The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 23, 1856, Image 2

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country from the rest,- or to enfeeble the sacred
ties that now link together the various parts."
And yet, these fanatics have no remedy.—
Sampson-like, they are bent on tearing down
the temple though. they perish beneath the
ruins. They have never, offered either a prac
tical or legal remedy fur the evils of which
they complain. So far,their efforts have harm
ed the slave; restricted his opportunities and
tightened his Chains. If they think the Af
rican would be happier in his own country
why do they not aid the Colonization Socie
ty ? When the South, with Clay in the lead,
attempted this scheme, the Abolitionists turn
ed their backs on it.
' But suppose no constitutional obstacles' to
interevne, or that the Southern people should
agree to emaneinate their slaves, at 'a stated
period, provided they were taken away and
properly maintained—what then could be
done ? Could a•scheme be devised to better
their condition ? Who would employ, feed,
and clothe these helpless beings ? Where
could a home be found for them? Would
they be permitted to come North? I think
not. But, suppose they were ; would the
'change improve their condition ? Would
they live easier or happier? Would they be
elevated in the scale of moral being, and
would their ideas of civilization and christi
unity be more expanded? Let any man who
seeks an answer to these questions study the
condition of the free blacks of the North.—
Freedom to them, without political and social
equality with the whites, for which they, are
unfit, is mockery ; "The word of promise to
the ear to be broken to the hope.' It may
be, fellow-citizens, that there are those
amongst us who would be willing to assign
equality to the colored race. If there be any
such, I would advise them to compare the sin
of degrading our race, with that of slavery
in its present form, and then, if perfectly
satisfied with the policy, to commence the
- practice themselves. I du not pretend to find
a remedy for the sad condition of the colored
race, though I feel as much sympathy for
them as most men: I only insist that those
who are supplying the feuntains of bitter agi
tation, and poisoning the channels of inter
course between sister States, should tell us
what to do, or cease their unwise clamors.—
Now, do not misunderstand me, I am no ad
vocate of African slavery—l simply look at
the question as I find it,. under the Constitu
tions, and the alternatives presented.
Then, again, I should be glad if those who
are constantly attempting to tarnish the fame
of our country be overdrawn pictures of what
they term the national sin of African servi
tude, would point us to the spot on the face
of the earth, or name theperiod of its history,
in which the condition of the African is, or
was, better than at present in the United
States. When and where did he enjoy great
er political comforts or a higher degree of
mental culture? When more of a freeman ?
When and where has he stood higher in the
scale of civilization ! Mr. Evans, of the Sen
ate, who has examined the subject thorough
ly, says that there is no spot where an equal
number live as well as the slaves of the South.
In what instance has a large community
given evidence of a capacity for government?
They were not freemen bereft of liberty when
brought to our shores ; but slaves of the low
est grade—slaves to their own countrymen.
History tells us that Africa has been "a coun
try of slaves and masters." Park and Den
ham, and other travellers, describe society as
in the lowest stage of barbarism. If it were
possible, then, to return these people to the
country and condition of their ancestors, the
act would be an outrage upon humanity and
- And yet there are tho , ze who would hazard
our happy Union in this vain effort—who
would brinc , ruin upon the white because
they cannot elevate the colored race. They
are mad men.
Nrnc fellow-Democrats, with your consent,
I shall pay my respects to the Know Nothing
wing of the opposition. This is a party of
bad principles and even worse forms and
practices. It came into existence for the
avowed purpose of invading individual rights,
and.subvertiug the covenants of the Consti
tution and' lawS. I shall never forget the
sensation produced. by the enunciation of the
doctrine, on the very spot where liberty was
declared, that birth-place and religious be
lief should be tests for civil office ; that
"Americans must rule America," that the
intellect of man, so incomprehensible to him
self, his moral virtue, his very soul, was to
be measured. by the accident of birth and. re
ligious faith. No matter.• how great and bril
liant and pure and God-like his attributes, if
horn in the wrong place, or if he bowed the
knee at the wrong shrine, he was doomed to
But this, new Order was readily recognized
as an old enemy in a fresh garb, concocted
by the same spirit who a short time previous.,
had scouted the principle on which it was
based ; the Know Nothings who, in 1552, de
nounced General Pierce as a bigoted Protes
tant, and attempted to sustain the charge by
Catholic certificates, are the same sensitive
Know Nothings who circulated the famous
pictorial biography of Gen. Scott, their can
didate, displaying him in the midst, of raw
Irishmen, listening to their complaints, and
ministering to their wants, and all this to
prove that he was a generous man, who
would not neglect the poor, down-trodden
foreigner. It was the candidate of these
Know Nothing leaders who travelled the
country in the last Presidential contest to . - win
the votesof foreign-born citizens by ridiculous
twaddle about the "rich Irish brogue" and
the "sweet German accent." It- was their
candidate who proposed to interpolate a new
plank in the platform, to the effect that any
specie's of humanity mustering in the army
for one year should have the right of suffrage.
