TEENS THE -GLOBE. Per annum in advance., Six. months Three months • • failure to notify, alliseentinivance ,expiration of the term 4ubs6ribed far will le - consiiterea .o - "nc,w Olgage zuen.t., ' , • . . . . • TERSIS OF , 612)171tTESING.. . .„ .1 insertion. '.2 do. Four lines or 1e55,...xi..::.. . : $ , 37y. ... '5O One square, (19 ' •- 50 ,75 '1 00 Two "squares, 1 - 00 • 1 50_• - 2 00 Three squares - 1 - 50 - .2 9.5 - 3 00: Over three iteek and less than three months, 25 cents Per square for each. insertion.. • 3 menthe. 0 montbs:l2 - menths.' $1.50 - $3,00 - • - $5 00 3 00......,...5.00 7 00 5 00 • 8 00- - 10 00 , 7 00 10 00 - 13 00. 9, 00 ....1300''2000 —l2 00 00 ' 2# .00 - .20 00 30 00 1:50 -00' Sis lines or 1e55,.,.. One_square, Trio squares, Three squares, - Four. squares, Half a column, One column, , Professional and. BusinesiCards not exceeding,four lines, on 3.'ear, • 00 Administrators' and Executors' Notices,. ... .... ... 75 Adt - ertiscments.not marltedyvith the number of fuser-, tions desired, will_be continued till ,forbid and charged , . cording to these tering. - - ' ' • . - Sniert - .Vtrtfq. DEMOCRATIC BATTLE •lIYMN, Air—wALinsnlis 7lnrs'." 13ehold the ftrious . storm is rolling, - Which traitor fiends - confederate - raise; The hounds of woe, - let loose; aro howling, And soon - our'brotherS' homes will blaze; And 'shall WO .calmly.view the - ruin While bloody force, with, lawless.s4le, - 'Sprdad4 desolatien far - and wide, This happy land iri blood imbruing? - Arise, Arise, ye brave! - our war cry; lie Our God, our Union, 'anil our.flag, Our creed, and victory. . ' Oh, blessed Unioul we will ne'er resign thee, Nor fail to bow before thy glorious name,. . 11 7 bile madmen rail and knates malign thee, Shall we be recreant to thy - flume? No! by the Constitution bending o'er us 1 No! by the Revolution's sabred dead!. No! by,the perils past and fiedl, - No! by the destiny before us! . - - Awake 4 nivakel brave hearts! • Put down the traitor clan - Who would our Union rend in parts,: The-last - best-hope of Man.- - ' - And hark! the pOpular shout is Faking In every - breast a generous flame; ' And Treason, in'his den is (making, Antishuddering at its death of shame; And where our starry banner's - gleaming, The patrior.BucruNA - S stands, Supported by our hearts and ha.nds, Triumph above arid foinul him beaming. For on the Constitution's rock, iVith God oar-hearts-to see, - dare the traitor's dirist shock, And wait for victory. , Do not despair! ye millions pining In bloody fetters o'er the sea: • The orb ye watch is not declining, The' sorely clouded it mantic.. • • tni this fair shore we wilt reserve, ye A shelter=from the despot's frown; " - A refuge from the pelting storm, • - And, blessed Union! we still preserve thee! Yes ! for the God ahoye has made and kept uc free; Aml from the skies beyond us - ire points to vieteryl • Nudj4ifitit.lli4 74i11 - ,c hiiri.,-ibge. LETTBR:OF RUFUS CHOAT,2I PRESM7ENTLATA Q11:E.H571.617 Trorn the , nosto.'n Courior, 1,1.• The Whigs of Maine held a 'grand mass meeting in the tOwil of Watervilleye'sterdtiy: lion. Rufus Choate was invited to be pres6nt, but being Unable to attend, be sent- a letter, in whie,h he - defined his own: position on the Presidential iluastivn ; and avoWea his inten tion to vote for Mr. Buchanan. We- give it below.' - TiosTON; Saturday', Aug.-9, .1856 4. Upon my return last, evening, after a short absence from the citY,:.l found: your letter of the • : 30th, iiit.,, inviting me to take part in the, proceeding's cif the W higs• of- Maine,' assembled in mass meeting. , • I ,apnreciate' most highly- the honor and kindness of thiS invitation; und . should•lia-,4e had true- pleasure iii accepting it. The Whigs of Maine composed at all times- so important a division of the great - national party ; which. under that name, with or without of f i c i a l - power, as a responsible administration ,or -as only an organized..opinion, has - dote so Much for -our- country—,„ our whole' country-L.-and your responsibilities : at this moment are so vast and -peculiar, -that acknowledge an anxiety to see—not NVllit to hear=--with - what, noble bearing you meet _the deMandS of the time. If-the tried legions, to whom it is °gin; mitted. .to guard the frontier, of the - Union,: falter - now,. who, any where, can he entrusted? My-engagements, however, and the neces-' sity 'and expedioney' of _abstaining 'from all speech requiring much effort, 'will prevent my being with you. And yet,- invited to, share in your counsels, and grateful _for' such tinction, I cannot, whbllY decline :My oWn opinion' on 'one of the . duties- of the-Whis iu what yoicwell &Scribe' aS " the present crisis in the political affairs of the country." .1 cannot now, and need not, pause to ,elaborate or -defend them. - -What I think, and what .1 have decided to do,, permit nie in the briefest and plainest expression-to tell you. ‘, - The first duty, 'then, of Whigs, not merely_ as patriots and as- citizens,--loving, with a large and equal love our whole nativeland,— but as,Whigs, and_ because we are Whigs,' is; 'to unite with-some organization of our coun trymen, to - defeat and dissolve the new geo graphical party, calling itself Republican. L---- This is our first duly.