tti Sfar wind. Priday. Ney. li r 111611. Atlver sr. aadealtersiuterested will •ear la ■clad &bat the regular sires ladles el tie "STAR AYD is iamb larger Won Dm of aay tuber paper pabilibed la the Comity, beta; road walitly by not lees than IL es versales. RARE INDUCEMENTS I The New Yort lasepealleat and altar & floatisol at mem Dually low rates. We have made special arrangements with the publishers by which we are enabled to furnish the New' York in dependent and the STAB & SENTINEL to new subseribem, at the low rate ol $4, together with a copy of Ritchie's splendid Steel Engravings of Gsszer and COLFAX'as premiums. The ham. epsniorr is one of the best religiouti papers in the country, and its regular subscription $2.50. ' The Engravings of Grant and Colfax alone sell for s 4.— Specimen copies can be seen at this of fice. Here is a chance to get the inde pendent and the Star & Sentinel FOR NOTHING. Seild US $4, and both papers, witl"the two Engravings, will be sent to any address. THE result of the November Elec tions is substantially that given lam week. In New York, the enormour Democratic majority in the Cit) swamps the Republican majorities iii the rural districts, where the vote , was light, and elects the Democratic State ticket by from 150 . 00, to 20,000. Th. same perty will have control of the Legislature—Senate, Republican. 15, Democrats 17; H.6use, Republican,- 66, Democrats 72. The New Jersey Legislature wilt stand—Senate, Republicans 8, Demo crab; 12, Independent 1 ; House, Re publicans' 26, Democrats 34. , In Illinois, the Constitutional Con vention will hive 48 Republicans, 40 Democrats, 2 Conservatives, and 1 In dependent. The Senate of West Virginia will stand 18 Republicans and 4 Democmtw. and the House 82 Republicans arid 24 Democrats. In Ohio rfayes, Republican, has 7, 501 majority for Governiq, a gain 01 4,50 over two years ago, -when his ma jority was 2,98.3. The Republican, have both branches of the Legislature, and will ratify the 15th Amendment. In Massachusetts, the ritnnil of a separate Prohibition candidate for Gov error and the License fight has reduc ed the Republican majority somewha.. but Claffin is elected Governor by clear majority of about 15,000 ov both his competitors. The Legislator. is.largely Republican, but a decide. majority in favor of License. Wisconsin is thoroughly Republican in all its departments, the majority ft, Governor being about 35,000. THE attempt of 'some over zealous but impracticable, Temperance men t' organize's Prohibition party, has prey ed a miserable failure. It was tested in the recent elections. in Massachusetts Ohio, and other States, by runniiii. distructively Prohibition candidau-t for Governor. In Massachusetts where Prohibitory enactments art in force, every thing is lost by this un wise action. The Prohibition candt date polled a meagre vote, and they lose the Legislathre. 'ln Ohio the Prohibition candidate polled just 670 votes out of a total of 466,433. Pape rience has shown that there can be but two great political parties, and thatthe organization of third parties on a singlt bane must be abortive. At present the Republican and Democratic parties represent the contestants for political power, and thrlugh one or the o.bei of these Temperance men must aim U . secure salutary legislation. Separati political action s.mply - challenges tht hostility of the dominant parties, fail to accomplish practical good, and her arils the good already obtaiued. Dunma the last week the price o' Gold ranged from 126 to 127, being tb. lowest figures reached since the closi of the War. Six weeks ago the great Wall street conspiracy run up the rat. to 165, but the bubble btist, and sine. then there hasheen a downward tend ency, notwithstanding the efforts of gamblers to "bull" it up. The general impression, in financial circles, is that there can be no further advance, but I, gradual recession looking to the re sumption of specie payments. The causes, which are thus hastening the much desired golden era, areeto be found in President GRANT'S economi cal administration of the Government, the general Batisfaction and confidence in its integrity, anxi Secretary Sour- Nnmi,'s steady reduction of the debt, together with the people's repudiation of repudiators, at the October election. Gov. HOFFMAN made