\_,,,ur tti, Frio, ;tll6O. althr been appointed _Mercantile Appraiser for the ensuing year Jesse 'Elias, of Latimore tounsitir, - .last week kilieda Efg,WillOorhen dress ed, 39-elbs. SALES. -51r. Petar B iller bas bought Of Jacob Lott, in Moontpleasant township,. 5 acre 4 and 145 perch,* of WnAland, for 4131 i cash -4-=- .. _ iiiirFeter F. Henry has just 'completed a new two story, flame Dwellimphouse24 by 28 feet, and back kitchen, in Hamilton ban township. • riFirßer. J 4 seph Waugh, Principal of the Holidayaburg Seminary, will address some of the county tese4rs' institutes this winter on "What shall oul*ls study ?" BIG PORRER. , -o?ter Beitler;of this place, killed a largo hclOast i vreek, weigh ing 490* his.; It was II nxinths.6ld, and yielded 280 lbs. of lard. Who C.III beat it! APPOINTAIENTS.—The of the Poor have made their appointments for the ensuing year, as followal.; Steward, Jonas Johns ; Physician, Cr. 23,. W. C. O'Neal; Counsel, J. C. Neely Esq.; TreaaurEr, Jacob Zlitencier • i Clerk, W.. ".4%4 . Picklog. ' _ . SURVEY.—The Chester County Riess 'says that Engineer Hood of the Philadel phia and Baltimore Central Railroad, been employed to snrvey it route for the proposed railroad from Oxfordz_ in Chea ter county, to Hanover Junction, via Peachhottorm ACCIDENT.—On the 3d inst., as a son of Mr. Marks Bream, of Tyrone town ship; was attempting to mount the saddle lion o trona the wagon idegue,,he a!? d! In talllug dislocated bis right shc;ul - der mud fractured a bone in ,the arm. Dr. Eekommie, of Heidlersburg, gave the case attention, and the boy is doidg well. 1 ACCIDENT.—On Saturday last, as Senator Duncan withiwo of his sons, was return inknoine fritm Cash town, Adams county, hisitorse took fright on the South Mountain and, becoming unmanageable, ran off, upsetting the buggy and throwing all three out. Mr.„DAncen waicom4leril bly hurt Ared• ban been coOrked tb- t .the house on flaitt account since than. One of the boys was also injured to some extent. —Valley Spirit. _ . D ONATlON.—We:igitieratiud that on Friday last a number of the ladies of the Lutheran church at Fiirdeld got up a pleasant urpailetbrthelf Pastor , Rev. R. S. Johnston, ' , kw resides in Einrdi t tsburg. Live wagonloads of eatablesOlotur, corn potitoeis., tufkeyi, apple-butter, dm., were driven to the parsonage and handed to the , than . tea. The affair bad been quietly arranaed, and In its denouement took . theioo I Pastor, by surprise. 0. U. A. M.-90 Wednesday evening last a Lodge of "United American Meehan iCB" Was organfze4l.ln this plane by R. W. &diet, N.D. G. C. of this distriet, to be known as "Howe Lodge No 213." The following officers were installed :—Wm. Chritzman, C. ; J. W. Cress, V. C. ; A. M. Hunter, R S. ; W. D. Hobzwm th, A. R. S. ; Isaac . Johns, P. S. ; J. J. Myers, F.; W. P. mebartney, I. ; Daniel Laabell, E. ; Wm. Aughinbaugh, I. P. ; George Weikcrt, 0. P. ; R D. Armor, Ex-C. The order of United American Median ics, we believe, is a purely American.organ_ ization, and is growing in popularity. Its objects, as set forth in the Constitution, are: Ist. To assist each other in obtaining employment. 2d. To encourage each other in business. 3d. To establish a sick and funeral fund. 4th. To establish a hind for the relief of widotts and orphans opf deceased weeurtheare. 3th. To aid members, who, through Pr, widence, may have become incapacitated ft om following their usual, avocation in ob taining situations suitable to their afflic tions. "Howe Lodge' starts with 30 members, and will meek every Wednesday night in the Hall on the N. East corner of the dia mond. "POPULAR SCIENCE."—At a recent session of the "National Educational Convention," at Trenton, N. Jersey, of spechti meeting was held for the reading of an Essay on "Popular Science," by Itt rs. LINCOLN PHELPS, of Baltimore, for a copy of which we are indebted `to the author. One of the evils growing out or the rapid advances in scientific discoveries and the elaboration of theories to meet new developments—leading the stivan/ far out into the remoter and difficult fields of scentific investigation—are an in (Rowel m to popularizescience,and m aking text book s for beginners a rasume of scientific laws, learned researches, and 14/BPute'd theories,instead of what they ought ttfr be a captivating compilation of the A. B. C's and general principles of science. Indeed we know of some Mania these latter days •who contemptuously ignore the experi ence of life-long practical, educators 4 and I would discard from our Schools and Academies all graded text-boots in Geog raphy, History, Natural Philosphy,Cbem istry, Ac.,—leaving such studies to be taken up only when the pupil ban attain ed sufficient mental capacity to master the dry details of purescienoe. Mrs.PUELPs' Ess itis plea for the popularization of Science, espeoiedly for beginrrers. She would bring Science down to the compre hension of the pupil just beginning to . tread the path of scientific researches, told make that pathway attractive instead . of repulsive. Herself an educator of large experience, and the author of a nqtnber of valuabli 'tett:L:banks, Mrs. Phelp!s views will command attention, and hence we regard thoiEsOray before us an e.xceede' ingly timely production. In Illustration of her theme IdraPheips takes up the subject of Botany—a depart ment in which she haft long held sqenvi able dlstlactkln as- teaener end anthor= and make A strong plea Ibr lia.Linetaan, as over and against-what is called the Natural system. While the Natural system is claimed by an friends to be the more asounite and scleutl In. Its alma cations, Mrs. Phelps regards it utterly un, fit to be put into the hands of ladies and pupils commencing the study of Botany , s tending to confuse Weazind , and duce suave:Bl9u foi, leaked of a Ifwile fcir' a most attractive and heskhfui stutly l Ins support ci her views she griotest Irom some of the most distinguished wri ters on BOtAIWID AiDetiAli And Earope. • rot Lindley, The Englisfitonntist,(who has taken the lead in establishing the. "Natural system" of classilication,) IS quoted as admitting that thiseisasidcation ' is not susceptible of Snob an analysis as a young student is capable • of foikowine while other adherents of thane system call that ofLfnieseus han friValdibie key" and "a nacegeary ladder." We nay say, In this cozmatttkut, that k re, PHELPS is the author of a merles of pat 44, ta/ 110 - 49cliEsi ,Mikrad Jai p , _ )lan indicated In this F.salty , rl4i-71-lini• 07 gm- Beginners," o Philtarqpity lot Be: .inners,". "Clieruistry for Beginners," `Natural Philosophy," "Mannalof Mein_ -y," and ALI:OHW Lecterns on - Boktny.s , the latter three being prepared for ad - anced classes. Twenty years ago the titer used Meth ea Mt-banks, and to-day e know of none better. J. B. Lippin .o dr Co., PhiladelPhia, bare recently ought out new edition; revised and m imed by the distinguished ,author, to , ring them squarely abreast Wittsthe few . t advance iu nelealtie inVentigenett.-- he board of education of Maryland have .pled the series to be used in the ems _ on antLartatiamaie- erhoolivotinntlitia ...nen:mend utare to the attention of on; a edneauirs, IBEEEM= I The sessions of theFteehera' Institute closed on Fziday eight: the large attendance and general interest (Winning nimbeite9o the close. It was beyond lineation themost sued ssful Institute thus far held in the county,'and argi*.lao l rogt_he ap predation by Directors an trTeachers of the value of 'well conducted Itultitmes. Al though mach may be said on such occa sions, by enthusiasts who make a swishy of modes of teaching or subject ,matter, of cinestit*Me ntakyi tuna more is said and done from which invaluable lessons may be drawn and applied in the every-day ad ministration of the - School system. The Directors and Teachers present manifested • their sense of the intportance of these In stitutes by adopting resolution affirming that Teachers' salaries should be regulated, among other things, by their "seal and punctuality in attending Teachers' Insti tutes." We are glad to lea rn that a larger proportion of Directors qiis year granted Teachers the privilege of intending, without diminution of pay. . 1 We hope the day is not distant when all our nirectors will not only cheerfully grant this privilege, but re quire Teachers to 'attend. If the School system is to be brought to anything like the highest possible standard of efficient', It must be through the agency of live Direc tors and live Teachers. Drones should have no place In our Educational system. It is but due to Mr. Wan; the County Superintendent, to say that much of the success of the Institute is due to his nod ringenergyand the attractive features thrown around it in the presence of prominent Ed ucators, whose services had been secured at heaty expense. We presume enough was reslized during the sessions of the Institute to \meet these expenses. dit.r report last week detailed the doings of thl.lnstittite'down to Wednesday after noon,iis'd we resume our report at that point. WIEVNISDAY NIGHT, DEC. 8 The Couttbouse, as usual, was crowded. Prof. Raub, ‘bf Lock Raven, delivered an interesting lechtre on "Life and Living," after which verfcreditable essays were read by Mi-s Martha Warren, of Gettysburg, on "The Sunny Side of Teacher's Life ;" Miss Olie Heinen', of Bit4er, on the "Education of Woman ;" and Mips Carrie McMillan, of Gettysburg, on "The Teacher's Mission."