.110111.011.M__- THE HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOERNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, C. 1 1 0 qTMZW , I .1/4 rljt .i. 1. 7-1111170 DON & BROAD TOP 'RAIL 110.1. D. CHANGE OF Sal ERDULE I On mid :catf.r 11'vitry , s,c1:9 - , Septenilwr 3, TS5i3, Trainglvill leavc (Sunday's F c•xc IR)T opterl) TRA as IN ibllow:7': sr, , .noss, Akm. Leave llu at in pion r)-P ... •4 3.1 zCut - m(411,1 ow I I ....... ....49.45... " Pleqt , ant i7rove ' 0 54... " MattleAuirr,.. 10.04... 1'0ft. , ..• Run 10:2,0 " Rougit ..(:. 14.17 , 1,v 10110— t• 1 , i,11,1 - = . ;Sun - unit 10.50 " :14'1.30011 11.10... " 7 7 .1,11:2151mrg 77 ''.0... Arrive at Allaelnippa 11.:7fi.. ~......'ECONI) TRAIN r.m. A.V. Lofty° 'atm 1 - ingdon . 5,30 ...... ...Arrive 5.:34 " :%1 - Cortnells.town 5.443 C 4 . F.1.9' " Pli itstia t Grove ti 5.54 qlO " Marklesbnrg •• 6.00 n 7.53 " Cot The Itun 6,20 " . ..... ...7.42 " llough & 'toady 0,30 " .........7.34 " ;Fishers' Summit 0.50 Li 7.lfi r•Saxton ' 7.10 4, 050 " Itic - blelsbut - 7.20 ':" . ..... ...0.4,0 - Arrive at Allaq u iiipa.„.... ......... 7.3-1 ' Leave .........0.30 Conneetitus, a t HITSTINGDO:sI with the following Trains on renusylNania Rail Road: the 'l , ,:tpre , m Train West at 7.12 a.m.—rho Through Mail Train East at 2.30 p. m., mu/ the Through Mail Train West at 5.1 S p. m. Commeting at ALLAQUIPPA with Four Horse Mail Coaches to 111 0 .1M , 0111). Fifty pound: 1 - taggag,e allowed each p,iss-erigrr. For any further information inquire at the office, of Taste9tortation Department. Huntingdon. ;LAMBS BOON, Strperintendent. September 155(3. STEWA_RT TrEITTY S.; SONS, Ma o-. sonic unit Chestnut. street, ("whin - Sth) l'bilatlel pnia, have opened a large and splendid stock of Velvet, Tapestry, Tirittselq, Three Ploy, Ingrain and Venitiatt I=l2 Also—Floor Oil Cloths. Matting's, Hearth Rugg. Door ;Vats. brngiret.. Stair Rod/q, Table and Piano Covers, &c., &c., which they are selling very love for Cash. Wholesale and Retail. September 1.0.1556--.3m. _ .__ • TTN.DIESFANCY FURS--J UH N FADLIII.A.. No. 2.S•lMarket Street. above Stli, Phila oetuttia. Importer. .. , :nnuflicturer and Dealer in all kinds and qualities of FANCY FETES. for Ladies and Children.— J. i%.. would call the attention of the Ladies and others to his immense assortment, being the direct Importer and Manufacturer of all toy FlJlltt% I feel confident in sa3•ing that I can oiler the great t•st inducements to those in want and at the same time will have one or the largest assort ments to select from. • :Storekeepers and the trade will please give me a call be fore 1 trchasing as my - Wholesale department 18 well :Alp plied to meet the demand forevery article in the _Far line, and at the loweist pos•dble Manuilleturers Prices. JOHN FAREIRA, 2SI Market St. illentemlwr 10- 1556-Im. AVAIIMSTRATOR'S NO T IC E.- Letters of Administration have been granted to me upon the Estate of Susanna Smoker. late of Brady town ship, Huntingdon county, defd. All persons indebted to her are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them to inc. • B.A.RLET7, EALEY, Administrator. Brady . twp., Sept. 10, 18.56.—Gt.' QELLING - OE-R—The widersignal having dettrminued to quit business, oilers to sell his whole stock of _ WATCILES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. AT COST! by the single article or the whole together. Call soon and get bargains! Persons having - jobs et Ids store, will please call and get them immediately. AZ-Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscri ber. will call and settle rintrrintrEtt iluntingdon, Sept. 3,1850. EMT. SNARE. G UN NOTlCE.—Andrew Wurr Importer and :11anufacturer of OUNS, InFLESJISTOLS, Cc.. No. 123 North Second Street, Philadelphia,. Where he keeps constantly on baud a general assortment of flue double and single barrel Shot thins. large duck guns, rifles and pistols, of all kinds. Also, the celebrated cast steel rifles, with increased twists, to shoot the pointed ball of his own snake: rifle barrels, shot bags, pouches. He invites persons wishing to purchase goods in his line, to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he is determined to sell on the MOST REASONABLE TERMS. 443—Particular attention paid to REPAIRING in all its branches. ANDREW WURFF.LE.IN. September 3, ISSG-3ns. BEI - FALL STOCK-NEW GOODS. I:tines—Best Styles - Fall Calicoes—Very large stock of New Shawls—Flannels, Welsh, English and American—Cloths, Vestings and all kinds :liens' Wear—Sheeting-lg. Table Linens, Toweling:, &e. EYRE & LAN/YELL 4th and Arch Streets, Philadelphia. Storekeepers are invited to examine our New Goods.— Families can be well suited in every kind of Dry ,Goods..._ We make Black Silks and Shawls,,leading articles for Whole,aleing. P. S. Jobs received daily from the Sections of New York and Philadelphia. I'Cds :S.:I:TT CASH. September 10, ISSO-43m. fIBEMIUM IMPROVED SUPE R g PHOSPHATE OF LDIE. The only Silver Medal yet awarded by Agricultural Societies, was given to THIS SU PERIOR ARTICLE, at the last Pennsylvania State Fair, at _ , i% Ilarrisbur as a FERTILIZER of the BEST tHSALITY for WI f BAT, bOlCsi. OATS. Grass and Potatoes, raising HEAVY CROPS, and greatly IMPROVING the SOIL. The subscri her respect fully intorms FARMERS andBEALERS that he is prepared to•supply the Fall demand with this superior and well tested article. 11,A)_Agents Wanted.—A liberal disronnt allowed. Also, \o. I Peruvian and Mexican Guano, Pondrutte And Land Plaster. Oils, Candles, Soap, &e., of the best quality, at low-, (St Inarkut 9 S ii South Wharves, below Market St., Philadelphia August 20,-...185631n. LREADY ON HAND WITH PALL .AND WINTER COODS.—MOSES STRAU6 has jut.t n_.celv4;tl a splendid stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, ,11,11 DIZY GOODS OF ALL KINDS, .READY MADE CLOTH 17CG, zmi c.malaine cor yuurselves. ilunting , lou, Aug. 37,1.'z.'..7)C,. , EAD PIPE for'sale at the Hardware _l,4Store. Huntingdon. ci s i'llUtM_ACETl, a prime lot, for sale by kJ) UTM. WILLLOSS & CO. NT•!] ----- W1 01:40 - THING I .—II . it 0 \I AN 1 has returned from the V.att with a largo stoi:a of FALL AND %TINTED, CLOTHING, • for Merl and Boys—all of the best and elwaper than else where. Call and examine for yonfselrea. Iluntiimlon Sept. 3.4, 1556. TOST.—On the Bth inst., in the bo- I rou g h - of Iluntingclon, 'between the P. R. R. Depot and the Post Office a RED SHAWL, 'WWI a yellow border, and satin stripe. ?rlie finder will please leave it at the Post Office. 500 CHESTNUT POSTS for Sale by (sopt10) CUNNINGIIA2I& DUNK. riIHE COMING- HOLIDAYS !