THE HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, &C. THE GLOBE. Circulation—the largest in the county. 110Tritaramoz IP Wednesday,' October 29, 1856 • FOR PRESIDENT, , JAMES BUCHANAN, of Pennsylvania FOR VICE PRESIDENT, JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, of Ky. Afrar-Ta - E FEARFUL ISSUE TO DE RECEDED ore TUESDAY /TEXT! Shall the Constitution and the Union STAND OR FALL? FREMONT—the sectional candidate of the advocates of TussoLutioN! BUCHANAN—the candidate of those who advocate ONE COUNTRY—ONE UNION—ONE CONSTI TUTION and ONE.' COMMON DESTINY! ." Frown indignantly upon the first dawning of everrat tempt to alienate any portion of our country from the rest, or to enfeeble the sacred ties which now link together the 'various parts."—George Washington. "If I know myself, I am a politician neither of the East, nor of the West, of the North nor of the South—l there fore shall forever avoid any expressions, the direct tendency of which must be to create sectional divisions, and at length disunion, that worst of all political calamities."— James Buchanan.. "I am connected with no party that has for its object the extension of slavery, norwith any to prevent the peo 'pie of a state or territory from deciding the question of its existence or non-existence with them for themselves.—The 'democratic party is not a pro-slavery party—it is neither pro-Slavery nor anti-slavery."---John C. Breckinridge. "Froin my soul I respect the laboring man. Labor is the foundation of the wealth of every country; and the free laborers of die North deserve respect both for their probity and Their intelligence. IfeaVen forbid that I should do them wrong? Of all the countries of the earth we ought to have the most consideration for the laboring man." —James Buchanan, "That - Country is most prosperous where labor com mends the greatest reward."--.lances Buchanan. "We are all Equal before God and the Constitution." James Buchanan. "If the Union is lost, all is Zost. Anarchy first will en sue, and then despotism-! Oh, my friends, beware—sEwarnel Think, pause, and again think, before giving countenance to those whose patriotism embraces but a segment of the country."—Gen. Lewis Cass. "I am against agitators North and South. • I am against all narrow and local ideas North and South, and against all narrow and local contests. lam an American, and I know no locality in America: My heart, my sentiments, any judgment, demand of me that I should pursue such a course as shall promote the good, and the harmony, and the union of the whole country. This I shall do, God wil ling, to the end of the chapter." —Daniel Webster. "The Federal Union—it must be preserved."—Almanw JACKSON. —" _Disunion is a word which ought not to be breathed amongst us, even in a whisper. The word ought to be consid ered one of dreadful omen, and our children shpuldbe taught that it is sacrilege to pronounce it.".--JAXES BUCHANAN. "I have been abroad in other lands; I have witnessed arbitrary power ; I have contemplated the people of other countries ; but there is no country under God's heavens - where a man feels for his fellow-man except in the United States. And if you could feel how despotism looks on— hovr jealous the despotic powers of the world are of our glorious institutions, you would cherish -the Constitution and Union in your hearts—next to your belief in the Chris tian religion—THE BIBLE FOR HEAVEN, AND THE CONSTITUTION OF YOUR COUNTRY FOR EARTH.;'— JAM'S BUCHANAN. "TO THE 'WORLD A NATION, TO OURSELVES A CONFEDERACY —John C. Breckinridge. Hon. Josiah Randall. Hon. JOSIAH RANDALL, of Philadelphia; 'who, twelve years ago addressed the citizens of Huntingdon, advocating the cause . of the Constitution, the Union, and TrENHY CLAY, on. Monday" eveningoccupied the same stand advocating the cause of the Constitution, the Union, and JAMES BUCHANAN. We have but to say that his speech was a, powerful one and will doubtless prove very effective, in its re= sults. He appealed to his Old Line Whig friends to do as he was doing—as their fellow Whigs in Philadelphia intend to do—vote for JAMES BUCHANAN. We wish every man in Huntingdon county could have heard the old patriot. Democrats ! Old Line Whigs I Give no heed, so near to election day, to the wild stories of the enemy. STAND TOGE THER—SHOULDER TO SHOULDER! Do your part in the general work which the cause requires. By this, and the voice of the United Democracy on