Sittints x ' ' SPRING & SIJIAMBR GnODS ARENDTSVILI I R, PA. . BIAS R. COVER NG opened a aim stars, in ArendSaville, hat returned from the city with a splendid as. eit 6ROCIRTZB, 7 QUZZNBWAIM, HARDWAIII, be pirabirmod my initlrestock for cub. lan told, very alkasp. efts me • call &adjudge •••. T. E. COT= J. L. SCHICK Largest and Best Seleotadiljtook of Y GOODS AND OTIONS been brought to Gettysburg this' tall, which at UN lowest paisple rata Ime.—tr NEW and Winter Goods. PETERSBURG, Y. S., PA EST t BOWERS received their NEW PALL AND WINTER I Ed, an excellent eatortmeet, selected with will be add cheep for thy. • . sw a call and examine oar Gads. DRIEST A DOWERS. 11169. tf V tbr the Grove & Balm Sewing marline. GETTYSBURG IONA", BANK ! MINT BONDS, of all kinds, BOUGHT ■nd BOLD IIZST PRE.MILW paid on GOLD and .IL Elk , PONS CA RID OR COLLIETZD *siring to Invest In BTOOKB er BONDS, tsd, are invited to all, ea we have tb• Hiles of New York, Philadelphia or tunoty markets. Coemequestly all orders er• pruxiptly executed poirewhig COUPON BONDS, and &dent toconvert Into Registered, re requests. 1 WI IfITI the advantage to trawler at a = 12V1211111 MVPS of all deoondag a- Clone tot rile ON lIIPIOIAL DIPOSITB advance d I per coat, sit • Pl/. 01ST. for 1 year, 4 NCR 011 INT. for 6 months, 11 ?XII OILIIT. for • moutke wishing Information In regard to• f. te, Stocks all kinds, srs revisited to' call and we will cheerfully give all la- J. 111011 X B/ÜB,, Cambia'. rt. Roy. 6,1669-If Tall 00 . 017318a1l WOOD UM P ! cameo why ate it the beat Pump otesto jilt:tura to Amnia fiw LLS 'CISTERNS. Is. .2. W bB. It Is toweblso. • way luny. 2, I T. The Water.- It is all Wool. Wood Ii eso . L It dose not _thoolt In the It Is oot noble to got °allot •w. 10. Bbookl soy repairs be e= le time, they ass made by any par. hoe. 11, It will not freeze. 12. It is Mopes than skiamoilbor relksble p UMW- Ihstared. • of ths superior cbarouter of tide Pu parabolas. to tier following persassX . i fame, and taisd ft Ili* *tire Mb. , Ittsaktta tp. • Gomm Sank Han. Antelll Um, 7neldts Sp.., A. N .; John Cr.... G . P. Di Polar 81d. . 17 , Ps ; ff . • Deals] Elul; la. Tian, Iffcaufforp tp.; Lamp Borer- • Pampa fur walla or oieterna en •Mloomptete and nary far 1111111 by alp& of tke irdl sr eistars. eWldietioa la all mem at no payment nmptired. mil or oillwridel womptly attended to. J 08.111% 11111XILLI. --- Adams county, N. =1 'es' Fancy Furs L N FAREIRA, ARCH STREET.,. alb* bit. Stb 9t. au* SW PHILADELPHIL, sad Dealer la aiikiwis wail ANC Fl:7ls .ANDostaasiors WEAL • amonno z ag u r sad ov an ing did sod oa har 11 2 I SE N I : rn : st a l i "i ldo I l a f • Ut 3 nnionain Oils so In Unison =Mtn work- Win anybloollsoilmboas • • lo Ooli sad guano al on, ' anoessoag of Non No" Ibr I on dournlood to all at Y. o • nononook soonia dilocnn. onontoo. 110 alnprosootashoo lo Minn ng Ant strea, JOBEN Tr=iii. NT' CCIIIPO-UND lON ?ZS MI 01 BORITII:ROLT,I2UPLITMA etiaestddlaess• 01 the - Y~wd Alsomuurr beastriadta lIIIAMDB OF CURB, al lb* aitaatry, sad has Snot tf Ulm fa time sad Irmo mated,* ea*. ilive a rirstla lb, haat Itior boasaboW should a'alb a hot of y thU maids* aa4 ?boast's that It has allottoll as 11 4 ". sad 117 lauziYourelt 01).,ect Nth stifierisel gall. /* in Moroi, Aussl4llllll*._ 0.4 MAIL YO=T a CO.. 41te *lir and lintisd. "bitailik , Orr l dieb7. X•v. 11A..11401. WOOD WANTED. A few Corda of good dry Wood will be, taken at trso ollifkiei Vatta,ent of a& .counta, if delivered LARGE BEETS.—Mr. B. S. Smith, of Ranterstown, send us three large Red Beets, one of wide!" measures 21 inches in circumference, and weigh. 5 lbs. TO BE CLOSED.—We are requested to state that the Stores and places of businees in Gettysburg will be closed on Thum* next—Thanksgiving day. DEDICATION.—The new Odd Fellows Hall in York Springs Borough is nearly completed, and will be dedicated in a few week& The officers of the Grand Lodge !rill Probal# be Prlseut UNION fiiIiRVICEB,—By' an arrange ment beraftieil the Pastois of the various churches in town, there will be services in the United Presbyterian Church, (Rev. Mr. Ja'mieson, Pastor,) on Thursday .morning next—Timnksgiving day. PROF. !LIDD.—We are happy to be mule to announce that the distinguished Elocutionist, Prof.,Kidd, will give an el onutinna intertallnment Aglieultinn/ Hall, Nov. I:3d. All who know of the abi/ ty of this gentleman anticipate a rich treat in his readings and recitations on this occasion. .Why don't you trade with me," said a close-flsted tradesman, the other day. The reply was characteristic. "You have never asked me, sir. I have looked thro' the pipers for .au invitation in the shape of an advertisement, and eatnd none. I never go whore lam not invit. '- ' • INFORMATION WANTED.