The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, October 29, 1856, Image 3
THE HENTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED THE GLOBE. Huntingdon, Wednesday, Oct. 29, 1856 k'r rigAni:TilVio r.. 4. 11 10 (00441 The Charge of Disu.nionism Fastened up- on the Traitors. The overwhelming , democratic triumphs in Pennsylvania and Indiana, and the large democratic gains in Ohio, which partake of the character of a general victory,, may in part be attributed to that inherent love for the' Union 'with the masses, the• depth and strength of which becomes more and more apparent as danger threatens to weaken its power or affect its duration. When our glo rious confederacy has been imperilled by foes within or without, when the industrial inter ests of the country have - been paralyzed by the machinations of political sharpers and gamblers, and when attempts have been made by bigots and fanatics to destroy those insti tutions upon which the Union has so proudly and so securely ..rested for more than three quarters of a century, the people have always turned, and never turned in vain, to the dem oCiatic party. It . is the possible that a very large number of the people of the north ern States might' have been deceived for a few months longer with the catching but hy pocritical generalities of black republicanism. It is barely possible that many very worthy people could have been kept for several weeks —say until after the election—in a state of political phrensy and convenient darkness by the cry of free soil, free speech, free love, and Fremont. It is barely possible that the fraud Kon bleeding dupes in the name of bleeding ansas might have been kept up until ex- Governor Reeder had gathered a rich harvest from his land speculations. But when it be came apparent to the dullest comprehension that all the last six months noise and talk, and fury and phrensy, about border-ruffian ism, free speech, northern rights, southern aggressions, destroying a sacred compact, &c., were but the workings of the old leaven of aholitionism, with all its infidelity, its revo lutionary purposes, and its malignant hatred of the white race, the daily desertions from the black republican ranks became so large as to fill the leaders with apprehension and. alarm. The New York Herald assured its -readers that the Fremonters were the only true, conservative, Union-loving, constitu tion-supporting party in the field. The same assurance was given by the New York Times. Greeley declared, in a spirit of great'mag nanimity, that in this special instance the statements of the • Herald and Times might be credited. Mr. Speaker Banks, in his fa mous Wall street speech, went a few steps further. According to his own showing, he stood with Webster in his veneration and ad miration of the federal constitution. He stood with Thichanan in the enforcement of those great conservative principles by which fanaticism is robbed of its proscriptive ter rors, and our free institutions preserved from the excesses of injudicious friends and the assaults of open enemies. _He stood with Clay in his - love for the Union. It is true thathe - once exclaimed, "let the Union slide;" but the exclamation was simply a figure of speech, and was merely designed to convey the idea that he was in- favor of the Union sliding—sliding perpetually—on its consti tutional axis I And last of all, and more than all, he told his astonished audience' that he stood with Mr. Douglas upon the great platform of " popular sovereignty !" But this impudent attempt of the black. republicans, at the eleventh hour, to change front and to repudiate their own acts and their own sentiments was of no avail, and will be of no. avail. Their treasonable de signs cannot_be ea,ced. from the public offi cial record. There are now filed away in the office of the Clerk of the federal liousecif Representatives no less than seven petitions, signed by three hundred and twenty-nine cit izens pf the States of New Hampshire, Rhdde Island,. New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio,' praying for a dissolution of the Union. These ,petitions, of which the folloWing is an exact copy, were presented in the House of Repre sentatives on the 14th of August last by lion. Joshua R. Giddings, of Ohio: The love of the Fremonters for the Constitu tion and the Union as shown by their pe titions to Congress. [The person to whom this petition is trans mittedis earnestly requested to circulate it for signatures of the men and the women in his town, and see that it is speedily sent to either Senators WILSON, lIALE, WADE, SEWARD, and - FESSENDEN, or to Messrs. GIDDINGS, BURLINGAME, COLLAME.R, CAMPBELL, or any other SUITABLE rep resentative at Washington.] To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States: The undersigned, citizens and inhabitants of , State of , respectfully sub mit to Congress : That as, in the nature 'of things, antago nistical principles, interests, pursuits, and in stitutions can never unite : That an experience of more than three score years having demonstrated that there can be no real Union between the North and South, but, on the contrary,' ever-increasing alienation and strife, at the imminent hazard of civil war, in consequence of their conflict ing_ views in relation to freedom and slavery: That the South, having declared it to be not only her, right and purpose tneternize her slave system where it now exists, but to ex tend it over all the Territories that now be long or may hereafter be annexed to the:re publie; come what may ; and having outlawed from her sell the entire free colored popula tion of rthe North, made it perilous for any northern white citizen to exercise his consti tutional right„of freedom of speech in that section of the country, and even in the na tional capital, and, proclaimed her hostility to all free institutions universally: We,•therefore,l believe that the time has come for a new arrangement of elements:So hostile,- of interests so irreconcilable;! of :in stitutions se incongruous ;• and.we.earnestly requeSt Congress, at its - present session, 'to take such initiatory measures for the speedy, peaceful, , and equitable dissolution of. the ex isting. Union as the exigencies of the case re quire,; leaving the South to depend upon-her own resources,, and to take all