THE HUNTINGDON GLOB I, A DEMOCRATIC FAMILY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, &C. THE GLOBE. Circulation—the largest in the county LOrigtrlanDOTl, Wednesday, July 30, 1856 ,„, _4" FOR PRESIDENT, JAMES BUCTIANA.N, of Pennsylvania. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, JOHN C, BRECKINIUDGE, of Icy FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, GEORGE SCOTT, of Columbia county FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, JACOB FRY, Jr., of Montgomery co. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS SEN&TORL3L, Charles R. Buckalew, Wilson ArCandlese DISTRICT. 1- 7 0 ed. W. Nebinger, 13---Abraham Edinger, 2—Pierce Butler, 14—Reuben Wilber, 3—Edward Wartman, 15—George A. Crawford, 4—Wm. H. Witte, 16—James Black, s—John. McNair, 17-11. 3. Stable, 6--John N. Brinton, 18—John D. Roddy, ' 7—David Lamy, 19—Jacob Turney, S—Charles Kessler, 20—J. A. S. Buchanan, 9—James Patterson, 21—Win. Wilkins, 10—Isaac Slenker, 22—James G. Campbell, 11—F. W. Hughes, 23—T. Cunningham, 12—Thomas Osterhout, 24—John Keatly, 25—Vincent Phelps. Democratic State Convention. , The Hen. Tmo'riti - Es having withdrawn his name as a candidate for Surveyor General, in a communication ad dressed to the Democratic State Central Committee, at its last meeting in Harrisburg, a resolution was adopted by that Committee, calling upon the officers and delegates of the last Democratic State Convention, to assemble At CHAMHERSBURG, on Wednesday, the 6th clay of ..ttc gust next at ten o'clock, A. N. to nominate a candidate for Survey or General, to fill the vacancy created by the declination of Judge IVES. In pursuance of this action of the Demo cratic State Central Committee, the officers and delegates of the last Democratic State Convention, are respectfully requested to meet at the time and place above mentioned, for the purpose stated, G. G. WESTCOTT, Secretaries, Isr.A.o G. IWKINLEr, JOHN 'W. FORNEY ; Chairman Democratic County Committee. Sam'l T: Brown, Chairman, Robert Massey, Barre°, A. J. Fee, Henderson twp. Cleo. W. Patterson, .Tackson, Wm. S. Lincoln, Walker, John Campbell, Brady, Ludwig Hoover, Penn, Jacob H. Miller, Union, H. Zimmerman, Hopewell, Samuel H. Bell, Shirley, Peter Piper, loiter, Dr. J. G. Lightner, Shirb'g, Dr. J. M. Geinnall, Alexlt', Samuel Bolinger, Cromwell, Jas. B. Carothers, Morris, John Carl, Sr., Dublin, Win, Riley, Franklin., William G. Harper, 'Tell, Wm. Copely, Birmingham, Jacob Covert, Springfield, Jas. Chamberlain, Wars'ink, Jacob Smyers, Clay, John R. Hunter, Petersburg, David Hamilton, Tod, Henry Roberts, West, James Henderson, Cassville, Democratic Delegate Elections. The Democrats of Huntingdon county, are requested to meet at the usual places of holding elections, in their re spective districts, (except Murray's Run district, which meet at Donation School house,) on Saturday the 9th day of August next, for the purpose of electing delegates to a Democratic County Convention to be held at Hunting don on Wednesday the 13th day of August, at 2 1 / . .. o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of nominating a Democratic Ticket to be supported at the ensuing fall elections, and such other business as may be necessary. SAMUEL T. BROWN, Chairman of Democratic County Committee. July 11, 1816. THE BUCHANAN PLATFORM. "The Federal Union—it must be preserved." aACRSON ,—" Disunion is a word which. ought not to be breathe d amongst us, even in a whisper. 27ze word ought to be consid eredoneof dreadful omen, and our children should be taught thett'it is sacrilege to pronounce it."—JAmrs DucHANA.N. rer The Sheriff's Sales, and _List of Jurors will be found on the fourth page. TEMPERANCE LECTURE BY A LADY.-IVITS. Eliza Thompson from Ohio, will deliver a temperance lecture in the Court House in Huntingdon on this (Wednesday) evening at S o'clock. She will also sing several odes during the, evening. For particulars see bills posted on the streets and corners. OUR OrTSIDE.--Let every true democratic republican—every man who values the ines timable worth of our blood-bought liberties, our Constitution, and the Union of the States, turn to the outside of this paper and carefully read and dispassionately consider the articles bearing upon the position, principles, and ob jects of the Black Republican party—the most dangerous party which the fanaticism of this country has ever furnished. Black Republicanism promises to out-do the Jaco bins of France—it is treasonable and infidel —wicked and unholy. Let every true _Amer ican read, ponder and reflect, and then act as conscience and duty may dictate ! The Gospel of Black Republicanism. IN ONE OF TILE CHURCHES of Detroit, last Sunday evening, a fearless and faithful min ister of Christ—as the