The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 16, 1856, Image 3

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Huntingdon, Wednesday, July 16,1856
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.—The attention of
our readers is invited to the new advertise
ments in to-days paper.' Want of time pre
vents us from speaking mare at length of sev
eral of them.
'D.RO*NING OF A CHILD.—An interesting lit
tle child, aged 15 months, son of Mr. Jacob
Snyder, of this borough, was drowned on
Wednesday last by falling into a tub of water
which was standing uncovered in the yard.
The little fellow was unobserved for about
half an hour, and when search was made, he
was'found in the tub a lifeless corpse. The
stroke was severely felt by the family and
the sympathizing community.
To be pitied-the insane editors of the
Joarnal. Their friends, if they have any,
should take them in charge.
Proceedings of Town Council.
JULY 14TJ1, 1856.—The house met at the
usual place.
Present Chief Burgess, Abraham Mc-
Coy. Aset Burgesses, Thomas Fisher, John
Simpson. Town Connell, Alexander Can non,
Benjamin G-raffius, Henry Lower, John West
The minutes of the last meeting were read
and approved.
Mr. Simpson from the committee appointed
at the last meeting to examine the condition
of the claim against the Catholic Church lots',
reported that there remained entered in the
Prothonotary's office a mechanic's lien against
the Same for $99.99, when, on motion it was
Resolved, That the proposition of the (pin
cers of said church to discharge the lien
against the same by the payment of ninety
dollars within two months from this date be,
and is hereby accepted.
A petition from several citizens was read,
stating that they labor under great inc:mve
nience on account of the northern end of
Montgomery street not being opened and prop
erly graded, and also for want of an alley
across the lots owned by the congregation of
the German Reformed Church, and praying
relief in the premises. The petition was re
ferred - to the committee on streets and pave
ments. Adjourned.
J. Srmpsox AFRIc.‘, STeretary
'rorn Washington
WAsiuNGTos, July 11, 185 G
The Black Republicans are running, this
Sumner debate into the ground. They have
overshot the mark in their unholy endeavor
to create sympathy for their Abolition pro
tege. A reaction is now clearly manifest in
the House of Representatives, and the same
may be said throughout the entire North.
The people,—the sober, reflecting, thinking
people, those who have the good of the
whole country at heart—who are not bound
by geographical limits—when they take the
second sober thought, which they surely will
—this miserable faction—the Nigger Wor
shippers will be left in a minority in
almost every State in the union. I have
seen, within the last few days, quite a n ii
ber of highly intelligent gentlemen fcoin the
North and West, and they inform me that a
re-action is now in progress, which will con
tinue until the day of election, in favor of
the Democratic nominees.
The letter of Mr. Van Burea, and his son
John, giving in their adhesion to the Cincin
nati platform, and the distinguished states
men whose names are unfurled on the proud
banner or the invincible, unyielding and in
domitable Democracy, have caused great
consternation and dismay among the ranks
of that tesselated party—the Black Repub
limns. A fifty-four bomb-shell in the ranks
of an unsuspecting enemy, could not have
produced greater excitement.
The Democratic party in New York, as in
days gone by, will now be united—and
when united, who ever knew them to be de
feated. New York will now cast her vote
for James Buchanan and John C. Breckin
ridge. And as an earnest of this, a gentle
man of this city yesterday, offered to bet five
thousand dollars that the Empire State
would go for the Democratic Nominees; but
he could find no takers. I admit that there
is nothing in this but it shows that the op
position have no idea of carrying the State.
The Committee on Elections arc ready, I
understand, to report on the contested elec
tion case from Illinois. The seat is now
held by J. C. Allen, a Democrat, who has
the certificate of the Governor of the State,
and was declared by the canvassers of his
district duly elected, having received a clear
majority of all the votes polled. A man by
the name of Archer, better known here
abouts as the "insatiate Archer," who is a
Black Republican Know-Nothing, conies
here to contest his seat.
The committee, the majority of whom are
Black Republicans, are ready to report •in
favor of the contestant.—Nord has gone
round in the House among the Abolitionists,
that Mr. Archer must have his seat; and
the reason they assign is this: The delega
tion from Illinois stand at present four Dem
ocrats and four Black Republicans, one
vacancy, which is soon to be tilled.
Now, if Archer gets Allen's seat, that
gives the Abolitionists a' majority of the
delegation, which, in case the Presidential
election should be thrown. into • the House,
will give them the State. Therefore, with
out reference to the facts of the case, Mr.
Allen, who is clearly entitled' to his seat,.
must be ousted, and Mr. Arch3i must have
the seat. 'When this thing is properly
understood, as it_ will be before the case
cones up, 'they will . , Utterly. fail in their
scheme. •
The debate is still progressing on the
Brooks case, and is likely to go on for some
days, as there seems to be a great deal of
gas that has not as yet been let off on the
Black Republican side. Their speeches are
all of a piece, full of fuss and feathers.
This being private bill day nothing of im- .
portance has been going on in the Senate.
Flumore's Albany Speecti
We do not like Mr. nu:moan's Kn — ow Noth
ing, principles, but we do admire the sound
national sentiments he enunciated in his late
speech at Albany. We Must do him the jus
tice to say that on that occasion he held the
language of a patriot. Speaking of the ,Ite
publican nominations, Mr:TlLL3toar. said :
"We see a political party, presenting can
didates for the presidency, selected for the
first time from the free States alone, with the
avowed purpose of electing these candidates
by suffragesnf one part of the Union only,
to ,rule over the whole United States. Can it
be possible that those who are engaged in
such a measure can have seriously reflected
upon the consequences which must inevitably
follow, in case of success ? (Cheers.) Can
they have the madness, or the folly to believe
that our southern brethren would submit to
be 'governed by such a chief maistrate 9
(Cheers.) Would he be required to follow
the same rule prescribed by those .who elec
ted him in making his 'appointments? If a
man living south of Mason and Dixon's line
he not worthy to be president, would it be
proper to select one from the same quarter, as
one of his cabinet council, or to represent the
nation in a foreign country? Or, indeed, to
'collect the revenue, or administer the laws of
the United States? If not; what new rule is
the president to adopt in selecting men for
Office, that the people themselves discard in
selecting him?
These are serious, but practical questions,
and. in order to appreciate them fully, itis on
ly necessary to turn the table upon ourselves.
