The star and sentinel. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1867-1961, April 08, 1870, Image 2

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t *tar It cstutinti.
Friday, April 8,18 TO.
Advertisers audetherslu garotted will
bear is mind tbat the regular linen•
&allots or the - “STAR AND SEXTINEL"
Is mush larger than that of any other
paper published in the County, being
read weekly by not less than 11,N!
TILE Maryland Legislature adjourn
ed sine die cu Monday night, after
prssinga bill to provide for the regis
tration of colored voters.
AN election for Town Commissioners
was held in Towkontown, Baltimore
county, on Monday. Colored peons
voted without objection. The Repub
lican ticket waseplected.
THE Philadelphia papers, which so
malignantly fought the Border Damage
Bill, are profoundly silent over the
grand Railroad swindle which robbed
the Sinking Fund of $9,500,000. Was
the Border Claim Bill contested, aim-
Illy to enable the lobby to make a
heavier haul from the Treasury ?
buried at Troy, N. York, to day, (Fri
day,) with imposing ceremonies i which
are under charge of Gen. Sherman.—
The latter
. proposed to the t friends of
the deceased that the body be interred
at West Point, but the widow preferred
Troy, where she Wends to make her
residence, President Grant, with a
number of the most prominent officers
of the army, will be in attendance.
AN article is going the rounds of the
Copperhead press, purporting to giVe
an account of a State dinner party by
the President to Mrs. Revels,- the wife
of the colored Senator from Mississip
pi, with details of dress, conversation,
&c. The intelligent reader need hard
ly be told that the en tire story has been
manufactured, no is thrown as a sop
to the vulgar prejudices of negro•pho
bia. Rather poor wit.
Gov. BowlE, Of Maryland, insists
upon the Democriicy of that State put
ting itself in accord with the X Vth
Amendment. Lust Saturday he vetoed
a bill for the incorporation( of Chester
town, Kent-county, because itpacie no
pro Vision for the registration and .vot
ing of colored citizens. Gov. Bowie
holds that the 15th Amendment is now
the law of the' land, and binding on
the State of Maryland. An attempt
was made in the Hansl to pass the bill
over the Governor's veto, but it failed,
yeas 16, nays 42.
A BILL has passed the lower House
of Congress, providing that the elec
tion for members of the Forty-third
Congress shall be held on the second
Tuesday after the first Monday In No
vember, 1872, and for sulisequent Con
gresses on the same day in every sec
ond year thereafter. The object Is to
have all members of Congress elected
at the same time and on the same day.
It does not apply to the 42d Congress.
Hence members of Congress will be
elected in Pennsylvania this year, as
usual, at the October election,
TizE terrible storm on Monday pre
' vented a hill vote in Connecticut in the
rural districts, in consequence of which
the Democrats elect their Governor by
a small majority. Returns from all
but two towns give -English 45,534,
Jewell 43,151. The Republicans have
the Legislature, 1 majority in the f3en
ate and 18 in the House. The State hat
been close and vacillating for years.—
Two years ago English beat ;Jewell
1765. Last year Jewell was elected by
about 600. Colored men did not vote,
there not being time to register after
the proclamation of the adoption of the
15th Amendment.
THE United States Senate on Friday
decided, by a vote of 40 to 12, that Gen.:
Ames was eligible to a seat as Senator
from Mississippi. He was at once
swot n in. The case was purely a legal
one, and the'whole discussion turned
on the Bta(us of army officers as to res
idence. Gen. Ames was sent to Mis
sissippi as Military Governor, and
While still in the Military service was
elected Senator, he having some days
previously announced his purpose to
make the State his permanent resi
dence. The Senate Judiciary Com
mittee held, as a legal question, that
this did not give him a legal habitation,
anti reported adversely to his right to
alSeat. The Senate, however,by a vote
of more than 3 to 1 overruled the Ju
diciary Committee.
Tn.s U. States ~Supreme Court on
Friday, by a majority vote, - ordered a
re-argument of the Legal. Tender cases
—Justices - SWayne, 21ille4Davis, (who
hadillissented from the previous ruling
of the Court,) uniting with the new
Justices, Strong and Bradley, in favor
of a re-hearing--while Chief Justice
Chase, and Justices Nelson, Clifford
and Field, by who'll the late decision
was made, insisted that the decision
stand as tbejudgmentpf thaCourtand
voted against a re-bearing. There-ar
gument will take place on Monday.—
This action indicates a probability of
the late decision being reversed. Jus
tice Strong, while on the Pennsylvania
Supreme Bench, affirmed the constitu
tionality, of the Legal Tender Act, and
Justice Bradley is said to hold similar
views.. If so, a majority of the Court,
as now constituted, will decide the Act
constitutional and put a - quietus on
the parties who, under the late ruling,
had already begun to`enforee the pay
ment in gold of bonds and obligations
given prior to 1862.
Tim' public debt statement for the
month of March, shows a still further
reduction of nearly ., six millions of dol
lars, ($5,786,849.43,) a decrease quite
unexpected in view of the heavy pay
ments—nearly $15,000,000—0n account
of pensions during the early part of
last month. The decrease during the
month of April will unaoubtedly be
much greater, as the recelpta from in
ternal revenue are usually very iteavy ,
in thia l montb, while the general ex
penses; bf the Government are light.
Since the 4th'of March, 1869, the re
duction in the national debt is abme•
thing in tames of $911,000,91X. For the
three monilas of this year the decrease
aggregatei $16,184,825.07, 1 itemised se
follows: - .
For danuariri.....
For February -
For Match
This is an average of over five mil
lions a month, and promises for the
year a decrease of sixty millions.
GRAND Sire Farnsworth, oT the
Grand Lodge vf the United States ,of
the Independent Order of Odd Fel
lows, has issued a proclamation reoom
mending the observance of the 26th
day of April u a day of thanksgiving
and prayer to God, in view of the g
prosperity vouchsafed to the Onto.
Ar I
The Border Damage bill was defeat
ed in the House last week, receiving
but 16 votes to 73 nays. This kills the
bill for the present session. •
Governor Geary has vetoed the bill
prohibiting the erection of publle
buildings tnt Independence Square, on
the ground that the State has no juris
diction in the matter: ' •
The members of the Legislature all
winter have been wasting time, ad
journing over regularly'from Friday to
Monday afternoon, and now that the
day fixed for adjournment is near at
hand thertvia4 frantic %MIS to rush
through long neglected bills. There
are an Immense number of local bills
on file and every member is solicitous
to put ,his own through. As many
bills.are read simply by title, it is im
possible to tell what is being done, and
often the members theinselves do not
know. It will be some weeks after this
precious . body 'adjourns Wore we will
be able to say what are laws and what
are not. In the disgraceful hurry mis
chievous bills are passed by some ho
cus pocus, only to be arrested by a
Gubernatorial veto, or to be recalled by
joint resolution on being apprised of
the true character of the bill. In one
day last week Gov. Geary was com
pelled to return no less than tWelve .
bills with his vetoes; all local bills of
no general interest, and the whole
batch the spitwn of hasty and thought
leis legislation. One was a dui:diorite
of a bill previously passed and signed
by the Governor, who thought it use
less to encumber the volume of laws
with two statutes precisely alike. Some
were in violation of constitutional
provisions, and others covered the jur-
I isdiction of the Courts. Year by year
this thing grows worse and will not be
remedied,.until the people of both par
ties take the matter in hand and insist
on sending to Harrisburg honest, capa
ble Representatives who will be more
Concerned 'about their duty to the
State, and who can rise above the
murky atmosphere of corruption and
demoralization that prevails at Harris
Another instance of the loogeney
with which legislative business is
transacted at Harrisburg is thus given.
The City Councils of Philadelphia
prepared it.pew tax bill for that city,
which passed both branches of the
Legislature. Before it was sent to the
Uovernor, hoWever, it was supple
mented by a counterfeit bill which had
not been before either House, but was
gotten up by the Ring who swarm our
Legislative halls. The bogus bill was
sent to the Executive and approved by
him, and the rascality of the transfur
tion was Eat disclosed until after it was
signed. The Governor has since sent
a message to both Houses asking a
thorough examination of the matter,
and that the tax law in question be re
The bill giving to the people the right
to determine by vote whether licenses
shall be granted to taverns and saloons,
has passed both branches of the Legis
lature, amended so as to require the
vote to be taken by counties. This
amendment practically. defeats the ob
ject of the bill, as but few counties will
brow an aggregate majority against
'cense, although many boroughs and
crObab/Ps Would be glad to, get rid of
he evll.
THE colored people in different parts
of the country have been celebrating
the ratification of tbe 45th Constitu
tional Amendment by the firing •of
cannon and other evidences of rejoic
ing. At Washington the First Ward
Repnbliean Club, largely made , up of
colored men, on Friday serenaded Sen
ator Sumner and a number of promi
nent Republicans, calling at the White
House en route. President Grant re
sponded cordially to the compliment,
and after a brief speech by , Col. I. W.
Forney, Bald :
"I can assure those present that no con
summaibuti -since the close of the war affords
me so much pleasure as the ratification of
the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution
by three fourths of the States of the Union.
I have felt the greatest anxiety ever since I
was called to Ibis House to know that this
was to be secured. It looked like the reali
zation of the Declaration of Independence.
[Applause.] I cannot ray near as much
.on this subject as I would like hip , not being
accustomed to' speaking, but I thank you
for your pre,senee this evening."
