says : •
Disguise the fact as much as we will, there
is a class of irresponsible persons, calling
themselves Free-State men, who are engaged
in horse stealing, and other crimes against
the Pro-Slavery settlers, and excusing them
selves under the plea that they have sustain
ed injuries at the hands of the party on which
they commit their depredations. Whether
they have sustained injuries or not, they . aro
not justifiable in committing outrage upon
the person or property of others, and if con
tinued should be punished for . it. While
Free-State men sanction these outrages upon
the Pro-Slavery party, we hope they wilt not
complain if they, or their friends, suffer at
the hands of their enemies.
Every - property,holder and actual
of Kansas, let him belong to what party he
will, desires peace, and he shOuld labor_ to
secure it. Both parties will be compelled to
join hands, in ridding the country of the
black-legs, horse thieves and murderers with
which Kansas is infested., If twenty or.thir
ty of this class of persons on each side were
disposed of a /a Vieksburg,_we. should have
quiet again. A Vigilance Committee, made
up of the members of-both parties, is needed
to bring to justice those who .are laboring
night and. day, to bring about another col
lision between the conflicting political par
We are conscious that man)! professed
Free-State men will censure us for asserting
that members of our own party .are concerned
in. these outrages, but we love justice •and
quiet to the country more -than their good
will. No - wrong-doer; belong to what party
he may, need expect to find an apologi-t for
his wrongful acts in the Herald of cdom.
It was planted to subserve the'cause of Truth,
and it shall be faithful to its mission while it
has an existence.
The same paper boasti - ngly asserts that
Kansas cannot possibly become a slave State,
let the National Administration do what it.
The two principal assertions by which the
Black Republicans sought to influence the
public mind prior to the late election, viz:
first, that an immense number of "outrages"
had been committed upon the Free-State men
without provocation or retaliation ; and sec-
ond, that upon the issue of the Presidential
election the future fate of Kansas would: de
pond, are thus authoritatively branded as
falsehoods by the very best evidence that
could he adduced. A Black Republican pa
per, published in Kansas Territory, the scene
where all those events have transpired, the
Herald of Freedom, far from. desponding, as
sures its friends that "the political horizon of
Kansas was never brighter than now."
To those honest but misguided men who
confided, in the statements of the Black Re
publicans previous to the election, these rev
elations will indeed seem' strange," and, we'
hope, learn them what folly it is to pin their
faith to the sleeves of such false demagogues.
Our Agricultural Interests.
In the busy and bustling City, where the
insionia of commerce meet us on every hand
and thenoisy hum of trade echoes continu
ally in our ears, we are apt to forget that
there are other interests claiming our atten
tion and our aid. Closing our ears for a
time to the rumble and roar of active machi
nery, to the whirl of heavily-laden cars, and
the shrill shriek of the locomotive ;•and.clos
ing our eyes to the puffing steamers and lines
of drays, and the smoke of facteries ; it is but
right and proper that we should occasionally
wander out into the broad fields of our farm
ers. and look at their rich crops, and listen
to their demands upon our consideration.
No argument is needed to impress every
one with the incalculable, the essential im
portance of fostering our agricultural inter
ests. It needs only to be suggested to re
ceive the cordial assent of all classes and con
ditions of men. The farmers furnish the
very essence of trade. Through them and
by them all other pursuits live, move and
have their being.—And yet, while legislative
aid is freely and repeatedly given to develop,
perfect and protect all other interests, the
farmers have received but an occasional
thought from our Legislatures. And this is
chiefly owing to the well-known and, we
might say, constitutionally modesty of the
honest tillers of the soil. They have been
content to plod on in the beaten track their
fathers trod, rather than make any personal
experiment or appeal to the commonwealth
to lend its patronage to the investigation of
important theories in agriculture.
But, of late, our farmers have imbibed
something of the spirit of universal progress.
