DI tinrnt, *Oen Sonseketh. W•0811HOLD MINTS. - SUOA IL CARE. Three cups of sugar, one of sour. cream, one of butter, three eggs,•one teaspoonful of cater:this, and Nig enough to stiffen. • F 'CAE E.—Three pounds of flour, d one-half of sugar, one and one . " 114. T0t butter, 'Mx eggs, one half-pint of lea* spice to suit your taste. JOIINNI; CAKE.—Two cups of Indian meal, one cup of flour, two cups of sweet • milk, three tablespoonfuls of molasses, e teaspoonful of , soda, salt and bake in flat tins in quick oven. Sour milk will do. COEN MEAL WAFFLES.—TWO eggs, yolks All beaten,, one spoonful of but ter, one of flour, one plat of sweetinilk, one pint of meal twice sifted, half tea spoonful of soda; add last the Whites of the eggs well beaten. LIGHT TENDER ROLLS.—Rub a piece Of shortening, Ufa' size of a hickory nut into one quart of flour, add a-little salt, and enough fresh yekst to make it rise. Warm the water slightly, and make the dough up firm. Let it stand over night, in the morning add a little soda, knead well, and cut out with a biscuit cutter, make a little thicker than ; biscuit. Let' them stand in a warm place to rise, then put in the oven to bake. ICE, PUDDDiG.—One quart of milk, the yolks of twelve eggs, one pound of sugar, one tablespoonful essence vanilla, one tablespoonful cinnamon, essence of lent. Put into a porcelain lined sauce pat and stir it over the fire till it is one ME MU point from boiling. Let it cool, and af tet. wards freeze as any other ice. When frozen, let it be well covered with salt and ice for one hour; then mould it with pieces of preserved apricot, cherries, &&. In •an•hour it will be fit to use. CARE OF Houses LEGB.—Few men who handle horses give proper attention to thki feet and legs. Especially is this the case on the farms. Much time is pent of a morning rubbing, brushing and smoothing the hair on the sides and hips, but at no time are the feet exam ined and properly cared for. Now, be it known, that in this six thousand year old world of ours the feet need more care than the body. They need ten times as much—for in one respect they are almost the entire horse. All the grooming that can be done won't avail anything, if the horse is forced to stand where his feet Will be filthy. In this case the feet will become disordered, and then the legs will get badly out of fix, and with bad feet and bad legs there is not much else of the horse fit fOr any thing. Stable prisons generally, are ter ribly severe on the feet and legs of horses, and unless these buildings can afford a dry room, where a horse can walk around, lie down or roll over they are not half so healthy-and comfortable to the horse as the pasture, and should be avoided by all good hostlers in the country. THE Knoxville Press says: "A rather amusing circumstance took place on the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad: - As the train was approaching Caswells's Station, a woman was seen on the side of the road frantically waving a signal tb stop. Supposing that a land slide had occurred, that somebody was lying on the track, or that some other dreadful thing had occured, the conductor stopped the train as soon as pbssible, and backed up to whore the woman was stand ing, anxiously inquiring what was the matter, when she responded: "Nothing particular, mister. I jist wanted to know if Sary Malviny Thompson's aboard 'your keens. Sary's my sister." ffourrrr 0717C1319. President Judge-Robert J. Fisher. - Associate Judges -Joseph J. Kuhn, Robert Mc Curdy. -Prothonotam-Jacob Melhorn. 'Register and Reocdder-Samuel Swope. Clerk of the Courts-_H. G. Wolf. District Attorney-Wm. A. Duncan. Treasurer-Wm. J. Martin. Shertf-Jacob CbronerDr. M. L. Gates. 'ffurreyor-Jesse D. Heller. Onmissioners-Jacob Lott, Ef \ Mtes Hartman, Emanuel Neilllch. Clerk-J. Jefferson hiyers. (bursae-Wm. McClean. Physician to Jail- Dr. J. W. C.O'NeaL Directors of the Poor-Marlin Getz, Benjamin -Clorff, L Swart!. Steward-Jonas Johns. erk-H. Picking. , Treasure"-Jacob Ben ner. Ckrunsei-J. C. Neely, Physician-Dr. J. W. C. O'NeaL Auditors-Martin E. Bollinger, Ell G. Ream David Rhodes. . BOROUGH or osrgrimuno. furgess—Dr.S. L. Hill. Cbuncil—W. S. Hamilton, C. A. Boyer, Jacob W. - Cress, Robert Tate. A. M. Hunter, S. B. Row. arh—J. Augidnbaugh. Tresurer-8. R. Rus- Sill. CyniMables—Wm. J. Tate, George W. Welkert. School Directom—Wm. Guinn, W. T. King, bow`orrell, J. M. Krauth, Jacob Aughim. M. Huller. Secretary—J. M. Kra uth. Treasurer—E. G. Fatmestock, ONTTMUMMO NATIONAL BANK. President—George Swope. Dishier—J. Emory Bair. Mier—Henry 8. Benner. Dime Swope, William Toting Henry Wirt, David David Kendlehart Wm. MoliherzT, William D . Hines, Joshua otter, John Waugh. • sum naTIONALUNE or oarrvinrcao. Fiesidesis—Gegege Throne. " Dishier—George Arn ier—Samuel - Bushmol d. an. Directors—George Throne, Rota. Bell, John Brough, John Honer, George Arnold, John Musselman John Woltord. .., .L.N. STIR OREM CEMETERY. - President—J. L. Schick. Secretaty — Williamji. Meals. Treasiteer—Alexanater Cobean. Managers—Jo Rupp, J. L Hill, Josiah Benner, Managers—Jo • George ler, George Little, William ,11. i s Meals , Ale der Cobean. ADAMS 00 MOIDAL Mx:TRANCE COMPANY. Presidente Swope. Vice preside.muel R. Russell. Secretary—David A. Buehler. , Treasurer—Edward G. Fahnestoek. Executive Ctonsmittes—Robert McCurdy, Henry A. Picldng, shook Bing. n . ADAMS OOUBT CIIITRAL SOCIETY. , Prest rice ani J. 8. Witherow. CbrrespondtneH. .1. &we. Recording Bac card Faimestock. • Treasurer—David if Managers—Willituti B. Wilson, William . Wible, Jonas Routzahn, Frsdetick Diehl, W. Roes White. aMLM 3 III.I39OMATION. President—Edward G. Fahninitoek. Vice President—William A. Duncan, Secretary—John F. IdsCreary. Treasurer—John Culp. Manayers—j. W. (1. O'Neal, John Hupp, A. J. Cover, 1). BendlehAet, W. F. Atkinson. oaa COXPAirt. President—E. G. Fakneskook. Secretary—Wm. A. Dunce& Treasurer—duel B. Danner. Manr_ogers—A. D. Buehler, Elehelberger H. D. Wattles, S. B. Hassell , J W. A. Duncan, J. B. Danner. WM= COYPANY. .Preiddent—Georse W. McClellan. incretary and Treasurer-8. R. Russell. Managers--G. W. McClellan. E. B. Buehler, 8. R. Rumen, FL J. Stable, M. Elchelnerger. tarry/atm IiAIIIIOA.D.. equeatrator—Robert McCurdy. eeretary and Trearurer—David Will. • • First. Second. Trains dwt • &45A.11.24.5P.M. arrive 4 MP. hi. 6.45. N P. The first train makes close U connection orth and South, the second trrn South. ASSOCLATIONL Get fps Lodge. 