THE HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, &O, - 77- ',Ci• 1. UNTINGD ON & BROAD TOP 'RAIL ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEME'N T 1 Ori and after Monday, November 17, 1850, Trains will leave Daily, (Sundays excepted,) as follows: Two Trains a day between SAXTON and HUNTING DON—one Train daily to A.LLAQUIPPA. STATION'S. A. N. Allaquippa Arrive 11.08 One trip a day. Riddeibburg........ .11.00 ..10.43 10.28 10.07 959 9 42 - 4 n3O 920 .5.05 L eave 9 00 P. Sr. .11.30 5 Stay all night 1 11.56 l at Saxton. f Arrive 12.12 P. lq. .Leave 12.20. ME Sa - ston ' Visliers' Summit.. RortE, , h Ready... Coffee Run Markt esburg.... Pleasan t Grove.. IlPCounellstown Hun tingclou .Arrive BE Allaquippa.. Rithlelsburg Saxton Fishers' Summit. -.5.24 Bough & Ready... 12.50.- 5 04 Coffee Run 100 4 51 Marklesburg........ 1.16 4 IS Pleasant Grove .' 1.28 4.26 M Conuelistown " 1.3 S ~ 4.16 Bun tingdon 4.rrivp ') 00 Leave ' 00 Connecting a t Huntingdon with Trains East and West on Pennsylvania Lail Road. Connecting at ALLAQUIPPA with Four Horse Mail Coaches to BEDFORD, BLOODY RUN, &c. Fifty pounds Baggage allowed each passenger. For 'any further information inquire at the oilice of Transportation Department, Huntingdon. JAMES BOON, Superintendent. Novembr , r 2Q. 1056. T.E.A (As Oi _LAND YOE, jt SALE.—We would offer for sale the following prop- 01 NiZ —A FARM of ninety acres in Germany Valley. Hun tingdon county, it being one half of the Farm formerly owned by Geo. Eby, nearly all cleared and in a fine state of cultivation, choice Lime Stone Laud. House and Stable erected thereon, within running water. 134 miles from Shirleysburg, and 5 miles from l'enn'a Rail Road and Canal at Mt. Union. ALSO—la acres of choice land adjoining the above on which is erected two good Homes, small Barn, Wood House, Lc.. with a never failing spring of good water, fine Orchard with choice fruit. This is a very desirable property and would be suitable for a mechanic, or any person desiring to retire trout active life. ALSJ—A in 'Union township, Huntingdon coun ty, consaining tJ acres, one-half of which is cleared, and balance first quality of Timber land, situated within one mile of the Peun'a Canal and hail hoed at Mill Creek. hither of the above properties will lie sold low and on reasonable terms. Apply to the subscribers at Mill Creek, Huntingdon county, Pa lil SLLY. & &ItO. Septtanber 10, ISSC)'-tf. pENNSYLVANIA COMMERCIAL I.: , .;STITUTIL-LOCATED AT YOIIK. PA.—lncorpo r“.e.l by authority of an act of Assembly. liis3. During the past year, upwards of one hundred students have been in attendance at this Institution, representing ten states, showing a popularity unsurpassed by any similar estab lishment. - - - - COWL:SE OP STUDY Embraces Double Entry Book-keep ing. as applied to Wholczale, Retail. Contauis,ion, Manufac turing, Shipping. Steam Boating, Individual, Partnership, Compound Company Business, Commercial Calculations, Mercantile Correspondence, Business Penmanship. Detect ing Counterfeited and altered Bank Notes, and Lectures on Commercial Law and Political Economy. For Circular, 4c., address Nov. 12, 1850 V I ILLINEKY.—Mrs. E. A. STEEL, 13 takes this method of annonneing to the Ladies of Huntingdon and vicinity, that she car ries on as formerly, the MILLIXEItY BUSlNEt:Sfizt?' / In all its -various branches. Having recently received from Philadelphia a new assort ment of bonnets, silks. satins, Bowers. ladies head-dresses, caps, trimmings. &c.. bile is prepared . to accommodate all persons favoring her by a call, with any article in her line of business, done up in the best manner and latest style. Call at her residence on :11leg-b.:my or Railroad street. Huntingdon, 19, 1556. N EW GOODS I NEW GOODS! D. P. GWIN'S CHEAP STORE! D. P. GWEN has just received from Philadelphia a large and beautiful assortment of FALL and WINTER. GOODS, consisting of the most fdThionable Dress Goods for Ladies and Genth•men. such as Black Silks, Chamelion and Fancy Silks, French Merinoes, All Wool Delaines, Persian Sculls, Coburg Cloth, Levella Cloth, Alpaca, Debargo Madonna Chan, wool. riams, ant - ally quauruy or rus. - S Prints of every description. ALSO—A lar , e lot of Dress Trimmings, Dress Buttons, Bonnet Silks, Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts, Ho eery. Laces, Veils, Collars. rndersleeves, Chimazetts, Mo hair Head Dresses. Gum Belts. Whalebones for Skirts, Silk and Linen Flop, French Working, Cotton, Fall and Wool Shaw Is, and a vtriety of Fancy Goods too numerous to mention. Ai-so—Cloths. Black and Blue. Black and Fancy Cassimeres ' Cossinets, Tweeds, Kentucky Jean, Vesting?. Flannels, Sack Flannels of every color, Canton Flannel, Cotton and Nankeen Linsey, bleached and unbleached. Ticking, Checks, Table Diaper, Woollen and Linen Table Covers, Sheeting Muslin 23 yards wide. Woollen Mans different colors, Woollen Coats and Caps, Comforts, &c. 'Silk Bonnets of every description and color, largest assortment in town. and at prices that can't be beat. Also. Hats and Caps. latest styles, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Hardware, Buckets, Tabs, Baskets, Oil Cloths, • Groceries, Salt, and all goods usually kept in a country store. .41. r 3ly old customers, and as many new ones as can crowd in, are respectfully invited to call and examine my Goods. No charges for looking. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Coods at highest market Prices. Huntingdon, Oct. 8. 1856. DMINISTRATOR'S N O T I C E.- Letters of Administration on the Estate of JOH\ late of West township, Huntingdon county, clec'd, having been granted to the undersigned, he hereby noti lies all persons indebted to said Estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same topre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. JESSE HENRY, Administrator. Oct. 15, 1856 (1 CHESTNUT POSTS for Sale by kf (septlo) CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. 3rSACKS COFFEE just received and for sale by CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. OlL—Linseed and Fish—for sale at the store of LOVE S.; QPERM.A.CETI, a prime lot, for sale by HENRY 316MANIGILL. T -- ) R7 N-- JOIIBtia'S Sarsaparilla, and DR. TOWNS END'S SARSAPARILLA. for &dent the cheap Drug Store, by HENRY McMANIGILL. DR. GREEN'S Aromatic Sap, for Stom ach Complaints, for Sale at the "Variety Store of HENRY MOLANIGILL. f - . ENULNE Electric Oil for sale at the CHEAP DRUG STORE, Market Square. OWAND'S Improved Tonic Mixture, for Fever and Ague, at HENRY MeMANMILL'S. RESH OLIVE . OIL For Bale at MOIANIGILL'S ROWAND'S Blackberry Root, an _Ly inestimable and warranted remedy for Bowel Com plaints, at the cheap Drug, Vareity and Fancy store of HENRY 31c31A_NIGILL. 