Suppose that the south, having a majority of
the electoral votes, should declare that they
would only have slaveholders for president
and vice president, and should elect such by
their exclusive suffrages to rule over us at
the north. Do you think we would submit to
it? No, not for a moment. (Applause.)—
And do you believe that your southern breth
ren are less sensitive on this subject than
you are, or less jealous of their rights?—
(Tremendous cheering.) If you do, let 'me
tell you that you are mistaken. And, there
fore, you must see that if thi.y sectionalparly
it leads inevitably to the destruction
of this beavtifid fabric reared by our Are
lathers, cemented by their blood, and be
queathed to us a priceless inheritance.
I tell you, my friends , that I speak warm
ly on this subject, for 1 2 Ad that we are in
danger. I am determined to make a clean
breast of it. I will wash my hands of the
consequences, whatever they may be; and I
tell you that we are treading upon the brink
of a volcano that is liable at any moment to
burst ibrth and. overwhelm the nation. I
might by soft words hold out delusive hopes,
and thereby win votes. But I can never
con ent to be one thing to the north and an
other to the south. I should despise myself
if I could be guilty of such evasion. (Tu
multuous applause.) For my . conscience
warier still ask, with the dramatic poet—
"is there not home secret cir,le—
Some hidden thunder red with immortal wrath—
To blast the wretch who owes hi.s greatness
To his country's ruin ?" (Cheers.)”
A GOOD MOVE.—A wealthy family in New
Orleans, so tainted with negro blood on the
mother's side, that they could not be admitted
into the "best society," sold out last year,
and went to Paris. One of the daughters, it
is reported, has married a foreign ambassa
dor at the Court of Louis Napoleon.
B U E S 0 IICE 8
The Cars for Broad Top and Bedford.
i.i l'a.Asenger trains leave the Depot at Iluntingdon at
31., and 5 I'. 314—returning arrive, at Huntingdon,.
2 ;I l ia 9P. m. r a ,;:ei m er s for Dedtbrd take fear hor•.:c
coache, at Chrk",y's Cut oat the Ilopc•.rcIl branch.
The Public,
Generally are invited to call at the New Drng Store of
I .Vt.I.IVILLtAms, Fs Co. Every La title usually to he found
in the beitt establi,limenti of the kind., can be hail, fresh
:manure, at their Storc, in Market Square, Huntingdon.
See advertisement in another column.
Ambrotypes anti Daguerreotypes.
E. P. Pram vMtN relicetfulyinforins the public that he
it; now peipal•ed to take Danguerroetyres and Ambrotypes
on gLe r s, put up with double or single glass.
Rooms at the Station Horse, Huntingdon Pa.
Plain and Fancy Printing.
Job work of All kinds—such as Handbills. Circulars,
Business, Visiting. and Show Cards, Tickets, Bill Heads,
Deeds, Mortgagee, and all kinds of blanks, &c., &e.. Sc.
neatly printed at the "Olonr," Job Office, Huntingdon. Pa.
.147'Specifnens of "GLOBE" printing eaa be seen at the
office—which will satisfy everybody that it is no longer
necessary to go to Philadelphia for neat work. Call and
seo for yourselves.
Blanks of all kinds,
Neatly printed and for sale at the "Globe," Office—ouch as
Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Judgment and Common Bonds,
Agreements, Leases, Judgment and Promissory Notes,
Notes relinquishing all benefits of exemption laws, License
Bonds, and all blanks used by Justices of the Peace.
Por 'Ready-Made Clothing,
Wholesale or retail, call at 11. RomAN's Clothing Store,
onpoeite Couts' Hotel. Huntingdon, Pa., where the very
bc:A, its3ortment of goods for men and boys' wear may he
found, at low prices.
3loxn.t.r : .7uly 14.—The Flour market is very quiet, the
receipts being small and the. demand for export limited.
Sale s of 600 bbls superfine at $5,75 'a bbl., with more de
sire to sell. The demand for the supply of the city trade
is limited at 50,750.8,50 @3 bbl. Rye Flour is scarce and
firm at $1 WA.
There is a good demand for wheat, with but little offer
ing. Sales of 2.500 bushels fair to prime Southern and
Pennsylvania red at i',/,50g„1,5S bushel, and 2.000 bush.
inferior to prime and white at $1,53P1,70 13 bushel. Rye
76c. Corn 63 , /ei.6sc. Oats LISc.
signed, with competent Instructors, will open ,u Normal
School in Huntingdon County on the last Monday of July,
for the especial benefit of teachers. Two Professors will be
employed. and more if necessary ; and the gratuitous ser
vices of the County Superintendent will be given in order
to lessen the expenses of the student teachers. All ex
penses will be moderate. Let the teachers turn out. There
is a necessity for improvement. Public opinion requires it.
Teachers of Huntingdon County: Our Educational in
terests are in hands! The honor of the profession depends
upon you! Let there be action! We have an arduous
Campaign' before us, and you must not shrink from duty.
A full advertisement will be given next week.
Huntingdon, July IG, 1650. aunty Stcperinteudent
BOARDING SCHOOL.—The twenty-seventh Aca
t eirliC year will commence :2Stli inst. The course of in
struction is thorough and scientific. Tim Normal Depart
ment supplied 38 teachers, last year, to the common schools,
some of whom receive the highest wages paid by the sys
A. RAMBO, A. M., Principal and Teacher of Languages.
the higher Buglish Branches and Vocal and Instrumental
Bev. A. S. LINK, A. M., Teacher in Evidences of Chri,
tiani ty.
D. D. DETWILER, M. D., Teacher of French.
A. JUDSON ROWLAND, Assistant Teacher in English
Eranchog and Matheinatim
F. M. BLANF U SS, Prof. of Piano Porte, Melodeon, Organ,
Guitar, .3.:e.
HENRY W. KRATZ, Teacher in Penmanship.
Address, A. RAMBO, A. M., Principal.
Trappe, Pa.. July 16. 1856-
. ‘,.7;iii,147,.;w,;„„
4 4 1 t...*g
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r. -,---°.; '..,- -, ,z , art- -- - , e.:.-11 . 41,, , At.57.5t 4 , -1 , - ' ' - '---1
On and after Tuesday July 15, 1856, Trains will leave
daily (Sundays excepted) as follows:
Leave Huntingdon - 7 30 Arrive ......:..2.15
" 3lcCounellstown 7.45 ~ ........2.02
" Pleasant Grove 804 <, 1.54
" Marklesburg 815 4, 1.43
" Coffee Run 8.25 " 1.32
" Rough & Ready 533 <, 1.24
" Fishers' Summit 8.45 ,c 1.13
" Saxton 905 " 12,55
" Christy's 9"0 ~ 12.40
Arrive at Hopewell 935 ' Leave 12.25
P.M. .P.M.
