he . Sttr'atil - 144 • [For the Etter and Iteetis:4 rAimatEtelt 1110 YR. _ i)lFT.,sns. Emmons :,-Som et 1m e al u nay attention was drawn to a poetical article in the "Agricultural column" of your paper. en ti tled "Don't Leave The Farm." The article, I believe, was directly intended, for the boys. Cer tainly very goodadvlce,and the "boys" should give it their serious attention. HuialtelErsotiboiiare lea l rif3pst*farre ev4 , 3 , 9 yisii f Rig dtready over crowd ed towns and cities,- exposed to the many evils Incident to city life. Why is this? The great reiu3on, I believe, is that no interest Whatever is given them in any of the affairs of the farm.— "Stop now," r hear a grumbler say, .."give my boys any interest in the af fairs of my farm? Allow them to reap' half the profits, and squander • the money. uselessly ?" No. That is ndt the idea. How then shall we give them an interest? What can be easily done. Give them a little plot of ground near The house, to call their own, ,and work to suit themselves. Buy them a few vines of aloft* - grapes, (which can now be bought for little or nothing,) and give them' into' their care to train, and pruneas they see fit, or as experience may teach.,. Add a few choice pear, peach and apple trees, with currant, raspberry, biAbkberry, gooseberry, strawberry and other small fruits. Go with thew sometimes,, and watch them in Weir ]"Tabora, cheering them with kind wdrds, when they becom i dis couraged "Yes," says one, "but I need my boys-eisewhere, on the, farm. I cannot agord to have them spend their time working a small garden, which might be worked with the rest of the field in a great deal less time." To this we say a great waste of time is unnecessary. An hour in the evening or morning is sufficient. And the time thus spent by them,--will be am ply repaid in increased fondness for and devotion to farm work, to say nothing of the rich fruit with which they 1411 load your table. Or, if this does not suit, try something else. Give your your son a. colt, to f4ed, curry, lead, ride, and train as his- own. Or give him a pig, a sheep, a calf, or a row of potatoes, corn, or some other grain. "But," says one, "how will I find time to let my boys do all this? My farm is large ; help is scarce, and I have not the means to hire the help I need.— Consequently I need my boys in the field early and late." To meet this objection we would say : Better hire an extra hand or two now, than after a while sec your son's leaving the farni discouraged, disheart ened, going forth to seek their fortunes in the world alone. How many of our farmers do this? While I write, I think of butone that gives his son any interest whatever, in the management of the farm. All the machinery, consisting of reapers, grain separater, drill, hay tedder, cider mill, k,e., all are under the care of the son. He is 'yet a young man, still in his teens. have never yet heard that young man speak of leaving the farm, Why ? Because he has an interest there, and works with a good will and earnest 'purpose. A great many of our young men of these days, and espec ially farmers, have an intense desire or longingtor books and study. On the farm this privilege is often denied them. Some few fathers send their sons to school, but the exceptions are rare.. I know of a young man who asked his Rutter to send him to school, and who was coldly put off with the auswer,that he had "education enough to be a farmer." On another occasion the reply was, "No; I don't 'want my boys going to school, to make lazy fel lows out of them." Oh, that farmers would wake up to their own true in terests and those of their children.— Every department of labor should be made attractive, and I know of no bet ter way to make home and the farm attractive to boys, than by giving them to understand that they have a direct interest In its proper care and manage ment—not an interest contingent on death or the far future—but immediate, bearing fruit in increased self-respect,- cheerfniness of disposition, and earn est purpose. Let it be tried. G. Hqw PREMIL'hiS• ABE AWARDED.- An Agricultural Society in one of the eastern counties of Pennsylvania offer ed a premium for _the best cultivated field of corn. A committee was ap- pointed and in due time entered upon the' duties of its office. It BO happened that there were hilt three contestants for the prize and their farms located not very distant from each Other. i ßy arrangement the members of the com mittee left their respective homes the day appointed and met at the of A. After viewing his cornfield, and partaking of a finch, they proceeded to the farm of B. Here, after viewing the cornfield they partook of a well gotten up dinner, which they no doubt enjoyed with a keen relish. Then then proceeded to - the farm of C. who un luckily was not at home, nor any pro vision made for entertaining the com mittee. They however viewed his cornfield and returned to the hospita ble mansion of B. where they partook of supper and after due deliberation awarded the premium to 8..f0r the beat cultivated field of corn. Who, will deny that there is a strong sympathy between the brain and the stomach? FEEDING hogs on ungtound and un cooked corn has been frequently proved to be a far less effectual manner of fat tening them than that of giving them 'some grain ground and cooked ; yet many persons prefer the former to the latter mode of feeding. Pulping roots, such as turnips ,mangels, beets, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, etc., is now found to be a very profitable way of preparing them for fattening stock, and very ef fectual machines have been invented for this purpose. In' the Channel islands large quantities of parsnips are grown for feeding inch cows, and are kept for a long time by being cooked -and then poured into casks, all moisture being expelled in the proems.. dx ambitions youth, who has been Drought up with a aad misapprehen sion of facts; thus poem Jila 001$ into verse : If I Was alokle editor, Wouldn't I have a thus I I wouldn't print a cussed word For lessen a $ a line. I'd get soy grub and llcker free, & tickets to the shows.;` I wouldn't pal far buw bier, & weildn't I wars good close? TEE OaUmlaut "Motion Bode. ty" pledges -Ito members to drink Only wine, beer end elder, exempt when they are Naocatrigad, •mnd' then whisky is allowed.