Notwithstanding Gen. Scott's identity with
the. Catholic church, these Know Nothings
• voted for hinV'and they would have done ' so
had the Pope been his daily companion.—
But Scott was not elected. These much emir- .
ted people voted as theretofore, some for the
Democratic- and some-for the Whig candidate,
thus vindicating themselves against the
charge of clannishness now so freely made.
But a change came over the views of their
s: 'former admirers, the Know Nothings. The
foreign accent lost its charms, and the groups
of , Erish - with whom- Scott had mingled, as
well as the church with which he was iclenti
' fled; have been converted into hideous mon
: sten to alarm the weak and ignorant ; and
hence Know Nothingism.
It is almost incredible that any portion of
. the American people should have embraced
a doctrine so offensive and unjust, and above
,that they should have so readily indul
' :god in all the evils and wrongs of which they
complained. Thus, claiming to be peculiar
ly "Aanerictin, they embraced principles dis
tmetly anti-American. Professing reverence
for republican institutions, -they made war
on their very essence—civil and religious free
doni: Deprecating secret and clanidi move
ments in others, they adopted the practice•
themselves. Discarding, in terms of bitter
ness, Jesuitism in matters of religion, they
determined to try it in politics. Professing,
profound reverence for the teachings of Wash
ington, they adopted a plan of organization
against which that good man warned the .
All this because they had suddenly be
come alarmed about the dangers of foreign
influence, and the power of the Catholic
Church and the Pope. But sensible people,
looking at the census, discovered that there
are-only about 800- Catholic Priests in the
'United States, against 25,000 energetic and
untiring Protestant Preachers—thirty of the
latter to one of the former—and also, that the
fore2h born citizens are about as one to
twenty-three native born. They could .dis
cover no cause of alarm in such a picture.—
They were reminded, too, that our fathers
were not afraid of Foreigners or Catholies,fn
times past. That they had councilled to
gether when Independance was declared, and
when the 'Contitution was made. That the
foreign and native born, the Protestant and
Catholic had stood and fell in the war of the
Revolution; in that of 1812, and again in that
with Mexico. That they had paid taxes in
times of peace. That La Fayette, Montgom
ery, De Kalb, Koscioski were foreigners.--,-
They even remembered that Tom. Corwin,
who said that American soldiers in Mexico
should be welcomed with bloody hands to
hospitable graves, is a Native, and that Gen.
Shields, who was shot at Cerro Gordo, whilst
commanding a charge on the enemy; is an
Irishman. They were reminded, also, that
we fixed the conditions on which the people
of other countries, of every religious denomi
nation, could become citizens equal with our
selves. That we invited them to come—that
we had boasted of our vast unoccupied territo
ry, of freedom of speech, liberty of press; and
dignity of self government; of an asylum for
I -
the oppressed; the land of the free and the
brave, where men could worship their God
according to the dictates of conscience, and
there should be none to 'molest or make them
afraid. That so invited, many have come
from every country, and of every religious
belief; and that having complied with our
terms .we were bound forever. That all at
tempts to take from them any of the privile
ges or opportunities thus bestowed, is had
faith and bad morals.
These considerations checked the progress
of Know Nothingism. Two years ago it
sallied forth, with the imperious bearing of a
Goliah, challenging the Democracy to single
combat, but now it is more like ashorn Samp
son, hiding its face for very shame. It is a
proud remembrance that the Democracy of I
Pennsylvania had met this new Order at the
very threshold of its career, and resisted it,
regardless of consequences, prefering the
right to victory. I have often said before,
that the contest of 1854 would compose one
of the brightest pages in the history of the
Democratic party.
Bat I wish you to look at the joint or com
bined enemy for a moment. No one has fail
ed to notice the efforts which are being made
to bring about a fusion between the .Republi
cans and Know Nothings in the North. The
first coincidence is, that the New York
Know Nothing Convention, and the Phila
delphia Black. Republican Convention, both
nominated Mr. Fremont for President. Then,
again, they have united at different points,
on State and local officers. In Pennsylva
nia, for instance, they have but one ticket.