a speech at a Democratac jollification, in Albany, N. Y., on Friday night in which he announced that the new Democratic. Legislature would revolutionize tL* Republican legislation of the State. and break up all the' Commissions Lk) which alone New York city has been saved from complete ruin. Them con' missions, composed or independent men, have been the only homer be tween the property of the people alio the politicians who run the city Gov ernment and fabricate Demodratie ma jorities. Perhaps the RepuWicane• °Odd wish no better way to reabtaiti the power which they have lost by their apathy and their divisions. Norma° further has been done in the Yerger case, and the impression prevails that it will be allowed toawait the action, of Congress, which is under stood to be in accordance with the de zits of the President and the Attorney General. As Chief Justice Chase in his recent opinion very clearly admit ted that Congress could regulate the question of jurisdiction, itis not titanic.- ly that a movernentmay be made for the repeal of that section of the Judiciary sot of 1780, under which the Chief Justice claimed that the Court had jurisdiction in this ease. Faux the last moody returns of the Treasiry Department it appears that till, total value of the exports of this etanitry , for the year ending June 30, 1869, was $318,033,280, gold value. This 11101110 es $42,346,966 of specie and bul lion. The import. for the some period amounted in gold value to $ 4 135,897.618. This nay mean, either that we have been enriched to the extent of $117,- 614,268 by foreign capital sent 'over /ere for investment, or that we have 'spent that amount mote then we lave propeed. Tze °owners of thlrtrene . States bare wilted etith thelWitit tee. voimetiding Neteasber ai thaakogivthi =drat" ~ ; ,.~: :; ~; tti Gov. GEARY has appointad Gen. TbOrnas L. Kane, of McKean Apunty, Hon. G. Dawson Coleman, of lio.bisnon county, Hon. WilmeiWorthisition, of Chester county; F. B. Pennhiar i gf Pittsburg, and John 'Welsh. of= ddphis, Commissioners of dal:Board' of Public Charities, under. the Act passed by the Lrgislatuira lahlivint • . Tbe.appointments•wlll have to be con tiirmcd by the &rune, but of this there is no doubt, as they are all geolleleo of acknowledged worth and fitness. The Act.' provides that the OntrintiodasssirsimathsateeiTs-mo cow, petit-sill:a other than their 'menhir expenses.: One Commissioner is to hold office for one year, one for two years, one for three, one for four, and one five years ; and subsequently the Goyernoi shall annually appoint on member to serve for five years, flints?: vacancies created by death, resignation ' or removal. The Commissioners shall be sworn before the Secretary of the Commonwealth; shall elect a Presl dent, General Agent and Secretary ;* and, if necessary, a Corresponding Secretary—the salary of General Agent to be $3,000 a year, and that of Cor responding Secretary $l,OOO. The . Board will he provided with a suita ble room in the Cipitol buildings, where they shall meet at least once every dims months. The General Agent t and Secretary's term shall be three y am, and his du ies shall be to record the proceedings of the Board, o.versee its out door buid ness, visit all charaitable and correc tional institutions, at least once eaci ;ear, and oftener, as the Board ma; direct ;.examine the returns of the several cities, towns, boroughs and township in relation to the support of paupers, and in relation to births, leatbs and marriages; and he shall prepare a series of interrogatories ; with the necessary accompany blanks, to the several institutions of charity, re form and correction in the State, and to those having, charge of the poor in the several counties, with a view to illustrate, in his annual report, the causes and best treatment of pauper ism, crime, disease and insanity ; he -ball also arrange and publish in his said report all desirtitlle information concerning the industrial and material interests of the Commonwealth bear lug upon these subjects, and shalt nave free, access to all reports and and returns now required by law to be made; and he maykalso propose such investigations as he may think best for the approval of the Board. The Board shall have general super vision of all these institutions, and any officer or person