the great day of elec tion will proclaim BITCLIA.NAK and BRECSIN RIDGE President and Vice President. Hear their Treason ! It has been repeatedly charged by the Dem ocrats, that the leaders of Black Republican ism are traitors at heart—that they hate the American Union, defy the Constitution, and long for the overthrow and destruction of both. We have many extracts emanating from those men to show that this is true, and here is another of the same kind. A writer in the Progressive Age, a Fremont paper down in Belfast, Maine, says-- " NOW FELLOW CITIZENS, I AFFIRM, (and I do so with honest convictions of the truth,) THAT THE NORTH WILL NOT SUBMIT IF THEY ARE DEFEA.TED." Traitors in our Midst! The following letter will show the charac ter of the men imported by the Black Re publican Party from Kansas into Pennsylva nia for the purpose of deceiving and hUmbug ging our people on the Kansas question. It will do very well for such men to talk and prate about "bleeding Kansas," so long as they are well paid for it. The individual al luded to, while in Kansas, played the part of a traitor and an outlaw, and was doubtless supported by the igassachusetts Aid Society, and after having been compelled to obey the authorities and submit to the lards of the Ter ritory, he came to Pennsylvania as an of the same society, Ito denounce our Presi dent, the democratic party,. and insult the in telligence of our people. The vote at the last election, shows what reliance was'placed upon Smith's statements. Mn. Lzwrs—itry Dear Sir:—The man call ed Smith, who spoke in this place on "Kan sas,"- a few days since, I am not personally acquainted with ; but I do know that a true bill has been found against 'him for "HIGH TREASON," and that he is now under, bonds to appear and stand a trial. In Kansas Ter ritory,- he is, and has been actively engaged with the party in rebellion to the govern ment.' They are anti-State Rights men or Abolitionists, and in Kansas, openly avow their hostility to -the Constitution and the Union. I would rather such 'men should de nounce than praise me. . Very- truly, your friend, WM. BRINDLE. Huntingdon, Pa., Oct. 22, 1856 Reffir..Our news from all parts of the county are of the most cheering- character. Nov for'. " a. long pull—a strong pull—and dpull altogether," and the day is ours ! I+ Fr 2 Ni 4_o1 1 all *AI IMO 1 41_ 0 1 1 21=1,71-V4ll-1 Freemen of Huntingdon County J' Pre pare for the . Great Contest ' HEAR OUR LAST WORD! All the questions involved in the Presiden tial contest have been discussed—and those who are not enlightened now, never will be. One great fact, says a cotereporary, was demonstrated on Tuesday, the 14th of Octo ber. The Democratic party—always true to the Constitution and the Union—can discom fit and overwhelm any party or parties, com bination or combinations, composed of the isms of the day, and resting their claims to popular favor on the political bigotry and narrow Mindedness which form the corner stones of Black Republicanism. On the State ticket we aehieved a glorious victory—one that will be memorable in the history of the Union. On the Electoral ticket —if true to our principles and to our party— we will achieve a greater and more signal triumph—one that will still forever the howl ings of faction, and give peace and prosperity to the whole nation. What•has the country-to gain from the per petual agitation of the slavery question ? Citizens of Huntingdon county ! without regard to party distinction, we appeal to you, and ask you, What have we to gain by it ? Will the fanatical agitation which reigns today give freedom to a single bondman, ,en large your own liberties, add one centto your ivealth, or, in the slightest degree, contribute to your welfare and comfort as a people? '• " We leave the solution of the question .to yourselves. Look, calmly, coolly, deliberate ly, at the candidates who are presented for your' suffrage. Ponder well before you cast your votes. The Democratic party present to you JAMES BUCHANAN : . And who is JAMES BUCHANAN? Not a stranger—not a man unknown to you, and undistinguished in the history of his country—but your neighbor, born and ed ucated on the soil of Pennsylvania, which he has honored and distinguished by a brilliant career of statesmanship, surpassed by few, if any, of his predecessors or cotemporaries. Such is the Democratic candidate. He is known to you all, either personally or by rep utation, as a man of