The star and sentinel. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1867-1961, February 18, 1870, Image 2

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    Etc Star & 9Stutinti
Friday, Feb. IS, 1870.
advertisers aadohbersiallerearodwilll
bear la value &bat She regukar (drew
i a glom of tie . 6 111fAll, AND IIIiaMMIL"
sash larger than Mal nay, Wes
%epee published la ibe tawdry, being
r.. 421 weekly by net less
-sers•ets. .
GOV. GEARY has vetoed the : Melia.
politan Police Bill. It, had passed tie
Legislature by a strict party vote,
cept that lu the Senate Ur. Lowry
voted with the Democrats against the
bill. The veto has of easioned a good
deal of criticism, the Republicans gen
erally condemning and the Democrats
lauding it. In Philadelphia, to which
city the bill was applicable, the Re
publican organs differ Widely, some
approving, others condemning. The
main objection to the gill seems to
have been the character of the men
named for the Police Commission. It
certainly would have been better had
the Legislature simply created a Police
Commission, leaving - the members of
it to be selected by some proper agency,
either by popular vote or appointment
by the Governor or the Courts. Still
we think the Governor, in his veto,
goes too far, and in attacking the gen
eral principle of the bill assumes unten
able gi ouud. Experience has proved
that to secure an efficient Police system
in large Titles where vice prepoudendes
and its votaries constitute a power In
elections, it is necessary that the ap
pointment and control of policemen be
not dependent on the will of the mob.
Baltimore City, although Democratic
in, all its ramifications, has a Police
Commission elected by the Legislature
for a term of years. New York has
her Police Commission, and the strag
gle there_to-day is not to remand the
police system to the control of the
Mayor, but to legislate out of office the
present Board and substitute another
more agreeable , to the "ring" which
rules that city. What is found neces
sary in Baltimore, New York, and
other cities, cannot be essentially
wrong when applied to Philadelphia.
Gov. Geary would have done wisely in
simply objecting to the defeats of the
bill, instead of assailing its essential
principle. Philadelphia, under the
rule of Mayor Fox, is the worst gov
erned city we know of. Any change
could not well make things worse. As
it is, every Democratic rowdy, ballot
box stuffier and shoulder.hitter in Phil
adelphia, will glorify over this veto,
while Bedford street will have its sat
ALL. efibrts the life of Dr.
Paul Sehceppe, convicted of , the mur
der of Miss Steinecke, have proved
abortive. Sohceppe's counsel, under
au arrangement with the Attorney
General, got the ease into the Supreme
Court. In the mean time the 'Aglaia
lure passed a bill authorising the Su
preme Court to review not only the
law but the fide in murder cases.—
Although general In its provisions, the
bill was understood to have special
reference to the Schmppe case. Gov.
Geory vetoed the bill, and we think
rightly,as a dangerous innovation upon
our criminal system. This ,left the
case to be decided by the ,Supreme
Court on its legal aspects alone, and
on Monday the Court affirmed the
judgment of the Court below, holding
that there was no error In the record
of the inferior Court, and that they
could not consider the question of the
prisoner's guilt 'or innocence. That
was the province. of the Jury. The
rage Ii now in Gov. Genre. hands,
who will issue the death-warrant, as
his convictions of the prisoner's guilt
are understood to be decided.
The recent revelations as to -Schisp
pe's career in Germany, where he was
- convicted of larceny and forgery,
while having no direct bearing on the
Carlisle murder, have served to abate
the unusual sympathy that was felt for
`,THE annual report of the State Su
perintendent of Schools for Soldiers
Orphans shows that there are now in
existence in the-State tbir*en schools
of a more advanced claw; and six of a
primary kind. The former are main
taining end educating 2,093 pupils, ant
the latter 800, making : a total of 2,893
orphaned children supported -by these
charities. Besides these schools; there
are in the State twenty-three homes,
asylums, and places of refuge, which
are devoted to the care of soldiers' or
phans, and which receive more or less
aid from the State. These are reckon
ed by the Superintendent as belonging
to the system of charities which comes
under his control. They care for some
3,600 ehildren. As it was to be expect
ed; the statistics show an annual de
cream iri the applications for admission
and an increase of the discharges. This
will continue in like proportions the
further we recede from the War, until
all the soldiers' orphans shall have
reached an age to care for themselves.
The cost of the system to the State lest
year was $500,971.62.
THE Superior Court of Onto has
rendered an important decision on the
Bible question. It will be reeollected
that the Cincinnati School Board, some
months ago, ordered the exclusion _of
the Bible from the Common Schools of
that city. A preliminary injunction
was sued out from the Superiot Court
restraining the Board from enforcing
the order. The case was subsequently
elaborately argued by learned counsel,
and we now have the decision of the
Court adverse to the School Bard and
making the injunction perpetual.—
Judge Boons held that a provision of
the Constitution recognised zeligion
and Christianity, and acknowledged
that religion and morality were neces
sary to good government ; that the
State used rellgioniis a means to pro
mote good government, and, therefore,
the exclusion of all religious instruc
tion from the public schools was cone_
trary to the provisions of the Bill of
Rights. Judge Stover concurred, and
the injunction was made pespetual.—
Judge Taft dissented.
Taxis has ratified the Fifteenth
Amendment, thus giving the required
number independent of Nlew
Nebraska will follow, as ihe 'Governor
ordered a special session of the
Ware this week, to take ardor in •the
premises. As soon as official bribsin
tion of the ratification by Texas and
Nebraska reaches Washington, the'
President will issue a Frieternatton
annoloolllll Manhood Fhrlikage sr the
'upraise law of the land. 'The fiat
andhatilon of the Amendment will be
in New Hampshire and coriiieldiout,
where State eleoticeut will tike Amin
a hoir :weeks.
Tu Fulton Democrat, published by
B. At. /*dawn, has re-appeared, op
ts** - sad Unproved. Oar ' young
frissid *rot burned out in Deoeliaber
kik tialaire are glad to see the iduiik
l es4 o l l4 o*. Salting *Allah- SAWN
ri gN#Fithe'Pqw erigt i s mobil
'BEN. BUTLEI, of Masttachusette;qs
adangerous opponent in debate—rell4,
keen, and caustic in retort, and nt
Units cruelly buvuge. To attack thii
is as risky as to play with'—
"Sunset" Cox,•of New. York, tried the
expetiment on Thursday last and paid
the penally of his during. Butler hits
been waspish for some time,2,raven
'el , attacks on his past recordrantt tire
other day gave notice in , the House that
there were three_ charges which had
been repeated in debate so often that,
for the sakb of economy; he. thought
the public printer might as well keep
them in type. Were, - that
he voted fot Jett Olivia; tworni, that
his conversion - to ' Republicanism was
a sudden one; and third, that he was
not In the:R.4oll6in party so lolig ae
some other people: That was all true.
But in the olden time he had no doubt
there were many who would stand . by
Judas, only because he was the - oldest
apostate. -
o T
On Thursday, ding the debate on
the Appropria ti gill, Cox got the
floor and Commen ed a satirical attack
on Butler, in the guise of an assumed
defence, which,. awevEr, revamped
the "gold spoonsulry, Fort Fisher,
&c., by way of insinuation. Butler
walked over to near wh e re Mr. Cox
was speaking, and stood looking up
Into his face all the time, while th fe
House and galleries listened with
wrapt attention. The correspondent
of the Inquirer thus de
scribes the scene :
Mr.:Cox dealt only in insinuations,
and was vaguely personal. When he
had concluded General Butler, who
had not moved a muscle while Mr.
Cox was speaking, turned and walked
quietly towards his seat, with a look
over towards the Republicans that
seemed to say, "Wonder 'lf Cox don't
think he's smart?" All eyes were
kept on General Butler, who watched
his chance, and on getting- the floor
.commenced to speak to the amend
ment, when the whole Democratic
side of the House ' broke camp and
moved towards where General Butler
was speaking.
The Chairman rapped for order, and
partially cleared the aislet. General
Butler proceeded deliberately to speak
to the point, and all concluded that, he
did not mean to notice Mr. Cox's as
sault. He turned cooly to the Demo
cratic aide, and charged that Mr. Cox
had endeavored to insinuatelhings he
was too cowardly to charge openly,
and he could take no notice of such
matters, but would only reply lu the
language of tb e boys on the 'street,
where such talk was only appropriate,
"Shoo-fly, don't bodder me." As he
waived his hand with a .sweeping
brush towards 'Mr. Cox, the House and
galleries were convulsed with laughter,
which extended to the Democratic side,
and broke out over and over again,
lasting two or three.minutes.
"Sunset" grew red in the face, and
tried to - gather up all his resources,
which were entirely inadequate for the
emergency. Subsequently he renewed
the attack on General Butler, but was
in such a passion that be made no
sharp points, end had better have said
nothing. lb-night "Shoo Fly Cox." Is
everywhere beard, and Mr. Cox will
get rid of the "Sunset" in this new ap
THE "pomp anti circumstance" at
tending the burial of the late George
Peabody, were extraordinary and far
beyond what have ever been accorded
to any private, untitled - man. The
English and American Governments
-vied with each other in paying honors
to the dad, eiteh - detailing a War ves
sel to transport hie remains aceroes the
ocean, and each appointing distinish ;
ed national representatives to take
part in the funeral oeremonies; Queen
Victoria. deeming it fitting that she
should be speehilly represented. And
yet there was nothing in the character
of Mr. Peabody to raise him to the
level even of thousands of oth irs men
of his day, distinguished for their
labors in humanizing agencies. With-
Wit decided religions Character—confes
sedly conservative in all his convictions
—hard and harsh in dealing with the
world-;turning admit ear to and rudely
-repulsing appeals for charity--an Amer
ican by birth, Yet, during the dark
days of the rebellion, giving no evi
dence of sympathy with the cause for
which the noblest of our citizens were
sacrificing fortune and life—but for
the fact that in his later years Mr.
Peabody was fortunate 'in business,
amassed a large fortune, and became
his own executor by appropriatilig his
means to educational and charitable
purposes, It Is very clear that we would
have none of this "pomp and Circum
stance" at his funeral. These are to
be accepted, then, not as tributes td the
man but to his gifts—prlneely _gifts, it
is true—and a laudation,'not of charac
ter, but of ostentatious charities, Many
nobler men and women bare done
nobler things, albeit the world h
made little note of them, because done
with less ostentation and limited
means. Once, while many rich were
casting money Into the treasury, a
poor widow threw in two mites, of
which Infinite Wisdom affirmed ;
"Verly I say unto you that this poor
widow bath ad more in than all they
Which have cast into the treasury; For
all they did cast in of their abundance;
but she of her want did oast in all that
she had, even all bullring."
IT begins to look as li-the charges
against Senator Lowery of having eold,
himself to the Democracy were true.