Leave Huntingdon 5 30 - ArriVe 0.10
" APConnellstown 5.43 6: 8.55
" Pleasant Grove 5.51 ~ ' 8,47
" Marklesburg 60'2 :, 8.35
" Coffee Run 6.13 t 4 5.24
" Rough & Ready 6.21 f, 8.16
" Fishers' Summit 6.32 ...... ... " .........8.05
" Saxton 6.50 745
" Christy's 7.10 Leave 7.30
The morning train for the mines and Bedford will con
nect with the Philadelphia train west at Iluntingdon.—
The 2 o'clock train will connect with the mail train east
and west on the Pennsylvania Railroad. The 9 o'clock
P M train from the mines and Bedford will connect with
the lightning train east on the Pennsylvania Railroad.
Passengers by this route to Bedford Springs, gain half
a day in time and save two dollars in fare over any other
Fifty pounds of baggage allowed each passenger.
For any further information inquire at the offiCe of
Transportation Department, Ifuntingdon.
TAMES BOON, Suverintendent.
July 15,1556
lowing tracts of land will be exposed to public sale
by the Commissioners of Huntingdon county, on Thursday
the 215 t day of August, 1856, according to the several Acts
of Assembly iti - such cases made and provided, viz:
Tod township—George Knoblough, 205 acres.
Walker township—John Carson, 446 "
Franklin township—Mary Jorden 60 "
Springfield township—Stacey Y0ung....414. " 150 p's.
By order of Commissioners. HENRY W. MILLER,
Huntingdon, July 16, 1856-6 t.
INLNG RODS, it is now admitted on all hands, that every
building to be secure from the destructive influences of
lightning should be provided with a good conductor.
The large number of worthless rods that are put up
makes it necessary for purchasers to examine the merits
of the d:fferent rods offered for sale.
The public need but to examine Armitage's rods to be
convinced that they are constructed upon not only the
best, but the only safe principle of any - rod in use.
Over WOO of these rods have already been put up with
out the loss of a dollar's worth of property by lightning in
any building to which they have been attached, which is
the best evidence that they are perfectly secure. I have a
few un hand which I will sell for less than h dr of the re
tail price asked by Armitage. to close out my stock. Call
soon at Colon's Book Store, Huntingdon, Pa.. where they
can be had of WM. COLON.
Hunting lon, July 16, 1556
hereby given to all persons interested, that the fol
lowing named persons have settled their accounts in the
Register's (Alice at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts
will be presented for confirmation and allowance, at an
Orphans' Court to be held at Huntingdon, in and for the
County of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the 13th day of
August next, to wit:
1. George M. Greene and henry S. Greene, administrators
of Wm. Houck, late of Tod township, deed.
3. Alexander Stewart and Samuel Darr, administrators
of Win. Mears. late of Jackson tp., deed.
3. David Ramsey, administrator with the Will annexed,
of Win. Benner, late of Barre tp., deed.
•l. David llieks, administrator of Adam Big'am, late of
Cromwell township, deed.
5. Samuel Schell and John C. Moore. administrators of
George Schell. late of Penn township, decd.
Jacob liarncinne, executor of the last Will and Testa
ment ofNancy Neff, deed, in discharge of his trust forenle
of real estate.
7. Christopher Irvine and Joint lluyett, executors of
Marl: McDonald, late of West tp., deed.
8. Jacob Darncame, administrator of Samuel Sp,ylter,
late of the borough of Alexandria, decd.
0. The administration account of Elizabeth Bnchanan,
administratrix of Wm. Buchanan. deed, as filed by Samuel
T. Brown, Esq., administrator of said administratrix.
10. Jonas J. Reed and Thos. G. Stapleton, administrators
of John Bradley, late of Tod tp., deceased. '
H. Alexander Port. Esq., administrator of Henry Hutch
ison, late of Henderson tp., deed.
13. Alexander Port, Esq., administrator of J. McCartney
Sankey. late of Henderson tp., deed.
13. George Branstetter, administrator of Abraham Bran
stetter, late of Warriors/nark tp., deed.
14. Thomas Anderson, administrator of Catharine Gor
don, late of Tod tp., deed.
It,. Benedict Stevens. Esq., administrator and Trustee to
sell the real estate of Henry L. Reister, late of Springfield
tp.. deed.
16. Abraham Crosswell, Guardian of Lydia A. C. John
ston, a daughter of James Johnston,
17. A. Creswell. Guardian of Susan Hill, formerly Susan
Borst, late of We ,, t tp., deed.
hi. A. Cresswoll, Guardian of Catharine E. 3laffit, for
merly Catharine E. Borst, a daughter of Jacob Borst, late
of West tp., deed.
16. Richardson Reed and James McMuff, Guardians of
David 31. and Annie Gosnell, minor children of Jesse Gos
nell, dee'd.
20. Robert Hale Pcwel, Guardian of Win. and Juniata
Buchanan, minor Children of Win. Buchanan, late of Brady
tp., deed. .
fi, EC, ISTER'S ()mei:
Huntintxdon, July 117.1830. 1
fi 18,56. FIRST WELK.
Mary Ana Smith v Peter Moore's Executor.
John Lukens' achu'rs v J. S; R. Madden.
.D. Caldwell v Dell & Crotzlev
Matthews' Heirs vG. K. .L•. 11. ..
J. Shoertherger.
Aaron Shore v Aaron Staines.
Matthews' Exce'rs v E. L. Plowman.
Charles Bratton v Wm. Corbin's adm'rs.
Claude v Shoenbergers.
John 3111ler v Andrew Smith.
B. L. Anderson v Smith & Robison.
James Gardner v Jas. Richardson.
John Fleming v B. Y. Blair, et al.
Stirling & Alexander v Bracken, Stitt & Co.,
J. 11. Wheeler a Balzer.
Same v M. Greenland.
Dr. P. Shoenberger's Ex'rs a A. P. Wilson, Esq., et al
A. P. Wilson, Esq., v AL Buoy
Mary Steely v Thigh Moran's adm'r.
J. Lee v J. P. Moore.
Woolheater for Lee v Isaac Hill.
