gke Statist Mind. imra II chetiWebtarg, Friallay. Jam* 17. 1.70. ruse 41561` 41111 L$ 'Olt* Ifi TID 11E3 It is an expensive system of eoono n3y M feed whole grain to any kind of animals All kinds of kirnel grain are provided with.a tough hull or skin, which the digestive powers of animals will not dissolve; cobsequently, if the skin, is not, broken before t he 'grain, enters the stomach, the kernels will, usually pass off with • the droppings without affbrdiag the animal that' swallowed the grain any more nour sahment than fragments of wood of the same size. During the month of August last the writer procured a lot of horse manure for top dressing for strawberry plants, and in a few days after the mulch was spread around the plants, the broken kernels of oats vegetated so that the entire audios wanes green ass lawn. The fact showed conclusively that much of the grain had never afforded the animals that swallowed it any nourishment at all. Young homes having sound and sharp teeth will sometimes crush every kernel, but old hones with poor teeth will often swallow' half their mew of 1114 without breaking the skin of the *kernels. -; When mills ire distant and people wW.igslat on feeding whole grain, it will always be foand advantageous to soak the grain at least twenty four hotirs before feeding it. MANAGE IN HOBSKIL—AII the mangy parte of the horse's body should be • rubbed with an equal mixture of soft soap and ointment, and in twenty•four hours It should be washed oft' with warm 'water and the horse, carefully dried and blanketed afterwards., If appliestion is not. sulliolene, a Dimond one should be made, but eight or ten days should (intervene between ' mob application. When you perceive your homes in clined to rub their manes and ladle, feed them a little oil meal, say from one to *lwo verb a .dap,_ Aar, a w i eek, pr ten daily, an at the awe time . Make good brine, as warm as you can bear yon hand in it, and wash the soaiy inbetance out of the mane and tail, and mix about a tablespoonful oflani c tf a tablespoonful of powder, and rubit• in well About the roots of the mane and BLOOD SPAWN AND THOROUGHPIN, —Blood spaltin disease is a bruisal en largement, or an increase in the secre tion of the joint oil, causing distension of the capsular ligament which sur rounds the joint, causing puffy swell ings' on the front and inside of the joint, but rarely causing lameness. THOROITONPIN is the same dlseaie, on t o more extensive scale, causing the enlargement to extend through the joint, from one side 10 another. The only successful treatment which we have found, with a few exceptions, is eold water compresses, placed upon the joint in such a manner as to press upon the swollen parts, and retain them there fin six or eight weeks, by means of a leather socket made to fit the joint; the compress to be changed every day. Old muslin cloth is the best material to use.--/sneriean Stock Journal. Txa disinfecting power of water has been receiving considerable attention of late. With the exception of char coal, it is said that no other substance is so perfect an absorbent of odors.— It absorbs its own volume of some gases, and more than six hundred times its volume of others. Poi instancif, ammonia"'gas, which is ono of the largest products of deoomposition, six hundred and slovenly cable feet is ab sorbed by one of water. Another of fensive odor, always present where animal matter is decaying, arises from sulphide of hydrogen. Water absorbs two and a half times RS own volume of this. These facts are worthy of re membrance and practical attention.— A quantity of water placed in an open vessel in a sick room, and changed of ten, makes an excellent disinfectant. Gu&v FAUNAE'S MAXIM.—The successful life of a Mr. Jacob Strewn, the prim* of American farmers, is attributed to the elose observance of the following maxims, originated by • hittleelf : When you wake bp, do not roll over, but roll out. It will give you time to ditch all your sloughs, break thqM, harrow them and sow with timothy and red clover. One bushel of clover to two bushels of timothy is enough. Make your fence high, tight and Strong, so that it will k cattle and pigs out. Be sure to get your hands to bed by nine o'clock, they will rise early by force of cirounuitanoss. Pay a hand, if be is a poor hand, all yon promise him ; if he is a rood'one, pay him a little more ; it will eneCurage him to do still bettor. . CLOVEN AMONG COWL—A oontribn tor to the Prairie Farmer gives the following experience of clover among corn :—"I sowed the seed In the chaff. immediately attar plowing my mum the last time. The land was very dry, and mellow and sandy. In June,Aftor sowing, the clover was about ten inches high and stood thick on the ground ; then put my sheep in and kept it eaten down till I wanted to plow it Ibr wheat. I think if it had stood' till August it would have made a good crop. On our land, it is the very best way to get in clover • it never winter kills with , us, but frequently sun kills or burns out." . e annual fight must be kept up. Wherever a tent-caterpillar's neat is to ba scan, there is a challenge to combat. The insect will get We best of it if It he allowed time. Make it somebody's business to destroy every nest, and let that somebody be your self, if you wish it done lkithfully.— Jarring the . tress and catching the in sects upon a sheet or other convenient receptacle, is the only certain mode Of warfare with the ourcullo yet known. Begin early in the season, and early in the morning. All washes and "Invig orators" plague the inventor more than.they do the cumuli°. POMMES ur Hosma.