— Mr George Grammar, of Franklin .town ship, during the aflernoort, had read an es say on-" The Slimly Side of the Teacher's Life." THIADAY, DEO. 9 Mr. Sbee ly presented the Teacher's Li brary with 8E! volume of valuablebooks, for which the thaoks of the Institute were vo ted. Mr. Wert conducted an interesting Clain Mil inlllstory, the class being taken troiii tile Gettysbuig High School. . It eras agreed to bold the next annual meeting of the Institute In Gettysburg at such time as the Executive Committee may determine. Prof. Kidd gave another Lecture in Elo cution,and was followed by Deputy State Superintendent Houck, who answered a number of interrogatories by Directors and Teacheis, explining the_Bchool Law, the duties of Directors, Teachers, are. At the afternoon session, an interesting discussion took place on the subject of sal sties, participated In by Delany Superin tendent Houck, Drs. Hendrix and McClure, J. F. McCreary, E. W. Cook, H. N. Min nigh, Rev, Sougi#elin, b. S. Brenneman, C. J. Sefton, Miss Warren, T. E. Cook, Mr. ' Wintrode, and others. The result was the unanimous adoption or a resolution that Teacher's salaries should be graded by the amount of knowledge possessed, the ability to impart that knowledge, and zeal and punctuality in' attending Teachers' Insti tutes. Mr. Chamberlin and Miss Rosa presented Chambere.Encyckpedia, 2 vols., to toe Li brary, and received the thanks of the Mini- Col. McFarland, Superintendent of the Soldiers' Orphans Schools, addressed the Institute on School buildings and Furni ture, and the duties of live Teachers shd Dirtctors: At the close of- the sdternobn session, the contest ia - Orthography, conducted by Mr. Wert, took place. The contest was open to 4, and 26 Teachers took their place in cis&. The premium, Webster'd Unabridg , Dictionary, was awarded to Misallacbel Wright, she having spelled correctly every word propounded during the exercise. At night -Prof:Kidd -gave an Elocution ary Entertainment to a crowded house. FRIDAY MORNING, DEC. 10. Prof. Raub lectured on (lithography and Grammar, Prof. Kidd on Elocution, and Prof. Brooks, of the Millersville Normal School, on Mathematics. In tbe.aftarnoon Prof. Brooks delis. another Interesting address, followed by Prof. Kidd with a closing lecture on Elo cution. - At night, Prof. Brooks delivered an ad dress on the "Spiritual Element in Dines tiOn ;" after which Prot Kidd, by request, recited "Scott and the Veteran," This be ing the Jul session of the Institute, the au dience were dismissed, and die members of the Instittits spent an hour or mom; in pleasant social intercourse, short, speeeles, answering questions found. in the "Query Box," adjourning With the long metre Dolt ology,"Praise God tient all blessings flow." The Standing Committees, 'dining the sessions of the Institute, were as follows; On Organization, Masora Hanson Barra %, 0, M. Baker and leas Mary J. McCreary. On Bmohatlona, Mr. J. C. Hikrebrand, Miss M. Warren and Miss 01Be J. HeWard. , On Sockirrhalrkinnie;Capt..lomtliik, iliesa .Itshey, Mthr 4nthi Bollinger, Ms lidlle fort,Mon- Miss Bathe Frey, A. B. Parr, Rad H. J. Eck- Inrode. On Finance, Bild - Ohrand, GM* MOCrearY., Miss Shohol Wright, Miss Alice Powers and Ml* Jennteliamailtom On Lfarmyefieter Kneedrw. - Monad Moto, Mita ?tight Shinty and 4149 Maria Th omsen. 4 ' - On-Queers' Box, George Grammar, Nisi Jennie Bitner, - Miss Zahn* &Danish, MiasOlDeJ.Cpron lster and Miss H. Y. Lane. . . On Singing, Mr. J. Hensel, Mtn Maly Rimy, Miss Mary Kendlebart, Miss Linde &sick and Miss Kate GOO, " RBSOLIITIONS ADOPTED. The followtng, Resolutions, reported by the Committee, were unanimetudy adoptedi 1. That time has tested and Prerren the utility of our County Institute, and that we consider it an Andespenaable aid In se; ming the efficient ot our small te-Porniar education. 2. That our thanks are due to the eltbseMs of Gettysburg tor the swap& In which they have entertained the lady Teachers and also Itmliielr enciouragessent .by their attendance at the husti A That our Omainton due to the Ocimbibien irs for the use of the Court House, and we regard it as an evidence of their interest in the Common . School cause. 4. The thanks of the Institute are due Prof. Ferrier for his entortsganig ..Lecture on "The losellneas of Rudd," ADA olio for his lestem. tive discism on Words. • • I 5 . That we tender elir . Sincere thanks to the Lecturers who have been with us during the week and think it highly complimentary to the good taffeta* of oar rwwthr C9 lll 47.l3olNisitenotit thef be secured thp aid efficient coopers. 4e f cw itartdelirfft In r end ° Pr IteiliNff of 4 only instrtmtive bet 6. That the thanks of the: are due to the Proprietors of the different Hoteb for their kindness In =kis" a deduction Ware et male Tesehers,,' • I , , . - That We extend our Mto asks the managers of the Gettysburg and , Hanover Rail Road forthe deduction of fare of Teachers attending Usti. Vote. laapae H' ` ' Henry ' Henry *ouch, ileputy r stage , thgolatetdent, Ms deeervehn web the Monks of Teachers and Directors pram* nod we ordY regret that everTDirector hi the County was not Present to recein his practice Matelots clearly end Per forkladtOpOken. a That theoheAlos of the meniberl be ertgitchst to the oaken of the Caayteg3oil, datit their duty worthily autrfilthtally. ' • ....10„That.tre rem' Ore:lmnsuani large . aft , e* lon atboth Toolbars !rid fgre.ettgo tile Pm& eittamitete iti,impoo= ifat 041, EEO d laiY~+4 , . 11. That the fialtilmie tendee hiart-felt thanks to Mr. /Steely, ex-Eluperintentiept, for the efficient aid he has rendered Whet waYs.Aad that we *PPM/elate the intend he his manifested in the Institute by his presence at every sestdon, and also begMeve to assure him that his services In the Past are not terllffilliti, and that we think the best manner of expressing the gratitude we feel will be for each Teacher to improve the "munifi cent donation" he bas made in the way of Books, by making the contents of each their own. 12. That Mr. Wert, our present County Super intendent has shown, by the happy method behest followed in conducting this his first Institute, that he Is admirably adapted for the responsible office be has been called upon to fill, and that the cause of Education is no secondary matter In his esti. nation ; and all unite In the hearty wish that he may Ipg live and win laurels In the good work that lles so near hi, heart We forgive him for robbing cur Institute of a member, hoping that she will prove to him a help meet in deed and in truth. lil That a vote of thanks be tendered to Prof. Gundrum. the Choir, String Band, and also to the class from the Public Schools, of Gettysburg, who have enlivened the various sessions of the Insti tute by their soul inspiring strains. IL That last, but not least, we are highly in debted to Prof. Brooks for rendering the closing exercises of the last day and evening so eminent ly a feast of reason and a flow of soul. ARRESTED.—We find the annexed item in the local department of the Balti more American of the Bth inst. We sup pose the reference is to GEORGE ARNOLD. Estp;, Cashier of the Ist Nat. Bank of Getryburg. Nothing is known of Hard ing 1 these parts : Messrs. 'Smith, Pierson it West. inde pendent police detectives, yesterday morning arrested at a restaurant near Holiday Street Theatre a man called Col. James arding, wbo, it is alleged, is an prisoner from Pittsfield, w Mas sachusetts. Several days since he went to the engraving establishment of Messrs. A. Hoen it Co., of this city, and repre sented tha he had been oonsmisaioned Bank Mr. James t Arnold, Cashier of the of Gettysburg, Pa., to procure a check book got up in flue style, at a east of $lOO. The filet aria communicated to the detec Live firm, who received , information that the letter purporting to be from Mr. Ar nold was a forgery. It is alleged that be is the person who defrauded the princi pals of several fernaleloolleges and acade mies in this city tw'b or three years ago by passing on them drafts purporting to be signed by Bruce, Heart & Co., Savan nah, Ga. Since then be has been in other States. He was committed to await the demand of the auihorities of Massachu setts. ACCIDENT.—Our old friend and neigh!' bor, Dr. F. E. Yandendoot, met with a sad a ccident sometime ago, while on a visit to his sons at Aenville and Philadelphia.