1:%324 4 4 0. 0. F. Meets corner of Carlisle an d Railroad streets, twerp 'Tuesday e vealng Cnton Rineamprnerit t No. LW, I. a 0. F.—ln odd Fellows Hall, IM and 3d Monday In each month. Good Samaritan Loce, No. 3:)6, 3': AC—Cer. ner of Carlisle and Railroad streets, 2d and 4th Thursday in each month. Gen- Rerloids Lodge No. 180. I. a G. T.—On Baltimore street, near the Postottlee. every Monday evening. Gettysburg Lodge, No. 3at o. G. T.—Meets ever Friday evening, in t h e H alt N. E. Earner Center &mare. Ammar Lesistetzo. /24 die 8. et T.—Meets every Thinedic In Hall, N. E. Corner Oenter dare. irgi% No. 31, I. O. R. if MeCon a a Hall, evenriday evening.v A _ magg No. O. U. A. MeCon. ðyl even'_ednesday eveninz Warrea amacit, No. gr. - a U. A. AL_ W Centr ets e even, Sang Tneada eenadas. ;N. Z. Corner of re. climicems. Lit 4ChriE'sl—Pastor. s aliv. easy, D. so n= ovesser of sendaary. m •g and griming 4, 4 iniiiiiblA • using. on etning va. ,L= l ell tev. E. Breidenbaugh. Serldete naming sad ath% and M e akodsat Bevia U. C. Cliedeta. J. C. amts. denim Sabbath latirigns Mid even. T a m nuns. day ever Zara aai3r atag aad.evesiai. drig. • dkrman Reforited—Bev. W. Z. IL Duddy& n &Tykes tabbed' aerates Said evening, and Wednesday a Whale — aim. Joseph Boa Services lA, id sad kit babbaths, Satre nail atterneem U?nited 's.damlesOn.leer lee alignments t7;;-;, LIQUORS. Cheap for Cash A general assortment of BITTERS, among whlel are 31i4hler's Herb Bitters. p ORE LIQUORS for Medical pt at WIL J. AR N'S. T ABLE CUTLERY, Gl:ma-ware, Queensware &c., at, WM. J. MARTUVE. April 30,1800—tf NEW GROCERY. jEssE r H AS opened a new Grocery Wore. adjoining hls residence on York street , 'a id will always keep on hand PRIME GROCERI ES of all kinds—Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Syrup, Molas ses, Fish, Salt, Pepper, Spices, Fze. Also, Confec tions, Fruits, Nuts, Soaps, and Notions gene. He has now on hand s a line lot of HAMS for f o am_ily use. All of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices. Call and examine, BUTTER & EGGS. Gettysburg, Sept. 30, 1870.—tf NEW GROCERY. H AVING purchased from Mr. Axon ECKZEIT his Grocery establishment, on the Northwest corner of Centre Square, GETTYSBURG, PA., and laid in a new stock of Goods, I respectfully Invite my friends and the public to - give me a call. In addition to a large and varied stock of prime Groceries, Notions, &c., I will keep constantly on hand the best quality of Quaensware, Fire-Proof and Glassware, Fruits, Confectiens, &c., all of which will be sold at the lowest cash rates. June 24, 1870.—tf H. EL BEAMER. WM. BOYER & SON, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TOBACCOS, Also Stone, Wooden and Willow-mare. ' A general assortment of all Goods usually kept in A FilthflLY GROCERY. Dee. 4, 1867—tf BARGAINS AT THE NEW GROCERY, IN GETTYSBURG. JACOB W. CRESS, having opened a New Gro cery in Gettysburg, on the Northwest corner of the Public Square, has ,lust received a splendid assortment of FRESH 0120CER1108, including Sugars, Coffees, Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Spices, Tobaccos, Salt, Fish, Hams, Shoulders, &e. also, Queens - ware,Confections,Nutit,Frul Fancy Articles and Notions generally.9M also keep on hand FLOPS. and FEED STUFFS. Having purchased for CASH, I am prepared to sell very cheap. Give me a call and Juda s ? yourselves.2s, 1867-41 J. W. CR Lept. ECTORT $5OO REWARD ! A, & S. HOKE , HAVE just commenced business at GRANITE Al STATION, on the' Gettysburg Railroad where they are buying FLOUR, GRAIN , HAY , and all kinds of country produce. They have on "mid a stock of GROCERIES; HARDWARE, L UM BER, COAL, te., which they will sell very low. They are running a Car to Baltimore every week with Marketing, &c., and returning bring from the city all kinds of goods. Give them a all Aug. 19, 1870.-3m* gum* Mapitmenti, Ice. DODGE'S PATEN REAPER AND MOWER AND SELF RLYatit.' rrins machine has inetsvith The where complete 511CCeS8. In ever, section where It hae bftn introduced, it bas taken precedence over those) machines which bare heretofore ranked as am. clam It is a perfect Gat-Baker and a superior Mower. A careful examination will convince any one of its superior merits over all others, in simplicity, strength and durability. As a Self-raking Reap er it hae no equal to our k - nowiedge. The Dodge rake la attached to no other machine in the United States, except to this mactdne.