And here they have acted together before,
and may do so again. They did so in 1854
and in 18,55, and havedetermined to do so at
the coming October election. This work is
the easier fur the reason that with a few hon
orable exceptions the Know Nothings arc
Black Republicans. Dissimilar as are their
purposes, they will unite, if it be necessary,
to secure office and spoils. The exampleswe
have in this State, should satisfy us on this
point. Now let us bring them in juxta posi
tion, and study the whole picture. The .Ab
olitionists, alias Republicans, are agitated to
distraction about the hardships of the Afri
can slave; they are devoted to his interests,.
—arc determined to.sever ins chains, and to
elevate 'him• in the scale of moral and politi
cal being. This is their faith and purpose.
The Know Nothings, on the ether hand,
are pledged to proscribe all foreign born
Catholic citizens from civil office, and thus
degrade a large class
.of white citizens.--
They are not for the African, but they aro
against the Irishman and the German, the
Frenchman and the Welshman, &c. It is
perceived, then, that the success of Republi
canism is the triumph of the colored race,
whilst the triumph of Know Nothingisin is
the signal for the prostration of a large class
of white citizens. Now I can hardly see how
this business can be managed on joint ac
count. Its practical workings presents sad
difficulties. The negroes and the foreigners
can never stand on the same platfc, , rm. Fre
mont, if elected, will be half Republican and
half Know Nothing, for he will be the em
bodiment of the views of all his friends.
Then how would he meet his obligations?—
Would he put the negroes up and the for
eigners and fanatics down, or vice. versa ?
Either horn of the dilemma would be distress
ing. The most reasonable solution is, that
as the Republicans and Know Nothings had
triumphed on joint account, he would divide
his faVors. He would redeem his obligations
to the Republicans by going in for the color
ed race, and in like manner he would re
deem his faith to the Know Nothings, by pro
scribing all foreign born and Catholic citi
zens from office. I can see no other reason
able version. Bat there are other phases of
this fusion 'Which I find it dificult to solve.—
For instance, I cannot understand how those
Abolitionists, whose sympathies have been so
excited for the African, and for his protho
tion on grounds of humanity and liberality,
can so readily fraternize with a party whose
avowed purpose is to proscribe white citi
zens, and degritde them to a 'condition but
little above that of the blacks. I had sup
posed that when the benignant feeling of be
nevolence got possession of the human heart,
would be broad enough to cover the white
as well as the black race. Arid then, again,
how can the Republicans,' with any show of
sincerity, denounce the repeal of the Mis
souri line and then make common cause with
a midnight dynasty, whose avowed purpose
is to break compacts, to disregard the Con
stitution and laws, and violate the faith of
our fathers, for the purpose of subverting
rights and privileges conferred upon the for
eign born and Catholic citizens. These are
things which I do not understand, nor do I
believe that when Solomon said, "there is
nothing new under the' sun," he had any
reference to a fusion like this.
But what is almost as incredible, is'that in
the face of this startling picture, some of the
Republican presses have the boldness to claim
the German vote for Fremont, and if 'it be
true that "coming events cast their shadows
before," we may look out for another addi
tion of the farce of with the foreign
born citizens on the stage. But the attempt
cannot rise,above a farce. Surely our natur
alized citizens are not to be deceived Again,
as they most surely will be if they rely upon
any protection but that furnished by the
Constitution and the laws ~ and. a.Dem7ocratie
"adininistratiOn. .
I had intended to answer at length some of
the attacks made on Mr. Buchanan, but I
must be very brief, as my address is already
much longer than I had intended.
In the first place then, I saw it alleged in a Ile
publican paper the other day, that the Legis
lature of Kansas had passed very. bad laws,
and, therefore, Mr. Buchanan should not be
elected. I thought this strange' logic and
far-fetched, and that it would be quite as logi
cal and more conclusive to say in, reply, that
the Legislature of Nebraska organized by
the same law, had adopted very good stat
utes, and therefore Mr. Buchanan, should be
Then, again, that he was Opposed to the
war of 1812, the, only eVidence of the charge
being that he volunteered. to fight the enemy.
Such hostility would be better than such
friendship as-some of his enemies showed
the country in that and: the subsequent war.
Then 'again, the stale slandef about:letting
all the Democratic bloOd out of his veins.—
That is answered by the circumstance that
he gave the British a chance to bleed him in
the war. He never said any such thing,
and had he attempted- the operatibn, as his
past life shows, he would have bled to death.
' Then again, that he advocated 'ten cents
per clay as the proper wages for labor.