— Leaving Annville in the morning for Phil adelphia with his wife, sitting- on the seat of the Fames wagon, the seat tilted, throwing him out over the curbstone into The gutter, dislocating his left shoulder and bruising his right hand and side. He is now in Philadelphia with his son, in an almost helpless condition. SUDDEN DEATH.-00 Saturday eve ning Jut, Mrs. Elisabeth Rubsameo, (formerly widow of Balmer Newport, deceased,) died very suddenly at the real dence of her son, Balizer Newport, in this place. Six years ago she had an attack of paralysis, and another aboutfour years ago, Out on Saturday evening was in her usual health. While sitting at the supper table, conversing with the family in cheerful spirits, and in the act of giving some food to a grand child, she suddenly fell from her chair and died before medical assistance could-be called In. She was aged 64 years, 6 months and 6 days. Her remains were taken'to Ever-Green Cemetery, Revs. Brel denbaugh and Jamieson officiating. MEETING AT TWO TAVERNS.— James MEETI NG C. Wilson, of lowa, will lec ture at the Two Taverns this (Friday) evening, on the "Life, Character and Pub lic Services of Abraham Lincoln." It will be remembered that Mr. Wilson ad dressed the citizens of that vicinity pend ing the last Presidential election, and we hope be will be greeted with a large au dience. A HOLIDAY WANT.—your Wife wants; it—your Daughter wanfi it--a No. I Sewing Machine—ore a Christmas Gift. It will be just the thing, and a blessing throneloat the year; benune, when the ladles of a household are happy, will not all be so ? And +what can bring about such a Tesult more perfectly than something that will relieve and make light what is other. wise a matter of great labor and money— the sewing for a family ? The Howe Ma chine is confidently recommended as being the most satisfactory in the market. PRINTER'S INK—A GOOD ARTI CLE.—The Ink with which this issue Of the "Republican" is printed - ht from the Gray's Fen) , Printing Ink Works of C. E. ROBIIIBO3. It is clear, Buws freely, and is of a good color. Our brother printers can judge 'fits quality. by comparing it with ink from other manufactorieL —"Delaware County Republican." TO PRINTERS.—We have been using for several weeks a very fine quality of Ink, from the Gray's Ferry manufactory of O. E. ROBINSON, which mar pressmen- say Is the best for cylinder press news-work that they have used fors long time, it is a clear black,- and . free from all kinds of sediment. Mr. Robinson is a practical ink manufac turer, liberal and courteous In all business transactions, and as -he .Its rearnii.Y . had the misfortune to be burned out, we are the more free to recommend his ink .and him self to the patronage of all printers who de sire a good article at very cheap rates.— "Delaware Gazette." It ItirEvery basinesp man ahould subscribe to Peterrone Counterfeit 'Detector and Na tional Bank Note List, price only $1.50 a year. It contains descriptions of all new connterfelts, altered National bank notes, rates of discount in all principal cities, an official list of the National banks, whole sale e prioss ,current, financial news and hits, complete stook table, list of ail the broken banks, etc. Thefe is mote counter feit money In circulation now than ever be fore, which makes Peterson's Detector an absolute requisite Art , the desk of every one who receives or pays out money. Terms of subscription to PET/ElgiONS' DETEC TOR, corrected by Drexel & Co., is, for the monthly issue, 01.50 a ye ar; mil _ monthly 03 00-rt year, cash in advance. Canvassers wanted lq every Wwa , large wages can be made, scud fOr circular, and altakque their 144/ 1 * ffi*lts. _Address h „ B. keterson & Brothers, Philadelphia Pa. tr, CARD.—To reduce stock the undersign s? offers, lOC thirty drys, the following de sirable goods at oosr may of theip. TAN than! omit, via ;--Itter&oes, Alpaooss, Pop- Tina, Platds; Wool Mashies, Printed De ,Long Shawls, Breakfast' Shawls, Wideridoolk, o oafings,Balmoralsand Hoop Skirts, Blanhete, ,Ftisaneis, Fars, Glas. wire, Qneenswara, Carpets, and Oil cloths ; also k full line of Men's and Boy's waer, consisting in part of Cloths,, ; Ctissinese s , Cassineus, Gloves, Hosiery, Ewa, 'renew Roattliei,v -cash: jibopr D. Mill Bon, store north-west corner square. CHRISTMAS PR.NEW`TRARS PRRSRNTt3.—A monthlyar a weekly pub Ihntion for yoting people Makes one of the most acceptable proems that mm Orli during the holidega.,-and Ear this purpose thp Y outh'e Comorpoon, of Boston, is ad 4bly adapted. Itu ll Malta Its appear ance new and Sulk with each imcceeding week, sholYsilidiMl7;Tiartalothglo4 practical• jlionti' of Abe liret ttrobtat W i t e c , In the 4: 7" 11147 : 4x 7A+1P ) toils colttams t f- . ./ 1 `. It; 44"urri! /1111111senticsViors and Stetembpair aris Jed*ol6)ll - MAU? — Exte4llo: Gaiicirkis o Is* ,•_ • , , Burrza, LARD, Eeoe, BAOON, El 801 P, TALLow, BYNNER - 11AirruLL—Qn the 9th inst., at the rewidence of the bride's hither, by the Rev. W. R. H. Deatrich, Mr. John E. Ben ner to Miss Mollie E., daughter of Mr. Samuel Hartzell, all of Cumberland twp. Gerr—LocirßAirr.-08 the 9th lost , by Rev. Dr. Hauer, Mr. Edmund C. Gitt to Mrs. Margaret E. Lockhart; both of Oxford township. Muls—Bustur.—On the 9th ult., hi- Dillsburg, by Rev, J. K. Bricker, Mr. Gil ben Myers to Miss Amanda Bushey', both of Adams county. Siouan—thou.—On the and ult., by Rev. J. A. Dixon. Mr. Edward Slough to Miss Esedore C. M. Dicks, both of Adams county. Stizinit—KlTZlllLLEß.--Ori the 9th inst., by Rev. J. &Maier, Mr. Edward Shaffer to Miss Sarah Kitzmiller, both of Adams co. B zosuotm—Busuzr.--00 the 3d tif_Oct., in Dillaburg, by Rev. J. K. Bricker, Mr. William blothour to Miss Elizabeth Bushey, both of Adams county. talrObituary notices 5 centa4 line tor at/ over 4 linea—caak to accompany no tices. Hurntss.—ln Emmittsburg, on the Oilth ult., Mrs, Jennie Huffman, Wife ot Eman uel Huffman, and daughter cif Upton Koontz, deceased, -- - . JAZBOZ.—In Emmittsburg, on the 7th but., Raphael Jatboe, after a short but severe illness, Kooss.—At the residence of D. 4.l4ueb ler, in this place, on Wednesday evening Lac, of pulmonary disease, Be,. Rimer 8. Koorts, in the 41st year of his age. l'he deceased was a native of York, Penn's. At an early age be made a pro (elision of religion, and consecrated himself to the Gospel Ministry, graduiting at Penn sylvania College in 1849, and completing his theological studies in the Theological Seminary. In 1852 be was ordained as a Minister of the Gospel, and for a year or more served a Lutheran congregation in Bedford county. Public speaking and the exposure incident to ministerial life affect ing his voice and constitution, he resigned his charge, and took charge of an Amide my ln Indiana, Pa. Subsequently he taught in the Preparatory Department of Penn sylvania College, as Principal—afterwards was called to Pinegrove, Pa., and for the last nine years had chine of -a Select School in Hanover. Although in failing Mishit for some years, he condned his edu cational wrirk until last Thursday, Wino tie was compelled to close his echos:gaud canie to Qettyaburg. jis di/teasel-made rapid _progress, and on Wednesday evening he went to his rest unity and peacefully, sincere, devoted Christian, conscientious In the discharge of every , duty, tie daily exemplified, in a consistent walk and eon versation, the sincerity of his Christian pro.ession, and the beauty of an unwaver ing faith in his Redeemer. Dec. 17-21 sir Die funeral will take place Friday artPrilafm, at t o'o4, few Nivotistmento, BANK. ELECLION. Grstteoozo Natiouat. &xi, Dec 7,16!8. Notice Is hereby given that the Annual Ilection for Directors of this Bank. wiil to• held at the Sault. Lz 11 , 111114 or Tuesday, the 4th day of Jaaaary,„ 1870, an o'4o* P. M. Deo.l7.—td ,01 J. 'MOAT BM% ,Caidtler. W• ANTED.—Partger=lialf' in- Sorest in • good Wood lingraving Litho graphing and Steam Power Printing Snainow, In Philathilphia, an unparalleled chance lbr Capital and a practiesi P i tintior or Lithoipripher. 4ddraro D. L0N•421711. No 36 32 South SeventhG rt.. Dec.17,1880.-3t $B,OOO 'WANTED I . • prasoris desiri n g- o invest from $l,OOO $B,OOO ou perfectly safe Reel gam e security, at 0 per coif. luttrest,free from all State stud , )goal tazatige, wild make Or Mediate apPlication to either of the under. signed. M. McCLEAN, Pree't Board of Trustees of Pa. College. A. D. BUEHLER, Trammel.. Dec. 17...tt ALTJAKX TOWNPROPERTY „ AT PRIVATE SALE. • . , liiiveisfertflowed offors at Private Male the two. stool mum bwarama meaurcebopkil by bis sewer oil Dahlman rarest, Getty:ban, nonitlag 10 08 on • sa ste Ow anst out sad adlo itio= d of lars. lat h ' the Sofa. It desinely Ible *lva* residsooe sad is to gewlonler, with a good *ewe itmc all necerattr baproesetwate. Per senwpi to WARP • dec. 10,1888-LC Dir. HOTEL FOR RENT. jyantiNe !,,0 quit business •Q'T yoluE4mtures iwia;troiL It bag l‘la ► atoboutleMous. tolcirrialr;abl 4 4 e lfag. It it all ON 'Mitt la a sbod -p, • ' Tat ,ea t a, 111Sm.lt -• • •,..