--Great AL PREPARATIONS' I 'WM. T.Y.R", in returning- thanks to his numerous friends and residents of Huntingdon and vicinity for their very liberal patronage, mid anticipating all increased demand for articles of his own Manufacture and Importation, has made extensive preparations to sup. ply the same, in his stack 3urixtev...d by none in the city, and to which he is constantly receiving nittlittimsfront Europe r!I the newest styles,) can always be found a choice selection of articles suitable for. Bridal. Birthday and Holiday Pres ents, of the most recherche and untilac description. compri sing, in part Rich Dressing CMOs, Writing _Desk, Calms. Fans, Bronze Bisque and Parian Figures, Musical Boxes, Opera Glasses, and a rich variety of the useful and orna mental in Ormolu, Bronze, Shell, Mosaic, Papier Mache, ac. Also, Combs, Brushes and Toilet Articles, Whl. T. FRY, 128 ARCH Street, (opposite the Theatre) Philadelphia. October 1,18156-3 in. LSTOVES, STOVES.—Wholesale and RETAIL—We respectfully call the attention ol.Country Merchants and those in want of a good article of Cooking, Heating Stoves, to our extensive stock, comprising the following Stoves, . 4 to wit:. Globe Cook, Completes. Delaware Cook, Danner, Flat Top; Bay State, Ariel. Buck C,.0„; Our Heating Stoves consist of Bar rooms, Cannon Stores, Sabunanders, &c. Our MACGREGOR Heating Stove:4, for Malls. Parlors and Stores;warrant.e.ti to give more heat than ally Other Stove in the market, as numerous references will mhow. IN.I. B. Also, Agents for Queen's Patent Portable Forges Macgregors Cauldron Furnaces, for rendering lard, ize. Give us a call before purchasing, elsewhere. .NEMAN &WAIL:W:I 7 Z'. , . IC. E. Corner Second & itnee $ll. September 3., 185G-3m. i ADIES, ATTENTION !—My assort ®®ment of beautiful dress goods is now open, and ready for inspection. Every article of dress you may de , irc. eau be found at my store. D. P. GM S. .11,•0"c E RTES.—NEW BUSINESS . AT AN OLD STAND.---The subscriber would infirm the Public that he ha. just opened a well selected Went of GROCNRIES, at Harrison's Store born. at the west end-of Hill Street; where ho will teep and sell all ar ticles in his line, for cash, or in' exchange for country pro dace. IItOBEHT Onutingdon, Oct, 1, 1566, - trriit ME DE= pROCLAMATIO.N.—Whereas, by a precept to me dircetei . l, dated at Huntingdon, the 30th stay - of August, A. D. ISod, render the hands and Mails of the lion. ticsaitte Taylor, President of the Court of Common Plert.4, Oyer and Terminer. awl general jail delivery of the 24th judiciel disti itt of Pennsylvania, composed of Hun tinadou, Blair mul Ctunlada; and site Hon. Jonathan :le 'Williams and Thumas F. Stewat t, his :Iseociates, :Judges of I la• comity of Ifuntingdow justices assigned, appointed to hoar, try and determine all and every indictments made or don the or concerning all ( times, IN hich by the lilac of the State are made capital. or felonies of death, and other oilein•es. crimes ane, mindeammtors, - nide?' have loon or shall hereafter bo committed Cl' perpetrated for, crimes a llrestiiil-1 am commanded to make public proclamation throughout my whole I n iliwick. that a Coart,of Oyer and Terminer, of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions, will he held at the Court House in tits borough of Iluntingdon, on the second Monday (and 10th day) of November next, and those who will plosecute the said prisauces be then and there to prosecute them tIB it shall be just. and that all 3m - dices of the Peace, Coroner and Constables within said rainnty be then and there in their proper persons. at 10 O ' clock. a ru., of said day. with their records, inquisitions. examinations and remembrances, to do those -things which to their offices respectively appertain. Dated at Huntingdon the frith of October, in the, year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-els., and the 80th. year of American Independence. I JOSHUA G II E END AND. S.'wri.ll. pRoCLA.AIATION.—Wherens •by a , precept to me directed hy the Judges of the Common fleas of the (minty or Huntingdon, bearing test the .40111 day of August, 1,556.1 am coranottoted titmice, Paddle Proc lamation tbroaghont my whole bailiwick, ti cat a Court of Common Pleas will be behl at the Court House in the bor ough of Huntingdon, on the 3rd Monday (and 17th day) of ic o iA,niber, A. D., 15,511, for the trial of all issues in said Court which remain undetermined before the said Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses, and suitors', in tho trials of all issnes are required. Dated at I luntingdon the Villa of July, in the year of our lord IS3II, taut the. 50th yeartif American Independence. jOSIICA tiIIERNLAND„ SheriS: SIIERIFF . S 07FICC:, t Huntingdon, Oct. 10. 1856. j rrBIAL LIST for November Term, A ti D. ISSG. FIRST WEEK. 3,LLry Steeiey Hugh ilioran's Admr Taylor for use a David Hudson's Admr John Lukens. Adam a John and Robert Madden John SaNT6uv a Henry Davis John Conrad's adm'r John If. Stonebraker Matthews heirs a 0 K and .T II Shoenberger D. Caldwell • a Samuel Bolinger Charles Brat ton r William Corbin 's Admr Mattlitems heirs B S Plowman George McCrum v Thos IYilwn tiortoe Shoen berger George °tent:irk a B Sellers Stirling & Alexandor r. Evacken. Stitt S: Co John H. Wheeler a Moses Greenland I. Woolverton a Irvin. Green et al Marquands Pentia R R Co. Jacob 11. Sex v Samuel Caldwell James Bell v John S Miller George W. Pheasant v Robert Hare Poirol SZcoND WEEK. Shoenln•rger's Ear v A P Wihon et al A P v 31 Buoy cola: Lcc - t• Joseph P Moore 3lielia-1 Quarry t• IVira - i & Buchanan Clement's heirs r Brown & States Patrick. Kelley . V Penn'a It It Co George Lava v Michael Hawn Isaac Ilaicht v A, Wise, .7r. & Jacob Wise Jos. W Riley for use v IL & II T. 11.31. It. k. C. Co. INielvilas C. 'Decker v Boat & Buckingham C- W Wagoner v W Garver Elizabeth - Keit to v A. Price .(- Snail R - eitto Samuel Stewart 97 Sholller & Son Leonard Weaver v Lock & Snyder Joseph McCracken . v Win Foster's E.vrs S: heirs _Adolphus Patterson r .1 S P & W W Harris Fisher & Mcliurtrio e Shoop ,V, Wharton George Couch Mr use v Couch, Reed S. Co. Jacob Cresswell v Robert Hare Powel Samuel Beatty v Wl/ Wharton - 4: 31 Wharton Andrew Crowuovcr v Win. Cummins ailin'r. Si AI. C 11111111111.9. M. F. CAM 1'13E1.4 Prothonotary. Cm ' October 15. 