The star and sentinel. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1867-1961, March 04, 1870, Image 2

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    Ely *tar
Er Ida y , "17.:1 rch 1. 1670
Adrerlisers andotherslnterestett nl ill
bear in mind that the ll regnlar vireo
fatten of the "STAR AND SENTINEL"
much larger than that of.any other
paper published in the County, being
read weekly by not lens than 11,000
Tin , . Border Damage Bill has not
yet I, en reported from the House Corn_
mitire on Ways and Means. It is said
the Committee is divided on _the sub
ject, and thus far has of been able to
secure a majority for or a fu
vorable report. It seems to 14t con
ceded that, once before the House, it
will lass that body, and probably the
Senate. A 'llbnsiderable clamor has
been raised over this bill, with an as
tounding amount of misrepresentrtiop
and falsehood,and_no little"buncomb."
It is neither more nor less than a pro
p , sition to pay to farmers and others
in the border counties the damages sus
t tined by them by 'reason of the ina
. Willy of the
_Government to protect
our exposed froutieK — The counties
inttrested in the bill, during the IVar
contributed their full shake to the
blrthens and sacrifices incident to the
Itloellion—gave their full_ quota of
tro los—paid their full shareof taxes,—
in with other counties of the
State. We have our orphaurd children
widows—mitimo d heroes
anti !moored de d. But ovrt and above
this, it was our misfortone to be on an
exposed frontier,' unprotecteii by the
State and National Governments, sub
ject to Rebel raids anil the tramp of
armies ; anti it:. is for damages thus
- !i.iltined over and above the balance
of the State, that indemnity is asked.
And why should it not hegiven ? The
duties of the citizen and the Govern
ment are reciprocal. The one owes
allegiance, obedience and support—the
other is equally bound to _give protec
tion, and failing to do so shOuld make
good the loss sustained by the citizen.
When the enemy was knocking at our
~a tes, threatening invasion and wide
spread ruin, and even Philadelphia
was quaking over the uncertain future
—the State calling for volunteers for
the common defence—the border coun
ties responded promptly to the emer
gency, by
.sending troops to Harris
burg. A ,eunipany from Gettysburg
was among the first to reportat HarriS
burg to the call of Gov. Curtin and
that while the enemy were 'pillaging
their homes. More, these damages
were sustained while thousands of
heroes from the border counties were
imperilling life and limb in the armies
of the Union, ord the bleeching bones
or many of them on toe battle-fields
of the Republic attest their Peroism.—
A refusal to pay the clainui,eatt find its
1 only justification in an intensity of
eltishness, which mocks at other pee-
ple'c calamities. _
All the allegations about the claims
L. lug bought up by speculators—being
suede up of fraudulent items, &c., are
mere bosh, without even a grain of
truth. Adams coamty was a heavy
s:lilerer, and we do not know to diy of
a -ink claim that has been assigned
or that is not held bona fide by the
ela-immq. The clignis themselves have adjudicattd by sWorn Commis
-inner, appointed by the State, after
and pains-taklug examination
of legal If there be justice
in the Li ij-lature, the bill will pars e
notwith..,tanding the discreditable self
isline:s and vulgar clamor by which it
has In en al-sailed
WJIITTEMORE, of South Caro
lina, whom the Committee of Iticesti.
gation reported guilty of selling a
Cadet appointinent, resigned to avoid
expulsion, last week. On Monday,
Mr.'Golloday, of Kentucky, and 31r.
Deweese, of North Carolina, followed•
suit, sending in their resignations, it
being undkr , tood that the Committee
were prepared to report resolutions of
expulsion in both cases. Golloday is a
Democrat of the straightest sect. Oth
er member:- of the present and previ
ous Congresses, it is said, are implicat
ed by the testimony before- the Ccm
mittce, which is still pursuing its
investigation: 7 T. The'Somerset Herald,
referring to the investigations now in
progress, has the following significant
"We have believed for some, time,
that a 'cadetship at West Point, be
longing to the people of this Congres
sional district, and which one of their
sous should now be enjoying, was im
prOperly disposed of, and we call upon
Hon. John Cessna to have this special
committee inquire how it comes that
Clarence A. 'Steadman, a native and
resident of Massachusetts, was nomi
nated and appointed a cadet frdm this
the• NVlfh Congressional district of
Penn., in the year of our Lord 1865,
and what consideration, if any, was
given for ,the appointment, and to
whom It was paid. And while Mr.
Cessna's hand is in, he may as well
inquire who now holds the two naval
cadetships from this districk."
If we mistake not, the Hon. Alex-,
ander H. Coffroth was the member
from the 16th district "in the year of
our Lord 1865."
A ETCH scene transpired in the lower
house of Congress on Monday. It
leaked out that the Free-traders were
preparing to bring before the House a
resolution declaring that no tariff bill
should be passed except for revenue.—
Gen. Schenck, of Ohio, who enjoys a
Joke, prepared a resolution and handed
it to Mr. Spink, delegate from Dakota
Territory, to be ollered at the proper
moment. On :llonday Spink sprung
his resolution in favor of such a tariff
for revenue on foreign imports as will
incidentally protect domestic manu- \
factures, andr without impairing the
revenue, impose the least burdens up
on, and best promote and encourage,
the great' industrial interests of the
.: , ountry, and called the previous ques
tion. The Democrats immediately
luegan to filibuster, but the previous
question being sustained, the roll was
called on the adoption of the resolu
tion, the Democrats generally voting
stgaiust it. As the vote was being tak
en', it leaked out that Schenck had
copied the resolution verbatim from
the platform of the last National Dem
ocratic Convention, and the Demo
cratic members were) disowning their
own bantling! It was carried how
ever, yeas 107, nays 48.
Ox. Monday Mr. Creswell, Postaaaa
ter General, sent a statement to Con-
grew in relation to the franking
privilege. ' Re shows that during tpe
month of January 808,901 free letters
;leased through the malls, the postage
on which would have amounted to
$117,899, and that on other matter sent
would have been, If paid; $42,889. In
the mminunication the Postmaster
General repeats his former arguments
for tha total abolition of the franking
privilege. " The House bill to prevent
the passage of all free matter through
the malls after July 1, is still in the
hands of the Senate Committee. It
Will probably be amended so as to re
dune both letter aue newspaper postage,
and provide for tree exchawe between
legbllshers. •
IN 'Nc'ti - Vorlt City, tfiterelittriocra
cy rules lii every departtnent, the cost
of the adininistrittlbn approxl
inatcs the civil expenditures .bf the
Cti,v'i.thnient the- 'Unlit
M(,:tey i I utirtil utti,llhe winter in 'Tat
lain.• Lich ;!iyttrip 4 of! the ring
r, ? %% lv ond eliointiooy rich,
the lax-payers tieing powerless. The
New York Tribune been'dissceting
the items which go to makeup the enor
tno as budget of expenditures, and finds
that the legal department of the city
alone costs annually $62.1,918, while the
legal deparituent of the United States,
including the Supreme Court and Dis
trict Courts,cost but s376,99o—being en
excess of .".•415,92.5. The salaries of the
New York officials are largely - in excess
- - of those paid tcrsimilar officials by tile
United States. E: For instance, the no
4.orious Judge ,IfeCutio, the favorite of
_the shoulder-hitters and: bruisers, gets
$lO,OOO a year, while Chief Justice
Chase of the Supreme ,Court gets . but
$6,500. Eveu the Court Clerk in New
York draws a salary, equal to that of
Just ices*of the• Supreme Court. Here
is a comparative table of salarietir
us-trap STaras--.B.ep. NEW•YOug Cin—Dem.
Chief-Just. Chase, 56,500 Dist .attor'y Hall, 915,000
Justice Clifford, 6,000 Couaselo43ormanamoo
Justice Nelson, 6,000 Judge McCann, 10,000
Justice Davis, 6,000 Judge Garvin, 10,000 ,
Justice Swayue, 6,000 Judge Monett, 10,000
Justice Miller, 6,000 Clerk Sweeney, 0,000
Justice Field, 6,000 Justice Dowling, 6,500
This, of course, is exclusive of the
"incidentals" which in New York City
are understood to be legitimate per
quisites of Court officials, and in com
parison to which the regular salaries
are "email potatoes." Sotne old-fash
ioned people have an idea that the
highest legal talent of the nation is
ordinarily rep,resented iti the Supreme
Court of the United States. There is
some mistake in this. The Democracy , '
of New York either demand a higher
order of legal talent, or recognize a
liighet standard, of compensation in
their employees. We guess It is the
peculiar quality, rather than peculiar
ability, in Court officials which suits
New York City. Chief Justice Chase
and his associates wouldn't suit the
New York. ring, salary or no salary.
OUR Democratic cotemporariesthave
a good deal to say about the evidences
of official misconduct developed in the
invesUgationS at Washington and Har
risburg, but withhold the, all-import,
ant fact that these investigations were
set on foot by the Republican majori
ties in the National and State Legisla
tnres, and in Eo far furnish indubita
ble evidence of the determination of
the Republican party to insist on
honestyin official position. The Na
tional Administration has had a labor
ious task in its efforts to reform the
wholesale corruption and demoraliza
tion bequeathed to the country by
Andrew Johnson and his Democratic
supporters ; ant it is in no wise strange
that with the . prestige of their fearful
demoralization, occasional delinquen
cies should be detected among Repub
lican officials. That the Republican
majority are willing to bunt up and
expose rascality whereter it exists,
gives evidence ot the essential integri
ty of the party. Who ever beard, on
the other hand, of Democratic investi
gating Committees at work on Demo
cratic officials. New York City and
State, under Democratic rule, are con
fessedly hot-beds of official corruption,
denounced as such by the press of that
State. low comes it that we hear of
no investigating committees in that
direction ?
Till:Democracy have been making
I good deal of capital out of a recent
eech of Mr. Dawes, Chairman of the
,Committee on Appropriations of the
House, charging 'unnecessary extrava
gance in some of the Departments.—
Mr. Dawes has gone to New Hamp
shire to stump that State in behalf of
the Republican ticket. In a speech at
Nashua, on Saturday, he maintained
that the only hope of the nation, in
securing integrity and economy in the
National Administration, was in the
maintenance of Republican ascendan
cy. He further announced that he had
been charged by President Grant to
tell the people that there shall be no
ascending scale of public expenditures,
but whenever and wherever the closest
scrutiny shall disclose the possibility
of cutting off a dollar, itrsshall be done.
Since the election of President Grant,
the national debt has been rapidly and
steadily decreasing, near one hundred
millions of dolhare having been paid
since March 4, and this notwithstand
ing the official stealing left as a legacy
by the last administration.
