TERMS OF THE GLOBE. Per annum in advance Sty. months Three months A. failure to notify a discontinuance at the expiration of the term subscribed for will be considered a new engage. went. • TERMS OF ADVERTISING. 1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do. Four lines or less, $ 25 $ 3734 .. ~.. $ 50 One square, (12 lines,) ...... .... 50 ' 75 100 Two squares, 1 00 1 sp, 2 00 Three squares, '1 50 225 ' ' 300 Over three week and leas than three -months, 25 cents per square for each insertion. , • 3,nonths. 0 months. 12 months. . , Aix lines or ICSE4, . ',sl 50 S 3 00 $5 00 One square, 3 00 '5 00 7 00 Two squares,, • 500 800 10 00 Three squares," ' ' 7 00 10 . 00 15 00 Four squares, - 9 00 13 00 ' 'V 00 Half a column,.., 12 00 16 00 2 4.00 One column, 20 00 30 00 - 50 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding four lines, one .year, S 3 CO Administrators' and executors' Notices, 75 Advertisements not marked with the number or inser tions desired, will bo continued till forbid and charged ac cording to these terms. eLttt ABSENT FRIENDS. Our absent friends—our absent friends— We sigh for them in vain ; While Hope is always promising .That we shall meet again. We talk of them in twilight hours, And by the fire-side gleams, And often in the hush of night We visit them in dreams. We read their letters o'er and o'er, A lonely hour to cheer, And think how happy we would he If they were only here-- We linger o'er their miniatures As o'er some priceless gem, And speak their names as '•house-hold words," But look in vain for them. What though our absent friends from_far By telegraph can hail! Can smile on us in miniatures. Or talk with us by mail : We long to take them by the hand, Old friendships to renew, With kindly welcome and a warm And heartfelt "how d'ye do." Our absent friends—our absent friends— As fancy oft portrays, They come around us with the smiles And " light of other days." Familiar - voices from the past Around us lingering seem, And yet we know 'tis nothing but A bright and pleasant dreaiu. Are we remembered far away In other house-hold bands ? Does some lone wanderer think of us 'Mid distant scenes and lands? We'll ne'er forget our absent friends, Though scattered far and wide, But keep for them a warm true heart, Whatever may betide. THE 111.0THIEREESS. God bless the motherless! oh, guide Their feet in wisdom's way ; While o'er life's stormy sea they glide, Be thou their shield and stay ; When sorrow's keenest edge they feel, Thy hand alone the wound can heal. God bless the friendless ones! oh, smile Upon their darksome hours; When love's soft tones no more beguile, :None strew their path with flowers; And, in misfortune's cheerless day, Be thou their refuge and their stay. God bless the motherless whet' waves Of sorrow o'er them roll; When wild and fierce the tempest raves, Thera enlist the storm control ; And edam the brow whose mental strife Embitters all the joys of lifc. God bless the sorrowful, when grief Hath dimmed the eye's soft light; When nought of earth affords relief, And disappointment's blight dlath changed the hue of all things fair, 0! shield them with a Father's care. - G ittect stotli. TRUE BENEVOLENCE ; Or, It is Better to Give than to ReceiVe " And you strip yourself of comfort, for the sake of adding to this rich merchant's gains?" The widow replied with flushed cheek, "It may seem a slight thing to you, but the thought that I am slowly and surely wiping every stain from my husband's honor, is my . greatest earthly comfort. Mr. Miner is his last creditor, and God willing, eVery cent shall be paid." Her coarser relative responded with :an emphatic "fiddlestick," and angrily left her' presence. " Atlast I have it," said a silvery voice,- arid a 'sweet face, glad and brilliant, bright ened up the gloom. " Only see, mother! ten dollars,. all my own ; ten more make twenty ; so we shall have a nice little sum for Mr. Miner." Tears trembled on the widow's lashes, and ("littered_ on her pale cheek. "Isitto be the pried' of thy life my precious one ?", she thought._ " Is the canker worm at the heart of my beautiful flower ! Muse I give thee up to' weary toil a sacrifice upon the altar of duty! Can it be that God requires it?" Eva knelt at her mother's feet, where she had - alien with all the abandon of a child, her gaze fastened to the shining gold. Lifting her glance, she met that of her mo ther; full of anxiety, touched with sorrow.