The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, August 20, 1856, Image 2
THE HUNTINGDON GLOBE, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GKVERAL NEWS, &C. THE GLOBE. Cire?dation—the largest in the county. IthbritLITADOZ P 1a Wednesday, August 20, :1856 •~;~. cam. you rnEsmENT, JAMES BUCHANAN, of Pennsylvania FOR TICE FIZESIDEZCT, JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, of Ky FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, GEORGE SCOTT, of Columbia county FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, JACOB FRY, Jr., of INiontfomcry co ro SVIXEYOR GENERAL, JOHN ItCIWE, of Franklin county 1 1 P1I2.1100I*it ZAKe4 1 4VONIPI*1•11Z *WO 004 2it .ASSEMBLY, NICHOLAS CRESSWELL, of Alexandria SILERIFF, GRAFFUS MILLER, of Huntingdon ASSOCIATE JUDGES, JOHN LONG, of Shirleysburg. JOHN CRESSWELL, of West. COMMISSIONER, 11ENI1Y:41111MERMAN, of Hopewell DIRECTOR OF TILE POOR, - DAVID BARIUCK, of Barree. AUDITOR, AUGUSTINE L. GRIM, of Huntingdon. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS IMMEHE Charles B. Dacha'Jew, 151 Lien 3.l . Caric'Hess Disznicr. I—Geo. W. Nebinger, 18--Abraham Edinger, 2—Pierce Butler, Id—Reuben Wilber. 3—Edward Wartman, Li—George A. CraWbord, 4—Win. H. Witte, 16—.1anies Black, 5.---John McNair, 17-11. J. Stable, ti —john N. Brinion, - 18—John D. Roddy, 7—David Laury, 1.9 —Jacob Turney, S—Charles Kessler. 20—.7. A. .1. Buchanan, o—.7aines Patterson, Lg.—Wm. Wilkins, 10—bane Slenker, 22—James C. Campbell, 11—F. W. llughes, 23—T. Cunningham, 12—Thomas Osterhout, 24—John Ready, 25—Vincent Phelps. TIM RITCHANAN PLATFORM. " The Federal. Union—it must Ae preserved."—ANDams JACNSO'S. —" Disunion is a word which ought not to be breathed amongst us, eren in a whisper. The word ought to be. consid ered one of dreadful omen, and our children should be taught that it is sacrilege to pronounce AMES BUCHANAN- Circulate " The Globe 1" TUE GLOBE will be furnished to subscribers at the following . rates : For three months, payment in advance, "...six---- "...ono year How many new subscribers shall be added to our list during the Court weeks ? Re member, TiE GLOBE is the best newspaper published in the county. Our. County Ticket The ticket placed in nomination by the Democratic Delegate Convention will be found at our mast head. One half, at least, of the gentlemen who compose it, were placed in nomination without, arid in fact, against their consent ; hence some of them may decline, and render it necessary - for the Convention to re-assemble. Until we are assured that the ticket will remain as it is, or the vacancies which may occur arc filled, we shall refrain from speaking of the candidates as their known steadfastness to Democratic principles, their high moral characters, private worth, and qualifications, deserve. Better men, and more deserving Democrats, could not have been placed upon the ticket.. But there are others equally as well qualified, as high in moral character, and as deserving. ..1.11 could not be honored with a nomination. In the meantime it is understood that the CRATIC TICKET cannot, by any combination of circumstances, be defeated. The people have willed its election. Victory must come The Democratic Rally The meeting at the Court House on Wed nesday evening last was a grand rally of the Democracy. It numbered at least as many as were at both the opposition meetings on the night previous. The Speakers—Camp bell, Scott, Ashman, Wilson and Colon—were more than equals for an army of Gov. Fords! It certainly didn't pay to bring Ford from Ohio to preach niggerism to our white popu lation. Jr- It is rumored that the National ligencer, one of the oldest and most influen tial old line Whig papers in the United States, is about to declare its determination to sup port the Cincinnati nominations. li p e trust that this news is not too good to be true. Y(9...The following resolution was adopted by the New 'York Whig State Convention on the 14th inst: Resolved, That we will oppose, to the ut most, estent of our ability, the election of Mr. Fremont, believing that he is not qualified for the Presidency of this Union; we firmly believe his election would increase the inter nal strife, the party he represents being in spirit sectional, and inevitably tending to dis union. BLACK REPUBLICAN" SENTIMENT.