unblemished morals, ac knowledged ability, and large experience in public affairs. He is identified with you in all your interests, and has served you faith fully, in various capacities, for ' more than thirty years, Agitators and demagogues—men of narrow minds and fierce passions—men who misin terpret the Constitution and hate the Union —talk to you about " bleeding Kansas" and the " Ostend Conference"- - =about our domes tic and foreign policy—identifying Mr. Bu- CRANAN with what, in their madness, they term the " atrocious Democratic policy," and ask you to vote against him simply because he is a member of that party, And who do they present to you as Mr. BUCHANAN'S competitors? If MILLARD FILLMORE were the only; or even the prominent, opposing candidate, We should only object tehim that he' is not a Pennsylvanian, and that, as Pennsylvania has never had a son of hers in the Presidenz tial chair, she should, in consideration of her own interest and her own honor, vote for her own son in preference to a stranger, This is all we should say. We acknowledge MIL LARD FILLMORE to be a tried statesman and a national man, and we couldd bear his elec tion without a murmur. But 'he "is' not the strong man against whom Mr. BUCHANAN has to contend. The wire-pullers, the political hucksters and thimble-riggers, JOHNSTON, POLLOCK, STE VENS, PENROSE, and such men, are striving to throw the Electoral vote of Pennsylvania for JOHN C. FREMONT. And who is JOHN C. FREMONT? A stranger toyou all. A man whose birth place is unknown, and who ; outside of his career, as an explorer, has no honorable ante cedents. - A. man who, for twenty-one days' service in the U. S. Senate, charged. and re ceived full pay for the session, and who is now indebted - thousands of dollars , to the gov ernment for .moneys overpaid to him on false certificates. " SUeli. is the Black Republican candidate , Citizens of Huntingdon county, on -Tues day next you must choose between this' man —this strangerand JAMES BtrentorArr, the honest son of your ,own State. Be not deceived by the artifice or sophistry of pedling politicians Now, fellow-citizens, the time for argum — ent has gone by, and.the time for action arrived. Work day and night! On election day, go to the polls EARLY, and VOTE. • After you have done this, see that preparations - are made to bring out, the ACED and INFIRM ! ,Oring out the old gray haired Patriarchs ! Their votes are sure for Buchanan. In the meantime, LOOK WELL TO TOUR TICKETS ! and see that you cast no vote that will dishonor your own State or endanger the Union. Mark our last words, Poll Every Vote! " His Life is without a Stain." Says Rufus Choate : "JAMES BUCHANAN has lon experience in public affairs ; Ms commanding capacity is universally acknowledged ; his life is without a stain." The Buchanan Club. The Buchanan Club of Huntingdon will meet at the Court House on Saturday even ing. Mr. SCOTT is expected to address the Club. The Foreign Party We now and then hear a great deal about what some are pleased to term . the "Foreign Party." The Journal editors were near be ing thrown intnhysterics over• the success : of the 'Foreign Party !' A few months agothey boasted that a large portion of the adopted vote would be cast for Fremont, and even condescended to flatter the 'honest Germans!' Look, reader, at the horde of foreign German Infidels and Revolutionists, who have • been expelled their own countries, where they Sat at defiance all Law and Order, and . preaehed insurrection and revolution, now the hirelings of John C. Fremont and the Revolution party in this country! These fellows: are opposed to the Christian Religion—opposed to the SABBATH—opposed to all LAW, human and divine—opposed to peace, order and tran quility, and forever engaged in revolutionary schemes. Their principles are at war with society. They are SOCIALISTS—and would violate the sanctity of the marriage bed and degrade mankind to the level of the dumb brutes of the forest—to a licentious, promis cuous free' living! They are foreigners, with foreign principles. One of these characters, named Hcecker, in a speech delivered before a German Fremont meeting, extracts from which appear in New 'York papers, had . the rampant audacity and impudence, to declare that the, " Democratic party of. the United States is a pa,rty- of drunkards and. scoundrels." Another declared, "We need a Revolution here !!" Do not such sentiments strike every