They have applied themselves to study the
nature of the soil, and to work it upon-scien
tific principles. And in order that young
men may be thoroughly educated in the sci
ence of practical agriculture, an institution
has been established in Centre county, which
is destined to become exceedingly beneficial
to our State. We understand that efforts
will be made this winter, to secure•from the
Legislature, an appropriation to aid in the
endowment of the Farmers' High School.
Now, in advance, we bespeak the calm atten
tion and earnest co-operation of the members
in this very laudable project. Let our Legis
lature promptly and nobly respond to the call
made by the most substantial and important
classes of our citizens, and it will redound to
the credit and to the wealth; prosperity, and
importance of the Farmers' College Was re
ferred to in the very able and interesting ad
dress delivered by lion. Geo. W. Woodward
before the State Agricultural Society in Octo
ber last. We advise every farmer to procure
and read carefully that address.—Pittslntrgh
Buchanan a Majority President.
Notwithstanding all the boasts of the oppo
sition to the contrary, it turns out that Mr.
Buchanan is a majority President of the Uni
ted States. If every individual . who voted
for Fillmore in the United States had voted
for Fremont, or vice i;ersa it would net have
changed the result.
The Boston, Tinte.s. says:—Mr. Buchanan
received a majority of the votes polled in four
teen Southern States, which cast one hundred
and twelve electoral votes. In addition he
.carries the State of Pennsylvania and Indi
ana by absolute majorities over everything.
"They are entitled to forty electoral votes;
and added to the South it makes one hundred
and fifty-two—three more than is necessary
•to a choice. The union of the opposition for
ces upon one man could not have beaten Mr.
Buchanan. The official canvass shows this
to be a fact; and we trust that the Fremont
men will . ce,ase abusing the supporters of Mr.
Fillmore upon the idea that, had they gone
-for the Mariposa cattle dealer, he would have
been elected. The Fillmore men did not hold
the balance of power ; their Votes could not
have affected the result. Mr. Buchanan, in
truth and fact, is a majority President."
SomErrirso or A CIIANGP.-It is said that
the lion. S. A. Douglas, when he set out for
Washington, was not allowed to pass a sta
tion between Chicago 'and Cleveland without
being called out. While acknowledging the
compliment of an impromptu demonstration
at Toledo, he said it "was but a short time
since he might have travelled from :Boston to
Chicago by the light of his own effigies burn
ing in every village where abolitionism could
muster courage enough to attempt the dis
gracefulact, the sole provocation for which
was,, that he had dared to introduce a bill
allowing the people, of every State and of
every, Territory to regulate their own affairs
in their own way. But he congratulated his
hearers that the just principles of that bill
had been adopted and made a fundamental
principle of our government; and he felt a
proud satisfaction in. the approval and en
dorsement of his own course, and that of
his gallant colleague, Gen. Shields, embodied
in the triumphant election of the veteran
statesman, James• Buchanan, to the Presi
Baltimore Republican says of Rotin, Tomer
arid Granger, the men who murdered poor
Dengle:— . .
We are informed that on the occasion. of
the acquittal of these men, they were accom
panied from the Courthouse by a large
number of their friends, among whom they
seemed to be iogarded as heroes who had
performed some praiseworthy and glorious
feat. A club of Know-Nothings on Federal
Hill, it is also, stated, fired a salute in com
memoration of the event.
"In connection with this affair we may
also note that a rumor was current in the
vicinity of Federal Hill, on Sunday afternoon,
that the - prisoners and some of the jurors
would be in attendance at the 'Tigers' ball,
which came off at the New Assembly Rooms,
on last Monday . evening, as invited guests.