- ' -It would_ mereekactly express my opinion to say; that at 'this mo ment, it is-our.only. duty. _Certainly, atleaSt," it comprehends or Suspends all others • 'arid in my judgment, the question for-each: and every-one of us is; not - whether thiS candidate: or that candidate would,be oar first choice not whether- there - is some good - talk in'the - worst-platform, and some bad talk in the best. piatforin ; not whether.thiS Man's' ambition ; or that man's servility, - or boldness, or fanat icism, or• violence, - is respothible fOr: putting, the wild waters in this uproar;---but jUstthis, —by what'-vote can 1 - do most to prevent the madneSs of the times from working its mad dest itct,'Hthe Very,ecStacy, of r its the permanent formation and thonctual pres ent- tritimph-of a,,partyl;thich knows , ono half of America only-to hate and, dread" it; from whose unconsecrated and :revolutionary, ban ner fifteen stars are'eraSed - or have - Tanen ; in whose nationaranthem'the old iiiidendear eel airs of the Eutaw . Sp_ringS,..ind:the King's ,m o m i t a ih, and . Yorkto.wn; and, these; later; of New Orleans, and Buena Vista;. and Cha,pul tetTee, bicathe- no more.: To ':this . duty; to this question, all others semi to . me - fo stand for the present postponed and,speondary. .:Andy-why ? Because, according' to . onr creed,: it is only'the United- America Which can peacefully,,gradnally;" safely, improve, lift up and-bless with all social and persbnal and civil blessings, all the - races and all the conditions Which- compose our vast and vari- . - ous family—it such an Ainerica, only, whose arm can guard our flag,'develope our resources, extend our trade ; and fill the mons - nre of our glory; and, because; according-to ,our convictions, the triumph of such a-Party 'puts that Union in danger. That is my reason. And-for. you ,:and for me,. and for'all of us in whoSe regards the Union- possesses-: such It 'Value, and to whose fears it seems menaced 11 , 50 75 . -50 WILLIAM'; LEWIS, VOL, XII. by,siteha, danger'; lg. reason enough:_Be lieving the noble ship of .state to be. within ; half cableslengtfrof ,the lee . - shore, in gale . of our.. first .business , is put her. about, and erowd'her Qff,:into-the open sea. That'-done, we _can regulate'the stowage of her -lower tier' of powder,.and:se lect her cruising ground; and:bring-hei!' offi cars to court-martial at - our leisure. ' If, there are any in Maine—and'am s orig the Whig of Maine 1_ hope - there is "not one—but _if there are any,:in whose hearts strong pas -gem, .v-aulting-aMbition, :jealousy of 'men or sections; unreasoning. and"inapatient'philat thropy,- or whatever else have turned hate Or coldness the fraternal blood -and . quenched' the spirit of national life at-its source;' - With, *hoed' the Union of slave - States ana. free' States uiader-the'actualConstitution _ Ourse,- a-hindranae, a reproach ;' With those, of course our view - _ Of our 'duty and the reason of it,fare' a- stumbling block and foolishness. To 'such you can have nothing - to say, and from such you can" have nothing to hope. But if there are those again„Whe Rive the - Union a:s we, love it; and.prize it as' we prize it ; who regard: it- as we do; not • merely as a vast instrumen tality fbr the:protection of. our oommerce-an& navigation and.for achieving power, eminence nal*, anion ;.the sovereigns of the, egth. a as - ' means of improving the . ' material lot, and blevating the moral and menial rd tare, and insuring the personal_ happineSs,'Of the -millions of 'inany.distant generations.; if there . are those. who think thus justly of and yet hug the fatal.clelusien - that,= because it is good, it is 'necessarily immortal;_that it, will thrive .without care ;'that anything crea ted by inate,s will is above or_ strongers.than His will; that because the reason and virtue of our age of .reason and_virtue could build it,. the passion§ and stimulations of a day - of frenzy cannot pull it down;' if such - there are among-you, to-them address yourselves;'ivith. ,all the earnestness .and all the eloquence of men who feel that some greater' interest is at stake ; -and -Some mightier cause in hearing, : than ever'yet tongue had ; pleaded or - trumpet proclaimed::: If . such'mindS:and hearts are reached, all is safe: -.Bat how .specious and how . - manifold'are the sophiSm.S by which they are courted ? - They hear and they : read. much :ridicule of those - who fear that geographical, party 'does endanger the,'Union. But - cart- they - forget that :our, greatest, wisest; and