honest man with alarm ? Here then we have the Fremont party clearly identified with the only class of Foreigners from whom we as a people .have anything to fear ! But they plead." Free Speech!' What is to be done? How are they and their principles to be de feated ? We answer—by the votes of every friend of his Country—of every friend of Lib erty, Humanity, Christianity. Now is the time for men to show their patriotism. Let the good men of all _Parties rally around the standard of JAMES BUCHANAN, -the rep resentative of the 'American people in this contest—let us unite to a man in beating back the surging tide of Infidelity and Revolu tion—and when this shall have been accom plished, we can lay the flattering unction to ,our souls that we have done our duty..-It will be a grand moral triumph. It will be a blow against Disunion, Revolution and An archy—it will elect JAMES BUCHANAN, and restore 'peace and confidence to our dis tracted country. Think of these things, you that are interested. The Clergy not all for Fremont. The New York Journal of Comturce says: " Almost all the clergy in this part of the country are claimed for Fremont. The claim is, in a good measure, unfounded. We know that a number of our most distinguished cler gymen are in favor of Buchanan. A minis ter of the Lutheran Church, also a pastor of a Reformed Dutch Church, have each; thro' our columns, expressed a belief that a major ity of their clergy—in the case of the Luther ans a very large majority acre for Buchanan and Breckinridge." In Huntingdon county a majority : of the Clergy, we believe, cast their votes for the democratic party, at the late election—a rare thing ; however, in this locality. But there were a few whose conduct Seas as inconsistent and contradictory as are the principles, or rather professions, of the opposition. To our mind it seems a little strange that a. minister of the Gospel Should one day denounce the Know Nothings without stint or measure, and the next, turn around, and go it "the whole hog," by voting, and electioneering violently among the members of his congregation for Know-Nothingism—the offspring of Mr. Ed ward Buntline, the greatest blaCk - guard in the land; for Black Republicanism, whiehwas hatched and is brooded by all traitors in the country ; for Revolution, Anarchy, Spir itualism and Infidelity, preached by the Ger man Infidels and Red Republicans of France Who are now traversing the whole western country irudoctrinating these principles into the minds of the peoPle. We might also - add that the devil is supposed to, have an agen cy in this matter." • •:. We are charitable enough to presume that all the Clergy done what they thought was their duty, but we cannot help remarking that a few were actuated more by fanaticism and• prejudice than any thing else—Aat -a few strained at a gnat but gourmandized camel -hoofs, hide and all. It is the politi cal clergy that are for Fremont, and not the pious. ministers of.the Gospel. Or Republicans." We find the followingeominiunication in the Boston Post. r Read it: To clairn't4:;l be ,a republican PARTY—Dad then a convention to nominate a candi date for - the presidency,' representing only 16 states out of 31 which compose the REPUBLIC! To claim to be an anti-slavery PARTY—and then to select a slayeholder as a candidate for the presidency To claim to be the PARTY in favor of FREE DOM, in.favor of the' blacks—and then propose to enslaie the WHITES who emigrate to Kan sas I 2. To endorse Sumner's abuse of South Caro lina and South Carolina men—and then se lect one from that state to be their standard bearer ! To abuse the administration of President Pierce, and. to characterise the measures of the democratic party as absolutely wicked and even infernal—and not to propose the re peal of a. single enactment of which they com plain ! Read the Other Side. The Huntingdon American, of last week contained the following screeching :" The annbria Trthnne, in speaking of the election, says "that - the Irish and Dutch took charge of the election in Conemaugh District No.l, and_ drove the Native .voters from the polls, by which - the Union State ticket loskone hundred votes in Cambria county." * * '* Americans! shall these things be permitted? Are the Native born American citizens to be controlled and governed by the thieves, murderers, and exiled paupers of Ireland and Ger many It is a happy thing, no doubt, for the Know Nothings that they can