This is a most reckless perversion of d' great
speech. It is a little remarkable that just
"at the time his enemies are using this
speech, his friends are getting it printed for
general circulation, as one ofthe best means
of promoting his election; of convincing men
of all parties that he is a statesman in every
sense. For one I have always regarded the
speech as one of the very ablest and truest
of his life. Ile evinces a just comprehension
of the relations of capital and labor, of coin
meree and navigation, of the laws of, supply
and demand, and-of the influence of a paper
currency upon the affairs of every people.
lie argues most conclusively that high nom
inal values, Made so by an excess of paper
money, is uniformly prejudicial to the labor
ing classes and to manufacturing interests.
That when the expansions come labor goes
np laft and least, hut descends most under
the influence of the contraction. The follow
ing extract speaks for itself. I am for the
speechper se:
"T he sound state qf the currency will have.
a most happy
. effect upon the laboring man.
Ile will receive his wages -in gold and silver."
It is th hard-handed and firmfisted
722(? . 71 of the country on whom we must rely in
the day of danger, who are the most friendly
to the passage rf this bill." "We have all,
then-Arc, a COMMIOII interest al4l it is our com
mon duty to protect the rights of the laboring
man; and "'believed for a moment that
this bill would provo, injurious to him, it
should meet my unqualified opposition.",
As for the Abolition resolution of 1819,
attributed to him by Mr. Fuller, he proved
an alibi and the 'charge haS been dropped.
As for Mr F's attempt to hold him account
able for other men's errors, it is neither gen
erous nor logical. The truth is Mr. 'Fs an
tiquarian researches in the political grave
yards of "buried opinions," were found
about the wrong tomb stones. • As for Mr.
F's sketch of the Democracy generally, if-it
proves anything, it amounts to this, that the
Democrats were wrong' on the Shivery. ques
tion when they did not understand it, but
that he and his party persisted in the wrong
when they did understand it. That Demo
crats, at one time favored restrietions, as to
slavery, on Territory which the country did
possess; but he and his friends insisted up
on these restrictions upon Territory long
owned. It is a little singular that my
friend Fuller agreed so well with the Demo
crats, on great questions, and never hap
pened to vote fur one. The contest for Gov
ernor in 1851, turned mainly upon the
Fugitive Slave Law, the doctrine of non-in
terventiGn and' the repeal of the law deny
ing the use of prisons for the detention of
fugitives from labor. Mr. Buchanan was
on the affirmative on all these 'questions,
with myself, and Mr. Fuller - Was on the
negative with Gov. Johnston. I could give
the resolutions, but it would be waste of
space; • every body will - remember the extent
to which Gov. Johnston went on the Aboli
tion side of the question, and that Mr.
Fuller still stuck to him to the last—even
after the Christiana tragedy,' in which Mr.
Gorsuch lost his life.
In 1.8 , 18, he supported Gov. Pollock, after
that gentleman had enunciated the most vio
lent Anti-Slavery and sectional doctrines.
But, enough of this.
In conclusion, gentle Men, let me exort
you to vigilance. We must elect our candi
dates for the sake of, its principles,
and the country. Let no man interpose his
personal concerns at a crisis so critical.
Wt: must have an union of all national men,
regardless of former identity, for the sake of
the union of the States. lam no alarmist,
but I should dread the success of a geo
graphical party, and of secret societies-at
this time. The triumph of avowed aggres
sion upon the States,
,and upon a portion of
the people. I dread these things, because
George Washington- feared them; and be
cause I can see in them the elements of na
tional destruction. There seems no other
obstacle to a glorious fUture, but this section
al issue. The mists of bigotry are passing
away. Some have talked of war, I have no
fear of it. It will not come, but were it to
come, it would not endanger our National
existence. We can feed and . fight our ene
mies, at the same time. We have to fear
home dissensions, and -they only. The pal
ladium of our liberties is the Constitution,
and we should stand by it - through good• or
evil report.' Stick to it like the wrecked
mariner to the last plank, while night and
tempest lasts. It is our hope and our guide.
The boast of the Romans, that whilst the
Collossieum stands Rome will, stand, was
vain, but the faith of the American people,
that whilst the Constitution be obeyed the
Union is safe, is a far more rational belief.
The. speaker was so frequently interrupt
ed with plaudits that . it was deemed best to
omit the notice of them.
MELANCUOLY CAsnidayl—On Sabbath the
14th inst. John Appleby, a valuable and
highly esteemed 'citizen of Dublin township,
was kidked in the abdomen by one of his
colts, of which he died, the evening of the
same day; leaving a stricken and afflicted
Ladies wear corsets from instinct--a
natural love I_ , f being F:riucezed.
