The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 23, 1856, Image 1
MtRNS. 'OF -, THE . -oLoBg. , • , ~. Per ;, adnum in, ad ' - ' '..- -':' ' sr s u ' • Six - months - -' _ - -- - 75 Three mouths - - 50. -., l'failure to notify. a.discontinuance at the expiration..of the term subscribed for- will be considered a now en age. rebut, • ._ ~ . . . ' ' • ' ‘ , ' TER313:•;00, , ADVERTISING ' , • - ~;:: 'I -, 1- Insertion.; •-- " 2 do:. -3 do 'Four lines or, lees,' : ~ $..:25.. ,..5. ~ 37% . . ... ;;;;;; 50 .one stitate, (I'2 lines,) ... -: ... ... .' 50" - ' ' ' .75 -t, 00 Two 'squares, l' 00 i '5O - ' 2 00 Three squares, , ' 1.50 .. 2 .25' ' 300 - Over three week alid-leSs thlin tlirce.,mOntits; 25 cents per' s qitUrg:for 'eadliTneertioir. — - • • ^ ..-, . :. 3,naenths. ()months. 12 months. Six , line's or Ices, $1 50 s3 00 $5.00 One . square, , 300 500 ' ;I 00 TWo squares '•' -• '' ...• 5.'00, 800 10' 00 Three -square's, ,`,. '-. 7 00 10 00' ' 16..00 •. Four squares, , , ' ,O 00 13 00 ' '' 9 o .00 lialta'colturut, 1.2 - „00 " 10:00 = • "24 00 One'colurnii, - " - 20 00 ' 2 30 :GO 50 .00 Professional and Bu - siness Cards not exceeding four linw, " .., - e year' ' -,53, ea on AdmiliistFators' Ur& Executors' Notioes; '- ' ' - sl=, 75 , Advertisements not marked with the number of ,inser tioas desired, will be continued till forbid and. charged ac lording to these terins.. - - terms. - ' .' , - . - ~ , o#ginil,bilit. ~;For the Iltattingdpn (Rope TO ricosn, GATIIERED ON BRANDYWINE BATTLE GROUND BY MAX. GILE:ENE WWI, withered Rose !,thy frag,rant leaves • " Are incense to my pensive soul; I plucked thee from a grave-strewn bank, Where limpid waters roll. ' . . . Thou art a token of the Past, ' - Where-sprang thy parent stock and mine, A souvenir of that green Bpi:U.— . . * - The field of Brandywine. . . For, one long, tranquil' summer day, • My fair youn g cousin by my side, stood on Osbornhill, and roamed . Down by the silver tide. • ' -An Octagint of mighty years Had swept 'away with soundless floss', Since 'on that green anutpleasant field, Bravo hearts weitftid full low. We , knelt within the old stone church ; Strolled o'er the consecrated ground; We stood where Percy prophesied, - And by the grassy mound. We talked of that dark, fearful day, ' :Eventful in our country's lore, When all the smiling, landscape lay , Sodden - 11 . 4th Kaman gore. Wo spoke of our bravo grandsire too, Who, then a yoimg and vigorous man, Raged like a lion through the fight, • The foremost in the van. - These are the memories linked with thee, That through my cousin's .soul and mine Swept like the summer wild wind free, Sweet Rose ofßrandywine Nutidanan zt6 NrtchinriVgt. -'SPEECH OP HON: WM. BIGLER, . , , Delivered at the Great Democratic Rczqfication iliceting in , lizde:pendenge Square, Pltiladel . ,phia July 4 , 1856. - ~ . . It was the remark of ariurainent American Scholar; that it is one of the God like 'attri butes of- man's mind that enables him -to mingle the results of the past, the rcalities.of the present, and the imaginations of the,fu tare covering centuries of , the world's' career, And contemplate the whole scene together ; and again, that measuring time by the ideas .Conceived . and the events witnessed, the men _inodern times enjoy a longevity :equal to tliat of the Patriarchs of -old. And it has. oc eurredto my mind, at this -.moment, fellow Citizens, _that the:scenes about us to-day, the recollections of thp'past suggested by the toe easier', the- 'ado's of the 'future which these seeni-to present, not less than the his toric voice- of the oration; .fiirnish. a • Striking illustration of the truth, and ibeinityuf , fee' Wcinderfur sayings - I , have, quoted:, The; loWed , .S=iot on_ Which;we stand 'reminds' Us: - of the Nation's 4 bir th-day,' Of the d aWn of liberty' and of the: mighty - consequences that 'have 'followed:- The-presence. of . Indeperidonce Hall suggests to, the mind the scenes- '76, -the period Whenrour fathers?native and 'for eign • borh; Protestant and Catholic; seeking redress for- the oppressed colonies, gathered within its now- venerablewalls to ciuncil to (realer for the liberty - and rightS .of all, no matter whereborn or of what religious belief Then:it Was-that John Hancock and Samuel Adams, Of Massachusett,s,_ , Edward Rutledge and Thomas Heyward of South Carolina, 'Ben jamin Fianklin, Charles Carrell, Thos. 