The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, August 27, 1856, Image 2

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Circulation—the largest in the county.
.11iTTTEld'IDOIPID. )n,.
Wednesday, .A.ugust 27, 1856,
,~~~~y: .
JAMES BUCHANAN, of Pennsylvania.
GEORGE SCOTT, of Columbia county
JACOB FRY, Jr., of Montgomery co
JOHN - ROWE, ef Franklin county
p 2 1 1 ,A Zirit OK•1 0 1 1 40 1 *AG 2i141
GRAFFUS 11TTLLER, of Huntingdon.
JOHN LONG of Shirle3-sburg
AUGUSTINE L. GRIM, of Huntingdon
Charles 11. Duclkalew, Wilson 31'Caudless
I--Geo. W. Nehinger, 13—Abraham Edinger,
2—Pierce Butler, 14.—Iteuben - Wilber,
3—Edward Wartman, , 15—George A. Crawford,
4—Wm. IL Witte, I(3—.lames Black,
i3—John 3leNair, 17—II. J. Statile,
6--John N. Brintou, IS—John D. Roddy,
7—David Lanr3, - , 19 —Jacob Turney,
B—Charles Kessler, 211—. T. A. 3. Buchanan,
9—James Patterson, 21—Wm. Wilkins,
10—Isaac Sleuker, '22—James G. Campbell,
11—F. W. llughcs, 23—T. Cunningham,
12—Thomas o:,terhout, 24—John Ready,
25--Vincent Phelps.
Democratic Coil
William Colon, Chair
Perry Owens, Birmingham.
Thomas Bell, Barree.
John Porter, Alexandria.
William Taylor, Clay.
Caleb Greenland, Cass twp.
Geo. W. Speer, Cassville.
Hugh Seeds, Franklin.
F. B. Wallace, - Huntingdon.
It. Bruce Petriken.
Jackson Fee, Henderson.
Dutton Madden, Brady.
Samuel Eby, Mt. Union.
Daniel Isenberg, Shirley tp.
J. G. Lightner, Shirleysburg.
James Chamberla
"The leederal Uniou—it must be preserved."—_ NnurT
—" Disunion is a word which ought not to be breathed'
amongst us, even in a whisper. The word ought to be consid
ered one V . dreadful omen, and our children should be taught
that it is sacrilege to pronounce it."---..TANEs Brausx.v.
Circulate " The Globe !"
Tun GLOBE will be furnished to subscribers
at the following rates :
For three months, payment in advance,
" year.
letter from John Ashman, Esq., of Clay town_
ship, came to hand too late for insertion this
week. We shall publish it next week with
10-The Huntingdon Journal says we are
- welcome to all such Old Line Whigs as JOHN
Asmst_tx, Esci. They are just the kind we
want. Ile lived in the days when party men
were honest—he is so still.
A report has been put in circulation,
in Jackson and. Barree townships, by a wool
ly-head, that John 'Whittaker, son of Capt.
John Whittaker of this place, was murdered.
in his bed in Kansas, by the "Border Ruffi
ans." There is no truth in the report._ The
"nigger worshippers" must be hard run for
aid to save their sinking ship.
The following is an extract from a let
ter to Mr. John Thompson, dated Ogden,
Kansas Territory, July 12, 1856:
" I perceive by reading the eastern papers,
that there are false reports about the excite
ment in Kansas, and more said about it than
there is here. There has been considerable
confusion at Lawrence and Hickory Point,
but not so bad as is repotted. This is a good
Little Mifflin all Right
The Lewistown True Democrat says :
Almost every day we bear of old Line
Whigs, in various parts of this county, who
have come out for " Buck" and " Breck, "
and denounced the sectionalists who fight
under the flag of sixteen stars. In November
next, Little Mifflin will send to her sister
counties, greeting, 250 majority for Buchan
an and Breckinridge.—We are satisfied this
will be so. Fremont and Niggerism can
never flourish upon the pure soil of Little
Mifflin, and therefore cur opponents may as
well prepare themselves for a complete drub
bing 1 Get your hides ready, boys, for you'll
catch it—that's certain.