most hopeful statesmen have alwayS felt, arid - have - all, in one forwor another;. left on record their own fear of -such, a 'party ? The- judgments of Washington, -Madison, Clay, 'Webster, on the dangers of the ~American Union—are they worth nothing to a- consistent love of What they dreaded as a remote.and improh 7 able- - contingency—that -against" Which they cautioned, - as• they thought; distant genera tions—that- which-they were so happy as to. die - withent seeing—is ',upon - And - yet somesoe men would-have us go on laughing and singing; .like the traveler in the satire, -with' hiS pockets empty, at a present: peril, the mere apprehension: of which, as a distant and. bare possibility,-could sadden the heart • of the Father -of his Country, and. dictate the (nave - and grand warning of the Farewell Ad-. - dress. • - -„ „ They hear then such a party ought not to_ endanger the_ Union ;- that, although it . happened to -be formed within one geograph ical-Section, and confined - exclusively to it; although its end and aim. is to rally that sec-. tion against the other on a question- of mor als, policy-and feeling, .on which - the two dif, fer eternally - and - unappeasibly ; although, froin the - hato:re of its origin and objects, no man in the-section outside can - possibly join it, ,or accept office -under - it without infamy-at home ; lthough, -therefore, -it is a stupendous organization, practically: to take - power and honor, and a full share of -the - Government, from our whole - family of States, andbestoW them; substantially, all . upon: the antagonist family; although the doctrinea- . of bunian rights,, which it gatherS out :(if the 'Deeldra tion_- of- Independence--:that -passionate, and : eloquent manifesto of a...revolutionary war— and adopts as - RS fundamental ideas, announce to any Southern :apprehension • a -crusade of government against-slavery,' far without and beyond Kansas ;. although the spirit and ten dency Of its - :electioneering - appeals.; as a whole, in - prose and :_Verse; . -' the leading- arti cles .of its papers,:nr4the •speoches of its or- . ators, are to excite contemptand . hattcor fear. of our:entire - geographical - section, and hate Or dread or contempt iS:. thenatural inaPres thou it all leaves on the...Northern-Mind and heart; yet; that nobody a.i4. -- Wherequght to he rin7y,: or. ought to be frightened; - that ti - majority must gOerni- and that-the. North is a majority . that it is ten -to one - nothing will, that, if -worst - conies 'to, ,worsty the • South knows- it .is Wholly - lo biame; 'and. 'xioe - 4 the Union,more than - we do; and will be qiiiet aceorclingly.. :. • . - 7. --- But do they Whahold thiS language forget . - that the question "aught-to endan-. ger the Union, but :what will Ide it? -TS it man as_he ought to be, or Man - as he is; that - we - must live with alone.? -In - appro- : elating - the 'influences 'which may disturb - a political system; :and. especially one like.ours, do you make no allOwance. for .passioris,lfor • pride ) , for infirmity, for :the - liiirrinig - sOnse of even imaginary V7r01,3. - g? j3 , 0 - you-astunettlia4 'nal men; or-all masses of mon;in 411 -uniformly-01)0 reason, and uniformly-wifely see and - calmly _seek their,-- trueintereSis - V.;-- :Where on earth is such a' fool's Paradise as : that to be found - Coneeding -to thepeople of the. fifteen States the ordinary and average . _ human. nature,- its gOod and its evil, its Weak.-7 'nese and its strength, I, for.onc; dare not say *that the I - rime - 10i of such a party ought not to be ex-peeled naturally and probably tadis , unite the States. - . With my uMloubting - convictions; I know that it would-he folly and_immorality: in men: - to wish it: Ceitainly Ahem :are in .all see! tions and in ,all States those . ;MI6 'love the Union?. under. the'.iietual:_ :Constitution, as Washington , did, Jay, ilanailtoriandliad ison Jackson,' Clay'andlYebsterlov-, ed it. Such even: is the heretlitarrmad. the habitual, sentiment of the -general Aineriein heart. But ho has read and books tle purpose who has not learned, that "bosom riiily'he'"tO r resen erit soured,",. and that rth hatred is so keeri",-,deep, and pre cious - as - that. • • • • ' - And to be wroth with one we love, ' , Will work like madness in the brain." , He has read the book of our history to, still less pnqicie; 'who has not, - learned that tho friend Ships of these States—sisters,butri valsovereigns 'each, witha and .a-body of interests, - and sources of honor and shame of its own and.' within itself, ,distribn tcttinto-'two great opposing group's, arepf all hurnan ties most ES xpos9d to such rupture and. 'ivat. transformation.