1850. T IST OF GRAN}) 3 UItORS for Court of Quarter Fessions to lie held at Huntingdon. in nod for the County of Huntingdon, on the second Men day and 10th day rit'Sovein her, 1850. Andrew Carberry, Farmer, Hopewell Henry Cornprop,t, innkeeper, Hunting - don. George W. Cobol, Farmer, Clay John M. Cunningham, Carpenter, Huntingdon John Curfman, Fanner, Union Jacob DufT, Blacksmith, West David Dunn. Merchant, Huntingdon Alexander Ewing, Farmer, West Finnuel Byer, Farmer, Warriorsmark :Nicholas Coshorn. Farmer, Tell Jacob Goodman, Mill Wright, Henderson , amm . . Samuel Carpenfrr, Ifuntingdon Henry . Tsenbem, Farmer. Walker Andrew Lias, Fanner, Tod John P. Lee,Farmer, Jackson Famuel W. yton. Merchant, Micros Henry L. McCarthy, Teacher, Brady Isaac 31 Neff, Fanner, - Henry Putt, cbo Hopewell Peter Swine, do Shirley John Shoop. do do .4.lexandi.T Stewart, do Franklin James Shively, do Went nt.ivrazss - .11;11t).RS-FIRST Rudolph jireDZICILIZL», 141111122*, Walker Abraham Bolinger„ of John; farmer, Toll Elias Brown, farmer, Springfield Adam Black. farmer, Clay John Baker, jr., carpenter, Clay John Cresswell, merchant, West Solomon Chi!cote, miner, Tod Enoch Chilcole. filmier, Springfield • ' Samuel Cummins, farmer, Jackson • William Callniugham, jr.„ farmer, Clay William Dysart, farmer, Franklin • ' John Decker, farmer, Hopewell Levi Evin-, mereliant, Ted James Edwards, fanner, Toil Samuel Fleming, laborer, Barre° Daniel Fink, farmer, -Penn : George Garner,. fanner, Penn George W. Glazier, carpenter, Huntingdca. John R. Gorsuch, jr.. termer, Cass . John lintcliken, harmer, Warriorsioark .• FrAerick Ileeter, fanner, Porter William Ih:if:Gan, carpenter, Huntingdon Henry Ker, do ' Peter Kesler. merchant, 'Brady Caleb Roily, liiliorer, Cromwell John Ipport, tanner. Franklin William Lightner, laborer, Brady Christian Long, Grocer, Huntingdon Adam. Leffert, Jr.. fanner. Porter Samuel Miller, of `val. farmer, Barree William Moore, fernier, West John ti. Miller. manufacturer, .Tarkson David B. Gong, farmer, Warriersmark Benjamin 1, lair; than, plasterer, Walker _A.'ll. Saagaree, farmer, Walker . Behjamin Sprankle, farmer. Morris Daniel Showalter. fannen'llend - ersOn Jaroll Suinmers,•jr., Ihriner.llnPewidf • David Shultz; farmer, Hopewell Abraham Shoenfelt, farmer, Walker ' David SYTtissey, farmer, Porter Abraham Weight, farmer, Franklin George Whittaker, farmer. Porter Simeon Wright, Esq.. fanner, Union Samuel Wigton, farmer, - Franklin Jorden Wright, farmer, Union Isaac Wolverton, miller, Brady • • Daniel Womelzdurf, J. I'., Franklin ~ TRAVERSE TEROES—.SECOND {MS. Jacob Anepach, farmer. Jackson William M. Bell, Iromnasi cr. Shirley Samuel Bucher, farmer, Shirley Ch2orgc Borst, farmer, Shirley John 13rmnbaugh. farmer, Penn ' Robert Cunningham, Harmer, Banco Audi ow Crotsley, ihrther, Penn William Curry, jr., manufacturer, Franklin Louis Cornelius, laborer, Shirley Samuel Doren. farmer. Dublin John C. Davis, farmer: West Aaron W. Evans, merchant, C:IE9 Allen Edwards, manufacturer. Tod John G. Gluck. farmer, Shirley James Gifford, Esq., Tell Samuel Grove. Eumer, Cromwell James Ganoe, farmer, Warriorsmark Walter Galbraith, farmer, Cromwell John Geissinger, farmer, Penn George Hawn, farmer, Brady James Hirst, former, Jackson John Householder, J. P.. Penn Andrew S. Harrison, J. P., Hnntingdon Jahn 31cl'herrem.f. P.. Franklin Richardson Read, merchant. Cass George Robertson, Limner, Springfield Bothrock, plasterer. Huntingdon Jacob Stover, farmer, Warriorsniark Samuel Sharrer. farmer, Shirley Henry Shaffer, farmer, Cass Alexander Stitt, Lirmer, Porter Jonathan Tialgue, farmer. Cromwell - Francis B. wal ace. blacksmith. Huntingdon Thomws Weston, mechanic, Warriorsmark John Wiy. farmer. Franklin R. B. Wigton, iroutuaster, Cromwell .7. GREENLAND, Sheriff. THOMAS lI.V.NIER. BENJ. IC, NEFF, Com iterg.' JAGOIT BARER, October 15, 185 t E • XECUTOR'S N 0 T 1(, E.—Letters Testamentary upon no EAtate of 'WM. ITAYS,dec'd.., late of Jackson township. 11 - 101 ti ng,don county. haying, been grantol to the undersigned. all persons indebted to said estate ar notified to in:ace immediate payment. and those having clean against the :satin. to proeout 1110111 duly nu t hentEcated thy bet tleniont, to Sept. IG. IS ;G.' OV.ERCOAT:-.i, of all kinds, cheaper than eis6wharo, at Qrit. 1, 1856. u. nom. \'B ctoTunco STORE. SAMEEL S TrIVA TtT, Ex cutor VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offer at private sale, A TRACT OF FINE LIMESTONE LAND, situate in Woodcoeh. - Huntingdon county-, about one mile from McConnellstown, one and a half front the Itroad Top Rail Road, and sit and a half from the PennsyMuth:Rail Road and Canal at Hun tingdon, 'There are 451 ACRES in the whole tract, 200 of mhich are cleared and in good cultivation: 100 acres are in clover and 20 in timothy. It is all GOOD LIMESTONE. /,,ETD, and can conveniently he divided ;lite two or more farms. There are n good DIvA - 91g /rouse, frame Stable, Double Earn and Outitildings.and. fewo Orchards, on the property. A stream sufficient tor a Saw ITitl rims through it, and there are springs in every field except on,e. The laud which is not cleared is well covered with 'Pop lar, Chesnut, Tiltitconk, Hickory, Walnut, Locust and'Ma ple timber of the hest quality. There iv a good Lime Kiln on the farm, and a rein of Ji , ssd Ore inns through the land, which will snake iron equal to any manufactured on the Juniata. The laud is all patented, and au indisputable title will be given. Possessian given after the first of April next. TERMS—One fourth in hand, and the residue in three equal annual instalments with interest. Any further hithrmation desired, will he given by sluts S . : Donuts, Huntingdon, DANIEL FLIINNER on the, premises, or the undersigned at Rittaning. , A. 5: A. REYNOLDS,' Executors of Darhi Reynolds, deceased. • July 5.1536.