1 -I _ 4 RESEI lut of Clarified Table Oil for • - , tle by HENRY iIIetfANTGILL. BALSAM SULPHUR for sale by HENRY McMANIGILL IIILLIER'S Excelsior furniture Polish, for Piano Fortes and Oil Paintings. at HENRY McMANIGILL'S. ROWN' S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA -,GINGER, for sale by HENRY MeMANIGILL'S. QWAINE'S PANACEA, the greatest remedy for Scrofula, for bale at the Cheap ifirag Store of McMANIGILL. TAR. D. R. GOOD, has located at Peters burg, Huntingdon county, and offers his professional services to the citizens of Petersburg and surrounding oonntry. Office near Nein Hotel, November 19, 183'6-3m.* TAMES, ATTENTION !—My . assort- J went of beautiful dress goods ,is now open, and ready lor inspection. Every article of dress you may desire, can be found at my store. D. P. GIVIN. REMIX-AI AWARDED TO H. S. STAINS. of Scottsville, Huntingdon county, Pa., for t e best specimen of marble work. Send on yonr orders soon. Scottsville. Oct. 21, 1856-Iy. NOTlCE.—Letters of Administration Iv hose been granted to me - upon the - Estate of Nathan Scofield, late of the Borough of Huntingdon. deceased.— All persona indebted will make payment, and those hal . - bag.claixas prasensi them to me for settlement. BOXIIT LOTT, Atiortaistraivr. OetaVer 27, 1 see. d. M. ..t.)30 ..0.40 .7.04. .7.12. .7.28. .7.42 .7.50. PM T. KIRK WHITE, President NM T)UBLIC SALE.—By virtue of the Will of James Campbell, deed, I will expose to Pub lie sale on the premises in the town of Markleshurg, oh THUBSIM.Y, the 23rd day of OCTOBER, 15.56, at 11 o'clock a. an., ONE HOUSE and LOT Oh,' OROUYD, situated on the corner of Bedford and It. It. Street, ineatiuring sixty feet in front on Bedford street, and extending hack on B. It. street one hundred and sixty feet, with a largo weather-boarded frame two-story House, Nvith a store house attached to it ; the buildings together measuring CO feet in front on Bed ford street, running back along B. R. street -10 feet. There is also on the premises a good stable and large corn crib, with a good well of never failing water convenient to the house. . , One third of tho purchase money to be paid in hand or nt the making of the deed, and one-third in one year there after, with interest, and the remaining third at the death of the widow, the interest to he paid half yearly, and the payments to be secured by bends and mortgage. ALE.X.12 , a);..L1. PORT, Surz wing Administrator of James Campbell, decd October 1, 1556. ADMINISTRATOR'S NO TICE.- Letters of administration on the Estate of ENOCII G11.1.1.,C0TE, late of Tod township, Huntingdon, county, dee'd, having been granted to the undersigned Administra tor, all persons indebted to said Estate are hereby mititied to make immediate payment, and those haring claims against the same to present them duly authenticated tor settlement to DAVID IIEitE6TRESSER, October 1, 1856. Administrator. r ANSAS 'QUESTION SETTLED !---L PEACE RESTORED! !—By latest arrival from the Last, the subscribers have just received. and are now open ing the largest and most carefully selected assortment of HARDWABE ever offered in the Huntingdon market.— Our Stock consists in part of BUILDING MATERIAL, such as Locks, Hinges.. Screws, Bolts, Glass, Putty, Oils, White Lead, Fire Proof and Zinc Paints. MECHANICS' TOOLS in great variety, including many new inventions and late improvements. We invite the attention of Saddlers and Coach makers to our large and splendid stock bf SADDLERY and COACH TRIMMINGS, including all the latest styles of Harness Buckles, Gig Trees, Self-Adjusting Pad Trees ' Saddle Trees, Horse cud Mule Hames of different varieties, Girthing, Hog Skins, Patent Leather, Enameled Leather, Enameled Muslin. Coach Lace, Hubs, Spokes,Felloes, Shafts, Springs, Arles. LADIES and HOUSEKEEPERS generally, will - findelt greatly to their advantage, to call and esamine our new stock of FINE TALES CUTLERY, Silver and Common Spoons, Silver Butter Knives, - - Lamps, Hollow-ware, and other House furnishing goods, including many new and useful inventions. In our recent purchases, we have bought at such rates, as enable us to sell even lower than heretofore. No charge for showing goods. All orders from abroad promptly attended to.. JAMES, A. - BROWN" & Huntingdon, Oct. 1, 1856. QTAUFFER & .HARLEY. CHEAP WATCLIES and JEWELRY, wholesale and retail at the •• Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 96, North Second street,. corner of (;7- 1. .t Quarry, Philadelphia. .• 3, !Al. , ' Gold Lever IN etches, full jewelled 18 carat cases,... eta vo Gold Lepine , :24C0 - Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled, 12. 00 Silver Lepine, jewels, 9 00 Superior Quertiers, 7 00 Gold Spectacles, 7 00 Fine Silver do. 1 50 Gold Bracelets, Ltulie,!' Gold PeDella, Silver Tea Spoons, set Gold Pone with Pencil and Silver Holder 1 CO Gold Finger Rings, 37% cents to 380; Watch glassc3, plain, 1234 cents; Patent, Lunctt, 25; other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. STAUFFER & I[AItLEY. On hand. some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepinea, still lower than the above prices. October 1. 1856-Iy. 1. ROMAN has just opened a very 0 large stock of FALL AND WIN TER CLOTHING, consisting- of Coats, Pants, Vests, and other articles of gen tlemen's wear. Call and examine for yourselves. NEW WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE.—JOYIN FRISCH rospeetfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon county, that he has just opened a new store on Ilill street, opposite Straus' Store, littuting don, lir the sale of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. Ilis"stock is entirely new and of the best quality, and will be disposed of at litir prices. The public generally are requested to call and examine for themgelves. Repairing of Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry, done in the best manner on short notice. JOHN FRISCH. Huntingdon, Oct. 1, 1856. MITNISTR ATORS NOT 10 Letters of Administration on the Estate of JOHN LiAnDNEIt, late of Barree township, Huntingdon county, dee'd, having been granted to the undersigned, he hereby notifies all indebted to said estate to make immediate pay ment. and those having claims against the same to present them duly nuthenticutud An'scttfemenr. JEREMIAH GARDNER, Oct. 8. 15.56. Administrator. T 00K HERE !-L. WESTBROOK H has just arrived with a splendid assortment of Bi HITS FL SHOES—FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Yt.7l,Call end examine his stock. L. - WESTBROOK. Huntingdon, Oct. S, 18:,O. riber At T I T t i t4 C himself : h im ° o s r l o l i b p. s h c t having ingdon i n tends to give lessons on the Piano Forte and Singing. All persons wishing to receive musical instruction will find me at Mrs. liampson's. Those scholars that have Piauoa can receive lessons at their residences. No extra charges for going to scholars houses or singing. Oct. 1. ISZC's3m. P. DRUNKER. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS !- JUST RECEIVED BY D. P. GIVIN, and now open and ready for customers. Call and examine my extensive assortment. D. P. GWIN. Huntingdon, Oct. 1, 1856. ° ATELc more WANTED enterpris i enterprising and men can find immediate employment, by which they can make 50)0 or $l.OOO a year. to act as agents for several new and popular works just published exclusively fur agents and not for sale in bookstores. We have a great number of agents employed, many of whom arc making from $l5 to $2O a week. Those who wish to engage in this pleasant and profitable business, will. for particulars, etc., address, C. L. DERBY & CO., Publishers and Wholesale Booksellers, Sandusky City. Ohio. Editors of Newspapers, by giving the above and follow ing three insertions and calling attention to it. and send ing a copy containing it, will receive any three of the fol lowing works: - Life of Josephine, by Headly, $1,25; Life of Lafayette, do.. $1.25: Life of Napoleon, do., 51,25; Wild Scenes of a Hunter's Life.:31.25; Life , of iSlary and 15Lartha Washing ton. $1,50; Odd Fellows Amulet, $l. Any person wishing any of the above books can have them sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of the above retail price. Address, C. L. DEBBY & CO. Oct. 8, 1856.-St HICKOK S PATENT PORTABLE KEYSTONE CIDER AND WINE MlLL.—Patent ed :s.ov. 20, Ibss.—This mill occupies about 234 feet by 3 feet. and is 4 feet high, weighing 370 pounds, and is work ed by bawl or horse power, and goes very easily. Two men nut make from 6 to 12 barrels of Cider in a day, if the directions are followed. For tote. at the manufacturers prices, by Messrs. Taylor and Creintir. Huntingdon, Agents. Price $4O. Huntingdon, Sept. H. 1836. -INSURANCE N 0 TIC E.—Notice is hereby given to the members of the Cumberland Val ley Mutual Protection Company, of Dickinson township, Cumberland County, that the undersigned has been ap pointed Collector of Assessment No. 7 of naiad Company, and that he will soon call on saidmenahers fur the amounts due by them respectively. ROBERT GOSHORN. October 35,1856. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTIC E.- Letters of Administration on the Estate of JOHN SNYDER, late of Walker township, Huntingdon county, dee'd, having been granted to the undersigned Administra tor, all persons indebted to said Estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement to • JOSEPH McCOY, D. 11. CAMPBELL. Oct. 35, 1850.* Administrators. HISTORY _OF THE EARLY SET TLEMENT OF THE JUNIATA VALLEY.—The Citizens of Huntingdon county can procure the above work at the Vookstore of W. COLON, in Huntingdon, who will also mail it to any address on the receipt of two dot tare. Huntingdon, July :13, 1856. KE: C S ON T .C O E,\ N ‘T E RI S T LA L T YE E , S ,,, AP i,,,nt O e p t aI oo t without lye, and with little trouble. It makes hard, soft, and fancy soaps. For sale at the cheap Drug and Fancy Store of HENRY 14Ic3IAN1GILL. - P_AY RUM—A genuine article for sale Jit by HENRY IVIOIANIGILL. F"E , sll lot of Balm of a Thousand Flowers, for Bale at the new Drug, Fancy and Variety Store, Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa. GLASS of all sizes from Bxlo to 20x30, received and for eale by HENRY MeMANICHLL PITRATE of Magnesia ' for sale at the IL/ New and Cheap Drug Store in Huntingdon, Pa. STJPERIOR - HORSEB:ALS, at 31cMANIGM'S. QTJPERIOR VANILLA BEAN for sale at the Cheap Drug Store, Market Square. VANCY SOAPS, At the Chcsre Stare of li. MOIANWILL Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa Y H A 1 ND NEATEST AD BEST AS SORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES, JUST RE 'EIVED BY LEVI WESTBROOK% Ladies and gentlemen aro invited to call and '' i examine my beautiful assortment of Boots and Shoes of all sizes, of the latest styles, for all ages. Huntingdon, June-I, 1850. -BOOTS,- SHOES, GAITORS, AND FASHIONABDE HATS, SELLING AT VERY LOW PRICES, AT H. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. Huntingdon, Pa. EW GROCERY STORE. Everything of the best Cheaper than elgewhere. LOVE & McDIVIT inform the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity, and the public in general that they have just opened in Market Square. in the dwelling formerly occu pied by Esquire Snare, a handsome assortment of the most CHOICE GEOCEMES, including every article usually kept in the best Grocery Stores in the city. Having a boat run ning, we are determined to accomodate the public with the freshest and best. Give us a call and examine for your- Ilunting,don, May 21, 1856. ' DDLE.RS" improved splitting and Ly gauge Knives for sale at the 'Hardware store of JAS. A. BROWN Sz CO., Huntingdon, Pa. ( - 3 , RINDSTO.NES with- friction rollers, whet:toles, Oil Stones, also Knives and FOrks, Spoons, Scissors, S.c., decidedly the best assortment in the county. Pore , dain, Tinned and Plain Boilers, Stewing, Frying and Baking Pans, for solo at prices which make it the interest of purchasers to call- at the Hardware Store of JAS. A. BROWN R CU. IG.HTNING- RODS ! Armitage's:Pa /TENT OF SUPERIOR ELECTRIC .71 , 1 - AGNET LIGHT MM.; RODS, it is now admitted on all hands, that every building to be secure from the destructive influences of lightning should be provided with a good conductor. The large number of worthless rods that are put up makes it necessary for purchasers to examine the merits of the different rods offered for sale. • The public need but to examine Armitag,e's rods to be convinced that they are constructed upon not only the best, but the only safe principle at any rod, in use. Over 6000 of these rods have already been'putup with out the loss of a dollar's worth of property by lightning in any building to which they have been attached, which is the best evidence that they are perfectly secure. I havelt few on hand which 1 will sell for less than Irtlf of the re tail price asked by Armitage. to close out my'stock. 'Call soon at Colon's Book Store, Huntingdon, Pa, Where they can be had of WM. COLON. Huntingdon, July 16, 1856. cEW GOODS.--Just received, a vari ety of articles at the corner of Smith and Allegheny streets, Cedar and Willow' ware, Axes, double and single hit, Stoves. Iron Kettles, Plough Shears, &c., whole sale and retail. GEO. HARTLEY. it. A. DORSEY. JAS. DOUGIiEiILTY. .' 0R5143 E Y & DOUGHRTY, Whole sale Dealers in TOBACCO AND SEGARS, No. 11 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia. [July 8, 1856. TMPORTANT TO EVERYBODY.