—Here Black Republicanism, pure and unadultera ted. The True American, a Black Republi can organ in Erie County, Pa., in comment ing upon a speech delivered at a Democratic meeting, says: "This twaddle about the 'Union' and its fpreservation' is too silly and sickening for any good effect. We think that the liberty of a single slave is worth more than all the Union's .God's 'universe can hold I" ECX>GEo. li. Aux - ER, comes with the very best recommendations from the press of Cham bersburg and other places. And therefore those who desire correct likenesses will be sure to obtain perfect ones by calling on him at his rooms in the Court House. No person need pay for a picture unless perfectly satis fied with it in every respect. Just step in and look at his specimens. Absurd as the notions and principles of government are, by which the Black Repub licans hope to establish themselves in power, they find numbers ready to adopt them, be cause many are liable to be deceived, ready. to be tempted, and prone to be corrupted.— New systems of law and policy are not only received, but zealously propogatcd. Some men aro heated by opposition, and others ed ucated in prejudice. The plainest rights of the people are called in question, while the least justifiable pretensions of a dangerous faction are sought to be established as true axioms of government, consistent with the principles of the Constitution. Even the pul pit is made subservient to their dark designs. By affirming and denying boldly, and by in sisting peremptorily, the Pack Republicans have brought many things to be received as certain, which have never been proved, and many others td be looked upon as problemat ical, which have been often demonstrated.— Thus have divisions been created among the people, which may yet eventuate in the des truction of our liberties. Disputes upon a subject which is sacredly guarded by the Constitution, threatens to unsheath all the swords of the Nation. Abolitionism, from its very innate malignancy, is calculated to make the most deadly wounds upon the body politic, and when once made, the poison will fester in the sores and render them mortal. This fanati cism, if successful at the approaching elec tion, would use tricks of government, in vio lation of the Constitution, that would conjure up a storm that would sweep our Union from her moorings, and perhaps overwhelm both fanatics and people alike. The prejudices of its leaders, confirmed by habit, fortified by flattery from, the pulpit, and provoked by opposition, would induce them, if in power, to commence an invasion of the rights of the Southern" States, whilst they perhaps only imagined that they were defending their own. A fanaticism which seems to have tainted the whole Northern portion of the Nation, and given life and strength to factions, is a dangerous thing . to give the least encourage ment. a .~~'. ~C'+T If Abolitionism, with the whole moral sense of the Nation against it, backed by the great weight of the Constitution, has been able to maintain so long and obstinate a re sistance to both these powerful agents, by the mere inveteracy of its own fanaticism, how long would it be, if entrusted with the pow er of government, before the very spirit of liberty itself would be extinguished ? An appeal to the sword would be a necessary consequence, as the Constitution being des -troyecl, no other arbiter would be left. To reconcile the deadly feuds that an Abolition triumph would engender, by treaty, Would be impracticable, when neither side would trust the other, and to terminate them by the sword, would only be fighting fur the man ner of destroying our Union, and not for pre serving it. - If we were not eventually to fall under absolute monarchy, we would at least fall into absolute anarchy. Is it worth while to allow a motley race-of precise knaves and enthusiastic mad men to ruin the fair fabric of our government, merely to gratify a mor bid sympathy for a race that is most benefit ted by their present dependence upon those who scrupulously protect the health, morals and dearest interests of their servants ? It is idle to attempt to persuade men who feel that the balance of property is largely on their side, and that they are entitled to a share of power under the Constitution;in their own hands, that they have no right, or a very pre carious one, to the protection of that Consti tution. Hitherto, our country has been gov erned mainly by the ties of affection and con fidence. The Abolitionists would govern without the concurrence of the whole Nation, and in defiance of constitutional