Circulation—the largest in the "county
Wednesday, July'23,' x 856
r.... 4~
JAMES BUCHANAN, of Pennsylvania
GEORGE SCOTT, of Columbia county
JACOB FEY, Jr., 'of Montgomery co.
Charles R. Buekaleiv, " WilSoa Al'Canciless
DISTRICT., - • _ - -
I—Geo. W. Ncbinger, 13-:-:Abraham Edinger,
2—Pierce Butler, 1.-1-11euben 'Wilber,
3- 1 -Edward Wartman, 15--:George*A. Crawford,
• 4—Win. 11. Witte, • •1.6-,,,, Tames Black,
s—John McNair, 17-11.
o—John N. BrintOn, 18 —John 13. Roddy,
' 7—David Laury, • • 19-4acob Turney,
S—Charles Kessler, " .20—J. A. J. Buchanan,
9—James Patterson, 21—Wm. Wilkins,
10—Isaac Slenker, 24.—. Tames G. Campbell,
11—F. W. - Hughes, . • , 23—T. Cunningham,
12—Thomas Osterhout, 21—John Really,
25—Vincent PliclpS. • •
Democratic State Convention.
The Hon.TIMOTHY IvEs having withdrawn hi 6 name as
a candidate for Sttrviyor General, in a communication ad
dressed to the Democratic State Central CoMmittee, at its
last meeting in Harrisburg, a resolntion was adopted by
that Committee, calling Upon the officers and delegates of
the last Democratic State Convention, to assemble
At CICAMBEASBURG,, on Wednesday, the 6th day of Au
1 at ten o'Clock, A. M., to nOininate . a candidate for Survey
or General; to till the racaucy created by- the dedlination
of Judge Ivgs. In pursuance of this action of the 'Dome
cratic state, Central Comm; ttee,.the officers and delegates
- of the last Democratic State Convention. are respectfully
.retirtteslted•to meet-at the time and place above mentioned,
_for the purpose Stated. :
JOHN IV. FORNEY. Chairman.
G. G. WEsTcorr,-
JS.4%Ji G. •
Democratic Counkty Committee.
Saml T. Brown, Chairman,' Robert Almsey. Barret,
A. J. Yee, Henderson tap. Geo. W. i',atter g on, Jaeksmi,
Win. S. Lincoln, Walker, John Campbell. Brady,
Ludwig Hoover, Penn, Jacob IL Miller, tiniori, •
11, Zimmerman, Hopewell, Samuel H. Bell, Shirley,
Peter Piper, Porter. Dr. J. G. Lightner,Shirb'g,
Dr. J. M. Gemmill, Alex'ia, Samuel Bolinger, Cromwell,
Jae. B. Carothers, Morris, John Carl, Sr., Dublin,
lVm. kilcy, Franklin., William G. Harper, Tell,
Win. Copdy, Birniingham, Jacob Covert, Springfield
Jas. Chamberlain, WarB'mk, Jacob Smyers, Clay,
John B. Heater, Petersburg, Dqvid Hamilton, l'od,
llcnry Itobert6,
Democratic Delegate Elections.
The Democrats of Huntingdon comity. are.requested to
meet at the usual places of holding elections. in their• re
spective ,distriets. (except lviiirray's Run district, which
will meef at Donation School House.) on Saturday the 9th
day of August next, for the purpose of electing' delegates
to a Democratic County Convention to be held at Hunting
don on Wednesday the 13th day of - August, at 2 1 ; 4 - o'clock.
P. lg., fur the purpose of nominating a DeniocraticrTicka
to be supported at the ensuing elections, and such
other business tux 111.1. y be necessary.
July 15, 1856. Denwralir Ounty ammittee,
Read the ,speech of Hon., W3r. BIGLER
in to-day's paper. It is an able document.
The Awi. Dr. Tyng
The Journal last week paraded the so-called
sermon of this politico-religious adventurer
before its readers, and urged its perusal by
them, because " the Dr. is the pastor of the
weal him' Episcopalian Congregation in Penn
sylvania," and because " etufore he has
scrupulously abstained from any thing of the
But there are also a few things worthy of
note relative to . the Pr.'s antecedents, to the
delivery of his " stump speech," •and to the
action of the aforesaid '"
wealthy congrega
tion" in the premises, to which the Journal
failed to call the attention of its readers ; It
is our day to supply the' deficiency. As
antecedents, we refer to the Boston Times.
It sus:
PARSON Trio.—The Church of Epiphany
in which Rev. Dudley A. Tyng denounced
the Government last Sunda} in a violent dis
course, is in Philadelphia, not in New York.