—A large ts • biespoonful of pulverised alum, and a teespoonfal of pulverised saltpeter mixed. Moisten the does and admin ister it by palling oat the tongue and the spoon - as far back in the ee,peedible. reed carefully and axexolsagently every day. Repeat the dose every other day for several days. liatifiiP ON TiUMW/ OF „POULTRY ! —The tellomrigurreeelpthas be= tonal is elbciaal moldy 90 grains carbon i ate of soda; 1 ounce of hool, sulphur. ApAskoaammkoully to the isp till • heathy appeursuos re sts:lld. - • • two: do you OM nit goy dour ro baquinal a wile Of btu husbaad. "Bocaolo," wee onrar, "you areaMiays moodaud Is ay Mad 'Mot LA_Dyssn:ATofct, A)t /FitiiiA bAtt .i.i,A " laTo baud and as cAtotantly meting a manatee tof • . . . G-00D S really IrAtt ii• Muth stare: bupolat at Lowest Cash Prices: ALUMNI& e from us win be node up, Irdeidrid, 'es lie Shyer Machias st a reduced prim.— feerbag kinds dose . abort wiles sad low Say 13, into—ate GREAT .. RUSH Robert • & Elliott's Stoic -- IN GETTYSBURG, AVAII eatared lan Weak sad a largo qaaatity take& Dry Goods, Notions, Queens,.[ *and °mystic( The partiesare well known, but have - thee far *s eeped arrest, as they hat Gresubsioks in exchange Ibr Goods. 1 I The persons witO Oda the Goode &re very well satisfied that they received more and better Goods' far their money than they could bey*. got at any. ether - ; Come one . 1 Come4 . ll sad exasaineoar.litpo asitortstent of arida GING.H.4IIB LAWNS, BAREGEB, ALPACCAS, &0., CLOTHS, °AWN:EKES, . TIT BEDS, _ JEANS, VESTI2fGS,ha. Alto, Oarpete,Notions, Olaasware, Queensware, and Indeed, a pliers' assortment of everything belonging to a int-clase Store. the piece Is opposite the Coart.hoosa, Baltrunove *feet, and that 7 r motto fair Dealing and StaalpPrcdits. ; (Ayr!! 29.1170—1 f SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Fahnestock Brothers JOil ODIAJA Ad si Noi iseidba. of 11141ING AND 1500D2 of ovary thirerip dos Meld' they are MUM AT IXTAIifiLY low prices. BARGAINS. IAHNISTOOK 11BOTHIR5 are salDzig GOODS it sitaalahlagly low peeve. Those wanting (bargains should, by all moms, give them • call. Reduction in Prices. If yc WI to bay troutaa waatOOODB at old priori baton th e War ilor't "FIP" CALICO WI good as *Tor Woo bold' FAR'( STOOK BROTHS RS keep Dry Goods, Carpets, &c ILUADWARE, SADDLERY, &c., QUILIINSWARZ. OZDAZ,WAILI, GIWOILILIIS, PAINTS, OILS, Mir Clive thous • call. AprU 21). 1870-tf J. L. SCHICK has - the Largest and Best Selected Stook o Lf DRY GOODS .AND . NOTI.ONS Gat bu bee* brought to Gettysburg this . Spring, which will be sold at the lowest possible rates. xa 6, IS7o.—tr NEW Spring & Sampler Goods, AT PETERSBURG, Y. S., PA. • 6RlifB2 l BO WEItS RAVI roootvel &sir sow SPRING AND SUN KEN GOO O Imp KidDE, so analleat "'°` 4°'•y "'°` 4°'•y "'°` 4°'•y awe IMM abasp.lbe• ask. WM% lima call sad moots* oar Goods. ORIEST BOWARS. N. 'L.-Assets be Ks Orars it Dakar Wring ma, aldose. Apra 211.11170—tt T. R. COVIE. A. BAlTillintaGiga. NEW FIRM. AEENDTSVILLE, PA. rshaadoreigaid,hettag watered tato partaereblp ut% ler lie Am asset/ Omer& Itemaareasza e attortio• ot thou Meade mid the public goo. oraUp to dub eplamild ameortereat of NEW SPELL% AND BUMMER DRY GOODS, on own, gusinwAin, RAZDWARII, al et width hive beripurehrod to • hinny warble fur selboadvidolt we are prepared to sell wt the veep isnot Igen& Call sad memo ear stab be fore parokasiag Nowhere. Mr/ lot et good lath brat.. lowa ' s. awn, ' AND/OW want= Areadintilt. Pb., APell ISTO—U FIIRNITURE. JOSEPH WALTON do CO„ CABINET-MAKEREI, N 0.413 Wabssit i ft., git a ;‘ It* t 1 1 11 11 pet e l inr w airoara . apptirre. work at -1/* sad abe itg=anr..4llriar" .. 7l. •••__ ' 11*altikta wp..11 SAFE AND PROFITABLE INVESTMENT NORTHERN CENTRAL 6 Per Cent. Gold Bonds IPPLEY k HOOPES AT PAR AND ACCRUED INTER- PRINOPLE AND INTEVIOT PAY- AU = Taxes paid by Nis Persons possessing U. 8. Bon can make, $l5O to $175 on $l,OOO, • bearing the same rate. of Intdees For further information I tnquire at Gettysburg National Bank J. EM.ORf BAIR, Joao 10, 1070—tf. UNITED STATES BOUGHT, SOLD AND - IXOHANORD ON MOST GOLD BOUGHT St SOLD FAIINFOTOCIEB PACIFIC R. R. BONDS •t IAHNISTOOIB Bought and Sold on Commis sion only. reoolvod and iataraat allowed on daily balances subject to check De Haven & Bro. PHILADELPHIA, . PA Mare'h 4, 1870—ly AND WINDOW GLASS NATIONAL BANK! GOVILEN:!KNT BONDS, of all klada, BODO Taad VW MODEM? PDIA7VM raid on GOLD and Porsou desiring to invest i■ STOOKS or BONDS of any kind, azo invitoid to 011, as wo have tn. the &ditties of New York, Philadelphhi or Persceuepoliesatag 00IIPON - BONDB, and deihing Sot safety to contort Into, Bogfaired, are ronoootod toottl,as we have the advantage to tnkaster at • aspoisii 7.N7IqI,NAL 3.111V8N111 STAIII2I of all des osilas- INTBINOT ON 111210111, DAPOIIIIII sitirasodmi Persona it/taking Information I• resold to II Bose, sad Stooks .1 .all kieds,.ere requested to give as s ewud vs will chswirilly sir . ibrakation 4Ntrobarg, Joy. s,lsU_tf COUGHS, INFLUENZA, Sore Throat Colds, WlWsplarOoligli, Liver Oaa pleas, lainabbile, AWake„ Weida, et the Lewd,. aed every awn= el ad ?break Leap aid Oben, • are speedily sea pinwales!, eared by thine ot WISTAIVS . BALSA OF WILD CHERRY. flu i.dl Wade praperalies 464 gut dry jr wee& dad Lase Me onus beddedies de sass wad awwt weditaids, bet di knew lad cdesesa G. dad alleys irritation, MSS meads, the onus e l j i lL B edipleessi. Consumption can be Cured by a timely resort to Atli -*WAWA! rimedy i as lie proved by beadrede of Wedideenalezesenet .1 0 3 • up VOWLI & &Obi, Nadas, mil did by &dare deswelly. [April 1,10,0-4,146,' . NEW FURNITURE. A 11:13131Zaf netmot4X)Trie 2111 kw, J•al. feg=2 „ aloft. • tilta - - ow icimas=__ oalt*g WPM Alf an. A. Wangs* • raMEOPOIS. RAILWAY EST IN' CURRENcir 4BL. IN gora) THIRTY YEARS TO RUN. by extban, from and get in exchange GOLD BONDS BONDS LIBERAL TIRES AT MARKET RATES COUPONS CASHED. Bought and Sold. STOCKS NO. 40 SOUTH 3d S'PRENT, G.Vrr YSB URG BOLD El am EiIL COUPONS - CURIUM OE COLL/MID Biatiatore, nuirkets. Oansiquoatly orders ar• arc:aptly executed. &ions for .11.1 I psr a. *4, si I Pll OJINT. hr I year, P 2& DINT. for • aosthi, 11 PI& CUUCT. for 8 month' J. IVORY BMA Cashier BARGAWS IN trnitr: o , at. N 0 • .1 S Lr • a`". On the S E. Corner of CentreSquare, GEI tYBBURG, PA., !Las the I,argyst a 44 Best)Btocks of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, El A T. SI AND CAPS, TIII BUST MANUPACCUILKD BOOTS.