requirements. The very chimera they follow is both wicked and stupid. They never reflect that power is in the nature of a spring, that by much straining will certainly relax, and often break. In the one case, it becomes of little use, and in the other of none at all. It is better, there fore, that constitutional powers only should be exercised, either to cure a supposed evil, or promote a positive good. We have lived, thus far, as a Nation in harmony, and the people of every clime have enjoyed the bene fits of our institutions. Let us not rudely destroy that which gives us the greatest secu rity and happiness, by supporting the-fanat icism of Abolition, $ 50 1 50 ANOTELER. OLD-LINE Wuxc SENATOR OUT FOR BUCIIANA.N—SENATOR JONES, OF TENNES SEE.—Senator Jones, of Tennessee, delivered a magnificent speech in the U. S. Senate on Saturday. Without surrendering any of his Whig principles, he deelared his purpose to support the Democratic nominees for Presi dent and Vice President, He takes this po sition as the only sure means of averting the dangers which now 'threaten the Union from sectionalism. Ile examined at length the several platforpis and - the candidates of the three parties, and showed conclusively that the true position of an old-line 'Whig in the present contest is with the Democratic party. Mr. Jones made a triumphant %indication of Mr. Buchanan from the charge of having done injustice to Mr. Clay in regard to the charge of bargain and *corruption. The Washington Union says : "His speech was listened to by the Senate and a crowded gal lery with marked interest, and is destined to exert a powerful influence on the public mind." The rematicisni of Abolitionism Democracy has triumphed lu Missouri. The Vote for President—The Tribune's Estimate. The New York Tribune having finished its political .summary in the States and the prospects therein as regards their Presiden tial vote, foots it up as follows: FREMONT. VOTES. BUCHANAN. VOTES. Maine, S Virginia, 15 N. Hampshire, 5 N. Carolina, 10 Massachusetts, 13 S. Carolina, 8 Rhode Island, 4 Georgia, 10 Connecticut, 6 Alabama, 9 Vermont, 5 Mississippi, "7 New York, 35 Florida, 3 Ohio, 23 Texas, 4 6 Arkansas, 4 Wisconsin, 5 Tennessee, 12 Illinois, 11 lowa, 4 California, 4 Total, 129 Total, New, the Keystone contends, Mr. Buchanan will carry every State set down in the "very doubtful" column of the Tribune, which will increase his electeral vote to 141. This, with Kentucky—which the Tribune wrongly gives to Fillinore, butwhich is certain for Buchanan by a large majority—elects that gentleman triumphantly. We say nothing about Maryland and Lou isiana—given to Fillmore—or of lowa, Cali fornia., Wisconsin, Illinois and Connecticut, which the Tribune marks down for Fremont, but which will go all of - them. for Buchanan and Breckinridge. Neither is it necessary to mention Maine, New Hampshire, New York, .Ohio and Michigan; in all of which our friends are sanguine and confident. It is very evident, from the Tribune's calculation, that that usually sanguine journal has no confidence whatever .in Fremont's success, and that it is throwing out its feelers for the purpose of preventing any of its friends from hazarding their pecuniary means upon the result. When Greeley cannot make any more favorable figures for his candidate than those above, it is evident that ho is destined to a bad defeat. Good Notion of Jimmy Buck After Gen. Harrison had been nominated by the Whigs in 1840, Senator Buchanan, of Pa., thus spoke of his preference over Mr. Clay, before a Pennsylvania Locofoco Con vention "The Whig party had in Mr. Clay, a can didate of whom they might justly be proud— a man of bold. and fearless heart—a man of bold and commanding eloquence, and a man of distinguished ability. Although opposed to his political principles, yet I have ever felt for him the highest regard." The Sciota (Ohio) Gazette (an opposition paper) of August 29th, 1844, contained the above. We give it as one of the many evi dences of the friendly relations which sub sisted between those two great statesmen, Buell - ANA - 1v and CLAY. Does this not give the lie to the allegation of the opposition that Mr. B. was• the vindictive slanderer of Mr. C. ? The mongrels will have to manufacture some more plausible falsehoods to.obtain the votes of sane men. Extra Session of Congress IVASIIINGTON, August 18.—A Cabinet meet ing decided on the follbwing:— "BY THE PRESIDENT OF TEE UNITED STATES: —A Prodanzation.