Vice Preiddent Colfax, who was on
a visit to the White House, was called
out and said ;
"My heart rejoices with you in that pro
clamation which declares to the people of
this Republic and to the people of the world
the with:Won of the fifteenth amendment
to the Constitutioo. It hilt:Weed a liwtunate
coincidence that the satne voice that pro
claimed the downfall or the rebellion and
the salvation intact of this imperrilled
Union, proclaimed afterwards, as the Chief
Magistrate of the land which by his valor
and that of his fellow-sOldiers was saved
from disruption, that as this country was
made all free, the same country was deter-
Mined that every one should have in his
bands the ballot to protect that Notary.—
Opposed salt has been in its progress to
this Anal culmination, It will live in all his
tory as the Magna Charta of this Republic
of the United States."
The President of the Perna) , lvania
Equal /Ueda League, a colored organ-
ization, has issued a <proclamation set
ting apart TUesday. the 26th -instant,
as a day of general rejoicing by colored
people over the ratiflcaton of the Fif
teenth Amendment, recommending
the general obserVanoe of the day, and
that all business be suspended and the
chdrches opened in the morning for
praises and thanksgiving, and that the
afternoon be devoted to processions
and the evening to festivities.
THE "strong-minded') women are
agitating for the elective franchise, and
are organizing In various parts of the
country. It will be some time before
they accomplish their purposes. Thus
far these noisy agitators have had the
Add to themselves, the great mass of
the true women of the country evinc-
Jug no sympathy with the. znovement.
The latest phase of the movement is a
proposition to amend!
, the National
Constitution sees to secure female suf
frage. In Congress, on 'Monday, Mr.
Julian of Indiana, who haa cepitulated
to the fair agitators, attend a joint res
olution proposing the adoption of the
fallowing to be,known as the
Amendment, which was referred to the
Judiciary Committee:
Article XVI.
Section 1. The rights of iitiaeus of
the United States to vote shill not be
denied or abridged by the Unged States
or by any State On amountOf sex.
Section 2. Thit Donnas shall have
power to enforce this article, by appro,
white legislation. •
....413,936,664 89
.... 6,484.511 25
.... 5,766.849 48
THE . Massachusetts people are agi
tating for Legislative refer= in that
State. It is.proposed to limit the pay
of members to $6OO, and provide that
one-half of the membens hold over ev.
ery year, so as to secure larger kgisla
*lye experience and less - erode Imbibi
tion. Aft* all, the difilealdr is with
the people. 'Until they malt, Up their
minis to keep Incompetent and corrept
Men at home, they must submit to the ,
eviknow nunpitit at Legisloilve cen
tres. To Incluse the term of sus tin
Lame maws •muse,
$}6,184,82& 07
Vitt - some weeks there htts beAvi
conflict of authority is Eichmond i
.between Mayor Calhoun holding
his appointment by military authority,
and Mr. Ellison, who claims to be
Mayor under , appointment by Gov.
Walker.„.: Judge 'Underwood, of the U.
ti Circuit Court, issued an. injunetion
tq restrain Ellison from interfe ng
with Cilhoun, which Ellison lore.
garded, and Gen. Canby was yt led on
to enforce the mandate of the Court--
The matter is now before Chief Justice
Chase, on a motion to dissolve the in
iunction, and both parties have agreed
to await the- declaim of the Supreme
A BRILLIANT tribute was paid to the
memory of the late (3. a. Thomas,
in the- Hall of the House of Repre
sentatives, on Tuesday eight. The
President; members of the Cabinet,
Vice President, Senators and member's
of Congress, and' distinguished army
officers, were present; the ehamber be
ing draped with flags. , Impressive
speeches were made by (lens. Sherman,
Cox, McCook, Shtiz, Garfield, Slo
cum, and other personal friends of the
Tits returns of'the town elections in
Ohio and Illinois indicate large Repub
lican gains. In Oblo.colored men vot
ed. In Cincinnati the contest turned
largely on the question of the exclusion
of the Bible from the Common Schools
The Board of_ Aldemen u ill stand, 15
Republicans, 6 Democrats, 2 Indepen
dents, and a tie ill one word. The
City Council will stand 28 Republicans,
16 Democrats and 4 Independents.—
The' School Board stands 21 for. the
Bible in the school's and .22 against.
ON Wednesday President fh.,o.
withdrew from the Senate the
Hon. George A. Pearre to be Jo of
the United States Court in the Fourth
grduit (Maryland, Virginia, West
Virginia, North and South Carolina,)
and nominated in his place Hugh L.
Bond, of Baltimore.
GOVERNOR GEARY has appointed
Colonel George F. McFarland Superin•
tendent of the Soldiers Orphans' De
partment for, three years, dating from
April 29, 1870.,
• THE Republicans wades clean sweep
of 14bpde Island on Wednesday, elect•
ing raddleford Governor by about 4,-
000 majority,and carrying both
branches of thhegislature.
CosaussioxEn Delano has prohibited the
publication of the annual lists of assess
ennuis made on tiveteturn of taxpayers,
Tux trial of McFarland for the shooting
of Albert 1). Richardson was commenced
on Monday at New York.
HON. W. W. HATS, Mayor of Darr ishurg,
died on Thursday afternoon last, of pul
monary consumption.
A NIOYEIII.NT is on foot Laving for- hi ob
ject the early admission of the Territory of
New lleaico into the sisterhood of 'States.
1w California, the Legielature ham lnnreaa
ed the legal rate of interest from seven to
ten per cent.
Comwrrrasts have been appointed bL
both gooses of Congress to attend General
Thomas' obseqUies at Troy.
4 (AN confined In the Allentown jail has
rend the Bible tlyinksb twenty-three times
within the past two years.
THn . rebel press of Georgia is daily grow
log more deft int, and Is endeavoring to goad
the people on to madness and another revo
thor. Pits John Porter Is out in a reply
to Senator Chandler's strictures on his diso-
bedience of orders at the 4uti run tigh t.
He claims to have done his whole duty.
A ressatinan train on the Hannibal and
St. Joseph Railroad ofMissouri was thrown
floor the track on Saturday night, and twen
ty-five persons injured, two fatally.
Puerto:a troubles and discontent are re.
ported to be occurring in Ireland, and the
emigration to the United States -has greatly
increased of late.
FRANKLIN B. GOWAN has lately been re
ele( ted President of the Reading railmed
compsny,and hl salary increased to *30,000
a year.
Tha Supreme Court of the Drifted States
decided, on Monday, in favor of the right
of State to tax the Shares of National
banks, and enforce Its collection through
the banks.
A WASHINGTON despatch says that the
inform:Am received at the State Depart
ment leaves no doubt in the mind of Secre
tary Fish that thelVar in Paraguay is at au
end, and the Allies have strong hopes of
capturing Lopez.
A SIWIP shock of an earthquake, lasting
six seconds, occurred at . San Francisco at
11.51 A. M. on Saturday.. No damage was
caused, but there was a general panic for
some moments, both men and animals be
ing frightened.
- Tits President, it is stated, has algnified
his willingneas to abandon the income tax
in compliance with the pressure brought to
hear upon Congress from all parts of the
country to that end. Secretary Boutwell,
however, remains strongly in tarot of its
Timonium papers are very sensibly ad
vising planters to put in sufficient corn this
spring to preclude the necessity of buying
from abroad next fall and winter. Now
that it is rid of slaiery, the South has but
to raise Its own cereals, and encourage the
manufacture of Its own goods, to become as
independent and prosperous as the North.
Gaits. Sherman and - Sheridan Imve writ
ten letters about the Plegon Indian fight, in
which it is said that the story of the massa
cre is false, and that It was trumped up by
interested parties. The women and child
ren hilleti were tilled by accident and not
deliberately. as stated. This presents the
matter In a very different light, and is no
doubt the correct version of the affair.
OFFICIAL information heti just been re
ceived that the French government has ar
ranged with the French Atlantic Cable
Company to cancel its exclusive concession
for landing cabifrom the United States
on French tail. The United States Gov
ernment or any citizen of can,
therefore, now land cables from the United
States on French soil, in reciprocation of
the privilege
. to the French to liod cables on
the eon of the United States. ,
. .
Rex: Saturday will shags a dissolution
of what was lately a power in this nation.
We allude to the formal dishandhrg of the
'Anatolia Anti Slavery Society. Organized
in 'spa, Its history coven the most stirrthg
and fateful Period
_in . American annals.--
PrOTOked into eximusea by a greateril i and
maintaining its organisation under seat
dieadyarOges, its ;mothers, many of whom
werrrits fcsautlers, are slam to witness the
completion of its labors within an ordinary
A saran war Is now going on in the Oltiy
of Blew . Tort between the great dry goods
I houses of A. T. Stewart dr Co., and H. 8.-
Chillin & Co. The loaner bas put staple
lloods Von the market even below the
prices of the manutheturer, Meninges,
which the canipeny hold at twelve cents,
Stewart puts et ten cents, itud whearthe
psmpani refused to sell him, he procured a
su pp l y tbr"111111 ?Uhl"p h ishouse. This
IS excellent igr installers, sad will but en
gamma dolman of pries' so plush to,*
desired, • - • "
A C . HAPTEit dt sionsioiiiss
Ten or Twelve Lives boos During the
Terrible Storms i• 11Larelt—A Mother
and Three ChildtPleit Froee■ to Death.
