The star and sentinel. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1867-1961, January 20, 1871, Image 3

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    *taint gales.
FAIIM 8 in Adam* County
e in Gettysburg
wa and Missouri.
AtterDer. at Law, and
En] Estate Agents.
E HOTEL—with &ors
• —situate in Idaville, Adams
order. Pmeeledab win be
T r. AB . II L Apply Jo the under •
it - SALE;
House and 'Farm
as of Dr. Baugher. near
• ICI acres of Land in good
• • being inside the Borough
truck farm. The House
and comfortable. A variety
crater, de: Fur Ser
;i4 : . Arnold, Caahler of Ist
two miles north
_az Hotel pr
t Howie, arid other Improve
oi more than eat of build-
, two and a half miles
burg, ading No. 1, 1141
An excellent grass farm.
adjoining No. I,and
eentalidag Ac,
MIMING& I t is le
_1 Turn ts. P rice,
and ,
e a .:matrixes
ng lo
M, fist Mile . s "t from
wo! Get
. . Acres land In
Large SI KH ROM% and
Price ss,soo—very - obeap.
ig, INN Acres, wttk large
Bank Barn, all in good
per acre.
RCS, 370 Acres, font
, on Public road, comforts
. GB, red land, limed.—
ellent'FßUlT FARM,
Gettysburg, on public road,
land, with comfortable
Nis HOUSE and all needed
Land limed and in good
near Baltimore Turnpike,
urg, 3 miles from kittlestown.
from Gettysburg, on York
HOUSE and brdELA . a.
or Mechanic. Price 12,506,
sburg, on public road, Mit
• In
HOUWcondition, good
large Sauk,
location. Price WO r. ,, r
with buildings at store.
ERY GOOD 1 2,"rocx
• of Gettysburg, on York
cell 1 10 kerns about
HOUSE, two plar D34 we 'd
-r acre—onu easy.
00 acres heavy Timber, Oak,
lee miles west ul Gottys
two sets of Buildings, will
Luellen& frwuite. tam good
ce 145 per
ID FARM., 130 Acres, 7
Barn, an kinds of road, good
will sell 100rg Acres; 2 miles
• Harrisbu
Uellt Batik Hawn, road b tu&=
In good order.
Farms and Town Property.
and Town Property, to es
, unty Farms.
IL G. liicert.4,,, ,ALRY
Attornewfor Uzetnenersa
Gettyiparg, ra.
NO. 1,
piton Lands located near
ns, &a, in well settled
I will sell or cutuutge at a
ate In Adams county, Pa.
to I.
nds of all kinds,
Oda= /Mid on Gold
or Collected 1
vest In STOCKS or WIND&
sited to WI, as we hays
t New York, rkthk.
marital& Con
all orders are
COrrl'ON BONDS, Mid de
convert into Register ed, are
5 we hale th ea r yantage to
V OST/VMPS ot all &nom!
DEPOSITS aaftvinced
NI. for 1 year
for 6 mouths
T. for 6 months. '
ormation in regard wt . '. 8,
an klada, are requeskd4to
will cheertaly the *ny In
ENLOE! BAIR., Clobber.
Arai it.
!mantel' 7th and Bth &testa
rand Duller hi oil iHds
• • •ml
• as.
- of Pura as. .
I sr them .
of Adams and adj.-
IMfay vary fai,
Fara, for La.
dalarmined So aedi as as .
hije Bourne la tkla
+r anti iittintl.
rte,. Aiwa s 11; swift!
Wrkaica.-Sen&r Duncan and . Repro.
seutative Herriter will accept our thank,'
faevartous doettnents.
larCoL J. H. McClellan and Andiew
week caßturexl a large red
FPX, whiles's iinritat Round Top.
, 4t DIPTICEM.—The Littlestown Press
says that Diptheria prevails to a consider
able extent in the neighborhood of Li ttles
COVRT. —The January Court will begin
on Monday next, to continue two weeks.
The fillet 'meek will be devoloed to criminal
cases, and the second to Common Pleas
ROBRKRY.—A straggler last week en
tered the.residenee of John Slifer, in Lit
tlestown. and Mole an over coat and other
'ales, with a small amount of money.—
• e was subsequently arrested by Consta
•. a Shafer and committed to jail.
CONCYRT.—The colored people will
give a concert in Agricultural Hall, on
High street, on Thursday night next, Jan.
26, Consisting of music, speeches, dia
logues, &c. Admittance 26 cents; children
under 12 'years, 15 cents.
SHEator SALE&—On Saturday last
Sheriff Slunk sold the property of George
iF: - .l4er, Butler township, to Java) B.
Trostle for WOO.
The interest of George E. Bringman 6 in
a house and lot on Baltimore street. to
Col. C. A. Bnehlei, for $75.
'RISVITAI« —An interesting protracted
meeting has been in progress in the Luther
an church at East Berlin, under the auspi
ces of Rev. Dr. Hauer, during the last ten
days. Large and attentive audiences are
nightly in attendance, deep solemnity
prevails,. mid a number of persons have
professed to find peace with God, through
Christ Jesus.
ELBCTION.—The followin4 gentlemen
were recently elected Direcims of the
MummasburgMntusl.Fire Piaitection So
ciety: E. W.-Stable, H. J. Brinkerhoff,
Geo. Thomas, Martin Thomas, Barnet
Myers, T. G. Neely, Jacob M. Plank,
Robert Watson, John Mickley, Peter
Shull, M. Deatrich, Sr., M. Deatrieb,,Jr.
NECK TIE PAIITY.—The young folks
had quite a pleasant time of it one eve
ning last Week, in the shape of a neck tie
party, which took place at the residence
of Col. Ephraim Myers, in Littlestown.—
After the young gentlemen had been am
ply provided with neckties, and the va
rious other . amusements of the evening
had been gone -through with, they repair
ed to an oyster saaoom and partook of the
luscious bivalves, after which they all re
turned to their respective homes, well
pleased with the pleasures of the eve
Latahaw has sold
18 Acres'of his Farm adjoining McKnights
town; to Rev. J. M. Mickley, at f•io per
Samuel M. Pitzer has purchased a house
and Lot in Benderaville, from Benjamin
Irwin, for 'MO cash.
Samuel Ferguson has purchased the
farm of the late Daniel gulden, on tlu)
York turnpike-186 acres, at ;45 per acre.
Jacob Pfoutz has purchased the proper
ty of Lafayette Brenizsr, in Cumberland
.township-20 acres, with huprwrements,
at .1,700.
Rapheal Sherry has purchased the pro
perty of the late Leonard Bricker, on the
Taneytown road-89 acres, with improve
ments, at $2,250. It is Mr. Sherry's' in
tention to set put a large peach orchard on
the premises.
Daniel Weigle has purchased the farm
belonging to the estate of Fsederick Herr,
deceased, in Cumberland township-105
acres, with improvements, at 41,800.
QUARTILULY Ravrzw.—The first No. of
- The Quarterly Review of the Evangeli
cal Lutheran Church," under the editor
ship of Revs. Dr.. Brown & Valentine,
has been on our table for several days.—
In view of the embarrassments incident to
the sudden death of Prof. Stever, the
suspension of the old, and the brief time
left for bringing out the new Review, un
der different auspices, this initial number
cannot fail to mike a most favorable im
pression. In typography and general get
ting up, no less than in the matter, there
is marked improvement. It is very evi
dent that the editors mean precisely what
they promised—the production of a Re
view creditahle in all respeets to the de
nomination it represents and comparable'
. h vith the heed of Theological Quarterlies.
The Introductory article is a clear, concise
editorial statement of the stator and aims
of the Rev tow, which, while specially rep.
resenting the theelogicai views of the
Lutheran Church, will welcome eoirtribtr.
tions of the proper stawiard from all de
nominations. Rev. C. A. Stork, of Balti
more, contributes a well written article on
"Systematic Benevelence," &Cowed by a
translation of Dornsr's Introdnetiou to
the History of Protestant Theology, by
Rev. Dr. Bprecher, of Wittenberg Col
lege. Rev. Dr. Robinson, of the Presby
terian Church, institutes a comparison be
tween Socrates and Thomas Arnold as
educators. Prof. Ferrier, of Pennsylvania
College, contribute, scholarly article on
the Study of the Eriglialetanguage, illus
trated by an analysis of a brief passage
from 910 , 187th . Psalm, "let my right
hand forget her cunning." The 6th and
leading article is by Prof. Loy, of Ohio—
an able and elaborate argument directed
against the rationalistic tendencies of the
age, in which he maintains the proposition
that Reason is not to be accepted as a
Rulef of Faith. Rev. IL Bbeely, discusses
the of •the Sunday School to the
•Char Ch. -Run J. H. W. Stuckenlmr, in
AU article on Dr. J: T. Beck, gives a hope
:fel view of 'the theological orthodoxt
now dominant at -Tubingen and other
tlleological centres in Gernumy. Rev. Dr.
Ray tontribbies ,sn intereshig ar-Oele on
"The Codes Sinaltictis.. "- In a brief sea i
view of Dr. Porter's ,wcisis ea Asnerifian
Colleges, tint writer plants himself square
ly nal* what he hyleased to term the
"senseless clamor" for some change in the
,curriculum of:college study—a change,
nevertheless, that must come,
-.en Ow a 'bu t
satiefastoty resume of recent American
. and .Pena,ign publications, theological,
seientials, Motoring ant • , A
. carefully mound Agent Of this kindi
continued throughout the volume, will be
intent sting and ntuable. • * .
On the who/e, we congratulate theA
didliese OR sisis initial number. Tea
• “Quarterly Review" opens with • fair
panabb of ranking among the best ',Oh
.catiOnLift $ l 4, ajd amanently,
' 'wet It will, liberal
as we support,
team A. N. imps, of Pittsburg, ,
•Azi been woryi4 s o 4 lll Tar , a 4 4 0 am la i Norics.—Tho book •
noloanto7l,4 7 ' * O .