- GAB tas A ini t ted with white wieth a ep. plied to Glielakokylei s bets home, at all role or Otkil priffui, said, will thgcree tOilice. -r - gooko,,fm o , ottluthoo., - NI. - R. lIORN.ER. wt l resnmektheprectlre of ginlicine. Ocoee Ft DRUG .'STORE, IY OItAIIBRRSBURO ST.,'OBITTASIiRO Dader In DRUGS, MEDICIOB,PATENT IPSDICINES, STA TIONERT, PILBIUMART, SOA PS, TOILST AR- =LIS, OT STEUTB,PUILK eFICES, tc •DR. R. lIORNISRUI DIARRIIOIL MIXTURE, ter Oiolere Morbus, Colic, Dierrhtea, Cramps,. Sick Eltantacb, tc. lall direction'. with. every bottle. July 0.1869-ti DR. JAMES CRESS DRUGGIS r, SLOTT in Brant's Building, Balto. at: LITTLEST() WN.: HAYING opened a new DRUG BTOflli and fitted It up in the best style, I Air my stack of pureand trash Drugs: to the citizens of Littlestown and vicinity at the lowest market rates, consisting I LI pert of Drugs and Family lihdicines, Fur Ligitois for Medicinal Purposes, Patent Oedieines, Horse Powders, Pure Spices, Dyes and Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Toilet Soaps and Paneyartieles. A full assortment of Brushes, Stationery of all kinds. , !l,lars, Tobacco and Snuff. 494-Moore's ElectrctMagnetlegloap will oresh with hard or soft water, cold or %arm. Clothes washed with this Soap are made beautifully white without boiling or blueing. This is the best Soap in use. Try It. It is war ranted not to injure the bonds or fabric. bittlestown , May 18.--1 S .JAMBS CREbS. 69. - JUNE _ 69. .A FULL ASSORTMENT OFj Drugs & Family Medicines PATENT . ME DICIN ES, LIQUORS AND WINES FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES, PURE SPICES AND FL AVORINO EXTRACTS DYES AND DYE STUFFe, SOAPS, PERFUMES AND TOILIFPOOODS, INKS, WRITING FLUIDS AND STATIONERY, PHYSICIAN'S PRE3CRIPTIONS AND FAMILY RE CIPES, ACCURATELY PUT UP. • PHYSICIANS AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS SUP - • PLIED AT REDUCED RATES. Forney's Horse. Powders the boil and cheapest (or Roues, Cattle and Seine. Other I:l3rse Powders of approved makes. HUB ' S • Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, Penn'a. June 11, 1869.—tf A. D. BUEHLER , GETTYSBURd-, PA ., Has just received a large assortment of BOOKS .• FOR THE HOLIDAYS,' Comprising English nod Am nr ieso pobllcatlooa, -handsomely illustrated, suitable ,s !Nikki,' Gifts ibr OLD AND YOUNG. • Also, • 'ergs aaortment of Miscellaneous Booksby stand and authors, Stationery, Toilet Articles, Pon. knives, Gold Pews and Pensils, &a. Msc. S 1389.4.tf girtrg J)tables. THE EAGLE LIVERY, SALE k EXCHANGE STA43LES Washington Street, Gettysburg; Pa. ADJOINING THE EAGLE HOTEL. THE undersigned would respect fully inform the public that he has opened a new GIVZRY, BALK AND ItiCHANalt STABLII la this place, and is prepared to offer superior sc. oemumodations In this lino. He has provided htmselt with Buggies, Carriages, Hacks, Light Wagons, Sc , of the latest styles, talkie/A to meet the pub''^ dc. mand. His horses are all good, without spotor blew lab, and perfectly rellable—none of your "old crtp. plea," bn t all ofthe"2.4o"order. Staloff pattlea can always be accommodated and contfortableequlpmentafnrnishod. Partiee,largeor small,can get put what theywant on the moat accommodating terms. Visitors to the Battle-neld politely attended to and cell►hle driven furnished Itdestred. Partiesooneeyed to and Seam the Depot upon the arrival and departure of every arab. Horses bought, sold, or exchanged, and always •ohanceforbargalnsglren . Our motto Wair flay and no gouging." 'articular attention paid to furnishing V and Hacks for Funerals . WW !attar oarssivesibat by charging mode: sway and hy_turaisheag superior accommodations we cannot Nato please ovary one who patronises our satabLiabatent. T. T TAT". Kay stit. sa.— Notice to the Public; I . TIM undersigns(' is running a Line of Stages from Hagerstown to Gettysburg, leaving ibrtnerplace on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 o'clock, A. passing by Leiteraburg, Waynesboro'. Monterey and Clermont Springs, fountain Dale and Fairfield; arriving at Gettysburg at half past four o clock and returning front Gettysburg on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.arriviag at Hagerstown to makeconnection ad the 6 o'clock train for Baltimore.- Nay 21.-tf AHANA WBSEN. WEAVER sk SOll. Livery, Sales & Exchange STABLES, Washirsgton at., Gettysburg. Penna. TAKE pleasure in announcing to the public that they have better aocom =As thma than ever to eepply the public with all style* and kinds of ennveyanees that can be lband in a Jim elms Uveq. Their Sorer, Hacks, and Bleintas cannot be heat by any establishment in the town. In prier they defy competition. Horses and Mules Msk( sad sold, on resionable terns. GIVE US A CALL Take Notice. THE undersigivid 'is desirous - of 1 °Wig up bile dd sobeassa, aad said tomb an thous iii4*Sel Skeen and settle domes. Mil boas TM be fisted at, *esteem eta es and an persons in,' debited are earaostly reeseetoi to sin and square ebeir adoessta n 10211148 WRAT/111L Des. Ibla . • _ Hardware and Groceries. The eitherriberehave tart Votared from the dela aMaineremee seseptref ruirowims see 0110- %ebb* tbey an earertert Abair -tate reset Illettiesor•ela:t oder Point% the than. - its*.sqhfilkaiiiii it • : • CAM' - /Ma= 0041011 ini awn =r WM ms. • • = WWI , RO . PpIIPOPUII - IFECTUZIII. - tuna ur aos. ad. GROOMS , 0::4 tor . JrINJM, Oftl4laia,lo... !lien' II owleall@IP: wool ideebytniehrsiellabbir 141104 weiet ieut _be MI bb tab item. Iltrefit=refrefe YNr kf 0 41 1 1 M sereopeollriel Mrs Milt '11.41.= 'ea lac* 40116 • .fit `.~[ r'+':.'~"' MEE grotithilfrittO, "Lod, it. -' HAS' AARIVItD-Vt, • _H E AD-lauliTy.giß c i , i:',- , On the 3. R. Corner of Centre Square, GETTYBi3URG, PAP, ,the Lsrgest end Best Stocks Of Fall & ;Winer .Clothing, II ATSA N. E, AP S, TUK BIOT MANI7FACrIiMED BOO T SAND S''' HOES, Woolen Under-Clothing with a large . assortmott NOTIONS TRUNKS , And everythin,4 found Ina fientlemstn's GIVE US A CALL. Oct. 1, 1999.—tr FALL AND 'WINTER 4 . • CLOTHING, Hats and Caps - , Boots and Shoes. N E W F I R M-I COBEAN CUIVNINGIIAM ITAVEJ us ; received from the Clty a new and large 1.1. stock of CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, ' NOTIONS, &c. The goods hare all been selected whir great care and with a desire t d meet the wants of this COMOIUti The public will find the f isias to beof the best quality and the' LATEST STYLES. One and all sre Invited to call at our Stare, on Balti more street, Gettysburg,nearly opposite Paltneetdek B roe. • R. O. C./BEAN, - JAB CUNNINGHAM. Oct. 22.—tt FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, AT F. CUNNINGHAM'S, OPPOSITE STAR AND SENTEUL OFFICE, TTYSBURO, PA.. Yon will always find the beat qualities and Wait styles Qr COATS , PANTS VESTS , OP ALL STYLES AND SIZES. ALSO, S H I R TS, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, and a great and large variety of NOTIONS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CLOCKS, WATCHES, , TOBACCO anct CIGARS ) all of which will be sold at short profits and warrant ed to please. Give him a call at his store on Bslti more street,(Plcking's old Stand) near the Diamooa. Sept. 24,1869.