A fearful history of disasters and loss of
Ilkibfanding bur - a)moist unparalleled storms
of Pride) , and Tuesday, -March 1 I and IS,
Is givei4lie Bineßarth City (Union) Pose :
On the evening of the l6th of Match,
while the family of W. A. F. Bates, con
sisting of himself, his wile, three girls, aged
respectively 8 'and 6 years, and 6 months,
and two boys, stied rt spectively 2 and 4
years, were gathered about their fireside at
Mr. Bates' residence, near the east line of
thelown of &rely, and•while the storm was
sweeping across the bleak prairie in fierce
gusts of wind, snow and ire, they were sud
dently !startled by a shower Of fire upon their
heads from the attic above. ' , The roar of
tbe flames and the stifling smoking struck
terror to the beats of the group and dis
closed-the terrible fact that the whede upper
portion of the house, which had been filled
with the highly combustible material (Allay,
was on fire ! and that they must flee for their
lives from the fire-fiend Into the arms of the
storm ! The terrified mother, with meter:
nal instinct, claiped her helpless babe to
her 'bosom, and taking another child by the
hand, followed the rest of the family from
the flame wrapped dwelling into the merci
less storm, carrying -with her a quilt for the
protection of her children.
Having reached a sale distance Trout the
burning dwelling the quilt was spread' upon
the snow and Use children deposited thereon
by the distracted patents, the mother en
deavoring to shield them fruiti 'the storm,
while the father returned to the burning
dwelling and vainly labored to subdue the
tire. Borne up by the 1% loth., the Acton
dames reamed themselves to an lucredible
height, their lurid glare piercing the dismal
gloom of the storm, and forming together
a scene truly wrath:. do neighbors were
near to lend a helping hand, and unaided
tosu alone the hslf craxtrd man battled with
the tames. His aluamt superhuman efforts
were of no avail: The tire gained on him,
and soon the filmes gathering up as if for
tinal effmt, with one fell swoop threw them
selves upon the tottering house and en
veloped it in a sheet of livid fire, in the
midst of which the building fell, scattering
myriads of &Ouargla and sparks in every
directiou. Mr. 8., seeing that ell hope was
lost, returned with difficulty through the
blinding storm to his perishing family, and
succeeded in getting them Into a stable,
which proved hut a slight protection against
the relentless blasts.
They were all thoroughly benumbered
with cold, and in a few momenta the mo
ther, the eldest girl, the youngest boy, and
the babe expired, Mrs. pates dying in the
arms of her husband. Covering the re
mains up as well as he was able, Mr. Bates
started for the house of a neighbor to get
assistance.. Flamed through and through
with the driving storm, his cloth's wet and
frvcen to his person, he struggled through
the snow and mom, frequently falling
down with exhaustion, and tempted to give
up iu despair. Nerved with the hope oh
saving the lives ul his two remaining chil
dren, be pushed slieLtl, and finally reached
a house with just strength enough left to
143:1 teuditni story. AA soon as he
was able to return pemarted with to,i
bintuoce, and reached tee stable after au ish:
acute of several hours. I.'urtunately, while
he was gone, a pig bad Crawled in up , tu the
fres zing children, and by its warmth pre
served their lives. They were carried to a
place of safety, and are now doing a ell,
notwit.standlug the it-rattle exposure which
they underwent.
Two brothers, by the name of Colman,
living in the township of Lake Belt, Martin
county ? wpot oRt the etpip uu. Tuesd ay
evening to tuilk aids LOW. et. the otable,
only ten or twelve tolls Isom Use house,
They did not return dui lug the night, and as
soon as it was light in the morning a party
started out to look for the missing men.
They soon struck two different Useful in the
snow, proceeding in the same direction, and
sometimes appfeachlog within si; feet of
each other, but nevor coming quite togeth
er. Evidently the maw tunate men had lust
their way and wandered off in the storm.
Me Wills were found through all devious
wanderings, showing traces in numerous
places of where the bewildered men had fel-
len doWn and titiuggled up again; where
they had crawled upon their hands and
Ittmce, and 6aaliy , about a half mile from
he lion: e bnd eighty rods apart, where they
d lain down to die. One of them was
found lying on Lis Lack with his huLds un
der him, and the other lying upon his face,
both frozen stiff.
4 german by the name ul Defilbert, and
n Norwegian, wboie natue we could not
:cum, living at Spencer, Clay county, lowa,
bud been to mill at Easbervllle, and attempt
td to return in the storm with an ox team.
They lost their way in the pruirie, and wan
tiered about in the cold and 1110t111 for hours,
badly frozen and btiogly. At last one of
the mu fell ip $ scow d elft, and was abota
to die,when the desperate men cut his throat,
drauk the blood, eat some of the raw flesh,
hbandontd the sled, and continued their
weary march. They struggled on in the
scow tantil they reached an uninhabited
homestead cabin, where Deitthart gave on
and reined logo farther. Here *he Nor
wegian left him, with a piece the raw.and
frozen flesh to sustain Deit:hurdt's life while
he tried to procure help.
Alter traveling some distance he came to
a house and dispatched aid to his compan
ion. It reached biro to late. The Norweg
ian's legs, arms, hands and face were badly
frozen, and our Informant say a that when
be saw him be was the most horrible iook
ing objeck'he ever beheld.
In addition to the above eases three men
were frogen to death at Cherokee, lowa.
Another is reported lost in the storm of the
II lb, near Herron Luke, Jackson county.
His team has been found running loose on
be prairie nine miles from where lie was
ast seen alive
Numerous narrow escapes have also some
to our knowledge, but we have not space
bfparticularize them.
LAST Saturday =ruing about twenty
minutes past nine o'clock, one and a half
miles west of Altoona, as the "Penasyl
sante Cectral Pacific Express," going west,
wen rounding a curve on the , mountain aide
at a rapid rate, a deep precipice on one aide
and high impending rocks on the other, :a
wee lad was seen ahead wailag his hat *nil
tossing his little ann. aloft. The train was
stopped within a few feet of a mass of rock
and dirt upon the track sufficient to have
thrown passengers, engineer, and cars over
Um precipice. The lad, whose name II
WOll. Cabin), not ten years old, had seen
the fall *edit/Wetted to signal the approach
tog train. The company cannot do lean
than provide An the education of this boy
and give him a start in lite: •
Two Eocretary of the Navy has submitted .
to the Rowe of Representatives all the in
ibrmation in his possession admire to the
sinking of the Oneida by the Rosalie, and
the opinion of the Department thimmmoa.
The Secretary concludes that the Dnetda .
was steering the proper (mune ; that the bad
seamanship of the officers of the Bombay
wood am dieuter, and that the latter ex
hibited a rubies. disregard of human lire
and tivommon obligations of humanity.
This dtpression of the Department/Ives Mt
good carat° hope that Capt. Eyre's mur
der will yet be punished - adequately to its
Tuf toetuseettiderh; the world Nur met
ed his tide to that pmernhience bre*
log open the tomb of the Iste.Gleme Pea
body tit Wm, Masa i and gosling the
iiiseraPPrisistlisos frost the Mb- go
-- 404 lomat . ,
[Fot the Star and gentlest.
PROSPEIVS OtE' ETT lllllll nier ANt A
It isita,tald saying that you must gob itM
comet,' in biller to get the news of a town
of dty , and thstaimatikis ppikable to that
Interesting chili of1100w"" s nkilin to the fu
Date pttlpects Of Gettysbutig as a Wtitering
.Acthese peospeas dependisot lipmt whet
the people of Gettysburg may think or de
vise in the premises but upon the views and
intentions of ontsiders,ii necessarily follows,
that in order to obtain fellable information;
you must ga abroad to make inquiries. No,
Gettysbarger who, has traveled over thW
country during the last six months can have'
failed to note the evidence of the estimation
in which the "Gettysburg Springs" and,
Gettysburg as a Wateringllece•are held by
the distant public. is soon as his name is
registered In the hooka of any of the Hotels'
and the record falls ruder the observation
of the proprietor or his attaches, or of the
bystanders, be is assailed by a host of in
quiries about our now &mous Spring, the
Battle-field, the Hotel accommodationsotc.,
&c. The usual commentary upon the re
sponses made to these inquiries by the in
terogutor, is, that some member of the
family, or some of his frlends,lntends visit
ing Gettysburg during the ensuing summer.
Instead of looking upon the new guest as a
verdant from the interior as they do upon
others hailing from towns of similar size,
hotel keepers and their employees every
where even in the large cilia's look upon and
treat the Get tyslairger as • soya of lion whose
acquaintance and good opinion it is worth
while to cultivate.
These facts logically result from the won
derful cures which the wetter from our Me
dicinal Spring has effected In every part of
the country, where ever it has been carried,
and from the prominent part which the Get
tysburg Watering Place and its distinguish
ed visitors played in the newspaper world
during the last year. Napoleon Is reported
to have said that tame was not the ra
estimite which posterity or his en
temporaries place upon a man's deeds, but.
:the noise and hubbub which be creates
among his fellowmen. If he was' right,
and he is admitted to have been an excel
teut Judge, then the Gettysburg Watering
Place Is now the most famous on this con
tinent ; for it has attracted more attention
from the newspaper, and the gossips—has
been more extravagantly praised and abused
than any other, or all the other, American
Watering places combined. One of the
IRlands t of the Metropolitan and Saratoga
Hotels,has expressed theopinion that Getty
sburg might eves now bcc rine the rival of
Saratoga if
- It had the hotels, hotel-men, and
the sources of amusement and recreation of
the latter place. Another expel lenced hotel
man bus remarked that the Ilettryaborg Wa
tering Place received au additlou of twenty
years to its life by 11. e military ceremonies
and the proceedings of which It was the
scene during the last summer. These are
the intelligent expositions of public (pinion
on this subject.