Tribune terms him— preached an abolition sermon, in which he remarked as follows : "Before I would see popular sovereignty wrested b force from the people of the Ter ritories, [referring to the determination of the authorities to enforce obedience to the hivsj--I would have the plains of Kansas silent with universal death. Before I would have the lips of our Senators and Representa tives sealed in craven silence by the hand of Southern violence, [referring to the castiga tion bestowed upon Sumner by Brooks, for personal, not political reasons]—l would see the halls of Congress ankle deep in blood!" “How beauteous are their feet, How sweet their tidings are.” The Footsteps of Disunion. Disunion has begun its fearful march un der the most appalling circumstances. The worst apprehensions of the Father of his Country seem to be on the eve of realization. 'Whatever may be the issue of the present struggle, it will require bold statesmanship to restore confidence between divided sections and disintegrated confederacies. A geo grap.hical distinction has been erected within an incredibly short period of time, and on either side fierce resentments have been kind led, and fearful doctrines are advocated.— Thousands of men in the North assail the whole people of the South with language of -menace and of insult, such as no American has ever yet employed against the worst des potism of the old world. The work of the foreign enemies of our Republic has been ta ken out of their hands by men who declare themselves native-horn, and falsehoods which no British writer has ever dared to urge and. fabricate are hurled against our country.— Such are among the plain footsteps of .Dis union. jr' Brooks has resigned his scat in Con 'ress—the best act of his life. Some of the Consequences of Disunion. In. utter disregard of all the solemn warn ings of the wise patriots who erected and have preserved our glorious republic, from Washington down to Jackson, Clay and Webster, against the dangers of geographi cal parties and of disregarding any of the ob ligations of the constitution, a geographical ticket has been formed for the sixteen north ern States, pledged in case of success, to wrest sacred constitutional rights from the remaining fifteen members of the confedera cy. Not a solitary vote is expected, or even desired, for Fremont south of Mason and Dixon's line. The fanatical traitors who nominated him, reckless of consequences, look to the North alone for strength to consum mate their scheme of disunion. That a separation of the States is the inten tion, is apparent from sentiments to that ef fect uttered by many of their prominent lead ers ; from the cirulation by them of petitions to Congress praying for a dissolution of the Union; from the raising of flags, at some of their gatherings, with but sixteen stars, and from various other indications betokening ha tred of °lv Southern brethren, which no one observant of current events, can have failed to notice. It is scarcely credible that any should be found, living under a government that affords the most perfect liberty ; that protects the rights and pursuits of all its citizens; that has in so short a space of time built up the most powerful nation upon earth, by conduct ing it forward in a career of greatness unpar alleled in all history ; and that has diffused more - prosperity and more happiness among its citizens than is, or has been, enjoyed by those living under any other government on earth, who deSire its overthrow and who are actively plotting for the execution of a pur pose so detestable and so disastrous to human liberty. The infatuated demagogues (says the Har risburg Keystone) who are engaged in this plot are deaf to reason. They are blindly bent upon the execution of their deplorable plan. It is useless to attempt to stay them in their progress. But have those of honest purposes, who have been deluded into their ranks by sophistry, by the perversion of good motives and feelings, calmly surveyed the yawning gulf into which their crazy leaders would have them plunge ? It may not be amiss to call the attention of such to a few of the obvious consequences of disunion, which would be certain to follow the triumph of a geographical party. Virginia drove from her borders her unna tural son. who took part in the convention that nominated Fremont and adopted the un - constitutional platform, formed to degrade the South and deprive them of their rights under federal compact. Should Fremont be elected it would be without a Southern vote, and no Southern man would take office un der him. A convention would be called to organize a separate government in the States thus spurned from the Union. Wild excite ment and fearful contentions would follow.