The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, August 27, 1856, Image 4

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Huntingdon, Wednesday, August 27,1856
Prom th•.) Pennsylvania Demokrat
ConSummate Insolence
The Black Republicans of Pennsylvania
have entered. upon the present politicalcom
paign in the State with more than their ac
customed impude,nco and boldness. They
present a ticket containing the names of two
of the most rabid know Nothings in the
counir v.—Laporte and I'h,. -7ps,—ancl then with
mock solemnity, ask the German naturalized
citizens to give it their support. If this were
done. as a mere matter of jest, it would be a
subject of merriment; but when the attempt
is made to deceive the Germans, by introdu
cing Know*Nothings to their consideration,
the thing assumes the character of an insult,
which should be properly resented. 1)o the
Black Republicans suppose, that we have for
gotten the nefarious designs of the Secret
Lodges ? They must think that we have
laid aside the ordinary - impulses of human
nature, or become totally oblivious of the in
juries inflicted in secret upon naturalized
citizens. We have a reasonable quantity of
the milk of human kindness in our composi
tion; but we should despise Qurselves, were
we so forgetful of the interests of our coun
try and race, as to support tte most proscrip
tive Know Nothings, under the guise of Re
publicans, or in any other fictitious charac
ter. Forgiveness is a very commendable vir
tue, and should be practiced whenever it can
be done with .safety to the individuals ag
grieved, or the Nation. The viper that once
inflicts a deadly sting upon the passenger, is
never taken into his embrace or admitted to
his companionship. Know No th ingi sm would
have entirely destroyed the equality between
our citizens, had it long remained in power.
It has already alienated the affections of the
native born from the naturalized,, and is just
as malignant in its designs as when it was
first belched from the nostrils of Pluto.
Who does not recollect with what pride
and. insolence the members of the Secret Or
der asserted, that naturalized citizens had no
right to the same social distinction as them
selves ? Nor had they a right to the proper
ty which they acquired by their industry and
economy. No—no—a new sort of Agrarian
ism was to be established. Naturalized citi
zens, under the doctrines of the 'Know Noth
ing Lodges, were to be nominally free, but
virtually they would have been worse than
slaves. The privilege to labor in this coun
try was not denied them ; but they could not
enjoy the fruits of their industry, That be
longed to the Natives who were to be seated
on the highest seats in the political Syna
gogue, and possess all the places at the feast.
The naturalized citizens might smell the fla
vor of the dishes, but were wholly interdicted
from tasting the viands they contained. And
yet these proscriptive knaves,—who desired
to control the consciences of men—now have
the unparalleled effrontery to ask naturalized
citizens to support their candidates,—Laporte
and rhe/ps,—who went through every de
gree of their infamous organization, and even
now are at the head of the Order. It may
be, that we may have mistaken German char
acter and spirit: but if we understand the
promptings of every manly nature, no matter
in what clime it was educated, we must here
assert, that it would be debasing to all the
nobler instincts of humanity, for Germans to
give the slightest encouragement to a secret
political party, whose most violent efforts
were made to enslave them both body and
Why the Know Nothings should make
such vigorous effbrts to obtain the German
vote for their candidates—Luperie and Phelps
—we are somewhat baffled to discover. We
pride ourselves in our manhood and intelli
gence, and are quick to resent a studied in
sult or unwarrantable wrong. Our German
sensibilities are aroused at injury as quick as
men of other nationalities, and yet we are
pertinaciously insulted daily, by appeals in
behalf of candidates, who have never ceased
their efforts to degrade us in the social scale,
by putting us under the ban of inferiority.
The Constitution of the country has made us
equals, and the laws protect us in this equal
ity.. Shall we basely surrender this privilege,
and bow our necks to the footstep of the op
pressor ? If. such degradation is to come up
on the Germans, it shall riot be by our con
nivance. We therefore spurn the Know Noth
ing candidates—Laporte and Pkelps—as
abominations fraught with a' moral and po
litical pestilence.
And now the 13.attle is to Commence.
" The glorious old banner that Jefferson
first raised," says the Boston Post, " and
floated over the great heart of Jackson, is
once more unfurled On it is inscribed the
names of Buchanan and Breekinridge, both
of great intellectual power and of lofty per
sonal character; both statesmen in the true
sense of the word, and of comprehensive
views; and both worthy to fill and adorn the
high places of the republic. Such are the
standard-bearers of the Democratic flag !
Hang it on the outer wall of each Democrat
ic citadel! Let Democrats, one and all,
rally under its glorious folds, and close up
in solid phalanx for the fight.
Let not the error be committed of under
rating our enemy. The sectionalism that
would divide our country, and the Know
Nothingism that would make our country
not worth dividing, will array themselves in
a ibrmidable host. It will be as unscrupu
lous as it is dangerous. It will malign our
candidates; it will traduce our cause. Let
every Democrat lend a deaf ear to calumny,
and a willing hand to defend their cause.
There is something significant in the pres
ent condition of the country, in the location
of the candidate for the executive chair. We
have had Presidents from Virginia and from
Massachusetts, from the South, from Ohio,
from the Granite State, and from commercial
New York. But on their elections there was
no geographical division of parties as is now
proposed. It is significant that in such a cri
sis as exists, the noble middle State of Penn
sylvania should supply the President. She
will send forth her great statesman with the
olive branch to the North and to the South ;
and thus the State that has so long been the
keystone of the Democratic arch will now be
the keystone of flap Union."
A letter to the Pellilsylvanian, from Cam
bria. County, says:
" The Democratic party in this county is
in good condition. We have fixed our major
ity at 1000, and it may be greater. Last
year our majority was between 6 and 700,
and I know many who then opposed us who
are now for Buchanan. The old line Whigs
are nearly all with us, and many are active
ly engaged."
