THE HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, &C. THE GLOB Cticulation- - -4he largest _in the' county .10iTif i lrEht3011 1P26 Wednesday, October 8, 1856. FOR PRESIDENT, JAMES BUCHANAN, of Pennsylvania. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, JOHN C. BRF,CKINRPG.F4 of Ky. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. SENATOILIAL,„ Charles It. 13nekalaw, Wilson lirCandless DISTRICT. I—Geo. W. Nebinger, , 13—Abraham Edinger, _ 2—Pierce Butler, 14—Reuben Wilber, - 3—Edward Wartman, 15—George A. Crawford, 4—Vm. li. 'Witte, 16—James Black, s—John McNair, - 17—H. J. Stable, 6—john N. Brillion, - ' 18—John D. Roddy, 7—David Lanny, 19—Jacob Tlrrney, 8--Charles Kessler, 20-3. A. J. Buchanan, 9—James Patterson, , , 21—Wm. Wilkins - Id—lsaac Slenker, 22—James G. Campbell, 11—P. W. Hughes,23—T. Cunningham, 12—Thomas Osterhout, 23John .Keatly, 25—Vincent Phelps. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, GEORGE SCOTT, of Columbia county. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, JACOB FRY, Jr., of Montgomery CO. FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL, JOHN ROWE, of Franklin county. M').*r(slri;' ( h')* 'J;i(.+yaM{ :iceiA CONGRESS, CYRUS L. PERSHING, of Cambria county SENATE, JOHN CRESSWELL, Jr., of Blair county ASSEMBLY, JOHN H. LIGHTNER, of Shirloysburg. Dr. ROBERT W. CHRISTY, of Blair co DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. SI - MR.II.T, GRAFFUS MILLER, of Huntingdon. ASSOCIATE UUDGES, JOHN LONG, of Shirleysburg. JOHN CRESSWELL, of West. COMMISSIONER, HENRY ZIMMERMAN, of Hopewell DIRECTOR OF THE POOR, DAVID BARRICK, of Barree AUDITOR, AUGUSTINE L. GRIM, of Huntingdon. THE BUCPLEkNAINT PLATFORM. "The Federal talon—it must be preserved."—AmmEw JACKSON. . _ —" Disunion Ls a word which ought not to be breathed amongst ue, even in a whisper. The word ought to beconsid ered one of dreadful omen, and our children should be taught that it is sacrilege to pronounce it."--,LvarEs Remember next . Tuesday! Citizens of Huntingdon County, on next Tuesday, you have an important duty to dis charge. The cause of your country, of the Constitution and the Union, requires that you perform that duty :well. The time for argument has gone by—the hour for vigilant, energetic action has arriv- I _ _ The candidates presented by the Democra tic Party, for the suffre,ges of the people, are unexceptionable. They are men possessed of high moral characters, and eminently qual ified to fill the stations to which they have been nominated To you, Democrats, would we especially appeal, to do your whole duty. Work with an earnestness worthy the party you profess to sustain—let your actions prove that you are honest in the cause I Remember, too, thatmany Old Line 'Whigs, men of influence and popularity, are with you! Remember that many advocates of "Americanism" and. "Black Republicanism," are with you, declaring that they will vote the whole democratic ticket, and thereby re buke the tricking, trading, and vascillating course of their would-he political masters Remember ! that those "would-be political masters" have already been "driven to the wall" by the fearless and independent men of their own parties, and that they are now utterly discomfited! They see defeat staring them in the face, in consequence of the de termination of their parties to rebuke them at the polls, and have, as a last resort, made another change in their ticket—but, alas, for them, a still more unlucky change!! The tide of public opinion is against them,—it points to the triumphant election of the whole Dem ocratic Ticket. Then "PUT YOUR SHOULDERS TO TUE WREEL--PRAY TO GOD FOR SUCCESS- AND PUSH ON THE COLUMN!' Nratraous.—Since Gov. Geary, of Kansas, has rid that country of the fanatical Aboli tionists, they can be found scattered over all the Northern States, Lecturing on Kansas af fairs. They must have a living off of some body, and if they cannot any longer plunder the settlers in Kansas, they will make the ef fort to•humbug the honest people in this and other states. They are at the service of the opposition as long as they are wanted, and their expenses paid. Mr.. The Journal was wrong in saying that some of the Democrats took sweet milk at the Saulsburg meeting—the only persons taking that article were two Fillmore men and one Fremonter. Keep the saddle on the right horse hereafter. Bartholomew Laporte This right arm of the renegade WILMOT, voted last winter in favor of negro suffrage in Pennsylvania.. Those in favor of negro equality will' vete for the Fusion State ticket, with LAPORTE'S