AseicalAkinithalen i lkeigat‘ohdhliiimi Canes must be closed ky the let of
8 Mr.
36184 2 2 millia ' s Pa : Pabnort
laden 1 0 0 eIteeevu•a 4 4 1. SOW, *ad awed *US this Stow per en Jilin (trool'e/rid'
Araw a crotrasdhoue. et j wpw een , : .. petimv
PRT.—Frorm tiate "nor General's Re
port, for the year 1870, wp glop the an
nexed Items of local haterait. 'Thee ap
pears to have been paid into the State
Treasury the following Annie by-Adams
H. iv Wailes, tax ou bank *Web 30
Gettysburg and Petersburg Turittee
laud Ca., tax on week • •
Gettysburg Gas Co., taxon 5$ io -
Gettistairg Water Co., tax-on stock 51 43
Adatat Co., tax on penults! auwerizr- b
Gettysburg belowds, tax on-lassa 9 31
Gettysburg aue.PetersburgTuritake Co.,
taxon net eentlisP
Gettysburg IL R. Co., tax on gross re
tetra 158 83
Gettysburg It. It. Co., tax ou menage ' 246 53
Jacob Idethorn, tax on wilts, &c 387 53
S. A. Swope, tax on deeds, arc 94 96
Wm. D. llaltzwbrttl, " 82 46
Et A. Swope. coilateralhthernanee tax.... 364'75
Wm. D. Holtrworth, ‘"- " " - l GOO 32
W. J. llartan,"retallera' . '....1.000 00
H. D. Wattles, "' " " K 684 - 436
IL D. Wattles, license for Miami and
bowling aakions
D. D. Wattles, restaurant and beer bt_se
IL a Wattles, Beane. .
The follwing amounts were paid by the
State Treasury for various purposes in
Adana; Connty:
For pensionsand gratuities eso 00
For Common Schools
Th.". M. Walter, Mercantile appraiser for
1998,1889 and 1870 49 20
By the same report we learn that the
origiaal sunount of Relief Rotert . ka
the Bank of Gettysburg, in pursuance of
the Act of May 4, 1841, was $9 0 ,9 5 8, of
wrrfeits $29,?39 wire redeemed and cancel
led, leaving a balance unaccounted for of
In a statement in the ( same Report of
the valuation of personal property, taxa
ble for State purposes, appear the follow
ing items :
Valuation. Tak.
Adams •1,287:541 00 91,073 41
Bedford . 1,139.069 00 3,176 84
Cumber Land 3,137,212 IXI 9,217 69
Dauphin 3,204= 00 10,337 2$
Franklin 2,742,133 00 8,497 76
Fulton 191,262 00 549 96
Somerset 1.218,883 00 3,342 75
York . 4,519,397 00 11,577 07
TLIADIML:I3 STZVRNS.—The following is
from Ex-Governor Ashley's "Recollections
of Men and Measures in Congress:"
Bending beneath the weight of seventy
years, Thaddeus Stevens was the acknowl
edged leader of the House from the mo
ment of his entering- , it, in 1859. His wis
dom gave him pre-eminence over his op
ponents in the House. He had some of
Corwin's animal magnetism, The bold
language with which he disposed of com
promises showed all his hearers and, co
laborers that no half-weisures could be
accepted by him. Without Thaddeus
Stevens in the House, Mr. Ashley believed
that the power of slavery would yet have
remained unbroken.
A =mica YOR BARGAINA.-3fr. Samuel
Herbst, who intends to remove to North
Carolina, will sell valuable "Personal
Property, at his residence on York street,
on Saturday, Feb. 4. See adi. is
AT COST! AT COST! Until April' 1871—
at Non's' Corner, to make room for
Spring goods—Clothing, Hata, Caps,
Boots, Shoes, at WHOLESALE PRICER.
Now is your time for Bargains. Don't
fail to call, if you need anything in-mr
line. No Humbug. -111 and see for
yourselves. ,
[For the liar and Sentinel ;
REPLY to U. DELiae.
MESSRS. EDITOT9:-1 have just read a
communication in the Compiler, pUrpor
ting to come from Silas C. Delap, in
which he attempts to justify himself, in
the course he pursued, as chairman of the
committee appointed to audit the accounts
handed in to the county Commissioners
by Mr. Wert, of the Institute of 169. .4s
Mr. Delap, in the communication alluded
to, would have the public believe what is
not so, I feel it to be my duty, in justice
to my self as well as Mr. Wert, to• State
a few facts which he, either ignorantly or
purposely, omits to state. Ile says:
"The manner of rejecting the report was
not so boisterous as Mr. Wert would have
the public believe. Mr. Heilhecker, who
made the motion, stated that be did not
intend, by so doing to reflect in any way
on the committe, but did so merely, to
avoid further controversy."
This is all right—so far as it goer. Ile
then goes' on further and says that "only
with this understanding did Mr. Wert
secure the rejection of the report." But
stop here, Messrs. Delap di, Co. WAS this
all that I , eaid 7 Was there not something
else said, which was not quite so soothing
ton excited temper? Be "honest" now
and 'let us have the whole story. "Hones
ty," you know, "is the best of policy."
But, perhaps, you have forgotten it.—
Well, to set matters rigid, I 'suppose, I
will have to repeat it here. In addition
to what you have reported me to have
said r also - stated that, "if the committee
fully understood the facts in the case
there could he no cause for controversy."
Whether you understood this or not, I will
not pretend to say.
,It is enough, howev
er, for me know that you omitted for
purposes best known to yourself. I know
one thing, however, and that is, that the
members of the Institute understood it,
and knew whither it tended, and voted
to "reject" your report moat "boisterous
ly," on the strength of it, stud nor, as you
would have people believe, because I "did
Rot intend to reflect on the committee"
end to "avoid controversy." The remark
was intended to .flatter you into silence,
in order that you might not expose your
ignorance (niftily" or Aid it ' does not
matter) again &film your fellow teachers,
who had already become disgusted with
your misstatements. Like a good felloW,
you took the bait and subsided. The re
mark you quote was intended for you and
acted like a charm. The one you did not
quote, (and yea did hive sense enough
not to,)wes locemied forthe institute.
They ,razidratdo4it, and; voted . to Elio*
your report. „ not oultr tomohnotudy, but
with such - 4iishiwias idestilitaileici for
ever any committee-man of ordinary. .
YORK Srimps, 7sul. 18 1871.
tl'ot' the Silir and Renithit
Pursuant to ,noel's the members of
Vamb Creek tyceumr met at Scott's
School Mill6lt, op Friday Evening,' San.
6th, 1871, and nevoid* by the election
of Joseph Kunkle as Speaker, Sohn fr•
Dishilieenetasp e ank-As 4iitoeissiver
_ . * ol / 3 0PM RboidAtinalliss
offerecit . PUmolved that war is justifiable?'
After a spirited discussion a vote was
taken which tateltarl the delimit of the
rueletig*4 On.mOtien 4 / 4 6
obition was Made a venial order for the
next nisitithigf " .riettait - trriitevela6ol
term of Franklin Tp, &maid be inerease4
The Society again east en the-11)161,4AM
Ae above Hesoluthni flag 4l•44.liir
Faxoti,,,Ltltociugam ]Pte .
D. Chamberlin, John H. Add,
,; c 43 ***, 01 0 W. /4 nregA4'
virt at: 4 00110@h t.141?n
0014/114411. 1 ,4siiiiimisiimas,
" se drisesorass u".-11.0 *iv
l ug ,thatite ~nimaT Elio'
Pith/it Bl.lh as by Stmat"Pr#l4l.4
51ew,1441 4 41 0 1 14411 51 ! 0241161iies
Society adjoammed taahalt , 4l.ol-3Wiar
erealsg, Jaw 101114
and sentinel. . - CoirzrST—W i lso ball, suffered from
; Corns, Bunitnik t lngrowing Nails, Chß
; In last week's Compiler a communes-) Isis's, Tender . FeeB +e.? 'Briggs'
Lion appeared, purporting to be from the Al . ator ma uurst . re a ; red&
Committee appointed at last Institute to I dY• old by D rri genta. Be" by mail 60
audit Mr. Wert's accounts. Now that'ALrl4ol-'l* ,Baron e „,,,, i lt r 4 4°, ,ai r ZZ/J• 3- •
committee emulated of three persons!'” r ' n. """" nhat ' nmen t r more
'Where then are the other two The namsq die able or disgusting thanc Catarrh
"Silas C. Delap" is the only o ne app e nded • Blinn' Allescretre. is a PleaMurt, cheap
to the article, and yet he speaks as though 1 and i e n il tr e : r ent** , 80 / 11 by Sir 6 frisists•
PILIra!--Suffer not with Inte rn al he were the whole Committee: "It was'
I ing or - Itching Piles. A cure ,hais, been
the intention of the Committee to drop
the subject and say nothing more about ; dieeeveredl Bri gg s' Pile 'Kerne "' a r c
it." He also says: "The committee was - anM and sure ' ._B°ld by druabaS
moved and appointed without a dissent- I CoNB"I72"/ —___ _, _,
. With ibe .hollaw , mull
ing voice." There he is wrong again; for i sickenin g " ei ght ...w r a 3 M o- IlloL null's, Profuse
one of the teachers, appointed on the 4 m r PecturatiM4 the debtiftUttufi 11101t
committee, was opposed to it and consider- +innate) soa all other srulllssals of this
ed it an outrage limn the very first. He f at a l m almiy , arc aabdued by the use of
Briggs' Throat and Long Heeler, the most
spprogriatelg named remedy yet diseev
nmd !O. Ilimat and Lung.. Disease's.