--3ut . __—_ Y.], NEATEST AND BEST AS SORTMENT OF' BOOTS AND SHOES, JUST RE ,ILI TED BY LEVI WESTBROOK. Ladlei , and gentlemen are invited to call and '- I examine my - ueautiful a , sortment ,of Boots and Shoes of all sizes, of the latest . styles, fur all ages. Huntingdon, ;June 4, 1850. , SHOPS,. GAITORS, AND p FASILIOI%.;ABDE HATS, Si - LLING AT VERY LOW PRICES, AT 1.1. ROMAN'S CLOTHING STORE. Huntin gdon. Pa. IN -KW GROCERY STORE. " Everything of the best Cheaper than elsewhere. LOVE & McDMT inform the citizen" of Huntingdon and vicinity. and the public in general that they have just opened in Market Square. in the dwelling formerly occu pied hy Esquire Snare, a handsome assortment of the - most CIIttICE GROCERIES. inchulingevery article usually kept in the best Grocery Stores in the city. Having a boat run ning, we are determined to accomodate the publicwith the fresheA and best. Give us a call and exirniue for your eel VI -s. ;\lay 21, 1850 QADDLERS' improved splitting and. gauge Knives for sale ,tt the Hardware store of • JAS. A. BROWN St • Huntingdon. Pa. I=i_BINIDSTO E 8 with. etiou rollers, Whetstones, Oil Stones. also Knives and: Forks, dc., decidedly the best assortment in the county. Porcelain; Tinned and Plain' Boilers, tite*ing. Frying and Baking Pans, for sole at prices which make it the interest of purchasers to call at the Hardware Store tif JAS. A. BROWN & AT AC KERMA—In whole and half' bar -0 A rch , . Al.o, ROE HERRING- by the half barrel, for cale at the cheap grocery of LOVE &:-.11-DIVIT. IGIVINING- RODS:!. Armitage's Pa tt 4 /TENT OF SUPERIOR ELECTRIC MAGNtST LIGIIT- A tm.; RODS. it is now admitted on nil liontlq. that every handily , to be secure front the destructive influences of lightning should be provided with a. good conductor. • The large number of timell that are pot up makes it necer-arp for purchasers to eNamine the merits of the dillement net, ofb•red for sale. The public need but to examine Armitag,e's rods to be convinced that they are constructed npon.not only the best, but the only sate principle of any rod in use. ' Over WOO of these rods have aim-a:l3 - I,om put up with out the loss of a dollar's worth orbroperty by lightning irr any buibling, to wltif_7ll they have been attached, which is the best evidence that they ate perfeetly'secni‘e. I have a few on haunt which I will .01 for less than-11511 of the re tail price asked by Armitage. to close out my sloth. Call soon at Colon's Book Store, lbintingdon, l'a., where they ennui be had of WM. COLON. Iluntingdon..7uly 16, 1856. •' ' -NEW GOODS.----JutA received, a Irani ety of articles at the corner of Smith and Allegheny :streets. Cedar and Willow ware; Axes, double and single hit. Stoves. ]run Kettles, _Plough Slicers; ac.. Cc.. whole sale and. retail. GEO. I EMMET. A L UCTION .11,002,1.—Hayinlz fitted up _ A _ an Auction HOom adjoining his Store, the undersign ed mil sell nff part of his stock by minion, every lsritiirday' evening. and daring the Court, until disposed or. Persons having any articles of furniture or merchandise. to dispo , e• ~,,.... .. - - ...., r .., . ~,, - - t-tr, ',a, c flow TrwrltCrillir, ci,....-e, can have sales made to the best advantage: on moderate charges—or if the owners prefer attending to their sales, they can have the nee of the Auction Room a day, weep. Sze.. at moderate charges. GEO. FIAitiLEY. llnntingdon. August 6,1556-3 t. T EYSTONE STATE SAPONTITER, or CONCENTRATED LYE, warranted to make soap ithont lye, and with little-trouble. It makQs hard, soft. :mil fancy saali : 4: For sale at the cheap Drag awl Fancy Store of WILLIAMS d co., .3Tarket Square, Hmitingclon, Pn TTISTOILY OF THEI , I 4 I.II,LY SET- T!.JJtENT OF THE JUNIATA: VALLEY—The C1t17.1.•11S of Huntingdon comity mut procure the above work at the Book-tore of W. COLON. in Ihrntingdom 'Who will oleo mail it to any acblre,s on the receipt ..o1 two dol lar,. limiting - don. July f.';, 1,554.. UT:TEI.OIZ, ,VA INT ILL - .l\. sale at the Cheap Drug Siore, 3fatket Square._ SUP - ERTOR HORSF.I BALLS,: WILLIAMS & CO'S. _ _____ ______ trfITRATE . of 3.la2;nesiar for sale at the ) New and Cheap Druz Store' in Huntingdon, Fa. _ - ._ - i n LASS of all sizes from Bxl.o to 20x30; - 3reccive.l;ina for sale by IVILLIA7 , IS & CO. 71. 1 .13.J.E - I lot of Balm o - 1: a Thousand k ‘l'lrew:r,. cur :-.11 - le , a yn.e-y. Ott the rkew . Driig,nand Variety Scum, Ilfarket. Square. I:, A, 1)!)It:1i1 1.0 ttiEY & DOUGHERTY- Whole 1, .Dealers iu TOBACCO AND SMAIIS, •No. 31 North Firth Street, Philadelphia. (July 8, ISSO. 1).AU5A.A....317 FIR for stde , gt:theOlicai) Drug Store of • WM. WILLIAMS &•CO: T)FJME lot of Farina,. just reccil'ed and .11 for sale at -WILLTA3TS CCVS. WR IGI-Fr 8 Hair Regenerator or Am wags, for rule at WILLLCKS TEAS from 15 to 2 cents per qunrter, at LOVE ,V 6 1 4 -1 1,01JR--,—Always on hand and for sale at LOVE & AMIVIT'S GROCERY. T 4 E MON SYRUP, a g,eiraine article, for sal:: by 11';: 1. WI LLTAM CO. - 1 4 .1 re'sh lot of Ayer C 's lierry Pectoral for . 12 fiaieat Wail/1111Y k• Co's Cheap Drug Store. QCHENOK'S. Pultuonic syrup for •the LI cure of ,Consumption, for sale by 11 7 111. WILLIAMS CO'S. USBAN WS celebrated (lalcined - illagli loi- F - 4.1e at tin.'CIIEILP DRUG STORE, MaF livt 'Jinn gOlop,- 1 110BiAS' Venetian Liniment, fir sale by - - PIPORTANT TO EVERYBODY.— a. For the last three years, I lucre been engaged in a bu siness known only to _myself, and, comparatively, few others, whom I have instructed for the sum of $2OO each, which has averaged me at the rate of $l,OOO to $5,000 per annum; and having made arrangements to go to Europe next l;lpring, to engage in the .same business, I am willing to give fen instructions in the art to any person in the United l'itates or Cunadas. who will remit me -the Faun of $l. I ton induced, from. the success I have been favored ith, and the many thankful acknowledgments I have re ceived from those whom I have instructed, and who are making from $5 to $l5 DER DAY at it, tv give any person an opportunity to engage in this business, which is easy, Idra , an h and very prd dltddile, at a sitall cost. There is pied itively No Ifcamai in the matter. References of the heat class eavi be given as regards it, character, and I can refer to persons whom I have instructedl, who will testify that they are making from $5 to $l5 per day at the seine. It is a business in which either ladies or gentlemen cast en gage. and with perfect ease make a very handsome Taconic. dtzeverel Wks in various parts of New Fork State, Penn sylvania and Maryland, whom I have i astrticted, are lIONS making from $2 hi $6 per day at it. It is a GEXERA.LIRISI NES. Mid but a few shillings is required! to strut it. Upon receipt of $l, I will immediately scud to the applicant a printed circular containing full instructions in the ,art, which can be perfectly- nrater,tood at once. Ail letters ain- - 3t be addressed to A. T. PARSONS.' 335 Broadway, fro• York. [St,pt.lo. pERUVIAN 141xperieuce has taught the Fanner that the ONLY RELIABLE Fertilizer is the PERUVIAN tIOVERNMENT GUANO.— The subscriber, Sole Agent in Philadelphia for the sale of it, has now on bath; a large stork of PURE J'E tit N GUANO, Which he will sell at the lowest Cash price, in lots to suit either dealers fir farmers. S. CLIRISTIAN, Sole Agent for Philadelphia, 2si . o. 4S North Wharves. it 7 North Witter St. August 2(1., PROFESSIONAL Sr. BUSINESS CARDS. lit. JOHN, McCULLOCII, offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon 111111 vicinity. 