'Jef ferson, Roger Sherman,' , and their _glorious compeers, matured and enunciated those greattruths -which are still found at the basie of' our Republican system; .and which re nounce all government iind taxation, in the absence of :repreSentation, and proclainied independence and' selfgorernnient for the colonies. It'Wns that act and deed that ush ere4...A.meriea into' the fainily of nations, ,at -the same time, that it' astonished 'the world by a new "revelation of liberty, .and of man's nat ural and inherent rights, fixing new relations' between the governing and - governed and giv ing 'effective vitality to the, spirit of civil and religious freedom. From that time to the present; those' just and safe axioms have stood in bold relief; like beacon lights for the&i.d ance of those entrusted with the helm of State. BVe. are also reininded. of a scene, 'at later date, When 'within the 'sound ,of my voice, George Washington, James MadiSein,- Charles Pinckney,' Thomas Mifflin, Benjamin Franklin,, and their associates, devised a scheme for a union of the States. - , They ,rgreed that the .States should 'compose , one family, on- terms of perfect-equality; 'each re maining free - to have its:Own: domestic :insti tutions, and that new 'States might- Come in, th&eafter, - on terms of perfect equality—that the ',government of the States, so united ; should' exercise only SuchpowersaS were ex pressly conferred; • end' that -all other -- fioWers should' resJrved the' people - and to the ! Statei,.. * ' . ' Considered in bearings - upon :the condition of Mankind, these events hay - es:calve been,equatedsinee the dawn of-`christianity. Aside from' the world-wide influence Which ',they have'eiiiirciSed Upon the - cause of civil and religioud.libeity; - and gerterarprogresS in all theartiiiif " peace; they suddenly elevated . a-Young,and dependent ckinitry to' influence and rieweittiongthe falaily Of 'Netidn.S; and the American - people to, the' dignitiei 'of self government- and' the blessings - 'of ;abundance. Frorn'Airteen. oppreisOCColoniesith IeSS than. three Millions of inliabitantk tide :have now , thirty-one SovereignStateS,' , ali teerairig with - wealth and' elerdents - of "National greatness; inhabited:by nearly thirty - millions . of intelligent and'` happy citizens ; with "a commerce extending 'to • every port "on' the gra q- - ='-a,:eanyasrs twev Sea—,.-and oure.rep -:resentatives dilly _considered at. every , Court, well - Whereliated' loyed.:. And' this been atconiplishelthioner the light :of liberty arid its berugn institittiens;') I - 62 has - heon.tlie/work'of oitrnational - Union f .and , the , ConSiderecPeompiet:l4 - 7 whichiit is, held :together.. - Perpetuate :these . relations, and on the past basis,:-the close of: the present, eat • tur,y will - find , :the United States - with o, p opal Jationof Tone,,handred -millions ; .the ..ruoral, - and -lioliticak,.elethents -of National greatness,: vigorous end pare,The strength ofoarltepablic, it is manifest, co , nsists largely *the subslantial interests which eachindi vidual has in the permanency of:those wise EISIE =II WILLIAM, LEWIS, VOL. XII. institutions which `'confer ,reqiiall portions.' of sovereignty and 'dignity on " the, richest""- and poorest;: the highest'' and humblest; WhiCh were baptized in' the blood of .our,revelution ary struggle . and transmitted - CO us aS a Sacred legacy by - our• fathers: The is.the guarantee, for the:Tuture enjoyments of all these blessings' as it is for the' continued-pi-6g-, Tess' and" 'prosperity of the' Nation.; - (Ap- The - Perpetuity of .theSe institutions; With their varied and ample blessingi - for the , `AeSe , . 'of" nth*, is our highest duty to * - theWerldj.--, 'dna 'grove-kin:tient - is a - peculiar orte;-' differing to - a greater . or less" extent' from any be foundni ancient pr- - inodern. times. 'lt :is"' 'a representative system which the- •will'of the governed ie felt," at short interValg"; iii ev-, ,'ery department. The mass 'of the ,people is recognized' as 'the - proper -:Souree of govern mental power; and, the ballot bog is the' me-. dium through whiCh - - the popular will is re flected: This is-called self-government: Each citizen, high, or' IoW, rich or poor, has his "partib. ' the government; endowed with 'high 'privileges and - charged With great responsi bilities. ' It is - net. only hiS right to vete; but his ilutJ , :to do so. (ApplauSe.) Under this System- all measures of government einanate from the popular will—by it one man is ac cepted and another rejected ;, one measure 'of 'suStairied and another repudiated.: 'ln the great of giving effect .16 .the, vital principles of our republic, the Demo cratic party has been prominent and efficient. With occasional brief:intervals hasheld unbroken Sway in. the _Government; and 'the highest vindication Of its'policy is furnished in. the unexampled,prosperity of the - 060 - 47. Hera iS the ready answer to all the allegations of the opposition. - The tree should. bo Judg ed by its fruits. - Besides, its policy and measures have been uniforialy vindicated by time and experience, and those, of the opposition condemned. Such - was. the case as to the acquisition of the ter ritory of Louisiana and Florida; the, war of 1812;, the annexation of Texas,-' the war with , Igexice';' the AcqUisition of 'Oalifornia, 'as also with 'regard to a -mammoth Bark. a Sub - Treasury and the,„ Tariff. Whilst the 'Opposition were its uniformly wrong; as,, in the ,case of the Alien and Sedition laws, the . bankrupt act and' the Tariff of 184.2. No other party' has been. so 'uniformly wrong.