— Apprehensions of evil would seize the public Mind. Business would be paralyzed, the streams of commerce stopped and panic and madness rule the hour. Specie would go in to private hoards; banks suspend payment, and their notes and stocks become worthless. State'and railroad stocks, and all other secu rities would become unavailable. Our able bodied men would be called from the shops and fields to fill the ranks of armies, and grinding taxation for their support would fol low. Real estate would go down in the gen eral crash. Conflicts of contending hosts and the flow of fraternal blood would aggravate the accumulated afflictions. Cordons of :for tifications would be erected along dividing lines, and the sectional trade and intercom munication, now so mutually advantageous, would stop. Bitterness of feeling, exaspera ted to an uncontrolable height at the contem plation of the happiness, security and peace destroyed by the arch traitors who are lead ing on this wicked crusade upon the .South, would bring upon their guilty heads the most appalling vengeance. Scenes of violence, massacre and destruction, shocking to con template, would undoubtedly occur, rending society into hostile fragments, and making the finale of our republic a spectacle of hor ror to the civilized world. These are among the terrible evils that now begin to loom up dimly in our political hori zon in consequence of the wanton disregard of the timely warnings of the Father of His country, and the open violation of the plain est dictates of wisdom and justice. Let re fleeting men ponder the subject—let men of substance take timely warning—and let all good citizens, who prize their liberties and the innumerable blessings guaranteed to them by the best government in the world, put forth their strength to frustrate the dark schemes of the wicked, infatuated disunion- fists. ' --ANDREIV TILE QUEBEC MERCURY is out in an article; enjoining the Canadian Parliament to pass a law by which all the distressed runaway slaves in Canada may be returned back to the United States. THUNDER IN THE SOUTIL—The Louisville Democrat understands that his excellency Archibald Dixon, of Henderson, and Col. T. B. Stevenson, of Mason, long the leading Whig spirits of Kentucky, will in a few days issue their appointments, covering the whole State, and• address the people in behalf of Buchanan and Breckinridge till the Presi dential election. Fremont's Catholicism We invite the attention of our readers to the article upon this subject on the first page of this paper. There are three facts which go to show that Col. Fremont was a Catholic, or at least, that he was very favorably inclin ed towards that church, and- if he is not a Catholic now, the reason why is very plainly hinted at in the article to which ‘ re These three facts are— - Ist. That Col. Fremont selected a Roman: . Catholic priest to marry him—as is confessed by the New York Tribune; and is now uni versally admitted, or if denied, can be proven by the record. 2cl. That, he was educated under Bishop England, the Roman Catholic Bishop of South Carolina. 3d. That a child, or adopted child, of Mr.' Fremont was educated in the Roman Catholic College at Georgetown, D. C. These three points appear to be well sub stantiated by the Know-Nothing and admit ted by several Republican presses, and we leave our readers to draw their own inferen ces as to what have been the religious pro clivities of Col. Fremont. The charge that Col. Fremont is a Catholic is not our own. We distinctly gave our au thority for the assertion. For the Journal to deny the facts given above is an act of most consummate folly, while it would array the whole batch of Know-Nothing presses for the most contemptible lying. If Col. Fremont has not at any time been and is not now a Catholic, notwithstanding the facts given above, which would seem to go very far to prove the truth of the assertion, we are not responsible for the falsehood—the responsi bility must rest with those presses who oppose the Democratic party, and who, like the Hun tingdon 'Journal, (lately a professed organ of the Know-Nothings) have been most care ful, on all occasions, and under all opportune circumstances, to drag religion into politics, to denounce the Democratic party because it allowed no such odious anti-republican dis tinctions, and to make it an electioneering scheme, a " raw head and bloody bones" to shake in the faces of those who could be made believe that their Romanist neighbors "were Cannibals, and would eat them alive !" Upon such presses must rest the responsibil ity of the falsehood, if it be true that Colonel Fremont, being " dependent upon the cold charities of the world, the Catholic ladies of Charleston, South Carolina, educated the en terprising lad and