- For the last three years, I have been engaged in a bu billeSS known only to myself. and, comparatively, few others, whom I have instructed for the stun of $2OO each, which has averaged me at the rate of $3,000 to $5,000 per annum ; and having made arrangements :to go to Europe next Spring, to engage In the same business, I am willing to give full instructions in the art to any person in the United States or Canadm, who will remit me the sum of $l. lam induced. from the success I have been favored with, and the many thankful acknowledgments I have re ceived from those whom I have instructed, and who are making from $5 to $l5 PER DAY at it, to give any person an opportunity to engage in this business, which is easy, pleasant, and very profitable, at a-small cost. There is pos itively No Ilirminx in the matter. References of the - best class can be given as regards its character, and I can refer to persons whom I have instructed, who will testify that they are making - from $5 to $l5 per day at the same. It is a business in which either ladies or gentlemen can en gage, and with perfect ease make a very handsome income. Several ladies in various parts of New York State, Penn sylvania and- Maryland, whom I have instructed, are now making from $3 to $5 per day at it. It is a GENERAL DUI NEss, and but a shillings is required to start it. Upon receipt of $l, I will immediately send to the applicant a printed circular containing full instructions in the art, which can be perfectly understood at once. _ _ 00 1 00 EMI All letters must be addresed to A. T. PARSONS. 33& Broadway, New York. [Sept. 10, pERUVIAN G-UANO. Experience has taught the Farmer that the ONLY RELIABLE liertilizer is the PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO.— The subscriber, Sole Agent in Philadelphia for the sale of it, has now on hand a large stock of PURE PERU VIAN GUANO, Which he will sell at the lowest Cash price, in lots to suit either dealers or farmers. 5_ J. CHRISTIAN, Solo Agent for Philadelphia, No. 4S North Wharves, and 97 North Water St. August 20, 155643 m. NEW CLOTHING !-H . ROMAN has returned from the East with a large stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, for Men and Boys—all of the best and cheaper than else where. Call and examine for yourselves. Huntingdon, Sept. '24, 1816. ADIES FANCY FURS-J OH N fi / FAREIRA, No. 284. Market Street, above Sib. Phila delphia, Importer. Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds and qualities of FANCY FURS, flu. Ladies and Children.— .r. F., would call the attention of the Ladies and others to his immense assortment, being the direct Importer and Manufacturer of all my FURS. I feel confident in saying that 7 can offer the greatest inducements to those in want and at the same time will have one of the largest assort ments to select from. Storekeepers and the trade will please give me a call be fore pm-chasing, as my Whole:4We department is well bap plied to meet the demand for every article in the Fur line, and at the lowest possible Manufacturers Prices. .1011 S FAREIRA, 284 Market St. Deptember 10; 1850--Im. 1856. 1856 FALL STOCK-NEW GOODS. French Merinoes, all colors—Fashionable Cloak Cloths,—Fall Silks, the ney st3les—Magnificent new De- Lanes—Best Styles Fall Calicoes—Very large stock of New Shawls—Flannels, Welsh, English and Antericau—Cloths, Vcstings and all kinds Mons' Wear—Shootings, Table Linens, Towelings, &c. EYRE & LANDELL, 4th and Arch Streets, Philadelphia. . . Storekeepers are invited to examine our New Goods.— Families can be well suited in every kind of Dry Goods.— We 'tank° Black Silks and Shawls leading articles Sir Wholesaleing. P. S. Jobs received daily front the Auctions of New York and Philadelphia. - 4z7Y-Tratms'NErr BAstr. [September 10, 1856-3 m. GB 0 OE - RTES.-NEW BUSINESS AT Al OLD STAND.—The subscriber would inform the Public that lie has just opened a well selected assort meet of GROCERIES, at Harrison's Store Room, at the west end of Hill Street. where he will keep and sell all ar ticles in his line, for cash, or in exchange for country pro duce. • ROBERT STITT. Huntingdon, 0ct,1.18.56. .QTOVES, STOVES.—Wholesale and )..,3 RETAIL—We respectfully call the attention of Country Merchants and those in want of a pe al good article of Cooldng, -Heating Stoves, to our - ze extensive stock, comprising•the following Stoves, " 2- to wit: Globe Cook, Completes, Thlaware Cook, Banner, Flat Top, Our Heating Stoves consist of Bar rooms, Cannon Stoves, Salamanders, A:c. Our MACGREGOR Heating Stoves, for Halls, Parlors and Stores, 'warranted to give more heat than any other Stove in the market, as numerous references will show. N. B. Also, Agents for Queen's Patent Portable Forges & Macgregors Cauldron Furnaces. for rendering lard, &c., &c. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. September 3, ISS -3m HU SI3AND'S celebrated Calcined Ala..- nesia, for sale at the CHEAP DRUG STORE, Mar ket bgnaro, Huntingdon, Pa. ALREADY ON HAND WITH" PALL lAND WINTER GOODS.—MOSES STRAITS has just received a splendid stock of FALL AND WEsTTER GOODS, such as DRY GOODS OF ALL RINDS, READY MADE CLOTH ING, &c., &c., &c.. &c. Va. Call and examine for yourselves. Huntingdon, Aug. 27,1556. WHAT CAN WOMAN DO ?—This long expected book by T. S. ARTHUR, is now ready for Agents and Canvassers. It is having an immense sale, and is considered one of his best efforts. In it will be found Mr. Arthur's views on the vexed question of WOMAN'S RIGHTS, and what she can do 5144 SISTER, WIFE and MOTHER Specimen copies sent by mail on receipt of the price, $l.OO. J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher, 48 North 4th Street, Philadelphia. N. It. We publish all Mr. Arthur's New Books. Send for our list, and terms to Agents. October 15, 1856. ('/ AS GAS LIGHTS ARE COMING. —And so are J. 8: W. SAXTON— Not with Gas, but with an entire new and well assorted stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Qucensware, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Bonnets, Carpet and 011 Cloth, 'Wood and 'Willow Ware, and every article usually kept in a country store. We have one of thebest selected stocks of DRY GOODS evei offered to 'the citizens of this place andvicinity, and are determined to sell lower than can be* purchased at any other House east of the Alleghany. Give us a call and be satisfied of the fact. We will sell our old stock at cost, and a great deal under cost. Don't forget to call at "THE METROPOLITAN" before purchasing at any other house. We - also purchase and store grain, and it id admitted by all that we have the safest place of un loading grain in town. All kinds produce taken in Ex change for Goods. J. ir W. SAXTON. NEMAN & WARNICK, N. E. Corner Second & Race Sta PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS: R. JOHN McCULLOCH, offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon auu vicinity. ()thee at 111 r. Hildebrand's, between the Ex change and Jackson's Hotel. Aug. 2S, '55. rpP. CAMPBELL, Attorney at Law, Office in the brick row near the Court House. JOE N SCOTT SCOTT & BROWN, Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, Pa. Office same a.s that formerly occu pied by Mr. Sc. tt. Huntingdon, Oct. 17, 1.853. [OIIN N. PROWELL, Attorney at Law, ell Will attend faithfully to all legal business entrusted to his care. Huntingdon, July 20, 1855: T SIMPSON AFRICA, County ' Sur e) veyor, 'Huntingdon, Pa. Office on Hill street. DRS. MILLER & FB,AZER,A, DENTISTS, Huntingdon, Pa. Offices • ou Hill street, opposite the Court House, and North East corner of Hill and Franklin. Jan. 9, 1856. T & W..BAXTON, Huntingdon, Pa.