`AIND SHOES, with a Variety of summer Under-Clothing GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS OF EV ata•, a lary asaorttnent 01 NOTIONS, TRUNKS And everything found In a Cletilleerisn GIVE US A CALL April 22, 1170—te GO TO KLENGLE'S YOUR Boots, Shoes and Gaiters n H. KLINGIL, on Baltimore strut, a few doors if• above the Coin house. Gettymbarg. has Just re. oetrad a large stock et Boot; Oboes sad Ostlers, which he Is rolling at greatly reduced primer. It era braom : PIA LADlBlL—Congrese Gaiters, Balmoral Halter; Yid ellppara,all ffityles, Moroooo Salon:orals, te. YOU. tsßßTL.ll•lol—ftench Calf Boots, American Half Boots, Alp Boots, Congress Gaiters, Calf Bal imam* Bllppers, all styles, Brogans, to. 1118 llLSSlES—Cotigrilsi Gaiters, Balmoral Halters, Hareem Balmoral', Be. 808 111—Cloncress Gaiters,. OW Balmoral', Bro. Pa, to. CASHIER . - Infant Shaes of all - kinds.. • 'tin ily Also, on ba Boots nd and Shoes of him own manufacture con. . Buyout, from town and country, are Invited to call and examine goods/end priced before purelmalug Si... Whirs, feeling confident that I can please all who may call. TIIE MANUFACTURING of Boots, Shone and Gaiters will also be carried on, In ell ice ormiebee, es before. Repairing done on short make. By employing none bat II rat-olani workmen, and nal og noon iikt the choicest Mather, he leeks cow k dent of maintaining his formes ripala i ilon. Om. talnly nothing will b. left undone to deserve I. Tainknal For pant favors, he solicits a coati:mance el public wrongs. D. U. MANDEL. Airy LS, 1870.—U *WOLF'S Cheap Clothing Store On the Northeast Corner of Centre Square, GETTYSBURG, PA., Has the largest and but stock or SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, over offered la this place. Also, the very latest and best styles of Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, • with a variety of SUMMER UNDER-CLOTHING, and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS generally. Also, a fine Isseartuteet of JIMERLILY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, NOTIONS, Sc. The beet manufactured Leather Trunks and sass cer, Carsiet lapsed Umbrallaa always oil hand. Meilen and Gloved, • large etwortmeat. Chilben's Taney Shoes of all Mods. lo short, everything that Is usually kept to a And-class Gent's Tarnishing Store. All .111 be sold as few as the lowest, our motto bs• Ing, 'lnlet sales and small proem " Call and sz. melee oar Stock of pod. before itarehaaing Mar where. S. MOLT. May 20, ISTO—tf SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, flats and Caps, Boots' and Shoes. COBEAN CUIVNINGRAM H AVlLuvroesived from the Olty a now and large stoc CLOTHING, HATS I CAPS, BOOTS I SHOES, NOTIONS, SEGARS, &c. LATEST STY/4ES. One and all arslavitadtaoall at oar Stars, oa Baltl. morsmrset,Ostrysborgosear i kr t t pml i tarnestock Bros. JAB.OIINNDIdfIAM. April 16, 1 670—tf JOHN PICKING OPENED. OUT AGAIN Ready-made Clothing, HATS, CAPS, NOTIONS, &C rraWundorsign• Co.,tolnit hastier under the Arm 1. of Swim; A C have opened a new Store Rae= in the lams threootory Brick building, on Chamberaburg 'treat, nearly opposite. Bush lees Drug Store; and invite their old Mende to give them a reD. We have laid to an manly NEW STOCK OF GOODS selected yid' oink of sb . Tory Nit make and latist style", comprising RNADY-MADNOLOTHINO,COATS, PANTS, VMS DUSTIN:3, WOOLIN SHIRT& DRAWERS, rINDII&S, NICK-11118, CRA VATS, HATS, OAPS, AND NOTIONS fa INDLIIIIB TARIM If —ell of which have. beat bought Ina falling mar. het, and will be sold at astonishingly low rates. We hare aim on hands large assortment of LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN'S S'-HOES,. of latest 41o.sad best tasks, whloh we w selllas oat at most, to efts, oat the stook. Cell and =vole& JOUR PICKING, . R. D. PICKING. AprO 6 11170-tf SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, AT F, tIINICINGELAIL'I3, Chiousodn¢kr 'Eked, Rest 66;• Xdpusa earrima use, PA. Tea willelwayi And the bait qualities andlateet styled of - COATS, PANTS, TESTS, LL AND SIM. ALSO, S Trunks, Valiies, Umbrellas iiti friMit km4l4 . go vartityof NOTIONS, MUSICAL misTßumarrs, CLOCKS - , WATCMES4- TOBACCO and CIGARS. ' lit has is aosssotlea with his Itesdpsiads Cloth. him sassasawid MEB,PILWT . TALLOSNG fa all , italeaulkaa. 4 11topabtia will always lad tau latattsaylet at, , C 1.04116, ttialtil42l44 *UAW ite i at Is nom w. O. Dataw; ittairk sopirissoi, will sloop of paid oil bawl simmer% woo ooli. towsin oliewl win set awls owesomm. (mm lilo-41 TUB LATLEIT BTYLIIIS OF IND ERY VARIETY ; Furnishing Store P. B. PICKING ' "., . • RI . L O I) . •.- JOSEPH:.JACX)BS MXRCHAN,T TAILOR HAS SINOP= /kit itaar to J. W. Orem' Store, on Chambersburg et., near the Square. .• large assortatet CLOTHS, CASSIVISS, VISTINCIS, TRIM SLINGS dn., Se.. Se. ' Acrid at the smallest profits. • COM hee4liit at the Store OUT IItILE .07 onuac . 900D8 161101 UP with allapateb, se *well when Usenet. other stores as at his owe. Latest N. Y. "noxious received, and tailor* dace le the woettep• proved style. 0 attingdons, as usuaL The public's patt,onsige solicited, sod no rdfort spared to please. April 22. JOSEPH J.llOO . SS. . _ Boom AND . 8110.4. NB W g 8 T BL 1 - 811.1111CITT. Tilßundessigned bee erected anew bitliding o or • Housed doo ihrtabliehmeet, (11111111111 R, aearelm Railroad b Itation , ettydnerg ; wheresbe not Were for Belo, - . BootS shoes .i Gaiters , slip pers er.nen oronien andebildren,of different etyila and prices. Its has a dneastortment to select frottiAnd .winsiliiirery•tatilost the aufloet /MP woinc RADII to ORDPR , of the out materiels nod werksautill. livery *dart made to ruder eatiadetiota. Tbs pstroasoofthe publicis solicited. Callin j and aoltot front bf stook orl save your :mese. are.eititor case you 'cannot (Mho bsphalied: July 17.1111111.