MR. REVELS, the colored Senator
from Mississippi, was admitted to his
' seat on Friday last, the Senate refusing
to send his credentials to a Committee
by a vote of 8 to 48. The ostensible
objection was on the ground of alleged
non-citizenship, Garrett Davis of Ken
tucky disvowing opposition on the
ground of color ; but in view of the
fact that Revels has long been a citizen,
of the United States, voting in the
State of Ohio, color was the real diffi
culty. Mr. Revels was conducted to
the Speaker's chair by Senator Wilson,
and after the administration of the oath
was warmly congratulatedrby a num
ber of Senators. This is the first col
ored mlui admitted to a seat in Con
gress. As the Successor of Jeff. Davis,
his case presents a singular practical
commentary on the rebellion• inaugu
rated to nationalize• Slav
A MOVEMENT is on Not to celebrate
the 100th anniversary of the Declara
tion of Independence 'by a grand in
ternational exhibition orthe mechani
cal and iu dustral arti:at Philadelphia,
in 1876. Committees of the Pennsyl
vania Legislature and Philadelphia
Councils last week 'visited Washing
ton to urge Congress to endorse the
project. - New York proposes a similar
demonstration, but to come oft In that
city. As the Declaration was deliver- .
ed in Philadelphia, there is ail evi
dent propriety in having the-national
cielebtatlon, whatever character It may
listne, in that city.
ON Monday, in the U. B. Senate, Mr.
Sumner introduced a bill to enforce
the Fifteenth Amendment by punish
ing by fine or Imprisonment any Per
son who shall attempt to deter from
registering or voting, being voted for
or holding office, any citizen of the
United States, Which was iefgred to
Judiciary Committee.
ALTHOL'OR the lower house of Con- ,
gress last week
_voted in favor of in
creasing the currency by $50,000,000,
the Senate is Just as .decided against
expansion. On Thursday the Senate
adoptedrwithout a division,
a resolu
tion offered by Mr. Williams, declaring
that, ,n the opinion of the Satiate, the
ousting vxdume OnrinnoY ought not
to he increased..
THE New Htunpshire State gJectiou
will take placin Tuesday next. There
are Loup tickets inAtie field, and things
good dept Pitted up,
bar t Plitedal iaat , 2stfr -
Palomar Marl
ft - fitted a Bill in the State irltialature,
aiithOrizing the r GoVernorr Attorney
General and Auditor Obrieral to urge
Om-pigment of the dartuoge claims of
the Wider eounUet oh the General
Governinant. If these claims ere
paid et all, It must be done by the
Stater Mr. Parsons knows very well
that the General Governmeno eanhot
and will not pay, and hence his
proposition is simply ohe to kill the
damage bill without the manliness of
direct vote.
THE official U. States Tmattry state.
went fOr the month of February shows
a further. reduction of the Public Debt
of over $6,000,000. This is the more
remarkable in view (it 0? fact that
$12,000,000 tcere require • over and
above ortlimry expotses i. meet inter
est falling due.
THE Cinvittuati Bible Suttee' case
will be earritil on appeal., to the Su
preme Court.
JUME STEONG 111 IS becii multi : rued
as Associate Justice of the Supreme
Court. •
CARROLL—Andrew Graninutr has„laern
appointed Justice of the Peace.—Abraham
N. Hess, Tnueytown, district, on the 14th
inst., killed a hog, which weighed 721} lbs.
—Captain E. T. Benton, ci New Windsor;
and J. seph Weller, Esq., of - Westminster,
have been appointed Assistant Assessors of
Internal Revenue for Cairoll county.
Cr MBE /11.LND...Joh n st heifer, .ot
Newville, on Monday of last week, 'while
coupling his cars which be had in charge
at Mechanic aLurg, had one of his licgcra so
'badly crushed that amputation was neers
FRANKLIN.—Abraham M. Barr, - of
the late Abraham Barr, of the ',lea ity of
Waynesboro', Pa., died very suddenly, on
the- 10th inst., near Mexico, Missouri,
whither be had gone, about one , year ago.
His body reached home on the 15th inst.—
John Li. Crawford, of Guilford township,
fell down a stairway in his barn, on Satur
day a week, fracturing two of his ribs.—
The dwelling of John Michaels, near Orra
town, was destroyed by fire on the 23d ult.,
with all the Swnitare, the hunily being ab
sent at thetime.—Osear Sayan, aged 16
years, in the employ of Wm. Bossed,
Hamilton township, had his foot crushed in
a horse-power machine, while cutting corn
fodder on Saturday, rendering amputation
FRIDERICK.—Gov. Bowie has appointed
- the following Justices of the Peace for
Frederick county: Ist district, Johnathen
Keller, Ezra Michael, James Walling; 2d,
Worthington R. Johnson, lames J. Eng
lish, James AL Harding, :Simnel F. Heff
ner ; 3d, Edward L. Herring, Ezra Min
nick, W. W. Cunningham ; 4th, Henry
Bowersox, Henry Eaton, Amon T. Norris;
sth, James Knouff, Henry Stokes, Michael
C. Addelsberger ; 6th, John A. Wilson,
John Myers, George Shank 7th, Lewis R.
Harding, John H. S. Linthicum, Isaac Da
vis ; Bth, John E. Unkerler, William Curry,
Sydney Sapington, Hermonicus Brenner
son ; 9th, John T. Smith, William Lare,
Thomas Worthington ; 10th, Thomas Fox,
Hiram Ilerbaugb, John Gall ; 1 ltb, John
H. Locke, George Saylor, Jaeob H. Bow
ers, George W. Shank ; 12th, Joseph Go.A.
man, Ezra L. Kern, James 31. Meek ; 13th,
James lifddlemoser, John B. Summel ; 14th,
Tb Anna Johnson, William H. Laskin; 15th,
Reuben Osier, Calvin S. Firor ; 16th, John
N. Brandenburg, Aaron Poffenberger ;
17th, Ephraim Stoner, Daniel Bowers. Ad
ditional Justices of the Peace for District
No. 2—William Mahony, Jacob T. C.
Miller.—Joseph 31. Palmer, Esq., the oldest
practitioner at the Frederick bar, diao
denly on the 22d ult.
WASIIINGTON.—Geo. W. McCoy has been
appointed Postmaster at Rohrersville, vice
George Suit, resigned.
YORK.—A new Post office has been es
tabli,le.i midway between Roseville and
Dover, to be called. Alpine, Wm. W. Ram
sey Postmaster.—Wm. Shultz has been ap
pointed Collector of State and County taxes
for Hanover.—At a recent sale of Stock of
E. J. Evitns & Co., near York, 6 mules
brought $370 each, a Durham Cow $l5O,
two Durham Heifers $146 and $l5O.
Vice Pexsumair COLFAX..—Vice President
Colfax visited Richmond on the 22d <I
February, to ciedver an address before the
Odd Fellows of that city. He passed
through Fredericksburg, where he wo met
by a Committee from Richmond. The
Fredericksburg Herald says :
"The Vice President and his Secretary,
Mr. Todd, accompanied by the committee
and other gentlemen, drove to the Exchange
Hotel, where a number of citizens at once
called to pay their respects. After a slight
luncheon Mr. Colfax, who is a Master Ma
son as well aa.' an Odd Fellow, examined
with much apparent interest the Masonic
relics belonging to the Fredericksburg
Lodge, which consisted of the . two old
charters, dating back respectively to 1758
and 1787, the old Bible on which Washing
took the oaths required by Masons, and
which bears date 1668, and the book of
records, which shows that George Wash
ington was raised to the degree of Master
Mason in 17532:
A Coax ron Hoe CHOLICHAL-Mr. George
T. Mering, residing near Carrollton, Md.,
furnielles us with a recipe for hog cholera ;
Bob the throat well with tar; take one gill
of whiskey, in which mix one ounce of
the tincture of assafanida ; then mix one
fourth of a pound each of cinnamon bark,
allspice and cloves, put them Into half a
gallon of water and boil until reduced to a
qnlirt; take the same quantity of this decoc
tion and mix with the whiskey and mile
tide and give to each hog. Mr. M. says
those hogs that were so much afflicted as
not to be able to take the dose, he drenched
twice, and a cure was made. When slight
ly sick, It was given in their slope. This
recipe was given to Mr. Mering by a phy_
slain, and bee been used several lima
successfully. • itearly all his hogs were
sick ; one died before the medicine wig ad
ministered, awl : several were not able to
walk, but afteetwo or three dews they be
gan to improve.
PAYMIST or PINSIOna. —The United
8 tates .Pension Agents, under sanction of
the Department at Washington, are now
Pending finvernment vouchers, tare fully
prepared, to eoph pen loner, enabling him
to collect his own pension with the least
possible trouble and — expense. On the N.
ceipt of the voucher, the pensioner has
*nil to sign . it according to directions, and
return by mail to time agent, when a check
on the United States Treasury is imandiate,
ly returned. A pensioner can gun remain
at home and collect his own pension with-
out paying an attorney or claim agent front
two to fifteen dollars to "ootioof Ms pew.
Pow" or "prepare his Papers."
pow= &mom as TEI illotrrat.—Ths
D imiber of gsgro schools at the South is
5,484 with 9,608 te‘tere Ped 266 , 863
pupils. Of these, 8,3 l school. are ri)gu.
laEly reported, with 204,868 ethohwet of
whom 1 9 2, 2 67 were slates. moss nearing
sustain wholly or impart 1,591 Whoa , they
own 759 buildings, sad the Bureau furnishes
772. In one year Virgbais has pined AO
schools; North Carolina, MS schools, with
8,209 pupils ; Georgia, 105 schools, with
4,e7 pupils ; 67 schonis, with
2,878 Po* , Temeloomi 96 =hook with
41,348 mils. M. ppkor Nathan States
show INFolleepbut Pat le MINA- Magee
is behind ill. . ,
A LADY ithysiCian Marne an
income or ttaoo.
Tnx Idillne &rde /its passed a resolution
that all State obligattena contracted before
Fearem* 25, 1862, be paid in gold.
4 rsaitenneinti . of_ Mr. Mr. Burl hlgsn.e, after
lying in Stlitild the 'American Legation
St.,paerstent,,,edlt be sent to this country.
%vim, the eelored Senator from Missis
sippi, is making tempentnee Addresses In
Washington to the negroes.
GOVYRNOR Randolph, of New Jersey, •
Democrat, recommends that the Soldiers'
Haw in the State be abolished. •
How. Morton Mehlkiwi has bein elec
ted Presidebt of the Philadelphia Union
League, vice Horace Binney, Jr., deceased.
A meeting has been held in Washington
which advocates the claims of Major:Gene
ral B. F. Butler to the Presidency.