— e Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries , Hardware, Queens w are, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Grain, &c. WTI. COLON, Dealer in Books, Stationary, Wall Paper, &c. P. GWIN, j. Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Ilardware, Queens- Avar, Hilts and Caps, Bootn and :hoes, &c. T M. CUNNINGHAM BRO., CPo Founders, Huntingdon, Pa 110 C. McGILL, ju j . Founder, Aleiandrin, Huntingdon county, PA APD S ea h ler S in S D ril ry G p oode S , 7 lleady Made Clothing, Gro ceries, Boots and Shoes, Hate and Caps, etc. ' 111 ROMAN, G Dealer in. Ready Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &e. T.3±ENJ. JACOBS, Dealer in Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Grocer ks. Queensware, &e. &c. TEVI WESTBROOK, _ILA Dealer in Gentlemen's, Ladies' and Misses' Boots Miues. Gaiters, etc. LONG & DECKER, Dealers in Groceries, Confectionaries, Quecnsware, Hour, Rc. - TOSEPH REIGGER, Watchmaker and dealer in Watches, Clocks, and Jew eery, &c. WM. WILLIAMS, Plain and Ornamental Marble Manufacturer. T I OVE and McDIVIT, Dealers in Groceries, Confectionaries, Flour, &e TAS. A. BROWN and CO., t OMEN BOAT, Carriage and Waggon Manufacturer A NDREW MOJBUS, Proprietor of the Broad Top louse JOHN F. RAMEY, Practical Surveyor, ej Huntingdon, Pa. Office on Hill street, one door east of the Huntingdon Marble Yard. REFEILENOES—L. T. Watson, Philadelphia; J. P. Leslie, GeolOgist, Philadelphia; Charles Mickley, Rough and Ready Furnace, Hon. jonathan A:DAMS & CO'S EXPRESS. T. K. SIMO:siTON, Agent, Huntingdon, Pa. Money, Pack ages, and Goods of all kinds received and forwarded at the risk of the Company, to all the cities and principal towns in the United States. ORBISON, DORRIS & CO., Miners, and Dealers in Broad Top Coal, Huntingdon 11 1 1?diner U s, T and E Del l d - oi l. :i O n Broad .Lrr Top Coal, Huntingdon KESSLER, WHITNEY & CO., Minors, and Dealers in Broad Top Coal. Huntingdon DOWEL, SAXTON & CO., N Miners, and Dealers in Broad Top Coal. J. W. Saxton, 'Huntingdon; B. Hare Vowel, 56 Walnut st., Philadelphia. CUiN - NING-11A3.1 and DUNN, Dealers in Dry Goods, Grocericlg, Hardware, Queens ware, Grain, Centre County Iron, &c. T — MBRELLAS and Parasols, of a new style, just received, and for sale by • apll6 J. d: W. SAXTON. ARE yon afflicted with Rheumatism ? JOHN C. 'WESTBROOK, of Cassville, manufactures a sure cure for Rheumatism. December 7, 1855. ATTENTION, ATTENTION ! Beet Zinc Paint only $2 63 per keg. Pure White Lead only $2 ST per keg. And other paints in proportion, at the cheap Hardware Store of J. A. BROWN & CO. BuiLDERs, do you believe it? Nails are selling at $4. 00 per keg, at the new Hardware Store of J. A. BROWN J.: CO. /MACKEREL, Codfish, Salmon, Tier ring, Pork, Hams & Sides, Shoulders, Lard and Cheese, constantly on Laud and for sale by J. PALMER 4; CO.. April 2,1556-3 m. Market Street Wharf, Philadelphia. -17N.LL CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, - AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, GEO. BULTIN & CO., Manufacturers of Cloaks and Man tillas, No. 174 CHESTNUT Street. (a few doors above 7th, south side.) PIHLADELPHIA. (In connection with GEO. BULPIN, 361 Broadway, N. Y. The largest Manufacturer of these goods in the United States.) L'eg to call the attention of Wholesale and Retail buyers to their large and varied stock of Cloaks, Talinas, &c., FOR THE FALL TRADE!! Their collection comprises a complete assortment of all the latest - Parisian Novelties in Velvet. Moire-Antique. Cloth, Plain Silk, &c., &c.; while the facilities afforded by their connection with the largest Manufacturing House, (of these goods.) in New York, enable them to guarantee better value than is obtainable elsewhere in this market. GEO. BULPIN & CO. 174 Chestnut Street, above 7th. September 3,1556-3 m. OMETHING NEW IN HUNTING DON.--The celebrated Centre county Iron for sale at the following prices: 4 cents per lb.; for common assorted F4' inches square and round up, 4N cents; for horse shoe and spike rods, including 1 e, and .74 in. square, and 5 cents for nail rods, at the cheap store of _ _ CUNNINGIIA3I A; DUNN Iluntingdon, June 17, 1856. BROAD TOP HOUSE. ANDREW MOEBUS would respectfully inform the public f ee that he has fitted up the Broad Top house, on Alle- nro;, gheny street, at the Broad-Top Depot, Ilimtingdon, and is now prepared to entertain strangers and travellers in an unobjectionable style. Ills table will always be supplied with the substantials and delicacies of the Season. His Bar is furnished with the choicest i liquhrs. In a word, no pains will be spared to render guests comfortable and happy. june IS. *IE 1, t IN G OF F.—The undersigned having determinued to quit business, °Tiers to sell his ole stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, AT COST I by the single article or the whole together. Call soon and get bargains! Persons having jobs at his store, will please call and get them immediately. AM-Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscri ber, will please call and settle IMMEDIATELY. Huntingdon, Sept. 3,1856. EDM. SNARE. TIRE COMINti 7 HOLIDAYS !