All this and much more wo may hear
abort the Gettysburg Watering Place, away
(om home or abr:atd. It Is only iu Gettys
burg Itself that we h*.ar 'nothing of the-e
things, but of discouragement instead. So
lung :tepusipmed to insolatioh and obscuri
ty, our citizens 4ud ildifficult to realize that
their soil has not only become historic but
invested with a degree of current interest
which unlit make It a place of ret not
alone for the tourist and military stn rut,
hutfor the health and pleasure seeke The
army of croaker a Is especially numerous in
our little "burg." A favorite theme with
then, is the alleged failure of the Gettysburg
Spring. !Joni to realize financially the ex
pectat ions of Its builders , : And yet a very
little reflection will eliqw the utter falacy 0,
this conclusion,
An examination of the books of this hotel
and of those of other hotels of summer re
sorts, win show that the fiirmer received
perhaps more than the average patronage.
Such an examination of the books - of our
"Springs Hctol" will alao !how that a ;of
ficient number of guests entered their names
to have filled every room in the house dur
ing the List season had they remaintil.
While many of these would not have re
mained over a few days under any circurn•
stances, it is demonstrable that the larger
°anther of those who left after such a brief
sojourn did so because of tbe discomforts to
which they were subjected, and the total
de:+rivatlon of the amusements and recrea
tions to which spring goers are accustomed.
During the first four weeks the whole sup
ply of water for the hotel was carted in
bat rels. The ot d I nary drink ing water was
little less than nauseating, while there was
Up s-ft In washing water (luring the whole
season. There were nu common water
baths, which we found in every first class '
house in the country, and the nse or which
has come to be almost a necessity to all
who frequent summer resorts. There were
no howling or billiard saloons—no convent:
mums fur pie nit ing or fishing excursions,
which do much to attract and retain viii
tors at other watering places. In addition
hese wants there was a positive nuisance
in the vicinity of the hotel, which drove
away many of the guests towards the close
of the season. Considering these facts,
and the late period at which the hotel Wall
opened,-and the previous uncertainty as to
its being oponed during the season, and
the "Springs Hotel" must be pronounced by
every fair and intelligent observer not only
not a failure, but a brilliant success.
But notwithstanding these flattering pros
pacts of the Gettysburg watering place, it
is not to be disputed and should not be
disguised, that they are in imminent danger
of being blighted from a continuance of the
causes which prevented the entire and un
precedented success of the Springs *Uri 1
last season. The majority of UM guests
who submitted to the annoyance and dis -
matrons to which they were suldected, and
remained for any considerable period of
time, were fascinated by the beauty of the
hotel and its surroundings, or were greatly
benefited by its medicated waters. But it
is not well to repeat the experiment upon
the susceptibility of this class of visitor,.
The w ants to which "I refer must be sup
plied ; the indsanee to which I have alluded
must be abated ; or the predictions of the
croakers will be fulfilled,• and the Springs
Hotel must in the end prove a toilers. To
CairelY what la required—to do what Is
needed—calls-iirr a - further expenditure of
money, and that eipendlture Is absolutely
-necessary to make 'the whole a p5715g-In
vestmenk A few noble men have by their ' ,
expeaditureeof money, taste sad morti
ces, endeavored to lift Gettysburg frees the
slough despond in which she has wallowed
for kmg•years and to place her on a bights
plain.of modaniti and minority. These '
men bare beta t gartwy anecsisfai. The. 1
(Petition arises, dog they !be Aided by the
balance of their fellow &tuns t This
question may perhaps be moresatisiteteetly I
decided by considedng the coasequeacertaf
the success or litibtre of ibis Holed. The
lumen or Endure of the Springs Hotel In
volves the success or thilum °Ms watering
place." A. great watering place Is but, an-
other name for the summer residence of a
'Community, constituted precisely as are ail
ether communides. It takes all sorts of
people to make a watering place is well as 1
a world, and there must he hotels and
O ftrina ir I lallaaa to accommohitts all Giese
various pimp. .No' such a tidal Phe
nomenon ag a watering glee without lint
class Hotels is remolded On the globe, 01 4
at least on that portion of it *spied by 1
cli'llised men, nor is there any . without 1
4°44 accommodotiO ns adapted to all chola
ri l ltelssa ors as 1 ,1 , 1 ‘ 01 ,4 ( , 111 4 1
hotels, aid both asp " :
ab" j ettlab 94. c i e t . 1 .a **ol l 44 :
. 1 1 O i l 41 , , ( OUP I R *Wet
voili vi
: ' 1
the Springs Hotel bat all the others, and
the boardin.; house keepers, moat be made
to see It. And why not the merchant,
mechanic and common laborer, whose busi
ness and profits are to be Increued by the
penziption and recognition of this fact.
The property holders of Gettysburg and
vicinity will especially sin against light
and knowledge if they fall to make the
wtme discovery.' The man who falla to
make what might be realized by trifling in
vestment and effort, is as unfortunate as the
man who loses a portion of what be has
Assuming this, which is oue of Franklin's
• ratul the losses
.of the property
holders of Gettysburg and vicinity conse
quent upon the failure of the Springs Hotel
and of our watering place, may be computed
by the gains of the original proprietors In
and around the town of Iltratoga, of New
Port, Long Branch, Cape May, itc., Jrc.,
consequent upon the successful development
of these waterioging places. Even the
most inveterate croakers acquainted with
the statistics to which I have referred will
admit that this would be paying rather deer
for their whistle.
Let the croakers therefore cease their dis
mal chant ; let the desi.ondent take hope
and heart; let the men of action be up and
doing. If mistakes have been committed,
let them be repaired and avoided in the
future. If informalities have occurred, they
may be rectified by legislation. Iu short,
there is nothing which may not be done
where there is a will, and where such im
menseinterests are st stake.
/quo, April 2.—The strike among the
run operatives at La Creuzot continues
- .
Yestertlay the strikers became riotous, and
made every effort to provoke a collision
with the troops stationed there to preserve
order. The rioters attacked and pelted
them with stones, and only the forbearance
of the officers prevented a conflict.
Thejourusta or Wit eveniu , ..; trahli,h tel -
'grams from La Creuzot, affirming that the
'troubles there are kept alive by cont.' ibutions
at money, &c., from other Countries.
Penis, April S.—A. Peril.' men tarfc: isis is
at band. The Etnpe: or desires to submit a
new order of things to the vote of the people,
And the blltilatera are not willing to permit
a discussloo,of the Sengtue Consulfum tor
the Corps Leg6latif. Nothing deftnite on
these viola 6 known, but declarations from
the Cabinet are expected to be made at the
opening of the Chambers to-morrow. It is
reported that 011lvier, Prime Minister, will
ask Gm a vote of conddence,and if this is
refused he will resign-
PARIS, April 4-3.30 P. M.-It 6 now tol
erably pertain that the solution of the ques
tion far the submission of Me order of things
to the vote of the people will be deferred for
a time. The misunderstanding between
the Clambers on this subject will therefore
be avoided,
Tug strike at In Creuzot continues. No
collision Wu yet occurred betweeu the riot
ers and the troops.
LONDJS, April b.—A domatelt from Um=
reports 14at the Pope wishes to promulgate
the first schema at Eater, w. mat the sec •
otwl schema—that on infallibility-,atay be
dismissed Itunriediately after the holidays.
Palos, April 5, —lu the Corps Legislatif
to) day it was asuouuced that the Govern
ment had tl,ukle,l 1., wake en appeal to the
people on (be question of the new L.' L' msti-
.1 he Corps Legislatd had a stormy ses•
sion. Jules ?gyre made a violent attack on
the &flatus Consultum, which would add
greAtly to the personal power, he said.
Pasts, April G.—The Constilutiortc/
states that the Plebescituni will tear nu
two points not contained in the Contain'
lion ACM of IBb3 , viz: Ministerial reap nisi
bility, and a division of legislative power
between the two Chambers. It tolls that it
is evident that. the Plcbedciium must Dre
es:deltic discussion of the new Constitution,
and that is exix.xtel Itont the
Emperor Which will explain the real char
acter of the national vote.
After an exciting deb tte, the C ,rp
islatif to day adopted the order of the thy
moved by M. Thiess, declaring confidence
In the Ministry was adopted by a vote 237
to 43. The Chamber then adjourned, amid
intense agitation.
o►' NEIGH nom NV covm rir.4;
CA /MOLL. —The Maryland of the
Reformed Church, will meet in Westmins
ter In the latter part of May next.—Liu a
R., aged ll year, daughter of John A.
Bull, wee killed by dnnking oil of vitriol
on the 15th tilt. She wee it work to Ber
ries' paper mill, near Matiotville, and re
m irking that she was thirsty, turned from
her work to obtain a dank of water. The
tumbler that she took up unfortunately con
tained vitriol, of while she swallowed
about a mouthful before discovering her
Fo ll ake, Ulferything possible was done
fur her, bat without effect, as death came to
her relief after suffering for fifteen hours.