— A sudden smile broke over her delicate fea tures.' . :L:?.I - was only thinking of the endless things this money would buy—don't look so grave, mamma ' • such a beauty of a warm shawl for you, and a neat, crimson color for that untidy old arm chair ; a bit—ever so little of carpet, to put down by the bed; that your feet need not feel this cold floor ; and a pretty cap, be sides coal, and tea, and *sugar, and such nice comfortable things. But never mind"—and she sprang to her feet, brushed back her brown curls, and drew on her.neat little bon net—never mind, may be I'll write a book off one of these days, that'll make you and I rich. And dear mother, you shall ride in your.own carriage, and may be those that scorn us now only because we are poor, may be. hankful for our notice. A truce to ro mance, she gravely'continued ,• stern reality tells me to go directly up to Madison street, find Mr. Miner, give him. this twenty dollars, take a receipt, and then come home and read and sing to my mother. Hurriedly Eva passed from her house along the narrow streets. As she went onward, street after street diverged into pleasant width and palace-lined splendor. The houses of greatness and wealth glitters in their mar ble beauty under the golden sunlight. Up broad steps, through portals carved and shi ning, passed the timed steps of Eva Sterne. At first the pompous servant smiled a con temptuous denial ; but after a moment, per- CM WILLIAM LEWIS, VOL. XII. haps softened by her childish simplicity .and winning blue eyes, deemed it best not to deny her urgency, and she entered the palace of a rich man's home. Shortly her feet sank in the luxurious hall carpet ; statuary in bronze and marble lined all the way to the staircase. The splendor of the room into which she was ushered, seemed to her inexperienced. sight too beau tiful for actual use, and. he who came in, with his kindly glance and handsome face, the noblest perfection of manhood she had ever seen. " Well, young lady," he said, blandly smi ling, " to whom am I indebted for this pleas ure ?" "My father, sir, died in your debt," said Eva, blushingly, speaking very softly. "By the stsictest economy and very hard work, we, my mother and I, have been able to pay all his creditors but yourself. If you will be kind enough to receive the balance of your account in small sums—l am sorry they must be,all small,,sir,—we can in the course of a very feW years liquidate the debt, and then, —we shall have fulfilled my father's wish, that every stain might be wiped from his honor." She paused a moment, and said again falteringly, "My father was very un fortunate, sir, and broken in health for many years, but, sir, he was honorable, he would have paid the last cent if it had left him a beggar." Mr. Miner sat awhile thoughtfully, his dark eyes fastened upon the gentle face be fore him. After a moment of silence, he raised his head, threw back the mass of curl ing hair that shadowed his handsome brow, and u.id: " I remember your father well, I regretted his death. He was a fine fellow ; a, fine fel low," he added Musingly.; but, my dear young lady, have you the means, do you not embarrass yourself by making these pay ments ?" Eva blushed again, and looking up, inge niously replied, "I am obliged to work, sir, but no labor would - be too arduous that might save the memory of such a father from aee dis crr " z, • • This she spoke, with deep emotion. The rich luau turned with a choking in his throat, and tears glistened on his lashes. Eva tim idly held out the two gold pieces ; he took them; and bidding her stay a moment, has tily left, the room. Almost instantly returning, he handed her a sealed note, saying, " There is the receipt, young lady, and allow me to add, , • that the mother of such a child must be a happy wo man. The whole debt, I find,. is nine hun dred and seventy-five dollars. • You will see by my note what arrangements, I have made, and 1 hope they will be satisfactory." - Eva left him with a lighter .heart, and a burning , cheek at his praise.. .. Ills manner was gentle, so •fatherly that she felt he would not impose haTd conditions, and it would be a pleasure to-pay one so kind and forbearing. At last. she got home, .and breathlessly sit ting at her mother's feet, she-opened her let ter. Wonder of wonders—a -bank ,note en closed ; she held it without speaking or look-, ing at its value. . "Read it," she said; after a• moment's be wilderment, placing the letter in her mother's hand--" here are fifty dollars; what can it mean ?" _ " This," said the sick - woman, bursting into tears, ‘`is,a receipt in fulkreleasing you from the payment of your father's debt.