name' on. it, the 14th of Octo ber. , SEPThe Old Line Whigs everywhere con tinue to declare their preference for Mr. Bu chanan. The Sham Old Line Whig Conven tion which asssembled. at Baltimore is not likelito pull the wool over the eyes of many a titan- • The Tide had Tuined! There-is no long& any doubt or uncertain:- ty upon this point. It is one of the fixed facts which admit of no controversy. the . most brazen. among our opponents dare not give it a denial. The game of brag, Bluster, swagger, impudence and falsehood, is nearly played out. The people are coming. As the Providence Po..t well says, the FREMONT disunionists are beginning to feel that the tide has now turned against them. Any one can perceive that their enthusiasm is dying out. Instead of the proud, stately tread of the victorious soldier, they are already ex hibiting the feeble, halting, hesitating-, limp ing gait of the weary fugitive from justice, who is expecting every moment to he over taken by some mortal enemy, from whose grasp, once fixed upon him, he may never escape.' They cry for more help, - for more "zeal," for more "enthusiasm," for more "immense gatherings,"—hut to little pur pose. The 'people do not respond. They "tell Chapman to crow"—and Chapman crows—but so feebly, that nobody listens but to laugh at his impotence. Already the Rocky Mountain fires are going out ; the Rocky Mountain huts are being deserted. The people have lost their faith in mule meat, and ask for something else. They in quire for a sTAT.EsatAN—not for an explorer. They want a man of character—not a reck less adventurer ; a true patriot—not a filli buster; an honest man—not a defaulter. It is evident that the FREMONT fires were kindled too soon. The fuel is all gone.. A Fremonter of intelligence admitted a day or two ago, in the hearing of a score of men, that his party had been disappointed in their candidate, and that Judge MCLEAN would have been nominated, if the character and qualifications of FREMONT had been better understood. The more his record is exam ined,- the blacker it looks. Developments in relation to his career in San Francisco are cooling the ardor of his clerical friends. His reckless use of the monies and credit of the government, while acting the assumed character of Governor of California, in defi ance of the orders of his superior officers, is opening the eyes of thinking Men. Ms votes in the Senate are icebergs_ to the ardor and zeal of the honest anti-slavery people. And his pledge to the Germans that he will, if elected, veto any bill altering or prolonging the term of naturalization, strikes down the last hope of honest FILLMORE Know-Nothing support. One by one,the fires go out 7 —the zeal deadens—the shouts grow fainter—the watchwords and rallying cries are abandon ed—the mottoes are hauled doWn. And now it is- our turn. The Democratic watch-fires are just beginning to be kindled; the Democracy, always unconquerable when aroused, are throwing off their lethargy, and arming for the contest. The "old guard"— its ranks filled with recruits from the flower of the old Whig army—is taking the field. The Democratic masses are warming up. The ancient banner is spread -to the breeze. The people see it, and are rallying beneath it. It is their hope to-day, as it has been their hope in every hour of the country's peril; and they mean to sustain it. '. In our life-time we have never seen the Democratic party of the country in better working order than it is at this moment. Within thirty days it has acquired a "new ness of life," a vigor of action, an earnest ness of spirit, that carries dismay to the hearts of its enemies. Its fears of defeat have vanished. Its determination to con quer has become a part of its life-blood. That confidence which inspired it when the gallant hero of New Orleans was its stand ard bearer, has come back again ; and hence forth there is no such word as fail. Its march is right on—right on to victory. To a victory as certain as the decree of Omnipo tence ; as glorious as that achieved by Wel lington at Waterloo. Democrats, everywhere the skies are bright ening. The spirit of disunion has done its worst. Sectionalism is losing its hold upon the people. Our ranks are filling up ! We say what we know, when we proclaim that our enemies are every day losing strength. The tide has turned, 'and Democracy is on the flood.. The breeze is fair, and. every hour gains freshness. Let us be thankful for it, and with three cheers for our gallant Commodore, square the yards, and try the mettle of the old Democratic ship ! Old Iron sides forever ! Independence and Union, one and inseparable. Clear the dedk for ac tion. Let the good old ship Constitution pour in an old fashioned broadside into the "low, long, black schooner" of disunion, on the 14th of October, which will blow her out of water or sink her to the bottom. In the northern portion of this State the Democracy challenged the opposition to meet them on the stump at the same time and place. Burlingame and Thaddeus Ste vens accepted the challenge to, meet our champions at Indiana, Indiana• county, and discuss the questions at issue, but when the time came, shamefully backed out. They axe afraid to meet the Democracy openly and fairly.