The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 09, 1856, Image 3

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Huntingdon, Wednesday, July 9,185 G
'The Broad Top Coal.
We 'find the following in the Philadelphia
Public Ledger of Monday last:
The Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad
and Coal Company have sent to market since
the opening of their road 10,500 tons of coal,
all from the Company's mines. The deliver
ies now average 300, tons per day, and sever
al private collieries have just got into opera
tion, which will in a short time double the
quantity. The operators at the mines at the
present time hold orders exceeding 30,000
tons, besides many orders from railroads
and manufactories for trial lots, which are
expected to bring hereafter large permanent
orders. It -is now used exclusively on the
Columbia Railroad, their consumption alone
for locomotives and machine shops amount
ing to near one hundred tons per day. This
road bids faiiito be one of the most profit
able in our State.
Proceedings of Town Council.
JUL' sth, 1856.—The house met at the
usual place. Present—
Chief Burgess, Abraham McCoy. -
Assistant Burgesses, Thomas Fisher, John
Town Council, David Black, Alexander
Cannon, Benjamin Grafius, Jacob Snyder,
and Henry Lower.
On motion a committee consisting of Messrs.
Simpson, Black and Snyder, was appointed
to examine and report the condition of the
claim against the Catholic Church lots.
It was agreed that the High Constable be
directed by the Chief Burgess, to notify the
lot owners or occupiers on Hill and northern
side of Washington streets, to make their re
spective pavements, on or before the first day
of September next, ensuing, agreeable to the
existing ordinates of the borough.
The chairman presented a bill of J. & W.
Saxton for $61,75 for brick; merchandize, and
one year's ground-re nt of Juniata Engine
House; and bill of George Gwin for $66,77
for lumber and merchandize. The Secreta
ry was directed to draft orders on the Treas
urer for the amount of said bills,.
The House adjourned until Monday even
ing the 14th instant.
Educational Meeting.
At a meeting of the citizens and friends of
education in Shirleysburg and vicinity, held
in the Academy Hall, on Friday evening,
July 4, 1856, Capt. J. IV. GALBRAITH was
called to the chair, and Mr. Geo. Leas ap
pointed Secretary.
The meeting was addressed by `Rev. G. W.
Shaiffer, Prof. J. B. Kidder, Rev. J. A. Kelly,
Prof. 11. J. Campbell, Messrs. John Lutz,
Henry Brewster, Esq., and others. s' The
speeches were all in beautiful harmony, ad
vocating the advantages and value of the
Academy and Seminary, not only to this place
but to the community at large. Some of the
speakers set forth the superior advantages of
this place as a good location for Literary In
On motion of Rev. J. A. Kelly, Prof. IL J.
Campbell and Mr. Geo. Leas were appointed
a committee to draft resolutions expressive of
the sentiment of the meeting.
The committee, offered through their chair
man the following resolutions, which were
unanimously adopted :
Whereas, We recognize the utility and busi
ness importance of the Academy and Semi
nary in this place, to the interest of our town ;
knoWinfr that their prosperity is our prosper
ity, and their failure our severe loss:
'-Resolved, That we pledge ourselves nndi
videdly to a unanimous and candid support
of any plan which this meeting niay adopt
for sustaining them.
Resolved, That we earnestly deny the inju
rious report so recently circulated in refer
ence to the health of our town, and the pros
perity of our schools.
Resolved, That we unanimously join in
reproving and will discountenance in every
way in our power, all malicious efforts to in
jure the prospects and reputation of these in
Resolved, That we have the highest con
fidence in the attainments and qualifications
of the learned gentlemen, at the head of
these Institutions. That we endorse most
fully the recommendation which they have
brought with them from other fields of la
bor,. timcl that We esteem the advantages and
facilities for learning, pertaining to these In
stitutions, to be superior to those of any oth
er school in this section of country.
Resolved, That the proceedings of the
meeting be published IT! the Huntingdon
papers and Shirleysburg Herald.
George Leas, Secretary.
ta— Fremont don't take with the opposi
tion in this and Blair county, if the following
letter gives correctly the prospects of Fill-
more :
ITUNTINGDON, June 30th, 1856,
.T. P. Sanderson, Esq:—Dear Sir—Yours
of the 28th inst., is just received. I thank
you for your kind invitation to be present at
a meeting of the friends of Fillmore, to be
held in Independence Square, on the evening,
of July 2d. If I can possibly arrange mat
ters so as to be able to leave home, I shall,
with great pleasure, metA and participate
with the friends of Mr. Fillmore, on the even
ing of July 2d, in Independence Square.
Fillmore stock is on the rise in this section
of the State. I was in Blair county last
Saturday, and find things all right there.—
The prospects for Fillmore at this time are
better in these two• counties than they were
for Taylor at the Ist of July 1848.
I remain yours truly,
Delightful—the serenade we received, from
the Huntingdon Brass Band, a few evenings
since. The members are making rapid pro
gress in their musical studies. This band is
a credit to our town.
July, containing valuable and interesting
matter, has been received. This publication
should be in the hands of every teacher in
the Commonwealth.