Plls telt an 0125.
This Way Ladies!
We find the following advertisement in a
Tennessee paper, and, for the benefit of our
lady readers, give it a place in the _ Globe:
I/AunN's Patent Elastic, Self-Adjusting
Everlasting, Self-Repairing, Never-Failing,
Shirtical Hoops I I First premium at the
Stomp Creek Worlds Fair in 1856! I War
ranted not to cut in the eye I! II These won
derful hoops now in universal vogue, are vast
ly superior to the obsolete whalebone hoops
which they have totally displaced from the
berm, mon6. l e. Made of the very best white
oak and hickory timber by a secret electrical
process known only to the inventor, they are
warranted never to fail and . ever to delight
their possessors. As a refrigerating appara
tus they are unequalled; and with a vigorous
antipodal application of the fan, must have
the effect of keeping the - whole corporeal ma
chine in the most comfortable equanimity of
. temperature. Being perfectly SELF-AD
JUSTING, they accommodate themselves to
any change of form possible in the nature of
things, and hence have acquired in Paris and
London, the designation of INSCRUTABLE.
They are a perfect protection against public
or private curiosity, and are a complete anti
dote to.scandal and gossip. As a defence
against rude and unexpected attacks to which
ladies unprotected are liable, its appoint
ments are perfect, and insure to its possessor
the most entire safety. When a little worn
they can be sold to cooper's at full half price,
to be made up into common salt and flour
Grand Depot on Gay Street at Balloon &
Co's. New Store, only agents of the inven
tor. All others are spurious. LOOK OUT
" Jacques Bonhomme," a Paris correspon
dent, relates the following anecdote, which
he locates in that city:—
"A young man of fine family, though int
poverished by the revolution, aspired to the
post under government, to occupy which it
was necessary to furnish a certain sum to de
posit as security. Our hero could not obtain
the requisite amount from his friends, and,
at last, hit upon - an expedient to put an end
to the difiieulty. He caused an advertise
ment to appear in one of the journals, as fol
lows :
"'A young man, occupying an honorable
position, wishes to inarry a lady well brought
up, and possessed of two hundred and fifty
"Two hundred and fifty francs are but fif
ty dollars, and, as there are many women in
the world who would be glad to purchase a
young, handsome, and honorably connected
husband, on such moderate "terms, it was
quite natural that the advertiser, in the•coursp
of the three days during which his notice ap
peared in public, should have received many
letters and applications. The young man ad
dressed a note to each of the applicants, ap
pointing a place and hour when he would
meet them altogether; and politely inviting
all -to come and look at him. On the even
ing indicated, they' came, and, it is said, the
company numbered -full two hundred women.
"When all had assembled, the young man
`organized the meeting,', and made a speech,
in which he thanked those ladies for the hon
or they proposed conferring upon him. 'But,'
said. the self-possessed young gentleman, `you
must understand, ladies, perfectly well, that
I cannot marry you all, moreover you are all
so charming (many of them. were horrible
witches,) "t would be utterly impossible for
me to choose amongst such lovely creatures.
This, then, is my proposition :—Consider me
as an object put up at lottery. You number
two hundred ; make two hundred tickets at
two hundred and fifty francs each, and the
gross sum realized shall be the fortune of the
lady who draws the lucky number, and whom
I pledge myself to marry immediately.—
They hesitated a moment, but-the youth was
good looking, and the ladies were anxious to
marry. One of them determined to accept
the proposition, and the rest followed after,
like a flock of sheep. As if to reward our
venturous young friend for his courage, his
fortunate stars directed that he should to
the lot of a youthful and pretty girl, whose
n•reatest fault is an unhappy passion for prac
tising on the piano. True to his word, the
young man married her, and at last accounts,
the couple thus strangely brought together
were passing a pleasant honeymoon."
Tu D ISUNIONISTS.-Th e black republicans
find their work of disunion flagging. The
fires of patriotism still burn so brightly, the
memories of the past are so dearly cherish
ed, the blessings of the present are so truly
prized, and the hopes of the future so highly
appreciated, by the great body of the Amer
ican people, that one by one the hopes of the
disunionists fade away, their illusions of suc
cess vanish, and the unwelcome truth that
they will prove to be the worst beaten party
that ever pretended to success in a presiden
tial contest stares them boldly in the face.—
They may purchase rotten newspapers by
the score, bribe venal editors, and, persuad
ing Greeley to cease calling the Herald a
"satanic" press, and Bennett to desist from
pronouncing Greeley and his flock "nigger
worshippers," induce them both to refrain
from tellinf , the truth of each other for the
purpose of devoting
all their energies to re
tailing falsehoods for Fremont, but all in
vain. Their position is understood.—Even
ing Argus.
A correspondent writing from Jersey Snore
to the Pennsylvanian, thus concludes his let
ter :
" The cause of Democracy is progressing
here, new accessions to the ranks are made
every day. Since it has leaked out that Fill
more will not be voted for in November, and
his friends sold by their leaders for wool; and
Mary Posy's gold, hundreds of old line
Whigs are coming over. The work goes
bravely on."
11Q— 'Mr. Smith you said you once officiated
in a pulpit ; do you mean that youprcached?'
`No sir; I held the light for the man that
`Ali I the court understood you differently.
They supposed that the discourse came from
`No sir I only throwed a little light up on
'No levity, Mr. Smith. Crier wipe your
nose, and call the next witness'
An exchange paper has christened the
supporters of the " wooly horse" candidate,
the Free-nzonsters! This is a very appropri
ate name.