—They well know that our party stands upon the principles of the .Constitu tion and that the arguments of our speakers are incontrovertible. ELECTION RETURNS.-WO hope to be able to announce in our issue on Wednesday next, the result of the election in our county and state. We shall appreciate the favor if our friends throughout the county will send us the returns at the earliest moment possible, Keep it before the Peepie. Rep it before the people; that every vote cast for JOHN C. FREMONT, is= a vote ; against the .Conttitution of the country—that 'great char ier Qf our liberties and . bend of Union, won by the blood and toil" and Sacrifices of the Revolution. Keep it before the people, that every vote cast for JOHN C. FREMONT, is a vote endors ing the vile, malignant and unwarrantable abuse, which, for the last twenty-five - years, has been incessantly poured upon the heads of our Southern brethren by the Abolition hirelings and fanatics of the Eastern States, who would glory in a disselutien of the Union. Keep it before the people, that the election of erotiN C. FREMONT would be hailed with joy and thanksgiving by that class of men whose leaders have pronounced the American Constitution—the work of those who achiev ed our Independence—"a LEAGUE WITH THE DEVIL," and a "COVENANT WITH HELL!" - Keep it before the people, that every vote east for-the Fusion State Ticket--LAPown, COCHRAN, and 'PHELPS-1S a vote to help JOHN C. FREMONT; the Abolition candidate, to the Presidential Chair—a position for which his followers have yet to prove he pos , sesses one single qualification. Keep it before the people, and particularly before our adopted citizens, that the Black Republican ranks are filled with those who, as members of a secret order, are sworn to proscribe a man on account of his religion and the place of his birth, and who have the unblushing audacity to ask the support and suffrages of the very class of people whom they would disfranchise and degrade. Keep it before the people, that the Democrat= tic party has always defended- the interests and the rights of the poor man, against the encroachments of the rich—that it was by a Democratic Legislature that the "TEN lIOUR LAW" was passed, and that the only opposi tion to that measure came from men who had steadily and persistently opposed the Demo cratic party and its doctrines, all their lives. Keep before the people, that the entire policy of the National Government, under - which we now live and prosper, was inaugu rated and established by the Democracy of the Union, after long years of warfare,—and that so well has that _policy worked to pro mote the welfare of all classes of the commu nity, that there is no disposition to change it by any party, or in any quarter. - - Keep it before the people, that the champi ons of the-Black Republican party—the BUR LINGAMES; the IVILMOTS, the STEVENSES ; and the Wnsoxs--after having accepted the chal lenge of our Democratic speakers, to discuss lipfax-cx ilia plinplo, - rostruin, the great question of Union or Disunion, involv ed in the present struggle,—ingloriously re treated from the field, thus acknowledging the weakness of their cause, and their fear of exposure, when confronted face to face with the omnipotent poWer of TRUTH. Are You All Ready ? Freemen of Pennsylvania—friends of our National Union—patriots, Democrats—are you all ready ? Are you fully organized and equipped in every borough and township in the county ?—Have you seen that every Democrat has been assessed, and that his taxes are paid? Have you taken measures to bring out every voter on the day of the election ?—There is no time to be lost, Let every man go to work, and leave no honor able means untried to secure the success of the State and County ticket. Fail not in the zealous performance of a great duty to our party, our country, and to humanity.—There is not a single moment to spare.