O. W. Pheasant v Robert Hare Powel.
Aaron Clement, et al v Brown & States.
Dr. 11. L. Brown v Robert Hare Powel.
Brown & Hagerty v Same.
Isaac Baicht v A. & J. Wise.
J. W. Riley v B. T. 31. R. 11. & C. Co
M. F. CA3II'I3ELL, Prothonottzry.
Iluntingdon, July 16. 1856.
THE TOWN OF HOPEWELL. Betithrel county, Pa.
A sale of loth in the town of llopeNN ell, will take place by
Public Auction, on the premises, on Thursday, the ast day
of July, 1559. The Sale to commence at 9 o'clock in the
forenoon. ,
The town of Hopewell, the termination of the Hunting
don and Broad Top Mountain hail Road, is located on the
east bank of, the Juniata,
opposite the mouth of Yellow
Creek. It is destined to be a large and important town:
it is within half a mile of the Coal openings : it lies directly
upon the mail line of rail road, the point whore the
visitors to Bedford Springs will leave the rail road tbr the
plank road. It is tho only point on the main rail road,
where the produce of the great rich limestone valleys, wa
tered by the llaystown Branch of the Juniata and its trib
utaries, can And a convenient shipping place to market.—
Hero they will find a common centre. But the great ad
vantages of Hopewell, are the facilities which it affords to
the manutacture of iron. There is no place its superior in
Pennsylvania. There is an inexhaustible supply of real,
iron ore and limestone, and also a great abundance of water
power in and adjoining the town.
AIZ-The terms will be made known at the time of sale.
President of the Hopewell Coal and Iron Company.
H. h. COGSLI.ILL, Secretory. July 16, 1536.
AN.---The most correct likeness ever made; execu
te n the highest style of Art, and printed on line India
paper, published and fur sale, Wholesale and Retail, by L.
N. ROSENTHAL, LIT/1001itYILER, N. W. corner Fifth and
Chestnut streets, Philadelphia.
Size of paper, 17x26., Retail price, $l. A liberal discount
will be allowed those wishing to sell again. , j ulyls
-N - 0110E.—The following named per
eons have tiled their applications for Tavern and
Eating House licenses. in the office of the Clerk of the
Court of Quarter .Sessions for the county of Iluntingdon,
to be presented to said Court on Monday the 11th day of
August, next:
Thomas G. Isenberg, Porter township.
Farris Lefford, Walker township.
Samuel Huey, Alexandria Borough, „
John IL Holmes, Alexandria Borough.
James Kelly. Morris township.
Henry Jamison, Brady township.
July 15, '56 M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk
G ENUINE. Electric Oil for sale at the
CHEAP DRUG STORE, Market Square.
SPERMACETI, a prime lot, for sale by
Court of Quarter Sessions to beheld ut .Huntingdon,
in and for the county of Huntingdon. on the Second Mon
day and :..!Gth day ot August., A. D.
1. William Africa, Shoemaker. Huntingdon.
2. Allen Buckley. Laborer, Shirley.
Peter Ilurket, Tanner, Wurtiorenauk.
je ; ,se Curfman, Farmer, Cans.
5. John Fier)!ler, Farmer, llendersini
6. John Foreman, Farmer, Cromwell.
7. Daniel Coodman, Farmer, Henderson.
8. i lijula It. thqati Fanner, Clay.
9. John Griffith, Farmer, Ted.
10. James Higgins, Cabinet Maker, Huntingdon
11. Joseph Hunter, Farmer, Jackson.
12. Henry l,iytinger, Gentleman, Morris.
13. Samuel Narks, Carpenter, Franklin.
14. Matthew Miller, Physician, Jackson.
16. James McNeal, Farmer, Clay.
16. Jackson tly.burn, Farmer, Jackson.
17. John Porter, jr., Merchant, Porter.
18. Elliott Ramsey, (of G.) Carpenter, Shirley.
19. Joseph Stever Fanner. Cass. '
20. John Smith, Stever,
Farmer, Barree.
21. Joseph W. Shaver, Clerk, Shirley.
ta James Thompson, Tailor, Warriorsmark.
2i. William Walker, Carpenter, Porter.
24. William Williams, Mechanic, Huntingdon.
1. Richard Ashman, Merchant, Clay,
2. Daniel Africa, Laborer, Huntingdon.
3. Andrew Anderson, Farmer, Porter.
1. John Baker, Mason, Springfield.
5. John Bunigarner, Farmer, Union..
6. William Carillon, Merchant, Huntingdon.
7. William-Couch, Sr., Farmer, Barree.
8. Humphrey Chilcote, Farmer, Union.
9. David Cunningham, Farmer, Jackson.
10. William Copley, Blacksmith, Warriorsmark.
H. Hannon Crotaley, Farmer. Cass.
12. Jacob Cresswell, Farmer, Tod.
13. John Dean, Farmer, Tod.
14. William Dean, Fanner, Walker.
15. Alexander Ewing, Teacher, Franklin.
10. Jonathan Frazier, Farmer, Jackson.
17. Joseph Forrest, Farmer, Barree.
IS. Nicholas Graflius, Carpenter, Franklin.
19. William Hutchison, Farmer, Warriorsmark.
20. Jacob Hallman, Farmer, trelltler:,oll.
21. Abraham Harnish, Farmer. Morris.
22. William lineman, Farmer, Morris.
23. George Jackson, Gentleman, Huntingdon.
24. Ephraim Kyle, Mason, Clay.
23. Enos H. Kulp ' Tailor, Huntingdon.
26. Adam Kerth, Manager, Franklin.
27. John H. Kencdy, Gentleman, Porter.
28. Jacob Miller, Farmer, Union.
29. Francis A. McCoy, Farmer, Brady,
30. John It. McCarthy, Farmer, Brady.
31. Samuel Miller, (of T.) Farmer, Barree.
32. Jacob Miller,Farmer, Henderson.
33. James S. Gals, Farmer, Jackson.
34. Peter Piper, Farmer, Porter.
35. David Parker, Esq., Blacksmith, Warriorsmark
36. William L. Philips, Laborer, Porter.
37. Henry Robison, Merchant, Dublin.
38. Isaac Sharrer, Farmer, Shirley..
39. Samuel Stefley, Farmer, Jackson.
40. John G. Stewart, Gentleman Porter.
41. Hugh Seeds, Farmer, Franklin.
42. John Shaver, Esq., Farmer, Shirley.
43. Henry W. Swoops, Farmer, Porter.
44. Thomas Schell, Tailor, Warriorsumrk.
45. Peter Tipper y, Blacksmith, Morris.
46. John C. Watson, Manager, Brady.
47. Robert B. Wilson, Farmer, West.
48. Jesse - Yocum, J. P., Brady.
1. Isaac Bumbaugh, Farmer, Penn.
2. Joshua Brown, Farmer, Springfield.
3. Samuel Cummings, Farmer, Jackson.
4. Thomas Colder, Farmer, Porter.
5. Robert Cunningham, Farmer, Porter.
6. William Christie,Surveyor, Porter.
7. Samuel Coats, erk, Huntingdon.
8. George W. Cornelius, Tanner, Cromwell.
3. Joseph Douglass, Merchant. Walker.
10. Daniel Grazier, Farmer, Warriorsmark.
11. ;Tolin Grove, Farmer, Penn.