the responsi bility-in the. maintenance of her slave sys tem, ,and ; , the. North to organize an independent government in accordance with her own ideas of justice and the rights of man. We venture to assert, without fear of con tradiction, that every of the three hun dred and twenty-nine persons who signed the above petition is,now an open and an ardent supporter of John C. Fremont, the black re publican candidate for the presidency. The New York Tribune may endeavor to crawl out of the , infamous difficulty by asserting that Giddingi is an abolitionist of the black est shadaand fiercest kind, and then falsely adding, as in the case of Garrison and Wen dell Phillips, that the abolition party proper are the "inflexible opponents" of Mr. Fre mont. But was not Mr. Giddings a delegate ,to the convention that nominated Mr. Fre mont for the presidency? Did he not vote for that nomination ? Has he not up to this very moment supported that noininatton with all that ruffianly zeal for which he is noted in . and out of Congress ? Would ho utter one .word in favor of that nomination if he enter tained the remotest suspicion that Fremont's Union sentiments and slavery sentiments dif fered in the slightest degree from his own? It would seem from the above that Senators Wilson, Hale, Wade, Seward, and Fessenden, and Representatives Burlingame, Coilamer, and Campbell, were willing to act as god fathers to these • infamous petitions. Are they, too, abolitionists of the Boston Libera tor school, and the "inflexible opponents" of John C. Fremont? Is it not known to the whole country that all these persons are now actively engaged with the black republicans in the • pending presidential campaign—the open, zealous, boisterous canvassers for Fre mont 2 Washington Union: Toni Corwin on the Dangers of the .Country. In his speech at Carthage, Mr. Corwin's allusion to the dangers which environ the Republic and the Union, in the present Presidential strife, was very touching. The following extract is worthy of perusal, espe cially by those who affect idle indifference, if not contempt, of all intimations of peril to the Union. Mr. Corwin said : "I am not electioneering, gentlemen, for anybody whatever, and whoever is elected I shall acknowledge him as President of the United States, and aid him in carrying on the legitimate purposes of his government ; but I do say that at no period in the history of this Republic since peace and tranquility were restored to its borders, after the terrible revolutionary struggle, has there been so much frightful apprehension in the minds of the American people, of some vague and en tire disruption of the bonds which hold this Union together. "Does it not become us to consider how we will answer to that remote posterity who we may fancy holding up their hands to us a thousand years in the future, and appealing to us by the blood of our fathers, if you will aid an act which by any possibility, may im peril the existence of this Republic ! Give no heed to the men who sneer when you tell them the Republic may be destroyed—to the men who sneer at the power of the South ; give no heed when they say the North is in a majority, and may do as it pleases I If this alienation of feeling goes on, not a man is there acquainted with the history of the past transactions of mankind but will tell you it shall be impossible to avoid the conflict of arms. Men now-a-days are too free in spirit to hear oppression, real or imaginary. " They will fight. You may trample on them if you will, but if they believe them selves, however erroneously, to be injured, they will bring you to a conflict, and then that *comes, you have heard the death knell of this Republic and of your Constitution. Separate these States once, , and you may again have a constitution, but it will not be the one under which you now live. It will be a different government, for the govern ment that then comes will emerge from the blood, and the smoke, and the conflict of bat tle. The strong man that shall lead his army to victory will be no Washington, for it is not we believe, in the providence of God to send another such as he." In the same speech Mr. CORWIN, .thus de livered his opinion Of Jon's' C. FREMONT : , "As to CoT. Fremont, all I have to say of hiin is thathe has no antecedents. (A laugh.) I believe he is an intelligent man, a gentle man in his manners, and I would be willing, under other circumstances, to see him elected to the office ; but he is not the man I want in these times of peril, so eloquently described by Mr. Harrison. Ido not want a man who has never been at the helm, and tried the mo tion of the ship. I want a man who has navi gated the same ship amid the shoals and breakers, and brought her safe and proud and high into haven." That's So. We find the subjoined paragraph in an ex change paper which places an important matter on its true ground. Read it atten tively : THE SLAVERY" EXTENSION FALSEHOOD.— The charge of slavery extension cannot be sustained• by fact or by argument against the Deinocratic party. The platform adop ted at Cincinnati does not contain a line, a word, or a letter,• which pledgeS the Demo cratic party of the' country to the extension of slavery beyond its present. limits. The candidates of that convehtion' have not writ ten or uttered a syllable • in, of such a pOlicy.. Democracy" remain upon the same ground assumed by them upon the ac luisition of California and New Mexico, maintained in 1848 ; sustained in 1852, and then endorsed by the Whig national conven tion, to wit—the principle of non-intervention, and the policy of non-intelference, by Congress, with slavery in the States Or Territories of the Union. The Democracy do not propose to depart, and they are not to be driven from this position, Whatever in ultra organ, North or South, may declare to the contrary. Whenever the affairs of Kansas shall be brought to a settlement, it will be through the instrumentality of the people of that Territory, and not by the dictation of citizens of Missouri or Massachusetts ; and wholly in accordance with the doctrines of the Demo cratic party. Itel.:FLowEns.—Last week we received from Miss MARY HALL, a beautiful boquet of flow ers in bloom. We award her The first pre mium of thanks. MARRIED. On the 21st instant, by Rev. A. B. Still, Mr. Smd - czt SMITH and Miss ELIZA ANN Blum" both of Shmers Creek, Huntingdon county. PHILADELPHIA MAME:MTS. MONDAY, Oct. 27.