Line upon Line--here and there a Little.
Beautiful—The Lithograph of the " Revi
sed Plan of Hopewell," by J. Simpson Africa.
VED—The old-line Whigs of Erie county have
had a meeting, and come out en, m ete for
Buchanan and Breckinridge. So says an Ex
" ON DlT—That Win. Lewis, publisher of
the Globe, haS a serious intention of becoming
a priest."— Wm. Brewster and Samuel G.
If we should, we give you notice in time,
that neither of you can " come in." One
church in a healthy community is enough to
be polluted by your presence.
)3E9—Between eight and nine hundred old
line Whigs of Lancaster county have called
on Buchanan and declared their intention to
vote for him and labor for his election.
ION A NEW TRIP.—Salt River is a por
tion of the country that Mr. Fremont has not
explored ; he will be invited to do so, how
ever, .next November.
USA—A man in Wisconsin, recently adver
tising his farm for sale, winds up as follows :
—"The surrounding country is the most beau
tiful the God of nature ever made. The
scenery is celestial, divine, also two wagons
to sell and a yoke of steers."
cisco papers contain an obituary announcing
the death of Y. Turig, a Chinese, who, it ap
pears, in the absence of the other virtues,
was " favorably known by the length of his
queue, width of his breeches, and the extra
ordinary height of his shoes." Rare virtues !
" It don't pay," said a gentleman as he en
tered our office the other day, "It don't pay
to have cards printed 20 per cent. cheaper'
in the apple-butter style ;" and so saying he
threw away those he had printed at the Jour
nal office, and ordered us to get him up some
thing decent, .at our reasonable prices.
rei—The New Haven Register says the
Black Republicans are sending to Kansas
$120,000 to stimulate rebellion and murder ;
their calculations being that this amount
spent there is more available than three times
the amount spent in the free States, and that,
by the excitement they will get up in Kan
sas, they will carry so many of the Northern
States that from State patronage they can
liberally reimburse themselves.
17a." A fool in a high station," says a wri
ter, " is like a man on the top of a mountain
—everybody appears small to him, and he ap
pears small to everybody else." So we thought
of the licensed vender of abuse who occupies
but degrades the ‘ high station" of an editor
by his foolish essays through the connms of
the " Common Sewer," alias Jouvnal.
DEN—The National Era, the Republican or
gan at Washington, considers the nomination
of Fremont "unfit to be made." It says :
"Fremont is a young man ; a successful ex
plorer ; unfamiliar with politics ; without ex
perience as a statesman ; without antece
dents or records of any declared opinions on
the great question which agitates the coun
"Lewis lays some claims to respectabllity."
—Journal 18th ult.
" But his claims are not noticed by the re
spectable portion of the community."—.Tour
nal of last week.
We have but your word fur that, and that
is worth nothing. You are known as " the
licensed liar," and it could net be expected
that the association of such an individual
would give him an . opportunity of knowing
anything relative to the " respectable portion
of the community."
" History informs us that Mr. Buchanan
was "bitterly opposed to the war of 1812."
Pittsburg Journal.
He was so " bitterly opposed" to it that he
threw down his law books, took the stump
and made his first speech to rouse the people
of Lancaster to arms ; raised a company,
shouldered his musket, and marched to the
defence of Baltimore. That is the way a
patriot opposes a war in which his country is
engaged ; and such was the beginning of
James Buchanan's public and illustrious ca
DS.," We could cite innumerable instances
where the . eunich [that means us] has went
so far as to disgust the advertiser."—Journal.
You were just then thinking of your par
ticular friends who fill your paper with filthy
patent medicine advertisements. We did
"disgust" them by giving them to understand
that we could not think of disgusting our
readers by publishing their advertisements.
You didn't disgust them, did you ? Your
filthy columns give that answer: You would
rather disgust your readers.
The Fourth in lluntingdOn was celebrated by
the Methodist and Presbyterian Sunday
schools. No general celebration took place.
The Methodist Sunday school met dt the
Court Mouse, where addresses were delivered
by Rev'ds SHOAFF and BLACK of the Metho
dist, and FLETCHER of the Lutheran church.
The " Declaration" was read by Master GEo.
BOAT. After which, the Sunday school with
a large number of the invited, surrounded a
table bountifully laden with all the " good
things" served on such occasions. Tho ex
ercises were lively and enthusiastic; several
hymns and national airs were sung in fine
style, and the most agreeable feelings pre
vailed throughout. In the afternoon they
proceeded to the Cottage Grove,
The Presbyterian Sunday school met at the
church, and after exercises formed into pro
cession and marched to the Cottage Grove,
where addresses were made by - Mr. WM.
COLON, and their Pastor, Rev. Mr. McCLEAN.
The table was got up in fine style. In the
afternoon A. W. BENEDICT, Esq., delivered an
address which we learn was well received.
