The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 10, 1856, Image 2

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dearest rights of the people of the United
Unwise laws, equally with irregularities at
elections, are, in periods of great excitement,
the occasional incidents of even the freest I
and best political institutions. But all expo-
rience demonstrates that in a country like
ours, where the right of self-constitution ex
ists in the completest form,' the attempt to
remedy unwise legislation by resort to revo
lution, is totally out of place; inasmuch as
existing legal institutions afford more prompt
Sind efficacious means for the redress of wrong.
I confidently trust that now, when the
peaceful condition of Kansas afords oppor
tunity for calm reflection and. wise legisla
tion, either the legislative assembly of the
Territory, or Congress, will see that no act
shall remain on its statute book violative of
the provisions of the Constitution, or subver
sive of the great objects for which that was
ordained and established, and will take all
other necessary steps to assure to its inhabi
tants the enjoyment, without obstruction or
abridgement, of all the constitutional rights,
privileges and immunities of citizens of the
United States, as contemplated by the organ
ic iaw of the Territory.
Full information in relation to recent events
in this Territory will be found in the docu
ments communicated herewith from the De
partments of State and War.
T. refer you to the report of the Secretary
of the Treasury for particular information
concerning the financial condition of the gov
ernment, and the various branches of the
public service connected with the Treasury
During the last fiscal year the receipts from
customs were, for the first time, more than
sixty-four million dollars, and from all sour
ces, seventy-three million nine hundred and
eighteen thousand one hundred and forty-one
dollars ; which, with the balance on band up
to the Ist of July, 1855, made the total re
sources of the year to amount to ninety-two
million eight hundred and fifty thousand one
hundred and seventeen dollars. The expen
ditures, including three million dollars in ex
ecution of the treaty with Mexico, and ex
cluding sums paid on account of the public
debt, amounted to sixty million one hundred
and seventy-two thousand four hundred and
one dollars ; and, including the latter, to sev
enty-two million nine hundred and forty-eight
thousand seven hundred and ninety-two dol
lars, the payment on this account having
amounted to twelve million seven hundred
and seventy-six thousand three hundred and
ninety dollars. , _ _
On the 4th of March, 1853, the amount of
the public debt was sixty-nine million one
hundred and twenty-nine thousand nine hun
dred and thirty-seven dollars. There was a
subsequent increase of_ two million seven
hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the
debt of Texas—making a total of seventy-one
million eight hundred and seventy-nine thous
and nine hundred and thirty-seven dollars.
Of this the sum of forty-five million five hun
dred and twentv-five thousand three hundred
and nineteen dollars, including premium, has
been discharged, reducing the debt to thirty
million nine hundred and sixty-three thous
and nine hundred and nine dollars; all
which might be paid within a year without
embarrassing the public service, but. being
not yet due, and only redeemable at the op
tion of the holder, cannot be pressed to pay
ment by the government.
On examining the expenditures of the last
live years, it will be seen that the average,
40.99ti1a1-LEnTalelltA.2B.R. TB* Wat7l l 6
Mexico, has been but about forty-eight mil
lion dollars. It is believed that, under an
economical administration of the government,
the average expenditures for the ensuing - five
years will not exceed that sum, unless extra
ordinary occasion for its increase should oc
cur. The acts granting bounty lands will
soon have been executed, while the extension
of our frontier settlements will cause a con
tinued demand for lands and augmented re
ceipts, probably, from that source. These
considerations will justify a reduction of the
revenue from customs, so as not to exceed
forty-eight or fifty million dollars. I think
the exigency for such reduction is impera
tive, and again urge it upon the considera
tion of Congress.
The amount of reduction, as well as the
manner of efic'ectinc , it, are questions of great
and general interest ; it being essential to in
dustrial enterprise and the public proSperity,
as well as the dictate of obvious justice, that
the burden of taxation be made to rest as
equally as possible upon all classes, and all
sections and interests of the country.