— Had it, been their,purpose to be on the wrong side-of all questions they could,nothave suc eeeded se well." - It i 4 almostincredible that theiti .is not a 'vestige 'Of- their policy to be -found in-the Government:- And still our 'suc-, _cess as important, as ever. ,„ - Ferhaps", there never , Vs-as a time : when the triumph ofi.the pi 'Was more important than iioßr, or atinie-whei2iritS mission WaS well reflected as hilts present contestifor the rights* of the States against _Abolitionism, and for civil and religious liberty against Know .Nothingism., We are rapidlyapproaching the Presiden .tial election, involving the ascendancy of our party and its principles. When. the day comes, every man should do his duty. What ever others may do, as for me and my house hold, we shall vote for Buchanan and Brock inridge. (Great applause.), Buchanan is a distinguished son of our own great State.— She has often honored him, and he in turn has- filed to her laurels, and his,election will -be,Justice to both. (Applause.) For many years Pennsylvania has sought *distinction of presenting him to the nation as President --=her jewel and their hope, for her pride and their benefit. (Applause.) She was war ranted in this pretension. Her political and moral influence in the family of States justi fied her. She has been a true member of the Confederacy. 'She has •done what she agreed to do. • She has ,been faithful to the compact —to every feature of She has been loyal in- peace and libt,.ral in war. She has done justice and promoted peace among her sisters. She was among the first to ratify the Consti tution, and she will be the last to violate it. She possesses the birth-spot of Independence, the Constitution and the Union, and neither shall ever die with her consent. (Great ay plause.) The State House bell that first sig naled the news that Liberty was born—that the Convention had done the deed—sounds in the. ,midst of her metropelis.:_. The funeral tolls she has sworn neyertehear. (Applause.) In the:Revolution she - did her 'part. In the war of 1812, her men and money were freely tendered. So also in the :war with Mexico. Central in Geographical position, she has al ways been so in the,confidence and ,affections of the family. (Applause.) Unequaled in 'the extent and, variety of her. industrial ',pur suits, as in her natural. elements, of greatness, wealth and power:. - 'Second : . only- to one of her sisters in the Lumber of her population, and to none in moral.and pplitieal greatness, in her love of country and sense .of justice. She haS always been true to the Constitution. In future she will go fir those - who go for the Union,; she will despise those who trample - ort:the rights of any section. (Applanse,)— And ~yet she has _neyfer,,,up_ to, tins eightieth year of the nation's age, been honoredd-with :the Presidency,, in,the person of one of her 'own citizens: • The Southern, States have had nine ; those on the ;East of-her three.:'and:on the West four---slie none ; What ,Penpsylva- • nian can. look upon- this picture; and :then -raise. big :voice against the proffered benox: ~.11ut.the. inclination, to .honor the State was :_not_the only consideration_that operated upon ,thenorhinating convention., Mr. Buqm . rtan -presented ..atfractiona.., I. ,believe he , would have been nominated irrespective of his local :residence. ,Theexigencies seerned,to call'for lira.. His long - experience, his clear and cairn judgment, „and steady. firmness„ • so , of :ten evincedAn : trying times, designated' him. He ,had been .schooled uz the3most difficult or deals of the past : had dra,woiislessonsfrom. Madison and. Jackson, enjoyed dempan -ionship and example of Clay..:and Webster, Calhoun and King; Wright and" Polk. Since . 1814 he , has,; with : brief intervals; served the and.- : e k xcelled, .every position s: ? - In „ Cengress, ; the Cabinet, and at : foreign - • Courts.. . ; 'hen Jackson's naniawas,present md: to the:people, Buchanan took the lead.— .(APPIAUsei) • When the -.attempt was ,made. to cheat, the old hero after he had, the most MI 111 MG , So much for the Democratic, now for the - other side. And here lam at fault, for lam not certain that I can call to mind the fright ful array of candidates and the isms they represent. First, then, is Col. Fremont and Mr. Dayton representing sectional or Black Republicanism ; next stands -Millard Fill more, administrator de bonis non of the. de ceased Whig party, with Andrew Jackson Donelson. for Vice President, representing National Know-Nothingian ; then comes Com modore Stockton and Kenneth Rayner, the embodiment of refractory Americanism, and last, but not least, stands'Gerret Smith and Mr. 'McFarlane disciplesi-of intensified Aboli tionism. . Therithere is Maine-lawisra, .Spir itualism,-Womans rightiim, and other isms to be equally apportioned. Differing as to many things, these parties and. elements unite in, one common bond Of hostility to the Dem ocracy. -Dissimilar in faith and form -they _readily fraternize on the Platforta„ of place and power. You mistake my purpose, how ever, very much fellow:citizens, if you, sup pose that I intend to. dissect this frightful army of candidates and. their appurtenances: I shall look after Col. Fremont briefly,, ,and he only; • "as for Mr. Fillniore,it is ,e,vident .that he has no available party in this aection of the Union.. " Wellnow as to :this Republi can Candidate : who can • tel me why 'he was nominated. I - have looked. in vain, for, one good reason. Is he a statesman? 