01lice at Mr. Hildebrand's, between the Ex change and Jackson's Hotel. Aug. 28. '55. 11 P. CAMPBELL, Attorney at La'v, Office in the brick row near the Court liermo. JOHN SCOTT. SAMUEL T. lIROSN N. cl COTT & BROWN, Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, Pht. - Office same as that Thrinerly occu pied by Mr.-Scott.' Oct. 17, 18534 tjo 1-INN. PROWELL, Attorney at Law, Will attend faithfully to all legal •business entrusted to his care. Iluntingdon, July 20, 1855. y • SIMPSON - AFRICA," - County' • Sul.- 0 veyor, Huntingdon, Pa. Office on lIiII street. DRS. MILLER & FRAZER,„,./_----- ~:) DENTISTS, Huntingdon, Pa.' Others” ,at 11111 street, opposite the Court Liam', and ' - North East corner of Hill and Franklin. .lan. 9, 1856._ I (V - INT T. SAXTON, 'l-luntingdon, Dealers in Dry G00t1,;. - Crocerieg, Qneew- N% are. Hats, Caps. Boots, Shoes, Grain, Sc.. . COLON; Dealer i n Books. Stationary, Wall Paper. 3c. Sc 7) P. UWIN, Deakr in Dry Goats, Groceries, Hardware, Qncens- NN are, irats and Caps, Boots and Siw&s. fic. ' 1-GUNNING,H.A.M" 8, - .; BRO., • Fmk( ilantin . plon, Pa. MeGILL, • Le Founder, AleximdKia, rfuntingdon county, Pn lOSES STROUS, Dealer. in Dry Goods, Ready Made, Clothing, Gro taies, Roots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, etc. ROMAN, Dealer in ,Iteady Made Clothing, Mats and Caps, Bunts and Shoes, &c. EN.T. JACOBS, II At Dealer in Dry Goo(13, !truly )lade Clothing, Grocer- Queensivare, T WE'STBROOK, Dealer in Gentlemen's, Ladies' null _Misses' Boots, 6110.,..5, Gaiters, etc. T oNG & 33EcKER, . Dealers in Groceries : Conft2cti9narieq, Qncensware, Flour. &C. FOSEPH - - - REIGGER, Watchmaker and dealer idWatelic , s; Clocks, and :few- M.. IN Plain find oimainentai Maimfacturer OVE tind i'deDIVIT, I ... _„, Dealers in Groceries, Cronfeetimmries. Flour. Sze RO WN and - . .• alr-rf4 in all kin,l4 of Hardware (i UNNINGTIAM and :DUNN, i ovai,rs in. Dry Goods. aro:cries. thurdww-e, Queens 1 are, (rain: &e. &e:: •" - —"" '. .• : - ' OWEN BOAT, Carriage and Waggon Manufacturer • 1 1 • ENll . lr• 3101SIANIC4 - I.LL, Proprietor of the Farmers' 'Home "[rote! MOEBIJ S, • .0 'C .r t in( )12diatiii _ TOHN F. RAMEY, Practical Surveyor, tillfltingarni, I Office on Hill street, one door casY of the-Huntingdon Marble Yard. REFERENCES—I , T. Watson, Philadelphia-; .1. P. Leslie. Geologist, Philadelphia: ,Gharles Micklcy, Rough and Ready Furnace, llon..lonatlian ADAAIS & CO'S EXPRESS. T. K. STMONTON. Agent, lltintingdon, Pa. Money, Pack age:, and Goods of an kinds reap/ vett rold forwarded ot the rihk. of the Company, to all the cities and pFiuciptil in the UnitetT States, A i rAG-LJLIZE &- PORT, Minen4 ; and Degdor-t in lima] Top Coul, Huntingdon -,-„. FESSLET - ti WHEENTEY•& • - I.l:l:3liners, and Pealora in Broad Top Coal, Huntingdon TIOWEL, SAXTON S.: CO. Minerq, and Dealers in Ilroad Top Coal. .T.W.Saxten nntinplon: R. flan• l'owol, sli Walmit st.. Philadelphia SHE BEST CHEESE-always on hand at 14 ets. , , at 1,0\1:1 k mourvirs.. 1 TOBACCO, Scgars and Sat - al; the best, at LOVE & mcDryrrs:— JA.B. i)outiinor ORBISONT DORRIS Iliners, and D'ealei-s in Broad Top Coal, 'lnn tingdon TEST SUG A. 48, from S to 15 cents, at ' VIVI; & MeDITIT'S. lIi.ITEST COFFEE, at 14 cents, to be had ) at LOW: ,t MenltilTS. NOIASSES from 50 to 75 ets., by gannii. :it LOVE & MeDIVIT'S. -- tir ixED PICKLES, Pepiler Sauce and Catsup. at ; mcmvirs. Trlll3itlfiLLAS and Parasols, of a new ju.t roO61y(al, and for sale by ' apll6 " J. k. NV. BAXTON. • 1 - tE you afflicted with liheuwatism JOILN C. WESTIMOOK, 01 . 0:14:51'il1e 711311 nfitcthres a sure cure ibr Rheumatism.• December 7, 1855. , L.-li. iCiUSGRAVE kV, CO.; AV hole v . saio Dru g - g i,t,, and Dealers in Drugs, Spicris,. Chemicals, Dye-So:ins, Acids, Glassware, faint,, this, Glas,s,, &c., :Jiii Market . ..-:treitt above 11th, South Side. Philtulel ph ia, , , .Itn,Drriggicits and country mCrchautt arc requested to glve theta a call and emilnintt thcic stock al td price , t, h , fre !Milting tli - jdr piniciliti,ms. May 2.4, 185 G. ATTENTION,' ATTIINT [ON ! m•st, Zinc Paint only til3 68 per keg. 'Pare White Lead iitil r F.:2 G 7 per keg. .And other paints in proportion, at tile clump Hardware Store of , ' , ' .T. 'A. BROWN & CO. U ."1 > 1 TI/ -II /)1!J ILS, do yon believe it ? --- ITiiils are selling at V. 90 per keg, at - the new Hat aware Store of ' - '' , J. A. lIIIOWN & CO. ATACKERE L, CocliiBh - , Salmon, ring, Pork. Hams & Sides. Shoulders, Lard and Cheese, constantly on hand and for sale PA LMEIt & April 2.1.55G-Ihn. Market Street Wharf, Philadelphia. L CLOAKS '‘.STD kiNTTILL N.S FA..O AT WHOLESALE ANI) BETAir„ 6EO. EULPIN & CO., Manuilicturers Of 'Cloaks and Man tillas, No. lii CHESTNUT Street, (a few doors above 7th, south side.) PHILADELPHIA. an connection with (lEO. HULPIN,:I6I Urnadway, N. Y. 7'llo largest' Ma nulitcturer of these goods in the United States.) Deg to call the attention of 'Wholesale and Retail buyers to their large and varied stock of Cloaks. Talmas, &c., &c., FOIL THE FALL TRADE!! Their collection comprises a complete assortment of all the -latest Parisian Novelties in Velvet, Moire-Anticine, Cloth s Plain Silk, &e:, &c.; while the'fitcilities afforded by their connection with the to Manutitcturing House, (of these goods,) in New York, enable them to guarantee better valise than is obtainable elsewhere in this market. GEO. lIULPII & CO, 174 Chestnut Street, above 7th. September 3,1856-3 m. QOMETTIING NEW IN HUNTING DON.—The' celebrated Centro county Iron for sale at the following prices: 4 cents per lb.; fir common assorted ii inches square and round up, 4 , V s .cents; for, horse shoe find mmilce rods, including I/ mind in. square, and 5 cents for nail rods, at 'the cheap story of • cuNNENdfum & DUNN. Ifuntingdon, June 17, 1856_ pROAD TOP HOUSI34 ANDREW moms US would respectfully infornutlie public that, hu has litted up the Dread Top liouse.,"nu 41, glieny street. at the lirowl nip Depot, Huntingdon, " , "K and is now prepared to entertain strang(rs and travellers .