—.1y 'JOHN Id .RIIILINO Pogo of Sava. GETT YSBURG RAIL ROAD TIME TABLE NWT TRAIN: illettyibprg at a 40. ♦ .M ndconneet•♦t Ilsniyrer Junction lath traipse lag North, ptsataptrt r esobl nit Baltimore at 320 p M., Ustriaburgat 12 30, P M., Philadelphia at 4 10 P.M. fteturuing,arrive It Gettysburg at 12 80P H., with passengers from Baltimore, Harrisburg, to 6ECOND TRAIN! Got flab or g a. 2 44 P • and connects at Hanover Junction wit!, Ma Train Thoth at 4 Pi P. M. reaching Balttmorc a•t 7OJ P. /I. ptuturolog itches at Gettysburg at d 30 B. t . ~lidaidri from SiMinor*, Liarrto burg. ra-A Puieuier Cyr ie 41. ,,, tteche 4 to the r"'igh letros iliuov. , rJanctitto Kt7.IU . •t. 31 eachiag liattpdourg at /6.30. Paaaaagera Harrisburg fa [6.'3.15 A. 11. traiu car aims reach Onttyaburig by 10.30 A. M. Thq frcight wain, sits P•saengar CarAttactuftl, -tr/11 le•re UeUl•Lurg •t 2 P. roochlng t Ise J auction at 8.25 Nov. 26, Ifit..9 READING RAILROAD summas ARRANGEMENT, MONDAI, APRIL 18, 1870 Great trunk line from the North mud Nortirwera for e hiladelpbl•. New York, heading , Tammnat, Astrrand,Stuurrokin, larbanou. Allentown Rasion ,dpbrata,Li Ma Lancaster .Golumbia, At. Tralnaltave tiarrishorgfor Near York,asiollows: At 6.36, B.lil A.M., 12.20 aeon, sad 906 P. M., con necting witbrimliartrainaourenurylvanla Railroad, sod •rriving at,New York at 12.1 b mum, 0.40, 8.60 and 10.00 P. 31., respectively. 'Sleeping Cars accompany the 124 A. 11., and 12 20 noes Trains without chaug•. tte-urulng: leave New York at 9.00 A.M., 12.00 noon 554 6.00 P. H., Philadelphia at 8.16 A. 11. sod 3.30 P.M. Sleeping Cars accompany the 9.00 A. H. sod 6.00 P. M.tralms from heir Yurk without chip, Leave llarrlaborg for Reading , Pottsville, Tama qua, Millersville' Grove, Allentown Shamokin, Pine G*, Allentown aud Ph IladripLia at B.lu A. H., 2.06 sad 4.1.4 P. 111.,etopparg st Labanuo aud yriucipal way Stations; 4.1 U P. H. train connecting for Philadel hla, Po ttttt Ila ana Columbia only. eor Postavitle, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and dusquehaun• Rail head, leave ilarri•burg at 3 40 Way eassengerfraini eaves Philadelphia *11.30 A.M.,cuuns,ting with sidwar train on Rust Penns Railroad. returning (root. Reading at 0.3 t .topping at all Stations. Leave Pottsville at 6.40 and 9.00 A. 51., and 2.46 P M., Meru lan at 930 A. M., Shamokln at 5.4 u and 1,0.40 A. M., Ashland•t7.o6 A . 1 4.atid12.30 noon, Tamaqua at 8.33 A . 2.39 P. 6k ., tor Philadelphia and New Vol k. Leave Pottaville,vla.s chuyik hands naquehinna Mailroad at <0.16 A.ll . for liarrisbarg,•us 11,30 A. ht. (or pi netirove and Tremont. tte.atliug Azountueodation Train leave* Pottsville at 5.40 A.M., passes Kaadlng •17.30 A. M., arrivin g at Phlladalphi• at 10 50 A. M. Itetorning, lea•ee Philadelphia at 5.16 P. M., passing Mewling al b.OO P. M.,...trtugat Pottavillo •I 10.4 U P.M. Pottstown Accommodation Train, 1 Patti, town•tr6.96 A. r , ea.:trains! Philadelphia at 4.00 P.M 4•itru•6 Tr•ln•l••••tt••dluq a t M., •n 4 4.15 P. M. (or Cpbrata, Litt:, Lancaster, Columbia,ic. - Paritiorten it aillWad t rah:isle ••• PeeklorneuJone• than at 9.00 A. M.. 3 00 and 6.lki P. M.; rewriting. leav•ticutraultatille at 0.05 A. M., 14.45 won, and 4.15 V X.conneeting with almllar training' Read ing Rri I Road. t.tutenruokdale Railroad Trains leave Pottstown at 5.40 A. 51,,, and ea° P. M., returning Isms. Mountt Pleasant at 7.00 and 11:16 A. IL, connecting with similar trains oin Roading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridgeport at 540 4.1 i., 2.06 and 60/ P. M., returning, leave Downingtown at 111.241 A. M., 12.45 noon atm 515 P. id., countic ting with similar trains on Reading Rail road. Po Sundays:leave New York at 6.00 andB.oo P.M., Piss ladeiphia 418.00 A.M. and 8.16 P. M.,(tbe 8.00 A. M. Train running only to Se•diug,) leave Pottsville •t 8.00 A.M... 4darrisburg at 6.86 A. M. 'and 4.80 P. 61.,aud heading at 7.11 A.M. and 10 06 P. 84. (or Marri•burg, at 7.23 A.M. for New York, and 9.40 A. Y. 504 4.20 r. M. for Philadelphia. Comulutatioo,.diltage,Seasou,Schoeland Excur• iiontickets,toandfrom allpoints,atredueeoHatee. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds I lowed •acLPassenget 0 A. NIOOLLP , 4on•r• I lupariatendent Eteadlug, Pa., Aril 21, 1670. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY SUMMER SCHED U LE. On and after May 3J, 1370, Trains will teat e Han • o•er Junction as follows: LILATE .NORTHW AND 10.31 a. in.—Dally for Williamsport, daily (except nuudays) for Elmira, Buchalter, Buffalo , NtagaraFalls and Brie and the Weet. I.lu a. in.—Da,iy for Bimini, Bonnie, *a. • 2.09 p. . — Dally(exceptSundays) for Williamsport anu Erb. 6.06 p. m.—Dally(except undys)for York. 10.03 a. m.—Dallytercopt Sandasys)for Harrisburg mod the West.. LUTZ SOUTHWARD. 2.03 a. in.—Dellystopplugatßarktononly. 2.62 a. m.- 6 /lally(e2tept dasdaya) stopping at all Station* 12.26 p. m.—Dally stopping at Parkton oply. 12.60 p. (except donday ) stopping at Perk ier(' only. 4.64 p.m....Daily (except 8 andays)s topplngat the !Stations. l EDW. 8. YOUNG, Gen. Pass. Agent, Baltimore Ald. ALFRED R. FLIES, Gen. B upertateiudint, Jona 10,1870.-tf Harris berg, Penn a. l IENNSYLVA.NIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. Doubletrack rot:den:inning between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Trains leaving Glate sburg make the following ounectlons with th4Trunkline: Gettysburg leave at 8.16 a. m. A 12.40 p. m. Li •uoverJuncttoatirriv• 10.06 " 2.06 " " leave 10.68 " 9.66 " Harrisburg . arrive 12.56 p.m. 11.45 " leave 8.60 ' 2.26 a. m. Phil adilphia arriv 9.40 " 0.60 " Harrisburg leave 1.16 " 12.10 a Pittsburg arrive 1.86 a. m. 9.10 u - • At Philadelphia close connections are made with - the trains for New York. Boston and all Eastern Cities. At Pittsburg connections are made In the New Onl.in Depot with thotrains for all Western points. far therinformatf on epp I 'to GDWARP W 1.1,1,14.11,13, ' Gegi.dgperinSsadent,4llkiorka, Pa. glitzy W. GIMES*, Gen. Passenger and Ticks Agent ,Philalelphla. [Kay 14,186 L.. Nutthiriug. MEAT MARKET! NEW FIRMI GBGatig B. nom A THADDEUS &WIELE, LILTING Wald fate tnership I n ' the BS. EILIEG BUSINESS, wil par l carry UTC on in all its branches. All kind/sof Fresh Neat Every Day. BeefaveryTnadey sad Saturday' meriting. Sandi meats every Wedneaday, Thursday and Friday monk. 1■ Tarte! eland ataeo.B.Stoer's riuddanceonCham bereburgeteset, eeeeng &mum Those having kit stook for sale will find it to their. advantage to stiles er addresethe a err Firm'. Ang-111,11110-41 BTOTBIL k WJBLE. Pest Middle Street Market • Every Day in the Week, ;4 &Y laczrear,. iresbsintihmitts,.o a week, Tuesday, Wades.