—tf BOOTS & SHOE'S. D. KITZMILLER& GETTYSB PEN.N YORK STREET, OPPOSITE THE BANK. Have Jut received from the City a fargeassorti, ment ,BOOTSSr, SHOES VON GENTLEMEN, LADIES CHIL DRENS' WEAR, Consisting of Calf &Kip Boots, Congress & Balmoral Gal, tars, Slippers, &c. Made in latest styles and of beat mate rials. • • • . We also ItADIUTACTITRE TO ORDER', aIS kin" of 8001 B ANL 1110113--the work being made op of beet valerian' and by. Bret clue workmen. The senior partner has boew in the business for over Lb years and personally superintends all workloads op. We respectfully invite the attention of the public to our set .bllshment, and hope by strict attention to businessand by selling stloweetcash price', to give eallre satisfaction. DAVID KITZMILLER, JACOB A.KITZMILLIR. Apr 1116,1869. —t f REMOVED! • New Store Room near Court-honsej! Hdß remov ed has Boot and Shoe Store to Lhie new Store Room, a few doors south of she Court hones, and nearly opposite the tosawiler ante, Balti more, etrest,Clettrborg. He has Mid in a huge new 'took of Bads, which he will sell at reduced prices. He offers LADIES' CONGRESS GAITERS, LADIES' BALMORAL GAITERS, LAutES' COMMON -GAITERS, LADIES' ILIDALISVERS,aII styles. LADIES' YORteroo BALMORALS IN LARGE VARIETY. GENTS' /SENOR. CALF BOOTS, GENTS' AMERICAN CALF BOOTS, GENTS' RIP BOOTS, GENTS' CONGRESS GAITERS, GENTS' CALF BALMOEALL GENTS' SLISPEEE. an'Wee, GENTS' EROGANS,Re.,Sc. MISSES' JONG/MU GAI7ERS, . MISSES slimoßAL, GAITERS,' • MUMS' NO/DX= BALSIORALS, te., Sc., Sc., etc.. ROPE' CONGRESS GAITERS, ROTS' CALF BALMORALIB.L BOW 1114 , 013A5E, INFANTS' SHONE, ell co las, • IN LARGE VLSI/ITT, Also,Boote and of Ora own manufacture con scant], on hand. All with) sold at lb. lowest Using profit". Buy. ere, from town and eountri.ere invitee to call and and Floes betters purchasing Ads& when,ts list; " ' Meat that I can please aU who 11 11 iimpAccafifiNtil of leiSts,Shoes, 'Out sets, 'Midas bolter:fed on, I n ail Its broach:, as be lacissmis done on short notice. By employing vpsfinten, and nab" Dam bat the =r ii al sabgr , befieteinalliiiit et suehltaintas hie emseeeepseetiole. Oertalnly no th ing will be lOUs. *ma to deMl l /0 It. , asahanktel paethwors, he eolketee congas. sane of PaleaV J tronllM - H. Immo= . Gettrbereg,alylo,lllok-t - JOSEPH ..TACOBS, ALRBORANi TAILOR, OBlYBlllll.ntin 11141111T.118M11813116. of il — r " Piiii 'f il imam friflloordorolpool, o taro op, A. a pro., rioald Roo mispoetrally harm his bleak sod tbe public geeetalli, flouts tee steam( a brerebaat'bilierber estebtlaineeet fa Clei Wald, mast dew to the Mg obese, sad arllo6oollll Ma of tbe loropas Voollokwhoril loot win 10* iroPprto we** salrlio*ro loUrlokno bin: Ina 0 4 4 f i r dorsi, cosmic vaimvsai, vinutizosi itit, io,. /la, *MO fowl o tl bolop pp; olios dostrablo time: 10=irfirgoole lir al.- bait los or poi. - inibi a rage wpm iADII DP With 4lopolob, • ir.NI wlwg' •tolitat caber 4 .raaaa ill MD wow - Nast ti tint be made-pod Slim& ass* .-ooWloothisig will be itentei toe enteb to roartorionstortloo to ouri tots. The bawd now Tort holdopproisiorly toprOpll. i attleitebtiepstrospio No." - 4,1W1.41 wor arlr ~ _ ~ .7!'rvg , ' AthST i:TVI.I4I, •V also a Large Varlet. , or Furnishing Store D. H. KLINGEL .a. WI menaititivw , shoior . BOOTS - AMY 8110E6: Z.. NEW ZS TA. 1 4 ,SHIWENr. • TRuidooliudbicbitii4. new ititidlog.gor $ littlitda *toe CsAshliehneent, on. CbtrUsteet„ idailbeffiltataine, tit Eettyebarg, where ha. sow °Ranier este, ; . Boots, Shoes,Daiters, petal Ark: • • Petal - • • 7 ordten,woreendiedohildren,nfdlfferbnt stiles and prices. Heim Itneleeertinent to select trom,sad , ern teelterery article at the malted prod ta. , WORE ERRE TO 011 MIR, al the beet initeriale and- woritneasehN. Beery effort wede_to render satistsettorr. The Introneirsorthe pub7l. aolielted; CAI Rewind Wend tram htnstoeb or herr yper aura. err. In either nano younennot (Mho broloteed July 17.1 1 46•.-43; JOHN 71 .Eltil.”4o • Omutal. GETTYSBURG NATIONAL- BANK ! GOVERNMENT. DORI* ul all kinds, BOUGHTand 801 D The HIGIIRST PREMIUM paid on GOLD and SILVER. WUPOIIII CASHED Mt C.3LLECTIM Porno** deattjag to laved In STOOKS rr BONDS, of any kind, are fuelled to catt, as we here the the Seattle. of New . Tork,'Platladelpitia of 1341Iimore market,. Consequently all orders are Orcmptly executed. P•rauna prsaesalng COUPON BONDS, and desiring gaiety toconvert into Registered, are requested to C ill, All leo have the advantyge to tratahr at a trifling exgrinee INTERNAL RIIVENER, STAMP cf 011 dommloa; Voris fur isle INTEREST ON SPECIAL DEPOSITS advanced = 5 PER CENT. for I year, 4 PEE CENT. for 6 mouths, 3 PER CENT. for 8 months Person■ wiohiug laproaattoo in regard to 11. b 0011 J., and Stocks • all kinds, are requested to ;ire tic a call and we'vrill cheerfully give nil In I=ll I=l •7ett yaburr. Nov. b, lh4 D -t FIRST NATIONAL BANS OE GIyr . TYSBURG WILL ALLOW lot on SPECIAL. DEPOSITS its follows: 5 PER CENT. PER ANNUM YOH I YEAR, 4 " " •• " d MONTIIP. ' 3 44 64 41 3 o WILLOASH COMPOUND INTEREST NOM AND COUPONS. Will alsaparckase or sell STOCKS nod BONDS weary kind tree of,charge as ensomlsatoa,and wil alltimes pay tive - UIOISIL3T PRICE for GOLD AND SILVER, sod..with plemenre transact all business promptly betatoforepertalaing to • wells sigolatedßank. ORO ARNOLD. Cssaler •I•tlysburcbto• 1167-t. Nutthering. M EAT MARKET! NEW FIRMA • GEORGE'S. STOVER & THADDEUS 8. smut, APING entered into partnership in the HUTCH ES. BRING BUSINESS, will carry It on In all Its branches. All kinds of Fresh Meat Every Day. Beef every Toeaday and Saturday morning. titian meats every .Weditetday, Thursday and Friday morn. lags. ' Market stand at Geo. B.Btover's residence on Chant. hamburg street, second Square. Those having fit stook for sale will dad It to their advantage to call on or addrear the new Firm. STOVER dt Ang.18;11111S—t f West Middle Street Market THE oouirr-notras.) Every Day in , the Week, . SUNDAY EXCEPTED. Fresh Beef three times a week, Tuesday, Wednee: day and Saturday mornings. Lamb, Veal or Mutton every day. Orders left at my market. in the evening, will be promptly delivered the Pothering morning. GEORGE A. CODORI. June 18,1860-If gads and Ststaurants. EAGLE HO T E L- . the tamest and mess sorassodleas la AITT POUR% PENNA 001111 07 la/ • ZZZZZ AID I.lollllolol# JOHN L. TATE, Proprietor. tar ApOspObita,forPassmriger & and Baggsge,ron 1 0 the Minot, on arrivatauddepartart of Rai Ron \ Waist. °unto Iser►anta,sndreasonabl,charget 1411729, INIT.