cent meeting of the colored voters of the city
of Brooklyn, N. Y., one of the resolutions
adopted commenced thus :
.Resolved, That in the three prominent
political platforms now before the country,
we recognize that adopted by the Republi
can . party, nearest to the truth and right "
We publish the above in order. that our
Black Republican friends of this county may
see that their colored "breddering and sis
tering" of New York are all right for Fre
For the information of all whom it
may concern, we state that the proceedings
of the Democratic Delegate Convention were
published as full as they were handed to us
by the Secretary. If any motion was made
instructing the Chair to appoint a Standing
Committee, and omitted, the fault was not
ours. The Committee appointed by the Pre's
ident will be found in to-day's Globe.
rnty Cornmittee.
•ian, Huntingdon, Pa.
Samuel Bollinger, Cromwell
Wm. Templeton, Orbisonia.
Jacob Hunt, Esq., Dublin.
Samuel Me&tors, Tell.
Jacob Cobert, Springfield.
Das id Berkstreseer, Tod.
Robert Oakman,
- • - -
Jacob Longenecker, West.
Thos. Ozbnrn, Jackson.
Jacob Ilarncarne, Porter.
Jno. R. Hunter, Petersburg.
.T. Tandevantler,Esq.Walker
Jacob Grove, Penn.
IL Zimmerman, Hopewell.
n, Warriorsmark.
$ 50
The effect of Tom Ford's Speech
It is well known that the Abolition faction
of the Know Nothing party, called Black Re
publican, counted largely on securing the
naturalized German vote • of the country for
Fremont. To this end, all sorts of means
have been resorted to—misrepresentation, and
bribery and corrtption—being the chief.—
Accustomed to place implicit confidence in
their editors, many of the German voters fol
lowed in the track of those who had been
bribed, but since their wickedness and shame
have been exposed, the Germans are every
where holding meetings and denouncing the
traitors, and resolving that if "German edi
tors can be bought, German voters cannot,"
and are consequently retracing their steps.—
Among the misrepresentations used, was this,
that the Black Republicans were antagonis
tical to the Know Nothings. - Gov. Ford,
however, in his late great attempt at speech
Making in this borough, settled. that matter
very conclusively, by asserting that Gov.
Williamson and. himself were genuine Know
Nothing delegates to the Philadelphia Con
vention, but because that Convention admit
ted Catholics, they withdrew, and with oth
ers, held a separate Convention, where none
but the most proscriptive of the Order could
get seats—proscriptive of foreigners, mind
you, as well as of native Catholics.' It is al
so well remembered that Gov. (John) Will
i9.mson declared at the Fillmore ratification
meeting in the Spring, that "he had not left
the Know Nothing party," and demanded
the evidence that he had done so. These
things have not been unattended with good
results. Several voters in our borough - who
had inclined toward the Fremont party, have
taken their stand again with the good old de
mocracy, saying—"it has defended us, we
will continue to defend and support it"—
Gov. (Tom) Ford's speech has made it a fixed
fact, that the votes of the adopted citizens of
this district will go for Buchanan and. De
mocracy, and nobody and nothing else. Men
of common sense will not surely - vote for their
own proscription.
The Disumlonists.
If anything further were necessary to con
vince us of the traitorous purposes of the
Black Republican leaders, beyond their nom
ination of J. C. Fremont upon a sectional
platform, we have the conclusive evidence
furnished us by their recent action in Con
gress adjourning without granting themeans
of keeping afoot our army for the defence of
the nation and the preservation of the pub
lic peace. They hoped for the disbandon
inept of the government forces, that in the
midst of confusion and civil war, the coun
try might be rent in twain, and their darling
scheme of severing the North from the South
be carried into effect. Their sectional can
didate, says the Washington Uizipt, was a
true type of their heart, and when they struck
that revolutionary blow upon the constitu
tion, by their proviso to the army appropria
tion bill, it was but giving another practical
illustration of their treasonable purposes.—
We have said what is well should be repeat
eel, and sounded again and again through the
length and breadth of the land, that their ob
ject was to compel the President to disband
the army, so that anarchy might come, and
the road be unobstructed to that revolution
and conquest which alone could gratify their
wicked ambition.