Sold by A. D. Buehler, .1. M. Huber and
Diuggistif genera*. . . tg e
. ......._ ..._... , . ,
Loos Eizat.—B. Woodward
meneed, in connection with his GOA:Ppr
ng, the repairing of Umbrellas, 1 1 4:4414.
sc., which he will warrant to he liettOaf..
ed than is done by the res4coty : op *An..
brella-menders. Any person ' .wlsUrg•
work done in this line casllois:Wwl '
at 1
his shop on Carlini Streete,..nmi it -ire I
sent for and returned. -tlbauiessiorimnste',-
He also has sty l on lisisr"Wa iir.rie4 of Bat
tle-teld-Belies, of Intirklid:*4ll kik,
large asmortmentotCass' • CaAnxii*:
see kitis
-"The idea of investigating the accounts
of last year's Institute *rig-bitted with me,
and I had my reasons for it.'
. Now for another quotation:
"When the Institute assembled there
was but one sentiment amok g teachers;
and that was, that if Mr. Wert 's last In
stitute expenditures were legal and proper,
he must be reimbursed foi his loss. Feel
ing, that, *paha/ pf t4s county
nfi, Super
intseht adesincli jusVl) , sock $ iacrifice,
the teachers with one mind resolved to
come to the rescue. With that view an
auditing committee was moved and ap
pointed without a dissenting voice."
Look at the discrepancy. First he says
HE originated the idea of the auditing
Committee and had his reasons; and af
terwards tries to make it out as the idea
of the Institute, as a whole, in ordef that
Mr. Wert might be reimbursed. 0! con
sistency, thou art a jewel—which, it
seems, is not possessed by
_friend Delap.
But who is Silas C. Delap, the committee 1
lostn . whe imegges flues in Mosel( P .
A man of fame and great renown,
Who teaches school In Oxford town.
100 00
230 On
We read in the Bible that "there were
giants in. those days;" but we will have to
change "those" into "these," for lot here
is one in our very midst. One would
think from his abuse that he had been a
competitor with Mr. Wert for the office of
the county superintendency, and had been
defeated, or that he was trying now to
supersede him.
He further says that Mr. Wert thing
the deficiency in the face of the teachers.
This I deny. p o simply informed them
that such Was the case, ni•a• reason for not
emiao.Yilig so many
,paid - lecturers us ho
had done at the previous Institute. Mr.
Delap also talks about his predecessor, as
only charEiNig the teachers half as much
as Mr. Wert did, • What dime he mean by
that ? Each teacher psyslitty cents mem
bership fee; but who fixed thatlee? Did
not the teachers themselves? • - And even
if they had not dorm no, I do not • think
any one could complain this year, after
receiving. tickets to two entertainments
and one lecturein the.bargain.
For my part, I think that Mr. Wert had
the right to spend just as much money of
his own as he pleased, without accounting
to any person or persons, teacher or
teachers; and if I were in his place , I
would consider it_bineath my dignity to
take any further notice of the matter.
Mr. Wert made the same speech in the
Institute that was published in the "Star
and Sentinel." se. also before the lusti
tutemade a statement of his accounts so
plain and simple that a school-boy could_
understand it. He did not claim to have
made au incorrect statement to the Com
missioners; the items which went to make
the $64.50, were just as fresh in his mein
(s4' then as the items which he did file in
their office. The object of the lairqueted
is - b 3 prevent Superintendents from draw
ing more money than they spend. He
gave vouchers for all be drew and is time.
fore guilty of no misdemeanor.
Silas, "the Committee,'; says: ?Tile
manner of rejecting was not so boisterous
as Kr., Wert would have the public be.
lieve," etc. I would remind him of, the
old - proverb, "actions speak louder than .
words." Whence sprang, sul if by magic,.
the hrindsome presents Mr._ Wert received
on the evening of the same do, if the
mass of the tf .2l. •rs were not with him?
Yes, and Many were slighted that they
had not had the onartunity. given them
to contribute. Where beforewass Coun
ty Superintendent of Adams so_ highly
honored ? 0 Mr. Delap, Mr. r_Delap!
"Honesty is certainly the 'best policy"
and the next time you write. an , article for
a committee, remember and commit all
the members of the„sarpe,'for_cortyler will
The whole trouble seems to be that Mr.
Dehip failed to convict Mr. Wert of dis
honesty before the Institute, and now,
attempts, by an tuttruinly article in the
columns of the Compiler, to effect what .
he failed to do there.
P. 8.-Bince writing the above, I have
authoritativelylearned that Mr. McCreary,
the President, appointed the committee
without any censtatation whatever'. 'List
en to Mr. Delap, "The, committee was
virtually one of Mr. Wert's own appoint
ing." An we to consider, then, that Mr.
Wert and Mr. McCreary are one and the
same person? If sdy then Mr. McCreary
must also come In for his share of the
abuse so unsparingly heaped upon Mr.
Wert's devoted head:
I shalt now take notice orthe oasaidons
and eironmstarmes which are supposed to
render the nee of ardent spirife neeehtaiy,
and endellvibr - to.ishoiribatlhe arguments
favor of their . lise in such s dases are
fonaddi in error, and 'thit, 'ln 'each of
Om, ardent spirits, Thhteid of -2.4l.nAing
strength to the body, increase the evils
they-are 3—tended to relieve—,
1. They m. said to be neeessarria levy
cold siestbas This #s far from" beg
true; for the temporary warmth thtly_pro
duce is always succeeded by a greater dis
position in the body to be affected hi
2.ars,sp4dV I!ts.. in w'
warm k • y p 4.
they increase instead of lessening the ef
fects of best upon the isxl .. aad , oareby
dispose tottsiiiiirirofit Zn&i." 'As well
might we throw oil into a house, the roof
, of whicll was on lire, in - Order to prevent
the flames from extending to its inside,
as pour ardent spirits into the stomach
tg lessen the effects of a hot sun upon the
13 - - Nor *Atli talon the if
fedi! Kbard4isor tiliM3 , 0 0 0 4* - 41 ' #
There' is no nourishment in ardent spirits.
The strength they produce in labor, is of a
tnuniegyreSims, - end is always followed
by a sense of weakness !Ad pspire.
I have known many instaneeircifiribiet
who tnne t?llowed the most laborious-win:
ployment for many nap, In the open air,
aid in warm and cold weitl 'or :who new
drank intxtbillif but wet** and enjoyed
uninterrupted good health,
lairPoreity is bad, but the worst kind
,pf, poverty is poverty of the blood; this
bakes a man "paw indeed," for it o takes .
way o °Urne .434 energ
but enrich the blood with its vital slistoomt,
roe, by taking the Pawls* . gyrnp (a
luotoside of iron,) and you will feel rich
in i d gas good se anybody." Try it. it
• :L,L.f
CAPT. Nontus—ass the lowa NA
iSott stock of Clothing, lists, Cvs, Boots,
Shoes and Furnishing Goods in town, and
is soling than very thew Clive Lim g
OIL 1100.24 f
[Selected for t t lte_Star and Sentinel
Autpirarr -
Wssarwo 1114pFX.tart.—A
don, patented August; 1870, And known
air "Steriareithi CYaeh-sodlety !' .ii Yee
e ellad r °the wsurhes mil..l:*4B lremoug Pbirlelinp :l eclis y, th wit Qtrnitne hou ctil t :orni l t"4lhli°l4
tion, - hes given eadisfaetion
tried. ..Mesres. 8. 11Torreli IV Smith will
eillihit . the Boiler at the prineipel hotels
tb Gettysburg during Gina Week, and in
*lto housekeepers to come 'and..eriiiiiinsi
for themselves.
Ncw Btaxics.—We have now ea _hand
a full assortment of newly printed Blanks
for Jnstices of the. Peace. including Lett
mations, Warrants, Commitments, Sum
monses, Sublicenaa, Executions, &e. Al
so Sale Notes, Negotiable Notes, Judg
anent Notes, &c., with and without waver
clauses, School Warrants, School State
ments, Contracts with Teachers, &c.
Orders promptly filled.
PIRLYZ OTIVIZREL—E. H. Minnigh makes
it a point to serve up the VElla naar
Oysters that can be secured in the Balti
more market. He has special accommoda
tines for Ladies and Gentlemen,:whe will
find every thing in prime order - . Oysters
served up in every style, to snit the most
astidious. Call and see for yourselves.
Tae BEST STOVE now in market, for
beauty, economy, and comfort, is admitted
all around to be the MORNING GLORY.
It defies all competition, and that is the
judgment of all who have used it.. It is jest
the thing for Offices,. Stores, and Parlors
Chambers. Call at C. H. Buebler's
Ware Room, opposite the Passenger
Depot, and examine for yourselves. tf
WAREHOUSE /OA RlENT.—the building
now occupied by Jos. Wm,. 6c Son as a
Produce Warehouse, Gettysburg, Pa.—
Inquire of Joseph Wible. tf
year Opens with a fine prospect for the
American farmer. The European demand
for American grain bide fair to be far
greater than for many years.. The war
having consumed home supplies, the
draught in foreign supplies must be great
ly increased. Moreover, the war has
greatly interfered with fall sowing in
Germany and France, and the next aggre
gate of crops in these countries must bs
Much steelier than heretofore. And the
probability. of an increased demand for
American wheat is strengthened by the
immense falling off in the supply on band
in the lour chief grain marts of the world
since January .1, 1870. The following
figures tell the story: ,
New York.
micas°. •
Falling M!r
In I,ondon alone the amount of wheat
on hand is 'a million bushels less than in
January, 1870. Between the comparative
smallness of the stock • on band and the.
certain diminution of the European crop,
a With demand upon America is litetviia-
We, and an increase in prim will follow
as matter of comae.
Tax Virginia Senate , bas passed a bill
making an appropriation to purchase a
picture of General Lee, and try the
same rote refused an appropriation for
the purchase of a likeness of 'General
George H. Thomas, one of the most gallaza
soldiers of the army of the Union.
NEST to the terrible loss of life and
suffering in the Paris bombardment, will
be deplored the sad ciestrnetion of art in
the doomed city. Its richest consumma
tions in the 'Museum and Luxeznixong are
already reported destroyed.
liAls-.llAnii.—On the Mth Wt.. by the ger. L.