12. Moses Greenland, Farmer, Penn.
13. Christian Haruish, Farmer, Porter.
14. John Herneane. Farmer, Porter.
15. David Jellides, Farmer, Dublin.
16. James Levin,7ston, Farmer, Barree.
17. John Lefford7 Farmer, Brady.
18. William McDivit, Carpenter, West.
19. George 3lcCrum, jr.. Farmer Barree.
20. Thompson Martin, Farmer, Porter.
21. Charles McCarthy, Farmer, Brady.
22. William 31altif, sr., Fanner, Barret..
_3. .Tames 31eChire, Farmer, Porter.
24. James McDonald, Farmer, Brady.
25. Samuel Miller, Farmer, Barree.
20. John Nelson, Farmer, Dublin.
27. Andrew G. Neff, Farmer, Penn.
25. Stevens Randolph, Laborer,
20. John M. Simpson, Farmer, Huntingdon.
30. Elisha Shoemaker, Farmer, Henderson.
31. Henry Shaver, Farmer, Shirley.
32. Isaac Smith, Tailor, Cass.
33. John Whittaker, (of Geo.) Farmer, Porter.
34, David Wilde, Farmer, Springfield.
35. ‘Vißiam Walters, Carpenter, Morris.
39. William Wray. Farmer, Warriorsmark.
Given under s3al of office the 2sd day of April, 1556.
Attest, 'HENRY W. MILLER, Clerk.
DENJ. K. NEFF, Conta'rs.
Huntingdon. July 16, 1356.
QIIERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of
j sundry writs of renditiona Expunas and F:eri Forift::
issued out of the Court of Common Picas of IluniMndon
county, and to me directed, I will expose to public sale, at
the Court House, in the borough of Iliintizigdon, on Mon
day the -11th day of August, 16.5 ii, at 2 o'clock in the after
noun, the following real estate, to wit:
All the right, title and interest of Defend
ant, of, in and to a lot of ground In the borough of Alex
andria, fronting 00 feet ou Market street. and extending
hack. to the Pennsylvania canal. hounded on the west by
land belonging to the Commonwealth, on the east by alt
of Hannah Albright, having thereon cm:lel a two story
log weather-boarded dwelling house, with back huil•lings
and a well of water at the door. A ls.), the interest of the
defendant in five adjoining out lots. bounded ou dm north
by land of Sohn Porter•. Esq., on the we..t by land of the
heirs of Robert Lytle, dec'd., on the south by an alley. by
land of the heirs of George Wilson. deed, 1M the ea-it:—
containing in the whole about one acre :aid a quarter, more
or less, with a large frame stable thereon. Seized and ta
ken in execution and to be sold as the property of
J. Williams.
ALSO—A lot or parcel or ground lying on
the north side of the Woodcock Valley road. in llop"Owell
township, Puntingdon county, containing three quarters
of an acre of land, more or less, upon which is erected a
two-story log dwelling house; adjoining lands of Leonard
Weaver on the north, and John Russell on the south, &c.
Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the prop
erty of John A. Weaver.
ALSO—A log house below the borough of
ifuntingdon, adjoining Henry Sturtzuzau on the noz tlz,
Jacob Fooltior on the east, Corbin on the south east—con
taining about ono acre of ground with brick basement.—
Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the prop
erty of David Sturtzmau.
ALSO—A. lot of ground situated in
borough of Birmingham, Huntingdon county, 1.)a., front
ing 66 feet on Tyrone street, and extending back at right
angles MO feet to an alley, hounded on the north by the
public School House lot, with the following improvements
thereon, erected : a two story plastered house and tailor
shop, stable and other out-buildings. Seized and taken in
execution and to be sold as the property of Wesley P.
ALSO—AII the Tight, title and interest of
defendant, of. in and to a tract of laud lying partly iu
Brady and partly in Henderson township, adjoining, lands
of Irvin, Green Si Watson on the east the Juniata river on
the south, and lands of John McCaban on the west, and
James Simpson on the north. containing about GO acres,
more or less. must of - which is cleared with a large Tavern
House. stable, saw mill, store house and ware room, and
three dwelling houses. Usu. the interestof defendant itt
a tract of laud in HendeNua township, adjoining on the
north lands of Jane Armitage, on the east lands of James
Simpson, on the south by Alexander Simpson, on the west
by Samuel Goodman, containing 134 acres, more or less,
about SO acres cleared, with a house and barn, frame car
penter shop and excellent orchard thereon. Seized and
taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James
J. Goodman.
ALSO----All the right, title and interest of
the defendants, Eben B. Pike and James Gardner, in and
to a body of wood land extending. front the Baystown
Branch on the west to SiOcling Hill on the east, and lying
on both sides of Terrace mountain, and in the head of
Trough Creek Valley, in Walker and 'Union . townships,
Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of Thomas head.
Daniel Africa, Jacob Breneman. and the Holster land on
the east or Tiiyugh Creek side, lands of David Blair on the
north west.tr4nds of.Devid Corbin, Rudolph Brenceran,
and John ShaVer on the west, or Baystown Branch side,
and extending from the Jimilta river below' the State dam
to Shaver's Gap on Terrace mountain aforesaid, being com
posed of several surveys and parts of surveys, in the names
of Dr. John Henderson, George Fee, William Yea, David
Fea and Robert Feu, and containing in the whole between
twelve and thirteen hundred acres, snore or less. Seized
and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of
Eben B. Pike and James Gardner.