- dayaadBaterdayamminge. amb,Vealor Mutton irreryday. Orders oft atm, martetlathe evening, erUlbspraraptlidelbered thefiglowinftalorithlt GIORGI A. OODOXI. Jaa• 111 4860.-tt . CARDS; Lettor fkidsrAill orgelers modal kindest Joe Midis ablivithaleftelesei doe IKONIAIN• P U M OM dans reasoftswAy this is At kat Ptiiiip srssj bred in Alteriesfile WELLS & CISTERNS. I. It'. Simple. 9. It is Reliable. 3. It is Durable. 4. It Werke Tee" Zesity. I. It th row" Water Rapidly. 0. It is all Wool. I. =se IN* Is Tasteless. O. It does set Pratt Is the Sea. IL It I. sot liable to get not order. 10. Should aay repent be necessary in time, they as easily bonsai* by coy por ton. 11.1 t milli:tot Reese. 11. It is Cheaper than aay other reliable Pomp mans &stared- tegtimony of thengpetiorcharacter of this Pomp, we refer, by pormiestob, to the following permute who bay. had It In use, and tasted it with entire antis faction: Jet. Blesecker, Franklin tp.; Georg, Smith, Hen- Huston tp.; Arnold Lives, /rankUs tp.; A Myers, Latham.* tp.; John Cross, attyshisrg; H. P. Highest, Otosmoant_i Peter Shively, Pairesid ; Daniel King, Valdivia ; YOune MaaBeJOY JP.; Andrew Raver utoolr., Tyrone tp. Persons requiring Pumps for • elle or claim" can bare them hunlehed all complete and ready for nee by lending the depth of the well or cistern. datielhotion glaranteed In ail cane or no payment required. Orders by mall or otherwise promptly atten L ded , to. JOSEPE =NEL 04.29, 111119.-McKnightetown, Attains cotinty,Pa. ly • 1115 HOOP SKIRTS, 1115 HOPKINS "OWN MAKE." In ell the New sprlag Styles, for Ladles, Misses and Children; the quality and prices of which wiU re commend themselves to every customer. 001131131 CORSETS! I4OItBBYBII I Just marked dawn tolold at par: making our prevent prices lest than they can be afforded, until gold dullues to that point, and 33 per cent. lea than the price one year ago. KeTots the first In Philadelphia to glee Elver la chap to our custorrers, and now take the lead In giving them full advantage of the rentra to a specie bash, In ad vance of the Cold market; which wUI be fully ap. prtclated by all who ex. mine our extremely low prices. Hoop skirts, Our then Make, at 37, 40,60,56, 60, 70,76...0, 86,90, 95, $l.OO, tc. to 12.20. Handqoade Whalebone Corsets at 60, 60, 75, 90, $l.OO, itc. to $l.ll. Superior trench Woven 001110141 at 76c. reduced from 31.00; at $l.OO reduced from $l.- 38; at 11.26 reduced from 11.76, to., Sc. to $6.00, re. dated from 67 00. B. Werly Corsets at 12 00 reduced from 12 50, Sc. ThouMeinell O love 111110 g Corsets at 1175, reduced from $2 Sc., As. Mrs. Mood) 'a Patent Illelf4d i noting Abdominal Corsets st • reduction of 25 ms. tto 11 00 per pair, according to quality. All Other goods prOpartlowilly reduced. skirts and Corsets made to order. Altered and Repaired, Wholesale add Miran -One Piles Ooly—Call or send for descriptive -Mr- Cular. WM. T. 110PMINI3, No. 1115 Chestnut Naga, PhNada March 18, 1670-3 m KEROSENE LAMP, pronounced by wore than 50 Professore In our Co Innen, doOI7II.DY dep•i —saves 38 per cent. of oil—no bad odor—will not break or wear out, because metallo. Our agents make money, because it supplies a want as universal as right. Poe full particulars address, with stamp, BlLiilJ. 1. it 0 W XS, 2d Floor, Mechanics' Bank, Harrisburg, P. =I y OUNT'S COMPOUNII FOE MEC:URIC OP PUTRIDSORETHROAT, INFLUENZA or any ,tber Inflammator, or, nirordilsaaa t of the Throatif not 0 'oolong •tandlog . AIso,SCARIALT tIIVXR . This madlcincna■ beans riedln THOUSANDS OF CASES, a different parrs of the count:l,4:ld has emir beau known total! If :Akan In time and according toilrections. It is werr.nted to core. ()Pfeil. trial end It willspeak (or Itself. Beery boaseholdshould provide t hemeelver with a box o t this medicine and keeplt on baud.. T he.; oresthat I t has effected are truly marvelous. • g.„Preparedand told by tstaaLYoustt Co.,Got yorbarg, Pa , or by tneir authorised agents. ro el at clearly all thoStoresin Ad•ms conuty. Nay 29,1467: if ISRAEL YOUNI it 00. TO THE LAII I E S SPRING MILLINERY I MISS A.HINIMEN ' AS Just received from Phila:elphia, at her Mil linery eatabllehatimt on Baltimore It., Getty. burg, near the Presbyterian Church, a very largo and *Meat assortment of sew style BONNETS AND HATS, nat...., Saar, ELEGANT FRE.NCEI FLOWERS, Frames, Gimp., Straw Trimmings and Pastry 'Goods, of every den.ription and the lames style.. Caps - for elderly Ladies. She limited the attention of the Ladles to her an. aortment, which will be sold at lowest cash price.. April 15, Isl4l-3eu A YER'S CHERRY pEcToam: Air Diseases of the Throat and Lumps, such as Cbtegkr, Cvids. Whooping Corgi', iirente.A lilt, d.lkwa, sad O.XiSUPtiOn. Probably never before in the whole history of medicine, has anyibilg won so widely god so deeply upon the confidence of mankind, as this excellent re medy for pulmonary complaints. Through a long ioerive of years, and among most of the rates of men It has rhea higher and higher In their attlination, as It ha. become batter knows. Its io foram character and power to cure the various affections of the lungs and throat, have made it kdoiwe us a reliable prourc• tor agaluet them. While adapted to Milder formetif disease and to young children, It to at the same time the most effectual remedy that can tie gives for Ind piens consumption, Rua the dangeruns affections o@ the throat and lungs. Asa 00,411.3 agolugt sudden. attacks of croup. it should be kept on hand to every family, and indeed as all are sometimes subject M colds and coughs, all Would Le provided with this antidote for them. Although settled antsitoptios is thught