—The pa rents of John Elliot Kanaval, of Ayr Twp., Fulton county, Pa., would like to get in formation of his whereabouts. He left home about six weeks ago, and Is suppos ed to have gone towards Gettysburg. He is 16 years old, sutall in size, and has red hair. PROMOTED.—we are glad to • notice that our young friend, H. Buchanan Danner, has again been promoted to an vanceti elerkshlit in the Internal Rev enue Bateau. Washington. He now oc cupies a 4th class desk, with salary of .$lBOO. This is the second promotion, and is a compliment to his fidelity and capac- Sty, as neither promotion was solicited. NEW OYSTER SALOON!—E. H. Mtli noti would respectfully inform the citizens of Gettyiburg and vicinity that he has opened an Oyster Saloon, in connection with Ice Cream, at his old stand, on Cham baburg street, and asks a public share of patronage. He has made special arrange ments for the accommodation of Ladies And Gentlemen. By strict attention to business he feels confident .of giving satis faction to all. Families wishing oysters by the quantity will be supplietrat lowest mar ket prices. Give him a call. nov. 12-2 t INSTALLED.—The folldwing persons have been installed as officers for the ensu ing quarter, for Gen. Reynolds Lodge, I. 0. G. T., in this place : W. C. P., John T. Gledhill ; W. V. P., Jennie Powers; W. S., Simon S. Loser; W. A. S., James H. Flemming; W. T., A. W. Flemming; W. F. S., David T. Loser, W. C., Alfred Loser ; W. M., John E. Beecher ; W. D. M., Carrie Young ; W. 0. S. G., North McElroy ; W. 0. S. S., Thaddeus W. S. Flaharty ; W. R. H. S., David L. Smith ; W. L. H. S., WilliamH. Tipton. WINTER SUNDAY SCHOOLS.—We invite the attention of Sunday School workers to the appeal of filr. Baughman, Agent of the American Sunday School - Union, in to-day's paper. It is a sub ject worthy of serious consideration. It was tborougly diascuased in the County Sunday School Convention held in Get tysburg a year ago, and resolutions were then unanimously adopted in favor of keeping open Sunday Schools during the entire year. Day-schools are most effi cient in the winter season, and a little en ergy and determination on the part of Sunday School workers would show that it is equally practicable to have Winter Sunday Schools, SOLD.—Prot Ehrebart has sold to Bev Samuel B. Smith, a lot of ground contain ing five or six building lets on the extension .of Carlisle street for $1250. Samuel Jacobs, Executor of David Ja cobs, deceased, recently sold the farm of said decendent, in Butler township, to Jacob Wisler-118 acres, at s4,soo—taking o small property, in the same township, at $l,lOO, as part pay. Blasius Kahn his sold a tract or 26 acres, with improvements, in Liberty township; to Mr. ()rouse, of Franklin county, at $l,- 250. John McKesson has-sold about 12 acres, with improvements, in the mite township. to George Bites, at $BOO. Fronde (bullion has purchased from A. and G. W. Wehih, a tract of 15 acres, with improvements, in Huntington township, at - $2, ikt. George Devilbiss, bee disposed of the 'hotel property In Littlestown, known 443 the mdlobe Inn,' to Jacob Shealy,. tbr the sum , of #2,800. He has also sold the brick house and lot adjoining the hotel, for $750, , to Joseph Wlsotsky. IMPROMIRNTO. —ln addition, to the provements in progress in town referred to lL itt week, we notice that Levi Weaver is putti n g up a threi-story brick house on nort h wohington street, on the lot formerly occu pi e d by the Presbyterian Okurob as a burying Mit hibmigh, having sold the property' 0171 which she resides _cat the corner of IVanhhrgton and Middle streets, .putting 3p a two-story frame dwenhag on • the adjoining Oel. Tem, of the "Eagle Hotel," her added another three-story brick wing to the hotel -on the east ; tivabeiio or the reading room. ' The bar will be re loved from the , basement to the new banal& with othor Chenites tended to site ittoressed ammuudadons and promote the comfort oilman In Elamilionten JOGegh An drew Ito. modelled and improved his barns laiherfialdr—Jaaolt illasselman it converting the old school Mote, purchased by Win, into a two-story ditelling. Robert Want& lite modern feed dwelling near Fairfield, and is putting up a new back , building. ROBBERY A 11) ARREBT.