—Whereas, While hostili ties exist with various Indian tribes on the remote frontiers of the United States, and whilst in other respects the public peace has been seriously threatened, and Congress has adjourned without granting . the necessary. supplies for the army, depriving the Execu tive of the power to perform his duty in rela tion to the common defence and security, and an extraordinary occasion has thus arisen for assembling the two Houses of Congress; I do, therefore, by this, my Proclamation, con vene said Houses to meet at the Capitol, in the City of Washington, on Thursday the 21st day of August, inst., hereby requiring the respective Senators and Representatives, then and there, to assemble to consult and determine on such measures as the state of the Union may seem to require, "In testimony Whereof, I have caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed and signed the same with my name. Done at the City of Washington, this 18th day of August, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty six, and of the Independence of the United. States the eighty-first, 7. FRANKLIN PIERCE. By order, IV. L. INIAItcY, Secretary of State," Americans—Read Here is what the London Chronic/e, one of Queen Victoria's organs, has to say in refer , . ence to our Presidential struggle: "We should be sorry . to see Mr. 'Buchan an elected, because he is in favor of preser ving the obnoxious institutions as they exist, AND THE UNITY OF THE STATES.— There is no safety . for European monarchical governments, if the progressive spirit of the Democracy of the United States is allowed to succeed. ELECT FREMONT AND THE FIRST BLOW TO THE SEPARATION OF THE UNITED STATES IS EFFECTED!" Fremont a Slaveholder !---The Evidence complete !---He Hires them Out in St. Louis !! The fact that Col. Fremont is, or has; until recently been a slaveholder, can no longer be denied. A gentleman now residing in 'St. Louis, who is well known in Penn ran, N. Y., writes to a friend in the latter place : " Within the last year I have had occasion to transact business with, and frequently been at the house of Col. BRANT, and several of the domestics have from tithe to time been pointed out *to as the Slaves of Col. Fre mont, and these are not all either, as he owns many others, male and female, hired out to various parts of the City ! " 'The house of Col. BRANT is the place at which Col, FREMONT makes it his home in St. Louis, The writer of the above paragraph says: "Col. Fremont is a particular friend of mine. I visit his house frequently. He is a man of great wealth, and married, as you know, a sister of Col. T. Benton, who also makes his home there. since Mrs. Benton's decease." The Providence Post adds to this testi mony: • "That Col. Fremont did own slaves three months before his nomination has been proved. That he does now own SEVENTY FIVE, is positively asserted by the Hillsdale Gazette. The steamer Ariel arrived at New York, Wednesday evening, from Aspinwall, with dates from California to the 21st ult. ' She brings the mails, anti treasure amount ing to $1,470,000. FILLMORE. TOTES. Maryland, 8 Kentucky, 12 Louisiana, 6 The Ariel connected with the steamer Gol den Age, which passed on the 28th - the stea mer Cortes, and on the 2d, the John L. Ste phens, bound up. All was quiet on the Isthmus. The United States sloop St. Mary was still at Panama, and the sloop Saratoga at Aspin wall—all well. Total, VERY DOUBTFUL. New Jersey, 7 Pennsylvania, 27 Delaware, 3 Indiana, 13 Missouri, 9 The Vigilance Committee was in unbound ed sway at San Francisco up to the sailing of the steamer. Nothing of moment had tran spired during the fort-night. A controversy was pending between cer tain parties and the Governor, relative to an arrangement with the Committee, that they may-deliver up Judge Terry, in custody on the charge of stabbing Hopkins, and cease to exercise their authority. Nothing had been accomplished towards this end. Hop kins was convalescent, after having been des paired of. The fate of the Judge was unde cided. The exportation of offensive parties con tinued. James Gallaher, Casey's executor, had been arrested, but was liberated on cer tain conditions agreed to by the Committee. Several others had been allowed the same privilege. Chris. Lilly, the pugilist, had been arres ted, but was admitted to bail that he might settle his affairs before being exiled. Charles E. Raid, one of the parties enga ged in seizing the State arms from the schoon er Julia, has been held to bail in $25,000 for piracy. Edward McGowen, one of the accomplices in the murder of James King, was seen at Santa Barbara, en route for Lower Califor nia. An armed schooner with a large force on board, was forthwith despatched tbr him by the Committee. The regular authorities also sent in pursuit of him, without effect.