convected with said institutions disobeying the pro vision of the act shall be subject to e flue of at least one hundred dollars. All jails, prisons, charitable or correc .l4,l-Mti 1118[1111'k/1M shall report annual y to the general agent. Members of lie Board may administer oaths, am' must make annual report to tie Le g, 'attire. From the scope of the duties thu ,,rescribed for tin Board, it in evident hat the Comnilarinn will be an in ortaut and responsible one. The sin. Is to bring the entire chari able an. •orrectional system of the State ut d. i ,udicious legislative control, and the esult, under an intelligent and - Judie .ous Board, cannot fail to be salutary n securing the reform of abuses, and •tysteniatic, intelligent State aid where it is now irnpulsively and often inju liciously given. IT may not be generally known that there Is an act of the Penny slvarila Legislature providing that no estate shall be bequeathed, devised, or con vey • ed to any body politic, or to,any person, in trust for religious or.haritable uses, except the same be done by deed or will, at least on&.montli before the de cease of the testator or alienor. It. i an important provision and persons who contemplate charitable bequests mhould prepare their Wills in due sea Aim. We have recently noticed several instances in which such bequests have 'ailed because of the wills not being , xecuted a mouth prior to the death,. of the parties. Last week Mrs. Sophie leylin died in Lancaster, bequeath:too. .I'l,ooo to Trinity Luiherau Church, cud .t,10,000 to Zion's Lutheran Chureh.— Both bequests are void, b• cause thi will was executed lees than thirty &qr. *fore her death. Not long ago Henry Lawsoli, of Norristown, died with oequest of a large amount of money to a Philadelphia association, which fail ed for the same reason. THE election in Mississippi and Texas Will take placed' the Both inst. In Mis sissippi James L. Alcorn, Republican, and Lewis Dent, Conservative, are the rival candidates for Governor. In Mississippi, the Gubernatorial candi dates are Edward J. Davis, Republi can, and A. J. Hamilton, Conservative rne Democrats have no State ticket, but will support the Conservative can didates, the game that was pursued in Virginia and Tenneere. Both par ties profess to be confident of success The Democrats and Chnservailves an making a Tigoroua effert to poll the colored fhte in both States, and in Mississippi are runing a colored man, T. Sinclair, for Secretary of State` Down South the Democracy not oul3 believes in negro suffrage, but vote for "egroes for important offices. are considerable in 'advance of then brethren up North on this questien. "TEE DAY." a new daily Pt-n l ny per, lies made-its appearance in "'tills delphia, edited by ALEXANDER 'Um KINGS, Esq , with a corps of able it- , slstants. It Is a sprialitly juurtia t, neatly printed, edited with great abili ty, and give* a large amount of con densed news items. It starts with a fair promise of success, and ought to command a large circulation. Th. editor in chief has had 'large Journal istic experience, and the golumna of "The Dew" give evidence of his tact. energy, and editorial capacity. It is neutral in politito, but will fearlessly ;discuss all Jesus, rtf .general Interest. TEE colnied population of Penneyl• vania in 11360,was 66,949-474 in Ad ams, 1,840 in Cumberland, 1,799 in Franklin, and 1,886 in York. Allow it* one voter to every tour inhabitants, the same population would give, under the 16th Atueuchnent, about 14,276 col ored voters in Pennysivania—Axiame 118, Cumberland 886, Franklin 446. and York $4l. BEAR A/AURAL t barite Stewart died in Borden ow u, N. J., last week. at an advanced age. lie commanded tia• gap "Onistitutiun" during the Wal of 1812, and , received I,be sobriquet of "Old Iroualties," fur bla gallant, In domitable phi& and bravery. _ A imasioas Is being made upon Seereuuy Stmm& to *Woos him to reeouunaud to ~ad _an •.addWNouad supply of turrene3r for the South sou Wed: Illetlatter iloirrod will advocate 18 Otoc.tilltr'lo.lolitirM to meet the w.m.a law IN* opl WM& THE LltosalLairvitz. Nall% OF Ifnen NO COMITIES 1 ~.. ..„ ' r the Star and! , Sentinel. OUft - Coy ON SCHOOL !!.— NO. 2. Cesilidei. List of Ike ilielli berg " thi4 Cmceonl4,l9;l: . ''' ' the Cl° ored troops at , Lesistatitre 1.40k11 • igzn day the Carlisle s ign a l , • ." 