The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, July 02, 1856, Image 1

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I f htitical rub . iiiiscatittatts.
Onward now! the day is breaking—,
Forward to the noble strife!
Shout aloud—the echoes waking,
Songs of joy and,gladness rife.
Onward now 1 the light s is streaming
Over hill, and vale, and plain ;
As its searching rays are beaming,
Midnight plotters hide in vain.
Onward now! behold them stealing,
In their pale and guilty flight—
Shrinking from that dread revealing,
Praying for the shades of night. .
Onward now! for they are flying,
With their lanterns quenched and dim—
Their base hearts within them dying—
Trembling, faint in every limb.
Onward now! with hearts united—
Yell disunioifis no more;
Forward by the faith we've plighted,
And the name we've proudly bore.
Onward now! the day is breaking—
Forward to the noble strife ;.
Shout aloud! the echoes waking
Songs with joy and gladness rife.
Delivered at the Democratic Ratification Met
ing in Philadelphia On. the 10th ult. •
FELLOW CITIZENS—I am here this evening
by the kind invitation of your committee. I
am here under the generous and comprehen
sive call of your meeting,—and I am here
with as strong a wish as animates any one
within the sound of my voice that the ticket
nominated at Cincinnati may be successful.
In coming here, I am conscious of no sepera
tion from ancient friends or from. existing
political organizations, for the great )?arty
with which I have solely acted is practically
extinct. No one stood by it longer than I
did. Those who would now prostitute it
name for others uses, (and even that is'hard
ly pretended,) have no claim on my fidelity,
and those who, without a change of feeling
or opinion on any
. great principle of govern
ment, think there is something more sabred
than a traditionary party name—they—and
there are thousands such around us and
amon g st on the great question as to
whose hands the trust of our Executive gov
ernment shall be confided - f;)r the next four
years, will come with me and vote with you.
I am glad to be among the first of the great
conservative party of this city,
ly to avow - adhesion to the candidates of Na
tional Democracy. It may lie, lam taking
a hazardous step. It may be a sacrifice.—
But, be it what it may, no one shall say it is
a half-way, tiuiid hesitating step—,ir that
tow, after a life of eery decisive politics, I
hesitate to do that which every sentiment of
loyalty to the Constitution, of cleai duty to
my native State awl to my native city
prompts. Thus feeling, thus speaking, thus
very willing to act—coming too as a private
and undistinguished citizen, with no ends to
gain,, no , aspiration to gratify, I consider I
I shall be welcome.
But I have a special and a local object in
being here to-night; and. wish that what I
say could reach every man of business in the
community, for, on the ground of mere local
interest, I can demonstrate which side Phila
delphia ought to take in the issue now before
the people. Shall the capital of Pennsylva
nia, this metropolis so often postponed, so
much overshadowed, cast its influence and.
throw its vote 7 .—is it wise, is it patriotic, is it
politic for it to throw its vote against a Penn
sylvania candidate for the Presidency ?