— Built by the DODGE & BTEVENSON Manufac turing Co., Auburn, New York. BEAD THE NOTICE OF THE COMPANY TO OIIE AGENTS: Having beeirstaformed that certain manufac turers in Ohio and elsewhere are building Reap ers, with DODGE% BELF-B.A.KE attached, we ca to furnish us the names of all persons vendingor purchaqw, such machines , as we have never eensed any %fe l on er persona to =mew, hue said SELF-11 g or any part thereof, and will prosecute to the! extent of the law all per. sons manufacturing, selling or using said tlelf rake except of our own manufacture. JOHN A. DODGE, President We have that confidence in this Machine that we are to let those wanUng a machine test it with any r machine they may wish, and keep the one that gives the most on. Fanners wanting Droppers attached can be as For the benefit of those wanting machines we should refer them to a few of those to whom ws have sold, viz: ' - He John B. Leasnry Cdp , W Peterm. zurney, _Mackley, Jesse D. Newman, MIAs Penrose, doom F. Muter, John Deardone, Abraham Waybright, Ilphratm Lady, David Plank, Jonathan Wider, John Hockersmith, James Mickley, rider Kettoman, Daniel Bettie, He /river , John Bender, Ckulatian Shrivel-, John Seker, hoes Hunter,Henry King, John Lower, Andrew Walken, John . oyer. J. J. Kerr, George On Mind a few Second Hand Reaper% ent AI% r WIBXTOOTH HAY HAWS; of differ. amongst which lathe Brandt Rake. A few P GUM different kinds,. Thresher and Separator one of the be5t.....494 erer • ffe ed in the mint. n.muz FANNI N Itax and Farm Landernesna ma Ceratim ad - Persons wishi to Machines will And them at the ot.w ot James Wants M ScuteGetiyaburg. Pa., or at the reiddime of the subscriber, 2 miles from Gettysbur, on the Bar. riWILAVCONSTANTLY ON RAND to Me t of breakage. Persons Wanting Menhirs will ad- I dress the subscriber, Gettikuu maz. %, Agent May 27 1570.—U Young, Smyth, Field k Co., Importera, Manufactures and Jobbers of HOSIERY, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES. No. 429 Market EN., t 418 Commerce 81., PHILADELPHIA. JAW'S J. 8 grosfrkot WM. J. MARTIN, Wholesale anti RPtall dealer In A large lot of (11t0ClatIES that I tun selling CHOICE LIQUORS, Old Rye Whiskey eight years old Very old French Brandy ALL OTHER KINDS OF LIQUOILS. THE HIGHEST PRICE GIVEN FOR' Yost SNOW, 1%.1 I Pt mrs—ILLI&MS COUNTY MUTUAL FOE INSURANCE COMPANY. haeorporsiged,ltotrek IS. 1111/11. President—George Swope, Vlce-Preddent—,ssitm e i B. Smell. Secretary—D. A. Buehler. Treasurer—s. G. Falumetoek. P ie Jacob Committee—Robert McCurdy, H. A. Klog. Mansgma—oeciege Swope, D. A,. Buehler, R. McCurdy, B. R. Russell, F.. G. Fahnestook: Getiya burg; Jacob hug, Simian township; Frederick Diehl, Franklin; H. A. Picking, fitratan; abate' Gitt, New Oxford; Wni. Roes White, Liberty; H. C. Peters, Petersburg, (Y. S. ) AlliP•Thls Company Is lfinited In Its oieratious to the County of Attains. It has been In operation for more than 19 years, and that period has made but one assessment, having paid losses by lire during that period amounting to over 120,0[10. Any person desiring au Insurance can apply to either of the managers. sir The Executive Cotinotttee meets at the °Moe of the Company, on the last Wednesday In every Inouth,At 2 o'clock, P.M. .me 10. 11368—tt lahnemanii Life liisurance COMPANY, OF CLEVELAND, 01110 CASH ASSETS OVER CASH INCOME STATE DEPOSITS... Dividends are annually paid to Polley holders Is CASH. /ALL POLICIES ARE NON-FoRFEI 'ABU, Insures on all Modern and Popular Plana Neatly all restrictions regarding Residence Travel and Occupation are removed. • A large Premium Fund k reserved for the ben efit of Pon% Holders. In all Its experience this Company hs never contested a claim. PEROEETIN RELIABLE AND STRICTLY All information desired can be had by address. tug the Harrisburg °Mee or any of its Agents. J. W. SHEETS, General Agent, Harrisburg, Pa. HEN-. C. J. EHREHART Pipette' Agent, Gettysburg, Penn's. Aug. 4, 1870.-ly gooks, gib, Wedirinto. 69 69. FULL ASSORTMENT OF Drugs & Family Medicines PATENT ,di Liquors and Wines for Medical Purposes, Pure Spices and Flavoring Extracts, Dyes and Dye Stuffs, Soaps, Perfumes and Toilet Goods, Inks, Writ- ing Fluids and tta. tionery, PhysicL2n's.'Pre- scripUons and Family recipes accurately put . uR PhYsichins and coin try Merchants supplied at REDUCED %VEX& Forney's Horse Powder the best and cheapest for Horses, Cattle and Swine. Other Hone Powiters of approved makes HTJ - BER'S Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, Penn'a Juno il, 1869.—tt DR. R HORNER , has resumed the Practice of Medicine. OMee at his DRUG STORE, In Chambersburg Street, Gettysburg. Also, Dealer In PURR DRUGS, mEarenrEs. BAKING SODA, SPICES, DYE BTUGF/9, Jan , 11,1874—EtPATENT MEDICINES.' . DR. JAMES CRESS DRUGGIST, Store in Brant's Building, Baltimore Stree LITTLESTOWN. UAVING opened a new DRUG emu and A.S. fitted it up to the best style I tee& my stock of pure and fresh Drugs to the citizen' of Links. town and vicinity at the lowest market rates, con ststingin part of Drugs and .Fttmity Medicines, pure Liquors for for Medicinal Purposes, Patent Medi eines, Horse Powders, • l oll e et= ZIA" A.hre'rdP== meat of Brushes, Stationery of all kinds, Oafs, Tobacco and Snuff. Mg-Moore and's Blectro-Magnmic &SIP warm. win wash with hard sOt wat Clothes washed with this Sao are er, madecoldor boavtllally widte Without boiling or blueing. Tids lathe best Soap in use. Try it. It is warranted not to injure the hands or JAMES OEM Littlestosm, May 13.—1 y A. D. BUEHLER, DRUG & BOOK STORE GETTYSBURG, PA DRUGS' MEDICINES, ..1 PATENT MEDICINE/3, BOOKS, STA,TiONEftY, TOILET ARTICLES, GOLD P 07earapersburg Berea, war Disomond. a.courtri megrotailis mimed at,* whew. sale rates. 13Iftimi. ma.* °46 -- a',lll vaahovers•akoL, ■ OFFICERS_ BM 030,030 00 a .1 300,000 00 100,000 00 MUTL AI JUNE (EAGLE. HOTEL. The largest and most ccommodious In GETTYSBURG, PA I arner of Chambersburg and Washington &s JOHN L. TATE, Proprietor. ifirAn Omnibus for Passengers and Baggage run to the Depot, on arrival and departure of Railroad Trains. Careful servants, and reason able charges. [May 29, 1967.