But they have miscalculated their power
to hoodwink and deceive the people. Their
deliberate purpose to destroy the American
Union is now being well understood, and the
feeling of true, affection for our common na
tionality, that exists every where alike,
throughout this country,- North, South, East
and West, will evoke such an indignant spir
it as will sweep them from place and power,
and condemn them to a despised obscurity.
Nothing more, we conceive, is needful than
that their designs be fully developed. No
discussion on the value of the Union is requir
ed. Let the fact the known that Black Re
publicanism aims to destroy the integrity of
the country, and the people will speedily take
front it the power of harm. .
Organize! Organize!
Our Democratic friends in every election
district in the county, should organize imme
diately, that a full vote of all who are oppos
ed to Abolitionism, Know Nothingism and
the dissolution of the Union, and. in favor of
Buchanan, Breckinridge and the Union, and
good. and competent men. for our State and
county officers, may be brought to the polls
on the 2d. Tuesday of October.
If clubs axe not formed in each district,
meetings should be held frequently, and if
no public speakers can be procured for the
occasions, letters and speeches by the most
prominent old Whigs End. Democrats, should
be publicly read.
Our friends should see that every voter is
supplied with Democratic papers and docu
ments, and it would be well for those who aro
subscribers to the "Globe," after having read
it, to hand it to their neighbors. Give the
voters correct information—let the truth be
disseminated—let the present contest be pre
sented in its true aspect before the people,
and the result cannot be a matter of doubt—
Huntingdon county will roll up a handsome
majority for Buchanan and Democracy.
ko..We would again urge our readers to
call on GEO. H. AtIXER, and obtain one of his
superior Ambrotypes, for they are decidedly
the best Likenesses ever taken in Hunting
don. Rooms in the Court House. The ad
vantage of the Ambrotype over the ordinary
Daguerreotype, is that you can see them in
any light, and they never fade.
W.T.LLIA3ISBURG, Aug. 25, 1856.
MR. EDlTOR.—Permit me through the col
umns of the Globe, to inform the Democrats
in our mother county, that we, in little Blair,
are aroused. to the importance of the issue in
volved in the coming Presidential contest.—
The "dark lantern" and "cuffy" parties car
ried. our county by a majority of about 600
last fall, but if they succeed in getting half
that majority at the coming election, you can
take our hat.
A Buchanan Club was organized in Wil
liamsburg, on Saturday evening last, Aug.
23, which was ominous, from the fact, that
it is the first Democratic Club. ever raised in
our. town. The meeting was large and en
thusiastic, and during the evening, quite a
number of old line Whigs and Know Noth
ings came forward manfully and enrolled
their names as members of the Club.
Mr. HENRY L. AKE being loudly called for,
responded in an eloquent address. He dish
ed up the coming contest in a happy manner
—handled Mr. Fremont, the Mariposa finan
cier, rather sharply—portraying the crafty
speculator with _ his arms in Uncle Sam's
breeches pockets up to the elbows, turning
out the "yellow boys" by thousands, and
transferring them to his individual uses—and
that, notwithstanding he is the hero of Cali
fornia, we will find him at the election in No
vember next, spurring with desperation yet
more terrible than was the "ride of the one
hundred"—and coming out, as usual, "in
time to be too late" for the Presidency. He
gave us to understand that Mr. Fillmore
would probably be a mere plank upon which
to ride the "woolly horse" into the 'White
House. The contrast drawn between the
three candidates was lucid and telling, and.
calculated to convince rational Fremont men,
that they had the wool pulled over their eyes.
Ford and Black
The Black Republicans have had Gov.