— At the latest dates his capture was consider ed certain. Philander Brace, ono of the murderers of Capt. West, is in the hands of the Commit tee, and his execution was daily looked for. Numerously signed petitions, and a great mass meeting had called upo'n the city offi cers to resign their posts. All but two had positively refused compliance. The newly appointed Board of Supervisors had declared vacant the offices of Sheriff, Coroner, and Assessor, and appointed others to fill the vacancies. The incumbents, how ever, refused to abdicate. The Committee have published an expose of the official corruption in the city. The accounts from the mines were favora ble, and the crops were everywhere abundant. The town of Placerville had been ravished by a most destructive fire, consuming one hundred and sixty-eight houses, involving a loss of $600,000. The steamer Sierra Nevada arrived up on the 20th ult. The U. S. frigate Independence, for whose safety fears were entertained, had arrived at Valparaiso. The village of Georgetown, in Placer coun ty, had been destroyed by fire, The loss is $lOO,OOO. A large number of buildings were burned in MasysVille. Loss $lOO,OOO. The town of Fair Play, El Dorado county, was visited with a destructive fire, causing a loss of $70,000. Numerous fatal shooting affrays in the in terior are recorded. The Intelligence of the Cincinnati nomi nations had been received in California., and several ratification meetings had been held. FURTHER CALIFORNIA NEWS Intense Excitement at Yreka, [From the Sacramento Union.] Mr. R. C. Gridley, yesterday, received a letter from a gentleman in Yreka, written on the sth of July, in which an account is giv en of an affair scarcely second, in point of the excitement created, to the startling events in San Francisco. Mr. Gridley also had a con versation with Mr. Correll, late of the firm of Correll & Heath, merchants of that place, who yesterday passed through this city for Stockton, and from these sources we obtain the following particulars of the excitement On the Fourth of July, there were a great many miners in Yreka, and one of them, named J. Blunt, committed sonic offence, when Deputy-Sheriff Millhouse attempted to arrest him. Blunt offered, at first, no resis tance, but the crowd of miners around him urged upon him not to submit to the arrest, as it was a d----d little offence, and on the Fourth of July, should. not be noticed. An altercation of words followed, and the Depu ty-Sheriff; adhering to his determination, fi nally struck Blunt, and knocked him down and stamped upon his body. When he arose to his feet he advanced towards Millhouse, urged on by the crowd, and as he was ap proaching, Millhouse drew his pistol and fired at him, the ball striking him in the socket of the throat and killing him instantly. IVlillhouse was then hurried off to the jail and secured there by the Sheriff and his pos se; and in a very short time the jail was com pletely surrounded by miners, while the force of the Sheriff inside *as constantly augmen ted by citizens summoned by the Sheriff,for the protection of the prisoner. Meanwhile the news spread over the country, and the miners continued to flock into town from all quarters. The deceased was from Greenhorn, and a great many immediately left for Yreka. -They also came in from Deadwood, a distance of twelve miles ; from Indian Creek, fifteen miles, and from Hamburg, about eight miles distant. This was on Saturday, the sth, By this time there were about 400 miners around the jail, which was defended by apos se of 100 on the inside, fully armed. The arms used by the Sheriff were sent for and obtained from Fort Jones, a distance of about 19 miles, where . there is a detachment of Uni ted States troops. The guns and ammuni tion were obtained during the night of the sth. After the occurrence—whether op. the 4th or sth, we arc unable :to state-,-an extra was issued from the office of the Yreka, Union, giving an account of the affair, to which the miners took exception, and becoming incen sed, as Mr. Correll states, appointed a depu tation from their