I have heretofore recommended to your
consideration the revision of the revenue
laws, prepared under the direction of the '
Secretary of the Treasury, and also legisla
tion upon some special questions affecting the
business of that department, more especially
the enactment of a law to punish the abstrac
tion of official books or papers from the files
of the government, and requiring all such
books and papers and all other public prop
erty to he turned over by the out-going officer
to his successor ; of a law requiring disburs
ing officers to deposit all public money in the
vaults of the treasury or in other legal de
positories, where the same are conveniently
accessible ; and a law to extend existing penal
provisions to all persons who may become
possessed of public money by deposite or
otherwise, and who shall refuse or neglect,
on due demand, to pay the same into the
treasury. I invite your attention anew to
each of these objects.
The army during the past year has been
so constantly employed against hostile hull- .
ans in various quarters, that it can scarcely
be said, with propriety of language, to have
been a peace establishment. Its duties have
been satisfactorily performed, and we have
reason to expect, as a result of the year's
operations, greater security to the frontier
inhabitants than has been hitherto enjoyed.
Extensive combinations among the hostile
Indians of the Territories of Washington
and Oregon at one time threatened the devas
tation of the newly formed settlements of
that remote portion of the country. From
- recent information, we are permitted to hope
that the energetic and successful operations
conducted there will prevent such combina
tions in future, and secure to those Territo
ries an opportunity to make steady progress
in the development of their agricultural and
mineral resources.
Legislation has been recommended by me
on previous occasions to cure defects in the
existing organization, and to increase the ef
ficiency- of the army, and further observation
has hut served to confirm me in the views
then expressed, and to enforce on my mind
the conviction that such measures arc not on
ly proper but necessary.
have, in addition, to invite the attention
of Congress to a change of policy in the dis
tribution of troops, and to the necessity of
providing a more rapid increase of the mili
tary armament. For details of these and
other subjects relating to the army, I refer
to the report of the Secretary of War.
The condition of the navy is not merely
satisfactory, but exhibits the most gratifying
evidences of increased vigor. As it is com
paratively small, it is more important that it
should be as complete as possible in all the
elements of strength ; that it Sheuld . be effi
cient in the character of its officers, in the
zeal and discipline of its men, in the relia
bility of its ordinance, and in the capacity
of its ships. - In all these various qualities
the navy has made great progress Within the
last few years. The execution of the law of
Congress, of 'February 28th, 1855, "to pro
mote the efficiency of the navy," has been at
tended by the most advantageous results.—
The law for promoting discipline among the
men is found convenient and salutary.
The system of granting an honorable dis
' charge to faithful seamen on the expiration
of the period of their enlistment, and per
-miffing them to re-enlist after a leave of ab
sence of a few months, without cessation of
pay, is highly beneficial in its influence. The
apprentice system recently adopted isevident
ly destined to incorporate into the service a
large number of our countrymen so difficult
to procure. Several hundred American boys
are now on a three years' cruise in our na
tional vessels, and will return well trained
seamen. In the ordnance department there
is a decided and gratifying indication of pro
gress creditable to it and to the country. r.,Che
suggestions of the Secretary of the Navy, in
regard to further improvement in that branch
of the service, I commend to your favorable
The new frigates ordered by Congress . are
now afloat, and two of them in active service.
They are superior models of naval architect
ure, and with their formidable battery add
largely to public strength and security..
I concur in the views expressed by the Sec
retary of the Department in favor of a still
further increase of our naval force.
The report of the Secretary of the Interior
presents facts and views in relation to inter
nal affairs over which the supervision of his
department extends, of much interest and
The aggregate sales of , the public lands,
during the last fiscal year, amount to nine
million two hundred and twenty-seven thous
and eight hundred and seventy-eight acres ;
for which has been received the sum of eight
millions eight hurMred and twenty-one thous
and four hundred and fourteen dollars. Du- -
ring the same period there have been located,
with military scrip and land-warrants, and,
for other purposes, thirty. million one hun
dred thousand two hundred and thirty acres,
thus making a total aggregate of thirty-nine
million three hundred and twenty-eight thous
and one hundred and eight acres. On the
30th September last, surveys had been made
of sixteen million eight hundred and seventy
three thousand six hundred and ninety-nine
acres, a large proportion of which is ready
for market.
The suggestions in this report in regard to
the complication and progressive expansion
of the business of the different bureaux of
the department ; to the pension system. ; to
the colonization of Indian tribes, and the re
commendation in relation to various improve
ments in the District of Columbia, are espe
cially commended to your consideration.