--tf KEYSTONE HOTEL, GETZTBBURG, PA. WM. E. MYERS, Proprietor. NOW OPEN. THIS is a new House, and has been fit, ted up in the most approved style. Its ion. Lion is pleasant and convenient, being in the most business portion of the town. Every arrange ment has been made for the accommodation and comfort of guests, with ample stabling attached. With experienced servants, and accommodating Clerks, we shall use every endeavor to please.— This Hotel now open for the entertainment of the public, and we kindly solicit a share of public patronage. [May 23, 1867—tf EW HOTEL. HARRIS HOUSE, BALI7dfaRESTESEZ GETTBSIBURG, PA. H B undensigned has o ,otel the T HARM HoHBE, in the enlarged and handscsne two Brick cat Balti more street, two doors from the urt-hous, Gettysburg, Pa., and Is provided with accom modations-for the comfasUble entertabiment of bumnumber of male in the s warrants him In p ansatisfaction in every case , and he feels certathose ego = z rl o tt him once will eall again Chagrin His Table will be supplied with the best the Gettyabers andalwa markets af ford, Mille- hiss Bar will harp the choicest wines, a ~e ae also los ample fitabling, with a good Host ler In attendance. A liberal share of public patronage is respect. fully solicited, and no dihrt will be 'spared to de.. serve W. P. X BlB April 15, NION HOTEL, [MUM= TXII WE= 114.143 YORE SPRINGS, PENN'A. undersigned bas bar Ihlploaa establish Yerk r~ SWIM' wl) Tle — isms. ted the 7" n aff i ciT vgr 11, atpari os Ri m table will be wan - the bail that fil e ze s Uk , and the Dar wilt;. • the ark s, • , 14i dai r!- les • '7'l 6 f 4:0 24 mo p ae lealU newtheiWall; MUMMoIy, ae., - &e., 11400118 1 131100118 -Mr jaa r , Mid int a r l Awi) ) his a W i g ' -64a7blaiiiiiPC3i-im a a 33174. mAk..iknno..;4: 44nwablf New. lOOK rfERE! rrlate corner rad o . has leased the Wi and ckman rrad , Gethliburn. l's. and will on the ßail. ' Produce Grain rroduce Businesg in all Its branehes. Tie highest prices will al. Mds Wheat witie t t e Ccr inise. OalLM Frnit, Nuts, Beep, Caddell and tildes, Potatoes, with everything else in - the country produce line. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS constautly for sale, Coffees, Sugars, Molasses, SYrilips, Teas, Spices, Salt, Cheese, Vinew,Sods, Mustard, :Wirth, Brooms, Buckets, Bkte r % etc. Soap, ; also, Coal Oil, Fish OH, Tar, &e. of all kinds; Spikes and Nails; Smoking and Chewing Tots:tacos. Re is always able to supply a first-rate arti cle of Flour, with the different kinds of Feed. Also, Ground Planter, with Guauos and other fertilitizers. (VAL, by the bushel, ton or car load. Ile Will also ibn a Line of Freight Cars to No. hunt' Howard street, BALTIMORE, and Nu 811 Market street, PHILADELPHIA.— Ali goods sent to either place will be received and forwarded ed "OH' GAR.. Alt All goods should be mark- April 2. 18Mt—tf JOSEPH WISLIi. Wible Sou, PRODUCE DEALERS, South-e.a.t cor. OBaliroad and Waglangton stn., GETTYZWURO, P.l HIGHEST cash price paid for all kinds of Gin. Ray, Straw bandd.ount a ll ugenerally. Constantly on for sale a kinds of GROCERIES', The best brands of FERTILIZERS constantly on hand, or seamed at short notice. April 1870.—tf ROBE It 'l' CIT 14,D Y, DEALER IN PLO UR, GRAIN, GROCERIES, ?re ItETTYSIUIIO, PA. T HE undersigned Ls paying at his Warehouse in CariLsie street adjoining Buehier's Hall the highest prices for pour, Wheat, Rye, awn, Oats, BucAnchfa aorer and Ttmothy-Beech, Potatoes, ,Pc and Invites producers to give him a call before selling. He has constantly on hand for sale, A LARGE SUPPLY OF GROCERIES Molasses. Syrups, Coffees, Swam, Qc with Salt Fish, Oils, Tar, Soaps, Bacon and Lard Ta. baccm, tie. Also, the best brands of FL O UR, with Feed of all kinds. :Be likewise has SEVERAL VALUABLE FEBTII.IZEB6, Soluble Pacific Guano, Rhodes' Phosphate and Mexican Guano. lir Whilst he pays the highest market prices for all be buys, he sells at the lowest living pro- Ilts. He asks a share of public patronage, re solved to give satisfaction In every case. ROBERT McCURDY. July 1869.—tf NEW FIRM. BIGHAM & BROTHER FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HOUS GETTYRBURG, PA Ta i t t ifp u lt e l l e l r ig t n h e e d, fiV ir e7 ;r ed I . l k ito will carry on the Fonvarting and Commission business, at the old stand, on the eornerof Wash ington and Railroad streets, and dev_qh to it their ti time and tittention t e HIGHEST MARKenET re PRICE will be paid a T t h all times for . Grain and Produce. ilsrA regular line of Freight Cars will leave our Warehouse every TUEBDA Pit/00N, for ROG , more and Philadelphia, and stecomnsodagi on trains will be rust as occasion may resat. By this arrangement we are - prepared to convey es. Freight at all times to and from these Ali business of this kind entrusted to us, witt be promptly attended to. Our cars run to tlak , Lais i house or Stevenson It Sons, let North street, t B street; Philadelphia. altimore, and to Burk's Warehouse, 81Sbfarke Of We will also keep constantly on band the best Groceries of all kinds ) COlfee. Suitor, Te . a, liploo, F Salk Syrups, Oils. Tobacco, moon, Lard. arx., Which win be age at lowest, cash rates. WIC IL MORAY JAM BIGITIA.M. Aug, /20.18711, gouts' And Scotaarasts. Saikad labia. Gettysburg Railroad FIRST TRAIN leaves 9402riburg at 0 - 50 11., arriving at Hinoves puictkm at 10.15 A. M • Baltimore 12.10 P. IL ; Waaidngksi 2 P. M. ; York 1110 AL IL ; Harrisburg'l2.3o P. M. ; Wilikunapor 5.40 P. IL ; Cohuabla ILIO P. IL ; Lancaster 2 P. J I L P 4118 4344411 (via ()Rambla or Harrisburg 630.. P. li., and via Mdlimore 6.30 M ; Now York AMP; IL by either Harrisburg, Plaided plda or Balantore ; Pittsburg 12 DIEM Return' lug, arrives at Gettysburg it* P. IL • SECOND TRAIN leaves Gettysburg at .45 P. IL, arriving at Hanover Junction 4.20 P. M.; Baltimore 7,15 P. M.; Washington 10 P. M. ; York 6.40 P. M. ; Harristutrgll66 P. M. ; and Pittsburg 10.10 A. M. Returning. arrives 6.20 P. IL )t. McCUBDY, Supt, July 1. 