• , • t• • HEM • • have be noted for their high ; and every body who knows anything about goorro- Num has gain the babit o ttng feed to his terabit/lama in tile t goiner , of the diamond—fully assured* that they can get just what they want,itheFeery beat Segare, Made of prime tobacco, high/3r flavored,' and what is better sill) sold at prices tilt can't be beat in or out of the city. Strangeri can't mistake the place. "Punekulwilyi stands at 'the door, good humoredly Inviting the pillow-by to enter and enjoy the good things to be found there —Segars, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, of the best brand, Merehalitus, Pipes, &e. ATTENTION FA RidEßS.—Try the oelebrated Patent Elastto Rubber lined Collars, Saddles and Pade. Warranted to prevent horses front ligalling and to beal up under work horses already galled, If properly fitted ; and : sore necks and backs are kept clean with cold water and Csv , tiloiSciap, or nopay. ;For sale by J. W. mainifacturtr's Agent, Gettydburg. Pa; Sept. 10-tf WINTER COMlNG. , —Winter la com ing, and. COBEAN .1" quattwogest have made arrangements to meet the wants of the public by their large assortment of all kinds of Ready-made' Clothing, for Fal and Winter wear, for Alen and Boys— also, Caps, Boots, Shoes, arc., which they are selling very low. tf lariat of tht Vtarketti. Baltimore Grain 6 ITroduee Marked. Raitioars, Thursday .Horning. 4 75 0 5 00 5 12 @ 5 25 1 25 0 1 50 1 20 1 40 75 0 91 95 @ 1 05 56 o 57 3 75 @ 4 00 8 25 @ 8-,0 2 25 00 2 30 I 6 18k @ 19k 20 (id 20 19 0 19f StrPza noua, ExTRA FLOUR,. WRITE WHEAT, RED- WHEAT,... CORN, Rn, OATS, , TIMOTHY-SEED CLovint-szliD, FLLX-exam, BAOON, Snotrunus, " Eints, " Haate, LARD, GOLD, New York Gettysburg' Grain & Provision Market , Oeltysborg, Friday Nersitsg. 4 50 . 5 00 25 1 50 1 00 0 100 Suput EXTRA FLOUR,. Warn. WEZAT, ROW WHEAT, CORN, RYK, OATS, PITCHY/HEAT, TIMOTHY BEM, CLOTHE &ID, POT/TOZII, INEI ...... BEIOULDZRB,/.‘ MARRIEiD DIZD. ELECT/ON. - The mentbent of .41.111 ADA.IIB COUNTY AtigIOULTURAL 1900IIITY" will meet in Agricul tural EVA' on Aranday,Januarp lid, MO, at 1 *lock, P.M.. to transact the usual buslnem—after which an bitetion will be hold kw oilcan for the leer 1170 in accordance with the provisions of the charter. . By order of the Board, 8.0. Puntirroci.' lbereta dARITICL iy. BACEBBT, Pleshient. Lee. 17,17M9.—itt • E LECTION. /1...8T-NATIONA 13.ANK 01 01.1171891.0. Notice is hereby given to the Bteekholders or the V HST- N Ai'lt)NAl, lt ANE 01 LlltlB BUBO," that as thction aw slvlo DIA /MOW, to serve one year, will be held at the Banning Dense of eald Umtata hen, on Tuesday, Ute 11th of January, 1870, t 1 u'el, ck."l. 31. ONO. ARNOLD, I ashler. Deo. 17, 18130.-31 RLECTION. J THE MUMMASIIIIRd MUTUAL MS PRO TECTION SOCIETY "111. hold an .11Jectiou for 12 Ditusorults; at the calm of the Society, eft .11finduy, Ike loth day of January, 11170, bet vouch lb. hours o twelve and thKee o'clock to the alter - boon, "Snarlers are entitled. to one vote for each porky-held JAR EJ BIT SSELL, Secretary. Dec. 17, l Stll.-31 I)RIVATE SALE A GRE..4T BARGAIN. • A Diem tiful and uroducting FARM, situated la IDs fertile Pietist ick Valle?, out) 3 miles from Frederick City, /Id , coutains dt s ACHII3, improvements, a splendid Stone Mansion douse, Barn, Carriage House, patty, Corn Crib, Wagon Shed, to , &c., good Bering of Water; Also, Runnin g Water to all the Arid,. reach and Apple Orchards er upwards of 700 Tree,. Fencing good. airE.ale positive. Pries $6,000. Apply to GNU. P. WEBSI'ER, Property Agent, Prederick City, Md. Dee. 17, 1869.-30 D LMOKESTIS YOUNG eIdEIUCA -The most sparkling Juvenile Magazine ever M ined," and lietalinin Chaoyo PICTUalis of •tulabon's Birds of America ae wapp.emeuts, sod other tine Au gravinge itieach number. The November sod Lk• cember numbers free to new subscribers. This most instructive, entertaining, end best Juvenile Magazine comprises numerous and loyal teat Labe that ar• peculiarly its own, red entirely /ref from the gross exaggeration" so common to juvenile Ilteratora. Our monthly YOUNG Axamaca present, the Onset colored and either eluvial use, lbe best stories, pussies, prises, music, and • host of new and interesting subjects that will not only secure the at . :tuition of Boys and Girl., but terra to portly ant, ol heir minds, communicate moth valuable in formation, and proves welb•pring or pleasure In the household. Yowls subscription, SI 60, with • good Micro scope, or a pearl-bundle Pocket-Knife, or a beautiful Sook,as premium to each subscriber, and eplendso prrmiunis given for clubs Address W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, 838 Broadway, N. Y. 13pIcemen copies, with Omelets, mailed free on receipt of ten cent,. LEM New anbeeribere sending in before the Sant of Jan net, next will ?envies the bloeembet and Le ember aesthete free. A 11/11.14D1D priZe fur the ladles. The finest, mast pleasing arra curtly PAttLiLllt IMOILAVIMI eveg published In Auieries presented aa a preautUga each subscriber. EH/ USEFUL, TIM 1121TrAT1IAII0 Alb THE BEAUTIFUL. TIN Model Magazine of America Demorest's Illustrated Monthly. A. Magazine of Practical Utility in the lionaeLold • Mirror of the Path kwa, and a Literary Caesarea of burpaasing !mates& a od Artistic Yxcellence. 3 00 Ise •'Wt to the echo, hail the sound, rrown every quarter, 10l It mom ♦ Magazine ut worth te found, lizattiag both our tarts aid bow 40 a 50. 35 20 30 20 TUE GatliFUL in DanOlate'll hioneste iumprisee the rift/tits V . .ihahtaar to Laults' and ChM:NV* dress, lucladinig habeas Fashionable l'ettatfui, col. aced Steel Platml, etc.; Garden:ay both usual am comments!, ailapttal to Lama, Model Cottager, with their intrunntlisite; sad lime Matters. in alt their tiep .rtmenta. THit IiNTSILTJUNIXG compesee Original Stories and euetus by the tint antbure. boo) Items, Tette 110 Wonteu br Jouul• Jowl', Literal) mud etc. cad Popular Agnew by tae bat compueere, etc. I.IIS NSA Ur/111.1L, comprises nunteiLue 'Amara. time, lu tit• highest al) le 01 art, prtuttug tin Me duets Gloudetwp.pel , to ilia tint Mustier; gut up ICI .t 1. 10 forma op/intact Vultutte lot louroug at the exid tit' the year, cud iiitiolgetber,• Monthly 'Luaus that uo 1401 . _et taste ur icumancal hums. ale eau anord to LW without. 6 @ 8 eabscrintlua. only s3.®, with the lintel, largest, rad must pleasing eugreving tier fluuktitO In aUltlflea, soli riclay Wu, C 4 4111), eta" lcd - ///g YSC• ele oa Tilt ruvnra or'JITLT," giveu ar a presuituo each entiectilper,and aplehtlid ',ramming! fur Mb. Address DEMORESTS MONTHLY MAGAZINE, Ercenwey, N. Y. When sea tby mall, the knnnage nn he Engraving ten co a ts, must be Iclnded. oth:ern copied cf the M..g.4:126 with elf mallow tree, WI receipt of Unwell 0.1.1,,. Dec. 11.-31 We rarely open a more readable magazine than "The tialagy." There is not a dull page between Its carvers.—N. Y.. haw. - • Well 112114100 Ita reputation for rigorous and racy writiug.—N. T. Tribune, A model periodical ; e credit to American periodical literature.—Press, Philadelphia. THE GALAXY FOR 1870. GREAT ATTRACTIONS ARTICLE 3 BB CURED PROM CHARLES .R.EA DE. MRS. ED WA RDB, RICHARD GRANT witiTE„ ANTHON TROLLOPE, JUSTIN MeCARTIIY, Pdli'Aß, GODWIN, DR. J. O. DALTON, DR, DRAPER And allalte Leading Wrilereof the Day, PUT YOURSELF IN MS PLICII, Charles Reads'. Great Story; will continue to delight the leaders of the Galaxy the greater part of the jeer 1870, Pert first is now ready lo book form, and will be oast free with the llalazy for 1 , 70 on receipt of $4.00, the regular eubscriptkni price, . SECOND. A NEW STORY BY MRS. EDWARDS, author of "Bawl rwalag," !'ite►en Lawrence, Yeoman," etc. Mrs. Edwards Is one ut the very best female novelists now writing In the English language. THIRD. ANTHONY TROLLOPS will tarnish a mks of •Ildliars' Toles," in which ho will work an •ntical, new Wk. reagie GODWIN, one of the ablest of American writers, will furnish • merles' of noteworthy articles on Historical subjects, RIO HARD GRANT WHITS will c patios* his critical sod social assays. JUSTIN McOARTHY, wham skill u an efficient isaosice w rase is Unmet unequalled, has tem eti. weed ou the 'Editorial stag, and will cencritaite Eguil to fl o 43•447. SZVIINTEI, TIN Y 114119 IN 74011 X. giving ito Inside view of the Rom ♦ o Catholic March, by a late SOClealaatle, win be a noteworthy aortae of ort THY BOIENTIFIC ARTICLES will be prepared by D r ., boson end Draper, both eminent Physlologlete NINTU. Tilt IDITOHIAL STAFF of the Galaxy ta now very large and has on It the beet talent engaged on American periodical literature, we have arranged for very liberal clubbing • terms with other landing periodicals. A sample ropy will be sent on receipt of 25 cents. Price, cab cenv• per number; lid On per year. ' Now Ia the time to Subscribe. The Galaxy is the Beat of American Magsaluse. ORELDON it COMPANY, 454 and DUO Broadway, New York. Dec. IT.