This reverend political-priest is a native of
Newburyport-:—the members of whose family
have always been distinguished for their blue
light, Hartford Convention Federalism—and,
in the last war with England, took open sides
with the enemies of ourcountry.. No wonder
then, that this Parson Tyng shonill denounce
a ~o verninent whose foundation is laid in the
principle of the right, as well' as the capacity
of the people to govern themSelves- = but which
he and such as him have denied. lie is but
following ''out the course of his ancestry,
whose hatred of anything that looked demo
erotic, was of the most intense kind. 1)r.
Morris.; the church-warden 3‘ho felt it to be
his duty,th interrupt the sermon and protest
against it, has manumitted slaves worth $20,.-
000. Can anybody doubt which of the two
is the best Christian?
The Philadelphia papers say that lie was
so intemperate•in his language that a large
portion of the congregation became angry
and disgusted, and at length one of the most
respectable members of the church got up
and rebuked him in calm but very severe lan
guage. The Doctor omitted a part of his dis
eourse thereupon, and soon clo'god.
The following resolutions were unani
mously adopted at a special meeting of the
Vestry of the Church of
, the Epiphany,
Philadelphia, held on gonday evening:
Resolved, That the members of the Ves
try have • learned with deep and sincere re
gret that. the 'Rector of this Church has
deemed it his duty to select the Lord's day,
and the pulpit of this Church,' as the time
and place • for the discussion of sectional
politics, and while desiring to entertain and
express nothing inconsistent with the high
est respect for a gentleman holding so sa
cred and important an office, they feel it a
solemn obligation to declare their disap
probation of the substitution of such themes
for the simple preaching of Jesus Christ and
Him crucified as the hope of a ruined world.
Resolved, That we most respectfully but
firmly protest against any repetition of such
like' sermons as that preached on the eve
ning of Sunday, the 29th instant.
Resolved, That the Secretary be requested
to communicate to the Rector a copy of the
foregoing resolutions.
The Philadelphia Ledger, a neutral paper,
whose daily circulation is over 50,000, and
gust ?text
James I . lentlerson, Caasville,
it's -weekly 70,000, holds the following calm
and just language on the subject:
"The sermon has created quite a disturb
ance in the church. Some of the leading
members denounce it as an attempt to sub
stitute political tirades in the pulpit for the
teachings of the word of God. We cannot
but agree with them in opinion and every
calm and sensible man must see that the sa
cred office of the ministry is in very great
danger of being defiled by being blended
with partisan politics.—The pulpit is no
place for discussions, the nature of which,
Joined with the infirmity' of human temper
and judgment, necessarily leads to intemp
erance of thought and speech. If they are
touched at all it should be in soothing the
angry passions which they generate, with a
view to restore the mastery of reason and
judgment." This is the proper office of the
clergyman, and in matters pertaining to his
particular vocation the world defers to his
teachings from respect to his character and
the sacred office he fulfils. But there is
,nothing in the pursuits and professions .of a
clergyman which. gives authority to his
judgment in political questions, or makes it
superior to that of any of his congregation.
There everyman, stands upon his own pri
vate judgment. He defers to no authority
but his own reason, and presumes to settle
the principle of conduct which should guide
him, according to his own notions of right
and wrong, of expediency or -interest. In
nine . cases out of ten the secular judgment
in secular affairs is more enlightened and
correct than the clerical, because men mix
ing with the world and the principles of
human action which its strifes and interests
call continually into play. Hence it is un
wise for clergymen to bring themselves in
conflict with men: so much better prepared
to grapple with the exeitements and ques
tions of the day, and in which their inter
ests, pursuits and aspirations are so much
more deeply centered. It is a mistaken
judgment to suppose that the authority
which appertains to his divine teachings
carries weight with it into other and differ
ent channels, and the clergyman must have
a . very imperfect conception of his office
when he attempts to dictate where such
authority does not
Sixty Rifled—One Hundred Wounded::
From the Philadelphia Daily News, July IS
We take up our pen to record the most ca
lamitous .Railroad disaster that it has ever
been'our lot to write of. In all our profes
sional career, in.t, a short one, we have never
witnessed anything so truly heart-rardinf„—
so calculated to draw tears from the eyes of
the most cold and indifferent. There is some
thing in the sufcring of the young, that sel
dom fails to fill us with painful emotic n 4, and
when superadded to their groans and cries,
the eye rests upon the inanimate forms of .
others lying in the embrace of death, their
bodies mangled and bleeding, few can with
stand so severe a tax upon human fortitude.