—The Flour market is firmer, the for eign circulars being much more favorable than the pub lished accounts. The demand for export is limited, and we notice sales 1,000 barrels superfine at $7ll barrel, and small lots of extra and extra family at $7.2507.50 '.IA bar rel. There is a limited demand for the supply of the city retail trade at $7058.25 'IA barrel. Rye flour is firm, with small sales 'ats3.B7V 2 ? barrel.. Corn meal is in steady request at $3.573 2 barrel. Wheat is in good demand, and lc. bushel dearer. Sales of 7000 bushels at 1560 157 c. 13 bushel ' for prime Southern and Penn'a red, and 1050167 c. for white. Rye is in good demand and scarce. Sales of 600 bushels new Southern at 78080 c. l bushel. Corn is active and steady ; sales of9ooo bushels good South ern yellow at 67c. bushel afloat, and 66c. in store. • Oats are scarce, and have advanced 203 c. 76 bushel; sales of 8000 bushels primp Delaware at 47 ®4Bc. bushel. The Next Congress Probably the most gratifying result of the recent election throughout the United States, says 'the Harrisburg Patriot, is the fact that the next Congress will undoubtedly be Dem ocratic. 'Already the Democratic gains amount to 44, which renders the political complexion of the next House certain, and the probability is that the Democratic major ity will be large. The Senate .will remain as at present. This fact, coupled with the certainty of Mr. Buchanan's election, will be gratifying to the whole country. The fac dons. which control the present House of Rep resentatives have become a curse to the coun try, and the people are tired of seeing our national halls of legislation made the theatre for the propagation of treasonable doctrines and sectional agitation. Like all rors, the Republican delusion will be short lived, and the destinies of the country will once more be placed in the hands of men who are actuated by patriotic motives and hold political principles wide enough to em brace the whole American Union. It is a pleasure to consider, that while the wildest ideas are germinated in our free coun try, and the most venal passions are some times encouraged by the designing until they grow into monstrosities, yet the reason and reflection of the people are always certain to check them ere they become dangerous. It will be thus with the dark god of Abolition ism. For a time it threatened to grow to such a magnitude as to overshadow one half of our country, but the giant Democracy has placed his foot upon the neck of the prostrate deity, and it will writhe in the dust until it expires. When James Buchanan is inaugurated President of the United States, on the 4th day of March, 1857, he will find himself sur rounded by men who sympathise with him on all great political questions, and who will aid him in quelling the jealousies that have arisen in our land. The time is not far dis tant when the bitterness which now exists between different sections of the Union will vanish, and our whole country will be har monious and all our people happy. For this great result the Democratic party strives, and its invincible power will accomplish it. • The following is a recapitulation of the elections for Congress this year up to the pres ent time : NEXT CONG. Dem. Opp. Dem. Opp Missouri, 4 3 2 5 Arkansas, 2 2 lowa, Vermont, Maine, 6 1 5 Florida, 1 -- 1 South Carolina,6 6 Penrisylvania,ls 10 6 _ 192 Ohio, .6 13. liadiana, 7 4- -, 2 • -9" 43 41 21 '63 2121 Dem. mj. new 0.3 Opp. maj. old Cong. 42 Democratic gain, The Congressional Delegation. The next Pennsylvania Congressional Del egation from present indications will stand thus: - 1. Thomas B. Florence, Democrat. 2. E. J. Morris, Amalgarnationist. 3. James Landy, Dem. gain. 4. Henry.M. Phillips, Dem. gain. 5. Owen Jones, Dem. 6. John Hickman, Dem. 7. Henry Chapman, Dem. gain. 8. J. Glancy Jones, Dem. 9. A. E. Roberts, Amalgamation. 10. John C. Kunkel, 11. Wm. L. Dewart, Deni. gain. 12. J. G. Montgomery, Dem. gain. • 13. Wm. H. Dimmick, Dem. • - 14. Galusha A. Grow, Black Republican. 15. Allison White, Dem. gain. 16. Dr. John J. Ahl, Dem. gain. 17. Wilson Reilly, Dem. gain. 18. John Commode, Amalgamation. 19. J. R. Edie, Amalgamation. 20. W. Montgomery, Dem. gain. 21. David. Ritchie, Amalgamation; 22. S. A. Purviance, Amalgamation. 23. 24. J. L. Gillis, Dem. gain. 25. John Dick, Black Republican. We have therefore carried 15 out of the 25 Congressmen, the Arnalgamationists not more than 8, the Black Republicans 2. BUSINESS NOTICES. Plain and Fancy Printing. Job work of all kinds—such as Handbills, Circulars, Business, Visiting, and. Show Cards, Tickets, Bill Heads, Deeds, Mortgages, and all kinds of blanks, &c., &c. neatly printed at the "Guam" Job Office, Huntingdon. Pa. Alai-Specimens of "Glenn" . printing can be seen at the office—which will satisfy everybody that it is no longer necessary to go to Philadelphia_ for neat work. Call and see for yourselves. • • : ' Ambrotypes and Daguerreotypes. E. P. PRETTYMAN respecifuly . 'informs the public that he is now perpared to take Dauguerroetypes and A_mbrotYPes on glass, put up with double or single glass. Rooms at the Station House, Huntingdon . Pa. Blanks of an kinds, Neatly printed and for sale at the "Globe," Office—such as Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Judgment and Common Bonds, Agreements, Leases, Judginent and Promissory Notes, Notes relinquishing all benefits of exemption laws, License Bonds, and all blanks used by Justices of the Peace. FARM AT PRIVATE SALE.—The subscriber offers at private sale the Farm on which resides, in Henderson township, Huntingdon county, Pa., about four miles east of Huntingdon, adjoining lands of James Porter,John Porter, Esq., and Others, containing 153 acres; about 60 of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the balance is well timbered with oak, hickory, maple, and both kinds of pine. The improvements consist of a new Dwelling House 22 by 26 feet, with a cellar kitchen, and Eh cellar in the basement, with a never-failing well of excellent water near the door, a new frame barn, and a young orchard of 70 trees, being a choice se lection from Waring's Centre Nursery. This is a very de sirable property—worthy the notice of persons wishing to purchase—being in a moral and healthy neighborhood, convenient to schools, churches, &c. Any further information desired can be had of the sub scriber on the premises, or by letter addressed to D. THOMPSON PORTER, Huntingdon, Pa. October 20,1556. girChester County . Democrat, publish three times, and send bill to this office. THREE TRACTS OF LAND FOR SALE.