The star and sentinel. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1867-1961, December 17, 1869, Image 2

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Friday see. ter. WM
Advertisers andotbereluterustedeilli
lion, In mind Mat the impales olive-
Dillon eines "STAB AND NENTEiFEL"
Is meek lamer than th . et et any oilier
riper published in - the CuesMr, bellow
road weekly by net less than Homes
persons. . '
Ihe New York Independent and star
/lc Sentinel at unusually law rates.
We have made special arrangemitifs
with the publisheis by which we are
enabled to furnish the New York In
dependent and the STAR & SENTINEL
to mew subscribers at the lotv rate of
$4, together with a copy of liitchic's
splendid Steel Engravings of Gitaarr
and COLFAX AS premiums. The Tim?.
PENDENT Is one of the best religious
papers in the country, and its regular
subscription $2.50.. The Engravings of
Grant and Colfax alone sell for s 4.—
Specimen copies`can be seen at this of-
flee. Fiere is a chance to, get the Inde
pendent and the Star & Sentinel FOR
NOTHING. Send us $4, and both papers,
with the two Engravings,•will be sent
to any address.
We have on our books a large anion n t
of unpaid Subscriptions, Advef.tislng
and Jobbing, and have commeneed
making out accounts, which will be
forwarded to those indebted as rapidly
as th•iy can" be prepared. The Cash
sYstem has been introduced in every
thing requisite to a newspaper office.
We have to pay Cash for every pound
of paper, every, pound of ink and type,
and all the labor employed In the office.
To meet our engagements, wears com
pelled to reduce our business to the
Cash basis, as far as practicable. We
have been sending the "STAR Alen
SENTINEL" to some subscribers for
nearly three years, without realizing
anything on their subscriptions—to
others for a less period. With the
heavy outlay incident to the manage
ment of the office, it is absolutely ne
cessary that we realize promptly the
amounts due us. We hope that all our
friends will see the propriety and ne•
cessity of promptly meeting these bills
as they are sent out.
We propose at au early date to re
vise our mailing list, and to STRIKE
OFF all who manifest no disposition to
pay the printer. With this fair notice,
delinquent subscribers cannot complain
if they find their papers stopped.
Our terms are $2.50 per annum, when
not paid in advance. As we are
anxious to close up our old accounts as
promptly as possible; WE WILL ACCEPT
PROMPTLY, on receipt of bills. Those
who neglect to pay, and force ua to the
expense of collecting bills by agents or
other means, will be required to pay
the full $2.50.
In this'connection we renew our cor-
dial thanks to those of our patrons who
have so promptly paid their subscrip
tions—also to those who have so gen
erously aided in extending the already
large circulation of the "StAP AND
SENTINEL." During the last three
months we have received quite a num
ber of new subscribers, and can thus
readily afford to drop the `•dead-heads"
without affecting our aggregate circula
THE House of Representatives has
been discussing all week the new bill
to provide for taking the census of 1870.
The main struggle-has been as to the
otlicen3 who shall do the work. On the
one hand it is urged that the statistics
should be gathered by the Assessors
and Assistant Assessors already in of
free, as a matter of economy and as
likely to secure more thorough work.
Om the other hand it is held that there
would be reluctance the part of many
to give the requisite statistics to the
Assestioni, because of supposed bearing
40n taxation, and that more correct data
could be secured by, means of Census
agouti; specially appointed. 'Unless the
new bill passes by the :Ist of January
the Oenaus will be taken under the old
Ws see it stated that the proprietor of the
Gestysbnig Kamlysine dprings has gone
into leaving some 1160,000
liabiiltiesin the neighborhoodh of the great
battle-dolt—Carlisle Herald.
The Herald is in error, in announc
ing the fidlure of the "proprietor of the
Gettysburg Satalysine Springs." Dr.
Haan:mos! of New York, who has
gone into bankruptcy has nothing to
do with the Hatalysine Spring. True
he was one of the original lessees of the
Spring, so far as concerned the right of
bottling, but his connection with it
ceased over a year ago. 'His liabilities
in this neighborhood grew out of real
estate putcluses—his creditors here
being amply secured by liens on the
property sold to him.
IT is proposed to pay Pensioners
through the agency of the Post•office
Department, by • using Postal Money
Orders issued directly to the Pensioner,
say every two months. This would
dispense with the necessity of Pension
Agencies and the preparation of semi
annual vouchers. Pensioners would,
on these Money Orders, draw the
amount due them from the nearest
Money Order office. Prominent mem
ber:sof Congress favor the plan, and a
bill wilt probably be reported to that
effect during the present session.
GLaDirrozies bill for the disestab
lishment of the Man Church has fail
ed to pacify Ireland. Fenian demon
strations oontiuue, with a growing
visit of insubordination. It is au
nouncad that Gladstone, falling to win
by pacific Legislation, will now resort
to repressive measures. Troops will
be sent into Ingazul Awl Zl:Mitial AILAV
be declared, with a suspension Of the
habeas corpus' sat.
_LATEX despatches lroin Texas =-
gra the election of Davis as Governor,
and the pomander of the Radical Re
gablican.OPSte Ticket, 14 decided ma
jorities. Iwo ,resnit is as gratifying as
It was dnespAed. Texas was thought
to be the Ulla • , ixelconstructed of the
Rebel !States, sad .44e 4e.te.44 of Davls
was generally conceded- ,Alotli
sipig opt* TiVAioa s for i Xyl i ti
- e nine-Judicial Districts in
Uhl law, were to be held
two Courts, which shall he called
Circuit l'ouris," and wAre to (*mist of
a Justice of the Supreme Co* of
United States and the Distri Udge of
the District. The business hits ; of*,
years Laverne so extensive inthesitithi:
cults as to make it impossible _for tht
Judges tot through, with,.it. Thit
- induced Codugress last white/7 to pait
an Act, the 3d section of which pro
vides that "for each of the nine exist
ing judicial circuits there shall be ap
.pointed a CircUlt Judge, Whip shall
reside in his circuit, and shall possess
the ea me vewersuad jurisdiction ibeirek
in as the Justice of the Supreme - Court
allotted to the circuit. The Circuit
_Courts in each circuit shall he held by
the Justice of the Supreme _Court al
lotted to the circuit, or hy the Circuit
Judge of the circuit, or by the District
Judge cf the district sitting alone, or
by the Justice of the Supreme Court
and Circuit Judge sitting, together, in
which cage the Justice of the bowel:tie
Court shall Preside,or,in the absence - Of
either of them, by the other (who Shall
preside) and the District Judge. And
such courts may be,held at the same
time in the different districts .of. the
Same circuit, and cases - may be heard
and tried by each of the Judges hold,
ing any such Court . sitting auart, 7 by
direction of the.Presidiug Justice or
Judge, who shall desiguate the, business
to be each." -
the sth section of the Act re
quires each of the Justices of the
Supreme Court to "attend at l e ast. one
term of the Circult,Court in each die
trlci of his circuit, Aiug every period
of .two years," their labors. will be
greatly - lightened, and the morefspeedy I
transaction of business secured;
The President, who is authoriaed to
make the appointments of the new
Circuit Judges, has sent to the -Senate
for confirmation, the following - names:
Georee F. Shepley, of Maine, for, the
First Circuit.
B. Woodruff, of New York, for
die Second circuit.
Wm. McKenna", of Pennsylvania, for
Ilke. Third Circuit.
George A. Pearce, of lifarylond, for the
Fourth Clircuir.
B. Wtroda, of Alabama, for the Filth'
Georp 1L Yeasnen, of Kentucky, for the.
Thos. brnmincred, of New York, for thp
Seventh 01 knit
John F. Dihon, of lowa, for. the Eighth
Lorenzo Sawyer, of California, for . the
Ninth Circuit.
Mr. McKenna», nominated for the
Third Circuit, composed of Wrineylva
nia and New "Jersey, is a native of, and
now resides in Washington county,
Pennsylvania. \ lt - will be remeMbered
that he was named in connection with ,
a place on Gen. Grant's Cabinet. He
Las excellent legal acquirements, and
enjoys the reputation of being one of
the best lawyers in ~the Western part
of the State. His father, Eon. 7 bonnie
M. T. McKennanVrepresented his Dil3-
trict In Congress from 1831 to 1842, 'and
was appointed Secretary of the 'uteri
or, by President Taylor, but resigned
after holding the office a few weeks.
The salary of the new Judges is
$5,000 each per annum.
Objections having been made to the
confirmation of George H. Yeatnan as
Judge of the 6th eireuie; by reason of
alleged complicity with the Rebellion,
it is said the President will withdrdw
the nomination.
,HON. ROBERT C. GarEß,of Pennsyl
vania, has resigned his position as one
the Justices of the Supreme Court of
the United States, an office which he
has held for nearly a quarter of a cen
tury, having been appointed by Presi
dent Polk. That this . announcement
will produce a sensation in legal and
judicial circles'will readily be under
stood, sines it not only opens another
vacancy on tire Supreine Bench, to be
. by President Grant, but is' also
likely to affect grave questiOns .of na
tional concern, on which the CoUrt is
nearly divided, and on which any suc
cessor President Grant is likely .to ap
point is certain to hold different opin
ions from Judge Grier The President
has succeeded se Well in the main • „in
his appointments of the .new Circuit
Judges, autt the cou,Otry will have a
larger faith in the judgment he is call
ed to display in, two yet more impor
tant places now to fill. Judge Grier was
nest to the ,oldest Judge on •the Su
preme Bench, and had become so in
firm that frequently he had to be car
ried to and from the Court. Under an
act of Congress,allowingJustices of the
Supreme Court over 70 years of age, to
retire on continued pay, Judge Grier
will dining life receive $6,000 per an-'
IN the. U. States Senate, on Monday,
Mr. Carpenter, from the Committee on
bn the Judiciary, reported a bill to , per
fect the reconstruction of Georgia, pro
vidlng for the assembling of the Legis-.
lature as originally elected, with no
expulsion of members on account.of
race or color, the exclusion of all per- ,
sons ineligible under the Fourteenth
Amendment, and that the provisions
of the act be enforced by the military .
and naval power.