—Every where an unscrupulous and unprincipled fac tion is making unheard of exertions to defeat the Democratic State Ticket in October. Let us show them that we are prepared for the struggle—that we realize the vast im portance of the issues involved in the con test, and especially the importance of a great Democratic triumph in October. We think so too The Boston Journal (FREIE°NT) has the following paragraph in relation to the politi cal prospects in Pennsylvania: The State has generally (the Harrison and Taylor campaigns being the exceptions) voted for the Democratic candidate for Presi dent ; and it would certainly be a. singular fact if, on the first occasion of a citizen of its own having a position at the head of the ticket, it should repudiate the party and the man and go for the opposition. It would be "a singular fact" indeed—too singular ever. to be allowed to be realized. Pennsylvania will do her duty to herself, her candidate, and the country. A KNow-Nornma TRICK.—The leading men• among the delegates from this State to the Baltimore Convention, says the Raleigh (N. C.) Standard, were Gov. Morehead, Gov. Graham, and Hon. John H. Bryan. We all know thatthose gentlemen wore active co-op erators with the Know-Nothings last sum mer. Gov.. Morehead presided at the Guil ford Know-Nothing mass meeting ; Governor Graham made a speech at that meeting ; and Mr. Bryan addressed a Know-Nothing meet ing in Wilmington in April last. Yet these gentlemen went to Baltimore as Whigs to nominate Mr. Fillmore. It was a Know- Nothing trick from first to last. What par ty do you belong to, Gov. Morehead, Gov: Graham, Mr. Bryan ? Why, some people (-the Know-Nothings) say our party is dead, but we think not ; we call ourselves Whigs; but we vote with the Know-Nothings. What transparent humbuggery The sci-called Union State Ticket proVed to be composed of the enemies of -Fill more, and two of thean,the• open advo cates of John C. Fremont. • We are authorized-by the Democratic State , Central Committee to lay before our readerS; and the public at large, 'the deuce of the Fremont-Abolition character of the so-called Union State Ticket, for which National men, the friends- of. FILLMORE, and all believers in ConStitutional principles, are expected to vote on the fourteenth of Octo ber: We give *first, The statement of the Chairman - of the Democratic Committee of Correspondence for Armstrong County, resi-- .„.. ding . at Kittanning, the town' in which Mr: DARWIN Pumps, the Abolition Fremont can-. didate for Auditor General, makes his home, which- statement is also' signed by the Presi-; dent of the Buchanan and Breckinridge Club, at the same place. The gentlemen whose names are attached to this paper, are citizens of the highest Character, and the statement they make defies contradiction. We defy any man to disprove the facts which are here in set forth : KITTANNING, Armstrong County, Pa., Sept. 29, 1656. In reply to the enquiries:—" Is Mr. Phelps—the Repub lican or Union candidate for Auditor General—in favor of John C. Fremont for the Presidency? Is he in favor of the Abolition:doctrines avowed by the Fremont party? And, is he against Mr. Fillmore?" We answer : first stating, that we are citizens of Armstrong county, residing in the same town with Mr. Phelps—have known him well for many years, and have heard him, publicly and privately, express his sentiments in regard to the candidates now be fore the people for the Presidency, and upon the political questions now agitating the country. Mr. Phelps, for sev eral years, has been regarded as the leader of the opposi tion forces in this .county, and that opposition now is al most unanimous in support of Mr. Fremont. There are not in this county two hundred voters who advocate the election of Mr. 'Fillmore. At home here, Mr. Phelps is looked upon as the Captain of the Fremont,forces, and as such, he is an attendant of their meetings. Ile proclaims himself a supporter of Col. Fremont openly and boldly, and the man in this community; where his acts and decla rations are publicly known, who would - assign him any other character, would be laughed at. On all occasions here, public and private, where Mr. Phelps has announced his sentiments, they are well un derstood to be the seine as those entertained and promul gated by the leaders and stumpers of the Fremont faction. In an "indignation meeting," as it was called, held in the Court Mouse here, on the 4th of June last, (Court week,) relative to the affairs of Kansas, Mr. Phelps made, in our hearing, what we believed, and what every person who listened to him considered, a most violent abclition speech, in which he denounced the South and its institutions, and urged, if no other means would avail, armed resistance-to what he termed "the aggressions of slavery." This meet ing was led by the, rampant Abolitionists of this county, and that speech made Mr. Phelps their "favorite..'