Especially is it wise to do so when the vote
would, in all human probability, be cast in
favor of a principle of sectionalism against
which Philadelphia has alwilys arrayed it
self? With aggresive sectionalism in any
form, this City of the Constitution never
has had, and never can have communion, and
I cherish the hope that, if Philadelphia
hereafter finds herself obliged to choose be
tween a merely . Abolition cause in any form
or guise, and the National party which
knows no higher law than the Constitution,
and makes its principles conservative of the
Union, her citizens will come forward to the
support of Mr. Buchanan with as zealous
and hearty a will, as I feel it my duty to do
now. . Temporary and national excitements
may have their influence of delay, but the
ultimate result is certain. When Mr. Bu
chanan was last here, returning from public
service to his home, the politicians barred
the door against him. No welcome greeted
him from official lips. But the men of busi
ness, the merchants of Philadelphia took the
duty in their own hands. They thanked
hinafor maintaining their honor abroad.—
They thanked him for his ellbrt to . maintain
peace, and. with it the interests of com
merce and peaceful industry. To • them he
spoke words of genial gratitude and. of con
servative counsel—and they 'now feel, differ
ing as they may from him politically, that
the interests of the Nation are safe in his
hands. Ile stands before us too a man. of ir
reproachable private character. 11 during
the canvass about to begin, Mr. Buchanan
maintains, as I am sure he will, his attitude
of dionified moderation, of admonitory re
serve to all who from "any quarter urge a
contra-iiltraism,—if he continues to stand -
ashe now does before the nation the type of
conservative statesmanship, with no abate
ment'of ,fidelity to the great 'party who in
honoring him, honors itself, I, as one of its
humblest citizens, invite him back to Phila
delphia to a now and heartier welcome. I
'shall be glad to see a Pennsylvania President
welcomed in Indedend.ence
This matter of State pride, this local exul
tation in honors rendered to our own public
men, must .not be looked on as an illusory
sentiment: Your distinguished guests to
night, from other' States, will not
,think the
worse of us for indulging it. It is that
which has made Virginia the Mother of Pre
sidents. She - nurses her children like a love
ly mother, and does not bind them out or
cast - them off without care as to- what be
comes of them. It was that which made
Massachusetts cling to Mr. Webster; North
Carolina to. William Gaston; and South Car
olina to Mr. Calhoun and her other honored
son, WilliaM Loundes, {a representative from
Carolina, whom it was her pride to send to
the Halls of Congress, men of peaceful, gen
tle chivalry,) and which bound Kentucky,
by devotion that never abated, to Mr; Clay.
And now, when for the first time for seventy
years, a -- Pennsylvania Statesman is named
for the highest honor in the Nation's gift,
have we not a right, nay, is it not our duty
.to avow the throbbine , of the same pure sen
timent in our heart If the habit of easy
self-sacrifice, the readiness to be content with
small honors and subordinate offices which
has been so long the discredit and shame
of Pennsylvania, if all this have not chilled
to absolute indifference every natural emotion
of honest pride in our bosom, this, common
wealth will speak out for her honored son in
tones which will not soon die away in silence
—and from no part, if her feelings and opin
ions on points of public policy be moderately
respeeted, will there be a stronger and hear
tier utterance from this her Whig metropo
But there is an actual political significancy in
these nominations, that of Mr. Breckenridge,
•as well as that of . the Pretident, as respects
locality, that cannot be overlooked. It is no
extreme of territory that furnishes the can
didates. They come from the. Middle States,
front the very centre of the Union, for Ken
tucky, strictly speaking; is no longer a Wes
tern State. They are the representatives of
that central band which encircles the Un
ion, and which, if ever the Union is severed,
must break asunder in ragged edges to tear
and wound by the animosity of frontier war
fare. Kentucky and Pennsylvania,. though
with different social institutions, are of the
same political parallel of moderation on all
national questions, and of unwavering fidel
ity to the Constitution and the Union.—
Pennsylvania is one of the Old Thirteen, and
Kentucky is their oldest child—at least their
first-born beyond the Allegheny mountains.
The beautiful river which washes the shores
of Kentucky and on which floats the hiend
ly commerce of so many Itnited States, is
thrilled of Pennsylvania streams. Fanati
cism has not, and never has had, a foot-hold
in Pennsylvania, except, perhaps, near the
New York line, or on the edge of the Wes
tern Reserve, and Kentucky has . never sent
a child of her honored soil into the councils
of the nation, whose acts or words gave pain,
or alienated the hearts of patriotic men, how
ever sensitive, either from the South or the
North. The candidates thus selected have a
high mission. They have immediate constit
uencies \ vim have trained them in the school
of Constitutional loyalty; and that mission, as
I religiously hope, (and for this I look to
Mr. Buchanan's
,election with unbounded
confidence,) is - Co put an end, by wise and
decisive counsel, and by administrative dis
cretion, once and forever, to that sectional
agitation which has so long afflicted and per
plexed this nation. What a priceless bles
sing it will be to have an administration for
four years, during which, by the mere force
of example, no word of acrimony shall be ut
tered on the subject of domestic slavery, and
the nation's evil passions may be at rest.