He acquired a bad habit of voting
with the opposition, and against the
Republican Senators. In the Scull
Findlay case, he has> the controlling
vote as between the two Republican
and tiro Democratic inembireof the
Committee, and manages invariably to
aide with the latter in the face of law
and justice. He is either stupidly ig
ndrant of the plainest principles of
law, or shamelessly reckless of his Sen
atorial oath. _
kr will be recollected that the Court
of Common Pleas of -Philadelphia,
some months ago, after a protracted
investigation, misted all the Democrat
ic City officers, except the Mayor, elect
ed in the fall of 1868, by reason of
gross frauds practised at the election.
The Democracy raised considerable of
a howl over this decision, and the
cases were taken to the Supreme Court
for review. The latter tribunal has
affirmed -thedeeision of the Court be
low, giving the offices to the Republi
can eonteetontg for the City Row • offi
TILE polittoal disorders aud threaten
ed revolutions in Menke have brought
the &dark; Banta Anna, Into macs
agidn. He Is en mute for )iffaloo, 14
hope of getting 'own more Into polier%
He arritieditt Ilainita an Momta,y, but
the Cagan' ,neral otOuth - doesilit
seem to have mudh Ith In L lEtuita An
ns'a ability •to do irtioOndocoOrdiney
ordered hiss - to leery' e the city on the
Itrak eftetiner hariery other th an a Mex
•ltoui port.
Dolitr amig
A. N ilr
_.,..' ' blot_ Itution is to be
otortedt`lit Non, - malty; under
the 1 1 044 11. of . k .00/ 14 e,1e4
imito rmd
1 3 1611 .* ** . , . - Chao*. . Dt
I. 'lt ' Itif‘ IS= waitie
President, r lii l iii i " iil4ll)tor' or'
r resi g o *'4 4ll4.- 1 141 '
0 0 314 4 1 14 4 , 4 ; . '
t- • '.. 5 _ , 5 - - . 0. ,-
Botibkft toAmamen.
On Alontl4 ia l st Dr. Dill introduced
a bill in the House, authorizing the
payment of damageS sustained by citi
zens of Pennsylvania during the war
Of the rebellion. and to provide means
therzfor.. :He moved that it be printed
and suede the special order for Wednes
.3 o'clock. The vote
stOod—yeas 47, nays 42. Asa two
third vote was requisite the Motion
failed ; but the fact of the motion re
ceiving a majority vote, augurs well
for the ultimate passage of the bill. It
antler" ..r. a luau of $750,000 ou 6 per
cent. bonds, one half redeemable in five
years and the balance in seven. It
further, autho, izes the Stn: • Treagurer
to, pay $500,100 on the cl dais on the
15th of March, 1870, anti ;:;300,000 in
June and Dt veil:ll)er of eat year there
after, until the Wallas are paid. The
elaimS are to be exaininet: :tad approv
ed by Levi Maish and Arthur M. Green,
for York ; David Wills ;A::d William
hiceleau, for Adams; William F.
Sadder and John R. Maki., for Cum
berland and Perry ; Cicor, c R. Smith
and J..H. Loognecker, for Medford and
Fulton ; Thee. McGowan Mid J. \V.
Douglass, for Franklin,
Tun State Temperance Convention,
which met in Harrisburg last week,
was presided over by John Beardsly, of
Philadelphia. Among the Vice Presi
dents we notice Gen. Cottloth, of eom
erset, formerly Democratic, mernber of
Congress from this district. A. W.
Flemming, of Gettysburg, was on the
Committee on organisation. The Bus
ineseCoixitnittee wade a majority and
minority report—the former declaring
in favor of "the adoption of the expe
dient of local action, wherever prne!:
cable r and that in the tiempta..
any Act or acts of the Legislature, for
the suppression of the general sale of
intoxicating liquors, and in the selec
tion of officers to enforce such laws
when accepted, they should labor to
accomplish this purpose by co-operat
ing with existing political parties, or
by establishing Independent organiza
tions, as may be most expedient in
their several districts,"—the latter de
claring for the organization of anhird
party pledged to political action on
temperance issues. The discussion of
these reports occupied nearly the.whole
time of the Convention. th'e motion
to adopt the minority report was filial
ly defeated, yeas .55, nayS 121. The
majority report was then adopted.—
The Convention further approved the
bill now before the Legislature to au
thorize the voters. of townships and
boroughs to deter Mine by ballot wheth
er licenses shall or shall not be granted
in their districts—in case a majority
vote against license, the Courts to be
bound by such decision and no license
to be granted for such district.
ON Monday the Judiciary Committee
of the Vnited States Senate reported
favorably on the nominations of Judges
Strong and Bradley to be Associate
Justices of the Supreme Court. Strong
will be confirmed, but there is some
doubt as to Bradley.
ON Tuesday the State Senate pasted
over the Governor's veto the bill to
allow the Supreme Court to review
both facts and law in murder cases—
ayes 22, nays 5. In the House it was
carried, yeas 62, nays 28.
"Pickles" gives as the last about Cox, as
follows :
W ASHINGTON, Feb. 11.—Butler's "Shoo
Fly" jig with Cox was all the talk at the
hotels last evening. I met Dawes and
Pomeroy at the Arlington, and the former
Bald he thought the retort was better than
Webster's "git eout." Pomeroy was unu
sually moderate, and don't think it exactly
fair to pursue the little man in his humilia
tion. It seems that when Morrissey citified
him out in the fresh air he revived without
the use of the usual restorativel, though
prooks stood by, bottle in hand, and hail
heady drawn the cork, as he evidently
considered the case a critical one, Cox's
first words on recovering were addressed to
Morrissey, "Jack, old boy, does lightning
aelorch ?" "Well, Sam, I've known It to
burn," responded the anxious Morrissey,
taking the bottle from Brooks, and pressing
the mouth of It to the lips of the wanderer
after "Winter Sunbeams." "I feel better
now, Jack. Guess you'd better call a
hack," The Lack was procured, and the
whole party drove straight to the National.
That evening an entertainment was given
at Mrs. C's, in I street, to which Cox had
been invited. He did 'not appear, and the
fact elicited considerable comment. Sev
eral excuses were volunteered, but an
Ohioan who had known Cog when he was
a member from the Buckeye State "pooh
poohed" them 'all. "Bah!" said he, "be
cause,Grant once shut Butler up in a glass
house, every little Congressional gamin
thought he could throw stones at him, and
poor Cox only forgot that, pen had moved
out long ago."
Rivu.—The New York Titnes of Friday
The ferry boat which left the slip at Ho
boken for Barclay street, in this city, at 9:15
last evening, was the scene of a melan
choly suicide. When the boat had reached
the middle of the river, a woman of more
Than ordinary beauty, elegantly attired,
laPed from the bow of the boat into the
river. like was caught in the wheel, and
most have been horribly mangled, Her
body descended forever beneath the waves
n the presence of a number of horror
stricken passengers, who had been apprised
of the occurrence before it could be pre
vented. Bhe had been observed by the
pilot of the boat upon its bow, but did not
divine her Intentions until atter she had
taken the fatal leap. As soon as she had
dope so, the boot was stopped and prepara•
Hone made o rescue her, but before_ these
could be made effective her fate had been
decided. She sat In the ladies' cabin for
some while before going to the place from
which she leaped, and during that time her
conduct was so eccentric and betrayed so
much agitation as to elle! remark. She
divided her attentiOn hetWeSS a ring Which
shs had WC the fourth finger of her left
. head and a letter , which she bad drawn
from her pocket. Her going oat of the
cabin before the boat reached the pier was
niaalfila4 as Idnipdar, but unfortunately
oboe Pt liOr fellow phssehgprs followed her.
WO Swoon sal Fsrursies payee
au, Copeca.—While the congregation at St,
ithri•:a Ronan Catholic Church in riqus,
Obki, ' were engaged in 'worship Sunday
morn* I Young woman named Miss Nary
Maher entered the church. lifter being
pasted a few moments she deliberately took
a pistol from her pocket and shot a young
non Maned Thomai Wise, who occupied a
mot ilemediately in front oilier. Wise, if
tertelpg aka, irose said stated pmatthe
tutu?, The wi 3 Man pursued eindearT
uhkg to shoot him a second time, but was
prevented by a policeman, who 'arrested
twpm Mal Wise ha 4 promised m
furfflost, bid hod WWI eppleg , *Neff
6 =Other, whthlz eAgegernelit wu ap
whited la chutolt Us wee mtg.**,
,WklOWlOlOl9 O . 4 melee °tidal
GENERAL Canby will tranialCr. his head
quarters to IVashing,ton.
TnE relapsing fever is again •
nu the de
cline in New York city.
Tun firm of Howar,l, Cole, & Co., Dry-
Goods denims, Baltimore, have failed, with'
liabilities over $ 1 , 000 , 0 00.
Box. Garrett Davis yesterday - made a
speech in the Senate wh ch It will cost
over $2OOO to - print iu the Globe.
A BILL giving women the suffrage 1158
passed the lower branch of the Minnesota
Legislature, and will probably be .coneur
red 'lrby the Senate.
THE. Chicago Times condenses the But
ler-Cox.atTair into the following spicy line :
Cox to Butler : "Bottle, Fly." Butler to
Cox : "Shoo, Fly."
IN Logan, Ohio, th Democracy .have se
lected colored men as candidates for
County Auditor, City Marshal, and Coun
Timis; is a case to come before the
Supreme Court shortly which will enable
the Court, when the new Judges shall have
taken their - scats, to reverse the recent legal
tender decision.
THE ice crop on the Hudson river, New
York, is pronounced a total failure, and the
large companies have commenced stocking
their houses with ice cut on Lake Cham
A RESOLUTION was offered in the House,
,ou Monday affirming the necessity for in
rteasiug the volume of the currency by at
least fifty millions. A piopcsal to lay it ou
the table was defeated by J 3 to 74.
kn. George killer, a brakesman on the
Pennsylvania railroad, was tccidentally
killed at Harrisburg on Wednesday after
noon, by attempting to jump from one car
to another while ihe train was in motion.
'I iis 'Lading Dispatch says that a man
named John Palm, living near Durlach
Lxucaster county, ate, last week, for a
~ v.:ger, one yard of sausage, one quart of
cooked s.werkraut, and twenty large sized
apple dumplings.
Tug House of Representatives Commit
tee of Ways and Means nave decided to re
commend that the De - partment of Internal
Revenue be made a separate dtpartmeut,
and that the Commissioner be a member of
the Cabinet.
ON Sunday, in Boston, a man, named
James MeCarren, while drawing a charge
from a loaded revolver, accidentally dis
charged it, the contents entering the body
of his son William, u lad about four years
of age, killing him almost instantly.
SALT LAICH, February 12.—The bill lately
introduced iu the Mormon Legislature,
granting the right of suffrage to the women
of Utah, passed both Houses of the Coun
cil, and has just bwri signed by the acting
SOME of the good people of Minnesota
think the State Wolf Bounty Act pi 1867
ought to be repealed. it is said that five
counties in 1868 paid their entire state tax
in bounty orders, and the people want to
keep the wolf from the th,or in a less ex
peusiv, way.