On the same day Mr. Drake Galled tip
his bill prohibiting the Supreipe Court
from jurisdiction upon acts of Con
gress, and made an argument - tips:xi it.
Mr. Drake took the ground that if the
Court could paw judgment upon and
reverse an act of , Congress it was prac-
tically the highest power in the land,
and that.the Constitution neverintend-
ed but that Congress should be the sole
and supreme legislative power.
Mr. Trumbull, while expressing him
self fully in accord With Mr. Drake as
to denying to the Supreme Court the
right to pass on political legislation;
thought it would be dangerons to with
draw from that tribunal jurirslictinik
over all legislation.
THE CEtumeniCal Council at Rome
was opened last week with unusually
impressive ceremonies, aaild the ring
ing of bells, the firing of cahuon, Ac.
After a session of a few days,the Conn
ell adjourned until after the Ephiph
any, Jan. Bth. Considerable difficulty
is apprehended in divided counsels.—
The Governments of Frattue and tSpain,
it is said, have announced that if the
Council undertakes toafilrin the dogma.
of Papal Infallibility, they will hold
themselves absolved from all ouliga
lions to respect its decrees. A telegram
from Rome reports that the. Pope has
homed a decree, providing Unit in caw
of his death the I.F.,eumeuical Council
shall he dissolved, Allkd Now bps Oar
anals vote for his iincoimmor. As the
sealants pc the Commit. will isnituiand
mach astinitAcp, we give on our first
Page INI interesting is/0431/ of its cen
atitution tiud the pie aces Who ma, be
expected IP AourAi Pkowintdati, •In its
LETTERS from Rowe kate this tlii
Pope tuteude to make Quo or wore
Amerletua probate (Ardiustac and the
ArehblBhope of Sisikaeue ittal New
York are uteutkouott lop lowly to re.
,t 10) bon9n.
A BILL for the suppression of polyg
nay and the correction of other
abuses tit216,44,11gwrue1,,,,ka:14- '
. taiticelrinto the U. S. Senate by
Mr. Ciagin, of New Hampshire. It
provideshattone but citizens are to
be competent to;nervetiat jurors, and
the United States, in anirease in which
it shalthe ' ty4AlluVute e tirila 'i:.
_ ~...
of Cl ty,34ltrrs. :'The rats
the killit re to l be placed midler tie
colial otrjhe Obarerntowippoketed . tl4 ,
thatinite*Statee. MeTriAge..l94o beli
civil contract, and Polygamy in every
form is forbidden under revere pains
and penalties, while those who practise
it, or even believe lu its rightfulness,
are declared-incompetent to serve as
the act against polygamy
_passed In
1862. pertaiii:ordinances, relative to
Water and • pasture lights i n Utah, are
disapproved and annulleii, uud all acts
of the Legislature of Utah Territory,
or of the so-called State 01 Deseret, in-,
consistent with the provisions of the
bill, are dcelared null arid void. The
friction between the Mormon system
and the . tide.of civilization now pi-w
-ing over the plains, by reason of the
c..nstruetiou of the Pacific Railroad. is
developing au anta,gonisni which must
lead to serious difficulty, and the Gov
ernment must meet the issue sooner or
later. Mormonism, under Brigham
Young, is .essentially a despotism, and
its power will have to be broketi r possl•
bly by the logic of bayonet- and can
ON Monday the President:setae mes
sage to the Molise, in response th a re
solution, asking what States have rati:
fled the proposed Fifteenth Amend.
melt to the Constitution. He enclosed
aletter to hlm from the Seeretri , y 4 .
State, giving the folloAing (.11
Statei as• having ratified it:
Mhisotrri, • Arkansas;
Kansas, Connecticut,
North Carolina, „Florida,
Wein Virginia,
libiesschusetts, ludi
Wisconsin, New Tork,
.New H.mpshire,
Louisiana, Nevada,
Michigan, Vermont,
South Carolina, Virginia..
in the case of Missouri and Kansas
bele are soma defects in the returns,
whiyi can be.remedied, if necessary,
Ity further legislative action. To make
the Amendment a part df the Consti
tution tins assent of-28 Water- is necest
simr. This leaves 7 more to be secured.
Legialathries favorable to the Amend
ment have been elected in TexaS, Mts.
aissippF, Rhode Islatid;Alabma, lowa.
Minnesota, Nebraska and °hie—quote
than sufficient. Besides these Georgia
and Oregon will -probably ratify.—
Ttiere seekus, therefore, to be no rea- -
eonable - doubt of Manhood'SulTrage be
recognized throughout the Repub •
lie In the year 1870.
TAB ease of Dr. ticticeppe, convicted
of the nrarder of Miss liteinecke, has
excited unusual attention throughout
the country. Prominent meditatl men
and a number of" Medical'Abioclations
have examined the testimony in the
case, and generally ogree that the evi
dence of Miss Steineeke having died
of poison was iticonclusiVe and unre
liable. Public meetings have also been
held In various parts . of the. cOputry,
at which resolutions' were adopted
asking Gov. Geary to withdraw the
death-warrant. In view bf the opin
ions of these medical experts, develop
ed sin - ce the trial, sufficient doubt, to
say the least, hai been thrown around
the case to justify the Governor in ar
resting the execution. Under the cir
cumstances it would be wrong to hang
Dr. Sehceppe.
The latest phase of the ease lst the
granting of a Writ of Error by the
'Supreme Court, returnable the first
Mouday in January. This will of
course postpone the execution, which
bad been fixed for the 2.2 d inst.
Gri.a.x..s are In demand "ont west."
The estauss of men in Ohio- is. 40,000;
in Ildiehigau t 40,000; in KAnsas, 1+5,000 ;
In Missouri, 72,000, and in . California,
113,000. On the contrary, thbre are
W,OOO more women than men- In New
gugland, and nearly the same excels,
of females In Pennsylvania, New York
scud New Jersey. some of the females
iL the last named States could doubt.
less have their pick of husbaatis if they
'vere to emigrate westward. •
`.ON Wednesday the President nom
inated to thftSenate Attorney General
}low . as Associate. Judge •Of the
Supreme Court under the act of Con
vest, providing for the appolutinentof
an additional Judge.
• Judge Buong, of this State, Is afro/11;-
1y urgeo as the successor of Judge
tliat officers of Internal Revenue shall
not be allowed to charge citizens for
making out papers which the latterare
required to furnish, and gives notiee
that those who make soca charges will
be instantly dismissed from the iiey
THE Postmaster General recommends
19,.. his .fteport, the abolition of the
franking- privilege, add the pressure
Cvgretis will probably lead to the
passage of a bill to that effect. The
franking prlvilegais an anomoly - In
Atherlean legislation, Wrong in every
aspeet, and is
GaV. GEARY'has issued a pri4iuna
don deelaring - the payment by _the
ecinmiasionera of the Sinking Fund,
M the yeas ending 30th November,
1869, of $1,725,59t 07 interest, and $362,-
762 09 prineipal of the public debt.
Hoy. John Covoda has succeeded la
iroviog sufficient ,fnimiuleut votes jo
the Westmorellind audirsiistut district
to elecililra by 440 majority over Vol/-
ter. He will of course get his seat In
' "lioranis, "it teems, are not confined to
Yankee laud, The old world also oc
casionally proclaims atnasthing in that line,
fur we see that a noirelty, as well es a de
cided convenience, hes been introduced in•
to the postal arrangements in Austria...—
Cards of a fixed size are sold at all the poet
offices idr two kreaLlerot one side Wing for
the'address, and the other. ' Itir the note,
which may too written either with ink or
welt any kind of pencil. It is throws in
to the box and de:Dieted Willmar. envelopes.
The object Is to eatable. parsons In iternl off
with the iell& possible tumble maisageg or
smelt importance, without recourse to pa
per, pen, iuk and entosiopea •
Then Ann AMONG .BToOn.--GoVerUntellt
()filch's employed nt the TarierUl ports Can
' no t few with too fiectetari
.Bouivreirs recent lappociiona pameendorg
the importation of dhanited prutle. Euro
pean advicii, report . the rapid spread 4
pop k a s i,: l ui &Ba u m eflbctikor the hour , and
nvoturtOf bertl Fatale NW tuber arritnalL do
for **bare been Ton' fortNtprio escaping
front gib dilacifiten VASA pale been eq
tractive to EarOpertir stuck, wua a l a arty
mine of proper clue It our portd 440
bora, welhall proiaoiy insure delivinite
train ibegg taws.
- *Iii&O1111kNo /
CARROLL—The Westminster Advocate
1 ittaturllnifthittrefirmfitterfutlrrffftifft
ent in the lower part of Carroll county.
Several farnsersterjeloniall their fat hogs
from the diseane;A r e , v. J4sthan Monroe,
for 48 years a ininitlac.4' the Methodist
Episcopal churc4.,*l4,Westminster, on
thstitkinst. , Ser,, T . 1
tossiOnn4isp. is -. 1 01 . fi C ifo / nday afternoot4
the 6tsOnst., Margie; a little daughter a
Henry'Ginter, about 5 years old, residing
on the Nirogneek.Osp road, .was burned to
death in a most horrible 'manner. The
lather of thichild was out at the stable at
tending to the stock. The mother went on
an errand to her father-in 7 lap's, !lensing
threecliildren in the room—the deceased, a
.alaariarareass younger, and as infant in
the cradle. She ..was gone ahoqt fifteen
minutes, and on her way back "to her home
sbe was told that the house was on fire.