Ford, of Ohio, stumping Bedford and Fulton
comities. The Governor made a speech in
Bedford, which was replied to by S. W. Black,
who completely demolished the Governor
and his dark doctrines. The meeting that
Col. Black addressed in Bedford on Saturday
week, was the largest and most imposing
meeting ever held in that town. The Colo
nel's speech was a most happy and able one.
A clear, powerful and convincing one, t lie
scarcely left a grease spot of the Black Re
publican Governor, who is supported in his
endeavors to destroy the fraternal harmony
of the people, out of the Kansas fund. - The
Governor has signally failed in Bedford and
Fulton to leave the least mark of success.
So says the Johnstown Echo.
G.els COSIPANY.—The Com
pany was organized on Monday, add'the fol
lowing named gentlemen elected Directors:
J. P. Anderson, John Scott, Wm. Dorris, jr.,
J. Simpson Africa and Wm. P. Orbison.
Those who have not yet subscribed to the
stock should do so immediately.
BROAD Top CoAL.—The coal now coming
from the mines looks much better, and is of
a better quality, than that taken out when
the mines were first opened. It is fast taking
the place of other bituminous coal for all pur
Herald, the leading Fremont organ, both be
fore and since his nomination, openly advo
cates that Kansas shall be made a slave state.
It says—
" Admit Kansas, then, as a slave state,
and. hereafter let the new free states and
slave states come in pairs—a fair offset to
each other. This will dry up the bitter
waters which aro now bursting forth in the
west, and the streams of passion and excite
ment which they feed."
Verily, it seems that all parties can sup
port Fremont, without sacrificing. any opin
ion upon any question.
Eloquent and Patriotic Letter.
The following. extract is from a letter ad
dressed by J. McD. Smine, Esq., of Cham
bcrsburg, (formerly an old-line Whig,} in re
ply to an invitation to address the Democrat-.
ic Mass Meeting at Chambersburg. It
breathes a spirit of patriotism which in these
days of disunion sentiments is cheering to
the heart of every lover of his country:
Every shout that will go up from your
meeting for Buchanan and Breekbaridge, will
find and wake a sympathetic and vibrating
cord in my heart. Every cheer for the Con
stitution-and the Union, will wake an echo
in my inmost bosom. The Constitution—
that magna charta of human rights—that ti
tle deed of political equality, fresh from the
hands of God—that glorious shield and pro
tector of our_ homes and our firesides—our
lives, liberties and property. The Union—
that has made us a great, mighty and won
derfully prosperous people. The Union—that
has bridged this Continent from the Atlantic
to the Pacific. The Union—that has made
the sturdy sons of Maine and the gallant
children of Louisiana brothers—one and in
separable in heart, feeling, blood, kindred
and interest. That Constitution, and that
Union—cherish both of them. They embody
a sentiment worth living for—a sentiment
worth dying for—and while you remember
them now, in their hour of peril and danger
—love and clasp the banner of the Democrat
ic Party—the only party now in the country
that loves and clasps the Constitution and
the Union. Hoping you may have a good
meeting, and a season of enjoyment, and feel
stronger nerved in the good cause after this
political communion, I subscribe myself in
haste, Your obt. servt.
VS. Single copies of DIE GLOBE done up
in wrappers can always he had at the office.
Price 3 cents.
From the Harrisburg Patriot and onion
The British against Buchanan.
A short time ago we published an article
from the London Times, one of the leading
organs of the English government, - which
showed the interest our Trans-atlantic ene
mies feel and the part they are performing
in our Presidential contest. It will be re
membered that the article from the Times,
contained the following bold and significant
"A Buchanan Presidency will be a trying
one to English interests, and must be anticipa
ted, if possible."
Since the appearance of the Times article
another English journal, the London Chroni
cle, which occupies a high place in the confi
dence of the British Government, has come
out openly in opposition, to Mr. BucRAN - NN.