The day passed off quietly and pleasantly
all around, and was not marked by any of
the usual scenes of drunkenness and dissipa
?3 .The Hollidaysburg " Standard" of last
week does it" as follows to "The Globe."—
The "::itandard" has always ranked the best
and ablest of papers in this region, and it
makes us feel good to be tickled with its
feather. Hear it :
"The last Huntingdon Globe comes to us
rigged out in an entire new suit of Burgeois
and Nonpareil, looking as bright as a new
gold dollar just from the mint. The Globe is
one of the best papers in the State. It has
been under the control of its present editor,
Mr. Lewis, for ten years, during which time
it has been conducted with a tact and ability
that has won for it a patronage never enjoy
ed by any paper printed in the ancient Bor
ough. We hope that the taste he has dis
played and the expense incurred in the im
provement of his paper, will be properly ap
preciated and amply remunerated by the
Democratic sons of "mother lluntingdon."
Dar.We are indebted to quite a number of
our cotemporaries for their flattering notices
of The Globe. We copy several as follows :
.4613- The "Huntingdon," comes to
us in a new dress this week. This is evi
dence of prosperity. Mr. LEWIS, has been
its Editor for ten years, and by good pecuni
ary, as well as political management, built
up a paper of much credit to himself, and to
the Democratic party of that place,..--Old
Line Democrat.
IN A NEW DRESS.—The Huntingdon Globe
hasa commenced its 11th volume in a .new
dress, and presents a neat appearance in its
new toggery. The Globe is deserving of suc
cess, and we hope its friends will stand by
it. Johnstown Echo.
Aar.The Huntingdon Globe has donned a
new dress and makes a very creditable ap
pearance. We hope the editor may be abue
dantly rewarded for his outlay.— Ex .
NEW DRESS.—"The Globe," Huntingdon,
come to us in a new dress this week. It looks
decidedly neat. —Era, Tyrone.
A Word About Kansas.
We are quite well aware that the subject of
Kansas outrages is getting to be an old story,
and that the majority of all right 3riinded
people are getting heartily sick and tired of
hearing about these sickening fabrications.
Upon no subject, and in no part of our past
political history, has the fertile imagination
of our .political opponents been so prolific in
producing monsters, as upon the subject of
outrages in Kansas. Lying has been the
order of the day. No sooner has one edi
tion been allowed to cool down, than an
other batch has bgan cooked with additional
seasoning, to suit the morbid .appetite of the
most depraved. 'We are of the opinion that
this game of falsehood and iniquity, is nearly
played out. The cheat has been effectually
exposed, and the wire-workers will soon meet
with universal execration •and contempt.
The St. Louis Republican of a, late date,
. contains a very important statement in rela
tion to three Bogus outrages, said to have
been committed by Missourians, which, on
the contrary, were perpetrated by Northern
'Abolitionists—the Rifle Christians from New
England. The statement is made by Joulv
T. HucnEs, Esq., one of the Clerks of tf •
Congressional Committee, sent to Kansas to
procure testimony. He says that lie took
great pains to get at the facts of the case—
that they were obtained from as reliable men
as can be found in the State or Territory—
and justice demands that the whole truth
shall be told, that the people South, North,
East, and West, may judge for themselves.
Mr. HIIIIGES visited Lecompton, Lawrence,
Leavenworth city, Westport, and othei• pla
ces, where the Congressional Investigating
Committee held their sessions, and was an
eye-witness of many of the high-handed acts
of atrocity committed by the emissaries of
the Northern Abolitiontsts upon the citizens
of the Territory, and their open resistance to
the laws of the Territory and the laws of the
United States. He was present in the town
of Lawrence when Sheriff JONES was shot by
these infuriated fanatics, while he was in the
performance of his official duty. The wound
was a deep and dangerous one, and nobody
expected that he would recover. Mr. Hu-
GITES saw in the streets the day he was shot,
an excited rabble sent out by the • Emigrant
Aid Society, heaping curses upon Sheriff
JONES and uttering the most diabolical threats
against him. Some of their expressions he
quotes as follows : "D—n him, why don't you
kill him, Hurrr—wily don't you shoot. him,
HoN.T.---d—n such laws—d—n such officers
—d—n such a country—d—n such a Presi
dent," &c., &c. He saw brick-bats thrown
at the officers of the law, and those who were
assisting in executing . them. The Hum' here
mentioned was the prisoner arrested. .
At the indignation meeting held at Law
rence to express the public disapproval of
shooting Sheriff JONES, the famous, or rather
infamous CHARLES ROBINSON made a speech,
in which he said : "I had rather obey the laws
e»zanating from hell, than submit to the laws
of the Territory," and that they, the aboli
tion emissaries, intended to "resist the laws
to a bloody issue." Since that time outrage
and wrong has been the order of the day.—
The Abolitionists, who refuse to obey the laws
of the Territory, formed themselves in
to guerrilla bands, and have spread terror
and dismay all over that country. They have
swept whole regions with fire and sword.
party of these ferocious madmen in
Franklin county, murdered a Mr. WILKINSON,
old Mr. DOYLE, two of his sons, two of the
SIIERMANS, all in the same neighborhood. 7—
These cold-blooded murders were all commit
ted in the most barbarous and revolting man
ner, some of they victims being horribly mu
tilated after being assassinated. Men have
been dragged from their beds in the middle
of the night, and foully murdered in the pre
sence of their wives and families.