- KEYSTONE HOTEL. I GETTYSBURG, PA. WM. E. MYERS. PROPRIETOR. NOW OPEN. tatais spell Eippst, hasbeen AI told up to the mast appissod Mrs: Its Wallas I plessast sad tosSeslest, Oaths Is tlik, ammetbstissm portions: Qs toms...Niers mango suathaabein inaddortheaccormodation and Coat octet oats, trith amplostablingattsabod. Wits scpsrissoed servants, :and ettocninnodatin. Clerk Iv* Win ardosvor top Isai'm Tb!. Do " Bastrop*" fbr fits sattretsismostot ibepiblfe cdpabliepatropag 7 • Ka" ,1357.' 1869 MAPTEI4 . . 019! )41138. MpORBARY. --Rai Pt* oksidia: isig". ll4l q 4l 4S of. 130 Igi.NAT S 'Oro X4ll whiur_oo«, Rabolui', emu at' ao4NCt • • 'a MI EMS • • - up:anima; TIMETABLE. "- • ?IRDTTBAANtimiteffettriburg at 0 40, g.. 16 andeAteetaint ila;arrer4ti tee lien with trains go niltekii, piaeisera reitoUtilliili heart atasop M., Harrisburg at 12 20, P. Mri-Philadelabla at 4/6 P. IL Retaining, arrive at Gattgabarg at 12.30 p„ erlth psemagera from Baltimore, HarrisburigiViii 5113CSIND Tlilliit eaves dattyaberg it 2 45 P an% soonest' ►t Iranopir ~,laactioa witL * MAI Train Louth at 4 42 - P 4 *4 tiatling B►ltlmore at 7 00 P-11. • Etaiimaing asrlirar at Giqtyabarg 6 110-P. 0.4 kat ...eagers from il.ltimors, litrrlsburg, Philadelphia, ie. AGMS Passenger Oar IS al*, Sttact”,4' to, th• Iftwtst train, wnheit laaras Gasoser Jaactioa at 7.14. ranching , Gittyaburg at „,.4111). Paswingtra baying Howilloba , g to the 5.15 A, irate' car than men Gettysburg by 10.30 A. M. The freight train, with PA/wager Car attaaod, will lure OePtisbarg at P. Id., reaching the Junction-at 6.25. . READING RAI,LROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, HONDA], NOV. 22d, 1869. Great trunk line frdm the 'North and Northwest kir Philadelphia. New York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Asbland,shansolkiii, Lebanon, Allentown, EastothEphrata, LeinCaster, VoluMbia, dr. Trains leave Itarrliburg for New York, as follows : At 3.30, 6.85,and 8.10 A:11., and 12.20 noon, iind 2.55 and 11 00 P. M., connecting With similar Trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriiing at New York at 10.16 A.M. and 12.05 noon, 3.35, 6.35 and 1. , .00 P. 61., and 600 A. IC,' respectively. Sleeping Cars accom pany the 2.30 and 5.35 A.M., and 12 20 non. Trains without change. • Leave Ilarriebnrg (or Reading; Pottsville; Tama qua, Slinersville,Ashiand, Shamokin. Pine Grove,ll; lentown and Philadelphia, at 8.10 A .114., and 2.56 and 4.10 P. IL, the 215 train stopping at Lebanon cult'; tb04.10 P.M. train et lining at all. Stations and ma king connection. for Philadelphia, Pottevil In, Colum bia and all immemate statious between aald points only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, •la Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road, leave Harrisburg at 340 P. 31. • Returning; Leave New Ye; kat 9.00 A.M.,12.00 noon, 5.00 and 6.50 P. 11., Philadelphia a 18.15 A. hi., anu 3.30 P. M. Sleeping cars accompan. the 9.00 A. )1., COO and 8.00 P 31. trains (row Now York, without change. Way Passenger Traini ear et Philadelphia a t 7.30 A M. ' connecting with similar train on Mast Penna. Rail road , returning from Reding at 8.30 P. M.,s topping at all Stations. Leave Putt/I , llla at 4.419 and 10.00 A. M., And 9.46 P. 11.,Metnslon at 9 90 A. M., Shamokin at 6.40 and i 0 40 A. 111...,kahtand al 7.05 A.M., assal23o noon, Tamaqua at 8.33 A. M., and 2.20 I'. M., toe Philadelphia and New Yos k. Leave Pottsville. vla.3chnylkll tientl 3 umgoehanna Itellruadat Sato 4.M lot 114rrisburg, and 11.30 A: If. fur Pine Grove end Tremont. Heading Accommodation Train kayak Pottaville at 5.40 A. pashas heading at 7.30 A. M., arriving at Pallattelphis at 10 :40 A. M. Returning:, leave. Philadelphia at 4 45 P. M., pestling Reading at 7 40 P. M., arriving at Potttvilia at 0 3u P. 01. Pottitiwn • Accom mods , lon Train, IPATt.II Potts. towinat .46 A. M , returning lefty rt rhiladelphlk at 4.043 Cr.larribli Railroad Traina leave Reading at 7.15 A. M., a++d 6,11 P. SI .for Ephrata, Litia. Laocaater Columbta.ke. Perklonian Rail Road Trainsleave PerkiamenJunc. lion at 9.00 A. M., and at 3 10 and 520 P. M.. return ing, Lealoactiwenksville at 0.10 and 8.12 A. M., and 12 45 now, connecting with simlar trains on Read ing Rail inad, tiolebrookdala Railroad. Trains leave Pottstown at 8.45 A.M.. and. r .20 P. M. for Mt. P leasnnt, arriving there at 10 20 A. 11. duo 720 P. 51, returning. leant Mt Plersaut at 7 U 1 A. M., and MOO A. 11., connect lag with similar trains on Reading Railroad. Chasm' Tandy Railroad Trains leave lirldgvpor t at 820 A. M., 2.05 and 5.02 P. M., nit:Lintz:o, leave Downingtown at 8.30 A. M., 12.45 noon and 015 P. cosineciltig with teal natal Reading Railroad On Sundays: leave New York at 5.00 and 8.00 P.M., Philadelphia 8.00 A. 31. and 3.10 P. M., ;the 8.00 A. M. Train running ool; to Reading.) leave Pottarilli at 8.00 A. M.; Harrisburg at 0.25 A. M. 4.10 and 11.00 P. M., and Reading at 12,43 midnight, and 7.15 A. M. for Harrisburg, et 7.2 i A M.and /2.14 midnight, for New York and 9.40 A.ll, aid 4.25 P. Al. for Philadel. phis. Commutation, Ytiliage,ileasOti, Saco 1 and &gen r air.o Tieksts. to and from all pointwat reduced Rates. linkage checked ti.rnagh; 140 poncidt 'Hawed earl. Passenger. N ORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. WIATER BCIIEDULE. Ou and after Nor.ls,lls69,Trains lease Hanover Junction as toillote 1; LEATE Noar3ICARD 11.3.5 a, m.—Daily fora Williamsport, daily (except Sundays. forElmire, Rochester. Buffalo, iagatai ails and Eels and the West. a. in —Daily to, Elmira, Burial°, Ac. 2.15. p. in.—Daily (excOpt Sundays) for iII is mapiart and Erie. Sob p. m.—Dally (except Sandy') fur VorloNe 10.03 p. m.—Daily (except Eundaays) for Harrisburg and the Wt-et. LEAVE SOUTLIWARIE . a. senvolog at Sarktot. only. 7.frl a. m.—Dally (except Suede's) stoppinp al all 12.-I p. supping at Dark tot: only. 1 32 p. in —Daily (except Sunday j stopping et Park• ton "My. , 4.42 p nt.—Dallyi.except Sand:l)46 stopylay at the u;loioits. E W: S; YOUR o .ct en.P. as t, ALFRED R FISKE, Oen. Superintendeat. Nov. 1d.11309.—tt Rarrlsburg,Pciin'a. J.NNSYLVA_NIA CENTRAL Ro Doubletrdck routerunnlng between Philadelphia and talinrs. Trains , leasing Jett &burg melte Gm following vim antic:Lir with tblii Trunk line: Gotty.burg leave at /06 a. In. a 12.40 p. m. I.....n,rerJauction arrive 10.05 2.00 " .. • tl arrisbutit leave 3.60 " 2.35 a. m. Philadelphia arriv 9.40 " 6.60 " Harrisburg leave Ll 6 " 12.10 Pittsburg arrive 1.35 a. m. 9.10 At PAiladehpbi• / i re 1:10213eCt100. ale 4viade wi th the trains for ?is lark, Boaton and all Eastern Cities. At Pittsburg connections are made in the New Uni-in Depot 6 - ith the trains for 411 Weiteni points. 