—We would offer for salo the following prop erty, viz:— —A FARM of ninety acres in Germany Valley, Hun tingdon county, it being one half of the Farm formerly owned by Geo. Eby, nearly all cleared and in a fine state of maltivation, choice Lime Stone Land. House and Stable erected thereon, within running water. 134 miles from Shirleysburg, and t miles front Penn'a Rail Road and Canal at Mt. Union. ALSO-15 acres of choice land adjoining the above on which is erected two good Houses, small Barn, Wood House, &c., with a never failing spring of good water, fine Orchard with choice fruit. This is a very desirable property and would be suitable for a mechanic, or any person desiring to retire from active life. ALSO—A FARM in Union township, Huntingdon coun ty, consaining 05 acres, one-half of which is cleared, and balance first quality of Timber land, situated within ono mile of the Penn'a Canal and Rail Road at Mill Creek. Either of the above properties will be sold low and on reasonable terms. Apply to the subscribers at Mill Creek, Huntingdon county, En. KESSLER & &RO. September 10, 1856-tf. KOTloE.—Letters of , . Administration IN have been granted to me upon the Estate of Nathan Scofield, late of the Borough of Huntingdon, deceased.— All persons indebted will make payment, and those hav ing claims present them to me for settlement. ROBERT LOTT, Administrator. October 27,185 G. TREMIUM AWARDED TO H. S. STAINS, of Scottsville, Huntingdon county, Pa:, for the best specimen of marble work: Send on ydur orders soon. - Scottsville, Oct. 21, 1356-Iy. CIASI GAS LIGHTS ARE COMING. —And so aro J. & W. SAXTON— Not with Gas, but with an entire new and well assorted stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensvrere, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Bonnets, Carpet and Oil Cloth, Wood and Willow Ware, and every article usually kept in a country store. We have one of the best selected stocks of DRY GOODS ever offered to the citizens of this place and vicinity, and are determined to sell lower than can be purchased at any other House east of the Allegheny. Give us a call and be satisfied of the fact. We will sell our old stock at cost. and a great deal under cost. Don't forget to call at "THE METROPOLITAN" before purchasing at any other house. We also purchase and store grain, and it is 'admitted by all that we have the safest place of un loading grain in town. All kinds produce taken in Ex change for Goods. J. & W. SAXTON.- REST COOK BOOK B-14FER PRINT ED. WIDDFIELD'S NEW COOK BOOK; OR, PRAC TICAL RECEIPTS FOR THE HOUSEWIFE. Comprising all the popular methods for Cooking and Preparing all kinds of Poultry, Vegetables, Preserves; Omelets, Terrapins, Pud dings, Jellies, Pastries, Desserts, Meats, Pickles, Sauces, Soups, Syrups, Cakes, Pies. Fish, Rolls, BY HANNAH WIDDFIELD, Celebrated for nearly Fifty Years, as a Cake and Pastry Baker in South Ninth Street, above Spruce, Philadelphia. Complete in One Large Duodecima Volume, Strongly There is not a lady living but should possess themselves of a copy of this work at once. It will give you all better meals and make your cost of living less, and keep your Husbands, Sons, and Brothers in an excellent humor.— Send for it at once by all means. . (Bead what the Editor of the Philadelphia Dablie Ledger, in that paper of Sept. 4th, says of it.) _ A VALUABLE Wonx.—" Next to having something- to eat is having it cooked in a style fit to be eaten. Every house keeper does not understand this art, and, probably, only for want of a little elementary teaching. This want is easily supplied, for T. B. Peterson has just published Mrs. Widditield's Cook Book, in which the experience of that celebrated person in this line, is given so clearly and with such precise details that any housekeeper of sufficient ca pacity to undertake the management of household affairs can make herself an accomplished caterer for the table without serving an apprenticeship to the business. The book is published in one volume, the typography good and paper excellent, with as much real useful information in the volume as would be worth a dozen times its price. •Get it at once." (Read what the Editor of the Ladies' National Magazine Pays of it in the number for October.Y "The author of this book, Mrs. Hannah Widdifield, was celebrated, for nearly fifty years, as a cake baker and pas try cook in Philadelphia. None of the receipts have ever before been published. They have been tried for years, by hundreds of Mrs. Widdifield's pupils, many of, whom we know personally; and we can, therefore, conscientiously - recommend them. They have, moreover, the advantage of not being too extravagant, as most receipts in modern cook books are ; and they also comprise everything relating to the table, preserving, tzc. We have no hesitation in pro nonncing it the best work on the subject there is. The great majority of the cook books, it is well known to the initiated, are made by incompetent persons, who have never tried the receipts they profess to recommend. We advise all to purchase this one at once." (Read what the Editor of the Dollar Newspaper says of it.) "All the receipts in this book are now for the .first time published in book form, and none of these receipts have ever before been issued in any other work but this ; and we have no hesitation in saying, that we believe it will prove, on examination to all, to be the most useful and popular Cook Book ever issued. The merit of these receipts is, that they have been tried for years, and therefore can be recommend ed conscientiously. It is the best book on cookery and re ceipts that we know of, and while it will be iAeful to ma trons, to young housewives it will be indispendable." IM.Copies of the above celebrated Cook Bot,k will be sent to any one to any place, free of postage, on remitting One Dollar to the Publisher, in a letter. Published and for sale at the Cheap Bookselling and Publishing House of T. B. PETERSON, No. 102 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. To whom all orders must come, addressed. PRESENT CONG •M..WANTED--Canvassers in every ton - nand county in the United States, to engage in the sale of this popular book, to whom they will be supplied by the dozen, hundred, or thousand, at very low rates. Everybody will want it. Est T. B. Peterson has just published an entire new cat alogue, which will be sent gratisto any person, on their sending for one. October 22, 1856. TNSTJRANCE NOT I C E.