T. Williams. M. Daniel H. Bair. of Littlestown,
to Miss Martha Ellen Had, of Carroll oinhig 4 bid.
Gina—Sarrunir.-0* the 15th nit., by .- C.
Sbeel, Mr. Jacob Case to Mho Jennie beirler,
boils of .thin oilinitr• - ' •
• _Dai.x.r—Mmorna.,-011 the Millet, WM:Reit
W. F. P.• Do*, Mr. Jacob Doll to Mies Swan
Mummer, both of Tart county.
Mtn--Latratcx.—On the sth inst., by Mee.
D. W. Wait, Mr. J. Singleton Myers to Minsldary
-Link Diariek, all of Butler townehip, Minion
pouaty. , i
maiaisar r
Qvanirsiaz—Eizaam—On the : Ifitli ult. • •
Arc .1. Mummer, Mr. Charles C. , ll.
fonneriyot Penasylvania, to Mini Meg:
. ikenneike of this many, allot Ka etquk,
ty, lowa, I
4inirie—liamil.—ln Washington, D. C., ea to
=I:A%F. X. DeNeeker S. 4.. at lit.
Dr. Jr. F. sorb, eit u
.110 . county,
_to Mine IL B. Hen*, dal=
Mon. M.A. ISMIX6. af Zdenton,
Ht .llr a •
Summa—.Maoris.-10nibil b tit,..„ at Abe
tie. al the briite'eibbren mer.• W.
E ll lnbeinrrioaoblu Jamb' of• Middle.
tomb tino county,. tO Mhs M a ly :ruf
Cm& James Mieldey. olgelizi ears, Ibis einnifyt
ll=sorleealtemare a Ilse for an over kw
to aooompaay the nottea ml, la
dada' weesurlal tribadaa, nesolattane of loofa
ties. der,
Birtgam—.4)ll the UM laelt.,ln thriaplace, atith.
P., laantrehlld Parer sot Means garner, ace 4,
7 weeintaa• Ow , :
Oftalor.t.en: Ma 4ay 01 Ileplember
Andrewlkeetter. eon o f 1
&due Masa, spa tweaks.
Couninanne , aftet the 10th hat.. In lAttlestorrt 7
Mr. FredadeltOotelettee,aae4 79
ING.CIe the lith nit; aner m Ati
mm Magdalene IMMIag. seed 'ID rani 0=
• Bdays.
Parzlit—Oil the Bth lash; In lattleetown, alter
a; burner:4ra. 'Ms near, eyed 18 years t ,
anentatamill days
ranunt--4:ker the 218talt, near Uttleitewa. ,
iirs.Vanatimindikt, aced , 88 eas, 6 maths
the 18th •• 11c
' ontat4 Vett Q 4l, r •
~:M1p5. 1 . 4 1 1 0.
;m l 3 4;:- vigriztOk,
1 waft
• •-••
.tiolosergs•cii;e are
a I,IV • ' • Clodja the—
to ow+t
• "
. we
•""• U.. , • ;
flAlls.tanr.-,44risiss a Prodite* %14r-:., .
. , Bet/UMeee, Thursday .Iforning. 1
ON I !' • -
, burgh, Pa.
SUPER FLOUR, i 25 faii 550
~ , 4 . AUCT
.., i - 11 ) ...' i --- ----
EXTRA ELOmt,.., . i , , ~.." 6 25, Al, 6,51) On 277ES.LiA. r .; TA 77A Y 24,1871
- Wirt% Ihraltat, - ' ' -1 ar ‘it• Igo .
BED WHEAT 60 Al the Grocery Store, formerly belonging to J.
147 0 1 IW. Cress, on the Northwest corner of the Ma
t:. , 75 fi t, 6 6 mond, Getty sbu Pa., will be o ff ered at Public
Auctkm the.
g h lrtWf";•,-t• • •-i - !..1.”00:ii. 19 'T C% ! sizably, sifitgi 1 4 1 11r. s.upkat tn"l Mi ea
„.s If - 75 Lamps, ( class Jars, Demi
TDSOTES-SEED, -75 46 op I johns, Esatinft- 8 rut*, diments, iirushe.
. Brooms, Baskets. Bueke WI
CLOVER-Slum - 25 6 725 , all *Mel ts• 48 : Lante g l .ssau
es generally
_kept in a Grocery more.—
Fisz.-8NED,.... 000 aI no Also. the STORE FIXTURES, consisting of
IlicoE,lBnotalusint, 10 0 IPA' Counter, Show
N a, Selvint i fesk, Platform
~., 1 ,,,: f s um. .: „.„ ~. , i„,„, , Sca/es,_and a o. 1 3foßitsg O Steve.
...74 le ts,.l Sir The Bale voUlcoutorimee at o'clock. P. M.,
RAMS 16 0 is . and wsll continue from day to day until all is sold.
1,,,,...D.. ~.. ..„,,,,,..., 12. i i ii i , 13 i Attendanceswill Ns given and terms nude known
. • . . , ..--., 1 -. , '1 ',' .. .bY 'JOHN VIM: S.
GI eity•burgGrada * Provision amirkert. DAVID DETRICK,
', , • fießribitrr, Plofday Morning.. . ,
,J all. Stu i5,71.....5t . A in M t . ItV
reat ie j eWg ' diturs.
nom 600.0 5 75. i
_alt walla. ..; . •-1 20 0 1 a° ,
RED WHEAT, 133 0 I '25
Bra • ' -- r • - oo - 4 70
..,-Twllir - fingP—....... .ssr...° 6u. 4is Os
1 tmovambiara, 000 ly 72 . ;
. I ': 1 4A,,.. . . . . . _ . ... . , L
... ,..." 5 I 9IA'•..••::t.:•.•-' ' ' : , ' 1 • • ' - • , : . . ; . 7 'i A 1 7,-,
411mrrpp.,,, , ,, • ... IA • 11.. ..... o • ••••••• • . $4 . 4
1 14
. '. 7 1 :- -V, ;Wi4141011, 01(f¢, 1.
jpiiiiii iit' V. IKaregi. * Baro.,
~ ,,,...,.404.Arilidkaritffitiv,OVIIIidrtho.kist.
Serc:44, - Xt kt...,,, •
10116 i
7.7 . 6 . 5 , •
7 F I :: -.67 •"• - ...f• •.: • • • ... "N. 107
1(,•g 1($
.4 1 4 1, lin -, •• itr%
15. &30 Year Cpereetki.OY., 1094, IW,
449kh A, 110, 1 {., I(r%
&her, 10l 107
Uplon Pa.ckfle B. R. Ist M. 80nd5,.....156) 765
. 900 910
Union Pacific Laud Groot Sead*A... : . 610 al)
The underaigned. SPPtinted by the orphans'
Court of Adams County. Auditor todtvposrof t he
exceptions to the Account of I).srip K N /my,
. .. for of the Hltate of Jalnea Boni n.
- • • with aWat. his office In flet.tyslmre.
Monday, the 6/h day of Fo•very at lb
o'clock. A. 31., to attend to the duties Noel op.
A.. 1. CO% Eft, Auditor.
Jan. 20.-3 t
rpm= w ill b e a meeting of the District !mai
tote of the 2d Sub-Diterict of -talons county,
composed of Hamilton. heading, lianiptoil, }ter-
Wick toinishlp, Ueraick borough and lislurd, at
East Berlin, on FRIDAY and SA It DA Y. JAN
UARY Zith and ?Bth, DPI Teachers and Direc
tors are cordially invited to attend.
County Superintendent.
Jan. M-It
pußLie S A LE..
The undersigned Intending to inn: farming.
will sell at Public Sate, an Paddy, rho 24th day
01 114ruary, 1871. their residence in Straban
towtniitiP. Wks east of Gael burr near the
Railroad, aM midway between the York turnpike
and the Hmiterstown road, the following Peon,
nal Property, to wit
TWO WORK HORSES, 1 fine Brood Mare, 1
four.year old Horse. I Colt rising two years old,
(blooded stock. tired by Dr. Tate., celebrated
horse Cashier.) 4 YOUNG MILCII COWS,
head of Young Cattle, merstddhig Of I Steer, 1
Bull and 9 Heifers. 4 Sheet). two-horse Wagon.
three-horse Wagon. Screw.power Reaper. flay
-Rake, Plows, ghovel Plows, Harrows, Corn Fork,
Horse Goan, double and single Trees Spreaders,
Cow Chains, Ortndstone, Own by the bushel, Cut- Re. Also, HOUSEHOLD AND RITCH•
gW FURNITURE, such as * Bedsteads. Cook
WOll5 and Fistures, Parlor - Stove, and a great
Many ether articles too numerous to mention..
arSale to commence at 11 o'clock, A. M.,
when attendance will be given and terms made
known by F. & W. VAN ORSIA.L.
Jan. fO, 187L—t'.
The undersigned. intending to remove to Ben.
dersville, will sell at Public tale, on Thursday,
the- 2 3d deg 01 /ternary, 1.571, on the premises ut
P. A. pe : tm s, lying between Centre Mills and
Bendersvt In Menallen township, the follow.
Property, 1112 :
IiBEE HOUSES, 2 of them Mares with foal. 1
Colt Ming 2 years, one yearling. 4 head of 5111 A If
COWS, some of them will be fresh by the thue of
sale ormlusrtly 'after, 3 Heifers, 2 Sows and Phot,
1 Biwa& 2 INagona, oar broad-tread for
lye or six horses, 1 two and three-horse narrow.
tread Wagon, Wagon lied Hay Can lage. set of
Dung Boards, Wins-tooth flay Bake, Winnowing
ADO, entling.bok,_2 Mars, one a Bedfordnattern
widths, other a Wttlierow, Harrow, single Shovel
Plow, 2 Corn Forks, Dung and Ilteh Forks,
Dung Hook, braider, single and doable Trees, Middle Rings. _ set ofßrambbands, 2 set of Front
Gears, fitiusinlars, Bridles, lane, Saddle,
Halters and C • Jockey Stick, 2 set of Breast
Chains, Bi Cow, and other Chains, Graf u
elerapar, G rainSitevel, Tar Docket, =at., and
other ail kits too numerous to mention.