Snentrrs OFFICE,
Huntingdon, July I.+l. 1856.
totters of Administration on the Estate of Elizabeth
Long, late of Shirley township, Huntingdon county, aced,
having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in
debted to said deceased will please make payment, and
those having claims will present them properly authenti
cated for settlement. JOHN LONG, Administrator.
Shirleysbnrg, July 16, 1656.*
B ALSAN SULPHUR for sale by
1v 31. WILLIAMS & CO
FRESH lot of Clarified Table Oil for
sale by Whl. WILLIAMS R: CO.
BALSA2,I FIR for sale at the Cheap
Dru g Store of WM. WILLI-O.IS k. CO.
DROCLAMATIO.I\L—Whereas by a
precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the 26th
day April, A. D. 185 G, under the hands and seals of
the lion. ieorge Taylor, President of the Court of Common
Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and general jail delivery of the
th judicial district of Pennsylvania. composed of Hun-
Lin,:don, Blair and Cambria; and the Hon. Jonathan 21c
mud Thomas F. bte«au•t. his as4ociates, Judges of
the county of Huntingdon, j1.1.-.4I:NS assigned, appointed to
hear, try and determine all and every indictments made or
taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of
the State are made capital. or felonies, of death, and other
offences, crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or
shall hereafter he committed or perpetrated for crimes
afOresaidal am. commanded to make public proclamation
throughout my whole bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and
Terminer, of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions, will Ll)
held at the Court House in the borough of Hunting!don, on
the second Monday (and 11th day) of August next, and
those who will prosecute the said prisaucts be then and
there to prosecute theta as it shall be just, and that all
Justices of the Peace. Coroner and Constables within said
county be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o- clock, a in., of said day, with their records, inquisitions,
examinations and remembrances, to do those things which
to their offices respectively appertain.
Dated at Huntingdon the 16th of July, in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, and the
80th year of American Independence.
DROCLAMATION.—Whereas by a
precept to me directed by the judges of the Common
Pleas of the county of llnntingdou, bearing teat the 2i,th
day of April, 1b36, 1 am commanded to make Public Proc
lamation throughout my whole bailiwick. that a Court of
Common Pleas will he held at the Court House in the bor
ough of Huntingdon, on the 3rd Monday Mad 18th day) of
August. A. I)., 3656, for the trial of all iSSItk'S in said Court
which remain undetermined before the ,uid Judges, when
and whole nll jurors, witnesses, and suitor., in the trials
of all issues are required.
Dated at Huntingdon the 36111 of July, in the year of our
Lord 1836. and the 80th year of American Independence.
Sunins Orrlct.
July 16,1856. f
For sale at WiLLIAMS
At the Cheap Store of WM. WILLIAMS CO
The underAff,ned offer at Private sale, ! re.AcT OF
FINE LIMESTONE LAND, situate in Woodcock 'Valley,
Iluntin; , ilon county, about one mile from McConnelltown.
ono anira ha; r from the Broad Top Rail Road. and six. and
a half from the Pennsylvania Rail load and Canal at lion
tingdon. There arc 411 ACMES in the whole tract, 2011 of
which are cleared and in good cultivation; Too acre. , are in
clover and 20 in timothy. It is all GOOD L/..11.LWT0-1 ij
L.ritiD, and can cunvtalieutly be divided into two or moro
There are a good Dwelling .lbuse. Frame
PouiL3 ildra and Outbuildings and Two Orchards,
on the property.
A stream sufficient for a Sow Nil/ rims thiough it, and
there are springs in every field except one.
The land which is not cleared is Well covered with Pop
lar, Chesnut, Whltcoak, Hickory, Walnut, Locust and Ma
ple timber of the he-d - quality.
There is a good Lime Kiln on the farm, and a Ilia o
Fossil Ore runs through the land, which will make iron
equal to anydnannfactured on the Juniata.
The land is all patented, and au Ladd-pun:Me title will
be given.
Possession given after the first of April next.
TElalti—Orm fourth in ham!, and the residue in three
equal annual instalments with interest.
Any further intoemation desired, will be given by - ..tirtns
Dqiuus, Minting.lon, DAXIm. i tassFa: on the premises,
or the undersigned at Kittaninif.
A. 4 A, rEvyoLos,
Executors of Dorid RentridS, Clef:CaSed.
July S,lB:Ui.-3ul
-Patriot & Union, HartiAlnlvg, 'late'l'4e:cc:cc-Lancas
ter, Casette, Itearlin . , each 12ublish 3 in. toul tend hill to
i s ORS E <R.r, DO U lERTI,Wh
e Deal er:, in Toluew SEGAIZS, No. 11
:North Fifth L'hiladelpilia. [July 1556.
7 DITO I- I.'S NOT EC E.----The under
lied appninte I Auditor to distribute the ladaacc,
in the hands 01 John K. Metz, ..IThninistrator of William
Marlin, late of rtrad.2, - town hip, dee'd., will attend f.,r that
purpose at his office in the borough of littntingdon, on
Tue.:W.3y the. gerralh day of Aeqpeft 7v.rt. at ten c/ock--all
person; interested ate required to prot,ent their claims be
fore the ~ a id Auditor or be debarred fre-a coming in for a
share of ,uch balance, ascots or fund.
A.. W. 322.:clellACT, Adulit or.
July 9.
ii EBSTEIr S QUARTO D.ranox..-tze.r. Me entire worl,
Unabridu,2d, 1.430 puller. CM11 , 77 Q2la 40, Si- Dollars.
Published by &C. MERTztax,
Webster's iet &Marl', University Edition.
Weboler'B -4eacitonic Dietiowlry,
Treb.qce's High. School Divlionary.
J 3 cbster'.3 rvintary School Dictionary.
PuLdibiled by :)IA.soN lsaaTrum3, fete York.
P0R.311...N0 a COMPLETE Slit-LIES, and affording a Na
tional Standard, thlo; Sa wring anduauity of Orthography
1!u1 Pranartrialaun for tilt: Lupton., that ,_tre tU Coll,ltilUit2'
th!S vat rept:a/He,
The lending series of S!chool Books rabii,hea in this
country are bard upon Ir(lloter's
'there is nu other atkuowletiged. I-Awn - lard in this couu
try or Great Britain.
-We rojoiee that it bid fair to become the STANDARD
DICTIONARY to be used by the numerous inillions of
poople who are to inhabit the Untied Stat:s."—Sitincd by
104 o 'l q!' Congress.