-4t S HEEIFF!S SALES In punuang g f sundry writs of Ilea feeble eat Vehdltionl lipotthe, leaning out of th e Omni of Ad ams county, tome dintese4 there will Iss awned to Public Sa to, at the Court hoses In the Borough of Gettysburg, on , Zattarrday, the 191 day qf Assamgry, 1070, at 1 odools, T. N. TWO LOTS OF aitOUND, !haat' In the Boroagb of Berwick, Ada= conn ty, Pennsylvania fronting on German street and Fleet attest, and adjo ining lots of the German Belbrined Cho rob, on wkich are ceded a two story Ithugh•call ~HOUSB. with a two story Bacithaildfag attached, put brick and part frame, used sa • Carr imptesakmos Shop, a Blacksmith Shop, Wash House, Cistern, Log Stable, Weil of Windt% Hog Pell and • variety of choke DIN t. seised sad t e l.y in exocatiop na the projpeUloint ithrusg. A Rims AND LuTi al In abbotbstawM. Ad ams county, Pennsylvania, troutlog on th e Getty,- burg and York turnpike on the North, mooing beck to Fleet street on the south, and adjoining Male on the east 01 Freda( 10k Wqlf, on the west at Witham Desk and oantathlog 0 BM FOUSTLI of qn 40s1 OF a ADDigp ~,,,,c s ar ION; Improve with a two. story FA 41‘.11 'hum, Ironic ilhdp, /ramie Stable, Hog Pen, sod other entbuildino, a Walla Water at the ir'lad Nun Trees on Lthe prpesleth. Aliso, the t;reat of TRootis ALLoniii in 3 44:1R1g8 of LAND ottaste 1 4.14 1 0 00 9* of ReiOnok, 4doiso 00'1,4; P ooo r4lnala,wOolololr WWI of WWI* Dltti_a_car and /swirl* Wolf &hod End takoo in ex .••Agioo AS Os p ro perty of Thaw awns". JetOgill BLUME, Sheriff. 3. Sherlfsoll6co, Gettysburg, Dia 17, ISS9.—ta . . AlliPloo percent of the pentium In iti o upen all Wes by the Sheri* mast be pant'omir I slur the p rop er ty ia lW.k &ion or woe al to compty, ther e La t h e peey will be aspllst Its up for soh. . • NOI THE account of LlimitY HARBOLD, (hardier/ of stew:sou sal Naito of aill4olll. Juana, =liar and of Wt Lents * ,dosolund, boa bean Slod In tbo Orphan?' Court of Adana county, and wilt bo coedit:nod rafrodety,ll4'.itay of A,. nary nal, nalonacasure to tbo 000trarp . by abothy Sp the Ogrt. (1, N{ I+., 0114 1 .Decol0;11180.-8, 11. %ROISTER'S NOTICES. TICE is, hereby given to all - _ mumt ether Pami , twiworlled, that die Albablearation Amnon* hereinafter aleadosial Ifn be prim*. ted Orphaiu 'ems of Adams oinntki firroniallnaation and allowance, on. TTIUDATithe ltth 44 7 of JANUARY mixt, at 411144„,14, 251. lineal tied ihial account of Frederick rvird , loramot; air% Ailatioletraiara of kOo k t Sl i Alret and Stud - mama of James Maw, nth latiklkala - Acf 4 mi Lakin. deeeneed. jacceri., Zips. ter' The 103001 int amtko.. laseator A Akwiaaa lieotardate Of tetheortre ship, deed.deed. . "" WM. OLTZ HOteirhaeri 1. &woad aid hod &mast of allow Myers. and AlliMilll4 rateUtollll of tlar 1101 WIN sad Tip:, iessiter dooms& ItLA ill. 1. riTOFFI, Flealatal. Ste, ' - ' '" • ' - ECM YOIIRTU QM! SIXTH MG ere. For returning full club, from - those Free Tickets, accompanied by the ta4, we will flee the unit, extra premiums that we now give,Jatt Lb* same u if You had paid Ip cents for each one of your Tickag.. wino you to understand that not any other firm In the business tun Compete with oe lo spy way whetever. As this tree ticket is only good for the Holidays woo suet mud itt your order, beibre the 20th of Jan. nary, 11)70. "In every order amounting to over g6O, accompanied by the cub, the agent may retain s2oo,and in every order of over 11100,33.00 may be retained to COMMISSIONS • Agent' will be paid tea par oeit, la Oseb or chatinlee, when they nu. or ram lanai atm. Cr which below we give a partial L let of Committal:ma ; Poi AN 1:1:•D/CP, $.30, front a club lends's:, will pay the Agent, as ranunlialon, 13 vs:Brown or Bleached Sheeting, flood Dress Patters, Wool Square Shawl, Franc! Cseeintere Paletsaad Vest Pat— tem. Flue Large White Counterpane, eta., or $3OO In FOR AN ORDER. OF ASO, froms' Clob of Fall, Ts will pay the Agent, es Commandos, 46)Ids. Atntilng, One pair heavy Wool Illangete, Popli p n Dries pluton'. N 1144800 * if_ 6O I . NRAI illft•thim, puk c eta., eta, or 115.00 in cash. - FOR AN CIADIR 074100, *oar a Oina of Onak /furs dred, Ira will pay the Arial, a. connfulou, 100 ythi. wyarn:ride atiaralag,Onia SUVA' Hunting CRS elch, Rich Ifattp Wool Ilbapl.finit orall Woolfreach Oanliineriainc., etc.; or $lO in cub. Wed° hoe vanploy any Travelling Agents, sad tia; - tonesti Agall %lI'S pay moony to pennon pitorttaii to Wont agetitt, 11/1141S personal!, acguatattl. 1113. 82 1 1 D MOM RT Aifiraorp Simirant • , cii i . ;:s4er NO !mita?, pad fur ow now 8 pago PARKER CO., 98 da 100 Summer at., Boston, Mass. oet. 210889.-ly . ~: .. , ; -: ~ • NAV rtittAt - T . - _.• - . _. WI ouboefibor luigiotadanorirtoorsidgfa .I. lam PauTOG lupin° MINNS , et the eht Hand;f Broad t 00, Boithaore drool, Gottirobiiia, (ndit oppodop hdrosoodur IftOro), whorvi tar, will always bo prePared to ttp ID the bollkottiP. • - PHWINIHOHOE4III3HOTTIVIOXIN; 1•08, - c.Tn: H4PERIELH, Attp , - - ALL OTHER STYLEB, ' dial ma PAogotraph I) e vaissly ,i - :ititikieb , & , h, and torsalo dii i , rs as a con, overythisi dose to photo Oar' err sod, cflooactolludfod, , : .• A • . - J. It. gni* , ? 4mPa iada t .- - at, I via cored of. Dakhla". avid Datehle by a 'Duple remedy end WM seed therreeekt4 free. • ANIL 47. , scoosTr, NOboken, N. J. Dec. 10-4 w . . A THIEF. Ile hes Dies traeslfeellaktaill baiarkagglng Arne gists and prrranspartfera,tatlatais ap sea salting a base compound which ha...calla WOLCOTT'S PAIN PAINT. All of Woloadrn gitaiVna -reanadiso limire 4 white outside wrapgawart(AgreoprreßLoci oat br counterfeits. Six Pints of, WOLCOTr* ANNIII/LATON for Catarrh and Cotta the !Aid. oa one Pint or Palo Paint, for Ulcer. or Palo, slut traitor exgrierts charges, tisoolgt of the- in at ISt Chadian) Eaans, If• • Urn° e gallon of Pain Paint (doubly stren g gth) for U). Fault bottler sok] bynallitrortgista. Pee. 111-4 w L. WOLCOTT. BEST CABINET ORGANS AT LOW/SWF PRIORS. That lb. MASON & ti*MLIN CABINET aid ME TROPOLITAN ORO AN$ are Um MT IN ?US WORLD la proved by the almeat. Subsidises' Opinion of tradi tional m otitis., by the award to them of SEVEN TY-FIVE GOLD nod SILVER MEDALS or other bighead premiums, at principal Industrial compett thus within few year., Irclndlog the MEDAL, et the PARIS EXPLINTIUN. Cud by a sale very ninth greater than that 'elegy ember iimeriusents. This Company manufacture ONLY yrirt-CLABR INITRONLyra, and will not make .. cheap organ." at any price, or suffer an Inferior Instrument to bear their name.— Raving greatly increased their &ditties for menu. facture, by the nor doctien of new machinery and otbarwiat., they are now making WETTER ORGANS than RYER BEFORE, at lacrosse& economy in cost, which, in accoidonce Isttls their axed policy of selling •Iwayt at least remunerative profit, they are now of tering ni PRICIB Ilain ritilltlOkt WORK. FOUR ocrAVE ORGANS, P Walnut Case, $5O. Ifivz OCTAVE riteitir 8, Double Reed. Solid Walnut Casa, carved and paneled, with FIVe. Wrokli (Vol., Dla pesos), Aftlodia, tints, Tremnlnnt), 9 1 21. Other Idyl.. in prokortion. Circular. ' with full particulars, Inetedlog accurate drawings of the different styles or orgasm, and mach iniormetion bleb wall be of .orrice W every par cha eer of an organ, will be sent free, and postage 'mid, to and one duiring them. blel.eloN HAMLIN OMAN CO., 151 Tremont at., Ronal ; 698 el roadway, New Perk. R Id-4w THE AMERICAN PA 11 Il.l' KNITTING MAGIIINE 1• presented to the public +. r wood Simple, Durable, Campo, r and Cheap Knit dug Marl:nue ever I_, uted PRICE, ONLY 825. Slachinu will run tither backward ur tirward with equal factllt); Makes the same stitch as by Hand, bat far superior lu eir.ry respect Will Knit 20,000 Stitches in one Minute, 4ND DO PZRPECf WdIK, leaving every knot on the inside of the work. It will knit a palr of atock- Inge (any sire) in lees than half an hour. It will knit CLOSE OR OPEN, PLAIN OR RIBBED WORK with any kind of coarse or line woolen yarn, or cot. tun silk, or linen. it will knit stockings with doable heel and tot, drawer., hood., sacks, smoking cape, o•mforts, purses, rands, fringe, afghans, nutnan mo dessieevat, mittens, skating cape, lamp wicks, maps, Cord, undershirts, shawls, jackets, cradle blankets, leggin., ensuenders, wristers, tidies, tippets, tuned work, and in f.ot an endless vsclety of article' In every day tree, as well as for ornament. • From $5 to $lO per Day Out be made by any one with Me American Knitting Machine, knitting stocklage, /lc., while .