....411gailala la. tiammeace at kb .W.Avalk, A. -M.,
when attendance will be oven and terms made
known by I;. 11400. - 811. M. ritax..
J AWN llittlaßr; A nerfoueee.
San. 251. 1271.--ts
Qn Baturdaii, the 41h day of February next
The subscriber, intending to remove to North
will sell at YuMk Sale, at his meedence
unm i rcdtreet, Gettysburg, the folkming rem).
t 01 '
T, months old, a l a r t o:a Covered
'Pb agou with Spread/Ind 1 Carriage
Wtligpread and Shafts,
s ic i l Su y, 3 good
Sleighs, I Runic Bohm. of Belts.timmed,
pair of Baits, double set of atm Batumi.
tari, BrWlm, =cief traile. hisdalles,jobes.
Trunk-rack, tut of Buckets., mar or 40und
• „ ft . I ytygeta girths, Wage, 5 Fire Buckets.
WheinUrr O W, kudos, Shovels, Woodaset__
gig. Also, good UOUSEtiOLD AND SElTClikli
kTIMITURE, contrasting of /turning Glory tittsve
and ripe, Parlor stuve. Bedsteads, 3 Bureaus,
labia, Stands, W Aetna, Rood buts, Chairs,
new Cane-s Mark 2 large Bucking Chairs,
Mirrors. Cradle. Quiltinglrames. Step-ladders,
also, BMW CHAMBhIt etrierertack., consist-
I of Bedstead. Dressing Barest, Washsjand;
tlattdlatand, Toweirack, 3 Chairs, &c.
Mirtitde to commence at 12 o'clock, tL, un said
day. TIMEI:—A credit of Eight Months will be
JAMB Cat.nalua. Anetioneer. ,
Jan. 77571.--t5
Ira ' 1171.
Bushets. itusheis.
6,519.000 2,9111X0211
4.446,4011 3,780,00
2. 1 994.60 4 tX44O*
1464,000 JAMB
15,4=000 10,645,01116 ,
The astriertber. intending to quitfanning. all
seY at public Bale, on Tuesday. the =Ur • tray of
Abruary, al7l, at his residence at Jonas Itoth'i
Mitt,t Hatter township, Adams comity. 1 mile
Northeast of itUMWAsOurg, on the mid 'leading
to laiddlekrwn, the following Personal Property,
to maim
SIX WORK HORSES, 2 Mares with foal, a Ho.
1 Horse rising 5 years, 2 Young Mares raing 3
years, 9 Head of HORNED CATTLE, some of
which are extra stock, 1 large fat fluit. f head or
Mosta, 2 War-horse uarrow-tread Wagons, Trot
ting Bugg. Weigh and hells, 2 sets or nay Car
riages, unload isood as uew. Lime liedlre-tooth
Hay Rake, Feed Trough, timeritte Winuostieg
t'uttlmpbeit, combined Reaper, and Mower
in good running order, Threshing Mathine and
Horse-power, 2 good flows, 2 double shove
Plows, 2 Harrows, Corn Forks, Corn cove r * ,
Dung and Pitch Forts, Rakes, Oats Forks, single,
Amble and treble Trees, Grain Cradle, Grain
Morel, 3 sets of Breeenbands, 3 sets of, Front
(Wars,### o 1 'f a me* wagon Saddle and Whip.
Co • 2 21 14 118 8 4 kauusina 1 0 1134s al orse
' t•• intim and Side noodles. _Bridl
# ir e kikru i dt ex chants, semi reset (Mains,
2 • • 'Bug Tomes, Cuw, kifth and Leg CW=4
2 . - gpadis, Mattock, 12 ar 1.5 Tons of
,fit , Litarun, and a great many other
• Sou numerous iv meutiou.
a ut .
m u pna.hatt interest of 98 Acres td Grain
tOetinunettm as 9 o'ciatir, A. it. wfien
attendance will be even and ternounade known
Jowl HAMM. Anotioneer.
- Jan. 30, 1871.--ts
ji . /4241tr,E_ a* T•E 0E,....
The node , dealing to relinquish f arm .
ing, z ), e I c. , , at Du bile Bale, e t tirituriday,
the HIP, en Malian,
absetTlgrotint orttt o Hampton A m o re m oun.
, Ya., and 1 4 mile itrest of the Baltire and
llide Me. the following Valuable persuhai
OF w VLES. (Istatnetty bred ) frOm
6 Sol yearn elk Mated la =a aad• , the,
*not Wag a brown, and slit from
sailill half to n and three-quarter bands n
!tel.. This 'valuable team la d wall broken and
ter el th e'larm or rm porpoise, Two
Ing',o OF HORSES. both good driving. one of
taal et o t tA• • I : it • }la Mar t e i 2Atuo li kruse le 7
a.a, , •• ! as sit pill, 9
11 =
the • 3 bIE •Dwil a w hich
are with ism - ; a 1., (tolo..W.goon
innld sow% Y . Cheater
Whites, I Cho* • • , 0 (-• and a
Int ot Young Pito at ague bt o -tread
Wagons, on e as ten us; with W
afers, 1 Germantown 'Curriliggi Pew . 13e h d R zith
Ligie-bottom, HaFic rs Zt • , I l iad ig eandithir t .. a,_
rxre *A Mower, (Battik
1 rk i•Tbss, rain Drill, nearly. new, i'
ws, I w' are Daker'sma4e l 3 Hamm,
, , • . leo v rt..oimEnln 1
• gig 4 , • Mire& wn : tA , ''
t • Loi taro z : l3tat and BreiatChains,
. 1 i n alma of Morse Gears,
neaat hp_Pe - weala i er, Meeker's
aa,) f,l H 106 4e 1V1 ss. tr a krAllPi.
- • O. OW
. f k jaw For r•• •.••• els, Rakes, Grain
' , . *l l eS tef lahMa•
. ' ' I 1 r
it ' 7 4 - lli
. -
' ANlt t •i' ' ' l '' ' such as
Fruit, ,
I '
- '''' ' •' !, `• •.• ag • ' .
- .1 • ' '.
Me Nara pll 11,er•1 oisee.
ris4WrMint 115
18 . 0. 1471
Nrw g4dvtriiitintuto.
,1 sr,eeutio).,
- 41
1 ` nkiit
A EsTs. ;:STs. Picking & Co. lave the
v largeq :14d best assortment of VINTS ever
°flexed. Cv: .
Court Proclamation
Re:REAS; the lion. Rontarrl. ?mum, Pre.
v soletif of the several Courts of Common
Pleas hi the rounties composing the 19th District,
and Justice of the Courts of tler and Terminer
• and . General Jan DeljeerY, tor the trial of all
capital and ether offender% In said district , and
Joszpa Kunn and ttorucxr Meet - any, Hays.,
Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas, and Jus
tices of the 4 'aorta of Oyer and Terminer and -
General Jail I ullivery fur the trial of all capital
and other offenders n the county of Adams--
have issued their precept, bearing date the 3Uth of
Ef.N4;l( in-theta:Er Lord one thousand eight
414 st se n , and Orme dinectedjalt held
a Cquit n Pletta. and tieusrar guar-
Sessions of the Peace, and General Jail Dealt-,
ery and Court of Wier and Terminer, at Gettys
burg, on MONDAY, the 23d day of JANUARY,
NOTICE PA LIERE„Ey YEN to all the Jos-
Urea Of the WN tho Coroner and the Constables
within the said county, that they be then and
there in their proper persons, with Rolls,Hecorda.
and Inquisitions, Examinations, and other remem
brumes, to do those Whigs which to their official
and in that beim!t appertain to be done, and also,
they who will prosecuteagainst the prisoners that
are or then shall be Iniallotsuld coutityot Admits,
are to be then and there tyrzsocut them
as than be J A
SbertrtatallOs. trodaysb rg. 'di. IiTTI.-te
F:LSEWII EltE. rail
1170.—t[J411 o,
A I "g‘ 4444 4' -4
Xl , O THE. WORKING CLASS.—We are now
1 prepared to furuislt all classes with constant,
eintnoyment at holm., the whole of the tune or
for the spare moments. titbit:W.3,l new, light,
aud tnble. Persons of either sex easily earl,
from Ike.. to ti per evening', and a proportional
sum by devoting their whole Hine to the huslueSs.
Itoys and girls earn nearly as much as men.—
That all Wilo see this notice may send their ad.
chess, and test the business. we make the unpar ,
alleled utter: Tu such :LK ate not well natisued,
we will send ;f to pay fur the tronble of writing.
Full partieulars, a valuable sample wide!) will elo
to commence work on. and a copy of The Peo
ple'.., ear!, Cbutieinium— one 4.1 the largest and
best family iiewspapers ever published—all sent
free by mall. Header. if you want ermanent,
profitable work. address E. C. ALLEN SCI).,
Augusta, Maine. 41
NIVEINALISM What is it? Serd for the
.Star in the West. Cincinnati. .1. large 8-page
weekly; eitabllstied 1827. It meets all the wants
of the family; 50 pet year. sl.'2' six months.—
Try It. Specintete4 free. Address 11'ILI.1 A MSON
6: CAST WELL, I Itininnall, Ohio. .4t
4.3 CLOVER. Sample packages sent free to all
farmers; also, a ermy of the A ISERICAK STOCK
JOUUN AL, by enefoslng stamp to N. P. BOTE it
GS; Ch., Parkesburg, Chester en.. Pa. 4t
.a.nthems and Quartete (or 5 cents.
Mailed free. Lend 5 eenfs, her specimen, to A.