Mr. HUGIIES saw three or four of Col. Mr-
FORD'S men whe were made prisoners while
they were driving their cattle along the pub
lic highway. These men informed him that
the Abolitionists had taken all their cattle,
robbed their wagons, taken all the money
they had, and then heaped every conceivable
insult upon them. They tied their hands be
hind their backs and took them out to hang
them, but afterwards changed their minds.
They gritted their teeth, shook their fists in
their faces while they were prisoners, and
said, "You d —d Southerners, this is the
way we will servo you all."
An old man, by the name of BOURNE, told
Mr. HucuEs that these Abolition bandits had
taken all his cattle, oxen and horses, robbed
him of every thing lie had in the world, dri
ven him and his family out of their home,
and burnt his house.
But we will not continuo our extracts from
this hideous catalogue of outrage and crime.
As there is but one step between the sublime
and the ridiculous, so there is but a narrow
point between_ philanthropy and cruelly.—
Philanthropy run mad, benevolence in a tate
of delirium and phrenzy, ccAnmits acts that
are . enoughto make angels weep. And all this
to make political capital for a sectional party
who aim to destroy the Union and trample
upon the Constitution.
The Ten-Cents-a-day Slander.
The New York Tribune, the head and front
of the Fremont faction nails the "ten cents"
slander to the counter. llear Greely : -
"!The charge that Mr. Buchanan has ad
vocated a reduction of laboring men's wages
to ten cents per day has but a very partial
support in fact. lie certainly never made
any such proposition directly, nor any
thing which he understood to have that ef
fect. What he did say was substantially
this : The true way to encourage American
manufactures is, to diminish their money
cost by restricting our currency. Suppose a
piece of cloth can be made in Germany for
fifty dollars which cannot be made here for
less than seventy-five, let us contract our cur
rency fifty per cent., and we can make that
same cloth here cheaper than it can he im
The Tribune tells its party friends that the
mode of warfare adopted by the circulation
of this and other slanders is unwise and inz_
Buchanan once said that if he believed he
had a bit of democratic blood in his veins he
would open them and let it out. That Mr.
Buchanan made this declaration there is no
doubt. [Rochester Democrat.
"There is no doubt" that the writer of the
above deliberately penned it fully believing
it to be calumnious and false. The Tribune
of Saturday distinctly discredits the story;
the Democrat of Monday reproduces it. Mr.
Buchanan has said under his own hand and
in the most positive manner: "This ridicu
lous story is without a shadow of foundation.
"I now pronounce it to be absolutely false, no
matter from what source it may have proceed
ed or shall proceed."
Thirty old citizens of Lancaster, many of
whom say they have known Mr. Buchanan
from boyhood, certify that the story is false,
and that it was never heard of till thirteen
years after the date assigned to it. No in
telligent man believes it—no intelligent man
can believe it. [Rochester Union..
The Cars for Broad Top and Bedford.
The•Passetiger trains leave the Depot at Huntingdon at
7; 1 ,4.A. M., and 5 P. M4---returning arrive at Huntingdon,
2 and 9P. M. Passengers for Bedford take four horse
coaches at Christy's Cut on the Hopewell Lraneb.
The Public
Generally are invited to call at the New Drug Store of
Wm. WrnLiAms, & Co. 'Every article usually to be found
n the best establishments or the kind, can be had, fresh
and pure, at their Store, in 3larket Square, Huntingdon.
See advertisement in another column.
tlsnb and Daguerreotypes.
E. P. PILETtYMAN respeetfuly informs the public that he
is now porpared to take Dauguerroetypes and Ambrotypos
on gla,s, put up with double or single glass.
Rooms at the Station Horse, Huntingdon Pa.
Plain and Fancy Printing.
Job work of all kinds—such as Handbills, Circulars,
Business, Visiting, and Show Cards, Tickets, - Bill Heads,
Deeds, Mortgages, and all kinds of blanks, &c., ac., &c.
neatly printed at the "GLOBE" Joh Office, Huntingdon. Pa.
42r"Specimens of "atone printing can be seen at the
office—which will satisfy everybody that it is no longer
necessary to go to Philadelphia for neat work. Call it}td
see for yourselves.
Blanks of all kinds,
Nehtly printedand for sale at the "Globe," Office—such as
Blank Deeds, Mortgages, Judgment and Common Bonds,
Agreements, Leases, Judgment and Promissory Notes,
Mites relinquishing all benefits of exemption laws, Liceme
Bonds, and all blanks used by Justices of the Peace.
For Itea.dy-Madc Clothing,
Wholesale or retail, call at 11. RomAN's Clothing Store,
opposite Coats' Hotel, Huntingdon, Pa., where the very
best assortment of goods for men and boys' wear may be
found, at low prices.