These, my fellow citizens, are some of the
reasons which influence my judgment and
conduct now. They are. not meant to be ob
trusively uttered anywhere, or to be offen
sively,nrged on those who may think differ
ently from me. There are other topics rath
er relating to the past than to the future I
should be glad to speak of, but this is not the
fit occasion. On them,. and especially on the
anti-republicanism of secret political organ
ization, my views are well known, for I spoke
them long ago, when, as-now, timid counsel
lors advised silence. On all public matters,
I am apt to feel strongly and to speak deci
sively,- but I have sought in what I have said
to-night, to utter no word to give pain or ex
cite unpleasant feelinn- '' anywhere. I have
tried to feel and speak, on a great question
of political interest, as an American public
man should think and speak, and from the
bottom of my heart, Mr. President and fellow
citizens, I thank you for the opportunity
you have just given me of speaking out
what I really believe will be, if it is not now,
the true policy of Philadelphia.
Speech of Hon. John L. Dawson
We publish below the speech made by Mr.
.Dawson, of Pennsylvania, in the National
Convention when the nomination of Mr. Bu
chanan was announced. It was received
with enthusiastic applause, and will be pro
nounced by all, when read, most admirably
adapted to the place and occasion. It was
fit and, proper that he should speak for our
Static when success was achieved. He did so
as follows :
The Hon. John L. Dawson, of Pennsylva
nia, said :—Mr. President: The venerable
Chairman of our delegation, Gov. Porter, not
much accustonied to public speaking, has de
volved upon me the duty of expressing our
high appreciation of the honor conferred upon
our State in the selection of its distinguished.
citizen as the nominee of this Convention.—
[Great applause.] We arc more than grati
fied, that the time has arrived in the delibera
tions of this body when the sacrifice of per
sonal preferences and predilections becomes
a virtue. Ardent attachment to distinguish
ed, able and well tried leaders is a noble, char-.
acteristic of our people, and is • only to be
waived at the call of patriotism and necessity.
[Cheers.] In this case that harmony and
unanimity which are essential to our action
and the surest harbingers of Success, have
generously secured this surrender. The chiefs
of the Democracy present many honored
names, either of whom would worthily have
supported the banner upon which are inscri
bed the principles to which.we own allegiance.
That banner myw reared to be borne by the
distinguished son of our own State, [cheers,]
the far beaming effulgence of its legend will
penetrate the remotest retreats of the land,
and quickly rally around it an invincible host
filled with the high enthusiasm inspired by
a great cause, and by the memory of former
triumphs and glories. ((Treat cheering.]
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Mr. Buchanan is a man upon whom all
.can-unite, and in doing so there is no expec
tation that there will be any withdrawal of
the confidence or admiration of those 'whom
we pass by. There is not a heart in this Con
vention that does not glow with full and
grateful recognition of the eminent services
to .the Democratic party of Cans, Hunter,
Douglas, Bright, Pierce and others, whose
names have been mentioned. The first is in
deed a mighty name which was long since
voluntarily withdrawn from the contest, and
whose brilliant . efforts in patriotic devotion
to the national interest will forever brighten
the pages of our country's history. Tremen
dous applause.] In Mr. Hunter we recog
nize the model Senator, the distinguished
statesman, chivalric son of old Virginia; he
has been nurtured in the school of her sages,
who laid the foundation and shaped the su
perstructure - of the confederacy. [Applause.]
The clear-sighted boldness, the skillful battle
for the right that has marked the public ca
reer of Douglas, would have made him a gal
lent leader in the contest, whom we should
all have delighted to follow ; [renewed ap
plause,] while in Bright we recognize those
high qualities that mark the rising statesmen
of the west, and see in him the true repre
sentative of her gigantic and advancing power.
.[Deafening shouts of applause.]
The administration of Gem 'Pierce
yes no eulogium from me. True to the Con
stitution, to the principles and policy of the
Democratic party, we say in a spirit of jus
tice, "well done good and faithful servant."
