THE HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, &C. T- IST OF - PREMIUMS to be avitirded n j by the Agricultural Society' of Hun: in . gdon county, At t no Fair to be held at llantin.gdoil, on the Bth, 'oth and 10th of October next, 1856. HORSES. '''" - - • , Best Stallion, . $3 00 Hest shaft horse", 200 Second best do., .. 300 Second best do., I, 00 Third best'do., ' .2 00 Beet riding ,horse, 2OQ Best 2or 3 year old colt, 300 Second best to.. 100 " colt under 1 year old, 100 Beet match torsett; 404 " brood mare, - 300 Second best . do. 200 Second best do., 1 50 . 'Judges: A. P. Wilson; loq., Efunti:ngdcoi; R.• F. flasiett, Spruce Creek ; John Colder, Porter; David Rupert, Hays Buhllton, Franklin. NEIi.T . STOCK. Best pair work. oxen, $4 GO ,Best cow, . 3 00 Second best do., 300 Second best do., • 2'oo Third best do, 200 Best 3 year old heifer, 200 Best hull, - ' 300 " two year old do.,' 100 Second best do, 2 ocr " calf, 100. 110G,S. ri 00 Best sow; ' 2 00 Second best, 1 00 Best litter of pigs, SHEEP, Best Um; ' Second Lest do., Third best do., Best fine Wooled buck, 300 Second best do., 200 Second best do., 200 Best fine wooled owe, 300 Best Southdown do., 300 Second best do., 200 Second best do., •_ . 200 Best long wooled do., 300 Best long wooled do., 300 Best Southdown do., 300 Judges: Samuel H. Bell, Shirley ; Wm. Hileraan, Morris ; Peter Livingston;Barree; John Garner, Penn-; Eli Wake field, Brady. ILOI.I - IXC; 4 00 Third cto., on Second best, - 3 00 Fourth do., 1 00 Judges; liaisho. Shoemaker. 'Henderson; John Shaver, Shirley; -A. B. Sangaree,-Walker : Wm. Itutehison, War riorsinark ; Samuel Wigton. Franklin. AGRICIJLTJRAI. IMPLEMENTS. Best plow, 3 00 Best wheat drill, " harrow, 200 " corn planter, " cultivator, " 300 " horse rake, " hill-sideplongh, 300 " reaper, " GO. " mower, Judges: John S. Isett, rvoiklin; Peri.y Moore,Morris; George Jackson, Jackson L: Green , ay; Isaac Long, Walker. GRAIN_ 4 00 Best rye; 300 Destonts, Best wheat, Second bast, do., :3 00 Best buckwheat, 2 00 Best Indian Corn; Second bes.t ..Tugges: Thomas Fisher, Huntingdon; Hon. Thos., Stew art,:West; George Eby, Shirley; James Entrckirr, Hope well; Leonard G. Kessler, Brady.- DCI.\LESTIC MANTIFACTITRES. 3 00 Best hard soap, 200 Second best do., 1 00 Best candles, 1 00 Second best do., 50 Best carpet, 1 00 Second best do., 50 Best hearth rug, 300 Second best do., 2 00 Best flannel; Best bread, Second best do, Third best do., Best pound cake, Second best do., Best sponge cake, Second best do.'„ Best butter, Second best do; Third best do., 1 00. Second best'do., Best 31aple sugar,. 1 00 Best quilt, Best cheese, 2 00 Second best do., Second best do., 1 00 Best wool socks, Best apple butter,. , 100 Best worsted do., Best tomato catsup, 1 00 Deft ornamental noodle Best honey, 1 00 work, 100 Best jelly, ' _ 100 Second best do., 50 SeCond best do., 50 Best silk embroidery, 160 Best preserves, 1 . 00 ,Second best de., . '2 50 Second best do., 50 Best shell work,' 1 00 Best pickles, 100 Second best do., - -. '5O Second best do., . 50 , ~-',- .Persons whose trade is baking cannot cnter this list. in competition, as it is intended for the encouragement of housekeepers. But bakers may compete aMong themselves and obtain like premiums. Judges: John Scott, Esq., Pfuutingdork; .John Porter, Esq., Alexandria; Mrs. John Gemmill, Porter; Mrs. A. W. Benedict and Miss Prudence Jackson, Huntingdon. MECHANICAL IMPLEMENTS AND MAINTIn'ACTURES, Best two-horse carriage, 200 of tin ware, ' 100 " buggy, 100 " lot of earthen and - " set of single harness, 1 00 stone NvAre; ' 1 00 " set of-d'arming do., I'oo " cooking stove, 100 " bridle and saddle, 100 " cashing machine, 50' " pair of boots, 100 , made meat vessel I'oo " do. shoes, 50 " churn. • 1 00 " side of sole leather, 100 " best pair, of horse " kip and calf skin, 100 shoes, : -50. a side harness & upper.l 03 " specimen of marble, " lot of cabinet ware, 100 work, _ , • 200 " and greatest variety ' ' . Judges: Geu. J. C. Watson, Mill Creek; Peter Stryker; Porter; James Saxton, Huntingdon ; Br. J. A. - Shade, Shade Gap; James Wilsomllernierson. . 1111) /TS, Best and greatest vari- Second best do., ety of, apple., , 300 Best quinces, Second best. do., 200 Best and greatest Taxi- Best dozen Fall apples, 2CO ety of grapes,, 300 Second best do-, 1 00- Best native grapes,. 2 00 Best doz. Winter apples, 200 Second best do., . 100 Second best do., - 1 00' Best'clozen peaches,' 200 Best pears, 200 " '•-plums, 100 _ . .. __ _ Judges: R. Bruce Petriken, Dsq., Huntingdon; Dr. Wm. Swoop% Porter; Jacob Cresswe Tod; Thos. T. Cromwell, Esq., Cromwell; David Hawn, Walker. - VEGL'T.A.DLE'Zi Best potatoes, 2 CiG 4, turnip.:, Second best do., 100 " onicins, , Lest sweet potatoes, 200 " 6 - 21tiry, • . - " tomatoes, 100 " cabba ,, e,' - Second best, 00 " squascies, Best purple eggs, 50 " pumpkins, 4 - peppers, 00 -" water melon, " beets, 50 " musk - melons, " parsnips, - ~ -, 50 " beans, " carrots, , - 50 < . peas, Jtal,Fs: Israel Gra-fins. Esq., Porter; 'Alexander Port, E' q., Huntingdon; Gen. John .3.leCkimb;Jackstolvn; David Ilenderson, Franklin; John Gennuill, Porter.- • • . • FLORAL Best display of flowers test variety of dahlias,. 100 in bloom, `2 00 Second best do., - , 00 Second best do., 100 Best boquet, - . ' - 00 Best display of plants, 300 - Judges: Geo: C. Bucher, Porter; Col. S. S. Wharton; Huntingdon; Mrs. P. C. Swoops, Miss Julia Miles, Hun tingdon ; Miss Matilda Colder, Porter. . . POITIIIIIY. Best pair of turkeys, 100 Second best do.. - 50 Second best do.. 50 Best pair of chickens, 100 Best pair of geese, 100 Second best do., 50 Second best do., 50 Best display of poultry, 200 Best pair• of ducks, 1 00 Second best do., 1 00 Jettjes: Dr. John McCulloch, Huntingdon; Daniel Wom elsdort. Esq.. Franklin; George Wilson, Tell; Simeon Wright, Esq.. Union; Wm. P. Orbison, Esq.. Huntingdon. Judges on Discretionary Premiums, for articles not