procured for him a favor able start for power and place," the 'viper thus warmed to life, turned and stung its benefactors, by assuming a " hostile" atti tude towards them. We have said, and repeat it, that the charge against Col. Fremont is not ours. Whatever may be or. may have been his religious views they are. nothing to us. . They , would not weigh a feather in our estimate of his quali fications for the Presidency. But they do affect our estimation of the party that selects him for its standard bearer. They show its utter destitution' of principle, and display the most contemptible servility. They prove ~ either that the past professions of the Amer ican party have been false, or that whatever regard it may have for its avowed doctrines, their value is considered insignificant when weighed against considerations of temporary expedience. Under any other circumstances, at any other time, and coming from any other source, the facts connected with Col. Fremont's mar riage would have been stale and unprofitable. But it seems like a blow of retributive justice that they should be furnished by Know Nothing organs against 'the nominee of the largest section of the Know Nothing party. The fact of the marriage is undisputed. The fact that Mrs. Fremont was not a Catholic appears to be equally certain. It was a sort of runaway match. The pair had been driven out of the paradise of Col. Benton's approba tion. They wanted some person to perform the interesting matrimonial ceremony. "The world was all before them where to choose." If neither of them belonged to the Catholic church why select a Catholic priest? If nei ther of them professed to belong to that church, why should the priest officiate ? These are questions which we would be satis fied to answer by frankly admitting that it was none of our business. But the Know- Nothing party has made these matters the subject of political discussion. It has drag ged the most delicate relations of private life, the most sacred of private duties, and the most exclusive matters of private judgment into the political arena. It was undertaken to explore the secrets of the fireside, and to rake up the facts that are to condemn a pub lic man from the ashes of his own hearth.— Such are the means which it has secretly em ployed to destroy candidates of the Democratic party who have been otherwise unassailable. We scorn to resort to the same species of war fare ; but we must nevertheless commend to the Know-Nothing-Republican party a care #'ul consideration of the questions propounded by the New York Express. They are exclu sively of Know-Nothing jurisdiction. .OES-Several years ago, when Mr. Buchanan was on a visit to Chambersburg, a fellow with more brass than brain, bravely asked him " whether he really thought ten cents a day was enough for a laboring man ?" Mr. 8., closing one eye, promptly replied that he would not like to give ten cents a day for the labor, physical or intellectual, of any man who would ask such a question. keeTse soft words and hard arguments. The Position and Prospects of Parties. The "muddy pool of politics" has probably never been more thoroughly turbed than du ring the past eighteen months, but, at length, when the time for important political action approaches, the pool, though still - violently agitated, begins to assume a clearer aspect and the distinctive attributes of the several parties may be readily discovered. The mystifications of Know-Nnothingism, its rapid growth, apparent strength and con cealed organization so bewildered and confu sed the people that the wisest, for a short space, suspended judgement, opposition was palsied, many were hurried away by the tide Of commotion, whilst the prudent and con servative found their only resource in a "mas terly activity" and were content to " bide their time." And that time came speedily. The Know-Nothings, astonished and intoxi cated by their own success, became elate and began to shew themselves palpably above ,otound, they came forth or were dragged from their hiding places, their ridiculous for mulas were exposed to public derision, their professions, which they dignified by the titles of platforms and principles, were subjected to a rigid analysis and emphatically rejected, such. feeble ephemera were unable to with stand so close an inspection, and the party soon displayed the effects of the rough handle ing it received, by unequivocal symptoms of premature old age and early decay. Like the infamous Jacobin club of the first French revolution, when suspected of atheism, they endeavored to bolster up their reputation by a declaration of their belief in a supreme first cause, but still retained their secret or ganization in all its ramifications, and the ad vent of a second