- No -prominent man of the opposition in this county can be found to advocate the election of Mr. Fillmore. All their meetings are held, and all their speeches are made for Fremont. An their documents, flags, banners, songs, enthusiasm, and shouts are for Fremont—none for Fill more. Against Fremont Abolitionism, bawling about sla very and "bleeding Kansas," we have here to contend.— No Fillmore organization exists in this county—no Fill more speaker has yet been heard in Armstrong- No man here, at all acquainted with the sentiments of Mr. Phelps, doubts his position on these questions, and no man here would presume to accuse him of being a supporter of Mr. - Fillmore. eery truly yours, L. S. CANTWELL, Chairman Com. of COr. of Armstrong co., Pa. 3. FORNEY, Pres't. of Buck & Breck Club of Kittanning, Pa. The second is the statement of the citizens of Towanda, Bradford county, in which BAR TROLOMEW LAPORTE, the Abolition Fremont candidate for Surveyor General resides. This statement is no less clear and explicit than the other, and those who made it are men of the highest reputation and standing in their community. The facts they 'set forth defy denial or contradiction. We, the undersigned, citizens of Bradford county. and for along time residents therein, and personally acquaint ed with Bartholomew Laporte, a candidate for the office of Surveyor General on the State ticket of the Republican party of Pennsylvania, declare freely and unreservedly, that he occupies the same position as David Wilmot upon the slavery question, and generally upon all political ques tions. His speeches before the people of our region, leave no doubt whatever as to his being deeply imbued with Ab olitionism ;in short, he is a bigot upon these subjects of the most ultra description. Ile is, and has been ever since the nomination, an open and zealous supporter of John C. Fremont for the Presidency, and an opponent of Millard Fillmore, and copies closely the example and efforts of Wilmot in the present canvass. Wm. Patton, Jno. F. Means, E. W. Baird, J. E. Piollet, A. L. Crammer, William Scott, C. S. Russell, D. Cash, D. C. Hall, William Elwell, D. A. Overton, J. D. Montauge. Wm. R. Storrs, Wm. A. Chamberlin, .Eras. Smith, IL B. McKean, Stephen Pierce, D. F. Barstow, V. E. Piollet, A. McKean, Of THOMAS E. COCHRAN, the Abolition can didate for Canal Commissioner, we need only say that within the last few days he has been travelling the counties of Adams and Frank lin, addressing FREMONT meetings, in compa ny with that reckless Abolitionist, THADDEUS STEVENS. We find in the Gettysburg Senti nel of a late date, a glowing account of the speech of Mr. COCHRA.N at a FREMONT meet ing at Petersburg, in that county, where he was preceded by STEVENS in a long and vio lent harrangue. COCHRAN, while a Whig, was strongly tinctured with Abolitionism, and he is now in full communion with the Abolition , Fremont party in York, . a fact which neither himself nor his friends in that quarter will attempt to question. The na tional men of the Whig party in York coun ty no longer have any confidence in him. What more need be said ? What addition al proof does any honest friend of Mr. FILL MORE desire ? What more need be said to convince any true believer in national doc trines, that this whole State Ticket is mixed up with the vilest and most odious sectional ism ?—that it was framed by those who cheat ed Mr. FILLMORE at Philadelphia and New York ?—and that its election will be a FRE MONT triumph alone? . THE FUSION STATE TICKET.—The Aboli tionists claim that their State Ticket is a UNION ticket of all opposed to Democracy. It is so far a union ticket that there is not a single man upon it that is favorable to Fill more for President. Every man upon. it is an Abolitionist. Wuo SHOUTS OVER THE DISUNION VICTORY IN MAINE 2--Not the patriotic friends of Henry Clay! Not the supports of Daniel Webster I Not the followers and friends of John Ser geant, of Philadelphia! No ! put the enemies of the American Union, the infidels who plead against our in stitutions in the cities of New England, Gar rison, and Wendell Phillips, and Theodore Parker, shout over the disunion victory in Maine, and when the result shall reach the European capitals, it will give as much joy as the