inearabla stilt great smeller. of cues where the o Wallal. SOM.; sd settled, have been completely cared, sad /bop. thin rliegOrlD4 to sound health by - the Cherry/to/ord . go complete is Its mastery over the disorders of Ms : : Lange and Throat. that the most obstinate of Cham yield to ft. When nothing able could reach etocc; , under the Cherry Pectoral they subside and dlsap.l., Sincere and Public Speakers Sad great protection, from it. Asthma is always relieved and often wholly cured. by it. .nronehilfir is generally cured by taking the -Ckerty rtsiaral an ennui and frequent doses. So generally are It. Virinee known that we need not publish the certificates of then here, or do more than assure the public that Hs qualities are flatly maintained. Ayer l S Ague Cure, For Amer and Ague, infonsitisai Aber, Chili Aver, Item:text Ayer, Dumb Arms, Ariodioal or Billow jeer, do, and indeed all Ms ofectiehla Which 1111441 /rocs Inaigrftpa, marsh, or itUssessuicpitisoas. As its game implies, it doeleurs, and dims not fail Contsiotng Walther 41 . 1110010, Qutolll*. Ble lab, Zinc nor any othe. mineral or PCd. 3, 1001 OHM ta.es what sver, it la nowise Itilaree any patient. The mustier and Importauce Of immune an the ague distrkes, are literally beyond accutiot, and we heifers without a wallet in the history of Ague triedicine. Our pride s nailed by the jisknow adamants we receive of the radical cures effected in obstinate canes, and when other remedies bad wholly felled. tinagaliniased person*, either resident in, br travel. Ing through 1:11i411/11M/0 localities, will be protected by taking the AGM Meg daily. tor Liver GM/plaints, arising Iran torpidity of the Liver, it is an excellent ?bawdy, stunulating the Liver into healthy activity. tar Bilious lihouniare and Lava Oemplatots, ttis an n oellent reinedy.produmnanmay trull nallarlable cures, where other medicine, bad Law. J.l). Practical and .! Analytical Chinahrts, Lowell, Ueda, end sold round the world, au 1131.1.0 r sale In Gettysburg, is, by AA D. liumm PRICA 4 1 ,00. Anna. Agent. IJaa. 21, 1870-Iyeet PETER BENTZ, • MUSIC EMPORIUM, No.Bo East Market strut, York, Pena'a Sole4gent and Dealer In the folliming meta of Plano,: • RNABR & 00., GEORGE STICK t CO., . J. O. BORNS, STEINWAY & SONS, • 0/1101411RINQ # 80N8 Also ; the Colibro PiattO, full 7 octaves, only 4 feet 10 Inches long. ALSO, • ORG- A S nfannactured by MASON k RAWLIN, and NEED HAY .1k SONS. All Guaranteed for - 5 years. llNlYPerional and wad attention Allem A• the selsottai of lastnumeitts. Mem. PISTSJI UNTIL PhDec 10, 18611.—Set - . dice to the Mlle. Mit taaderApwlis l mein 1494.94 fon: juiprotawitiro tin9rli t o r ampityisoliK 9a Namtays = , II Y, r *Naomi af 111L,passlakg sad Olimast priap.towitsia lash liar = nrhinvitelittlialipo , 4 slaw olkidopt mom estql_ g am. thairst ir it w7i Takao sprolock coda rsauhs cl e i g. May '21.-tt TEC Vali SittiTTNEL Auts-s ilenlailait Mei NI ike poptailaellis Oro* titliseie-lime• It itt tie legit sett est TILE OUOITDIDIA WOOD TESTLVONIALB WANTED AGENTS, to canvass for ruirmis /DD 11101711111 DOD-txPlo Absolutely Safe /Arad* gusto. LOOK 'HERE I THE undersigned has- leased the Ware house on theeorner o IS tratto n simian** the Rs* Iroadtilettystnarg ,Pa., outwit* carryon Lk Grain .&Produce Business n all! tabroaches. The highest priciest wll 'always he Witter Wheat,Rye,Oorn,Oata, Ole d Thew thy Seeds, Plasseet, lusaws, Hay and, Dried Prnit.Nutedloap,ilams,dhouldere Rides. Potts too, with everything else Lathe solitary produce GROCERIE S OF ALL KINDS constantly for sale , Coffees, Sugars liolantss,flyr• ups, Tau Side's, Salt, Olissaa, Wismar, Soda, Mustard, Aare!, Broonts,Sucksts, Slacking, Soap, to. Also, 00a1 OIL, PI" WI, Tar, as. of all klnds;Splkits and Nails; Smoking and Chewing So bassos. He Is always able to supply. ant rate Article et ith the different Mods et Reed. Also °roundels/Icor. withaaanosand4therfertlir sere. 60AL. by thebushel,ton orcarload. He will also ran a LINE of FREIGHT CARS t0N0.166 North Howard street, BALTIMORE. and No.Bll Narkotatriot,Poll4DELPßlA. All goode mat to either place 'Whoa received •nd forwarded promptly All %Gods should be marked "CREBB OAR." April 2M09.-1 , JOUPEI WilLI. I. Z. RIBLZ Joseph Wible & son ) PRODUCE DEALERS, Routh-east cornero/ Railroad and Washington streets GETTYSBURG PA. HlO UNFIT cash price paid for all kinds of Grain, Ray, Straw and Country Prodoco generally.— Constantly en band for male ill kinds of GROCERIES. The best brands ol PRRTILTZERS constantly on hand, or me cured at short not's& April :a, 1876—tf NEW FIRM. A. E. ECKENRODE BAB token the Wuehouse, lately occupied b Philip Gann, et Granite Station, on the line of tb Gettysburg Kaliroad, 2 in flee from II unterstown, and will deal la all Unclear Grain and Produce , giving the highest market price. I will also keep constantly on hand for tale all klndsof,agg GROCERIES, Coffee, Saga r, lifolasses,Syr p Tees. Ac., with Sal Fish, 011.1,Tar, Soaps, Bacon and ,Lard, Tobaccos, kc Also, the best brands of PLOUB, with /ZED of al kir.ds; also, Coal. I reepectfelly solicit th spatronageofoarfrlends, •ndlirrits the public to calland examine my stock Jan 22, t f A.E. ECK SNBODY ROBERT M'CURDY, DEALER IN FLOUR, GRAIN, GROCERIES &o GETTYSBURG, PENN'S Tak andersignedle payinget his Ware-bonsejn Carlisle street adjol nin g Buehler's Hell, tb• Bisbee tprlceefor /LOUR, WHIAT, RYN, CORN, OATS, BUCK WRRAT, CLOVES •ND ?MOTU Y-8/10,8, POTATOR B, to., tO., an dl naltesp roduterstagiva hiss acallbefors galling Hs ass constantly on hand Waal*, A. LARGE SUPPLY OF GROCERIES llotaasea,9yrapa,Coireer 8 gitata,ike.,wfth Salt ►lab Oils,Tar, amps, Haeoo and Lard,Tobsecoa,tc. also th• beatbraadsof with LIM of all kind. He likewise has SEVERAL VALUABLE FERTILIZERS Soluble Pacific Gem°. ibodu' Phosphate and • A Mexican °QUI, . Whilst hepays tlieblghest market prices (oral' be buy., hi cells at the lowest living profits. He asks share of public pstronage, resolved to give eat efaetlonl ease. /a1,23,1869.