AT a Christmas dinner in Santa Barbara,
Cul., sweet and Irish potatoes, vegetables
of all kinds, lemons, pomegranates, olives,
and i.trawberries were served fresh from
the garden; and the table was adorned with
lemon, apple, strawberry, and raspberry
THE Georgia Legislatttre on Monday
elected Messes. Blodgett, Farrow and
Whitely United States Senators from that
Sate. The Senate will have to :?eide be
tween the claims of these and Messrs. Hill
and Miller, who were elected over a year
APROPOS of Chief Justice Chase's recent
decision against the legal-teader, the Bos
ton Transcript says i "The man whose
face is on what the Supreme Court calls "ir
redeemable paper currency" has some
"cheek" to turn his back on his portrait.—
No man ever pronounced against his own
issue to the extent of Chief Justice Chase."
Tnx Joint Committee on Reconstruction
In. the Presbyterian Church, which is to
meet in Philadelphia on the 16th of March,
consists of George W. Musgrave, Samuel
W. Fisher, C. C. Beatty, B. W. Patterson,
Cyrus Dickson, Edwin F. Hatfield, C. P.
Wing, Joseph F. Tuttle, Wm. M. Francis
and Henry Day.
A GUNPOWIAR Elaomstuoro.—The latest
curiosity in gunnery has just been tested at
Fortress Monroe, with "success," as report
ed. It is a cannon shot that holds another
shot within it, and while flying through the
air and near the end of its range, discharges
this second shot, and this gives great range.
It is to be hoped the first shot may be
always so continued as not to turn any
somersaults and so send the second shut the
wrong way:
A wJST brutal murder was committed in
Norfolk county, ya., last week. It appears
that several members of a family named
Seguine, cut out the tongue and cut the
throat from ear to ear of a colored boy in
their employ, and then bid his body in the
woods. The boy's absence was soon notic
ed by the neighbors, and a search revealed
his body. The murderers received wind of
the movements of the chat ift; who had been
sent to apprehend them, and on his arrival'
he found they had fled.
JrST before leaving Boston, Mace Ar
thur sent to Miss Minnie Sherman, daugh
ter of General-Sherman, a chaste and costly
gold • medallion, having hia likeness on one
Bide 'and that of Queen Victoria on the
other. Accompanying the gift was a deli
cately worded note, in which the Prince
begged that Miss Sherman would accept of
the medallion as a token of his appreciation
of the gcneromi hoppl tallties he had experi
enced at the house of her father, and as a
slight tribute to the beauty of American
women, of which she was .so striking an
FORSIGN From a Ministerial
report port le foreign trade of France, we
learn that in 1868 the export of artificial
flowers to the United States was to the
value of 1,242,150 franca, which advanced
to 3,850,963 francs in the first ten months
of 1869—which would make •a total of
4,621,145 franca for the year. Fancy a
sum of over *p2o,' 00 expended, lavished,
almost thrown away, in a twelvemonth, on
such a frivolous superfluity as artificial
flowers. If such were necessary, the arti
cle can be, and is, made as well in Philadel
phia and New York as is Paris, and 'at a
fourth of the price. But then it would be
American, not French ; and domestic pro
ducts do not satisfy the difficult tastes and
pampered fancies of what is. called Fish-
/min.—Gen. Bully has written to Commis
aioner Parker in reference to the ravages of
the small-pox among the Gross Ventres In
dians at Fort Browning reservation,Mon
iiPa Bince last Septembe r, when
the disease broke out ? T4l deaths have (*-
cuffed, leaving only about 1,200 of thia na
tion 'alive, Xyerytidpg that could he done
to alleviate their suffering was done, Up
on telegraphic instructions from Commis-
Moller Parker medical supplies were sent to
theso, and an experienced physician em-
Aged, through whose exertions a stop was
put to the ranges of the disease. Gen.
dully‘says what makes the calamity still
mint to be deplored is that 9f ap the In
dian} Oil:tains, these me the most hitei*
ly to the whites, 'and among the Indians
moat dispoeed to accept civilization. At
one' lime the heaths at the Agency were io
fapid put the few men there could not dli
gums pnougis end thel had to Ail up
* l4 ). 1 near tuq Prt With the 4mA"
sad then cone ibma up,'
CanuoLL.—The bum of Samuel Seller,
near Lkitter's Church,. with all its contents,
was totally deitroyed by fire, about 9
o'clock on last Saturday night. Two
horses, one colt, Wm cows, one kandred
bushels of wheat, several tons of hay and
other articles were destroyed. Thera was
Fluttrituvt.--Ileury -Gray, colored, em
ployee of the Repository office, had; been
arrested kr robbery of the Chambeisburg
Post•office'an Saturday night; he got $2O
in mouey, letters or stamps.—J. W.
Deal, late Postmaster at Qhambersburg, has
been appointed General Baggage Agent on
the. Kansas and Pacific Railroad.--The
Cdunty Commissionem have appointed
Henry Koontz clerk anuii',John SbUtefteld
Janitor.—The Directors or the Pooi have
appointed Samuel Brandt, Steward ; Dr.
• Wm. H. Boyle, Physician, and John R.
Orr; Attorney and Clerk. The new,l.4ither
an chur e ch in Waynesboro will be dedicated
on Sunday next—On Friday last, a Sort of
Mathew Metcalf, residing 4j miles from
Waynesboro, aged 5 years, while playing
with a clay pipe broke a piece from the
stein If inches long, and accidently got it
into his wind-pipe. All efforts to remove
it failing, a surgical operation was perform
ed on Sunday by Dr. &Artily, by making an
opening above the breast -bone. He failed,
however, to reach the pipe stem, and in six
hours thereafter the child died. 4 post
mortem examination next day showed the
pipe stem firmly lodged in the right bron -
chlal tube.—The name of Greenwood Mills
Postoffice has been changed to Black's Gap.
Yoax. —A young man named Glatfelter
was killed by the caving in of an ore bank,
at Seven Valley, on Friday last.—During
the recent snow-storm, on the Bth, the frame
work of the Baptist Church, at Net( Free
dom, was blown down. The building had
just been erected on the Thursday previous.
—Ou the 30111 ult., a child of John Baub
blitz, near Wolf's church, was so badly
scalded on the head and breast by. a cup of
hot coffee that it died on the following
Tuesday.—Fraucis Zinn, Heidelberg town
ship, while cutting wood on the 2d cut his
foot very badly.—John Werner, of same
township, had one of his legs broken last
week, while working in an oar bank, by a
large piece or oar falling on him.
1 , 11031 EVROPE.
LONDON, Feb. I.2.—The weather to-day is
intensely cold throughout Europe. At
Paris the thermometer indicates 80 degrees
below freezing, point. The Elbe is entirely
closed to navigation on account of the ice„
and the practice of the Oxford and Cam
bridge boat crews on the Thames is sus
pended from the same cause.
Pests, Feb. 12.—Thirty-five per6ons
were arrested yesterday on suspicion of
complicity in a plot against the •State and
the life of the Emperor. In all CURS arms
were found upon the persons of the prison
ers. Those arrested were incarcerated ,in
the Filson Mazas, or the Boulevard 3fazas,
and will soon be proceeded against. More
wrests are to be made.
Pests, Feb. 12.—The city is tranquil.
Seven editors of the Reform newspaper
Lave received an older to appear before the
Court to answer charges preferred against
them for a violation 01 the Press law In
answer to the summons, the Reform this
morning publishes an article against the
Government of extraordinary violence.
Pouts, Feb. ;L.—The Emperor and the
Pt ince Imperial visited the Bois de Bou
logne to-day. The_Prince, who has fullly
recovered from his recent illness, skated on
the Lake. The Empress Eugenie is quite
ill and could not accompany the party.
The speech of the King of Prussia at
the opening of the Federal Parliament is
not well received here. Nearly all the
journals consider in menacing in tone.
11114DRID, Feb. IL—The Duke de bloat
pensier has arrived here, and already Is •
intimate communication with General Prim.
lie has had long interviews with General
Prim and Admiral Topete: Thine circum
stances cause much comment.
VIENNA, Feb. 15.—The Free Press con
firms the report that the protest of Austria
and other Catholic Powers against the Papal
Syllabus has been transmitted to Borne. •
"Suoo its singular thing
what a hold the "Shoo Fly" has got upon
the public ? Its buzzing is heard all over
the country. in parlor, cabin, In theatre
grand ; young ladies thump It out t f the
piano at a fearful rate; braes bands dis
course its dulcet notes in street parades;
string bands start the merry dancers in the
"Shoo Fly ;" organs grind it out a penny . a
go, and children ery, , it in the open air.
Although apparently of recent origin, the
"Shoo Fly," according to the New York
Clipper, was really invented several years
ago in the sunny South, on some sugar
plantation, perhaps, where flies most do
congregate ; and as it may be amusing to
the many lovers of the all-prevading "Shoo
Fly," to read the "original poem," as com
posed by Mr. Idscarthy, in 1865, we here
with present the original lines, as furnished
by the author:
I feel, I feel, I feel I shall go wild,
I feel, I feel, I feel like a crazy boy ;
I feel, I feel 44 h•7ltlty 4 3 4 eld l4,
I feel, I feel my heart so full of joy.
Chorus—So, thew fly, don't bodder me,
hly gal's come back so I've been tole,
Sbew fly, don't bodder me,
But give to me my dumplln whole.
I feel, I feel. I feel as if I'd fly,
feel, I feel, I feel as If I was a bird
I feel, feel as 11 rd reach the sity;
I feel so nice, the good news I'se heard
Chorus-80, show fly, don't bodder me.
I feel, I feel, I feel happy be;
I feel, I feel we never more shall part;
I feel, I feel that we shall married be,
I feel, I feel that she's got all my heart.
cnqrns-,So, slimy fly, don't bodder me.
CONGRIBB is making so little headway
with the Appropriation bills that the Tariff
bill will have no chance for consideration
during the session.
Tus President will issue a proclamation
declaring the Fifteenth Amendment to be
part of the Constitution, ,previons to the
New Hampshire and Connecticut elections.
Tex Virginia Legislature has resolved
that i t is lrbexpedient to elect any one to
once who Is not qualified under the four
teenth amendment.