- haVe n'ottixne - ii :these- hasty lines, and there is no need, to- speculate on the details - of .the modes iii which;- - the 'triumphs of this party wbuld-do -its work _of evil. - Its mere .struggle to obtain. the government, •as that struggle is: 'conducted, is misChieinus to - an extent incalculable. That ,thonsands of the good_ men who have joined. it deplore thisis certain, but, that does not mend the matter. I appeal to -the .conscience and._lionor ; Of. my country,' that -if it' were the aim of a - great party,- by every species of- access to the -pop-, ular mind--by eloquence, by argument, by taunt, by sarcasm;, by :recrimination,: by ap peals- to pride, Shame, and naturalright—to prepare the nation - for a struggle With Spain ,or. England, - or-Austria, it could not do-its bu siness more thoroughly: :Many persons, ma iiy_ speakers—many, very many, .set higher and wiser exaniple, but the Work is doing. If it accomplishes its object, and gives-the GoVernment to the • North, I - turn xny'eyea from the , consequences. -. Tethe - fifteen States of the, south, that Government 'will appear an alien" GoVernm,ent. It will appear worse.— It will " appeara hostile Government It will represent •te their eye a vast region of States, organized upon-Anti-Slavery, flushed by tri umph, cheered. Onward by the iroices of the pulpit, tribune and press ; its mission to in augurate Freedom - and 'put: down the oligar clay ; its constitution the glittering and sound ing generalities of natural right-which make up the Declaration Of, ,Independence.: And then and thus is' the beginning of the end. • - If ,a necessity could be ma - de out for such' a, partyve might submit to it as ,to other Un avoidable 'evil, and. other= certain ilani).er.— But 'where do they find •that ? Where do they pretend to find it ? - Is - to keel' Slavery out of the Territories? There is not 'one but Kansas in which Slavery is possible. No man fears, -no man hopes for Slavery is Utah,, New 11IexiCo, Washington or Minnesota: A national party to give them' to Freedom is a.bout aS needful and about as feasible as a national party to keep .Maine for Freedom.— And Kansas 1 Let that abused andprofaxied sell have 'calm within its border';deliVer it over to. the natural law of peabefu andsPon tine'ou.s immigrationi-r -take "eIY she: ruffian hands; strike down the rifle _ and the boviie knife; guardits'strennons s infancy and youh till it comes of age to choose for itself--and it will choose Freed.om 'for •itself, and, it will have forever what it chooses. , . :When this Policy, so easy,-sianplo, and just, is tried and fails, it will -be iiine enough to resort-to. revolution: It • is• in. 'part because, the duty .of protection; to:the- local settler. was not'porformed that the Democratic partyfhas already . by' the action,ol its great "represents= tive convention resolVed - to pUteut . of - office its own a - drainiStration... That !lesson will not and must not be lost on anybody. = The coun try demands that Congress, before it adjourns, give that Territory peace.: it do, time will inevitably_ giVelt freedom; I have hastily and imperfectly, expressed: my ,Opinion through the. unsatisfactory forms of a letter, as to the immediate duty . of Whigs. - We are to do what we canto, defeat' nd. dis= band this, geographical ; party. - -Mit by what specific action ; we' can most effectually bute - to - such- - a result a question of ' more ili Nulty. It. Seems --nev - i - Ao . . be settled that' nresent, no candidate ,of. our , own. -If - *e vote at all,. we vote. for-Alrenoinineos_ of the American or the nominees' of the Democrat-. .16 - party.- - As : betweenthein. - Lshall not ven ture te.counsel the _Whigs- of Maine, but I deem it duo .to ,frankness. and honor to say, that while I entertain appreciation of the -charaCter - and ability ref. Air. .Fillmore, do not sympathise in any degreeWiththe ob-= jectS.and.,creed: of the- particular party that nominated him, arid do- notapprove,of their or, , ;anization and-their tactics. in• Practically,, too, 'the . contest; my:judg ment; is between - - Buchanan and. Col. Fremont. InAhese: - circuinstivacesJ vote for, Mr.. Buchanan: He has large experience in public affairs; his cerninanding capacity is . universally acknowledged; his life. is without a stain.... - I- am 'constrained to' add that he seems_ at this inomerit,- by. the'. concurrence of .circumstances; more_ completely_ than-,_any other, -- te represent that sentiment of nation- ality,-‘-toleraiit; - Warm and coMpicheusive;--- -Without Which, - without increase - . of which, America, is no . , longer- - Arnerica ; and -to -pos sess.the power; and' I trust, the disposition to restore and keep. that' - peace;Within our berdere.and . Without, - for Whioh:our hearts all -Yearn, which all our interestsdernitsid,through which arid by: which. , alone) may.hope 'to gro - W to the true greatness-of -nations., -, • Very repeptfully your fellow citizen, To Farley'-and . -other,gentleincn of the - Maine ,Whig State Central Committee. Letter of Vlichael-Den.