On the evening of the Ist inst., by Rev. 0. 0. McClean,
Mr. U. B. LEwis and Miss Louisa .3Eny BENLLICT, all of
The happy couple have our thanks for a
liberal share of the CAKE. May they enjoy
a long life, full of prosperity and happiness.
es i qI I *(iiJl
JULY 7, 1.856.—F10ur and Meal—The foreign news has
imparted a better feeling to the market ibr Flour. • Want
of stock, however, has limited the operations :for export,
and prices have advanced fully 1 25 cents barrel. Sales
reach some 700008000 bbls at $0 2506 75 for common to
good brands; $6 5007 25 for extra, and $7 50CiS50 for fan
cy family Flour. Rye Flour has been very dull at $3 250
337/A; thelatter rate is an advance. Corn Meal-500®
600 bbls have been disposed of at $2 6234 for selected
Penna. Old stock is very dull at $2 50. A sale of con
demned was made at $2 06% bbl. Grain—Some 20,000
025,000 bushels of Wheat sold at 1200155 cts for inferior
to prime reds, and ets for white; the latter for
prime. Rye-700008000 bushels Pennsylvania have beer,
taken at 72075 cents, closing at the latter rate. Corn—
Some 22,000025,000 bus. Southern and Pennsylvaniayellow
sold at 53055 c, and since at 53060 cts for good lots: dam
aged lots at 40052d8, and white at 51()55cts. Oats—Sales
of . 25,000030,000 bushels at 31 1 ,4031 eta for Southern,
mostly at 32033 ets for good Delaware, and 34035 c for
Western and Penna afloat and in store.
The undersigned offer at private sale, A TRACT 01?
LIMESTONE LAND, situate in Woodcock Valley,
Huntingdon county, about one mile from McConnellstown,
one and a half from the Broad Top Rail Road, and six and
a half from the Pennsylvania Rail Road and Canal at Hun
tingdon. There are 4.51 ACRES in the whole tract, 200 of
which aro cleared and in good cultivation; 100 acres are in
clover and 20 in timothy. It is all GOOD LIMESTO.ArE
LAND, and can conveniently be divided into two or moro
121. There are a good Dwelling Ilincse, Frame Stable,
Double Barn and Outbuildings and Two Orchards,
on the property.
A stream sufficient for a Saw Mill runs through it, and
there are springs in every field except one. .
The land which is not cleared is well covered with Pop
lar, Chesnut, Whiteoak, Hickory, Walnut, Locust and Ma
ple timber of the best quality.
There is a good Limo Kiln on the farm, and a Vein of
Fossil Ore runs through the land, which will make iron
equal to any manutfictured on the Juniata.
The land is all patented, and an indisputable title will
be given.
Possession given after the first of April nexL
TERMS—Ono (Wirth in hand, awl the residao in three
equal annual instalments with interest.
Any further information desired, will be given by MILES
SG Dennis, Huntingdon. DANIEL FLExxr.n on the premises,
or the undersigned at Kittaning.
A. .1:: A. REYNOLDS, -
F.xccutor, of David Reynolds, deceased.
July 8,18:56.-3in
Patriot .54 Union, Uarrislnirg, Intelligencer, 7 ane:u4-
ter, (Inzotte, Reading, each publiah 3 in. and .send bill to
bale Dealers in TOBACCO AND SEGARS, No. 11
North Fifth Street, Philadelphia. [July 8, 1556.
r. A. S. MANX', A. M., Principal an.) Prqf. of Ancicnt
Lc , uguages.
J -4 1 N NEFF, A. 8., Professyyr• of Anthem tics.
SI Eur. scan EFF EIZ, Prof rf Alada and Modern
I bi.l PS, Preccplrcss.
second quarter of the Summer Session will com
mence July 17. During the past quarter, 65 students were
in attendance at this Institution, and a number more can
be comfortably accommodated.
Tuition in English Branches, per quarter, $5 00
Ancient and Nodern Languages, and Music, extra,.
Board and Weahiug, per week, 1 73
'Room Rent awl Furniture, por reel:, —0
Quarterly incidental fee,
July 9,1836.—1 t
NOTICIII—The under
signed appointed Auditor to distribute the balance
in the hands of John K. _Metz, AdminiArator of William
Marlin, late of Brady township, deed., will attend for that
purpose at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, on
Tuesday the seventh day of August ',text, at ten o'
persons interested are required to present their claims be
fore the said Auditor or be debarred from coming in for a
share of such balance, assets or fund.
A. W. BENEDICT, Auditor.
July 0, 1856.
QTRAY CANTLE.—Came to the pre
miees of the subscriber in Henderson town- 4 ,
ship, Huntingdon county, about the 2:34 of June; " •
a brown heifer with a little white spot on her tin eliead,
about two years old—two black heifers with white heads;
the steer is brown, white over the back and belly—stout
yearlings. The owner is requested to come forward, prove
property, pay charges and take them away, otherwise they
will be disposed of according to law.
July 9, ISSO.