—Great 1 PREPARATIONS! WM. T. FRY, in returning thanks to his numerous friends and residents of Huntingdon and vicinity for their very liberal patronage, and anticipating all inereased*demand for articles of his own Manufacture and Importation. has made extensive preparations to sup ply the same, in his stock surpassed by none in the city, and to which he is constantly recciring additions from. Europe of the newest styles,) can always be found a choice selection of articles suitable for Bridal, Birthday and Holiday Pres ents, of the most recherche and unique description, compri sing in part Rich Dressing Cases, Writing Desk. Calms, Fans, Bronze Bisque and Parian Figures, Musical Boxes, Opera Glasses, and a rich variety of tho useful and orna mental in Ormolu, Bronze, Shell, Mosaic, Papier Macho, &c. Also, Combs, Brushes and Toilet Articles. W3l. T. FRY, 128 ARCH Street, (opposite the Theatre) Philadelphia October 1,1856-3 m. DREMIUIII. IMPROVED SUPE PHOSPHATE OF LIME. The only Silver Medal yet awarded by Agricultural Societies, was given to THIS SU PERIOR. AR. TIELE, at the last Pennsylvania State Fair. at Harrisburg, as a FERTILIZER of the BEST QUALITY for WHEAT, CORN, OATS. Grass and Potatoes. raising HEAVY CROPS, and greatly IMPROVING the SOIL. The sabscri ber respectfully informs FARMERS and DEALERS that he is prepared to supply the Fall demand with this superior and well tested article. tal_Agents Wanted.—A liberal discount allowed. Also, No. 1 Peruvian and lieldcan Guano, Poudrette and Land Plaster, Oils, Candles, Soap, &0., of the best quality, at low. est market rates. JIS'O. L. POMEROY, 9 &.10 South Wharves, belay, Dfccrkatabl.Philadelphll y August 20,718664nr. THE HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN BLAST AC/AIN !—The subscribers take, this method forming theiffriends arid the public generally, that 1 6, - - - they have rebuilt the Huntingdon Foun ,lo , — > dry. and are now in successful operation, •6„:: „ . . 76 .. I. and are prepared to furnish Castings of Pi In „ „ „ „ „„ every description of best quality and ' . ----- workmanship, on , short notice, and on reasonable terms. Farmers are invited to call and exam ine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter Plough. This plough took the first premium at the Hun tingdon county Agricultural Fair last fall. Also, Hunter's celebrated Cutter Ploughs, which can't be beat—together with the Keystone, Hillside and Bar-shear ploughs. We have on hand and are manufacturing Stoves—such as Cook, Parlor, and Office stoves for wood or coal. HollOw ware, consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c., all of which we will sell cheap for cash or in exchange for coun try produce. Old metal taken for castings. By a strict attention to business, and a desire to please, we hope to re ceive a liberal share of public patronage. J. M. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. Huntingdon, April 30, 1850. SAMUEL T. ITRONVII QPECIAL NOTICE !—R. C. McGILL I.J wishes to inform his friends and the public generally, that ho has bought the Alexandria Fenn & dry, lately owned by Israel Grains, Esq.. 1 """Iy together with its Patterns, Flasks and l' i ic„ . ; other contents. And from his long , rience in the business, he hopes to obtain a share of the public patronage. As he has the Foundry in full operation. he can furnish all who may give him a call with all kinds of Castings, such as Rolling Mill, Forge, Grist and Saw Mill Castings—improved Thrashing Machine Castings. And in a short time will have Cook Stoves of various sizes and improved patterns for wood and coal.— Also, ten-plate, air-tight, parlor, and bar-room stoves, of various sizes, for wood or coal. Also, Castings for houses, cellar grates , such as Lintels, Sills, Sash weights, etc.— Ploughs of every description, the latest and most improved styles. Also, Sled Soles and Wagon Boxes, oven frames, large bells, and water pipes. Hollow ware—consisting of kettles, boilers, etc. Having turning lathes he will be able to furnish any of the above named articles of either wood or iron—and all other kinds of Castings, "too nu merous to mention," all of which will be sold cheaper than ever for era' and all kinds of country produce. Old metal will be taken iu exchange for castings. Bring along your old metal, your cash and country produce, whn any arti cles are wanted. It. C. McGILL. Alexandria, April 22, 1856. TOTO THE PUBLIC.—The undersigned informs his friends and the public generally, - _ 4 ,,, mt he has leased the FAIMERS' HOME HOTEL, ::: ; in the borough of Huntingdon, and is now prepared ' to accommodate with boarding and lodging all who may favor him with a call. His Bar is furnished with the best liquors. LIVERY STA23l,l.l—lte has also provided himself with a good stock of Ilorse,i, Car riages, &c., for the accommodation of the pub lic, at reasonable charges. WM. WILLIAMS. Huntingdon, April 7, 1556 150 OKS ! 'BOOKS ! 40,000 Volumes ) of new and popular Books, embracing - every variety r?„„ usually kept in a PhiTztdelphia Book . Store, and many of them at halt the Publisher's retail prices, the subscriber now offers to the public. Ad School Books used in the county - can be had in any quantities at retail and wholesale rates. Foolscap, Letter, and Wrapping paper, wholesale, or by the ream. 100 Superior Gold Pens with Silver and Gold cases, from upwards. • Also Pocket and Pen Knives of Rogers' and others' best manufacture. 100 Splendid Port Monniaes and Pocket Books at 20 ctu. and upwards. 3,000 pieces Wall Paper of the latest and prettiest styles, just received from New York and Phila delphia, prices from 10 cts a piece and upwards. 500 beautifully painted and gold gilted Window Shades at •44 ctn. and upwards. . _ Tho public have but to call and examine, to be convinc ed that in buying of the above stock they will he pleased and also save money. Remember the place, corner of Montgomery and Railroad streets. WM. COLON. Huntingdon, April 16, 1856. SPRING AND SUMMER GOOL S. LATEST ARRIVAL. J. & W. SAXTON are now receiving, and now opening, one of the finest assortments of Goods ever offered to the citizens of this place . , as ronow6: Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinetts, Vestings— Cotton Goods for Summer wear. Also, Shalleys, Berages, Lawns and Prints. with other articles for the ladies. A splendid lot of Black Silk, Ladies' striped and barred Dress Silk, Muslin, Linu Goods, and in fact, every article of wear ing apparel necessary for the Ladies. Hosiery and Fancy Goods. Also, allkinds of Dress Trimmings, Gloves, Combs, ribbons, Hair Broods, Dress Caps, and every kind usually kept hi a country store. Bonnets and Straw Hats of the latest styles; silk, crape, and straw bonnets. Hats and Caps of the very latest styles, and of every shape and color. Boots and Shoes. Our stock of Boots and Shoes can't be beat for quality and cheapness of prices, and one of the finest stocks ever offered. Carpet and Oil Cloth. A splendid assort ment of Carpet, Druggett, and Oil Cloth. Also—Hard ware, the best assortment in town, not excepting the Bard ware establishment, and at lower prices. Quoensware, Groceries, Tobacco, Scgars, Willow ware and Cedar ware, Ropes, Tow-lines, and Cords, and everything usually kept in a country store, can be had at the Cheap Store of Ifunting - don, April 16, 1856. J. & W. SAXTON. rIE CHEAP CORNER FOREVER! U SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, Ready-Made Cloth ing, tie.