The 'Tigers' is the cognomen of a Federal
Hill Know-Nothing club."
k k .+= :L,
The Burning of Grenada:---The Naval
NEw YORK, Dec. 15.—The steamship Ten
nessee has arrived, with advices from Nica
ragua, but the intelligencd is principally the
same as received by telegraph from Charles
The latest intelligence given by the Purser
of the Tennessee is that General Walker had
fought several successful battles since the de
parture of the previous steamer. lie had,
however, on account of sickness being preva
lent at Orenada, found it necessary to evacu
ate that tOWn, and burn it, having first re
moved his sick and wounded to Ornetept.
was himself at Virgin Bay awaiting the
arrival of reinforcements, designing then to
attack Rivas.
The Naval engagement already reported
took place in the harbor of San Juan between
the Nicaraguan schooner Granada, with two
six-pounders and 28 men, and the Costa Rican
brig, 11th April, with six nine-pounders and
114 men. The latter was blown up. Forty
of her crew were rescued by the Granada.
The brig had on board a large supply of
stores and' ammunition, and specie for the
allied army.
CHARLESTON, Dec. 13, 1856.—The steam.-
ship Isabel, from Havana and Key West, ar
rived here this morning.
The steamship Tennessee had arrived at
Key West from San Juan, the 4th inst, with
500 passengers,' and $900,000 in specie, (so
says our despatch.) Thirteen of the passen
gers of the Tennessee bad died of Cholera.
The passengers state that the accounts
from Nicaragua were that General Walker
had been driven from every place where he
had obtained a footing, with the exception of
the Transit route.
The last accounts reported that 400 of his
force, after fighting for nine days at Granada,
were surrounded by the. Costa Rican; Salva
dor, and Guatemala forces. Gen: Walker
was on board a steamer on the Lake, without
communication _with his army, and . his men
were suffering for the want of provisions and
clothing, and were dying off by diseases.
A naval fight'had occurred near San Juan
del Sur, lasting two hours, between a Costa
Rican brig of war, and the Nicaraguan war
'schooner at Granada.
Gen. Walker had burn t'Granada and Mas
Terrible Railroad Accident at Alliance,
The Pittsburgh Train . run into by the Cleve
land 'Tarn.—Eight persons killed and sev-
en, or eight wounded ! !
One of the most dreadful railroad calami
ties which it has been our painful duty to re
cord, as having happened in this part of the
country, occurred last evening., about 7 o'clock,
at Alliance, Ohio, eighty-seven miles west of
this place, at the junction of the Cleveland
and Pittsburgh with the Pittsburgh, Fort
Wayne and Chicago Railroad. By sundry
private despatches we learn the following par
The train which left this place at 3 P. M.,
yesterday, under the charge of Conductor
Leavitt, arrived at Alliance behind time ; the
‘i gotthrough supper, rt _
across the track of the C. & P. Road, when
the Cleveland train, Conductor W. C. Cle
land, came dashing along, and before its head
way could be stopped, made a complete wreck
of two of the passenger cars in the Pittsburgh
Eight persons were killed, and fully
"as many or more were w4 - Sunded—several very
dangerously. Their names are as follows:
Jacob Rudy, Alliance, Ohio.
John Mclntyre, 44 44
Dr. Smith and lady," "
J. Atterholt, New Garden, Columbiana
County, 0.
Win. Ritchie, cc as
N. G. Taylor, (young Man) Philadelphia.
Jno. Brooks, New Jersey. Ile is a son of
Col. Silas Brooks, of Philadelphia..
No others are known to be killed.
' Charles Coates, engineer, of the Pittsburgh
train, badly hurt. '.
M. A. Root, daguerreotypist, of Philadel
phia, thigh fractured, and badly hurt.
W. C. Cleland, Conductor of the C. &P.
train, slightly hurt.
D. N. Courtney. Allegheny city, slightly
J. Painter, Stark county, Ohio, (injured at
the Railroad accident at Darlington last win
ter,) slightly hurt..
• - There are several others also injured, whose
names we could not ascertain.
One passenger car ran clear through the ro
tunda of the Station Ilouse kept by Dan Sour
beck. Another, the despatch says, is no-W
lying in the public room. The rotunda is
completely torn to pieces, and presents the
appearance of a total wreck.