reign of terror was only prevented by the untiring vigilance of the Democracy. and the sterling good sense of the American people. Consistency is one of the most valuable constituents of political partisanship. This quality was eminently characteristic of the old line Whigs ; their leaders were, for the most part, men of high intellect and moral worth who disdained to descend into mere time-servers, turning about as the prospects of office would seem to direct ; they-maintain ed their principles unchanged throughout their whole career, in despite of repeated de feats, until finally annihilated by the under ground devices of the Know-Nothings. This noble consistency, this firm adherence to a political system which they believed to be true is the grand secret of their long perma nence and high respectability as a party ; and now, when their own organization is destroy ed without a chance of immediate or effective reconstruction, we find them rallying to the aid of the only national party which still em bodies in its platform principles which will ensure the preservation of that Union, the permanence of which has ever, with them, been held-in higher consideration than tariff, or bank, or any minor political dogma. This is the position in which all Whigs, true to their antecedents, will be found in the com ing conflict, the disciples of Clay and Web ster will never swell the Cry of " disunion ;" they know that the Democracy is the only party that possesses the power or the desire to preserve the sacred bond undissevered ; and they will fight manfully for that legacy which the last efforts of their great leaders handed down to them intact and entire. No party ever exhibited greater tenacity and integrity of purpose than has been dis played by the National Demberacy during their recent arduous struggles with the com mon enemies of good government—the-self styled Republicans and the Know-Nothings. Though threatened with extinction as a party, the Democracy, disdaining all subterfuge, avowed their ancient faith with increased boldness and supported the more recent de velopements of the democratic creed with an undaunted and an unwavering resolution ; placing those principles which were tempora rily obnoxious in the foremost position and in bold relief, not leaving their propounder and originator to the fury of a passing tu mult, but rallying to his aid with unshrinking courage; believing as in a prime article of faith, that sectional prejudice must be made subordinate to - the general good, that there is no law of political action higher than the constitution, and that the right of each State to regulate its own domestic concerns is ack nowledged and guaranteed by that invaluable instrument. In every State of the Union their attitude has been the same ; from the British lines to the farthest point of the Pen insule,, from the Atlantic sea-board to the Pa cific they have one set of . principles only to promulgate. The champions of self-govern ment—the only advocates of this first element of Republicanism—they had but one course to pursue,—political chicanery, protocol, di plomacy, all treaty with the enemy was de spised,—the Union was at stake—there was no desire, nor time to temporise—truth was fearlessly disseminated, and as in all such conflicts it has so far prevailed, and will final ly prove victorious. Such was the noble spectacle presented by the Democratic pha lanx in the day of adversity, when deserted by false and misguided friends, and assailed on every side by unscrupulous enemies, flush ed and uplifted by a short-lived victory. Contrast this steadfast confidence, the re sult of conscious rectitude, with the truck ling, vascillating policy of their Know-Noth ing opponents. Public plunder, the spoils of office, was their only bond of cohesion. After their first victory, which enabled them to en ter the legislative halls of this State with a decided, majority, they became so thoroughly disjointed by conflicting personal interests that they could not elect a U. S. Senator.— But here their power was short-lived, and we will not raise the curtain upon the doings of that disgraceful session, which every Penn sylvanian, tenacious of the honor of his na tive State, wishes to be consigned to oblivion and not to be refnembered any more. That legislature hip given pla.ise to better and more competent men who have managed the busi ness of the State in a manner honorable to themselves.and with credit to the country.