cover their late over whelming defeat by a tirade of abuse against the " . Irish and Dutch"—by uttering afoul falsehood. . We invite the attention of every candid man to the following truthful account of the affair given by G. NELSON SMITH, Esq., of the Johnstown Echo, a man of unimpeach able veracity. It effectually gives the lie to the above statement : 'lnfamy Unparalleled. ~ Familiar as has been the 'wickedness and bitterness of the opposition party to the people of this locality, yet no instance of their perfidy and corruption will show a par allel with the iniquity of their conduct about the Cambria City election. In the first place, knowing that there would be a ma jority against them in the Cambria City box, they had de termined that there should be no election held there. Con emaugh township was last year divided into three election districts, and the voters had neglected to elect their boards of officers at the Spring election. They had consequently to meet at the election house in each of these districts on the morning of the election to choose a board of officers.— The opposition knew there would be a Democratic major ity in the Cambria City box, and had threatened weeks be fore the election, that there should be no election held there. Long after the, boardliad been, organized, and they were -proceeding quietly and peaceably with the election, some of the rowdies of this borough were sent there armed and _equipped for the express purpose of raising a disturbance and breaking up the election. There is no doubt about the thing being concocted some days before. The d—d Irish and Dutch were to be assaulted and driven from the polls. This arrangement the opposition attempted to carry out. Rowdies of desperate character from this place, who had 310 business there, and- were not citizens of that district, went there armed,„ and by the most base and dastardly conduct, goaded the qualified voters of the district to such a degree that they were compelled to drive the intruders from 'the ground. . • This is a fair and plain statement of facts concerning the disturbance at the polls in Cambria City on Tuesday last. :Yet thellepublicans, (?) as if their very hearts were indoctrinated 'with the virus of hatred and anti-christiani ty, have perverted truth and reason, and charged the poor Irish and Germans with being guifty, of acts of the most diabolical character—acts which, these Black Republican "freedom shriekers" encouraged their own ruffians to com mit. - It appears as if a constitutional infirmity of the opposition to deal in falsehoods and misrepresentations.— The most villainous falsehoods have been circulated by them for political effect, until they have become complete ly depraved, and the depravity has become chronic. We will at this time say nothing more upon this subject but will revert to it at another time. We have just passed through one ordeal, and are in the midst of another.— When we have passed through it, wo intend to'devote our attention to the conduct and bitter invectives of some dap per gentlemen of this place.—Johnstown .Echo. Is Col. Fremont an Infidel? Horace Greeley has gone to the - trouble of issuing a pamphlet to refute the charge that his presidential candidate is or ever - was a Roman Catholic. lie now turns to a still graver charge, but is content to state it and the authority on which it is made. The Tri bune of a: late date says:' " There is still further evidence that Col. Fremont is not a Roman Catholic? coivr. STOCKTON ASSERTS POSITIVELY IN HIS SPEECHES THAT HE KNOWS lIIM. TO BE AN INFIDEL." So, Horace Greeley is willingto admit that Col. Fremont is an infidel, because that proves that he is not a Catholic. He gives Commo dore Stockton as the witness who asserts the fact of Col. Fremont's infidelity, and virtu ally concedes its correctness by quoting it as proof that he is not a Catholic. The conclu sion is legitimate that Mr. Greeley thinks an infidel for President would be better than a Roman Catholic. We have heretofore insist ed that the tendency, of abolitionism is to in fidelity. We did not expect the Tribune to admit it quite so early. • Amalgam.ation—Negro Suffrages. The Senaca, (Olt Advertiser, Speaking of a recent Black Republican gathering at that place, says : - " At the Fremont mass meeting the Repub licans from Oberlin marched arm in aria with the negroes, and nearly all the "kuller ed pussons" on the ground wore silk badges with