'that are, and what haye been. hi& views on great ques tions of domestic or foreign policy? What great raeasiire- did• he - eier - propose?. :What views on political economy has, he. given- to the world ?, .Wheaand wpere did he study the science, of Governnient ? Where is his record ? Where'. can 'we find the eiidences that , he is - fit to be a suocessor to - George Washington 'What . has 'hp clone . for the, Nation to-give.hino claim to this world-wide distinction? What act' of his life entitles :him to so large a share of public confidence ? What battles - has he fought and victories:won? On what meat cloth this our Casar feed, that 'he has' grown ,So great?"-" .Can qiis r .frientis answer ? They may have' hidden reasons, but it'is time they -were developed. , Perhaps they solightu hero without scars and &States- . iniate without- a:record. Perhaps they Knight exiiptyivessel in . ..which . to: , deposit -all -,tho, .isms.:: ;Perhaps the RepUblie,an, party,' just . , starting out:. on. geographical ,principles; :not,, certain - what routs , tor take - ,:and'.'where,to go,'„ have. concluded -that they.would need an en gineer_.—,that.;as,they :do not -go by principles they. had , better go-by the compass. And having heard 'that Col; Freinont.had traced the Sinuositus :of , the...,sides.and- sealed the heights of- the' rooky - raountoin.' and, found a bturible bee on wind. gaprarige, just the. man for, the emergency. It is true that, Col. 'F. did cross these . mountains •under .the;_pat .ranage, protectiori - and pay of the G-CY,eiiment, but it is equally : ttie that, othfir • i,i , rien'did ; the same thing on their own resp6usibility; and they do not ask to be President.. K t it'Carson.i 'was immense - in this way and yet he-is not even out for Vice President. It is 'alsci tria -that Col: F. :perforined certain brilliant' eats in California, about the time of its acquisition, =I - - . votes, - Mr. Buchanan resisted the "•schenie..4--- When JacksOn •put hiS heel-on the Bank, Bu chanan helped- him (`there.' , 14- plause.) --When-the old hero saidthe,Prench must pay ,or:' - fight, Buchinan.stood by him. When, in 1841, the opposition passed the Bankrupt act, Mr:Buchanan resisted it and foretold its frightful consequences. 'When at the same session, they attempted. to -abolish the SubareaPury:.....and substitute a • Filcal Agency, Mr._ Buchanan resisted them. When about the same.tinie ;they taught heresies. 'on the sUbject of the currency and,the= revenue laws,' powerful' arguments, so. - strikingly . sanctioned by, experience, defeated their pur-;: poses. , When it was Rroposed to - amiex, Tex - as, Buchanan. judged rightly; and went for it, When our difficulties with- Mexico presented themselves; -Old Buck ,, was' - for ,; fight He counselled wisely throughent the struggle k -- When it was 'proposed -to restrict ilieoecu pancy of the 'temtories, 's - o as - to keep , thp' people, of one ,section of the country Out, Buchanan opposed tbe movement. • 'When at the. Court of St. Janies, John Bull.wanted to dictate his,toilet,, Old-Buck went to the Court with, his own ,coat and breeches on.' When Lord Palmerston wanted to - 'cheat us under the Clayton and Bnlwer Treaty, Mr. Bnchanan soaked his false logic, and then Wiped,it4it. I tell you more that he did. When. the com promise measures of 1850 were adopted;- took the stump and sustained, them.. I stood by him many a, hot day, while hedemonstra-. ted the coxistibitionalityof the Pugithre Slave Law, and endeavored to convince the people that those -measures should be finality en every point to Which they referred. 'Amongst the rest; that the people of the Territories should' settle the slavery question 'to suit themselves. That was my doctrine in that terrrible campaign, and I know that we agreed. When bogus Americanism first start ed, his • sagacious mind at once detected and. exposed its fallacies. I can tell you what he did beside. When he was defeated. for the Presidential nomination in 1848, he support ed his successful. competitor, Gen. Cass ; - when, in 1852, his claims were again defer red, he took the stump for General. Pierce. = You will all remember that when Thaddeus Stevens and Joseph Ritner re-chartered. the Bank, Mr. Buchanan said it was rotten, and when the same - party attempted - to reclaim with cartridge box what they had lost 'at - the ballot box, and usurp the Government, , hi.r. Buchanan met theta on-the' threshhold. has done many good things, and when he is President he will do more. -His companion, -Mr.- Rreckinridge,is that we could.desixe.'_, Heis a ~dislinguished andfavorite . son of Kentucky. , Though ,quite yoang,-he hasmade . his mark both as a sol dier 'and as Inthe field iliac]. in Congress he was alike admired. His short career in the House of Representatives has served to distinguish him as a man of great powers of mind, and as a statesman of en larged views, as a high toned gentleman and fine scholar. •He will preside over the Sen ate with dignity, and be the hope of the na tion should the first office be vacated-by death or otherwise. ..,—,pEnsETtratE.