— Kind, generous man—Heaven will bless hind —God will shower mercies upon him. From a grateful heart I call upon the father, to re ward him for this act of kindness. Oh ! what shall we say, what shall wudo to thank him?" "IslOthe Eva, _smiling through her tears, if .he was an angel of good ness..,,Ph; they do -wrong, who, say .that all ic=hp.are,Wealthy, have hard Imparts. .Mother, can it he possible w - a are so rich-?; I wish he, knewrhOw very happy he madeus,,how much we love and reverence him whenever wethink or speak of him, or even hear him spoken of!" . ‘‘ lle, has .13ourrd two bearts'to him_ forever," murmured; her mother. • • " 717 . 4;, dear Mr. Miner ! little he thOught ho* many comforts we wanted. Now we need not stint the fire ; we may buy coal, and have one cheerful blaze, please God. And the 'tea, the strip of carpet, the sugar, the little. luxuries for you, dear mother; and the time,, and' a very few books for myself. ,I de clare, I'm so thankful, I feel as if I ought to go right back and tell him we shall love him so long as we live." That evening ,the grate, heaped. with Le high coal, gave the little room an air of ruddy comfort. 'Eve sat near, her curls bound soft, Iy back from her pure forehead. Her mo tiler's. face, lighted. with the loss of cankering care, shone with a placid smile, and her ev ery thought'was a prayer calling down bles sings upon the good rich man. In another room, fax different from the widow's .home, but also bright with the blaze of a genial fire, whose red light made richer the polish of costly furniture• sat the noble merchant. " Pa, what makes you look so happy ?" asked Lina, a beautiful girl, passing her smooth hand over his brow. "Don't I. always look happy, my little Li na ?" • "'Yes, but you keep shutting your eyes and smiling=-so ;" and her bright face reftec- . ted his own. "I think you've had something' very nice to-day; what was it ?" • " Doesmy little daughter really want to know what has made her father so happy?— Here is my Bible ; let her turn to the Acts of the Apostles, 20th chapter ; 35th verse, and read it careful Ty." The beautiful child turned, reverently the pages of the holy book, and as she read, she looked up in her father's eyes— And to remember the words-of the Lord Jesus, how he .said—" It is more blessed to w i ve than to receive." 4. " Ah 1 I know," she said, laying her rosy cheek upon his hand, "you have been giving something to some poor be g gar, as you did last week, and_ he thanked you, and said, I=ll II ' . . , "God bless you," and that's what makes you ry-" ixa ina read a confirmation. in her father's smile—but he said nothing, only kept repeat ing to himself the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, "It is more blessed to give than to re ceive."—Olive Branch. "I can hardly spare it, Jane ; but as you have so set your heart upon it, why I sup pose I must." The young wife looked with rapture upon the shining gold pieces. "A hundred dollars," said she to herself, "how rich it makes me feel. It seems a great deal to pay for a carpet, but 'gold is worth gold,' as the old saying is, and one good purchase is worth a dozen poor.ones. I'll buy one of the very finest and most beau tiful Brussels." Afternoon came ; the rosy babe was laid asleep in his little cradle, and the maid re ceived a score of charges to linger by its side every moment till the darling woke up. Jane, flushed with eager anticipation, looked her prettiest; and throwing her mantilla over her handsome shoulders, she was just hurrying away, when a loud ring at the door brought out a very pettish "Oh dear !" at the unex pected intrusion. "0, Jane—dear Jane !" and a pale young creature sat panting on the'sofa. "We are in such trouble—such a dreadful trouble I Can you help us ? Do you think we could borrow a hundred dollars from your husband ? —Couldn't you get it for us? You know you said I might always rely upon you when trial came ; and poor Charles expects every moment to be arrested ; and he is so ill !" "Dear, dear!" said Jane, her good heart suddenly contracting ; " Edward told me, only this morning, not to ask him for any money for three months ;" and she gathered her purse up tightly in her handkerchief. "-I'm sure, if—l—only—could oblige you, I would ; but I expect Edward is really pushed. Can't you get it elsewhere ? Have you tried ?" " Yes," answered her friend, despondingly, `l've tried everywhere. People know that Charles is ill and cannot repay immediately. Mr. J knows our circumstances, yet he insists upon that money. 