41./Erte.t.u. SrATI: EcOCNlTiON,—Noarly c very State Super
intaudent of Public Instruction in the Unik.)ll. or cora,-
pondin7 ofiteer. when.' .melt aim ono exists, ha; recommend
ed Web-ter'., Die iitnlnry in the sit, teee-est terms. Among
there are those of Yiaine. Ncw ilampshire, Vermont. Mas.
sachusetts,llltotle Ishtni), OF,lnectent, York., New Jer
sey, Pon:l:sylvan ta. (Mitt, Rentucky. Louislarm, Indiana,
111itiMs, An-soul:1 a, Wiseons'ln, Minnesota,
Califorubi and C.inada, ivENTIS-9NE in Ml.—l:resident
'White of Waba,ll Colloge, Indiana, undor date of Nov. 10,
113::/.1, says:—
"1 think 'Websters II oilby to supersede cycry other
:English Dictionary. it will, 1 have no doubt, be used al
most universally ibis si,D, of the
What more essential to every 1110)113-, counting roam.
student. and indeed every one who would 11110 W, the right
use of language—the mcanit, orthography, and pronun
ciation of words , than a good ' English DICTIONARY?—of
daily necessity and permanent value.
'WEBSTER'S uNA.BitipuED is 110Wthe recognized Stan
dard, -constantly cited and relied on in our Courts of Jus
tice, in our legislative bodies, and in public discussions, as
entirely conclusive," says lion. Jon::, C. SPENCER.
CAN I at.utta lIETTEIC INVE:3I3IENTt—"For copiousness,
exactitude of definition, and adaptedness to the present
state of science and litetature, the most valuable works of
the kind that I have ever seen in our langtutze."—Proj'es
sor lE:ty/and.
clltice nifthe Secraury of Cie CminioriwudtA.
Ilartislairg,, Dee. 11, IS:›5 )
P. 11. 2.,;(l.—Dcar Sir: No commendation of
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary can be extravagant. It
sho - uld be round in every school in the Connuonwealth as
the Standard Authority; and the Amin :::n ;Rum:: which
is peculiarly aatipted to the purpose ofits intention, should
be found in the hands of every scholar sufficiently ad
vanced to use it as a class book. Yours, truly,
Secretary of Me Chinnienwealik cC Snpo•intendent of Cone
. mom .8(110014.
Drptily SeePeltfry of 1::c 0.1111 [WC alth .
C. 11l (11C,
Deputy Svceintenticol of Common SCiuxl..7.
Published by (I. & C. MERRIAM, Springfield, Mass.
by all Booksellers.
Juno 25,1856,
rrEA_S frotu 15 to cents per quarter,
.F. ----I .LOUR—Alivays on hand aucl ftw sale
R. GREEN'S Aromatic Sap, for Stow.-
aleh Complaint's, ibr sale at the Variety Store of
Nl_ or CONCENTRATED LYE, warranted to make soap
rictwut lye, and with little trondile. It makes hard : soft,
and fancy soaps. For sale at the cheap Drug and Fancy
Store of
QWAINE'S PANACEA, the greatest
remedy for Scrofula, for sale at the Cheap Drug Store
of WM. WILLIAII:73 &
oixG.ER, for ealo by wm. WILLIAMS & co.
HILLIER'S I:eelsior furniture Ponth,
fOr Piano Fortes and Oil Paintinn-s, at
DRIMEIot of Farina, just received and
for sale at WILLIAMS COS.
WRIGHT'S }lair liegenerator or Am
ber Glass, for sale at NVILLIAMS & CO'S.
DR. .1.101 , 1 7 .-AlcD'S Blackberry Root, an
inestimable and Avarranted remedy for Bowel Com•
plaints, at the cheap Drug, Variety and Fancy store of
Stil.P.—The partnership heretofore existing be
tween the undersigned. in e..rrying on the carpentering
business. has been mutually dissolved, this day, between
said parties. .
Brady tr, May 31, 1558
ULIEST DISEASES: Being an Original Theory of Tubercu
lar Consumption and Kindred Disorders; exhibiting proof
of their Curability by Medicated Inhalation and Magneto
Electricity, in connection with adjutant Remedies only,
employed by the author. De,inged for self and fartiily Prac
tice: /iy liAldfiN ANDREWS, M. 1). 2.00 pP.12m0.,
handsomely bound. Price $l, sent by mail or otherwise_
Address Dr. M. Hardin Andrew, box No. GO Philadelphia
Post Office, or No. 72 (Room 1) South Third street (nearly
opposite the Exelnuige,) Philadelphia.
This work is.a bold and startling exposition cf the.
"Fallacies of the Faculty," in regard to the curability of
Corummption, and proves that the heretofore considered
formidable and intractable disease may be cured in a large
majority of ca.ies, I.y simple means ; and with remarkable
celerity. June 17, 1856.
-WILLIAMS & CO. have just received from Phila.- -
delphia, a new and fresh supply of
V.DICE , .; ES,
Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Plaid, Camphene, Turpentine.
Alcohol, and a general assortment of Artist Cblors and
Brushes, Spices of all hinds, Window Glass of all sizes,
and Putty, ail kinds of Varnish, Japan, Copal Yo. I and
2. Coach body and Black Spirits. Pure Cud Liter Od fot
the care of hheuinatism. Scrofula. Gout, Lumbago,Tetter,
Chronic Erysipelas, Chronic Sore Eyes, White Swelling-
Glandular Swelling, Pulmonary Consumption, Chronic
Bronchitis, 'Rickets. and for all diseases of the skin„ by the
quart, gallon. or smaller quantity. The Balm of a Thous
and Flowers, the greatest lemetly of the ago for baldness
and purifying the skin. John 11. Patethorp's celebrated.
cure for Fever and pie. to care, ..Ni) Pay. Price sl,
Fine. Tobaceo and Sugars. All the above with a number or
articles ton tedious to mention, for sale at the new cheap
Drug Store of W. WILLIAMS Et'. CO.,
Diamond Square, opposite Coats' Hotel.
llnnting.don, July 2, 1556.
IPM—The celebrated Centre county Iron for sale at
the following prices : .4 cents pa . lb.; for common assorted.
inches square and round up, 4> cents; for horse bison
and spike rods. including 3.,t . and :5.t' 3 in. square, and 5 ecnts
fir nail rods, at the cht.ap store of
limiting-clan. June 17. IS3ij
)1 .1.1011:13 CS would respectfully inform the public,' .