Colonel Yerger bas been turned over to
the civil authorities in Mississippi, and
committed without ball.
RIPRISZNATIVIS Butler, Tennessee,
and Mungen, of Ohio, are the latest impli
cated In the sale of cadetships.
ON Monday a riot occurred at Ward's
Island, New York, between German and
Irish emigrants, which was suppressed by
attesting the tinglead,rs and driving two
hundred of the rioters from the island.
DIFITRZ JARRETT, President of the Board
of Police Commissioners otßaltimore, died
very suddenly on Batuplay, from an attack
.4 paralysis. The present Legislature had
not recently re-elected him Commissioner.
&WONG the Jurors drawn at Larumie City
on Monday for the Mat ch term of the Albany
County (Wyoming) Court are eleven ladies,
some of them wives of the most prominent
citizens. The proceeding caused much ex
BY the explosion of s boiler In a rolling
utill at Scranton, Pa., on Monday, twenty
or thirty men were buried in the ruins of
the building in which they were employed.
Nine were killed and the others seriously
A WASHINOTJN despatch gays that the
delay in hotting the proclamation announc
ing the ratification of the Fifteenth Amend
ment is caused by the fact that official noti
fication from all the States which have
adopted It has not been received.
A PR/PARED estimate of the probable
population of the United States on the Ist
of June next, when the taking of the decen
nial census will be commenced, gives it as
40,800,000. This is an increase since 1860
Of over 9,000,000.
A DESPATCH from Rome says that "the
Pope's secularization of Pere Hyacinthe
gives general satisfactia." The despatch
means, we presume, that • Pere Hyacinthe
has been released from his obligations as a
monk of the order of Carmelites—that he
is no longer bound by monastic rules, and
is now what is called a "secular priest." -
A But. passed the Lower House of the
Missouri Legislature on Saturday almost
unanimously, requiring the School Board to
appropriate to every private school now or
hereafter established in. St. Louis $l4 for
each schoolar receiving free tuition in such
school. It is said that if this bill becomes
a law it can be made to almost entirely
break up the public school system.
Ox Friday afternoon the regular south-
wardbound passenger train on the Missis
sippi Central Railroad broke through a
trestle bridge near Oxford. The entire train
of four passenger cars fell through- the
bfoken bridge, and more than twenty per
sons were killed and as many wounded.
Worn out and decayed wood work In the
bridge was the cause of this horrible slaugh
II TDROPEOBIA.— Robtrt Shoemaker, a
well known druggist of Philadelphia,
writes to the Germantown Telegraph
that ha halLosma fiat 'ha mat of
stewed in new milk, is a rare remedy for
bydiophobia. Perhaps it would be better
called a preventive. Take If ounces of the
root, bruised or sliced, and boil it in one
pint of uew milk until it is reduced to a
half pint; when cold it is to be taken in
one dose, after six hours fasting. Repeat
the dose for several mornings.
Feox Harrisburg we have the pleasant
piece of information that the expense of the
Legislature this year will be at least one
ht.ndred thousand dollars less than last,
which was forty thousand dollars less than
the year previous. This is an improvement
which the people of Pennsylvania hope to
see go on for some years to come. It
shows, too, that the Republican party is
equal to the task of reforming itself—a
thing which the Democratic party never
could do In its best days
AT a divorce trial, before Judge Sample,
in Muncie, Indiana, last week, the princi
pals in thee - , suit, in relating bow lovingly
they used to live together when first Mar
ried, became so affected over the recollec
tions of their lost happiness that they began
to cty. The Judge Galloidd suit, the audi
ence joined in, and handkerchiefs were in
general &Mud. Judge Sample, when
they bad all got through crying, suggested
to the husband and wife: the propriety of
trying to live happily together once more.
After consultation they concluded to try it
again, and the cue was thus ended.
Tim MONAZOU.—This crack iron clad of
the British Navy, which conveyed Pea
body's remains across the ocean, is aow
lying at Annapolis, Md., and has been vis
ited by a number of prominent official&
Admiral Porter, who visited the vessel,
says the Monarch Were greatest naval ves
sel afloat ; that pbe can east colupter any
vessel belonging to our Nivy, She can
run down oar iron-clads and monitors at
lies. A fight with her "in shore" or in
harbor might be more equally contested,
for then she could not so readily use the
thirty four foot iron ram, placed in her,
some fifteen feet under water. Ile declares
she is thp greatest piece of naval architec
ture he has evei looked upon.
Mumma Manny telegraphs from Lon
don that the fTnited States akop of war
Oneida had been sank near Yokohama,
Japan, in consequence of a collision with
the British mail steamer Bombay, and that
the omcers and crew of the Oneida—one
hundred and twenty men—went down in
the vessel. It - is feared that a number of
ogees belonging to other vessels of the
Chinese ilquatinm were on beard at the
time of the disaster, and were altadrowised.
No particulate of the sad *Air have been
received at Washington.
Lem intelligence musemaces that the
Oneida waa run tato by the steamer Bom
bay at midnight, crashing into and midair
a hole through which the interior of the
Oneida was visible. The amide Mk
within ten minutes, dischsirghig her guns
as signals of distress: . nottritiuthatihtg
which the Bonibay passed on without au
*bit tp saye life. A number of men were
leheewieed4 hifPd br vsse!Dg bold& The
Mombey is much OMURA and a own
martial will yusibel47 Maas'
TEE LADIES' CLUB, of Ns* rogit,
recently changed their discoMiene front
woman'. satrap to Hair preparations sad
Pimple Banishers. They declared that
where nature •had not endowed them with
knit% B was their dEks — yea, their duty—
to Peek it when they cps**, • elo they all
Toted that Mspolla Bobo} coMpame
Asir 4 01 0 Skin and Nagularb, 11 4 Pre
to ih. coiNAtßien • IPS diettngue Ob .
toiket) 9/4 ntorblo.lato einuelegoe dmg
ate IQ lam ao *ON mod tilat h 7 " 11
Kethalms old& ISM Unlr ;nit the eon
aid =WPM% sad 1110MOVer premed
it was titan VV. It the PrOiwiel9ra of
theca enicitto did ito4 sessltoeitimm
!Mo p SW MIA NMI& 1N1T01444
°tiro !Wiliest)
boiciarri, hail their line In sucCadiful op
endion from Richthond to the White
plum Springs,West Virgluis=u distanee of
*Vannes—awl the cash value of ibis corn
:pitied soul_truilois t r porOoft or the road is
eal ed 7 fitliegalt. $15,000,000. With a
vi pauktipt exiiihalun •of the. line
th t • Ohio Riv*,' a timber stretch
extension a
washbowl's, portion has already been con
structed), the Company have decided to
offer, through their financial 'agents, Messrs.
r cts Rat* $15,000,000 of a Thirty
tear Fliet' , Nortgage Sam, protected by
the 091;16i 4their entire road, property,
franchises, &c., through from Richmond to
the Of& 1116 t. The mortgage will Cover
all the obligatbns of the Company, whose
outstanding i indebtedness consists of only
$1,688,747 is miscellaneous bonds upon
Porikma ut the old Virginia Central Rail
road (which sow forms a part of the Ches
apeake and Ohio), and -a onaltobligation to
the State of 'Virginia, for the payment of
which provision has already been made in
Virginia State Bondi The outstanding
Bonds of the Virginia Central Road will be
provided for by a reservation of *2,000,000
of the rirst Mortgage Loan of die Chesa
peake and Ohio Company ; and of the re
maining $ 1 3,000,000 of this Firbt Mot tgag,e
Loan, the Company will sell only an
amount sufficient to complete the road to
the Ohio River, perfect and improve the
portion now in operation, and thorobghiy
equip the whole for the large, active, and
very lucrative traffic which may be CS/Di/-
deafly Jcwked for as the inevitable conse
quence of the opening of this important
Trunk Line of communication between the
seaboard and the Ohio River. The 134,nds
01 the Loan , are of the denomination of
$l,OOO, $5OO and $lOO respectively, and
are issued In three different. forms: 1.
Coupon Bonds, payable to bearer ; 2. Reg
istered Bonds, with Coupons attached ; and
8. Registered Beads, with Coupons detach
ed, which forms are explained in the pro
spectus of the Loan which appears on an
other page of this paper. Both principal
and interest of the Loan are made payable
expressly in gold coin in the City of New
York. The Bonds yield interest at the rate
or G per cent. per• annum, in gold. They
are oared for the present pt 90 per cent.
and accrued interest in currency, from 'Nov.
1, 1869. Becureilas the Loan is by an ab
solute lien on the entire line of railroad
from Richmond to the Ohio River, with its
equipment and all other property, and by
the additional guarantees afforded by the
eminently responsible Board of. Manage
ment and Financial Agency of the Com
pany—including the names of some.of - our
moat successful business men, bankers,
and railroad builders—the First Mortgage
Bonds of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad
Couipsoy can be commended at constitu
ting a first class, reliable, and profitable
form of Investment,
just passed by Congress, gives over Ave mil
lion dollars to the Atcylam for Disabled
Soldiers. Under act of February, 1864,
the Institution has received $500,000 of the
fund in the Treasury, created by the above
act, which relieved all Quakers from mili
tary duty by their paying $3OO to the Gov
ernment. Of this fund there yet remains
about s26o' ,1)00, which goes directly to the
Institution. The bill also gives to the In
stitution all the funds withheld, at the vari
ous branch rendezvous, from those soldiers
who subsequently deserted or jumped the
bounty, and who have never claimed their
money, on account of said desertion, &c.
This fund was created pursuant to deneral
Order No. 20.5, issued December 27th, 1864,
and there ytt remains of It in the Treasury
$893,000. The bill also orders that the In
stitution shall receive all the funds now in
the Treasury which have been accumulated
there under the acts of March, 1165, and
March, 1866. SDI. wren
provided for the retention of the Day of 'all
deserters and all soldiers unclaimed for three
years. This fund, the Second Comptroller
mat o, is over $4,000,000. Thus it will be
seen that this bill gives to the Institution
altogether over $6,000,000, which its direc
tors eau invest in bonds, or in buildings, or
what they may see Ht.
Par Read S. G. Coon's A.dvert4ement
and karn where to buy Cooking Stoves,
Tin-Ware, &c., at reduced prices. 3m
WINTER COSI ING.—Winter iH coin
ing, and ConEAN & CONINOHAM have
trade arrangements to meet the wants of
be public by their large assortment of all
kinds of Ready-made Clothing, for ra/
and Winter wear, for Men and Boys—
also, Caps, Boots, Shoes, fie., whic4they
are selling very low. tf
NEW ALBUM.—Messrs. Tipton it
Myers have purchased the right ot Adams
COUlltk or the saleorßarnaby rit Willard's
Patent Revolving Albumus—the neatest,
cheapest and most durable Albums made.