Fremont and Dayton printed thereon." This is but one of many incidents (says the Detroit Free Press) of a similar charac ter Which have occurred during the present campaign. And not only have negroes walk ed in Fremont processions, but negroes have addressed Fremont meetings ! What do white men think of this ? Do they Wish negroes to be placed upon an equality—politically and socially—with themselves , they do not they will most assuredly act against the Black Republican party, the whole teachings Inc tendencies of that organization • being to wards amalgamation. The Free Press fur ther remarks : "At a recent' fusion meeting in Bucyrus, Ohio, Gov. Chase addreSsed a portion of his remarks to a largenumber of negroes who were present assuring them that thd time was not far distant when they could not only March in procession but vote also! • All over the North prominent Republicans are adyo cating negro. suffrage, and the right of ne groes to send their' 'children to the public schools with:the whites ; and the most prom inent journal 'of Republicanism—the New York Tribune—advocates the ' election of a negro, Fred. Douglass, ;to Congress I" " There are in this country millions of the African race. . They should. be treated with kindness by, our people, and endeavors made to:elevate their condition, mental and physi cal. But an amalgamation between them and the whites is abhorent to nature, andhe must be looked upon with loathing by every citizen in whose breast natural instincts are not superseded by the most revolting fanati cism:. Cyrus L. Pershing, Esq. The JohnstownEcho,says : The•only thing wanting to have filled our cup of joy to overflowing, was the election to Congress of our talented and manly young friend, CYRUS L. PERSRING, Esq. Nobly did he battle the combined forces of the enemy in Somerset, Blair and Huntingdon. He run against an odds of 2500 in the District, and has been beaten less than 350. But in his defeat he has the gratification of knowing that he has won imperishable honors and un fading laurels by his brilliant oratorical powers during the campaign. ffis election would• have been the most grand and impor tant victory ever achieved in the State. As it is, he has crowned himself with honor and glory. What have we Gained ? PENNSYLVANIA with her 27 electoral votes INDIANA with her 13 electoral votes Total, " To which add 120 votes from the Southern 'States—making 160 votes—or 11 more than suificient to elect. The result in Pennsylva nia and Indiana will settle the question in New York, .Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Michigan, Illinois, California and Wisconsin. These States, will east for BUCHANAN and BRECKINRIDGE 82 votes, which added to the above will give them in all 242 votes out of the 296 compos ing the electoral colleges. We have thus answered the question at the head of this article. But in addition to en suring the election of our candidates for the Presidency and Vice Presidency, the result of Tuesday's work in Pennsylvania and In diana aetermineS the still greater question of the perpetuity of the Union. Black Repub licanism, alias Disunionism, has been killed outright, and its dead carcase will be buried so deep in November that the hand of resur rection cannot reach it. What We Want. We want (says the Pittsburg Post) to elect Buchanan entirely „by Northern electoral votes. Can it be done.? Is it not at least possible.- The North has 176 electoral including •California. We cannot doubt that New Hampshire, Connecticut. and Rhode Is land will east their 15 electoralvotes for Penn sylvania's favorite son. Of Nevi York and New Jersey we have, no doubt. Our friends there assure us that all is well. That makes 57 ; Pennsylvania as : perfectly sure-84; Michigan, Indiana,'lllinois added-114. In Otio, it is said that the Fillmore electoral ticket will poll nearly 50,000 votes. Take that fact, and the late election result together, and the State is sure for Buchanan ; that makes 137; California brings it up to 141. In lowa there is a separate Fillmore ticket, and the last election there was persistently claimed as a Fillmore triumph. If the Fill more ticket polls-even 3,000 votes, the Demo crats will carry the State. This makes 145. It takes 149 to elect. Now then for Wisconsin. The local elec tions in many places in that State last spring, indicated a rapid Democratic gain, and in most of the places a decided Democratic ma jority. The Wisconsin Democratic papers assure us ,of a triumph there. Gentlemen from there are inclined to the same belief.