WINTER COMlNG.—Winter is corn
ing, and Cowart t 4 CITNINOHAM hive
made arrangements to meet the wants of
- he public by their large assortment of all
kinds of Ready-made *clothing, for Pal
and Winter wear, for Ken and Boys—
also, Caps, Boots, Shoes, which they
are aellißg very loq. tf
room for Sigin goods ? Capt. NOMBlfill
sell everything In Ma line at /me ppm
008 T.
OVIIII-43(111111 wortlol6 for 112
SI 44 44 9
o 10
," 7
" • 5
PEPLOO4TI3 Tanta $3l ix Ito
ff f 33 •. I
a a « le o r ..
l*c oms wont 142 ear- $0
• n N. io • r
a a 8 .4
4. 460
two wog* to 00 2 3r 00 00
" 60' • TS
.! • 100,” .224 '
350 P 100 •
1 i w I 100 V 160
and all kinds of Clothlog, Feats, Vests,
Under-wear, dm., st themtme redttetimi.:=
Non= is determined to reduce his 'kook
lxibre Elpring-trade opens. Bodf You Want
dOlet taitto "II 4t 4 1310 / 0 ( 0 / 1 /
ge"re*raiet next dclor r to *it5.4101,A.,4
nirAlL severe harrassing Coughs are
cured in less than one-half the time neces
sary to cure them with anything else by
using Dr. Pierces AlteratiVe Extract or
Golden Medical Discovery, the chief ingre
dient of wblub is extracted from a modest
little plant kamd growing by the roadside.
It is warranted to arrest and cure consump
tion in its early stages. Bold by druggists,
or get three bottles for three and a quarter
dollars, tree of Express charges, by enclos
iug the Money to Dr. R. Ir. Pierce, Buffalo,
N. Y. It
CBEAP.—The customers of Oak Hall
will find many things there this season to
surprise and please them. The variety and
beauty of the new stock, the neatness and
elegance of new styles, the great improve-
Ments that have been effected In. Ready-
Made Clothing, and all that. Bet one thing
will more than all else strike them as won
derful and admirable. And that one thing
is the low prices. Never before were gar ;
merits offered at such figures, and Wanama
ker & Brown base their expectations of an
immense trade this year, on this one fact
that nowhere else in the State can be found
Such clothing as there, or indeed any cloth•
ink at such.prices. It
am our friends will use preparations for
restoring zray hair they should use the best
in the market. Our attention has lately
been called to an article which has an ex_
tensive sale and a very high reputation,
known as Ring's Vegetable. Ambrosia, and
we are inclined to think it possesses more
desirable and less objectionable qualities
than any other in the market. It restores
gray or faded hair to its original color in a
most remarkable manner, and by its invig
orating and soothing properties removes all
dandruff and humors from the scalp. Give
it a fair trial and you cannot fail to' iike it.
S. W. HOFFMAN, Assignee of F. D. Dup :
horn, is selling oft the entire stock of Dry
Goods, nt greatly reduced prices, in order
to close out the store promptly. A rare
opportunity is thus presented for persons to
secure bargains in Cloths, Cassimeres, De
lanes, Calicoes, Mastitis, and Dry Goods
On Saturday the 26th just, at 1 o'clock,
P. M., the Assignee will sell the new brick
dwelling near the Preparatory Department,
ou the extension of Carlisle street, and also
the undivided half interest of said Duphom
in 12 acres of ground adjoining. The loca
tion is a desirable one for building lota, in
view of the tendency to improvement in
that direction. it
come noted for their high flavor, and every
body who knows anything about good To
bacco has got in the habit of going direct
to his establishment in the northeast corner
of the diamond—fully assured that they
can get. just what they want, the very best
&gars, made of prime tobacco, highly
flavored, and what is better still sold at
prices that can't be beat in or out of the
city. Strangers can't mistake the place.
"Punch" always stands at the door, good
humoredly inviting the passer-by to enter
and enjoy the good things to be found there
—Segars, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco
of the best brand, 3lercnaurus, Pipes, .Cc.
ItirFor an Irritated Throat, Cough or
Cold, "Brown's bronchial Troches," are
offered with the tullest confidence in their
efficacy. They have been thoroughly
tested, and untintlin the goad reputa
tion they have justly acquired. As there
rue imitations, be sure to obtain the
genuine. It
Gr We call attention to the advertisement
of the N. Y. Ma-ruomsr in another column.
It is one of the best religious and family
papers in the country. 1 t
CABBAGE SEED.—Ir )ou wish to
raise the largeet and best d.:ahbage ever
grown send your orders for seed to S.
Weidner, as advertised in another col
umn. Feb. 4- 2t
crEminent New York and Philadelphia
Physicians claim that Dubois' Missisquo
Powder actually cures Cancer. It is ad
vertised in this issue. lem
(See Adoertireptert I
3100 rearY.Yorkstreet,in residence.
D. SicConlughy,Cbamberubusg It., in residence.
I. If. Krauth, Baltimore it., second square.
D. Wills, on Public Square, lu residence.
A. J.Cover,Baltiroorest., near Fahnestock•sitore.t
D. A.Baabler,BAltimoreitreet,in residence.
. W. Tipton,Chambersburiotreet,ftrst
Wiser Newport,corner Wasbingtuuk SI lddle etr
D. Bitzmiller Bro„ York st opposite Bank.
D. if. Klingel, Baltimore street, second aqn are.
John M. Railing, Carlisle street, near Railroad Depot
B.G. Ilullebaugb, Weahlogton Street.
Stover* Wlble, Oh ambereburg Street
Oeo. A. Codari, Welt Middle Street.
JohnGruel,Cbambersburg street ,nearEagl apt rl
Wm.C:Stallamltht Sou,Vork street,first square.
Wm.Chritzman, Washington st, near Clounbersburs
Geo.C.Oaahman, Stratton street. near Railroad.
Perry J. Tate, Chainbersburg street.
Danner & Ziegler, Middlestreet,near Baltimore
V. X.Gallagher, East liliddlest.seeond square
R.O.Cobean & Cunniugbam, Baltimore street.
7. Ott is olnahham, Baltimore st reet, first square .
T. C. Norris, South West corner of Diamond.
&mane! Wolf, corner of York and Peblie 81u are
C. H. Duch lar,corner of Carlisle and Railroad streets
:scab Reilly t coruar °filtration and Railroad .
Dr. J. E. Derkstresser, 'York street, first square.
J.L.lllll,Clambersburgstreet, opposite Eagle Dote
A. D.Baehler,Chamberaborget,,near Public Square
Sobers, Baltimore street, first sgpare.
R.Rorner, Chamb's et. oppoeitaUltilit's Church.
Pahneitock Brothers ,eor.of Balio.and Middle Its
J. L. kb ick, cor. Baltimore and Public Square.
Hebert k Elliot,, opposite the Court house.
H. B. Woods, cor. of Diamond and York street.
Bighin & Co..cor.Wasbington mad Railroad.
John Oren, eor. iltnstroka a ld ia ßallroa4l.
Joe. Bible & BOOS, OW. A DIFOU and Railroad
YeCurdy k Hamilton, Carlisle Street.
Pater Battler, Railroad, But of Btraltona treat
11,. b. Armor, imt Middle street
auczanca, ac.
J. W.Creas,cor.Cliambenbarg and Public Square
Win. Boyer & Son, York at., opposite National Bank.
Wm. B. Meals, York st., second square.
Wm.J. Martin, aor-oflaltimork and Nigh stseots.
Yohnestoek Brothers, oor. Baltimore and Middle ,Ss.
Righam & Co., oor. Washington and Railroad etreedst
McCurdy. Carlisle at.
Gillespie,, nest square.
H. Reefer, Baltiraors 'treat, third square.
Amoslckert, York street, first square.
1r k Co, 11 7 X. corer of phollorld
Danner k Ziegler, laMoore street, fret square.:
Yahoo/leek Drotliemecireer Ballo. and Middle ate
D. McCreary A Bon, Salto. et. opposite Pres. Church
Jobs Oulp, Carpels Street, sear passenger depot.
1•111 2 OAPS, eeese, 4.•
8.8. McOreary.Okantbersbarg striet,ent square.
:mob Brinkerhoff, tor. of York st., and PublicBqoare
T. O. Norris, Bonth Welt eo roar of Diamond.
IL C. °oboist i Ottilasnitma, Baltimore street.
ettr. of Dlastond and York *lf Pg.
Jingle Hotel4.L.late, proprietor, corner Chambers
burg and Washington.
Baritone House, W.I. flyers, proprietor, Chambers
burg streit,opposlte ChrLet's Church.
urIST 'Mt*
N.Wearegik Boa, Washington NI., north of Chem
P.3.2ste Bro v eliantbesebergstreet, apposite the
Bogle B I.
.7.M.Caania,oorner o fßalthnori and Middle stroets
Meals* Brother, York et., oast of Stratton.
Tipton t NV186,1'009444 oppositellNatlonai Bap
Snyder A Posi7l,/taltimoY6 streotArst sipare,t
_. • ttritistaNa
J. W.C.O'Neill, Baltimore atzset, saw Higb
H. b• Huber, or. Obsattoiriburg ♦ Hashing-tau its.
I obsii HernerAbambonbarg it. Ant square.
ildr l katatel, Baltimore st., m (dray betweav
tbf Calif Nyasa aid Public Naar", rata
nano; sAIM33,
C.U.Bnahler,oora . ifir ofereiletesionallroad.
Washington Siorbowei, N. Z.itrontior of Dymond,
J.Jioob., Casuolinbara . Ottitt_squar•
W. T. Ma& York strimpt,opposn• aft,k.
nomatuzi • PAP Lien,
Calp,Tor4 I tree•t i •Ilt:;4l,.r.t4etri!S;
Tit ! 1.41a1ir,111,114001es atrie.t ! . DIM Baal* netel
it+ N - 11141110ipt4 AU": 04. 1411 tilin•
, •
, . ,
perial Noticts.
is supplying storck,epers with everything In their
line, in large and small quantities, at prices that will
%Gerd good profits. Coal 011 down in price, three
mutts per stilton. Everything wanted by hucksters
attendin4 sale on baud, at low prices. A nice az.
t/cle of Roney, sold cheap. Our stock Of Qoeenswsre,
Glassware, Table Cutlery, and Hones Furnishing
Goods Is tall, and complete, and will be sold, whole
ale and retell, at price finite low. Flab and Salt on
hand, at all times. [Feb.
For Store Pronto, Asylums, he.; Iron Bedsteads,
Wire Webbing for Sheepand P onl tr y Yards; Elmwood
Iron Wire Cloth, Sieves, Fender., Screen. for Coal,
Ores, Sand, &e., Heavy Crimped Cloth for Spark
Arrester.; Landscape Wires for Window., &e.; Paper
makers' Wires,Orruunenta I Wire Work, *c . Ivory in.
formation by addressing the manatiseturers. 31,
WALKER & SONS, No. II North Sixth et., Phila.
dolphin. • [Feb. 11, 1870.-17
To's/coati to. sell the celebrated WILSON SEWING
MACIIINES. The beet machine In the world. &itch
atike 071 both rides. Oxx MACEINZIFITHoUT-MOlll7. For
further particulars, address 25 N. 9th St., Pldlad'a,Pa.
Pah. 11-3ut
Is the only Infallible Hair Preparation fur
Oar Renewer is not a Dye: will not stain the
akin as others.