It says
"We should be sorry to see Mr. Buchanan
elected, because he is in favor of preserving
the obnoxious institutions as they exist, AND
no safety for European monarchial govern
ments, if the progressive spirit of the .Deinoe
racy of the Umted States is allowed to succeed.
There, reader, you have the secret of Eng
lish opposition to the Democracy and their
candidate for the Presidency. Mr. Bum - AN - -
AN would preserve our INSTITUTIONS AS VIET"
would have expected so candid an admission?
It is just the reverse of their previous diplo
macy. Heretofore they have secretly aided
and abetted our opponents by money and
counsel. We are rejoiced at their change of
tact. In previous political contests the op
position have denied the charge that they
were allied with the British, and so wily
were their coadjutors, that it was difficult to
establish their connection. Now, however,
thore is 1:to room for denial. Their allies
speak out openly and unequivocally. They
say, "There is no safety for European mon,
archial governments, if the progressive spirit
of the Democracy of the United States is
allowed to succeed."—What say you to that,
American citizens? Do you wish to perpetu
ate the monarchies of the old world? If so,
crush out the progressive spirit of Democracy.
Cast your votes in accordance with the dic
tates of monarchists. Become the instru
ments of those who would sap the founda
tions of your free institutions that the totter
ing thrones of Europe may be , saved. If
you are tired of enjoying the blessings of lib
erty, oppose "the progressive spirit of Democ
racy." If you wish to surrender the noble
heritage which was purchased by the toil,
the blood, the lives of your fatherg, consult
"English interests," and aid. them in pre
venting a BUCHANAN Presidency. If you de
sire a dissolution of our glorious Union—
which is the envy, while it commands the
respect of the world—if you are anxious to
engage in a civil war and imbrue your hands
in the blood of your brethren, then do as the
British allies of Black Republicanism request
—elect JOHN C. FREMONT, and you will be
)3ow to do it---Greeley's Instructions.
The New York Tribune contains a list of
instructions • for the country districts, num
bered from one to eleven. The following is
a copy of number three:
3. To have frequent meetings for inter
change of opinion, and let speakers be instruc
ted upon the topics most suitable for the
locality. In. some places, the foreign vote to
be undeceived; in others, the distinction poin
ted out between Fillmore and Americanism;
in others, the Bucaneers to be attended to, in
and the particular shape which treason toward
Freedom may assume well shaken out.
Mark each sentence of this infamous order, •
says the Pennsylvanian. "Let speakers be
instructed upon the topics most suitable for
the locality."--L.This - means that in a settlement
composed mainly of adopted citizens, the
speaker is to go into spasms of delight over
"the rich Irish brogue and the sweet• German
accent;" but if it should abound in the oppo-.
site material, he is to let out his slang-whang
lag energies upon the "low Dutch," and the
ignorent Trish." Again, some places the
foreign vote is to be undeceived; in. others, the
distinctionpointedoutbetween Fillmoresim and
Americanism." This is of a piece with the
previous sentence. Foreign born voters- are
to be humbugged with the falsehoods that
that Fremont has no connection with their
persecutors, while the "Americans" are to be
made mire by the exhibition of some secret
pledge or sign such as that which satisfied
the Honorable Timothy Davis that the Black
Republican leader is as good a Know Nothing
as Fillmore,.
It is by such shameless means as those
unguardedly developed in direction No. 3,
that Greely and his unscrupulous associates
hope to swindle into the chair at Washington,
the poor novice they have so deeply debauch
ed. Upon the face of these instructions it is
clear that some one is to be cheated, but
what matters that to the spotless and truth
ful philosopher of the Tribune. A lic it more
or less, "a pious fraud'_' or a whole party
swindled is nothing in such a day's work as
it is his practice to ut in. why should he
hesitate at either if it stands in the way of
the "nigger 1" There is no commandment in
in his code to stop him.
Democrats—men of decency and intelli
gence of all parties,read these shameless
and inftimous directions and lash with a
whip of scorpions the lying swindlers that
are sent to execute them.