—The large mansion of James Sykes, in
Sikeavilk, took fire on the 30th ult., .and
was entirely destroyed, with ■ll the fur
niture, wearing apparel, &c. Mr. Sykes
VMS in bed when the fire broke out. Ti's
rector of the parish, Rev, Dr. Piggot, who
boarded In the house, was at church with
the members of the family, and lost all Ids
sermons, papers, dte.
enuesstraro.—Christian Jacoby has been
appointed Postmaster at }termitic, vice
Wm. B. Brandon resigned.—John Myero,
colored, was arrested in Carlisle last week
for assault on a white lady with Intent to
ravish, near her residence. Her screams
brogebt itssiakfien Oval her brother, who
gave the alarm, and captured the negro.
‘-aThe stable of Dr. G. S. Searighl, Carlisle,
was destroyed by fire 3u Saturday morning.
—Hon. John Stuart, formerly Associate
Judge of Cumberland county, died at his re
sidence in South Middleton township, on
the 28th ult., aged 76 years.—The store of
'Dame Clugstou, in Doylesburg, was robbed
lint week of $6OO to $BOO in goods, Wifelike
with the contents of the Post office.
F54 1 51E145.-m-J. H. Grason has been sp.
polntedTostanster at Brown's Mill, vice
Hiram Toting resigned.
Yoax.—John E. Wells has been appoint
ed Postmaster t Wellsvilk, vice A. Brower
,resigned.—The barn of Samuel Bechtel,
Heidleberg towfuillip, was partly blown
doe awing thei giaor Sunday Week' and
three valuable horses Crushed to death.-4
little daughter of Mr. ' , John B. Miller, of
Heidelberg township, wis, --- I)...,scalded
one ds, kat week, by ninnies ( against an
other little sister, who was carrying • tin
of hot water.—At • .ale of the estate of Dr.
Loch, in Tork,oa the Mith ngt. , 100,shanis
brim* County National Bsnk Stock, were
NOM st an average of $30.50; and io' eh s
-qt York National Bank Stook brought
10,.04.—The large bank Baru . of Martin'
Mldielbugu, Heidkberg township, was
&Moved by fire on Friday last, with a large
quantity of grain and bay , and some arm-',
tagilatilements. The stook was sieved by
MM. B. Her husband was in Hanour
when the fire was discovered. She at once
rsa!to the bus and let all the horses and ,
tattle loose. The hay and grain was fully
insared, and an insurance of $BOO on the
builillisg.—Rev. G. P. Weever has accepted
a atil•to jbe Wrightsville Latham Church.
Tms War Department has orderd the dls
comlsuance of the use of purple and other
cOloiedAnks in writing ofitclal papers;
toile Mkorhich artery generally used
4 1 . 1 Pubilit :4o Matted to be liable to fade
into in a fewysers, and in slayer
the' Cloverstamt oinces in this city
1 41 0 10 th. 9 14 0 14 rfgytlnk OW ii o o l l
geffimel sett** 1 0 0009 f 011 1r° 1 1 11 81 0 1
ittlflooll 111**11,1tIluesd to be molded.
Whale we ere sick thie Uf ir obscured, limier •
elemd.eppressed with humors. X.:perigees has Lambe,
aset•ha lemma, which serer WI for thole. reierrest.
The Maid receives with Ith Ilk the seeds °this death.
Ifasitake cue, or one hundred years, before .thse
seeds bear their sod fruit, but Jut as mess as the
seeds et death ripen, If. tenses. Purees 1e the
egrusdieduguard, bromism thus Oust enders the suede
of death are taken away, expelled from the body.
My child, used five years, had scarlet fiver, and for
live dais had constant fever. By order of the doctor
I rive her syrup of rhubarb; she took neatly a pint.
but her bowels &unsaid closed. Ou the fifth day
the 'better esti bee bowels mess be eisseei ee • *be
would he, lost. I proposed Brandretle. Ptlls ; to this
be would not cionseat—allng she was too .weak.
consulted with my halibut& sad we concluded to give
her three pllll. fa about four hours they operated,
Blling half fall a common chatabor. After that opera.
tioo the liver left bar, sad she tepidly recovited. , —
Referent'', 206 Clermont Avenue, Brooklyn,
April 1,15704 m
j. warranted superior to coy others, or nu pay, for
the card of Distetoptr, Worms, Hut., Coughs, Ride,
Bound, Colds, he, hi Rouses, and Colde.Culayiss, Loss
of 11111 k, Blaclt-Tonguejloru Diet...per, tr., In Cat,
ale. news 'Powder." were formerly put up by
' Simpson I. ?olden, son of Dr. Tobias, and trines hie
death the demaud has Si... to great that Dr. Tobias
has routine.) to nuntifuture them. They ire per
fectly ears aril ititioceut; run ueed of stoppLug the
work Ins of your atiituals. They increase the ap
petite. give a line coat, 4.1 'h• s' °mach sod uri
nary orgaue, eu.l Immo.. the milk .4 Cu.., Try
thins, sad lea .111 never be without thews. Col.
Philo P. Duels . of the .Jerctue Park Race Course,.
Iluttlhant, N. Y , would not use thaw until he see
told of what they sere ontopueed, elms whizts time
he is hover w ithout them. U. bar over t•tuty
Land hots. lu atarge, au.] (Jr the hunt tiarce)eatte
has use.' uu other tut Jiclue. Auld Sy Druggists and
fitur•it.epers ll,evugituut the (Jutted States. Price,
25 snob per U... Depot, 10 Rork Place, New York.
April I. 18:0-1111
may ensue from oiling yraperatiale fur eoborina the
Lair charge) .Its acetate of lead and eulphar. Yo
may Ittom them by the heavy metallic mediment
which has t be aLtaken ap bel9re the d ligu.thng cum.
lamed ran be spplie.l. The "Joureal 01 Chemlotry"
saye there are thirty of than in the markt!. There Is
bat one dye In •:ideate WiliCit eOOl4lOl 1.0 deleted.
oue aubstanca, and that it
which hae Leto carefully anal, za 1 by Profewor
ton, and by h int I. contain no I sol or 'awry
other hurtful luareclirot. eueouscript cer
tificate, at Crieta-toro'e, 6 •eto /louse. New York.
Ossmanig,act• like • ;Alarm Gs Um flair •ftst Dleini.
Try It. [April I, 1870--Ini
Restored to ita Original Youthful Color
By tha It.* of that 11:leatlac Diatoaary, called
It will agak• flair pre.* up6a bald Londe, exorpt la
very aced persose. at it farniehee the Nutritive princi
ple by which tha hair It atariebed and aapported.
It Will praceat the hair front falling out, and doom
net etela tb. ekia.
No better evidence of its superiority herd be ad—
duct-4i thaw thy fact that to 111.4 .y imitations of liar,
offered to the public.
Our Trio , Att., on t 6. 11.1 r .rut free by AWL.
It. P. II ALL a Co lia•bas. N. U., Proprietors.
es..Pur lode by all drazglata.
April I, 1870—I tu
- - -
to .to sell the celebrated WILSON SMWING
mAca IN ZS. The best toachiue 14 the world. Mita
alike cot ttlik rider. Oya Yurut WiTlfeCT 1101111 T. Par
farther particalers, address 45 N. tirb St., Pi, illad'e,Pe.
April 1,1470-3ia
VOI .tort VIVOIh Sylimb•. /Le ; Iroa tladataads,
Wire Webbing for,Slarepand Poultry Yard.; Rritaitand
Iron Wirt , . Cloth 4I•••. Lodrre . Sermons for Coal,
Oros, Sand, a.., Roar) Crimped Cloth for Spark
Arrestor.: Laniarapc Wire. fp; Windoor, ar...; Paper
'flown,' Wires Ornamenta I IS In- Work .te.
formation by •ndraraior the mounfactorera. U.
WALEKRt 30.)18. No. 1,1 Norti Sinn. st.,Phlia-
Solnbi•• (V•tp. 11. 1170.-ly
There.. ha twitting that will plea.. ti• lad
. .
hatter :het: a ,r .:1 article, which le howled la aver, r„.. e'er, .tcre c .o. Much s r artkle taXIBIES'
N 111 NK A MIIIIIIIA hr T ALLOW II )AP, mcaemesead•
Cor the (..11oeriag pc:epos.: For General Movie-
Aoki flii: -Jr4 at trilet. "a. as Lasser,. 'Ur
Mapped Made, Ale. &4I by all eruerrs sad. Store
keepltre everywhere.
ATIIA N /RICK, 114 r, Agent, No. 319 North Frost
11.1,1 11, 1970-41 re
DUBLIAIIIID fee the bostolflt of )may nen and
althorn who ene'rr from Nervous Debility, etc,
'applying tho means of self-cum Written by one
who carol b inteelf; sad "lent free on reeeiviog • post
paid directed entrelopt. Andres.
dilltOßll OF YOUTH.
A goptlsoasil who alariir•d for years tram 11•T•01111
Deb dity,Prealsture Decay, aud all the effects of
youthful ladinerction., will, for the rake of aufferin
buro4nity,ermd free to all who need It., the receipt said
dime t bur for making the simple remedy by which he
Co. (1. , 1 tiutrercrs wishing to profit by the adrer
t lees 'e experience, an do so by parfeet
cOUtiti•Dro JOHN B. OGDEN,
N 0.4 Oedarstroet, New York.
Oat MI 9.-1 y
TO CONSUiferzyss,
Tbr Avi vet sleet, having been restored to health'. •
few week., by a very simple remedy, atter Waving ant
r:rm with a severs long affection, and
that drawl Jiws.e , Coneumptlaa—is an=yone to make
known to his follow eniferere the means of cure.