It will keep the Hair from falling out.
It cleanses the Scalp, nuil makes the flair SOFT,
Our Treatise on the Hair sent free by mail.
It. P. 11A LI, aCo , Nuah ua. N. U., Proprietor..
Fob. 4—lto
Such an article is Dr. Tobias' Venetian Morse
Liniment. Pint Bottles at toe Dollar. /or Lame
nee!, Cuts, Galls, Colic, Syrains, Ac., warranted bet
terthan any other. It is nerd by all the great horse
men on Long Island couriee. It will cot care Ring
Butte nor Sparin, as there iv no Liniment Irf existence
that will. Whet it is elated to cure it positively duce.
_We owner of haredr will be without it after frying
oat- LoUD. Ole dose revive., st ad often saves the life
of an over-he:ord or driven horse. For Colic and
Belly-ache It has never failed. Just es sure as the
sun rises; fast to sure is this valuable Liniment to be
the Rom Embrocation of the day.
the it one and all. Sold by tile Druggiete aedS tore
keepers throughout the United States. Depot, 10
Park Place, New York. l Yob. 4, 1576--.lm
according to the "Journal of Chemistry," are acidin
this market to change the color of the Lair. The
"Medical Gazette" says that they are worthless as
dyei, and that their sale is a "attar" The proprie
tors dare not submit them to chortioal analysis.
on the contrary, ham been analyzed by Professor Chil
ton, the great analytical chemist, and pronounced
absolutely harmless, as well as efficient. Bee his
written certillcat r, nt Cristadoro's Astor House, New
Dressing, acts like a charm an the Hair after Dieing.
Trylt. [Feb. 4,1870-1 m
Step by step this commodity has attained Its un
precedented fame. They are universally approved.—
They support, strengthen, and aid the growth of
mu Fetes. They appear to hare a peculiar effect upon
the nerves, allaying irritability, while supplying
warmth. They seem to accumulate electricity, and
aid the circulation of the blurt through the part
where appt .rd, by which healthy actions are induced.
Even in puralyals, where articulation was suspend
ed, the Mica the Pereus Plasters to the spine restored
tie articulation, an 1 m atertally reduced the paralysis.
In fact, the patient could help herself, White. before
the Porou• Plaster Waal applied she was MI helpless as
a baby. We refer to Mrs. Sally Elliot, Springfield,
,S , -141b3 DrntrgitAr. Agrocy, Brar.dreth llorise,Nfrw
York. [Feb. 4.-1 m
There can ho nothing that will please the ladles
better thee a orchuti article. which Is needed in every
family for every day's use. Bach an article Is KEYES'
ed fur the following purposes: Fbr General House-
Aoki CIG. For the Toilet. Fbr fits Laundry. Ike
Chapped Handl, Ift . Fold by all Grocers and Store
keeper. everywhere.
NATHAN FRICK, Sole Agent, No. 319 North Front
street, Philadelphia.
POBLISEILD for the benefit of young seen and
others who suffer from Nervous Debility, etc.,
supplying the means of self-mare. Written by one
who cured himself; and sent free on receiving • post
paid directed envelops. Address
Dee. 24, 1869.-6 m
MACHINE. Thaw machines make a strong., durable
and elastic stitch; will sew with ose every variety
of cotton, woolen, linen and milk goods, from the finest
to the ccorsest, and of any required MOM= at
gre at • r speed and with leas power and melee than any
other machine. Agents wanted In every town. Li
beral commission allowed. For terms and circular
eddies. A.S. HAMILTON,
No. 700 Chestnut it.,
Philadelphia, Pa., Sole Agent.
Fob 11, 1070--It
A gentleman who suffered for years from nervous
Deit'lity, Premature Decay, and all the effects of
youthful lather:l4MM will, for the sake of offering
human( ty, send free to all who need It, the receipt and
directions for making the simple remedy by which be
was cured Sufferers wishing to profit by the adver
tiser's experience. can do so by addressing, In perfect
confidence JOHN B. OGDEN,
' N 0.4 Cedar street, New. York.
May 14,1560.—1 y
The Advertiser, having been restored to he/titbits •
few weeks, by • very simple remedy, alter having suf
fered stayers' years with • severe lung &Beefiest, and
that dread disease, Consumption—ls anxious to make
known to his follow-sufferers the means of care.
To all who desire it, he will sends copy of the pre
scription need (free of charge), with the directions for
preparing and using the same, which they will find •
sure Cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc.
The object of the advertiser In sending the Prescrip.
tion is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information
which he conceive' to be invaluable; and he hopes ev
ery sufferer will try his remedy, as it will coat then'
nothing, and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription,will pleaseaddrem
Williamsburg, Eingscounty, New York. 7
Bay 14,18119.-1 y
eaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills, will mire Con
sumption, Liver C.mplaint, and Dyspepsia, If taken
according to direction.. They are ail threw to be ta
ken at the rams time, They cleanse thestomach, re
lax the lige:, and pot it to work; then the appetite
heroines good; the food digests and makes good blood;
the patient begins to grow in flesh ; the diseased mat
ter ripens in the lungs, and the patient ontgrolis the
disease and gets well. This is the only way to cur.
To. these three medicines Dr. J. IL Schein:it, of
Philadelphia, owes hie untiraiird 'access In the treat
ment of prilmouary oonsumption. The pulmonic
- Syrup ripens the morbid matter In the Drugs, nature
throws It off by an easy expectoration, for when the
phleop or matter is ripe,isllght cough wilt throw It
of and the patient has rest and the lunge
To-do this, the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills
must be freely used to cleanse the stomach and Haar,
Co that the Pahnotio Syrup and the food will make
achenok's Mandrake Pills act upon the liver, re
moving all obstrustione, relax the ducts of the gall
bladder, the bile starts freely, and the liver la coo
relieved,* the stools chow what the Plus can do
nothing has ever been invented er.cept calomel
deadly poison which t vary dangerocq i to use nib!.
wish great carp), that wl unlock e gall-bLadde
and start the secretions of the liver Ike Schenck'
Mandrake Pills.
Liver Complaint is one of the most protein
causes of Consumption.
alt ach era m tlv r t e i ncl ilaa t w he mi alk T al °2 l l i r e i th l e 15 8ea eh w ti eed st , th r l lla t ME d
preparation Is made of, mime the stomach to throw
out the gastric Juice to dissolvethe food with the
?dittos& Syrup, and it to made into good blciod with_
liourine y too s th iclan in tr :s ch ijam d? sot
y eti'
a r t : cr .
intin Th p a tl grea on is t , r try n try wh t P o do Ph
didde tostop the county** stop chills, to *Wit * EU
sweats, hectic Stier end by so doing they derange tbe
whole digestive po llen, locking up the secretions
and eveotpally the patient slake and dies.
Dr. Schenck, in bls treatment, does not try to stop
a cough, night sweat., chills, or fever. Remove the
mule, and they will al stop of their own accord.—
No One can be cared of Otoommalon, vu Poo
plains,r7pshy Catarrh, Omititer, Wars Throe. t
gain* 64 .Tr PO StOttiloth are Made h thy.
o l d
If a nu oonsamptlen, of wane e lug In
some may ere diseased, either tubectlio, elmcweey
bronchial Irritation, plain adhedon,or the for e f t
• mass of inflammation and tut tteimaen. ime,
0101 what most be donp 1 It is not only the longs
that are traste . , i.
I T lUe si ll whole bo a
. 5 2 1 :f i tir._1$0 , i IN , 417 t r ilolMakal re=
throe itullttriell,eratolt will us up a tone to the
acaueb, the patient will bean to want food, it wlll
digest eaidly sad make good blood; then ths petteat
begins to gals In dub, and as aeon as the body beau
to grow, the lungs commence to heal up, and tho pi-
Etent=lasky and well. TO is 01 o toor wax t o
guAtea u n quili!,inti may Liter Own.
1 1 7 1 911 4 l
taint an D Scht • Seaweed Tonic sad
ls lakdent without the Yalsonio
imp*. • the • Yillel=nall bilious
raiplalnts, sa they are perfectly .
Dr. Dellenek, who has enjoyed uninterrupted health
for many yews past, and now w 2;6 penods,was
wasted away to a Ilere p trf , " I .!' I , APS Ma
of ralnennary Domani -so hi m
pronounced his taw holmium and him t 7;
Vs *to. 0..3%i
e a
li ghy the altweenid inedirgook
lid e we ioh, mow ammo& stallarly - At
td have word Dr. enek's preparations with the
mai .rentarbabis mow. tall d traction,
in 'gap, wake It not ibiolottly A to
Slii:Obil Dr. Salbrott bittett cae pa to . thati
tieawaited, end for thle o =te profligate'',
id his Prinelpal Oillos, lwaky Satin , -
, where all letterer for advice mutt* addrewed.,
ile ill also profestionally at N 0.26 Bond it, New
York, miry other Wednesday. as ewes ft, free,
but itr a thorough to,natitin i Itiottro.
*tar **rim 8t $5. MN boortsts with oo h l s i 'Ott" , it*
Pride of
ptheer ,Ztestoubt 8 and Seaweed Ikuti
000kilLat bottle, or 117 • os. •
"MAU Catill,Aboz , TR ;All
- , ~ ut s.esik .I.,eigues A •
#ssinAlteLa4/ '- • - -- - -
4tli and Proud „faits.
The subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on Tutsday
the Ist day uf March east, at 10 o'clock, A.ll, at his
residents, teilinotklln township, Adams cone ty, Ca,
on the road loading Inns Cashtnwn to Fairfield, 1
mile wroth of Oashtown, the following tonal Pro.
pert y, via :
of thews{ year old and one 5 year, 2 yearling Colts,
6 head of lama coWS, 6 head of young Collis. 1
Ohio and Buckeye Reapt r end Mower, all In Feu or
der, 1 Harris Hay Fork with Rope and Pail. ye, 1
Plantation Wagon threeduch tread, 1 Wagon Bed of
Fayeturville wake, 1 pair of Hay Carriage, 1 Fodder
Cutter, 1 Cutting Box, 1 three-horse Plow, 1 two
bore. Plow, 1 liarrow,l Corn Fork, single, double and
treble Trees. Fifth Chains, 1 Spreader, Butt Traces,
Breast and Draw inn Chains, 16 Cow Chain., 3 gets of
Broechbanda, 3 sets of Frooears nearly new and 3
Housing., 1 nTe. hone Line, 3 tgl Ply Vets nearly new, S
4nr•horie Lilies, 1 Riding Saddle, Bridle., Collars,
Haltors,•ll nearly new,' Wagon Whip, li eatof good
Dung Boards, Dung Forks, Pitch Fork., Shaking
Forks, Rakes, Shovels, Jockey Sticks. a lot of Poets,
with a variety of other articles too eatusneka to
Attendance be given ■od terns ins& kiown
by OZOltell 1110811EY
.110:11 3tl ICILLIT, Auctioneer. f Feb. 4,157 L-1.