— But the Know-Nothings have had farther op portunity and in a higher sphere to manifest their, legislative abilities ; they have been ad mitted into the national councils, into the highest deliberative assembly upon earth ; and hdw have they acquitted themselves ? They wasted their time and squandered the public money for months in mere prelimina ries, and finally allowed themselves to be ab sorbed by the abolitionists, violating the trust of their constituents and lending themselves as tools to a party who were well described as " worse than spavined horses," and it is with great difficulty that they can now be distinguished amidst the general horde of nigger-worshippers which infest the Capitol. Their distinctive existence as a political party is lost never again to be regained. "Clothed in a little brief authority," they " will strut and fret their hour upon the stage and will be heard of no more." Sic transit humbuggi mundi, And well they deserve it. To consistency they have not the remotest claim, to union, singleness of purpose, or • unanimity of action, they have no pretensions. Their boasted organization has proved a rope of sand. In the North they professed them selves strenuous Protestants, in the South they repudiated all religious tests. Their conventions were marked by noisy disputa tions and incessant holtings, numbers. desert ed openly to the ranks of the abolitionists, glad. to find refuge under the skirts of any party, and joined, in plaudits attendant upon a Catholic nominee, until at length the much dreaded Know Nothing organization has dwindled into a mere knot of politicians who feebly raise a cry against foreign interference and catholic influence, a cry which can scarce ly be heard amidSt the turmoil of the coming conflict and which will be finally , stifled at the ballot box in November. For such a party to call themselves national is sheer hum bug, and for themte dream of occupying a formidable political position like that of the party whose destinies were wielded by a Clay and a Webster is worse than imbecility. The Black Republicans are made of sterner stuff than the would-be politicians we have just noticed, and, were it not for the bad judgement displayed in their nominations, would have been more formidable opponents than they can possibly be under existing cir cumstances. Led on by experienced politi cians, many of them possessed of talents worthy of a better , cause, well acquainted with all the minutia; of political warfare, he roes of a hundred defeats, still persistent, de termined and unscrupulous, willing to amal gamate with anything, yet " giving no inch of ground," asking all things, granting no thing, with no obstacle before them but the firm front of the great Democratic party, they are prepared to go any length to clear away that obstruction, and thus be enabled to ride rampant over the liberties of the Union, to trample the constitution under their feet, and to disclose the social anti international corn- pact which binds these sovereign States into one grand confederation. A party possessing such features can never elect a president of the United States, however immaculate their nominees may he. It is an undoubted fact, that if the administrative and legislative power of this nation was handed over to the Black Republicans, this Union would not survive the first Presidential term. It would be split up into a number of petty belligerent States, of as little account in the affairs of nations as the Republics of South America. The free and fugitive negroes would infest the Northern States in hordes. Pennsylva nia would be their especial resort. Property and person would be insecure, and female virtue the subject of perpetual outrage. "To this complexion" would Black Republicanism bring the United States. Happily, however, for the future auspices of this great nation, the people are about to resume the executive power themselves, and in the redelegation of that authority, fanatiCism and bigotry will receive a blow and a great discouragement which will cause a hiding of its diminished head, at least for a season. With regard to the nominees, Fillmore and Fremont, we will not presume to pronounce any judgment upon them, feeling that both are men "whose shoe hatchets we are unworthy to unloose," but as the exponents of political principles they will surely be set aside by the ruling voice of a patriotic people who will ignore and consign them to political oblivion. But let us' turn from this position of our re view to contemplate the position and pros pects of the Democracy. Animated by the same principles as ever, knit together in clo ser bonds by the dangers they have passed, they unanimously nominated DANES BUCIIAN AN as their leader. They are daily receiving proofs of the confidence of the people in con-' tinned accessions to their ranks. Their nomi nee is a tried and experienced statesman, of unblemished reputation; well versed in all thinks pertaining to the high office to which he is called. Opposed by disunionists, sec tional