— Wisconsin has 5 electoral votes ; that would make 150. Now, if the Democrats work with all their might in all the Northern States, from this to the evening of the 4th of November next, they may elect Buchanan exclusively with Northern votes; and then set down the 120 Southern votes as purely a •compliment to Northern nationality, constitutionality, pat riotism•and justice. That is what we want. From the Stars & Stripes Read! Read ! ! Read !! ! WHITE MEN SHOVED BACK TO MAKE ROOM FOR NIGGERS. A cotemporary describes the following in cident which occurred at the Fre:mond Barba cue in Morgan county, Michigan : " The most characteristic part of the whole affair occurred at the table : A mechanic who had hitherto been a strong 'Fremont man was on the ground with his wife and child. At a given word he attempted to cross the rope to. the table ; but was met by one of the. mar-, shals and told to stand back and give room for the ladies. He stepped back as he, was told, when seven or eight women, "as black as the ace of spades," advanced before him to the table, and ate with the rest of the Fre mont ladies and gentle Men. This was too much for him. He tore the Fremont badge from his breast, and swore that although he was a poor mechanic, he was yet a little bet ter than a negro. He said - that if he and his Wife were to be thrust back from a Fre- Mont barbacue to give place to negroes, he no longer was a Fremont man; andimmedi ately stamped the, Fremont badge under. his feet and declared his intention to vote for Buchanan. We are informed that four or five ,others did likewise. It is said that not less than twenty negroes ate at the first ta ble." What do our mechanics and our laboring men think of the indignity above described? Such is however, the inevitable tendency of Black Republicanism. The creed of that party is "down with the white man, and up with the nigger." • It is high time that, the laboring men of the North shOuld see the consequences, ofthe Success of the special ne gro sympathizers. 'Let three million of slaves be liberated and they would fall upon the people of. the North as, di'd the locusts upon the Egyptians. Our people, too, would re gard, thel6warip of blacks as great an laic . - tioii as did those of. Egypt the swarm of in sects. If Pennsylvania should receive no more than her proportion, her citizens would be infested with about half a million. What effect. would such legions of indigent creatures have upon the wages.paid for man ual labor ? Is it not obvious that the price would be greatly diminished ? That portion which would fail to obtain employment, would become a charge upon the communities in which they should be. Our . poor houses, if 'not our prisons, would be filled, and inCreas ,ed taxation:would necessarily follow. Scenes similar to that which transpired at the Mich igan barbaCue, would be matters of almost every day occurrence. White men and wo- Men would be shoved aside to make room for ignorant and insolent Sambos and Dinas. If the mechanic—the white laboring men— the freemen of the North—=wish to avert such a calamity they must aid the Democracy in overthrowing Black Republican abolitionism. 40 electoral votes ADDREss To the People of Pennsylvania. FELLOW CITIZENS :—The Democratic State Central Committee' of Pennsylvania congrat ulate the people of Pennsylvania, and of all the States of the Union, upon the unprece dented victory which has crowned our exer tions. The 14th of October, 1856, will hencefor ward be memorable to our annals. Assailed from within by enemies of the Constitution, and from without by the assail ants of our glorious confederacy, we have no bly triumphed. • Too much credit cannot 'be given to the manner in which our organization has been perfected and carried out. It is impossible for language to convey the profound gratitude we entertain for our gal lant and eloquent friends from other States who have come hither• to assist us in this great struggle. • But our duty is not fully discharged. We have utterly routed the enemies of Out free institutions upon the sacred soil from which the Declaration of Independence was proclaimed, and upon which the Constitution of the United States was adopted. In the hour of victory it is howenr well to remember that there are other obligations to be fulfilled, and that an organization so