She ran in and found the little girl lying on
the floor, v. ill all her clothes burned off ex
cept a few shreds around the shoulders. A
charred stick was lying on the stove hearth,
and a chair in which the younger sister bad
been sitting, with on are. When the moth
er picked Maggie up, she asked if her sin
ter had set her on fire. The little suffeier,
replied, as best she 'could, that she Mid
done it herself. She was burned to a crisp
about the body, and lived about an hour af
-1 ter she was discovered, during which time
her sufferings were intense.—On the 9th
inst., Nathan C. Woods, residing near New
ville, while hulling cloverseed with a ma
chine, missed his looting, falling in among
the revolving wheels, and so badly iujured
that death ensued in a few horn.—The
large Warehouse of Judge Blair, and the
Stables of Messrs. Iteedig, Shepley and
Huller, iu Shippeusburg, were destroyed by
fire, last week ; supposed to have been tet
on fire.
FRANKLIN.—Leonard Kauffman,of Quin
cy, had his shoulder dislocated on Monday
last.—The Lutheran congregation of Green-
castle Lae extended a unammons call to
Rev. A. Buhrman, of Way neeboro.—A
valuable horse was stolen from the stable of
- - -
James Shuchey, near Waynesboro, on the
night of the 4th'; tbe'thief and horse were
captured at Charlestown, rt.---George
Summers, a respectable farmer residing
near Wayneaboto, Was found lying on the
road in an insensible condilion, on the eve
ning of the 4th, and died the saute night.
It is supported he felt or was thrOwn from
his - horse, and in the fall received a severe
wound in the Ibrehead, fracturing the skull.
—The tailor steep of Jacob H. Zeariass,
Or mown, was robbed-en the night of the
Bth inst., of a large lot of clothing.—Rev.
Wesley. Howe, of Greenilliage, .was found
dead in his bed on the morning of the 9th,
at the residence of Rev. Mr. Lloyd in On%
town, whom be was visiting. He oow
plained of being unwell when be retired.--
Wm. Hamilton, aged 22 years, was found
lying deatLaLthe moullisof a limrsAiln on
the Sirarburg rase?, i miles from Chambers
burg, his body being badly burned and
of his feet burned of He had been in
Chamberaburg the preceding evening
drinking with some of his companions, and
on his way borne h d laid diwn at the kihi,
and talting- asleep lolled down to the
WASHINGTON. —At a recent meeting u
he Beim! of Truatees of the Autieten
Cemetery, the following gentlemen were
ie elected as officers to set ve duting the
engulf% year : Q. L. Cranmer, President ;
General E. Sbriver, Vice President; Thos.
A. Boom, Secretary and Tieasurer ; Dr.
A. A. Biggr, Superintendent.
Yonr.—Henry Wirt has been chosen
President of the Hanover Savings Institu
ion, in place of Jacob Wirt, deceetsed
The office at 141cCall's Fe; ry, is re establish
ed, Michael Donohue appointed Postal's
er.—Elizabeth Listman, wife of Christia
Listman, of Fairview• township, drowned
herself in Yellow Breeches creek.—A. yon
of Daniel Ramat, North Cod()rust township,
°tithe line of the Hanover Branch Railroad,
was killed instantly by a vicious horletick-
Log him in the bead, at his father's stable
wllle engaged loosening the animal pce
puratory to rakleg him to water. He was
foetid lying deatl in the stable.—W. C.
Houser, of New Oxford, has purchased the
Franklin Hotel, in Hanover, for $9,000.
Ju. go Young, of Hanover, bought We was-
er armor's house and lot, and the lot ad
ining, In Harpers Ferry, Va., at, the re
cent tiovernment sale, far 86,100 and *5,
Mn. Seward arrived in _Mexico City on
the 15th nit„ end met %lib a grand recep
Forn men were suffocated by coal gas on
board a schooner et St. Johns, N. 13., on
bn sday night.
Miss Mania Irwin and Herman Cochran
were drowned on - Saturday in a pond in a
graveyard, whileskating, at Cheater peon.
DAMAGE to the extent of $ lO O.OOO wee
done to buildings connected with the St.
„Ficholu Hots - ,, New York, by the, on
4146:1/ •
stated 'bat thousendil of chickens
and turkeya Use receutJy died in Cheater
arid Delawareconnties, Ps., from what is
known so the chicken cholera.
A I'AXTT of one hundred armed men took
two negress out of the Richmond Ry:, jail
on Sunday night, hang one and whipped
the other and sent him back to jail.
Tun office of the Northern Central Rail- .
read Company at Elmira was robbed nn
Monday night of checks and drafts to the
value of $lB,OOO - apd about $5OO In green-,
'hut Spanish gunbosts have been releas:
ed, instructions having been forwarded to
District Atttwney Pietrerwint from WaSit
ingion not to proceed any forth& in the
Two men entered the office of the Treas
urer of Till= county, Illinois, on Thursday
evening, stabbed that official so that be
will probably die; and made off with $BOOO
in money.
Tux editor of the Washington -&porter,
baying Indulged in 'certain strictures upon
the price and quality of meat sold in that
borough, the Butchers have formed a ring
on him, and he can't get a pound for Iwe
nor money. He confines himself to swim
ble diet exclusively.
F A .THIW Hracrisrua sailed for Europe .
f rom New . York. on Saturday in the steamer
Pereire. He was accompanied bathe ves
sel by several mendieraisof Ual► Preach'
Benevolent Society and several American
friends. He stated he would return to this
country again and make an extended. tour.
of it. •
A ow' robber, repently arrested In Cal
ifdrnf r , igade a oonfeasioq, revealing
the fact ihat there is 44 qrs 4ll , llZed1 Zed band,
With Gale ,of laws, gripe, plena and
pass words, operating frtizt .C/regqg to
Arizona, and into Nand*. ."The band Asa
originally organized at Portland, Orerin,
and has for months pursued a career of rob
bery and murder.
P 414,11 attendant at the (Emma'.
cal Coned have brew* a great number
of. presents the Pope, and the official
statethent ellekd that in the last ten . yeath
Eiolintis has received one hundred
milions orit i ace fans the Peter's pence
poftvihntilthw--nixad twenty ndllion.dollars
0113! 40.Appyl,
~/inns,Bcoelison, Caron* on inn night
or Dteestbaratb, AtmZoe, keeper of
a otonk and four other row,' were
by_Subisies. in the MIMS neigh:-
bnetionfii a raw nights previously, $ More
was phodenpj and bunted, and the bodies
lino "Rep wko peopled k wen aabw
tegitif found Ole Ara arlisoept. tpu
,istrilliNl of IbellbOrkaa itaknowa,
:'_ - •
Howse coium es
! Tan Paris Droit reports a !terrible acci
dent wl ieltbappened on the 19th ult., in a
tretorratilPeliletanzd ; near
Montreuil-sous- is. A chemist, M: Dail
can, had been charged by M. Dubois, the
director i.f the walks, to examine the acids
mod In the manufacture of soaps. He
of to' the factory, and Was received by
Ito for yeellik - :-MoleggiK ho s bowed
bilk the dillkieritzppar. ..When Moles
ky lead raltede narrcssuplatforna of brick
a e a cauldron -la whtelt •fat was
nogihtg, mind wanted to take out sotne of the.
mesa by means of handled dipper, he
slipped, and was precipitated Into the caul
dron. M. Dalian tried to rescue him, bail
ily folding hie bond, andarins ; he succeed
ed Id seizing Moiety, and was lifting
isiauspost..the pinform, when the dollies
of the unfortunAto man, saturated- with
greaid; slipped from his hands. The fore
man fellkack into the(cauldfon. Wl:mk
s:ll4a, WM/ Wine attracted by hls cries; palled
him out and carried him to his room, where
they fried to undress him ; but his burns
were so deep that his flesh was perfectly
boiled and came off with his clothes, leav
ing the bones bare. Molesky very soon
died, under the most severe pain.
Iris not common for doomed men to
"faint away" just before they are hanged,
but this is what. William C. Bell did on the
scaffold at Alton, ILL, on the 12th ult. In
most cases, a man thus sinking into insensi
bility before his lime would have been fan
ned and hearts homed Into life again, and
then have been put to death with all die
terror and dignity of the law. But the
hangman at Alton appears to have been of
a mild and considerate nature; tor- he
hastened to finish off. Bell , before be could
return to consciousness, so that in seven
minutes he Was dead,—and in twenty-five
mitureshe was in his coffin. Or course
this hasty way of doing things deprived the
company of ) a neat,
,theological speech
from a dying sinner; hut, upon the whole,
the deprivation wan, perhaps, no great
Commissioner Well's forthcoming report
will sh-w that the importations for July,
August, September, October and Novem
ber of this year are some $12,000040 more
than last year, and that the exports for the
same months tbi 4 Tear are 131,000,000 more
in rottrldnarbhers, than laaryear. The ex
port of ballibit and specie for the same per
iod is *4,000,0001ml thin last year. These
statistics Show,of coarse, a much healthier
condition of our foreign trade for the last
months of the Present year than for 1868.
A IlsAvir CLAM-A claim widcb dwarfs
the Alabama claims and all SI other de
mands evfik Made on either a Governnizn , ,
a corporation or an individual, will be pre
sented to the 11e iran,Contrai.sion. It is
for no less a sum than $322,907,519.33, and
is made by ihe Tehuantepec Ship
Company and Mexican and Pacific Railroad
Company. Among its items which make
up theaboYe sem is that of $650,000 dis
bursed to &nisi Juarez against Maximilian.
LADIES:—The finest, most pleasing, and
costly engraving ever published iu America,
to be presented as a pr.*nium to • act' sub
scriber to Detnerest's Monthly, a Magazine
of practical utility in the booseliold, a mir
ror of the fashions, and a literary conserva
tor of surprising interest and at tii.tic excel
leuce, acknowledged to be the Model Par
lor 31.,gazine of America.
The eppying 29 by 35 helms, is from
the original painting, entitled, "The Pic-
Nic on the 4th of July." -
The painting tt , ok a whole year, and is
C , nsidered the finest of the entire list of
ownerou. popular pioductioua by Lille M.