—BENJAMIN JACOBS informs his old customers and the citizens of the borough and county of Hunting don generally, that he has just opened an extensive assort ment of Goods of all kinds suitable for Spring and-Sum mer, which will compare in quality and prices with any others brought to town the present season. His stock consists of every article of Ladies' Dress Goods. In part, Ginghams, Lawns, printed and plain Bareges, Prints of all kinds, Muslins, Gloves. Hosiery, tic., &c., in fact all arti cles of dress to be found in any other store in town. Also, an extensive assortment of Ready made Clothing, for men and boys, for spring and summer wear, all well made and of good materials. Also, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, of all sizes. Also, Groceries, Queensware, Glassware, Hardware, equal to any in town ; and many more articles " too numerous to mention." My old CUStOIUCTB and the public in general, are invited to cull and examine my new Goods. They will find them equal in quality, and as low in price, as any others in the county, All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for Goods at the highest market prices. Huntingdon, Match ti. 18W. OLD STROUS HAS COME AGAIN with a splendid stock of CLOTHING, made up in the latest styles of the choicest Goods. The stock consists in part of Dress and Frock Coats, Pants, Vests, &c., &c., all of which will be disposed of at low rates. Also, a good assortment of DRY GOODS, Comprising Baregcs, Tissues, Challeys, Do Linos, Bril liantes,•Lawnx. Also, GROCERIES, &c Being anxious to secure a part of the public confidence and patronage, I will do my utmost to merit the same, and therefore would earnestly solicit those about purchas ing any thing in my line, to call and examine my Stock before going elsewhere, as I shall always keep a complete Stock constantly on hand, to enable me to suit the tastes of all who may feel inclined to favor me with their custom. Remember your old friend Blose MOSES STROUS, Dorris' Building, lluntingdon, Pa March 19, ISSS. GROCERY AND CONFECTIO.NA RY. STORE. LONG & DECKER, respectfully in form their friends and the public in general, that they still continue tho Grocery and Confectionary business, under the Sons of Temperance Hall, on Main stret, a•hero they have now on hand a full and general assortment of Groceries and Confectionaries, which they will sell wholesale and retail. They have also on hand Buckets, Salt, Carpet Bags, Fancy Articles, &d., ac., &c., all of which they will sell cheap. Country pro duce taken in exchange for Goods—the cash paid when wo have no Goods to suit customers. As we aredetermined toaccommodate all who may call at our store, woinvito an exaruination and trial of our stock.. LONG & DECKER. Huntingdon, Apl. H), 1856 I_ 4 I ARINIERS OF THIS NEIGHBOR HOOD, Growef's of Wheat and Rye, Use LEINAU'S APER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, if you want heavy crops, Or LELNAU'S AMERICAN FERTILIZER. These valuable Manures have been used for the past silt years successfully for the Grain and Tobacco Crop in Virginia. Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and the Islands of Ber muda and Barbadocs. A barrel, (250 Ibs) is sufficient for an Acre of Laud. The above Fertilizers are composed of reliable Chemical Elements, which largely increase the Crop and improve the soil, doubling the value of the land. Price of the Phosphate of Lime, is $4O 00 a ton, Nitrogened $5O 00, the American Fertilizer $25 00 per Ton. or $3 50 a Barrel. $1 25 a Keg ; also, every variety of GUANO, Pure Land Plaster, Pot Ash, Nitrate of Soda, Bono Dust, Pow dered Charcoal, &c., &c. GEO. A. LEINAU, Proprietor. No. 19 South Front Street, Philadelphia. tro Goods delivered free of charge. To Wholesale Dealers; a liberal discount. Pamphlets in the English and German Language gratis. Orders at a dis tance, Cash accompanying or Draft. promptly attended to by G. A. LEINAU, Proprietor, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B. Diplomas have been awarded from the Pennsyl vania Agricultural Society; Now York Crystal Palace As sociation and New Jersey State Agricultural Society. August 20, 1.556.3 m. AD PIPE for sale. at the Hardware Store, Huntingdon. QO.ll - ENCIVS Pub:tonic Syrup for the ogre of Cctt - eanntlert, fthe tgAleby IttltglslG-TZL. 1,200 A YEAR.--1000 AGENTS WANTED. Agents waziteil in every part of the ted States, to sell a beautiful and instructive work, " The PANORA.NIA of the OLD WORLD and the NEW;" com prising, A View of the present state of the Nations of the world, their manners, customs and peculiarities, and their politica.4 moral, social and industrial condition; interspersed with HISTORICAL SKETCHES AND ANECDOTES, By WILLI= PLYNOCII, Author of the History of England; Greece and Rome. Enlarged, revised and embellished with several hundred engravings from designs of Croome, Do. vereux, and other distinguished artists. It is. also, ilico trated with 24 beautifully colored plates, with costumes of various nations, &c., &c. Agents selling this work have cleared $lOO a month.— /Ka- Send for a specimen copy and prospectus, which will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of $3,00, with particr ulars of agency, J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher, 48 North Fourth St. Philadelphia, N. 13.—1 n addition to the usual percentage, we make s extra inducement to Agents in the way of 211.EMITIMS. Nov. 5, 1856. T. W. B, fiLOTHINGASSORT A NEW MENT JUST OPENED! and will be sold 30 per cent , CHEAPER than the cheapest. Jr. ROMAN respectfully informs his customers, and the public generally, that he has just opened at his store room: in Market Square, Huntingdon, a splendid new stook of Ready-made Clothing for Spring and Summer, which he will sell cheaper than the same quality of Goods can be pus•chased at retail in Philadelphia or any other establisT meat in the coa:nt'S'.' Person Wishing to'hity Clothing would do well to czrlj and ex. m:rie his stock before purchasing elsewhere. flu,, in pion. April 2, 1.f.56. HUNTINGDON CARRIAGE AND WAGON MANUFACTORY.