—t / NEW FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HOUSE. HAVING purchased the extensive Warehouse, Cara. Ac., of Cray Ittassisw, the undersigned intend tecsrry on the bastnam,un. der the firm of BlGlala Co., at the old grand on tamer/roar of Wash lagtonand Railroads 000000 , on a more extenal Te scale than heretofore r•gular II n• of freight Cars I I eav• out Warehouse every TUESDAY NOON. and accost modatkon trains will b. run as occasion may regal.; • By this arrangement we are prepared to convey Freight at all times to and from Baltimore. All business of this kind entrusted to us, will beprompt ly attended to. Our cars run to the Warehouse o Storm:mon & Sons, lib north Howard street, Balti alma. Being determined to pay good prises, gel cheap and teal fairly, w • write* •erybody to give as a call. WIII.M.BIGHAL ALEXANDIRCOBIAN JAMESBIGUAN. Jas.ll.t.lSS Goat, gumbtr, ghat, &r. Cook and Parlor STOVES, OF ALI 4 KINDS. The latest and !float approved styles TIN, SHEET-IRON AND HOLLOW WARE. Coal and Lumber OF ALL KINDS Call 4 Examine 0. R. BUEHLER'S Ware ,Rooms, ooßrom, or CARY - JIM& 'RAILROAD J . lOOll =Ult. DANILL OA3EXAZ. :NEW FIRM. COAL & , LIME ! ttrEnt undersigned have entered Into partnership, and under the firm of /Anna Gummi wtU our, Da the 1411. ii—t h oath .. 0. 0 at curate, at sanrea~ sad stristss stripsts. a lm""1 118 1 011 MUNI allocate beet of Lass at stt Ihn o sad at boost amiss noes. alastssur Sand taw ad mama th : 1 C • AS lowest "Aims _ ke and coil ilsitterat arkiratriii; DANIA CANAAN. OW I, MI-If WM. J. MARTIN, Wholsiah, and Retail Doilsti 1./R OCERIES AND LIQUORS • large lot of Orocertes that I am Chesi or Cash. CHOICE LIQUORS, Old Rye Whisky eight years Old. kery Old French Brandy. - ALL OTHER KINDS OF LIQUORS, • genaral asaortatent of BlTTYRB,amoogyhlehia ahler'a Herb Bitter.. JOEIN CRIBB Pare Liquors for Medical par posse •t W MAIL7III4I. Table Cutlery, Glassware, Queens- WARE, to., at WK. J. KAMM'S. April 30. DM WM. BOYER & SON, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, NOTIONS TOBACCOS, ALSO, Stone, Wooden and Willow Wars. at•A general assortment of all Goods usually kept in a FAMILY GROCERY. Dec. 4. 1867.-t. BARGAINS at the new • GROCERY IN GET'F YBBURG. JACOB W. CRESS H AVING opened a clew Grocery,' n Oettysbarg,on the north-west corner of the Public Square, ballast received aspiendidassortnient•f FRESH GROCERIES, Including Sugars Coffee, Holmes., Syrup, Teas dpicee,Fobacco,Satt,Pish,Hams,Shoulders,ir Ala* QUEENSWARE, CONFECTIONS Ilista, Frnite , Soaps,VancyArticletandNotion s idly We 1,11 I aisokeep on hand FLOUR and PEED STUFFS. Having purchased for CASH, I as prepared to soil very cheap. One me • canaid Judge for your selves. 5ept.25,1867.-ti J. W. CRIBS. GROCERY. WM. B. MBA LB 11A8 OPINED A Grocery, Vegetable and Notion Store athierealdenneedfolnlng Meals t Brother's Marble yard, Is EAST YORK STREET where hale prepared toes) as cheap as the cheapes anything In Ida line. Gun s • call. Mara 19. lass—if 108 BE T HcCIIIIDY, earptnters and eantractorg. GEO. C. CASHMAN Carpenter and Contractor, RESPECTFULLY informs the public that h• boa ramovad total' new Shop an Stratton 'tree tbetween York and Railroad street and Ls prepared to take contracts for putting up and repairing Building., at as reasonable rate builder In Gettysburg—all work guaranteed tabs • but quality. Ito hopasby strict attautlos to bud. Jimmie ineritpublicpatronago. Give me micall April 9.1889.-0 WM, CHRITZMAN GETTYSBURG, PA., Carpenter and Contractor, Hari.' ramovod to my new flop On Washington 'greet, between Middle ana 'Jhambreaburg streets, and I atrod aesd Steam Pnwer, Ima prepared to fur slab all tladsof work for building porpoise, of dm bast faster al,aad &sassily andoheaply sad can NI doss at say own. sitabllshmsat I a the toasty. IS perieseed !rands always fa mafiosos and work sit• soared with promptasassaddlspatch. iiir•Orders for all klads ofarsoksts,Borolls,Youfd• lags. ie., promt tly Thad and on essosablistsraza. 5ar1110,1889.-tf Wm. C. Stallsmith & SOD GETTYSBURG, PA., Carpenters and Contractors Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Door and Window Frames, Cor- Costatantlyon hand and inanatactursi to :order o BEST MATERIALS, by axparisasad works's' Aid at REASONABLE PRICES. llEL.Ord•roorotaotly at toadoil to. Ma5.16.1.1411.—if in Its 4 Vagary. WATCHES & JEWELRY. • WM. P...McCARTISTEY WM= to telbram Idaeuetemutes •Slui /Public iteuereJly, that heetag parelammod ths Wen* ot hie Ramer (L. V. S. SolmS) the Watch owl Jewelry Store oil Belthaore et., (*Myst:ars,. se will sweep elate to glee metlearittoa to ell. He bee Jost resume boat the laity-16th • splasela amartaaeat of ' GOLD AND JOLT= A KAILIDAN AND 11.1111 WATVHS.B. J/Witatr: =TIM 7l AND TAILS &Poo" rozpriLamir. drzlic la AND MN, mass WAWA. OW& WAN Lim= iv afloat owl*. iiiniersra il .l4l4l(2lLe IDAZILF. NAN riemay 1 GM- Ai A d amourovitaws ND .1111.MIla imp-Watch sad Cloak Wort warnabid kr sae per. jiwetry repithiag ezioated la mat mad irorliais like siasmar. fftes.ll./ML-4/ ISAAC STAUFFIGat WATCHER - a; JEW Klat No. it! mom' ii - smasw — trim — f o_n met A„ any, ran t s,Datra“. ASSIMMONII 1111616141111.3 Sad *pg. Agoltspoiri ag•l 1=14.2 mniewmpur 1116 18111.47 gamin. REMOVAL. RAIVE REMOVED TO Nort4-west Corner of Centre Square, Gettysburg, Pa., where I shall be happy to wall awe all lay old Cr.. towers aad all who may favor we with a *ell. la additiol i to / soy stook of GROCERIES,' Novoivs, f t C. I' bare added causzNawAßE, FIRE PROOF AND GLASS-WARS, all of which I lathe the public to call sad exeselso. AMOS DORILIff. March, 26. 