The report of the Postmaster General pre
sents fully the condition of that department
of the government. Its expenditures for the
last fiscal year, were ten million four hundred
aoilars; and its gross receipts seven
million six hundred and twenty thousand
eight hundred and one dollars—making an
excess of expenditure over receipts of two
million seven hundred and eighty-seven thou
sand and forty-six dollars. The deficiency of
this department is thus seven hundred and
forty-four thousand dollars greater than for
the year ending June 30, 1853. Of this de
ficiency, three hundred and thirty thousand
dollars is to be attributed to the additional
compensation allowed postmasters by the act
of Congress of June 22,1854. The mail fa
cilities in every part of the country have been
very much increased in that period, and the
large addition of railroad service, amounting
to seven thousand nine hundred and eight
miles, has added largely to the cost of trans
The inconsiderable augmentation of the
income of the Post Office Department under
the reduced rates of postage, and its increas
ing expenditures, must, for the present, make
it dependent to some extent upon the treas
ury for support. The recommendations of
the Postmaster General, in relation to the
abolition of the franking privilege, and his
views on the establishment of mail
v steam- .
ship lines, deserve the consideration of Con
gress. I also call the especial attention of
Congress to the statement of the Postmaster
General respecting the sums now paid for the
transportation of mails to the Panama Rail
Road Company, and commend to their early
and favorable consideration the suggestions
of that officer in relation to new contracts for
mail transportation upon that route, and also
upon the Tehuantepec and Nicaragua routes.
The United States continue in the enjoy
ment of amicable relation with all foreign
When my last annual message was trans
mitted to Congress, two subjects of controver
sy, one relating to the enlistment of soldiers
in this country for foreign service, and the
other to Central America, threatened to dis
turb good understanding between the United
States and Great Britain. Of the progress
and termination of the former question you
were informed at the time; and the other is
now in the way of satisfactory adjustment.
The object of the convention between the
United States and Great Britain, of the 19th
April, 1850, was to secure, for the benefit of
all nations, the neutrality and the common
use of any transit-way, or interoceanic com
munication, across the isthmus of Panama,
which might be opened within the limits of ,
Central America. The pretension subse
quently asserted by Great Britain, to domin
ion or control over territories, in or near two
of the routes, those of Nicaragua and Hon
duras, were deemed by the United States, not
merely incompatible with, the main object of
the treaty, hut opposed even to its express
stipulations. Occasion of controversy on
this point has been removed by an additional
treaty, which our Minister at London has
concluded, and which will be immediately
submitted to the Senate for its consideration.
Should the proposed supplemental arrange
ment be concurred in by all the parties to be
effected by it, the objects contemplated by
the original - convention will have been fully
The treaty between the United States and
Great Britain, of the sth of June, 1854, which
went into effective operation in 1855; put an
end to causes of irritation between the two
countries; by securing to the United States
the right of fishery on the coast of the British
North American provinces, with advantages
equal to those enjoyed by British subjects.
Besides the signal benefits of this treaty to a
large class of our citizens engaged in a pur
suit connected to no inconsiderable degree
with our national prosperity and strength, 'it
has had a favorable ,"effect upon other inter
ests in the provision it. made for reciprocal
freedom of _trade between the United States
and the British provinces in America.
The exports of domestic articles to those
provinces during the last year amounted to
more than twenty two millions of dollars, ex-
Ceeding'those of the preceding year by nearly
seven millions of dollars; and the imports
therefrom, during the same period, amounted
to more than twenty-one millions,—an in
crease of six millions upon - those of the pre
vious year. ' '-
The improved condition of this branch of
our commerce is mainly attributable to the
above-mentioned treaty.
Provision was made, in the first article of
that treaty, for a commission to designate the
mouths of rivers to which the common right
of fishery, on the coast of the United States
and the British Provinces, was not to extend.
This commission has been employed a part
of two seasons,. but 'without much progress
in accomplishing the object for which it was
instituted, in consequence of a serious differ
ence of opinion between the commissioners,
not only as to the precise point where the
rivers terminate, but in many instances as to
what constitutes a river. These difficulties,
however, may be overcome by resort to the
umpirage provided for by the treaty.