2:.7 West 31a(llson Street,
Chicago. 4t
I Steam Engin•r.. With and without cut..ntr. and
Sectional Safety Steam Jicti:ers, bat in quantities
by special machinery. Send fm eircular. 44 Cort
land street, N. Y. 4t
$5 to $lO per Day. and Guts oho en•
gage in our•new busine.,, make from 05 to *lOper
day in their own localities. Full particulars and
instzuetions sent free by mail. Those in need of
parkasaiwat. proßiabie . work; sbeigtd — addrest - at
once. (WAGS hil,isOY 4 to., Portland, Maine.
I PER. WEEK and expenses, or allow a large
commission, W sell our new and wonderful Inven
tions. Address M. WAGNER & Co., Marshall,
SALARY YEE WEEK, and expenses,
.v.8..1 mid Agents, to sell our new and useftu
Aliseoretimi. Addreol B. SWIM', St Co., Mantis%
Alit h 4t
The old standard remedy for Coughs. Geoids, Con
sumption. "Nuthipg better." CI:TLEs &
Boston. 4t
1111A-WS rowDEK. a 45-
I_, moves superfluous hair in Are minutes, with.
out Injury to tike nkie, tient try malt tor
Itellevesinest violent parerrems to live minutes
/sod enacts s speedy cure. Hee by
Colors the VI Waken and hair alietudital Blacker
Brown. It consists ut only one preparation. 76
omits by mall Address b. C. L'PltAiii, IZ
Jayne Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulars sent
flee. bold 1.4 all Druggists. 41
USYCHOMANCY.—Any lady or gentleman can
I make $l,OlO a month, secure thew own happi
ness and independenue, , by obtaining Prfouo
- I , sactseflost. or isOul. Casiumfa. SOU
pages ; cloth. Pull instructions to use this power
over men ur animals at wid, ho* to Mesmerize,
become Trance or Writing Mediums, Divination,
spiritualism, Alchemy, Pullosophy of Omens and
Dieams, tirighaiu loutig's Harem, Guideto Mar.
riage, Sc., ad cordalued In this book ; 11.14000 soild
price by mail, in:ellotb $ 1.25. paper Mifflin el—
o icr..`‘Aby person wiing to act as agent will
receive a sample copy of the work free. As no
capital is required, all desirous of genteel eta
pkiyment should send for the book, enclosing
els. fur postage. to T . W. FNANS g CO., 41 South
Bob St.,•Philaderphia. Jan.* leff.—M
Riehlrdson's New Method
"Deserves our hearty recommendation," N. Y.
liusl9l Review. "Ilueteeptinnable In taste and
style. Dwight's JcrturnaL "notindest, clearest,
best book for the Plum" Phil. Eve. Bulletin.—
"ti 11l supersede every other of the kind." Wet.
easter. Spy - . - Possesses merit not Claimed by oth
er work~."' Cleveland Herald. "tkonmon senSe,
plain talk. and brevity." Roston Journal.—
Presents malty new and important ideas." N.
Y. Tablet,:
king dry lessons, nor wearisome exercises,
but i t ghtly Studies th roughout, and Charming
Mel tur,practlee at every step. It is all that
am be desired. Price 4't. 75. Sent post-paid.
OLIN - ER . I)IMM* & CO., Boston.
CHAS. U, DITSON & CO., New York.
Jan. G.
pitztpft,'C lu o., n it= 2, theitiot “
Jo,sepli Walton &,
Cablawiteliask . ere,
.11'0. 418 Manta Et, Phawlelpkia r
1 LB catablisinnept ta ono of
. he oldest in rtill
ll scieltifa, and from king experience and
sarenerTaelllties we are prepared ta furnish good
wet* at rrasonable prima
We mantas= 1 4 11 11t 1 4%. 3 4( 1 450 mlr i
atgr i f furniture 4
.1 4 4 44 :47 6 114iir &ode
aoade ti) order. .
J.. rfsite^ ve*Work aaa Mee Farnltrue for
mins .Weres.. made to order.
I.mAxcerr.. . . Scars
'f ir Willinv neautirtu "rad aet °ll- of la trbtsk . *an-t teil ers -ll iPr
,snUstae aihice
Lora t n, on wo to three tnotittratrom Ape AWl ga
wrier : AO. Ms MO rtr. lait Ls perfect
unless and win not tn any way gain or . !Ware
'The akin. . .? See 7 5 nt . 's* tingle- lent. ItY m all,. Postage
tree, DU receipt pt price. 'Addraat
• . . W. C. WIGN
Mummaatatrtg, Adsnutooontri ra-
J . an. 6. 1e71.--dm
sy..B Olt VIPtik.LBO,-Wo Ore PrePond to
turnerial alailiell 'WM cesstaut Employment, as
home whole er j , art of the- *whew
newwreoPeerahle ona Very Drub .. moot
snot dex. easily earnfrolt *SO ,per : e
l and 4 Wel forget : alumni hr. - devoting
mho time to the business. Boys and girls
learlrasi sheds es eteerprirmomE:utny ens
lag ftrAmic_Toli IlblUlP.
leafTV .46. .
1111 Y ....F.: Thas you tu Us' t tle on
bee ruLL
nN. NV2...1'4 f . rifig, also e Voidable
r 9 ...... - 0 —,.... , 111:141. ,
jleirpp , v3ll de noting ttolasosre.i
It MIT. . BDELL4O tialiVwell."
mit it t em Ispi et toesedes.;
la It wept
Pe ur to . 0 rmi ll to rblia-ti nat
at b .Luit . 1 "4
d rem iftit.
Npw.itei6. --: , . —it. . seacirre l
011 . • kgi ift • , " :`!
l r i bi 8110
fr .
.y ,~,~,
~~~ , ~.
'M P lr ° I lVe n lt i tnr iTh
N I look* Cm i
will receive, by re urn mall. a comet &Miro of i
your future Mudiand or wife with name
of marriala oc Adlir IF! . i9)X ' r. - gEL D Ir I i ".
Nt itFui ine. ' r . f Masonic Temple Loan,
•l HE MAGIC COMB will change any
hair or beard to a permanent Melt A u lt
it contains no pobion. One comb sent by mall for
IL Dealers molted at minaret rates Address
W. 42,NR -Pllo4spiagiseuL z igass. imr
T Li E A - N eTAR
- .
.I_4 C.IC TE A
with the Green Tea Flavor. Warranted to suit
all tastes- For sale everywhere. And for sale
wholesale by the Great .4114nUR é Pacific The
Cb.; B Church tit.. Mar York.' it O.- Boa MOIL—
Send for Thea-Nectar Circular. Jan. Lt-4w
JLI Sacred Mystery, or the Bible read In the light
dint own Scenery,—Bev. W. L.Visige'snew book,
Is now ready. Printed oti tinted pipet, fused In
besutfful style, contains ZOO Superb Engrasinge,
and: one of the most iahrable Biblical books
ever taunt lnevery family where the Bible Is
to be found, and there are millions attune. there
can this. work be sold. VS. Aguas l e rgeelage
Nast spats. also for Otowe's
- Seirfliterprettng Family lible," stradtlest*
book ever Issued, being ills crowning life Work—
pronounced by Milks the finest and moil cons
ITether teeklibbls eelimptned,„:
trhAd utataa a Vir t a °ll2l7
Whir= en sing; a .iwy of dab . etc.,
and enables any reader to form his own commas.
tary on the Scriptures as he Studies them. Any
agent or person who reads this, and who desires
the must profitable and honorable business. send
for circulant with full Information. Woternota
rom Morns & Co, Hartford, Conn. Jas.l3.-4s
AGENTS WANTED.-4023 inceith)—by the
Boston; Mass., or Sc. Louis, Mo. Dee. 30.-4 w
WAYTED.--Bnalnees howorniple.
V 3 No competition, liberal pay eyes. 8. W.
KENNEDY, 8 8. 4th St., Phila. Dec. Kt.-4w
gnit Energetic /hrrifers Wanted! From MI,
tFU SIM can be Aside during the Idle Winter
months Bashiess pleasant and honosable. For
further particulars of tuts Special chance address
at once A. H. Hubbard. Phila. Dec. 30.-lw
13. —66 per era Land $26.= ill Mk Prizes. In.
fOrmation tree, address American Book .Co., st
"William St., N. Y. Dee..110.-4w
I St:HANCE COMPANY wants a number nf
gnod Agents, also a good general Agent for West
ern Pennsylvania, also a good general Agent for
the German Counties of Pennsylvania. Address
Hand in Hand °Mee, No. 112 South 4th St., Phila.
a.tti Se" per day and nsk. Do yolk want
a situation as salesman at or near
home, to Introduce our now 7 strand While Wire
Clothes Ulm to last forever. Don't miss this
chance. Sample free. Address Hudson River
Wire Works, ,5 William St., N. Y., or Ifirbearborn
St. Chicago, Illinois. Dec. 80.-4 w
,Ve v.lll. vind a haadsaamit Prospetus- of our
New Illustrated Family' Bible containing over 2ao
One scripture Illustrations to any Book Agent,
free of charge. Addresv, NATIONAL PrBLIBIIING
CO.. PhliaAlelphLa, Pa. Dec. XL-4w
ISSUED JAM. laT. 1871. "100 CHOICE SkLEC.
TIONB No. 3," containing the beat new things
fur Declamation, Beritatioa. ix. Brilliant Ora
tory. Thrilling bentanient. and Swilling Humor,
180 page;. Paper 3.. cents, cloth 75 cents.' Ask
your,bookseller for It, or send prior to P. Garrett
& en, Phila., Pa. Den 30.-4 w
ANTED—AGENTS, iat perday) toslthe eet : mg
cutsa. Mei the underfeed. MAWS the "lock
starlit" (alike on both sides.) and Molts Itemised.
The best and cheapest family Sewing Machine in
the market. Address. Joansmt, CIAMX m Ca,
Boston, Mass., Pittsburgh, ra-,cgdea,...111., or
ft. c
St. Louis, Mo. 30.-ew
fly Prof. ENOCH POND, D. D.
From Adam to the present day. Light Business.
For men and ladles everywhere. Good pay.—
Send- ior Gum McCURDY.