Speucer. The engrtlvlng was the labor of
ftmr years, by three eminent artists—John
Ro..ters, John Halpin, and Samuel 110113 er;
the named having been induced to come
from Ru•ope to America expreatly to finish
it. The engrave's have ably seconded the
successful labors of the painter. None but
artists : cart tally appreciate -the akin and
labor lavished on this engraving. The gen_
eral effect - is very fine and impressive, and
the delicate finish to the bends will bear the
most minute inspection. Tne union of line
and stipple is executed with unusual ability,
and their skillful combination has greatly
contributed to the success of the engravers
in this unsurpassed proof of their artistica!
The work on the engraving alone cost
over seven thousand dollars, besides the
cost of the copyright, and is acknowledged
by competent judges the most elaborately
finished large work of aa t ever engraved in
Flue copies of this magnificent Picture,
OD heavy plate paper, worth $lO each, are
to be given as a Premium to each Subscri
ber to Demorest'a Monthly Magazine.
Yit.rly'pobecripiions only Three Dollars,
aqd Ten Cents (which is to be sent with the
subscription,) for the postage an the engrav
log, (which will be mailed securely done
up on a roller.)
This is certainly the largest, most liable
and splendid premium ever offered to single
suPscribeis bj f isiy publisher, and affords aft
easy and economical way for any one to
secure an elegant work of art, a Parlor Flu-
truethat is only next to a ptino in the way
of ornamentation, ands perpetual reminder
of. a, clay *Oak fiekitt to be cherished and'
heid in remembrance by every true Ameri
The reception of this tnagnificent picture
*Mt emir One , by serprise, and we do
not venture anything in saying that Old
will not procure another 'that combines so
much of interest and beauty.
Elpecirnens of the Magazine, with circu
bun, giving full particulars, will be sent to
any given address, post tree, on receipt of
15, cents. Address, Demorest's Monthly,
szta Broadway, N. Y. it
• IliirNetvous and General Debility, Heart
Disease, and those chronic, lingering die
eases which peculiar 'to females,. 'ate
cured by that wonderful and valuable
remedy—Dr. Pierce's Alterative Extract,
tw- Golden :Medical Discovery. In Bron
tidal, Throat and Lunz diseases it has no
equal. Bold by druggists, or enclose three
dollars and twenty-five cents to ]Sr, R. P.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., and get three bottles,
free of express charges. it
THE GALAXY. ---The' progOustme of
this live Magazine for 1870 is unusually ,
Inviting. Mix. Edwards, Anthony Trollope-,
Parke Gkeiwin, Richard Grant White, lus
tin McCarthy, and other equally prominent
wilustrittit farniertirticles fot NerTOrth
comiog volume.. - Weliiive ttbgietitiy oorn
mendtd the "Galaxy" as one of our very
best Monthlies, aid now direct the reader's
attention to the advertisement of 1870 in
Ilnother coluzint. _ it
CIISTQM D4P4llTillr f liT.—Our read
ers must pot, forget that while Wanosmaker
ft Brown lay sties upon plselrfiesdjr-made
Clothing, they nevertheless have a Custom
Department, larger and better than any
merchant tailoring establishment in tha city.
You can send or leave your measure there
andlet as tine clothing ea any gentleman
could desire; and at most reasonable Mrs
geed yeputatiqn and eAtended qss ,pf
"Br awn'', itronChiat troches" for
Coughs, - 05 Ids, and Throat Mileages has
mimed the Troches tole extensively imi
tated. Obtain only the genuine "Thown's
Pr?achh►l Troches," and do not. be Ingham
,q4 by thope Who make more profit by se g
wontiless yqtationtl.
For klollday Whir nothing oe more
itkle than a flue Psee*n picture,
..type or neatly framed large photo
'tapir ii•orn 7,rroz Alf Mum' Galkaies,
York Swat, 46047-Xi
he Star and Sentinel.
•vrons:—l have been Inter
"Bessie Nutria." said to contain "lessons
of deep sign4lcst.ce, more applicat*FU
possible to Amerlcans than to the fimialah
people for whom it .wseeiritten" ; and
as it treats of a subject on which`/ have
bsap greatly exercised, aft *Pail
p4scially interested, I would eke to di
rem to It the stteniion of my fellow MU
zeris4liirough the columns of your paper.
Introduce my subject, I wince Irvin
a notice in the" Gospel Messeuger" as. fol
lows : "In city and country we have tho
same lack ofgood, efficient help In our
houshold labors, license our young women
- rush . Into shops, fkuttories, dress-making,"
and may 1 not add, to teaching District
attars's? 9TheppregwanyahWigissitonni
work. They brecoine the ;Ili:time of
a fated prideLS Wrong et - hie:l4km. They
seem to think, that dress or certain occu
pations make the woman."
Now, I conshier (and I know I atn:u s tg
along In doling so) fluit a young person
who enters family as assistant in the
varied labors of its taistress, Is in every
way and degree as respectable, and as use
fully employed, us she could be in any of
the above named occupations, if she en
deavors to do her duty to her employer
faithfully, and be correct In tier deport
tnent.. It is true, 1 think, that our young
women are mistaken supposing that
the estimation In which they are held by
all right-minded and sensible people, is
depeadent . on the employments In which
they may be engaged, I have no more
real respect for, or appreciation of, the
President of the United States, than I
have ler one who, to the extent of her
ability, shares and lightens my labors of
the nursery of kitchen,as the case may be,
and I lave no pleasanter recollection "1
any of those with whom I have been asso
ciated in life, than of some who have bean
my friends and helpers io such capacity.
We hear on all sides the coMplaint from
female hi ads of families, of the scarcity
of help in their peculiar brAncli of busi
ness, and see them prematurely worn out
from over work, which would appear lo
he attributableto tlkis tnisappreliena ion on
toe part of the community.
I could say much of the comparative
advantage It nil flit be to the young you
pie themselves, to be tints engaged in Um
lea where they might he daily impro v ilia
(~oth by practice and the instructioe of
!hose older stud more experleneed In) those
very employments most important for
them to be acquainted with, as the future
mistresses of families in our country, and
mothers of its sone and daughters.
YORK Searstls, Dee. 10. 1809. - S. Y.
[for 'he Star and Seetin
Messes. Enrroes:—Allow me through
the columns of your valuable paper to con
tinue the s .riea of Articles on 'Educational
subjects, commenced some time since.—
Tue bu-tle of Institute week has passed
away, and one hundred and fifty nine
Teachers are again engaged this week in
training the youth of the county. Of
these Teachers one hundred and forty four
were present during all or a portion of the
week. Let us hope that all have gone to
their great wotk, the better qualified for it.
I have been highly gratifle I by this 'unusu
ally large alp ralnnre, and. by the'hetkrty Co
operation which I have received from all of
the teachers of the county. Let me very
briefly call the alt. olio!' of Teachers to a
few points, which were omitted In the hur
ry of Institute week.
have been delighted to ascertain that
the first of this series of Articles, which re
fated more particularly to neatness in the
School room, has produced good fruit. One
evidence of this was the large number of
inquiries Made during the week iu regard
to Mottoes for the dec , nit ion of the school
rt,om. Fir the acconunotiatiou of the
Teachers, I Lave pur ehas:d fitly sets, at
the lowest whi4esale rates; viz •nei bah*
duller per set, I can thus furnish them to
teachers at just one-hall the retail price.
Any who desire to secure these moeoes,
can have them by sending their names. I
will forward them where I can do so, or
bring them along, when visiting the schools.
I have no pecuniary interest in the matter ,
as I furnish the mottoes to the Teachers at
the lowest wolesiale rates at which I can
buy them. Let every Teacher in the coon
ty try a set of cheap mottoes during the
present winter. Let them ruefully note
the effect in rendering lite room tulre cite
ful, Let them watch the effect upon the
scholars committed to their care, and I
do not bell ve thst they Will ever in the
future be willing to dispense with them.
I will mention another method within
; the reach of all, by which you can not only
benefit your schools indirectly, but your .
selves directly and Materially. I refer to
careful reading of our excellent School Jour
nal, the official organ of the State Common
School Department. Avery Teacher should
read it. A dollar could not be better ex
pended in any other way. I will be happy
to forward subscriptions for all who do not
desire to attend to It themselves.
In conclusion, my warmest thanks are
due in behalf of the Teachers of the noun
ty, to those Directors who have generous
ly granted the time.
lror theater and Sentinel.
EMR4. EDIT4IIOI —Being personally
acquainted with Miss Rebecca L. Wright
the heroine of the reminiscence of the
War in your last issue, I feel it my duty
In present her true and full character to
the, public before which she has been
brciught so eOnspicuouidy. Her Christian
isba moral exec:Renee, combined , with
high mental attainments and personal at
tractions rendered her a general favorite
amongst her acquaintances before the!Re
bellion. Unlike the majority of her asso
ciates, she espoused the cause of her
country and sacrificed her position in
their °stem by her devotion to Ole com
fort - Of due tiolkieis 'in the hotliitals
Wincitester, held by the Union troops.
This rendered her odious in the sight of ,
many of her former friends. Her aged
father was carried off a captive by the
rebel army for his loyalty, and confined
in loathsome prisons until he contracted
disease, which terminated fatally after,
being liberated, leasing in itiitalid whlpw
dep:4dent upon the noble= datighter,
whose salary now supports her aged and
deciepid mother. Geu. Sheridan, hearing
of her loyalty to and love for the dear old
flag, as was his language in the note sent
by him to her by the hands of the colored
•man alluded to in Sherician's letter, re-'
quested of her information relative to the
tbroes, post Lion, and intended or probable
movements of the enemy. These in
quiries Miss Wright was able to answer
'satisfactorily, whereby Gen. Sheridan
was enabled to act promptly and success
fully; as, indicated lithis)etter praise:Wog
the Watch, and which you recetttly pub- .
fished. I
.may sairthat, by reason of
Miss Wright's well known loyalty she
was frequently cotitpelleci , to leek safety:
in Bight or tont:WWII; wimp Winches
ter was beld by the enemy. .