7 of ... weber. lbw ?,. • , • ~.,-, • e West.—On ,1,. An °peril Letter lea Clasen. Tuesday eight s g . , i -. 1: . ! . ... Jewelry store A i i i L ,_ _.___.„.... , T'i •ug - pike* . At . Sh.:: .1 4 ":1 i,..,„.„ .. ~ csburg, was o . 1188118 ' ir ri t :7 4 . -7 4.., 7 14 11r t i s ze ° 14 b l e t0 I Is he •• • - f I, , 20 rei to t _,, j limb on . -,,. ~ _ ci frt goods . to the `` t.: _ . t 7 Z"... l __, Ls __ ; ' t t . „gat _ LI '. In a , NV' 4 ? ix _ -mean dollars stolen; wu . ri .. i 1441111t - terer tee 111411 ild Ti.: l .. o r tip safe in which- ku I:arb of the 1340tHgb Atipers "A. aoutt'be pkieti , tts4 tl•4lllilievotitir t h : '3 4ll ls lll 3' WO -:".%*••• Herr, water- We. i frelOOPrinlhowever, upon the action of the State which man and switchman in the ratployment of he reads one of the papers Wished In ' A re to W ye 1 11 . rePrit..! Ido not the Cumberlauo Valley Railroad Compauy, . t he County, for no one could produces let member Is legally 'ATE o his. Beat: at Shippenshurg, was louud dead in his bed - .. MATE. Iter an excellently written, unless he were a L Wm. M. Watt. R. 17. E. Billlngfelt, R. on Monday morning. .He seems to have r ealinir man—unless he were one who pa-, retired on 5u04,1 evitiln.: in this usual treln laedthl‘ pras e 2. A. W. Henszey, R. I J. B. Warfel, R. I have mad« it a habit . & D. A. Nagle D 118. A. G. Beller, D. 4.-Gega cbsuadkii i - . - 41,..c..itreausaan, ii 1- hesialaaja Busk of, the firna of Cor- t° PPe t uall7 answer an t ett e re addressed t° , . .. I , . 6. H. a j. 18 1 , 3 4„ . Stins°11 ' K R ' .14.21/ J. it ard ß o b am Belill ' /L i t. nails and Bush, forwarding merchants, me 411 my 'Mehl capacity. have.."`"y`u &R. J. Linderman. D.: Harry. Melntire,ll Carlisle, had his foot so badlY crushed at giving an sower to this, through me only 7. IL & Brown, D. V. White, R. medium open—the Press—on account of &J. D. Lterb, D. Y. W. A. Wallace, D. Bridgeport on Saturday, while clupring 9. W.14._ ,ltandau D. , 2. A. A.Xurman, D. ~„,.. a s ~, ....,;,,1.,..-..,,,„„. .8 ~.. 10. A. G. Braman, D. 1 . ...1. J. L. GrOam. R. ` - ',:l ''''' —l --- P"`"' ° "' —The building of a Railroad numerous engagements, which have re- U. r. G. Osterhout, R, i • Thomas al oward,R. I , gash:LlN. quired my , attention. bet me here remark 12. 8. G. Turnefi`D. '26. James 8. Retail, R LI. A. G. Olmstead, B. :.t7. Jame* Kerr, B. . from /Hen en-burg to London is again being Parentheticeily, that lam sorry some of my 14. John R. Beck, D. %. II Allen, R. agitated.—On the 80th ult., at the sale of correspondents through the county do not 15. C.E. Bucludew, D. Is. H. B. Lovrry, IL 16. David Mumma, R. the pe, sonal property of Tobias Martin, P e n= the same qu ali tY of punctuality. , HOUSE OF DEpapENT.vrivEs. near Mercersburg, a Calf, 10 months old, The letter from "A. Citizen," to which I PHILADEI t ria , . was sold to Mr, Jacob Frick for $BBO. The desire to reply,was well written, polite and calf weighed 100 ponitils. When five excellent in eve" particular. It, indicated 'months old, it weighed 656 pounds.—The that the writer was Interested in the welfare "Monterey Springs" property was not sold of the schools of the county. It contained at Sheriff's sale, but the "Clermont" Springs. a serious charge against ono of tbe teachers WASHlNGTON.—Washington county gave employed for the present. term, and asked 446 Democratic majority. me to interfere in my official capacity to Yost:.—The Post-office at McCall's Fer Prevent him from continuing as a teacher. ry has been discontinued; mail matter will I lik6 communications of that character. go to Castle Fin.—Week before last two If there bean - incompetent or unworthy children of Harrison (ierbar, Lower Chance teacher, it is the interest of the people to ford, agezl 8 and 11 yel: s, were burned so have him driven from the professl..n, and that one died the same night, and the other communications of that character indicate is not expected to live. They had been left that the writer feels an Interest in the edu alone during the afternoon, and ou the re- cation of the rising generation I have but turn of the mother in the evening they were one fault to fled, and that is, that "EMI tutted horribly burns d.—Ou the night of the Zen" did not give me his name. Had he LL. a Thomas, R. ;la Mahn W. Davis, R.