ORGANIZED-A Buchanan Club in town.—
It will meet at the Town Hall on Saturday
evening at 8 o'clock. Let all attend.
table, says the Journal of Commerce, has
been prepared to show the apportionment of
Representatives in Congress- from 1811 to
1852, among the Free and Slave States, should
be pasted. in the hat of every Democrat, so
that when a "freedom shriekery talks about
the "growing and overpowering influence of
the slave power," as all of them do every
time they talk, he can take off his hat and
politely show the disciple of Giddings, Gree ,
ley & Co., that he is slightly mistaken:
1811. -1822
New Ilampshirc, 6 6
Massachusetts, 20 13
Vermont, 6 6
Rhode Island, 2 2
Connecticut, 7 6
New York, 27 .34
New Jersey,. 6 6
Pennsylvania, " 23 26
Ohio, 6 14
93 123 141 135 143
1811. 1822. 1832. 1842. 1852
Delawaro„ 1 1 1 1 1
Maryland, 9 9 8 6 5
Virginia, 23 22 21 15 13
North Carolina, 13 15 13 a 3
South Carolina, 9 9 9 7 6
Georgia. 6 7 9 8 8
_Kentucky, 10 -12 13 10 10
Tennessee, 0 9 13 11 10
Alabama, 2 5 7 7
Mississippi, 1 2 4 5
Louisiana, 3 3 4 4
Missouri, / 2 5 7
Texas, 2
Florida, 1
Total, 78 79 99 87 90
Difference in favor of Free—
What a comment upon the howlings of the
Abolition-Republicans about the increase of
the "slave power 1" Why, at the rate of pro
gression, the Representatives from the non
slaveholding States will soon be to those from
the slaveholding States, as two to one. Al
ready-they have a majority of 53.
Exciting News From Kansas
ST, Louis, Aug. 21.—The Leavenworth
City, Kansas, JoUrnal of the 17th contains
lengthy accounts of another outbreak in Kan
sas, On the 17th, Brown, at the head of 300
Free State men attacked and drove into Mis
souri a Colony of Georgians near Ossawato
mie Colony, who were unarmed ; their houses
wore burned and all their property destroy
ed. On the 12th Franklin was attacked by
200 Men from Lawrence, who, after dislodg
ing 14 pro-slavery men by setting fire to the
house they were in, robbed the Post Office of
$7O; took 30 United States muskets and one
piece of artillery from Mr. Buckley, They
took $425, a gold watch and $450 worth of
clothing from Mr, Barnes ; a large lot of
clothing from Mr. Crane ; between $9OO and
$l2OO in accounts and notes, and $125 in
clothing from Inda Fane, and a valuable
On the 15th, the Freadwell party were on
foot, it is feared. that most of them have fal
len. Freadwell sent to Gov. Shannon for aid,
who called on the U. S. troops, but they re
fused to act. The anti-Slavery men are dri
ving all the pro-Slavery men out of Douglass
county, and destroying their property.
A fight took place' on the 14th near Ossa
watomie, between 200 Abolitionists and 12
pro-Slavery men, the latter being in a fort,
which resulted. in killing 14 Abolitionists and
wotinding six others.
On the morning of the 16th, Lecompton
was attacked and taken by 800 of Lane's
men ; the United States troops, having Rob
inson, Brown, Williams and other prisoners
in charge, surrendered without firing a gun,
during the absence of Col. Titus, who went
for assistance to Treadwell. His house, about
b mile from Lecompton, was burned, and Mr.
Clowes, editor of the Southern Advocate, and
Mr. Systene were killed, and Andrew Bros
ton wounded,
Largo bodies of men are organizing, in the
border counties of Independence, and String
fellow is at Weston. Circulars signed by
Atcheson, Russell, Anderson, and Boone are
being freely circulated in the river towns,
asking for aid to drive the anti-slavery men
out and to burn Lawrence on the 20th, for
which place a large force had. left Leaven
Lanes force is variously reported at from
300 to 800.