„.. in an unobjectionable style. Iris table will always be supplied Aril - Mlle sulaitantiais arid delicacies of the season. His liar is furnished with the cldeest,liVors.. In a word, no pains will be spared to render guests comfortable and happy. jute Di. rp HE PE.N N S YIN AiN 11A. BTATE A ( RICCILTURAL SOCIETY will hold its ninth annual exhibition at Pittsburg-, commencing September 30th trod continuing October 1, 2 and 3. The im.nital address by Hon. neorge Woodward. Com_ petition for tho Premiums open, to all. 11013 T. C. WALKER; ~ Pittsburg, Sept. 17, 135G-3t. Secrets ry: GENUINE Electric Oil for sale at the MEAD DRUG STORE Market Square. TAR. GREEN'S Aromatic Sap, forStom a J mil. Complaints. for sale at the 'Variety Store of WM. WILLIAMS 4: CO- R. ;JOHN BULL'S Sarsaparilla, and DR. TOWNSENIYB SAR &APAR 'MLA. for Nate at the 1 , ..np Drug *ore, by WJ, WILLIAM 8; CO riIHE HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY IN BLAST AGAINd—The subscribers take this method 01 informing their friends and the public generally, that tltierVlttanNT are re d the inst j te iun s t s i f n er on Foun and arc prepared to furnish Castings of :,,e4k.p. 1 ,1 10 , every description. of best quality and '' workmanship. on short notice, and on reasonable terms. Farmers are invited to call and exam ine our Ploughs. We are manniketarhig tlie Hunter Plough. This plough took the first premium at the lion t county Agricultural Fair last fall. Also, Hunter's celebrated Cutter Ploughs, - which can't he beat—tog - ether with the Keystone • Hillside and !Mr.:die:iv ploughs. 'We have on hand and are manufacturing Stoves--such as Cook, Parlor, and Office stoves for wood or coal. ware, consisting of Nettles, Boilers. Skillets, &c., all of which we will sell cheap for cash or in exchange for coun try produce. Old metal taken for castings, fly a strict attention to busbies., and a desire to please, we here to re ceive a liberal share of public patronage. J. N. CUNNINGHAM & BRO.. 'Twain gdon, April :10,.1t=56. QPECIAL NOTICE !-R. C. MCGILL wishes to inform his friends and the plibliogenerally, •that, he has bought the . Alexandria dry; lately owned by Israel Grafthis; - kisip. " """ together with its Pollen's, Flasks and other contents. And from his long cape , .rienee in.the business, he hopes to obtain a s hare' of the public patronag„e. As he has the 'Foundry in full operation, he can furnish all who may give hint a cull with all kinds of Castings, such as Bolling Mill. Forge, rist and Saw N ill Castings—improved Thrashing Machine Castings. And in ashort time will have Cook Stoves of various sizes and Unproved Pitt erns kir woothtuil coal.— A lso, ten-plate, air-tight, par/or, and. bar-mein" r stovo:st of various sires, for wood or coal.. Also,-Castings for housep, cellar grates. such ass Linters;_ Sins, Sash l‘oights, , etc.— Ploughs of everydcseription.thelatestandmostimproved styles. Also, Sled Soles and Wagon Moves. oven frames., large bells. and water pipes.- , Hollow ware—consisting of kettles, boilers, etc. :Having turning lathes he will be tilde to furnish any of the - above named articles of either wood or iron—and all other kinds of Castings, "too nu merous to mention," alFof which will be sold cheaper than ever for Cash and all kinds of country produce. Old metal will be taken in exchange for castings. Pring, along your old metal, your cash and country produce. when any arti cles are - wanted. , R. C. McGILL. AprillllE xtintlria. 2l, 1856. rro THE PUBLIC.—The undersigned 2 P[1() informs his friends and the public generally, ~ t tat he has leased the FARMERS' HOME HOTEL, RI in tho,burough of Huntingdon, and is now prepared ' .','' to accommodate with boarding and lodging all who may favorhim - with wall. His Bar is furnished witli the best liquors. 41 l:317.107. STABLEL-Ife bag also.providNi ' . birriself . wdth a good stock of Horses; ,:Car - i l „., riagos, &e.. for the accommodation of the pub - .. APR lie, at reasonable charges. HENRY Mc:VIA NIG T LL. linntingelon, April 7, 187;t1. . • _ . _-- 00ONS 1 BOOKS ! 40,000 Volumes it ) ornew z linel popular Boole:, enthracing - every variety ~,,r,i• 11 , 11;1113' kept inn Philadelphia Book Stare, f - ,. _''if.4..",., iiiiii Many of them ;it half the Publisher's / r ----- .; ._.,,_.' ; '-'" : _s4l ;, retail prices,' the subscriber now offers to I= -ti the pnbli e.: All Selpaul 13ooks used in the county can be bad in ;ull'gtintitities at retail tool wholesale rates. .Foolseap,. Letter, and Wrapping paper, wholesale, or•hy the ream. .. 100 Superior Gold Pens with Silver and Golfl cases, from $l. npwards. Also Pocket and Pen Knives of Rogers' and others' best manufacture. • NO Splendid Port Monnines and Pocket Books at :20 ct , ;. and upward-.. .Zl,OOO pieces Wall Paper of the latest and prettiest styles, just- received from New,Xarl: arl Phila delphia' prices from 10 ets a piece and upwarti9. 500 beautifully painted and gold gilted wtaficiw Slooles at 4.-4-etB. :1114'1111V.-ttribl.. The publie have but to call awl examine, to be convinc ed that in baying of the above stock they wit Che pleased and also. HIM! money. 'Remember the corner or .?,lontgoriery and Railroad streets. 101. COLON. Illintnigilon. April Di. Ecul. SPRING AND Str..M.MER GOODS. LATEST AERTVAL. J. A: W. SANT:)N are now receiving, and now opening, one of the finest assortments of Goods ever offered to the citizens of this place, as follows: Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinetts, Vestings— Cotton comb far Slimmer wear. Also, Shalleys, Berages, Lawns and Prints, with other articles for the ladies. A splendid lot of Plank Silk. Ladies' striped and hafted Dress Silk, Muslin. Linn floods. and in fact, every article of wear ing; apparel necessary ibr the Ladies. Hosiery and Farley Goods. Also, all kinds of Dices Trimining.s. Gloves. Combs. ribbons, Hair Broods, Dress Caps. and every kind n,nany kept in a country store. Bonnets and Straw Hats of the latest styles: silk, crape. and straw bonnets. hats and Caps of the very "detest styles, awl of every shape and color. • Boots and Shoes. Our stock of Boots and Shoes can't lio.„hcat fir totality and cheapness of prices, and one of the tritest stocks ever offered. - Carpet and Oil Cloth. A splendid assort ment of Carpet, Drriggett, and Oil Clet,h.. _Also—ard wa m re, the hest aihortent in town, not'execii H ting, phellard ware o,tahli-lintent. and at lower prices.' Qiteen , ware, Groceries, Tobacco, Segars, Willow ware and Cedar ware, !topes, Tow-lines, and Curds, and everything usually kept in a country stoic. can lie had at the Cheap ~tore of I[untingdon, April 16, 1.536. J. & W. s.txToN. rtri RE CHEAP CORNER FOREVE R t 4 PRING and SITAIMEti. coops, Deady-Made CIoth &T.