* 2. G. Maxwell, R ; gain. 11. Wm. M. Bunn, IL* 3. Samuel Josephs, D. • 12. Alex. Adalre, IL* 4. Wm. Elliott, R. 113. John Forsytk D. S. Edwarn G. Carlin, D. 'l4, John Cloud, 13 • 6. John F. Mooney, D. 15, Adam Albriet, R. 7. Robert Johnson, R. 16. Marshal C. ong, a.' 8. James V. Stokes, RA* 17. Watson Coady, R. 9. Samuel D. Dailey. D. 18. James Miller, n. , ADAMS. DELAWARE A. B. MI, D.* Thomas V. Cooper, R. ALLEMIANY. ERIE. M. S. Humphreys, 14. * C. 0 Bowman, N. Alex. Miller R. ' 1) 1) MeCixary,w Joseph Watton„R. .. FAYETTE James Taylor, B.*' l T ,B SChllatterly, D D. W. White, It TPRAWSIIN AND PERRY. John H. Herr, R. r , 'Skinner , DI gain Alimernowo. D Milliken, D; gain M. M. Steele, R. maim !NAV= AND WASHING. Joseph Sedgewick, D TON.MIYPLIP WM. C. ShUrIOCk, B. I HVNTIN G JII'TA. A.J. Buffington. He H J M'Ateer, n. H: J. VaWrak, R.• IA Rorer, D BEDFORD, IPTILTO2i AND INDIANA AND WEST. _ _ _ EOM — -- __IEREIT. I MORELAND. J. IL Longnecker, R.* .D M Marshal, a * F. B. Long, R. IA M Fulton, a • Brass. - ' Jacob F Kreps R ' 'Henry Brobst, D.* LANCASTER. A. T. C. Reiter, D., A Godschalk at IL H. Schwartz, D. IA 0 Reinoehl, a BLAIR. It Herr, E. Joseph Robison, R. John E. Wiley, a RRADruan AND STILL. .._ LEBANON. J B Delninger. ' J. F. Chamberlain, B. I LIMOS. Jas. H. Webb, R. !Adam Woolever. n. NICER ID H Creitz, is Joshua Beans, D. 1 • ' LUZERNE. E. McKlnstry, D. * * IS W Iteen_ ,e n BUTLER, LAN/REECE aNn,John I" McMahon, a. ~..., _Mawr& George Corey, ... G. w. ateCracken, R. LTOOMMO. MOON AND D. Cr%R. _ SNIDE E. A. eeler, R.* Theodore Hui, it Ales Leslie, R. . Thomas Church, R. CAMBRIA. Andrew D Hill, n John Porter, n. MONTOOMERT. CAMERON, CLINTON, AND %ones Eschbach, , t * m'srair John J Harvey, ... A B Armstrong. D . 1 ' NORTHAMPTON. CA RON AND molt tie 'Samuel Botlesn, 1.. WesUey B 'Leonard, D David Engleman, 0. CHESTER NORTHUMBRIAN]) Jos C Roberta, R. Robert Montgomery, D. Joseph C Beech, R. 'Puts Sts WATI:d. A Darlington, it - Wm D Dlmmlck. o CLARION AND JEITIIIII- POTTER AN. TICIOA. _Brown 13 B Strang It B B , D • JNiles, n, cappirOttn. SCHUYLKILL. H C Johnson, it. James Ells, 0 F W Ames a * J Irvin Steele, D. ELLA ACED. Rim AND F W Snyder, 0 FOREST. iSUSQU ILANIsA AND wI- John G Hall, n ohatio CENTRE 'George 8 Fasaett. R. Jacob 0 Myers, D IA P Stephens, , * COLUMBIA AND MON- V NANO° AN. WARM N TOUR - I . DMc snkin, s George Scott, D * Charles W Stone, It. crMBE BLAND. YORK John B Laidig, ~.. George Hursh, .* AUPHLN B F Porter, u.* A C Smith, a John E. Parsons, B i 'Re - elected. RECAPULATION. SENATE-19 Republicans; 14 Democrats, Re publican majority, 5 Hoot's—Republicans 69: Democrats4O. epubllcan majority,2o On joint ballot 25 GEORGE PF:ABODY, the eminent Americo' Banker, died in Loudon ot. Friday last. He started in life spool boy, but by industry, iutegruy, and indomitable perseverance, manifested every position in his early career, .iave promise or success ID Imure life— promise that was fully realized. He was born in Dative's, Mass., in 1795, 'it'd at 11 years of age was placed in a grocery store In that tOwu, where he r. midued four years. Butbequentl3 he engaged as clerk to au older brother in Newburyport, and after that went into the employ of Mr. Higgs, dr% goods merchant at Georgetown, becom ing in time a partner in the business, 4.41 .tethliabing- branch houses in Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. In time he lose to be senior partner of the house of Peabody, Riggs & Co., being charged with the purchase of goods in Europe. In 1837 be took up his residence in London, and as a Banker amassed a princely fortune, a large portion of which he used in later years in benevolent purposes. His gifts in this direction have amounted to over $9,000,000. Among the monu ments of his charity are the Danvers (Mass.,) Library, the Baltimore Pea body Institute, with an endowment of $1,400,000 for educating the children. of the South, besides numberless pri vale charities. His 'health has been tailing fur some true, and he went ,Hack to Europe only a few weeks ego, Intending to return suortly, but death bas called him home. The leading English journals liave extended and uniformly eulogistic notices of the de ceased. He has doubtless left, a large unexpended fortune, which will be dis posed of by