Philadelphia, Dee. 30.-41 V
Alaig•tiend for our New nice List and a Club
form will accompany it oontaining full directions
—making a large sav ing to consumers and re
munerative to club organizers.
31 R. 33 STREET,
P. O. 1it0515643. ' New Tort 4w
An unfailing RIIIIMY tor all Bronchial Difficulties.
Coughs, Colds, Roarsness, Asthma, Diptheria,
Dryness d of the Throal or Wind Pips sad ail Cs.
orairttal isease&
The wonderful modern discovery of Carbolic
Aci is destined to become one of the
eget° mankind In Its applicatiOnto
of the throat and Its great caratine qualities In all
affections of the CHEST and LUNGS.
besides the great remedial agent Carbolic• Acid
coutainestliewhypewlieadsuniv reeonallend
ed, which ohemiesily emu a Tab.
lot more highly nusWdaal— sad adapted for
diseases of the throat than any other pfeponitkin
ever before offered to the puWlc.„
CA.UTION.—Be sere - yoa get Wars Carbolic'
Tablets; don't let other goods be palmed Off on
you hither place.
Weirs Carbons Tablets area sure ones. Try
them. J. LLplases,34 Platt St., N. Y, Mks
Agent. BO LD BY DRUGGISTS. Dec. 110.-ew ,
Biaty-jice. First. Prise Nokia Awarded
Bahian Piano ilanktory.
Hapufaeturor a : of _--
t`ll4airw. agtrARE Aim rnagat
B A3JTIM o R r, •lt D:.
These Instruments have been before the public
for nearly Thirty years, and is on their excellence
alone attained an unpu inence,
which pronounces Them nAs llcd The4r
combines great power, swestsleakaed fine
quality, as well as great purity of Intonation,
sweeintwi throughout the eatirescale. Thetr
is pliant and elude. and entirety free tram the
stillness found in 110 many Plum .
ra WONOKANI111.11"
they are uneauaßed• anin
tutteoristk mAssisat., tha ealatiti
our , 'sadness enahliniral piountlnttally an
Initneteratash of !timber, Lo., on hand.
An our 80117kR11 PIANO! have our New bit
roved Orerstrung Seale and the' AtiaAlin
e ta
Awwtqd tali mortal Mien*. to s ! Ulm
bn profs in , LIMAN 11-PIANCti Ind ARZ
°RANDS; tented Aug. 14-18156, will bring
' the Plano nearer perfection thantio yet been a,C
tabled, . • .
Every Piano fully Wtrtbd" far * i.
We him Wide arrientVki the 'Brge
areticue=iln•gh ti & D n
i t Nis d ir tAll c t
fee - Wheleeile - and Ititeetli•'lWhollie - r F 4 04017
. . •
- PETER BENTg,-Agento'
No. Pali 11 4nEOS *refit !Ott. PL
&Pt: MlXs43i
it 9§A A.,14.U5
IA MEZTORk2t. WIWI an MOod slid
• lionitals; *TAMA akin'
-: r Cunottivm. Moues eg Wmeettng
0 Cgrinde Agieetions of the Blood, e
}Kidneys. Recommended by in medlem
Faculty and many thouseside of e . 144. beet
e"k• : fAtt g l tie t alee s
-- ith 000 k
or Ai
"willbligie -you
ROMtimere;ligyir: ''''
nanniel G. Inlifidomparsesfooro', Tenn.
I have usdd seven bottles of itoisadalls
Mti Ii t MEEINV II 4 111 14:1
• wn•
Bennunis inaz MMC
I have ens*nn I
=rase I se ireteeec kY INAW
24 14.0 1 . 1 4itS0 1 0144 1 1 11111411 • 11 =
dirsit 2 lolo - 04, 61 :1W:1 1 WeessluSa=
ea strikrigelikiiiimgo,
p rirgilhins.
t.. l t ' All 1J 1 4
Sir VW . Gettysburg, ra.,17 A i
r !,Apalgen4ol9lool4l,:i reL.•9
• brs• ILLnit-tra v
on or address
ti rtl ;l l., •
ATlnk t itliest and a
r k
adress TA
Jan. LS.-M. and . Plitisa4 flff for. sael atAr ,
' CI4,O'CK
70 00 70 TO
Pacenunamil t xur
miwitai ins 1
area Litt ha y
,; ~...,,° • fht- . , .
V •a •
:a xi , a•
la tAlNsadMks
A if* kre
• Me Mau
-Nile tisiatiaidllait'
441•Aratne /Mr
Jan. 1.1.-lii
6 iedeeruabk after Ilia (S) MIA Within twenty-one
INTERNAT r 19r,,)1
The Bonita are registered, and %111 be lamed In
suit* tomtit.
N. $0 s.■sh iv* Strimot.
Stairs Moonlit and sold on cornmbdon. Gold
and Governments bought and wit Accounts
received and Interest snowed , subject to Sight
![arse 24,
One dozen reasons togis this is the bast .P'weig,
. . marruladured in America for
1. R is Simple. 2. It is Reliable. 3. It Is Durable.
4. It Works very & -It throws Water
Rapidly. - 6. It Is all Wood. 7. The Wood
Is Tasteless. & It does not ,Crack lu
the Sun. 9. Rls not liable to get
out of order. le Should any
rewire he necessary In time,
t.Wy can easily be made by
any person. H. it will
not freeze. 12. It Is
Cheerer th.v any
other nellable
Pute n mp
ured. mn- -
Balding's Double Acting Glass Cylinder
With glees cylinder, and hence no rust and little
or no friction—cannot freeze—and admirably
adapted for Sprinkling Gardena, Washing Win
dows, inntingsdaitair Mee, Elevating Water. &c.,
—believed to be without an equal for durability,
economy and-sonvenience. •
Having purchased the exclusive right for Ad
ams county, persons requiring Pumps for wells
or clatern2cui hive them furnished 4) COlre
4pd empty i t ureeby_ sending the n dela
- *ell or
faction gimpig/led in
canes or no payment required.
Orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended
hicKnlghtstown, Adams county, Pa.
Oct. 21, 1870.-17
At Horner's - Drug Store,
• you can always get the best and cheapest
SOAPS, &c..
Jan. 13, ISTL-41
situate on "Diamond - Hill," 1 mile West of Get.
tmburg and one of the finest building sites
thissieinity.. Cali on, or
Jan. IS, 21171.--tf
Arming Watt*.
Howe Sewing Machine
It. Drismiaitv, Nose or OP.r
Peasetion in inechaskal antstruetion, lightness
and Beauty in Style and finish, and slapied to t ,
kOge range of work, renders it TM BEST , '
gain brio ill the !Met.
An earnest invitation Is extended to those about
to purchase a Sewing Machine to call and exam
ine this Machine and be coneiseed of Its meats.
arAll *Nett PrWelitlYarteidetilk Macklin*
delivered to all parte of the County.
H. IL ROWE, Agent,
Baltimore Street, Bettysisol,.l*
Nov. 5, 1370.—tt
Tint Lan= nawrinta curcut
JACO!, F. TVOMIIB, dtsit,
GErrnameo. PA.,
di .40 rosiokosco OS York &rest.
QAMUII be promptly attended to. Ma
k,vered to Winans of the county end
air The
Instructions t/rs ll, glrat
cztlorveu _„
fir Of
chines on neoount attic popedarlry of the
Uowe MlPhinelk Thyn se•WileisHlMillit
Pthey anvil Imbednea Meech machine& medal
lorloittapaamosof SOWIII.I
11 4 . A * MIN* woe
*Nt itigria,
cq =
a "le
of enntberbusd p township, Adanis
= be ,
here . • .
lt= by "
the UM ilski • • 01'.4Pr .
Dm 10 , /1 1 7k — fif Administrator.
~, , .
IVOTICIL—Lenerer- ..'entary on the estate
11 of Jo*
ed, residing in
.shepippl, es
to MI permits • SO We Maga' tal allike
inunediarae payment,' aad these- baring Maims
against the same to present them property /10-
tieentieateal far seetleMent. . . .
a •
, . . , .• t 4011‘ f liakAitt " Elk -
JAvyAl emvi Kr.
Dec. 16.-6 t
. --.-
of 441 1 m1124 tat
, L 12 20 1 1 -441 )1 B li g4lMlMutt, tretetW; late or
berbtad township, Adams county, having
beep granted to the underatned. residing lo Get
in‘ he hereby gives no:toa . t . sags th.
to sakteetale to tnale 4:
and those having deltas to
'pro rly authentitelltur settle
#lllohas .
-xi ancE.—Lett,;”- -
.....A.? cow-
OTICE.— Letters of Axingnlstretion on the
4.7 estate of Beaus Y. Wee
been A rT"' 4
peen= Inde to enht elt u at , 4; to mete heesedi.
149 " 14141 OPlVarel
"" t • Adams oounsi t asd
asks' tiptoe m u's* *I vy
' D.. 1571
,400 a MoalraProthr.
------------:- •
vOTICE.—IIhe ntbt account of WaLIAN .I.
1 .I.‘ DONCAB. Ailldttlee of Gimes A. comic! and
i i Will,Ot a tt en ami at lietlyeknag, Ad:tint
• county In the Court of Common
lies. 4 Adams County, and Will be confirmed
"" - 4tVtireeZ r &rairrtrilietW arr 4e4rs
3 , ,
Jan 6, 1671-41, JACOB MELHOES, troth' }
ic 1
Tyrone—Charles Yeatta.
Co:towage—Jeremiah Aulabaugh, Levi Hind
John Uhn. Win. H. Brogunien
Heading—Oliver F. Neely.
Butler—John Rieholu, iDavid Bricker, Jesse
Franklin—Jacob Baffensperger, Peter bholl,
Peter Adams,' George Bushey, Joseph Hebert,
Paul Flowers.
Ostord-rWilliam Hlir„, Join C. Zonek , Alexan
der L. Himes, Silas Fi ches, George Louch.