—On Satyr. ozhw night last a pocket-book, containing was stolen front the person of Alex ander Benshoff, tyho keeps a public house In Fairfield: Mr. B. had laid down on a lunch iat the bar.roetn - and fell asleep. When the time for closing up came romtd, the boy attending the bar, and a border itaard Timm J. Moore, fond some di- Acuity to awake Yr. Benaboff, and closed up the house, leaving Kr. B. sleeping an the heat. During the night the latter waked *and fOutal hisfooket . book babe- Lg thimpiehm attached to Moore, who lett during she night : ?loom is Bones* maker,' andlidd been Working he several weeks for lfhiglimr,e bet boarding =at Benshors hotel' DettiaiNe Rouser was sent en, who- Irotts uP a case, and started AhLar rested in Harrlsitaig- pit -1114/147 3 9 1 eAt.witst14, .1014daiet liatik wait • , on / 116 e C id toet Peticp'_ ip‘ the tedium urging ` been iztthe %.cithenf a :new attic sf :clothing; wst, Okei Monte was- to,pettysbcyx rilpagoated by ,1040,1:kttu to answer it Mai Owe— CONCERT ARA r9 II I4tTORIQ--rThe Sabbath School •iid - CErist Ohnreb are ar ranging to give a Concert in Agriectltnral Halton Thoredity evening neXtt Nov. (Thanksgiving night,) which will nn dou btly be a pleasant entertainment. The programme will tin a - varied :onsil monist ing of Instritnetital and Vo ca l Music, Sibging by, the School, Quartettes, &c., some of our beat amateur =Melons b* - log kindly tendered their services. There will ,be several special exorcism, "The Golden Nine," "Precious Jewels,"*and the "Oratorio of Two; Alcere," ; the l battr exercise being in sit parts. Thb hall Wll be handsomely decorated, and the enter taitunent promises to bean attractive one. Doors open at tq f o'clock ; Concert to begin at 7. Tickets can be had at A. D. -Bunn- LEn'ls, Fewilkomr Bitornens, and ;at the door-25 .Cents ; children under 12 years 15 Cents. DtaiNlNG.—One of our .. :c(ChOWS / hard up for money to meet eirienste, has been compelled to dun prety sharply, and ingeniously puts in rhyme the apology therefor—which sic: (*emend to the atten tion of our own readers : "Should you ask why this dunning, Why these eat' =plaints and murturs, Murmur loud about delinquents Who have read the paper weekly, Read what they have never paid for, . Read with pleasure and with profit, Read of State affairs and prospects, Reed of news both home and foreign, Read of essays and the poems, Full of wlsdoth and instruction, Read-the table themarkets, 'Carefhll f correcid. weekly ? Should you•ask us why this duhning ? We should answer, we should tell you. "From the printer, from the mailer,' From the kind old paper-maker, From the landlord, from the carrier, From the malt who taxes letters, With a stamp from uncle Samuel— 'Uncle Sam' the rowdies ceO him ; Prom them all there comes a message, Message kind and firmly spoken, 'Please to pay us what you owe as. ' "Sad it is to hear such message, When our funds are all exhausted, When the last hank-note has left us, When the gold coin all has vanished, Gone to pay the paper-maker, . Gone to pay the toiling printer, Gone to pay the landlord tribute, Gone to pay the nimble carrier, Gohe to pay the faithful mailer, Gone to pay our Uncle Samuel— Uncle Sam the rowdies,call him— Gune to pay for used u p - paper Ten and twenty hundred dollars "Sad it is to turn our ledger, Turn the leaves of this old ledger, - Turn to see what sums-are due us, • Due for volumes long since ended, Due for years of pleasant reading, Due for years of toilsome lobor, Due despite our constant dunning, Due in sums from three to twenty. "Would you lift a burden from us ? Would you drive a specter trout you ? Would you taste a pleasant slumber ? Would you have a quiet conscience ? Would you read a paper PAID FOR? Send us money—send us money, Send us money—send us money; SEND TILE MONEY 4 THAT YOU ORE Vs ! STOLEpI.—On Sunday night last a roan Horse, 9 years old, 15 or 16 hands high, was stolen from the premises of John Mehring, in Cumberland township. EXHIBITION.—On Tuesday evening the pupils of Miss lkicelellan's school gave 3 1 an Exhibition In Agricultural Hall, oh passed off pleasantly and satisfactoril Speeches, Singing, Tableaux , &c. So a of the tableaux were quite arts lly gotten up, and made a favorable Impres sion. ThA musical part of the programme was under the direction 'of Miss Eva Danner. BEES WAX—American apiarists are perhaps not generally aware of the enor mous consumption of this article in Eu rope, and the value of the supply from the United States. We have before us a circular from Alexander S. Macrae, An glo-American Produce Broker, of Liver pool, England, of Oct. 28, giving the quotations at that date for American bright pressed yellow Wax at 45 to 51 cents per Th., and from 43 to 431 for rough mixed—American Wax commanding the highest prices in