FINE LIMESTONE LAND, situate) in Woodcock Valley,
Huntingdon county, about one mile from McConnellstown,
one and a half from the Broad Top Rail Road, and six and
ahalf from the Pennsylvania Ran :Road and Canal at Hun
tingdon. There are 451 ACRES in the whole tract, 200 of
which aro cleared and in good cultivation; 100 acres are in
clover and 20 in timothy. ]t is all GOOD LIMESTONE
LAND, and can conveniently be divided into two or more
There are, a good Dwelling House, Frame Stable,
Double Barn and Outbuildings and Two Orchards,
on the property.
A stream sufficient for a Saw Mill runs through it, and
there are springs in every field except ono.
The land which is not cleared is well covered with Pop
lar, Chesnut, Whitcoak, Hickory, W Want, Locust and Ma
ple timber of the best quality.
There is a good Lime liiln on the farm, and a Vein of
Fossil Ore runs through the land, which will make iron
equal to any manufactured on the Juniata.
The land is all patented, and an indisputable title will
be given.
Possession given after the first of April next.
TERMS—One fourth in hand. and the residue in three
equal annual instalments with interest.
Any further information desired, will begiven by Mites
Dennis._ Huntingdon, DANIEL FLENWER on the premises,
or the undersigned at Kitt ring.
Executors of David Reynolds, deceased.
July 8,185G.-B,n
47i-Patriot & Union, irarrisburg, Intellig,encer, "Lancas
ter, Gazette, Reading, each publish 3 m. and send bill to
this office.
! STOVES !—The undersima
cd world respectfully call the attention . of
country Merchants and those wanting Stoves, to •
their extensive stock of Stoves, Gas UTCII9 2 Fur
naces, &e., &c., comprising a greater assortment -
than can be found at any other Store in the United States.
Purchasers will find it an advantage to give us a call be
fore buying elsewhere. For sale wholesale and retail, on
the most liberal terms. NY.MAN & WARNICK,
N. E. corner `2nd and Race streets, Philadelphia.
N. 13. They are Agents for the celebrated Macgregor
Heating Stoves. April 9,1856-3 m.
NOTICE.—AII persons indebted by
book account or otherwise to Col. Geo. Gwin, arc
notified that collection of allclaims unpaid by the first day
of August next, will after that he enforced by law.
Iluntingdon, June 473.556. Assignee.
Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call and "I
examine my beautiful assortment of Boots and
Shoes of all Sires, of the latest styles, for all ages.
Minting - don, June 4, 1556.
Huntingdon, Pa.
rooms inthe S . old Presbyterian ! ria Church for ial th s o
purpose of giving lessons ou the guitar, Melodeon and
Piano, and in vocal music.
'XLams—slo per quarter of twenty-four lessons at her
rooms, and $l5 per quarter when the lessons aro given at
the residence of pupils in town. She will also teach the
German and french languages. Huntingdon May 23, '3G
Everything of the hest Cheaper than thewhere.
& McDIVIT inform the citizens of Huntingdon
and vicinity, and the public hi general that they have just
opened in Market Square, in the dwelling formerly occu
pied by Esquire Snare, a handsome assortment of the most
CHOICE G.ROCERIES, including every article usually kept
in the best Grocery Stores in the city. Having aboat run
ning, we are determined to accommodate the public with the
freshest and best. Give us a call and examine for your
Huntingdon, May 21, 1855.
FECTIONARY.—The subscriber will furnish at short
notice, thmilies or parties, in or out of town, with either
or all of the above articles. Ms a , sortment of Confection
aries is of the hest, and his Ice Cream and Cakes shall give
satisfaction. tiive him a call.
llnntingdon, May 21, 1856
P Goods in Col. Gwin's !store are selling off by retail
AT COST: and they will 'be sold. bejow cost and upon tint , :
to any one who will buy the whole stock, or a large part
of it.
JOHN SCOTT, Assignee.,.
Ilnntingdon, :Nino 11, 155(3.
ADDLERS' improved splitting 41111
gnago Knives fur sale at the 'Hardware ntero of
Huntingdon, Pa.
io and Grass Scythes of the best brand and qualitY. Al
so, a variety of Parent and Screw Adjusting Saabs, Ilay
Forks and Bakes, fur sale at the hardware Store of
RINDS:TONES with friction rollers,
k_7l Whetstones, Oil Stones, also Knives and Forks,
Spoons, Scissors, Sc., decidedly the best assortment in the
county. Porcelain, Tinned and Plain Boilers, Stewing.
Frying and Baking- Pans, fn• sole at prices which make it
the interest of purchasers to call at the Hardware Store of
- 11 ,,‘.,,G 1: 1 -C I; t I O L ET n
i t
3 7 . 11 o b l 3 e , t
h a e n h d ,l half' bar
barrel, for
.411 e at the cheap grocery of
Summer Coats, • 87 1 /,
Summer Pants, - • - S7X 2
Summer Tebts. •
Letters of Administration on the Estate of Elizabeth
_Long, late of Shirley township, Hnntingdon county, deed,
having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in
debted to said deceased will please snake payment, and
those having claims will present them properly authenti
cated for settlement, JOHN LONG, Chub is
Shirleysburg, July 1(3, 1.856.*
:NS-NG RODS, it is now admitted on all hands, that every
building to be secure from the destructive influences of
lightning should be provided with a good conductor.
The large number of worthless rods that are put up
makes it necessary for mucha.scrs to examine the merits
of the different rods offered fir sale.