Bloody work is looked for.
eweAoo, Aug. 23.—The St. Louis Demo
crat gives the following version of the re
cent occurrences in Kansas. The attack on
the pro-slavery camp at Ossawatomie, was
occasioned by the plundering of a number
of provision wagons belonging to citizens
settled between Kansas city and Ossawato
mie. The pro-slavery force was entirely driv
en out of Franklin. A force of 200 men
from Lawrence marched to the pro-slavery
camp on Washington creek, and ordered the
men there to disperse. They retreated and
occupied and fortified a block house at Le
compton. heavy firing was heard in that
„direction the same day.
ST. Louis, Aug. 23.—A private despatch
from Boonville states that the late news from
Kansas has created a most intense excite
ment. Five thousand dollars were raised
for the purpose of sending men immediately
to the relief of the pro-slavery citizens of the
territory. A high state of feeling exists
among the citizens of the counties'in Missou
ri bordering on the river. Public meetings
are daily held
.411 d. large numbers of men are
volunteering - to go for the purpose of aiding
the Governor . of Kansas. Among these vol
unteers are men of discretion and property,
who express a determination to remain in
the field until peace and good order are re
stored in the territory. Circulars and ap
peals, signed by prominent and. influential
citizens, are freely circulated asking for aid
to drive Col. Lane and his party out.
MODEL RErnnx.—The Messrs. Brooks, of
the New York Express, a Fillmore and Don
elson paper, lately sent a Prospectus to Mr.
Hollister, Sheriff of Susquehanna county,
:with a request that he would get up a club,
or hand over the Prospectus to some active
Fillmore and Donelson man for that purpose.
The Sheriff subsequently made the following
formal return:
PRESS.--I certify that by virtue of the within
writ, to me directed, I have made diligent in
quiry and search, but have been unable to
find a Fillmore man or a Donelson man in my
bailiwick. So answers
F. P. HOLLISTER, Sheriff.
1832. 1842. 1852
5 4 3
32 10 11
5 4 3
2 2 2
6 5 5
40 34 33
6 5 5
23 24 25
19 21 21
8 7 6
7 10 11
3 7 9
3 4
42 48 53
15 35
The President's Message
The following message was sent to the two
Houses of Congress on the 21st, by President
Pierce, on the occasion of their assembling
in Extra session. It is in the highest degree
creditable to the President as a State paper,
and presents in a forcible light the situation
of the country, and the factious nature of the
proceedings of the majority in the House:—
Fellow Citizens of the Senate and House of
n consequence of the failure of Congress,
at its recent session,, to make provision for the
support of the Army, it became imperatively
incumbent on me to exercise the power which
the Constitution confers on the Executive for
extraordinary occasions, and promptly to
convene the two Houses, in: order to afford
them an opportunity of reconsidering a sub
ject of such vital interest to the peace and
welfare of the nation. With the exception
of a partial authority, vested by law in the
Secretary of War, to contract for the supply
of clothing and Subsistence, the army is whol
ly dependent on the appropriations annually
made by Congress. Tile omission of Con
gress to act in this respect before the termi
nation of' the fiscal year, had already caused
embarrassments to the service which were
overcome only in the expectation of appro
priations before the close of the present month.