1570.-tf Pennsylvania Central Railroad. Double track route runlibilf between Plitladel ttnthm4 ; villa and Pittsburg. Trail /eavli Ge Makethe following eminectkms wi th tine: Gettysburg sweat 8.15 a. tn. & 1140 p. m. Hanover .1 - unction arrive 1495 Harrisburg " leave 10.58 " kid " mite .12.55 9. in. 11.45 " leave 3.50 " 2.25 a. in. Philadelphia arrive ale " 5.50 Harrisburg leave 1.15 " 12.10 " Pittsburg, arrive 1459.10 At Ph il a d elphia close connections are made with the trains for New York, Boston and all Eastern Cities. At Pittsburg connections are made In the New Union Depot with the trains for all Western liolnte .939-1 or further Information al to Gen. EDWARD H. Gen. Superintendent, Attoomi,l l a. Hazer W. Gwixinta, Gel. Pasessij .. perand Ticket Agent, Phllmielpide twAY ISOWS.-4 JOHN CRESS 1. E. WIBLII. Northern Central. Railway. SUMMER EffiEDIDVIIL baud after &MC 12, 170, Trillits will leave V Hanover Junction as follower LEAVE NORTHwAED. 10.33 a. in.—Daily for WilllputsPort daily (except gund av o fur ElMlni, isochester, Rut tab% may,sra Falls and Erie arrd the Wes 1.10 a. in.—Dally t. tat Elmira. Buf falo. &c. 2.09 p. m.—Dort any (except Sundays) for Willlarns. pand Erie. 6.06 p. __thdly (except Sundays) for York} 10.03 a. le—Daily (except Sundays) for Harris _burg and tbe Wet.. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. zm a. in. — Dallystoppintt Parkton only._ r. 52 a. m.-12effly (except days) stopping at ail moons. 12.2 S p. sto, at Fruition only. 10.19 a. m. —Da il y (exce Sunday) stopping at Parkton a Cockeysville only. )except Sundays) stopping at the :Station& . • , EDW. S. YOUNG, Pan. Agent. Raltiaiore, Md. ALFRED R. FISKE, June 24, 1870.—tf General auperhatendent. _ . .r•isburg,- pa. READING RAILROAD, FALL ARRANGEMENT, ONDAY, SEPT. sth, 1870 Great trunk flue from the N orth and Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shamokin, AJlen town, F-aston, Ephrata, Litlz, muter, °ohm hla t.c.„ Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as fol lows: At 5.35, 8.10, 8,50 a. m., and 250 p. m. connecting with similar Trains on Pennsyl vania Railroad, and arriving at,New York at 121 u noon 250, and 10.00 p. respectively.- Sleeping Cars accompany the 5.35 and a. tn., Trains without change. Returning: leave New York at 9.00 a in, 12 80 noon and 5.00 p. in.. Philadelphia at 3.15 a. m., and 3.30 p. tn. Sleeping Cars acespany the 5.00 P. m. trains from New York wit t change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Orville, Tam qua, Minersville, Ashland, Sbaunokin. Allen town and Philadelphia at 110 a. m., sad 250 and 4.10 p. m., stopping at Lebanon and pekoe:l -na& way mations: 4.10 p. train connecting for rhliadel hla, Pottsville and Columlbia only. For Potta,we Schuylkill Haven' and Aura, via gehu and Susquehanna' Rail Road, Imre nrg at 140 p. m. East Penwylvania itallroaditrains leave Read ing for Allentom, Easton and New York at 7.23, 10:30, 10.45 a. in., and 4.45 p. m.. Returning. leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 1209 noon and 5.00 p. m.. andB. p. Allentown at 7-20 a. m.,1225 noon, AM and 45 m. Way Pawner Train leaarPhlladedpida At a. an 7.30 ~ connecting with si train on Ram Penn'a Railroad, returning Reading at 135 p. stopping at all Stances. Leave Pottsville at 5.41 and 9.00 a. M.. lad 150 p.m., Herndon at 10.00 a. tn., Shamokin at 5.40 and ILO6 a. in., 'Ashland at 7.05 a. in:, and 12.30 noot an ithanoy City at 7.51 a. In.. and LOT k T a 8.33 a. m., and 2.20 p. in., for Mist '444 and New York. leave Pottsville, via SchuTilLtl Susque hanna Railroad at 8.15 a. m., liarrtsburg, and 12.05 noon, for Pine Grove and L AcemtunotiatkiEn4 leaves Potts. viII B Z I % a. .41asses at 7.10 arriving at phia at Ili a. to. Return ing, • leaves Philadelphia at 5,15 p. m., Reading at 8.00 p. m.. arriving at Pottsva mi rt 9.40 p. m. Pottstown Accommodation Train, leaves Potts town at 3.25 a. in., returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 p. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Beading at 7.30 a. nt.whom ,and 6.15 ltan te.m.road for Ephrata, Litig, ter, Perkkanenbia Trains leave tetkiaen Laacss Junction at 7.* 0.05 a. 400aad &NIX m. m ro tairatog, Rave 8 6wealarrIlle an 11.30, 11.10 , noomaad 4.01 m., emuseeting wit/141E11m at rem r: 10 is., awl ramie leave !Motown LW a n . 11.30 p. ,m. Mout. Nowa& MDR and _ .U. 211 a. leave bt r v er i similar trains on memos' manrol4. Valley a me nd 4 0 l!liv-Itlums port at 4.10 a. in., IA and 402 p. m., leave Dandagtos at 4* a 12,45 &15 p. ra. ecautecting with similar tralas i craltead. btßailroad. u Sundays: leave New York at 8.00 p. Philadelphia at 100 a. XL and 411 111. (the m., a 400 a. ra. Train number tab' E at Madia i s i g leave Pottle and 4.1 la in. Wes 7.* a. to.. sad ILO p.leading at 7. M., mid *Op. tor atm*. it; tor Now York, *445 p. let and ASR a at. and 4.25 ter IdontalEtatlon, Mileage, School and Mt musics Imams, to =a from allgolmtaat reduced ltatea checked through ; 100 pounds allowed eaetalliinenger. G. A. NIOOLIA, Pa, Sept 30. 13enerla bl70. 811Perinte114." oat, Usubtr, ghat, ir. COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. OF. ALL KINDS The latest and moat approved atylei N, SHEET-IRON AND HOLLOW WARE, COAL & LUMBER OF ALL KINDS Call and Examine ! C. IL BUEHLER'S WARE RO - OOBNEIf or CARLIRLE SETh . Fi COAL Tntelaskihni mt QTeltimmt . Alp, and wader tie Ono 4114:leeetw, la. ePrilit i Vair=-. 4 raeinees eat eei vi t=4 .4 % 21 61 it Liineeelaillese, C - Lime and 00•47 • 11,0,41110tomathditel'aell7 Oct. *870.