As Pennsylvanians, the representatives on
this floor of -a State which in all the ele
ments of greatness we claim, in a spirit of
patriotic attachment, as inferior to none in
the Union ; one of the old Thirteen, we are
proud that the towering greatness of her son
has secured to her the - well merited and dis
tinguished honor. His nomination is a,guar
anty to the country of an administration
of the Constitution in its purity with a just
regard to all sections, and without partial and.
modern constructions of its spirit and pro
visions. [Renewed shouts of applause.]—
His election will restore confidence, secure
peace to a restless people, and kindle anew
the fires of patriotism and love of the Union
in bosoms where those sentiments had begun
to smoulder. He will receive a large and
overwhelmingmajority in the Keystone State;
a majority demanded by her numerical pow
er—consistent with the integrity of her peo
ple and their loyalty to the Constitution and.
the Union of the States. Her gallant sons
will rally from the Delaware to the Ohio ; on
the loftiest summit of her mountain range
they will fling our banner to the breeze,
bearing upon it the inscription of the hon
ored name of James Buchanan, our country
and the Constitution: and victory as certain
as that which attended the American arms
upon the immortal battle field of our nation
al history, will brighten in letters of living
light upon its broad and ample folds, as-it
will wave so gracefully and gallantly in tri
umph over the land. Hearty and long con
tinued applause.]
Monument to James Buchanan.
Already a few of the most shameless and
licentious opposition presses have raised the
cry of " ten cent wages." They have clone
this to prejudice laboring men against the
Democratic candidate for the Presidency.—
The Democratic party has always been the
guardian'of the interests of the poor. It was
to preserve the liberties and protect the rights
of the poor, that Gen. JACKSON battled with
the rich aristocrats of the country for the
overthrow of the United States Bank. In
that memorable and glorious struggle, the
hero of New Orleans was ably supported by
JAMES BUCHANAN. Will any one believe that
a co-laborer with JACKSON in that great bat
tle foe the poor subsequently advocated " ten
cent wages ?" The thing is impossible. None
are stupid enough to believe it, though there
are a few so knavish as to assert it.
But we did not mean to write about wages,
either high or low, when we penned the cap
tion of this article. We meant to write about
a Monument which JAMES BUCHANAN raised
to himself a number of years ago, and which
is a crushing refutation of the " low wages"
slander. Would that men of wealth would
stud the whole country over with just such
Monuments as that which JAMES BUCHANAN
has raised to himself. How much suffering
would be alleviated—how many stricken
hearts would be made glad—how the poor
would rejoice !
In every community there are indigent fe
males who eke out a scanty livelihood by the
labor of their hands. Many are - widows - with
small children dependent upon them for
bread. - Their, lot is hard at any season of
the year, and when the rigors of winter come
upon them, their sufferings are frequently se
vere. Poorly fed and poorly clad, and living
in uncomfortable tenements, in extremest
misery they shivered through the long and
dreary winter, without fuel to keep them
warm—with scarce enough to cook their
scanty meal.
Lancaster city had her proportion of des
titute women and children. JAMES BUCHAN
AN saw their sufferings, and he resolved to do
something to alleviate them. He gave iu
trust to the Councils of the City the sum of
Fire Thousand Dollars, requiring them to
safely invest the same and annually forever
thereafter apply the interest to the purchase
of fuel for the destitute females . of Lancaster.
The trust was accepted, and the very next au
tumn an enormous pile of Wood rose in the pub
lic square. From that pile of Wood the poor
were supplied with fuel ; and when the first
disappeared, another was reared in its place.
If the spring finds it exhausted, the autumn
sees it replaced. And thus it will go on till
the last trump shall sound !
That pile of Wood, reared by his munifi
cence, is JAMES BUCHANAN'S Monument. It
is rough and unpolished, and no pompous in
scription is wrought upon its Its archi
tect lives to receive the thanks or
fire recipi
ents of his bounty, and when he 'dies his epi
taph will be written in their hearts. Gener
ation after 'generation-will grow up and pass
away, and. the widow and the orphan
Front the ChalnberBhurg Valley Spirit
will bless the noble charity of JAMES BUM
AIs:AN. The proud monuments of conquerors
who have deluged the world with blood will
fall to the ground and crumble to dust, but
the unpretending Monument erected by JAMES
BUCHANAN Will endure till the End of Time?