will. - THE Somerset Herald, in referring to the Republican triumph in Penn sylvania, pays a well merited tribute to Hon. Waxiest H. KooriTZ, late mem ber of Congress for this district, which we can heartily endorse. It will be re txdlected that Mr. Koorprz was a mem ber of the State Convention which re nominated Gov. Geary. The Commit tee on Resolutions, in reporting a plat-, torm of principles, either through over= sight or timidity, ignored all reference to the 15th Amendment and Manhood suffrage. Mr. 1100ETE, on his own re spoiltallity, proposed an amendment lu the Convention, which was adopted, squarely endorsing the 15th Amend ment, thus challenging the issue with the opposition. In the conduct of the Campaign the Democratic leaders were not slow to accept the gauntlet thus boldly throw down, and their press etqlled w ith impassioned appeals to the hue man's party," While the old "lined slogan of "dowh with the nig ou every busting summoned the t. othful to I confliet. The re-elSction it Gov. Geary would have been a gratif)ing result under any cireum -Lances ; but the triumph is intensified by the fact that, through the manly action of Gen. KoJnim, manhood Suf. "rage has been vindicated, and that to. day Pennsylvania Stands ~ q uarely on a platform of ativaneed dud unquestion ed Republicanism. - MAJ. Gen. Joan g WooL, of the U. d. Army, died in Troy, N. York, on Wetthesday, aged 86 years. ROBERT, J. WALKER and AMOS KENDALL are both lying very ill at, Washington. . How. Citaniala J. FouttEn Ina been appointed Aunt U. 8. Treasurer at New York, to place .. 40r...t.:• ,-- . .. . CIALEING, Nolo aidtiley; lokloat Cloth., Le. Ikethla and Blues Blanket. Brock* and Tblb.t. Ws bay. a basotlfol ♦arlaty of Plain and Taney Goods. Al.. ' s MI Ur of Cbfldroa'a Da doublets aid laramoro. A. W. MINT/FR, Clerk a c bgke agetttasiont dO pt Cassialv., Coadastic, Ago*S4.: Also, Obi Itairma, Illitrti sad Drairsti, Pomanders, Itandkrrebitar, Nock TN', Collar., at., at. 11A ROVrARE, 13,1DDLP.RY, 1111.01v•aa• call and Inman supply you with what yaw need at lowest rata.. YAHERITOCE BROTHERS. Oct. 24.1{69: tr H. B. WOODS, MAIN'S BOOTS worth $8 00 kw 66 Ki YIN'S BOOTS worth 7 00 for 600 MIN'S BOOTS' worth 4 00 for 400 LADIES' mad CHILDEIH'S SHOES 11041 CUTTERS and all lands of BROW at Ilk* roftoad nage. MEN'S HATS worth id 00 rot SS 00 YIN'S BASS worth 3 3 for 60 HEN'S HATS worth . 2 50 for 2 00 MEN'S HATS wotth 1 25 tor 55 MEN'S HATS worth 1 00 for Tb BOYS' awl OKILDLEWS HATS at awW nadatilita renal mutts° •orth, $1 25 for 85 cis WOOL MCLAIN/. worth $1 25 aoll $1 00 for 121 ILLPACCA worth $1 10,60 mod 40 eta. for 85, 40 aid /LANNILS, 8130FLANIS, SELSTINGSsad an kb& of PAY GOODS at nate related prim. CLOTH worts $1 00 for $4 50 CABB!U worth 112 50,51 65 and $1 15 in $2 $1 25 am 116 WIEII worth 00, 40, 50, 50 and 90 eta el iro- imolai ARID DOIIBLI SHAWLS, CLOVIS. W RIST, COSTS, COLLARS, RurrixbrG, MUMS, ie., All At the rake*, pekes. matins at prioto anisoOrly low Oct. rs, 1169.-7 ts SELLING OFF ALWAYS MUM AT Till =BAP CASH STORE: Goods can be sold much cheaper for CASH than on the long credit spite= Store, tleAte-Irest cor. of Square Noy. 5, 78111.•—N $lO,OOO REWARD! 'if I , aiiktil 21ID! Rebert t ElliolfirStore, aRTITSBUiIe, ilzirr Au motored hod Nook adds Dry larprjr=r' V T Goods, Icos,Quoosi . . , Ta• partlesere_ wan Ittennt, blot Itnyti Oise air eir aped arrest, as tiiple 'lrresallailandl r aillinage OM the Geode. . ... . The tliii Noah_ lite erjrf.Twell tatalledirOVl=Laillorefet billiee Oink for *dr snow than they could have nee a* say ether 1..1g 0f 't,!&m:. ~c ,,i, . . : , ott .:.- : .7- •• 1 -1 ( 41 .:'644. I -Come• ono .. ~„,,„,,,,i , i ii, ,, ... . . . . . . ~. BE Till "r' mom: '~ lrs • :V . /.1/ • , - . • EMIG Ld4lii. Us, Sstinot &r. 101 LADIII2, s*Awte. F II X 8 , • large assortinsat sad very cheap DO MEB T re 8, at 10400: Mat. FOR CHILDREN MB 261ENIS WEAR, STAIDLINN araoj ODTTON, *goal If not Water than any mad*. CARPETS, Isigrani, Tani Uan, ilonnainada and Oil MATTING, Cocoa lad Btra. HORSE AND LAP BLANILITS, ■ fall variety Also, our usual fine ueortneent of QuimsawAam IMARWALE, GROCER:IS, PAINTS, WINDOW GLA WILL CONTINUE TO SELL AL 6 0 in price AL 8 0 and 70 atm. 30 Os •LIIO demi pries- ALISO AL 8 0 MAN! D. DIIPIMID ; r ALPAOOAAI :Lis,: CM= int essili, Setfirso,fitt NEW SPRING & SUMMER OnCODS AT ARRNDTSVILLE, PA. .TOBIAS R. COVER uDYING assail a sow stare, la Amara*, has Ilion ntara•d tram Ike day with • liplOndld a. aartmaat at Dill GOODS. Rinieg parebssed •ntireirtoek Iber-Amb. lan pr•pared millvet7 dump. Ofvu ise tall aid judge for_ yourselves. T. R.. C0T.22. - ' Waylll.