The public need but to examine Armitag,e's rods to ho
convinced that they are constructed upon not only the
best, but the only safe principle of any rod in use. -
Over woo of these rods nave already been pat up with
out the loss of a dollar's worth of property by lightning in
any building' to which they have been attached, which is
the best evidence that they are perfectly secure. I have a
few on hand which I will sell for less - than half of the re
tail price asked by Armitage, to close out my stock. Call
soon at Colon's Book Store, Huntingdon, Pa.,where they
can be had of INf. COLON.
Huntingdon, July •15, MG.
kale at the Cheap Dreg Store, Market Square.
INITRATE of Magnesia for sale at the
New and Cheap Drng 'tore in Huntingdon, Pa.
jLASS of all sizes from Sxlo to 20x30,
received and for sale by 'WILLIAMS & CO.
LIRESH lot of Balm of a Thousand
Flowers, for sale at the new Drug. Fancy and Variety
Store, Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa.
sale Dealers in TOBACCO AND SEGARS, No. 11
orth Fifth Street, Philadelphia. [July 8, 1856.
AL SAM FIR , for sale at the Cheap
J Drug Storo of - 11 7 71.1. WILLIAMS & CO.
13.1113111 lot of Farina, just received and
11 for sale at WILLIAMS & CUS.
WRlRegenerator-HT'S Hair Reendiator or Am
ber Gloss, for sale at WILLIAMS & CO'S.
?TEAS from 15 to 22 Cents per quarter,
LOW, &
L l LOUR—Always on hand and for sale
TEMON SYRUP, a genuine article, for
resh lot of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for
sale at Williams & Co's Cheap Drag, Store. -
QIENCK'S Pulmonic Syrup for the
euro of Consumption, for sale by
rHUSBAND'S celebrated Calcined Mag
nesia. for solo at the CHEAP DRUG STORE, Mar
et :...quare, Huntingdon, Pa. .
TOBIAS' Venetian Liniment, for sale
DAY ItUM—A genuine article for sale
At the Cheap .tore or WM. W.Tr.TJAMS & CO
DR. JOHN MeCULLOCH, offers his
professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon•
and vicinity. Office at Mr. Hildebrand's, between the Ex
change and Jackson's Hotel. Aug. 28, '55.
ri - N P. CAMPB ELL, Attorney at Law,
o Office in the brick row near tho Conrt Ifonso.
QCOTT & BROWN, Attorneys at Law,
Huntingdon, Pa. Office same as that formerly occu
pied by Mr. Scott. Huntingdon, Oct. 17, 1853.
TORN N. PROWELL, Attorney at Law,
win attend faithfully to all legal business entrusted
to his caro. Huntingdon, July 20, 1855.
TORN FRISCH, Watch Maker,
Can be found at E. Snare's Jewelry Store. All f „
work warranted. March 13, 1855. 1 „, A
e) vcyor, Huntingdon, Pa. Office on fill street.
DENTISTS, Huntingdon, Pa. Weed Ala
on Mil street, opposite the Court Reuse, and
North East corner of Hill and Franklin. Jan. 9, 1556.
T & W. SAXTON, Huntingdon, Pa. -
Dealers in Dry Goode, Groceries, Hardware, Queens
ware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Grain, &c., &c.
W 3.1. COLON,
Dealer in Doolcs, Stationary, Wall Paper, &c. Sze.
a, P. GWIN,
o Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries,llardware, Qneens
vare, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c.
o Founders, lluntingdon,-Pa
1) C. McGILL,
ja i ., Founder, Alexandria, Huntingdon county, Pa.
Dealer in Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Gro
ceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, etc.
o Dealer in Ready Made Clothing, "Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes, &c.
Dealer in Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Grocer-
Qneensware, &c. Sze.
4 Dealer in Gentlemen's, Ladies' and Misses' Boots,
Shoes, Gaiters, etc.
pt Dealers in -Groceries, Confectionaries, Queensware,
Flour, &c.
~ „Watchmalcc:r and dealer in Watches, Clocks, and Jew
elry, &c,
Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Musical Instru
meats, etc.
Plain and Ornamental Marble Manufacturer
Dealers iu Groceries. Confectionaries, Flour, Sc
TAS. A. BROWN and CO.,
Deniers in all hinds of llardware
Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queens
ware, Grain, &c. &c.
T . n ( WI 7g I 1 a tlif. • •r
Proprietor of thoyarinere Ilomo riotel
Proprietor of the Broad Top House
TORN F: RAMEY, PracticatSurveyor,
ey Huntingdon, Pit. Office on fill street, ono door east
of the Huntingdon 'Marble Yard.
RtrEanNecs-1.. T. Watson, Philadelphia; .T. I'. Leslie,
Geologist, Philadelphia; Charles Mickley, Rough and
Ready Furnace, Hon..Tonathan
SIMONTON, A -ent, llnntingdon, Pa. Money. Pack
ages, and floods of all kinds received and tianNarded at the
risk of the Ceinpany, to all the cities nod ptincip.d towus
in the United States.
kJ , :Nriners, and Dealers in Broad Top Coal. Huntingdon
Minors, and Dealers in 13road Top Cola. llnntinplon
Miners, and Deftler:4 in. Broad Top Coal, Buntingdon
1 3 °WEL, SAXTON & CO.,
Miners, and Dealers in Brorel Top Coal. J.NV.Sitx ton.
lluntingdon ; It. flare Powel, 5G Walnut st., 'Philadelphia
EatBEST CHEESE always on hand
14 cts., at LOVE & McDIVII-"S.
TOBACCO, Segars and Snuff, the best,
A at LatE; C MellMT'S.
13— EST SUGARS, from 8 to 15 cents,
BEST COFFEE, at 14 cents, to be had
EST MOLASSES from 50 to 75 cts.,
• by the g allon, at LOVE 4; McDITIT'S.
TINED PICKLES, Pepper Same and.