43..P0i far th eithformatlonapply to EDWARD H. WILLTAMS, Gan. duperintendsn t,Aittiona, Pa. HZASY W. 011rDIAIR, Oen. Passenger and Ticks Agent .Phtladalphla. [Nay 14. .1968-t DODGES' OHIO AND BUCKEYE Reapers and Mowers. • careful examination of these machines will oom mean any one of their superior merits over all etbers,iontrength, durability, ease of draft, and re liability for work, on all kinds of ground, and In ev ery variety of gram and grain. Oonddent of this we Invite those hr want of a good machine to examine for themselves before purcPalng elsewhere. These machines can be cold as Naked Blower.— ItHaPERB a■ Hand Rake, Self-Rake, or Dropper.-- Two diderent Newt No. I Machine, with two cutter Ban and three halve,, cutting' five and a hal feet lnf grain and four feet eight Inches in grass; No. 2, cut ting four feet six Inches. We have that confidence in these machines that we are willing to let those wanting a machine test them with any other they may wish, and keep the one that gives most oath& lion. DODOES' •DTtIM AT St I g- H•gh Mui giten socb general eatlifaction that we consider it the best Elelf-itake out, and la attached X no other machine except the Dodge Machin*, ihe Ohio and Buckeye patent. for the benefit of those wanting machini • we would refer them to a low of those to whom we have sold the last season, •Ist John Detinllorff, Sen., Henry Culp, " Ephraim Lady, Henry sing, George Lady, Blithe Penrose. Jonathan Wider, David Stewart James Mickley,' W. Ross White, Daniel Settle, J. J. Kerr, John Bender, Andrew Weikert, John Eckert, Wm. Digham, Wm. Punt, John Guinn Cornelius Lott, John N. Haman, - Wm. Gulden, ' John N.Boyer, Wm. Rose. Also, WIRE-TOOTH %AY RAKES, Including the celebrated Brandt Rake, and Self-discharging Rakes. Also, PIOUGHS, FANNING MILLS, AND FARE IMPLEMENTS GENERALLY. . Persons wishing to examine machines will And them at the warehouse of Joan% Wring .2 Boss, Octi.7l burg, Pa., or at the residence of the subscriber, 2 miles from Gettysburg, on the liar rfebtirg road. Per sons wanting Prosier, will address the subscriber, El ett}sburg:Pa. • April2llo—t( WK. WIDT.W, Agent. STILL AUFAD ! HOFFHXI24I/ REAPER & MOWER, One of the Greatest .htaehtnes of the 49e, I 8 Bsuperior to any other Atacama now In use, an win efeol spy 010 will eypg be introduced, bar log been thoroughly tried and &tun general elt.iflC - Mc. I would now Inform all thoos Who Intend par. chest? jg Vaddiets to call and =tuning , for N 1010 2 • 1".• This machine !tooted particularly to excel ell other maahines in strepgth. durability. tate of draft, and reliability of work, in ill kinds of grass and ,It cuts lodged grain 4setrably, which Is a great item llachlau to • birslW. It can be used ae a hand raises wallas a mdfriker. It cutell feet it inches In grain; 4 feet 10 loam In grass;.bas a steel cotter her, with wrought iron guards ; can lot used a Single Rower as well as a Gambino& Itachine. . ftol trial of the Ruh BELT NM bs. bail. • - 41so811111214AN'il BELT-DISCHARGING HORSE SAAB, Mid Milgrim& end well-known BRANT RAER, the best tikes cyst introduced. We would also call your attoatke to tiee IRON :001IBLI 13110VgL PLOUGH, wrought borktrame.very light and strong, steel above* easily sdjoeuid to run shallow or deep, dm& Is neatly end tastefully - made ALSO, MIL= 'AND IXOILSIOR 1411- NIMI MILL, the old damborough fan i,oved, for manrysara a guar &Torii.. among the era of Pennsylvania. It is large and mum, has two cockle scream, and warranted to wog/. peetlY. ' Also all kinds otliAgillag PIPL/PLIN TS always ZmPershh ebbing to itsailetitheee maebleee eau at 0 1 011441041014..i10te1' ere ay residence, mate front tietttabwir. Nevem the Taneytown road and I,l4_sll=l=re ptpot: - • LIIWTS r . spu9r.pr. mii.7240.1t0g • , . AiLir i CititiON is saint to milli essitiog TO do toss lots loodasso Nies mOdd !snow statt er 1 AZ Z 4 10 4 . 1 i ti . r i t writ s z . e:tv* bp. Now.. of itio swim* at TORE . aAtirsoistyipag.- ' . . ! . 1111 / .. 111 - 14* .: 1 :0 1 01 "" ° 4 4 /V ** ~ X ifitio PimOlifft: Ilk lowa' fin trik a stress. Porasei, 'omen* Strad. lissito Net " ;t e rstrai, 441""t1441."110.240111 -= • - ,1,.. 1 .X` 1' • ;Y; Ed IMM fo67i - ': - 04iii;ii NoOIIRDY Stip'i Nov. 26, 180 0 A. NICOLLS. Innern ! Inporlotendent Reading, Pe". IN, 'Elie. leave 10.68 " 9545 " •rrite ' 12.50 p.m,. 11.45 arming Mmplpntuts, THE WORLD, Store 'Room for Rent. r-. - - Lax : '7• -,- . 6, - -: -1, -. , i , :.,,,,. 1. -'4'i. 4,-1,,,:!..tha.,.:„tv:,i.*,,i rir' , :• - • ,, ,,..` ,,,,,,, A=.; , ...1 , -, !et" , ....0_ , PA ..,.. LI., 4141., ~, , , , —*K -r.: . ., v All,,umii--2- 4 53 4 , 4 6 ,4 , -- Vt „10,... 7 4414.40.. - 4 ' , ;td 4 f!'" 4 4 0 -' ,41 it.g- - - ,4 . 00,-, .1 b1 0 1 16 4.v. • -,,,,, . 31 , , Vtiouitautsuo, Chstwit.od IZAatreit PHILADELPHIA..' BAILEY 4.-:Q4. - JEWELERS GRAND OPENING CHRISTMAS TRADE MAGNIFICENT- STOCK Ai 0 E LTIES FANCY GOODS, Ste.' BRIDAL GIFTS BAILEY & CO have the han d somest store la the world, add will stall times be'pleaeed to receive end abow 114 Ours through their establitlarteut BA BAILEY & CO., NEW MARBLE • STORE Chestnut and 12th Streets Oct. 13, 18119.--3 m RING'S VEGETABI AMBROSIA. THIS FAVORITE HAM RESTORER has been before the public long enough to have been thorough! treed and Its Increasing sale and popu larity are the beet evidences of its superior merit. AS A RESTORER OF GRAY HAIR to Its original color It btu no scroll FOR CURING HUMORS .7 SCALP and ;rev. wing lici,l4; ft is wondetfolly atiotedirfitt. For Preventing the Hair HAIR TO BALI) HEADS It succeeds tieyonel Compel ti •n, although not always successful. Where the gl ttall or f..illcles are not de. strayed new Hiirs Is sure Li grow after utiug it pro perly. nothingAprpeases it. It impart. to dry, faded and wiry Bair that gio.sy iippesrmic. Pry mqch admirol. Cntainta; no oil ei rt does not soil the liol linen. It is commoundod upon Scientific principles of the purest fugrselients end is slat it sly brainless. Heing perfumed with the must lia.rent Extracts it. odor is delbAhttul. almua w iI L. ut 1.111111,1 - ' if IleZatlltaa but the AMI3hOSIA le tou writ known L. regime. it. nee it i.iuce sew you will never Le wltliont It. //irEold b) A. D. ButLler, J. Huber, It. Getty.burs, Pu, auk! by PR CO (SFS AND 111 E C 11.4 E 1 - 11TILZ PRICE OE 1)0 - LIAR , - B°l-7Z E. M. TITS • Cu-, Proprithos, Nor. 26, 1.869-6 m APPLETON& JOURNAL LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND ART, MEAT $Z ODTALNED The FormatiOn of Clubs EVERY TOWN AND VILLAGE, to ADDITIOT TO The large circulation which It now enjoys It la universally conceded by both the Premien-0 the Public, se evidenced by the warm enceinitune received from notices end private letters that reild R• ,daUy, _ to b. ;Le - • BUT TAMILS PAPER EVER ISSUED APPLETON'S'. JOURNAL IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY, And consists of thirty tiro quarto pages, each number attractively Illustrated. Its contents consist of serial Novr ls and abort Stories, leers upon Literary and Social Topics, Sketches of Tray, I and Adventure; and papers up. on ell the varfous.roblects that pertain to the persons and recreations of the people,. . whether of town or country. _- Price 10e. per Number, or $4 per annuls tts adeases dtblcriptions :ocetved for 17, 6, or, todotbs. arteiel ULU) Tore furnished on applleatiod to the Publishers, D APPLETON t 00.: go, ca and 94 Grand Street, Nor. 26, 1869.