Store keepera and others suplied.
—Few are aware of the importance of
checking a Cough or "Common Cold," In
its drst stage ; that which in the beginning
would yield to a mild remedy, if neglected
loon preys upon the Lungs. “Brown's
Bronchial Troches," or Cough Lozenges, af
ford instant relief.
Owing to the good reputation and popu
larity of the Troches, many worthless and
cheap imitations are offered which are good
for, nothing, Be sure to obtain the true
"Brown's Bronchial Troches." Bold every
"This splendid Brett was made Forme,"
Observers answer, "That may ba
But you were never made for It."
Manners signify more than dross, to be
sure, but then he has a double advantage,
who besidekbeing mannerly, Is also well
dresscd. To be well dressed, one has only
to patronize the famous Oak Hall of Wana
maker & Brown. 1 t
tEir The ancients proclaimed that Mer
maids, .Nmyphs, Naiads and the thanes
had long, thwlog tresses which made them
envied by their sisters of earth. But they
arose out of theses foam or bathed in fourt
tains reached brig, mortal hands and kept
their locks of dewy softness, dark and Ins
trim's, and thus hod no need of Ring's Veg
stable Ambrosia, which js doing the same
thing nn thousands of Peoplein Our clay,
r If you have a discharge from the
nose, offensive or otherwise, partial loss of
the sense or smell, taste or hearing, eyes
Watering or weak, feel dull and stupid or
debilitated, painior pressure is the heed .
take cold essilyyyou may rest assured that
you hays the Chsmerh. Thouliends annually,
" 12 ° 44 Intollbefloil hall at to allot , .
symptoms', terminate in consumption and
end in the grave. No disease is so cons
num, mere deceptive or less understood by
Sarslosa4. Y. race, it. P. of Buff&
10, N. Y., is the proprietor of pr. Bap's
Wirth . liamedy,-0 perfect %teak for OlititTil t 6 'oo* by the hesd," or catarrhal
headache, whisk be asadite any address,
PM Sid, kr 'duty oents, or foUr Packages.
for Soid by most deugiMs every
where. It
Tat akecopipe alum tits coow at the hair due to a
deposition of ppmt is fie aabolotoe. When the
hair Itisada Meow idbebtedt eltd *mid linso —
Oae after aaolbar Nod baba IMMO W*Set or MI 1,61 .
MPoludddll ba lms. i llaidatualieem to pro.s bat
bard to Are. airs Us Moos oar it: drat or
Moo 14 wir 11 . 1 ,0 w always rookrai Its 00101 r.
, .0 11 , 61 ". "MMUS 4 as tria•Thibk! Plus%
wirakkaa leg r o e. ofp o tb. flat am* orao.
be Mt Ile* be . it ..a Ito 113 , - Areal;
LIP 111% fi Itaditt** . ° lo 4 11 . 41 freilnik.
I NM* 49 Ito look Priligipa Wee
+ 414 4; !r• : tun tit
are supplying storekeepers with everything in their
Una, In large and small tl Hoye& prices thu will
afford.good profit.. Coal . 011 down In price, tins
rents per gallon. rverythtng wanted by hnonatan
attending We Cle baud, * low pekes. ♦ alas Its•
title allow. sold cheap. Oar stock orlammennwe,
0 Immo% Table Naafi, and House TandiAing
Goode la fathead complete, and will to sold, what..
•le and retail, at prices fluke low. FM and Balton
band, at all times. (Feb.
Thebes's of Its remedial properthil i■ a vegetable
It keep the Hair from falling oat.
Itallairmarabir.Bcalp, sad makes the Hair SORT,
It is a splendid hair dressing.
R. P. HALL t Co , Nashua, N. 11., Proprietors.
Mu. 4—lm
"Children's Lives Saved for BO Cents.".
of Croup. New, Mothers, if you would spend be
cents, and alweys !mesa bottle of Dr. Tobias' Vene
tian Llahneot in the house, you never need fear lasing
your little one when attacked with this complaint.--
It is now 71 year* Since I have put up my' Liniment,
and never heard of • child dying of Croup when my
Liniment woui used; but hundreds of cures have bees
reported to me, and many state If It we. SIO per bot
tle they would not be without at. Besides which, It
Is • mortals cure for Cuts, Burns, licadactie, Tooth.
ache, Sore Throat, Swelliuge, Mumps, Colic, Mai-
These, Dysentery, Npsscus, Old Sure. and Pains In the
Limbs, Back, and Chest. No one on tries it who is
ever without it. It is warranted perfectly safe to
take Internally. Full directions with every bottle.--
Sold by the Druggists and Storekeepers in the United
States. Depot, 10 Park Piece, New York.
Mar. 4, IVO—lat
- - -- •
Their great value consists in ale: They may be
need so long as any dhumse affects coy of the organs
of the body : and by thus persevering in their use the
disease will be cored, and the body restored to health,
free from every taint sod impurity. Their repute•
flan proves their merit.
Thomas Smith, Coroner and Justice of the Peers,
Heatinge-otplbsolindson, says Brandreth's Pt Its cured
him of Dyspepsia and Heartburn, when every other
medicine bad felled to relieve him. Certificate dated
April 2,
Dr. Turner, of Savannah, CM., says he has, for near
ly forty years', recommended ilrandreth's Pill. as •
specitic in Yellow Fever; that he never knew • pa.
bent to die who took them for this malady, toeing
otherwise sound. Their peuMpt use take. out of the
body those matters which feed the fatality of the
*sae. Aa► general Wally medicine he conelders them
far In advance of all others, and here be speaks from
personal eaperlencs of their qualities.
- -
Ru been accomplished In hair dye'. The horrible
compound' containing LEAD, SALT lad SULPHUR
are diseatded. The Lading chemists Implore the
public not to use them, and Professor Chilton, whose
reputation Is second to that of no analytical chemist
In America, has recommanded
may be steed wltheua tsar. Remember, It Is the only
one that has been analyzed and found wholesome.—
Its effects are lastautansons, and the colors it imparts
Dressing, acts like a charm on the Hair after Dyeing.
Try It. (Mar. 4, tB7O-1m
/or Store /Fonts, Asylum., kr.; /roll Bedstead',
Wire Webbing for Sheepend Poultry Yard.; Braes and
Iron Wire Cloth, Sieves. Venders. Screens for Cosh
Orem Sand, kr. Heavy Crimped Cloth for Spark
Arrester. ,
Lend;rapt,Wirei, for Window., Sc.; Paper
saleneWirea,ornam..ta) IV ire Work,kc. Every in
formation by addressing the manufacturers. X,
WALKER - A SONS. No, 11 North Sixth et, Phila.
[IP•b. It, 18 70.-Iyy
To agents to sell the celebrated WII. SON SEWING
MACIIINES. The beet taachlse lb the world. Stitca
atike on both Wes. One N cntrs WMIOCT WON'T. Tor
farther particulars, •ddrew 22 N. Soh Si., Philad's,Pa.
Feb. 11-3 w
There can be nothing that win please the ladles
better than s good article, which is needed fa •eery
family for every day's cue. Stich au article Is ESTES'
ed for the following purposes: ibr General Moue..
hold ITte. Per the Toilet. 11. r the Laundry. Pbr
Chapped Hands, d-c. Sold by all Grocers and Store
keepers everywhere.
NATHAN FRICK. Sol* AF•ut, Sn. zlh North Frog'
rob. 141470—a..
PUBLISHED for the benefit of young men and
others who suffer from Nervous Debility, etc.,
supplying the maws of self-core. Written by one
rho cared himeelf; and sent hen on receiving s post
paid diverted envelops. Address
N ATHANI NI. MA YFA IR. Brooklyn, N. Y.
'Dec. 24,1869.-6 m
MACHINE. Them, machines make a strong, durable
and elastic stitch; will sew with ease scary variety
or cotton. woolen, linen and silk goods, from the finest
to the coarsest, sod of any required thickness at
greater speed and with loss power and noise than any
other machine. A genie wanted in scary town. Ll
beral commis4on allowed. Fur terms and circular
N0..700 Chestnut et,
Phi mdelphia„ Pa., Pole A gee t.
A gentleman who suffered for years from nervous
Debolity, Premature Decay, end all the effects of
youthful indiscretion, w ka the sake of suffering
bulltsult.r, send feed to all who need it, the receipt and
directions fur making the simple rtmedy by which he
wu cored Fufferers wishing to proEt by ths Meer.
t iser'm experience. CAD AO SO by addressing, ID perfect
confidence - JOHN B. OGDEN,
Nay 14,1469.—1 y N 0.4 Cedar street, New York.
The Advertiser, having been restored to health In a
few weeks, by a very simple remedy, alter baring rat
Wad several years with a severe lung affection, and
that dread disease, Consumption—is sax loos to make
known Llhle fallow cufferers the means of curs.
To all who desire ft, he will send a copy of the pre
scription used (free of charge), with the directions br
preparing and using the same, which they will Sod a
wore Cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc.
The object of the advertir In median the Preemie.
this is to benefit the affli ct ed , and spread information
which he conceives to be invaluable; and be hopes ev.
try sufferer will try his remedy, at it will cast. them
nothing, and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the presertption,will pleaseaddress
Willistosburg, Rings county, New York..
Nay 14,1869.-1 y
SCHENCK% PIILMONIC will c ure To and Mandrake Pills, will cure Con
lintaptiOn. LITSI Cmoptalst, and Dyspepsia, if taken
according to directions. They are all three to be ta
ken at the same times, They cleanse the stomach, no
lax the Hera, and pot it to work; then the appetft•
bonnets goo; the food dlgeertasuad makmfgood blood ;
the patient begins to grow In Beak; the diseased mat
ter ripens in the lunge, and the patina; outgrows the
disease and guts well. Thiele the only way to cure
consumption. .
To thus three medicines Dr. P. H. Schenck of
Philadelphia, owes his unrivalled moms la UM treat
ment of plasterer? oonsmngition. Tie Pulmonie
B=tpens the morbid matter lathe longs, Ware
it of by sa easy arplotoratkia, for with the
phlegm or matter is ripeotslight oostei Will throw it
off, and the patient ban test sad the image begin to
To do this, the Seaweed Teak and Mandrake Pills
must be freely useitto clothes the stomach and liver,
.so that the Paimmele Syrup and the loud will make
good blood.