The calamity we arc about to picture, took
place a few minutes after six o'clock, yester
day morning, on the North Ponnsylvania
Railroad, at a spot called "Camp Hill," thir
teen miles from the City, where there is a
curve sufficiently short to shut out from the
view approaching trains.
At al five o'clock, a train composed of
ten cars, containing the scholars and teachers
of the Roma Catholic Church of St. Mi&iael,
located in the district of Kensington, together
with a number of male 'and female friends,
left the Station at Second and Master streets,
to proceed to fort - Washington, where they
designed. to spend the day in healthful sports
and pastimes. Many a heart beat with pleas
ure in anticipation of enjoying a season of
unalloyed happiness, which was soon tateeasc
to beat fore er, and many. a face was wret,th
ed in smiles that was soon to give expreSsion
to the severest pain and anguish.
The company numbered, according to the
best information we could get, about eight
hundred , the ears holding' when crowded,
some eighty passengers each, counting old
and, young.
On the way out, the train heing an unusu
ally long one for the road, it was delayed
about half an hour, and was so lung that the
conductor in charge of the regular down train,
which leaves GwyneddatG o'clock, concluded
to goon.
Just, after rounding the curve at " (lamp
Hill," the excursion train ran into the down
train, which was either proceeding very cau
tiously, or was at a , complete stand, and the
effect was frightful in the extreme. The force
of the collision was so'great, that the ears of
the excursion train were driven on top of
each other, and to add to the calamity, were
set on tire: Men, women and children were
jammed, bruised, out, and crushed to death,
while hundreds (and this is no exaggeration)
were wounded, some so terribly as to render
recovery ex;:eedingly doubtful. Many will
lose an arm or leg, if they survive, and not a
few both.
So wide spread was the destruction, and so
appalling the catastrophe, that it was some
time before a sufficient force could be collect
ed to render any assistance to the wounded,
whose sufferin,gs, amid the broken timbers
and the spreading fire, may be imagined but
not descril),_!d.
The czJinnity took place at a point where
there is and no house easy of access,
and as the su.l rose upon the scene, the condi
tion of the wounded became more and more
As the news of the collision spread the sur
rounding neighbors from Chestnut Hill,
Gwynedd and other localities gathered, and
did all that was possible for the wounded.
'l'he railroad officers were early apprised
of the affair, and despatched an extra train
to the scene. One of the cars contained mat
trasses for the wounded. •The delay neces
sarily- attendant upon the removal of these,
made it nearly eleven o'clock before any of
them were received at the Shackamaxon Sta
tion. Here everything had been provided
for the prompt dressing of their wounds and
alleviation• of their pain,' as far as possible.
The scene at the Shackamaxon station, it
would be idle to hope to convey an idea of by
description. Places were assigned for the
dead, which were laid in a room on the west
ern side of the building, while the wounded
were scattered all over the place, under the
care of the physicians and their friends.—
Many were bruised and lacerated that utter
ed no word of complaint, and manifested no
sign of impatience at a want of attention,
seeing that others so much worse off than
themselves were receiving proper care. The
torn and disordered condition of the dresses
of those but slightly injured, showed how
violent had been the collision. .
Occasionally a mother, a brother or sister
would recognise a dear object of affection
among the dead or the wounded ; and their
feelings would find vent in groans and tears
added to which the cries of the wounded made
the place most heart•painful and sad. We
trust that we may never be called upon to
witness a like scene of human suffering and
One. of the first of the dead taken from the
ruins of the cars, was the-Rev.,Mr. Sheridan,.
of St. Michael's Church, who was in one-of
the foremost cars. He was shockingly dis—
figured, and his clothes were on fire when,
found. Mr. Sheridan was a native-of Ireland,.
about thirty years old, and was a most elo—
quent preacher and learned gentleman.. ile•
had made himself universally beloved, by his
kindness, and his loss will be deeply deplor—
ed. The body was removed to the pastor's
house connected with the church.
An evening paper of the 17th, gives the
The up-train consisted of twelve passen
ger cars. a baggage car, a locomotive and
tender. It is estimated that there were over
eleven hundred persons onthis train, of which half were small children.
The most horrible sight of all was that of
the burning ears—for in i few moments after
the collision, the fire spread rapidly through
the broken remnants, burning and roasting
to death nineteen men., women, and children.—
The groans and shouts of the wounded, as
those held by the legs and arms to the burn
ing wreck were of a character to appall the
bravest heart.