-4 t PETER DENTZ,. • MUSIC EMPORIUM , N. 30 East Market thlst, York, • Sole Agent and Dealer in the fellowing make of 'Pianos: • WM. KHASI' a eft GEORG* STECK ! CO., J. C. BURNS, • . STEINWAY a SONS, • • OMIOLEEINO * Also, the Colibro Piano •- fail 7 octaves, only 4 feet 10 inches long. ' 4l 4„,Lso, : ✓ 0 -- E, G A , N S manufactured by - MASON HAMLIN, and NI IDA HAM - 4,SONSAIR, • All Guaranteed g for 5 years: Sill - Personal and careful attention girl to the selection of Instruments. Address PETER BENT Z. York, Pa , Dec.lo, 1860.--3 m Ladies' Fancy Furs ! JOHN FAREIRA, 718. AR CR STREET., midA) of the Block, bet. TM aod ltd !ilt, South Side, • Ir:spottier, Manufacturer and Dealer in aH Muds and FANCY FURS... NosLADIES , AND ouriburelnii4r. Saving enlarged, remodolsdand improvodairde and favorably. knows 'UR =MIMI. and bawds& t=" Parted • very largeand splendid awartmesm at MI the different ht.& of Firs boar drat hands, In Sumps, and lams had them Made up by the most skillful work- Mewl would respectfully invite my blends of Admit' azulf adlacenteountien,to call and cumin*. my very tarps Utd beFl. amorunent - of taw:7 Wks, Ng LAIN &ode mt. raid detandualto mit at •Ng taw Was as other respectable House htafilsalry. All Ms Warivated. NO ndrepreoontatlonolo 'egeo Woo.' • , joam uaintA. - IliArcit Street, fhillidolptdd. Octel,lB6sl,4m ,FA T 4 min 'IVIMTER FAPlckNill• im A. M. moms leet'ilk i Mitt hod Landes with the West deehm r rine= dtleeted fropt mutedVWtaitioc to ti• giVai" ll o POW, • - lIA as min// de. -tor tivockNel•l•bratid e. N, or. offito; #4iiiith fat: itomm:: ESE • v 6 • •. " ‘• 121E03 F-A L L AND OP A pr ALL TUB WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER-WARE, A SPECIALTY. PHILADELPHIA Inca falling ff it la uufailing FOR RESTORI.N4 AS A DRESSING I= lIANCIIESTIIII, N. 11 100,000 SUBSCRIBERS /.% —l4e. 40'` Vitoreftztaisi, ra 14IT - DitE GETTYSBURG PA wAI NEIL & CO. • , rani awkii.n..m.. to moil hires oosortotiot of ElOnsebact kauleltars, W of the beekAlalte_,_ _and latestetliee, which th ey 44'8,01111Ni •I Chi laws,* COTTAQE SUITS, Conta'rang BKABTELD, BUREAU. WASIDATAND. TEAPCYVVABLII, roma Ca&MB. MIRAN ROCKER; sad TOWEL RACK— . sets AM lOW AS Ittfo.. 'Also, • PARLOR CHAMBER ;FURNITURE, of all kind■ In separate piseas-410FAS.' TABLES, CHAIRS, STANDS, anameua. TO BArKS, WANDROBa, WORK TABLES. MINE Wnd BREAKFAST TABLES, IMTINSIVE TABLES, CRIBS, l/ATER RSBEt,HAT RACES, WHAT-ROTS, CHTL DREWS CARRIAGES, STEP'S LADDER..., DRAW/LETS, - Sr, Ac , . and a large twortment of 3i.iscELLEous Goobs TITOKM iSPIUNG. BOTTOM. Call and Examine! South-east corner of Centre'S,quare. Oct. 22, 1869.—tr BUILDERS. MATERIAL IN ALL rAIILEDRS. DOORS, SASHES, • BLINDS, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, MANTELS WILL C. HUTCHENS, '0.69,9T, CHARLES St, BALTIMORE. BEND TOR PRICE LIST. air Parties ordering from seeing this adverlisenrent noontime favor by mentioning the name ef the ,aper. [Sept. 17,1849.-3 ms 'PECIAL ANNO UNCEMENT. J. E. CALDWELL & CO. Jewellers, 902 CHESTNUT ST., Have reLnlll, enlarged •nd remodeled their estab- lishment, destroyed by fire it. January test, sod have opened the same for holism.. With an Entire New Stock Manufactured & Improved Goods, Superior to any they have heretofore offer- ed to the Public Th. y most cordially Invite all to ♦lalt nod ,Inapect their Store JAS, E. CALDWELL & CO., 903 CHESTNUT STREET Sept 21 REAL ESTATE AGENCY. I have opened an agency foi the SALE OF REAL ESTATE In connection with my law buelnese In Oettymbarg Peale@ wistitng te well,or bay lantle,may find It t their advantagetocail. Farms and Woodland. 08 ACRES OF WHICH 40 ACRES TIMBER 0341,80 A GOOD FARM, GOOD BUILDINGS and TIMER user Gettysburg granite land. . • No. 1 FARM. soar Gettytharg red grate] land, A FARM. 130' ACRES. AT $3O PER ACRE. • TRACT OF GOOD LA.N0,013 ACRES, AT $35 PER ACER, A VERY GOOD FARM, WITH 100 ACRES HEAVY TIMBER, AT 445 PER e.CRE,VERY CHEAP. 100 ACRES, WITH FRAY GOOD BUILDINGS AND 10 ACRES HNSTNUT TIMBER, FOR WOW • .VERP CHEAP PARE, GOOD LAND AND HOOD BUILDINGS, AT S34PER ACRE. A FARE. 100 ACRES,lsearGettysburg. A VERY GOOD FARM AND GOOD. BUILDING, AT soo PER ACRE, two miles from Gettysburg. A FARM, lour mile, from vOtttysbury, $3O PER ACRE CHEAP. A VEIT GOOD Gauss YARN, two miles from Gettysburg, A GOOD AND . :"EIEAP TAVERN AND LOTS AD JOINING. • wear GOOD FARM IN GOOD ORDYR, SSA PEI ACRE. A GOOD FARM, BUILDINGS :ALL NEW, $5,000 £l,BO *ANT OTHER TRACI'S. ALSO ROUSES AND BUILDING LOTS IN TOWN R. G. NoCREART, Attorney snow. Gettyebnrg. gone 11 158.11.—t THE CIICUMBYR WOOD M P I One dozen 'Yazoo; why thia-is 44 bed Punp *mew Actured in Anal= for WELLS & CISTERNS. 1. It Is 2lmp 2. It is Rellble. 3. It 1s Duiab 4. It Werke very Easily. 6. It throws Water /tepidly. O. It Is all Wool. 7. Tb. Wood I. Tette 8. It does not Creek In the Eno. 6. It Is eat 'bible to get attar order. 10. Maki any repairebe necessary In time, they can eaatly /swede/Arany per, Son. 11.1 t will not freese. • 12. It Is Cheaper than any other retlatle Pump MUM factored. TESTIMONIALS, Iv testimony of the supetior character of this Pomp, we refer, by permission, to the following Persons who have bad it in me, and tested It with entire lathe action: Jer. Bleenoker, Franklin ta.; George Smith, Hnn tlegton tp ; Arnold Ova, Franklin tp.; A. S. Myers, lettore to.; John Croat, Dettyaixtrg; H. Y. Dighaur, Greemount ; Peter &Lively, Fairfield; Daniel King, Yairteld ;Ws. Young, klountjoy ip.; Andrew Haver stock, Tyrone tp. Parsons requiring Pomp for yells or datum'. um IMP them furbished all complete and rand y for nisby lelding the depth of the valor Minoru. &MOP:thin toed in all eases or no payment required. = Orders by mall or others/ as promptly attended to. ,108 MPH KUNKLE, MeHnightetown, Adams county, Pa. Oct. 29, 1800.