Poor Man, if a malicious opponent of the
Democratic party endeavors to prejudice you
against the Democratic candidate by crying
low wages," ask him whether he has ever
given live thousand. dollars to keep those who
are compelled to work at low wages front
freezing. Tell him you know where to find
a Monument to JAMES BUCHANAN'S Charity,
and ask him to point to his.
our principal railways, at the crossings of
turnpikes, and common roads, huge sign
boards are erected, bearing ia large letters
the caution, "Look out for the Locomotive."
Taking a hint from the railway signboards,
and having a care for the safety of our polit
ical opponents, we reiterate the .caution,
"Look out for the Locomotive." The Bu
chanan train is motion, and our Know-Noth
ing_friends had better keep off the track if
they don't want to be crushed. They need
not try to get on board. It's a "through
train" and won't stop to take up passengers.
A QUARTETTE.-It is a fact worth noticing
that .three of the most popular Democratic
Presidents have' been called James—James
Madison, James Monroe and James K. Polk
—James Buchanan will make the fourth of
the series. The name appears to be a lucky
one. The Johns seem to have had a some
what similar ran. Two Presidents and. three
Vice Presidents have been Johns. It is
somewhat probable that we shall have John
C. Breckinridge and John C. Fremont on the
track together. But we are ready to stake
our little pile on James and John united.
copy the following from an ex
change paper. The reader is under no obli
gations to believe it unless he is disposed to
do so gratuitously :
P.RbanEss.—There is at present in operation
near Boston, a jumping locomotive which
only touches the ground once in a mile. It
is perfectly round, the machinery in the cen
tre, and is coated externally with India rub
ber. So soon as the patent has been secu
red, its proprietor suppgses that thousands of
them will be seen "bobbin around" the world,
so that to the man in the moon, the earth
will look like a big cheese coveredwith 'skip
pers." NTno denies that this is really "a fast
age ?"
THE Mot-xT or OtavEs.—The Mount of Ol
ives near Jerusalem, has been purchased by
a Madame Polack, the widow of a wealthy
banker of the Hebrew persuasion at Konigs
burg, in Prusisa. This lady intends to beau
tify the place, and improve the whole neigh
borhood at her sole expense. The first thing
she did was to plant the whole area with a
grove of olive trees, and thus restore it to the
original state from which it derives its name.
Xlw DuTr.—Let him who gropes painful
ly in darkness or uncertain light, and prays
vehemently that the dawn may ripen into
clay, lay this other precept well to heart,
which to me was of valuable service : Do
the duty which lies -nearest thee, which thou
knowest to be a duty ; thy second duty will
already have become clearer.—Carlyle.
demns the employment of bleeding in this
affection, and considers the essence of tur
pentine, in 10 to 30 drops every hour, a val
uable remedy. Ile speaks highly of gallie
acid, in doses of two grains every hour, or ev
ery alternate hour.
is very rare to find ground which
produces nothing; if it is not covered with
flowers, with fruit trees, and grains, it pro
duces 'briars and pines. It is the same with
man ; if he is not virtuous he becomes vici
ous.—La Brugere.
Harrisburg (Republican) Telegraph has ma de
the astonishing discovery that there is some
chance of success for the friends of Mr. Be
en in Pennsylvania. Astonishing—very!
j. It is to the virtues and errors of our
conversation and ordinary deportment that
we owe both our enemies and our freinds, our
good or bad character abroad, our domestic
peace or troubles, and in a high degree the
improvement of our minds.
following scene occurred at a hotel
out West about noon time :
Traveller—‘e How much do you charge for
dinner ?" notal-keeper—"One dollar, sir."
Traveller—"Very cheap ! How much for
supper?" notel-kceper— `Twenty-five cents."
Traveller—"Well, bring me a supper, sir."
Some wise man, years ago, said: "If
you want to learn human nature, get married
to a spunky girl, move in the house with
another family, and slap one of the young
ones, and then you'll learn it."
Dzf -- 2 7."Sam, why you no tell your Massa to
lay him up treasure in Ifebbin?" "Why for,
Cuff? What de use oh him lay up treasure
dere, where lie nebber no more see um again;
eh, nigger."
old lady it Pennsylvania had a
great aversion to Rye, and never could cat it
in any form. "'fill of late," she said, "they
have got to making it into whiskey, and I
find that I now and then can worry down a
1D:79. The bu.-;oin of America is open, not
only to receive the opulent and re-Teetalde
stranger, bat the oppressed and penec:ided
of all nations and religions, whom we shall
welcome to apa rtieipation in all our rights
and privileges.'' — Gew?p; IFra,vhiirgton.
1C Thegreatest mistl.)rtune of all, is not
to be able to bear misfortune.—Bias.
fl ever make money at the expense of
your reputation.
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firle farmer.
THE - MONTH'S WoRK.—As the season is
backward much can he done towards having
a full supply of vegetables, by the exercise
of judicious forethought in the selections of
of such varieties of seed as arrive earliest at
maturity. This action must, however, re
ceive the aid of &Lan and careful culture.
The weeds must be kept down—the ene
mies exterminated, mid nourishment for tile
plants supplied bountifully and at all times
when needed. Should the weather come to
exhibit any of the peculiarities of the "heat
ed term", it is advisable to apply this food
in the liquid form.
Beets sown this month will ripen by win
ter. They will be found more tender and
less stringy than those planted earlier. If
there are vacancies in the rows already up
transplant or deposit fresh seed.
The transplanting of cabbages, cauliflow
ers, tomatoes, etc., cabbages can now be per
formed quite readily. It will be found ad
vantageous to dip their roots in mud as soon
as they are moved—the moisture thus ob
tained enabling them to better withstand
heat. The ground in which all vegetables
are to be replanted, should receive a thor
ough stirring, provided, it is dry enough to
pulverize freely through the agency of a spade.
Cucumber and melon vines need care fold
watering lest the buds foreclose, awl these
luxuries take the form of invisibility. At
the close of the month the plants will need
hoeing and thinning; if the ground is rich,
three or four arc sufficient fur the hill.
Look over the orchards and destroy the
worm nests—eradicate the grass and weeds
that may lie growing around the roots of
young trees and your• reward shall be "fruit
in due sete,:on." Watchfulness is required
until the fruit ripens.—Bural New Yorker.
PRUNING FRUIT TREES.—The best time for
a general pruning is at the close of the first
growth of the summer, which is from the 15th
of June to the 15th of July. Then the
leaves will take care of the flowing sap, and
all small wounds may be closed by a coating
of tar thickened with brick-dust, applied
warm. Gum shellac is good, but is more li
able to peal off than the tar mixture.
Never cut a limb for the sake of using
your tools. The tops of apple trees do not
require severe thinning in our hot summers.
Nature understands the wants of the trees
often much better than the gardener who
has had his training under the dripping
skies of England. The thick limbs and foli
age arc needed to prote et the trunk, the larger
branches and time fruit. You will find your
fairest specimens in the top of the tree, and
partially shielded from the sun's rays by
leaves. Very small limbs, a half inch
through, that cross each other, or that inter
fere with the symmetry of the top, may now
be removed, but no general pruning should
be attempted.—Agriculturist.
Cows:—The Farmers' Magazine says of a
prime mulch cow :
The head should be small, but rather long
and narrow at the muzzle; the eye small, but
quick and lively ; the horns small, clear bon
ded, and their roots at considerable distance
from each other ; neck long and slender, and
tapering towards the head, with little loose
skin hanging below, shoulders thin, hind
quarters large and capacious ; back straight,
broad. behind, and joints of the chine rather
loose and open—carcass deep, and the pelf is
capacious, and well over the hips, with fieshy
buttocks ; tail long and small ; legs small and
short, with firm joints ; udder capacious,
broad and square, stretching forward, and
neither fleshy; low hung nor loose ; hair soft
and woolly; the head, bones, and all parts of
least value small, and the general figure
compact and well proportioned.