com plete, so admirable and so widely extended, must still be adhered to. Therefore, fellow-citizens, persevere in the good work so nobly begun ; rejoice over the magnificent triumph you have achieved ; and remember that the 4th day of November, now close at hand, is that day upOn which you are to Complete the great work yesterday so aus piciously commenced. Pennsylvania, the great barrier . against which the waves of sectionalism have dashed, has maintained her proud integrity. While all . the new world has looked upon her—while all patriotic hearts have hoped that she would stand firm in the midst of the terrible respon sibility imposed on her—she has preserved a noble moderation and an inexorable firmness. She has repelled from her presence the men who have been sent among her population, to deceive and betray them. The great victory we have achieved has first of all, sustained our illustrious and be loved Buchanan. Here, in his own State; the torrent of fanati cism has been stayed. Here, where he was born, and where he has lived a life of signal purity and patriot ism, he has been upheld by the proud and generous people of Pennsylvania. The ennobling sentiment of State pride has done much for us in this contest. Our people have responded to their glorious leader, to his history, and to the long list of services which have immortalized his name ; and. from this day henceforth it will be some thing to say that a Pennsylvanian, true to his country and true to himself, will not want or wait for friends among his own fellow citizens. The Platform of the Deinocratic National Convention, upon which JAMES BUCHANAN stands, has been vindicated; the great prin ciple of popular sovereignty advocated in ev district and township in the State, during this fearful conflict, has been. vindica ted, and the aspersions upon his character have been refuted and trampled under foot. And the proud honor of achieving this splendid result belong, not to the old: Demo cratic party alone, which, with reanimated vigor, entered into the contest and persevered to the end, but we are glad . to acknowledge that it has been shared by thousands of na tional Whigs who have assisted us with all their energies, and who are henceforth to be counted as our brothers, and our compatriots. From this day till the 4th of November, 1856, let meetings be held in every School District and township in the State. Let us keep up the fire which now burns so brightly. Let us not be deceived by the idea that the opposition will be divided. Fused on the 14th of October, and confused by the tremendous and memorable rebuke they have received, for trying to deceive the people of the State, they will seek to shelter themselves by another combination in No vember. They are enemies to us and to the Consti tution alike, no matter what name they- bear, or under what flag they rally. . 'Those who have professed to be National have sunk their Nationality in an eager de sire to defeat the only National party in exis tence; and those who were sectional have at tempted to postpone or to apologize for their sectionalism, in order to win a guilty victory. Once more the Democratic State Central Committee appeals to the National people of the State to maintain their organization, and to continue the work so nobly began, until it is, as nobly finished on the 4th day of Novem ber, 1856. JOHN W. FORNEY, What a Week has brought Forth. One week's glorious - work of the Democra cy is thus summed up by the Cleveland Plain, Dealer : We have carried Pennsylvania. We have carried Indiana. • We have carried Florida. We have elected a Democratic Legislature in Pennsylvania. We have elected a Democratic Legislature in Indiana.' . We• have gained nine. members of Congress. in Pennsylvania. • • We have gained four members of Congress in Indiana. We have gained seven members ,of Con gress in Ohio. We have secured a United States Senator in . Pennsylvania. We have secured two United States Sena tors in Indiana.. We have gained a majority in the next House of Representatives. We have decided the result of the next Presidential election. Senatorial District. Cresswell. 2768 1544 1963 2506 1958 2047 Cambria, Blair, Huntingdon, Crasswell'a maj. 592. Congressional District. Edie. Pershing. 1474 2823 2620 1939 2194 1936 2504 1780 Cambria, Blair, • Huntirigdon, Somerset, Edie's maj. 314 VS-DEMOORATS ! TURN OUT TO THE POLLS, RAIN OR SHINE! ' Chairman_ 6689 6097 8792 8478