The forts perseveringly prosecuted since
the commencement of my administration, to
relieve our trade to the Baltic from the ex
action of sound dues by Denmark, have not
yet been attended with success. Other gov
ernments have also sought to obtain a like
relief to their commerce, and Denmark was
thus induced to propose an arrangement to'
all the European Powers interested in the
subject; and the manner in which her propo
sition - was received, warranting her to believe
that a satisfactory arrangement with them
could soon be concluded, she made a strong
appeal to this government for temporary sus
pension of definite action on its part, in con
sideration of the embarrassment which might
result to her European negotiations by an im
mediate adjustment of the question with the
United States.
This request has been acceded to, upon
the condition that the sums collected after
the 16th of June last, and until the 16th of
June next, from vessels and cargoes belong
ing to our merchants, are to be considered as
paid under protest and subject to future ad
justment. There is reason to believe that an
arrangement, between Denmark and the mara
time powers of Europe on the subject, will
be soon concluded, and that the pending ne-.
gotiation with the United States may then be
resumed and terminated in a satisfactory
manner. •
With Spain no new difficulties have arisen,
nor has much progress
.been made in the ad
justment of pending ones,
Negotiations entered into for the purpose
of relieving our commercial intercourse with
the Island of Cuba of some of its burdens,
and providing for the more speedy settlement
of local disputes growing out of that inter
course, have not yet been attended with any
Soon after the commencement of the late
war in Europe, this government submitted
to the consideration of all maritime nations,
two principles for the security, of nent.e : u.l
- Ene neural nag should
cover enemies' goods, except articles contra
band of war; and the other,' that .neutral
property on board merchant vessels of bellig
erents should be exempt from condemnation,
with the exception of *contraband articles.
These were not presented as new rules of
international law; having been generally
claimed by neutrals, though not always ad
mitted by belligerents. One of the parties
to the war—Russia—as well as several neu
tral- powers, promptly acceded to these propo
sitions;-and the two other principal bellig
erents, Great Britain and France, having
consented to observe them for the present oc
casion, a favorable opportunity seemed to be
presented for obtaining a general recognition
of them both in Europe and America.
But Great Britain and France, in common
with most of the states of Europe, while for
bearing to reject, did not affirmatively act
upon the overtures of the United States.
While the question was in this position,
the representatives of Russia, France, Great
Britain, Austria., Prussia, Sardinia and Tur
key, assembled at Paris, took into considera
tion the subject of maritime rights, and put
forth a ,declaration containing the two.prin
ciples which this government had submitted,
•nearly two years before, to the consideration
of maritime powers, and adding thereto the
following propositions: "Privateering is and
remains abolished," and "Blockades,
in order
to be binding, must be effective, that is to
say, maintained by a force, sufficient really,
to prevent access to the coast of the enemy;"
and to the declaration thus composed of four
points, two of which had already been pro
posed by the United States, this government
has been invited to accede by all the powers
represented at Paris, except Great • Britain
and Turkey.
To the last of the two additional proposi
tions—that in relation to blockades—there
can certainly be no objection. It is merely
the definition of what shall constitute the
effectual investment of a blockaded place, a
definition for which this government has al
ways contended, claiming indemnity for loss
es where a practical violation of the rule thus
defined has been injurious to our commerce.
As to the remaining article of the declara
tion of the conference of Paris, " that priva
teering is and remains abolished,"—l cer
tainly cannot ascribe to the powers represen
ted in the conference of Paris, and but liber
al and philanthropic views in the attempt to
change the unquestionable rule 1:f maritime
law in regard to privateering.
Their proposition was doubtless intended
to imply approval of the principle that pri
vate property upon the ocean, although it
might belong to the citizens of a belligerent
state, should be exempted from capture; and
had that proposition been so framed as to give
full effect to the principle, it would have re
ceived my ready assent on behalf of the Uni
ted States. But the measure proposed is in
adequate to that purpose. It is true that if
adopted, private property upon the ocean
would be withdrawn from, , one mode of plun
der, but left exposed, meanwhile, to another
mode, which could be used with increased
effectiveness A im The' aggressive capacity of
great naval 'rowers would be thereby min--
mented, while the defensive ability of others
would be reduced.