number-to wait on Mr. Geo. Freaner, the editor, and demand a retraction: or contradiction of the article. The deputa tion accordingly called upon him and made the demand, when Mr. Freaner stated that if they would convince him that lie was wrong• in any particular, he would do so, butif they could not convince him of his error, he would adhere to his position. The deputation of miners then stated to Mr. Freanor that they Would give him until Sunday evening to with- FROM CALIFORIVIA. Arrival of the Ariel. draw the language he had used, and if ho failed to do it at the expiration of that time, they would introduce him to a coat of tar and feathers. Mr. Corral' left on Sunday morn ing, and consequently did not know what af terwards took place. • _. Before leaving, the excitement had reached a high pitch, and the miners expressed their determination to take the prisoner at all haz ards, and that if they could not otherwise suc ceed, they would burn the town. In addition to the above, we have r a tele graph dispatch from Sacramento, which says: "An extra of the Fi-aca Union, of Sunday, gives a statement of the killing, which makes the deceased the aggressor. On Sunday, it says, but few miners were in town, and there was very , little excitement. It was rumored that if the Deputy Sheriff is acquitted, an effort will be made to ham. , him. There is nothing about what happened after the extra was received. News from Oregon. Advices from Oregon are received to the 12th of July. The Indians have destroyed property to the amount of $125,000 on Gold Beach, at the mouth of Rogue river. From the Dalles the Oregonian of July 12, gets the following intelligence: DALLES, Sunday, July 0, 1850. Major Layton, commanding the Oregon Volunteers, left this post on the 25th ult., in tending to go and see some Indians that were reported to be in the vicinity of John Day's river. He took with him only seventy-five men, rank and file. An express c:rrived yes terday, from his command stating that he had found a large band of hostile Indians, num bering 400 or 500. He states in his des patch that his little command' "is in a tight place;" and he desires more volunteers, and sends a requisition for more powder and lead. He says he is 135 miles from this post,, and within 40 miles of liamiakin's whole army . . Col. ShaT, with a command of about 200 mounted volunteers, belonging to Washing ton Territory, arrived at WallalValla on or near the 20th of June, having made the pas sage of the Cascade Mountains through the Naches Pass. He encountered no force of Indians on the route. Two Indian guides made their escape from him while in the mountains. An expressman who came down from his camp on the 4th, reports having seen a party of apparently hostile Indians a little below the mouth of the Umatilla. They were in possession of some horses and cattle. From Nicaragua Intelligence from Nicaragua states that Rh-as, with 3000 followers, was fortifying himself at Carendaqua. Gen. Walker's forces arc stated as being only 1200 men. McGowan at Santa Barbara ATTEMPT TO BURN HIM OCT OF A SWAMP— GREAT EXCITEMENT. [From the Alta California, July 21.] By a gentleman who arrived yesterday from Santa Barbara, we bare been told all about the attempted capture of Edward Mc- Gowan. It appears that on Sunday morning, the 6th inst., a stranger appeared in the town of Santa Barbara, and was seen talking for a long time with Mr. Packard, a person well known in this city. At length the two were passed by Mr. Blake, who at once recognized in the stranger none other than the notorious McGowan. A short . time "afterwards Ned went to the hotel and approached Maj. Bache, of the coast survey, who was eatin ,, at the table. The Major immediately knewthevis itor, and McGowan smiled as le neared Mr. Bache's seat, and withdrew. By this time everybody had heard that the runaway was in the place, and application was made to the Sheriff that he might be ar rested. But while this alder was satisfying himself that there really was an indictment against McGowan for murder in San Fran cisco, Ned's friends became alarmed and run him off to the fastnesses of a swamp. The Sheriff collected a posse and started in pur suit; but it being near night, it was not pos sible to enter the swamp to make search with any prospect of success ; so he spread his posse around and set fire to the tubes, but they being scarcely ripe enough to burn well, made a big smoke that "fizzled out." Mean