' The wounded are all being well taken care
of at'the hotel of Mr. Sourbeck and the ad
joining houses, and at half past eight o'clock
a coroner's jury had assembled to hold an in
quest on the bodies of the killed.
As soon as the accident occurred, it is said.
the engineer of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh
train vamosed the ranche, and has not since
been heard of. Where
.the blame lies, we
could not learn, though the cause of the ca
tastrophe is attributed to the brakes not work
ing, on accouni of ice on the track.
It is.possibly one of those dreadful calam
ities which seem to take place at stated peri - -
ods, in spite of the utmost vigilance. Mr.
Leavitt we know to be a most careful man,
and is esteemed by, one of the
best Conductors on the Pittsburgh and Chi
cago road, or for that niatter, on any road in
the country: W. C. Cleland is also said to
be an 'excellent.offteerl To-morrow we may
ascertain something further which will throw
light upon the matter.
WA...The Troy Times tells a sad story of
the destruction of a young and lovely woman,
by intemperance. A few months since, a
young lady of one of the first families of that
city was married to a New York merchant,
under circumstances most auspicious for the
happiness of both. Lately she returned to
her home . in Troy, discarded by her husband
on account of her mania for intoxicating
drinks, and in a few weeks she died of brain
fever, induced by her habits. The father of
the young lady has been called upon, within
three months, to mourn
. the death of a. wife
and. daughter by intoxication ; and a son,
once noble and manly, whose highest nature
had been perverted by the same cause.
VALUE OF LIFE.—An adventurer, writing
from California, says: "A man's life here is
worth about fifty cents on the dollar."
Ohio !
C on greasional.
WASHINGTON CITY, Dec. 12.—1 t is under;
stood that another Pacific Railroad Bill is
about to be introduced into the House. It is
on a magnificent scale, and is entitled a bill
to provide for the construction of Railroads
and Telegraph communications from the Mis
sitsippi raver and Lake Superior to the Pacific
Ocean. Three main roads are proposed, viz:
One from a point on the Mississippi river,
South of latitude 36, to San Francisco, with
a debouche to San Diego ; another from some
point on the Missouri river, North of latitude
40, and South of latitude 43, to San Francis
co, with a branch to Marysville, Sacramento
and San Jose ; and the 3d from some point
on Lake Superior to Puget's Sound, with a
branch to the mouth of the Williamotte river.
To each of these routes the bill proposes to
grant 30 sections of land for each mile of
Railroad; the land to be selected by the par
ties named in the bill, from the nearest unap
propriated, vacant lands of the United States,
which shall be withdrawn from sale, entry,
or pre-emption, and if required they shall be
surveyed under the direction of the Secretary
of Interior, provided the parties in the bill
shall not be compelled to take any waste
lands, and shall pay to the United States 25
cents per acre ; provided further, that no title
shall vest in them any faster than the roads
are extended. to completion; further, they
shall deposite with the Secretary of Interior,
within six months after the passage of the
act, $200,000 in good United States or State
currepey, as a guaranty. One hundred miles
of mrth must be completed within 18 months
from the time of the establishment of the
routes. When said 100 miles are ready for
the track, the Secretary of the Interior -shall
allow the parties named the use of said $200,-
000, to purchase iron therefor, and in lieu
thereof take a - first mortgage bond on the
road for that amount, to be held until the en
tire line is completed. Under the bill, the
United States• are to agree to pay $3OO per
mile for the transportation of the mails until
the completion of the road, and for ten years
thereafter. at so much for transporting troops
and munitions of war as the President and
Secretary of War may determine. If the
parties fail to build the lines within ten years
from the date of their location, all right to
the land, not at that time paid for, shall be
forfeited to the United States.