Schenck's Matidruke Pills act upon the liver, re
moving all obstructions, relax the duets of the - gall
bladder, this bile starts freely, sad the liver le moo
relieved; Am stools will show what the Pills ana do
nothing has ever bean invented except WNW
deadly poison which is very dangerous to sea sale
with greet oath), tins will unlock tie
salsa's: the sometime at the liver like athumak'
• /Liver Ckunpielat is one of Nth most preemie
6111111311 of Clensoniptlon.
lichesok's Seaweed Tonic is • patio stinualsatt sad
alterative. and the alkali in the Seaweed, which this
preparation is made or, assists the accalach to throw
oat the Wittig Ake to dissolve the food with the
Pal/soak Syrup, and it I, made Into good blood with.
oat fermentation or souring In the stomach.
The gnat reason why physicians do not cure eon.
sumptlon Y, they try to do too much; they all me
dicine Instep the cough, snoop chills, to atop
sweats, hectic Ever, rind by ea Ung they derange rho
whole digestive powers, locking up the seerstiose
. sad eventually the patient sinks and dia.
Dr. Seimick.iti bis !treatment, does not try Weems
• 00804141 th sweats, chills, or Ether. 1141100 TIP
canes, aild they will all stop of their own accord..--
No one can cured of Oensamption, Liver Cram
plaint, Dyspopsis,Gatarrh, Clanks r, Viostated Tbroe,t
unless the aver , and st.imaich are made healthy.
If • person has consumption, of coarse the lump in
epee evo are" dtheamd, either tubercles., abscesses.
beoaoWal Imitative, pleura adhesion, cribs lunge at
a tams of latanunatioa end teat decaying. la math
these what RPM he done I If le nit Only the lungif
that ate wasting, but it is the whole body. The
stomach and liver balmiest their point toantheblood
oat of food. Now the only chaste is to take Scheack's
three medicines, which will bring up a tone to tie
sicossoi. tie patinas will bugle to west food, It will
digest easily and make good Wad; them tie patient
begins to `ale la Ilea. awl as some se tkohodilregthn
he grow; the *RV 000401"" to heal uph em 4 Ike -
Wet e,ta
tothi had well. This Is the only way to
only Mem Coup
litt k aad biairsid Tskio and
• filfrizi'sitill ,lest
withou the tial.
S om ynth. Tait th e Sivadrake Pills fre e ly [na P il b ala Woos
plalate, its th ey ars *hotly
° scipenck, who hassajoyed uninterrupted health
for many year. Poi, ilad nag` weighs WApotadwas
wasted away to nonce siteletaa, in th e vary hilt qui.
Of Palmonary Consumption, Ma physicians laving
pronou.smd his 061111 hopeless and abandoned him to
Ws fits. He wan cared by the atbreesid medidises,
ad slam his recover, aunty thommade similarly. at
Slated have used Dr. lickenclee praparatioss with the
imam remarkable moons. lull directions accompany.
jag oath, make it not absolutely necessary to
airy Me Dr. Solionelt. Intim the patients wish tbek
wage atomised, and dor this p be is pro Modes
ally at hY Principal Oath, every Same;
iley. whom ail letters for advice mut be addrassid...
karg 11110 = progpigoasl iroutedzi ty at A... ll l l 3 4tv lioad rta streek sazz New
Maw %kopek* le 011100 hears arm& city hasp
ir a. 111. to P. •
p• of she Palsmnitilyru sital b tsw=
ia per boats, or rads •
211 •144 ' llo °4. ?Pr isle biltuo rx
als 4.lloleira
March 4 —tf
Ambit ;loons.
gad and germ' IWO.
Ths uoderilAnctl, lottudiog to quit tannin, wilt
sell at P u bile dele,on Monthly, Ms late day of March;
1140, at 10 o'clock, .A..M.on the prettifies, fa Reeding
township, Adams county, Pa., on the road leading
from Hampton to New Chatter, about onirelsteentk
of a mile from this lower plewe, the following Real
/Atilt', all:
• FARM, containing 80 Acres, more or less. on
which le erected a two story H O .contalning 6
rooms, Kitchen, Pantry and Battery, all in good or.
der. An end has lately been built, which when finish.
et, will contain 1 room below and 3 above. A good
large BARN, containing four Stables and floor, with
2 Mow. and 4 Sbele,llog Pen, Shia feet. with a Corn
Crib and 8 large bits for grain attached; Smoke
House, Hen House, and all other necessary building.;
a young Orchard, Just in good bearing order, also,
about 26 or 30 Poach trees, with a choice lot of Grapey,
eta: Diabelbt,Ociseard, Dimas add belawark; Straw
berries, cis: Agriculturist and Jumada. About 8 acres
are in Timber, the balance in Meadow and farming
land, a due proportion of each. All nailer good fence.
The land has all been Ilmed ones, and part twice. A
Well of never-railing water at the barn and Spring
water for house use. A streim of water near the
barn, ace. oath% from all the Mills, ear stock. Any
person wishing to Mew the property can do so by
calling on the undersigned realdiog thereon. Unix
sold entire, It will be divided to Milt buyers.
Alen, at the same time and place, will be sold the
following Personal Property, via:
3 VALBABLCWOBK 1101113/111, suited for either
saddle or harness, aged i t . B and 10 ears 1 Cult six
months old, 2 Mitch Cows, 1 Keifer, I Boar Hog, 2
Bows that will have pigs about the Ist of June t
Barrow, all Chester Whites; I two.boree narrow tread
Wagon, Ohlo Buckeye combined Beeper, Brand t's pa.
tent flay Rake,Onsln Van, J. Laughlin's patent
Btraw, Kay smlt:alder Cutter, Kay Katie, littckaway
Buggy, cowered Spring Wagon with 3 springs, Sled
May Carriage, Plows, Harrows, a three-shoveled Corn
Plow, Corn rusk, Shovels, Ray and Manure Folks,
Hake., Hews, Spade, Crowbar, Mattock, Harden Hake,
Jack Screw, single, double and treble Treed, 11,111,
Rings, Log, Cow, Halter and Butt Challis, Horse
Heats, 2 sets of Yankee Back Bands, Braila
mounted Carriege Harness, Check Lines, Plow Line.
Blind Bridles, Cullers, Biding Paddles and Bridle, kc.
1 fibs farm is sold a variety of valuable HOUSII
WILLI AND KirtaliChl YUithlLYUlati will also Do
Wit/. COlMllling in part of I set of solid Walnut Bed
Bourn Yurulture,composed Oa Bedstead, Marble-top
drinssing Bureau, Washstand, Tow el Rack;
1 set sat Cheetwat Bed Room Furniture, composed of
Bedetead, dressing Bureau, Washstand, Towel Back,
4 Chairs; also, a Cottage Walnut Bedstead ; all cc
good as new; 1 Knabe t Hsieh'. Piano, Siam{ nested
dote, 1 sot or lane seated Chairs 2 cane seated Ibek.
rug Chain, a lot sal Common Chairs, 1 Marble-top Par
lor Table, liming, Breakfast and Kitchen Table., 2
Morutug Blur) , Parlor Stoves, Cook stove and ix.
cares, large lot ulgualnoi.. lilt, Crockery-ware, Giese
ware, Tin-were, role, Paris, Jogs, Buckets, Kegs,
Barrel., Boxes, Cheer, Milliner's Snow Cast.. a lot of
Bacon, Potatoes by the bushel, Meat Veesels, Carpet
by the yard, Barrel of Vinegar, Copper Kettle, and •
grant many other articles it. unntaruns to mention.
Intending in leave the State, 1, will t der my entire
poisessinne. Tsetse mouths credit will be elven on
the heal sad Personal Property. Further tormented*
known on said day of sale.
A. K. Mitts, Anctluceer. 'Vet, '.4".,—ts
.3..ttucLoters nut Allownd to brltig ell thing to
drink an We prawn..
rho uudarsigtiad, ititetding to remove, will .all at
Public dalr, an Thursday, tAr. lith day of March,
1870,a/ 9 o'clock, A Al., at his ii.aulcucr, ut Y'rc .arick
,:,,wpgy, Ma., on We Cum 0/ diab.r, ob lbo road
loading (rum kannittsburg to Litt!claw* 0, 4,4 mile'
from kustUiltsburg, the billow lug rersoual Property,
POUR HEAD Of WORK HUMES, two of them
mares with foal, b head of !filch Cows, all of which
will be fresh this spring, I Bull, 5 bead of young Cat
tle, two of them Heifer. which will be fresh this
spring, 8 Shoats, 1 henry brood tread and 1 narrow
tread four bons Wagons, Lime bed and Carriage as
good as new. teed Trough, 2 seta or Dung Boards,
Threshing Machine and Horse Power with rod and
gearing used only 0110 •Efllol2, 1101XiMitell Beeper and
and Mower with self-rake, Patent Hake, Winnowing
Mill as good as new, Plow, 2 Harrows, lice Harrow,
double shovel and treble shovel Plows, Corn Pork,
Shifting top Buggy and Harness, Sleigh as good as
01111, 2 sets of Breeclibaads, 2 set of Front Deere, CO
Lars, Bridles, Halters, four-bores Line, Wagon Saddle
as good as new, Biding Boddie, bide Saddle, 2 lidding
Bridles, Breast, Butt and Log Cbalus, 2 paha of
Spreaders, single, double and treble Tree., Cutting
Bog, Shovels, Yorks, ;Bakes, Axe, Maul and Wedges,
Mattock, Sc. Also, ourtialfor 33 Acres of Orrin la
the ground; Also, a variety of HO USCHOLD AND
KITCHEN YUBNITURK, consisting of 4 Bedsteads
and Bedding, 2 Bureaus as good as new, 2 Bales, 1
DltEng and 2 Breakfast Saxes, Sink, 3 sets of Chairs,
Ten-plats Stove and Pips, No 8 Noble Cook Stove,
W pod Box, Desk, Chest, Elght-daj Clock, Dough -tray,
• lot of Carpet, Iron Kettle, Cedar-ware, Tin-ware,
Queens I. are, Crockery-ware, Boxer, Barrels, Vinegar,
Posatoes, Bowie/go, Bacon and lard by the pound, and
a great many other articles too unmeron. to mention.
Attendance will be given and tem, mad. kuown
Altitatok BETH, Auctioneer. flfeb.2s—te*
The undersigned. intending to quit farming, will
cell at Public Bale, on Priday, the lath day of March,
1870, at 10 s'cloc-,, A. M., at bit residence in &E.t.a
tormuitilp, Adams county, Pa., on the Harrisburg
road, 1 mile from liettysburg, the following valuable
Personal Property, TM:
. . . .