_EL Catsup, at LOVE' & McDIVIT'S.
"V" 'r
IhI3II,ELLAS and Parasols, of a new
L. style, just received, and for sale by
ap11.6 J. A: W. SAXTON.
ARE you afflicted with Rheumatism ?
:form C. 'WESTBROOK, of Cassville, manufactures
a sure cure for Rheumatism. December 7, 1855.
WL. 13. MUSGRAVE & CO., Whole
., gale Dru gg ists, and Dealers in Drugs, Spices,
Chemica'4, Dye-Stuffs, Acids, Glassware. Paints, Oile, Glasl,
&c., 376 ,larket Street above 11th, South Side, Philadel
In_Druggistq and country merchantt aro requested to
give them a call and examine their stock and prices, before
making their pnrcha,es. May 28, 1856.
Best Zinc Paint only S 2 GS per keg.
Pure White Lead only $2 87 per keg.
And other paints in proportion, at the cheap Hardware
Store of J. A. BROWN 8; CO.
)UILDERS, do you believe it? Nails
E 1) are selling at $4 00 per keg. at the new Hardware
Store of .L A. BROWN k CO.
E 1 - IEL Codfish Salmon, Her-
M A ri e ng i , ( Por ' k, Nair ' is & Sides, ' Shoulders, Lard and
Cheese, constantly on hand and for sale by
April 2,1.856-3 m. Market Street NV -Philadelphia.
-1 - )RuGs I DRUGS ! DRUGS ! !-W.
WILLIAMS ,S; CO. have jnst received from Phila
delphia, a new and fresh supply of
Perfnmery, Fancy Soaps, Fluid, Camphene, Turpentine.
Alcohol, and a general assortment of Artist Colors end
Brushes, Spices of all kinds, Window Glass of all sizes,
and Putty, all kinds of Varnish, .Tapan, Copal No. 1 and
2, Coach body and Black Spirits, Pure Cod Liver Oil for
the cure of Rheumatism, Scrofula, Gout, Lumbago, Totter,
Chronic Erysipelas, Chronic Sore "Eyes, White Swelling,
Glimdular Swelling, Pulmonary Consumption. Chronic
Bronchitis, Rickets, and for all diseases of the skim, by the
quart. gallon, or smaller quantity. The Balm of a Thous
and Flowers, the greatest remedy of the age for baldness
and purifying the; skin. .Tohn 11. Patethorp's celebrated
cure for Fever and Ague. No Cure,. .No Pay. Price sl.
Fine Tobacco awl Segars. All the abovo with a number of
articles too tedious to mention, for sale at the new cheap
Drug Store of • W. WILLIAMS
Diamond Square, opposito Coats' Ilotel.
Ituntingdon, July 2, 1856.
DON.—The celebrated Centre county Iron for sale at
the following prices: 4 cents per lb.; for common assorted
inches square and round up, 4 1 4 cents; for horse shoe
and spike rods, including 34 and 5 , 4 in. square, and cents
for nail rods, at the cheap store of
Huntingdon, :Tune 17, 1856.
1:1D MOEBUS would respectfully inform the public
that he has fitted up the Broad Top House, on Alle
gheny street, nt the Broad Top Depot, 'Huntingdon, "
and is now prepared to entertain strangers and travellers
in an unobjectionable style.
His table will always be supplied with the substantiate
and delicacies of the season. His Bar is furnished with the
choicest liquors. In a word, no pains will ho spared to
render guests comfortable and happy. Jun 18.
MACETI, a prime lot, for sale by
GENUINE Electric Oil for sale at the
CHEAP DRUG STORE, Market Square.
BLAST AGAIN!- - The subscribers take this method
of informing their friends and the public generally, that
. r .:they have rebuilt the dluntingdoia Faun
-171 , dry, and aro now in successful operation,
4 and aro prepared to furnish Castings of
,„„„ every description, of best quality and
~„ workmanship, on short notice, and on
reasonable terms. Farmers are invited to call - and exam
ine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter
Plough. This plough took the first premium at the Hun
tingdon county Agricultural Fair last fall. Also, Hunter's
celebrated Cutter Ploughs, which can't be beat—together
with the Keystone,Hillside and Bar-shear ploughs. We
have on hand an are manufacturing Stoves—such as
Cook, Parlor, and Office stoves for wood or coal. 'Hollow
ware, consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, &c., all of
which we will sell cheap for cash or in exchange for coun
try produce. Old metal taken for castings. By a strict
attention to business, and a desire to please, we hope to re
ceive a liberal share of public patronage.
Huntingdon, April 30, 1850.
k ... ) wishes to inform Lis friends and the public generally,
that ho has bought the Alexandria Fenn
. dry, lately owned by Israel Graffins, Esq.,
together with its 'Patterns, Flasks and
crat !ctip other contents. And from his long expo
,- .„,
,rience in the business, he hopes to obtain
a share of the public patronage. As ho has the Foundry
in full operation, he can furnish all who may give him a
call with all kinds of Castings, such as Rolling Mill, Forge,
Grist and Saw Mill Castings—improved Thrashing Machine
Castings. And in a short time will have Cook Stoves of
various sizes and improved patterns for wood and coal.—
Also, ten-plate, air-tight, parlor, and bar-room stoves, of
various sizes, for wood or coal. Also. Castings for houses,
cellar grates, such as Lintels, Sills, Sash weights, etc.—
Ploughs of every description. the latest and most improved
styles. Also, Sled Soles and Wagon Boxes, oven frames,
large bells, and water pipes. irollow ware—consisting of
kettles, boilers, etc, Ilaving turning lathes he will be
able to furnish any of the above named articles of either
wood or iron—and all other kindS of Castings, "too nu
merous to mention," all of which will be sold cheaper than
ever for Cash and all kinds of country produCe. Old metal
will be taken in exchange tbr castings. Bring along your
old metal, your cash and country produce, when any arti
cles are wanted. R. C. McGILL.