If the requisite funds be not speedily provi
ded, the Executive will no longer be able to
furnish the transportation, equipments, and
munitions which are essential to the effective
ness of a military force in the field. With
no provision for the pay of troops, the con
tracts of enlistment would be broken, and the
army must, in effect, be disbanded, the con
sequences of which would be so disastrous as
to demand all possible efforts to avert the ca
It is not merely that tho officers and enlist
ed men of the array are - to be thus deprived
of the pay and emoluments to which they are
entitled by the standing laws, but the con,
struction of arms at the public armories, the
repair and construction of ordnance at the
arsenals, and the manufacture of military
clothing and camp equipage must be discon
tinued, and the persons connected with this
branch of the public service, thus be depri
ved, suddenly, of the employment essential
to their subsistence. Nor is it merely the
waste consequent on the forced abandonment
of the seaboard fortifications and of the infe
rior military posts and other establishments,
and the enormous expense of recruiting and
re-organizing the army, and again distribu
ting it over the vast regions which it now oc
cupies. These are evils which may, it is true,
be repaired hereafter by taxes imposed on the
country. But other evils are involved, which
no expenditures, however lavish, could reme
dy, and in comparison with which local and
personal injuries or interests, sink into insig
A great part of the army is situated on a
remote frontier, or in the deserts and moun
tains of the interior. To discharge large
bodies of men in such places, without the
means of regaining their homes, and where
few, if any, could obtain subsistence by hon
est industry, would be to subject them to suf
fering and. temptation, with a disregard of
justice and right most derogatory to govern,
In the Territories of Washington and Ore
gon, numerous bands of Indians are in arms,
and are wa,ging awar of extermination against
the white inhabitants, and although our troops
arc actively carrying on the campaign, we
have no intelligence of a successful result.—
On the Western plains notwithstanding the
imposing display of military force recently
made there, and the chastisement inflicted on
the rebellious tribes, others, far from being
dismayed, have manifested hostile intentions
and been guilty of outrages which if not de
signed to prove c conflict, serve to show that
the apprehension of it is insufficient wholly
to restrain their vicious propensities. A
strong force in the State of Texas has produ
ced a temporary suspension of hostilities there,
but in New Mexico incessant activity on the
part of the troops is required to keep in check
the marauding tribes which infest that Terri,
tory. The hostile Indians have not been re
moved from the State of Florida, and the
withdrawal of the troops therefrom, leaving
that object unaccomplished, would be most
injurious to the inhabitants, and a breach of
the positive engagements of the general Gov
ernment. To refuse supplies to the army,
therefore, is to compel the complete cessation
of all its operations, and its practical disband
ment, and thus to invite the hordes of preda
tory savages from the Western plains and the
Rocky Mountains, to spread devastation along
a frontier of more than four thousand mile
in extent, and to deliver up the sparse popu
-1 lation of a vast tract of country to rapine and
Such, in substance, would be the direct and
immediate effects of the refusal of Congress
for the first time in the history of the Govern
ment, to grant supplies for the maintenance
of the army ; the inevitable waste of millions
of public treasure ; the infliction of extreme
wrong upon all persons connected with the
military establishment, by service, employ
ment or contracts ' • the recall of our forces
from the field ; the fearful sacrifice of life and
incalculable destruction of property' on the
remote frontiers ; the striking of our national
flag • on the battlements of the fortresses which
defend our maritime cities against foreign in
vasion ; the violation of the public honor and
good and. the discredit of the United
States in the eyes of the civilized world.
I confidently trust that these considerations
and others appertaining to the domestic peace
of the country, which cannot fail to suggest
themselves to every patriOtic mind, will, on
reflection, be duly appreciated by both Hou
ses of Congress, and induce the enactment of
the requisite provisions of law for the sup
port of the army of the United States.
WASHINGTON, August, 21, 1850.
The above question is thus answered by the
Albany Argus ;
" Clayton, the premier of the Whigs in the
Senate, has declared his hostility to both Fre,
mont and Fillmore. Ev.erett and Choate
stand apart from the Whigs of Massachusetts.
Senators Pearce - and Pratt, of Maryland,
have given in their adhesion to Buchanan.—
Senator Benjamin, of Louisiana, is on the
stump in the same cause. Senator Geyer,
is to follow. Kentucky has sided
with the Democracy. Tennessee will follow.
Yet Maryland, Louisiana, Kentucky, Tennes
see, and sometimes Missouri, were once Whig
States !" The Argus adds :
"It is said that not a single survivor of the
cabinet of President Harrison votes for Fre
mont. The son. of Harrison, the son of Clay,
the son of Webster, are all to be found in the
ranks of the Democracy, sustaining its can
didates and upholding the glorious Union. of
our States."