ARENDSTVILLE, Dec. 6,1888.
[for tile Star and Sentinel
County Superintendent visited the .
Schools in Hamilton township a few days
ago, apd made an ex ceedingly , aventYle
impression. On . the Pion ing of the 26th
nit., be gave an address on the Tuttle Rf
Education and a very Instructive lecture
on Heading and Elocution, WhiSh passed
off pleasantly and was. highlyappreelated
by the audience, and wag all respects
creditable to him as our Superintendent.
The entertainment was held In the bit
Church. ,
Tns estimates for Nedronal Government
',spume lot aer;year foot up .881,000,000;
or Poor lk 0140 s 4v. .
i to e l r l t .11 j4114 / 1
Associate Judaea—Jo, cph J. Raba, Robert McCurdy.
Prothonotary—Jacob Lclba N.
:74111wistesano Rao-Nee—Llama"' Swope.
Clerk of the Courts—ll. O. Walt.
District A ttorney—ff tn. A.Douran,
7:reartree-11. D. Wattle,. •
gikertir—Jamb [Clunk.
airmer—zDr. M. L. Gaps.
Naireapor—J eve° V.
Cbaawitsioners—Jacub Lott, Moses Havilkuln. Imaa•
net VeLlicu . Cler k — Jmisofsrsoolb,eis. Coliatel
to W, C.
O'Neal. -
Directors of the Poor—Marthi Data, Dajamia
Deardorff, L. Bffei tz .ter — ..Jo. s Johns, Clerk
'—II. A. Dick lug. TredBllll,--JaCtsb 801301/. Lbws.
set—J. C. Neely. PAytteias—J. W. C. O'Neat.
Aimitterv—Martl ff,„Boliiaser,lol 6.tleegy, David
Burgesi—O. 11 kluehler.
Council—W.B. Hamilton .AlessauderSpangler,Jaeob
W. Cress, itubert Tate, A. M. fluster, Was. W Baker.
, Clerk—F. D. Dupborn. Treasurer—S. K. Russel.
',Cfulau.4.4 thaw W. Wfigitemoianisa Itoorer. ,
- 3th-us I Direckrs—Nsa. Oulu. W. T. King, Hirano
Warred, Wsu. R. Abater, Aughlabaugh, A.
31. ll:taw. Secretary—A. M. Haver. Treas user
—S. U. fahoessack.
""*Ziktlei: 4 . . 48. . Irl
terier—Usinry S. Bonsai..
Diremors--tieosga Swope, William Young. henry
Wirt, David Will, David Yendlishart, Wm. Ha&awry, Wi !HAM D AllinesJositua Hotter , Warpria
President—George Throne.
Cosialer--George Arnold.
retteralonnuel Bushman.
Directors—George Throne. Build 31cConaughy, John
'ough„ John lloruee, George Arnold, eaciab Mos
tal.tantlohn Wolford.
. 1,11 GIIZLN 0 2 / 1 111111.Y.
President—J. L.ichick.
Treasurer— , -Alexander Cobnen.
Nauzgers—Jobri Rupp. J. L Josiah Benner . ,
Wargo Spangler, thsorge Little,Willkom B. Meals,
Alessader coLean.
Prtaideftt-4/ 001/0 Swope.
rice Prerident—Samuel R. Russell.
ga,tarr_DarldA. Buehler.
rreasurer—Edwerd U. rahneintfick.
execiaitie Cbsenttree—Robert Meelicely, Boozy •
Picking, Jacob King.
Pressetent---Bamnel Berbst.
Ftee Preeidents—Wllliam NicBherry..7. S.Witberow.
Corr ing Berretary—flonry ./. Stable.
Iry &aviary—Edward 11. Itaknostock.
Wawa's—WM(lM B. Wilson .11111Ilins Wib letionas
&tussah , Frederick Diehl, W. Rees Whit. e, l ieba
Penrose, Jobe U.-McClellan.
nottrirato 11180CIATI0NI.
President—Ed warn O .Fahnestock .
Ties President—Wfilicei A Dineen:
tkoreipty—John F. McCreary.
Treasurer—John Culp.
Managers—J. W. C. 1.04.• I. Juba IN pia, A. J. Cover,
D. Kooilleheart, Wm. F. Atkinson.
♦"resident—E. G. Fahneetock
Vecretary—Wna. A. Duncan.
Dreasurer—Joci B. Danner.
Managers—A. D. Buehler. :11. Bich elhurger. 11. 1)
Wattle•, S. t. Ituas-11, W. A. Duncan, J. D. Danner
President—George W. McClellan.
Secretary and neasurer—Bazonal R. Russell.
Vanagers—G. W. McClellan, Z B. Buehler. 8. a
Russell, LI. J. Stable. M. Mahal berger.
G11T7YQ31311.0 ZAILIOAD.
&questrater—Robert McCurdy,
&.-retaryz nd Treasurer--Dsvid Wine
First. &coed.
Trains depart 9.00 A.M. 2.00 P. IL
arrive 12.25 P. 31. 5.45 P. M.
The drat train etakes close connection for Hai
risbarg and Eastern and Western potato, tie second
traits with Baltimore.
iitigy/ Lodge. N 0.124. I. 0. 0. P.—Sleets "oreer o
Carlisle and Eiailroadetteeta,ievery Tuesday evening
Union Recantpsoost,..No. 128.1. 0, O.Y Ia Odd yel
lows' 1.1 et and Set Monday to each month-
Good Lodge, No. 8118, 4. P. I.—Corn or tg
Civil.' • and Itailroaditreets, 2d and 4th Thursday
In sae. manna. • s
Gen. Commolds Lodge. Pr 0.180,1. 0. O. T.—On Heal.
mire street. livery 31e iday evening-
GaYuddt No• 3 /•/ . .0- NOConsughy's
11.11. evcy Friday evening.
Pest No. 0, C. A. R —North Itiat comer of Diamond
every Saturday event og.
Lutheras,( Christ' g)--Paitor. Rai. C.A. Hay, D. xi,-
Services by Professore ofCullege and Seminary al
ternntely. Ilsbbalb morning and - evening and
Wednesday evening. During vacations, Sunday
nvenlnic.ervie• omitted..
tettserasi,(St.lanowl--Rev. t Bre Idea baagh. Bei -
ek es gabbatts morning and aveningmod Wednes
day muting.
lifethetitt taircoma—Reve. 11. C. Cheeton. J. S.
Shaver. Service. Sabbath morning and evening,
and Thursday evening.
Peerbyterins-.Z,.. Wm. H. HMIs. Services Sabbath
morning and c•eting, and Wednesday evening.
Ocrslon Reformed—Rev. W R. H. Destrith. Ser
vices Sabbath morning and eveniog,t Wednesday
Itee. Joseph 8011. Service. Ist,Sd and sth I
Sabbaths. morninit and afternoon.
G r afted D ee.liirterfmt.—Rev. J. Jamison.—Service
by special appotritisetrts.
THE CRISIS.—People in this section
have not yet had any chance to be benefited
by the crisis in financial affairs. An op
portunity now offered to those who wish
to avail theinseives of is—in the reduction
of prices of Goods :—A fine quality of six
quarter Waterproof, Black and White, for
1.13 ; Extra tine Gold Mixed at 1.50 ; Flee
Chinchilla Coating at 2.95 ; Good all wool
Cassimerta for 1.00; all other Goods in
proport63. In short, the intention is to
make "a change in the base of operations."
To satisfl all that this is no htuntmg we re
fer, by permission, to F, D. Duenoest,
store North West corner of the Square. A
tew more r of those forty cent Hoop Skirts
Dec. SAL
)11 band
JACK FROST—Is here, and Noaam is
determined La keep people warm tad
minforta , de, by selling olotbing so cheap
that every body can purchase Over , Ceals
as low as 54.00 and good warm Under
Coats at 83.50, also Under Shirtsanti Draw
ers at any priest a man wants thent,Rnil
Lichees, Government Blouses and Over
Coats. clomp as dirt, and Giettnine Buok
Gloves the bast in the onuetry, and every
thing that a man wants to keep himself
•comfirtahle. Flats, Cape, Boots, Shoes,
Rubber Overs,.&c., .tc. Mont fail to rail
at Norris' Corner—Arnold's old Stand, if
you want bargains. tf
FOR SALE.—A "Vulcan Heater," which
can he used to beat a single room, or two
rooms down and up stairs. Will be sold
cheap. Enquire at "STAR & Bosom," of
arEminent New . Yorti and Philadelphia
Physicians claim that Dubois' Missisquol
Powder actually curet' Cancer. It is ad
vertised in this issue. lent
jilpstial foficts.
Dr. mishert's rent luseeicen .11=tels. Pills and
PI n e Trim Tar Ootdlal are a wildfire DAMN cure
for dyspepsia in Its most segregated form, and no
matter of how lose standing.
They sensenstethe secret abode of this terrible die.
sem, and exterminate It. root sad breach, former.
They alleviate more *gem and silent sudering than
tongue east tell, •
They are noted for curing the moot desperate and
hopeless meet, when emery known Insane toil toatford
No form of dyspepsia or initeestion can resist their
penetrating power.
It is the tribal principle of the Pine Trim • obtained
Im a peculiar process' In the distMatlon of the Lay, by
Rath Its highest medical properties are retained. It ,
torts ttipitthre organs and restores the ap.
t strengtMus the debilitated system. It
pu @sand emblem the blood, and expels from the
system the corruption which screfitla • on,
longs. It &noires th e anew or which stops
the Mr pusses* of the lungs. Is beeline prisadple I
actaupon the Irritated airfare of the lungs and throat,
penetrating to Mob dissamd party talierting pain' set
subduing thillimmAton. It le the result of years of
study and experiment, and it It oared to the afflicted
with positive assu mace of its power to care the f 01.,.