Alexandria. April 23, 1556.
TO THE PUBLIC—The undersigned
informs his friends and the public generally, .-
that he has leased the FARMERS' HOME HOTEL,
in the borough of Huntingdon, and is now prepared "
to accommodate with boarding and lodging all who may
favor him with a call. his Bar is furnished with the best
LIVERY STABLE.—He has also provided
I . l m —. himself with a good stock of Horses, Car
-1;1Z riages, &c., for the accommodation of the pub
. ...D= l lic, at reasonable charges.
Iluntingdon, April 7, 1556
BooKs! BOOKS ! 40,000 Volumes
Of new and popular Books, embracing every variety
themht a Philadelphia i Boek.litort,
--fr. ,
i . ,:-..;--Y4 7 .r., 1 •
.3 of atla the Publisher's
i •'""'-H ,.,,1 - , ,i - g,„t , ' retail prices, the subscriber now offers to
S , the public. .
All School Books used in the county can
be had in any quantities at retail and whole ale rates.
Foolscap, Letter, and Wrapping paper,
'wholesale, or by the ream.
100 Superior Gold Pens with Silver and
Gold cases from $1 upwards.
Also Pocket and Pen Knives of Rogers'
and others' best manufacture.
100 Splendid Port Monuiaes and Pocket
Books at 20 cts. and npwarda.
3,000 pieces Wall Paper of the latest-and
prettiest styles, just received from New York and Phila
delphia, prices twin 10 eta a piece mid upts.ards.
500 beautifully painted and gold gilled
Window Shades at 41 cts. and - upward-J.
The public have but to call and-examine, to be convinc
ed that in buying of the above .stock they will be pleased
and also save money. Remember the place, corner of
Montgomery and Railroad streets. 11 7 31. COLON.
Huntingdon, April 16, 1556.
D. P. (MIN'S. D. P. °win has just received from
Philadelphia a large and beautiful assortment of Spring
and Summer Goods, consisting of the must fhshionablc
Dress Goods for Ha t lie,, and Gentlemen, such as Black
Silks, Chamelion and Fancy Silks, Silk• Challi, Challi Do
lains, Spring Styles of Hamilton Ihdains, Barages, all
Wool Debli flti, Fancy and Domestic Gingham. Debarge,
Madonna Cloth. Alpaca, TAW 11S, and Prints of every de
scription. 4
. _
Also a large lot of Dress Trimmings, Dress
Dattons,Dminet Silla, Itibisms, Mores, Mitts, Hosiery,
Laces. Yells, Collars, lindersleeves, Chiwuctta, Mohair
Head Dresses, Summer Shawls, &e.
Also, Cloths, Black and Blue, Black. and
Fancy Ca4simers, Cassinets. R Vesting,q, Cotton Drills, :nan
keen. Mnslins bleached and 7/1/WachN). Ticking, Check 3,
Table Diaper, 'Woolen and Linen Table Covers, and a vari
ety of goods too numerous to mention.
Also, Bonnets and Hats, Boots and Shoes.; L
f El
CQuecusvk are Hardware, Buckets, Churns, '
Tub,, Baskels, OH Cloth.
Groceries, Fish and Salt, and all goods
usmally kept in a country story.
My old customers. and as many new ones at can crowd
in, are respectfully requested to call and examine my
All kinds of country predneo taken in exchange fur
goads at the highe,t market prices.
Huntingdon, April 9, 1556.
J. S: W. SAXTON are 11()W receiving - , and now opening,
ono of the finest assortments of Goods ever offered to the
citizens of this place, as follows:
Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinetts, Vi estings—
cotton Goods fol:Summer wear. Also, Shalleys. Berages,
Lawns and Prints, with other articles for the ladies, A
splendid lot of Black Silk, Ladies' striped and barred Dress
Silk, Muslin, Linn Goods, and in fact, every article of wear
ing apparel necessary for the Ladies.
Hosiery and Fancy Goods. Also, all kinds
of Dress Trimmings, Gloves, Combs, ribbons. hair Broods,
Dress Caps, awl every kind usually kept in a country store.
Bonnets and Straw tlnts of the latest styles; silk, crape,
and straw bonnets. Hats and Caps o 1 the very latest
styles, and of every shape and color.
Boots and Shoes. Our stock of Boots and
Shoes can't be beat Sir quality and chcapne , s of prices,
and one of the finest stocks ever offered.
Carpet and Oil Cloth. . A splendid assort
ment of Carpet, Drupett, and Oil Cloth. Also—Hard.
Ware, the best assortment he town, not excepting the Llard
ware establishment, and at lower prices. Queensware,
Groceries, Tobacco, Segars, ware and Cedar mere,
Hopes, Too•-lines, and Cords, and everything nsnally kept
in a country store, can be had at the Cheap r.i.tore of
Thintingdon, April 16, ISSG. J. w. SAXTON%
SPRING.aud SUMMER GOODS, Beady-Made Cloth
ing,. &c.—BENJAMIN JACOBS informs his old customers
_and tho citizens of the borough and county of Hunting
don generally, that he has just opened an extensive assert
moult of Goods of all kinds suitable Ibr Spring and Sum
mer, which will compare in quality mud prices with any
others brought to town the present season. His stock
consists of every article of Ladies' Dress Goods. In part,
Ginghams, Lawns, printed and plain Bareges ' Prints of all
kinds, Muslims, Gloves, Hosiery, &c., &c., in fact all arti
cles of dress to be foimd in any other store in town.