1670-61 GETTYSBURG, PA., nice, Door & Window Brackets, &c. Art & *Not &ism. HEAP P RINTIN G Star ig goatlike' BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE Baltimore St., Gettysburg, Pa. Holly; reason, added largety to oar already large stink er Book & Fancy Job Type, wa aro nifty propited to sotomoodsto oar old as MOWS, mid an ashors "be ahoy low es trttii tiktlr pstransge, la as bass idyls of Ids art, at Um alted , Ust folk% and on Om mat totiosablo toms. Printing of Every De scription, UNEXCELLED IN EXSOUTION 12 141 ASKED LX STYLE, AXI. Hi ~IIIC~YNYiB, AT TIM STAR & SENTINEL, Baltimore St., Gettysburg., Pa. PLAIN mg Ornamental Printing, From tlia largest Posters to the ssamilest Cards. COMMERCIAL PRINTINO Such ma FULL READS, CARDS, CHECKS, DRAFTS, IM:LOP)1E1, LiBILLIS, SHLPI'ING BILLS, RECEIPTS a imJu;i.r BOOKS, HANDBILLS, DODO/CRS, *c Executed promptly, la Um ar t mummer, and at the '•7 Lowest prices. BOOK AND PAMPHLET PITING, . . ra lap or mat is as goal style sad at • low prim an say oaaa crok7. Ws ruptottally oak • trial by Wu Nei say Wails oar La% u GUARANTEE SATISFACTION, La fails et wait sad prouiptaasa lei lam os. aim MMUS BY MAIL. PROMPTLY AS ' MORD TO. THE GETTYSBURG/ STAR & SENTINEL I 8 THZ DEBT ADITSTMINGI MIU4IIII IN THIS COUNTY. in tar - or IN» sc_fr,mpen4w, stsa Ism le real w al& .a; tile iipplitioiaitio ass Noodastmathe. , • Eliii=l3 At , Via UNRIVALLED 'rvimusnas ow' wr BUEHLER k Baltimore at between ant Getty/bunt, TERMS OF PO Tna STAR AND it • day morning. at 11.00 •jean" If not paid within the year. NO continued until all ureteraglea the option of the publishers. Atoninnainains aza rates. A liberal reduction will advergaing by the quarter, Sprig notices will be Inserted be agreed upon. The circulation of the St la one hail larger than that ever newspaper In Adams'countl; Using medium, It cannot bs • • Jos Wow' of all kinds will be led and at tale rates. Read— ' Pamphleta. &c., In every variety printed at short notice. Tilt= grattsoissal far - ..IA B. WOODS, • 4710 uate rerouted the Proctloe of Lev, soy haulage/ le the Courts of A. Ore :—Lfort. J. B. Droner's Be • • rot She Ultimo od M. KRA.UTH, - • Liar, Oattyabarg, Pa. - OW/ tm.Mmor promptly ottot.dod to. ognce um tl.lthnor• ,•oatho Jou• 114,1669-ff 1„) • AcCUNAUGSY , se. .u...100r pro. 011 tont,•rsbarig WOOL ttt•utiou 411,•111 SO SOIL I,ttleateat of if . 41) leg I ti a. t,.J .1 .1 ms, !toast". Bock-. ~• I. .11 1 JIMA prole ly 4tteneted to vII t •t 1 Old kiolo • • • .11.1.ther r•astirs St•iss. 1.16 16,1669.-1 f . A J. COVES, A.TT- I • L • LAW, orlilproaptly attaft4 allothar Business+, uuuuu tedtohls Pike between fabseetock And r'. 'sic( ,ret 00000 *if 3t."16T.. ji.VID BITEHLE r .111 primptl osall X 11 %II other bkidluousettrest .41.10a5• to 'bath e r t Pi•tty, • 1211 )1.V(I) WELLS, A . ) tic• 11.41. , sti•lone r .or of :entr•Squ•rc .143,19.11157. DR. U. S. HUB B, d4zabernburjawl Jilt■ COG. fATI.SINA I= flit. J. 01. C. O'NEA LJ urn hi• ) floe .61 hip reskien rieet,i • I Jr. owl•lb• qampar i•itysburg,M•rl9,(llll7.,*„..... j•JfIN L. HILL, Si, 11. ijuwub•rsburg street, te Nagle Unto,. tigiTYSBUItO, PINN sirtl•ving bwo In constant, pTiet prt loots can be assured of goad sot D B. J. E. BERKSTR luc•teo la Getty ..ryicesi,p Lb. public. ogecia•lr. ;,/utib loa, whims 14 yid IN erlibluth eeeee fyi• • 4-111. •Iti, .0 I full .ir pactialse .t•tl to r:411. Cecina retuousbili• July 30, tpolt.—tt garriages, pare SAVE YOUR H Patent Elastic Cor Collars. ' 7 I I HE undersigned has f . A- CULYnKATISU CULLAILL • linnet it Berry. Philedel,his, which all the City rimenner itaiLiaind '• • pr,tectiun of their stoat. They are &boorb no moles • re. and do sot heat. which they ore ettilied being tiny edJaet• to the shape or the doe. not chafe. Farmer., try them. HARNESS tor sale aud mod* to mar . . UM Mani ou Lau liale street, Gettyibiu the Puatkoger Depot. May 20,1870—U DAVID deCIANADY, Jon? "Best always Clio 1 1 11 E Best and Cheapea SADDLES, BRIDLES, COL _BARNES'S of all kinds, i ut•alwaysto be Coned at tie old •tand,lialtlatomit.,oppoult•tb•Plesb (MoCREARIP Oar Riding and Wagon 6a are tn." most substantially built and Our Harness, (plain and •d,) are complotei o •Vary reap•Ottdd of km very ben mstsrliil and Mort= Our upper leather' raft CO sis INT Si dent. They •r• the bast Most durablu. Our Heavy Draft Flarhese, ars made to order, u chimp ropey eit whirs and in the most subst•MMl Riding Bridles, Whips, La aralea, lely-sets and ssitrystalat lu UMler or cheaper. Our prices haVabo•OSIDOCID to theloweetaritig I liberal percestagsforJash ,ogisne. soss mar*. - We work nothing but the best of • warm' &&&&& y irtici• turn•douttolusi as reprounted. Chankfairorpsstr•VOTll vreliavitesit prassiat stock. _..11 ye al a eallandexamln•Plll7llll j...29,111611.-tf D.llOO VARRIA.GE-KMEING R Ya• Ira rbeing over,t hipandarligio; %be • JANRIIOI-MAIIIIOIIOII et itielr..l4 itand,ln test Middle street, where they are artist prepared to Wl**. Alert (/rkleaable, i a tiptasittalotad alp* A let of mew sod socond•hand . • ,!Asituois,suaszis,ao tasud, which they will thorn, •ti priees,audall orders will ►a.wpplbd sud iSjiractorily Si possMlic. WREPLIRENGJai don• wilipiltyptok,and at cheapest rat larß• /04 of now andoldflAlllllll isle. Thankful/or 14.• Moral patroitage h Joyed by them. thoy•olicitspd will on 'or v a large situate &habitats. Slay 39.-tt 12A1Itill Buggies and C: REMOVA Tlliondaralasedi has rammed • Ws log Mop to Mit oast awl of litddlo , P ia s li ntre nit matlaso lel work -CARRIAG.E4(772O27Thre ING-TOP BUGGIES', .IA , WAGONS, &C, &C. Ills work Is all put op of g ood mat th. but of mothaulss, sod mama nu le mottos. WI priciesare always rousambl its orders, coalluat that Is ass pleaso.. REPAIRING promptly doss, at amid W. LOA July 1,11.61.—1 y • gut aid girt lain ADAMS COUNTY FUAL FIRM INSURANCE 1300IPORATID, M.LIOII ik $ OMOEU Wresleesit—elowrgellwope. lowPresi4epli.44o,4ll.lliegelt. Seerstary —D.A./m*3Br, eressorer-I.o.lPshwessAtk. • tzeoutly • Ornalttee—BellisrUlelbelp vsg,Jacob ling. VI aaaaa re.--Gleorgetw•pn,D;A y 3. B. itasseil, M.G. Patinestoeti.ie IL lag, BMWs, township; Prdeeleit H. A. Plating. Umbers; Abl Inn. Boss Whit*, Liberty; R. O.PoS Y . II.) os,:f him °wapitis y is tholtett lotto o ounty of Adam. It ►u built too Aso IT years, and to t►at portal bit. site tosooot,ltairtog Fabian's. by manta/ tiosatlasbooer•rsll,oll4l. Amy tomb ottiaeo dam apply to Gillum of tbo erne Unser* GomaHaw setts . Ompany, oa as last 111eilampday .i.Vekak P.M. fits BEST ADVEIRTME4I' 111111 ITO !UM- II ICI