—Om J. L. SCHICK has the Largest and Beat Selected Stook of DRY GOODS NOTIONS that has beau brought to Gettysburg Ude fall, it bleb will be sold at the lowest poulble rates Oov. 5 111110 ' —tf v. ' Fall and Winter Goods AT PETERSBURG, Y. S., PA (DRIEST cj• BOWERS • AVE received their NEW /ALL AND WINTER R 000D8, en eaeellsot assortnteor, .ekctevl with care end will be mid cheep for cash. glvi Is. us • all and omen, oar Good.. GRIER'S & BOW E RP. Oct. 29.1869. tf P. S. Agents for the Grove & Baker boning machine GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK ! GOVERNMENT BONDB, of all kinds, SMUT and The DIODES? PIIEJIICJI paid on GOLD and COUPONS CA RID OR COLLZCTED Nrsoas &idling to invest in fITOCID el. BOND! of any kind, •ro Invited to all, as we hove th• the flielllties of New jerk, Phlladalphla or .. Baltimore markets. Consequently all orders ere pr :nutty executed Pavans pasnanding COUPON BONDS, and dnnirtng !or sahty to convert Into Ratistiored, us requests, I ba et% as w• have the advantage to transfer at a trifling expense IMITJUIAL 112YINIII STAMPS of ell thoomla ►- INT/MEM ON SPECIAL DIPOIIITS advance • PRE CENT. for 1 year, 4 nit MINT. for 6 months, 3 11k OUT. for 3 mouths Palau wishing Information In ntgasd to• r•g- Sandi, and Stocks all kinds, ars revisited to, give um • calland w• will cheerfully gir• all In- formation Gettysburg, Nov. IS, 1869-tt TUB OUOUMOU WOOD PMP!! U Owe dozen reeuctu why Mit is Lk but Prop maw- Ideterrod iw /writ= for WELLS & 'CISTERNS 1. It is Maple. I. It is' Reliable. S. It Is Doubts. 4. It Works very Beelly. .5. It *rows Wate' Rapidly. 0. It kan wool. 7. The wood is Tasteless. S. It does met Creek in the Ben. R It Y not debts to get oat of mew. 10. lon ., a repairebe aeserstwy they een wily be made by any per. eon. 11. It will not frees& It It le Mole, than eny . ether reliable • ramp SAWS . 167111,111 a. .cert'Dhl f AA In testimmay of the superior cherecter of this Prison we rstYr b7 permission, to the following persons who lays lot ft fa an, and tasted it with milks satin beton J. Nowtor, haatlla tp. • Goons Smith, g ßua. tingtoa tp.; Arnold Lives, Snitlle tp.; A. K i /Ober* to.; Jobs Ono, Gettyobsog; R. P. Grosamont •, Peter Shively, lelrileld • Daniel Bing, Palriteld ; And Mountie, tp.; indneir Ham -40004 tS• Ponces rotpablaa Pumps Li eons or e4braa, can hays Shim Ilualolood all napkin and rawly Li one by • • tog the Ando of the will or clans. Batiothotion • mated la all mai of DO payment minion. • Ordan by acill or Wanda; psooptly Minded to. OSEPH - MINIMA, Mlasilibtetagni, Ado= aranty,Pa. Oct. 20, 11811.-ly ' ' , ii Ladies' Fancy Furs I_ 401iN FAREIRA, 718 ABOB STREBT, Kakis of ti• hook, ba.teb tad sib a., ale* Iwo, laparteresair sad Dealer hi sa Wain and Y 1 A.47 C Ftr 13 MI 14111:1W AND GIULDRINPII WAAL Mialmalred, temodelid sodlicroved ay earl S =On roe lIMILEIG. sad list to. Sop i lliftte . ! apissel ami;st of s the . Roos Ini fa Wage, had Cbia l iaab — up by , the most Mal waalt aasairmiliappro Imlltuy litioirstlias mod jail o tas : latopikull wafts alip yen WM . _ ..tfla assamibas at law. BIM ibr • mat vanittlia. /am ablittataid to sell at am 4 taw blow as asy *bar rampastabla *sip ia tbsatia. WI rare Wansated. No ittreprossitatbaa b Waal/ 05ir:4;3616:61, na Arsik QIN s, 7a..lußna y OttNT' S COMPOIT ND InWM oirso or - 14 :MUDE0TUATECROAT,INPLIMINIA spuktOit th• 44.111"9117 :.-M1 Ds OF 46818,, 004.6.0...wwww, %mu le •VISIMPION•upa. lb : = W I Iwo bassebeldaboald alas wads sasidada• aad • ilea hada. TIJ awes am it bad *Sim Gas ' • t 4 • t 4* . '' QUIMIEWAIit im WAAL as :AND NEW BOLD SILVER tfous for sac 1 per esisi., sir J. 1110 BY Bill, Casklst -ht tar ad H C i 1 ~ ~ ~ w ryi .'P r 1 city WOOD WAN A few Curds of good dry takf-ii at ttdo Geo*, N 1.... cotiiits, if delivered troin • LARGE BEETS.—Kr. Ranteratown, mond us •th Beets, one of which_nk. circumference. and weigkii. TO BE CLOSED.-..