—BENJAMIN .TACODS'informs his old customers and the citizens of the borough and county of limning don generall, that he has just opened an eNten-ive ascort ment of (lot b of all kinds suitable for Sprit g mud Stun ner, WhiCh will compare in quality and prices with any others, tirtinght to town the present season. His stock consists of every article of Ladies' Dress Goods. in part, printrd and plain Iltreges, Prints of ail kinds. :Du-dins. Gloves. Hosiery, &c.. Sa.., in fact all arti cles of dress to be', found in any other store in town. Also, an eNtepsive assortment of Readv umdc. Clothing,: for Inmi, boys, for spring awl sunina:r %V Pa w:nll math; idol of good materials. Also, flat... Caps. Boots nivl e,h,i(ut,'of all sizes. Also, Grocericß, Queensware, - Glasswafre, Ilartiwary. eval to any in ~toNN, and many inure articles " too iilimr3roas,lu montion-,": :I.Ty old eh:don:et*, and the public irr tretieral. are , invited rtini examine ley new Good , . Tioy will find them equal in quality, and as low in price, 88 any others in the county. Alt - kinds of country produce taken. in vxchango fa) Goods at tho highest niarlcet prioes. utniowton, 7 , lareli 26, 15515. 141) S ,__...._ 1. 1 MOUS JIA;s:; (10,ME AOSIN kl. y witii q .. 1 .A.,...n0id 'ptC.6lc. of CLOTH - ISG, tatuln lip in tli;:hiti , t styli , pit' the choicest 0, uni . lq. The stock cona,ta in ;girt of Dees , anti Prod:: Conk, Pan ti. , Vests; if:e., &e, all 01 which will 1,0 di - Postal of at low rates. • Alm), a goci!l assortment- or DRY GOODS, Comprising Ilare,vs, ChaUeys, Do I,4inc , i. liantts, Lawns. &v. • _ . Also, G ItOUERIES,Re s. . 13.6.11 :4 :ulNion, to secure a part of the public confidence and patronage, I brill CIO my utmost to merit the same, and theretbre would earnestly solicit those, about pitmlia,s. iug any thing in my line, to call and examine. my Stock bolbre going elsewhere, as I shall always keep a complete Stock constantly on. hand, to enable me to , snit the tastes of all who may feel inclined to arrOr me with their custom. Remember your old friend Mdse! MOSES 5111011 S. . Dorris. 134tililivig, Ihmting(b3n, March 10, 1555. ' GE.OCERY AND CONFECT 1,0 NA KY STORE.: LONG- a. DECKER., respectfully in thrm their frienas and the public in g eneral, that they still continuo rite :Grocery and Confectionary ; lntsinesSi under the sons of Temperance Hail, err Main sleet, Hun tingdon. N 4 hero they have now on hand a full and geperal assortment Groceries C.171(1 COlifeCtiOlUirieS, Which they will sell wholesale and retail. They have also on hand Thieketg, 5311,,, Carpet Bags.. leer tte., .11 . e., all or which they will sell cheap. Country pro duce taken in exchange. Gerols—the cash paid when we have no Gooch to sltif-CllBiOrtlerr,.• As we are determined ftiac(iontmcSia to all who may call St our storo, we invite 7111 examination and trio! of oar stock. LONG c DECK ER. - . ---- - - • nuntingdon, Apl. 10. 1.856. • F/VIDIERS OF THS NEH R I GBO noon, Growers of Wheat and Ityc, Use LEINAU'S Pilo6 MATE OF LIME, if you want heavy , crops, Or LE INAU'S AMERICAN FJItTILIZF.It. These valmffile Manures have been used for the past six years successfully for the Grain and Tobacco Crop in Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey. Delaware, Maryland and the Islands of Ber muda and Bariuloes. A barrel, (250 Ibs) is sufficient for an Acre of Land. The above Fertilizers are composed of reliable Chemical Elements, ul...ch largely inCreliBo the Crop and improve the soil, doubling !ft rt'Juof the land. Price of the Phosphate of Lime, is $. 40 00 a ton, Nit rogened $5O 00, the American Fertilizer $25 00 per Ton, or $4 50 a Barrel, $1 25 a Keg,: also, every variety of GUANO, Pore Land Plasfer, rot Ash. Nitrate of Soda, Bone Dust, p m e. tiered Charcoal, Ac., &c. GFO. A. LEINAC, Proprietor. • No. 10 South Front Street, Philadelphia. -tre_Gneds delivered free of charge. _To Wholesale Dealers. a liberal discount. Pamphlets in the - English and German Langmwo gratis. Orders arm dis tance, CaMt accompanying or Drrift, promptly attended to by G. A. LEINAII. Proprietor. Philadelphia, Pa. N:l3. Diplomas have I).•en awanksl front the Pennsyl vania Agricultural SOciety ; New York Crystal Palace As sedation and New Jersey State Agricultural Society. August 20, 185tl--ffitt. 0117 A N.D'S Improved: Tonic Mixture, t u for El•Cf`E awl Ague. at WILLIAMS & CO'S. , FRESH OLIVE OIL For Bala at WILLIAMS & COI.S. U NT I N Cr DON COMMERCIAL SCHOOL.—This school has been opened in the Hall formely used by the Sons of Temperance, on JIM street. The course of instruction embraces Single on, Double Entry Book-keeping, Lectures on Commercial Science and also Lectures , on Commercial Law, Ethicarand Political Economy, delivered by members of the Ilan The Student misses through a course comprising over four hundred forms. writing out, Journalizing, Posting, and closing Puur entire sets of Boolzs, solving Problems, prcci:•cly to> in real buainess. and in addition to this he has large practice in oral and blackboard 'exercises, in opening and closing Single mid Double Entry Books, in Partnership. Administration, Joint and Compound Com pany settlements . , in receiving a partner into co-partner ship, and settling with a retiring ono, all of which, together with various other exercises and calculations, cannot fail to give full satisfaction and profit the learner. Students can enter, at any time, a day or evening class, or both, if they wish—the time is unlimited. They can leave at any time and returnat Pleasure without addition al charge. Assistance given, when required, fn opening spa closing books. For any other particulars address personally or by lettar, T. If. PULLOCK, , ,,.. Principal. Iluntingdon, April :'.,-LSZ6 CLOTHING A NEW ASSORT MENT JUST OPENED! and will be told 30 per cent CHEAPER than the cheapest: H. ROMAN respectfully inform; his clisfoniers. and thri &idle generally, that he has ja,,t opened Uthis store Two in Market Square, Iluntingdun, a splendid new stock of Ready-made, - ,• C lothing for Spring. and Summer, which be will sell cheaper than the same quality of Code he purchasedat retail in Philadelphia or any othei establislunent in the country. - ; Persons visiting to buy Clothing wonid do well to call and examine his stock before pat Chasing.. elsewhere. Huntingdon. rjeNT — INGITON 704111ITAG E AND _ _ WAfl ON MAN ETFACTORY.—OWES BOAT, thank ful for past firrors, respectfully informs - the public in general that he has removed', - '' ; .. a to his new shop on Washington street. on A the property lately and for many years oc- 9.4 ‘ . 