Liberty—Joint Nenemaker, Joseph P. McDhlt.
teloth.4l. H. Mitred lier, Henry Fairy, Jr.,
Washin n Xing. William A . Sea
hi WM D. Wright, Blies Penrose,
Zacharish Oyler.
- Hantiltonban—Jaeob L Charles
Eilekle. John McGluly. Jewel B. Myers, Daniel
LeiJ. Striven Wltherow.
Cumbeirlspd--lieary Butt, B. D.
Straban—Peter mwswith, Henry , Thomas.
Bearfebarl—el. B. Row, Andrew Schick, Difid
Illtzintller, John 1.. Ho4wcwlh.
Mountloy—Henry Benner, P.hilip Daugherty,James H. Collins, James Hearer.
JOllll tlniiton—Sebastlan Flekes, Henry naub. Wier-
Germany—David /Jo. biome! Brady.
Freedom—Joshua B4wo.
Illounignsasana—J. A. C. Nedlaub, A. R. Die.
Sheel, John xerrigan.
David litewait.
Latfmore—isaac D. Worley.
LittiestownAlexander Sborb.
Gettystrorg—John H. Zinn. o'l George Offer. Hu
M gh
alhenny, Henry Rupp. 'lllaza Ru.
Unkm—Georgell BasebtAr.
Mountpleasant—John L. Janktrui, George A.
Stine, J. r Tawny, Jamey d. Bleb!.
Mpuntloy—Newton Horner, Henry fin, der,
Henry W. Schwartz.
Hawilltonban--braac Hamer, Joseph W. Kit.
Cumberland—lsaac Diehl, Raphael Sherty,
T. Narrl4, Harks Turner, Jr., George .
OYJ stidleordr.- Atalel Heltzed, Solomon Brown, fpm . •
Reultng—John Ikosennan, 3fiehael Harbold.
Samuel H. Taughlnbaugh.
Huntln Bochenour. Jacob B. Quoins
ter a Miller. -
Jo larouei Iderenzieg, H. W. Stahl.
l hW. Levi Gilbert, Henry L Bream.
Germany,— m. MdSherry, Levi Marren.
Straban—Jacob King.
Butler—W. H. Dietrich.
Liberty—Samos Corry. • .
Highland—Jose_ph Hershey..
Thnne—sllas Dolan.
Ha . Linon—Johti Patterson, Jacob Hager.
blenallen+Nonly D. Snyder, Benjamin Wier
OP the eTiptbon
" T VLa zts wl; inil i tY, --
bibailn on thetheti..a&cgirseyttipiZetaraV.,
Loans and Discounts . ,
U. S. Bonds to * ,,seoare Ctr
culation "
. 100, noo
Other Stocks, Bonds; and
Mortgagee ( as per sched
Due from Redeeming and Be. .
serve Agents (as per sched
' Dustman otberNatlons) Baas
(as per schedule)
'Ores trot:ollsta Banks and
Banker* (4s =lOO..
Pri and
ecka n and other Cash Items
(as per schedule)
tlutotbeg Natkmal Ranks
els) Currency (Induct
Big Nick
capital Stockpa
Int id in
sktrpl us Fund
Profits and lass
Nationalntting Biwa circulation
curbta .
Dividends Unpaid
individual lieposlta
Due_ to National Baas (se
94 1 cytili0)..
pne to Mae Bank/ and
-*oaken taspernaliedule)..
• 12 .... i•
Geoitex Amean, (*Ole of nine ifirsa.Nal
nal MilMt tie an, de sotemmy swear
tbat_ttleAbove t/Witold id Mae to tbe bcee of 135,'"
knownne and mum
Mir• o
otf • Penfi•s •
1 Al
f •
e .
D, '
* af Adagsia ny
m Zr sl d a l es ri
• etMity
- • JNO. atueseix"
Jab. 6, lin —3t Directors. .
;he candid& or the' GETTYSBURG NA ,
TIONAL BANK, at the clan of buslneet,
December 28, 1870:
- - -
Loans and Disatanot. - • il
M EL Bond to - . e;4iitro (
S. Bandit aad ifta err 161,04 " - 16 . R6
Other Stocit...kßondi and ,
DUO trani' ; ifedeendag and
rEsu oche Nateunstraii_jut' il
24 .1.10 '
a e genta„ troo .
Due Mau ouber Boats and ' - t•
• 439
Banking House
Correati taptika t,t• - •. , ..; 3••• •• - 3 544 , t
....... ......... 7 1 ,
2181billotintienginliarit . 53d 4
Sleatt w everreacri • y i ai l w . • 40
i Nomedievir.te.•. . r•
. -
ootud ~ . , 7 ..24. , _1ia. pLITHM
~. • 7-5.... •
81"14°WwIrdi. .%
A '
riZILVArtiliS • " . ' 6, 4 f 4 iti
Natokeilblilink Ctronlation untatand- ' 4 - •
gnk walk'
-"' BasMadAreulittonualatandlog., , • Ort
1 . , ~.. ' isaram . !.
,419 Id
Ale to and Hank
a& ' s 4
ms. RI •..
Taw med.... 4.84 ,
videols Inlagtfitd 4 '1366 - 5o •. •
sis t u ,
_.,. away Bine, Caahler of the 0 largL
~ •
.lonaJ Bank do solenudy swear that the al awe "
ttement Is trot, to the enn'orllly; knowledge .
j. ...6 05 ....i...."
Inbeetniet sind.' rave n[ ib'fb• .•! 1 " ,1182. - to' 0 - k 1
:15 1 1411 .
~ li t rtt• Pk aiii At ...: t , 44 t,;4x - : . , : ~ii ..: ,
ItAtiA t il .ack . .§L',..ilstig„. l "' . 1
~ • zsr c.
elosli oxlmoga-Rmaiirwatii •
fZed.. . It
pi. es 11111-4 elk
: - VOTlClL—Letters Testaltreadan on the estate
J-1 oi IlessCnaatheJ,h, late ot Getty s
tileeeasedthey, havinnhe reby-g been panted tb the en
ke te nil persons
Lodebted to said estate to te m i ale trotnedLu• pay
ment, andthmehavir the same to
paten them prope an bed for nettl e.
e• GEO .121 T. Da. J. w mu.sire,
air The Ant named Executor rendes la btraban
ImultdP: the second hi Easettteharg, bid, and
tbelast named in Selinsgrove, IM , Dee. Moat
_ - Stray Sheep.
0 AXE to Me premises at the subscriber hi
t- , Bildtland townahlp,about the middle of last
Noumber...SEVEN SHFAir_ostiite. with cropped
ma, mod of them ewes. The owner Is desired
to come forward. prove 944
take mem aim. Pi l i art ATE t:
Jan. 13, IBM -ft -
The undersigned, Auditor ;minted by the
Court of Ounuuou Pim, of Adam* axiality, to
makedlstribution of the money la the heads of
Wm. J. Plum* Assigneeof Jams H. WALTER
and wife, to and among creditors legally entitled trt th t e n, thereto, will adead to the duties of sald appolitt
ment-at the odlees+alleOlesad-Wece*--* fief.
MrbilA jR/DA). the nth day of J ANC.
idt *emu. *lnterest will
take notice and preeent their claim , .
• •
Jan. 6 EL B. 'WOODS, Auditor.
The following applications to keep a 'Tavern
and Restauranttuts been filed in my oftice, with
the requlaite utMaber of signers, aged will be pre.
sented at the Court, ut Quarter ilesalons, en the
4th MONDAY' of JANUARY, Ira:
F. M
Stoc yers,
k itdrotrgh of Gettxsbu - rg.
Henry Peters__ Franklin timpahip.
Abner ti.litidebrand, Hamilton totembfp.
Adam HartiaulkJr., Mourplmiamm townahli,
Henry Bollinger, , )
William Noel, Reading towbsidir.
William Sadler, Tyrone towns*.
lEWIAtitAs .
A. K. Stone,, FT Bl ^aliola towni%i).
Jan. 6. 1871.-32 U. G. :OLP, Clerh,
Register's Notices.
IvoTicE ti hereby given to all Legatees
11 other persons concerned, that the
[ration Accounts hereafter mentioned w:.l '
presented at the Orphans Court of Adams
ty for conarausiaon and atiutvance, on Altt.fiTtAl
the 30th day of JANI:ditY, /an, at 10 o't
A. M viz:
77. The erstaeeteint of Samuel andlYni.
Executors of the WILL of John ebtdi, late of ,
ban township, deceased.
78. The first emceed of John Sowers, Adinii.t.
trator of Jacob bowels, deceased,
79. The first account of Eplirahn Howard,
cutor of George Howard, deceased.
Sext.:EL A. ciWt)t•E., Register .
Jan. 6, 1871.—td
Hamiltenten-Zacharlah Myers, Poremst,
Freedom-Julut CuPo.i"gh'.
Muuntples.sant-Michael Lerlastine, Joh IA
Btallsuilas. Plus 8. Man.
Uniou-William A.. Young. Joseph Keller.
- Berwick twp.-MUnuel A.,
Menalleu-Henry Beamer, .Toasis orner, -
eh Cole.
Butler -John Larier, Samuel Deitriac.-
Cumberiand-Jose_ph HAM, William G. Black.
Conowago- Jesse D. JEeller.
Frankilo-Samos! Eleholtz, Jacob F. Lower.
Solomon Hartrusa.
Bcl - than-job° Spangler.
Liberty-Blasius RehiL
Latimore-Ancirew L. Coulson.
Gettysburg-Jacob Troxel, John MeCleel
Latimore—Charles W. Gricst
York 6 p gs—T D. Reed.
Dec. 30, 1870.—te
?L. (V:,
a"..., .1
I ,20:: 14
700 LIJ
10.3 1.1
300 0
400 "o
90 ZA
14,062 I)
276„;b0 A
61 51 3095 30
882 U
• 88,900 OD
226 6
73.869 86
118 95
13 Ert,
ri,f,t4 00