The undersigned, intending to quit firming. will
sell at Public Sale, on Wednesday. the 9th day of
March, tSIO, at his residence, in Mountpleasant
township, Adams county, Ps., on the roiled to Run
over, live miles front Gettymburs, the 6,11uw ing volu
ble Personal Property, via:
yearn old, 6 good klilch C 0.., some , I which '.lll t
fresh at time of sale, 1 young Steer, I Durham Bull,
1 Brood Sow which will hare Pigs ab..ut loos 0f . ..1e,
1 broad tread tour horse Wage,,. 1 041100 tread two
horse Wagen,l Buckeye Reaper with drop, Ploughs,
Harrow., double Shovel Plows, douLie ehor e l liar•
row, Cultivistots, 'Threshing Machine, 2 Winnow tug
Itischioea,Cultlng nos, Wood haddes a, Hay Car
riages, Lime lied, single Trta4l. 1 0 .4
Chains, Breast Chains, Cdw Chains, Spisadurs, Pork.,
Hung Hooke, Grain, flames, Os ludsune,
Breechbooda, 'trout end Iliad Ocore, or. Alen,
Bi,ting of 2 Ten-plate Stove. and Pipe, Ueda/1,11 and
Redd i ug, Burestu,n lot of Lltutiri, Tables, Cheat., mud
other articles too ottiner, , us to men Doe.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. 31., al,eb at
tendance will be given and lima made known by
Feb. 4,1a70.-ta
Mr. 0.1.52[8, A uctioneer.
The subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on Wednes
day, the 9th day of 11,70, at Lie residence, to
Cumberland township, Adams county, Penna., I mile
south-west of Gott, char,, the follow Log valuable
Peraowal Property, via
3 HEAD Or WORK 110118g8, two of them mares
riving 5 yearn old, blacks, well matched, and work
wherever hitched, one a good leader, 1 Colt two years
old, dark brown, 6 good Mulch Cove, moat of which
will be froth ■t time of sale, 1 Golfer, will be (real,
about let of May, 9 head of young Cattle, 9 bead of
Sheep, I four-hone Darrow tread Wagon, good
new, with bed, 2 set of nay Carriages,l of there Bow
Ladders,l two.borse Show, Harrow, Shovel Plow,
single double and treble Trees, Spreaders, Cie., ic
Fifth Ctialu, lot of Cow Chains, and other Chains,
Windmill, Rolling Screen, Forks, Shovel, s.laituck.
Axe., lot of Iron, 1 vet of Cultivator Shovels., Pick,
Rockaway Buggy, 2 sets of Front Gears nearly new,
4 Collura, 3 Blind Bridles, four-horse Line, Plow
Line, Jocky Stick, a lot of Potatoes, 1 Ten-plate
Stove and Pipe, Grindstone, 2 Ilogsheada, lot or Bar
rel., 1 set of Doug Boards, and other articles too
numerous to mention.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A.M. Tanatc—k.
credit of 9 months will be given on all purchases of
15 00 and upwards.
JACOB MICILZI; Auctiuueer. (Feb. 4, 1870-4,
p 15 B L I C SALE
The undersigned, intending to quit terming, will
sell at Public Sale, on Thursday, the 241 h day of
February init., at 10 o'clock, A. .M., at hie residence,
In Liberty township, Adams coned', Pa., known a.
the "Company Mills," about 1% mile. east of Fair
field. on the road leading to Moritx's Tavern, the LI
lowing Personal Property, viz;
FOUR WORK HORSES, 2 Colts, one rfslng 3 years,
3 Cows, one broad toad and 2 four horse narrow
tread Wagons, Lime Bed, Hay Carriage, Bail Car
rage, Grain Drill, Winnowing Mill, Caning Box,
Wire-tooth Spring Bake , 2 Plows, 2 Single Shovel
Plow., Double Shovel Plow, 2 Corn Coverers, 2 llsr
rows, ones Shovel Harrow, 2 Sleds, 2 sets of Breech•
bands,2 sets of Front Geary, 1 set of Plow Gears, 3
LIGUSIngs, 2 Strings o(l:neigh Bells, 2 four horse
Lines, Ctfllars, Bridles, Riding Saddles and Bridles,
1 set of Skittle Hattie,, Halters and Halter Chains,
Butt Chains, Breast Chains, Log Chains, Fifth Chain,
Lock Chain, Cow Chains, Jack Strew, Jack Arter,
Brier Hook, Dung flak, Forks, Rakes, Grindstone,
Mattock, Hoes, Axes, Mani and Wedges, Poet Axe,
Half-bushel and Peck Measures,. 2 Onin Cradles,
Mowing Scythes and Ha oginas. Double Trees, three
horse Tree, Single Trees, 2 seta of Spreaders, 4 drape
Bees. 1400 Shingles,a lot of Posts, a lot of Boards
and Plank, 2 sets of Dung Boards, Hay by ton, • lot
of Corn Fodder. Also, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE,
consisting of Ten-plate Stove and Pipe, Corner Cop
board, Bedsteads, 3 sets of Chair., Stand, Sink, large
Meat Vessel, Barrel,, Tabs, Buckets, a lot of Car
penter Tools, and a great many articles too numeroo•
to mention. Also, about 20 ACRES Of GRAIN IN
THE GROUND, will b e offered for sale.
Amendance will be given and terms made known
laces ificaisr, Auctioneer.
Pub. 4, 1870—t■
The undersigned, intendlog to remove to. North
Carolina, will 'allot Public Sale, on Thesday, P•bro
ary, 22nd, NM, at his residence In Franklin town
ship, on the Chsabersburg Pike, one-fourth mile .
from New Salem, all him Personal Property, consitt
lag In part of TWO GOOD HORSES, tieing 15 years
old, two-year old Colt, 3 num COWS, 1 two horse
and 1 three horse Wagon, with 3 inch tire,2 Spring
Wagons, one of which is new, 2 Ploage„ I Har
row, double and single Shovel Plou ghs , Cultiva
tors, Corn Pork, Wheelbarrow, 2 bleialts, 2 mete
of Breechbanda, 2 seta cd Hernia, Calera, Bridles,
Wagon Saddle, Biding,Baddle, aiding Bridles, Hal
ters, Log %bale, Cow Chains, Butt Chains and
Traces, Grath Cradle; &Vibes, Mattoik, Pick',
Hoes, • Axe., Mani and Wedges, Carpenter's Tools,
Digging Iron, a heavy Rope, forks, Shovels Double
and Single nose, Hay Carriage, A . • ISO: a large
lot of HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN rimsrrtue,
ea good ae new, Including SIX BUIST2upg
AND BIDDING, 2 Bureaus as 004 me ne w , 2 new
Dining Tables, Breakfast Tables, Safe, Sink, Chains,
Rocking Chairs, 3 SR WINO MACHINES, a large lot
of Carpets, feather-Beds, Bight-day Clock ;2 Watches,
large Iron Kettle, Dought ray, a large lot of Crockery
ware, clueenwware,Tin-ware,Cedar-ware,Ulass•war e ,
Looking Glasses, Pictures, Maps, a large iof of &as,
Show Case, Barrels, Potatoes by the bushel, Surprise
Oats, Sausage Machine, and a great many articles too
numerates to mention.
&Into conienence at 10 o'clock, A. M., when al
am:lance wilt be given and terms mad* known by
JACOB MICILZT, Auctioneer.
Jan. 21, 1870.—ta
On Monday, the 28th day •of Abruary. 18TO
The subscriber. intending to remove to the Walt,
will sell at Public Sale, at his realdence, in Cumber
laud township, Ad
H s county, on the old Carlisle
road, 2 miles fr om Get primal, the following Personal
Property, els:
3 HUD OP HORSES, 5 head of horned Cattle, 8
Shoata, S Brood Sows, three-Wagon', (1 threwhorse
and 2 two horse,) 1131edgh, 1 Raper and Mower, 1
Threshing Machina, I Wire-tooth Horse Bake, Win
nowing liill,Cuttlag Box, Ploughs and Harrows,
Single Shose e ll ia ough, Corn Fmk, 3 sets of Breech
hands, 3 sat Front Gears, Bridles, Side
Saddle, Lines, Berm And Chaise, log Chains, Fifth
Chain, Butt Lad Squirt Chains, Slog 4 and Double
trees, titretcber, Orladatome, Wheelbarrow, Chow cut
Saw, Crowbar, Hakes, Forks, Mantocha•Shuvols. Stout
Drill, lc.; with HOIIIIIIIIOI 4 D 41.11 D 111Tcagg
FIIHNITIIII,I, inch soTabies, Chain, Bureau, Beds
and Bedding, Cook Stove Testirlote Shasta and Pipe,
Clock, Sink, Queens - ware, Ti wan, larthen-wers,
Meat Vessels, Barrels, Boxes, hc,, with a variety of
other personal property, too annieroun to mention.—
dr credit ofl2 mouths will be given on 'metes with ap•
proved security.
At theism time and place, will be offered the
SMALL FARM on which the subscriber resides, con
taining 44 Acres more or less, having thereon a Two
story WZATMABOAD.PITY Willi/4 with Base.
meat, hams Margot Well and a Cistern, with a fine
young Apple and Peach Orchard.-
drew Bittinger's Saw Mill, containing 8 Acres and 7
Perches, well covered with Chestnut and Oak Timber.
Persons wishin to view the Farm are requested to
call on the au 'residing thereon. lie will go
to the Mountain Lot on Friday before the sale to
show It to such mi may wish to purchaae.
Bale $o give at 10 4:Velar-I, A. M., on said day,
when own will be given and terve made
known by_ GIOROX
JACOB MICIABB, Auctioneer.
Jan.2B, 1870,—te
The undersigned, intending to quit farming, will
sell at Public Bale, on Tuesday, the ltg day of Nara,
1870, at 10 o'clock, M., at his reddened in Straban
township, Maps county, Pa., on the road leading to
York Salphur Springs, about I mile from Ilan tart
town, the following valuable Personal Px operty,to
TWO HEAD OF WORK 11011818, 1 Colt tieing
three yean, 2 MILCH COWS, am of which will be
fresh about time of male, 1 Ball, part Devon, 1
Heifer, 8 head of Sheep, 2 Shoats, 1 Brood Sow, with
6 Pip which will be 3 months old at time of sale,
four-horse narrow tread W Plantation Wagon,
Lime Bed,pair of Wood jouldoroboardod pp 4t to haul
lime or anything, 2,h ay Carriages, h wits of Bun
Boards, Feed Trough, Thrashing Machine and Ilona
Power with rod and gearing, Screw Power, Reaper
and Mower, Clover Huller with Red, - nbeed and
84 feet double strap, Groin Drill, ifolliair know,
FARMING MILL, 3 Bashes: Plow; 3 double Shovel
Plows, single Shovel Plow, 2 Omni Yoko, large Cul.