0, it is so hard ! it is so hard I" Her pitiful voice, and the big tears run ning like rain down her pallid cheeks, almost unnerved Jane's selfishness. But that car pet—that beautiful.carpet she had promised herself so long, and so often been disappoint ed of its possession, that she could not give it up. She knew her husband's heart—and that he would urge her to self-denial. No ! she would not see she did, it was all over with the carpet. "Well," "said her poor friend, in a despond ing, voice, rising to go, "I'm sorry you can't help me ; I know you would if you could, and it is something to know that—but, I go back with a heavy heart. Good morning, dear Jane ; I hope you will never know what it is to want and suffer." How handsome the new carpet looked as the sun streamed in-on its wreathed flowers, its colors of fawn,.' and blue, 'and crimson, its soft velvety'richness—and how proud felt Jane at the lavish praises, of her neighbors. It was a bargain, too ; she had saved thirty dollars.in its purchase, and bought a pair of elegant vases for the window recess. "I declare," said her husband, "this looks like comfort ; but it spoils .all my pleasure to think of poor Charley Somers. The pobr fellow is deadl" Jane gave a real sharp ,scream, and the flush faded from her face. . "Yes ! that rascally J—! For the pal try sum: of one hundred dollars, he arrested Charles, ,who ruptured a blood-vessel, and lived scarcely an hour afterwards. You know - he has been weak and ill this long while." "And •Mary?" issued from Jane's blood less. lips. • • • . "She ; has a dead child ;. dud they tell me hor life .is despaired of. Why, on earth didn't, they send to me? I could easily have spared the money for that purpose. If it had stripped me of the last dollar they should have had it. - Poor fellow—poor Mary!". "And I might have saved it—all !" shriek ed Jane, sinking upon her knees on the rich carpet. "Oh, Edward, will God ever forgive me for my heartlessness? Mary did call here, and with tears begged me to aid her— and I—l had the whole sum in my very hand—and. coldly turned her away. 0, my God, forgive me! forgive me !" In the very agony of .grief, poor -Jane would receive no comfort. In vain her hus band strove to soothe her ; she would not hear a word in extenuation of her selfish con duct. • "I shall never forget poor Mary's tears; I shall never forget her sad voice ; they will haunt me to my dying day ! 0, take it away—that hateful carpet •! I have pur chased it with the.death of my dearest friend How . could Ibe so cruel? I. shall never be happy again, never—never !" Years have.passed since then, and Mary with her husband lie together under the green sod of the church-yard. Jane has grey hairig - mixed with . the light brown of her tressess ; butshe lives in a home of splen dor, and none know her but to bless her. There is a Mary, a gentle Mary in her house hold, dea"to her as her own sweet children —=she 'is 'the orphan child of those who have rested' side by side for ten long years. Edward is , rich ; butprosperity has not hardened his heart. His hand never tires of giving out bounty to the poor ; and Jane is the guardian angel of the needy. The "new carpet," . long since old, is sacredly preserved as a memento of sorrowful but penitent hours ; and many a weary heart owes to its silent influence the prosperity that has turn ed want's wilderness into an Eden of plenty. 'No man ruins his health without bring ing the consequences upon himself. Like Sampson, - he destroys the temple, and buries himself in the ruins. HUNTINGDON, PA., NOVEMBER 12, 1856. THE NEW CARPET. ..--P.E BSEVERE.- Advice to Married Persons. From a recent English journal we select the following suggestions, which are entirely too good to be lost. Much good may be ac complished by following them : In the marriage relation one thing is indis pensable to happiness, namely: the utmost frankness, even to the most trifling occurren ces. There should be no concealments.— Where secrecy and reserve are, there can be no confidence, and consequently no true affec tion. What misery has been produced by a departure from this rule of social conduct!