—OWEN BOAT, thank ful for past flyers, respectfully informs r"- the public in g neral that he has removed to his now :hop on Washington street, on ' - the property lately and for many years oc cupied by Alex. Carmen, where he is prepared to manufto tore all kinds of Carriages, Buggies, Rockawayg, 'Wagons, and in short, every kind of vehicle desired. Rockaways and Buggies of a superior manufacture and finish alwaya on hand and for sale at fair prices. Repairing of all kinds done at the shortest notice and oa the most reasonable terms. Huntingdon, May 16, 1554. MARBLE YARD. The uudersigne. V a would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. He is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro priate devices, or plain, as may suit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, a.c., will be furniblied to order. W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work manship equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Call and see, before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on Hit! street, Huntingdon, Pa. Huntingdon, May 16, 1855. COUNTRY DEALERS can buy Cloth ing from me in Huntingdon at WHOLESALE. as cheap as they can in the cities, as I have a Wholesale Store in Philadelphia. H. ROMA...N. Huntingdon, April 2, 1856. WATCHES CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY. The subscriber, thankful to his friends and patrons, and to the public geuer ally, for their patronage, still continues to carry on at the same stand, one door east of Mr. C. Louts' Hotel, Market street, Huntingdon, where he will attend to all who will tkvor him with their custom • and also keeps on hand a good assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., &c.. aU of which he is determined to bell at low prices. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of all kinds will be repaired at short notice, and having made arrangements with a good work man. all repairs will be done in a neat and durable manner, and any person having articles for repairing, shall have them done at the promised time. 11y paying strict atten tion to business, and selling at low prices, he hopes to re ceive a share of public patronage. MAIL LINE from Mount Union to CIIAMBERSDURG. The undersigned still contra lies to run a tri-weekly line of stages over the road between Mount Union and Chambershurg. Good horses and come fortablo stages have been placed on the route, and experi enced and trusty drivers will superintend the running of the Coaches. The proprietor of the line is desirous that it be maintained. anti ho therefore earnestly calls upon the public generally to patronise it, confident that it will be for their mutual advantage. E.cry attention necessary will be given, and the running of the stages will bo regu lar. Ite,..Stages leave Mt. Union at 5 o'clock, p.. m., every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday—returning on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays; arriving* at Mount Union in time for the cars. States stop at Shirleysburg, Orhisonio. Shade Gap, Burnt Cabins, Fanneteburg, Horse Talley, Strasburg, and Reefer's store. vs„Furs through $3,00; to intermediate points in pry portion. JOUN JAMISON. August 22, Isss—tf. NFEAST WHOLESALE DRUG STORE. 1-1 —N. SPENCER THOM.A.B, No. 26 South Second St.. Philadelphia, Importer, Manufacturer, and Dealer in Drugs. Chemicals, Acids, Dye Stuffs. Paints, Oils. Colors, Whiter Lead, French and American White Zinc, Window Glass, Glatsware Varnishes, Brushes, Instruments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and other articles usually kept by Druggists, including Borax, Indigo, Glue, Shellac, Potash.. &c., re., &c. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Country merchants are invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Goods sent to any of the wharves or railroad stations. Paco& low and goods warranted. Philadelphia, March 12, 1.366-Iy. HE WEST BRANCI-I INSURANCE COMPANY, of Lock Ilaven, Pa., insuroa Detached. Lui dings, Stores, Merchandize, Farm Property, and other Buildings, and their contents, at moderate rates. DIRECTORS—iron. John J. Pearce, lion. G. 0. Harvey, John B. Hall, T. T. Abrams, Charles A. Mayer, D. K. jack man, Charles Crist, W. White, Peter Dickson, Thomaa Kitchen. Hon. G. C. Harvey, President; T. T. Abrams, Ties Pros ident ; Thos. Kitchen, Secretary. REFERENCES—SamueI H. Lloyd, Thos. Bowman, D. D.. A, A. Winegardner, Wm. Vanclerbelt, L. A. Mackey. Wm. Pearon, A. White, Dr. 3. S. Crawford, James Quiggle, A. Updegraff, John W. Maynard, James Arm strong, Hon,. Simon Cameron, Hon. Wm. Bigler. Huntingdon, April 9, 1856, ES T STEEL BLADE Moulders' E .0 Shovels, Miners' Coal Shovels, &c., at the new llardc wart: Store of J. A. BROWN .k co. crs itc or 6- G by LOVE & McDIVIT. METAL AND CHAIN PITIILPS, ex tremely low, at J. A. BROWN & CO'S. HARDWARE. swam • SALT ! SALT ! !—Direct Importation I ASIITON. MARSHAL and FINE SALT, Ground Alum Salt, Dairy Salt—a large stock constantly oss band and for sale by CARR, GIESE cE Produce Commission Merchants, 21 Spear's :Wharf, Ball* more. .l Lump Plaster always nn hand. July 22, isms_ THE FINEST assortment of Fancy Cassimeres ever offered; Vestings and Coat Cassiraers, auu at lower prices than can be purchased at any other House, for sale by .1. 3: W. SAI.TuN. GUN NOTlCE.—Andrew Wurtilein, Inaporter and Manufacturer of GUNS, BIBLES, PISTOLS, No. 122 North Second Street, Philadelphia, Where he keeps constantly on hand a general assortment of fine double and single barrel Shot Guns, large duck guns, rifles and pistols, of all kinds. Also, the celebrated cast steel rifles, with increased twists, to shoot the pointed ball of his own make; rifle barrels, shot bags. pouches, &c. Ile invites persons wishing to purchase goods in his -line, to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as ho is determined to eell on the MOST REASONA_BLa TERMS. AIZ" Particular attention paid to REPAIRING in all its branches. AI DR.k.IW WI3IIPFLELNL. September 3,1856-3 m. p - STEWART DEPITY& SONS, 'Ka, . sonic Hall, Chestnut street, (below Sth) Pbiladel, ia, bare opened a large and splendid stock of Tolret, Tapestry, Brussels, Three Ploy, Ingrain and Venitiati CARPETING& Also—Floor Oil Cloths, Matting, Hearth Rugg, Danz Mats. Druggots, Stair Rods, Table and Piano Covers, 6:o, &c., which thoy aro selling vary low for Cash, Wholesal: - . and Retail. September 10,1566-43ra. QVERCOATS, of all -"kinds, cheapol. than elsewhere, at .1, 1856. IL ROMAN'S OLO.LtuNG STORE. fIOU.NTRY DEALERS can buy CLO , IL/ THING at H. ROMAN'S as cheap as they can in thco city. Huntin g -don, October 1, 1653. ItiVitTGlEVB — "Hair Regenerator or bor Gloss, for salo at MoMANIGILL'S. P. 111.11.1 lot of Farina, just received and for sale at _ MOIANIGHLT:s. DALSAM FIR for sale at the Cliet,y, Drug Storo of H. McMANIGIT. rfIOBIAS' Venetian iniment, for 1 by HENRY 151eMANIG1LI.. EMON SYRUP, a genuine article, f_ sale by HENRY IiIoSLAMG3 tiresh lot of Ayer's- Ch. •. .P.eataut kr itiTe Ner3ft tfilitits Duct. JOSEPH REIGGER A. S. HARRISON, Agent"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers