fermis' fbalto. LE LANDS !! R SALE. ARM, two wiles north , adjoining Serbia Hotel pron. th Large =WK. HOUSE, lute t House, and other Improve .. of more than east of build- MI, two and a half miles Ts l e io u t E a I 1 0 1 l i i l at l L 1 l and isAn excellent '`rata farm. fit No . an 0 , eon u A.ere% LDINGS. It Is s divid • Turnpike inn! comp ken. Price. - I]65W. .. • five miles from Get road, 15.11 Acres, good land in lb large BRICK HOUSE, and Price ss,soa—very cheap. Y GOOD FARM, two sse Acres, with large Bank Barn, all in good per acre. .• ITO Acres, four on Public road. comforta- GEt, red kind, ;4 limed.— Bent FRUIT FARM, Gettysburg, on public road, land, with comfortable D RED LAND FARM, ble HOUSE and all needed n. Land limed and In good near Baltimore Turnpike, , Sirdie3 train Lltgleatown. RACT OF GRANITE from Gettysburg on York • HOUSE and STABLE., a or aleobanie- .Price r 2,50 t Y GOOD - FARM, two .burg, on public road, r. 4 • d in good condition,: • • •ed HOUSE„ large Flank loci location. Price Mil per res with buildings= same. 'EBY GOOD STOCK Of Gettysburg, on York sell 110 Acres. about 1,4 E HOL'SE, two Barns, well • were —terms easy. Y VALUABLE FARM, tai acres heavy Timber, Oak, . !We miles west of Getty- two sets of Buildings, will excellent fruit farm, good ce $45 per acre. ID FARM, 130 Acres, 7 g. Harrisburg road, good , Barn, all kinds of frint.— • T-CLASS RED LAND will sell 100 Acres ; 2 miles Harrisburg road ; good in good order. USE, Bank Barn, abundant Farms and Town Property, :And Town Property, to ex • • LIMY Farms. R. G. McCREARY. I tforney for the Owners, Gettysburg, Pa. OWN PRORERTIES T PRIVATE SALE;. rs at Private Sale, the fol. le and desirable Properties gh of Gettysburg, to wit: ree . -story• Brick House, t, In which he now resides. ew Brick Houses on Shops and Lots on reef 0-stog Frame House 3iiddle Street, (known vent'-1 8 Acres of Ground, n a high stateot cultivation I a half Lots of Growl d adjoining lands of Henry he above properties Will be Call CM or address, ICEILOLAS IKEANIER, Gettysburg, ?a. WR PROPERTY kT.PRIVATE SALE- OI situated one wn o' Pilo In the Borough of on the Cottage style, with er r conve throughout, at the door, with a rood titling& The Grounds are ted with a variety of or. rig to buy this is a rani berhientasibe second 1d by that tline It will be Ist of April, I 8 Ire of Geo. Arnold or Fain. ret National Bank, or of CYRUS & Mora Dale P. Q. Pa. ' RENT. SINESS STAND is offer:tui e property is situated on urn (formerly used he BulMing consist of a rick Smoke House, Brick Large Frame Stable. litasantly located, and well of. Dulness. It was for_ . in ail -rin g establishment far respects. • Oilers inquire of JOHN SOCKS, LEVI F. WHAVF.B._ RENT. DWELLING, formerly McCurdy, Lnd now occu- Krise, on Chambersburg ppointe the "Keystone" er, with every desirable sold on reasonable terms. be fur !tent from the Ist •ly to the undersigned, at - McCurdy, Gettysburg. JOHN HARTIdA N. EIME F THE ROPERTIES, Eig;=iliM Gettysbukg, Aluable and Miwmri. ti & WOODS, tterne7B at Law and Real Estate Lax, MEI N LANDS AND A FEW CTS CIE n Lands loCated uear &e., In well settled 1113edi or exchange at a In /Wants county, Pa. GEO. ARNOLD. n Property :ALE. ELLING; Tlt Pe!' --traoenuh—infthGesining ell feet pi on evensLWL The build- In heat style. It will be It willbe forEHLE Reot. -t. D. BUR. ALE CHEAP. ilelbriblirg A' r . 7 .oveamellta far C Ila OM er JineDUL Call Gett ysbur IN THE YEAR 1870, 41 cucambel MARK U111)8, length. or sue'. sent let , for • M /LES DEEP , &airy n ra f pen ter—huraUe—Rdits best recommendstioa. wan am! Av.ietil !asap Mak e. atrame,ft. , lt ers orakeri leMeraekie. to Parties to t own . " recell4 ug the regal- yoga 1 Pump irmaramtee onG e n llanuftetarer, _lJ+~laddphia. CRlArpt TICIELNG & 111. I tL t itin* sub ttntinel. PC;==2!= BEIDOX.—The County Commissioners invite proposals for the building of a Cast Iron Bridge across Willonghby's Run. See advertisement. • REKOVED. —David kitzmiller has re- moved his Boot and Shoe store from York , Streette Baltimore Street, ouposite the "MAR AND fisrelnige" Ace. VirTrout fishing will commence on the Ist of April. The law prohibits the catch. of trout except in the months of April, May,une and July. ME= . , MALF.S.—n - incis Bream, Esq., has pur chased a farm of 100 acres in Cumberland township, belonging to the estate of Fred erick Herr, deceased, at $l,BOO. Horst Coati - oz.—Levi Roahrbangli of Glen Hoek took pasession of the "Wash ington House" yesterday. Mr. Yount re moving to the Ebrehart property. ImPuovicutirrs.--Sacoh Musselman of Fairfield, is about finishing it two-story weatherboarded house, and will also build a brick house. Robert M. Hill is putting up a two-sit.cirT weatherboarded house. HomplSToLtdx. 13 ate ay nightlast, a valuable horse, with saddle and bridle, was stolen from the stable of Moses Raf fensperger, in Franklin township. De tective Rouser has started to look up the thief. AT Hoer..-=lion, Edward McPherson / made a brief visit hone during the past week. He is looking well, with evidently improved health. He returned to Wash ington on Wednesday, to remain until Congress adjourns. L7lf a man is too stingy to advertise he is too stingy to give bargains to his custom era. Liberality in theme of printer's ink invariably indicates a spirit io of liberality and enterprise in the man of business, with whom all may feel safe in dealing. GO/NG SOUTII.—On Tuesday of last week Wm. F. Lott removed with his family to Salem, Forsyth co., North Caro 41na, and about the sth of April Lafayette Brenizer will start with his family fiir 'the vicinity of Lexington, Davidson county, North Carolina. REMOVALS. —Those of our subscribers who intend to change their residences this spring, are requested to. notify us promptly that we may correct our mailing list; In doing so, alWitys - give the Past office to which it is now sent, and the Post office to which it is to be sent, in future. Please bear this in mind. PAT DAY.—The first of April, which in ..this community is regarded as universal . pay day, is rapidly approaching, and we presume considerable money will change ihands in our steighbcoll oiod when it does sine. People .1.120 IcFking forward 'to It with rusich .aariety4xpecting to be able to square their accounts and make a new start again in the .great tide of life and business. Tiir: Porziiistriess.—When; you go to the postoffice to get a stamp, fix yourself right opposite the window, wait rail you pull oat your purse and then offer a five dollar bill in payment. Be very Partidlibir to count all the /Mall change wad wrap your pocket book : earefully, after *deb you can stick on the Madam atyour leisure, and bang it three or four times with your fist, while you listen to the crowd 'behind you condemn you for a slow coach. Then skavel7 Asir, and WOttner wLy rums plash so. ..thaartrate..- 7 011 Friday last Sheriff "Kleak brengbt from Hagerstown, on req. wsitiee by 'the Governor, a man named Charles Fltzpatrick, charged with the forgery. of taro . notes, in Nwsenther last, one reputing to be drawn by *age Tiasserri fer $4 Or . vivid:de to David Lockahauglr; sad the ether by mane for VOILA, grajhble to Louis Pittenger. The Parties reside hear Monterey, and are con nected with the Western Maryland. Rail road, ia proems of construction Dsr that place. Informations, charging the for . were made before Esquire Cover several weeks ago by Lockabaugh and Pittenger, which led to the arrest of Fitzpatrick' at Hagerstown. PAY OF CZNISQII 2 63.811ALL8.-011 the 'nut day of the' session of the 41st Con zress, the following act was passed an -that-ken, in certain cases, an increase of rthe r pay of Antenna Marshals engaged in itakinothe Census: er-reb. l s4.4—That We Secretary or the Interior be, and he is -hereby an thorized to increase the compensation of Assistant Marshals in taking the Census of 187% whenever in his „judgement the same shall be neee . leari; provided that in no case sha ll said aneonie exceed fifty per centum of the amount of compensation now allowed by law; nor shall the entire compensation be mere than $8 per day for the time aetzaily employed; and the joint Resolution entitled A 4.1.: resolution in relation to the compensation of Assistant Marshals for taking the Census of 1870," approved June 6. 1870, be and the same hereby repealed. MORE stranger, rrlltng • himself H. A. Gaen, was operating in this county last week, purporting to dis pose of patent-rights for the sale of a Priming Shears. Among others whom 116 dealt with was Mr. Henry M. Swartz, of Cern/waxed township, who took an assigns -vont of three tone/0,14s ,and exe" cuted an. 4l e s 4d. agreement by 4,tich Swartz was pay Green a premium on sales. SubseqL •Altefinspicio" mc"nenta of Green lead Mr. tx:esnrtz to suspect that all was not right, an,.. 1 lift4iseovered that in singing what he sun to be simply articles of agreements he . signed a negotiable note for WS, Green unsuccessfully tried to negotiate' 14 Get tysburg. Mr. S. at once emplo,'ed the services of detective Rouzer, who ow"- hauled Green at York, just as the la Ur , was about taking the-case for Harrisburg:. Green promptly gave • up the note to Mr. Sirartz, and went oil his way. We undsnataild that: Green drove to York with a horse and buggy, which he left at a livery in that place. IV is the inipression that others besides Mr. Swartz may have been "taken in" in the same way. BARN Bcasrr.—On Tuesday night the barn of Mr. &Isiah G. Weaver, near Cen tre was destroyed by Ike. The light was plainty sees in this Aims And occasioned an alarm of fire,,the first :im pression heingthatitirmemerkurm-We leave no particulars sa.tucloss, but learn that the stork Link . finpletnents were saved. Mr. Weaver had an insurance in the Mommisburg. Cloinplaykr-- pined some eight or ten days: . ago. Since the above was fa 'type we learn that Mr. Weaves frump ham oir Hay, 50 bushels of Whelk 12 3 : ' bushels of Oats, over 125 bushels of Cum Thresh Ma chine, Broad-tread Wagon, Winnevrtrig Mill, Horse Gears, and most alb of his farming btiplementa The loss is mans_ ted at $2,000. Mr. Weaver is satisfied that it was the-work of an inoendlag and offers a reward of $lOO for the arrest and conviction of the person or persons. ii'Don't fail to attend the sale of J. W. Wible, on the 25th inst. Le4cAl. rrzias. • We learn that the Central Pew Oran's Conframme of the Methodist Episcopal Church has just closed its annual session at Carlisle, leaving a delightful impression in that eostrountey. arr. air. Cbeaton, for the Lut two tears pastor of the church in this place assumes charge of a congregation in Newport—a rery pleasant appointment. Ile will preach his last sermon in this place on Sabbath evening next (the 19th) inst., and the succeeding Sabbath, his easiceasor, Rai. J. B. Young, a graduate At Dick's. eon College, will preach both morning and evening. We are informed that Mr. Young is a man of fine talent wad promise. TAXES Al JUDGMENTS ,AND Morroita nts.—The eat to extend to Adams county the provisions of the Act of April 4, 188, in regard to taxes Judgments and Mortgages, has passed bath branches of the Legislature and beep approved by the Governor. We anex the origlisal447 Ax Acr to promote the improvement a, real estate by exempting mortgages and other money securities from taxation, except for state purposes, in certain emmties of this commonwealth. Samos - 1, Be it enacted . by the Benate and ilittiad Beinvisratatsou of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania in General dumbly ma, and it ichsreby enacted by the authority of the sante, That all mort gages, judgments, nscognixances and moneys owing upon articles of agreement for the sale of real estate made and exe entettafter the passage of this set, shall, be exempt from all taxation except for state purposes, and that from and after the first day of December next no Taxes of any description shall be assessed or col lected except for state purposes, on or from mortgages, judgmenta, reeogni zances or moneys owing upon articles of agreement for the sale of real estate whether made and executed before or af ter the passage of this act: Provided, That nothing in this act shall be constructed to apply to mortgages, judgments or arti cle of agreement given by corporations. The original act applied to Lancaster and other counties, and last fall, in a test question raised by the city of Lancaster, the Court held that under the act judg ments and mortgages of no kind are liable to taxation, whether held as security for purchase Money or by parties at second hands as a safe investment of their spare capital. APITILmax Dirrewrs.—The Internal &reties districts in this county, as here tofore anamumed, bare been consolidated into two. renew liable to tax in the fol lowing "owashipe will make return to John M. Krzwtk, seq., Gettrbarg:-- Cumberland, lifonekl; Freedom, Thill land, liberty, Hanii:+onban, itralikliri; Menallen, Butler, Tyrone, .!hwittwitesill Letimors, York Springs, Real lag, km' Itsa and Hamilton. Maws residing in the %auditin g tcreri stips, vis:—Oxford, Berwkk borough & act township, Conowago, Nountplassant, unk, f i r Germany, and Littiesumn, will make Adorn to Wm. King, Eeq., New Gator& • arWe pehlt. the American Watch Co., in another column- In addi o nsi.. to the large asiothatsat of watches insole by this Company,they de sire toltall.sieSial attention to the Watch for railway songinsess, conductars anttex pressznen. • Also their w l re Watch which is now fiat placed on the market, and to which they desire to/call the at. tendon of Yens, Anurica. It 1:7"W. are prepared to do all kinds of Job Printing at short notice and on rem. onable terns. lira want balsams cads, wsibling Owl ' bWUeda, beider-bewds, envelopes, statements, ft.; also, sale bills, horse talk and posters of all kinds, go to the DUX AIM E411:1M413• office. Judg ment .aktes, sulainam, subponas, an ham* Call said see'lamxgsmis. , Tam Bear cam-'b Yams iiksolt er Searle( Yoshio* is the best. Xasbibe out._ It eau be seem by per, as C Deemer at tbs 1 9Leystx4p tiodiv Gettys burg. Bee adv. It PREmarr AND DESTRUCTION OF PROP- I A Citril Rob CROLERi.—fiezin YNTY.—On Sunday morning last, a rain Worthi - Sr., Esq., of the Second° set in sometime after midnight, and con- district of Baltimore county, sends 'to the tinned until about noon, caradng a rapid. T journal As following pre rise in the streams in this neighborhood. IXei • *dile he litates is 11 sure Ark Stevens Run, immediately, north of town, for bog cholera. It is as follows: .becarne a raging torrent, while Rock Take ten grains otcalornel and tengrains creek assumed the proportions of a river; of tarter emetic and make them into &pal. the water speeding out from a foUrfltiti As aeon as it / iethitpthe hlt is sick half a mile 4n width. Both the stone give the PIM' he &in& fel : the bridge on the York pike and the wooden better hy next day, or within about twen. bridge on the Bonaughtown road were iso. ty-fours, give another pill of the same hated, the torrent sweeping across the ingredients. Mr. Worthington informs roads on either side. Fences were swept us that he has never known a second dose away in all directions for miles, of medicine fail to effect a perfect cure In the neighborhood of Horner's mill and restore the hog to health. Mr. the flood was frightful, the Miter rising Worthington himself has cured more than two feet higher than was ever Immo.— one hundred hogs, which have been Mille - Mr. Keilholta informs us that it was sev- ted hhelere, by this medicine en feet deep on the lower floor of the mill. •The bridge over the race was lifted from its position and deposited at the dobr of the mill. Mr. Rein:Kilts lost a number of saw-logs and lumber at his saw-mill.— About 25 feet of the breast_ of the dam were swept away. The large bridge on the Taneytowu road gave way about twelve“ o'clock, and was carried full a mile down the stream. Here, as along the up per part of Rock creek, the fences were ' swept away, large trees being nproqted and sent whirling along the flood. Messrs. Henry Lott, Win. Forney, James Rider, R. K. Mellhenny, Henry Schriver, New ton Homer, Wm. Cromer, George Melt ring, Silas Homer, James McAllister, Henry Welty, E. B. Buehler, Esq., Wm. B. Meals, Josiah Benner, John Welty—in deed almost every land owner along Rock creek for miles—bar suffered more or less in the destruction of fences. We learn that along the Conowago, there was .considerable destruction of propertf‘ but we have no particulars. We have heard of no loss of life. Mr. David Beitler, of Monntjoy township, made a narrow escape. 4bout 3 P. M., when the waters had already commenced falling, he undertook to drive with a horse and buggy over the bridge on the Balti more pike. The buggy and horse were swept away by the current, the horse be ing drowned. Mr. Bgitleir was thrown from the, buggy, and fortunately lodged against iithorn tree along the bank of the stream, where he sustained biniself until relieved by some neighbors with the aid of rope*. CSINFERMWE APPOINTMENTS. —T h e follOv , Wig are the appointments made by the Central Pennsylvania Conference of the M. E. Church for the Carlisle district: T. Mitchell, Presiding Elder; Cailisle, let Church, J. D. Brown; Carlisle, Emory, W. M. Frysinger; Mt. Holly, J. M. Lantz, G. T. Gray, snp.; Chanibersburg, lit Church, E. W. Kirby, 2d Church, A. D. Yocum; Shippensburg„ ; W. C. Helmer; Shippensberg Circuit, C. White; New villa and Rehoboath, J. A. Dixon; Mechan icsburg, J. H. McGarrah; York, let Church, W. IL D. Ryan; York, Duke street, G. D. Pemnepacker; Wrightsville, H. M. Ash; Shrew/drum John Lloyd; Castle Fin, 1. EdWards; Hanover a nd New Oxford, W. H. Keith; York Birrimar' • . T. F. McClure; Gettys g , J. B. Youlg; Mont Alto, B. Young; - Kew Cumber bind,. J. M. Parke, J. Comp, 0. Ege, sap.; DIIIICEIIINNI, C. - .Graham; Newport, H. C. Clairton; Liverpool, A. H. Mensch; Wayne/Alford' •J. Donahue; Greencastle, I. B. Shaver ; ' „Mercersberg, J. W. Feight; McConnelbsbsp Hugh . Linn, J. H. S. Clarke. 7- Rev. M. L. Drum remains at Emporium, Willtamsport District. Rev. N. 8. Buck ingham goes to Shamokin, Danville Dis trict ear, 6ii7nn goes to Manor Hill, 0. W. House, Scottsville, Juniata District. Rev. ea. Wareen ressalosat Hollidaysburg, Altoona District_ • A Raw Rusyru.—.EillWand Some is the title of a new Health '3ldgazine,of 44 pages royal octavo, just issued in very neat form by W. R. Ds Puv 805 Broadway, New York. In their pros pectus the publishers promise a high-ton ed, practical health journal, edited not in the in of any medical party or clique boOmsrhich shall "glean from all fields, had 4der contribuiton all schools of mediciiii4. and seek aid from all intelli gent accessible teachers." The first 4=4 ber now before ns has a varied and -oinvii ting table of contents, which needs only to be seen in order to; awaken littention. It furnishes not only a number of elaborate ly preparedpapers, but alai) a gneat varie ty of miscellaneous "facts, hiints, reme dies, etc.," for the family circle. The publishers offer it to subscribers at 81.50 a year, and call for canvassers in all pdrta of the country, to whom they will pay large Cub nonunissions. - Cir Tux Spring Term of "Linden Hall" the well known Young ladies' Seminary has just opened. !Upwards of four sand young ladies have been educated here since its foundation in 1794. During the present scholastic) year, young ladies from Wyoming, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Oregon New Jersey, Nevada, Mexico, Massachu setts, Maryland, Kentucky lowa, Illinois, District of Columbia, and Delaware have been in attendance, CirA large Volume would not contain the mass of testimony - which has accumu lated in favor of Dr. Wlstar's Balsam of Wild Cherry as a safe, efficient and relia ble remedy in miming coughs, colds and pulmonary disease. Many of the cures are truly wonderful. It CORNS, BUNIONS, INGROWINO NAHA, ETC.-Still another triumph in the medical art! Thousands offer their congratulations to Dr. Briggs for the astonishing success of his Alleviator and_ Curative in the speedy relief and cure of Ccsnik,.Bnaions, and all diseases ef the feet, no nzatterhow severe or aggeavated,the easei.anay The aPPlitAtkrao 4kese - great remedial agents matantly'secees the most distres sing caries, and rapidly effects a curt. Sold by all druggists. Puma instantly relieved and soon cured by using Dr. J. ,Briggs' Pile Remedies.— They reduce inflammation, soothe the ir ritated parts, and have proved a blessiag , to the aftiklied, whOheristernal, external, bleeding orliching piles. All kinds in all stages must yield to the wonderful influ ence of these never failTng remedies. Above medic:isms sold by A. D. Buehler, J. 3f. Huber and T/ruggistsgeheratly. Citation.—Bigivain & Bro., have chanz ed their Depot in Philadelphia to Howard Hirschman & Son, No 810 Market street. l'ersoas &eh-tog to have their goods ship ped by Bigbarn'a tine will please ;notice the above change. WAairolaim Rua Roarr.—.The buil/kyr now occuisied 117 Jo& Wnsta & soar as s Pratt/ea Warehouse, Ciettyebaux,, Inquire oraTuseph tt lisza:rArna liignicrsze--liead the ed_ vestisement of Miller &Timis, Druggists of Baltimore, in to-day's paper, headed . !'Health ! Health !" No humbug. ,-It you ;rant Groceries, it% call.# Cowes, on York street, where you wilt a hill supply at retina:4olA ntar.ll,4m AT Corr! kr Coes! Datil April, la7l— NORRZEV Conker, to make room for Spring goods—Clotiking, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, at WITOLESULY MUM. Now is your time for Bargains. Don't fail to call," if you need anything ik. my tine. No Humbug. can and see .f 9 yonnefres. Funaunan 13.00 ms TO Lim—Three furnished Roams to let, in the Centre square, desirable . for students or others. Ternis - reasonable. Enquire of Mrs. Har riet Harper. tf THE BEET STOVE, now in market, for beauty, economy, and ontifort,-is admitted ell around to be the MORNING GLORY. It delles ail cuppetition, and that is the judgment of ell 141140 have used it. it is just the thing for Offices, Stores, awl parlors Chambers. Call at C. H. itztehler:e- Ware Room, opposite the. Passenger Depot, end examine for yourselves. tf Coola Awn GAs TAIL—The Gettysburg Gas Company base on band a lot of 'Lae and Gas Tar, whisk will be sold on reason able terms. Apply to Henry Elarbrahem, Superintendent, at the Gas Works.-- SALE OF Poanrrtrits.---John Gulp, .of M., will sell, at his residence on Carlisle street on Saturday, March 18, at one o'clock, P. M, valuable Household and Kitchen Furniture—all good condition, and most of it nearly new, baving been' is use but a year or two. ts Girr your sale bjAla printed at the firau & Siumarm office. Foliftlarr• - 47 11 9 rcoNzi. iSa Tor*Aareet, near the dininend, one Ignitable ter a_ ban, aeon lame. Either one or both can be makol, For partimilam ;moire at this °Moe. .litar.ll, ti Tax PzerNauxaszt C.Qtqc svs.--13 the. best and cheapest is the maims ?far-. rental to bake and give satisfaction is evOr3' respect: Dora * tad E644 0 .1_, 9 1 r of them, H you w a nts reitlygoad "loft Sold ciebr b:y 9.4. Coca, Ycik.staast' of the . . Fox ors.—A Young Mare, 5 rare old, large size, well suited for faripiryt-. Virginia stock. 4 .l2pqnire of R. C. Cobean.: To BICLL—AT guar PRICE.—A bawl some CASE with glass front, suitsibbi storeor library. Inquire, at this aim , - • To Was N..4lLiner, Nubia dealer, opposite the Ceitit-gesoile;*6l4; ostxtri b en band *find *wit ' • " atones at veSlOws *Ow aid AU tia which he to ciiilthiiAticialeit i lwf persons needing anything in his , How sad a sight is the neglected grass oii ' a friend, Whim lerseinsa' it at saphiew prices, &um or PopooriAL Poorowry.—The *and* sales o Perocosal Propptit irip tok *out ha our advert/4v Nee. ildrail " W.OviesiGl asiordw. • " 174 am* wallow isor e=bl.. " beswilksira it. i n s et thildaYl " • 11, mat, ID,Bt =M!!!!Mi .• 84) March 111, 1371-31 iIIiRKA4I4 itrionsed-linyt a.it berg Catiseilim it • - 44.1w,ipraffpforwrizsl. no, , tegdivirtistmtuts. • . _ FILANYLIN.—Rev, A. Buhrman, for a i number of years Pastor of the Lutheran I Ktupf JOHN OTICS —Tee itecrount of ° Nit j = n as` Wile; til Ad9,IIISCRLLIIi; ' T Chilrdh in Waynzbo=opted • tbs i v,el cam county. QUOIN) .t.44Kto lie 'io=l:3-imud Pa.—On Monday evening last a sad sect- • e ‘, use =Mpentrery. 1111 dent happened at Marion station, on the liar . 17 1/371.-141JA COB .LHORN Protleyd , Franklin railroad, which will doubtless the victim. The. acconfli "vin'us brit& unfortunatelisit fair is as follows: Two men from some where on the Warmspring road were about starting to the West; and came to Marion'station oti Tueiday evening to take the train. As the train was appraachOg they "started to cross the track in fratieiff it, the man . who was injured in front. Neither of them saw the train whichleas coming up slowly, as they approached the track, until it was almost upon the fore most man, when it was to late for! Mai' to escape. The cowc.atehev strpck him and threw sins off the „tfackk. between it and the sideiug, and perhaps stunned him for a moment. At any rate after this: he lay perfectly st 4 instill -ilms engine and mime.' cars had pissed when he began struggling and threw his right leg across track, and several cars had passed over it. crushing it fearfully above the knee. , The jrnfopunata man max removed ift ftio mars ; - th Chamherishurgrand taken to Mr: Boyd's Hotel, where every attention, medical and otherwise, that his dangerouis injury de , mended, were bestowed on him. .Last night the leg was amputated, but we are told that there is no hope of his recovery His name is said to be Fawber, and he has a wife and family living in Cuk.beriand county.—The Chambersburg— turnpike Comparty,electedpn Monday laSt the fol lowing officers, for the ensuing year: Treasurer, J. S. Nixon; Secretary, Benj. Chambers; Managers, B: S. Schneck, John Downey, John. Stouffer, E. D. Newman, Benj. think**. ' YORE.—The.desliCatOri services of St. Paul's Lutheran church, corner of Beaver and King street, took place on Sunday morning at ten o'clock. Among the eler . gyman who were present, were, Rev. Pohlman, D. D., of Albany, Rev. Courad,• D. D., of Philadelphia, Rey. Suesserott, of Lancaster, RElT..Brown, D. IL, and Prot, Baugher, D. D., of Gettysburg, Rev. Bamitz, of Wheeling, Rev. Bellheimer, of Shipponsburg, Revs. Lilly, Menges, S. Os wald, D. D., of York, and the Pastor Rev. Baum, D. D. The Rev. D. Oswald con ducted the opening services, after which' Daniel Kraber, Rae., Chairman of the Builditig Conimittee, forinalty gave the church edifice into the halide of the 'Pastier for Medication. /Dr. ' ' Psiohlman then preached an able mud- impressive 'sermon from the teit, "Acid lie ' wined the alum of thatplvige Bethel." Fon liu.K.---Impotted Italian Oats, :Yielding 20 *4 l '4* from I l b s. sewed -141 stooks from one grain. Fold at 50 cents lbr one peck 64*. Cal) on or ad dress fACOII IizAGY, Table Rock, Pa. It -------- • cei~u. of Litt' alattrtii. Ws!timer.. , irftet• i Yrw4drii Mllinrket, Baltimore, Thursday Morning. 5tahniad , 06wp. , v,.... , .....,,,,,,-.-..ri N 0 . ,. 6 UV ExT4A $1.0c6,0 4IL a 6.50 Waal Innern r, r ' f , r, l . ss a 175 RED WHISAT,I 50 a 167 , ‘ i• '- r. - tt OATS, 00 a 63 0 , . . Timonir-5m40,.. 645 la 650 Maya-SM. ' "7 . 21V 7 al 775 Fr-ix-Saab, C6l • 1 90• BAIXISA SHOULDERS, ' ' 9 4 • - 9 /4 " BLDES. Ilk' • 1234 " Kam, - - - mg s, is is,t a 13 La 11tD, • m .. Ginitirabsora Grain It !ci raalis MarkMl, G l ettyabuca.YcriaM-YPcniAt 111Aara, OCO O 575 -\ Ilrffial WEEMS— 1 ZS . la 145 s on / 1 40 COEN. ID 70 •-• QO Lit 7-5- ` OATS. 41; 1. 50 BIJCZWHEAT • . 00 Alt Tworar-inaD,.., Ctorzs9 sD aOq PIA.x..PEEO),- 170 , 1.7 i POTTOES. • O3 settutsititi..-L-0A LhliAL...,l3l.lbe.Zev. C. DOM Q. jtalrte 3Yeili• =Mtn; RINI • C. § .litii Joh a n mg. .i ORM inst.A.YIAT CMIA SO Mrs. Diary Ann Pibeely. White Hal l, eouety. _if Aum—STALity.—On tlhe , Untl ult.: by the Bev. Mr. Allred Palmer to MEN Luel94le Staley, ' this cA)lo4li.'• . WILD; II Obit to notkes Ottlto a filese tor AU ever loan seentppany ititi Ratko. ' i Chides siiernartal !Mute* resolutions otThis roden. ties, Arytent—{ht the 3d Inst., near the Two Tar. erm, Ida &tee, youngest child of U. M. aid Louisa Appier. 'aged 3 months And 21 days. liorrerae.—At Abbottstown, on the a 1 uM. Wtiliam Henry Ossvahl, son of Frederick and Nos san Honer. sod 3 m / month and M days. • Lrrrts.On the 7th WK. In Mounpkasant township, Ervin Son of ' Alexander W._ and UAW& Laths, Spew, 4 months and 7 itme. Ps The 1011 hiSt.. at the resideuse of Mr. Enamel rimer, in Cumberland townsip, Martha A. Patterson, daaghter of GeOrge Patter tam, deceased aged 3 Years / 1 1 1 0Qach 3 and 6dr Pixerster. --me the 1? er Inst. In Mourn y township. Mrs. GUM:Mier unkeit, ne otjossph Plunkem, aged 57 years maths awl 13 days. 1 getr gl,,drinistturato. Notice HS qnde ed ha printed Ate for Se.. , Pa.,.ba to the , e byg grdinee Note, Due kti or by Sat given at the sale of Res. Latshaw In the, Wing Gt. 1,50 t: and py Notes given at Use ll sale of a. J. Bles lit cKallt ecket hi ,th the Spring of - 1870, to ca on me at stown. on the Flng tkunent,and Third days of April next to make mg. All persons wherfall teotomply with the above condltions will Ind their areontits placed in the Natids of B. O. McCreary, Bsq.,_ln Gettysburg. for collection. tipz. LATE Attorney in fact for Henry Bievcker, liarch 27. 3t . . uoCLEAN 4c HOOP.4a • ... - . SEWING naIIINE. , .C. DARNEk-liggetti, A'GREAV. AT' TOTORY ! ... ,. - ' • - • T T Ur h etzt"4""° l44 B 2 ."'ag . in ro r - ~. ... . • , . .... . ' • ' . . $4O ... maildo the game' weritlib , Price 4 mashing. 'lt 'perks rapid .. ttr o ir4Lie • ease than ant ot.r ae to e Is mare emit Ism atitßildittoeitseli*ei4 e is aot Sable jes oat bider: "KEYEiTO . Wean NE G • = tam tbe , insetdrtei le the ROTEL" Gtotiospe Mar. 17, 1811— et tt - • ..c0411::::-Procia*tiott, permaipii4 eertifielltos. . . M II ERE will be a meeting of the Committee on .Teachers' Permanent Certificates, In the Atblie fichisol Butkllng. at Gettysburg, March 25th 1871. An applicants must be Present OLLIE J. PE fEltB, Seep. Mar. 17—It MORA VIAN Semiearyder holt Ladies. "LINDEN HALL.'" FOUNDED 1894. j T is most hnportant for_parents to know W LWI* 1. they eau get the beat English Education and 11118140011 Mlnatitiitioft Ilagl beep in SUCCetlilli operatlo4 for more *an three-quarters of a century, and ntarly-foqE thousand Young Ladies leive been educated here: litTlease address for Circular, withal! luit k irmatioit v..EUGENE A. FEU IfAUFF. 6, Principal, Li, Lancast co., Pa.` Plitaim.statelhal yen saw ttz the ads'e er nisemeut In the &ESE 4ND WrarrinEh t ar. 17-4 m TO Bridge Builders EALED PROPOSALS will be re Lived at nt Lye 7 of the Coras*loners of Adams eotin • I.l4ool l sVedg i fraff. the I.2th day GI April ne 4 f ereetf f' MINT IRON illfloGE, on t • Pratt Truss plan, across Willoughby's Run, On the raluileathirn from Gait/abuts to Fairfield, one and a half miles west of Gettysburg, Om. berland township. The bridge to be built In a span of 90 feet, with a pier In the °entre. • 1 The STONE WORK will be given out separate- Epee!lindens ean be seen al the Commission ers' office, in Gettysburg; at any time before the 12th of April next. M. lIARTNIAN. EMANUEL NEIDICH, FRANCIS WILL. C O / 11 1111 , 011611Pr1. Attest—J. .Jher. MYERS, Clerk. - Mareb 171 11171,- 1 11 * WAL'ITAM W A 'T € H. E S . The extensive use of these watches fur the last , fifteen years by Railway -Conductors, Engineers and Expresen en, the most exacting of watch- Wearers, has thoroughly demonstrated the strength, steadMeiss, durability and accuracy of the Waltham - Watch. To satisfy that class in aft these respects, Is to decide the quesUon as to Use real value of these time-keepers. him than '500,000 of these watehes are now speaking for themselves in the pockets of the people—a proof and a guarantee of their supers, wily over all others. The supgriot,organlzaUou Ltd great eztedt of the bompnitirs Works at Wahham. enables them to produce watches at a price which renders coin petition futile. and those who buy any other watch merely pay from 25 to 50 per rent. more for their watches lium is necessary. These time-pieces combine every improvement that a long - experienase has proved of real practi cal use. Haying had the refusal of nearly every Invutio4 in watelym king originating in this io4ntilt ; or Enecipe, onilr p 9 se a' finally adopted sina serve t esting by the most skilful! , artisans in our works, and long use on the part of the public, demonstrated to be essential to cor rect,and midttring time-kaelv. itiotoig the many Improrementj, we ould par trculazize : The invention and `use of a c , litre-pluton of peculiar construction, to prevent damage to the liu by the breakage. of matu.spriney, Lis (die. nal with the Amerman Watch Company, who, having had the refusal of all other couirivan ces adopted r egg's patent pinion as being the hest 'and faultleis. Hardened and tempered halr-9,rings, now unl remailitsteigagiamakers to 4,W altham Watches. All Waltham Watches have dust-proof m„ protecting the movement from dust, leavening the necessity of the frequent cleaning necessary 4n other watches. ii=r a nzinj ii a d tl i m-windleir . , or haylez p wat mT c e k mint on any stem-wl ng watch In the Anied ean market, and by far the cheapest watch of its quality now offered to the,public. To those fly big in portions of the tinired pieces where watch makers do not abound, whtebes with the above mentionedlniprovemems widen tend le ensure accuracy, • cleanliness, durability and conveni ence, must prove invaluable. The trademarks of the various styles made by the company are as folioss: AHRIMAN WATCH CO.. Waithatn, Mass. AMa. W a res CO., Welain, Masa YAmilaMitast Warner CM. rament tiC.,Valthatn, aw - A ma, TRACT & Cu., Waltham, Mho. Mt WARM, Co.. 4ffutni St., Waltham, Wativiam WATCH Ca. Waltham, Mass, ay= a. Ataw Examine the spelling these names carefully lee spelling Aa , en% al a single late, a re'Punt p lig yni . Mica No patches An Illumrated, history of watchmaking, am- Mining much useful informatlou to wagult-svelle ers sent to any address varappllcatioa ' BOBBINS & APPLEToN, Central BOBB IN for American Watch Cu . ft ' it... , Broadway, New York. it 111 r ft. PIT L PHYleteully ; 911 ea: sent by mall free. Teaches how to Gum ql **pram : skin. 4mk, eym, comp ex on. Vizltelo 714 BroadwaY. I. 4- C()111GE .1 • The AMINO - heat conducted Ilertoutee Col lege In the Cou9taT For circulars, write to P Duzp & 119N.5, mews?, Pa. rakta;f4re Edition Of tottri 4360k-ILESP INCA+ IGO pp:* The most euempreheuulie work V 1 1 1 8441. Ceigalue Natioiml tiek, sea: Road BeN t oenthivfe.: 4c 144Q111,NGTON (Lj.L.l:',lf loth 11 ,- .YSalt:' MO . 4crps. 13 ~,,reeism. largest Asp .•. ~ 4,V4ZALI Nrk r ; law rdessf ,7. L I.. .0 •.uw Wlat, • 04 ',go .Plant! e. Ever/rest, ' riat. Grafti, ,§fitglUngS. I . -C tial7l3, atm rotneoes.fgrret... n..cl, den &e.„ag.„ . Flower aii . 01...V.. . , Seedst keigtllestetaisonou--Bortao4lloll4 Bend 10 cents jur New, Illtisested, taseruglre catalogue -!-Sti pkgeee: 'Amid stamp. eUehi for Cats/ze e of gsed , is,l. , 42l4,4llrecttas—et„ oft .;.. ding Wee IA met. AI f re. pita i rtk e •Igoisobiligtog,'Enleols.' - 4t ' 1 , Q SEM AZEDS:-...Market tiatdenera "'until* . 1 4 treat e(411111a. ble should buy at the Vowel& we grew itte netert varieties at , Beet, tabbege, (rru r UV% lisle Lettuee, Melba. ()nicht, thenuaL , uaah Tnrnip and other Vegetable with ce I.,tae mimedtree, . -P WA bit 41=1,7 'delub irrit.o.l4C,, nth:dawn, 111 , Market ifireot,hits. Arra, . 4t A 68 R. OFFER —Horace • Water., 481 y, will dipole of• Our Hun. Melodeons,dyed Ylano and Organiser na first *ra makers. tealrdrig Witten', at exrremely row tare,Swirie- during this month; or will hhint it pa nigh and balsam in monthly or guar :OM iantallincata. rt • ss' to $lO or Day. MarA,, , ix pge tn our new budneqs makerfrom 15 to WO per day In their nip law, , bites. Full particulars and instruction; seat Roe by malL . Those in need of PerManent;-preifitablo work, eltwAnd address at nitcai r Games Atavisms St Co.. Mortiana, Maine. :IPOII-I#7 PER LINE, We wl l insert an advertisement ONE MON. TI3. In One Hundred, land FlEty-five First-class Pennsylvania, Newspapers,. .L 1 71klutting Sieves We reier to the publisher of this paper, to whom ourresponsibtlity is well known. ' • „LIST REVD Fitipa ro., • • • • Vbs. 40' gira u ltelne t % , York 4t EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL. 830 SALARL t rf o n se llT;VE, and expeen Mr T r. 1 . 0 tidreps S. awn . ; A.4.3itglu, :.1870 - Cob* eon , 9.7unt BRoa. & gittwAwnitmt en t o Ayes I Cathartic—Pills, For all flee purposes eta Zazaliae Medicine. DfatifAPS so one medicinesAieine is se univentally re. .J 1 malted by everybody as a cathartic, nor was ever any before so universally, adopt into use. In every country and among all came, as this mild but efficient purgative PM. The ()below reasons ia, that It Is more reliable and far mote effectual remedy thau any other. Those who I have tried It , know that it cured them; those who have not , know that It cures their neighbors and friends, and altkuow that what it dues once it does always—tkat it ilever falls through any fault or neglect of its composition. We have thou sands upon thousands of certificates of their re markable cures of the following corn but such cures are known In every neighborhood, and we need not publiah them. Adapted to ail ages and conditions ha -all climates; containing neither calomel, or any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their ' sugar coating preserves them ever fresh and makes them pl-mmnt to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can arise from Melt use in sr4 firiTtet itY are by their powerful influence on thointenial viscera to purity the blood and stlm n It into healthy action—remove the obetrue tio of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other or ' gall' , of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting. wherever they exha, such derangements as are the first origin of dis caw. Mieute directions are given in the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, 'which these Pills rapidly cure:— •• For ,Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Listlessness, Languor and Loss of .appeete, they should ha taken moderately to stimulate the stomach and restore ill healthy tone and action. 1. Pot* Liver Complaint and its various syrn ms, Bilious Headache. Sick Headache, Jaundice or Green Sickness, Bilious Colic and Mons Fevers, they should be Judiciously taken for eaeh ease, re evrreekthe direaled action or remove the ob. saitetielwhkh cause it. • F r t; ley ntery or Diattlicea, but one mild dose la eta! required. or ltheum.W.sna, Gout, Gravel, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain in the Side, Back and Leila , they should be continuously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Droateal Swellings toes should be taken in large and frequent doses produce the effect of a drastic purge. For Suppr es s ion a large dose should be taken as It pr uces the desired effect by sympathy. A.s a D inner Zell, take ate or two Feb to pro. mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the Wunsch And bowels Into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it Is often advantageous whereilo seriousiterangement ex ists. One who feels tolerably well, often ends that a dose of these FITS make him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect MI the digestive apparatus. EMI Dn. J. C. AYER & CO., Practical Cienzirts, LOWELL, ALISS., U. S. A. "•March 10, 1871-Iyno2 Poor House Accounts rAr fOB BF:NNER. Esq , Treasurer. In account .) with the Directors ofthe Poor and Rouse of Employment of the county of Adams, being from theith day of January, A. D., 1870 to the 214 day or Juuttary, A. D., 1991, both days Inclusive. 1970. DR. Jan. Tu bakume due county at Last set. Feb 11/ 474 74 Feb. 7. Comn)lsaloners' order 1,20) 00 March ~ 800 00 April 4, - " Slay 800 00 2, • . •• JUue 7, 700 00 •• u 5 July, " " 800 00 4/0 00 Aug., " " 800 00 Sept., .. .. Oct. 700 1.81 ~ .. 800 00 1 Nov., ~ .. De '''''' - 1,100 1 Ofl ili Dee, " /891 .. . Jan, -1), TO each of Peter Wolford for boarding wife 56 50 Jan. 21. To cash of John Longlugblil, rent AOO " 00 •', uncalled for orders property.. 25 3) 00 of George Arendt for land... 18 :17 CIL Cash paid out-door paupers support ....$ 963 00 Ilerchautlize, groceries, hardware 2,570 16 Pork, beef, bacon and tish 2.906 'Li Flour, grain, and grinding 3,3 12 Stone coal and lime 514 70 'Alcohol and liquors 15 Expenses attending and keeping of Dr. rlllTer to L` ffarnsb l l l ls--, 431 Annaltit paid tor Cadmn. az. Philadelphia. Carl 24 Frederick Smith. anoemaklng and 52 mending Daniel Thomas, wagon -making....... Jesse Johns, shoeing wagon David-Blocker, 41ackrithing... S i m- 4 clAtt, 8. 334.0 11— —rue:machinist ' 21 . co J. C. nttentartf. carpenter, repairs ..... 21 B.r. H. J. Kahl). mason 19 12 Samuel Faber, tobaccos 124 Se Cutting wood 109 61 Lumber and brick 71 63 crockery, E. Menchy 17 26 Printing' ' 104 90 • MMus Culp, woe 80 00 ' H. L. Bream, WIS 45 75 Insurance 24 CO 7117 93 Fe maletdre hire, Including sewing 429 90 Case paid J. Johns on orders as account motor In Steward's account 280 01) Cash keepin paidg M J. rs. J !'spitohns as per contract for Funeral expenses.... Steward's saiary r'rreasnree's salary.... Clerk's pay Counsel's; pay o Physician , . salary 0100, w:pounding medicines, 935 OO Directors' extra and outdoor services.. I T 00 Levi Schwartz, taxes paid on Ouster perty BePnrojamin 11rairsioriiie9averseed 10 153 50. J. Minter, potatoes kl J. Hatcher, renovating [earl:sena:la .. 60 00 Dr. J. W. 40. O'Neal _, bill of medletaes.. ' 83 78 JaCob Benner, bond and 5tamp ..:....... 2 00 cr.*. runup. unwire . 335 in Balance In - bands of Treasurer 135 01 . . We, the subscribers, Auditors to settle sU. and b a 6 d l - just the Public A.ceennta, do hereby certtfy that we hare exrunined the MUM 00 11t.poslairthe fore going accounts, as well ae the buts union which the are based. and . they are cornet, bein,g 4th day of January, D., MO, to the 24 danor January, i D.. /M. E. Gt. HEADY, DAVID RH SHIIRIPV,ODES Jr., Auditors ..71DHA[13 JOHNS, Beg Steward. la account with the Directors of the Poor House of Employ ment of the county of Adams, beam from the 4th dal of January A. Ta, 1870, to the:2tt day of Jan uary, A. LI., 19" fl, both days inclusive. 1)470 .DE. • To order on Tnsastirar.No. 477. accounted for In former settlement In Treasurer's To II 75 00 To order on Treasurer, No. 52 30 CO .. 50 00 "190.... ..... ..! ..... 125 00 ' 212 ~" 276 .50 00 25 00' To amount received for hltir for UM.— 199 42 1870.... 143 39 Cows and calm.. 214 60 ...o 00 Pigs b " 6 00 lam 3 00 Timothy s p eed... 460 Audrew Pa 14.... 9 EfT 150Ibs. ta.llow, 10c. 15 00 IiMII aalanCe due Steward. Jan. sth, 1870._ ... X 42 Jam 4, by cash paid for leßther for 19439:- 1.98 56 Des 31, 187 u, .. 1870._ 189 90 Cider - 17 25 Peaches and other fruits 6 00 Apple Apples 24 98 s 58 50 Turnips. Plants 5 25 Cabbage and celery 7 8 5 ...- .. 3 7 L. Kummerant, tailoring 3 00 Uzi 250 Straw 1 50 Boards Repairing chacga, chairs. 8.. c.... 9 5 0) 4.5 Tar, toll, oil and team expenses - /6 SO Moving paupers } 30 John .1-saldweir, repairing wagon 4 00 Harsein W 64106 135 75 Fish. visal and groceries 61 63 Stainpoand envelopes .'. 6 00 ~...Ckiverseen 3 74 12 00 C h ick = 400 Cow and dill , 8:1 00 Males ... Labor . 4 3 1 Funeral et B4Lanee In =of 5teward........::,;: We, the undersigned„Antlitors to settle and ad just. the P” bile A:comma, do hereby certify that we Use eland ted The iteiasoosugoidng the foregoing accounts, • . well maths bills upon whieb they are based, as,. that they'are correct, being from the eth day of January, MK toshe 241 day of Janu ary, len, both daystneinaire. IL 6. }MGT ttg V e4 " .l l . : tie Aud.oh.. PRODUCTS OF THE FARM. MO. 266 bushels'ot Wheat. Rya Corn. ,cr.3) . - 6 " ilexhiry seed: 100 " Potatoes. • 15 " (Weft • 14 " • fleeter 125 dozen of Cucumbers. 1,90 heads of Cabbage. 3,293 ir sr uuds, of Pork Need. I 7 ...,s a ro f . elfetiftier of fheAlues-hoteso,JeMlst, • A e aj meles Children 7 Colored Males 5 Females " Children Total g V i n llllV4433;theyear meruird • ..... • maiCh 10,187L--4t It By anaceonat. __?V a rtlies sirs ' : 2 1 er011110 able le addiastbe WI 01 ,T, -Wale Almabouee.lbe Vat yeet, Ilotei =e4;l7 4 la4pS 6l3 o4 "ll MIZING, Clerk, 8 : -cii:,iii_sc.-t:o•.cig:-7 IT 4 filt ItAG ( I6IX)MIS wig asaparry• eoloted kaiser beard temperamedeeeseires broom 11 oontinno no poison. thsevaildrasesbyawdlior IL Dealers manned at reduced Mates. Address Y. Renew, Trees. Wingfield, Masi 4w 13 w 7.1 * Trrez OVIItL . YVT 146": Crated.) by John &C. A A ebid g rt. and popula t j abor , ft, 1a.1,1 411.616 61 REDUCTION OF PRICES . TO CONTORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES., GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS BY GETTING UP CLUES. ilieltlatitlortaagirlftegr Afar Lb* fru" a Club form will acooritinthy weontaining ful directions —making a large saying to consumers and re munerative to club ormolzers. THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO., 31 & V&SEY P. a Boa 56a. New WE. VL. , 3A.1 3500 s_Si 49 45 12 St CARBOLIC TABUTS, PREPARED BY Da WELL'S. The_ moM inswelielocrr of the age is Ibis wmdenta-gaiiwg and nt for the diseases or weakest* of the organs, Sore Throat... Sudden Oold. Ileanneeyararrh, Allanl7l,, Deism of Use 7:hrees or indpipe, diesease et Me Leman and for ail innattela of the moeuous , nemebraN wie: All who mmk and shu r iZtrout effork tise= liri Tablets, their deo* in eiseateg Me •le sim ee n catim aateuisbing seem be shown by numerous DR. WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS act diu4 ro on and shook' be m ly ln all expos. ore or t e tell member, a me n s they equal ise the' Motion of the Mobil and Mos ward off all tendency - to colds and Li n n s diMeulty. The Pro i retOtill r ciaas .... eines him thetr nit. insc i. would CAUTION the against Lion by tog other medi - thrust upon min placeof these admirable JOHN 4 _,34 Plait St, Ai Yi Sole Agent. Mat ST initumert Ptiee M • rents a box. - Feb. 2.1.--lw 1950 6556 900 co .5000 6250 57 SO ME Carpetipgs l Carpetings ! PEABODY & WESTON, CARPET HOUSE, 4 1. E WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO OFFER !Led 7/1 CARPET LINE, SURPASSED ANYWHERE I : ,:'G' , ii.,.'A'l i‘Vg Iti''lt - tr - ''s'B E'.'fj'iS. 7 11 FJABODY wEirrbiki, .YO. 723 CIIESTNUT:ETRI P,V4m4Te niavaloi 1. fins 85 TO 620 A WA' -Do you want 2 situation as salesman at or near borne. iki wll our new 7 strand Whtte Wire Cioiiies Units to idstror ewer. Don't Wu this Sample free. Ad dreariliardani After N. hails, Wla ilit., Y. or 16 Dearborn ilt. Cideeiro... 76 . tw -- - ' TIZAYNEHH, CATAIMMACMOPDLA. A lady Al who had wagered tot years from Deafness; w ► awl &tou* wan oared by • simple retumly. Her sympathy and gratitude. prompts her to send the receipts free of charge to any one similarly esthete& Address Mrs. M. C. Lzoorrr, Jersey City, N. J. 4w FxUIT JAI: 3 IANUFACTUREA9 AND BUY- Mtn are notified, that - a better and cheaper Jar than wallet's kuowtoWlll be suppled. This Jar excells In every quality and requirement. and wilroutseil and can undersell any and all other& It will sell Itself.' Important Price list for /M. now ready aad sent free. Address alAn. Q. IMLAY k SON. Na $1 Duck ht.; - PhitadelPh/L, Pa. 4w CrpK AGM:NMI—The most useful, ornames .l-1 tosealable and popular of subscription books, is "Physical Trairdng of Chikirou," just out. It has splendid Steel Plates, Is richly bawd:land every Father and Mother who sees_ r r ags It. It haa no opposition and deliv ers e The first agetn out cleared .21.60 lu five hours! Yom odern book like this one. Splendid terms. Clrcularssent free. Canvasidng Ikxdui only New Worid Pub. O cur m, a. w. . 7th and Market Sts, Philadelphia. lw T EA -N Et TA It 18 A PURE la C 'i'i with the Green Tea Flavor. Warranted to salt all tastes. For sale everywhere. Ind for We wholesale by the Great Auantic 4i .&eljte Tea lb,. 8 Church St., New 'fork. r. CI. Stet Wm— Send for Thea-Nectar Circular. AGENTS WANTED.—(I22S a month)—by the AMERICAN KNITTING MACRINE CO., ltoistua, Maas., or St. Louts, Mo. J.URUBEBA, A - DENTS.—MALE AND FENALE.—For fast .21 selling We ar subscription gooks. Extra Inducement Agets. Information free, Ad dress Am. Book Co., 62 William St., /ki. Y. Aw $lO MADE •11/01t4 T)0 Eta ! Bontetblag urgently needed by everybody. Call eta. at ; r eta i l samples sent (postage eaid) for Ze cts. that madly for $lO. R . VioLcorr, 181 Chatham N. Y. Feb. 21.-lw EVANS' GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE We continue to send A valuable gift with every book bought of us. Thousands will testifyto our promptness and fairness. Give us a trial. Write for a Sent free. Address, D. M. EVANS a: Co., T2l ket street, Philadelphia, Pa. 4w flitliMitif.44l aubg ENTS 'WANTED for Groe sheck's c nmetare rapid, accu rate, reliable, sbnple, easily operated. cheap and beautiful. Giving instal:amnions additions or subtractions, taking tram one to five colon= of figures at a time, carrying and borrowing its own tens, hundreds, etc., without the least thought on the part of the operator.' AddreSs ZIEGLER. & hicCURDY, Philadelphia. Pa. Feb. 24.--iw FREE TO BOOK AGENTS We will sead a bandsome Prospectus of our New Illustrated Pm/4 Bible contalulug over Alf.l tine Scripture . illustrationa asy.Book meat, Irmo( chirp. X4ldrese. NATIOX4I. PUBLISHING COMPANY. Ptilladelphla. Feb.M.-Sw A.GRNTS i'n.NTED FOR 66 W0 1 . 1 1N - 1).10.4 S - • • TrrE woRLD, ,, • • • Over One Thousand Illustrations. The largest best selling and mostattractive subscription book ever published. One agent in Denver, Colorado, sold 100 copies In 4 days. One agent In sold SU comes In S day, and a large number from a) 311 aopiee pet dp 5. J44,11 for ,Circillars with terries* once. Ad PUBLISHING W., 411 Broome St., N. • ' Feb. 41.-4 w No. 723 Chestnut Sheet, 116111 PAILADELPHIA. INDUCEMENTS EISM THAT CANNOT BE ritom e 0 clans trrwAmoii. FROM $1.25 UPWARD 4. MEE PIM A " 1411 / 1 As 4 gm? Adrtrtionnents. . YEW ERA IN MUSIC l Unpatalted Air Cheypness d thmpietne,v. LOOK AT TAE PRICES: Ditson & CO's Standard Operas. Ernanfl " Eaust. Lucia de Lammermoor. Luerezia Borgia. Martha. Norma. Traviata. SORlnambalz- Trovatore. Preelosa. Marriage of Fia4.ro. Prim el.Ckleaeh Handsmt*ly Bound VICO. Also Instrumental A uts of her Frey. Schutz, Don Pioranni, Ernanl,' Faust, Lucia Lucretia. Martha, Norma ; Stuanambuta atl , Trovatore. Palaw. Elewatitly Bound. /LOG each. Sent mod postpaid Cu receipt of price. • ! OLIVER DLTSON & CO.. Boston. Jan.MIA& IL DITSON & CO., N.ow York.' 8, 1871.-11 NT. CLOUD gOTEL, Arch Stree4 above - Seventh • Philadelphia: N TIR ELY new, with ample Ca.paetty (or 2:50 guests. Tenus, $.l per day. lfw Clloud newly and elegantly furnished throughout, and is %/els for the reception of guestS, by the under. Pa imp • who have so succemfully conducted for the past ten years the welllipowu Mountain Mouse, at Cresson Spring* G. W. MULLIN S.: Prop'rs. a. March 10. 1871-3 m THE AI)AMB'..NoRMAL Will open Its spriug session On Monday march 27th 1871 IN AGRICULTUR AL HALL Those del;hing to attend «ill please sent their names promptly. The session will continue 14 weeks, closing with examinations from June 29—July Mt. Price of Tuition, CO, one-hall In advance. March 3.187L-1L J. HOWARD WIT rOR GOOD BOOTS. SHOES, OVERSHOES ARCTICS, awl GLT.Bf SHOES, call at 41 ricKVG 'B. . - - - -- - - T 4.TEST STYLtS of all klndi of HATS and 4- 4CA114, _ , at PICKING &CO. Sixty-fire First prize ItEdals Awarded TUX GIL.P.AT - Baltimore Pine Eanfactory, WILLIAM KKABE Manufacturers of GUAM), IiT4CARE AND 'UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES ; BALTIMORE, These Ifistruments have been before Dm-public, for nearly Thirty Years, add upon their ...scellettqo alone attained an unpur (Immo' pre-eminence., which pronounces them unequalled. Their T Combines great power, weetnefis and fine signing quality, as well as great purity of Intonation. and sweetness througbout tba entire seale. Their TO V VIL Is pliant and elaSttc, and entirely free trout the stiffness found In so many Pianos. . . IN WO.IIIWMANSUIP ~ they are unequalled, using none but the very best FILLYONED YATE/UA.L. tie Mrse •eapital employed i fn our business enabling us to keep continually an inunelise stock of lumber, &c., on hand. illit-All our SQt.IRE PIANO 3 have our New Im proved Overstrung Scale and 11w 41:71tt,Prg TaniM asl-We would call special attention to mirlate gmYtr. I...l?eilALD,Plit'o,tirtui 1 tr r. the Plano nearer perfection than 11 33,yetDeell, it , n Everi Piano fully Warranted for 5 Years. We have made arrangements for the &air WhoireW,e Agency fur tikeraost Celebrated PAR LOR ORASANti asid•RIECOMRONS, which we of ter Wholesale anti Retail. it Lowest Factory I PETER BENTZ, Agent, i No. Ft Past Market street, York, Pa. Sept. 4 IS7O.—Gm 77117 CLICITZ,Wkii WOOD PUMP!! COacciozen ransoms why this is Me. best Pump ntant(faciured in America for WELLS AND CDSTER.NS. Llt ts . Simple. 2. It Is - Reliable. 3. - Lt is Durable. ♦. It. Works vary &say. S. It throws Water Itaiddb% 6. It Is all Wood. 7. The Wood Is Tasteless. R. It does not Crack to the Sun. 9. It Is not Itable to get out of order. N. Should any again be tbne, r tbey ean ts=rasade by any person. IL It nth not freeza 12.` la Cheaper titan ttny • htner reds BetWinfis Double Aeling Blau Cylinder FORCE' PUMP; With glass cylinder, and hence no rust and little or no trietlont/ freeze —and admirably adapted for ri Gardens, Washing Win dows, Ertin fs reS, Elevating Water. &e., —believed to be wit out an equal tor durability, economy ancbconvenlence. • Having purchased the exclusive right for Ad ams aunty; Eersom reauiring Pumps foir wells ' Idldbrtisi can have theta tarnished all MI/ idete ,•• rehdyler me by seudlnk the. depth of the y . . 11 or cistern. Satisfaction guaranteed In all or no payment required. orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to; JOSEPH TE - 1.7N - KLE, McKnlghtstowti, Adams county, ya. Oct. 21. 1870.-1 y Watatts and Nectint. WATCHES Si; JEWELRY Yid P. VCCAHT 4 NEY wishes to inform Ids customers and the public generally, that hawing purchased the interest of his partner, LI, V, $l,. Soper,) ha She Watch Jesre/ry Store on Baltirhore street, Gettysburg. he spare no effort to 10 - ve tisfaction to ail. He has Just sa eturned from the city l% Ith asplen did assortment of C10.4. 4 1and SILVER. AMERICAN and SWISS ty MC% jkIVELITTI, SILVRIS. TEA and TABLE SruoNS,FORItS, GOLD, SIL VER and STEEL FRAME SPECTA. CLES; also, CLOCKS of the best Manataeture, MUSICAL IN STRUMENTS„3.IOLIN & GUITAR SMINGS, SCREWS and Bittpcags..- feirWatch and Cloek wort warranted for one year. Jewelry :ensiling executed in a neat and workmanlike manner. [Sept. 10, leoo-11 - . . .CLOCKS, WATCHES , • • J R :2` . A R. FEISTEL Ras removed his shop to York street, opposite the Globe Inn, Gettysburg, where he has con: Mantly on hand a line assortment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY . Afti • SILVER-PLATED WARE'. RvArING" done, and IC:de:gluing°. All kilds.t(Lll! work warranted to glve satlista4l:ll. moderate. Nov. 25, 1870.--tf gardwart. --- uti t &r. - Hardware and Groceries • The subscribers have Nit returned from the cities with an Immense supply of I llay'dWaze and Silroperiea witlehtberare °Raring at their stißiloa BlLitimairearrea‘ at prima tosalt the times. Obr stock conaLsts In part of Carpenter's . Took, Blacksmith's Tools, Coach Finding*, Shoe ffindings, iteklitaker's. .ffousekeeper't for 0; 411 kimk , of Iron, iv., ere., te- CROCEBLES OF ALL .KINDS, Oils, Palma .te. There Is no article Included In the several departments madtFoned above but , what MA be bad lu this Store.. Every claws of . Meehanics can be accommodated here with tools ' ead hadidip, and Bousekeepera c 44 dud every I article In their line. Give us a call aa we are pre. par% t A t o Miss low for cash as say other lafte DAVID .Z7Eo LEIL 41W alraV-41 JOEL B. BANNII4t. NEW STORE ! friwrzipn dißubini a g whokma, And yiet v pgawil to Hardware- and..- Groceries ; wiar4.•l4llroad. Gettysburg. 411,11 )WAIX—Inehalea -11alklexa. lientware 4 5 11 t a il _Ott, Glow. Points, Ws, Var. dm We teell tbe attention .11-,asseeensedn Of IfOn, dine add Bono Blloe Elfirtflgt aredmita easELfrortF - • Each, ea Coffees. -Soon, Teas, Soaps: au 04 whim sap on bud. All sold WM Uts ' the iftite to OUT cheap. Don't forget ilipapouteruinu A our atoei sm wm6ods. a nam -epat iffa—tt ISII3. Picking & Co" bare the offered. Cali. sofargeet an as rtnient of VESTS ever VOTlCE—Letters TeStamentary on the estate / - nf &forum WEAVS.Ft, doceasht, late of (Jet ' tysbortr. (thins County, Pa., having been grant. T`l'd to the Undersigned, melding in same place, she hereby sites nutice to all persons Indebted to said estate to make immediate ixtyment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for sct Venn:la. ELIZAIIETII A. WEAVER, Feb. 1-,18;1.-6t Executrix. MEM= - OTlGE.—Letters Testamentary on the estate he of HAVSA M. CCLVEH, late of Gettysburg, deceaeed. havlog been gntnted to the undersign eft-residing In said place, he hereby glres notice to an persona indebted to said estate to make finmeatte payment, and those having claims acalitst the same to present them property au thenticated for settlement. 4 - . OTlCK—Lettem of Adminlstmtlon on te estate of l'om,r deceased, late of laid more township, Adams county. having been grante.l to the undersigned, residing In same township, be hereby glilat notice to all persona Indebted to sant estate to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for Settle. meat. WAtiffiNti TON Hai,S, Feb. 3,1571.-4 A Adm'r. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Mains county, to make dis tribuiein of the balance in the hands of tiTtiAliT W. HOFFMAN. Aiisignee of Russ D. Durnomi and wife, to and among patties entitled thereto, wID attend at his ottlec in Gettysburg, Pa., on Tuesday the 11th day of Morels neat, at Id o'clock, A. M., to bear parties in interest. Feb. St. 1871-3 t D. 1 LTEILLE.I:, Auditor. rr puirtershlp heretofore tasting between A. DAVID Kt rZISILLISR & JACK/11A. KiTzlitu.sn is this day dissohed by mutual consent. All per sona eelebted to U. , lute - arra will please call and settle the irante. Thu books are at Use store on ou by I). K York'streetiLzmiller., where the business will be carried I= D. KITZMILLER BRo Feb..24,1C1.--Gt S. MAMMAL'S OFFICE, E. Ir. OF IIMNIOELYM PITTIADELT'IILt, March 7th,.1:371. 'Pins is To GIVE NOTICE: That on the rah day of March, A. D. 1471, a Warrant in Bank ru ik tey was Issued against the Estate of THE G ITYBBUIS.LI LYTItIIA SPRINGs ASSOciA - I Oil, of Gettysburg, In the County of Adams, thd State of Pennsylvania, who hate been ad judged Bankrupt. um-their otila 1:€11[1011: that the Payment of any Debts and deltrery of sin Profile:lY bedOngitiff to such Bankrupt, to them, or or thelcu: , and the transfer of any property by them, are Torbidden by law r that a meeting Of the Creditors o the WO Bankrbilts (0 Prove their debts, and to cameo one or more a.s4lgnees of their Estate, will In held - at a Cant of Rank ruptey, to be holden at the °face oT David Wills, Eittl, In the Borough of Gettysburg. County of Adams, and State of YeniskyAloulla, before Ilast- Mrs . Gehr, Fsq ., Iteglster, /it Me :11(4 (fay -Iforeil, 4. D. 1.1571, at 9 o7elbclc. A. - 31. • Al. GREGORY, March 10.-$ F. Marshal, at Messner 1 11 - 731 ::trAS1}{IRC- Fire Protection Societe Board of Direetors:—E. W. Statile, president ; Michael ileatvlck, len.. Vice en...ilk/tut: ..nes Russell, Secretary ; IL J. Brinkerhoff, TrearoTer ; Peter Scholl, Jacob ff. Plank and Manta Thomas, Executive Committee; John Mickley, Georg,. Thomas, Michael Deatrick, Jr., Barnet Myers. Ihmal.l3 J. Neely, and Robert, Witt**. Amount at Pretunun Notes.— vlia - , 441 tp IV hale tia. of members.... ... Icy Admitted during the year : auxins. A.'.ts&ssment Nos. 3 and 4 Membership tees, an EXPENDiTCRES. C. 63...4amps and tax license... Assessing and collecting tax... Printing and advertising Directors per diem and Mlle . 93 Ore e ers' fees, rent, stationery &I k 2113 SS Jept e ha Dobbs, damage by Orr, ;40 01> Charles A. Diehl, " " 610 00 Mn.s Letleiman, " " . 333 411) John Spangler, ' " 1.2001X1 Patterson, ••• ••• 1115 W =I 01579 MAreh,3,1411.--nt See. lv 0 TICE t; herehy given 'to all Legatee, and other perscum coneermsd, that The tuitnints. tration Accounts hereafTer mentioned will untainted at the Orphans' Court of Adams coun. Ly for connilliallon and allowance, On SIONDA Y, 'the :Bch day of BtAltell, 1871, at '2. o'clock, P. M., viz: • 80. The account -of John nkerhoff, Admi trator of the Eistate of Batman Brinkerhoff, de cease RI. The account ()Mtn. D. Mimes, Administra tor of .the &date of George Diehl, deceased.. 82. The first and dual account of Elias Mayer, Adnitnistrator or Jacob Basehuar, late of liutou township, Adams county, deceased. 83. The find and dual accnt Ttenry F. M. Peterst, Administrator of iddrga.ret !tottery, &- ceased. 14. Thl Gnandianship account of James Colehouse, Guar(liau of Emma Mehring, one of the minor children of John Mehring.deceaSetl. 8a First and final account of A. P. tint, Atl. 'mitilstmtor of the Estate of John Myers, dec'd. tit First and: linal account of Win. F. Bonner, Guardian of Joanna J. Welsh, minor child of Natbantitombang It, deceased. Thd first and anal account 04. Elsa Hoover, Executrix of Joshua Hoover. late of Hamilton township, deecased. RS. The first and final account of Matthew Tim, mins, Administrator of James Tlmmins,llee'd. to. Third anti final account Testament 'uffman. Executor of the late Will and of John Hartman, late of Litimore township, deceased. 90. The first and final act:taunt of Samuel Herbst. Administrator with the Will annexed of l'eter ripantder, late of Strohm township, dee'd. 91. Pint and final account of Samuel Herbst, Esteentur of the last Will of Clarissa F. Gilbert, late ot Gettysburg. deceased. - 'EL Pbst and of account of Elizabeth Punt, Administiatri* of the Estate of Henry Flint, late Menalien township, deceased. 91. The first and dual account of Isaac Myers, Executor of the Will of Abraham Myers, dec'd, 9E' The fist and Baal account of George Meek ley, AdridtUstra,tur of the Estate of Peter Bolling er, deceased, settled by Wm. Meek ley and George Meokley, Administrators of the Estate of George Meckley, deceased. 95. First and final account of Jacob King. Guardian of Jacob W. Taughinbaugh, minor son of Armstrong Taughtnbaugli deceased. SAMUEL A. SWOPE, Eegister. Feb. 24 18 I.—td Jurors for April GRAND AIRY. Reading—. Thomas N. Dicks, Foreman. Daford—John Stock, Daniel M. Miller, Gettysburg—Jobe Winebroimer, GeOrge F. ralb . nelvh, David Bluebatkek. • amiltertban—henrys Watson, John Clgden, ar. Tyrone—John F. Houck, Joseph Berman. Liberty—David C. Krim. Rutter—Samuel U. Barrie. Franklin--Cleo Frederickrge Cole. Handl tcrn— Wolf. Mountplessant—Alexander Young, David Le trick, Jacob E. Miller, Edward Weaver, Cumberland—Van Buren Diehl. Straban--Josiall Semler, Littlestonm—John 11. Hankie, Franklin fiesion. Union—M, li Bollinger. Bernick bor.—Joseph Wolf. GENERAL JURY. Ilamiltonban-james Marsha) Geo 111111, Adam C. Mussel man, James Di &rattan-John F. /Petty, Henry ifooce John Majors. • Gettysburg-Witham Soilless, David Swaney, B. M. Elliott. John Weigle, James filigham,, John Culp of M., J. M. Bowe, Jacob Aughlo fiubough. aroes Wilt. William T. Brandon, John WW. Wiernaan. John Alhert. Berwick bor.-Visishlngton 'Metzger, DAWN B. Bear, Wm. Bittinger, D. E. Hollinger. Links:own-Simon R. Biahop, 7.; BkWher, Edward Crouse. Germany-Hamilton Forrest. heeding-Dardet linahsy, Solomon Spangler, Jacob ricking. FrankllneNhunes Efteecidlekley. V. K. IlloTlarsapy, Henry Michael lißetclok. Cum ber / and - al. C. Be $ Wakes, John Union -John Bolen, Wet. Dutton. Lathoo n. re-dtul Troup, David Lenhart, Joel Orlo • Henry xfo rd - Joseph Munk, ry I.: Gat, rhuip Mole. itenalless-Enocti Routzalm, Jesse Dull, Hear, T yropp - LeonardSlaybangb. - Liberty--Ezra D. Topper, Jolip ,Feltz, JosePh Tresaldr, Jr. • r8:12t14-11r.iiel March. - Alfred Durkee, Auktettus Dehone. York hprtigs bor.-Jeremiah Shelly. ' Mount pleasant-Thomas Moncellcr. kkintjm.-1. N. Durboraw. 11 igkland -.Michael I famish, • March 10, 1171-tc Book and Job Pxiging Done with neatness, cheapness 1t1_413 . ;patch at Mae Sitar and METTIOHIST Hymn Books at IDL)•S and Testi:anti:4a Mt OR" Erfl Norse mul Caitit4 Powder 116PoWitr raattdmin main faettr fikgal .)ktito. lit OTlQE.—Letters Testementarzoz the -Estate of Mawr Ann 1470117,2 n, lato of Minting. ton towngW.4tOM:L9ed,. having' been granted to the wade_ nimble/4 residing. in the same township, be hereby ems notice to persons Indebted to said estate to call and make Imme diate settiement,ied those hard tig claims against the will plifts present them properly au - thentica for settletnent. ~{f' . '' `,‘' °TM:E.—Letters Testamentary on the estate of fiaontat Ittpwinerrx, deceaaed, late of Latiniore township, AcMtn., county. Pa.. having been granted to the Undemignod, residing In said township, they hereby give notice to all persons lAdebtesito saki. estate to mike mune- Mate payment, and those having claims against to thr samettlmente to present them property au:len:kat% SUSAN ROBINETTF, • ' Dh. J. It. PLANK, March - Eget u tors. ------ VOTlCH. — LettersTes ..;. tazitentary on the estate ~r ANDREw WEIKEItT, latent Highland town ship, Adams county, Pa.. deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, resktlug In same township, he gives notice to all persons Indebted to said estatasto make Immediate payment, and those having claims agalbst the same to present them properly anthentlellted tor settlemnnt. UENIAY A.l„ gaegutur. Feb. 30,11171.-,A IC C. CHESTON, Executor. Feb. 3, 1471.--Gt• - —_ - Dissolution Notice. JANUARY 7, 1871 u 47 28 1 am , sr, SIT, "4 05 ECM Register's Notices OF ALL rnars ULM IiUItEML Ml] 3,751 q 8 Mil