The right of way, to the width of 400 feet,
through the public lands is proposed to be
granted ; further, six sections of land is pro
posed to be granted to the following roads,
under the restriction that any amount here
tofore granted to States where they are loca
ted for their use and benefit shall be deducted
therefrom viz: The Southern Branch Pacific
Railroad, "Iron Mountain Railroad, Calro and
Fulton Railroad, Memphis and Little Rock
Railroad, Mississippi, Red River and Washi to
Railrca , l , Vicksburg and Shreveport Railroad,
New Orleans, Opelonsas and Great Western
Railroad, connecting •with the first named
route; 'Pacific Railroad, Hannibal and St. Jo
seph Railroad, Burlington, Keasangua, and
Missouri Railroad, Philadelphia, Fort Wayne
and Platt Valley Railroad, Mississippi and
Missouri Railroad, lowa Central An. Line
'Railroad, Dubuque and Pacific Railroad,
lowa, Minnesota and Nebraskaßailroad, con
necting with the second named route; Tran
sit Railroad and North, lowa, Minnesota and
Nebraska Railroad, connectir g with the third
n• Alptl . rnq t
Each of the three proposed grants is under
the proviso, that 50 miles of road must be
csmlpleted within three years from the pas
sage of this act, and the balance within live
years thereafter,
Further provisions make it the duty of the
companies named to construct their roads, &c.,
in a good substantial manner, with uniform
All the property of said companies in the
Territories is •to be exempt from taxation as
long as they are Territories. None of them
shall construct their roads through the• lands
of- any Indian tribes without the consent of
said tribes. They must sell and convey half
the lands granted within five years, and the
balance - within ten from the issuing of the
patent from the United States, and all land
not sold at the expiration of ten years, shall
be forfeited to the United States.
Slave Excitement in Tennessee.
LOUISVILLE, Dec. 9.—The Journal of to
day publishes letters from Franklin, Tennes
see, stating that great excitement existed
there in consequence of the discovery on the
Ist inst., of a projected insurrection among
the slaves. Twenty-four muskets and two
kegs of powder were found in the possession
of a gang of negroes at Columbia, Tenn.—
In Perry, ten or fifteen negroes had been
killed bY their owners.
The Evansville Journal, of the 6th, learns
that much excitement existed in the neigh
borhood of Dover, on the Cumberland river.
Many of the ringleaders had been arrested,
and seven hung. Ono white ma . p, found dis
guised as a negro, had been sentenced to re
ceive nine hundred lashes, and died before
the penalty was fully inflicted.
The whites were arming and organizing
for defence. The opinion prevailed that a
general uprising would take place during the
holidays. The escapes of slaves are unusu
ally numerous.
A NEW ' PARTY.---The Syracuse (N. Y.)
Courier understands that a new political or
ganization is on foot in the North for the
purpose of breaking up priestly interference
in politics. Among other things, it propos
es to place our clergy on an equal footing
with the rest of us, in respect to taxation,
military duty, jury duty, &c. Their exemp
tion was for the express purpose of withdraw
ing them from the caucus and the stump, but
they dz.cline the honor. Unless the clergy
abstain from their attempt to control the
politics of the country, they cannot complain
3f the privileges which have been granted
them by the Lgislature, and which are allu
ded to above, are taken away. The recent
identification of a large body of them with a
desperate political faction, and their unscru
pulous desecration of the pulpit to give it ac
cess, has created a deep and bitter feeling
throughout the land, and the tenets ascribed
to the new party would be embraced by thous
ands. The American people will never sub
mit to their domination, and the sooner the
latter act upon this assumption the better for
them and the interests of religion.—Phila.
Prom Kansas.
CHICAGO, Dec. 11.—We have received Kan
sas dates to the 3rd inst. The Free State
militia, under Capt. Walker, have been dis
banded at their own request. Sixteen of the
Free State prisoners tried for murder in the
first degree, have been acquitted, and nine
are still on trial. A large quantity of cloth
ing received by the last boats has been dis
tributed to the destitute. Navigation is en
tirely closed.