A row of men was at once formed, mid
buckets used, to extinguish the flames, but
they were unsuccessful. A large number of
persons were taken from the wreck slightly
bruised, who mad e hair-breadth escapes from
being burned to death.
The farmers in the vicinity. rendered every
assistance in their power, except one man,
who demanded $lO for a wagon to go a mile
for a physician.
Swaine who was on the spot shortly
after the collision, furnislie3 the following
P articulars :
The 6cei:c -,v;:s the most awful T ever wit
nessed. Of five cars, nothing WaS left stand
ing but the wheels, every bit of wood-work
. was totally destroyed. A number of the
dead were lying in a heap, E: o dreadfully
burned, that you could not tell whether they
were men or women.
Under the ruins the bodies of seine fifteen
or eighteen persons could be seen. No por
tion of them could be reached, but their limbs
—here a leg protruded and there an arm, or a.
head could be discovered. The cars could
be seen burning for a distance of four miles,
and the Chestnut Hill Fire Company hasten
ed ta the spot, their exertions in extinguish-.
ing the flames, served materially in the work
of te - cuing, the dead.
As the. train of luggage cars sent up from
the C:ty approached the spot, the scene beg
gared all ueseription. Some from the City
who had friends on the excursion, jumped
out before the train stopped and sought their
-friends, who, too often, were dead or horri
bly mutilatetl. Their shrieks would mingle
with those of the dying. Men left their work.
for miles around and came to' the spot and
rendered.all"the assistance in their power.—
Many were helping to remove the locomotiVe,
under which were many bodies. The heat
was so intense, that it was almost impossible.
to render any assistance to those intim ruins.
It is evident tlat the blem?, lies at the door
of Vanstavoren, the conductor of the down
train, who, against his instructions and con--
trary to the advice of a number of persons,
left the Fort. Wathington Depot when he
knew the excurtion train could-not have been
much more than a mile distant.. Then the
engineers of both trains are to blame for ap
proaching so sharp a curve without blowing
the whistle. Overwhemled by the cense - -
(peaces of his recklessness Vanstavoren put
a period to his existence by taking arsenic.
The Evening Build says :
"The suicide of the conductor of the down
train is one of the tragic incidents of this ter
rible affair. Mr. Yanstavoren, after the ac
cident, procured a - vehicle and came to the
city with the dreadful news. Ile received no
bodily injury by the collision, but when he
reached the city he was in a very high state
of excitement, and he hinted at an intention
to destroy his own life. This was subse
quently put into execution. In the course of
the aftmnoon lie pi omred an ounce of arse
nic and swallowed it ; he soon afterward ex
pired, notwithstanding the exertions of sev
eral physicians to save hint. Mr. V., was
but twenty-nine years of age; he was unmar
ried, and resided with his brother in Button
wood street, above Tenth. The deceased was
much respected by a very large circle of
friends, and he enjoyed the confidence of his
employers in the fullest degree.
Prom the Evening. Argus, July 19
The funeral of many of the victims of the.
late Railroad disaster took plate; this morn
ing. The funeral services of the Rev. Daniel
Sheridan, and high Mass were performed in
the church of St. Michael's, in the presence
of an immense concourse of people. Long
before the hour fixed for the commencement
of the services, the church was crowded and
there were thousands without who were un
able to obtain admission. The ceremonies
were of a most solemn and impressive char
acter. Several of our prominent clergymen
officiated, including the Rev. Dr. Moriarty.
The remains of another body was recover
ed yesterday at about 12 o'clock. It was
found under a piece of sheet iron, and was
apparently that of a young girl of ! about 17
years of ago. The only remains left were a back
bone, the heart and liver; they were brought
to the city at si. o'clock yesterday evening,
by the Coroner.
All the bodies and remains that could not
be 'identified, were yesterday afternoon re
moved from the depot of the North Pennsyl
vania Railroad to St. Michael's Church, by
Lieut. Spear and his officers. Coffins were
there provided for them, and at about s;r
o'clock they were buried in the graveyard
attached to the church.
A boy, about 15 years of age was found in
the woods near Frankfurd yesterday after
noon,. in an utterly deranged condition. He
had escaped from the disaster, but the fear
ful scene had so preyed upon his mind that
be was bereft of reason. He IVILS lying upon
the ground tearing the grass, and the only
expression that could be obtained from him
was, -I live in Jefferson street!'
As new details of this appalling calamity
reach us, it appears that its extent is much
greater than was at first supposed. 'lt is be
lieved that the number of wounded will ful
ly reach one hundred, and the number of
dead at least sixty-five, besides other bodies
that cannot be recognized.