market. independently of the very large yield of Mineral and Vegetable Waxes, England alone must consume some 2000 tons of Bees Wax a year, to the value of, say 02,100,006! As an instance of the ccinsumption, it' is mentioned Abet one European palaces one burns ten thousand wax cnndles nightly The method of lighting them is ingenioUs! The respective departments being prepar ed with the candies, an inflammable and scented web-like link (gun cotton) runs from wick to wick. Immediately one end of the link is lily the flame flashes round the connected wait lights with lightning rapidity, and in a moment they are all altitultaneously inflamed ! As the link burns and ignites each candle, an agree able odour is emitted, and the apartments at once, from one end to the other, are thus not only illumined, but perfectly refresh ed and perfumed, as if by magic ! PETERSON'S MAGAZINE for Decem ber is on our table i p advance. It is a splendid :lumber, with two steel engrav ings, a mammoth fashion plate, a colored pattern in Berlin work, and nearly fifty wood cuts. We do not wonder at the im-, mense circulation of "Peterson,"—aaid to be the largest in the world—for it really gives mere for the money then any other.; Everylady ought to subscribe Ii r 'it. Ita Mammoth Colored Fashion Plates are al wept:the latest and prettiest. Its stories are tbe hest published anywhere. In 1870, in addition to its usual quantity of short stories, Five Original Cony-Eight Nove lets will be given, among them "Thal Prisoner of the Ilastlie," by Ann S. Ste mphens, "The Secret at Bertam's Holme," by Jane C. Austin, "H it Ended," by Frank Lee Benedict, do., Ac. About 1,- 000 pages of reading matter will be giiin in 1870, 12, Mammoth Colored - Fashions and 14 superb Steel Engravings, Tbiti Magazine will hove:duly improved. Th. twine, however, will remain Tweirelhrra a year to adagio autaeribers. To Clubs it is cheaper 014 viz : four copies for 18.00, with a large engraving, (24 lathes by 18), "Our Father Who Art in Beaitm," as a, premium to the person getting up *club; or eight cOOles' for $12.00, with both an extra copy of the Magazine and the en graving, as premiums. We can speak, fro* peildstal kliowletillfe,', oh th 4 ;beauty of this Engraving. Now Is ° the' time to get up Clubs for 1810. • Specimens of the fp zine sent gratis. Adress. _ -• - . d kLIAJ .J. -PET/1E0304, - seseeeteetimee,Pbtladelpkla. N. YORK OBSERVER,—This old es tablished Religion, Wear is now running an ettraetlye specialty In a series of lettere' from the ,Rev. 41. 'Primo under the W . !). of "Around the World.' , Dr; Prime iiiniiddrig's torn of the World, by wog of Orafornis, Japan; Ohms, India; EgyPt, die., and his letters alone are worth the yearly tubseription. See adv. in 'todivr's bone. ' WECIIINCER tt' WILSON SEWING MACHINES.—A general office for the sale of !bees unrivalled Sewi t Okldailtines of will& over 400,090 arelow hair been opened in Jacobs' Building, Gettys burg. Instruction wilt be sive:title rif abuse to sil persons sad purchasers, and in order to moconnumintsi 4NT «s}• 13 . 111411 1 1 , st,ibii rats of .10 I per' booth. Teaselling Agents wanted, and Local Amato in eves lat e trn lit tat &linty.— Call or Wrest Peterson et Carpenter, Geo* Aim^. Don't burn soy fluid but Hines Ifou-Expibbltliz Ask fur glues Nr-lijiupkiskr, ntu4. .3. **Mai& ce**oi su!csoia l tif ,TfistorlNTy. • Tea:them anipurfed-Tetras and Sala. , • We are indebted to J. H. Wert, Esq., County Superintendent, for the annexed giving_ a fitll , -ilst -of the Common Schoch' in the several districbsof the coun ty, Svidch we publish as a local item of general interest By an examination of the list, it seen that in seven districtalhe length of the school lenn is 4 months, in , two districts 41 months, in eleven 5 months, in three (Straban, Oxford and York Springs) 8 utonthi, and one (Beuystiarg) 9 months. The salary paid in most of the districts is $BO per month, but it ranges from $24 to $7B per month. These figures, both as to terms and salaries, are too low, and until Directors increase the term and salary we cannot expect to Repo* the servicesoffirst class teachers, .who will naturally go where their capacity command appreciative and reaumerative wages. In several districts the data are defective by reason of the School Boards failing to make report as required by law. Bat the list will be found substantially correct.— Should there be any inacuracies, the parties interested are ."requested ,to communicate with the County Superintendent, giving the necessary corrections. Of tho 153 teachers given in thiS list, two hold the Permanent State Certip, cats, viz: Miss Martha= Warren and Misi Mary McGrew. Thirty-eight hold Profes sional Certificates, nearly all of which will expire on the first Monday of June next.