To ell w be desire le, be will seed* copy of the pre.
sc - rip t lon need (free of charge), with the directions for
preparing nod mime the sense, which lb*/ wiil god
sore Care for Consumption, Asthma, flionchltie, etc.
The object of the advertiser Is sesdiss the Pres:rip
tio• Is to benefit the afflicted, and *proud lqibrination
which he conceives to be luvalualde•aad be hopes ev
ery suff;,rey will try bi,o remedy, a. A will vest them
nothing, and may prove a blessing,
Part lee wishing the p rescriptlon,w ill pi....sdresa
wilUatueburg,lLlngeeonoty, New That.
Yay 14,1111111.-1 y
treated with the otoimt some., by J. lassos, M. D.,
sod Yrofeesor of DiSillSl.l of irse and Aar, (AM
specialty) is tae Medical Charge of Fbentylactata, 12
'o ar , ape-s (formerly of 14eydau, Itollaad,) No.
SOS Arch attest., later,
Yltila Testimonials can be seen at
his ogee. The medical faculty Sc. Invited to mom.
poop their patients, as he has no secrets la his pm.
tire. Artificial Gym inserted without pals. No
chary* for examisatke. (Macchia, W;(1_1,
roweal Tonic and Mandrake Pllhr, will gore Con
snroption• Liter G. and Dittallaioe If totem
to direction.. They sr, all these to be ta.
ken at the ease time, They cleanse thastemach re
lax the lira:, and pat it to work; then the appetite
become. good; the food digests and makes good blood ;
the patient !aeon to grow in ENO ; the diseased :nat
ter ripens to the lung; and the patina outgrows the
disease and gets erolr. This la the only way to curs
To these three, niedk.lese Dr. 3. R. Wusch, of
Philadelphia, mein his onrivallod swim la the treat
ment of pulmonary consumption. The Pulmosio
Syr*, ripens the morbid matter in the haugsoature
throwo it of bY an OW onatVilapoe fa' 'llea th•
phlegm or matter is ripe, saliva calash Win throw it
h of, and the patient has rest and the lungs biota to
To this, the &tweed Soak' Med Maidrake Pill.
mast be iroily need iodates, ti Stomach and liver,
so that the Psimonic Syrup mad the food will make
mood blood.
• Lichatok's lteadrakePille net wpm the liver, re-
Movies 11l obetraelloos, relax tiro ducts of the rall
bladder, the bile starts freely, sod the firm le soo
tailored ; the stook will show what lie Pills can do
llotbillif het suer been invented except mussel
deadly yobbo which Is airy dui/groom to see mole
wish great Oats), that will unlock Lb* gall-bladd•
and start the secretions of Um liver like Wunsch'
Maadrake Pills.
Liver OtmrWst is one of the most prowls '
eases. of onueption.
liereack'eileaweed Tonic lea rattle stiombutt and
altenstbro. and the alkali in the Soured, which this
preparation is sole o 1 sodas the stomach to throw
met the park inks to diseelve the lad with the
othoortie Syrup, and It it au* Into good blood with.
I out feruestatlea or searlase fel be steutadt. .
Ti. great mum why physioleas do not mare noe
ls, hey try to do too mach; they gle me.
iOW§ to imp soug to rispellble, to abio o ght
Inteatill.boetlo M gr, sod by so doing they denture tha
whet* digestion powers, bolting up the moretloar
I sad mutually the patleot sinks and ithea.
Dr. &amok, in Ids treatment, does rot try 'estop
a owegb, eight Illletil, shills, or bur. Itoware the
•MM. oad Unity will all stop of their own secant.--
No o n
o: cos be eared ef beasemptiee% Lint Ptoo
' plaint, Dopspda, Wink beaker. Vluested Tbroot
MILOS the Um. sad stoseasb aro wade hoslay.
If s person has oeatuasptle of mune Oa hug In
4 eez a jut vi , Meresedr eith e ri=ll7,4oheareir.
a waseettalbuir ' Mil bet decying.
_la sub
muttiorhatinnet bodiemol • If ft teset lake Who, low
that saw mistlag.litit it le,`lllif wide •=25.
Mengel sad nese have iestilheirpewee se
out (whelk, Po+ Me 0 0 1 1/ AlN l N T a =re s
Zltdollmit irW. win
dhpeirt molly and soak* gem bloat: Sim tie prime
, wow so gab. me acorn!,
_amikozzo nr
, Ilegmbw, • aiaIIoMUSIINIIII, PE"
Puma well. ii the map Wow to
SW ,
, .
Whom leo trairt oily Urania.",
(shat mot Took - sad
aro oollosos taw Polossolo
fa=lir tkolloinitok UOIIIIIOB4
so mg aro pormout '
•• ihr4ihtlioadrembo_ ~bfiliii.M,_ •,111limui health .
or mut, years vootooos swF - ..ormo MI gouroNwas
lW~wasted away Masao* Alla alitisikp rant ebri
p_uswaawill blooms sad i r.,',:n• . . I g o
Ws bto. He wee Itili - • '"
wed slam hissearred7 Amulenane , ,
cka *are
shad ben seed Dr. libiaskte . . • it,
11111114inimartibil• samess. Null . segoo"" 1 ,
Ina an*. wain boot abseil*** . , s. •
ally see Dr. Soloook. Woo lir prams Mum whb uSer
hingsemenisokaad i tthis_.willemAaissweareion
sily at his Rrisalpel 'O. Eatilla rimy Muir
day. whore sit brows abbe mambo mileineed—
lb Is also professionally at ifs. $3 lead itillet, Mow
York, er arbor W itio lrib t a gr ire' plyloo *Om
hat lbr it Els Mielpire
.... pap - sad 4)4
$144,0004. 1 4 - 1 7 r,a lo rr .t."4 "0" : 1 41t Imo
fiz aL
10 0 1 1 4095 141 K1L . see %.• %O IM. I .
ulnilia Aare,.
1101111M8.044 • .
Arras! NatictO.
halal Pito.
Nagars don—Coins down—P)raps down—Balt
dow■—;Cad 011 doers— Quesosware and Ghissw.i•
dowehlinfli wholeaele and retell, Bay sparingly—
bay oltia. Moen pas come span pricae may I.
down gala. Nothhig In our Boa of goods will be
mottled la poke, warn seawmption ef.pecie pa, toeuti,
MIS It co.O soon! Oar stuck of cards 14 fait and ul
thehilei gaaUty—freib from the ttatiraed. lib I
small or largo Irralatltl4. t? "The Trath," at log
,ferwarding Sausto.
riIHE undersigned has leased the',
Ware houseotitheaoreat otStrattuttitre•l and
lb• Kallroad.Oettysburg Ps.. •611wil I tarry on lb
Grain & Produce BusinessH
k able suer...■Wel. wended our urge
alaterrauch•• rbe ti heal t The rt price. wi I Awe).
rild for Wbe•ival.,Coru.o.4t., Clore' •tad 'tallow of lb!. Loans of the Caxaat, PACIFIC Ratty
thy Reeds, flaxseed. SUMAC. By end Strew, Dried
Fruit. btats,duap,llam•.ebuulder. and tildes. Put*. !lUD OulIPA:IT mod the WFSTIZIA PACIFIC ItarUtose
lint.Wu, with •••ryttllng else iu
r) produce Cossxr, mud lb. pupularlt) and credit valid !hers
otraetautly fur •ale , .loffvet ducat. %fulmar.. Syr- " ii,. m.. 1 *""thit ' "ft' wad •Vtanttat"" tuna tf.
spa, Teas, Spice., Salt, c!lereo.. V,u,okr. S.A., i,,,,,tre,ut yleldlasa wore Murrill Jeanne (ban 0 . 1 1%r
M 116 tin rd . a ilk r tth , H r .401111., 0 .1% 4• 1. ', 1 ‘,14 “.K • S. 1,, n 4
&c. •1e0,C0..1. •n L. VIA •rti. r.. , 1,. vi, 11 ..1.11 itt - v•a'l• 7 I • .I•rf••S Vnart G..• , .111...1 .
k l ud•;lPiket and N•II.: ' """ " 44 ' ''''' . •lie ' i 'l T "' +kwohnble to tak• ikeir kobtcr.
Surttle. wrs
bamt.e. !
Ife le II trays •1•1* I 4 *II ......) .. nr,l 414 Irt tele. .t•ouv.l that, In t 4 . ll .lltitillll •Illi negeltatleee .flif
or Ylour,•ltls Lb. Herren! I. inti• .-tVe•S.
•ut,..tur Itailtuatl luaus. w • ere uteortlOS • steer
Also,druttud 'l•gavr. trititiioau." tud•rfili
Sera. 40..11... by Cher • .11. I roo ot ........ - iii
Otheic unt.t. end I rtioitrilif • valuable err • ice-- boi 11
Its will ale. rue..
t oNo. I6u Mort!, Ilortat., t re..t . tit attoi
No. 11 Vairkro NI ILA UELPIII.I. All gotota
*silt to tplOon plArr lon I ; t/t. r.airr,i Islil forwhxl.l,l
Promptly 0...1..1..,0 Id 1.. rtatik... ••I•REs k t
CA R."
•pril 2,&869.-t
Joseph Wible & SODS,
Produce Dealers, Forwarding
and Commission Merchants.
South.sust content/ Raiinwd um! Ihuhingien sheets
Hto ti EST tsar price paid fur alik fads 01i/reins.)