0 copied by Ales. (Almon, where he is prepared to Manufac ture all kinds of Carriages. Boggles, liockaways. Wagons, and in short, every kiml of vehicle desired. Reckaways and Buggies of a superior man ufacture and ISni:sll always on hand-and for sale at fair prices. :Repairing of all kinds done at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Huntingdon. May 16, 1654: —___ - - • • ___-__. _AT EST ARIL W AL OF U GOODS at the BROAD-TOP DEPOT. CUNNINGHAM & DUNN. have just receives' a well ticketed stock of,Elprimg, and Summer Goods, corfaisting of -, Dry Goods, Groceries. • . • flats and Caps. Moots and Shoes, Hardware, Queensware, Cedarwaro."C,rockery-Ware, t,tono and earthen. Tin ware, Cane Fishing Rodq., Ready-made Clothing, and in short, everything usually kept in a coun try .tore. Fish, Salt Bacon and Plaster, kept con stantly for sale. Call and examine our goods and judgo for yourselves. 2.1.1 kinds of country produce taken at the highest market price in exchange for Goods. The highest market price paid for Grain. Prompt atten tion paid to storing and forwarding all kinds of Merchan dise, Produce, kr. funfingdom May 14, Isr,c, - ARBLE YARD. - The undersigned I would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful n:arbl• , now on hand. Me ie preparisl to furnish at the shortest 710 tire. Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian or Eastern Marble. highly finished. and carved with appro priate devices, or plain. as may suit: Building . Mari le, Dour and Window- Sills, .tc., will be furnished to order. W. W. pledge' himself to furnish material anti 'work manship equal to any in the country. at a fair price. Call and see, before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa. ,Thmtingtion, May 1(3, 1855. triOUNTRY MIS can buy Cloth k_,/ ins from me in Huntingdon at WHOLESALE. /r 4 cheap as rhey can in the, citicA as limve a Whoicsatf! Store in Ph 11:1110 1111 4F. IT. ROMAN. Huntingdon. April 2. 18:56. W JEWELRY. ?Rte 8 71 - e ( s -3 ub . s(;)r(11.)leCr, KS, AND to' p his friends and patrons, and to the public viler- &.'stkr ally. for their patronage, still coni limos to carry on at the :uile stand, one door cast of :Mr. C. Colas' _Hotel, ',Market street„lluatingdon, where he will attend to all who will faviir him with their custom ; and also keeps on band a good as-ortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &e., of ivlih It he is tlet”ratined to sell at low prices. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of all kinds will be rglntired at- alert notice, and baying made arrangements with a good work man, all repairs will he done in a neat and durable manner, and any person baying articles for repairing, shall lease them done at the promised time. fly paying strict atten tion to business, and selling at low prices, he hopes to re ceive a share of public patronage, Tit it - AIL LINE from Mount Union to 14 AMlthl The undersigned still cont'n. to run a tri-werolily line of stages over the road between Mount Union and Chambershurg. Good horses and cone fw•table stages have been placed on the route, and experi enced and trusty drivers will superintend the running of the Coaches. The proprietor of the line is desirous that it he maintained, and he thereP3re earnestly c4,11s upon tho public generally to ratroniko it, confident that it will bit for their mutual advantage. Ihery attention necessary will be given, and the running of the stages will be regu lar. ir,:.l.,Striges leave Mt. Union at 5 o'clock, p. In., every Tuesday, Thursday and Satnrday—retnrning on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; arriving at Mount Lillian in time fir the ears. Stages stop at t , hirle2..sburn.. Orbisonia, Shad,: Gap. Burnt C'abins, Fannetstonrg.:, Irorso titrahburg„ and Keefer'm store. - _ . . . 11.- - 51,..i'are through $3,01i; to intermediate points in pro portion.JOHN JAMISON. , . . A lig ust 22. 1855—if, N inv I ,VIIOLI.IS.A 1 .).,143 DUG- 5T0,13111 . , SPENCER. TICOMAS, '2ll'Sonth Second St., Philadelphia, Importer. Manufacturer. and Dealer. in Drugs. Chymicals, Acids. Dye StMIS.' Paints,.oils.‘ colors. White Lead, French' and American ..Whito Zinc, Window ttlatsware, Varnishes., Itrushol,' Instruments, t . 'flrounkt Whole Spices. and crther articles wamily kept by I t uggi.sts, including llorax':,indigo. Mite. Shellac, Potash; kr., All orders ,by mail .or otherwiscr promptly attended to. Country 111CITIRITItil tern invited to, call and examine our stork - before pr relue+ing elsewhere. Goods sent ,to any of tin' ,wharves .railroal stations. Prices low arid goods warrotitc:d. Philadelphia. Nardi - MC-3y. r WEST BRA NOR INS URA N RI COMPANY, of Lock Pa.. 1118111TH Detached louldings, Store'. Merchandize, Farm Property, and other Buildings, and their contents, at moderate rates. •Jolin J. •Pearce, •C. 'Harvey, John B. hall, T. T. Ahrams„ Clia Ors .1. :ilityer, D. K. Jack mati,• Charles Crii.t, W. White, Petef Dickson, Thonir3 K Mien. - Hon. O. 0.-1-farroPris , ident ; T. 'P. Ahivms, Viee Pre , =3- ident ; Thos. Kitelien. ."•Feeretary. lir'r - Ler.xces—S'almiel IL - Lloyd, TlMs`Thiirman, D. D., A. A. W am lor Pelp, L. A. I ackey, • Wni. Fearon. Wiiite,• Crawford. James Wiggle. A. I.lpflegralL gjolin W., Maynard, , James Armstron,g,, , , Hon. Simon Cameron, Min.. Wm. iligier. - • - • • " A. S. riArau,soN Agetit IR5a. • • • • •, E S STE RI; -BLADE Moulders' ) Shovels, MinPra' Coal Siovels, tho'4ew,Hartl ware Store of • 'BROWN & CO. TTAMS, Shoulders and Flitch for stile by . , 1,01% 1. McDT.:VIT. TETA L - AND prlif& PIT mp,s., ex, from9ly low, nt .T. A. BROWN E CO'S. HARDWARE STORE. U.3l. = A genuine article for sale • • • wm. wuquAms & co. . *AM - 3Y ,S() PS, ' At tiv) Cheap Stom of. , ;WM. WILLIA3IS,,k CO 1A LT ! ! , !—Direct Importation'. ASIITOST: MAIISIJAI, and I , INE SALT,.. Groinol - Minn Solt, Dairy Salk, --it large stockconstantly on 'hand anif fin."l3:oo byCALM, (M.:81.', &Co_ Proanee Commission b}', ('.4111(, 21 Spear's - Wharf, Balti more. fr•Lurnit Plaster always on hand, July. 22; MG.*. - - PANACEA, the greatest remedy 11,r Scrofula, for sale at the Cheap Drug Store 4 , WIL UAW, 6: Co. T)ROWiY'S ESSENCIIIOF JAMAICA !MIER. for sale by 'WM. 'WILLIAMS & CO. S Excelsior furniture Polish ; _Lfor Piano Fortos anti Oil Paintings. at INM. WILLIAMS ,S; CO'S- - AEI SULPHUR f'or sale by WM. Wit CLAMS & CO. SAL_ _p ESN lot or Clarified Table Uil for ,41.1 e by ' wm. wILLIA 3IS Sr. CO. DR. ItW OAND'S Blackberiy:Root, an f inetitimahle'and warranted remedy for Bowel Com plaints, at the cheap Drng, Varcity and Fancy store of W3l. WILLIAMS Se.. CO. THE FINEST assortment of Fancy Cassimeres ever offered; Vestings and Coat Cas.simers, and at lower prices than can he purchased at any other Howe., for ::ale by J. 6 IV. SAXTON. - - OlL—Linseed and Fish—for sale at the fftore at LOVE 4: 349XWIT. JOSEPH' REIGGER