4 HEAD Of GOOD WORK HOBBIES, one of them
rising 4 and one 3 years, 12 lead of honied Cattle,
amongst which see 6 good Witch Cows, ou• 3 year
Devon Bull, one email do, the balance young Cattle,
10 head of Sheep, 1 new broad tread four-botse We
gun, 1 two or three-horse narrow tread Wagon Eng
liah Wagon Bed, Spring Wagon Bed, lily Ca ,
Dung Boards, Feed Troegh, 'firreehing Machias and
two horse Powers, one of which le neer Manny Reap
er and Mower, Fodder Cutter, Corn Shel er, Clover
Roller, Oroin Drill, Winnowing 31 ill, • lot 1
Wire tooth Hay Bak*, 3 Plows, 2 Harrows, 2 Double
bliovel Plows, 1 Corn Works, large Adjustable Cultiva
tor, Flax Brake, Scotching Hal, Wheel Barrow, Land
Boller, Corn Coverer, Morrisou's Corn Planter, the
beat implement fur the purpose now ID 11/oe, Single
double mid treble Trees, epreedere, Log Chain, 3 sets
01 Breecbbands,2 ems of Front Gears, all M which
ere nearly new, Fly Nets,Collars, Bridles, Halter and I
cow t• aur a e
Sprou Dunt, g Plo,b York. ghsklog Pocks,
Maitland Wedges, with a variety of other articled
too minterwus to Olftall.4l.
Attendance will be given and term' made known
by JOSIAII 11101.a66.
Jona ETAT...L.IIIIIM Auctioneer. [Feb. :25-31.
fa parasitic. I f sundry write of Penditioad Rayon.
road Levarl Faci a / 4 boned out of the Court of Gnomon
Pleas of Adams ooanty, and to as directed, will be as
pooped to Public Pule, at the Court Hausa la the
Borough of Gettysburg, en &tomboy. the 19th day of
March, 1870, all o'clock, P. M., the Laboring deaerbed
Real Rotate, ska:
al taste in Moantplsasatit township, Adams county.
Pa., a , Joining Lands of Charles Uemler•John Palmer,
Unary Riddlemoser, and other,, coutaining Lid
ACBSP, more or less, improved with a TWa.STORB
STONE DWZLLINO HOUSE, and one story /rams
Backhanding attached, a large Bank tiara, (naafi,
new,) with Wagon Shed and Cora Crib attached, Hog
Pen an Apple Orchard of choice fruit, d wells of wa
ter near the duor with pumps In them, also a never•
failing npring of aster on the Calm; 15 Acres are
Woodla ad, and 13 Acne good Meadow. Alao,olllehalf
of 14 Acres of Gleht in the ground,
attaine tat the borough of LI Westover', Adams county.
Pa., lion bag Se feet on the Littleetorn and Getty abarg
turnpike, by SIS deep, on the bittlestown Railroad,
sad adj.:titans lots of David Schwartz on the north
end east—improved with a large three•stoty and
Seam:meat BRICK IIOTKL BUILDING, a three-story
Backhanding, a one-story Brick Wash House attach
ed, a large Brick Stable, a wefl with a pump In it
near the kitchen dour, le.—the property known a.
the "Natiotual lioteL"
Saiasd and taken In executing' as the Real EAU* of
situate in the Borough of fiettysbarg, Adams wanly,
Pa, fronting 140 feet on the York' turapilus, sad run.
nine back to • lot of George H. Swope, ook the north,
adjoining kris of Jane Grumbia• on the eat, end
Lewhilliyers en the west, Unproved with a Double
Two-sitary Cottage frame DWILLING HOOB2, with
Twogetory Doable frame Rackbuilding attached with
POttlo34lll, a well of water near the back door with
pump in U. The property is new. Seised and taken
into execution as the heal Estate of lifituan BJLzI
and Saar Rusr.
JACOB Sherif.
Bberirs Office, 0 ettysbarg, PA. 111, 1870.—U
401-Tao per cent. of the purchase money upon all
sales by the Sheriff mast be paid over inowediely alter
the property is
struck down or epos failure to comply
therewith the property will be agala pat np for sale
The undersigned, intending to quit farming, win
offer at Public lisle on Tueselay,thelbth day of:Mardi
esa‘ t at reeldetice in Butler township, Adams
county,-Pa., one balfall• south of Centre Mills, on
Opossum creek, the following personal Property, to
RIAD ON WORK 11011922, two of good
brood mares, 9 bald of Mikb Chows which will be
fresh by time of sake. Alai,* lot of yoga' Cattle, 2
Sham, shim a lot of Sheep, I two and thnishorse
Wasps good as new,l fralllng4op Ingo, 2 Pkiwl
a Bedford sad the other a Banderwrille IleUer
Harrow,Shovel Plow, Corn Pork, COns Comer,
Revoleleg Hay Bak*, Bled, gay Ladders,Raras Bean,
new Collars, Briellasedons Harness,
sat Musk Llamas,
ascisese pal: Mack Lines, Wagon Line,
4 WkIP. Collars, Saddle
Bel miring, of Sleigh Bells, Sleigh l and RBoidguing
Sp new baud Bakst, Hay and Maims Parka,
Wheelbarrow, pair new Breast Mains, Spreaders,
single li and double Trims, Jockey Stick, Sturnely sew
Calfnshal. Peed Chest,Orain Grad* Illowinp, Scythe
and Bomb, sad a great many articles too numerous
lo manikin.
Bale to ownwienee at 10 o'clock, A. Y. ou mild day,
ellen &Hendon* will be given and Una& made knot'
Jo ax Hams, Auctioneer. rieb. 11Vtas
no undersigned intending to gait fanning will
sena& Public Sale, on flati&y, GUM:day of Marsh
next' at 10 o'clock, 4. 1., at kis residence. in Strobes
township, Adams county, Pa.., on the road leading
from New Chester to the York pike, about threw
fourth, of a mile trout New Cheater, the following
valuable Personal Property, via:
TWO HEAD OP WORK HORSIS, one of them of
the Gen. Taylor stock, 1 three yearling Colt, 6 bead
of Mach Coin, 8 hand of young Cattle, low and Piga
2 Shoats, Rolle Patent Reaper, Orals Drill, Thresh
ing Machine, Potent Hay Rake, 1 ibur•borse Wagon
and Bed,l ono-hone Wigan, Plows, Harrows, double
and single Trees, Spreaders, Log and 111th amine,
Jack Screws, Brsechbands, °yippee", Heiman, Cow
Chains, Corn Planter Corn Sheller, Straw Cutter,
Yeoman's Patent Grain Fan, Sleigh, lot of old Iron,
hiattoek ,Forks, Rakes, Shovel Plow, and Fort"
Axe., Sant and Widget, Grain Cradle. Alio, Hollslb. '
HOLD AND EITCHM 11111241TURS. eoneisting is
part of Stoves, Hathaway Cook, Parlor Stove and
Pipe, Oise of DialVerl, Stands, Chaim Barrels, sada
great many ether articles too numerous to mention.
Atandance will be given and terms made known
Joss SLarassurs,'Auctionmr. Feb. 18—tss
• e undersigned, !standing to Quit brosing, will
tall 'at Public Sole, ea flaittrefay,the fotit day qrlfarril
nark at lila riosidsmce Hd lawnsidp, Adams
county, Fa., about 3 miles from Fairfield, and 134
miler Hum alagelFs Mill, the following Taluabletep.
nasal Property, via:
TWO RIAD OF HOWLS& 1 rising 4 yaml4
both of which will work well wherever knotted, 2
young Yule% 3 head of /Inch Clows,l Bull, 2 Heifers,
1 Bar.bmns Broad tread Wagon, 1 pair of new Hay
Winiunving 1011, Miami Calking Ban, two.
hors. l :iw, 2 new single 81govel Plows, 2 new double
Blm! Flows, 2 new awn forks, Harrow, now two.
hors* Sleigh and Spread, .th alt aad doable Tram, 2
pairs of Spreaders, Jockey 8 Fifth, Log, Breast
and Cow Chain; pairs of new reechbarae, 2 sate
of Front Onus, 4 Housings, foot and gradient, Liam
Was flaL r istbs, Whip, dolls" Halters,'lnoui
Roo Frisks. Sakes, Shovel; * lock Haider, new
Wb s, and other actiolea, too numerous to
Sale to einnalesee at 111 *lock, IC, when Woad?
woe will be given and time made known b
Jun Kamm Autism's..
pea. 11 1 /179r-Ili
Xtat 404 ftroonal)alts.
The soder - signed, Es. tit. sof the estate of Per...
Cohrogy, deceased, out o: i',,idic Diuro
duy, tAslOOrday or Match, 1170. at t 1.3 I.iecuen or
said deceased, In itonkliu toe uship, Adorns county,
Pa., out tulle east of Cashloon, the follerlag Per
sonal Property, vb.:
4 lIIALS OF iIOOD WORK COlizi.ES, tan of them
good leaders,' good Mules both goad le:Weis, 3 head
01,111lildi Cows, Heifers, 1 six-horse broad troad Wu
-01113111)111S41tarte broad tread Wagon, 1 two bore.
Wages, 1 Sleigh and a strings of Dolts. 1 Bugg3 , ,
seta of Single Horne% 1 Dial. Drill, 1 Wiunoeing
Milt, 1 Winatooth 11a) Rabe. Cutting Box, I three
horse Plough, 2 two-horse I'ionaha,2 Harrows, illogic
and Double Shovel Ploughs, Corn Yorke, 2 sets of
Breechblock, .4 seta of Flout blears, Cellars and
ftriollse.l Wagon Saddle, Umbers and Cow °barns. '2
Log Chains, Fifth Chains, Spreaders, single, double
and tieble Trees, a Digging lions, Oriodstone,lT b
barrow, croverot Sew, Perks, lakes, Shovels, Mat
tocks, Hay Carriage, Jack Screw, Side Saddle, Cut
ters, Rough Locks,Cirrylog Chain, Butt and lirusst
NITURE, such as Tables, .Lairs,
Bureau., Corner
Cupboard, - Cookifig Stove, Ten-plate Stove, Parlor
Stove, lot of Stove Pipe, lot of Carpeting, Tinware,
Qchenaware, /Du then wore, Meat Vessels, Boxes, Cider
Barrels. Bacon by the ponud, Apple Butter by tb.
crook,Bpioniug Whorl, Wool N boot, Iron Kettle, Cop
per Kettle, Sausage Grinder and Stutter, Fat Preu,
Pot Souks, Churn, ac..„ and a g , eat many other arti
cles too now crone to
good Timber, in Freukito toultsitip, Adonis county,
LOT No. 1 containing 9i Acres,
■dfoinlag lands of John P. Butt, George Throne, and
LOT No. 2 containing 10 Acres,
,adjoining Lot No. I and O rorge Throne.
LOT No. 3 containing 5 Acres,
adjoining In t No. 2 and lieorge Throne.