-We state that the Stores and p in Gettysburg will be el. next—Thanksgiving day. DEDICATION. —The n Hall in York Sptings completed. awl will be dedi. weeks. The officers of the will probably be p ot. ; UNION SlitiVICEB. 7 .B • went between the Pastors' • churches in town, there • in the United Presbyterian sir. Jamieson, Pluitor,) morning next—Th.•nksgtvi PROF. KIDD.—We are :Vide to announce that .the Elocutionist, Prof. Kidd, wl oeutionary arlifrtainraacii Mall, Nov. All Who atni ty of this gentleman:an treat in his readings and. this occasion. Air Why don't you trod• said a close-fisted tradeam day. The reply waaeha . have never asked me, air. I thro' the papers - for .au Inv shape of an advertisement none. I never go wbeye I - INFORMATION WANT retibi of John Elliot Kaniaval, Fulton counts Yu., would li tbrwation of liis whereabou home about six weekma,g6, a ed to have gone towards Get. is Ih years old, sinall In sitie hair. PROM OTED.— We are IV that our young friend, Danner, ban again been pr advance(' clerkship to the, I .enue Burelu. Wrothingtorc.. cupiea a ith class desk, w !NW. This is the second p is a compliment to his fidelit :is neither promotion w NEW OYSTER SALOON: slini would respectfully isif. of Gettysburg and vicinity opened an °triter Saloon, w ith lee Cream, at his old eta burg street, and asks a pa patronage. He has made • men's for the secommodati and Gentlemen. By strict husintsA he feels confident of faction to ?Al. Families wishl the quantity will be supplied ket prices. Give him a call. INSTALLED.—The, folio. hare been installed as officers ing quarter, for Gen. Reyeo.. (i. T., iu this place : W. C. P., John T. Gladhill Jennie Powers W. S.; Sim. W. A. S., James 11. Flemmlo NV. Flemming ; W. F. S., Ds w. C'., Alfred Kuser ; W. Beecher ; W. D. M., Carrie U. G.. N, , rtil McElroy; Thaddeus W. S. Flaherty; David L. Smith ; W. L. 11. Tipton. WINTER SUNUAY 8C• invite the attention of Sa fakers to the appeal of Agent of the Anierirgui 8 Union, in to-day's paper, ject worthy of serious oo was thorougly disaguseed Sunday School Conventl9rt tyaburg a year ago, and then unanimoumly adopted keeping open Sunday Se entire year. Day-sehoola dent in the winter season, ergy and determination on Sunday School workers it is equally practeutbis to Sunday Schools. SOLD.—Prof. Ehrehart Samuel B. Smith, II lot of ing five or six building-lots on of Carlisle street for $11.50.. Samuel Jacobs, Executor cobr, deceased, recently, sold said deceadent, in Butler Jacob Willer-118 acres, at _a small property, in the same $l,llO, as part pay. Blasius Kebil has sold a with improvements, in Libe to Mr. Crouse, of Franklin 250. John McKesson has sold a with Improvements, in the to George Sites, at $BOO. Francis Coulson has p and G. W. Welsh, a tract of 1 improvements, In Huntington $2,100. George L. Deyilbiu, has 'hotel property In Litt!Mown, "tilobe Inn," to Jacob She°ly,' of g 2,800. He has also sol. house and lot adjoining the hot to Joseph Wisotzky. DIPBOVAMENTB.—In i m provements in progress in to la.•t week, we notice that Le putting up a three-story bri north Aragethgthe street, op the occupied by the Presbyterian burying ground. Mrs. Min. sold the property' on which she the corner of NVashinglon streets, Is putting .np a.two dwelling on the adjoining lot. of the "Eagle Hotel," has three-story brick wing to the h east, in the mar of the reading bar will be removed from the • the new building, with other tended to give increased and promote the comfort or In liamOtonban-. township, drew has remodelled and barn. In - A/O*W ,Jaestis converting the old school by him, into a tiro-stay Air Watson has modern hasibia- Fairfield, and is patting ap building. ROBBERY AND ARREST. our night last a pocket-book, VIP, was stolen then the • • ander Benshoff, who keeps a p In Fairfield. Kr. B, had laid , beech in the barroom and When the time for cloang op tke boy attending the bar, • named Thomas J. Moore, Acuity to awake Mr. &lathe, up the house, leaving Mr. B. the beach. roaring the night waked up and found big podia' int Suspicion attached * lett during the nighi. Noma is maker, and had been working' waits for Kr. Yingling, bat Benshore bowl. Detective sm* lbet who worked up , /%1 1 10..AUggpa 41 *QM, ' meted ta - flerdebegg . OD AlMk *Picket book ion 'lie haling bees id tits Jim -sob of akildow Ina 1=44 to %%Lim ly Jog* fAtiti tO IRMO' .. x:~-a~.3P. II