-IVlagehani_ Esq. Tiffs gentlenian so 7611 known, and :who has elWays taken an active part in thp, poll „tice of the _country, has addFesseit a letter to Blej; Jelin Linton,,fornrerly a Whig nle,mber of ,the, legislature _from Cambria county, who is also well and favifrably knownliirouglingt the State, .which . .,We ere pleesedto lay before , onr Feeders. discusses the presiden tial question in' his _usual style; ancrin. strong language exposes thei.,nnconstitutional and treasonable organization and, designs of the Know Nothing. - and Black Republican par -1 tics, and takes oecasion.•tO 'define' hisnwn po sition. Likelmn drab of "Old - tine Whigs” throughout, the Unioh ho avers hie determina- ---PERS YEEE.-- HUNTINRDON ) -IA., AUGUST 27, 1856. Lion to support Bucha,nan and. Breckinridge, regarding them as:the only ,National candi dates.for the two highest offices in the gift of a:free people, and whose election onlyman the Constitution. and, Union Ofthese now happy States be preserved. Mr.. 1 1 / 4 1agehan has heretofore been regarded. as one the most active opponents of- the. Democratic party in dambria.county, and his present pa triotic course when ho perceives the institu-' liOns of his country endangeied - by the mad - . ,.„ . 'schemes of .fanatics and disunionists, cannot fail to be commended: 1110.etter no doubt , `will have its weight upon those -with whom he has fornacrly acted,.o.ndwe cdmmend. it to the perusal of our readers. EBENSBURG, Aug. 6th, 1856: - MY DEAR, - The-course which I have felt cbnipelled' to take in-the epprettehing:political contest, has elicited much'of condemnation.and' some ap probation, froth men -With. whonil have acted - tor near ,ft quarter of 'a - century. - It is due to my early - and steadfast friends, as well as to myself, that -Ishould. either jus tify myself, 'or be the fit subject of their scorn, as a recreant froni, principles which I still -have an abiding faith in. '-2 - The cherished :doctrines of DANnu WEB STER and. HENRY : CLAY; Will receive full ac .quiescence from Me, 'so long as reason retains her' dominion. within .the earthly case that re tains the mind, the thoughts and energy (small though they-be;) - with which the giver of all good has endowed The.' -The first question Which -presented itself to me after the nominations, were' Made was=-: Where is the Whig Party ? To that question 'I have obtained no satisfactory . ansWek. Some tell me that it is tole found: na'rthe stables, out-houses, caverns and fence corners of the foul band. of conspirators, - who in enormity, crime and- blasphemy hive Shamed and driven back to the-gloomy shades of eternal desola tion,-the sulphuric shades Of Marat, Danton, Robespiere, and their_ fellow' ncarnations of all that was vile, ;wicked, herr - dila - of other clays. 'I believe it'nOt The party so loving the Constitution of our country—so - faithful -to the principles of self-government.' 'Aye, that party. of Webster.and of -Clay, and. our own John Sergeant- and Walter Forward, - never did, never can sacrifice itself in the lewd - embraces of midnight conspirators, col hiding,together unseen by any_but - the aveng ing Angel, .and. their- fit, associates, low- de mons Spewed forth from- Hell to give, some .tone and charader to their infernal. The Whigs I - We, thy friend, are not with, or of their. - - _ Where thdift is that noble, trustworthy, true • party . to' which 'we _belonged ? Is it- to. be found in :principle or practice_ among. the 'Black Republicans? No.! No! That old • line Whig cannot be found: mean enough - to descend from .llarrison, Clay, Wehster, Tay lor, Scott and host§ of mighty spirits who adorned not only our party,.and the councils .of the nation, but human nature itself, by_ their brillianttalents, pure' lives, honest, fer vid patriotism, to John. C. Fremont. What arehis antecedents ? Are they such as would recommend him for a eommon county office ? Is the climbing of mountains, the. eating of reptiles, the degrading sentence of a court martial, the contumely with which he - Was hurled out of-the United States Senate, -'the fraii.dulentspebulationwith government funds -in mild' cows; or the crowning feat of his in glorious life, in accepting nomination which if consummated by ,eleetion. would. scatter to - the-four winds'of. Heaven the labors of our (not his) fathers. "Are; I - ask, theie the rea sons which -will-inthice the American people to' elevate' him - - to- the-highest - office - iu the known world T- Hashe, again ask, any -ea pacity,-- any integrity; -or a - single -qualifica tion Tor that high statien ? Would you not be -ashareed to own-that yeti aSsisted to vate the creature of yesterday; the nothing of to-day, whose' impotent and pigidy mind-' cannot soar above the -irobbery:of_the poor frontier settlers out of their rights, and along . with his vile adherentS' belch forth - his foul effluvia- over our hippy - land, carrying with its pestilential- breath disunion, dismay • and - ruin -over 'the - fair' h eritage which our fathers -purchased-in blood, and. bequeathed to us, as the greatest legacy. Man ever left to his-de scendants, . • ' But lant ashamed to talk to yOut in such a strain. You. 