LOT No. 4 containing 5 Acres,
atij milug I ot No. ::, °purge Thrum) and Heirs of
How." t3ok.o3Neil
airPorsuo, to v iew ri.. .boo• Mo.wtaiu
Lots WI I plot.< cdi 11. e nn
day, the 5M day of 11 ch, 1571.1.
Sale to rottoooort- or tt .'clock, A M. ou nitid (toy,
when alteudltice and tezms niyab
ku..7wo by
JAColt MI , KLET, Ant ti t!ert.
VA LITA w.r: PERSONA!. I•l.ol''ZitTY
Toe ander•igned, intending to quit fartniog will
sell at Public Hale, on Iredrateduy. the oth duy of
Lurch, IS7O, at his redidenco, in Mouittpleadtant
township, Adam. county, l'►., on the rotted to Ilan
orer, Are nines from Gettyebure, the following sala
ble Personal Property,
years old, 6 good Stitch C 0.., some , I which will t e
fresh at time of sale, 1 young Meer, I Barium Bull,
1 Brood Sow which a ill have Pig. ato , cr time of :We,
1 broad stead four horse 'flagon, 1 sorrow tread two
horse Wagon, I Buckeye Reaper with drop, Ploughs,
Harrows, double ghorel Plows . doable Ehueel nar
row, Cultivators, Threshing Alichine, 2 Mono* lag
Nischlues, Culling Box, Word Ladder., Day Cdr.
risges, Limo Bed, single and doable Trews. L o g
Chains, Breast Chains, Cow Challis, Spreaders, Forks,
Dung Hooke, (Irwin Shovelk, Ilames, Urindstono,
Br ercbbands, Front and Iliad, do. Also,
sisting of 2 Ten-plate Stotes and Pipe, Bethel end - and
Bedding, Bureau, a log of Chairs, Tables, Cho' 11, nod
other articles too numerous to mention.
Bale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M, when as
will be given and terms made known by
Feb. 4, MO .-ta
Mr. Own., A uctronear
The eabscriber will offer at Public Sale. on Wednes
day, the 9th day of March, 1570, at hie residence, in
Cumberland township, Adam. county, Penna., 1 mile
south-west of Gett;etiorg, the following valuable
' , emus' Property, viz
3 HEAD OF WORK 110 ES ES, two of them mares
rising 5 years old, blacks, welf matched, and work
wherever hitched, one • good leader, 1 Colt two years
old, dark brown, 6 good !filch Cows, molt of which
will be fresh at time of Bale, 1 "fairer, will be fresh
about let of May, 9 head of young Cattle, .9 head of
Sheep, 1 four horse narrow tread Wagon, good a.
new, with bed, 2 set of Hay Carriage., 1 of them Bow
Ladders,' two•horse Plow, Marrow, Shovel Plow,
single double and treble Trees, Foreseen, Cleric,
►llth Chain, lot of Cow Chains, we other Chains,
Windmill, Rolling FiCreflo, Forks, Shovel, Mattock.
Agee, lot of Inn, I act of Cultivator Shovelr, Pick,
Rockaway Battu, 2 sets of front Gears nearly new,
4 Collars, 3 Blind Bridles, bur-hone Line„ P.ow
Line, Jacky Stick, • lot of Potato., 1 fen-plate
Stove and Pipe, Grindstone, 2 Hogsheads, lot of Bar
rele,l set of Dung Boards, and other articles too
omit erons to mention.
Bala to commence at 10 o'clock, A.M. Tcams:—A
credit of 9 months will be given on all purchases of
88 00 and upwards.
JAcon MICILLIT; Auctioneer. [Feb. 4,1870-1 A
The undersigned, Agent for Mrs. CATHARINE
RAi, will .11 at Public Sale, on Saturday, tA.l.2th d a y
of March nest, at her residence in Buchanan Valley,
one half mile from the Chapel, the following valuable
Personal Property, viz
A GOOD DRAYT HORSE, which will work well
wherever bitched. 3 Cows, I good two horse Plow,
Harrow, single sad double Shovel Plow, Ripper. Hay
Ladders, Window fig Mill, I pair of Breechbands, 1
set of Harnesw, Bridles. Collars, single end double
Lines, Grain Cradle, Mowing Scy the, Cow Chains, 2
sets of Butt Chains, Spreader, Mattock, 2 Grind
stones, Bushel Basket, Porte, Rakes, Wheelbarrow,
Shot Gun, Rifle, Corn and Potatoes by the b ushel, 4
or 5 bushels of Beata. BC. Also, HOUSEHOLD AND
KITCHEN FURNITURE, consistiog of Bedstead and
Bedding, Kitchen Cupboard, Table, Washstand, lot
of Chairs, Tin Bucket, Iron Kettle, Crout Verse],
Crocks, and other artices too numerous to mention.
Bale to Commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., when at
tendance w lll - we 51.••=, emodr••••••••• en* k..ea 4.7
By virtue of au Order of the Orphan' CourCo( Ad•
ems county, the ondersigned, Administrator of the
Bstate of &stun D. arenas, deed, will expose nu
Public Bale, on the premises, on tuturday, the lifth
day of March next, the following described Real
Estate. viz:
partly shared sad partly In timber, sittrated to
Hamiltooban township, Adam• county, near Marla
F...rnace, on which is erected a one and a half-story
LOO HOUSE. There are some One Fruit Troes on
the premises.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., when at
tendance will be given and terms made known by
Th. underidgned. intending to quit farming, will
sell at Public Sale, on Tuesday, 1501 day of porch
um!, at 10 o'cLck, A. V , at his residence in Franklin
township, Adams county, Pa.,near the Chambers bur•
like, three fourths of a mile from New Salem, the fol
owing Personal Propery, viz
/OUR. 411 CAD OF WORK HORSES,I • Brood mare
with Colt, I Colt, two years old this Spring, 3 good
Cowetwo of which have boen fresh but a short time. 5
bead al young Cattle, 8 head of Sheep, 1 narrow treat. Wagon and Bed,l three-horse Plow. 1 2-horse
Plow, single shovel, double shave! and tre4le shovel
Plows, Harrow, Ray Carriage, Reaper anti Mower In
good order, Winnowing Mill of Harrisburg make,
Cutting Bei, single; double and treble Trees, Spread
er, Wheelbarrow, 2 sets of Bramhbauds, 1 set of Front
Gears, Wagon Saddle, Collars, Bridles, 3 sets of Fly
Neta, Check Line, Plow Llnes,Breaat. Butt, Cow and
Log Challis, Halters and Chains, Scythes and Ana the,
Dung BoantsAtindstone, Fucks, Rakes, kc. Also,
Ray by the ton, and GRAIN IN THR GROUND.
Attendant, will be given and terms made known
J/10011 MICILEX, Auctioneer.
Ye/b.211, 1870--te
The undersigned oven; at PrITMO Sale his valuable
PARK, situate In Bt. Thomas township, /ranklin
county, on the road from Campbelistown to the
Warm Spring road, of • mils from the latter
road,costalng 71 AOl.lB, more or lees. The Ira
provementa are • new tweatory PRAMS DWXL
LING 16•24 feet with • Prams Dams, 20z. 66 het, and
outbuildings. There ls a never-failing Spring of
wator on the premises. About 22 Acres are In good
Timber with a large proportion of excellent Meadow.
The far m is under good hinting, and in good order
and couvealeatly Mated forlftll• School-Houses, Ac'
The terms will be easy to snit purchasers.
Persons desiring to view the premises will call on
Daniel &noose, residing on the adjoining larm. For
further in brulatkei address
HENRY atuilesimainn,
orivatreaburi, Adams co, POLlia•
Oct. 29,1889.-6 m
My Properly on attatbersburg it, Gettysburg, Pa
THE HOUSE is a two story brick,
Oaa in It, a Hydrant in the yard with rood out
bnlittinge; choice varieties of Grapes., Strawberries,
Blackberries, Raspberries, Peach and dwarf Pear
Trees on the lot. S. B. ROW.
Sept. 10.—tf
The undersigned offers at Private Bale • Villa
DEIGILIBLII I/Mid, situate in Iltraban township,
about 1X miles aouthwem of Newchester adjoining
luids of Henry Thomas, Bag., George Ca shman, and
othen;contalain_g 116 ACItZtl ot Lend in • high stets
of cultivation. • TAO /improve A eats area new weath
erboarded OOTTAiLIe HUM, frame Barn, a thriv
ing young Orchard of Opts and Peach Trees, Grape
Vines and Trait Trees In the yard, a well of Water at
the door ; a never-falling Uremia rum through the
source of therms. There is an abundance of Tim
ber. The location is convenient to Churches, &hosts,
Mlle, and Starker-
The Property le well stilted ibr division, and will be
sold in Lora or satire to suit purchasers.
Persons wiabingto view the premises or ascertain
terms, will call on the subscriber or address by letter.
ABBAIfAM fle/La.S.
New Chester, Aug. 13,1169.-tf
Will be sold at Private Bale the VALUABLE PRO.
PEATY In the Borough of Uottrabarg.On the corner
Ohaanetenarg street and the known as
.Altife's Carrier," fronstegln chantaereborg
street. and rususiog Metro &poetic alley. The Ina.
emotes eta two-story "SAME DIVEL..
Store looms, Brum MAW*, do. It Is a valuable eland
for any glad of Kilned&
It will be sold on reasonable terms. Tor Ihrther
information, apply I. either of the undersigned.
las. I, Ible.-0
.3.Prlos $2 andlta psi cord on the grOtind.
Gettysburg, Auselti.1111111„G-41
PUB ustlikraigned, having taken out Limit u as
AtrOTIONII3, Wren hit Denim te the Mpg
az s a i rl i alaja., TOMS felia m betters ad.
le et llewlennatiab w be plWlL L eptly
eitewded SO WM.
Doc Si t 110.-10 t
s,orwariting gituott
ri'llE undersigned has leased the
true bowman thecortfero IStratton*troot and
the. It4tlroadaettysborg .tairryon th
Grain &L Produce Biginess
si,i . The highest Mite* w I I is !ways
be paid for Whoa t, Rye,Corn,Oats, Cl d Tinto.
thy Reeds, PI d, Sumac, hay and Straw, Dried
Pewit, Nu ta,Sosp, Llsens,Stionlders and Sides, Pota•
toes, with everything else In theootintry prodnea
cone:mitt) (or sale ,Coffees. Sugars Mol Syr
ape, Tesa, Spices, Salt, Chaste, Vinegar, Soda,
Mustard, Starch, Arooms, Dockets. Blacking, Soap,
kc. Also. COAL OIL, Fish Oil, Tar, ix. SIMI of all
kiatlmSpikmand Nails:Smoking aad
Ile id •Isaya able to oupply a Ant rate article
°alone 0, Itb the diffaretst kind. otFeed.