— It is impossible to estimate it correctly. The tempter of human souls has no surer way of divorcing affection than this. To young hus bands and wives, especially, we say, beware of all concealments: From apparently the most trifling causes springs distrust. The withholding of one simpl fact, through stubbornness or false pride, has oftentimes, and perhaps justly, led to a never-ending jealousy. All circumstan ces should be at once explained, and all facts communicated, and this through a sense of honor as well as duty. When a young lady enters into the marri ed state she should drop all correspondence except that which meets her husband's ap probation. Every letter she writes and eve ry one she receives should be open, and that freely and cordially, to her husband's inspec tion. No really good woman or faithful wife will ever dream of a departure from this rule, except in a case of necessity or urgent con venience ; and even in the excepted cases, she will not write a word that she would not wish her husband to see. If a letter or a note, no matter by whom sent, is received during her husband's absence, she should carefully pre serve it and hand it to him upon his return. We take it for granted, that no wife, who has proper self-respect, virtuous principles or honorable sentiments, will ever, upon any oc casion whatever, engage in a clandestine cor respondence. No matter how innocent the object may be, or what fancied or real good is proposed to be effected thereby, the unani mous opinion of the Christian world is against any attempt of this nature. The wife who does this, is debased' forever. Besides, she is sure, in the end, to be discovered, and she justly forfeits even the pity of her husband. If she has real troubles or sorrows, occasion ed by her husband, she should hide them from the world as far as she can do so. She should remember that life at best is full of trials and temptations, and that to attain the glory of a better world ,we must all suffer in this. 'She should reflect that-. a -wife never appears in a holier attikde than w.hilst screen ing her husband frollE *he censure of the world, she endeavors to correct his faults and reform his heart. It is narrated of the wife of an American gentleman, who afterwards attained high distinction, that one dsy, in an unfrequented street she found him lying on the sidewalk, in a drunken sleep, with his face upturned to the rays of a scorching sun. She endeavored with her utmost strength to remove him from his posture—but failing, tearfully covered his face with her handker chief. Awakening, he discovered the hand kerchief, and examined the name upon it.— That one act, followed by subsequent gentle ness and entreaty upon her part, caused his total reformation. Noble-hearted woman I best type of a true wife ! Her name is wor thy of immortality. To speak or write disparingly of husband or wife, is not only criminal, but contempti ble. People of good sense always despise the man . or woman who is guilty of it. Mar ried persons should keep all their difficulties, if they have any, to themselves. In fact, if they desire to secure harmony and peace, all the occurrences of the domestic sanctuary should be kept secret, unless in regard - to in different, subjects. Even in relation to father and mother, brother and sister, this rule should extend. The conduct and conversa tions of husband or wife should not be com municated by the one or the otlier, to rela tives or friend's, for fault-finding or censori ous purposes. It is never safe or prudent to do so. Scandal _flies on the winds. How can a husband trust in a wife, or a wife in a husband, if everything said or done is tattled to relatives, or so-called confidential friends? Such conduct willjar, if not break the chords of love. With regard to proper companions and ac quaintances, the wife should always be gov erned by the husband. What so disrespect ful, nay insulting, as to see a wife upon friend ly terms with her husband's enemy. What so wounding to his feelings as to hear her lauding one who has injured or wronged him? His prejudices, even, ought to be respected by her. Although she may think that he has an unjust resentment or antipathy towards one of her friends, yet she is bound to drop the friendship, and, if required, the acquain tance of such a person. A sense of delicacy will prompt a faithful and devoted wife to this course -of conduct. If she does not do so promptly and cheerfully, her heart is not in the right place, and she is not to be trust ed. To pretend to do. so, and yet not do it, is very bad indeed. But to meet privately, and seek conversation with persons not in fa vor with her husband, although