Also, an extensive assortment of Ready
made Clothing, for men and boys, for spring and summer
wear, all well made and of good. materials. Also, llats,
Caps, Boots and Shoes, of all sizes.
Also, Groceries, Queensware, Glassware,
Elardware, equal to any in town; and many more articles
"too numerous to mention."
My old customers and the public in general, aro invited
to call and exatnino my new Goods. They will find them
equal in quality, and as low in price, as any others in the
All kinds of country produce taken in oichango for
Goods at the highest market prices.
Huntingdon, March 26, 1856.
with a splendid stock of CLOTHING, made up in
the latest styles of the choicost Goods..- The stock consists.
in part of Dress and Frock Coats, Pants, Vests, &c., &c., all
of which will be disposed of at low rates.
Also, a good assortment of DRY GOODS,
Comprising Dareges, Tissues, Challeys, Do Lainos, .Bril-
Dautes, Lawns, tic.
Also, GROCERIES, &c.
Being anxious to secure a part of the public confulenco
and patronage, I will -do my utmost to merit the same,
and therefore would earnestly solicit those about purchas
ing any thing in my line, to call rand examine my Stock
bolero going elsewhere, as I shall always keep a comp]eto
Stock constantly on hand, to enable me to suit tho tastes
of all who may feel inclined to favor mo with their custom.
Rezuetuber your old friend Mosel
Dorris' Building, Iluntingdon, Pa.
March 19, MG.
ItY STORE. LONG A; D}CKER, respectfully in
form their friends and the public in general, that they
still continuo the Grocery and Confectionary- business,
under the Sons of Temperance Hall, on Main stret, Hun
tingdon, where they have now on hand a full and general
assortment of
Groceries and Confectionaries,
which they will sell wholesale and retail. They have also
on hand Buckets, Salt, Carpet Bags, Fancy Artichm, &d.,
&c.. all of which they will sell cheap. Country pro
duce taken in exchange for Goods—the cash paid when we
have no Goods to suit customers.
As wo are dotermincd to accommodate all who may call n t
our store, we Invite an examination and trial of our stock.
Huntingdon, Apt. 19, 1856.
SCHOOL.—This school has been opened in the Hall
tormely used by the Sons of Temperance, on Hill street,
The course of instruction embraces Single and Donbk
Entry Book-keeping, Lectures on Commercial Science and
also Lectures on Commercial Law, Ethics, and Political
Economy, delivered by members of the Bar.
The Student passes through a course comprising area
four hundred forms, writing -out, Journalising, Posting,
and closing four entire sets of Books, solving Problems,
&C.. precisely as in real business, and in addition to this
he has large practice in oral and blackboard exercises, in
opening and closing Single and Double Entry Books, in-
Partnership, Administration, Joint and Compound Com
pany settlements, in receiving tr partner into co-partner
ship, and settling with a retiring one, all of which,
together with various other exercises and calculations,
cannot fail to give full satisfaction and profit the learner..
Students can enter, at any time, a day or evening class,
or both, if they wish—the time is unlimited. They (Tic
leave at any time and return at pleasure without addition
al charge.
.0:1.77 - ) • Assistance given, when required, in opening mat
closing books.
For any other particulars address personally or by letter,.
Euntinadon, April 2, 1,356
MENT .TUT OPENED! and will be sold .10 per cent:
CHEAPER than the cheapest.
H. ROMAN respectfully informs his customers, and the
public generally, that he has just opened at his store room*
in Market Square, Huntingdon, a splendid new stoek of.
Clothing for Spring and Summer,
which he will sell cheaper than the same qt4lity of GoodS
can be purchased at retail in Philadelphia or any other
establishment in the country.
Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do well to call
and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. •
Huntingdon, April 2, UK
ful for past favors. respectfully informs • .
the public in general that he lia9 removed
to his new shop on Washington street, on
the property lately and for many years oc
cupied by Alex. Carmon, where be is prepared to manufac.
tare all kinds of Carriages, Bu, , ,gies, Rockaways Wagons,
and in short, every kind of vehicle desired. Rockaways,
and Buggies of a superior manufacture and finish always
on hand and for sale at fair prices.
It . opairing of all Rinds done at the shortest notice and on.
the moat reasonable terms.
& DUNN, bare just received a well selected stock of Spring
and Summer Goods, consisting of
Dry (foods, Groceriet;.
Hats and Cape,
Boots and S.hoes.
Hardware, Queens:ware, Cedarware, Croekery-ware., stow ,
and earthen. Tin ware. Cane Fishing Rods. Ready-in:lde
Clothing, and in short, everything usually kept in a coun
try ~tore.
Fish, Salt, Bacon and Plaster, kept con
stantly for sale. Call and examine our good: and judge
tier yourselves. All kinds of country produce taken at the
highest market price in evil:lmre for Goods.
The highest maiket price paid for Grain. Prompt atten
ion paid to :Ant-111g and tom ardire4 all kinds of Merelum
dim. Produce, &e.
Huntingdon, .17a}• 14. ISSO.
II i TARBLE YARD. The undersigned
L would respectfully call the attention of the citizens
of. Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of
beautiful loarlde now on hand. He is prepared to furnish
at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables
and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian or
Eastern _Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro
priate devices, or plain, as may suit.
Building Marble. Door and Window Sills, &c., will be.
furnished to order.
W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work
manship equal to any in the country, at a thir price. Call
and see, before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on Rill
street, Huntingdon, Pa.
Iltintingdon, May 10, 185:5,
ing front me in Huntingdon at WHOLESALE, ttc;
cheap a. they can itt the cities, as I have a Wholesale Stem
in Philadelphia. If. ROMAN.