'Cannot and will not hugig,no rarice, impudence and assurance, like the spartan fool did the for, to-your• bosom- until your vitals are torn out. -..50 Tar• as Fremont is concerned' imPlore -you net •sto Assist to. fire _the ,temple of liberty. , • 'I hate .done with the man and his conlo.- .. - Now, sir; can rsupport 'Can. ,:you :support A. 3. DonaldSoh?: These are questions not easily answered by you. You: will not ask me to support the nominees 'of :party - who with the'tilth'of stables-and hog peps hanging to their : feet, redolent - with the effluvia 'of the dirt and mustiness of filthy haunts, calumniate all that is dear to me ?L..- 1 Vagabonds knowing no law; no God, dare to arraign dbristian doctrines and , . practices at the standard 'of their malignant - hearts, and with -"dispOsitions engendered' in the regions of misery, claim to crush and - destroy all_Who will net deny their their religion;_ and their' country's. institutions, and .bow down to the accursedlda which they,isish to erect on the ruins of the great fabric erect ed by: , our - fore-fathers,; cemented in their blood, and in' all the vicissitudes of political commotion;-held to, revered--,atinost adored by :their • descendants of - all parties: 'Now .with 'Spirit: accursed the' deratin has mitered' into Eden of Fieedom`and attempted to pervert, , Mislead and' Misdirect' :the public mind; -luring, it- from' the patlas'of peaceful 4tippinoss : dig Order, severance of and'all the .eyils . attendant - on intolerance, re, ligiousmd: sectional jealousies. , When this bold attempt was made by wick- ed: designing men; the good - and - true friends' of their country looked on with apa, thy . and scorn. No friend. of his eountry his, country's laws would believe that other ,:. : i:, ....,:.,, e , than , ignOrance, and: base,low bred bigotry, epuld be induced to enter: into so unhallowed a - combination against the institutions planned by Washington, andperfeeted by the far see ing statesmen of the Revolution and their descendants. . - • - • But we were mistaken, the-Fillmore's, _the Donaldson's, the Johnston's, Conrad's, Crit tenden's, and others of kindred:feeling,. felt no shaine in. joining and. intimately, associa ting with the vagabond. outcast in . midnight . cabals, and secretly binding theirtSelvea-,A6 their 'ruffianly cenfederat6s - by oaths so h - Or-. rible, impious, and bla.sßhemous, that none Who has a spark of christian feeling or bro therly.love could do aught but recoil in dread from the fearful profanatiOn. •Yet, this is the man 1 The great recipient of - Whig-favor, for whom I am not asked to 'vote 1: For he and his myrmidons declare to the, world that 'the • son orthe Revolution, whose. ancestors -acquitted. theinselveS with honor during that tremendous struggle,: be-. cause of his belief in the creed handed down by, them - to him, must _be ostracised and driven beyond the pale not, only of .freedom, but of civilization itself. : , I R iii not, byrny Vote,. invoke Fillmore and ' Donaldson 'to make my son a Rariah. - But I fear I tire you; I can support DI -chanan because he never advocated a viola tion: of .the constitution, Because I sincerely believe that he and his-adherents are the only national: party loving the constitution, and having an unyielding, determination.to Tire serve the integrity of the Union at all and ev ery risk. - And because, - the principles of religious equality would be as safe and sure in his hands as they were in the days of -Washing ton:and of Jackson: MICHAEL DAN MAGELLA.N. To Maj. jORN LINTO, • MIS REASONS FOR SUPPORTING JAMES BUCIISNAN This gentleman, a leading Whig of Massa chusetts, and formerly Speaker. 'of the House of Representatives in Congress, was lately in vited to attend a Kansas Aid Meeting in Fan ueil Hall in Boston, to which he replies in a calm, dignified manner, but takes occasion to administer a just and merited rebuke to such traitors, as are instigating rebellion in Kan sas, thereby visiting upon :the country the evils.of civil war and a dissolution of this glorious Union. His letter is worthy of an old - line Whig statesman, whose affections are centered on the Constitution of his country, and who is willing to sacrifice party attach-, merits Nylon our_free institutions are in peril. In, closing his letter he states his position in the following language: . " This is really but one absorbing question now before the people. In the solemn mag-_ nitude of its presence all others are hushed. This question is at last presented in a tangi ble form,, shall, the Union -be preserved ? or shall the first step be taken toward the entire disrUption of the Statei of the Union by a severance of "the North from the Sonthl--- Looking at the political signs of tho times, with this question _staring, us in the face, we make our choice of candidates.