Also,OroundPbuter, witbOuanotandutberfer till
zero. COA theb usberton ore•rload.
toNo.l6LNt.rtl, Howard greet, BALTIMORE and
No.Bll Ifark•istreet,PlllLADELPHlA. All good.
seat to either place will be received and rorwanied
promptly All , ;uols should be marked "CRESS
Apri _,&869.-t
Joseph W ible & Sons,
Produce Dealers, Forwarding
and Commission Merchants.
.Soulh-raal cornrrof Railroad and Walhin9fon 'trees
HICI HEST cash price paid for allkinds ofGrain and
Country Produce generally. The highest cull
price paid fur gnod Hay and RyeStranr. We will keep
constantly on hand for eel. all kinds of
Inch se Sugars, Coffee*, Tea., 1101318e' and Syrup, To
baeciie, Senna, 4plees, soil everything kep t in
•0 rocery Store.
We will run a line of t rs to flottlmot e weekly, to
the Warehouse of 10.11...30N A CO., 11:8 North .t ,
corn., of I' rankPn, for the tranmportation• of Roods
each way, leaving (lettyntrurg ev, ry Monday and re
turning on Werlues.lay.
The best branil• ot VIIIiT:LIZEnn constantly o■
hand, orseruredatsh,,rt notice for oJ...ordering.
April 9,1862.—if
REMOVAL. --The undersigned
Ilea removed hi. PRINTING 011PICE from the
Dluuond to the corner of Reillroad ■nd Washington
streets, where he will be pleaaed to meet hi• old
friend. and patron,
N E W le I R
HAS Mk... the We, sham, lately occupied b
Philip Haan, at Granite Manisa, on the line of tb
Gettysburg Railroad. 2 miles from Hunterstow a, and
will deal In all hinds of
Grain and Produce,
givlog the hlkhe•t market price. I will also keep
cons:sally /al band for sale tit kindsof
Coffee. Sugar, Ilolitases,Syrop Teas, lc. "a ith S• 1
fiih,Oila. Tar, Snaps, Bacon and Lard, Tobaccos, lc
•Ind, th• bee broods of FLOUR, with FEED of al
kirds; also, Coal.
I respectfully snliclt thepstrouageofourfriende,
andlnelte the public to cell aildexatelee my stuck
THEa odersignedls paying a t Ware-bou•t n
Carlisle street a.lp.irtlng Boehler'• Hall. he
highest price... for
POTATOES, kc., !Lc.,
&midi nelterproducert toglve hintacallbeforeselllng
Ile ban constantly on handfor sale,
Siolasses,Syrops,Cotrees sugars Ac.,with Bxll nab
olls,Tor, &asps, Baconaed lard,Tobaccos,kc. Also
the bestbroudsof FLOUR,with PEKD of •I I kinds
lie likewise Irma
Solubit PaCifir (Woo, ithodes' Phosphate lied A
A Mexican Gtutes
Whilst hepays thehighest market prices fora.l
re bays, he sells at the lowest living profit.. He
Asks &share of public patronage, resolved to give
eat efactioni cue.
HAYING purchased the extensive
Warehonse, Care, tr., of Crap k Hammel!,
the undersigned intend tocarry on the business', an
der the firm of Biomes( k Co., at the old stand on
the corner of Washington andßailro•ii•treeta . on •
more extensive sea le than heretofore
44-A rev:darling. of Freight Cars ei 111 ea, e out
Warehouse every TUESDAY BOON, and •ccom—
wodationtrarns will be run as occasion may requit e .
By tile arrangement we are prepared to convey
Freight at all times to and from Baltimore. All
hi:minus of this kind entrusted tous,willbeprompt
ly attended to. Our cars run to the Warehouse o
Stevenson & Sons, lab north Howard street, Balti
more. Being determined to pay good price., sal
cheap and , leal fairly, w e I siva 'everybody to eye
no a call.
Jan 9,1888
Hu a large saortmont of
He manufactures largely and mem the boat materials,
warrants all his work, and sells as cheaply as possible.
la fact he allows none to undersell him.
Tin Roofing & spouting
put up at short uotke. Job work done quickly and
of the best patterns, warranted to bake and giv•
sottolketioo in every respect; among which Is th•
celebrated PENNATLVANIA COOK, • stove that
cannot be excelled in baking or In cheapness, as hun
dreds who rive them can teetifi. Partiuslar atten
tion le called to this stove, as it la decidedly one of th•
best Stoves in the market. Apo, the NOBLI 000 K,
the CONTI NENTAL, and many other patterns select
ed from among the beet In the market.
Copper, Brass, Iron and
In endless middy, Coif...milli, Smoothie. Immo,
Coal Buckets and Shovel,, Tea and Table Bpoo*a,
Knives and forks, and many other alleles In the
Hardware line—ln lact almost OTOI7 Wade needed
Par kitchen nee.
Jler Housekeepers and other' will Ind it to their
Interest to buy of him, as he to determined to main
tain his well-earned reputation for cheapness and fair
dealing• Llfeb. 11, 1870.-310
I have opened an agency for the
In connection with my law business In Gettyehurs
Parties whating te sell, or bay landa,may And It t
Farms and Woodland.
near Gettysburg vault* laud.
A No. 1 /ARM, seer Gettysburg rd grovel land.
A NAIL 100 ACIDS, rteerfiettysburg.
560 PAR AO/LB, two miburfrom Gettysburg.
A /ARM, four miles from Gettysburg, DU plitE,
A 'MIT GOOD GRASS NARY, two mUes from
ettysburg. •
Attorney &Ham .
Gettysburg, June II 1309.-11
I have for sale more than iligt FARM. varying fa
she from 10 Acres to 6000 Acre*, and varying
trice from $1 to 880 PRI ACLU, Thee lla.ate is ala
urpassed, Bull adapted to the growth o' Orals,
Clover, Gram, Trait tad Gnmos. Water IS 'holdout
and good.
ORZAP RAILROAD TIMMS will be provided lbw
all who come to me to buy laatL
*LAW estalogito of prioem• 114)., address_ '
Jlft). B. 6A1T1111 4
ersesibme, 11. 0.
JOUN CRlttill
Tit Statii •
.bierg,„' triad
SALE.—The :maim
M James Caldwell tur
lireet wAs to), kat
1. /I:MAL:40100 '
• ' , minty Super
$ Normal Selit4 cot
st )ckhol'ers of the
witty, to elect Preside
be held iu the Arbitrit
day evening next
aty'm paper, it Vlit Ili
%Bal (*Amnon haa,-tai
Mr. W. Zi . so
either, and tho bnain
romlttetNl by Ow firm
says: Sharpers sire j
country buying poult
price asked, and pay
counterfeit greenbacks.
he on the look out for
merchant of Baltic's°
fruclious Loin
Chunibtraburg, op W
throw from the buggy
severely. Ilia left •ea.
and his face badly b •
iiworing has been In .
three weeks, in that'll
‘.lltev. Dr. Dauer, at
Interest exists in the
mulject of religioft a,
Wresting conversions
The servivies are well
deepest solonwity per
GRAIN.—We ‘re
Burgh& Brother's WA
x .rd , they have bee
various kinds for the
1110 rate of front 610
hundred bushels per
isilitiiiiial bustle of lee
fr..iii Itinriling until
lutist to preparing fur
inert demands.
Commenced about si
were held eery
Church in New Oxfor4
quite a numbor wer
present pastor, Mr. Di
earnest, triergetie, ei
best satisfied when wo
hate been a good 'tnee
a the different
that town and country,
SA N F.ST 2kl E.. '
iladelphla, ha
none! reputation as,rel
lie.tier4 in I:overument
Bonds, We direr
Sr to
their card in otir ad vet
11,o:en to furu
.o , )lictionFl of
w.rket, w ltic6 wilt •p
elee• proper lima
Levu a ii u needio
Ilan Ntonatty event
1,01 inaloll.y to till t.
1114 Aloilt , lllietql for &
ph iaou TurBllfty night.
lr (45m...burg was to
pre.,ion that he could
iu tune to till both •.
being baind imprAttitbi t
Agrlcultunil Hall has ,
EX 111111110 N .—Th
peato•4l their recent El
tuna' on Tuesday
WILY well lilleilthe r.
girl Lin; er /Go. .
l• re deli and ravy..e
•••01111•.1 to Ittt%e control
o ere evstletttly -hem o
time. Tile audieuee f .h.
he in a good humor Lb
pareraly enjoyed theiu
Lee 4: Shepard, Boat.
"The Ilild , and tAa.K-
Rufus W. Clark, D. D.
went in favur of retal
the Common Schools,
ila P.XdUki.oil to I* LIAW
011.1 s of ethiosttion. the,
it; thiS Work were 11
8-ries of discourse*'
Clark in the FirsCßef.
Albany, N. Y. Paper'
cloth 75 ets.
came otl" on Tuesday rit
Lodge No. LA, 1. 0. 0.
edition of P
was presented, as a tea
years has faithfully dLsti.
of Secretary, ltee‘ W.
making the presentatki•
attair ha .I been so dello*
that the worthy &lent •
of it, and was so much tali.
to be unable to give imp
i nKa , beyond the auknowl
thanks to the brethren to
and the valuable gift •
tendered to him.
bo of more importance
it to speak oftener of It •
elso be a test. la any main •
ttion'than—" A fine day," - •
or "a cold day," or "a ano
disagreeable day," or a " •
Abe ease may bet But •
along has been most eat
day brings • furious rain
only at intervals, and then
gorgeous sunset. The n
ushered In by a snow- .•
and blowing at a curious .
when the clouds lift, show
radiant with star-lit gin
as usual, wo had rain, ball
so we go.
ed a pleasant donation vis
Bender, of the Allegheny
land, by members 01
learn that on the evening o
he was the recipltent of
the same kind. At an •
friends assembled at the
soon the house was filled
not only with people, bdt
supply of refreshments tor.
After - a pleasant exchange o
tweeh pastor and peopld,
the evening were handed°
to $l3l, with $25 more 1.
Rev. Mr. Bender bails
county, and his numerous
glad to learn of the favor*
he has wade 111 his new•flel
of Bell Ringers gave . two
Af, , ricultural Bail last week
tion of the troupe and Dove
good music with bells,
houses. The musical part
tainment WAS very line.
skill and dexterity to ni
bells betng specially &dm(
balance of the performance ,
the better, being simply a
low comedy and burlesque
tive in sensational theatres,
the entertainment by gra
reflood taste. "Jeppe" lad
tafiona had better been pat
There was little wit, but
vulgar buffoonery, Ita this