PAd'Y, having just finished a large :unl commodious stone
HOTEL, on BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN, Huntingdon cepnty,
Pa., are now prepared to rent the same on acconto,rating
terms. The Hotel is probably one of the finest in the in
terior of the State, and being the only Hotel in the extensive
Broad Top Coal Region, where extensive mining operations
are just commencing,
it must soon command a large and
profitable business. Persons desirous of seeing the Hotel,
with a view of renting, can reach the same by the Hunt
ingdon and Broad Top Mountain liailroacl, which leaves
Huntingdon twice daily for the Mountain. For particulars,
address HENRY D. MOORE,
No. 56 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia
July 9,1856.-1 t
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Col
lector's Office, in 'Huntingdon, until the Bth day of July,
1.856, for building anew dant across the east channel of the
Juniata River hmuediately belotti the present site of the
"Old Ilaystown Dam," 2;4 miles below Huntingdon. Plau
and specifications may be seenat the office on and after the
fifth day of July.
Proposals will also be received at the same time and
place for repairing the present Dam in a substantial man
ner, with new covering, Sw., for a gross sum, complete.
J. D. LtET, Supervisor,
Upper Juniata Division I'a. Canal.
'Hollidaysburg, Jlllll3 30, 1556.
LIST OF LETTERS remnining in the
Post Office at Huntingdon, Pa., on the Ist day of
July, ISSO, which if not lifted on or befhre the Ist day of
October, next, will be sent to the General Pusl Ounce De
partment as dead letters.
Ann Cowen. 2 Heirs of John E Miller,
Eliza Cornelius, Florence McCarty,
John Camack, Alex. McCook,
John Duffy, - Samuel. Norton,
Nathan Denny, ' Hugh O'Neil,
Geo. Decker, Geo. W. Outman,
Oliver K. Dunkel, Miss R J. O'Caiu,
James Gillam. J. B. Peightal,
Foster Green, T. Rosenthal,
Miss Mary Gansimoro, IL W. Smith, 2,
W. Harper, Win. A. Shirk, 5,
Josiah M. HaHock, Henry J. Smith, 3,,
Thaddeus S. Jackson, Hannah D. Snyder,
Stephen Jcel tau ter, foreign, Daniel Snyder,
John Kane, Sarah Silkniter,
Charles Keegan, Jas. M. Stiller, •
Dr. John Luck, S. B, Silkniter,
Samuel Lewis, Li frone Smith,
Michael 51anz, : J. H. Smith,
Andrew J. Morrison, 2 Patrick Sullivan,
Samuel W. Mifflin, fleorge Shade,
Henry E. Miller, Wm. 8. 'Westbrook.
Sarah McC4adt, Snail. 'Wright,
Swami T. ,Murry A. L. 000. Wearer,
Joseph McCoy, Solomon Weaver,
Huntingdon, July 2, I.SSG. N 1 ,111.. LEWIS, P. M
TIST 01? LETTERS remaining in the
4 ro.3t, Office at Alexandria, Pennsylvania. pn theist day
of July A. D. 1.8511, which if not lifted on or before the Ist
day of October next. will be scut to the General Post Mice
Department as Dead Letters.
One Cent due on each letter in addition to tho regular
postage, expere , e of adverti.ting.
Tito/Ims CoStalo, Jolm Lucas,
William A. Camel, %adieus Lower,
James Gifford, Jacob S. Mecan,
Muses Guiland, Joseph Piper,
Joseph Gates, George W. Shoff, 2
John C. flamer, 2 A. Weidman.
John Walters.
Alexandria P. 0., July Ist, 1856.
Unubri*ecl, 1456 paila, Grown Quarto. Sci Dollars.
Publihltud by U. & C. itisitutim, Springfield, Mass.
Webster's Dictionary, University Edition.
Webster's Academic Dictionary.
Webster's High School Dictionary.
Webster's Primary School Dictionary.
Published by 31.Ason lbieTuluzs, Naar-0,1.4
FORMING A COMPLETE SERTES, and affording a "Na
tional St unlarfl, thus ,omring uniformity of t.rthography
and Pronunciation for the millions that arc to constitute
this vast republic.
The leading series of School Books published in this
country are based upon Webster's system.
There is no other acknowledged standard in this coun
try or Great Britain.
W e rejoice that it bids fair to become the STANDARD
DICTIONARY to be used by the numerous millions of
people who are to inhabit the United States."—Sidacd by
104 Members tf Congre.V.
OFFICIAL STATE linCounnox.—Nearly every State Super
intendent of Public Instruction in the Union, or corre4-
pontling officer, where such au one exists, has recommend
ed Webster's ctionary in the strongest terms. Among
these are those of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, 31as
sachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, N. York, New .Ter
sey, Pennsylvania ' Ohio, Kentucky, Louisiana, Indiana,
Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, lowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota,
California and Canada, TWENTY-ONE in alt.—President
White of Wabash College, Indiana, under date of Nov. 10,
1854, says:—
"1 think Webster's "worthy to supersede every other
English Dictionary. It will, 1 have no doubt, be used al
most universally this side of the
What more essential to every family, counting room,
student, and indeed every one who would know, the right
use of language—the meaning, orthography, and pronun
ciation of worts, than a good English DICTIO:CARY ?—of
daily necessity and permanent value.
WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED is nowthe recognized Stan
dard, "constantly cited and relied on in our Courts of Jus
tice, in our legislative bodies, and in public discussions, as
entirely conclusive," says Hon. Jonx C. SPENCER.
exactitude of definition, and adaptedness to the present
state of science and literature, the most valuable works of
the kind that I have over seen in our language."—frifes
sor Wayland.
o.llice of the Secretary of The Commonwealth.