it may be with innocent intentions—is insulting to the husband she professes to love, and is sufficient of itself, to brand her, in the eyes of all vir tuous and honorable persons, with indelible disgrace. In an experience of five and for ty years, we have known at least three in stances of the latter kind. We watched care fully the train of events, and the fatal error led to ruin and infamy. Lot young wives beware how they infringe upon this advice. If they do, moral destruction will inevitably follow, unless God's grace shall rescue them in time. To husbands and wives both, we say in all earnestness, let the veil of love and charity hide from all the world the faults and frail ties of each other. Be loving, kind and for giving. To err is human, but to forgive is heavenly. Let your marriage vows b ever present in your memories, and so shape your earthly destinies, that, whilst you leave to your children the precious legacy of unsulli ed reputations, you may earn the crown of everlasting love and enjoyment. <~ ,~0 Much has been written and more said up on the duties, cares and responsibilities of the wife:—it is a theme in the mouth of almost every one. People generally assume as the basis of their remarks and conclusions, that the wife, (prior to entering upon the multi farious duties and trials of wedded life,) ful ly understands, and is prepared to meet all the responsibilities that may fall to her lot, with a. joyous heart. Many of life's joys and sorrows lbllow from the soul's culture in its infant budding, from the training which thought and affection receive, and the direc tion given them, whether it be through the luminous regions of moral purity and love, or into the dark depths of moral pollution and misguided passion. But more depends upon the choice she has made of a life companion ; of the congenial ity of mind, and the depth, purity and fer vency of the love which she bestows upon him, than upon all the rules and regulations ever laid down for her guidance. There are a few, comparatively, in the Ba bel of life, who, from personal experience, know of the joys, delights, and the fountain of happiness that is hers, who has wisely, discreetly, choAen the twin soul of her exis tence: to be, perchance, her all of earth ; who is nearer than a brother ; whose love and protection warm into active, blooming life, the radiant spring of her affections. If she resolves to go hand in hand and heart with her chosen of life, through what ever may betide him, and steadily adheres to that resolve: if she will as freely forgive him for the first, and every offense, as she will wish to be forgiven by him : if she will view all her duties and cares, her labors of mind and body, through the bright halo of purity and devotion which love has thrown around her, then her way is clear,—her pathway is made fragrant with the perfume of the per ennial flowers of peace and. joy ; and she is lighted on by love to a bower of perfect mor tal felicity, that cannot be found, howevr sought, out of the mystic gates of matrimony. Then there will be a confidence, useful and clear as the bowing tide of life, as wide as the expanding energies of her soul, and as high as the loftiest flights of thought. Lov ingly may she then confide her most secret thoughts and emotions to her , husband, with out fear of their flowing swiftly through him to the deceitful and gossiping world around them. Her being is all instinct with love ; pure, holy love.. _Fearless of revulsion, she lavish es all her wealth of affection upon him, and there finds a full reciprocation. And as he folds her to his heart and softly utters those thrilling words, "My dear 1 dear wife," the smiling angel of peace and love hovers over them and bestows a blessing. Such a wife feels in the innermost recesses of her soul a holy, quiet joy, and a depth of devotion that words are inadequate to express, and a little prayer, "0 God, keep me from idolatry," trembles on her lips. What she once deemed cares, tasks, and disagreeable requirements, now become sour ces of pleasure, if by her personal attention to them she can add one joy, one thrill of de light to the happiness of her loved and devo ted husband. She will joyfully lay upon the marriage al tar all those girlish, restless, anxious desires for display and admiration : and will dedicate her life—her best energies—to the fulfilling, of the marriage vow made before high Heav en, "to love, honor and obey," till death shall rend the tie. The obnoxious