Though the surrender of the moans of pros
ecuting hostilities by employing privateers,
as proposed by the conference of Paris, is
mutual in terms, yet, in practical effect, it
would be the relinquishment of a right of lit
tle value to' one elms of states, but of esscn
tial importance to another and a far larger
class - . It ought not to have been anticipated
that a measure, so inadequate:to the accom
plishment of the proposed object, and so un
equal in its operation, would receive the as
sent-of all maritine poirers. Private proper
ty would be still left .to the 'depredations of
the public armed cruisers. •
I have witnessed a readiness_ on the part of
this government, to accede to all the princi
ples contained in the declaration of the con
ference of Paris, provided that the one relating
to the abandonment of privateering can be so
amended as to effect the object for which, as
is presumed, it was intended, the immunity
of private property on the ocean from hostile
To effect this object, it is proposed to add
to the declaration that "privateering is and
remains abolished," the following amend
ment: "And that the private property of sub
jects and citizens of a belligerent on the high
seas, shall be exempt from seizure by the pub
lic armed vessels of the other belligerent, ex
cept it be contraband." This amendment
has been presented not only to the powers
which have asked our assent to the declara
tion to abolish privateering, but to all other
maritime states. Thus far it has not been
rejected by any, and is favorably entertained
by all which have made any communication
in reply.
Several of the governments, regarding with
favor the proposition of the United States,
have delayed definitive action upon it, only
for the purpose of
,consulting with others,
parties to the confrence of Paris. I have
the satisfaction of stating, hoWever, that the
Emperor of Russia has entirely and ex
plicitly approved of that Modification, and
will cooperate in endeavoring to obtain
the assent of other powers ; and that assuran
ces of a similar purport have been received
in relation to the disposition of the Eniperor
of the French.
The present aspect of this important sub
ject allows .us to cherish the hope that a
principle so humane, in its character, so just
and equal in its operation, so essential to the
-prosperity of commercial nations, and so con
sonant to the sentiments of this enlightened
period' of
,the 'world, will command the ap
probation of all maritime powers, and thus
be incorporated into the code of international
My views on the subject are more fully set
forth in the reply of the Secretary of State,
a copy of which is herewith transmitted, to
the communication on the subject made to
this government, especially to the communi
cation of France.
The government of the United States has
at all times regarded with friendly interest
the other States of America, formerly, like
this country, European colonies, and now in
dependent members of the great family of
nations. But the unsettled condition of some
of them, distracted by frequent revolutions,
and thus incapable of regular and firm in
ternal administration, has tended to embar
rass occasionally our public intercourse, by
reason of wrongs which our citizens suffer
at their hands, and which they are slow to
Unfortunately it is against the Republic of
Mexico, with - which it is our special desire
to maintain a good understanding,
that such
complaints are most numerous ; and although
earnestly urged upon its attention, they have
not as yet received 'the consideration which
this government had a. right to expect.--•
1V1,:1., rO FOrOt 4 - I‘j deb has been
withheld, others have been added. The po
litical condition of that country, however,
has been such as to demand forbearance on
the ,part of the United States. I shall con
tinue my efforts to procure for the wrongs of
our citizens that redress which is indispensa
ble to the continued friendly association of
the two republics.
The peculiar condition of affairs in Nica
raguain the early part of the present year,
rendered it important that this government
should have diplomatic relations with that
State. Though its territory had been opened
one of theprincipal thoroughfares across the
isthmus connecting North and South Ameri
ca, on which a vast amount of property was
transported, and to which our citizens resor
ted in great numbers, in passing between the
Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United
States. The protection of both required that
the existing power in that state should be re
.as a responsible government; and its
minister was accordingly received. But he
remained here only a short time. Soon there
after the political affairs of Nicaragua under
went unfavorable change, and became involv
ed in much uncertainty and confusion. Di
plomatic representatives from two contend
ing parties have been recently sent to this
government; but, with the imperfect infor
mation possessed, it was not possible to de
cide which was the government de facto ;
and, awaiting further developments, I have
refused to receive either.