.,. wing diseases, II the patient has not too long delay.
a resort to the mesas of cure:—
'Dmpreiplistref ilk Dow, 000, Bars Threat and
B. said, Broacktrilt, Liocr Complaitti, Mind
wed MeedirtyAltatlik; WAeop
l it ebetek. liiiptlierfa, de.
A mama ,lholdtne honorable collegiate
lomm, devotee entire le theLeCumakuisias of
pulenta st the - office parlors. Associated with him
are three OMNI ftdag physicist, of
eatinerv, whims stintossern eiren go thepublic
of thane, . _
This opportunity Is offered by no other institution
in the country.
Letters from any part of the amatry, advice,
will be promptly and gratuitously to,—
Where oodventent, remittances should Masa* shape
of '
Price of Wiebart's drearkaa Dyigeseda riga it a
box. Seat by mall oa receipt of price.
Price of Wiebart's Pine Wee Tar Cordial,
bottle, or sl.l.per doses. Seat by sap's,.
til corninanicat kma Amid be addressed
L. C. WISH,IXT, Y. D.,
No. I= lisooad Streit,
Oot. 72,1869: am
BRRORB QP tovnt.
A gentleman who suffered he yam trim narrows
Dabil ty,grey:attars Doe% .add• smote btleffarlag of
swkrui tligaik
twinantty, mood trot to au woo eed 14, t ab rood taw,
dttnotiona tbr making Qat pm& s wb
tans cured. doPatora VildtiatritOOP
Sisses, expert...a, can do 00. ampoliftg,ta
opallienes. JOHN B. OPD
oN .4 Oadaratriet, Paw Tort.
May 14,166a.—1y
NOLIDAY ninon TM du,— ean be found at Parker
i 8 Co.'s 98 and 1008notssor at., Doessa,itaen To 't
able estrypenion to provide thaws/Ivor wig hand
some and sestgl tfoliday Pressone. from sow wall
pip.lxote of Jimmy, I sfik the« inker"as told
lane sight-mod eittdOgites 'al elf Ike newest knd
beet novelties to web ai AMOY loth taiii
love BoxeN Albums in Morocco, (KM dad rshat
Bindings. real Morocco dhoppiag dttje , Farisidtod
Reticules, Biker Plated Ware lost (Weary , or ow d o ,
sortpttoos,ths latest styleiollowstry la Odd, Cons.
noo,yee, Bheil,Etrnseao, Cortitnobe Wad War, *
Goods, do, do, do., and hundreds of the latest and
East pabliabed Books. They ars 'hilt; Oda Emma
MCKIM to nem oil veld wilt badissil time -Agate,
wit4ssto odargtait Oise 14 ;as.. saait-de Itaritodo
pad the Otani In their Adiottisiasaitt InaidAluie
.adiaras, and taw Ilbr Otitipr. Rill
4 ,
Again •way down in prints. We would roll the at.
tentlim of the bud, to the large reduction In prices
ZiMIS AND &MAIM% ARR. Alto to - the large
lima of same guide that we are now itfering. Coa
OH of finest qoality only, and In sound barrels, offrr•
Mweet prima.
MIR another nniactlon In price of salt.
Philidelphiaslouo sets of Queensware oft& placer,
poebodl op tree,atit delivered at our store at same
Dec, 3.
'vein to poison th• quality of
Accumulating Electricity
and Imparting It to the body, whereby the circulation
of the blood become, equalised upon the parts where
applied, cueing pain and istabld action to cease.—
The Pormur Plasters are lex e, and fouad of a great
to limo wan bums .wook becks, or pots In the
side. Bapeelahy are they valuable to those who have
neglected coal. They aril . Oltestprrrsu Wye* of Con
,,• .. lion; nay, they are believed tr hare lourrened
of this terrible affliction. *ld besi mainly
tel in effecting a cure. In variable clips tree
• • should be worn on the breast or beta ten the
• far Wert, or over the kidneys, by those wh r art .13 6 .
Ject to late cold easily.' [Dec. 3—]ur
--- - •
Colic This need hot he. Dr. Tobias' Venetian
Horse Liniment will positively core every case. if
glees when first taken. Tiss cost I. only one &Var.
Every owner of a holey should have a bottle In his
stead.. ready kir ns. It is warranted imparter to any
thing else for the core of Cute. Wind Galls. Swelling',
Sore Throat,Bpreina, Broken. Old Sores, Th.
Liniment la no new rt reedy. It has been uved and
approved of 22 years by the fleet !tontine% In the
country. Given to an over driven horse, It Acta like
magic. Orders are• constantly received trio the
Matt, stables of England for ft. The celebrated
Hiram Woodruff, of trotting 'fame. twat It S.r year..
Col. Philo P. Boob of the Jerome lace Coarse, has
given a Certificate whleh can he mien at the A epo t v
stating that after years of dal, it Is the beet In the
His addrow fi Toedhitii, No one once
- a►ing it will ever be without it. It I. put up In Pint
Bottle►. Sold by the Bragg late and Saddlers, through•
out the United States. Depot,lo Park Place, New
trier I—lin
Thum fr the proper title of the horrible motel Ile hair
dyer• Won* than the fate of, Abaalum may ba the
Wm of theme who am them,
for chsonfen the balr to ear cleelrableatuele from
brown to Jet black mai be procured every whet e, via
After careful analytfa, Professor Chilton, the din
tlegolehrel Chemist, has authorized the ptoprietor to
deafer', on his behalf, that it contains nothing. dela
terions to health. No other hair dye in the world has
the like guarantee.
Dressing, seta like a charm au the Hair attar DY.falt •
Try It.
It hi a perlbet and wonderful wrycte . Cure* bald.
ewe Nikes hair grow. A better dressing than say
"oll"wr "powwow." Softens brash, dry and wiry
hair Into Beautiful Silken Tresses. Bat, above all,
the west wood a r le the rapidity with which it re
The whitest and ...est Woking hair manes its
youtbfal beauty by imam: It doss not dye the hair,
but strike. at the root and nits it with new life acd
calming matter.
Then sat application will do good ; yeti will we the
NATURAL COLOR rot every day, sod
the old, gray, diecolorod eppearosee of the heir will
b• goo., Vein place to Watteau, aidaltig and beauti
ful looks.
Ask krll's Sicilian Hair itemitsar; no otherar
We Mat all like it la effect.
Sea that each bottle has oar private Government
Stamp over the top of the bottle. •U others are
R. P. HALL a Co, Malmo, N. 11, Proprietor
For sale by all Drag/late.
Dec. 3—ta
Dyspepsia and constipation are the- hourly foes of
the restless, excitable American, sad with them come
tam orable headmbeibeentrurn. and a train of mall
diseeme. Massima's Itlialr Dee been prepared
special reference tO these constitutional trouble of
so many of onroonntrymen, sad so far the prepare.
tion has premed a decided succor. The prop Teton
feel that, la recommending It now after the tried ex
pectance of years, they are bet refilling • humane
duty towards the mere' eommanity,_po• a
Price One Dollar per beetle,
Y. 1 1 131181 1 / 1 41. a CO.,
Driepogr, Peoriee,,,
1301 Market et., Philadelphia.
ld by a/1 Drage/M.
JUN? our.
"Cherry Pectoral Troches, 'l
For Cads Coughs, Bore Throats. sod Brooadth.
auturioN s 00.,
10 Afiar Um*, New York.
The Advertiser, having beetrnadored to health in •
few weeke, by a very staple runny, after having ng
bred several years with .a severe lung affection, and
that dread &wan, Ootornmpthin—ts an to make
known to his fel ownifferers the amen of cure.
To all who desire it, hewn! send • copy of the pre
scription need (free ofain(•). with the iffrations tor
preparing and ming the nuns. which they will end a
sure Cure for Consumption, Asthma, ftnneraitle. eta.
The otiect of the &infuser Is seri:ft the Preemie.
Ma Is te bong t the gained, and spread hilbrainn e
which he conches to In invaluable; sad ha hopes ev
ery sufferer will try his needy, we it win east then
slotting, and nay prove a blening.
Porn" wishing the PftlieripUon, will pleneaddrne
Nay li filllastaburg,Hingstonnty, New York.
treated with the utmost success, J. hues, M, D.,
and Protestor of Diseases of Lie l e ami Ear: (his
specially) in nu Medical Mlle's Pen ampissiMa •
years' dzpirtesai. dis,
Pi Arch strait. P hila. Testimonials can b• amen at
his race. Ths Medical faculty are invited to sexism,
pan) their wahines. &sheltie, 'mammies in his pram
tics. Artllclal eyes Ines reed without pain. No
ethargifor exaa,taatioa. Vila- Ilk —l7
Ter Steve IF routs. Asylum's- he.: Irou eteadu n
Wire Webbing for Sheep and Peal try Yard r: Prassairil
Iron Wire Cloth, Sieves. Senders. Sereents tar Coal,
Oros. Sited, to. Heavy Orhoped Cloth fa S
tweeters. Land:cape Wires for Window. , to Piper park
injure Wires.Orasateata I Wilt • Work Aka. bury Is.
Ibrotatkln by addraudun the wannacterare. ff.
WALKER A SONS, No.ll Korth Billb et.. Phila.
dolphis • [/ *ll4, 1349.-17
**weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills, will true Cop.
elnupthm, Liver Ci•toplalnt, and tlyapsysis If taken
a tr ccordions to directions. They are all three to be fa:
oa at Me w
andtime, They Mesas* the stomech, re.