burning . of the city of Washington gave when the mtellio•ence of that disaster was carried to the old '"world. [Corr6spopilenee of the" Baltimore Sun.] LECOMPTON, K. T., Sept. 19, 1856. Movements of Gov. Geary—His Success in Restoring Order—Speeches to Both Pro-Sla very' and Free State Men—Their Conversion to the Governor's Views, &c. As much ignorance, prevails in the States relative to the true condition of affairs in this distracted Yet lovely Territory, you can have no-objection to publish a line from an actual settler. You have heard of "bleeding Kansas," of crimes and outrages of the most atrocious dye committed here, and you have read these thrilling statements with incredulity. Let me assure you that the truth' has not been half told ; no picture has yet been drawn suf ficiently startling to give the good people of the United States an. adequate idea of the bloody enormities committed in Kansas. I have been here nearly one week, and I can. assure you that although deeming myself pretty well informed on the subject, that be fore coming here I had not, the most remote idea of the terrible state of affairs which had existed here. Murders without number have been com mitted ; innocent women, in the dead of night, have been driven naked from their homes, and their houses burned in their presence.— Men have been assassinated in daylight; and their bloody scalps triumphantly paraded through the streets. Free-State men and Pro-Slavery men have alternately :been driv en from the Territory, the reign of terror had begun - and all confidence between man and man had ceased. At this fearful crisis, on the 11th of Sep tember, the new Governor, John W. Geary, made his appearance at Lecompton._ Gens. Reid, Heiskel and Atchison, with an army of 2700 men, were approaching Lawrence with a fixed purpose to "wipe it out" of existence. Lane, from his headquarters at Topeka, was devastating the country in that neighborhood, and each party, was resolved to exterminate the other as the only hope of peace. To exhort contending factions, so filled with bitterness and hate, to forbearance and jus tice, seemed a hopeless and ungracoius task. But this high duty Governor Geary at once energetically undertook to perform, and in spite of seemingly insurmountable obstacles his success has been instant and complete. To give you an insight into Kansas affairs, and enable you to appreciate the true state of things, it is necessary to say that there are two leading parties here, - with a third hanging like camp-followers upon the skirts of both. These parties I will term the Pro- Slavery party, the Free-State„party and the Plunderers. There is now 'a,- fourth party springing up here, composed of the honest, law-loving men of both parties, including the substantial squatters; men who have only the true interests of Kansas at heart, whom I will designate "the friends. of Kansas and the Union." Without desiring to discuss the causes which have led to so disastrous a -result, I confident ly state that the hate and bitterness between the pro-slavery • and the free-State parties had grown so intense, that a deadly determina tion was formed to exterminate each other.— Each side had consequently organized bands .arrn_e,thfollowers in their employ, stimula ted by mutual hate and fear to the fearful purpose of mutual extermination. The pro-slavery men attacked Ossawatto mie, burned and sacked the town, and mur dered many of its inhabitants. Scenes were committed here of which the pro-slavery lea ders were ashamed, and which they unhesi tatingly denounce, but which were the natu ral result of the state of public feeling. The free-state men from Lawrence subse quently attacked Hickory Point, and cannon aded it for six hours, killing a number of persons. This occurrence happened subse quently to Gov. Geary's proclamation com manding the disbanding of all unauthorized bands of armed men—and but a day or two after his arrival at Lecompton. The Gover nor's dragoons were down upon these men, and 101 were handsomely - captured and brought to Lecompton. This was the first indication of energy on the part of the gov ernment, and at once had a most beneficent effect. The next incident of importance was the movement of the army under Generals Ried, Heiskel and Atchison, with 2,700 Missouri ans, upon Lawrence. The moment the news reached the Governor he at once went to Law rence with the United States dragoons, and by a frank, manly statement of his policy and his determination to govern the country him self, readine , his proclamation commanding all-armed bands of men to