Huntingdon, April 2, ISSO.
JEWELRY. The subscriber, thankful to E ci A
his friends and patrons, and to the public goner- . ..A' ,
ally, for their patronage, still continues to carry on at thin
Sallie Stand, one door east of Mr. C. Coats' Hotel, Market
street, Huntingdon, where he will attend to all who will
favor him with their custom t and also keeps on hand a
good assortment of Watches, Clocks, jewelry, &c., &c., all
of %%Well he is determined to sell at low prices- Clocks,
Watt:het- and jewelry of all kinds will be repaired at short
notice. and having, made arrangements with a good work
man. all repairs will be done in a neat and. durable Manner,
and any person baying articles for repairing, shall barn
them done at the promised time. By paying strict atten
tion to business, and selling at low prices, ho hopes to re
ceive a share of public patronage.
Mount Union to
undersi g ned
still coniiu
lie, Wynn a lid-weekly line of stages over the road between
Mount Union and Chitinhersburg. Good horses and com
fortable. stages live been placed on the toute, and experi
enced and trusty drivers will superintend the running of
the Ceiteli": The ProPlikin: of the line is desirous that it
be maintained, and Ito therefore earnestly calls - upon the
public genially to patronise it, confident that it will be
fir their mutual advantage. IlAtry attention neees,ary
will he given, and the running of the stages will be regu
11-9 ...Stages leave Mt. Union at 5 o'clock, p. m., every
Tuesday, Thrumlay and Saturday—returning on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays; at riving at 3lount Union in
time for the cars. Stages stop at Shirleysburg, Orbisonia,
Shade Cap, Burnt Cabins, Fanuetsburg, nurse Valley,
Stra,burg,, and Keefer's store.
ii_Pare through $3,00; to intermediate points in pro
portion. JOHN JAMISON.
Augnst 22. 1555-tf.
volt SALE. The advertiser offers at private sale
the concern known as the," Keystone 'Alachine Works," in
Ilarrishnrg, Pa.
This property consists of a corner lot of 78x1.05 feet. sit
uated. near the lireast of the town. On the premises are a
3laebine shop, Foundry. Blacksmith shop and Itrass Fur
nace. The buildings were all erected expressly for their
present use. The machinery, tools awl fixtures are of the.
best description and in good repair.
The location is one ottho best in the town, and is well
adapted Mr carrying on a general foundry and machine
business, and would also be a first rate point fOr agricultu
ral machine building.
The grmind amt buildings will be bold with the machin
ery, or leased, as parties may desire.
S. sale will be made on liberal terms, and to enterprisinti
men this is a rare opportunity to embark in a well estab
lished business. For further information address
liarrisburp,. Pa.
May 7, ISSO
ki wATciTy.s and JEWELRY,' wholesale and
retail at the "Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry
Store," No. 95, North Second street, corner of
Quarry, Philadelphia. tte'
Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled 1S carat cases,... $2B 00
Gold Lepines
.24 Of.
Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled 12 OD
Silver Lepine, jewels, 9 nO
Superior gnartiers, 7 00
Gold Spectacles, 7 00
Fine Silver do., 1 50
Gold Bracelets 13 00
Ladies' Gold Pencils 1 00
Silver Tea Spoons, set 5 OD
Gold Pens with Pencil and Silver Holder 1 00
Gold Finger Rings, 37 . , Z,, cents to i.."SO; Watch glasses, plain.
121 cents; Patent. 18% LLunett. 23; other articles in
proportion. All goods warranted to he what they are sold
- -
On band, sorno Cold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still
lower than the above prices. October :31, 1855-Iy.
SPENCER THOMAS. No. 20 South Second St.,
Philadelphia, Importer. Manufacturer, and Dealer in Drugs,
Chemicals, Acids, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Colors, White
Lead, French and American White Zinc, Window Glass,
Glatsware, Tarnishes, Brushes, Instruments, Ground
Spices. 'Whole Spices, and other articles usually kept by
Druggists, including Borax, Indigo, Glue, Shellac, Potash,
Re., &c.,A1l orders by mail or otherwise promptly
attended to. Country merchants are invited to call and
examine our stock before elsewhere. Goods
sent to any of the wharves or railroad stations. Prices
low and goods warranted.
__Philadelphia, March 12, 1830-Iy.
COMPANY, of Lock Haven, Pa., insures Detached
Bin dings, Store., Merchandize, Farm Property, and other
Buildings, and their contents, at moderate rates.
DrRECTORS—Hon. John J. Pearce, Llon. G. C. narrey,
John B. 'Hall, T. T. Abrams. Charles A. Mayer, D. K. Jack
man. Charles Crist, White, Peter Dickson, Thomas
Ilou. G. C. Harvey, President; T. T. Abrams, Tice Pres
ident ; Thos. Kitchen, Secretary.
REFETtENCES—StunneI H. Lloyd, Thos. Bowman, D. D., A
A. Winegardner, Win. Vanderbelt, L. A. Mackey, Win
rearon, A. White. Dr. J. S. Crawford, James Qniggle. A
UndegrafT, John W. Maynard, James Armstrong, Hon
Simon Cameron, Hon. Wm. Bigler.
A. S. lIAIUtISON, Agent
Iruntingdon, April 9, 1556.
‘ 1.:1 E 8 T STEEL BLADE Moulders'
,p Shovels, Miners' Coal Shovels, &c., at the new Hard
ware Store of J. A. BROWN & CO.
'TAMS, Shoulders and Flitch for sale
by LOVE & McDT.V.I.T.
tremely low, at J. A. DROWN k . CO'S.