-xpert opera tors can even make more kaitting fancy work, which always commands a ready rain A person can readily knit from twelve to Arleen pain of stocking, per day, the profit on which will be not less than lorty cents per pair. FARMERS Om sell their wool at only forty to fifty cent. per pound; but by getting lb. wool made Into yarn at email expense, and knitting tt intosocks, two or three dollars per pound can be realized. On receipt of 826 we wil Lrward a machine as or dared. We wish to procure active AGENTS in every section of the United :Kates and Canadas to whom the most liberal inducements will be offered. Address AMERICA. K. LCTLNU MAL:OINK COMPANY, Roston, Male , or Bt. herds, Mx. Dec. 10-4 w BRONCII 111 iljOR Tit ROA r DISEASE MOSE AFFLICrED WILL FIND A REMEDY IN ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM BE CON VINCRD BY POSITS'S PB.4:101, AND TEST IT YOURSELF Zssitsvrtaxt, Ohio, February 20th, 1869. M J. N. LIARRIS Genacm.:—l have been afflicted for ten or twelve years with Brouchiti• in its worst form, and have tried everything that I could buy recommended, but' with little or ao relhf, until I need year ALLEN'S LONG BALSAM, which gave ma relief In a short time. I believe It la the best preparation extant. for all diseases of the throat and lungs, and I feel It my ditty to my thin mach Mr my awn case, so that others may try It and get relief. Respectfully, MATHIAS MERMAN. We know Mr. freeman well, and haw statement above Is COITICt. W. A GRAHAM k Who/emelt. and :Irbil! Druzgi at ZaueeriLe. Dec 10.-4 w fOR,Ty TIIQIISAND CASES OF GOODS were shipped from our house in Ono Year, to families clubs, and merchant., in every part of the country, from Maine to California, amounting In value to over ONE MILLION DOLLARS Our facilities for transacting thls immense brisiame ars better than ever before. We have agents in all the principal citlee to porchaie geode from the Mann famoren, Importers, end others, for CASH, and often et an Immense sacrifice from the original coat of pro &Knots. Our stock consist-a, in part,of the following goods ; SHAWLS, BLANKETS, QUILTS, COTTON $, HAMS. DRESS GOODS, TABLE LINEN, row ELS. HOSIERY; GLOVES, SKIRTS, CORSETS, to., Be. SILVER-PLATED WARE, SPOONS . PLATED ON NICKEL SILVER, DESERT FORKS, FIVE-BOTTLE PLATED CASTORS, BRITANNIA WARE, GLASS WAKE, TABLE and POCKET CUTLERY, in great., variety. ELEGANT FRENCH AND GERMAN FANCY, GOODS, BEAUTIFUL PHOTtaIRAPH 4i, BUMS, the newest and csitiolcest styles. in 1 10`romal and Velvet Bindings. . MOROCCO TRAVELLING BAGS, lIANDKER. CHIEF AND GLOVE BOXES, At. GOLD AND PLATED JEWELRY, OF THE NEW EST STYLES. We have also made arrangements with some of the leading Publishing Houses, that will enable tis to sell the standard sud !sleet works of popular authors at about one-half the regular price:—gush as 11111.4.4.. Moon, 8111,15, litLroli. dad Tr4rtrox's Woargi, suit Gilt aqd Cloth Bindinfs,—and hundred. of °them, These and everything else fir ONE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICLE. We do not offer acknrleartlcle of merchandise. that can be sold by regular dealers at our price. We do not ark you to bay goods from us anise■ we can sell them cheaper than you can obtain them in any other way,—whtle the greater part of car goods are sold at about One-Half the Regmlar Rates. We want good reliable agent! in every port of the Country. By omptcylug your 'pare time to farm char and sending sts orders, you can obtain the mast ilbatlbi commtesions, either in CASH or morcories. DIGS, and all goods gent by c i s willew as represented, and we ruerantes ottlafnetion to every one dealing with one house. As the Holidays aie coming, we are making special arrangements to supply every one who reads our ad vertipmeitt, with the moat handsome and useful Holi day presents that can be thought of or wished - for, and to enable them to procure them cheaply and eipeclitiouedy, we will give to any onewho ‘lll be come our Agent, ONEtymittio "NM TICHIIIII4, enumerating sogit of the rusay'Marrour ergs* friar which you can rro your velem& of - Efolidiy anti. ,PAY THE EXPRESS-CHARQU- Tble Offer is cnoraespetdally to assist Ageikts fp Q. Western and Suntbern States, but Is open to all ear tonm-s. UZI dratiuments. wHEELER & WILSON'S LOCK-STITCH Family Sewing Machine. 'OVER 400,000 NOW IN U6E. ILEAJWIZE IT II EPOIIII BITTING 4.vr (max • 81 , LO ON LIA.X PL 4N, $1 0 PER MONTH. PETERSON f4:SRPENTKR, General Ayentn. OKNNRAL °rine R for AD I MS COUNTY. J ACOD'S DUI ANISKASSU/SO STREET, G Y.TI TSBURG, PA. Nor. 12, If.ta—tlrn GROVER &•BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH I!KMILY SEWING MACHINES, 495 Broadway, .New York 730 Chen/nut effect, Philadelphia POINTS OF EXCELLENCE Beauty and Elasticity of fillftb. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. Using both thrsada directly from Um spool.. No fastening of seams by baud Ned no wn,ls or thread. Widerange of application without eb.ange of ad- Jastment. Thomism retains itsboanty a udfirmnenafterwash- Jugend Ironic Besides doing all kino:o f work done by other Sew. log Machines, these .‘lachines exECtlllf the most beaatlfnland permanent Embroldar‘ and ornamental work. i?Tbe Highest Premiums at all the inks mid of the United states and Europe, hare been awarded thearover A flakPr SOWP g Machine., and the work done by them, wb exhibited in cote etition e •ery highest prise, THE CROBB OF TIIII LEGION O HNOR, was cootrred w the rero- itentative of F the O Grover & Beker e Sissring h Muhl oe p e•t the Exponition Unlverselle, Pads, 1'.67, thus attest ing their great superiority over all other Sewing Machines. iltir for sale by D. W. ROBISON, Gettysburg. NOTICE. rl l lll3 endersigned tiering had 17 years' experience a practical Operator on hewing Machines WOnidas recommend the Grover Salter Family Ma. chine an the cheapest and beet machine fur family toe. The simplicity of constructk n and elasticity of stitch made by thee. machines Ste two very itop.rt ant points in their favor. 260,000 of the.. machines are today bearing witness to the truth of our as sertions and the demand Is steadily increasing. We have also Shuttle Machines on hand for Tailors and Conch-trimmers use. Call and see us. D. W. ROBISON, Agent, Chem bersburg it., Gettysburg, Pa. June 1 I, 1569.-1 r BE , KNE AGENTS WANTED FOR STRUGGLES AND TRIUMPHS OF P. T.- BA RNUM Inurreg NT HOtlin. IN On Lanai' Ocvsvo TOL IINhAINADLT 800 Pease—Purrins IN SIOUAN AND One NAN. 33 ICLYCIANT FULL PALM BIetiItAVINOIL It Embraces Forty Years Recolleetkois of his Bpoy Llfe.es a Merchant, Manager shlanker, L. ctnrer, and Showman. No book published so acceptable to all classes. Every one wants It. Agents average from SO to 100 rubeeribara a week. We oder extra Induce meets to Agents. Illustrated Catalogue and terms to Agents not free. J. B. BVR& it CO., Pabtidier', Mulford, COUP N0v.12-8. VIN 60A1L-11 ow made in 10 hours without drop For Clren l ele,addrese L. SAGE, Vinegar Works, Cromwell, Conn. [Nor. 26.-8 w ,g DENTE WANTED FOR BEFORE TUE FOOT A LIGHTS AND BEHIND TUE rCENEE, by Olive Logan. A high•tosed, rapid selling book. A coropkte expose albs abow.world. COO pages ;CO engravings. Prospectus and Swept* tree to Agents. PARMELEE At CO., PhCadalpttla, Pa , or Middletown, Cons. [Nor. 28,-8* AGENTS WANTXD for our Great Houeettold Work Our Home Physician ! A. New Mandy Book of Family Medicine By Dr. BEARD. of the University of the etticif New York...- slated by rusdical professors in the earions depart ments Three years dev.ded to Its preparation. Quack. ery and humboggery exposed. Professors in oar lead ing medical colle,e4 testily that it is the beat family doctor book ever written Outfit and sample free to egeots. A. IL HUBBARD, 100 Cheatuut et., Philadelphia, Pa Nue. 26.-4 w ,g .ICNTS WANTED —Newest and greatest Invention A oat—the Nov Pelf-adjusting Garde., for cats g perfect fitting Pants, Roundabouts, and Ladies' Dresses. Indtspensible in every household. Address RAW AY t POOTT, Pittsburg, Pa. (Nov. 26-4 w WHERE! WHERE? W H - E R E ? _ DID YOU BUY THAT NICE NEW SUIT Will, AT S. WOLF'S CLOTHING STORE, n the Diamond, Cor. of the Square, TOWN OF GETTYSBURG. COUNTY OF ADAMS AND STATE OF PENN'A. THAT'S THE PLACE, the very piece, for BARGAINS! BARGAINS!' lIARGATXE!!! in everything—Over Coats, Dress Coat., Pantaloon., Vesta, Linderaliina, Whit. Shit to, Collars, Neck Tie.. Gloves, Comforts, Hai., Caps, Quote and Shoes. Clock., Welcher, Jewelry, Per fumer/. Clothes !treaties, Trunks, Carpet Baas, Vallee., Umbrellas, ' and ten thourvid aril " Wig; cal .too numerous to lturert." Cell, examine, be convinced, boy, and be glad. Highest market price paid for all kinds of FUSS, Dec. 3, 1869.—tf YjITABL/ISLIZB 18611 TIPTON & MYERS' EXCELSIOR GALLERIEs YORK STREET, GETTYSBUEO, PE #'4l PICT(' MKS OP ALL STYLES Views of the Battle-field Aeml Stamp fur Catalogue FRAMES, ALBUI4III, &a, &e Doe. ?, 1869.—if Border Damages, I LAIMANTS for Damages sus, taino4 la Adams 00510 from the Nor are hem by needled that as Gelnleined lAN'S Ie Won ' toed. to Proton . ceellieneetleit ter IkentAlerieg the eaulag wititer,sed that It Is highly hoportaat &troll Interest. tit to roll immediately epos their Coeupet, or si.tin deraigned, Committee of the Dor at o•loyabuitt, to Make th e 'Heusi," arriageasehr to her•Ctlietr claims presented. D. WILLS, • W. oloOklitat. J. 0. 