This is such a picture as most would draw
of a well-shaped cow, and yet who has ever
seen one combining all these points? How
many of them are necessary to constitute a
deep milker ? and do we not often find a deep
milker who has very few of them? We be
lieve many a cow is spoiled for the dairy by
having been stunted and kept on too scanty
food when a calf. Calves should receive vas
ample a supply accordingly, and as succulent
and nutritious character of food, as a cow in
milk. This enlarges and gives full size to
the lacteal vessels, strength and vigor to the
constitution, and we are confident materially
aids to make the full grown cow what we
want her to be.
Gribbin's tests for a good cow, as shown
by the escutcheon, we find are much and in
creasingly relied on by 'dairymen. Without
being able to understand how they are con
nected, or what they have to do with the lac
teal secretions, (and which may be like many
other matters which we do not understand,
but cannot help believing) there is abundant
evidence that they generally accompany, and
have been fully proved by thousands of far
mers to be a sign of deep milking. From
our own observations, we know of no tests so
reliable, and would advise every dairyman to
procure a copy of the work.
The value of a dairy cow does not depend
entirely'on the amount of her yield, but al
so on the times she will go dry.
Victor Gilbert never allowed ewes to have
lambs until they had passedt their third year;
and the bucks were not used until they.had
arrived at full maturity. He, as well as
many other sagacious stock-raisers, that we
might name, are probably conversant with
the fact, that during the period of growth
and development, up to maturity, the re
productive organs are dormant, while at the
same time the nutritive function was wholly
elaborating in ch yle and blood fur
engaged •
the development of hone, muscle, and nerve;
and that by calling into requisition the re
productive or generative organs, before the
animal had attained full growth, must ne
cessarily divert the elements of matter, in
tended for nutrition. front their legitimate
channel, and direct theta to the reproductive
organs. This is precisely what takes place.
A too early use of the purely animal func
tion, induces weakness and stunted growth.
--Am. Va. Journal.
Editor and Proprietor
NO. 2.
ponteztic °nano!.
Valuable Receipts
Punot NO—One loaf baker's bread,
half pound English currants, four eggs, tea
cupful brown sugar, half a pound of beef su
et, put in a bag and boil 3 hours. The bag
should not be entirely filled:
To TELL GOOl EGGS.-If you desire to he
certain that your eggs are good and fresh,
put them in water. If the butts turn up
they are not fresh. This is an infallible rule
to distinguish a good egg from a had one.
WIC TYE Cop C.A.K.E.-L-Take, four cups of flour,
two of sugar, one of butter, one of sour cream_
or milk; nutmeg, cinnamon, or )tmon, with
five beaten egg 4, and a tea-spoonful of sallerat
us; bake in cups or tins twenty-five minutes.
NoTnING CAKE—One egg, a piece of but
ter same size, one cup of sugar, one cup of
milk, one pint of flour, one teaspoonful of so
da, two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar. Di
vide the milk, and dissolve the cream of tar
tar and soda separately, thou pour them to
To MAKE SNOWBALLS—Sw•eII rice; in milk;
strain it and lay it around some apples, pre
viously pared and cored; put a bit of cinna
mon, lemon-peel, and a clove in each, then
tie them in. a cloth, and Boil them well; they
are eaten with melted butter and sugar.
N To A ST.—Take a small loaf baker's
bread a day old, and cut in slices an inch in
thickness; make a custard of four eggs, well
beaten, to a quart of milk, adding four table
spoonfuls of sugar; soak the bread - in the
custard until it becomes saturated ; theca
fry the bread in fresh butter till nearly
brown. Serve with lemon sauce.
many valuable receipts in your paper, I will
Lake the liberty to send you one that 1 have
used fbr some years :--1 quart of milk, 2
eggs, 4 table-spoonfuls of wheat flour, 1 table
spoonful of sakeratus. _lndian meal enough
to make a thick batter. Butter and bake on
a long tin, half an hour. Serve hot for tea
u ith butter and sugar.
EGO AND liltiK—Take a fresh egg, break
it in a saucer, and with a three-pronged fork
beat It until it is as thick as batter. Have
ready half a pint of boiling milk, sweetened
with white sugar, stir the egg into the milk,
and serve it with a piece of sponge cake or
slice of toast. It is considered very light,
nourishing food for an invalid. Sonic prefer
the yolk and white of the egg beaten sep
groyn gooseberries before they are ripe, pick
them, and put them into wide-mouthed bot
tles, cork them gently with new soft corks,
and put them in an oven from which the
bread has been drawn, let them stand. till
they have shrunk nearly a quarter; then take
them out and beat the corks in tight, cut
them off level with the bottle, and rosin thant
down close. Keep them in a dry place.
pound of fruit, ono quart of cold water ;let it
stand three days. To every gallon of juice,
when strained, add three pounds of common
`loaf sugar. To every twenty quarts of liquor,
one bottle of brandy. Hang some - isinglass
in a bag in the cask. When it has stood half
a year, plug it, and, if the sweetness is gone
off sufficiently, bottle it. The gooseberries
should be quite green though full grown.
it until it is tender and will
slip off the bone. if designed to pickle and
keep on hand, throw it into cold water and
take out the bones;—then pack it into a jar
and boil with the jelly liquor art equal quan
tity of vinegar, salt enough to season;_ cloves,
cinnamon, pepper enough to make it pleasant,
and pour it on the souse scalding hot, and
when wanted for use, warm it in the liquor,
or make a batter and dip each piece in,' and
fry in hot butter. This way is usually pre
ferred, and it is as nice as tripe.
IaS.V3S Beer.—Six quarts of water, two quarts
of molasses, half a pint of yeast,' two spoon
fuls of cream tartar. Stir all together. Add
the grated peel of a lemon ; and the juice
may be substituted for the cream tartar.
Bottle after standing ten or twelve hours,
with a raisin in each.
Harvest Drink.—Mix with five gallons of
good water, half a gallon of molasses, one
quart of vinegar, and two ounces of pow
dered ginger. This is not only a very pleas
ant beverage, but one highly invigorating
and healthful.
HOW TO COOK SILSD.—Shad are excellent
when baked, either on a board, which is the
best, or by the following mode :—Stuff them
with a seasoning made of bread crumbs, but
ter, salt, • pepper, and, (if agreeable) pars
ley and spices. Put the fish in a baking
dish, with a cupful of water and a lump of
butter. Bake from three
.quarters "of an
hour to an hour. Shad broiled is also excel
lent, but is spoiled byfiving, as it loses near
ly all its fine flavor.—This being a ir.oist fish,
it should never be boiled. Those who never
eat a baked or boiled shad, know nothing of
that excellence which we claim for this fish
over all others.
Set a pan of sweet milk, water will do, if
milk cannot be had, over the fire, and let it
boil. Have ready a paste made of cold
milk, or water, and buckwheat flour, suili
cicnt to make the pudding as thick as it can
be stirred. Let it cook slowly fifteen or
twenty minutes. Eat it with Sauce, made
by heating together, a half a pint of molass
es, a quarter of .4, pint of water and vinegar,
or lemon juice enough - to give it a pleasant
acid. When it comes to a boil, stir in a
heaping table-spoonful of Hour, mixed smooth
ly with cold water. This is a very cheap
and excellent dish.
Make a syrup boiling hot, and having
picked fine, large strawberries free from
hulls, (or, if preferred, leave them and half
an inch of the stem on,) pour it over them;
let it remain until the next day, then drain
it off, and boil again; return it hot to the
fruit;--,let them remain for another night;
then put them into the kettle, and hoil gent
ly for half an hour; cut one in two; if "s
done through, take them from 'the sy, up
with a skimmer, and spread them. on flat
dishes 1 cool: boil the syrup until thick and
rich: thc,u put the fruit into glass jars; let
the syrup cool and settle; then pour it care
fully off from the sediment over the fruit,
A stranger is received according to
his dress. and taken leave of according tc
his Incrit.-