— The remainder hold the Provisional Cer tificate, which is given for but one year. BERWII!K TWP.-i-Tenn, 5 months—Sal axles, $3O per month. No. 1. Pigeon Hill, Samuel Hollinger " 2. Walnut Grove, Samuel A. Wertz. BERWICK BOR.—Term, 45 months-4%1- ary, $35 per month. Abbottstow*, John H. Freed. BUTLER—Term, 4 months—Salaries, $3O per month. No. 1. Middletown, Miss A. Kate Hartzel " 2. Sunny-Side, " Sue E. Bushey. " 3. Centre Mills, Isaac C. Gitt. " 4. E. W. Cook. " '6. Raffenspergefs, Miss Jennie Bitner. " G. Grape Vine, " Mary McGrew. " 7. Pine Grove, " Flora Hartzel. " 8. Clear Spring, " Belle Weaver. CONOWAGO—Term, 5 months—Salaries, $3O per month. No. I. McSberryatown, J. A. Aulabaugh. " 2. Schwartz's, Mr. Wiest. " 3. Brushtown, Wm. H. Waltman CIIMBERLAND—Term,4 months. Schools numbered 3, 5 and 6 baying 5 months— Salaries of these $24 per month ; . of oth ers $3O. No. 1. McCurdy's. Rev. W. H. Houghtelin. " 2. Boyd's, Miss Julia Hollinger. " 3. Butt's, " Minnie Minnie). " 4. Belmont, J. H. Stable. " L. Willow Grove, Miss M. Thompson " 6. Granite, James Plank. " 7. Pitzer's, Raphael Sherfy. " 8. Greenbnah, Vacancy. FRANKLIN—Term, 4,} months—salaries $27 to $3O per month. No. 1. Caabtown, Samnel S. Stocksleger " 2. Fiala's, Robert McCleaf, Esq. " 3. Scott's, Wm. D. Chamberlain. " 4. Poplar Springs,hirs.M.Chamberlain " 5. Mt. Vernon, Miss Clara S. Shorb. " 6. Mummaeburg, John Mehl. " 7. Newman's, John Atwell. " 8. Lady's, Sylvester Rice " 9. Brady's, Luther T. Fickes. " 10. Stra.nbangb's, Wm. OrendorfE " 11. Bingaman's, Jobn D. Beirozelman. " 12. Paradise, T. P. Grammar. " 13. Arendtsville, Geo. LH. Grammar. FREEDOM—Term, 5 months; except Moritz, which is 6 months—Salaries, 1630 per month. No. 1. Moritz's, Miss H. Edith Rogers. " 2. McCleary's, Miss Mary Monfort. 3. Mcllhenny's, Miss Mary Buehler GERMANY —Term, 5 months—Salaries $3O per month. No. 1. High Grove, Samuel Harner. " 2. Mt. Vernon, Hanson 0. Harner. " 3. Ash Grove, Miss Lizzie Nicks. " 4. Mt. Pleasant, " Magdalena Nicks. GETTYSBURG—Term, 9 months—Sala ries, $25 to $7B per month. No. I. Capt. John F. McCreary. "..2. Mies Martha A. Warren " 8. " Sue M. Myers. " 4. " Maria Thompson. " 5. " Mary J. McCreary " 6. " Nancy 31. White. 1111 " 8. " Carrie McMillan " 9. Colored School, Lloyd Watts. HAMILTON—Term, 5 n:tontlis-Balartee, $B5 per month, except in No. 1 $45, and No. 7 $25. No. 1. Brick B. H., East Berlin, J. C. HI debrand. " 2. Church IS." IL, East Berlin, Mise Lizzie Slaybaugh. " 3. Hartman's, C. W. Baker. 4. Pine Run, Lewis Sowers. " 5. Pike, De.niel Chrinister, Bog. " 6. Seven Hondred,M4o.E.Chronititer " 7. Union, Miss M. Jotiephine Wolf. HAMELTONHAN-Term, 4 months-Sal aries, Upper School in Fairfield $35, and all others $25 per month. No. 1. tipper School,Fair field, PeterKready " 2. Lower School, Fairfield, Miss Sallie P. Frey. " 3. Foontaindale, Miss M. V. Myers. " 4. Aimee, Samuel A Sanders. " 5.. Mt. Hope, James G. Watson. • 6. Mt. Plessant,Miss Maggie Murdock. 7. Bigham'a, Miss Anna Myers. " 8. Upper nut, Miss Sue Cart: " 9. Lower Tract, " Dora Flemming. " 10. CeM Spring, Ezra G. Topper. " 11, Went FairteM, Vacancy.. • HAItiPT6N--Ondependent Dist ri e Term, 4 mouths-S a lary, $B6 per month. No. 1. Samuel B; Miller, Esq. HIGHLAND--Term; 5 monthn-Salaritts, $BO per month. • Quarry S. H., J. Levi•Eittinier. Church S. H., Miss Aliqe.V.Tate. Locust Gave S. H., Harman H. Spence. HUNITNGTON-Tinin, months-Sala ries, sBs r per month- No• 1 . BA Wm; 1 41 4 1 1 12 *.W+ PP9 " 2. Wiermates, Miss Tillie: iseman. " 8. Hickory Pettit, Alfrod,L, WPM "4. Miller's, James Dicks, - • 5. Neely* JsCob Lehr. , " & Sadler's, J. A. - R. Mcßride;Req. " 7. Whitestown, P. W. Groot,: ", 8. Planh's, DaVid A.IV: . • , LATIMORB-Tarm 5 miintint-Salaries, ' $BB pm:month. No.. I._ Bragtorh Teter J.Detug. " 2. Churtitjr&J):VanaccirT„. " S.' Woltortre,`D. S. Brennenym " 4. State !load, AIM D. Baker. " 5. Fltiltr's, Noah Miller. InackbeemPeterGrielt: " 7. Harbold's, Miett,Lizzle.Griest. " 8. New S. iticGavern. u7nitABTIPIM - . Yert4 5 *1 1 . 11 40 rleof, $25 per mouth. No. 1. Upper, Kim Lane. " 2. Middle, MI Miry C; Seiielehart. • " 8. Lower, Samuel Winrott. LIBERTY-to i‘ixiit ip The Venplinre sreltisszaima (4a4tier; Wax... 6. sea biDoka, 1 4 11 94 1 !•134 , 14, W. 14, thlzen-• itla and Imac,Pfnher. MOUNT JOY-Tenn, months - Salazlse l $3O Per mouth I Fwo trivet* 1 1 . litut &olleged4ohiirt PA3130/26 • Wl4eNtitti Mmrfloptiter. Conover., - ° 1 3 1,40 pet . !' 