while the darkness approached and the search was given over. It was now ascertained that the fugitive had been accompanied to the place by two men, one a Californian, and the other an American, named "Jim Dennison," who had acted as guides either from the Mission of San Jose or Dolores. Dennison, who is a butcher, and has a ranch at Half Moon Day, stated that he was on his way to San Diego to buy horses for the Governor (?) The two were arrested, and were being examined amidst great excitement, as our inibrmant left; and about twenty Californians were started to scour the country for the so long invisible Nedp Is it possible that the scamp has been out here this while, or at the Mission of Dolores, and read and heard all that has been said about him? The three were, according to Dennison's own statement, five days in search ing Santa Barbara, and McGowan was so much wearied by the journey that they were forced to stop for a time at'a ranch, twenty five miles north of Santa Barbara, to recruit muscle. After McGowan had escaped, and everybody was on the look out for him, a fel low n'uned Parkison, an ex-lighthouse keep er, went to the ranch of Pablo de la Guerra, State Senator for Santa Barbara, and reques ted him to secrete and protect his friend "Mac," but Pablo indignantly refused to do any such thing. It is the general impression that the fugi tive will be arrested, though his friends— they are not - very many, however—will do all in their power to aid his escape. Look at the Figures. Senator Bigler, in his recent speech at Trenton, aver ridiculing the idea that any man could regard Col. Fremont as fit and worthy of the Presidential chair, and pre senting in a forcible manner the dangerous tendency of sectional parties, and proving that Col. F., if elected, must bp a sectional President, said "That the experiment would be the more hazardous because Col. Fremont, if his elec tion were possible, would not have the sanc tion of the mass of electors; that at the last presidential election 3,147,000 votes were cast, President Pierce .receiving 1,506,000, Gen. Scott 1,393,000, and J. P. Hale 158,000. The aggregate at the _next election may be safely estimated at 3,600,000, and, according to his calculation, Col. Fremont could not re ceive more than one million ; the estimates he had seen of his friends would not give him more than 1,150,000, leaving 2,450,000 votes against him, and placing him in a thi nority of I,3oo,ooo—being 150,000 more votes than the whole number cast in his fa. vor II ! In fifteen out of the thirty-one States, he will not receive 15,000 ; if he receives a single vote in the remaining sixteen States, lie will not have a majority in more than four or five, and in ,the others his friends only claim a plurality. We have, then, a stirring contest for the Presidency between Mr. Bu chanan and Col. Fremont, and yet there is not a candid man in the opposition who will not admit that Mr. B.' is certain.of a majori ty of not less than 800,000 of the popular vote. No wonder the republicans despise the doctrine of popular sovereignty. They have determined to defy it at the election.— As for the Keystone, he said. Mr. Buchanan could easily defeat the united opposition, and that, divided as they now are, Col. Fremont had not a ghost of a chance for the State." These remarks of Senator Bigler furnish a conclusive refutation of the idle stories cir culated as to his entertaining doubts of the triumphant success of the democracy in Penn sylvania. There is no friend of Mr. Buchan an laboring more zealously and efficiently than Mr. Bigler, and none who has better knowledge of the prospects in his State, and none more confident of his success in Penn sylvania and in the Union. MAL, The following which we take from the New York Democrat is excellent:— Tim DAYS OF PURIFICATION.—The revival of rites and ceremonies of the Mosaic law by the Know Nothings, is not the least clarions fact in the curious history of that flinny par ty. The last ceremony we had performed by them has been that of purcation. They have been purifying themselves. Heaven knows they needed it! First the National Know Nothings—stop laughing if you please —divided into two, a Northern and a South ern order. Two National parties at once— that is to say arithmetically twice two make one, or half of one unit is two units—just as you please. That was the first day of puri fication. Then the Northern National Know Nothings met and purified out the Fillmore men. Then the Fillmore men met and puri fied out the George Law men. Then the Stockton men met and purified out the Fill more men and the George Law men both.