Usable, Harrow, large Wood Jack Screw, Flax
Brake, Scotching ILity 2 We of sets
et Front Gears, 3 leather Fly-nets, Ooltare,
Halters, nix-bore Line, doable Mine, Plow M ti r:
Wagon - Saddle, Riding p&aalio, lota or Moor:
Brost, Bin oft LootlbOoo. gm's, Carrell
Chain, 4 pairs of readies, Single ono Double l'looo,
Cow Mattis, Hoy Vitobor, Shooolio forks, Rake,.
Maul and Wets. Mattock, Crowbar, 2 Scapa of
K HgN IC 2-
;Mit, oo i ttitio l) g of ir etaw N eg p Jooking Stove,
ten-plilte fl im la Pipe, Bothrtoods, Table, Moths,
4,09 I W4 4 1/ 1 , Irxi *eta% Moot yaw*, fungi',
bkand article] So flour:raj to motkok.
Attondaiee will b y ptert and terms made known
by 1128111111 10.11411.
Jou Islualmrs, Auctioneer.
Jan. 28,1870.—ts
Tie ands:styled offers at irivateade his valuable
FAIN, .Unsate ta St. mow umwoldih IMAM ,
county, on the road Ilan Gampbellatown to the
Warm Spring road, 301 et a was help tint 'attar
road, °attaining AO US, got, o.f 4111. The
provesls ma sire ill nite iltgoioorg, .1111 AVM
LMII64I4 hot witifit-Trant• Barn, 3f a hot; and
oatbuildlap. 'There Is a neva , failing. Spring
wiles =Abe Priminws. Vie* 14 Agrolters /t u rd
rat, with a large proportion ofeithil W.
• f arm is under good 112 14 =ors
and conveniently. lecated Atc
The terms will DI q u to yardman.
Persona dellring to view the premises will call on
bmisa *now, reddi= i the adjoining term. Tor
tonher inbruation
lentsghalturth Adios och,Roisam.
290.869,-60 .
lfy Prorrtyos Cliastbaitturp at, Gittobriyh
• •
HOIiSE is two• story brio
teir, a Uremia fi er i pWsidelisa
Imlllarypo, 'ado* varbotkliii oftivimedss,
11611111149,Merrese asit , dwurf bop
TN* fir • • aka sow.;
gni and gnaws! Ado.
The undersigned, Mullane* of /LUAU% D. NW
MOIN wilt .411 .4 Public Sale, on Satiirday,
the V.Atti day of February inst., al 1 o'clock, P. 1.; oi l
the premiers, •
situate In the borough of Gettyebrwg, en the eatcu•
Oh of Carllsl6 street, adjoining binds or penusyl
♦aula Col.kge on thesouth. improved with 0 new LINO.
story BUCK uousr, and brick Iteabililing. Alsq,
nudivided ball Interest In
more or lets, adjoining toe above, valuable fur Honk
log Lot', Alen, a lot of !trick, PoAte, 531311, Lumber,
Coal Stove, ke.
Attendance will be given , - and terma made known
by STUAUT W. IIuFYIIAN,, Asalotto.
JAXI:B CALDWILL, A ac tioneer.
Fob. 11, I3lo.—ts
UB Llr \LE
The niiereigned, intending to retnore, will ardi at
Public kaYa.roa Friday. the We day itc Mara nest, at
1 o'clock, P. Al., at his residence in btraban township,
Aden manly, P a., . on Ito State rad, 41 =lke *oat
Gettysburg, the Ibll6*(ng Yet - liable Pinion/El ?toper
3 fIORSES, one of them a mars with foal, 1 Year
ling Colt. 3 young Cows,l Bull, I one of arsistdibantlki,
Collars, Balls', Saddles, Ualters, pairs of Butt
Traces, Cow Chalus, Halter Cholas, 1 Carthago 1 two.
hors. Wagon. 1 three and four horse Wagon and Bed.
1 pair of :lay Carriages, I Cottiog Dor, 1 Hey Bake,
1 'Harrow, 1 Coru Plow, 1 Shovel Plow, 1 Core York
Plow, Spreader., single sad double Trom, Bakes and
lurk., Spade and Shovel, ac. At the 1111111110. thus he
will offer abbot 11% Acres of Groin In the g,round,
Grindstones:" also, HOUSEHOLD AND EITCIIEN
PIAtNITURE consisting of 1 Usidatead and Bedding,
Wood Cheat, 2 Cheat', 1 Patent Washing Machine,
Pot Rack, &tea; Yen. I, 3 Store Bozos, about Al 1111 k
Crocks, and a good many other ankles too numerous
to mautioa. '
Attendance wall Le given and t-rms mule known
by - J. B. JACOBS.
Juan STAWIIII,II, Auctioneer.
Vet, 11—to
pußLiu SAL]
The nulefnigt.e.l, iututaliu& to quit fuming,
Ilia at Publ. S.tle, on Sattirday,!igc:,.:h day
next, at ilia resideucu tow uahiy, Adams
county, Pa., about 3 mike from Ltirtluld, ruJ
miles !ro,o M 111, the follvwiugvAlu.kble
&opal Pr, petty. V,:
TWO LI EAD UP IluitSk:S, 1 rising 4 years
both of whith will work well wherever hitched, 2
young Mules, 3 head ul Sltich Cows, 1 Bull, 2 Ile/ft re,
1 four-horse Broad tread Wagon, 1 pair of new hay
Carriages,,Xtunovring Mill, Patent Luttit4, Buz, Ma
hone Plow, 2 new single Shovel Plows, 2 new double
Shovel Plows 2 now Corn Forks, !farrow, new two
horse Sleigh and Spread, ,ingio nod &ruble Tree, 2
pArs of Spreaders, Jockey stirka, Filth, Lug, Breast
and Cow Chains,
2 pairs r.w Cre,l.Lands, 2 set*
of Front tlears,4 noosing., 1 , 12 r and nye-horse Lines,
Wagon Sadlle, 15 Lip, 8ri11..., ihdr,e s, Lin n ,
Lluok, F , 41.1 Rakes, 2 new
s.slieeinarr ...vs, and ..thr , art,
Bttlu to 1,1111.,,Ce .tt 1Y o'Ll.q.k, M., wloo ~t 14,1
acme Will t goet, ab,l ~‘”
Fab. 11, I•7.).—ts
The undeistgut 4, Extra toes,. I ti-,• rat., to at Pena
Covroa; tiara:natal, trill Atli at l'abl:c r/a 77. to rs •
clay, (A+ itql , day of Latch, 1.70, at tlo• ,•nct. of
said duceaa,l, In Franklin tow nal/ :p, Al..r/ut
Pa, one toile cart o 1 CaArtou rt, the loleeor 4,4 r.
total Property, viz:
4 ilEm, OF GOOD WORK HoIdSES, to, of thous
good leaders, 2 good Mule. both good loader., a head
of Milch Cows, 2 Holten., I III•hor.e tread
vO,l four-horse bread tread Wagon, 1 twa , linro.
Wagon, 1 Sleigh and 3 etrtugs of Bells, 1 Buggy,
seta of ring le liar /ear, 1 (1 rAin Drill, 1 Wilirpor t n g
Jilin, 1 Wire-tooth Ilay Rake, Cutting 1t.,;, 1 this-e
-ncore. Plough, Harrow P., talnpl,
•nd Rouble :h,- r.l PiUtighS, CVIU Forks, 2 M .. ,
Breechbunds. 4 sets or Front Beare, Collars and
Bridles, 1 Wagon saddle, Halters and Cow Chains,
Log Chains, Fifth Chains, Spreaders, single, double
and treble Trees, 3 Digging Iron., Cirindstone,Whee!.
barrow, Cross-cut Saw, Forks, Rakes, Shovels, Mat
tocks, Hay Carriage, Jack Screw, Side Saddle, Cut
ters, Rough Locks, Carrying Chafe, Batt and Breast
Chains. Also, HOUSEHOLD AND K minor FUR
NITURE, each as Tables, Chairs; Barcena, Corner
Cupboard, Cooking Stove, Ten-plate Stove, Parlor
Stove, lot of Stove Pipe, lot of Carpeting, Tinirare,
Queensware, Earthenware, Meat Vessels, Boise, Cider
Barrels. Bacon by the pound, Apple Batter by the
crock,Spinning Wheel, Wool Who-I, iron Kettle, Cop
per Kettle, S.ruorge lirinder and : 4 turrer, Pat freer,
Pot Racks, Churn, Zr., and a great many other arti
cles too =introus to mention.
good Tlthter, FraLLifu townibip, MAMA couuty,
LOT No. 1 containing 91 1 Acres,
diviniog tl ',tau P. Butt , nqrge 'Throne, and
LOT No. 2 containing 10 Acres,
aJjotoing 1. , ,t No. land George Throne.
LOT No. 3 containing 5 Acies,
dj.itking Lct So. 2 aad George Throws.
. LOT No. 4 containing 5 Acre s,
adjoining Lot No. 3, George Throne and Heirs of
Henry Ilartman, ckreased.
.It wishing to slew the al , ove Monatafrs
Lots will please call on the undersigned, on Satur
day, the StA day of March, m.o.
Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M. on saki day,
When attendance will be given and terms made.,
known by
ELIAS STOVER, ' Vsecuttlm
JAMS MICKLEY, Auctioneer. [Xeb.ll—ts
Oa Wednesday, the 2d day of Nara marl, et.
■igned, Executrix of the last will and teatannent of
Rut-terra J. Farm% deceased, will offer at Public
Bale, on the premiss, that DESIRABLE PROPERTY,
"OAKEIDGE,e situate within the borough limits of
Gettyelsurg, on the oriounanding ridge Immediately
west of town, where the Fairfield road crossise• it.—
The property embraces 9 /terse and LBE percheis of
Land, about 6 acres in • beautifnl grove of white
oaks end hickory ; and too buildings are a spacious
BRICK DWZLLINO .1101:18E, two stades, having 12
apartments, exclualreat lane halle; a Brick Kitchen
and other eutbulklinge • a FRANZ COTTAGE, with 5
rooms, erected for SCHOOL purposes, for which it is
admirably calicatered. Also, a Elmo Borns with.
manors and root cellars, on the premise,. Large
Vegetable, Fruit and Flower tiasidens, and an excel
lent Orchard, edtl no little to the valise of the proper
ty; The fruit erabwes every variety that can be
grown lm thia climate, whilst there's hardly an sad
to the - &wen and throb'. The view from ''Oak
ridgevis very fine in every direction.