110 . 0144 4 1 "1 1 .- . / 16 1#7, , • ri • xratee, Antose -111-1:414:44.95$ 44 1221111 " Alice Powers No. 1. Quakne.cillitirob, Mint R. R. Wright. ‘-‘ 2. Brough's, Miss E. Annie Hollinger. "3. White Hall. 4 , " Bendei..the School, Mils 011ie J. Heinard. " 5. West Point, Miss Lizzie Minnigh. 6. Chestnut Grove, H. N. Minnigh. " 7. Reamer's, Mite Otelia Sherfy. " 8. Boyd'', Joseph H. Orendorff: 9. Pleasant• Dale, Miss Ada Ross. " 10. Cottage Rlll7Miss Mary Sherfy. " 11. Bandersville Primary, Miss Mattie Llshey. MOIJN'rPLEASANT—Term, 4 months— Balaries, $26 pe; month. No. 1. Alfred H. Parr. ". 2. Bonanghtown, J. H. McMaster. " 3. Brush Run, Thomas McCreary. " 4. Mt. Rock, Herman J. Gross. " 5. Miller's, Otis T. Baughman. " 6. Mt. Vernon, J. H. T. Rummel. " 7. Valley, Mrs. Kate Stonesifer. " 8. Kohler's, Miss Mattie E. Hamilton. " 9: Miss Flora Meihorn. OXFORD—Term, 6 months—Salary of Oxford High School $35 par month ; of the others $3O. No. 1. High School, Oxford, H. Eckenrode. " 2. Primary " " Miss K. Miley. " 3: Valley, Miss Mary Wolf. " 4. Irisbtown, Jacob Heltzel. • READING—No report in. The Teachers are Miss Nannie E. Myers, Miss Alice Slayhaugb, W. Howard Dicks, H. T. Williams, Esq., Amos H. Staub, Geo. W. Stoner and A. D. Brown. STRABAN—Term, 6 months—Salaries, $3O per month. No. 1. Hanterstown, Miss T. A. McElwee. 2. Pines Church. J. Mason Duncan. " 3. Woodside, Miss Maggie Neely. " 4. Good Intent, " Lizzie McGrew. " 5. Brick, Mrs. M. J. Long. " 6. Rocky Grove, Miss Lizzie M. Essic. " 7. Flatbnsb, Miss Jennie Hamilton. " 8. Pinetown, " Maggie S. Moritz. TYRONE—Term, 4 months—Salaries, all $25 per month, except - Heidlesburg school, which is $3O. No. 1. Overholtzer's, Miss Mettle Linah. " 2. Belmont, Win. F. Shull. " 3. Five Points, Mks Rachle A. Wright. " 4. Heidlersburg, Miss L. A. Hollinger. " 5. Bower's, Miss Emetic Wright. " G. Cranberry, Elias D. Weigle. " 7. Gardner's, Daniel L. Plank. " 8. Chestnut Grove, Miss Sate F. Slagle. UNION—Term, 4 months—Salaries, $3O per month. No. 1. Jacob Shealy.' " 2. Pleasant Hill, David Howard " 3. Vacancy. " 4. Scbildt's, Adam Kinnemund. " 3. Schibert's, Miss Emma Warren. " C. Chestnut Hill. Vacancy. " 7. Pine Grove, C. A. Burkholder. YORK SPRINGS—Term, 6 months—Ss aries, $35 end e4O per month. No. I. High School, C. W. Stoner. " 2. Primary, Miss L. Kate Getz. lFer the St.r and Sentinel THANKSGIVING. MESSRS. EDITORS :—I , e,#) published , throughout the Union, a proclamation of the President, appointing November .18th a day of national thanksgiving. In the midst of the excitements with which the cottntry has just been agitated, the calm and moderate words in which the Presi dent exhorts to National Thanksgiving come like a storm of peaceful music on the battle-Held. We are prone always to think that the former times were better than these, and we do believe butt we never are but always are to be biessed. Yet when we reflect that we are every where at peace ; that the lately rebellious section of onr country is rapidly recov ering its material prosperity, and surely and steadily approaching complete repre sentation once more in our National coun cils ; when we witness the peaceful tri umphs of our vivant:Mg civilization which one day span a continent and the next reach across an ocean ; when we see our taxes diminishing, our National Debt steadily reduced, and our credit ad vancing, we may take up the strain which the President has lifted, and render "Praise and Thanksgiving to the Supreme Author from whom such blessings flow, devoutly imploring a continuance of his J. S. G. mercies." JACK FROST-1s here, and NORRIS is determined to keep people warm and comfortaole, by selling clothing so Cheap that every body can purchase Over Coats as low as $4.00 and good warm Under Coats at $3.50, also Under Shirts and Draw ers at any price a man wants them, Rni3 Jackets, Government Blouses and Over Coats, cheap as dirt, and Genuine Buck Gloves the best in the country, and every thing that a man wants to keep himself comfortable. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Rubber Overs, dm. Dont fail to pall at Norris' Corner—Arnold's old Stand, if you want bargains. tf BIERBOWER'S SEGARS have be come noted for their high flavor, and every body who knows anything about good To bacco has got in the habit of going direct to his establishment in the northeast coruer of the diamond—fully assured that they can get just what they want, the very best Segare, made of pnme tobacco, highly. flavored, and what is better still sold at prices that can't be beat in or out of the city. 