Harrisburg, Dec. 15, 1855
F. 11. 13.ummg, Esq.—hear Sir: No commendation of
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary can bo extravagant. It
should be found in every school in the Contmonwealth as
the Standard Authority; and the Ammons") km nos which
is peculiarly adapted to the purpose of its intention, should
be found in the hands of every scholar sufficiently ad
vanced to use it as a class book. Yours, truly,
Secretary of the Commonwealth th Superintendent of Com
mon Schools.
Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth.
11. C. HICKOK,
Deputy Superintendent of Common Schools.
AZ- Published by G. h C. MERRIAM, Springfield, Mass.
--sold by all Booksellers.
Juno '25,1856,
64 1 4 XECUTORS' NOTlOE.—Notice is
hereby given that letters testamentary on the will
of bieorge Askins, late of Shirleysburg, litintingdon
county, deceased, having Urea granted to the undersigned.
All persons indebted to the estate of said deceased, aro
requested to make payment, and those having claims to
present them for settlement.
May IS, 1556. Executors.
CREST DISEASES: Being an Original Theory of Tubercu
lar Consumption mid Kindred Disorders; exhibiting Proof
of their Curability by Medicated Inhalation and Magneto
Electricity, in connection with adjutant Remedies only
employed by the author. Desinged for self and family Prac
tice: By M. HARDIN ANDREWS, M. D. 4 200 pp. limo.,
banikomely bound. Price 1!..•,1. Sent by mail or otherwise.
Address Dr. M. Hardin Andrews, box No. SW Philadelphia
Post Office, or No. 72 (Room :1) South Third street (nearly
opposite the Exchange.) Philadelphia.
itra- This work is a hold and startling expo,ition of the
"l?allacies of the Faculty," in regard to the curability of
Consumption, and proves that the heretofore considered
formidable and intractable disease may be cured in a large
majority of cases, by simple means, and with remarkable
celerity. June 17, 1856.
WILLIAMS S.: CO. have just received from Phila
(l,lphia, a new and fresh supply of
Perfumery. Fancy Soaps, Fluid. Camphene, Turpentine,
Alcohol, and a gQiivral assortment of Artist Colors and
Bruilies Spices of all kinds, ClLtiss of all sizes,
and Putty, all kinds of Varnish,
Japan CoPal No. 1 and
2, Coach body and Black Spirits' rare Japan,
Liver Oa for
the cure of Blieninai ism, Scrofula, Gout, Lumbago, Totter,
Chronic Erysipelas, Chronic Sore Eyes, White Swelling,
Glandular Swelling, Pulmonary Consumption, Chronic
Bronchitis, Rickets, and for all diseases of the skin„ by the
quart, gallon, or smaller quantity. The Balm of a Thous
and Flowers, the greatest remedy of the age for baldness
and purifying the, skin. John 11. Patethorp's celebrated
cure for Fever and Ague. No Cure, No ray. Price sl.
Fine Tobacco and Segais. All the above with a number of
articles ton tedious to mention, for sale at the new cheap
Drug Store of W. WILLIAMS & co., .
Diamond Square, opposite Conte hotel.
Huntingdon, July 2, 1856.
DON.—The celebrated Centre county Iron for sale at
the following; prices: 4 cents per lb.; for common assorted:
% inches square and ronnd up, 4N cents; for horse thou,
and 6pike rods, including V z and g in. square, and 5 cents
for nail rods, at the cheap attire of
Huntingdon, June 17, 1850
N MOBBUS would respectfully inform the public . he has fitted up the Broad Top House, on Alle- r
glieny street, at the Broad Top Depot, Huntingdon, '
and is now prepared to entertain strangers and travellers
in an unobjectionable style.
Ms table will always be supplied with the suhstantiale
and delicacies of the season. llls Bar is furnished with the
choicest liquors. In a word, no pains will be spared to
render guests comfortable and happy. juue 13.
STOVES ! STOVES !—The undersign
ed would respectfully call the attention of __. •
Country Merchants and those wanting Stoves, to .71 - F --- 1
their extensive stock of Stoves, Gas Ovens, Fur- --:A0, 4
naves, &c., &c., comprising a greater assortment
than can be found at any other Store in the United States.
Purchasers will find it an advantage to give us a call be
fore buying elsewhere. For sale wholesale and retail, ort
the most liberal terms. NEMAN & WARNICK,
N. E. corner 2nd and Race streets, Philadelphia.
N. B. They are Agents for the celebrated Macgregor
'foaling Stoves. April 9,1856-3 m.
Wherean, Letters of Administration!on the _Estate of
Isabella lileMoni;pd, late of Barrel) township, Huntingdon
county, dec'd, having been granted to the undersigned,
Notice is therefore hereby given to all persons indebted to
said Estate to make immediate payment, and,those having
claims against the same to present them duly authen
ticated for settlement.