disband at their peril, appealing to the patriotism of all true hearted Americans, and promising future protection to life and property, the Governor succeeded in turning back the Missourians, and without spilling one drop of blood they agreed to-disband and return to their homes. They have gone and the black flag which they brought into this territory, indicating that no quarters were asked or would be giv en, has been lowered, and I trust it will nev er be raised in this American Union again. The Governor had it in his power to talk with great effect to the pro-slavery men en camped before Lawrence. He had just taken 101 Free men prisoners in the act of attack ing the pro-slavery settlers at Hickory- Point; he noiv came to afford the peaceable Free State citizens the same mode of protection which he had just afforded to the pro-slavery settlers of Hickory Point. He succeeded in conquering the Missouri ans by the force of a just, impartial policy, and by a manly appeal to their generous, pa triotic instincts. This was a great moral vic tory, and has been followed by the most be nificent results.• He saved Lawrence, the largest city in this Territory, with its-church es and school 'houses, from the flames, and its inhabitants from the sword, and at the same time satisfied its besiegers that their purpose il,as wrong and that they had taken the most direct course to injure the cause of law and order. Gov. Geary has just returned to this place from a visit to some of the river towns above this. He went as far as Topeka, passed through B.g Spring and Tecumseh. Ile was accompanied by four squadrons of U. S. Dra goons, commanded by cols Cook and John ston. During the first day's journey it rain ed and stormed violently, and the party stop ped all night at Tecumseh, a town beautiful ly situated on the Missouri river, upon a high, healthy bluff, pretty well wooded. The Gov ernor here was the guest of Judge Elmore, who resides at this place, and is a. very intel ligent, gentlemanly man. Camp fires were .soon lighted, and by their cheerful blaze, and under their reviving influence, good humor and good cheer soon prevailed, and the wel kin rang with their merry 'songs and the cheerful laugh of the soldiers. Tho next morning the Governor and escort SAS proceeded to Topeka, the head quarters of thd notorious Jim Lane. He was among the missing and was reported to be out of the Territory. Topeka is beautifully situated near the Kansas river, on a high level plane. It contains several hundred inhabitants with a nuinber of fine houSes already built and many others in progress of erection. 'All building with all other kinds of business was entirely suspended and for the time being en tirely paralyzed. The Topekeans slept on their arms and the women were in terror. When it was ascertained that the Governor was among them; the leading . men at once called upon him and a most interesting in terview ensued. In a frank, manly manner the Governor stated his mission and policy, and required their co-operation in the resto ration of order. The Topekeans were remarkably .fastidi-. .ous and precise; disposed to be quite intrac-. table ; and one man, in a bold manner, gave the,Governor to understand that he might suppose himself to be the legal Governor, but he (the speaker) considered Mr. Robinson as the real Governor, and that he conscientious ly felt that he owed fealty- to no other. Mu ny others wished to interrogate the Gover nor, and others desired to commit him to their own line of policy. To all these persons he had but one reply "Gentlemen, - l Came not to treat with, but to govern, you. There is now in this Territory no other Governor than John W. Geary. I will protect the lives- and. - property of every peace-loving and law-abiding citizen - with all the power committed to me. I will punish every law-breaker. I will not. for a moment tolerate any questioning of my authority.