— And then the Fremont men met and purified out the whole of them, except the Israelite without guile, who rode a woolly horse over the tops of the highest mountains for forty days and fifty nights, playing upon a harp of a thousand strings and assisted by the spirits Of just men made perfect in the study of the Constitution and laws of the United States, which he miraculously discovered in a cav ern, never before entered by mortal man and guarded by four thousand Navajo Bullgines and a grizley Bar. Whar's the tarnal fool who dares to say that the Know-Nothing par ty isn't purified into pure Black Republican ism; and that John C. Fremont wasn't mir aculously taught the Constitution and the Rule of Three, on the tops of Rocky Moun tains, by a grizley Bear with a harp of a, thou-. sand strings. Whar's the infidel, show him up, 'till we convert him, or parfy him. And when the days of their purification were each ed, behold Satan came looking for them, but the bats and the owls had picked their bones and eaten their flesh, and of all that compa ny was none left—no not one, save only Gree ley, whose surname was Horrors, and him would not Satan have at any price. And so ended the days of Black Republican purifi cation. Spain, Cuba, England and, Louis Napo- We have already alluded to the rumor, that the Ministers of England had advised the Spanish Government to sell Cuba to the United States. The story is repeated, and with an air of probability, by the intelligent Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun. In a recent letter, he makes this state, Movements of the highest importance in reference to the interests of the United States are now on foot in Europe, growing, in part, out of the assumed designs of Napoleon la upon Spain. 1 may state, upon information not question able, that the British Government have again urged upon the Government of Spain the ex, pediency of the sale and cession of Cuba to the United States, I say again, too, pending the Ostend Conference, the British Govern ment favored this measure. But now, in view of the ambitious project of Napoleon 11l for the assertion of pretension to the crown of Spain, that Government has become exceed ingly anxious to strengthen Spain, by cut ting off her expensive and useless appendage of "Cuba," and by the same means to enable Spain to improve her provinces, and be the better .enabled to secure her independence against domestic insurrection and foreign invasion. If Napoleon succeeds in his intrigues, he will ext43nd his empire over both Spain - and Cuba, and this attempt is - necessarily to be resisted by England, at the hazard of a war with France—a war in which she will gladly have the United States as an ally. The trans fer of Cuba to any Foreign Power the United States have been pledged to resist ever since the administration of Mr. Monroe. The British Government have represented to the late Government of Espartero, and the present administration of O'Donnell, that Spain cannot long retain possession of Cuba against the United States, and that she had better cede the island at once to the United States for a proper consideration—a hundred or a hundred and fifty millions of dollars— and thus improve her physical and political condition. Napoleon 111 has, on the other hand, con centrated a large force on the Spanish fron tier, and is actively engaged in intrigues, with the Queen mother Christina, whose ma lign influence is .deeply felt in the affairs of Spain, A rupture between England and France is to be apprehended on this subject at an early. day ; meanwhile England seeks to conciliate the United States by removing every possible cause of disagreement, and the two countries may be soon compelled to make common cause against the designs of France in regard to Spain and Cuba. The foregoing is highly important, if true, and it is confirmed to some extent by the .tone of several of the leading London journals. It is quite certain that the. policy of the Em peror of the French, as concerns Spain, is distrusted. Nay, it is boldly charged in many quarters, that he prompted the Span ish insurrection with ulterior objects; and that he seeks in fact to become the protector, and thus indirectly the ruler of Spain. 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