Gast he has fitted up the 'Broad Top Ilowie, on Allis- 144 t„
glum.) , street, at the Brawl lriip Depot, liuntingdeu, r " '''
anti is now prepared to (entertain strangers and travellers
in an unobjectionable siA le.
His table will always be supplied with the sitbstantial , i.
and delicacies of the seatiOlL. his liar is I urnished With till.
choicest liquors. In a \cord, no pains will be spared to
render guts-t, comfortable and happy. june IS.
. _-____„____.
Li TOVES ! STOVES !—The uncletiaim
.._, el would respectfully call the attention of . o t____
t_uantry Merchants and those wanting Stoves, to 1 .1 4 -1 1
their LNti,liSiVe slut I; of Stoves, Gas Ovens, Fur- -.
Ilti("0 , , &V.. &e., comprising a g-eater assortment
than can be found at any other Store in the United States.
Pill'elltiSCl. hill lied it an advantage to give us a call be
fore buying elstrii here. For sale wholesale and retail, on
the most liberal hunts. IN MI AN A \V ARNIeI-Z,
N. F.. corner lint and Race streets, Philadelphia.
N. 11. They arc Agents for the celebrated Macgregor
Heating Stoves. April 5, 3S-se—clot.
Wheretta, Letter:, of Administration'on the Estate of
isalieda MeMonigal. late of Barret, township. Huntingdon
county, dce'd, having been granted to the undersigned,
NoLice,is therefite hereby given to all persons indebted to
said Estate to niche immediate payment, and thoee having
claims against the same to present them duly authen
ticated for settl(Ancut.
Jane 11, ISS(
persons indebted. by
1 book account or otherwise to Col. Geo. Gtein, are
notined that collection of anclaine, unpaid by the tir:;t day
of Aucrnst next, \\ ill after that be enforced by law.
Minting-61D. June 4, ISSG
.I.\ - EATE.-:,T AND BEST AS -
Ladie,s and gentlemen are invited to call and Zia
examine my bountiful assortment of Boots and tr
Sloe, of all sizes, of the latest styles, fur all age;.
Jinn tingdou, June 1, 1546.
fluntiugdon. Pa.
• ITSIC.-3I RS. HANI GE It has
31, -
taken rooms in the old Presbyterian Church for the
purpose of giving lessons on the Guitar, Melodeon arnt
Piano. and in vocal music.
Terns—.;to per quarter of twenty-four lesgons at: her
rooms. an.' per quarter when the lessons are given at
the residence of pupils in town. She will also teach the
(;ernnui and French languae,cs. Huntingdon May 'sf
vi Ererything of the lie. 4 Cheaper thou eZsochere
• . .
MeI.H . VIT inform the citizens of Huntingdon
and vicinity, and the public in general that they have just
eepened in 31arket Square, in the dwe Ding formerly occu
pie :le-mile Snare, a handsome assortment of the most
CHO_ OE GIiOCERLES, including-every article usually kept
in tine b,-st re wery Stores in the city. Having about run
ning;, we are determined to accomodate the public with the
and b us t. (AN cus a call and examine for your
Huntin2,lon. May SI. 1.856
rr.cTIONAI:Y.—.The subseril)er will furnish at short
notice, families or parties, in or out of town. with eithor
or al th , ' alive articles. ills assortment of Confection
aries is of the b. t, and his Ice Cream and Cal:es shall give
satistion. One him a call.
Irlinfingd.m. 3.14 y 21, 1850
kends la ca cwitcs -store :Ire oil' by retail
Ai COST: and they will be sold belt - , cost and 11 . 1)072 fins
ro aby wie who will buy the stork, or It large part
of it.
Huntingdon. Jllll3 11, 1856
Q ADDLE:RS' improved splitting and
gouge Knives for sale at the Hardware store of
Huntingdon, Pa.
L . ) and Grass Scythes of the best brand and quality. Al
o. of Patent and Screw Adjusting Snaths, Hay
Porkhand Rakes, for sale at the hardware Store of
RINDSTONES with friction rollers,
11'hEt:q.onet: 7 Oil Stones, also Knives and Forks,
Spoons. Scissors, tic., decidedly the best assortntent in the
(00 any. Porcelain, Tinned and Plain Boilers, Stewing,
Frying mid Baking Pans, for sole at prices which make it
the interest ut purchasers to call at the Hardware Store of
~ACK ERE L=4-4 n whole and half bar
rels. Also, ROE ILER'RECG by the half barrel, for
sal: at the cheap grocery of
1 , 0 Summer Coats, 8; IA
Summer Pnts, - - S7'•4
Summer Vests, 87
THE FINEST assortment of Fancy
Cze,simeres ever offered; Vestings and Coat Casshners,
and at lower prices than can be purchased at any other
I Ouse, for sale by 7. 3 fir. sAxros.
Best Zinc Paint only 138 per keg.
Puri White Lead only S 2 S 7 per keg.
And other paint:, is proportion, at the cheap Hardware
Store or J. A. BROWN & CO.
UILDERS, do you believe it? Nails
are sellinz at $.l.- ou per kets, at the new Hardware
'tore or J. A. BROWN S: CO.
13 ii S T STEEL BLADE Moulders'
Shorels, Miners' Corti Shovels., Sc. , at the now Third-
store or
tremely low a nt J. A. BROWN & CO'S.
01L --Linseed and Fish—for sale at the
store of LOVE Sc 211TIVIT.
T 1 °WAND'S improved Tonic Mixture,
5 - 1) for Fever and Ague. at WILLIAMS & CO'S.
USBAND'S celebrated Calcined Mag
nesia. for sale at the CLIDAP DRUG STORE, Mar
ker :square, Duptingdan. Da.
rfrOBIA.S' Venetian Liniment, for sale
1. by WM. WILLIAMS & CO.
Fresh lot of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for
sale at Williams S: Co's Cheap Drng Store.
Q,CHENCK'S _Puhnouie Syrup for the
cure of Consumption, for sale by
JOHN BULL'S Sarsaparilla, and
cheap Drug Store, by WM. WILLIAMS & CO.
- I.I 4 IR,ESEI lot of Balm of a Thousand
Flowers, for sale at the new Ding, Fancy and Variety
lztore, 3larket Square, Huntingdon, Pa.
JOHN . S. 3.IILLIM, Adnfr