politicians and mere office hunters, the Democracy make their appeal to the people, and that appeal will receive a response which will place BreinucAN in the Presidential chair, BRECKENRIDGE- at the head of the Sen ate, and will ensure a continuance of that wise policy which has placed the United States first in commerce and among tho high est in the scale of Nations. The Democracy of the North. There was once a Whig party in the North —a party of known principles, compact strength and high aspirations. In more re cent times there was a Know-Nothing party in the North—a party of pharisaical preten sions, secret organization and insatiable ap petite for public plunder. There is now neither Whig nor Know-Nothing party in the North. They have disappeared, and on their ruins Black Republicanism plants the pillars of its power. It was only after a severe struggle that the Whig party of the North was dissolved by abolitionism. The Know-Nothing party made no resistance, but leapt with impatent desire into the embrace of the seductive harlot.— From the incestuous connexion. has sprung a great Fusion party, which dominates the North and threatens ruin to the country.— In its vast coil every element of sedition, dis content and lawless ambition is comprehen ded; and all the diverse materials are com pressed into a shape and unity. Against this monstrous combination the Democracy of the North, and the Democracy alone, op pose a bold front, and proclaim eternal war: With the vigilance of a vestal virgin they have guarded the purity of their principles. With a martyr spirit of self-devotion, they deliberately encountered the pains of politi cal death, rather than abjure one article of their glorious faith. Prostrated for a time by the sudden storm of popular fanaticiim which swept over the North, they have again assumed an erect and defiant attitude of re sistance to the enemies of the Union and the Constitution. The result of recent elections in the North shows with what heroism they en countered the formidable foe, with what un shaken courage they sustain the charge of his motley hosts. All-honor to the democracy of the North ! they contend single handed against a confederacy of traitors, but the sympathies and prayers of patriots are all with them, to console in the hour of defeat, to encourage in the agony of unequal combat, and to exult and applaud in the joyous day of hard won victory.—Richmond Enquirer. Hucu CORRIGAN, convicted in Westmore land. county, Pa., of the murder of his wife and burning her body, and now under sen tence of death, committed suicide, on Satur day night, in the jail at Greensburg. Mall-applied assistance creates and perpet uates the race of idle and vicious paupers. The Nomination of Fremont.---A Cdr rupt Monetary Scheme. It has been from the first evident to in telligent men that Lieut. Fremont was nomi nated for the President by a corrupt clique in New York city, who desired to use him for their own purposes. Read the following dis closures from the New York Day Book.— They are rich : The few Fremont men in and about Wall street have carried long faces and drooping heads the last few days, in consequence of the disclosures made regarding the financial affairs of their favorite banking firm in this , city. We have been in possession of all the . material facts for many days, arid knowing Mr. Fremont as we do, have been no more surprised at the failure of his house than we should be at the failure of any other wild and' desperate speculator. Nearly everybody in: Wall street knew, three months ago, that Mr; Fremont was playing a desperate game for' the nomination, and money, and promises' flowed like*water so long as the 'question was. undecided. The firm of Palmer, Cook & Co., which eve ry body here knows is Palmer, Cook & .Fre mont, received from the city of San Francisco and the Comptroller of the State of California $lOO,OOO, to pay the interest on the city's and State's bonds, due July 1, and payable in this city. This money has all been used to obtain Mr. Fremont's nomination, and now, when the bondholders want their money, Messrs. Palmer, Cook & Fremont say they have used the money, and can't pay it over to those to whom it rightly belongs. Every business man with an ounce of sagacity has seen from the start that the nomination of Mr. Fremont for the Presidency was the desperate game of a bold and desperate set of speculators. His gTeat Mariposa grant was a most tempting pile or stake ; and to those who know how far speculators will go to gain a point, the en thusiasm of such men as Matteson, of Oneida, Walsh, of Buffalo, and the union and harmo ny between Greeley, Webb, Giddings, Bry ant, and Raymond, were matters of no aston ishment. It is averred that more than forty members of Congress have interests in the Mariposa grant—how many editors and Nor thern politicians no one pretends to guess.