— r ! - 111J - N .' "TIN ' GD9NiiP,Siii, JULY; .. 239'. .1.84.- = for *lnch he Was Court; Martaallecl and found guilty on every' connt; it alsci appears that 'he represented that State in the.auted States Senate for a brief period, and was 'relieved front• further service, at the next.election, by aliaost common' consent., But these things 'furnish reason for '_. tasking:him President. ;But be' the, reasons what they may, I shall miss my 'gness if his' friends be_not in, the :pOSition of. he Western traveler in the choice of bad roads, wishing they had taken . moth -Cr; 'before they get to the end of the race; and shall rnisS it still farther if .the Colonel does 'not find-it more dificailt to diseover a pass to the White House,. than one over the Rocky Motintains. I mean: no unkindness to Col. 'Fremont. 'lle is doubtleisla very good , man in his way, and_ quite 'eminent, in his science, '.b4t mathematics is not the only qualification for the Presidency,. Thescience of Govern atient is a different and far more dlificUlt study. It would be no more 'employ a black 'smith to make 'a gold watch or a. lawyer to ;expound the'gospel, than to select an engi neer to act as' Chief Magistrate. But seri ously, gentlemen, is there one marl- in this Vast assembly. who Can look - another' in the fade, and say that 'Col. Fremont' is the man who should hive the direction of our National affairs at this critical juncture, in these times of foreign and' domeStic trouble—l do not be lieve any man will. say this, = The idea is eh! , But I object to Mr.' Fremont on other groUnds. 'He- has - been ,presented 'dud is supported as a sectional candidate. He was nominated by the : Northern and _Eastern. States, and not one paper or public man, so far. as my knowledge goes, has, come out for him in the South., . In form e and in spirit, therefore; his 'nomination was sectional. am no alarmist, for I have great confidence in 'the sober judgment of the people,, but I • cannot close my eyes to the dangerous ten dencies of geographical parties. Ftom their very nature they must beget discOntent and suggest separation. It is the first time that a candidate of respectable strength has been presented onzectional ideas. Should he be elected, he will be the Preiident of a section and the benefactor of a faction. He can not represent truly the whole nation. He will be under obligations to one section only. The slameholding States have no part or lot in his administration. His advisers will - be from one section. ,The honors and emoluments of the govern:merit would be conferred' upon' that section, and •the South be excluded. It has been the usage 'of par ties to.Aaim the patronage for their friends, , and it Will not be pretended that Col. F. is the man to rise aboye the rule. 'But the whole idea is wrong; it' is in conflict with the genius' of our institutions, which is in tended equality for all the States. It is .at variance with ~ the duties - .to be peformed and the obligations to be• assumed. The certain tendencies being to alienate the feel ings of the people of one section from those of the other, and to embitter the channels of national intercourse—to weaken the ties which bind the States together. Nor will it do point to the Fremont 'platform and say that it declares' for the Union. The party ' triumphant upon sectional grounds ' North ern or Southern; might prate , about the Union, but disaffection would come from the defeated section, the people of which, feel ing that they were no longer equal; under the . Constitution, would claim their right to demand a release from all, its obligations. Washington foresaw the danger,. and ad monition should not be hghtly,„heecled. Much as I admire - Mr. Buchanan, could not vote for him as a. sectional candidate. But now for Kansas question, and the course 'of the Republican or Fremont party. Ever since the commencement of the present session, of Congress the whole country has been "agitated, deeply and violently agitated, concerning the' state of society in Kansas. The most accomplished artists of the Repub lican party have painted the startling pic ture froth time to time. That the simple re flection of the truth would have made a pic ture dark enough, no one can doubt;_ but ,that these gentlemen, for purposes of their have just the deepest shade practi cable, 'is - as evident.We have been told- by the Republican ()raters in Congress, on the rostrum' and in the pulpit, that the 'people of Missouri had invaded the TerriL tory, and,controlled .. the 'elections for mem bers ofth Legislature held'in'March, 1855; that' the kree-State men had been ,driven from tlui ... pcolls; that the governtrita'ntAad been:usued by mere brute force; that the laws of; Kansas were not valid laws; that The people' would and should resist them; that anarchy,reigned in Kansas; that arsons 'and ' niiiiders were invoked to serve•the 'ends of elavery , ;, that finally XanStis and liberty 'lay 'bleeding at the feet of the border ruffians,' 'and that the• whole country was on the verge of:civil - war. H_ ere" is a ; picture;, pow;what remedy did 'the Republican Representatives in . Congress ,propose. Did they ask a legal and just . measure of reform? no means, but with denuncia,tion against I,the - lawlesS 'authorities of - Kansas still fresh on their lips; they' beciine the advocates of the Topeka •Convention and 'the' State:Gen ' Stitu.tion framed by that - body,' a movement' 'admittedly',. - without law, 'and in contraven tion of la* ,and in menace, of the' Govern _ ment. theix seeming reverence ,for" the laW, they . could'advocate a revolutionary.; step'. taken defiance .of the Government. ,'We were told that the admission of Kansas as a State, 'wait 'the' - only . remedy' Oilier' evils; the, only - , Triode 'of quieting the public ~mind and averting 061 wIl - x in • the , Territory., Well, gentlemen, it, had became apparent, to all, that some effective and - fmal - rneasure of pacification was Jleatiarided by the best - in: terest, riot only - of-Kansas, but 'of the whole nation;:. that , . whilst the -laws of the' local were,tec,lmically .legal, the right •of suffrage had been abused in selopting the members, `anit'that many of '.the Statutes 'were oppressive'and unjust; and conflict ;with the Constitution, and: the original Nan -84-ts Nebraska act. With a view-to meet - these difficulties, • Mr.. Toombs, a Southern Senator,- about ten,days_ since, introduced a hill 'providing for- ,the , 111 - - prompt admission of 'Kansas as a State. His proposition was referred -,to the Territo rial Committee,, and reported. to . the Senate on Monday last, by Douglas, and Wednesday fixed for a vete. , That bill provides that the present, - inhab jtants' may; elect delegates to- a Convention to-meet in November next, to feria a 'consti tution, preparatorY to adlnission as a State; that alaoard of five commissioners , should be . appointe,d. - by, the President, to repair to the Territory . , to superintend the election 'of 'delegate.s; to, make an enumeration of, the legal voters; and. put Up a list of voters at every. District;, and that only those who 'are now an the Territory, and, those Who may have left on business,, or_ because of the sad state Of the, society, shall vote.—The Jaw throws ample . gnards about the ballot box, by heavy penalties against illegal voting or violent efforts, to interfere with the right - of suffrage,;it also annuls all the- Territerial statutes subversive of ills_ liberty of speech aid the - freedom of the press, and those requiring an', oath .of . fidelity to the, Fugi tive' Slave Taw as a Qualification for a vo ter ; and 'other absurd : provisions. These statutes being inconsistent with the Consti tution and the organic law o are clearly with in the scope„of the Congressional Correction, I - without - mtefering with the 'doctrineof non intervention, for the 'Kansas. law provides, that the, action of the territorial legislature Shall be confined "to rightful subjects of legislation." :Here, then, wits a, measusre of peace and law, the : pronipt admission of I Kansas as a, State, irrespectite of her decision on the Slavery: question. Its vital objects being to :terminate at once all motive on the part of outsiders to force temnorary population into the territory, with a view to control its policy on the Slavery question. What followed? ,Diddle Ronublican Sen ators- support this measure? _Did they accept this preposition to bring Kansas in as a State? By no means; to my amazement it met their violent resistance. The first demonstration came from the, Sentthir from Massachusetts, Mr. Wilson, who proposed to strike out the entire bill, and assert a section, simply re pealing all the laws of Kansas; substituting anarchy for the admission of the Territory as a State. The Senator from New : York, Mr. Seward, the leader and intellect of that party, still instated. Upon the Topeka Constitution. In the face of all his anathemas against the lawless authorities in ICanstis, _ he voted' to sanction a measure wanting in the slightest Caning of authority, and which had been brought forth in defiance of the lair- and its, Officers,' and what is SUprising, - , - in addition, his course seems to be santioned by the entire Republican- press, headed by that common fountain of fanaticisms, falsehoods and va garies, the New York Tribitne. The Senator from New 'Hampshire, Mr. Hale, proposed to strike out the fourth of July, 1856, as the time that the law should take - effect, and in sert July, 18,57, so that the strife in Kansas Might last a - year longer, that bleeding Ka,n sas, . for whose people so many crocadile tears has-been shed, might bleed on. They first objected that the local laws forbid and punished free discussion, and thus the slave ry men had the advantage; then, the bill was amended, as had been agreed upon by the committee, so as to annul all such laws. The next objection was, that the Free State men had been driven from the Territory, and the frieads of slavery would have - things all their own way;' then the bill was so 'amended as to ogiveall former citizens the oppertunity to re turn and participate in the election. The next plea was that the intention and effect was to bring Kansas in as a Slave State. 