little word "obey," is quite forgotten in the, ardor of her affections ;,for love is the fulfilling of the law,, and where love really exists, to yield to the loved one's wishes, and even to anticipate them, is an un told pleasure. Marriage may bring more,cares to the wife; but if her choice is one that wisdom sanc tions, it.opens the way to infinitely more joys, to which time is no barrier and eternity sets no bounds. A calm, peaceful and holy joy is hers who yields without reservation, her heart's truest affections to one who is worthy of the sacred trust. Awl there is a position, int/ceworld to be envied, it is that of the truly happy wife. It will be recollected that one of Sir Wal ter Scott's sayings was, that "whatever might be said about luck. it is skill that leads to fortune !" There can be no doubt of this as a general principle. Few self-indulgent and apathetic men do well in any line of life.— The skillful, the active, and steadily perseve ring, usually carry off prizes which turn up in the wheel of fortune. At the same time, something is due to circumstances, as well as to the power which controls human destiny. Practically, however, the thing to he borne in mind is—that the young are bound to ex ercise all proper means to secure improve ment in their condition. That with a fair store of ambition, prudence and meritorious skill, it may be possible to attain a station of eminence—that is, "fortune," though, per haps, not without corresponding responsibil ities and cares—we present the following compendious list of distinguished men who rose from humble and obscure circumstances. lEsop, Publius Syrus, Tyrus, Terence and Epictetus—all distinguished men in ancient times—were serfs at their outset in life. Protagoras, a Greek philosopher, was at first a common porter. Bleanthes, another philosopher, was a pu gilist, and also supported himself,. at first, by drawing water - and carrying burdens. The Professor Heyne, of Gottingen, one of the greatest classical scholars of his own, or any other age, was the son of a poor weaver, and for many years had to struggle with the most depressing poverty. The efforts of this excellent man of genius appear to have been greater, and more protracted, than those of any other on. record ; but he was finally re warded with the highest honors. Bandoccin, one of the learned men of the sixteenth century, was the son of a shoema ker, and worked for many years at the same business. Gelli, a celebrated Italian writ.r, began Editor and Proprietor. The Wife. Skill Leads to Fortune. life us a tatloa, and, although he rose to emi nence in literature, never forgot his original profession, which he took pleasure in men tioning in his lectures. The elder Opie, whose talent for painting was well appreciated, was originally a work ing carpenter in Cornwall, and was discover ed by Dr. Wolcott, otherwise Peter Pindar, working as a sawyer at the bottom of. a saw pit. - Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury, who flourished in the sixteenth, century, and dis tinguished himself by opposing the schemes of Charlei 1., was the son of a cloth worker at Guilford. • Akenside, the author of " Pleasures of Imagination," was the son of a butcher in Newcastle—upon—Tyne. D. Alembert, the French mathematician, was left at the steps of a church by his-pa rents, and brought up by a poor woman, as a foundling, yet arrived at great celebrity, and never forgot or abandoned his nurse. , Ammenius Sacophorus, founder of the Mys tic Philosophy at Alexandria, was born in poverty, and originally earned his subsistence by carrying sacks, of wheat—whence the lat ter part of his name. NO. 2L Amyot, a French author of some celebrity for his version of Plutarch, lived in the six teenth century, and was at first so poor as to be unable to afford oil or candles to assist his studies, which he had to carry on by Pre light ; and all the sustenance his parents could. afford him was a loaf of bread weekly. ACTION OF SUGAR ON TILE TEETH.—The Charleston (S. C.) Medical Journal states that M. Larez, in the course of his investigations on the teeth, arrived at the following conclu sion : " Ist. Refined sugar, from either cane or beets, is injurious to healthy teeth, either by immediate contact with these organs or by the gas developed, owing to its stoppage in the stomach. " 2d. If a tooth is macerated in a satura ted solution of sugar it is so much altered in the chemical composition that it becomes ge latinous, and its enamel opique, spongy and easily broken. " gd. This modification is due, not to free acid but to a tendency of sugar to combine with the calcareous basis of the tooth." The foregoing conclusions are correct, and candies and condiments should be avoided.