Questions of the most serious nature are
pending between the United States and the
Republic of New Granada. The government
of that republic undertook, a year since, to
impose tonnage duties on foreign vessels in
her - ports, but the purpose wits resisted by
this government, as being contrary to exist
ing treaty stipulation with the United States,
and to rights conferred by charter upon the
Panama Railroad Company, and was accor
dingly relinquished at that time, it being ad
mitted that our vessels were entitled to be ex
empt from tonnage duty in the free ports of
Panama and Aspinwall. But the purpose
has been recently revived, on the part of New
Granada, by the enactment of a law to sub
ject vessels visiting her ports to the tonnage
duty of, forty cents per ton ; and, although
the law has not been put in force, yet the
right to enforce it is still asserted, and may,
at any time, be acted on by the government
of that republic.
The Congress of New Granada has also
enacted a law, during the last year, which
levies a tax of more than three dollars on ev
ery pound of mail matter transported across
the Isthm,us. The sum thus required to be
paid on the mails of the United States would
be nearly two millions of dollars annually,
in addition to the large sum payable by con
to the Panama Railroad Company. If
the only objection to this exaction were the
exorbitaney of its amount, it would not be
submitted to by the United States.
The imposition of it, however, would obvi
ously contravene our treaty with New Gra
nada, and infringe the contract of that re
public with the Panama Railroad Company.
The law providing for this tax, was, by its
terms, to take effect on the first of Septem
ber last, but the local authorities on the isth
mus have been induced to suspend its execu
tion, and to await further instructions on the
subject from the government of the republic.
I am not yet advised of the determination of
that government. If a measure so extraor
dinary in its character, and so clearly con
trary to, treaty stipulations, and the contract
rights of the Panama Railroad Company,
composed mostly of the American citizens,
should be persisted in, it will be the duty of
the United States to resist its execution.
I regret exceedingly that occasion exists to
invite your attention to a subject of still gra
ver import in our relations with the Repub
lic of New Granada. On the fifteenth day
of April last, a riotous assemblage of the in
habitants of Panama committed a violent and
outrageous attack on the premises of the
railroad company, and the passengers and
other persons in or near the same, involving
the death of several citizens of the United
States, the pillage - of many others, and the
destruction of a large amount of property be
longing to the railroad company. I caused
full investigation of that event to be made,
and the result shows satisfactorily that com
plete responsibility for what occurred attach
es to the government of New Granada. I
have, therefore, demanded of that govern
ment that the perpetrators of the wrong,s in
question should be punished; . that provision
should be made for the families of citizens of
the United States who were killed, with full
indemnity for the property pillaged or des
The present condition of the Isthmus of
Panama, in so far as regards the security of
persons and property passing over it, requires
serious consideration. Recent incidents tend
to show that the local authorities cannot be
relied on to maintain the public peace of Pan
ama, and there is just ground for apprehen
sion- that a portion of the inhabitants are
meditating further outrages, without ade
quate measures for the security and protec
tion of persons or property having been ta
ken, either by the State of Panama, or by
the general government of New Granada.
- Under the guaranties of treaty, citizens of
the United States have, by the outlay of sev
eral millions of dollars, constructed a railroad
across the Isthmus, and it has become the main
route between our Atlantic and Pacific posses
sions, over which multitudes of our Citizens and
a vast amount of property, are constantly pas
sing—to the security and protection of all
which, and the continuance of the public ad
' vantages involved, it is impossible for the
Government of the United States to be indif
I have deemed the danger of the recur
rence of scenes of lawless violence in this
quarter so imminent as to make it ray duty
to station a part 'of our naval force in the har
bors of Panama and Aspinwall, in order to
protect the persons and property of the citi
zens of the United States in those ports, and
to insure to them safe passage across the Isth
mus. And it would, in my judgment, be un
wise to withdraw the naval force in those
ports, until, by the spontaneous action of the
republic of New Granada, or otherwise, some
adequate arrangement shall have been made
for the protection and security of a line of
interoceanic communication so important at
this time, not to the United States only, but
to all other maritime States both of Europe
and America.
Meanwhile, negotiations have been institu
ted by means Of a special commission, to ob
tain from New Granada full indemnity for
injuries sustained by our citizens on the Isth
mus, and satisfactory security for the general
interests of the United States.