—Notice is ji hereby given to the members of the Cumberland Val ley Mutual Protection Company, of Dickinson township, Cumberland County, that the undersigned has been ap pointed Collector of Assessment No. 7 of said Company, and that ho will soon call on said members for the amounts due by them respectively. ROBERT GOSIIORN. October 15, 185 G. QTRAY STEER—Came to the premi ses of the subscriber, in Barre() township, Hunting don county, on the 13th of September last, n brindle steer calf, about eight months old. The owner is requested to cane forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away. otherwise he will be disposed of according to law. Oct. 13, 1886.* CHARLES DUFF. A.DMINISTRATORS' NOTIC E.- Letters of Administration on the Estate of JOHN StisitßEit, late of Walker township, Huntingdon county, dec'd, having been granted to the undersigned Administra tor, all persons indebted to said Estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement to JOSEPH McCOY, D. IL CAMPBELL, Oct. 15, 16 . 56.* Administrators. WHAT CAN WOMAN DO ?—This long expected book by T. S. ARTHUR, is now ready for Agents and Canvassers. It is having an immense sale, and is considered one of his best efforts. In it will be found Mr. Arthur's views on the vexed question of WOMAN'S RIGHTS, and what she can do as SISTER, WIFE and MOTHER. Specimen copies sent by mail on receipt of the price, $l.OO. J. W. BEA)LEY, Publisher, 48 North 4th Street, Philadelphia. N. B. We publish all Mr. Arthur's Nov Books. Send for our list, and terms to Agents. October 15, 185,6. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE.-SIX FARMS and FOUR TRACTS OF WOODLAND, con taining together about 1500 acres, situate in Huntingdon county, Pa., will be exposed to public sale, some time in December next, as part of the Real Estate of the late JOHN RER, Esquire, deed. These lands lie in a compact body on the western side of the Juniata river, and within a short distance of the borough of Huntingdon. The Mansion Farm of the late Judge Kor, dec'd, contain ing 237 acres, upon which are valuable improvements, will be one of the farms to be offered for sale. It is expected that Orders for the sale of these lands will be obtained at our next November Court. In the meantime those de siring to purchase, are invited to come and examine this property. Please call upon the undersigned, at the resi dence of Mrs. M. C. Ker, in the borough of Huntingdon, who will show these lands, and give every necessary in formation in regard to them. The terms of sale will be easy, as ono third of the purchase money will remain in the hands of the purchaser during the life time of the widow of said deceased. lEENRY M. KER, - Administrator of John Ker, deceased. - October 15, 1856-3 t. EGISTER'S NOTICE.-NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested, that the fol owing named persons have settled their accounts in the Register's Office, at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will be presented for confirmation and allowance at an Orphans' Court to be held at Huntingdon, in and for the county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday, the 12th day of No vember next, to wit: 1. Benedict Stevens, Esq., Administrator and Trustee to sell the Real Estate of Ludwick Kloster, lute of Springfield township, dec'd. 2. George Lang, surviving Administrator of Patrick Lang, late of Walker township, dec'd. 3. Henry Id. Ker, Administrator of John Kor, (who was in his lifetime one of the Administrators of Patrick Lang, dec'd,) this being an account of the Administration of the Estate of Patrick Lang, dec'd, by said John Ker in his life time. J. John Henderson and Harriet Henderson, Administra tors of George Henderson, late of West township, dec'd. 5. David Thompson and Martha Thompson, Administra tors of John Thompsun, late of Henderson township, dec'd. 6. David Mountain, acting Administrator of Wm; Dean, Esq., late of Walker township, dec'd. HENRY GLAZIER, Register. Itratsrzres Huntingdon, Oct. 15, 1850. Bound; Price One Dollar 0 LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, &C. SHERIFF'S SALES.:- - -By virtue' of sundry writs of Venclitkirri Exponas and Fiera Facias issued out of the Court or Common Flews of Huntingdon county, and to me directed, I will expose to public sale at the Court lionsef in the borough a Huntingdon, on TUES DAY, the 11th day, of November, 1856, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, the following described real estate, to wit : One House and Lot in the borough of Pe tersburg, fronting sixty feet on Main street and extending back one hundred and twenty feet to a street, bounded on the east by Abraham Renner, on the north by Abraham Cresswell, having thereon erected a two story frame house painted white, and a shop. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John G. Ritter and Re becca Ritter. ALso—A certain Lot of Ground adjoining the Borough of Birmingham containing about oito dere more or less, adjoining a lot of John Owens Esq., od the west, the public road leading from Birminghami to Water street on the south, lands of Shoenberger on the north and cast, on which is erected a Brick building seventy feet in length and 35 feet in depth, three stories high, with a stone basement, known as "The Mountain Female Seminary." ALso—A Lot of Ground in the borough of Shirleysburg, lying on the west side of Main street, front ing sixty feet on said street and extending back 140 feet to land of Samuel Carothers, bounded on the north by a Lot of the widow Bicket, south by a lot of the heirs of James Carothers, dec'd, having thereon erected a two-story log house, a small kitchen, and log stable and other buildings. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the prop erty of James Smith. -.Aso—All the right, - title, interegt and. el aka of the defendant, Thomas Wallace, of, in and to a piece and parcel of meadow land situate on the margin of Standing Stone Creek in the borough of Huntingdon, adjoining a lot of George Jackson on the nerd', a lot of Wm. Dorris, Sr., on the south, another lot of said defendant in the same inclosure, on the west, and said creek on the east, contain ing seven acres and sixty-four perches, be the same more or less. ALso—A lot of ground situate on the south eastern corner of Church and St. Clair streets in' said bor ough, fronting about seventy-four feet on St. Clair street; and extending back from the sante two hundred feet to the old line of the said borough and western boundary of the above-mentioned and described lot, bounded on the north by Church street, and on the south by a lot owned by the widow Ilawn, including the whole of lot No. 172 in the re corded plan of said borough. ALso—Four contiguous lots of ground sit nate in said borough, bounded on the north and west by the !termer farm, on the east by the Warm Spring road, and on the south by a lot of the Hon. James Owin, Nos. 1, 2 & 3, as represented on a map of said lots, divided on the 16th day of October, 1855, for - the defendant by J. Simpson Africa, County Surveyor, containing each four acres, and No. 4 containing about nores, be the same more or less.— Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the prop erty of Thomas Wallace. Anse—All the right, title and interest of John Donaldson, one of defendants, in and to all that mes suage, parcel or tract of land situate in Union township, Huntingdon county, on the westerly side of the Juniata river, and bounded by lands of Matthew F. Campbell, Esq., James Hampson, John McComb, and others, containing ono hundred and forty acres, be the same more or less, be ing the same lands mentioned in an article of agreement dated March 19, 1850, between John It. Gosnoll, John Don aldson, James Donaldson, and Michael Ifennig. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Donaldson. ALso—All the right, title, interest and claim of deft., J. T. McVey, of, in and to a certain lot of ground No. situated on the corner of Market and Com merce (now called Lyon) streets, in the borough of Bir mingham, in the county of Huntingdon. being 60 feet on Market street and extending back 165 feet more or less. ad joining John Grafflus on the north-east, having thereon erected a two-story log dwelling house plastered, with a brick store house, a frame office building, a stable and other buildings, (which was extended by the Inquest and eanfirmiml 14th January, 1556, and accepted by db(etidant at the rental fixed by said Inquest; Which rental has not been paid, as per affidavit of Plaintiff. See Precipo filed) ALso—The following Tract of Land situate in Shirley township, Huntingdon county, and bounded by John Levy on the west, Robert Bigham on the north, Black Log Mountain on the east,—containing two hundred acres more or less, about 100 of which is cleared, having thereon erected two small log dwelling houses and a log barn.— Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of David Knepp. ALso—Two small parcels of land situate in the town of Scottsville, in Clay township, Huntingdon county, and bounded on the east by a lot of Adam Guttman and north by David Heck and west by Samuel Smith, south by public road, containing in all one and one half acres, more or less, with the following improvements thereon— a two story log house. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the property ,of Joseph Banks. ALso—All the defendant's right, title and interest in the following described property, to wit :—A tract of land known as the henry Houpt tract, containing about 270 acres on Broad Top, Tod township, adjoining lands of It. Hare Powell, Gen. A. P. Wilson and others, hav ing thereon erected a two-story log house, barn and other improvements, and about 100 acres cleared thereon. Arso—A. tract of land known as the "Cor bin Tract," containing 300 acres and allowance, situate on Rocky Ridge, Tod township, adjoining land of Taylor's heirs and others. Also, a tract of land adjoining the above known as the Cornelius tract containing 395 acres, 5 perches and allowance. Also, a tract of land adjoining the above, warranted in the name of Speerand Martin, containing 96 acres, 153 perches and allowance. Also, a tract of land, adjoining the same, 'warranted in the name of Eliel Smith, containing 152 'acres, 9S perches and allowance. Also, a tract of land situate on Broad Top, Tod township, warrant ed in the name of Speer and Dougherty, containing 439 acres and 51 perches and allowance, adjoining the William Much Coal Bank tract, John McLain, Michael J. Martin and others. Also, all the interest of said defendant in the land of Michael J. Martin and Joseph S. Martin, (now dee'd) which he holds under certain articles of agreement, for the same, with John Dougherty and George W. Speer, or other wise, as the same appears of Record in Huntingdon. Sei zed and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William H. Irwin. ALso—All the right, title, claim and inter est of defendant, of, in and to a lot of ground in the village of Shade Gap, Huntingdon county, numbered 18 in the plan of said village, made by J. W. Matthias. the 14th of March, 1849, lying and being on the west side of the road on main street of said village—which runs at 1234 degrees north—said lot being 60 feet in front on said street and ex tending back at right angles thereto 140 feet, to a line par allel to said street, having thereon erected a small house and other buildings. Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of James Wilson. ALSO—A Lot of Ground situate in the town of Burnett, Tod township, Huntingdon county, fronting 50 feet on Henrietta street, and extending back 140 feet to an alley—bounded on the east by a lot of Michael McCabe, and No. 26 in the plan of said town—having thereon erect ed a two-story log house 16 by 26 feet, with other improve ments. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas McGillan. JOSHUA GREENLAND, Sheriff. Sirmtrres °MICR, Fluntingdon, October 8, 1856.} ITEW GOODS! NEW GOODS'!