Country Produce gametal ly. The bigkut cub
price paid for guod flay sod R;rStraw. We will keep
constantly on hand for sales!' kinds of
each ee Sager* Coffees. Toes, &lotuses and Syrup, To
baceas,lioape, Spices, nod everything amid ly kept to
*Grocery Store.
We•fil run alls• of .rs to Islthooro weekly, to
the Warehouse of 311L.1.30N At CO., 128 North st.,
corner of fraaktin, fat lb. transportations of soots
each asy,leairfisg Gettysburg .rer; yonder; and re
{Siting ou Wodisteday.
The haat braadaol coaataatty oa
hand, on...cored at •hort notice for thoosordartor.
April 9, 1869.—tf
REMOVAL. --The undersigned
baa roodovad Ue PRINTIXO OPIPICIL float tho
Diamond to IL. comae of Railroad Judi IVultingtoo
stroota, where b• rill be yleabtd to apept Id. old
Moods end pdtrotot
Aprll 9.-31
HAS taken the Warobunis, lately peenpird b
Ilano,*t °reknit., Btetlon, on IL. In. of IL
Gettynbari Kidfrond, 2 mile• from Hnnterstown,mad
windmill. all klndeof
Grain and Produce,
glvlog this highest marketprice. I will also keep
comsuLatlyoo band tor sale•H khulauf.=.
GM*, Sugar, ,Ikarapa, Taw lc.. • ltlk Fat
Tar. Soaps, Bacon and Lard, Tobaccos, c
the beat braud• or - FLOUR, with 711ZD of al
MEd' ; aIaO. Coal.
- .
I respoctfully •elicit thepat roam rof•atfrieoda,
isodiallte thepablir tocalland my stock
Jon 32.-11
andersigsmd In paylogathi• Ware-boase,l•
Carnal* .treat adjaialag Buehler',ll,th•
andi nrit•rprodne•r•t•lir• bimetal lbelbro selling
nu constantly on head for sole,
Molasses,Byrups,Cufines iinirars,itc- wi th salt l'ish
Pils,Tar, damps, B&COO1112d Lard,Tolniecos,Ac. Also
thstiostbrandnot 1 1 1. 41 160r1th PIiND or all kinds
risilkimiss has
Soluble Vatific tio"no. thodes'.Pbosphat• mad •
♦ Mexican Guam..
Whilst hooey, thehighest market prices fotati
ke hum he sells at the lowest living profits. IT.
asks ,share of public patronage, resolved to give
sat sfactlonizieveasease.
.W 323,1861-11
I_lAVlNGpurahasedthe extensive.
"'-'• Warehouse. Care, to., of CULP & lidutectu,
the undersigned !misted. toe a rry on the busiams, na.
der the Arm of Bionah & Co at old etas/ on
thecorner of Wash higtona niaailroadat ..... on a
more exteosivo seal•than heretofore
fir • regalarllss of Freight Care •1 I eav• out
Warehouse every Tl3llBDitY NOON. ad ocean
modatiou twaine will be two as occasion Lay metro
By Mb arranpusent er• are prepared to convey
Freight at all times to and from Baltimore. All
business of this kind - urinated to we, will be prompt
attooded to. Oar ears run to the Warehoum
Steven•ou k Boas, lib Dort h -Howard W street, Balti
mom.. Being ditermlood to Ps7 'nod pile's, set
ellaop`and des !fiats ly , wet nviteovarybody to give
u • call.
wit.icere ULM.
the blood sod cane licriarnie,
Dienewen, iLiwswariont, Massage et Mosses. sod
.. all Chow& Affestkoe of the Blood, liver and
Kidney& liscpanseeried by tire llediesilwail•
ty and many thooastis of our best citizens.
Bead Dits testimony of Physicians sad pa
tients who have mod Itosadalis ; send fur our
Basadalte Quide to Malik Book, or Almanac
nor this year, which w• publish for gratuitous
distributive; it will give you much . valuable
Dr. B. W. Carr, of Baltimore, says
I take pleasure in recomineudisz your Best
nuts as • very powttfel alterative. I have
own it used in two resee with happy remelts—
one In • moo of secondary
_o plans, in which
the patient pronounced . hiesself.cured after
basing taken Bre bottles of your
The other Is scan of scrofula of loan standing,
which is rapidly improving wider its sae. eel
the ladicatiosiare that tke patient will sous
recover. I hove cassfully ozonised the bran=
to by which your Losedells is made, and Bud it
an excellent compound of alterative ingredi
Dr.llpasta,si By., soya hs into
need imodalls In cases of Scrofula W 3 good
ary Syphilis with eubdoessry Henn.—en a
*lower of the Blood I rad* nci better remedy.
Simnel G. lilciaddan, MextreesbosV, Too.;
I have used seven bottles of toesdalle, sad
atie entirely awed of itheaatathras; seal an
fear battles, us I wish It be lay brother, wise
bas scrofulous sore spa.
blittatldlt2•olllo4 011 lbws, Ohio, writes, I
lune 1111111MNI for treaty year. with so la.
narrate emit= over my whole body • • short
Wee Mare I ',strabismal a bottle of norw•dle sail
It effected aperSast arm
wrias4aUs Is mold by all Dragests.
- Laboratory, dl lzsbarge Place, lla/theore.
CLINIXTS it CO., Proprietors
r YoL 4, 1474.—1y1a
=SeLW iar sal4 fa 410141.4e5, Ps., b 7 A. 11.11nitus,
M. 0%.111111. EON, & 00.11
Yd 0111111 i.) Ms
GA2Dillr, FOE 1171.
Publisban in January. Ivory tom et Myers 161111-
Mr. maw aud&r rntallitreek. flea of aro, *NM
laumadiy M.0%/101, 80K &
Sir a aaTf. aaaa , amilarrarr, ir.
Ont. 11. L:
T CAN NON Wing Wend is Isetsezebip *NY
il a i t 'Wei. N. swe% be We Met Oettlea_beeiee.
M X li o c l 'ai
i Oration. wthl
feeNoriber tika 14
r " . "'mp l a w°4
warble weebeee.
eta be Our: bbeee ir - it
r im elg u eNalebed 001111. NUM et 0411
. 7 ,
WU. irtA I H ♦ UN,
'Booty End" Carlisle, Pa
aietalued In the markets, both
I °matt,' aad Varope. h.r• sham!, that the ?frit liort
.I'•11N CKE
Atlantic coast antl the to•gallterat laarbracs t 4.
Cbriaprale Da) ritL Mr OLi Itivrr at • puiLt of rep-
!labia havixatiou, riot ihas, vitt. the •ntlre Railroad
unto •i.. 1 vr•ter tr•n•port•tion tbr gl.t
awl Boutb•we.t, /mumTII K ADDITIONAL EAFT
•ND WEST TRUDE LIDS, iolaApiotatiirely .I«mard-
ed for tL• accommodation ur Itve IWmea.e ••••1•••,L8
ly-gruaiog tranipulatios I IreWr.ll iihelc se.
board •nd Zarope f. , 11 lie one band, •ad the pest
producing rill:Ions of Om Obk. and Micalseipfrd Tall. yr
as lb. oilier
OCTIAT FROM TOR Wk. ST TO TU !NA ma.cuts.....
It hlto in.. ut b• hut,•l 1 gevoce. tbd liatiae. Ili
an eiteuaiee tbr.ugla trafille from the day .1
compleilen; lab Ir, fa t►a deeeluymeal ut t►. entry-
sly. &filial& Ifni and tatnerai rOll4ll/Cfs of Virginia
&Dd "Wrol i Ir,losha, It poorrirme, sips( no own ha/
th. elemeal, 1.1 . large and prelltald• load baaloraa
Thick domat.d ih. osbaiplolles of th. Casurtax*
Moo Itiattotb to tloe Mao Ptiv.r, afford Om
lllrowst cigars Ir. of Ito sumps m. 4 'also, mad REX
Dik IT Tllk 310 .?T IMPORTANT AND 110111NrAN
pruadee of St huem sot and weatsW• Undo awaitabg
It. completion, Lit. di.., to It tlit. .Motion cod
00-•lmitioa of pnrialueut Capitalist and Railroad
Mon of tibia City of booodJudgio tot koo.o is;
tegrity, connectio• Whit It, tocrlher wlth that
of eialLeat c;fisttobkod btwau. wool Titslola uol
West Virgin's, IN cm LB LN 1011:ROICTIC, HONOR
The Road la completed and ha operation h:ten Rich—
mood to the celebrated Whits Etalphoi B PriNia .1
West Virginta. 227 ante, sad t6.t• reounio tots
radio (now partially coast racers!) to lee away Wed, to.
carry It to the proposed to-misuse ow, the Obb river
at,cr moor, th• month of the Big .3aady floor, 150
=fits above'. Ouch:mail, and 169 mile* behest Pitts—
Lll2. are SOW pr.tineted or 111 progres• th rug& 011.14
sad Kentucky to this paha. which will caissect this
'tyre!Gable frericlises end superior edema/14es
will plate the Caustzhca One Raaacus Com-
►aar moons Ms tidiest aad moat powerfel sad trast
worthy corporanols of lbs touatry; AND TH/la
fl. deans of llto Lou hays ►.. a arranged wit lk
special reference to the wants of all classes of Invest.
are, and combine the 'radon' fratures of convenience.
sanity, and protection against lam or /road
Tim Bonds ate in ditioniinsitions of
i boy •111 be lamed so Repos Bead% Rapala ta.