In addressing to you my last annual mes
sage, the occasion seems to me an appropri
ate one to express my congratulations in view
of the peace, greatness and felicity which the
triaitod. Staten now possess and enjoy. To
point you to the state of the various depart
ments of the government, and of all the
great branches of the public service, civil
and military, in order to speak of the intelli
gence and the integrity which pervades the
whole, would be to indicate but imperfectly
the administrative condition of the country,
and the beneficial effects of that on the gen
eral welfare.
Nor would it suffice to say that the nation
is actually at peace at home and abroad ; that
its industrial interests are prosperous; that
the canvass of its mariners whiten s ever3r sea;
and the plough of its husbandmen is march
ing steadily onward to the bloodless conquest
of the continent; that cities and populous
States are springing up, as if by enchantment,
from the bosom of our western wilds, and
that the courageous energy of our people is
making of these United States the great re
public of the world. These results have not
been attained without passing through trials
and perils, by experience of which, and thus
only, nations are hardened into manhood.
Our forefathers were trained to the wisdom
which conceived, and the courage which
achieved independence, by the circumstail ,
which surrounded them, and they were thus
made capable of the creation of the republic.
It devolved on the next generation to consoli
date the work of the revolution, to deliver
the country entirely from the influences of
conflicting transatlantic partialities or antip
athies, which attached to our colonial and
revolutionary history, and to organize the
practical operation of the constitutional and
legal 'institutions of the Union. To us, of
this generation, remains the not less„„noble
task of maintaining and extending the power
of the United States.
We have, at length, reached that stage of
the national career, in which the dangers to
be encountered, and the exertions to be made,
are the incidents, not of weakness, but of
strength. In our foreign relations, we have
to attemper our power to the less happy con
dition of other republics in America, and to
place ourselves in the calmness and conscious
dignity of right by the side of the greatest
and wealthiest of the empires of Europe. In
our domestic relations, we have to guard
against the shock of the discontents, the am
bitions, the interests, and the exuberant, and,
therefore, sometimes irregular impulses of
opinion, or of action, which are the natural
product of the present political elevation, the
self-reliance and the restless spirit of enter
prise of the people of the United States.
I shall prepare to surrender the Executive
trust to my successor, and retire to private
life with sentiments of profound gratitude to
the good Providence which, during the peri
od of my administration, has vouchsafed to
carry the country through many difficulties,
domestic and foreign, and to enable me to
contemplate the spectacle of amicable and
respectful relations between ours and all oth
er governments, and the establishment of
constitutional order and tranquility through
out the Union.
Washington, December 2, 1856.
JThe Clinton Democrat, lately publish
ed. by J. W. IN.T.cEwen, has been purchased
by Diffenbach and Martin.
gm,.565,000 in notes were paid into the
Lancaster Bank on Friday, Saturday a►,d
Monday, thus discharging liahilities to that
Report of the Postmaster General.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2.--The Postmaster
General's report shows the number of post
offices in June 30th, 1856, to have been 25,-
595, being an increase of 4,664 in four
On the 30th of June there were in opera
tion nearly 8,000 mail routes, the length of
which is estimated at 239,642 miles, costing
$5,359,474, divided as follows: 20,323 miles
of railroad; 14,951 steamboat, and 50,451
canal lines, and nearly 154,000 inferior grades.
The increase during the last fiscal year was
nearly 20,000 miles of railroad, 312 miles of
steamboat, 1,250 miles of canal lines, and
8,200, miles of inferior grades. In Nebras
ka and Kansas 2,238 miles were added to
the length of routes. Between the Ist of
July, 1852, and July Ist, '56, the railroad
service was increased 10,177 miles, exhibit
ing the fact that within that time this de
scription of service was more than doubled.
On the first of December, 1856, the length of
railroad routes had increased to 21,310
miles, and the total cost for this service at
that date amounted to $2,403,747. The
whole cost of the inland service on the Ist of
July was, $6,526,028.
The Secretary alluded to the Panama
Railroad Company seizing, on the occasion
of the withdrawal of the steamers via Nica
ragua, to force the department to pay what
he considers an exorbitant price across the
Isthmus; and he recommends the making of
a regular contract, not exceeding $50,000
per annum, with that company, and a con
tract not exceeding $200,000 per annum via
Nicaragua or Tehuantepec, so as to give a
weekly ' mail between the Atlantic ports and
The expenditures for the year 1856 were
$10,105,286, and the gross revenue, includ
ing annual appropriations for free mail mat
ter, $7,620,821, showing a deficiency' of $2,
787,000. He recommends the abolition Of
the franking privilege, and the compulsory
pre-payment of all transient printed matter.