— They should be kept from children especial ly, It is well known that maple sugar ren ders the teeth tender and sensitive. PLAIN JOHNNY CAKE.—Sift a quart Of In dian meal into a pan, make a hole in the middle and pour into it a pint of warm water, adding a tea-spoonful of salt; with a spoon mix the meal and. water gradually into a soft dough, stir it very hard for a quarter of an hour or more, 01 it becomes light and spongy, then spread the dough smooth, evenly on a stout flat board, a piece of the head of a flour barrel will serve for this purpose, place the board nearly, but not quite upright, and set a smoothing iron or a stone against the back to support it; bake it well, when done cut it into squares, and send it hot to the table, split and butter; some prefer syrup of molas ses with it. A BAKED APPLE PUDDING.--Pare and quarter four large apples, boil them tender, with tlierind of a lemon, in so little water that nothing may rezhain - wrren - acne - out me juice, add the crumb of a small roll, 4 ounces of butter, melted, the yolks of five and whites of three eggs, the juice of half a lemon, and sugar to taste ; beat all together, and lay it in a dish, then beat the two remaining whites to a froth and throw it round the edge of tho dish, grate a little brown sugar over when baked. SALT FOR llocs.—llogs, during the process of fattening, should be supplied with salt as often as Cirwe a week. It is no less advanta geous to them than to the ox, the cow, or the sheep, and when liberally given, is a preven tative of many diseases to which, from their continual confinement, and the effects of hearty food, they are inevitably exposed. Charcoal is also highly salutary iu its influ ence upon the health of swine. TEA. - CAKE.—An excellent tea cake is made of one quart of milk, two eggs, four table spoonfuls of wheat flour, one teaspoonful of salt, one teaspoonful of saleratus, and Indian meal enough to make a thick batter. ]3ake half an hour on a buttered tin. Serve hot for tea with butter and sugar. EXCELLENT CORN BREAD.—Take three quarts of milk, if a little sour all the better, seven eggs, two ounces of butter, one tea spoonful of saleratus, and mix with corn meal to the consistency of a thick batter, and bake with a brisk heat. Coax Baran.—Rub a piece of butter the size of an egg into a pint of corn meal, make it a batter with two eggs, and some new milk and a spoonful of yeast, set it by the - tire an hour to rise, butter little pans as above and. bake in an oven, with a quick. heat. The North Carolina Standard thus speaks of the glorious result of the October election in Pennsylvania: • "Pennsylvania has done her duty. The unholy' schemes of the fusionists and confu sionists have been scattered to the winds.— The blackness of disunion darkness which threatened to envelop her has been rolled away, and her sister states now behold her radiant with the light of truth, of loyalty to the constitution, and a flame of fire to blast and consume the enemies of the Union and the best hopes of man. The opposition staked everything . on Pennsylvania, and lost. They—the fusionists there, and their traitor ous allies here—hoped and prayed—if such people can pray—that the result would break down democracy even before the final strug gle of November ; but they have been broken on the wheel of public indignation, and left to fester in their treasons, here and there, un til the second voice of the north, soon to be uttered, shall consign them to lastine , ° infamy and oblivion. Thank God for it ! Let all honest and true men be glad, for the right has been sustained, and a strong assurance has been given that the republic will yet en dure. " Assailed by traitors from without and. within, gallantly, fearlessly, nobly have the democracy of Pennsylvania labored and tri , - I mplied, Their victory, achieved at the right time, and on right principles, has thrilled and lifted up millions of democratic hearts in all the states. It will tell with overwhelm ing effect on the 4th of next month. It seals the defeat of Fremont, and it renders morally certain the election of James Buchanan.--• That secured, with a democratic Congress on the day of his inauguration, all will 14 well," Istfui gunits. The Result in Pennsylvania