Mx the liver, put ft to work; then the appetite
hooomes_good; the lbod dimpste ead makes good bloat ;
rMe wheat be gins to grow la psi ; the dlesasad met.
ter ripens in the lungs, end the padmit magmas Om
dinar* and gets well. This Is thesialy tray .to tare
To these three medlcJaos Dr. J. 11. ilOporek, of •
Philadelphia, owes his unrivalled Noma, I 4 Maltreat
ment of mammary . ataintimptlim. - The Pahnemto
syrup ripens UM morbid matter la the ldagff nature
throws It off by no easy expeoarraties, IN when the
Phlegm or tastier lo rimasslight moo will throw It
off, aad the patient has rem and the lunge begin to
To do this. the Seaweed Tonle sad Mandrake Pills
Must be freely need to cleanse the Montach and liver,
so that the pahnonic Syrup and the food will make
good blood. '
ackeack's Wandlike Pills act upon the Liver, re..
moving ail obstruction', relax the ducts of tie "grit
bladder, the bile starts freely, and the liver is too
relieved; the stools will show what the PM amot do
MUM' km ever bean Invested except mime!
deadly poison which le very deamoroste-to
with great carekkhat ail mob* Me Meade
and Mart the searailillos of tha Mar like
Mandrake Pills.
Liver Complaint is one of the most prosily
names of Consamption.
Schertok's Seaweed Tonto le a. Nile stlauslant and
i alterative. and the albeit in the which this
• preparation is mode or, assists the imisMim to throw
out the gaatricjuke to dissolve the Lod with the
Pa/monk Syrup, and it is made Into good Mood with
out fermentation or souring In the moseadt:
The great ration why physicians do lot care roe.
,eutption fa, they try to do 100 mach; they ifs. me
dicine to &toy the cough, to stop chills, to sew e ght
sweats, hectic ewer, and by e. doing they damage the
vials digestive power., locking up the escretiess.
and .mutually the patient dale and dim.
Dr. Schenck, In his treatment, dem not try tooter
leceogh, night sweat; WM, or beer. Hammy the
0110 s, and they will all atop of their own accord...
No Du can
.11 be — en
,e ro . l t . o
„f, Otn gum
.e N.OO the l Terand stomach o
ars „ maeu e y nmt
,' If • puma has oominapines, of mans the Nog Is
florae way ate diseased, either tnberelee, abacemive.
bronchi .1 Urinal's., Omura edhealon,or the lama sz
=of inikunseation awl fast dimples. la ouch
hat inuse IN dem! Pt is not oalp the lame.
UM aril wading,. but it Is the whole body. Me
dawn and liver bays lost their power Semite blood
out diced. low tbe only Mimosas to takiillohiack's
three which will Wag up a Wow to the
demob, the a will lapis eir onteitfood. It 'wlll
digest easily and make good blood; Asa the pulses
bodes to gain in Sash. end as soya as the body begins
1657*. the hinge 00maalIF0 to bmal up, and the pat
tient gets fleshy and pall. Thlg II th, cal; tray to
ears Donegtoggigg.
when there is no Nal disease, and cagy LiverComv
Mint and Dyspopeia, SehaseVe Seaweed Tusk and
Mandrske Pills are milleient wittiest the Pulmonki
Syrup, Take the Mandrake Pills trainl In all bilious
emplaints, as they are wisest.? barlsltse
Dr. Setteody. who lestioJeYht ilidatallwPred health
for many years past, sad now weighs 926 pounds, was
waited away tta are skeleton, In tbs •071546 nage
of Pubsonary Mmmalian, Ur *ye/daft ad
t o
Ms ow baptisms and a h
im o
C li Z ia . " ll, was oared by eke alliressid
and dam hie maul'taosisands that ly
gigged Imo need Dr. le preperetkPas with the
iR• rennisgsblegooesso. Wall istrsoldwow entoospser.
oanb. asks ti not absolutely astionory Wilma.-
see Dr. itebeed. edges the plateau wad Utak
'up sinalned, pads be le preludes
dly at bib Principal MI ersrjaster.
del. where all letters I* advice mambo aildressim—
Me is Moo prollosionaßy •st Merit Mond street, NeW
YoTt. every other Wedianday. Re ate. .thi c ., fad,
pin firs tbotyagb esualgyißel with his Ampilria.
meter tlto Wen is lib. 011iew Was at wil eity trey
Pe. It-to II P.M.
Noe of the ?tamale Ityratat . v li m e
sub SA r
Ie boetle,eett-Na
PilliNicorts a box. Fueleabs 111 -1/ r
1111111 7 1/ PO .
W V!bLAIA t 80N.
Cawlido, Pa
Le the wont perfect article of the kind erer offered to
the public; mada prettily fits nkely, giving *eke and
comfort and I. Jot what every Mix_ Imam. Mothers
interested in the comfort and health of their dough•
ter, shook! examine its merit*. For sale by JOHN L.
SCHICK, o . o )aburg, Pa.
Manotactured by D. D. SAUNDERS CO, 913
tier at., !Liston, Mesa.
AO XNIII W N ev everywhere to roil ttinkAMIKRI,
CAN Kb/MING MACHIN X, the only pranWen I Nun
tly Knltttair battier 111/1W Invented. Price $26. WIN
knit 414.100 et Mims per =hints. AJdreas ..ftI..JAN.
KNUTLNO MAW:LINZ Co., Benton, Mum, or
Lazio, lila
It gives • groat variety of raiding, lateresting alike
to young and old—and has air contributors such
'niters as
[Jam .2".--1
Together with many well knows mid popular authors
Subscription price,sl SO. Send fur a specimen copy
Is batter th an our regular shaped ♦=es ibr these ma
sons: Alrfrit—lt cuts deeper, Jecoatd—lt don't etkk
in the wood 211114-10 does not )ar the hand,-.-
Abt-/110 Liao is wasted is taking the Axe oat of
the es:. lf(flA.--With the same labor you will do
oaathird more work than with regular ALL Red
pest La ao•biag to do with the good qualitia• of this
Az% tar an oar Axes are painted red. If your hard.
wars store does not keep our goods, we wilt gladly
answer towables or fill your acorn direct, or give
you the name of the naarest dealer who keeps our
Bole owners of Oolborn'S end Red Jackets Patent
/or lb* Delicate akin of Ladles and Ohlldres
12IIBIX188 CHANIML—Waated, imam la rah tow,
and dity to roans Betide and sell Weather Stripe
and Bobber Mouldings. /West run outt,firee le
IGNI iilo in $l2O war* aeakel volt may band!. a,
ben 300 to 600 per cent profit. Bend year address
ppm stamped enve, ler parekabas rice
Ind of MitadaLt, rady to be pat together, to KRA -
111LADISTIBB, Box 266, Boston, Man.
W ANTII.O--4.0 BM. OW per Mai* to sell the only
MINING MACHINC. Prise M. Great ladwaseseats
to Agents. Thls Is the most popular Bowing Machine
of the der-oaken tw flumes “Blastle Look Basel&
—will du any kind of work that out be done on may
nachla•-100,000 sold and tin. demand oclestaatlLlz
creasing. Now Is tins Una to fats an Agway.
tar circulars fir Novara of Addams
BD 'OMB & 00., Basics, Meas., Plittabetrgh, Ps. or Bt.
Loafs, Mo.
444 4 4
TO TH.II WOKKUIO °LAB/B.—Wears now prepared
to tarnish all clams. with constant sesployamat at
haws, the whole of the time or for the sparemomants.
Boehm, new, light and profitable. Persons of either
21=l1jr oars from 60c. to $6 par ikresial&and a Pro
ms by drroting their whole •to the
gitliZaZ. Boys and girls warn nearly as mach ea
man. That all who see this males may mad their ad.
dna; and test the bulimia, we make this unparallel
ed oats: To soak UM, not well willed, we will
mend ill to pay far the trouble et writhe. Pall par•
tienlast r a rateable semple, which will do to cont.
mean work on, mad • oolt r i l fi Thu Ittryles LfierarY
Oretifasaparene at the by
Met Ilaatly new*.
papers publbilmb—all mat by malL Itteder, If
you want mirataasst, profitable work, address 1.0.
ALLIER a 09., Augusts, Main&
A 111110MIDOOTOIL Olt DitooollBTloll MU?
QlllNtlithlt oquola (bitter) Oafish:to. Montano.
tared by V. 87212.N11, YAWL & CO., Chemists, Now
5 1140 now
pd an t i six 4L a annir t t a itz et ,mn n y d
_ _
lELlV,. e .c° 9l l.l"}!` 4l arrix 4 -ws. 4? - ar,
,by sail a ix Pot Nl•by Mereattm Druggis aill
generally. Address Magic Colib 00., Spertarbild;gass.
‘O7ll. SPANOWED ANNIII."—It etW warm,
•)•••••••11••• 'Tor. BUY. Ram, may. Lidper
sac 40 eihttai. Wit, Boer San , limalmss e:.
pond. idessos $3 steel plat. "Breasatae ^ orstar
ki every satuariber. Oply, 76• t .. for • whoh
Steel plata /W. Op•cleen• 6 eta. Address BAY-
Nmi, Blame* N. H.
irra. t4: 47 l.llar' w~ a k r k y n er l
WU* Worta, 76 Wm. St, N. Chkago. guym..d or
Miaphb. prim 26, 1 .-dl
• ggij Market ASrivet, Phila.
1106,114.1111PAPOKli •
Paris by Sunlight "and Gas-
1 ight
♦ WORK d.oefiptivo of the MYRTERIK7I , VIRTUES
It tells how Paris be. become the Gayest aryl Most
Beautiful City in the world; bow ins Beauty and
aptendor are purchased at a Mar in! coat of Misery sal
Suffarleg ; bow eletor•are Swindled by Prosr..lotial
Adventurer.; bow Virtue and Vice go Armin .arm le
Ike Beautiful City; how the m rt tearful Crimea are
eminutitted and cascaded ; bow money I. squandered
'in sealer luxury and email's* over 160 sue In.
g„rsefip of noted Mem, Ufa and 5c.,.. Is Paris
Bend for cfrembun mid specimen pagers. Address NA.