— Every person in favor of restoring peace to this distracted Territory can range themselves under my banner; all others 1 will treat as bandits and robbers, and I will extirpate all such at the point of the bayonet. "Don't talk to me about slavery or freedom —Free State men or Pro-slavery men—until we have restored the benign influence of peace to this beautiful country—until we have pun ished the murderer and driVen out the ban dit and rabble, and returned the - industrious citizens to their homes and claims. Don't, I pray you, embarrass me with these political questions. You shall all, without distinction of party; be protected.. This is not a time to talk about party, men,_women and children are daily murdered and driven from their homes. In God's name rise for a moment above party and contemplate yourselves as men and pat riots. lam your friend, your fellow-citizen, moved by no other impulse than the good of the bona - fide inhabitants of this Territory, and the protection of their lives and property. When peace shall be restored, I will see that every man of you is protected in his political rights." The response was instant and enthusiastic. A vote was immediately passed to sustain the Governor, and when he left the town-of To peka, the people assembled en masse and gave six enthusiastic cheers for Governor . Geary. This was another great moral triumph, was delightful to contemplate, and is a bright feather in the Governor's cap. . What a change a week's energetic, impar tial administration of affairs has produced here. Instead of the reign of terror, with every man thirsting-for the blood of his en emy, confidence is being restored, squatters are returning to their claims, and hope is again dawning upon this country. This great and glorious work is the direct result of Governor Geary's energy, patriotism and courage, and he deserves the thanks of every patriot in the land. All the stories of the fabled beauty of this country are literally true. The prairies here are not like Illinois—flat and unhealthy.— They are rolling and highly picturesque.— The soil is black and of the greatest richness and fertility. It is better wooded than I had heard, and the timber is good. The country is also well watered with rivers. Game is more abundant than I had expected. If Gov. Geary succeeds, as he will, (as he does not recognize "such a word as `fail,'") in his beneficent purposes, this will shortly be one of the most populous States in the Union. There is no Middle Ground. In the coming election every voter must take sides for or against the constitution of his country--for or against the rights of the States—for or against the 'popular sovereign ty,' which underlies our whole republican system. The Democrats have the affirmative side of these questions—the Black Republi can-llindoo-Abolition faction, the negative. heie is no middle ground. lle that is not for his country is against it; and no sensible or patriotic man will be found occupying a neutral position in such times as these, when faction raises its hydra-head, and all its snake coils are hissing treason against the peace of the Union ! No man need beguile himself with the idea that he can properly stand mid way between the contending forces, not con tent with the position of either, and irrespon sible for the result ? lie must act, and with one or the other of the two opposing forces. The Democracy stand on the broad - platform of the Union, making common cause with all its friends, in every section of the country, and is the only national platform presented to the people. The opponents of the Demo cratic party are of all characters and shades —of all stripes and colors, men of strong principles, and of no principles, the corrupt, the fanatical, and the disappointed. Their SUCCESS would be a disaster, probably irre parable. Their course is directly calculated to destroy all fraternal feeling between the North and the South, by a system of inter meddling with the domestic affairs of the late ter, in which they have no concern, and which they could not improve, if they had the pow, er. They are warring against the right of the people of the Territories to determine their own institutions—a right which we in Connecticut claim for ourselves, and ought willingly to concede to others. They are stir, ring up strife in the land, and dissensions in communities whose interests are the same, and alike depending on the prosperity of the Union. The issue is too plain to be avoided. The very fact that all political 'soldiers of fortune' —all the 'fag ends' of fanaticisM and cupid ity—are banded together against the Demo, cratic party and the plainest obligations of the constitutional compact, is enough to point every patriotic man to the position he should occupy. It is the clamor of a mob for the of a city—a compact of heretical and discordant elements, which can have no bond but common hatred against the best govern ment ever devised by man. As we said be fore, there is no middle ground in such a con troversy. Let every voter be ready for- the question.—New Haven Register. THE LAST CHANCE.—This week will posi tively be the InSt chance to procure a beauti ful Ambrotype Likeness from Alf GEORGE H. AUXER. Don't neglect it until it is too late,