— But it is the Mariposa grant that is up for President, and not Fremont. There is noth ing in him, nor of him, nor about him, that any but young simpletons and old fools will think of voting for him for. But he and Mar iposa, and Palmer, Cook & Co., make a full team, and that Webb, and Giddings, and Gar rison, and John A King; and Matteson, and Beecher, and all the big and little villains in the Northern States, can drive. Mariposa has a charm for the speculators, Palmer, Cook & Co., with California State funds, and good for ready cash to take care of the camp followers, while the romance of the Rocky Mountains and free niggers will draw in all the old and young fools who believe in Beecher and Garrison. But there is some thing behind all this, and we tell it for the benefit of the speculators and gamblers who. have not yet hooked their chain into one of the great Mariposa links. Mr. Fremont has an other great land claim called the Baron claim, and said to be worth, or will be worth, if he is elected President, some twenty millions of dollars. Here is a chance for you all, though we cannot say that some of it is not disposed of. It is said that Webb, and the proprietors of the Tribune, and Bennett,. each have a share in this Baron .claim. How it is with Webb and McElrath We know not; but Bennett has made sure of something better. He goes on. the cash system, and will take nothing short of a sixty thousand dollar house in Fifth Av enue. In this lie exercises his usual smart . ess, for the Baron claim will not he worth a pig's tail if Fremont is defeated. The Tribune of this morning says not one word about the Fremont defalcation. But the Times states, in its money article, that Mr. Fremont was in the street yesterday trying to raise the sixty thousand dollars to save the honor of his State. Honor of his State ! His own honor and that of his friends seems . to be like his credit past saving. He is reported to be the richest man in America, yet he could not raise sixty thousand dollars on his honor in Wall street ! The fact speaks volumns for the Republican ticket. Mr. Fremont the man who "neler fails," the man of such wonderful energy and perseverance, the very Soul of hon or, with all Mariposa, _to back him, cannot raise sixty thousand dollari a in cash to save him and his honor from ruin ? Bennett is sharp, indeed, when he demands payment iu advance. The money writer of the Herald exculpates •Mr. Fremont, and deals gently with the erring birds. We were not surpri sed to learn that Bennett had sold himself to the negro-worshippers, but we did not think he would or could sell the brothers Hudson. PUBLICOLA A Heavy Reward. The Democratic Committee of Bedford. County offer a heavy reward for proof that JAMES BUCHANAN advocated' "ten cent wa ges!' If this reward is not sufficient to in duce our opponents to bring out their proof, t can be largely increased here in Huntingdon. If $lOOO won't suffice, let them say what amount will $lOOO DOLLARS REWARD Will be paid immediately by the under signed Democratic County Committee of Bed ford county to any person or persons who will show, by clear and satisfactory proof, such as would be received in a Court of Justice, that JAMES BUCHANAN, in any speech, letter, pub lic or private paper, - written or printed docu ment or social conversation, ever advocated or favored the doctrine that the standard of American wages of labor should be fixed at ten cents per day. This charge has been often and recklessly made by the enemies of the Democratic par ty. It has been as often met and answered, but neither argument nor self respect have been_ sufficientto stop the mouth of the vile slander. The charge comes with an ill grace from a large portion of our opponents who are strug gling to free more than three millions of ne groes and scatter them among us to compete with the working and laboring population of the country. It is made at an unfortunate time for our adversaries. Every person knows that the wages of labor never com.- mantled a higher price nor a greater and sur er reward than at this time; and every person knows that this result has been brought about by the doctrines and policy of the Dem ocratic party under the lead of JAMES Buell- ANAN and the other great statesmen who have for years, assisted in guiding the "ship of State." We trust that our adversaries will immedi ately claim the reward, or exhibit such a re gard for truthjn the future, as will prevent the repetition of this infamous and unfound ed charge. JOHN CESSNA, WAS. P. SHELL, Jos. W. TATE, War. M. HALL, GEO. H. SPANG, F. D. BEE GLE, SAICL. STATLER, County COMMitteC.