Huntingdon, Wednesday, Dec. 17, 1856.
Mine upon Line-41.6re and There a Little.
IM. Sincerity is essential to friendship.
giir Good examples are convincing.teachera.
Now on—See Edm. Snare's Grand Prize Concert
advertisement in another column. Buy a ticket immedi
ately if you want to hear the music or secure any of his
valuable articles.
To cone; orr—A Grand Ball at the Broad Top City hotel,
of which Mr. J. Morrison is Proprietor, on the 30th inst.
It will be a gay affair.
A SLIGHT MISTAKE—III the quantity of coal shipped by
Powel, Saxton & Co., as given in our last paper.
CAN'T SUPPLY THE DEMAND—The Miners and Dealers in
Broad Top Coal.
MORE OF THE SADIE sonT.—For several days past, *e havb
been feasting on sausage and pudding, presented us by our
good friends. All have our thanks—and if we were at
liberty to name them, we should do so with pleasure, but
we had to pass our word not to let the right hand know
what the left doeth, before we received the handsome pres 4
ents. We hope, however, sometime soon, to have the pleas-'
ure of giving place to the names of our young friends who
presented us with sausage and beaus, then the good times
will have come.
A sraCrifEN As Is A SPECIMEN.—A bag of flour - was presen
ted to us last - week, by Messrs. Fisher & idelklurtrie, as a:
specimen of the quality made at their new mill. It has
been tried, and pronounced by good judges, equal to the
best ever used in our family. They have our thanks for
the handsome present.
.:ty„,a, We learn that term.' new buildings are to go up in
West Huntingdon early next summer. We move-Slow,
but sure
VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—Speculators and others on the
lookout for valuable town and country property, should
examine our advertising columns carefully. .
CHRISTMAS IS com—and lots of good things can be had
for cash. Call around and examine for yourself. If you
are ignorant of the places where they can he had, ask your
children, they will direct you.
A PROFITABLE snsiNEss—Robbing the mails.—Drcwster d•
No doubt you think so, from your extensive operations
in the neighborhood of it, up to the time you were waited
upon by Constable Long.
Nom A PROFITABLE nusmEss—Paying five dollars and costs,
for the privilege of mailing a letter enclosed in a Hunting
firm Journal. how much profit had you in that operation,
Doctor ?
IM." The greater the villian the higher he holds his
liead."—Brewster & Whittaker.
That is, you try to, but don't you find thoeffort an up
hill business? De careful a little hemp is not brought to
your assistance
4:71 - -z, "Mail robbing is an accomplishment"—Brewster
& Whittaker.
Men of your morals may think so, but you can't make
honest men believe it. "Birds of a feather flock togeth
er"---no wonder honest men shun you.
Turcvcs A.nour.—Last week the Station House was enter
ed in the night, a trunk taken out, broken open, and the
contents, a colored woman's clothing scattered over the
ground,—S2.o taken from the pantaloons of a boarder, and
Isaac's chickens, ready cleaned for breakfast, and a lot of
butter and cakes removed to parts unknown. Mr. Elisha
Shoemaker's turkeys were brought to town 'without his
c ursent, and could not be found. Mr. Samuel Roster's
shirts were also removed before they were dry, and have
not been heard of since. Should'nt be surprised if the
Sheriff has a full house before spring.
13.5. The editors of the Journal insinuate that somebody
has been robbing the mails. Will they name the person
they are attempting to stab in the dark?
LANCASTEK BANK NOTES AT PAR.—Now is the time for per
sons wanting a good article in Mr. Owen Boat's line of bu
siness, to give him a call. Ile has just laid in a goad lot of
seasoned lumber, &c., necessary for turning out afin
ishatjoo. lte will receive during the present month, Lan
caster Bank Notes at par, for all kinds of work on hand.