-4/ TIME TABLE. /Loy portion who wank; a 14`ine F l itting Suit Now FUR BARGAIN► PICKL\ G CO., HJIVE Just received from the City the LARG. EST STOCK of Ready-Made Clothing, ever offered In Gettysburg, amsistlng of - Beaver & other Overcoats , DRESS and BUSINESS COATS, PAN TB, White Shirts, Woolen Shirts, Buckskin, other Gloves, Blankets, Mask' Robes, Hone latest Blanke t styles ofs, Clocks, Trunks, Valises. Lc. Also, the HATS 80 CAPS, for Men and Boys, Neck Ties, Cravatsi Musical Instruments, Umbrellas, and Notions of every variety. Aho, a large lot of BOOTS & SHOES, of superior quailty. Our Beady-Made Clothing has been made expressly for this Market, of the latest styles, the best of goods, and meriene. ed workmen, Persons wasting Barga by ins, Inn do well to call and examine our stock in Chambers burg street, opposite Buehler's Drut:Bore. before elsew. Tetra, 870.—tfhere PICKING CO. Fall and Winter Clothing In great variety at FRANK CUNNINGHAM'S Cheap Clothing Store, Or the Northeast Corner of Centre Square, CLOTHING, ever offered ha this plate. Ale., the very latest and beet styles of Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, with a Batt of /user Undlow•Clollklag aisd Goats* Gloats Y • . also, aline . 1 cloaks, gregg lialm = l4 4 •Wan 7. seams. iy a ir ec beggrili. All&I, ifala ur t o rtake aad hand. - •' - ' 114 " 4 " ' ahm " " ' Hpidery aad Glossa, a tarp sesortment. Mild ten a Oboes of ail kiwis: Ls short, 'seq. =IWO' kept In a Irsteiseg Gast • All as low as the lo oar "sotto 'W ol)_.tr iltdek,ldles and man pro p ' Call sad agirsteeh of goods beforeaparehadag N , WOLF. ALL STYLES OF CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, BEAVERS, Mc KLLNGEL'S Boots, Shoes and Gaiters "D. &P 8 1 1 3.12(011" %id t+ os gree s few 4 9 0 n o„ Shoo laillnenie l 70,1711-111.-NellAifitB lEEE IMMEMM NORRIS' HEADQUARTERS ! On South -Nag Corner of Centre Square, GETTYSBURG, PA., Has the Largest and Best Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, THI LATIN!' mute HATS AND CAPS. TUE BERT MANUFACTURED Bi )TS A I ) 811 OEB WITH ♦ VARIETY OP Winter Under-clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods of every variety also a large assortment of NOTIONS TRUNKS, Aid everything found in &Gentlemen's Furnish hag Stone. GIVE US A CALL Oct. 14. 167(L--tf GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS In endless variety at AT CUNNINGHAM'S On Chambereburg Street spring & summer Chithing WITH A LARGE STOCK OF It 'aps, Roots Shot'S, COBEAN Sr, CUNNINGHAM AVE just received ?nn the City a new• and Large stock of othing, Hats and Caps BOOTS .AND SHOES, NOTIONS, SEGARS, ie., fre. LA :'EST S PYLES One and all are In Invited to call at our Store, on Baltimore street, Gettysburg, nearly opposite Fahnestock Bros. IL C. COBEAN, Apr1115,1670-.11 jA"P"INGRAM GO TO CUIitiLNGHAM'S On Chambersburg Street RE.AI)Y.MADE CLOTHING, FOR FALL AND WINTER Chambersburg Street. WOLF'S GeUyiburg, Pa., Has the largest and best etoek of SPRING AND BUMMER PLUM CUITNINGifpIrB bluimberiburp GO TO FOR YOUR Ohtiokriks4 **ie. , itt MANHOOD N THE YOUNG AND P.ISING GENERATION The vegetative powers of life are strong, but In a few years how often the pallid hue, the lack•lustrO eye and emaciated form, and the Impossibility of application to mental effort, show its baneful In fluenee. It soon becomes evident to the observer that some depressing Influence is checking the development of the body. Consumption Is talked of, and perhaps the youth Is removed from school and sent Into the country. This Ls one of the wont movements. Removed from ordluiry versknot of the ever-ehanging scene of the city the powers of the body, too much enfeebled to eve zest to healthful and ruralexermse, thoughts are turned !awards upon themselves If the patient be a female, the approach of the menses is looked for with .anxiety, as the first symptom In which tiature Is to show her saving power In difinsinr the circulation and visiting the cheek with the bloom of health. Alas! Increase of appetite has grown by what it fed on ; the en ergies of the system are prostrated, and the whole economy is deranged. The beautiful and wond lerful period In which body and mind undergo so doelesting a change from child to woman, is looked for In vain: the parent's heart bleeds in anrJety, and fancies the grave but waiting for Its victim. .11 EXTRACT BCCIIC, for Weakness arising fromexemees or early indiscretion, attend ed with the following symptoms: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loas of Memory, Diffi culty of Breathing, General Weakness, Horror of Death, Plight Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor. Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Often Enormous Appe tite with Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flush ing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenance and Eruptions on the Face, Pain In the Back, Heaviness of the Eyelids, , Frequently Mach Spots Firing before the Eyes, with Tempo. rary Suffusion and Loss of Sight, Want of Atten tion, Great Mobility, Restlessneta, with Horror of &mkt). Nothing Is more desirable to such pa tients than Solitnae,and nothing they more dread, for Fear of Themselves ; no Repose of Manner, ao Earnestness, no Speculation, but a hurried Transition from one question to another. These syniptesm II allowed to go on -which this Medicine Invariably rem:Pres—soon follow Loss of Power, Fatuity, and Epileptic Fit% In one of whieli-the pedant may expire. During the Superintendence of Dr. Wilson at the Bloomingdale Asylum, this sad result occur. red to tw• Wields; reason had for a Line left them, and both died o epilepsy. They were of both sexes, and about twenty years of age. Who can my that these excesses are not fre . quently followed by