'Strangers can't mistake the place. "Punch" always stands at the door, good humoredly inviting the passer-by to enter and enjoy the good things to be found there —Segars, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, of the best brand, Merchatims, Pipes, &c. ATTENTION FARMERS.—Try the celebrated Patent Elaatici Rubber lined Collars, Saddles and Pads. Warranted to prevent horses from galling and to heal up under work horentalready galled, it properly fitted ; and sore necks and backs are kept clean with cold water and Castile Soap, or no pay. For sale by W. Cress, manufacturer's Agent, Gettysburg, Pa. Sept. 10-tf WINTER COMlNG.—Winter is corn ing, and COBELN & CIININGECAM have wade arrangements to meet the wants of the public by their large assortment of all kinds of Ready-made Clothing, for Pall and Winter. wear, for Men and Boys— also, Caps, Boots. Shoes, etc., which they are selling very law. tf A SUGGESTION.—No person visiting Pittsburg should neglect visiting the Iron City College and witnessing the opera •tions of this far-famed institution. Those unable to do so can obtain Circulars giv ing- full particulars by addressing the Principals, Smith I Cowley, Pittsburg, -Pa. HOW MANY 3—There is nothing lost by having several Sults of clothes at once. It gives a plasm:lt variety in dress,makes the clothing last longer by not being sub ject* to bon , qint itee.ondean be adapted to the obingee f of tie Weather,/so- aato be a protection to-vox lietatb. 'Try this, plan and yon .vllll prove the iotaptage or it. Yon know, by the way. that at Oak Ball you can get twa or titre snits for the mon ey some. men pa, for but one. It THE-SECRET OF BEAUTY lies In the eso ur Ragan'a Magnolia Balm for lbe Complexion, Rociidineamitesineas ,Blotohes, Sunburn, Previa* and Tan disappear !hare it is pplied; and 'a - beautiful Complexion of • ore, satin like t*:lxitire!is *stained. The plainest features are autdat,k/ glow with Affeauthful Bloom and YOuthful Beauty. Remember Ragin'a Balm is the thing that produce thie gffeets, and 'soy Lady can sboard Mots MS ;my of our Mare d. lit - p gad' drew‘Pgir. us yimeaMalbsdrott. - I Nary d4ta- arrr*sire wusterses (le. Advertistsatt arrouITILTLAW, D. G—McCreary, Yorketreet,la remakes*. In k ...• D. lOcOonanghy. Chaintnisbaing st. reeide.ce. J. M. &meth. Baltimore et.. Mena car e. 0. Willa. on Public Square, la resat • A. i . Cover, Sidthootast., near hi Viratore D. A. Buehler,Belthnorestreet,la residence. lALEIS.' J. W. Tip* on:Ohambersbarg.treet,firstiquari =3 Bonier Newport corner Wasinngionk Middle ate 1100? 33333 114111138. D. Hltrosiller k Bro., York st °want Bank. D. H. Klingel, Baltimore street, ..coal sqn qt. John M. Railing, Carnets street, near I►llroed Depot 'wanly/elm) I • 8. G. Itoll3b.ogh,Washington Street. DUTCH Lll/16. Stover &WI e, Chambersbara Styes'. Geo. A. Codort, West Iltddle Street. Nicholas & &moo Codorl. York strost,Hrst [query CONTICTIONS,TOTt, £C JohnGrael,pmzobersburg street ,near Sag lellete caarsastte iND coirraddrlas. Wm.C.Stallamltha Son t Yol4 streetaret square. Wm. Cbritsmen, Waithington at, near Chambereburg Geo. C. Caehm+n, Stratton stmt. near Railroad. CAZIRIAGIS, kC Perry J. Tate, Chambersberg street. ' Danner a Ziegler, Niddleet reet, neat Baltimore W. K. Gallagher, Bast Middle st.seeend square I=l=3 a. C. Colman k Cunningham, Baltimore street. P.Cnuninghham, Baltimore 'treat, Ltatequare. T. C , Soma, south West corner of Diamond. Jacob Brinkerhoff. corner of York and Public Square COAL, LIIMBAIL, Mil, Aft. O. H. B oohler, corner of Carlisle and Railroad street. Jacob Reilly, corner ofStratton and Railroad. =II Pr. J. E Berkstreaser, York 'tree, first ignore. J. L. Hill, Clurnberabarg street, opposit e Eagle Hots DRUGGIVIS A. D. Buehler,Chatohersburg it., Dear PlabllrElquant Unbars, Baltimore street, Ant square. R. Horner, Chamb's st.,uppostteObrist'seburch.• Dltr GOODS. Pahne■tock Brothers, car. of Balto.and Middle ts J. L. Schick, oor. Baltimoreand Public Square. Hebert k Elliot, Bait. ■t., opposite the Coact-home. H B. Woods, nor. of Diamond and Tork Street. 1. D. Dap horn, cocoon of Diamond and Carlisle st. 171213 8. W. Iloffman, corner West and Unreal street roiwkirdwa AND CO MISSION hovels. fligham h. Co. ' cur. Waahlogton and Railroad. John Cress, cor. Stratton and Railroad. Jut. %We & Sone, cur. Washington and Railroad McCord, k Hamilton. Carnal* Street. (MANI?* TAD. Peter Bel tler, Railroad, Rut of iltrattonstreet oss nrrst.] Et. D. Armor, Kest Middle street. =OM J. IlfiCrees,cor.Chartibersburg and Public Square Wm. Boyer k 800, York st., opposite National Bank. Win. B. Meals, York st., second square. Wm. J .Martin, cor. of Baltimore and High streets. Pahnestock Brothers cor. Baltimore and Middle its, nigh= & Co., cor. 