Here is a chance to get rid of your rags and get the worth
of good money.
11,-4 Lane:oder Dank rags will be received at this office
at par, in'payment of amounts due us by John Thompson,
Esq., M. Steiner, Sample Anderson, Jeremiah Dane, Daniel
Knowers, and a number of others of like characters, whose
names we shall publish hereafter, that other printers may
know them.
SECII FACTS PROVE ms ounr.-11 Dr. Brewster hasmailed
more letters in a lawful way during the past two weeks,
than he mailed during the twelve months previous, is it
not fair to suppose that ho coal d afford to "rot ir with his
apple-butter printing—doing a good blisiness even at that.
" STOP THIEF:'—It is true that a thief pursued always
hollows "stop thief" the loudest. So with Doctor Brews
ter, while he was crying out against Campbell's rascally
Post Masters, ten to oue, he was defrauding the Post Office
Department daily.
Too TRUE, BUT IT CAN'T BE lIELPED.—A Very good man of
the opposition party, remat ked to us the other day, that
since our exposure of the rascality of Doctor Brewster and
Samuel Goose Whittaker, they have been a disgrace to the
press, the party, and the church, with.which they are con
nected. We can't help it—they were old enough to know
better. Illegal voting, forging the names of respectable
citizens, and defrauding the United States l—no wonder
they cannot feel welcome in respectable Society. They re
mind us of dogs caught in the act of killing sheep—only
a little more so.
F.AST YOUNG NlBS.—Sheriff Miller has several in his charge
—they made an effort to escape last week, but succeeded
only in sawing two bars of their window partly off_
IMPORTANTEvroma.irtox.—"Wo learn from the Lewistown
Democrat, that Christmas is coming."—Anoona Tribune.
We have examined our Almanac, and find the statement
to be correct. The Democrat is like the Altoona Tribune,
a reliable paper—sometim es.
Meax—The pitiable excuse for the Prebident's Message,
given by the Huntingdon Journal. It can't Arid room for
a document in which all are concerned, and which every
subscriber expects to get in his county paper—but it has
plenty of space to devote to infamous lying and misrepre
sentation, which is denounced and condemned by every
respectable subscriber it has.
OUT OF LATrruos.—The Pittsburgh Union of the oth inst.
There ain't any such county as that named in its column
of "Pennsylvania Items," in this State, although there ore
counties where such vulgarities are practiced.
Arra - "Did'nt you make a little mistake of 297,000 tons?"
Can't say exactly, as our information ivas not official.—
But the action of Mr. Boon, Superintendent of the Road,.
rather confirms our statement. That officer presented to
Mr. Saxton, a few days ago, the firm's bill of freight for
the month of November, amounting to $75,000. True, ev -
ery word of it! But there's no use in talking of odd tons
in such large amounts.
I'VE Is7mv Bizmoc.—The new bridge over the Juniata at
this place, is being put up, and will be ready for crossing
in a few days. It is expected to be more substantially
built, than the one blown down last Spring by the torna
racrtirNx STOPPDIG PLACE.—Travellers and rieitors•
will End the "Exchange Rotel," in this borough, an ex
cellent st ipping place. Th.eProprietor, Col, Alrenstv „Urns.-
&TON, is a prince of a landlord. Call and try biro.
'III." The Orlando House," formerly the "Farmers
Home," has undergone much repairing and fitting up,
since it has passed into the hands of Col.:Milt! us. When
we opened the bar room door tho other day, we thought
we had intruded into some parlor : and apologised accord
ingly. We didn't know it, but imagine our surprise; when
we were told that it was really the place where we wanted
to go. This is also a good stopping place.
OF LIGHTNING.—Accounts from Rhodes state
that the lightning struck the immense store
of gunpowder which was placed in the vaults
belonging to the Ancient Knights, destroying
the whole Turkish quarter so completely that
only three children were saved. One thous
and persons are said. to have perished•.