those direful diseases Insanity and Consumption! The remelts of the Insane Asylums, and the melancholy deaths by Cetuump- Lion, bear ample witness to the truth of these as sertions. In Lunatic Asylums the most melan choly exhibition appears. The countenance is actually sudden and quite destitute—neither Mirth or Grief erer visits It. Should a sound of the mice occur, it is rarely articulate. `With woeful measures wan Despair Low sullen sounds their grief beguiled. Whilst we regret the existence of the above Jh elum* and symptoms, we are prepared to otter an invaluable gift of Chemistry for the removal of the consequeneee. Ititacsom's Mow Cox. On rrairgo /FMB trnixcr or , Btrartr. There is HO tonic like it. It is an anchor of hope .to the surgeon sad patient, and this is a testimony of all who have used or prescribed it. Bold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere.— !Mee .L 25 per bottle, or six bottles for $6.50. De livered to any address. Describe symptoms la all eozfunualeatlons. I Address H. T. HELMBOLD, Drug and Chemical Warehouse, NW Broadway, New York. ' E NE ARE GENUINE UNLESS doue up in atael-engraved wrapper, with tandshidliebt tRI Obemlest Warehouse; and July 29 1170.-ly want Coupons Cashed or Collected ! Persons (lemming to invest In STOCKS or BONDS, siring for safety to convert Into &Offered, are requested to call, as we have the advantage to transfer at a trialtzg expense INTERNAL REVENUE STAMPS of all deaorni INTEREST ON SPECUL DEPOSITS adranced Persons wishing information in regard to U. Bonds and Stocks of all kinds, are requested to give us a call, and we will cheerfully give * any In ormation Gettysburg, Nov. 5, IB69—tf 5-20'S AND 1881'S BOUGHT, SOLD AND TICHANGED ON THE YOST GOLD BOUGHT & SOLD COUPONS CASHED! PACIFIC R. R. BONDS Bought and Sold on Commission only Accounts received and Interesi allowed on daily balances subject to 'check. DE HAVEN & • BRO., PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A. March 24,1870.—1 y LADIES FOGY FURS 1 JOHN FAREIRA, 71S Arch It. Middle of the Root. between sw 7th and eth Streets, PHILADELPHIA, hi sa gerter Mrinetnrec sad plain' is all Weds :FANCY FURS /SW. ShiliSir sod • cotuaroseir W. rtiraM k knowa Fl7/1 asd hillsia 2- very and = 118- itr eataient ad al L zo ltbs diforeat la i ne r t m thain sumis trom 4-Weed ra sty ftjkliket *dam atid _edia iiel-Wre afttmU r .. Menu 121 e i bt rlfriCsatha a mear Bow* la tads tigSsto_Slipel _Sass. JOHN F AMEBA, Arcli Steed, rnissaelphia. [O4: mast ' T. RELIGIOLD wiffsmiNNNENIENEwI CgUBk.iTED PSEPARATION FOR CLEANING TUE 111.001) WILL cuieg Seralllda. (Mammas Diseases, Erysipelas, Boss, Bore AIM &aid mad, Pimples and Blotches on the .Ftice, niter strections, OM and ,Stubborn stews, Rheumatic, ec- Ajr 1.7 ikms, Dyspepsia, Cbstireness, Sick' Headache, Salt, Rheum, Jaundice, General Debility, Chins and Aver, And Stomach, together with all other Diseases Arising from Impure litood and Disordered Lirer. THY ONE BoTTLE on PACKAGE ♦nd be convinced that this medicine is 1111 hum bug. Sold by all Druggists. CAUTION Dra. 1). Fahrney& Sot's Prawn - anon torCleans log the Blood Is COUNTERY.EITED. The gene. line has the Dan* FAHRNEY & soN" on the front of the outside wrapper of molt bottle, and the name of Drs. 1). Fahrney & Son's l'reparatitat (or Cleansing the Blood, Boonsboro% .‘111.„ blow n in each bottle. All others are COUNTERFEIT. ltecolleet that It Is Drs. D. Fahrney A - . MO, Cele brated Preparation for Cleansing the Blood that Is so universally used, and so highly recommend ed • , and do not allow the I trugglid to Indoor you to takOanythlng else that they niay say is just the same or as gold, beclutNe they iniike a hare pro fit on - ?It EPARV.I) te.s. 11. t 0.4 g t" .t ; BOONs 'to% NI I 411.1 Dr. P. L. /Ash rwey, Be sure to get the genuine. None VPIIIIIIIP 1111 101111 signed FAHRNEY .5: SON. June 10, 1870.—ilin Iron in Ow NATURE'S OWN VITALIZER THE PERUVIAN SYRUP, An Iron Thnic, without Alcohol AssiutHates with the blood as easily as the Min. Pled food vitalizing and invigorating the whole system. it stimniatet without reaction, builds up the broken down, cures Dysivirsia. Liver Com plaint, Female Weakness. Dropsy, Rumors, Jac., and exkieLs disease from the system by increasing Nature s own vitalizing element—lßON. Pamphlets free. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor 36 Dey street, New York. Sold by druggists gen erally. April 1, 1370.—lynola ,f inanda 1 . GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK! Government Bonds of , all kinds, BOUGII7' AND .SOLD The Higbee& Premium paid on Geld and Piliver of any kind, are In vited . to call. as we have the facilities of New York, Phila phia or Baltimore markets. Con msluently all orders are promptly executed Persons possaessing COUPON BONDS, and de nations for sale 1 per cent riz I'ER CENT. for 1 year 4 PER CENT. for 6 months 3 PER CENT. for 6 numths J. EMORY BAIR, Cashier useRAL TEE (& AT MARKET RATES BOUGHT AND SOLD STOCKS No. 40 loath ird Street. BEEFS CHEAP -PriINTING STAR & SENTINEL BOOK AND JOB PRINMG OFFICE, BALTIMORE STREET, GETTYSBURG, PA; tiavlug recently added largely to our already large stock of Book & Faiicy Job Type, We are fully Prepared to accommodate our old customers. and all others who may Wm, us with their patronage, In the best style of the art, at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Printing of every Descritption. UNEXCELLED IN EXECUTION lINSURPED IN STILE, AND UNRIVALLED IN CH EA PN F:Sti, STAR & SENTINEL, Baltimore .5t., Gettysburg, Pa. PLAIN Ornamental Printing, From the largest POSTERS to the amaliest CARDS. a_. COMMERCIAL P 7 TING it.. BILL BEADS, CARDS, CHECKS, 3 DRAFTS, ENVELOPES, LABELS, SHIPPING BILLS, RECEIPTS & RECEIPT BOOKS, HANDBILLS, DODGERS,. Sc., Executed promptly, In the best nuomer;and at 'the very lowest prices. BOOK AND PA.IMIIIET PRINTING, In large or small owlets, In as rood styttand at as low Meat is ley ethos In the twantry. . . . We respectfully ask a trial hi those desiring Sr/01*i In Par VIM aa IFT aFARAIorrEI ,84nspA0 TION, Both in style of work and prOmitness 1n filling orders, ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY AT- TINDXD TO. THE GETTYt3I3I/11G 1,, sTAR nimnro 18 THX 10492 , APTICATIBING 111 UN IN THIS 00 prePIT: ITO LIST OS SlJlMESlNflts,epopeeele theo bone oleos of the mune* ihlieethekw. 