'Washington and Railroad streets McCurdy. Carlisle st. iillespie, York st., Bret square. H. Reefer, Baltimore street. third square. Warner & Co., B. S. corner or Diamond HAILDWAIS AWD 001111111. Danner t Ziegler, Baltimore street, Brat equere. fahnestock Brothers, corner Baits. and Middle sti =CM D. tfcCreary k 800, Salto. st. opposite Pres. Church Joan Gulp, Carlisle SUNNI, near paseDger depot. HATS, CAPS, 'ROM SC. 8. 8. McCreary. Okamberstrarg street, ant vinare., Jacob Brinkerhoff, cor. of York et., and Public Square r. u. Norris, South West co tner of Diamond. R. C. Cobean t et:mantle:ism, Baltimore et reet. H. B. Woods, cot. of Diamond and York street. 1=23 lioteLJ L. Tate, proprbitor,conter Chambers. burg add WaabMgton. Heystoue House, W. N. Myers. proprietor, Chambers burg street,oppostts Cartst's Cantab. • =I N. Weaver & &m, Washington st., north of Mists be re burg. P. J. Tate k Bro., Chantbersburg street,- opposl to the Nagle Hotel. 'mamma YARDS. J. mf.Cannon,cother of Baltimore and Middle ■tre, to Meal.! Brother, York et., east of Stratton PHoTOGIAPI/ZU. Tipton k were, York street, opposite National Bank MEI= J. W. C.O'Neal, Baltimore street, near High R. S. Haber, cor. Criamberiburg t Waeliogtim et4s PRINTING OPTIC*. &dr et' Sentinel, Baltimore at., midway between the Court House and Public Square, west side. STOVES, TIEWAII, O. CAL Buehler, corner of Carlisle and Ballroad ==cia Wwebington Blarbower, N. E. corner of Liamood 12=3 J. Jacob•, Clounbersborg street, first rqoare Wm. I'. King, York street. oppolte B■ak. eXU[HL[[i a Para" Kenos& Jeremiah Culp, York street, second square 132=1=3 Wm. E. Culp.Washingtou street, near Eagle Hotol I= Soper k McCartney, Balto.,mtreet, tint Bq care FATHER. HYACINTHE, in a letter to the Evangelical misiste_rs of Bosuin, says that he is a Catholic, and hopes to remain one ; that he has not broken with his church, but its abuses; and that he recognizes true Christians in all Protestant bodies, believ ing that the true Church, embracing all who hold Christ as their head, is far wider than any earthly organization. gteritui of tht litarktto. Sultimore Grain & Produce 'Market. Ba/timers, Thursday Morning. 5 25 @ 550 5 75 @ 5 87 0 00 @ 000 1 30 (r 1 37 90 @ 1 08 1 03 1 15 55 0 60 3 25 @ 3 50 7 00 @ 7 124 2 40 @ 2 45 151 0 151 181 0 19 20 @ 20 18 0 184 SUPiR Flora, erril Flom, YiErnsWilzAT, RKD W HNAT, CORN, tint, OATH, TIMOTHY 4 •3IE D CLOVEB-BBID, FLAX -8211 D, BACON, SHOULDIIIB, ' ' BIDES, " HANN LARD, GOLD, New York Gettysburg' Grain 6 Prevision Market Gettysburg, Friday Yarn/n9. 4 50 5 00 1 25 0 1 60 1 0001 10 SITPER FLOUR,... EXTRA FLOUR,. WHITE WHEAT, KED W BEAT,... CORN, Mrs, OATS, BUCKWHEAT, TIMOTHY SEED, CLOVER SEED,.. POTATOES, Borns, LARD, EGOS, BACON, HAMS,.. " SIDES,. " SHOULDZRB, Soip,... TLT.Law, NAIUtIED. Branop--Sioom—On August Bth, 1889, by Z. Myers, Esq., Mr. Jacob Bi'.hnp to Miss Mary Catharine Stoops, all of Ham- Iltonban township. HOLISHOLDER—RUDY.—On the 7th inst., by Rev. Dr. Hauer, Mr. John F. Hous holder to Miss Catharine Rudy, both of York county. MILLER---DAY.— On the 28th ult., by the Rev. D. M. Blackwelder, Mr. J. A. Miller to Miss Jane Day, both of Hun tington township. Murrsa--GaLiwzit.—On the 21st at the house of the bride's father, by Rev. M. Snyder, Mr. A.mue Minter to Miss Mary E. Grammer, both of this county. Paprintaosr—SrAireLaa.—On the 9th inst., by Rev. E. Breidenbaukh, Mr. Wil liam Patterson, to Mies Sabina C. Spang ler both of Cumberland township. WAGAMAN—MARTIN.—On the 21st ult., by Z. - Myers, Esq., Mr. Peter Wakeman, of flamiltonban township. to Miss Clara Belldella Martin, of Franklin county. DIED. • 4111 - Obituary notices 5 cents a Ifee for all over 4 lines—cash to accompany no tices. GARDNUEL—On the 29th tilt., In Peters burg, Mrs. Sarah Gardner, widow of Sam uel Gardner, deceased, aged 66 years and 2 months. Imuts.—On the 23d ttlt., In Little*. town, David B. Ickes, aged 20 years 9 months and 21 days. Russam,.—in Philadelphia. on Sunday, Oct. 24, of disease of the heart, A. Sidney Russell of Bedford, Pa., brother of Ron. S. L. Russell. WlRr.—ln Hanover, on Monday last, Jacob Wirt, a well known ant enterpria lug citizen, aged about 70 years. for Almitiinunts. HOUSE AND LOT • AT PRIVATE SALE The subsoil tor wishes to dieroee able Ram avid Lot sitostod oa the It smakeehenlkod, sad ekes to WW2. The ROWE io • new TWINOTORT lad= BUILD. DIG with • ass sad OW Aar, Beet balhllme • Frain Bt. Ms, sad •