This salt should attract the attention of all real
white boyars. The chanee to acquire la elegant a'
property Is rare. Bach as may wish to TIM It before,
the sale are requested to call on the Executrix, refold.
log thereon.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock i P. li., on raid day,
when attendance will be given Wail terms mule known,
by CORNELIA A. c 1.112 LIZ,
A. W. 1 4 .1111L0G1, ALICAIOLICer. Executrix.
Feb.ll, 1879--ts
The undersigned, intending to quit farming, wil I
sell at Public Sale, 41 Wednuday, the 23rd day of
Fsbruori nazi, al 12 o'crick, it., at his residence lu
Ilamiltonban township, Adams county, Pa., neer the
road leading from Cashtown to Palrllsld, about 3i,
miles from the former place, the following valuable
Personal Property, viz :
TWO NO. 1 DRAFT HORSIS, 2 Colts rising two
years old, 3 MILCII COWS two of which will be
fresh about the time of sale, 1 NARROW TREAD .
WAGON calculated for three horses, a No. 1 two
horse Spring Wagon, 1 pair of tlrst•rate Dreechbanda.,
a sets of Front Gears, 1 two and three-home Plo..
Harmer, Shovel Ploughs, single and double Wood Lad.
den, single, double and treble Trees, Halters, Cow
Chains, and many other articles too numeruna to
Attendance will be given and terms made know n
JAMB ilicit.rt, Auctioneer.
lan. 28, 1870.—ti
By virtue of an Order of the Orpheus' Court of Ad
ams county, the undersigned, Executor of the bun
will and testameat of Ilsest Barxxxxaorr, deceased,
will sell at Public Bale, on Saturday, the 19th day of
February, 1810, at 1 o'clock, P. .V., on the premises,.
the HOLM and LOT of said deceased, situate in the
Borough of Gettysburg, on South Baltimore street.—
The Lot flouts 01.1 feet on said street and rums back to
a Public Alley. The Improvements consist of • two.
story double frame wcatherboarded lIOLISkt , with,
brick Backhanding, a good Log gtable, good Gorden,
Choice ?run, AM.
Also will be sold at the same time and place, a Tar.
consisting of Tables, Chaim, Case of Drawer., Setts%
Stand, Bedsteads and Bedding, MI yards Carpeting.
Looking Glosses, Window Blinds. Clock, • lot of
Clothe* 2 Storrs end Pipe, • lot of Books, Tinware,
Qnsanswars, Plat Irons, Shovel and Tonga, Lard Cana,
Iron Kettle, Tube, and other article. too numerous
to Mention.
Attendance will be given sad levee med e knowq
by JOHN 1310.NICKHIL01 , 1", Ez'r.
A. W. FLimulara,AucHooser.
At the aame time and place, as Administrator o
the estate of Ilesnaa Bmazzanorr, decanted, I aril
sell the folkiw log articled: BEDATILAD AND )32D
DING Quilts, Coverlid, Corner Cupboard, Can o
Lard,looal OD Lamp, a lot of Books, a lot of Beef lu
Queenswara, Crockery-ware, Ao.
JOUR X181N5222022, Adtu'r.
lab. 4, 1870—ta
The undersigned will sell at Public Bale, en Wed.
noadity, Me 2d day of MarcA, 1870, at their residence,
In Ifenallen township, Adams county, Pa., 2 mllee
math of Banderwrille, tha road leading to Whites
town, the (allowing Tamable Armorial Property, :
4 MUD 01 GOOD WORK. Plow, liar
row,Bcrew.power Reaper and Mower, Cutting Box,
Thruhing Machine with strap is good as new, Oal.
tirator, 5 sets of Mots° Gears Including 'E sets of
front Orem Collars Bridles , gaiters, 81144111 2 Bid
ing Bridls, Ooli ti c." liertyessi torw-ttor c tif!afon 44
good as new; 1 nit Wagon, Sleigh; W theldent i
Bay Ladders 18feet long, lisy earrtatte,llfth Cloak
dada and double Trip, 2/ran Jeoltey &Ms, a lot
Of Lumber, Potatoet b.* the bushel, and a enlist,' of
other artinlea too nameron• to mention.
101011110)00 St 10 o'clock, A. M., whoa ob.
tendasee will b. gives sae term made known by
[lob. 4, 2870.-ts
Wm. Am, Auctioneer
, ..... .. __ ..___..., ~ „
The 4441m4 will sall at Politic, ma: e..
day, the lif *lf Afgre4 1870, r IA
Letiaore, Adams cc ,
Baltimore road, 1 sense east o etenburg and )4
Mtn from Dear Mill, the 1134krreing valuable
Perstetal Property, all of width Is awM*mirsi wad fn
good ordez, via:
2 BRA NT DRAUGHT MARRO ink* will work
any plan they are hitched, 1 Ararat' Mare Colt 18
months old, a XII* Cows, 1 Devonshire Bull, 4 bead
of y 041141 Cottle, 4 Hogs of the Chester Breed, I two
horn WitgOln al good as new, Spring Wagon, 1 new
Rockaway Buggy, Trotting Bogy,7llo%b,Lha• Box,
Pair of Hay Carriages, Wlnnoth Hay Rake Brandl'e
.Petena.W tunowing Mill, Cattlog . Bus./Mgle Plow, b
double Morel Plows, Corn Pork, Calthater. Magi%
d.double Trees Log Chain, 2 pairs of donble•linked
utt Traces ,1 pair ofßreaatatalsmasala of Tanken
: as, 1 set of /rent llesa2 ,4 l . 4:ther Plynets, 1
pals Meek Maw , S Ploys eq,, Bide Saddle, Rick.
Biddle, St one a Ovid ' Bridles. Colima.
T .. Cow (mains, ~ k e,v
,Hoo o k,
, Ri k trt r i ot i t Pitt
1" 9 14. 1.1tr i 4== lac% Shaving hone,
11.. a . ef . Intnitillend' slid Wedges, aka ot
of Oak lam Bamboos Nati misty g
oys,°f , .
i Bann cowman . at 19 •tellook. A. 11, whoa ssi. .
leadoossill &Vs% io4 liniso %m it - . ! , : ~,
. .
- o.‘ IL MulhAsignefec. . . 104.4.18Tat.“.1..
altt stlit
4iotll7siburg, Friday' if
appointed ROBNICT NA/MN,
F. I). DI;PHORN reitignatl.
Jlutural Fire Protectipnr,
111.0 10 au aslavutimn t Of one
the premium notes
Weigle irks sold
1.1 fyro no st
York county-15 auree,.4w
moots, at $2,300.
1,g., of York, hal been. ap
Assessor for York and - Ad:
This appolutakeitt was mod:
for General add Mate Twain
or fifteen sound florsits,
bring a Horse unless he
cheap for cash. Bring 3in
Wm. E. Myers' stable, ne
sedum of neat Sale Notes, w
out waivers of Exemptio;
inent notes, with and wl
Furnished In any quantit •
ed can be bound. '4
C-irTbe Wes tern.. Maryland
appropriating $1,400,000 for
lots passed hoth brunches of
Legislature unanimously, a ,
awaits ratification 14 . a TOW
at Baltimore, to be taken i.
three weeks from now.
AUGIDENT.—A few day
Baumgardner, of Lit
,with a painful accident. W
in hewing a rough piece 0
'hr.:ad-axe aeehlently
his right foot, severing On.
entirely from his foot, funrse
several othurs.—Pred.l
DROWNED.—On the 7th
Wm. IlEurzo., one of the 'L
Hanoverlizey, aged fon
drowned near New Oxford, .•
to his grandfather, Nicholas .
Ile had strayed to an old atq.
by Mr. Helizcl•s residence,.
Railroad, and by some mean
child being Missed some tim
felt at his prolonged absenc
search being wade, his 1461
discovered in the quarry.
Mr. Dixon has been holdi.. l
meting in the M. E. Chute
6.n1, for several weeks past.
a sl tleliug prevails, w
s,•ekcri after religion.
There are also meetings b
Myer's school house, below
Meetings are also being
Pines church near New C
sevvial other places throe:
The meetings are well al
HEAVY 1100.—On Mop
HAY N. 111E89, residing near
Md., killed a hog, about 25
which weighed, when dre
Being an unusually largo por
a good deal of guessing as to
weight, among the neigh,
persons put their guesses and
per, each contributing 25 cen
vilcgc, the person corning n,
the money. Mr. Ausat.nmS
crick county, proved the bes
jug within one pound of the
ktr3lessrs. D. Lothrop
ton, send us a package
juvenile volumes, entitled
1;‘,01:s) of IS mo. eze,
piper (orerii, and cont
pages each. The stories are
tined, full of life and zest
Itssons, such as the little
likely to learn, remember
They are fitting presents fro ,
a parent. and the books
as good. They can be obtain
fishers, by mail, postpaid,
311:111140(211 COMING.—
s everal weeks ago that Jam
the eminent tragedian, had
be the Plaenakceadan, z.
Sylvania College, to Oren
ricuhural Hall. We are 1
committee that Mr. • •• •
on Monday evening. the
same society has engaged B
of the Methodist Episcopal
liver a Lecture, which will
due season. The Society is
ing first class Lecturers, and
full house on both occasions.
LECTURE.—The lecture
"The Humors of the Pulpit
was quite an enjoyable entert
IL is a pit-want talker. Mini_
ence has developed a Habana.
illustrative of varied p
character, and the lecturer h
culled therefrom a number
anecdotes, which are well,
dealing largely with anecdote,
nut lose sight of the dignity o
terial office, and the lecture w
ized by common sense, min: ,
meat, and quaint humor. Th ,
lag very unpleasant, the wadi•
storekeeper In Rayville on
am' Manchester Railroad, a
from Parkton, was found a
boa chord in his stable, on..
morning of last week, by the
who went out to milk. Re
(lead, when discovered, and
his wife. A physician was
sent for, a few miles oft, wh
moans to bring him to life, b
was indebtedness, it Is though
him to commit the rash act.
last, his store goods and chat,
vortised tabe sold. A fore : .
committed suicide, be wile
good health- and spirits, but
of having been badly treated.
RAILROAD.—We learn tha
mile of this road has already .
at the lower end, near Park
ground was broken at the
near Manchester, on Mon
Messrs. McGulcken and She •
tractors. The road app
on the EWA aide, and when.
it curves to the left, crossing
the centre of the town, at Its
at Crunirine's store and the I
making the Depot on the WP
road, near the centre of the to
was considerable contention .
the Depot was to be located,
the west aide preyalled, Dr.
lug two acres of ground to
for Depot purposes. •
by many old persons ofthhr
dons, that such weather has
known, the wiabtr being an !
anti open. Almost every w• •
plowing has been done—op
shine, the next, clondy.—ttala
and very little freer insge •
have just been informed' by a
from Manchester, Md., that
mile below dampatead, Carro
farmer propared new grain
seeding, but did get IL reedy •
time ; so last week he got the
line condition for the reception
and so put the seed in thrgro . ,
the field in rye. Thiel'
to sow in January but not
true. Should the weatbee.
ant, as it baa been, it may
good mop of grain.