Alsothe repeal of the act of 1845, which
gives the Postmaster General discretionary
authority to make new contracts for ocean
steamship service.
He alludes to the fact that embracing the
branch from New Orleans to Havana there
are now four ocean steamship lines running
out of New York at an expense to the gov
ernment of $1,498,000 per annum. No
reason is perceived why one part of the
country should be preferred to the exclusion
of others. Among other points it is stated
that negotiations are in progress with a view
to the reduction of the British transit charge
on United States closed mails, and of the rate
of postage between the United States and
Great Britain to 12 cents a single letter or
Secretary of the Navy's Report
The Secretary of the Navy gives a detail
ed view of the operations of the navy during
the last year, and its present strength.
Among his recommendations are, for another
squadron in the Pacific, rendered necessary
by our extending commerce; for the adop
tion of the English and French system of
gunnery in. practice ships ; and for the de
spatch of a small steamer to survey the Guano
Islands on which Commodore Mervin made
an unsatisfactory report.
The Secretary regards the construction of
the six war steamers as inaugurating a new
era in the naval service, and repeats his
former recommendation for building steam
sloops of war of small draft. The sending
out of seamen to relieve distant crews is
spoken of as an experiment, and will be con
tinued if it shall work well. The Secretary
likewise recommends the appointment of as
sistant pursers with moderate compensation.
Secretary of the Interior's Report.
The Secretary of the Interior's Report
states the quantity of land surveyed since
last report, and up to the 30th of September
last, at 16,873,099 acres, exclusive of school
sections. The execution of the graduation
act has raised many grave questions which
call for the interposition of Congress. He
says it is important that the matter be
promptly disposed of, either by sanctioning
and affirming the action of the land office or
directing th patents to be issued without
further requirement.
The quantity of land sold for cash during
the fiscal year, was over 9,250,000 acres, and
the receipts therefore $8,821,414. The total
amount of land disposed of is over 30,000,000
acres. He suggests a necessity for further
power being granted to the Commission of
Pensions to suspend and diminish and dis
continue pensions when the reason for grant
ing them has wholly or partially ceased.
The number of patents issued within the
year will probably reach 2,500. The report
says that during the present administration
52 Indian treaties have been negotiated, 20
of which remain to be acted upon by the Sen
ate. By these treaties Indian titles have been
extinguished to nearly 175,000 acres of land.
The aggregate money consideration therefore
is 511,1847238.
The Indians within our borders are sup
posed to number about 300,000. The pro
cess of civilization among the Indians has
already been attended with the happiest re
sults, and gives prospects of steady progress
in the amelioration of their physical and
moral condition.
The Lancaster Bank
The Lancaster Intelligencer, of last Thurs
day morning, says :---We understand from a
reliable source that there is a strong proba
bility of this institution being put on its feet
again—by a new subscription of stock to the
amount suggested by the Directors, in their
report to the meeting of stockholders. This
project, if carried out, will give the Bank a
cash capital of $300,000 to commence with,
and enable it to pay its present depositors
in one, two and three years. Of course the
old stock is all sunk, and will prove a dead
loss to the stockholders, unless the doubtful
and bad assets of the institution should turn
out better than the Directors anticipate.
Since the suspension, the Bank has re
deemed over $65,000 of her notes in payment
of debts due the institution—thus discharg
ing her liabilities to that amount.
The confidence in the re-organization of
the Bank is daily gainingground in the com
munity, and.the heavy stockholders, it is said,
are subscribing with great willing,ness.
An adjourned meeting of the stockholders
will be held, at Fulton Hall, on Saturday
nest, the 6th instant.
.tta?'"A father, aged 62 years, of property,
has been condemned to be hung on the 18th
of December, in Canada, for the murder of
his son. The deed was done in a fit of pas
sion, which he had not learned to curb.
ge...Tho Upper Mississippi was closed with
ice on the 24th ult.