- The nomi nees of the Cincinnati. Convention make the preservation of the Union the matter of par amount interest; Other principles are advo cated; but if any subserviency is to be made; all the others may 'be compromised, all of, them may be subservient ; but "the Union, it must be preserved." On the other - hand, the . preservatien of the Union is a minor and secondary principle 'with those who have -met in convention un-' der the title of Republicans. With them the -preservation of the Union is to be tolerated as a matter of contingency. ; Mr. Banks com mitted the first act of treason in declaring in the halls of Cong Tess that he was in favor 'of "letting the Union slide," •unless - a favorite crochet of his own or his associates could be endorsed.' 'Thisis the broad and grand division of the qUestion that • now divides the country; and in viewof it we hesitate not to declare our 'infinite preference for James Buchanan to _any other man , who sustains the least chance of - election, and to, endorge . him as a man - well _calculated to, :face .the factions in our own land, and the - wiles, and cbrabina, tions, and manifold' diplomacy of the triek ster politicians of the old world." - . The Black Republicans are clamorous for the admiSsion of Kansas as afree State. un der -the Topeka Constitution'. We aver that , under -that Constitution it cannot be admitted -as afree.State, because one of its proviSions prohibits , under severe penalties the - settlement qf any free lzegroes there. • - - Thus we find - tbe Black Republicans, who have - been bellowing against slavery and shrieking for freedom to the black Irian, fix ing severe penal - ties - in' the fundamental law of Kansas•against hie settlenient there. Such is their sympathy fOr the negro ! Well does the, Detroit _Free Press remar-ki -"Yes; reader;' this free . State _Constitution - thakes it an offence for a free black man to enter - the Stato of Kansas!. It treats him not ins a man and. a • brother, but as an 'outcast -aitd-a wanderer, whose footstep upon Kansas -soil is pollution ! ' We have. heard" "much of ''the obnoxious acts prissod by the Territorial lecrislature of Kansas, but.we-submit whethi er c 'there is one law among them so barbarous as this•iireparable constitutional provision-- so hostile to libertv—,a6 at war with the spir it of tholige:' Why, no slave State has in its fundamental.• law or -uponits statute book anything so cruelly proscriptive of the black race." • • • . - . Let the honest men of the country put a mask upon these vile hypocrites and F REIM:NT, their candidate,".at the next election. There are various melhods of rising in this world. One of the most expeditious„ to tea - se a short.tail - bull in fly time. Tiy . on, and bring in a verdict your Self, _ _ Editor and Proprietor. Robert C. Winthrop. The Topeka. Constitution Some of them at least ttre unpurchasable. The great mass of them are true, and will re main so. ,Money and a lie cannot buy them. Behold one example iri thafolloWing afftda, vit. AVhence..comes the money that is so pro-. fusely lavished - in buying german papers ? There will be more afftdavits out soon show.. ing that in some instances the ofFers'of Men, ey have been-spurned. -Three thousand - dol- Lars was offered for a German paper at Ens' ton and , refused. The Know Nothings and Republicans think the Germans - aro mere at tie and can be bought and sold in the mar let. = Yet the.same bribers prate about "Free Kansas and free negroes," Hero is the ,dl.. - davit: - -" ' : - N 9. 10, State of Pennsylvania, - Northamplon Coun -ty,-ss: - _ _ Personally appeared before the subscriber, a Justice of the I - 'eace' in, and-for said roun.- :ty, jesiah -Cole, editor of the Independent Democrat, a ,Gerrean newspaper,- published - in the borough of -Easton, •in said' county, who being duly 'sworn according to la'w,'doth. oti.his; - Solemn oath declare and say_, that on or, about the middle of July .. last, Henry W, 'LOWry,n, brother .of Major. Gen. Grove P. ,Lowry, of Kansas, - having . - first'called depo- , nentasids, proceeded - to inquire if, he was proprietiir and had sole. control of the ,paper" of which he was,the :editor. That upon this deponent answering - in . the den:native, and after some conversation had passed upon the - prospects for success - of the severainandi- , dates for the Presideiacy, the said Henry W. 