---At D. P. GWIN'S CHEAP STORE! D. P. GWEN.' has just received from Philadelphia a large and beautiful assortment of FALL and WINTER. GOODS, consisting of the 'most fashionable Dress Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen, such as Black Silks, Chamelion and Fancy Silks, French Merinoes , All Wool Delaines Persian Sculls, Coburg Cloth, Levelly Cloth , Alpaca, Debarge Madonna Cloth, Wool Plaids, and any quantity of Fancy Delains,— Prints of every description. Atso—A large lot of Dress Trimmings, Dress Buttons, Bonnet Silks, Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts, Do siery, Laces, Veils, Collars, Undereleeves, Chimazetts, Mo hair Head Dresses, Gum Belts, Whalebones for Skirts. Silk and Linen Flop, French Working. Cotton, Fall and Wool Shawls, and a variety of Fancy Goods too numerous to mention. - - - - Also—Cloths, Black and Blue, Black and Fancy Cassirneres, Cossinets, Tweeds, Kentucky Jean, Vestings, Flannels, Sack Flannels of every color, Canton Flannel, Cotton and Nankeen Linsey, Muslins, bleached and unbleached, Ticking, Checks, Table Diaper, Woollen and Linen Table Covers, Sheeting Muslin 234 yards wide. Woollen Yarns different colors, Woollen Coats and Caps, Comforts, &c. Silk Bonnets of every description and color, largest assortment in town, and at prices that can't be beat. Also, Vats and Caps, latest styles, Boots and Shoes, Queonsware, Hardware, Buckets, Tubs, Baskets, Oil Cloths, Groceries, Salt, and all goods usually kept in a country store. .j My old customers, and as many new ones as can crowd in, aro respectfully invited to call and examine my Goods. No charges for looking. dll kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods at highest market Prices. Iluntingdon, Oct. 8, 1856. VALUABLE FARM, OF LIME STONY: LAND, FOR SALE.—The subscriber will of fer at public sale, on Tuesday, November 11, his farms sit uated in Norris township, and containing 265 acres. 250 acres under fence and in good cultivation, the balance tim ber land. This property is divided about equally into two farms, with a large brick house and frame tenant house, a large barn, wagon shed a n e • and corn crib, carpenter and blacksmith shops .on one, and a good frame house and barn on the other; with good water and fruit on both pla ces, and in a healthy neighborhood. Also, at the 8111110 time and place, I will offer 496 acres of mountain land, in lots of from 50 to 100 nave, to suit purchasers. This land is well set with thrify young chest nut, white and yellow pine, and oak timber, and conveni ent to the farms, with good roads to and through the same. The above property is within 1 7, mile of the Penna. It. It., and 234 of the canal at Water Street. For further partic ulars, address SAMUEL P. WALLACE, - - . —tes Oct. 8, 1.8e6 . 'Spruce Creek, P. O. T6LDMINISTRATOR'S N 0 TIC E.- Letters; of Administration on the Estate. of JOHN A RY,late of West township, Huntingdon county, dec'd, having been granted to the undersigned, be hereby noti fies all persona indebted to said Estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. • JESSE HENRY, - Oct. IS, 1856: Administrator. DIJBLIC SALE.---By virtue of the Will of James Campbell, dee'd, I will expose to pub. he sale on the premises in the town' of Ma.rkleaburg, on THURSDAY, the '23rd day of OCTOBER, 1856, at 11 o'clock a. m., ONE HOUSP. and LOT OF GROUND, situated on the confer of Bedford and It. It. Strixiti measuring sixty feet in front on Bedford street, and extending back on R. R. street one hundred and sixty feet, with a large Weather-boarded frame two-story House, with a store house attached to it ; the buildings together nieasuring 60 feet in front on Bed ford street, running back along li. lt. street 40 feet. There is also on the premises a good stable and large corn crib, with a ' good well of never failing water convenient to their house. One Third of the purcinise money to he ttlad fn 'kW or at the making of the deed, and one•third in ode year there after, with interest, and the remaining third At the death of the widow, the interest to be Paid half yearly, and the paynients to bei secured by bonds and moftgage. ALEXANDER PORT, Surviving Administrator of Jrunds Calnpbell, deed. October' 1,185 Ci. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIC Letters of administrati6t) on the Estate of ENOCIE UiItLCOTE, late of Tod township, Huntingdon county, dec'd, ha: ing been granted to the undersigned Administra tor, all persons indebted to said Estate are hereby notified to make intmediate payment, and those having claimer against the same to present them duly authenticated for' settlement to , DATLD BERKSTRESBER, October 1, 1856. Administrator. FEMALE LITERARY ASSOCIA TION. NeW books ready for subscribers in the Li brary rooni in the Court Rouse, on Saturday at 3 o'clock, when and where the Librarian will attend for one hour. Oiilfillen's Modern Literature, ale* Hugh Miller's, Mrs, Stowe'e, Mrs.l3let's, and other works. Subscription 50 cents per year. New stebseriptions cited. Huntingdon, Oct. 1,1856. UNTRY DEALERS can buy CLO THING at 11. ROMAN'S as cheap as they can in the Huntingdon, October 1, 1856. EDI rc.HE AIR !—Eyery gerttlenian attend ing the Fair, should call at the cheap Clothing Store of. ROMAN, Market Square, Huntingdon. before they' return home. October 1, 1856. lir ANSAS QUESTION SETTLED !-- PEACE RESTORED! !--By latest arrival from the East, the subscribers have just received, and are now open ing the largest and most carefully selected assortment of HARDWARE ever offered in the Huntingdon market.— Our Stock consists in part of BUILDING MATERIAL, such as Locks. Hinges, Screws, Boas, Glass, Putty, Oils, White Lead, Fire Proof and Zinc Paints. MECHANICS' TOOLS in great variety, including many new inventions 'and late improvements. We invite the attention of Saddlers alul Coach makers to our large and splendid stock 6f SADDLERY and COACH TRIMMINGS, including all the latest styles of Harness Buckles, Gig Trees, Self-Adjusting Pad Trees, Saddle Trees, Horse and Mule Hames of 30 different varieties, Girthingi . flog Skins, Patent Leather, Enameled Leather, Enameled Muslin, Coach Lace, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes, Shafts, SpringS, Axles. &c., etc. . . . • LADIES and 1101/SEg.EEPERS generally, will Brui iL greatly to their advantage, to call and examine our new stock of FINE TABLE UTLERY, Silver and Common Spoons, Silver Butter Knives, Lamps, Hollow-Ware, and other House furnishing goods, including many new and useful, inventions. In our recent purchases, we have bought at such rates, as enable us to sell even lower than heretofore. No charge for showing goods. All orders from abroad promptly attended to. JAMES A. BROWN d; CO. Huntingdon, Oct. 1, 1856. . . . • . , QTAUFFER & HARLEY: . CHEAP 'WATCHES and JEWELEt, -Wholesale and retail at the "Philadelpiiiti Watch and Jewelry Store," No. .9a, • Noith Second street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. •,.. Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled 18 carat cases,— $2 00 Gold Lcpines, 24 00 Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled, 12 00 Silver Lepine, jewels, 909 Superior Q”artiers, 7 Of? Gold Spectacles, 7 00' Fine Silver do., Gold Bracelets, Ladies' Gold Pencils, Silver Tea Spoons, set, Gold Pens with Pencil and Silver Fielder, 1 00 Gold Finger Rings, 373 cents to 1,10 ; Watch glasses, plain, 1234 cents; Patent,lgs/,.;' Lunett, 25; other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are sold' for. STAUFFER 8 BARLEY, , On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than the above prices. October 1, 1856-Iy. lIROMAN has just opened a very . large stock of FALL AND WINTER t LOTHING, consisting of Coats, Pants, Vests, and other articles of gen tlemen's wear. Call awl examine for yourselves. NEW WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE.—JOHN FRISCH respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon county, that he has just opened a new store on Hill street, opposite Straus' Store, Hunting don, for the sale of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. His stock is entirely new and of the best quality, and will be disposed of at fair prices. The public generally are requested to call and examine for themselves. Repairing of Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry, done in the best manner on short notice. _. JOHN FRISCH. HuntlNdon, Oct. 1, 1856. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIC E.- Letters of Administration on the Estate of JOHN tiAItDNER, late of Barree township, Huntingdon county, dec'd, having been granted to the undersigned, he hereby notifies all indebted to said estate to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. Oct. 8. 1856.* -1 ,-- -001i HERE !-L. WESTBROOK has just arrived with a splendid assortment of BOOTS SHOES—FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. la ; _zl__Call and examine his stock. L. WESTBROOK. Huntingdon, Oct. 8, 1856. ejOSEPH FUSSELL, successor to H. B. FUSSELL, Umbrella and Parasol Manufacturer, No. 2 North Fourth Street, N. W. Corner of Market, Philadel phia, has now on hand an extensive assortment of the newest and most desirable kinds, including many NEW STYLES not heretofore to be had in this market. An ex amination of our stock i$ solicited before purchasing else where.. LV_Prices as low as any housin the city Philadelphia, Oct. 1, 18.56-Im. musicAL.—The 'aubscriber having located himself in the borough of Huntingdon in tends to give lessons on the Piano Forte and Singing. All persons wishing to receive musical instruction will find me at Mrs. ilampsonss. Those scholars that have Pianos can receive lessons at their residences. No extra charges for going to scholars houses or singing. Oct. 1,1856-3 m. P. BRUNKER. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—The under signed Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's Court of ngdon county, to distribute the balance in the hands of John Householder and Moses Hamer, Executors of Wil liam Householder, deceased, amongst those entitled to re ceive the same, hereby gives notice to all persons interested, that he will attend for the purpose of making said distri bution on Saturday, the 25th day of October, 1856, at one o'clock P. M. at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, when and where all persons interested may attend if they think proper. JOHN RHEA Auditor. October 1,1856-4 t. A.GIS:--All persons who have bought chop at our store and have failed to return the bap, WI I do so immediately. LOVE & October 15, 1856. VEli/XECUTORS' NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the will of LIAM MAGILL, late of Jackson township, Hunting don county, dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to the estate of said deceased, are re quested to make payment, and those having claims to pre sent them for settlement. SAMUEL STEWART, JAMES W. MAGILL, Executors. Oct. 6, 1856.* NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS !- JUST RECEIVED BY D. P. GWIN, and now open and ready fur customers. Call and examine my extensive assortment. , D. P. GWIN. Huntingdon, Oct. 1, 1856. MORE MEN WANTED IMMEDI- - ATELY.—A few more enterprising and active young inen can find immediate employment, by which they can make $6OO or $l,OOO a year. to act as agents for several' new and popular works just published exclusively for; agents and not for sale in bookstores. We have a grad number of agents employed, many of whom, are making, from $l6 to $2O a week. Those who wish to engage in ttatV plevoomt and profitable business, will, for particulars, gte.ii. address, C. L. DERBY .l CO., Publishers and. Wholesale Booksellers, Sandusky City. Ohio.. Editors of Newspapers, by giving the above and follow ing three insertions and calling attention to it, and send ing a copy containing it, will receive any three of the Rd- - lowing works: • Life of Josephine, by Madly, $1,25; Life of Lifayritte, , do., $1,25; Life of Napoleon, do., $1,25; Wild Scenes of a , llunter's Life, $1,25; Life of Mary and Martha Washing- . ton, $1,59; Odd Fellows Amulet, $l. Any person wishing any of the above books can have) them sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of the abovei retail price. Address, C. DERBY Fc Oct. 8, 1856.-St HICKOK'S PATENT PORTABL KEYSTONE CIDER AND VINE and ed Nov. 20, 1855.—This mill occupied about 23 feet b r 3 feet, and is 4 feet high, weighing 370 pounds , /OWis work.. ed by hand or horse power, and goes Eery eaellr . Two men can make from 6 to 12 barrels of Cider rdi ff t h e directions are followed. For sale; at the manufacturers prices . , by itossra. Taylor and Cramer, Huntingdon, Agents. Prlne $4O. Huntingdon, Sept. 16, 1866: JERE3IIAIT GARDNER, Administrator 1 50 300 1 00 5 00