'The an swer was no; it, provides that the unrestrained 'will of the bona, fide citizens` shall settle that piestion, and that the objection could not properly. come - from - the Republican side be cause they uniformely claimed that . a very large majority of the settlers are against slav ery, and that. all they sought was a fair ex pression ofporailar will. But reason was powerless. 'They resisted to the end, and fi nally the bill passed 'at - the end of a 'session of twenty one hours, by a vote of 33 to 12. Within a few hours,after, the House passed a bill admitting Kangas under the Topeka Constitution, and thus the issue is fairly made tip. The Demeerats are 'for bringing in Kan sas by the straight way and under the au spices.of the law; the RepubliCans insist upon her admission by the crooked :way, a way tarnished;-by violence and revolution. The , Dem,oerat& contend fora., Constitution to be made by the whole , people, through apure ballot box; the Republicans, for omynade by a party.without the agency of law or Of the 'ballot box. ye between us, , Butit is said the Jude- sas tronbleshove pro* dedfrom the leoislation of 1554--,that the doc trine of nonineerventien has failed, land the Democracy are responsible; This is the best our,enemies can do, but it is,bad logic. It is a have answer to,say, in reply, that we have ha.d peacoand quiet in Nebiaska, as .we have, had also,in Utah and New Mexico—all organized on the doctrine of-non-intervention. The difficulties in Kansas 'were the inevitable consequences Of - the, nage offiCiousness of outsiders. Fanatical Abolitignists on one hand andfire-eating sontherners. on the other. Thepreisand . the pqlpit have pointed - to, KansaS as a land 'of battle-field for the Slav:, ery, - and antia9lOyery feeling of the wlrtole country; and invited people to go* there' and fight it out, Men nnsetteld In their pur. poses : and Without fixed principles have_ be . en sent into the, Terrilory, stiiimlated 2 with prejudiees and armed with' deadly weapons, to , detorrnine _a question of 'ideal policy.. What oeuld we expect short 'Of lawless vie-, lonee,. The agency the 'lo.lpit 'has :had ; 'this - work meets_ my Unqualified condemnation.: . cannot: see :Why the, temples - that Wero cleared • of. theMOney;.changers should be pollitte&With piestion of bitter partizan: ship and of 'popnlating the Territories. To ex, pound tho Gospel is a Work which should be •nqual to any Man's - ambition; and the dise. sentination 'of its just, the host way possible to, constrain statesmen as well as the - people, to do what is right in the Territories as well. as in. the States. 'But these conflicts are not . , fatal to the theory of the. law--to 'the doPtrine of NE Editor and Proprietor. NO. 5. el goverment. It is-a principle indicatedby experience.. It is' suited to all territories and all ages; as broad as, the, universe and as imperishable as the mountains. Its appli • -cation to the question of Slavery in the Ter ritories, -was- intended as a finality. ,Whit -ever the powers of Congress May be, it-was polite and wise to forego its use arid' trust the tie with the - .people. For -one - 1,,, regard the - policy as settled for ever, .and thatheres after - the people' of the, territories ;through their-local legislature areto control the ques tion of Slavery, in ttheir own Way; 'and-why should they not'be •ipermitted to do this?-- 'Many of myforiner neighberi are now in the 'territories ; arid;it ftvould seen 'firreiaortable, that I should Claim the right totlegislate for them. - Certainly I-am not-so, Competent to judge as they. There is not-bray beauty' this theory, but there is-prileticaljtatice ni it. A man looses none of his'.natitraleei herent rights by - Changing his residenee - froni a, State to a Territory:. - The sovereigntYnot delegated to the General- Government accent ' panies him, in fuliforee'and ctiti see ' but two sources of power to Legislate - for, the Territory; Congress is one and -the people the other; and I hold that when Congress ex pressly confers upon the people all its powers; as in the-case of the Kansas law;thatthe-laW mkaing power of the p eople is completc-e - qu al, to any subject of:local. legislation. The prac t ticalworkings: being to-the effect; • that as the . people when they become a State' hive per fect,ctintrol over the subject' of Slavery, they . should -have it as a Territory. :For the, -par, poses of excitement, however; the iitipression ' has been strengthened, that the - policy-of the . Territory on the question, is' o be permanent s ly settled by an incipent step. Such is not a correct view.