TIONAL PUBLIBUING CO., Phttadeiphta, Pa.
ORVIS RANTED-701 flow to Make the Farm
11 Par. • sum .s and practical Golds to seer,
Warmer. Bitch Maser. Gardener and /rule Calturiet.
By Ibis book yearly prod to m.y be doubled, lead ba•
strewed is seine, poor men made rich, and honest la
bor rewarded. Zeptisk cued Camas. INA 'lady
buss It COO suit in a few townships. kinadreds In
etecle township. Agents can P 4 Ito letter work
daring the Wall and Winter. "insure end Lade sorts
ran each male 810 per mouth. Bead tbr circular.
Address ZNIGLER, kireintnY & Co.,
614 Arch " , Philadelphia, Pa.
The nowt popular, vidnable,and In every way BEST
BOOK on thadreat West ever published.
In lint six months, and an tocrritainx demand daily.
Agents will end this the most pen i tent/, as well as the
tatiett book to canvas, for eXIADS. The 1111106 t Mara/
terser pia a. and • :chutes territory assigned. Pend
for our circular, • ith fell infoimatkoi. Addreaa
w. will aced • landaome pm.p..t as of oar FYI' IL
LUSTRATED FAMILY Sink to aoy book amt,
he.. of charge. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING
CU., Philadelphia, Pa,
en:O 6 lE7lllNa in hie jtarfor / r ecryliody. STAR IN
C. THE WIWI', 1870. An &pep Colreraallat family
week ly, giving current secular new.. &Med by &v.
Dr. WILLIAM SON AJ. 8. CAMTISILL. $2 60 per %ear in
advance. Premium to new rabwribers. Saud for
pecialist, Address WILLIAMSON & CANTWSLL,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Or, The trader World of the Great City.
The Cue of weary data of &ratty alpteed. . d free3f
Yore Roamed to rein. Signals a danger are otc—
Mosley fa tt foe Live •geote than aajr Whet
hook. Take. three pregame all the teats to print fail
enough. One Agra/ took 173 mete,* ite Itetrays. T4O
peaes, 45 I ilustrattoas. erica $3 50.
As .. anted,
Andreae N. Y IDOK C0.,145 NAMUR IC. AIM Turk.
UNTEIt'd 0019g"—TRY REAL "original."
1 1 22.000 sold. Tells bow to unt, tra endeared
ALL animals fres skink to bear $ lO tannin p g
64 mgr... •ali bound. Beery boy Win
PAY. Money reinciel if not a.ri•dsi Only 25 cts.,
prat-paid. Addrele HUNTER * CU., Publlthscr,
Hinadale, N. li.
0021TAIN/NO a Fairy story fdr Carlatulaa. Plaj•
ki Puzzles
Wooden. la large page.,
Beat /XXI oa receipt of 2 cant ateamp postage.
ADAdla t CO-, 22 Bromfield Bireet, B.stoo,
Under-clothes Supporter
Al LSB B. 13117A1r8: PHEL
tteaairr szacaza frrows,
Pri.!igen tertA's anspessitar,
151 Waablagton, at, Spates, sal
Pittsburgh, Penna.
Aromatic Vegetable -Soap.
vairt.tausiriD.llllo4:l, BUM TONI.]
/he st4r
1:3 11.u_114(.14.
Ar. ,4101* has
Mercantile .‘ppriiser to
Cirqu-:se Kline, i , l* TAU n
last tv,t k killcil ss^ 3 lloll,
weighed 32.1 16. -
LES. —M r. l'etur I 4 it
of Lott. in Nimintple•
:tore+ am! 1-1.1 iwroliux or
:,.., ',L,11
Stir Peter F. Henry has
a uce• two story hawse D;
by 28 feet, anti hack kitchen
ban township.
fo'Rey. ‘lt seph Waugh, P
Holidaysbur t ; St taieury, will
of the county iustit
uu What snail our girls atm
BIG PORK Elll—Freter •
killer) a large hog !tun
19ut bk. It wan 11 n
yielded 260 11im..4 . lard. W
A PPOIN r‘i EsTs.—the
the Poor have ninth. their •
for the CIISIIing yenr, an folio
; Yhp.icluu , I)
O'Neal; Connie:, J. C;
Treasurer, Jac,,l) Benner;
St'ltVE V.—Tho Chester
says that Engineer hood OF ,
phis and Baltimore Central
brew employed to survoy a r
prtipohed railriatil from Oxfo
ter county, hi Hanover J
Peach hot toot.
ACCIDENT.-06 the 3d i
of Mr. Marks Brenta, of T
ship, was attempting to 1110 U,
lIONV from the wagon teiiitoae
in tailing H..
Hui! f::u•tttri. , l a hone in tit.
Ecio•tir.le, of If t.i.lleodlitr,
cave attt-iltioil, awl the boy 61
At:CIL/EN -t tiaturtk .
Senator Duttean with I i oof h
return ing,tton t o Inan Caslgo
county, Ii hors., took fright
Aft.untain and, hecout hug nit',
rall off, upsetting the buggy tit
all three out. Mr. Dnne:.ll ttt
bly hurt ,uul has been env
Louse on that acoonnt since 41
the boys was ak“ injured to.s
—rttiley A•pint.
DONATION. —We untlerrit:
Friday last it niiinlier of theli
1,11;11..ran ,hunch at Fa irfirilt
pleasant surprise for their Pt'.
S. Jell :eon, Who resides In K
Fire wapiti Inad. of eatable*,
ii , .ttoesi, turkeys, apple butter
driven to the parsonage and ha
initiates. The altar had
;•11.1 in its donorte
the• goo I 1 . 4,t0r Ity 4tArprtme.
(). —Oa %Valuta&
last tt Lodge of — eniti.d Ameri
ie.' wns t•ignuized in this. Oa
Sidlc,. W. D. G. C. of thin di ,
known DS , " H"we Lodge No
officers were luta!
Chriizninn, C. ; .J. W. Cress, Y.
linn'er, It. S.: W. D. Ifoltzw.
S.: I•uur .I“htt!-, I'. S. ; J, j.
W. P. M. Caribey, I. ; DaniCl
Win. Atli;llitibaugli,l. P. Gcozi.
0. P.: It. D. Arm,r, Ex-C.
The "Wet- Amerie•
irs, we felh•ve, is a purely Amer
izathin, arid id aowing in popu
objects, as set forth in the Co
are :
Isl. To as , ist each other in
em pl oy eta..
2d. To encourage each other i
3d. To establish a sick and f
4th. To establish a fund for t,
Widows and orphans of ' •
lith. To aid members wh
Pr. cidence, may have become iu
from following their usual aroca
raining shuitions sui table tO
"Howe Lodge' starts with 30
and will meet eveiv Wedneada
the Hall on the N. Eaat corner o
scission Of the "National E
Con ecntion ," at Trenton, N.
ap0..1 it oloetia4 tsar hold for lb:
or an Essay on "Popular Sci
:%Irt,. LINCOLN PH ELrS, Of Balt
a copy of 1.1,1.0,11 we are indebt
author. Otto c? - the evils growl.
Out rapid advances in scientific d
anti Ihe elals.iration of theories
new developments—leading the .
out into the remoter and ddlicut
tieentitie invesligation—are an i•
ti o f to popularize seience,and ma
books for beginners a resutuaof
laws, !rained researches, and
theories, instead of what they oug
captivating compilation of the .
and general principles of science,
we know of sonic tneu lu theset
who conteniptuously ignore the
ence of lile-long practical, edut,
would discard from our Bch.
Academies all graded text-bloks
raptly, History, Natural Philospli •
istry, &c.,—leaving such stud].
taken up only when the pupil has
ed sufficient mental capacity tom:
dry details of purescienoe. Mrs. '
Essay is a plea for the popular' •
Science, especially for beginne
woul bring Science down to the
bensio f the pupil Just begin
tread the pa of scientific resear
make that patty attrsoUve
repultive. licrsel an educator
experience, and the au or of a
of valuable text-books, \ Mrs.
views will command attenqou, and
we regard the Essay before t 2.1 an e
ingly timely production.
In Illostration of her theme Mrs.
takes up the subject of Botany—l
ment in which she has long held a
able - distinction as teaener and
and makes a strong plea ibr the L
as over and against what is call.
Natural system. While the N
system is claimed by its friends to
.re accurate and scientific in its of
• lions, Mrs. Phelps regards it utter
flt to be put into the hands of heti:
uptls ceinmencing the study of
tending to confuse the mind,
uce an aversion fur, instead of It
Moat attractive and healthful stud
upport t f her views she motes 1
rom some of the most distinittilah-.
era on Botany. lu America and.
• rof. Lindley, the Englisigtl3otasilat,
as taken the lead in establishin :
'Natural system" of classification
quoted as admitting that thisolassiti•
' is not susceptible of mulch an finely.
a young student is capable of follow
while other adherents of the awn!) a
call that of Linnaeus '•an invaluable
d "a necessary ladder."
We may say, lu thin connection,
• re, PHELPS 1. the author of seer
• oat capital tegt-000ks, prepared o.
• lan indicated in this Essay, vie;_"
ny for Beginner,,," "Philloisophy for
inners," "Chemistry for Begin.
'Natural Philosophy," "Manual of C •
y," and Factulliu• Lectures ou!Bota
the latter three being prepared 1.
minced classes. Twenty years ago
-r used thew as lelt - 1300kP,Mid
It know of Wale bettor. J. B. -Ll.
• dt Co., PhiblAphin, bare ret..
'night out new editions, revised and
.d by the distinguished autho
• ' them squarely abreast with the p
, tsdvance lu scientific investiguti
•e board of education of 31.iryiand
opted the series to be used hi the
on and academie- eekeeta•of that
• commend them to the attentlort of
u educators. •