Bea rt 7, and 01•, 'be held In that fora; or
The Bond way to registered la the nose of the
owner, with the coupons smokily' mobil tobeares:
attached, th • principat being then tsaashwahle ealyj
on the books of th• Comptor, uniews na••lgnd'to;
bearer; or
eouposie awd be detailed and ea/welled, • tbs.
load aide *penile:went Registered Bout, treader %
able oily oa de boob of tbe Coeepaay, aad the la-
twist 011140 payable lily to the teghteted , ottemor oat
hi. •ttornej
The three cliemws trill be brown respectively se
let. "CDQPO2f 13411111 PAYAILI To slum.-
24...manntata BMW EMIL COL TON/ At
TAMED,. and abaudd bar bo dbeigabled by Clone
opooldilats la speellylay ib. dam GI loads &sired.
havarMlTY 'TAW to taa kola January
34,18t0,1na tatireat at As poi oast. par *mai .
gran NoTamber 1, I$ 9. PISIIMPU •11111 lIIRMS, PAT. r
Th• tato/rat la payable la Mar sad Saysamat, that
t thatt take, tie &e'er that of MP today Wass of
Pere-Tyreutlee, and Mt ibeeinvealame• of imiritlind.
who already hold Cabal at Weston Paella MOWN
WWI natarsat pelotas ha January ikadJaly, awl who
way drawl, additional tatrostroawts, li
hare their lattuest ree.ivalda at dithered roam of
the yier.
ma Loam la atm:l46y a saarlaap apoa lb. ma,
Line af Rood frostObtooed to thit Oiliktoar.ailUt
the equipment mid all other properly and sprit Um-
amen connected tbannelfh.
disktog had f sloo,oooper *mm itjhreehdoil
for the rettemptten VOW aveds, it tithe diet ewe yee►
sifter the eximpictime of 44 24111111.
rho owniesse M oe• Slobooeeee. •ez tkooe r
oeo will tw roorwod and bold , la Wog tot tily, oodolop,
tioa of oototaamillog Basle of lb. Virgiots Olotral
lodromd Cbuspany, now nerved h the cosiuruzs.
iILUO Oslo.
Wife reawilalaa 1111,01111,1100, a arlackrat IMMO
will be aokl to saiaplata ato d toad Ike 01141 straw
?Wad and taipwria Um pail's ow la °pantie..
wad tharoaally 'quit cliw Vita. for a largtatiasatina
is. wrist paw le 114 ilia sat
♦ Lora so amply .scared, sto ear!Aßlllygassdikf, sad
N certain horooltar to cootoureC o proceltmoii "Iwo
coloag ta. lY.erlt. oovttlea fa , tbo soiskoto. kotk
of flat Gauntry owl Ituropo, toti at otos opyiecto.
t.d aced quickly tkoultiot. • .
Tory tospectillly,
• P. EL—Wig iota kuspi asehilalag
purtfinOldwalatiashil detail% ram ate.; waieh win
be vow appliestlos.
1116W•*Waal MI Govetaimi 1140414 ;at ro.:
ahead" aecomata of Banks, Carparsides4
aatothers, sebdect le Amok at wlt ,. ad &Ur" Mho,
at at deal !Naar... Mae. 4, 111711.4.16
Vebestary ISM. j$
hoods of mi....1y livatrd 40d h041044b1,7•00145p0d
koflr.rd. pmactiptly picogatzed•m.l readily /*too
t o the h„ldurr 14 Capital .11.1 to !loot gii at National
wt,rk• IA Hit. ru•l its. yruvettient *boo." ibtrinalc merit
and etebbintitlal eitmaLter rntillp them to Om use of
C.ptt.l awt toe r....:Wence—S• W
kr with •orcial riashilrtire and ant I.lnction the.
hesapeake end Ohio Rni'wad Company_
The p eul e u ..d Ohio Voilroad, cut.wret hog I
Thus $1 • •t..t fsar•sts, glad local
h■ ruperlority a. au last and West roue, sad gLe
$lOOO, $5OO, and $lOO
a , ht
e I - - d-
Appilealioil h.
Court of Coninion
a 1:1/111.1ing Alquadati,
from Sokeziuk
brick bowie and
min et, (eue of warre
1”:11., of the LOU*
Springs, bra tee/loved
labor, Al itiliolovin„ Its
Tam n Council on St •
J. Taste sold NI letsuel C
Iles and
34r.J. U. %Yrs-% E►.
up a new frame hick:
driuxl on EasL Yqr •
Lutheran church, Lea
the front building lb .
Ai 7 CIDENT.—Geo.
t. , wtssoliip, while apse .,
an Sze, last Saturday,
very badly, silvery Ina t
als,ut three invitee.
A I 11.—The
Anil vicinity intend to
J. sepl.'s Academy ork
f‘lotiday—tite proneetti
to thu erection or iodic
hot Ac&leteky.
ItETURNE.D.—Ottr ,
1....1)wAnt) McPatEßso
ilmo.• Itepresentat
S,V,,biligt oti m 5,0114.1
apentlittz a t‘euk Or
I titti y, 3/1 I attett , lipwt
I.llllllevtetl with the I
health, mince his Etiri
much ltuitrinted,
ant town-hip, who a- •
the evening ol the r ,
horses,col?, 8 head' -.o
•huep, thro.hing ruuc
111111, hiy, whe
In mock aboot $9OO ; wi
Inxurance. Tha Little
Mr. Kuhn had i)ein. fu
Hun• Lon lore. anur.king
',minim fur thu briglc
si A RH STOL}.2I.
of loud werk w light bay
'from the stable of
hwndr high, 9 years 0141
0/1 th, forelwad, w tittle
foot .11 the i;egr wile, a
ni, , otat the ni p t* !oIM eh : ,
the hind foot.
t, , tat or the log, and on
rr oeratelnar. r,
$5O .Ittl lora rbr the recopy
Tlf E FIRST.—Tbe
itta it Lt usual bustle,
and goo- ,
c,mutt. Th e oturosy
,t;vul Issscueus to go qj
bus now been settled:
,the moue
realize we tsar of
el ngilgen3enilii, and ,
c 4. imt . llCed 1 , 0 /NOV •
plenlier. The- presorts
.iliscounts was not as •
to m:on:ibis demands -
Las token charge of
Hooae," New Oxford,
B Houser, and will ,
ilaye‘ to entertain big re
fiegostrally in best sty
papital its Jord.
'fr. Houser goes to
itiarge of the "Rail- r
the parwe,uses depot. T
tin n‘wer will deg out'
bow to tan 4044 Hotel.
this county sell' be nuts
kaisineas or pleasure arias
;env is at Work uu flan
hog It ht repair. Phial
are u ((((( e or the 44.11e/fru
In bad condition, WO • •
street. Wouldn't it be
Council to itit s these
attention, instead of
money on improvetnen
...3* the town, where •
Pecetalty t A Ilttlejuds.
fruition on the part of the
it ios w.cudd «eve ono
of 1110110 y, 1101U1 to the ,
perly luryerm.
YOUY D.—taut week
drawers from Mr. Sehitok.
near the York street hr!.
the left of the pike, conta
of Deeds, Polleleir of liWas
papers, iv il Jell had. been
.ale. The drawer, fail
het-ly thrown an the
beet, carefully de
where louud, as soteasie
it to preveut the contents
tered. As the burglars a
11:tve left town iii hot has
after Use burglary, la
they bad tints to exitentite,•
fore reaching the bad". or
pea to deposit the dee
fhe inquiry naturaltT at
Mai drawer there ?
1. 0. 0. F..--On Tuadv,
ttollowing gentleman Were ,
etre of Ekttya•Ludgoi; NW.
—M..©., lusoOw;
King ; U. 8., Junes M
Wan; • Molina= ;
multh•; . . • 'l', 401111 . Rant.;
Armjir IA W., David Tro
M. Miller ; 84 Andrew
Wm. F. Atkinson ; IL and
Charlie; Zleglerand 8. W
t 3. to V. G., J. & .Berpt
Stiiiik; R. and L 0 A, H,
James Cunningham. :
On the evening el the 21
lowing Wilma of "Unto.
No. 126 I. 0. 0. F.,"w •
D istriet Deputy J. L. Etch
Cbritzmani 8. W., War. D
It. P.. = M. Yount; 4' W.,
G., Chm4en Zeigler ; 8.,
Edward Xenebey,;. - I;
0. 'R. 11. Maui&
CHANGES.—Thisotth; o
and Psoillo Telegraph Oita
retuovett from Hoke's build!
Drug Stots.inaLßillHolkolle
Meeeee. Iluthen
Into partnership. a. star
4...nruer of Baltimore and M
Hears. *t
new Ready-made Cloth**
ihersburg street ussily op
prug Store.
yosauta CantlkliklMla
Resdpinatte Clothleg,
Jauoba betualog on o '. •
nest door to the KerAtoeir
iir. AMIGO ilikkart boa
ear!' a 4 ItSFaklbtgnietoreto
log. Dormer ot, Atlattieeet
burg week ; • '" •
Mr. Washington'
has leased titsproped •
stock, Duman it
property) ou Balll±ooar
a nee hotel.
The Wheeler it Moon
Company hare moved in
room, opener et Diamond •
• . -A. •
Mr. Joseph Also*
Mei D. vr,A o l4.2. o .,Aiiiit
.& Baker , Sewing Itneititiai . ,
axiom on CisambenbtirlP
, Iflasnond.
miumm - rallior
tilt° Partnership to mini:. 0
burnineg InedmaK IMO