- The question like any other, will at times be • within the control of the people.' Should - Kansas come into the Union as a,Free State - ,- and the people could afterwards esteh, fish Slavery, and lice versa!: . On the.general subject of Slavery I have often given _my views.. I do not know why Providence in his wisdom permitted the Alt rican - to find his way to • - thie- Continent -nor - - velnt England was induced - to fasten the - -instis tution of Slavery upon: the; Colonies, can-. not tell what God may intend to bring out-of the existing'between the races in our country t but this I• do know, that, when .the _Constitution was agreed upon-be tween the States, each being sovereign _ and; independent, Slavery: was recognized in the 2d.section of the first article as to: the ratio:. of Representation in Congress, and - in the 2d section of the fourth - article as to the ren dition of fugitives from labor. That after the fullest-deliberation, the Convention, with' _Washington at its head, agresd to tolerate and protect the institution. I know .tho, that when a compact is made between equal and. independent parties, it is (rood morals and _good faith to carryit out. Xud still the in; stitution' so established is a constant theme of agitation. The most • fanatical abolitionists -dare _ not deny that it is the right of. a State, to have it or not, and that no outside -power can rightfully interfere; still a war of-crimi nation-and recrimination has been' kept up. The motives of the. Southern people in Zug it, have been subject to the most unchari; table criticisms,- Whilst in turn, 'assaults of equal-violence have been made upon North ern onen and their motives, all tending to an alienation of the people front each other and' to prepare them for violent separation. Frord my boyhood, and in-my very, heart, I have deprecated these -mutual dissentious, because, they can do_ no possible good : te either : white or colored race;; their tendencies are to .evil and to evil only. They may hazard, as I fear they -do hazard, the peace and best in terests of twenty-five millions of white citi-, zens, without the possibility of improving the, condition of the three millions of the colored; race. It is astonishing that even fanaticism —inveterate fanaticism—should sanction; practices so unwise, and efforts so directly in. controvehtion of the Constitution, and so wasteful of the heritage which it vouchsafes to all. The abolition-presses teem wiith the. most vile execrations of an evil which they, cannot. avert, - and _their orators enunciate: sentiments full of treason. Wendell -Phil lips, for instance, declared in a convention tit, •New York—" The only remedy for the slave is the destruction of the Government."' "I: challenge any man to tell me what the Union' has done for us." 'Lloyd Garrison, at.-the same convention : proposed to resolve "That; the one grand vital issue to be made with the'. Slave power, is the dissolution of the existing American Union." Henry C. - Wright sai4 like.' the resolution very nnich.!' use don't care the snap of, my finger for the Con stitutiene when the question of - slavery is to be concerned. The only thing of iniportance is that.the mass or - the people venerate,thel - Constitution. ,-• We should endeavor to do away with this. thank GOd that I ana,et traitor to that Constitution." - Edmund Quin cy, on the same occasion; said, that, "the Constitution displayed the ingenuity of the' very -devil, and that the Union ought to be dissolved." - Wade, now a Republican Senator from.; Ohio,, in a speech to the people, of. Maine, in- August 1855 - ; deiniiinced'. the slaveholdere as a f thanciful of aristocrats,'; . and the system as one of outrage, aggression' I and wrong; that its very life; its being, is an' ' .outrage, : and , that the in, Fugitive Slave - 14w should be repealed." Itlr. S.ewaict' .in a speech -made .at ; Buffalo, in-October last, speaking of society in the 'Slave States,. saYS'; that .`.`.the non-slave holder in the Slave States: States is allowed no. : independence, no •neutrality ;- whilst pistols and knives en - force not merely, their silence, but their actual parthershi_p,fon Slavery,fl. - • , - - . - Mr.,Sewardin the Senate, on last nesday r -clecl , m-rd • with great earnestness of ; manner, that - ofthe day for emiipretnides _had' gone by." Mr Surimer,• Of_ Nass4cliFtsetts, in November last, at 80 - storii•s,aicl 'lt-,is; - an odious beyotal‘preeedente less, grasping, - tyrannical; careless- of hu manity, right or .the piiiis4tutip x l ; :stuck to-, gether _only by a confederacy The Boston :Liberator,*litUthn says: "The United States Coriititti,tionis a covenant with the .deyli e t gird "an ,gicpernent -with and again, that "the Duly issue' is;,thp aissolution of the Union." The /%71, , , I r f-irk. Standard is but little leis violent,, and, - the - .7 l ribittzeis vigilant inits Work of fanning' the flames. Ne men can notice these thinga- without feeling thatwehave fallen upon ems": times. But let us - turn from these: disgusting ins eeniliarisms ; and • read-. our -clpty, on.the sub ject of _Federal- relations,-, air prespritedeby Pashingtoin,: in hialastaddress,_ : Atis says -"It is of - infinite - monnent that e yentr r e4l;lll . l4f :prop erly. estimetp' the:Valna ofypiir N'ational pruon,.,•to your -Rud•bollociairs hap,' ha; that xOu. should. -plapriska pordial, habitual; an. 4 nm, uoyeable catchment tte it: --,accustoming,yoUrsplVes t te t4iluk gi.d speak es a. speliadiam -of 4*lhtloa,l : safqty . awl prosperity ; e watching for..its .preeWas , lion., with. zealous aniciety;, diseo4ntenoa . toing. Whatever may suggest even a s - U.SpiCion. 'that it can in- any, event be abandoned, and indig , t - nantly frowning upon the first ; dawning of any attempt to alienate any portion 1.441,