'firreekeleeteeivasceteheteilein t itle 17 , 4 deism am 4 MN. WOW .44.0 am 4 Wawa WM*, AT 2112 AT THE AND PUBLISHED SHIBA! Zo BUEI-:ILER & - C attlinorest. betteeencburtAouseasci. GeaMsburf. TERM OF PUBLICATION. TUZ STAN AND smarm= ts putailid day morning, as SLOO a year In idyll* It not pald within the year. No continued bath all arremages ash ilehl; the °WOO of the publishers. • Ammurrounaurre are Inserted at wee. A liberal reduction will be made adrertilstne by the quarter, halt year, epeeist settees will be Inserted at spec • De agreed upon. AVM circulation of the Sus. anti la one halt larger than that ever • newspaper In Adams county: and. as Using medium. II cuubot be excelled. Jos 'Nom of MI kinds will qe , ted lad at fair fates. Eland-MUI. : Pamphlets, Be., la every variety sad printed at short notice. Twirs CAN. groftssind Care, H WOO/Nll4 Arromonr Miran:mod thipitrueel LOAS. and to any business In the ger- Cou o is ot • Moe :—llon. J.' IL Dancer's Building corner of the IXsteond. March 4, IS7O-41 J. X. KILAUTX. ArroaNILY AT Cloil4Dotloll3 and all legal bushiest leaded to. homes Mee on Baltimore street, soutli of Jonah, 11119-4 t D /IFOOONAUGURArro Y. axst ler Ogles one door west of Chaingeingurg street. . ge=sttentton given t° W is. • • nt ofPossi oo Wales. Opt • • casino to Seasest,,Hoeingity, U. 11114118, at an%Mos • to. Lind translate looted, and oboies We In Idar lM nand other western titstes. - ,. June Ig, IS—tt A.:. COPIA, ATTORNEY AT wil promptly attend to coUecltune and Business trusted to hts care. Ocoee between Fahnestock't and I Ziffiine dorm. Baltimore street, GeU • maym, teal-11 D AVID A. 1101111LER, ATTORNEY AT promptly attend todollectionsmsd. Business entrusted to Ids mire. . - Odle. et Ms nieldenee in the thre ing opposite the Court-houlie. Ray A), 11167-1.1 D AVID WILLS. ATTORNEY AT °nice at his residence fu the ttuuth.east Centre Square. May 29, 1867—tf DR. 8. 1111113 ER. nouilhAnat unifier or ChambersburA and ton streets, !opposite COL. Tare's KAMA June U, /110—tt Da. i EAL Ilas Ids office at his residence la Baltiroo two doors above the Cbmpilet Mee. May 29, LS67—tt JOHN L. HILL, N. D., DILNI GMee on Chambersburg street, nearly oi the EAGLE Hcrrar.., Gettysburg, Pa. t • airliaving been In constant practice e years patients can be assured of good Yam J uly 9, 1567—tf r. u srarurrazas Having located la Gettysburg. odors hie to the public.' °Mee in the old "Sentinel` 41. E. censer, Centre square. bere he will pared to attend to any case MUM' the , of the Dentist. Persons in want of fuller sets of teeth are Invited to call. Term, July 30, 1. earringto, Gras, der D. 111CCIULAM. "BEST ALWAYS C The Best and Cheapest. Saddles, Bridles,,, Col . ash /I,hittiltSiot all kinds. la the always to be touud at the old and well stand Baltimore opposite the rms. Church, CCitEARI'S4 ars OUR RIDING am WAGON &ADD • laistially Mt sad • 01.11 Okla sad sliver • I °l 4 AREMPIA eau not be best They ere the beet FITT moetdurable. OUR HEAVY DRAFT ILANISSti, are r mad.i bere to order, as cheap as they c ap an and ln the m substantial .• .• SIDING BitiDLES, ost LABLIES, Hamm, Fly•sets and ererything. Aiess • c hea Der. uni mica have beesimpecisktothe_loweet Wrist • Una* jpwronmo for oa Wi llim irM tG aeS i g ai r but ee khe beat of stoch be inns* every tivned out to raved as repretevitaL ihaakful ,afxrc favor Unita our pry es a earl and examnepnen lty. 1). Slet.masitY Jae. St INS—tf 13UGEID13 AND GARZA REMOVAL. tls undersigned has removed his Ca making shop where east end of Kiddie Gettysburg, Pa., he will continue to sll kinds of wort In his line, viz: CARRIAGES, TROTTING a F ING-TOP BUGGIES, JAGGE*. WAGONS, &C., &C. Ms WOOL is pat up of good to the belt Of mechanics, and cannot LW to Infection. Ensrico are always - • • ; 1 solicits orders, that beton • • ItEPALEILNG promptly doneott. W. t ft w July 1, lten—ly . SAYE YOUR HORS PATENT ELASTIC CORK HORSE COLLARS ryniS has Ihr sale Uwe. .1, MATED BerPhiladetp al" 1 114 = 7 . the C ity of protection of their shxlc. y are • weight absorb no moisture, and do V ia Cork with which they are stuffed be very tic, the Collar adjusts to the !haps of and consequently does not CRAM Tense hem. Also, BARNES' wag for sale and made to order. yft on Carlisle street, tiettsii adicia _Pagle age Dept allay 2 0 Imo--i t CARRIAGE-MAKING s eal The ed c line Wag ever, the nodentorned he • Malting :, . .11 i.. at their old Mond, In liaat Kiddie Meet: burg, f where they are polemist! to work ri Mho roolg . . .. superior moaner. Pew sad • • CARRIAGES, .At, on hand, whkth thry will thspithi egv, prices, and all orders will he iphedis and satistao WU/ as POseibla fir B SPA IR ZOO jar done with dispatch, ind atraini. , A large lot, at new and old eli M6B on for sale. Thankful for the liberal esev e a a _rt enjoyed bSe e n. solkia= dMryW.-MleUsL • •atalarrila =Ng flotilnivlt Watts. 118TAILLOM IWN, TIPTON Br. MYERS' EXCEMOR GALLER Mal= ro,Avit,ftkterise rg , Plehrodlifigligitilik, 'Sims Bia'~lL• ~~.~ isirm ITW von carnwevn.':-.' FRAMES, ALBUMS, tri 4 4liti mi talanis ni t Ward's- Mc IIiZMI ll= WEI