-1 y ESTABLIEHIED IN 1851. , REMOVAL .j. ACOB HARLEY JEWELER, Invitee hls patrons and the pohlksiallsraf, tobM New Puns, No. 1820 Chestnut si .Ph4ladelphia, -11 Dhoti they will And a large and well selected stook of DIAIPAD6; WATCHER, CLOCKS. JEWELRY, SILVER sod PLATED WARE. at Moderate Plies,. N. E.—WATCHES and JEWELRY catdally se. paired. JEWELRY and SILVER WARE of all kinds made to order. pay 16,1800.-6 w • WANTED. AGENTS tO amnia' for surou. as Rouen's Rowensisstet KEROSENE LAMP, prowmneee by more than 50 Problem le our Oot. - Absolutely Safe _4.. 88 per cent. of ell—no bad odor—wlll sot - break or woman, beemmerreetalle. Oar waft make mosey, because it supplies it_ eat as =lured a right. • lot fall particulars address, with 24 Moor, Ilechmile, Bask rurg Qat 15, 1080.41 Hurist , RE E REED 01144.TA*LixOGUE or► OULDS to *lry "'" dk . VEGZTAALLE . limumidtoß idAbudia .• wiry totlieet lifetime s tr WlrOariUl VaraiMidrail II • lairktii. inn .: w ~.. ~~-, N,E.W G.ROC-ERf. =I AMOS ECKERT, York at.. opposite' Chrismer's Gettysburg, Penn's., .I,XXIT,CS the ettoution of the Public toms entirely lOW luitd choice STOCK OF GROCERIES, STIOARS, " COFFEES, MOLASSES ; TEAS, , ' SP D IC R ES IE , D FRUIT, COAL-OIL, BUCKETS, BASKKES, er BROOMS, BRUSHES, TOBACCOS, SEGARS, Also/a geostal assortscstit of Xotioas. 11111.,fioplag to giro ostl.hrtk,o L oil wbe way fe ver with a call, solic it • sissraof th• public pa tronage. AllO6 INTO/47,18ff. t WM- J. MAKI IN, tiROCERLES" AND LIQUORS A large total Grocerlee that I am aelliag Cheap S)r.Cull CHOICE LIQUORS, Old Rye Whisky eight years Old Perry Old lis-ench Brandy 'ALL OTHER RINDS OF LIQUORS A general assortment of . BITTERS, among which Is Miltler's Herb Bator.. Pure Liquora for Medical polos at WM. J. MARTIErIir Table Cutlery, Glassware, Queens- WARS, ke., at WM. Jain MN'S. April 30, 1869 WM. BOYER & SON, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TOBACCOS, ALSO, Stone, Wooden and Willow Ware. INR:i.A general assortment of all Goods usually kept in a FAMILY GROCERY. Dec .4, 1847.—t. BARGAIN - S at the new GROCERY IN GETTYSBURG. JACOB W. CRESS tTATING opened a new Grocery,th Gettysburg, on II the north-wear corner of the Pnblk Square, hes lust received a splendid assortment of PRZSH GROCERIES, including Sugars Coffee Molasses, Syrup, Teas Spicee,TobaccoAalt,Pish,kame,Sboulders,hr QUEENSWARE, CONFECTIONS, lente,Prolts.Boaps.Tancy Artklesand Apnea. gamer *My We witi aimoteep on hand FLOUR and /I= BUM. Having purcheeed for CASH, I ani.prepared to seil very cheap. Give taeacalland Judge for your selves. 8apt.26.1107.tf J. W. CRESS. (Mar. 4,1869.-1 y GROCERY. WM. B. IMAM HAS OPINED A Grocery, Vegetable and Notion Store &this residence stlJotolng Meals k Brother'. Moab, yard, lo EAST YORK STREET where he is prepared to sell as cheap as the cheeps, earthing In his line. Give sea call. North 1.9.11389-0 Natant and Wintry. - WATCHES & JEWELRY. WM. P. McCARTNEY won'sto Inform blip Customers and the Public generally. that haring pnroharad the interest of his Partner (L. V. B. Boris) . to the Watch and Jewelry ikon on Baltimore et., Gettysburg, ne will mare no efforts to give sittidlctlon to all. He hue just returned front the City with • splendid assortment of GOLD AN") iff, FEB AMERICAN AND ,S MSS WAIVE= JEWELRY; SILVER. 7EI AND TABLE SPOON PORES: BOLD. SILT ER AND 877tEL PRAMS ZRECTA-7 CLE.t . cass, CLOOItSe the bad mac. %facture, MUSICAL poisrau- AUNTS, VIOLIN GUIT AR ETRINGERG.RINE AND BRIDGES. 1101 - Match and Clock Work warranted for ens year. Jewelry repairing executed In a neat and workman like manner. 113ept. 10, 1111/1..-tf ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WATCHES & JEWELRY, N 0.146 NORTH MOND STREET, comas of Qom"! PHTLADRLPHLA. An unortment of Watches,Jevelty, &Ivor and Plata' Were nomstantly on hand. sir filaparlag of Watches and Jewatty promptly attended to. (Atm 180%-ly NW and pre Nuouranut. MUTUAL. FIRE XNESURANCS COMPANY INCORPORATED, MARCH 18, Imsr. Preeldest—tboargelherp, Viee-Praebiente-ilaaneellt.ileseell. Secretary —D. L. Buehler. Treasurer-11.G. Yehaestoel. ILleentireOcesualtta•-6ebertideOurdy,ll. .Pleb nit, Jacob Sins. lianagere..-Georgellirepe.D. A anehler. Likes/ dy; B. Rupee% Jraitikeeteek,Geterebbriraeoob King, iltrebas Levatielp ; Frederic* Diebldrreitittle etraban; ♦bdl.l 7.9111t,N0w Oxibrd ; *e. Rosa White, Liberty; H. O. PetemPetenburg Y. IL) • Company UW11111,41 In Its operation; to I minty of Adaan. It kw been tamers:Um for sera Ohm 17 years; had In thatpariktillote and. bat !heal othateakeavlatpiddleseell by Nee durtagthst porton astottutlug tooversl6,ooo. auypeee►a doilelog hub helium:an :anti to otthor of lb. assayna. azaptlysOcassittlia•gmets at tkii 4144 Coakpaay, con - the turf irelkill47 LS inreir *OI* it Ill'elook. P. ' Ulu WESTERN PRE-EMPTION 'LANDS. tIAND A YEW T R .A- C T.B o:, , second bassi, : pro.ooptioa Loads loaded . aoariall roodo,Coaaty Talmo, de.. la f.ll . /tattled iteibibOr bikodsorlital 1 wll2pil, or iiasboage so • tar ps. or awl Anatol' Adissoolatbla. •'11110'"j°14" r;rorrAitLi . BEterTNEts has •• - • 41eslatios thou, all tbipapars is the Ocesty amblitie4ONl it le Ski bat ~Mg mew ' 4 10..' .I?' SiMiff. tortstitiv in part of Wholesale and Retail Denier In ADAMS COUNTY tol 14 (a) goal, gumbn, Mau, Itc. Cook and Parlor STOVES, OF ALL KINDS The latest and moat approved stylee. TIN, SHEET-IKON AND HOLLOW WARE. Coal and Lumber OF ALL KINDS Call .t Examine ! C. H. BUEHLER'S Ware Rooms, CORNER OF CARLISLE RAILROAD i:ilcmwo GETTYSBURG LIME KILNS Tlllondersigned halt bought out kilo forme, past nar,Wm.Ginia,and now continues THE LIME-BURNING BUSINESS Wisell—at the Gettysbarg Lime Kilns; on the corns &the Unread and North Stratton) street. Thank NI or put patronage, he wl4 endeavor to d It, eontinu►nce, by prosecuting the business is •Igor ow. yawl =as large a scale sa passible—slang. soling a good artaele and giving good measure. Farm pro and othorsmay look for the prompt filling or order.. Ile also continue. the COAL BUSINESS offering the most popular lands. !loosen eepert and ethereal:mold give him • call. Blacksmith Coal cost atantlyon hand UmeandOo*ldallreredan]iber• n Gttysburg 0 ettylburg. Nov. 20.11167 J 4 ^ AB 8111.117 garringts; egarnsso, etc. DAVIDWORIABY. JOHN P. McCRLtBY — "Best always Cheapest. ), THE Beet and Cheapest, SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS and, HARNESS of all kinda,in the °Dunes/ are always to be found at tho old and well known atand,Baltimore at.,oppoeitstbe Presbyterian Church (MCCREARY'S.) Our Riding and Wagon Saddles, we the moat rubstanttally built and neatest. Our Harness, (plain and silver mount •d,) are complaint° tnrery reepeetand warranted to be of tim Tory beatinatarial and workmanship. Our upper leather Draft Collars, CAA NOT_Si Bair. Tkey are t 4• beat FITTING and =oat durable. Oar Heavy Draft Harness, are made to order, u cheap as they an be made any ober* and in the most substantial manse: . Riding Bridles, Whips, Lashes, Draft llamas, lily- nets and everything in the Iln Noise eater or cheaper. Our prices have bosun/moon, to the lowes tl I ling standard. • liberal porcentage fore uh ,olf al lbillsamountin g toSIS or more. Ws work nothing but the best of stock aad will warrant every arttale turned t o beta *Tory Teepee t es represented. Thankful forpast favors wel write attention to our pmeat stook. ; ..6h• us a call and examln e ALICIA LAT QUALITY Jan.29.1148.