'Lo-Wry further said that he was authorized by certain persons to say to him that if, he, the said deponent would come out and faith , fully support Col. Frement, he the said de ponent would receive three -thousand dollars. That they had the nionefready, and all they wanted was for him. to - pledge his honor that he would so support - Col. Fremont and the money should be paid down to him, in cash, before he should _be required to take' any stand: - That upon this - deponent replying that he would not do it,- the ronversationup- , on that'subject ended and they separated. And thiS - deponent further saiththat tb6 above and foregoing is subStantially all that passed, between him and - the-said Henry V. Lowry in relation to that subject. ' COLT,. :Sworri and 'subscribed August -4th, 1.860,, before me. ~ - Hon. Ef "%You; J. P. Every -good citizen, on - the return of a Presidential election, owes the duty to his country, to examine parties and their conse quences: and, having done this, vote as his judgment dictates. There have been seventeen elections- of President. .Let the critical observer ge over them all and look at the administration of them all ; and he will find that all have had a national cast ; that the candidates have been supported, and, after Washington's adminis, tration, by parties without reference to locali ties. On the occasion of the re-election of Jefferson, the 'party opposed to him—and it had its centre in New England=--voted for Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, of- South Car olina ; and he continued to be 'the candidate of the same party in the first election of Madi son. James Monroe was elected by the votes of all the States—with the, solitary exception that one of the electors gave his vote for-John Adams. In-1825n11 the States but two, and those Ohio and Virginia, gaye their votes for John Calhoun for Vice President: -In- the election of 1828 the great States of York, Ohio and Pennsylvania, and other Northern States cast nearly as many votes for Jackson, as other Northern States cast for Adams. It is unnecessary to do more than name the re cent elections of Harrison, Polk, Taylor, and Pierce, where a national spirit is seen perva ding them.—The obseiver, in the results, will look in vain for the evidence of section alism, for they all bear the glorious impress of nationality. The same great feature is seen running' through successive administrations. - The whole world can offer no prouder catalogue of characters worthy to be called statesmen ; men trained in civil affairs; and who under• stand the wants of our country, and who patriotically labored for its interests, than the catalogue of those who have been.at the head of our executive department, There is seen, too, this same feature of nationality; the repre, sentativo men of different sections of our country, ever faithful - 0-the rights of all sec.' tions, and yet ever true also to what the whole country required of them, There is Jefferson, of the South, acting with Hamilton of the North; John Marshall; of 'Virginia ; acting with Samuel Dexter of Massachusetts; James Madison and, Albert Gallatin ;- John Q. Adams 'with John C, Calhoun ; Henry Clay with Richard Rush ; Edward. Livingston with Louis McLane ; Daniel Webster with Hugh S. Legare ; and so We might go on, enumerating the great statesmen of the iSTOrth and South who have honored the country, and whose renown is of, the treasures of the country, and who - Side by side have worked together to consolidate its strength and pro. mote its interests. Here, too, we see the marked characteristic of nationality ,---Suck administrations were not composed . of men -representing but a fragment of our: country; they represented. a boundary as wide as the constitution of. the Union, - they represented nothing. less than the - whole - country. * The-true issue. of this Presidential election' is: Shall a party prevail which is ekclusive -IY. confined to the North, and - which seeks-•t halve and divide our country? Or shall the .. Democratic party prevail, which has aferai. ties or 'organization nation-wide,; Which' has basis principles as wide as our- ConStitution extends, which would guard alike the rights of all sections of our country; which would renew in this election, as they /lave been prac, &ally renewed in every Presidential election thus far, the spirit of cennpronnse which originally made the, Union and the., constit?c, This national party is represented. in Bn. chanan and Breckinridge. Let them succeed ! and it-will berenewin' g the lola , "44.4 'strength, guarding.t4e rights,.Und perpetp.a. tics g the glory .of our whol. conntry l , nothing but our country. . , . , M. The poor pittance of;seventy years Is not wprth z bemg- a villainfor, - _What matters it if your neighbor lies in a splendid, tomb ?- Sleep you in Innocence, , - - -Azz Uisa-mtzsc. Cunn.--Tha Rochester (N, Y. ) ;Demoerat gives _the following as, a cm!-. Min cure 'for cas on dogs. _" Soak tbe . dog for five minutes, in - eamphine, and then set ,fire to. him., The effect is instantaneous," . . Zer•Better bathe heed of theieotnanq than ts il. of the gently." Piide costip.s more hq.l3.hliircer,, #l.l.wt poao. cold ,Are Germans sought'? The Presideptini Election.