011110.1ic' editioittoo.- Dtc. 3, taw.-zi STORE - FOR .SALE The enedeeeld,,Adialalstretziz of )stet.. tbe thee of Asa e ..T. dectriedwiLl eMI at. Pelenteleke the ROCK AND IIXI'UJ of the.old estehltabed. sad known Atote of said deemed, 9 1.4441 le BILNDARSVILLL Ada= cottety. peeethk, Tie bkore.. keepeee.or thole deettiem to, ga into (4,aaaa aas ,.. a fare eeptinantil L ()Ij W. 314 molt se 444 oar. prison a nera eseortmeet of good atireble Goode.— Aii *mese eitli be mode on cat plc.', end term, mode easy. -The Si eroemwilll.eeteM 4if. Ap= Goes to the Athelbietebtlis teddies nn the . JOIt C. 91110341; AWN.. .1 D4.4,11169.--tt CAUTION ti OU T 3YWARD bND .110 away tram to saintoriboa, nebilag. is •Saat a i ls. Moen pisoty, es, the. Sin oilleirinstin CA t a itierecuir a "" -aa"" ass are honor ociroot o c etiot 6. 0 6. 91 ". account, aI will nits be reoposetion kir ale' dints o f hie cooingly& Lt; ILC9.-4ta aPsziezaw Dec. .NOTICE. • NOl4Oll LI hereby ifssit 4pliamit b.s nude to Goveraor he' thi of Itaini n gsvictod . hind t of , Ibid . is" IhisatstsC Mw Atglult =v . og.; and atatiaNual to o */* rimmii a Vila , wad So • * alp °OPT ' 4 ll4hrit i o l iaLeft • few akiverlinnenti: rr 11E ItEkt EXCELLENCE 1 and Cheapness of our Cloth! ng la the ,411 y sPet et' of our grim imece,s. I= REA I) Y-MADI CLOT Li N Milli' Wel ERIALS. We rise noms but “all wool" goods every piece of which Is well spong ed, and carefully ex amined. Our matter. of Reedy - :made Clothing are such es could work In other eatablislument a Cimalum Work; their sort combines nab fort with style, Our bends ars supplied with tke best trim. ruing', and we see that they use than, and every &tilde Is Oou mighty tested before being put i.ta stork. Every garment, gold is accompanied with • gal guarantee, hoid log eta for the Current need of ril tho representations wade. IL I. conceded that We large business cad many other ad 'materna enable to to sell lower than any ocher house. We Inert., • :Air corn patio, n of prices. CiEMEM WKLI. MAIM UIJARANTEVI) LOWEST r RICED Poll FALL AND WINTER-OP 1689. have made - tb• GREATEST PREPARATIONS YET. NUMBERLESS GARNINNTS, ENDLEBB VAkINTY, COuteEiT BELECTIONS, GoODS TO WEAR WELL. srANDARI, sTYLRS, LATEST FASHIONS, _ NEW FURNISHING GOODS. our good,' are marked at lower oric's ih we ra the eau,' article,' Dot year. cusTom DEPA itT3l ENT AND DEPART3ILAT Pot Bone AND YOUTHS' AHAB Are especially well prepared to ootlif !‘ EAT AND SETTER give 1./UTTERS.+ction. IMPEL/V.ICD SYSTEM, OftEATER DISPATCH. A FINNS, LINE OF 000D8 TII iN XV/IR, SCHO IL ,L./THES. suxuAr cLoruts MANY WEARING QUALITIEs UNEQUA4NEW STYLES D. OAK HALL BUILDINGS N TE STILTS S. E. cor. Gas !BAR ?t RIS LAbOEST 8., H Philadelphia. Em braciog whole block on 6th from Id...kat to Minor. Uct• 22—Ulu WaNAMAKEH. t BROWN. Arai and gersonal OUSE AND LAND AT PUBLIC SALE The undersigned wit Ilse] at Nadi:: Vendee. on the premises, on Thterdas, the 1.11/h day of Dezember hut, TRACT OP LAND, late the property of 6U11,01 WrIbWANTZL, deceased, In Cumberland t o ono mile (rum ..ettyibtirla on the Harrisburg rued, ad. Jolalug lands or Josiah Benner and the Po* House ruin, containing 3 ACRE more or less, with e DWOLLIBIO ROUSE, amble sod other [reprove- wean thereon The laud is valuable and qt. proper ty desirable to any one mating a 'mall 'Mart as a home. Sale to combence at 1 o'clock, P. M.. when attend ance will be given and term. made known by JOHN 00N RAD, Guardian of Jaoob WeiaarinteL ' 0. McCRICADY, Attorney for Mary lifelamantet. Dec. 10,0419.—td VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE BALE The nod. reigned otters at Private Sale Gls valuable FARE. climate in St. Thomas township, Franklin ci,nnsy, on the road from Campheilatown to the Warm Npriog road, of a mile fl-gm the latter road, containing 71. AettlES, more or lees. The Izi pn.ivements are a new two-story FRAME DWEL LING 16224 feet with a Frame Barn, 202E5 beet, and outbuildings. There is a never-billing Spring of water on the premises. Abont 22 Acres are in good Timber, with a large proportion of excellent Meadow. The farm la under good fencing, and in good order, and conyealentiy Invited for Mills, !shot!-!lone., /lc The terms will he mmy to suit purchasers. Persons desiring to view the premises will call on Daniel [(bowie, residing on the adjoining farm. For farther in lormatlun address MERRY MILTENBERGER, rullembarg,lint ea., Peons, Oct. 29, 1869.-6 m VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE.. The undersigned offers at Private Sale a VERY DESIRABLE FARM, situate in Straban township, about 114 wiles southwest of Newchester, adjoining lands of Henry Thowasa, Esq., George Cashman, aid others, contsMaing 86 ACRES of Land in a high state of cultivation. The Improve nerve are a new weath erboarded COTTAGE HOUSE, Frame Barn, a thriv ing young Orchard of Apple and Peach Trees, Grape Vines and Fruit Trees in the yard, a well of . Water at the door; a never-failing B:re.:an rune through the centre of the Publ. There is au abundance of Tim ber. The location Is convenient to Churches, Schools, !fills, and Market. The Property la well suited for division, nod will be sold In Lots or entire to snit eureka/Ara. Persona wishing LO view the premises or ascertain terms, will call an tee subscriber or address by letter. ABRAHAM FICHES. New Cheater , Aug. 13,1869:—tf PRIVATE SALE OF A FABil NEAR GETTYSBURG The undersigned having divided him Vann lying in Cumberland township, Adams county, Pa, obon t 134 miler west of Gettysburg, to the right of Chaintiors burg turnplits, about 4 mile, offers a portion of It at Private Bale. it ointains about 115 acres of good Bum land, with 30 acre. a good Timber.— The Imprivemerito are a now two-story Brick House, frame Chtokuipto, Prams Boat, and all other mem. wiry outiu lidinga. There Is a One young Orchard in good boozing oondition of ail kinds of Pntit. The greater part of the land basalt been limed and is In a good state of coltivatluo. IEIL,Any pawn within to purchase storm near toe 0, ktarkets.Churches, School-houses, should n fail to call and fee this one. July 16, 1169.-tf TEIVDOII.II BKNDSR Zt Ci et tysburg, Pa VALUABLE TOWN RESIDENCE FOR SALE Thu undersigned, intending to remove from Getty*. burg, offers at Private Sale the property in whi he resides, on High street, adjoining property of John liennig ott the Haat and of Harriet Shilling on the Wveti fronting 30 feet on IlfgC tgrest and rennin back tow twelve foot aßey. Tee HOUSE le • new titinatory F1.C141 Building, conveniently arrange with • large STABLB on the lot—everything being In firabrate order. It will be weld on rensonabl terms. For further inSannatkin apply to Gettysburg. Pa., W. WEIGLE.., Noy. 6, 1869.— f * VALUABLE TOWN •PROPERTX AT PRIVA.TI.I SALE. The Eget:ll.ton of the Will of JOaN CAltlo3, .deed , offer at Private Dale, the Vali:made Beal Estate of raid decedent ou the corner of Baltimore and East Middle streets directly oppordte the COMET 1101:1811, 45 fart on Baltimore street by 14L'Ieet deep. Improved wit a TM 0-nTORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, marble cutting shop, sad a well of eitellnent water, fruit, Ac. Tbl- as one of the most de:arab/1r places in Gettys burg. Apply to J .M . A:AYR:tin 4L L NN e ON, J. Nor. 5, 181.9.—tf rano torn. . .--_. uIIEAP LANDS! -- . I have Ibr Gab nor, Goan !DO PARER, vary) s* in size from 19 Acre. te. /1000 Acre., and varyog ht Price from 11 to $3O PRA ACRE. Th • climate It - us surpamed. Soil ailittial to the growth o• Grata. Clover, Gram, Fruit and Grapes. Water Ir abettotrpr and good. CH ICA4 RAILROAD TICILETEw ill be pro Tided for all who come tome to bit/ lend. ,For catalogue of prices, tr.., address ..JNO. 4. CUIRTTER, Greensboro', IC. 0 Rept. at.18119,-641 HOUSE AND LOT • AT PRIVATE SA,LF The subscriber withal to dispose of hie House ate. Lot situated on the td o i ntneehurgiiroti 844 d°l°' to town. The SOUSE Ica new TWCF-STORY )FANS BUILD. IPiti with a one and half story Bacitbnikling, a Frame Pt ble, and a choice variety of Fruit. The buildings are all new having been put n with good amens/ but • tow years ago, Any woo "Wes to pgrobsoo peoperty ahmild yet tail to cell and foe this one as it Ls a / property in all respects. Teruo will made eas y, No. 3 • Ortiyabura, Noy. a. , • 4 FOR SALE My Property on Chaatherrieirg at., Gittytberp, ftt• I 'HE HOUSE is a two story brioli, Gas in It, a Hydrant in the lard with vt:l net. nnildgegs, choke varfettes of °rupee. ittraarberties, Blackberrhs, Idepbeerlei, Prarlt gad dwarf Pear Tram. on IS lot. S. B. SOW. Sept. 10.--tt vaL;UABLE *ILLS AT PRIVATE SALE. • No; 1--A very desirable Mill Pr* perty, witb Ib ACD.VOr LAND, on As haul untars of Ms Slonocacy, one mile from ti.rpty, known as L10.13'. mill. No. 2—On e (Abe? kiiirPxotrert,y, ..M t 40 ACRIP OP L Olt), est Minh Creellt, luewst *lB3lllWe MID, six mil, weat of Gettysburg. . No. 3-ooe other Mill Property, 'tot so Achim OP lotaiD. the turnplit• load's:lg from Abbisttefsiwb to Hattowsku Mee alb haY tio Ulm ter placei ktiewa w Mollirkiftes MtU. A CHOICE FAIIM, ceitaisin, ACERB OF LAND. 80 AO= - TI3IEIRR, mostly llRRalkepo orj tio. , tire FDA choke Boildfogo, taro miles west of llonyobarg ORO, ARNOLD. .tatkrabarg,Dipt.24lB,4. 