—tf D. MoCBIANY & NON. CARRLS.GE-MAKING REBUKED. he watbeing over t tbe undersign edhave return s ehe OARRIAOP,MAKINGBI3BINIBB, at their old stand,ln last Middle street, Gettysburg, where they ars again prepared to pat up work In th e most fsahlenable, substantial, and superior manner. A lot of new and eeeoad•hend OARRILOBS,BUGEIIIB, &C., on hand, which they will dispose of at the lowest prices, asdall orders will he supplied as promptly and satisfactorily as possible. eirREPAIRIAG.M. donewltbdlopstcb,andatoheapest rates. A largo lot of new andold ILARSZI3B n hand to Colo. Thankhalfor the liberal patronage heretofore en • Jayedby tbent, they solicit and will endeavor to de • woe • a large share in the future. 111Nr 29.-tt DAINSIt • 21ZOL111. Buggies and Carriages. REMOVAL. 1131Raderslgued has removed hie Cayriage-mak lug shop to its east end of Middle street, Gettys burg, Pa., where he will °magus to build all kinds of work la bin line, vii: , CAERLIDES, TROTTING &FALL ING-TOP BUGGIES, JAGGER WAGONS, &C., &C. • His work is all put up of good material and by the boat of nutehanka, and cannot fall to give Natio. Ihetiou. H 4 prioesare always reasonable. H. 'elic its *edam ixelident that he can plea... ILIPAULIN6 promptly done, at moderaterstea. W. K GAT.LAGHIII July 1,1568.-1 y NEW HARNESS SHOP. .JOHNCULP TX/0/11111 hip friends and the nubile generally that I. be has renamed the Ilarnewmaklng busbies, and agreed a Shop ea Carlisle Knee, dettyidtAlt. 1 41 01 s• lag the Parionger drool Awn he will SeLaufacture sad kelp on band ail kinds of Biasses, OOLLAXII WHIPS, - 1480184 FLY4IIIII, de Le., Ida& will be sold at the lowest Gash prices. Also, TRUNKS of all kinds. HIPATRINgand NIIINDING attended blownlytly Haotag bora worklag at the bestows tbr b 0 jeer., I owe goaraaty Ms boot ktod of work, 01 befog outdo Radar tax owa wiaortaloadatwo. Oho mu a o.U. May 7, 11M9.—tf JOHN CULP. CABBAGE SEED. T Inn wows sad will eyed by Audi tae !teed of tbe mu Wised C 41.1114412: NA3or—e remarkable mot and wider misty. kayo secosadod In rob/el this variety, to erstsk froth Li to 112 posed& Deder Movable cit. annatanowe ovary plant will head. Mammoth Drumhead anksuns owls a la igusilS main to y TM' 4the* Stone is MIMI thide4 Wei h arsighi 40 14 . Tks bad is put op ln packages sad snit to any *S hops on tke receipt. ed 00 eta. Or am psi:kap, at DO its. ler both yeriellea. for secoaasfol =ninths saosspany rasa Donbass. llama bpaWena of above 'void. saw owe= anliblelon at the 144,aphasisssai Ids le Gettysburg. Address SOLOMON 111110,112, Wear, Adqsa co., Ps. Oct. 11„—tt CA.RD9, Letter Ifeacis, Bill Beath t 511411Ww4.45h all kinds of Job Maus' how with Rohm oh obsap at MOM& @EIS C • • / FIR,. J. \V. ('. O'NEA. lir I .o 1! 'III JOHN L. lIILL, M. *l,ll tIt•OIS 111 •• rl4 taut un, utti, I rt. nit. J. E. ItEItKSTIVE: kVt:I4 111 eTVI,•4 L., tilt. litll.llC, YO 01.1q1,1w In,* when. tin tlf t Iny '.11.• Wit hi n Eh , ,r,VIII it ira,l - 14 ....to • .11. re•,1.,011.100], D R. H. W. L El' I.IV IN.i ; vrot men:ly I,trotrot 4a 1. 11 .1• 11.• In tho ooberol prOetic dor4rry. trako in L ,xn bard Wont • eL W.ll, I. th• pl f, Mince Pita RA ISI NS, "01111 N./ V. 111, /8139,-I:at FOR `SAL THE DESIItABLE,TaIt matlt DWI - 31 toot front, oh Nt 4,4 hslc But 'Julia lug, la Brat clams Court Boom. us Baltimore ut c Immoklatiog tame. itAarra, IT.OPitIETORS I. behr.:,:ll (I)terl-hous Gctey7Auiv, Po. TERMS OF PUBLICA ztr.ut AND SENTINEL LS pub y morning, :It 1;1 oh a ye4rin if not pala v thln the year. Z:u All a:c.irages axe t of the hula! \ iv Litriszatras arty Itagette ate , ,. A liberal re.liietioli win be .I.l , ,istking by the qii:trtal, halt not iee4 will 10. Incerte a agreed upon. cirviilat lon of tlie Sk • is ono h4lf larger tam that atter newliapor In .kilanti county c ll II 4114 anit i•not u Jon Irons &II kinds 111111;bn t..,1 au4 At fair rate* Multi-lit/ &c., In vaslity ionlitc , l;“ ilwrt not IL.. rim . ( 01 , 1'1E1 11. DIRIpC V: r Or/IT. ;./ rim or .4.1.11 J. Ka 11 i'r nd le, ,, raer—e.auttnl Wulf.! .!r. or?, in. A .Dun Ann fr,:ur,r —II. D 11(dt de,. S l 4Prij—Jacut, Munk. I M. f. liar,-. . S , lrr•yor—Jt+aabU. K, llvr . Cumin ss ioners—Jacub L ,Lt, ILJet net :.1.1 Hz, -J. f..d.•rju P.itilddll al O'Neal. Directors of the P er—SlerMi DeanlorlT. L.t. , aartt. ..!.: ward ' J —U. A. l'..:4ltig. T , s r , iever • vl—J. C Neely. i','.:prselazt J. A..dtte.rs—Martiu E. itL 1111.4er XI .r , ;llcritau r. —ll .• • /II A1,;c41.11 1t•.1.4.5t 51. il s uni - arl r• lilllllll,lW. 14 . Ir, \Nr ra It Et Jac r b lly . ‘:., ••: . ..:T1111312111e =EI P. • ;:,1,,t—.ic.,ri0..:114,pr tratr--Ileary lionnet. DireCLorl ...Ai 001 tin 2. 4 witpe, Wirt, 1.11,1.1 W tvil fit I=nl •• I f;. rge A MIIII! MN ros IMMO I 11. .N a. r =I -,54111.1.•: it r,-11.61 .1. 1; ME I ,r) - I 55 i '5O I+ I 111 It , !`+'7ls t • 11 - , P 1111111=1 . \VII) =MEG rq-1% pt ..1 11)'111 ttrlvr. ~. • Ei DJ, MEE= . • r•y i• . I f , Srl,llllll ' .1: u.Pr . 1..:1 to. M. 11 .1 tschell rsartiliUji44 o'ra: or-110[kt ri M.:Curdy-. tn Tr 1111% ,1r;.( t ftr.t tr lUI In'tkes clod. Ic Lure ‘1 I I.: t 0•1 iVesterlo ,th 1 :.:is 0•: O.; P 1.-ti• 141,41 r /. (). I .' I ‘l,n /Ay , itt •It. t.. I !I ..tr =EMI v It : I • G ri , y errn .8.., Ea,l ,k,ur 112. 11 • r ra , lis Irt ME y I •I , . re of Cal ••rl, 0,1 v. ‘1" mr and 1, i Wut II • 111.41 I 111 , / •r 4 it• -. 0 , 1•10/ 111.1,111 X au.! eke tIJ Ppir. I/ u.:. •.“ It. v. .I—, ;d, 11 dl. Serti .1 . 111 , 14 3,1 attarnw t,y ..;,•••to.l tt ,t:ttmotits. erofessional era K lt Xt.; fa, u • “, • 1,114 ••I pr upc:r 1.1 to U :11:- ',Pi •r. itt,nt,sooth Iva-If 11 McuuNAUULIY MEMO nl/ tiock • hi dc... • t•••. 1, tf,,t r .•-ter u 6tstes I I 1 1 N. i R. •J. (.; It, A.TT 1.1 , r tiptly ALCM], ..•r ti tObia II • Ilt • .nd •,,••Enont.fiett 41y21.1017 ).I.VID BUEIIL:). r Arial prompt! , I 4 ~fit ii , r:.n.iunaa ~ru trust r• • L• ,„ " • • • 1:A.11 , 41v ;th',,Y• ) \VII) WILLS, A , V, 9 , c, I,IC =EMI DR! lI.S. HUBER, •i i f t ! vg and —t L. TAYE'd EVIL Jun., 11 —,tt =II ky 9,1•(i7 i street, ne• Ka4t, ES= MINCE P (1" itit.l.NTS, PRUNES, ( ' I'l ItO N'44, CILkSBE US At Ai tlaIN