Juno 11. 155.4;.*
SILIP.—The partnership heretofore existing be
tween the undersigned, in carrying on the carpentering
business, has been mutually dissolved, this day, between'
said parties.
Brady tp, May 31, 1850
NOTICE.—AII persons indebted by
book account ur otherwise to Col. Geo. G win, aro
notified that collection of all claims impala by the first day
of August next, will after that be (ado/ c:d by law.
Multi nr,don, Juno 4, 1556
signed, Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of
inn inn gdon county, to distribute the funds in the hands'
of James Walls, Executor of the last Will and Testament
of John 'Walls, late of West township, dec'd, amongst the
heirs and legatees of said deceased, hereby gives notico
that he has appointed Tuesday the Bth day of July next,
at one o'clock p. in. at the Prothonotary's Office, Hunting
don, for hearing, and where all persons interested may at
tend if they think proper
June 11, 185 G
Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call and ti
examine my beautiful assortment of Boots and
Shoes of all sizes, of the latest styles, for all ages.
Huntingdon, une 4-, Isso.
SALE. The .i.andorsigneil having, lately returned from Il
linois, olli•rs 15:m rule WOO acres of finefarm land in Living
ston county, Illinois, in a good healthy locality, within
five miles of the Chicago, Alton, and St. Louis Railroad.
Will sell in fu•nfs to ;Mit settlers and improvers. Can be
found at Jelmston's Exchange Hotel in Huntingdon, un
til the first day of July next, where he will be prepared to
give accurate descriptions of the situation and quality of
the land from plots of the lands made from an actual sun.
vey by the undersignod. Will also be able to give funnels'
a full knowledge of the cost and nature of opening a arid ,
in the 'West.
June .1, IS5f;
Ituntingdon, Pa.
Atal -MRS
in l the il S old . -
Pre , .l l )s i, teria! G
Churchu i : l
purpose of giving lessons on the Guitar, Melodeon and
riano, and in vocal music.
TgEms—Slo.per quarter of twenty-four lessons at:her
rooms, and s'ls per quarter when the lebbuns are given at
the reidiletne of pupils in town. She will also teach the
(lemma and From-h languages. Huntingdon May as, '513
Everything of the Lest Cheaper than elscwhcre.
LOVE C McDI VIP inform the citizens of Huntingdon
and vicinity, and the public in general that they have just
opened in Market Square, in the dwilling formerly occu
pied by Esquire Snare. a liandsomeassortment of the moat
CHOICE U ItOCIMIES, includingevery article usually kept.
in the best Grocery Stores in the city. Having a boat run
ning, we are determined to accomodate the public with the
freshest and best. Give us a call and extuniuo for your:
sel res.
Hunting,dom Nay 21, 1856.
FECTIONARY.—The subscriber will furnish at short
notice, ilunilics or parties, in or out of town, with either
or all of the above articles. Ills assortment of Confection
aries is of the 'best, and his Ice Cream and Cakes shall giro'
satistliction. (Jive hitu a call.
Huntingclini, May 21, 1556
ft 10 Goode in Col. (Iwin's Istoro are selling off by retail
AT COST; and they will be sold below cost and 24Krn lime
to any ono whu will buy the whole stock, or a large part
uf it.
rinnthvgdou, Jima 11, 1856
ADDLERS' improved splitting an&
),..) gauge Knives for sale at the Hardware store of
JAS. A. DROWN , sz: C 0...
Huntingdon,. Pa.
and Grass ,94; 3 •thes of the best brand and quality. Al
so, a variety of Patent and Screw Adjusting Snaths, nay
Furksand Rakes, for sale at the Hardware Store of
MNDSTONES with friction rollers:,
wheuroiies, Oil Stones, also Knives and Forks,
Spoons, Scissors, &c., decidedly tho best assortment in tho
county. Porcelain, Tinned and Plain Boilers, Stewing,
Frying and Baking Pans, for sole at prices which make it
the interest of purchasers to call at the Hardware Store of
TEAS front 15 to 22 cents per quarter s
FLOUR—Always on hand and for sale
MACKEREL—In whole and half bar
rels. Also, ROE IfERRING by the half barrel, for
sale at the cheap grocery of
OlL—Linseed and Fish—for sale at the
store of LOVE d:
Summer Coats, 87 1 /".
Sununer Pants, - . ,5777
Summer Tests, - 8.0
rrE FINEST assortment of Fancy
Cassimeres ever offered; Vesting - sand Coat ausimera,
an at lower prices Ulll/1 can be purchased at any other
House, for sale by J. & W. SAXTON.
Best Zinc Paint only $?.. OS per keg-,.
Pure White Lead only s'2 ST per keg-
And other paints in proportion, at the cheap ECardwarer
Store of J. A. BROWN & CO.
- PUILDERS, do you believe it ? Nails
are selling at $4 90 per keg, at the new Hardware
Store of J. A. BROWN &• CO.
S T STEEL BL Al5ll Moulders'
B Shovels, Miners' Coal Shovels, &e., at the new Hard
ware Store of J. A. BROWN & CO.
tremely low, at J. A. BROWN (Cc CO'S.
M. F. CAMPBELL, Auditor.