7 *. , , P. tle—l wiraldbaednag a mai of thialiove MD Pro. looAlaufor a good faro la Adams °oust', Pa. GAO. ARNOLD,. WOOD F 04 %. 5A4 4 441 • SOO CORDS OAR Sao HICK-OBY, AT BANDO.R?EI laperks $ll mot* wa OJI groga. 010. AMNIA ad V b lirg. 'N/M//111,"-e' .. . . • -UR ALE MAE axe mi 1 P ms,m6,:. 4 .* ihsf ., W. v 0 i.,..i., Bria g .x. A. ' 'll64 l ll 6 PitilemilliNdr, ..• doors top ittuelor• nrset, Ina Lescadevitie. Run 11,1; THE PERYZITION FLOUR, GRAIN, GROCERIES, ho. T HZ a ndersigned li paying a t kis Waro4onse,in Carlisle street adjoins" linekler's 11•11,the blgbestprlcestor FLOUR., WEIL!. all, Cons, OATS, IIICI - AND TIMOTHY-811M8, POTATIAIII, &c., ac., endi evite.prodoe 66666 give hieneestlliakree•Miling lie gas constantly on ha ad gaggle, NolassecSyropa.Ooffeem,Sugars.Ac...R3 Salt irk,. Oils,Tateatbraw , dove, Baconand Lard,Tobatars..te. Alio s lb* blo f FLOUR,with 'RID of all kiwis. Ile likewise kas &noble Pacific GD%O, Rhoda.' Phosphate aad • • illexicatiOnain, Whilst h•pays tbstaghest market prices forst! ,he halo. h. Win al Ms 'event !Map profits. Ife asks a share of public patronage, resolved to gira sat stkettosiativeMsemsfe. July 23,1860.--tt PCOBICRT ldwalnitirr„ 1 4 1 XECUTOR'S NOTICE.—Let- RA tors Testaneotery on the estate of 81DIZY DMUS. deceesed,kateof lleadha tournAM, Aden. -cowl. hsij been yeated.to the undastgoed, aiding la earekwasibip, she hereby eves notice Co all perm bred to eaktestate to make tamed.abe d' stow births clams against the poses, Awe properly unthentleeted 01 10 . 4 4 1 " 10 0 t * AMANDA STODIBAXII.II, Nerentrfx. Nov. 4—fit ------ V o2l o.P,—Letters of Admirkis -4.- tiallhni on the estate of DA) na. Simmer, ht. of illhabtowe, deems* MN It bees granted to the am. dandled »adding in If ranliln township, Adams oOnsig • N. 1* Wm*/ give, notion to atl pereom dented to Mid *Mate to make legasdlal• pigment s sad Act* baying clalmaagalsat the same to present Own properly authenticated foreettleatent, LINN, Adger, Not. 26,18.9.4111. XECUTOWS NOTIOR—Let, toroTtotantantiry on the estate of Canavan flantsvita. tat* of Ocoottotto toorooltip, Maur county. Pa., dottookood, having bean granted to the tinder. sinned, he Itaraby shun notice to all parsons Indebt ed to said sototo to nuke tamodisio mama and those banns eta alplait the who to prompt. theta properly anlitaalloatad tor mottlootost. 11101111.11 L &MIL Pa'f, 1.490, PG, 1140,—.11t TN the Court qt gouesuo• EiNia of Athome N 0.3 November Tenst,l9l29. Whereto 'RAW* if Jadtzsem did Ale bin petition Wr Divorce a trinenio statnonnii epsilon NUM* 34ft3y,to aftel Which thalami was ars riled, tested tb tb. day of „Aumpuak4h, D. 1189 ; kat erbium. as AI likthmhttu fun honed in Paid tam retainable, tba Mill dial thIWOOOMT. 41‘.. , b. Wilk the term el Midi Coaree.von, Ina odd itaborme Jacket)°, aro reipeuitei to le• *ad appear la yowl. proper person, la Bald (bort, to 111024111 447 ot J eolotrr. 4 8 70. twosome the peth. Lieu of yoartnattood; the Geld 1111,11tato Jackson, and to Mow eases, If soy you bitoo, May beamed.* not be atoned front t 4 *adapt matrimo o y. PHILIP minx, Sheriff. , . , . And atii , t. au mottos to am, Gatara, H. 14. Mau, alibi lionixagbef orb, bitippolat ed Oesitadtatoear to take teatimes, 04.tleoperlretallo patltioaer ober* alliihmatia tu tiyea, la one of 14111 aelrapapetapabl is thillyelearr.• Tali Walt. To RaiseelJOtios:—Yba sae lierelbiaollled that eop•altaaesef aslant's% ender theabuse will be takaig at alike, Is the Oast:* How. la !tux aortniab of as rterselay, the bilia /ay ei! Dftaltber;lllllk aL/11.0 dock. A. N. ef4atialeary. R. au, von: g, • Del 3, ]9lR—fi t The Clistatonweal/A Ante' 10/o#l 0/UNIT,. 88.1 syloossts b Ms tor4if l setdOluasty Gaxgruira conintaad yes dot you 'attach ,- Biur L. tilXlll.oa, acceptor. late ot your cestoty, ell i mi Lingular his pothi and rhattsk, land) and taw th IS wheats hands or Namibian the same s 'be , so that be be and appear before oar Court of CA.111141011 Pleas, tubs Ipoldes at Batty for lbs said County, on ths'ftrrth *mate age*: ter ern., ISGO then and thereks titterer T. *elapse burg tfational Bask, Illidicalle ‘ Or a Plea to .:Peitk, sod Col Jon susdPitee 'thitosid Mut I. ; mixes tost add all other parsons is whose inlay sten the alms *Dodo and tinuladA4 *se. manta, ur asy at Mew. saylntillMlM Mist tlly . be sad appeals Wise ono, eta at 1161Lote; pleas alum Isestklited,' Mgnu *lad eau Ni 0P44 4 4 4 4404)14. 44 4b 4 16 - 441140444. thatjialrosis l -a Um 0° 4 114 .4f1ik. !rd you Oltr tdil"N . ' • • ilitakarable tam talgium.,_ Sow . Idosp Judvietashl gusa° map dins kn . Ot *Moberg iages • LLOO/1 =SOU WWII; .••••••• Its Anal 16. 1LU147•41 9110. Mattes tbet the attn. till of ravelis Ate aisl as Atha bosalle Ma YSe .oaset. 0•10. -saw Ohm of Adam, ossify fag* You ass is al** macre sr per Name kis - Mrs al. tan. ad itmemot Mixe awfira 4 141 nrding *MO LOOK HEM THE undersigned has leafed the Ware.heaseootbe uoruer. ,l Btrattoestreethad the Rallrosdaettyabertg.Ps.. audvil I carryon th .Grain &Produce. Business • all tobras•hise Vh..!, Ighes I pricdt w 111 itlway. be paid for Wheat Apt,Oote.Osts, Olov•randThoo thy Seeds, Ibursied, ;Inman. flay •nd Straw.. Mind /raft, Xata.losp. Ham. sgnoniderm and eldis,Pota‘, tons, with •verylOng ale* lathe 000litry pr94an• liar. GROOERIE 8 OF ALL KINIA coostsotl) for sal ',Coffees SagsaniNine sea. °Si* ups, Tess 'lgloos, Brat, Chess°, Vinegar, gob, Mustard,itarck, Brooui,Uucketa. k lo_g, oar, C. AIso,COAL Viab oil, Tar, &a rigi.l ol • kiods;Spikiosnd Antoling sod CheirlogTo °seem. If, ig always stile I Ll 11/pp4 grit rats artiolii 03 VlOnr,iii lib the differs, kloilsotYoed. Aloo,Orosodi•laster, llustioisodothatfortilf• sirs. COAL.bI that. oohs' too oresrlosd., Rs will also rob a LINE of FREIGHT. CARS toNo.lat , Nortb [lnward. Itreet. HALT/MAW add No. till Markin 'trent. PIIILA DLT,PfIA. An gob. eent to elitist phiee wink,* received and fonrami p rom pp y AtlgoodrtbunldAl be marked "CRAP OAR.' April 2,1869.-tr J , IALP/I WIBLI. J. S. WALT Joseph Wible & Sons ; Produce Dealers, .Forwarding anti Commission Merchants. South•eart comerof Raaroad and Washington street", GETTYSBURG PA H ICIUBST Cash price paid for silicaOtte otOrainaad Country Produce generally. The highest cash price paid for good Hay and Ryeiltraw. We will keep ItOnstantly on hand for ode •111 kinds of .GROCERIES, inch argnotre, Coffees, Toes, Moles.. and Syrup, To b'tecov, Beeps, Spines, god everything usually kept In a Grocery Store. LINE OF CARE' TO BALTIhIOIIE. wo or f rota Baltimore weekly, to the Warehouse of 111111.LBON * CO., 128 North it., corner of Freida* foe the transportations aimed* each way, leaving, Gettysburg every Monday and rr torntagen Wetbeeday. The i beat brands of IIiaTUIZ/12.8 conatantll on hand, oeseenrs4ataliort mike km theft ordering. April 9,1869.41 • EMOVAL.--The undersigned 'LIU boa removed his FLIRTING °Trios from the Diamond to the oornar of Railroad and Wasklagtos streets, arbors be will be plowed to meet his old Moods and patrons. April 9.-3 t NEW FIRM.` A. E.. ECKENRODE HAS token t►e Witrebours, lately occupied Philip Hausi.at Granite Station, on Abe hue of tb Gettysburg Railroad, 2 tunes front lionteritorn,and will deolla all thuls r of Grain and Produce • giving the hihest markat pries. I will also keep concantlyon h and A>r sale all kinds of GROCERI..ES, Coffee, Snpar, Molassmilyus,Taas. Ith Sal I.h, Oils. Tar, Soaps, Bacon and Lard, Tobaccos, Ac Also, th• best brands of /LOVA. with Wl= of at birds; also, Coal. I rospectrally solicit thepattonagrofenrfrfends. and Invite the public to call and es ein. my stock A.I.ECKENApDE. Jan.22.—tf NEW FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HOUSE. A VDIG purchased the extensive aaraw w .., Cars, to., Of CULP the undersigned hstend ttcarry on She business. an• der the 511110 f 310111•11 t CO at the old steed on the corner of Wash ington •ad n ital tree d more extemdee scale than here tofora OD ft gipe. regular Unita Tref/Ist Oars rlillisave oat Warehottee *very TUESDAY NOON. cad accom atodatlon trains will ba run all 00eaalos may reigslE • By tile arrangement we are _prepared to convey Freight at all threes to and from Baltimore. dal 01 1ainece of this klad entrusted to us,will berrosopt. It reirded fa. OUT ears ran to the Warehouse of Wawa * Bone, 166 north Howard street, Dahl. more. Being determined to pep good prices; sell cheap saddest fairly, w • l aelleeverybody to ilia ass call. WM. M.BIGHAM. ALWICANDIUt COMMA X `.P• J BIORAM. Jaim.B.lll6l. ROBERT M'CURDY, DEALER IN 0 ITITSBIIIIO. NUN 'A A LARGE SUPPLY OP GROCERIES, SEVERAD VALUABLE FERTILIZERS, gqal NOTICE. NOTICE. JOHN Ml= J. 1.4184